No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Ordinances Solid Waste 1985-11-01 Solid Waste Ordinance

1985-11-01 Solid Waste Ordinance

Document Date: November 1, 1985 Document: 1985-11-01_Solid_Waste_Ordinance.pdf

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Voli Of-198Y Verte. 83-19 96, ; 383°

The Russel1 County Board of Supervisors met at the Courthouse 4u| Lebanon, Virginia, on Tuesday, October 1, 1988, stareing at 9:00 a.m. Mocting called to onder by Chairman, Motion was made by Kelly Chafin, seconded by Mike| Dati and duly passed to adjourn meoting and nove to the Department of Social Services Building because court was scheduled te be held in the Courtroom,

  • i PRESHNT: De. Roy R. Smith, Chelrwan § Monber at Large KL, Settle, Vigo Chairman Kenneth Nutter, Nonbor [ Kelly Chafin, Tenber Wichael Bally Honber

Join Bryan, Menber

Janes A, Gillespie, Clexie

Randa ‘campbell, Attorney Meoting calted to order at the Departuont of Social Services Duiifting.

Punt¢"Uearnic “Ou “139-101 Sou Masi Oni nance

Public hearing was Re1d pursvant to tow on the Solid Waste Oraindhce : 85 amended. Changes in said ordinance wore rovieved and discussed. Motion vas ~ then made by Richard Settle, seconded by Konnoth Mutter end duty passed anai papi

hearing be closed,

Noeton made by John Bayan, seconded by Richard SHEEIe and unaninefty spproved by the Board of Supervisors that the folioving sol4a waste ordinance, ‘ : amended, be adopted effective October 1, 1988:

‘he Voto was: i

AYE: Dr. Roy R. Snith |

1, Settle

Konnoth latter Kelly hatin Niko” watt John beyan

NAY: Hone

‘A. SHORT (ETL: This Ordinance she bexknayn as the “SoLia Nase ordinance”, ys. ppemixrron:

1, The term “garbage” shall nean all animal and vegetab1e

waste resulting fron the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods,

’ 2, The term "ashes! shall moan the’xesidue resulting from \ ‘the burning of wood, coat, coke or other combustible naterial. i

  1. ‘The torm “rubbish” shall include glass, metal, paper, Plant growth, wood, or non-putrescibile solid wastes.

4, tho torn

‘ofuso” shall mean all solid wastes, except body wastes, and shail include garbage, ashes and rubbish, 5. The torm “disposal” shal include the storage, coltection| Aisposal ov handling of refuse. . 6. he term "person shat Sncide any natural person,

association, partnership, fir or corporation,

‘the tom “promises” shall mean land, building or othor

Stnictiike, Vehicle, -watercraét-or-parts: thereof “upon-Which


8, “Responsible Authority" shalL mean the Logelly designated

authority of the County of Russell who shall be authorized and directed to imple-

  1. "Approved container

8 usod herein shall mean any County

10, “Other, The singular shall imctude the prurel and the masculine shalt include the forinine and the neuter. ¢. + nitphniston on amuse

ALL refuse shall be drained free of excess Liquids before

disposal. 2, Garbage shat1 be placed in paper bags, boxes or plastic bags prior to placing in authorized collection containers.

  1. Rubbish shat be placod in approved containers.

4, Rubbish which dncludes grass clippings, hedge trinmings , Leaves or pine noodles must be pluced in approved containers, .

5, Rubbish which includes tree triunings must be cut in lengths not to exceed 56", nor 6" in diaueter, and weigh not more then 40 Ibs.


1, Te shall be unlawEul to place waste in any strect, alley,

road, stream, body of water, or any other public place or upon private or aband

property, untess such xefuse As placed in an approved container.

RATE AND GHMARGHS AND THE COMLRCHTON tHURUOR: 1, Refuse service charges within the County of Russet for

leno purpose of £Snancing the ostabAishment, maintenance and operation of refuse

lcoatection systems or-refuse disposal mothods and sites axe hereby loved in

laceordence with the foltowing schedules:

4.) Ata vate to be established by the Hoard of Super-

jpisors or Russell County, its agent or duly appointed commission, pursuant to

[the terms and conditions of any contract granted under the provisions of this

lOrdinance; or, if no such rate 1s so established,

D.) At a rate to bo determined by the individuals ov


5 bargaining for such service, 1, PRUQUENCY oF coLERCrTON: Notots, restaurants, institutions and conercte1 establishuonts jshal1 require collection at such times and with such frequency to prevent over-

[flow of solid waste, Sanitary storage of refuse may be required,

Puent: and enforce the provisions of this Ordingnce, or his authorized representative,

dumpster or other vaste storage fackLity meeting the minbnun state health standards.



  1. Tt shat Be unlawful for any person who docs not possess an unvevoked pormit fron Russell County to engage in the business of solid waste

collection or refus

aisposal for compensation In Russel County. The County of Russell my Assue permits for such applicants, provided that such permits shall be Limited to persons having proper, equipment end porsonnel to collect and Alspose of refuse in accoxdance with the provisions of this Ordinance and provided further that the wothod of disposal ised As in accordance with the recommendations of the Mureau of Solid Maste and Vector Control, Virginia

State Health Department and regulations promulgated thereunder.

