No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Virginia Energy 2023-07-14-Russell Co Access Bridge Application

2023-07-14-Russell Co Access Bridge Application

Document Date: July 14, 2023 Document: 2023-07-14-Russell_Co_Access_Bridge_Application.pdf

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yiseress Mined Land Repurposi Q Energy Moen errs an Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program Project Funding Request Application

The Virginia Department of Energy(Virginia EnergyJencourages applicants to submit projects with the greatest potential to achieve the economic development goals set forth by the AMLER Program.

General Information

Project Title: Russell Co. IDA Site Infrastructure Bridge Construction Current AMLER Funding Requested: i Estimated Project $ 1,200,034 200, $ 1,200,034 Project Location (Physical) Address: ose 6799 Gravel Lick Road, Cleveland VA 24225 Russell GPS Coordinates* (Lat/Long): 36,9597907, -82.1808713 Impacted Communities:

Russell, Wise and Dickenson Counties

Will AMLER funds be used to purchase Real Estate?

XNo (Yes

‘OSMRE AMLER Program Guidelines Category


‘Anticipated Project Partners (eg. Local Governments, Civic Organizations, Private Business, ete) that will have a direct role in project management or work, or that will act in an advisory role:

Russell County Industrial Development Authority

Primary Applicant Information

‘Organization Name ‘Contact Person Title E-mail address

Russell County Industrial Ernest McFaddin Executive Director [email protected] Development Authority

‘Street or P.O. Box City State ZIP CODE | Telephone Number 133 Highland Drive Suite 8 Lebanon vA 24266 276-971-0690

Secondary Contact (from primary applicant or partner) Organization Name Contact Person: Title E-mail address

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“Street or P. O. Box City State ZIP CODE Telephone Number

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yineies Mined Land Repurposi g Energy Abandoned Mined Land Progeam Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program ject Funding Request Application Project Summary

Project Summary - Provide a brief, 1-2 paragraph summary of the project including how AMLER funds will be expended. Your response here should briefly summarize, not substitute for, your responses to following questions.

‘The Russell County Industrial Development Authority (RCIDA) seeks to deploy critical infrastructure to support the needs of the future economic development prospects to this repurposed AMLER site, Project Reclaim. The further deployment of critical infrastructure to the AMLER site includes main access point, 3,000 cubic yards of backfill material/site preparation, and bridge installation.

Current bridges that provide access to the property are not intended for commercial use or high traffic which is expected for utilization of this property. The current bridges will be utilized as access points for the Title V active permit work still being formed. The proposed new bridge will be prohibited for Title V work. The existing bridges do not meet the specifications tequired as main access points for the mega site.

‘The above referenced critical infrastructure is in support of and in proximity of the reclaimed AMLER area of Project Reclaim. The bridge will be built on property owned by RCIDA. It is necessary to provide a viable access point for the new industrial site build- out

Project Details

Project Details - Provide a detailed project description and narrative, Please include information such as how AMLER funds will be expended, the anticipated project timeline, milestones, objectives, and challenges. If this is ‘a multi-phase project, clearly distinguish what will be accomplished with AMLER funds in this phase of the project. Outline the role(s) of any identified project partners.

‘The RCIDA’s planned scope of work is to install an access bridge that will provide main access from the primary road Gravel Lick Road to the previously developed AMLER Project Reclaim Site, This is the location for the Russell County Industrial Complex, mega site.

Main Access PoinUSite Prep/NEPA Study and Bridge Installation: Installation of an access bridge is essential to further develop this site. Without a main access bridge, itis impossible for future industry to access the reclaimed site for industrial development and utilization. The following items are needed for the bridge stallation:

NEPA Study/Engineering Project Management

‘Sediment and Erosion Control

Excavate and Construct Foundation Install HY-SPAN Bridge and Wingwall (Permatile) 40° span x 32° length 8° rise Backfill Approaches and Stabilize Site Concrete

Crane and Labor to place bridge structure Environmental services

Paving across the bridge

“Itemized quote attached to application.

ined Land Repurposing

g Energy ‘Abandoned Mined Land Program Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program

Project Funding Requ: tion,

Wve referenced scope of work can commence soon after the Authorization to Proceed (ATP) is granted, subject to material availability and seasonal working conditions, The previous permit, DMLR 1302253, was recently released by Virginia Energy. Once construction begins, we expect the project to be completed within 12 months. Upon completion of the Bridge Installation, the property owner will be responsible for the upkeep of the bridge from the day of completion forward.

‘The Installation of the main access bridge described above will assist with the following items:

  1. In July 2022, Draper Aden Associates completed a site characterization through the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VPRSP), which is administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP). In the site characterization of the AMLER Project Reclaim site (Russell County Industrial Complex, mega site); the site was characterized as a Tier 2. The report is provided for reference and additional explanation of the various Tiers within the VPRSP program. Tier 5 is the highest level within the program and what all sites aspire to reach. The RCIDA is currently working to complete the items necessary to move this property from Tier 2 to Tier 3. Once we reach the Tier 3 classification, the approval and construction of the bridge will assist the site from moving from Tier 3 to Tier 4, and to the final Tier 5 stage. Being classified as a Tier 5 site means that this property will be marketed by VEDP to all interested parties, either national or international companies looking to locate within the state of Virginia, as a build ready site. The higher classifications will also allow RCIDA to access additional funding pools available through the state for economic site development of this site.

  2. RCIDA has had high volume inquiries related to this mega site. Companies ranging from multiple bit-coin mining operations, battery separating facilities, recycling iron companies, to Fed-X. All these proposed businesses passed on this property for various reasons. However, there were two reasons that were common in all proposed projects. A) There was not a form of access in place to meet their expected demand and B) The length of time that would be required to get the access in place as it related to their project demands.

