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Remember 1989! My Pawpaw, Daddy and Uncles Do!

Our Emergency started on September 19th, 2023 around 6:30pm.

We are Russell County Citizens Who Stand Against the Proposed Moss 3 Mega Landfill in Cleveland Virginia.  A privately owned landfill has been proposed to be located at the old Moss 3 mining site in Cleveland district (Clinchfield) which was the site of the Pittston Coal Strike. The property is privately owned by Russell County Reclamation (John Matney with interest also held by Clyde Stacy).   This proposed mega landfill would accept out of state trash, up to six thousand tons per day, via train and truck.  Our local Russell County Board of Supervisors have hired and paid for an environmental consultant (David Paylor – previous VA DEQ director) and Gentry Locke attorney. This means that serious consideration is being given to this mega landfill.

It is crucial for us all to stand together against this potential environmental disaster that could forever scar our beautiful landscape. We must protect not only ourselves, but also future generations from these devastating and detrimental effects. Our rivers, streams, and natural landscapes are not just resources; they are an integral part of who we are as a community. They provide us with clean water, recreational opportunities, and support local wildlife habitats. This private Moss 3 mega landfill would pose an imminent threat to these precious resources that we hold dear.

“Virginia has the largest concentration of private mega-landfills in the country that service local communities as well as New York, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and other areas,” per Bob Gardner, senior vice president at SCS Engineers. According to studies conducted by renowned environmental organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), landfills can contaminate groundwater sources through leachate – toxic liquids produced by decomposing waste materials. This contamination can lead to serious health issues for both humans and wildlife alike (see our Research link).

Furthermore, landfills emit harmful gases such as methane into the atmosphere. By allowing a private landfill in our county, we would be jeopardizing future generations’ well-being. The health of ourselves and our children can be adversely affected by simply living near a landfill or even near trains and trucks that travel to that landfill.

Our Mission began on September 20th, 2023 at 12:01am.

Our mission is to inform as many Russell County Virginia residents as possible about the proposed Moss 3 Mega Landfill project located in Cleveland, inside Russell County Virginia. It is our collective mission to prevent this private mega landfill from being established within our county borders. Russell County is a community cherished for its natural beauty, clean air, tight knit hometowns, small churches and being known as God’s Country! Introducing a mega landfill would not only jeopardize our environment, but also compromise the health and well-being of our residents. We adamantly believe that Russell County Virginia should not bear the burden of waste disposal for other regions just to line the pockets of the already wealthy property owner (s).

Russell County Virginia deserves sustainable development that respects the health and prosperity of its inhabitants. We cannot allow the potential risks associated with the Moss 3 Mega Landfill to threaten the future of Russell County Virginia, our churches, families, hometowns, rural communities, and friends. We stand united in our opposition to the Moss 3 Mega Landfill project and are prepared to take every necessary step to prevent its establishment in Russell County Virginia. We urge the Russell County Board of Supervisors to consider the overwhelming opposition from our community, and to respect our wishes in this matter and for our elected officials to do what you were elected to do.


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