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2020-05-11 IDA Agenda Packet
Document Date: May 11, 2020 Document: 2020-05-11_IDA_Agenda_Packet.pdf
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Agenda Packet
Thursday May 14, 2020 Conference Call
5:30 P.M.
1 IDA Russell County, VA
Agenda Packet Thursday May 14, 2020 Conference Call 5:30 P.M.
Virginia Code
Closed Sessions 2.2-3711
Acquisition/Sale of Property
Privacy of Individuals
Prospective Unannounced Business
7 & 8. Legal
Virginia Code
Closed Sessions 2.2-3711
4, 5.
Acquisition/Sale of Property Privacy of Individuals
Prospective Unannounced Business
7 &8. Legal
May 14, 2020
AGENDA The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County Virginia will hold its
regular monthly meeting May 14, 2020 via GotoMeeting beginning at 5:30 PM,
pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
Access Code: 768-442-949
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Financial and Treasurer’s Report
Attorney’s Report
Chairman’s Report
Public Comment
Adjourn Meeting
Attachments: Southwest Livestock LLC (A1-A30) The Data Company - TDEC (A30-A33) IDA Disaster Loans (A34) Baker Roofing Proposal(A35-A38)
IDA Russell County, VA
Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia
May 14, 2020
The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County Virginia will hold its regular monthly meeting May 14, 2020 via GotoMeeting beginning at 5:30 PM, pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020.
Please htt
the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Jobal.
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 Access Code: 768-442-949
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Financial and Treasurer’s Report Attorney’s Report
Chairman’s Report
Public Comment
Adjourn Meeting
Attachments: Southwest Livestock LUC (A1-A30) The Data Company - TDEC (A30-A33) IDA Disaster Loans (A34) Baker Roofing Proposal(A35-A38)
April 14, 2020
The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of
Russell County, Virginia was held on April 14, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. via conference
call pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020.
PRESENT: Ernie McFaddin, Chairman
Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman
Carlton Elliott, Secretary
Roger Sword, Member
Tony Dodi, Member
Scott Gilmer, Member
David Mullins, Member
Jarred Glass. Member
ABSENT: Donnie Christian, Member
STAFF: Katie Patton, Attorney
GUEST: Lonzo Lester, Russell County Administrator
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 P.M.
Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.
Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Roger Sword and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to
approve the minutes of the March 12, 2020 meeting.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins
Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Jarred Glass, and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to
approve the financial reports and pay invoices presented and additional invoice
from Lab 20 for $400.00.
April 14, 2020 The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on April 14, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. via conference call pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ernie McFaddin, Chairman Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretary Roger Sword, Member Tony Dodi, Member Scott Gilmer, Member David Mullins, Member Jarred Glass. Member ABSENT: Donnie Christian, Member STAFF: Katie Patton, Attorney GUEST: Lonzo Lester, Russell County Administrator
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 P.M.
Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2020 meeting.
The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Absent: D. Christian Nay: None
lliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins.
FINANCIAL REPORT Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Jarred Glass, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the financial reports and pay invoices presented and additional invoice from Lab 20 for $400.00.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins
Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
The Powers project has not been completed. Roger Sword commented the
legal fees for the project needs to be reimbursed by Mr. Powers. The IDA will bill
Mr. Powers for legal fees once the project is completed.
The Town of Lebanon established a loan fund to help businesses during the
Covid-19 crisis. To date there have been 25 applications, 9 have been funded.
VCEDA has initiated a program to make funds available to small business.
Upon motion made by Scott Gilmer, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia
authorizing the chairman to apply for VCEDA funding of a small business
revolving loan fund of $75,000.00.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins
Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
The Health Department project has been moving forward and the IDA needs
to established funding for the project.
Upon motion made by Scott Gilmer, second by Tony Dodi, and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia
authorizing the chairman to establish a line of credit with First Bank & Trust not te
exceed $1,000,000.00 for the Health Department project.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins
Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
ATTORNEY’S REPORT The Powers project has not been completed. Roger Sword commented the legal fees for the project needs to be reimbursed by Mr. Powers. The IDA will bill Mr. Powers for legal fees once the project is completed.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Town of Lebanon established a loan fund to help businesses during the Covid-19 crisis. To date there have been 25 applications, 9 have been funded.
VCEDA has initiated a program to make funds available to small business.