  3. This site currently has an NDA, 6-year lease/purchase option agreement associated with it. The company is currently doing their internal vetting of the property to see if it will meet the needs of their company. One item already identified by this company is having adequate access to and from the property. Existing accesses are narrow/one-way bridges that will not facilitate high traffic volume to and from the property. Having the access bridge will be essential to any company looking to locate on this property.

“* Mined Land Repurposing

Ce] Energy ‘Abandoned Mined Land Program

Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program Request Ay tion

Eligibility for AMLER

Describe the AML features, abandoned mined lands, and/or any associated previous AML reclamation activities associated with the project.*

This project is in proximity to the area recently remediated through the Golden Pond Gob Pile Removal Project (Project Number 18302, FY2018). Additionally, this proposed AMLER Project is adjacent to the South Clinchfield Water System Project (Project Number 8613, FY1986). ‘That project installed public water line along Gravel Lick Rd into the community of South Clinchfield,

Refer to Section Hof OSMRE’s AMLER Guidance for eligibility criteria. AML problem types (Le. features) can be found on OSMRE’s website (Priority 1 & 2 and Priority 3). Known locations of features and past AML reclamation project sites can be found on the Virginia Energy Interactive Map of Abandoned Coal Mine Lands. Surface mining permit boundaries can be found on the Virginia Energy Interactive Map of Southwest Virginia Coal Mined Lands. AMLER funds cannot be expended on a site with an active mining permit.

Economic and Community Development Nexus

Briefly describe the project’s end use and anticipated long term benefits relative to Economic Development and/or ‘Community Development, clearly defining and focusing on the benefits and outcomes provided for by AMLER funding. Identify the role the project may have in meeting objectives of any relevant strategic or comprehensive plans such as those of a county or planning district.

The Installation of the main access bridge described above will assist with the following items:

  1. In July 2022, Draper Aden Associates completed a site characterization through the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VPRSP), which is administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP). In the site characterization of the AMLER Project Reclaim site (Russell County Industrial Complex, mega site); the site was characterized as a Tier 2. The report is provided for reference and additional explanation of the various Tiers within the VPRSP program. Tiet 5 is the highest level within the program and what all sites aspire to reach. The RCIDA is currently working to complete the items necessary to move this property from Tier 2 to Tier 3. Once we reach the Tier 3 classification, the approval and construction of the bridge will assist the site from moving from Tier 3 to Tier 4, and to the final Tier 5. Being classified as a Tier 5 site means that this property will be marketed by VEDP to all interested parties, either national or international companies looking to locate within the state of Virginia, as a build ready site, ‘The higher classifications will also allow RCIDA to access additional funding pools available through the state for ‘economic site development.

2). This site currently has an NDA lease/purchase option agreement associated with it. The company is currently doing their internal vetting of the property to see if it will meet the needs of their company. One item already identified by this company is having adequate access to and from the property. Existing accesses are narrow/one-way bridges that will not facilitate high traffic volume to and from the property. Having the access bridge will be essential to any ‘company looking to locate on this property.

  1. By developing the Project Reclaim mega site for economic development, there will be an opportunity to bring in 150- 300 new jobs into a region that is experiencing a decrease in economic growth.

  2. The Cumberland Plateau Planning District, this property is located within this planning district, recently identified in their 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update that Goal #1 is Economic Development and Tourism, Their goal is to reduce the dependance on coal mining and improve the ability of local governments to foster new or expanding business, especially in the target industries of information technology, automotive, clean, and alternative energy, advanced manufacturing, aquaculture and wood products and in the field of asset-based development. Having a mega site such as the AMLER funded project will provide an opportunity for new and ‘expanding industries to move into our region.

*Refer to OSMRE’s AMLER Guidance Section Il and Section VII for example metrics.

ER@TGY Atondoned toca Land Program

Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program Request Application

Project Fur

Outcomes and Metrics

Tdentify immediate AND long-term quantifiable performance outcome measures in separate bullet lists, *

Immediate Outcomes: Long Term Outcomes ‘© Will include the backfill of the proposed bridge site ‘* With the installation of the proposed bridge, itis with approximately 3,000 cubic yards of prep-site ‘expected that RCIDA will be able (o secure one if not material two companies to occupy the mega site. ‘* The completion of site preparation of the proposed ‘© Having the bridge in place to this mega site will allow bridge site. ‘companies to access property that would have capacity ‘© The installation of the proposed bridge to allow for an to offer employment (0100-550 individuals.

adequate access point to the property

*Refer to OSMRE’s AMLER Guidance Section III and Section VII for example metrics.



Mined Land Repurposing Abandoned Mined Land Progeam

Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program


Provide the following or similarly structured budget summary table in MS Excel format (download template). Include


juest Ay


all projected funding amounts and specify sources. Account for AMLER requirements such as detailed plan

preparation, NEPA compliance, Buy American Act, building/environmental permit fees, etc. Refer to OSMRE’s AMLER Guidance and Virginia Energy’s AMLER Terms & Conditions for detailed requirements.

Funding Source(s) Expense | Current Senet Local In-kind | other | Other ae Category request | [Name) | !Namel | [Name] | (Wame] | [Name] Engineering, Plans, NEPA $40, $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,600 Construction & a 1,.43,43. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,103,434 Equipment $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 Real Estate $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o Other Project $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,000 ‘Management Other 0 pease $0 $0 $ $0 $0 $0 Source Total $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 Applied Select Select Select Select Select Status of Funds " Status Status Status Status Status $1,200,034 ‘Submission of a more detailed budget that further breaks down the above categories is acceptable and may be requested, AMLER soft cost expenditures may not exceed 10% of the total AMLER funding request. Soft costs include project management, project development costs such as professional services for engineering, architectural design, NEPA document preparatior environmental studies, and permits as well as inspections and other services during construction. Requests in excess of 10% ‘must attach justification including a detailed cost analysis of what the funds would be expended for. ‘Soft Cost Amount (AMLER only) Total AMLER Funding Request Soft Cost % a $56,600 $1,200,034 5%

vieesesa Mined Land Re ir QQ Energy Meee am Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program Project Fundin; uest A pplicati


‘Are Project designs available? CONo or & Yes If yes, please attach.

