Thank you for taking the time to submit your article to our website. Our turn around time is normally less then 4 hours from submission to either having it approved or disapproved, for failing to meet our requirement listed below. By meeting these requirements, you will increase the chances of your guest post being accepted and published on the WeSayNoToMoss3Landfill website. When submitting an article as a guest author on our website, the following requirements are not suggestions, they are requirements. The admin of this website reserves the sole right to deny any post submitted using the word processor on this page for any reason.
1. Relevance: The article should be relevant to the website’s target audience and align with their content focus. That focus is three fold. 1. To inform as many Russell County Residents as well anyone else who may be sympathetic to our cause about stopping the Moss 3 mega landfill from coming into Russell County Virginia. 2. To expose the Health Risks that have been proven due to residing near mega landfills. 3. Be as transparent as possible with the intent of never providing false or misleading information concerning this issue.
2. Offensive Personal Statements: This is a catch all for anything that sounds like a personal attach on anyone associated with the Russell County Government or any department associated with them. This is where most posts will get denied. We are looking for relevant information, thought provoking ideas and research data, to name a few. We will not get caught up in name calling or government bashing of any sort. We need to resolve a very urgent issue, not promote hate and violence.
3. Quality: The writing should be of high quality, well-researched, and demonstrate expertise on the topic.
4. Length: Articles should typically be between 400 and 800 words, though this may vary depending on the subject matter.
5. Formatting: The article should be well-formatted with clear headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. While we must read your post before it is approved, at this time we are very limited to the time we can spend formatting articles/posts.
6. Links: Include relevant sources and back-links where appropriate, but avoid overly promotional or spammy links.
7. Bio: Provide a brief author bio at the end of the article, including a head-shot and links to your website or social media profiles.
8. Images: If including images, make sure they are high-quality and relevant to the content. You are limited to 32MG for file uploads and we use auto-conversion image resizing software.
9. Editing: Be prepared to revise and edit the article based on feedback from the website’s editorial team if anything needs to be edited. We are very adamant concerning our posting requirements and failure to comply with them will be automatic grounds for disapproval. Thank you for understanding.