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Russell County is located in Virginia, a commonwealth that takes a moderate, stable approach to taxation and has a conservative, results-oriented, business-friendly stance on regulation. The Commonwealth has repeatedly been listed among America's best states for doing business by CNBC, and other outlets. In 2023, the Commonwealth was ranked as one of the top two states for business by CNBC.
As our county's primary economic development agency, the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County works closely with state agencies and other local and regional partners to foster an optimum business environment for companies.
Russell County is governed by a county administrator and a board of supervisors, consisting of seven members who are elected for four-year terms. The board meets at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon monthly to consider and adopt policies and to appropriate funding for various functions and services.
We have four incorporated towns - Cleveland, Honaker, St. Paul, and Lebanon, which is our county seat. Companies located in the towns pay both town and county taxes, except for utilities and licensing taxes, which are paid only to the town.
Manufacturers pay real estate, machinery and tools, truck and automobile, utility and sales taxes. They do not pay tax on purchases used for production; distributors don't pay tax on items purchased for resale.
Non-manufacturers pay real estate, tangible personal property, truck and automobile, utility, and sales taxes. They may also pay either a merchants' capital or license tax.
The Commonwealth of Virginia is known for being on the side of business, based on its statutes, economic development practices, and other endorsements.
At 6 percent, Virginia has one of the lowest corporate income tax rates in the nation, and it hasn't increased since 1972. The Commonwealth also has a three-factor apportionment formula of payroll, property and sale (with sales double-weighted), and a single-factor apportionment election based on sales for manufacturing companies. No franchise or net worth taxes are levied.
Virginia's long tradition of fiscal discipline has earned it a coveted AAA bond rating, reaffirmed by Moody's, Fitch, and Standard & Poor's. Also Ernst & Young, in conjunction with The Council on State Taxation (COST), deemed our state among the top 10 with the lowest effective tax rates for new capital investments.
Items taxed at the state level in Virginia are not taxed at the local level, with the exception of sales taxes, which are levied by both state and local governments. The combined state and local sales tax rate for Russell County is only 5.3 percent, considerably lower than the U.S. median rate of 6.8 percent.
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