Is there any ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) funding requirement? BINo or C1 Yes If yes, what is the estimated annual O&M cost and source of that funding?

List the name(s) and contact information for anyone with decision-making authority for the project:

Ernest McFaddin


Please separately attach the following items.


Budget (if not provided above) © Letters of support from identified project partners

‘© Site photos with description

‘* Map(s) identifying proposed project activities and location of AML features or those previously remediated

Suggested: ‘Business plan

and other relevant parties

Documentation of any other funding already secured or applied for (if applicable)

Project designs (if available)

vesases Mined Land Repurpos

QQ Energy Me am Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program lication


Prospective applicants are requested to submit a separate Letter of Intent via em: June 2, 2023.

‘The Letter of Intent should include:

to [email protected] on or by

© Applicant name and contact info ‘© Brief one paragraph project summary © Geographic coordinates of proposed project location ‘© Anticipated amount requested © Geographic coordinates and description of AML. © Total project cost and the amount and status of any

features proposed to be remediated and/or other other funding sources eligibility criteria, if known

‘Complete Applications should be submitted via email to [email protected] on or by July 14, 2023.

‘A.complete application will consist of this form submitted in both Word and PDF form along with all separate attachments. Handwritten copies are not acceptable.

All letters of intent or support should be addressed to: ‘Tim Ferguson

AMLER Senior Project Specialist

Virginia Department of Energy

3405 Mountain Empire Road

Big Stone Gap, VA 24219

All submissions must be e-mailed to: [email protected]

c/o Tim Ferguson

AMLER Senior Project Specialist DISCLAIMERS:

‘* Projects must follow the guidelines set forth in in OSMRE’s AMLER Guidance Document and Virginia Energy’s AMLER ‘Terms & Conditions.

‘© All awarded projects will comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act and all applicable federal and state laws including 2 ‘CER Part 200.

‘* This application and all material submitted as part of the application, including all project-related information if the project is selected, are subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.

‘* Applicants are solely responsible for regularly checking the Virginia Energy website for any addenda,

QQ Energy Mee eam Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization (AMLER) Program Project Funding Request Application NAME AND SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE

Executive Director

Signature - Title _ Ernest McFaddin July 14, 2023 Printed Name Date

References and Resources: OSMRE’s AMLER Guidance Document AMLER Terms and Conditions

AMLER Grant Application Tips

Application Budget Template

Virginia Energy Inteructive Map of Abandoned Coal Mine Lands Data layers show location of known AML features (AML>AML Inventory) and those previously remediated through Virginia Energy’s traditional AML program (AML>AML Administrative>Project Sites).

Virginia Energy Interactive Map of Southwest Virginia Coal Mined Lands Data layers show location of known mining permit boundaries. AMLER funds cannot be expended on a site with an active permit.

Federal Assistance Manual

2.CER 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards OSMRE Grants Resources

Virginia Public Procurement Act

Application Addenda

Application Addenda

A. Construction Quotes

A. Construction Quotes

Project: Russell County IDA Modular Bridge Location: Cleveland, VA Contech #: 671990 Date: March 20, 2023

The following is a Big R Vehicular Bridge System ENGINEER’S COST ESTIMATE for the subject project. This ESTIMATE is intended for preliminary estimating purposes only and should not be interpreted as a final QUOTATION. The information presented is based on the most current data made available to Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC (CES).

CES will fabricate and deliver the following described Big R Vehicular Bridge System components and appurtenances:

• Option: Bridge Plank Decking with Asphalt Wearing Surface

• Bridge Model: Big R modular steel vehicular rolled girder

• Length: 40 ft (out to out dimension)

• Width: 32 ft (clear between railings)

• Skew: N/A

• Finish: Unpainted weathering steel, SP1 blast

• Bridge Decking: 12 x 4 1/4 steel bridge plank, 9 gauge

• Finished surface: Asphalt (by others)

• Railing Type: TL-1 design rated (not crash tested); 12 ga thrie beam; galvanized; girder-mounted

• Railing Height: 27 Inches – vehicle only

• Design Code: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

• Design Vehicle: HL-93

• Deflection: L/500

• Bearing plates and pads: Included

• Top of 4 ¼” metal deck to low steel dimension: 28.4 inches (at edge of deck, excludes wearing surface)

• Preliminary superstructure weight: 45,000 lbs

• Number of pieces: 4 bridge sections, loose railings (field bolting by others)

ESTIMATE: $217,000 Delivered (F.O.B.)

• Option: SIP Form Decking with Reinforced Concrete Deck

• Bridge Model: Big R modular steel vehicular rolled girder

• Length: 40 ft (out to out dimension)

• Width: 32 ft (clear between railings)

• Skew: N/A

• Finish: Unpainted weathering steel, SP1 blast

• Bridge Decking: Stay-in-place forms

• Finished surface: 8” Reinforced Concrete (by others)

• Railing Type: TL-1 design rated (not crash tested); 12 ga thrie beam; galvanized; girder-mounted

• Railing Height: 27 Inches – vehicle only

• Design Code: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

• Design Vehicle: HL-93

• Deflection: L/500

• Bearing plates and pads: Included

• Top of concrete deck to low steel dimension: 28.4 inches (at edge of deck)

• Preliminary superstructure weight: 27,000 lbs

• Number of pieces: 2 bridge sections, 1 loose girder, loose railings, loose form decking at splice locations (field bolting by others)

ESTIMATE: $93,000 Delivered (F.O.B.)

