As United State Citizens we have a right to contact our elected officials and voice our concerns. The purpose for contacting them should never be used or viewed as harassment, personally threatening or to create an argument. None of these purposes will get you very far and you will accomplish very little to support any cause you may be working with. So what is the purpose? Well, if I am an elected official and I start receiving email after email by the hundreds or thousands concerning the same issue, if nothing else I would have a better understanding of what my chances may be come re-election time depending on what the emails say! That’s the one thing most Incumbents can’t escape from:

The Desire To Run For Re-Election

Please click here to download this template in a .doc format. Please click here to open so you can copy and paste it into any document/email you may need in a plain text format. Please click here to download this template in a PDF format. Please remember that once you download the template, you can use your own words to describe your own feeling on this issue.

I Oppose The Moss 3 Landfill Project

Dear (whoever you want to address it to, State Official, Member of the Russell County Board of Supervisor for your district, Russell County Administrator), my name is (fill in your name), and I am opposed to the proposed private Moss 3 Landfill that is trying to locate in Russell County. I stand with thousands of my fellow Russell County Citizens when I say that if this proposed landfill is permitted to locate into our beautiful county, ANY elected official that could have done anything to prevent this, will be voted against in the next election.

At this time, Russell County has around 25,000 residents who deserve better than to be trashed. I am prepared to fight this by any legal means possible up to and including using the Russell County and Virginia Supreme Court systems. Sincerely, (sign your name and date it), a registered voter of Russell County Virginia.