Upon motion made by Scott Gilmer, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the chairman to apply for VCEDA funding of a small business revolving loan fund of $75,000.00.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
The Health Department project has been moving forward and the IDA needs to established funding for the project.
Upon motion made by Scott Gilmer, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the chairman to establish a line of credit with First Bank & Trust not te exceed $1,000,000.00 for the Health Department project.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
I-Go Wireless is providing hotspots around the county during the Covid-19
Samuel Corporation (Steel Fab) sends their appreciation for the assistance in
purchasing the paint simulator.
Tony Dodi asked if the USDA requirements for the small business loans
could be loosened during the pandemic. The Chairman will check with the USDA
contact person to ask for variances to the requirements.
Upon motion made by Jarred Glass, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia
declaring the May 14, 2020 to be held electronically pursuant to the Russell
County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020, and adjourning this meeting at
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins
Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
I-Go Wireless is providing hotspots around the county during the Covid-19 crisis.
Samuel Corporation (Steel Fab) sends their appreciation for the assistance in purchasing the paint simulator.
NEW BUSINESS Tony Dodi asked if the USDA requirements for the small business loans could be loosened during the pandemic. The Chairman will check with the USDA contact person to ask for variances to the requirements.
ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Jarred Glass, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia declaring the May 14, 2020 to be held electronically pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020, and adjourning this meeting at 6:28PM.
The Roll Call Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian
Nay: None
Page A1
Southwest Livestock LLC
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VDOT Economic Development Access Program Letter Process
Basic industries are those industries that derive most of their activity from customers outside the area of analysis (e.g. region, state), while non-basic industries rely on markets within the region. Thus, goods or services which are primarily “exported” outside the local economy are considered “basic,” and the resulting new sales income and jobs that support this export function become the primary engine of the area’s economic growth. Many service sector establishments, with locally generated sales, arise to support basic sector firms. These service sector establishments are certainly important to the area’s economy, but would not be considered basic as new income is not brought into the economy as a result of their activities.
Manufacturing is a basic/exporting activity, with the exception of that share of output which is sold locally. Likewise, raw-materials extraction (mining) and agricultural activity are typically considered basic. However, basic/export activity is not confined to manufactured or physical products. Many service sector industries can be considered “basic” if they rely on outside markets for their income and employment generation. Examples of service sector “basic” firms could include a computer software design firm (SAIC), a corporate headquarters sustained by earnings primarily from outside the area (General Dynamics), a multi-state retail distribution center (Wal-Mart), a customer service center (StarTek,Inc.), or a research and development center (Wyeth).
There are several ways that industries can be classified as either basic or non-basic, but a common, traditional way has been to measure by source of customer revenues, From the state’s perspective, if the activity will primarily provide goods or services to be sold outside of Virginia, or will be paid for with funds from outside the state (more than 50 percent), then the activity has been deemed to be “basic”.
This practice has been commonly observed over the years in administration of state economic development and financing programs, including the Private Activity Bond Allocation Process (in the 1980’s when more than manufacturing activities were permissible), with the Governor’s Opportunity Fund, and under the present Workforce Services Guidelines. The premise has been that state resources would best be targeted towards activities that would have the effect of increasing new income into the state’s economy.
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Upon Ben Chafin’s suggestion, Southwest Livestock, LLC, has agree to create an irrevocable letter of credit from First Bank and Trust Company to Russell County Board of Supervisors, ensuring that the County has no liability for the V-DOT frontage road at Hansonville, VA.
Senator Chafin will ensure the legality by contract of no liability to the County.
_ has contacted me to re-submit the funding application backed by J.R. Watson of V-DOT. - says the project will be made more viable as more than 50% of the receipts come from outside Virginia.
The project is endorsed by six agencies and 432 citizens who have signed a petition of support.
With these measures of assurance in place, the Russell County Industrial Development Authority endorses this project.
