earthVision Software
True two- and three-dimensional modeling of surface and sub-surface features structure, stratigraphy, acid-base accounting, mine/refuse fires, groundwater contaminants, etc. Uniquely capable of handling complexly-faulted situations. Rapid creation of cross-sections, fence diagrams, and base maps from 3D models and rapid detailed volumetric calculations. True 3-D digitizing and temporal (date/time) display.
Available for Windows 7/10 (64-bit).
- Users: Regulatory or AML Scientists, Geologists, Soil Scientists, Hydrologists, Civil or Mining Engineers, and Natural Scientists who model/analyze spatial information such as overburden toxicity, water quality and quantity, geology, and topography.
- Training: No training information listed.
- Vendor Information: Dynamic Graphics, Inc. (
Software Download
Earthvision 13 is available for your IT Department to download. Please contact your Service Manager if you haven't received the new release.
If you need an electronic copy immediately, or need the software on physical media, please contact Dawn Pacula ([email protected]). Please carbon copy Kristin Brown ([email protected]) when you make a request.
Installation Instructions
Software Capacity
Spatial analysis, predictive modeling, and site characterization. Stunning interactive models give experts the means to communicate complex ideas to non-experts.
- View any mine area as a three-dimensional model, then make changes to construct what-if scenarios
- View approximate original contour designs in three-dimensions or plan view maps
- Calculate accurate volumes of mine-pools, stockpiles, material in-place
- Make three-dimensional models of any material aspect of a site – Overburden quality/quantity, geology, acid/base potential, fire temperatures, selenium, etc.
- Produce maps and cross-sections from borehole data using the most accurate geologic modeling technology available
- Calculate coal reserves
- Model aquifers and piezometric levels
- Model underground contamination and pollution plumes
- Visual analysis/Communication – Accurately portray 3-dimensional views of sites before, during, and after mining and reclamation
- Data validation through 3D viewing and interactive analysis
For More Information
Contact Kristin Brown ([email protected]); (303)236-3410