Excluded Items: CES will not or does not include the cost for:

  1. Applicable Sales and/or Use Tax
  2. All construction surveying, including field measurement and verification of abutments and anchor bolt placement.



Proje Russell County IDA Modular Bridge Locatior Cleveland, VA

Contech #: 671990


March 20, 2023

‘The following is a Big R Vehicular Bridge System ENGINEER’S COST ESTIMATE for the subject project. This ESTIMATE is intended for preliminary estimating purposes only and should not be interpreted as a final QUOTATION. The information presented is based on the most current data made available to Contech Engineered Solutions, LLC (CES).

CES will fabricate and deliver the following described Big R Vehicular Bridge System components and appurtenances’

Option: Bridge Plank Decking with Asphalt Wearing Surface Bridge Model: Big R modular steel vehicular rolled girder

Length: 40 ft (out to out dimension)

Width: 32 ft (clear between railings)

Skew: NIA

Finish: Unpainted weathering steel, SP1 blast

Bridge Decking: 12 x 4 1/4 steel bridge plank, 9 gauge

Finished surface: Asphalt (by others)

Railing Type: TL-1 design rated (not crash tested); 12 ga thrie beam; galvanized; girder-mounted Ralling Height: 27 Inches — vehicle only

Design Code: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

Design Vehicle: HL-93

Deflection: L/500

Bearing plates and pads: Included

Top of 4 %’ metal deck to low steel dimension: 28.4 inches (at edge of deck, excludes wearing surface) Preliminary superstructure weight: 45,000 Ibs

Number of pieces: 4 bridge sections, loose railings (field bolting by others)

ESTIMATE: $217,000 Delivered (F.0.B.)

Option: SIP Form Decking with Reinforced Concrete Deck Bridge Model: Big R modular steel vehicular roled girder

Length: 40 ft (out to out dimension)

Wiath: 92 ft (clear between railings)

Skew: NIA

Finish: Unpainted weathering steel, SP1 blast

Bridge Decking: Stay-in-place forms

Finished surface: 8° Reinforced Concrete (by others)

Raling Type: TL-1 design rated (not crash tested); 12 ga thrie beam; galvanized; gitder-mounted

Ralling Height: 27 Inches — vehicle only

Design Code: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

Design Vehicle: HL-23

Deflection: L/500

Bearing plates and pads: Included

Top of concrete deck to low stee! dimension: 28.4 inches (at edge of deck)

Preliminary superstructure weight: 27,000 Ibs

Number of pieces: 2 bridge sections, 1 loose girder, loose ralings, loose form decking at splice locations (field bolting by others)

ESTIMATE: $93,000 Delivered (F.O.B.)

Excluded Item: CES will not or does not include the cost for:

  1. Applicable Sales and/or Use Tax

  2. Allconstruction surveying, including field measurement and verification of abutments and anchor bolt placement.

  3. Design, excavation and construction of bridge foundations and/or piers.

  4. Unloading all trucks delivering CES materials.

  5. Steel assembly consisting of bolted connections.

  6. Erection and Installation of the bridge.

  7. Providing and installing all anchor bolts. Provide and install any wing wall or approach railings.

  8. Materials and work for reinforced concrete deck slab (if applicable).

  9. Any costs associated with testing by an independent agency.

  10. Costs associated with any special inspection. CES will provide access to facilities and assist with coordination to

accommodate special inspection.

We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Michael Napior Bridge Consultant Contech Engineered Solutions LLC 770-468-4405 [email protected]

mailto:[email protected] Design, excavation and construction of bridge foundations and/or piers. Unloading all trucks delivering CES materials. Steel assembly consisting of bolted connections. Erection and Installation of the bridge. Providing and installing all anchor bolts. Provide and install any wing wall or approach railings. Materials and work for reinforced concrete deck slab (if applicable). Any costs associated with testing by an independent agency. 10. Costs associated with any special inspection. CES will provide access to facilities and assist with coordination to accommodate special inspection


We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely,

Michael Napior Bridge Consultant

Contech Engineered Solutions LLC 770-468-4405

[email protected]

Ken Construction Company, Inc.

3966 Cross Roads

Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone: 276-794-7346 Email: [email protected]

March 21, 23

This is an estimated cost for the bridge at Cleveland, VA, for IDA Development Plans at Moss 3

This includes


♦Excavation & Grading

Bridge cost from Big R


Crane and Labor to place bridge structure

♦Environmental services

Paving across the bridge

Total $1,101,434.00

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Morrison 276-202-3800

Ken Construction Company, Inc. 3966 Cross Roads Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone: 276-794-7346 Email: [email protected]

March 21, 23

This is an estimated cost for the bridge at Cleveland, VA, for IDA Development Plans at Moss 3

This includes


‘Excavation & Grading

“Bridge cost from Big R


*Crane and Labor to place bridge structure +Environmental services

"Paving across the bridge

Total $1,101,434.00

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Morrison 276-202-3800

B. Site Plan

B. Site Plan


County, Virginia

July 2022

Contact Information

Carolyn A Howard, PE Senior (540) chowar


Development Author (276) 971.0 emie@russellcount

BD Proper Aden Associates

Russell County

a as 2


1.0 2.0


40 5.0 6.0




EXECUTIVE SUMMARY … GENERAL SITE INFORMATIO! 2.1 Location and Access EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 Topography 3.2 Waters of the US. 3.3. FEMA Regulatory Floodplains. 3.4 Water 3.5 Wastewater… 3.6 Electric, Gas, and Fiber. 3.7 Roads… CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. VBRSP SITE CHARACTERIZATION TIER LEVEL. RECOMMENDATIONS… 6.1 Flood Study and Letter of Map Change. 6.2 Funding Options. ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATES OF PROBABLE COSTS… 7.1 Due Diligence…

7.2 Infrastructure Improvements. DATA REFERENCES…






Russell County industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report i


Throughout Virginia there is a shortage of pad-ready sites for industrial development and job creation. Prospects are seeking sites that are pad-ready with infrastructure readily available to shorten the timeframe from acquisition to production. In 2015, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation to create and fund the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP) to be administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP). At that time, VEDP has estimated that over $60 Million in corporate investment has not been realized due to this lack of sites, The VBRS Program was established to promote development and characterization of sites to enhance the Commonwealth’s infrastructure and promote the Commonwealth’s competitive business environment.