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Locality Applicant: County of Russell County, VDOT District: Bristol
ject ‘Scope of Work: _New roadway and improvements to existing roadway
‘ancillary improvements such as tira lanes are not to be considered as the primary objective of he project)
Description of work: Hansonville Agriculture Industrial Development Area
From: Route 19 SBL To” 0.28 mile SE Route 19 SBL Length: 0.28 (mites)
‘Anticipated traffic generation 600 vpd (trucks) _| Pavement Width: 20.00 (feet) | to include shoulders ditches
‘What is the immediate need for the project. | Agriculture Industrial Park Development Arca
“The locality acknowledges the following:
‘The governing body will provide VDOT with a resolution requesting Program’s state funding. (Please contact Local Assistance Division sta fr suggested formal). (Please noe tha the local goverune’s resolution in request of Program funding and project detail information nust be provided to VDOT 10 allow sufficient time for review ) The locality will coordinate with the appropriate ‘VDOT Residency/District office staff to ensure the request is appropriaic. (The agenda for the Commonwealth Transportation
Board’s (CTB) action meeting is typically finalized 3 weeks prior 1 the date of the CTB action meeting.) Yes Preliminary plans will be provided showing the proposed access road alignment and the entire tract of land with all parcels to
bbe accessed by the project delineated / identified and acreage of each parcel Yes EDA Program funding will not be authorized until sufficient documentation suitable to VDOT, of qualifying capital
investment by a qualifying business oper provided to VDOT; OR, Yes
Tn lieu of sufficient documentation of qualifying capital investment, the local government must provide a bond or other acceptable surely to VDOT in the amount of the allocation from the Program which is not yet justufied by qualifying investment, (If surety is required, it must be provided to VDOT prior to utilizing any amount of the project allocation.) NA
Note: Project right of way and utilities (new or adjustment) are not eligible items of work under this Program
Project right of way, 50 feet (minimum) in width, has been obtained by the locality
Project docs not require or include utility work
TERED BY: VDOT PRO + (Please TAB from field to field) (cursor on & ri hiclick & select “U ate Ficld” to calculate Total)
Estimated Project Cost Secsonsbelow pests oly to ppicanon fran expenditure of his Program’s ste funn: A detail project estimate is
; . If locality administers project recy i deteminecligite | Estimated VDOT Project Costs ; seesury i desemine gible ‘ imated Reimbursement to Locally tection be ecommended Utilizing Program funding in Pro. m/(state) fundin
$ 13400 so 071012019 686,800 Submined Reviewed by:_Lonz by: 7 Russell County Administrator ~
arch 2018)
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A. BENTON CHAFIN, R comrree AstCneNs
January 15 2019
‘The Honorable Shannon Valentine Secretary of Transportation
Post Office Box 1475
Richmond, VA 23218
Re: Economic Development Access Program Application Dear Secretary Valentine,
We write in support of Russell County’s application for Economic Development Access funding for an exciting new project coming to the Hansonville area of the county. The Hansonville ‘Agriculture Industrial Development Area is a unique concept in the region that will provide new opportunities for the agribusiness community.
Agribusiness is the number one industry in Virginia and regionally in Southwest Virginia. We have a long tradition of farming and raising livestock that continues today. The new agriculture industrial park will attract new businesses to Russell County create much needed new jobs, and bring new partnerships to the existing agribusiness economy in Southwest Virginia.
The proposed Hansonville Agriculture Industrial Development Park is located within a Federal Opportunity Zone, which will enable the locality to provide additional tax incentives for economic development and the creation of new jobs. The park will greatly benefit both small and large agriculture businesses for the development of new projects while also creating new competitive advantages for the region.
Itis the intent of Southwest Virginia Livestock, LLC to build a 44,000 square foot livestock market within the agriculture industrial park on a parcel of land adjoining US Highway 19, one- half mile south of Hansonville. The market will create twelve new jobs in addition to the hundreds of cattlemen, truck drivers, and farmers utilizing the facility. Additionally, a new meat packing plant located within the property will create thirty new jobs. The agriculture industrial park will also serve as a joint educational project partnering with Southwest Virginia Community College, Buchanan County, Tazewell County, and Russell County.
The area of Russell County in which the park is proposed does not currently have road access 10 US Highway 19. With the Economic Development Access funding, Russell County in
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conjunction with the Bristol VDOT District will be able to create road access to the agriculture industrial park. It is our request that VDOT build this critical road access to the project.
We respectfully request the utmost consideration for Russell County’s application for Economic Development Access funding. The Hansonville Agriculture Industrial Development Park is an
exciting project for the region that will bring much needed economic development, new jobs, and new opportunities for agribusinesses in the region.
