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This is an archived version of the original website. Online features will not be functional. Do not submit any personal information to this archive.
• Newly planted native trees
• A new Clinch River access point for hand-launch vessels
• A gravel, easy-access walking path to the launch
• Directional signage and expanded gravel for day-use parking.
• A new picnic pavilion with full electric service and trash cans
• A new playground with ADA swings
• A portable pressure washing system to help maintain the wooden boardwalk connecting the campground to the town bridge.
To celebrate this achievement, we will be hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 26th at 10:00 AM at the Riverbend Campground, 504 Artrip Rd, Cleveland, VA 24225. This event aims to recognize all the partners and collaborators involved in the project, highlighting the significant impact it will have on the Town of Cleveland and Russell County. With outdoor recreation at the forefront of the tourism industry in southwestern Virginia, accessibility is key. The Riverbend Campground and the newly established access point are ideal for outdoor recreation, adventure, and Clinch River enthusiasts.
We extend our gratitude to the many collaborators who made this project possible, including Cumberland Forest LP, the Town of Cleveland, Russell County, The Nature Conservancy, and the Russell County PSA. Funding was provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the Cumberland Plateau Regional Opportunity Program (CPROP), and the Cumberland Forest Community Fund, The Nature Conservancy.
]]>This morning I contacted the National Association of Realtors, as well as the Virginia Association of Realtors and sent them the following message. If you know any Real Estate Brokers or Agents, please send them to this post.
As a member of the Russell County Virginia Community and a supporter of local businesses, as a community we urge you to join us in fighting against the construction of the Moss 3 Mega Landfill in Russell County Virginia. This landfill poses a serious threat to our health, property values, integrity of our heritage and industries, including yours.
It is impossible for this issue to affect our property values, without having a direct financial impact on the very industry you represent. By standing together, we can protect our community and ensure a brighter future for all.
The best way your organization can support our effort is to simply help us provide the best information we can to our community and let them know that you support their efforts to keep the Moss 3 Mega Landfill out of Russell County Virginia. Please go to the webpage below and you will see what we are trying to accomplish with our “We Say No To Moss 3 Landfill Movement”.
Thank you for your support in this very troubling matter. Dana Tucker. A tax paying citizen of Russell County Virginia and webmaster for the movement mentioned above, that I am proud to belong to as well as support!
The third woman started speaking and I instantly knew I had heard that voice before, but I could not place her face. When she stated why she wanted to speak, everything started falling into place. After she stated her primary reason, she then said she also opposed the Moss 3 mega landfill, and then started talking about the main purpose she came to speak about. I want to apologize upfront for the quality of the audio.
I did not realize that they would not be using a PA system and my iPhone was in my pocket recording everything using the Voice Recorder app. I assure you the next audio I record and post, will be done in a professional manner or as close as I can get to it, depending on the circumstances. Very seldom do I make excuses for my mistakes and this time is no different.
I simply did not do my due diligence to find out how they had their meeting room setup, which led to the paragraph above, which now will explain my next sentence. I could not recover the audio from the second woman that spoke and I wanted to publicly apologize to her. Her voice is so soft my iPhone simply could not pick her up. That will never happen again when I record something to be posted to this website.
The audio below is in a mp3 format and is 6 minutes and 27 seconds. When you hear me laughing, it is because I knew I was third in line to speak, and the Mayor was asking for help reading my name. When I spoke to the woman going up to the podium to speak, she had made a statement of how nervous she was and apologized to the Board for losing her train of thought because of it. I wanted to reassure her that she did just fine, and I told her to watch how a really nervous person blows it. Everybody laughed and I instantly accomplished my mission of supporting her efforts and letting her it’s OK to be nervous.
If you’re interested, you can submit an application to serve as an appointed volunteer on several different boards. Just fill out the application and email it to Mr. Lester at