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2020-10-20 18 00-Russell Tourism-Committee Meeting-Minutes
Document Date: October 20, 2020 Document: 2020-10-20_18_00-Russell_Tourism-Committee_Meeting-Minutes.pdf
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Russell County Tourism Advisory Committee (T.A.C.) Committee Meeting Minutes October 20, 2020; Lebanon Firehall Meeting Room, 6:00 P.M.
Committee Members Jim Lyttle, Chair
Jennifer Chumbley, Secretary/Treasurer Alice Meade Vice Chair
Victoria Gent
Jamie Ball
‘Maddie Gordon
Danny Altizer- not present
ExOfficio Heather Powers, RC County Tourism Coordinator
Staff N/A
‘Attendance from the Publi
Call Meeting to Order: Jim Lyttle called the October 20, 2020 Russell County Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Approval of Minutes:
‘A motion was made to strike Oris Christian name from attendance on the August 18, 2020 minutes by Victoria Gent, and properly seconded by Alice Meade and motion carried.
‘A motion was made by Alice Meade to approve the meeting minutes from August 18, 2020 meeting. ‘The motion was properly seconded by Victoria Gent and the motion carried.
Additions to the Agenda/Open Comments:
‘A motion was made by Jennifer Chumbley to approve the agenda. The motion was properly seconded by ‘Alice Meade and the motion carried
‘TREASURER’S REPORT: Jennifer Chumbley advised committee currently has $1084.00 in donations including items sold, and there is an outstanding invoice in the amount of $272.00 for glasses, so that leaves $812.00 in donations. The TAC has currently paid $25 for Facebook Advertising and $240.00 for RC Pictures from
Preston Ball, which leaves $2213.39 remaining in advertising and $3000.00 remaining in marketing. In addition, we have the remaining $812.00 donations,
‘Jennifer Chumbley advised the TAC that the Fundraising Subcommittee had decided to create a 14-month calendar with pictures from the county. It was originally suggested by Jennifer that the Subcommittee create a Russell County Local Hero Calendar, but due to constraints with budgeting, it ‘was not an option this year. The fund-raising subcommittee can use pictures that have already been Purchased for rack cards. Clinch Valley Printing will be printing the calendars and they will be sold at a Starting price of $15 or $20 and then we can always flash sell them for a lower price if needed. In Addition, the printer can print envelopes to use for shipping. There are some details and pictures that need to be touched up and the markup must be to the printer no later than November 1, 2020 to have them complete before Christmas. Committee discussed purchasing 100 calendars vs 50 since the pricing 's lower for 100 and sell them for $15 each will net a profit of $1032.00 if all calendars sell as the cost ‘would be $468.00 for printing calendars.
MEETING TIMES The next regular scheduled meeting will be in December, so the committee discussed having a lunch or
dinner for Christmas. Jim also advised that in November, per bylaws we are to elect officers. Jim advised we could elect officers tonight so that a special meeting would not be needed in November.
OFFICERS ELECTION ‘Amotion was made by Victoria Gent to elect officers in the current meeting with term beginning January 1, 2021. The motion was property seconded by Jamie Ball and the motion carried.
Jim Lyttle opened the floor for nominations of Chairperson. Alice Meade nominated Jim Lyttle for Chair of TAC.
A roll call vote was conducted, Jim Lyttle abstained. Jennifer ~ Aye, Alice ~ Aye, Maddie ~ Aye, Victoria- Aye, Jamie- Aye. Jim Lyttle is appointed to TAC Chair.
Jim Lyttle opened the floor for nominations of Vice-Chair. Jennifer Chumbley nominated Alice Meade for Vice-Chair.
A roll call vote was conducted, Alice Meade abstained.
Jennifer- Aye, Maddie-Aye, Victoria-Aye, Jamie-Aye, Jim-Aye
Alice Meade is appointed to TAC Vice-Chair
Jim Lyttle opened the floor for nominations of Secretary. Alice Meade nominated Jennifer Chumbley for Secretary.