VBRS evaluates current available land — both publicly and privately owned - in a tiered system, where Tier 1 is basically raw land, and Tier 5 is a “pad-ready’ site, the latter being most attractive to site

selection consultants, commercial realtors and businesses and manufacturers desiring to move or

expand to Virginia. Site characterizations are designed to assess the level of existing development at a site and the additional investments required to bring the site to a level that will enable the site to be more attractive for industrial economic development purposes. The only requirement for a site to be

characterized by VEDP is that it is listed in VA SCAN, VEDP’s database of economic development sites.

The Russell County Industrial Development Authority (RCIDA) has funded this site characterization report for the Russell County industrial Development Complex. Following review of available information and discussions with the LRBA, the additional Park parcel is a Tier 2 certified site in accordance with the current VBRSP standards.

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 1

2.0 GENERAL SITE INFORMATION 2.1 Location and Access

The Russell County Industrial Complex is located approximately 1.5 miles northwest of the Town of Cleveland, approximately 10 miles

northeast of US Highway 58, and adjacent to Gravel Lick Road. Refer

to Figure 1: Location Map.

Gravel Lick Road is classified by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) as a Major Collector. Approximately 12.0 miles south of the site is US Highway 19. An existing Norfolk Southern Routes railway with spurs runs along the western edge of the site.

The Industrial Complex consists of four (4) separate sites, referred to as Option Tract, Tract 1, Tract 2, and Tract 3. These parcels combine to a total of 232 acres.

Option Tract | 63 acres Tract 1 119 acres Tract 2 43 acres. Tract 3 7 acres

Russell County Industrial Complex

Site Characterization Report

171.2 Acres

2,190,000 SF

July 2022


Refer to Figure 2: Existing Conditions for the following discussion. Tract 1 and Option Tract housed a former mining operation. Tract 2 is undeveloped, and Tract 3 was previously developed as a truck scale site and is currently abandoned.

3.1 Topography Option Tract-"Golden Pond” (63 acre:

); There is a 15~acre graded pad available with a stormwater management facility. The ‘pad-ready’ site drains from north to south with slopes ranging from 0 to 5 percent.

Tract 1 (119 acres): There is a 27-acre graded pad available with a stormwater management facility. The ‘pad-ready’site drains from north to south with slopes ranging from 0 to 10 percent. undeveloped site has slopes ranging from 0 to 20 percent.

Tract 2 (43 acres): This site is undeveloped with slopes ranging from 10 to 70 percent.

Tract 3 (7 acres): The site is ‘pad-ready’ site drains from north to south with slopes ranging from 0 to 30 percent.

3.2 Waters of the U.S.

In general, Waters of the U.S (WOUS) within Russell County are limited to wetlands, ponds, lakes, and rivers that meet the criteria outlined in the following definition from the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, 33 CFR Part 328, Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR Part 120, [EPA-HQ-OW-2021— (0602; FRL~6027.4-03-OW}, Revised Definition of “Waters of the, United States.”

Traditional navigable waters, interstate waters, and the territorial seas, and their adjacent wetlands; most impoundments of “waters of the United States’; tributaries to traditional navigable waters, interstate waters, the territorial seas, and impoundments that meet either the relatively permanent standard or the significant nexus standard; wetlands adjacent to. impoundments and tributaries, that meet either the relatively permanent standard or the significant nexus standard; and “other waters” that meet either the relatively permanent standard or the significant nexus standard. The “relatively permanent standard” means waters that are relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing and waters with a continuous surface connection to such waters. The “significant nexus standard” means waters that either

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 3

alone or in combination with similarly situated waters in the region, significantly affect the chemical, physical, or biological integrity of traditional navigable waters, interstate waters, or the territorial seas (the “foundational waters”).

Dumps Creek parallel to the east property line along Gravel Lick Road. A waters of the US delineation and determination is required for the site to advance to a VBRSP Tier 3 and should be completed prior to any future planning or design of site improvements.

3.3 FEMA Regulatory Floodplains

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) define the regulatory base flood elevation (BFE) and area encumbered by flooding from the one-percent annual chance (aka. 100-year) storm event along streams and riverine systems. Tract 1 and Option Tract is encumbered by the Zone A floodplain of Dumps Creek. Refer to Figures 3A and 38: FEMA FIRMette.

AZone A floodplain is an area inundated by the one-percent annual chance storm event without a defined base flood elevation (BFE). Buildings or insurable structures located with a Zone A floodplain are subject to mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements and floodplain management standards. A floodplain study should be completed to confirm the actual area of inundation based on current conditions and topography, as itis likely a significant portion of the currently graded pads within Tract 1 and Option Tract are no longer within the regulated floodplain.

3.4 Water

Russell County Public Service Authority provides water service to the Russell County Industrial Complex. ‘An 8-inch main extends along Gravel Lick along the eastern edge of the site. The 8-inch main can be extended into each site, An additional source of water is Lake Bonaventure, which is less than 1000 feet from the south boundary of Tracts 1 and 2. A 12-inch water main may be extended from Lake Bonaventure with an approved withdrawal permit. A preliminary engineering report should be completed to confirm the size of the water line to be extended, and whether a loop will be required to provide adequate pressures and capacities for industrial use.

