What type of taxes do you collect and when are your due dates?
  • Russell County Real Estate Taxes include land and any structure(s) on that land, excluding single-wide mobile homes.
    Real estate taxes are due May 25 and November 25. 
  • Russell County Personal Property Taxes include, but are not limited to, automobiles, motorcycles, single-wide mobile homes, campers and pull behind trailers.
    Personal property taxes are due November 25. 

*** If the due date falls on a holiday or weekend, taxes will be due the next business day. 

Show All Answers

1. What methods of payment are accepted for paying my taxes?
2. What are the current tax rates?
3. What type of taxes do you collect and when are your due dates?
4. Is there a tax relief program for the elderly?
5. What other services does the Treasurer's Office provide?
6. What information do I need to purchase a dog license?
7. Where do I send estimated income tax payments?
8. Where can I receive information on my deed?
9. If I pay taxes on a property, do I take ownership of the land?
10. Who is the legal FOIA contact for Russell County?
11. I just moved in/out of Russell County. What do I need to do?
12. I just sold my car, now what?