The Scott County Economic Development Authority (SCEDA) requests proposals for the development of a portion of the Riverside Development, as shown on the attached drawing, consisting of approximately 99 acres that has been identified as a prime location for a new residential development. The Riverside Development is located at Riverside Park Lane in Weber City. The intent of this RFP is to create an aesthetically-pleasing, multi-modal friendly, residential development that preserves the history of the property and fosters pride in the community. The Scott Co. EDA is a political subdivision of the Scott County government. Proposals are due by 2:00pm, March 8, 2024. Riverside Housing RFP
Proposals will be evaluated on, but not limited to, the following criteria:
- Demonstrated experience
- Developer capacity and experience and expertise of team
- Overall quality of the proposal
- Financial feasibility
- Quality and compatibility with desirable design features including sustainable, energy-saving, health and wellness features
- Period of Performance schedule with estimated durations for milestones to complete the development
- Structure and terms of the Statement of Objectives as outlined in this RFP