2, ‘The County of Russell reserves the right to franchise the collection of solid vaste in said County in such areas outsiile of Incdrporatea towns &5 the Board of Supervisors may determine,

  1. ‘The fee for such 1iconse shall be $25.00 per snmum, at

ant ‘Licenses shalt be issued for the calendar year or such part thereof as shalt

renain after the issuance. There shall be no reduction in the fee for a License

issued after the beginning of any calendar year. ‘4, Bvory person who shall apply for a License under this section shall state the typo or types of refuse to be collected, the miner of collection, and the place and nethod of disposal. 5. No License sholl be granted if the place and method of disposal

shall not conform to the requirements of this Ordinance or to the ordinance of any

mmicipal or quasi-wuniedpal corporation, wherein disposal or refuse is to be made,

6." Te shall be undawfwl to permit an unlicensed collector to collect

lor ronove refuge from a household, institution or comercial enterprise.

  1. Bach permit ox contract issued hereunder shall provide and contain) a description of the area to be served.
  2. Im the ovent that the holder of any permit hereunder shalt fai2 |eo abide by ox conform to, aiy roquirenents of the Russei1 County Hoalth Departnent,|

‘they and in that event, and upon complaint of the Russel County Health Departmen

lany permit on contract may be xovoked by the Board of Supervisors of Russell County’


ALL vehicles used for collection of refuse for hire shall have

lenclosed cargo space, Tt shal1 be unlawful to cottect, haul, transport ox convey ‘refuse for hixe in open, unenclosed vehicies.

  1. _REFUSH NOT" ACCEPTABLE FOR COLMUCTION OR DISPOSAL. ‘The following refuse shall be considered to be not acceptable

for collection or disposal by the County of Russel1t

i 1. Dangerous materials or substances, such as yolson, acid, emusties,

nfocted materials and explosives,

2, Chemicals, substances or compounds of unknown or undetermined loxicity. .

4, Unusual quantities of material resulting from the repair,

cavation or construction of building or structures, such as earth, plastic,

jotar and roofing at


unusual quantities" shall mean any quantity in excess of 52 ations oF 40 pounds of material.

4, Matorials which has not boon prepared for collection in accordance} rith the regulations. 5. Umusual quantities of solid vaste resuiting from industrial

rocesses or agricultural processes except upon negotiated axrangonents with

sussel1 Comty Board of Su

: 6, Ashes containing hot eubers sbx12 not be placod in containcers for collection, ‘ J. cOMIBREEAL WASH:

  1. NCommoxeLal waste" shold be defined as a1 garbage, rubbish oF

otise gonoratea by an establishment Which sols goods, atorials or services leo the genorat public, private concerns ov retell ostablishnents, Ths shall finclude, without Liattation, soLid waste gonorated by xetali establishments,

wholesale establishments, and ‘inining, nenufecturing and related businesses.


1, Th shall be uxtawtnt to dump, déstioy oF otherwise dispose oF ottd vaste within the Jurledictlonsl Lines of the Comty of Russel. oxcent at & county approved rotuse aie or by other methods approved by the Vingshse Hesteh || Department. .

te 1t-shet1 No unlawful for on AndSviduel, fom or eorpoxasion ot ovidbiting # corront, valid Gounty vohicte decal on tho txiaporting vontere to bring any type of solid waste to Russell County roadside containers collection ites ov 1endfiil without prior epproval of the County Administrator, there shel he axcopted from hts restriction thore vostdonts of counties wth whieh Russel? cs a cooperative solid waste dsposel aproatnt watch provides for Joint dtaperat of solid waste, °

  1. re anatt ‘he ontevful for any person to:

a.) Park, stend or Jolter adjacent to oF upon any County approved vetuse elte or duapstor for tho purposes of Toning aspAEO, ames, sunnish, refuse or any other Sean fron said ateas

ba) Howove garbage, ashes, HLah, Fofuse oF any other

tom from a County ouned refuse site or dumpster

e.) Seavenge in, climb into ox reach into any County rofuse

site or dumpsters

uae . + 887

4.) Trospass upon any such refuse site for any of the afor


ire.or disposal equipment at any County collection site, 6. Littering is untawfut upon or adjacent to any State or County toad oF upon any public property omed by the State or Comty.

  1. the owner of any promises within the County of Russell shall

L be vesponsibie for sanitary conditions of the promises omed or occupiad by hin, and 1t WL be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or adtow to be placed or deposited on his prenises sny solid vaste oxcopt as designated by the tems of this Orainenco,

Any such refuse may, after reasonable notice, be xenoved by County agents or ompleyeos with alt costs and oxponses thoxeof being cl

to the ommers of such property to be collected as taxes and levies w

o collected,

The driver of ay vehicle in the County of Nusselt from which} Litter is throun, blown or fal1en from shall be considered in violation of the Solid Waste Ordinance of Russel County,


  2. Any persoii who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance Shalt upon conviction be sentonced #0 yay 4 fine of not ese than #10 nor nore than $1,000 0° Be Sipolaomment not Lees then § days and noe t0 ohcned 12 aanehn of both,

  3. Bach day’s continuance of viotation of thts Ordinance is considered to bo a seperate offense.

a ee Iussell County Sheriff’s Departnont, the RusselL County Hoalth Departnent and the Russett county Sanstation OFfLceH. GHiations should be Assued to violators of #hts Ordinance by the abovementioned agencies.

4, convicted violators of this Ordinance mey be published by name fm the tocat newspaper by the Gomty Adsinistrator,

M.sovmansiini :

Should aay section, paxagsaph, sentence, clause ov phrase of eis ortinance be declaved constitutions! or invalid for any reason, the soneinder of ouch Ordinance shalt not bo affacted thereby.


ta ALL ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this

Ordinance axe hereby repealed, and this Ordinance shall be in full forco and

effect imediately upon its adoption and publication as provided by Jaw. .

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