A roll all vote was conducted, Jennifer Chumbley abstained.
Alice-Aye, Maddie-Aye, Victoria-Aye, Jamie-Aye, Jim-Aye
Jennifer Chumbley is appointed to TAC Secretary,
Jim Lyttle opened the floor for nominations of Treasurer. Jim Lyttle nominated Victoria Gent for Treasurer.
A roll call vote was conducted, Victoria Gent abstained.
Alice-Aye, Maddie-Aye, Jennifer-Aye, Jamie-Aye, im-Aye
Victoria Gent is appointed to TAC Treasurer
‘Subcommittee Reports Due to COVIDI9 many subcommittees have not been able to meet. Fundraising Committee is creating calendar.
Jim Lyttle advised that in Russell County we have 2 most Century Farms (37) in Southwest Virginia and (3) Bi-centennial Farms, and it would be nice to figure out how to recognize these farms, such as announcing at the County Fair.
Fund Raising
Jim Lyttle showed the committee the current items we have for sale, such as wine glasses and mugs. Jim Lyttle Renee Hodges will be donating a 16x20 Russell County stretched canvas picture we can use and could possibly have a silent auction. Middle Fork Clay can make coffee mugs with Experience Russell for wholesale pricing, which would be $13 to sell. Jim checked on name badges with logo from which would be $9.25 each plus shipping for metal badges if we ordered 10 badges These could be worn during events and fundraisers and would-be professional looking, Alice Meade made a motion to purchase badges. The motion was properly seconded by Maddie Gordon and motion cartied.
Rack Cards & Brochure: ‘There are only a few cases of brochures remaining. The committee discussed ordering more brochures because Jeff Hess will be putting together bags at the airport with tourism items when people fly in and we may need to send them another case. We also have brachures at Rocky Gap, Fancy Gap, and Bristol ‘Welcome Centers for yearly rental. The Vietnam Veterans Association has agreed to fund 500 rack cards to recognize businesses that give veterans discount or are owned by veterans. The committee discussed how to determine locally owned businesses that do give discounts or businesses owned by veterans.
Christmas Parades:
Committee discussed designing a float to enter in the local county Christmas Parades. Currently that would be Lebanon and Cleveland as Honaker has cancelled their parade and St. Paul may also be having their parade.
Heather advised we could decorate the Christmas Tree again for tourism at Lebanon Middle School. Committee can meet at the tree to decorate when it becomes available
The condition of the donations to cover startup costs for items we are selling is that the first $500 will go ‘back into the scholarship fund which will be awarded to a Russell County student this year using a scoresheet, Currently, we only have one $500 scholarship for the entire county and hopefully we can
increase those in the future. There will need to be at least three volunteers for the scholarship subcommittee. Jim, Jamie, and Alice volunteered,
The committee owns videos which were purchased from Brad Deel and Preston Ball; therefore, when ‘we post or utilize these videos, we need to use the videos with our TAC Logo.
Art Gallery Committee discussed having a mini art gallery opening after the social distancing is over.
Community Meetings:
Committee discussed local community meetings to show our videos in Lebanon at the High School or at the Russell County Government Center. Maddie Gordon suggested an outside screen and will check for location in St. Paul that will fit local guidelines for social distancing,
Highlands Association: Jim Lyttle talked to the committee about possibly hosting a Scottish Festival
Jim Lyttle spoke to committee about tours or trips for groups such as After School next year to different locations in the county.
Dates to Remember:
Next regular TAC meeting will be December 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM location TBA
Adjourn: Jennifer Chumbley made a motion to adjourn at 7:15PM and the motion was properly seconded by Alice Meade and approved by TAC.
Russell County Tourism Advisory Committee (T.A.C.) Committee Meeting Minutes October 20, 2020; Lebanon Firehall Meeting Room, 6:30 P.M.
Prepared By: Jennifer Chumbley Tourism Advisory Committee Secretary