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 4

3.5 Wastewater

Russell County Public Service Authority owns and maintains wastewater (sanitary) service within Russell County. Sewer is not currently available at this site. An on-site wastewater package plant may be constructed to serve the parcels with a discharge point at Dumps Creek, ideally on the south portion of Tract 1. The size and type of the package plant depends upon average flow and treatment requirements of a particular prospect. A preliminary engineering report should be completed to confirm the requirements for the package plant.

3.6 Electric, Gas, and Fiber

The site is within the Appalachian Power service territory. Distribution lines run along the railroad on the western edge of the parcel. Locality and/or landowner should contact power provider prior to formally engaging a prospect and/or prospective industry to validate the availability of power to the site.

Appalachian Natural Gas Distribution Company provides natural gas to this site. Locality and/or landowner should contact gas provider prior to formally engaging a prospect and/or prospective industry to validate the availability of gas to the site.

The site is located within iGo Technology service territory. Locality and/or landowner should contact fiber provider prior to formally engaging a prospect and/or prospective industry to validate the availability of fiber to the site.

3.7 Roads

There are three existing access points to Option Tract and Tract 1 off of Gravel Lick Road. However, two of these are expected to be removed and replaced with a new access point across from Tract 3. Anew road will then extend along the eastern edge of the site towards the existing access point off of Gravel Lick road at the southern edge of Tract 1. Refer to Figure 4: Conceptual Development Plan.

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 5


The IDA previously invested in developing two building pad areas within Tract 1 and the Option Tract. Additionally, the IDA developed plans and secured funding for a new intersection and road / bridge off of Gravel Lick Road, where shown on Figure 4, to provide an improved access Tract 1 and the Option Tract. A potential build-out scenario for the Russell County Industrial Complex, including building size, parking, and site circulation is also shown on Figure 4. The availability and capacity of sanitary sewer (future package plant) and water (existing and potential future expansions) will also dictate the allowable building sizes within the Industrial Complex. This conceptual development plan is provided as a tool for Russell County and prospects to visualize the parcel’s maximum potential.

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 6


VBRSP evaluates current available land — both publicly and privately owned - in a tiered system, where

Tier 1 is basically raw land, and Tier 5 is a “pad-ready” site, the latter being most attractive to site

selection consultants, commercial realtors, businesses and manufacturers desiring to move or expand to

Virginia. Site characterizations are designed to assess the level of existing development at a site and

the additional investments required to bring the site to a level that will enable it to be more attractive

for industrial economic development purposes. The only requirement for a site to be characterized by

\VEDP is that it is listed in VA SCAN, VEDP’s database of economic development sites.

The following is a summary of the site characterization tier levels.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Tier 5

Site is identified, there is an agreement with the local economic developer to market, and the site is listed in VA SCAN, VEDP’s database of economic development sites.

There is an established sales price, and the site is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan.

The site is zoned for an industrial and/or manufacturing use (or similar), and the due diligence is completed. Due diligence includes the following information.

Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Report

Boundary Survey

Topographic Survey

Phase | Environmental Site Assessment (within past 5 years)

Waters of the US Delineation and Determination (within past S years) Cultural Resources Review

Threatened & Endangered Species Review

Preliminary Engineering Report / Master Plan

Any other special studies, including a flood study

PEN AVawna

Infrastructure improvements are designed and permitted, and can be constructed within 12 to 18 months.

The improvements are under construction and/or the site is pad ready and all infrastructure is available.

The Russell County industrial Complex is a Tier 2 certified site in accordance with the above-referenced VBRSP standards.

Russell County Industrial Complex

July 2022

Site Characterization Report 7

The following is a summary current information available for the Industrial Complex site, as it relates to

the Tier 3 requirements.

1 | Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration and Report

Available only for Tract 1

2 | Boundary Survey

Available for all parcels

3 | Topographic Survey

‘A topographic survey is available; however, a signed and sealed topographic survey is required to achieve Tier 3.

4 | Phase | Environmental Site Assessment. (within past 5 years)

‘A NEPA report is available for the Option Tract (Project Reclaim) dated November 2020.

5 | Waters of the US Delineation and Determination (within past 5 years)

‘Not provided

6 | Cultural Resources Review

Provided in 2020 for Project Reclaim. Information generally covers all sites, yet should be considered for Tracts 2 and 3.

7 | Threatened & Endangered Species Review

Provided in 2020 for Project Reclaim. Information generally covers all sites, yet should be considered for Tracts 2 and 3.

8 | Preliminary Engineering Report / Master Plan

Not provided

Russell County Industrial Complex Site Characterization Report

July 2022


The following due diligence items should be completed for the RECOMMENDATIONS Russell County Industrial Complex to mitigate risk for potential prospects, further define the required infrastructure improvements, and refine the order of magnitude estimate of probable infrastructure and ‘pad-ready’ costs, and regulatory permit and/or mitigation requirements and costs.

  1. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration & Report for Option Tract, Tract 2, and 3 a ros

  2. Topographic Survey (refer to note in Section 5.0) stu infirm the

  3. Phase | Environmental Site Assessment for Tracts 1, 2, and 3

4, Waters of the US Delineation and Determination (within past

5 years)

Cultural Resources Review for Tracts 2 and 3 Develop and permit

Threatened & Endangered Species Review for Tracts 2 and 3

Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) / Master Plan

quantifying requirements, costs and timelines to provide

sufficient water and sanitary sewer capacities, and roadway


  1. Flood study and FEMA Letter of Map Change (LOMC); refer

to section 6.1

nal ma: ind ucture


ement pl

6.1 Flood Study and Letter of Map Change

‘As noted in Section 3.3, Tract 1 and Option Tract is encumbered by the Zone A floodplain of Dumps Creek. Construction of a building(s) or any insurable structure within the current regulatory floodplain will require a Letter of Map Change (LOMC) approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The following is a summary of the process, which from start to LOMC approval will be approximately 12 to 18 months,

  1. Obtain the current, available information from FEMA, including the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and the flood model of Dumps Creek.

