No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library United Mine Workers of America Press Releases 2024-03-05 UMWA Press Release

2024-03-05 UMWA Press Release

Document Date: March 5, 2024 Document: 2024-03-05_UMWA_Press_Release.pdf

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MARCH 5, 2024

CONTACT: Erin Bates, 571-425-1512, [email protected]

Say No to the Moss 3 Landfill

[TRIANGLE, VA] – United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil

E. Roberts issued the following statement today:

"It has come to my attention that Russell County is considering the establishment of a landfill on

the grounds of the old Moss 3 Mine. For anyone acquainted with the profound history of the

United Mine Workers, the Moss 3 Prepartion Plant was a pivotal site in the Pittston Coal Strike

of 1989. A strike, I believe, marked a turning point in the fight for workers’ rights in America.

“The Moss 3 Prepartion Plant witnessed a four-day takeover by UMWA members during the

strike, a bold move that galvanized the labor movement across the country. Local community

members formed a human shield around the plant, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to

the cause and embodying the spirit of solidarity. Just a short distance away was 'Camp

Solidarity,’ housing over 1,000 supporters who provided shelter and sustenance for strikers and


“The lessons of this historic strike, particularly the Moss 3 takeover, extend far beyond the

borders of southwest Virginia. It is etched into the broader labor movement’s narrative, serving

as an example of unity and resilience. This strike, marked by its length and the sheer magnitude

of civil disobedience, set a modern template for protecting the rights of working families across

the world.

“To even contemplate placing a landfill on this historic site is not only disrespectful to UMWA’s

legacy and the labor movement but an outright travesty against the community that rallied during

the strike to safeguard their families’ well-being

“We adamantly oppose the Moss 3 Landfill, and we call upon every member of our community

to stand firm in saying NO to this outrageous proposal. Join us in preserving the sanctity of our

history and the legacy of those who fought tirelessly for workers’ rights.

Click here to watch a video on the Pittston Strike.

mailto:[email protected] News from the United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC

18354 Quantico Gateway Drive Sule 200

Triangle, VA 224721179

Ceci Roberts, President

Brian Sanson, Secretary-Treasurer

Communications Department @ 703-291-2465

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 5, 2024 CONTACT: Erin Bates, 571-425-1512, [email protected]

Say No to the Moss 3 Landfill

(TRIANGLE, VA] - United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) International President Cecil E, Roberts issued the following statement today:

"It has come to my attention that Russell County is considering the establishment of a landfill on the grounds of the old Moss 3 Mine. For anyone acquainted with the profound history of the United Mine Workers, the Moss 3 Prepartion Plant was a pivotal site in the Pittston Coal Strike of 1989. A strike, I believe, marked a turning point in the fight for workers’ rights in America.

“The Moss 3 Prepartion Plant witnessed a four-day takeover by UMWA members during the strike, a bold move that galvanized the labor movement across the country. Local community members formed a human shield around the plant, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the cause and embodying the spirit of solidarity. Just a short distance away was ‘Camp Solidarity,’ housing over 1,000 supporters who provided shelter and sustenance for strikers and visitors.

“The lessons of this historic strike, particularly the Moss 3 takeover, extend far beyond the borders of southwest Virginia. It is etched into the broader labor movement’s narrative, serving as an example of unity and resilience. This strike, marked by its length and the sheer magnitude of civil disobedience, set a modern template for protecting the rights of working families across the world,

“To even contemplate placing a landfill on this historic site is not only disrespectful to UMWA’s legacy and the labor movement but an outright travesty against the community that rallied during the strike to safeguard their families! well-being

“We adamantly oppose the Moss 3 Landfill, and we call upon every member of our community to stand firm in saying NO to this outrageous proposal. Join us in preserving the sanctity of our history and the legacy of those who fought tirelessly for workers’ rights.

Click here to watch a video on the Pittston Strike.

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