Submitted with respect,
Da qo pipege
Senator Ben Chafin legate Todd Pillion Delegate Will Morefield 38" Senate District “Hou ¢ District 3" House District
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Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority
l (Counties of Buchanan, Tazewell, and Russell)
WHEREAS, the Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority (CIFA) strongly supports the designation of the Hansonville, Virginia area of Russell County, Virginia as an Agricultural Industrial Development Area for current and potential future agricultural industrial development projects and initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville, Virginia area is currently located in a Federal Opportunity Zone that enables economically-distressed localities new tax investment opportunities designed to spur economic development and job creation by providing tax benefits to either a partnership or corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area will be very beneficial to large and small agriculture businesses for future development of agricultural projects and initiatives that will create competitive economic development advantages for our coalfield region; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agriculture Industrial Development Area will provide incentives for private businesses, partnerships, and corporations to
locate their agricultural enterprises in the affected area, provide capital tax
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investment advantages, and improve our economy by creating employment opportunities for the coalfield region; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area will enable the coalfield region to capitalize on the skills and talents of our agricultural workforce while improving local business creation and enhance opportunities for agricultural businesses; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area will create economic development in our coalfield region by identifying agricultural business strategies that can benefit entrepreneurs. We believe the agricultural industrial development designation is an excellent alignment with our plans of agricultural economic development in Southwest Virginia; and
NOW THEREFORE, the Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority strongly supports the Hansonville Agricultural industrial Development Area for the purpose of increasing economic development opportunities while providing tax incentives for businesses that invest in agricultural businesses while creating
employment opportunities for our coalfield region.
RESOLVED this 8" day of November 2018, by the following vote:
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Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority (Counties of Buchanan, Tazewell, and Russell)
Recorded Vote: Moved by: David Eaton Seconded by: _ Travis Hackworth
Yeas: 6 Nays:
Lonyo Leiter
Lonzo Lester, MBA, VCO, CPC Cumberland industrial Facilities Authority Administrator
foe Gore Buck
Joe Gary Street, Chairman Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority
Page A10
Page A11
Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”
Mark Mich David Eaton At Large Bistlet 4 Lou Ann Wal ace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson Steve Breeding District 2 Distet 6 District 5 Cari Rhea ‘Tim Lovelace, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester Distt 3 District 1 County Administrator
WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors fully supports the designation of the Hansonville, Virginia area of the County as an Agricultural Industrial Development Area for current and potential future agricultural Industrial development projects and initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville, Virginia area is currently located in a Federal Opportunity Zone that enables economically-distressed localities new tax investment opportunities designed to spur economic development and job creation by providing tax benefits to either a partnership or corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area will be very beneficial to large and small agriculture businesses for future development of agricultural projects and initiatives that will create competitive economic development advantages for our County; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agriculture Industrial Development Area will provide incentives for private businesses, partnerships, and corporations to locate their agricultural enterprises in the affected area, provide capital tax investment advantages, and improve our economy by creating employment
opportunities for the County; and
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8012 ‘
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Page A12
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area will enable the County to capitalize on the skills and talents of our agricultural workforce while improving local business creation and enhance opportunities for agricultural businesses; and
WHEREAS, the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area will create economic development in our County by identifying agricultural business strategies that can benefit entrepreneurs. We believe the agricultural industrial development designation is an excellent alignment with our plans of agricultural economic development in Southwest Virginia; and
NOW THEREFORE, the Russell County Board of Supervisors fully supports the Hansonville Agricultural Industrial Development Area for the purpose of increasing economic development opportunities while providing tax incentives for businesses that invest in agricultural businesses while creating employment
opportunities for our County.
RESOLVED this 8 day of November 2018, by the following vote: Recorded Vote: Moved by: David Eaton
Seconded by: _Steve Breeding
Yeas 7 Nays: 0
rae ot Chairperson
Russell County, Virginia
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011 www.
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Page A13
Virginia Cooperative Extension g Poh roleehenioesineh @BVirginiaTech GI
and Life Sc ences
Cothy Sutphin, PhO Asso late Director
415 Hutcheson Hat (0908)
Blacksburg, VA 24081
{540-231 6372 ~ phone 540-231-0762 — fax
November 7, 2011
The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification
and Community Revitalization Commission 701 E. Franklin Street, Suite 501 Richmond, Virginia 23219
Dear Selection Committee,
| write in support of the funding application which would establish the Southwest Livestock Center. The agricultural producers in Southwest Virginia have developed a strong collaborative working relationship and have sought educational programming, and mentorship through Virginia Cooperative Extension. The producers would now like to extend their joint work to cooperatively market their products. In order for this to be feasible, the producers need a livestock center that is easily accessed by the producers.
