
The mission of the Procurement Department is to professionally procure all goods & services essential to the County of Russell.  To ensure the integrity of the public procurement process is conducted in an open & fair business environment.
purchasing graphic

Bids and Requests for Proposals


Solicitation responses shall be submitted according to the terms and conditions published in the solicitation. Electronic, facsimile or verbal submittals are not acceptable for formal Invitations for Bids or formal Requests For Proposals (RFPs).

Bidders and offerors are cautioned to make sure they have the latest edition of the solicitation before submitting their response. The recipient of any downloaded documents form this website takes full responsibility for checking on any subsequent addenda. The County takes no responsibility for informing potential bidders and offerors who download the solicitation documents from this website of changes to original documents. It is the bidder's/offeror's responsibility to check with Purchasing to make sure they have copies of any and all addenda.

Sealed bids/proposals will be accepted by the Procurement Officer or her designated representative at the Board of Supervisors office until the time specified for each project. Scope of Work/Specifications may be obtained from the Procurement Offfice/Board of Supervisors Office.