  2. Confirm the flow rates of Dumps Creek adjacent to the site (a hydrologic study) to the rates included in the Fis.

Russell County industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 9

  1. Update the flood model through the site using current topographic survey information to determine the BFE (a hydraulic study).

  2. Prepare and submit the LOMC application and report to FEMA for review and approval. Note: FEMA will likely require at least one resubmittal.

  3. Once FEMA approves, advertise the change with a public notice.

  4. Ifno comments are received, the LOMC will be official, and building can commence on the sites, 6.2 Funding Options

VDOT Economic Development Access Program can provide $500,000 plus up to $150,000 with a match for the design and construction of the access roads. The following is an excerpt from the Resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board dated December 7, 2016 describing one of the terms for the

funding. Additional information can be found here: toss veciniadot ora/businessacalassitance-access-preorams. 2s

Not more than $500,000 of unmatched economic development access funds may be allocated in any fiscal year for use in any county, city or town which receives highway maintenance payments under Section 33.2-319, of the Code. A town whose streets are maintained under either Section 33.2-339 or 332-340, of the Code, shall be considered as part of the county in which it is located. The maximum eligibility of unmatched funds shall be limited to 20% of the capital outlay of the designated eligi! ‘establishments and certain investment by the locality in the land and/or the building on the site occupied by the designated eligible establishment. The unmatched eligibility may be supplemented with additional ‘economic development access funds, in which case the supplemental access funds shall not be more than $150,000, to be matched dollar-for-dollar from funds other than those administered by this Board.

‘Such supplemental funds shall be considered only if the total estimated cost of eligible items for the economic development access improvement exceeds $500,000.

GoVirginia funding is available for site development, including development of infrastructure and mass grading to reduce the time to build for potential prospects. GoVirginia funding requires ‘meaningful, ongoing’ regional collaboration, including joint marketing and/or financial contribution, and the park is designated as a "regionally significant’ site.

Grant funding from the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission is also available to assist with mass grading, and infrastructure improvements for this economic development project.

The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Planning and Local Technical Assistance Program

is a rolling grant opportunity. Additional information can be found here: hitps//eda gowfiles/orograms/eda-

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 10


7.1 Due Diligence

The order of magnitude estimate of probable project costs to advance the Industrial Complex’s characterization tier level from a 2 to a 3 is $225,000. Additional studies, including Phase 2

Environmental Site Assessments, and/or remediation work that may be required by regulatory agencies

are unknown at this time, and therefore are not included in the estimate.

Table 7A: OOM Due Diligence Estimates

Task Estimated Cost _| Notes Preliminary Geotechnical $30,000 For Tracts 2 and 3, and Option Tract Exploration & Report concurrently Boundary Survey not required Topographic Survey $50,000 Refer to Section 5.0 Phase 1 Environmental site | $7,000 For Tracts 1, 2 and 3 concurrently Assessment ‘WOUS Delineation & $20,000 All tracts concurrently Determination Cultural Resources Review _| $4,000 For Tracts 2 and 3 concurrently Threatened & Endangered | $4,500 For Tracts 2 and 3 concurrently Species Review Preliminary Engineering | $50,000 All tracts concurrently Study / Master Plan Flood Study and Letter of —| $60,000 Map Change Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report abl


Infrastructure Improvements.

Order of magnitude opinion of probable project cost (OOM estimate) for mass grading, onsite access

roads, wastewater treatment package plant, and onsite water lines are shown in the following table.


Improvement OOM Estimate | Notes

Mass Grading & ary Excludes the currently graded tracks Stormwater Management

‘Onsite Access Roads and aM Includes all tracks; excludes an additional Water Line Extensions crossing of Dumps Creek

The OOM estimates are based on readily available information and the concept plan included in this

report and the following assumptions.




‘4.30% contingency and professional services are included. Related mot ition, construction testing, erosion and sediment controls and stormwater management facilities are included. Wastewater treatment package plant OOM estimate is based on the following; cost will vary based on the treatment required for a particular user, which is typically $12 to $15 per treated gallon.

1, Flow based on developable acreage = 128 acres at 500 gpd/acre = 64,000 gpd

  1. $1264,000gpd and $1564,000gpd = $768,000 - $960,000 range Site development, including parking and access drives, and associated utilities for each pad site are not included. Offsite road, sanitary sewer or water system improvements are not included. Permit fees are excluded. Electric, gas, telecommunications, and fiber service improvements are not included. Construction engineering inspection costs are not included, since cost vary based on funding source requirements.

Russell County Industrial Complex July 2022 Site Characterization Report 12


‘Source Description

Site Boundary

Russell County IDA (04/2022)


Russell County Mapping and GIS



County & Town Boundary

Russell County Mapping and GIS

Waterline & Sewer lines

Russell County IDA (04/2022)

Power, Gas & Fiber

AEP (04/2022)


‘National Wetlands inventory (downloaded 04/2022)


FEMA Firmette Panel No. 51167C0210C


VDOT 2014 Approved Functional Classification Map


2019 Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)


2019 Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)

Russell County Industrial Complex Site Characterization Report


National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette

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National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette

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C. Moss #3 Permit

Bond Release Letter

C. Moss #3 Permit Bond Release Letter

1 IDA Russell County, VA

Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia

June 30, 2022

Josh Bolling Virginia Energy

Mine Land Repurposing 3405 Mountain Empire Road Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

RE: — Russell County Reclamation, LLC, DMLR Permit 1302253 Application 1011305

Dear Mr. Bolling:

The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia (IDA) request that the Division approve the proposed bond release requested in Application 1011305. The IDA does hereby affirm the acceptance of the 2.25 acres, entrance on the above referenced permit. The IDA intends to develop this entrance to support the industrial sites proposed on and adjacent to this permit. The IDA will accept this area in an as is condition.



