No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library

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An official website of the United States government

Information Quality

OSMRE reasonably assures suitable information and service quality, consistent with the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001: Public Law 106-554, “Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Information.

The website is regularly reviewed and monitored for compliance with DOI's Information Quality Guidelines.

On February 22, 2002, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued Information Quality Guidelines to "provide policy and procedural guidance to federal agencies for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information (including statistical information) disseminated by federal agencies."

In May 2002, DOI developed its own information quality guidelines and required Interior offices and bureaus to do the same. 

In November 2002, OSMRE issued a Federal Register Notice that announced the availability of guidelines to ensure that information quality within the Office of Surface Mining would be consistent with OMB and DOI requirements.

In January 2005, OMB published in the Federal Register an information quality bulletin that specifically addressed peer review of scientific information within the federal government. the Office of Management and Budget directed all federal agencies to develop agency-specific systems for scientific peer review that would be consistent with the Office of Management and Budget bulletin.

To comply with OMB's peer review bulletin, Interior offices and bureaus have created web sites providing the public with information about planned agency actions that meet the Office of Management and Budget's requirements for scientific peer review.

OSMRE's Peer Review Agenda

OMB directive, Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review, dated December 15, 2004, requires that there be a “systematic process of peer review planning” and access to a list of information products for official dissemination that will be peer reviewed as either influential scientific information or highly influential scientific assessments.

Based on the review it has conducted, OSMRE has not identified any upcoming Influential Scientific Information, including Highly Influential Scientific Assessments, at this time.

Challenging the Accuracy of Information

Under OMB information quality requirements, individuals may challenge the accuracy of information disseminated by a federal agency and seek to have the information corrected.

OSMRE procedures for addressing challenges are found in Federal Register Notice, Section III. A: How to Challenge Information Quality (issued November 2002).

OMB directive, Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review, dated December 15, 2004, requires that there be a “systematic process of peer review planning” and access to a list of information products for official dissemination that will be peer reviewed as either influential scientific information or highly influential scientific assessments.

Based on the review it has conducted, OSMRE has not identified any upcoming Influential Scientific Information, including Highly Influential Scientific Assessments, at this time.

Under OMB information quality requirements, individuals may challenge the accuracy of information disseminated by a federal agency and seek to have the information corrected.

OSMRE procedures for addressing challenges are found in Federal Register Notice, Section III. A: How to Challenge Information Quality (issued November 2002).

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