No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Ordinances Solid Waste 1984-04-03 Amendment to Solid Waste Ordinance

1984-04-03 Amendment to Solid Waste Ordinance

Document Date: April 3, 1984 Document: 1984-04-03_Amendment_to_Solid_Waste_Ordinance.pdf

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A regular meeting of the Russell. County Board of Supervisors held on

‘ucsday, April 3, 1984, at the Courthouse in Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at

9:00 a, m. PRYSENT! De. Roy R. Smith, Chaisman and Member at Large Richard L. Settle, Vice Chairman Kenneth Mutter, Member Kelly Chafin, Member Mike Ball, Menber Sohn Ry Bkyan, J=., Hosber James A. Gillespie, Clerk of the Board

Randall Canpbelll, County Attorney

Mecting called to order by Chaixman.

Tnvoeation given by County Adwiniebratos followed by Pledge of ALlegiance.

Public hearing was hold pursuant to law and notice of heating having been advertised for two successive weeks in the Tebanon News to consider ee-eavetdo} the proposed amendment to the Solid Waste Ordinance:

Wotion was made by Richard Settle, seconded by John Bryan and unaniuously

approved by the Board of Supervisors that amendment to the Solid Waste Ordinances

VEREAS, Solid Waste Ordinance wae adopted. on the 4th day of Maxch, 1974,

be adopted as follows:

hich 1¢ recorded in Supervisor’s Order Book, No. 10, pages 373, 375, and 376;

and avended on 9-3-74 and recorded in Supervisor’s Order Book no. 11 page 26; and

NOW, THERSEORE, BE TP RESOLVED chat the folLowing sectiona be added ko Section VE of said Ordinances:

Tt shall. be unlawful for my person to:

() Fark, stand o Loster adjacent to or upon any County approved refuse site or dumpster for the purposes of xenoving garbage, ashes, xubbtsh, refuse ox any other item from anid area

(2) Renove garbage, ashes, rubbish, refuse oF any other item from a County omed refuse alte or dumpster;

d (3) Seavenge tn, clinb into, oF vesch into any County refuse oite or o dumpsters

(4) ‘Trespass vpon any such xefuse site fox any of the aforementioned | muxposes.

Punishuent For this Ordinance shall be as set forth An the Soléd aste ordinance ‘the Vote was AWE: Ru. Settle, Jn

Kermath taper Mikeselt

Dr. Roy R. Stith WAY: None

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