No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library

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Remember 1989! My Pawpaw, Daddy and Uncles Do!

Regardless of what you may have heard, this website is not affiliated with ANY Non-Profit Organization at this time. Any donation you make will not be tax deductible.

When this information was leaked on or about mid October 2023, concerning the possibility of a mega landfill coming to Russell County, the first question that came to mind was, why the secrecy? Something of this magnitude that would most definitely impact every person in Russell County, would surely have been made public years ago when this idea was first presented to Russel County Officials, instead of being leaked 3 months ago.

At this time every Russell County Citizen is still waiting for that answer. No body can tell us why this information was hidden from the public for years now, while everyone one else was working on getting it passed. The only option we have as citizens, is to tell other citizens about this mega landfill. Let them know it could very well exceed 12,000,000,000, (12 million) pounds per day from out of state trash in rail cars. That’s what we are doing and we need help to get the our message out to every citizen in Russell County Virginia about this.

In the beginning, it was just about being angry and printing out fliers at the house and handing them out when we was at the Food City or Pals getting a chilly bun. We have gone from a few people knowing about this, to thousands of people knowing about this and it is all due to telling others about Moss 3, every time the opportunity presents itself.

We can no long afford to fund the “We Say No To Moss 3 Movement” using donations by a few people. In the beginning all we knew to do was print out fliers and get some yard signs opposing Moss 3. We have been told repeatedly that people passed by our signs for months, and had no idea what they represented. We started to realize we needed to change our strategy for informing Russell County Citizens.

We now have expenses for bill boards, a website, legal matters, printing and a few other things that will surely pop up. One thing we can promise you is that 100% of any donation will go towards fighting the Moss 3 mega landfill, that has already been proven to cause health issues with our families for generations to come, and most definitely cause our property values to plummet county wide. The good news is we can stop this!

So now you know why we need your donations. We are “Practicing what we Preach” and we refused to be ruled under “Do as I say and not as I do”! We didn’t like it as kids, and we don’t like it as adults. We are doing everything within our power to get the word out, so we can all come together and stop this truly devastating madness! We have two ways you can donate to us at this time. Again, this website is NOT affiliated with any non profit organization and your donations are not tax deductable.

The first one is the very well know GoFundMe Platform, and the second way is to stop at any New Peoples Bank and make your donation using the following information below.

“Go to any New Peoples Bank location with your donation and tell them you would like to have it deposited, into the account under Amy Marie Francis Branson, port 580”. That’s it. You can click here to download these instructions and send them to your phone, just in case someone asks you if you know how they can help support our movement that may not want to do this online.

In closing, we just don’t know how to make it any clearer to our family, friends and neighbors just how important this matter is, and just how much of a devastating impact it will have our our families, property values, hometown communities and the future of our children.

We must come together now!


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This is an archived version of the original website. Online features will not be functional. Do not submit any personal information to this archive.

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