Ernest McFaddin Executive Director

Notarization: Subscribed and affirmed/sworn to me this 30" day of June 20.22 _, inthe County/City of

Russell otthestate ofA: inthe presence of Ki

ge | REG. #7687016 (NY COMMISSION

Parterning for Progress, Connected for Success 133 Highland Drive, Suite B + Lebanon, VA 24266 + 276-971-0690

D. Letters of Support

D. Letters of Support



July 11, 2023

Virginia Energy Minded Land Repurposing

Tim Ferguson, AMLER Senior Project Specialist 3405 Mountain Empire Road

Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

Dear Mr. Ferguson,

Please consider this letter of support for the AMLER Pilot grant application for Russell County Industrial Development Authority Site Infrastructure Bridge Construction.

Russell County IDA has been working to reclaim and develop the former mine site located at 6799 Gravel Lick Road, Cleveland, Virginia for almost seven years. Great progress has been made in preparing this mega site for future businesses. Previous investments from Virginia ‘Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission and the Virginia Energy AMLER program have allowed the IDA to purchase the property and backfill the site to create readymade site pads.

Russell County IDA is requesting funds to install a needed capacity appropriate bridge as a main access point for the newly developed site pads. The bridge is essential to allow future business to access the newly developed property.

From the State’s perspective, we are pleased to see Russell County IDA taking advantage of the resources that they have available to them. This project goes hand and hand with Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order Number 6: Virginia is open for business. This also coincides with Cumberland Plateau Planning District 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update Goal #1 Economic Development/Tourism. This project will enhance Economic Development and employment opportunities for the region as well as the state. Therefore, we are pleased to support this grant application and appreciate your consideration for this project.



Todd ion Senator, 40" District

Cumberland Plateau Planning District

July 10, 2023,

Virginia Energy

Minded Land Repurposing

Tim Ferguson, AMLER Senior Project Specialist 3405 Mountain Empire Road

Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

Dear Mr. Ferguson:

Please consider this letter of support for the Virginia Energy AMLER Pilot grant application for Russell County Industrial Development Authority Site Infrastructure Bridge Construction.

Russell County IDA has been working to reclaim and develop the former mine site located at 6799 Gravel Lick Road, Cleveland, Virginia for almost seven years. Great progress has been made in preparing this mega site for future businesses. Previous investments from Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission and the Virginia Energy AMLER program have allowed the IDA to purchase the property and backfill the site to create ready-made site pads.

Russell County IDA is requesting funds to install a needed capacity appropriate bridge as a main access point for the newly developed site pads. The bridge is essential to allow future business to access the newly developed property.

From the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission’s perspective, we are pleased to see Russell County IDA taking advantage of the resources they have available to them. This project goes hand and hand with Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order Number 6: Virginia is open for business. The effort also aligns with CPPDC 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update Goal #1: Economic development. This project will enhance economic development and employment opportunities for the region as well as the state. Therefore, we are pleased to support this grant application and appreciate your consideration of this project.


Scotty 1&

Executive Director + P.0.Box 548 + Phone (276) 889-1778 + Fax (276) 889-5732 + Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Serving Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, and Tazewell Counties

NELSON A. “TONY” DODI, Mayor DeANNA C. JACKSON, Vice Mayor ANDREW R. SHORTT, Town Manager KEVIN D. TILLER, Town Attorney




July 7, 2023, TOWN OF LEBANON Telephone (27) 899-7200 Fax €276 889-7208 405 West Main Street PO, Dravrer 309 Virginia Energy Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Minded Land Repurposing

Tim Ferguson, AMLER Senior Project Specialist 3405 Mountain Empire Road

Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

Dear Mr. Ferguson,

On behalf of myself and the Lebanon Town Council, | am writing a letter of support for the Virginia Energy 2022 AMLER Pilot grant application for Russell County Industrial Development Authority Site Infrastructure Bridge Construction.

Russell County IDA has been working to reclaim and develop the former mine site located at 6799 Gravel Lick Road, Cleveland, Virginia for almost seven years. Great progress has been made in preparing this mega site for future businesses. Previous investments from Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization ‘Commission and the Virginia Energy AMLER program have allowed the IDA to purchase the property and backfill the site to create readymade site pads.

Russell County IDA is requesting funds to install a needed capacity appropriate bridge as a main access point for the newly developed site pads. The bridge is essential to allow future business to access the newly developed property.

From the Town’s perspective, we are pleased to see Russell County IDA taking advantage of the resources that they have available to them. This project goes hand and hand with Governor Youngkin’s, Executive Order Number 6: Virginia is open for business. This also coincides with Cumberland Plateau Planning District 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update Goal #1 Economic Development/Tourism. This project will enhance Economic Development and employment. opportunities for Lebanon as well as the region. Therefore, we are pleased to support this grant application and appreciate your consideration for this project.

Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 276-971-0665.

Sincerely, oO Step DOr Nelson A. “Tony” Dodi, Mayor

“Progressing For Tomorrow”

E. Bridge Location



Bridge Location Maps

Project Reclaim Bridge Location

Project Reclaim Bridge Location

Final 2022 AMLER Grant Application.pdf
671990 Russell County IDA updated budget v2.pdf
Kens bridge quote.pdf
Project Reclaim Site Characterization.pdf
Permit Release Request.pdf
Bridge LOS from Town.pdf

Project Reclaim Bridge Location.pdf
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