No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library YouTube Archive @VADMME 2017-08-01-Virginia's Mine Rescue Technology

Virginia's Mine Rescue Technology

Virginia now has the best in communication with the purchase of an IWT system thanks to grant from the Mine Safety and Health Administration. The system syncs to MSHA's. In addition, the mine rescue team has added R-2 to their ranks for quicker response time.

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00:00:02.020 --> 00:00:08.790
But it is absolutely state-of-the-art there is nothing more advanced out there in the field right now. Virginia is now equipped with the most

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advanced mine rescue equipment

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available. We felt like we needed to get out front in mine rescue. The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals

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and Energy started the state's first mine rescue team in

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2016.  Now that the roster is full

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they are equipping themselves with the best in underground mobility and communication

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It is all possible thanks to a grant from the Mine Safety and Health Administration

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This technology has moved us to the very front of mine rescue development communication. The IWT

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communication equipment is a multi-use system reaching up to six miles underground. It tracks the mine rescue team,

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continuously monitors the air and most importantly

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it is how those underground

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communicate. It goes all the way back out to the command center on the surface and out there

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We can make decisions quicker because we're getting information a lot quicker.

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To move as fast as possible the team needed a way to carry the equipment associated with the communication system underground.

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That's when they found R2. R2 is our rescue ride. We use it to haul people and equipment.

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Just help us get everything we need

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in as quickly as possible. Going in R2 holds the cable and other equipment needed to keep the

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communication line open.  That actually gives us a mobile command center that we don't have to reset.

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We can continuously move with it and move with the team as they explore.  R@ was specially designed

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For going into underground coal mines. It  was made here in Virginia

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and it is specially designed for underground use. It's what we call permissible approved.

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Coming out R2 can carry miners, helping them get to the surface faster.

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This equipment will be available for all emergency situations and to any mine rescue team that responds to an emergency

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Those other teams that don't have it are working with us  and that's why we wanted it.

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And, it's not only useful on a mine site. It ca be used in any search and rescue efforts should

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Virginia's mine rescue team get the call.

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For more information on mine safety in Virginia visit our website

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