The Southwest Center will work cooperatively with the Virginia Cattleman’s Association to offer a wide range of marketing venues and tools for local producers of cattle, sheep, and goats. In addition to marketing, the Center can serve as a regional educational facility simitar to the new facility in Dickenson County.
By enabling our producers to work together more efficiently, we increase their ability to adopt new practices through the production cycle including marketing. This will not only improve the quality of the product produced but also the profitability of the individual producer. Producers will also reduce their marketing costs by selling their products through the Southwest Livestock Center. The Southwest Livestock Center will also provide a boost to the local economy and serve as an agricultural hub for the community.
We appreciate your consideration of this request.
Coty IM. Setphend
Cathy M. Sutphin, PhD. Interim Associate Director, ANR
Virginia Cooperative Extension aN (5. & a, wuwextvtedy wep Extension isa joint program of Viginia Tech Virginia State University the US Department of Agicutue, and stata and local avernments J _=> ‘iain Cooparaive Etesion programe and arpoyment are open ol regardless ore, cle, onl ogi 4, ron ge, diy,
altel batets, sexual entaon oF mara or fay sala An equal opperuniyaimatve acton empoye.
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Page A14
P) P.O. Box 697 Lebonon, VA 24266
November 2, 2011
The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission 701 E Franklin Street, Suite 501
Richmond V rginia 23219
Committee Members
The Russell County Catt emen s association supports the development of The Southwest Virginia Livestock Center - a marketing fac ty in the Hansonvile area of Russel County Furthermore t is hoped that the fac ity design wil conta n an area wh ch can be used for educationa purposes for area farmers
Thank you for your consideration of this request If | can provide any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
J. Bruce Wamer President, RCCA
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October 7, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
1am writing this letter on behalf of the Southwest Virginia Angus Association in support of the establishment of a full-service livestock facility in Hansonville, Virginia.
The convenient location as well as the added competition this facility will contribute to the market place will make it an efficient asset to many livestock
producers in the southwest Virginia area.
Chris Lawson, President Southwest Virginia Angus Association
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a hemeinheainand ete Se encinineen nents Rox Wu Lebanor va 24266 276 BRE O41
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Whur It May Concer
1th vertteng fo you in \uppON! Of che prenoseu Sc ulnousst Lavestock Gener project whie’ would elude 4 Investock/auction market to av wocatéd in Rus al “aunty
AgricuTture 1s and nas always heen a majar contributor to tne aeonomy oF Nusselt Caumy with apernemately $24 milion om annual sales 88.903 m res.are tarmed in Russel County
Has. or ny M
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revenue il would appear to me that this 14
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{12 for the Champer oF Commerce ana iis. Lat me
sublli@ss, ELONGeNE devefapment atia the generatin s
Simcerely, Fda Mia tak,
Linda Marshall ixweulive Director
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Page A17
October 5, 2011
‘To Whom It May Concern:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Russell County Farm Bureau, we fully support the establishment of full-service livestock center tivestock center in Hansonville, Virginia
The location is centrally located to serve livestock producers throughout Southwest Virginie and especially our five-county valley on the north side ef Clinch Mountain.
‘The livestock center will be cony entent in saving distance of trucking and loss of weight during wansport The facility will also provide additional competition in the market place for commi and price receiv ed.
Ang ol Rewamenbe
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Page A18
} corneen
Intp vedp maps aris com app_webapprewer made hunt 14 BF7eS30 02406: Ia tb40N0357
Page A18
Page A19
DATE: October 30, 2018
TO: Russell County Board of Supervisors FROM: Southwest Livestock, LLC Ladies and Gentlemen:
Itis the intent of Southwest Virginia Livestock, LLC to build a 44,000 square foot livestock market on a 10-acre parcel adjoining US Hwy 19, one-half mile South of Hansonville, VA.
Grading on the site will begin immediately upon VDOT approval of the proposed access road to and from the site. Itemized preliminary budget is attached.
Target date for opening the project is August 2019,
‘The facility will employ 12 people, plus 100’s of cattlemen and truck drivers using the facility The market will also support 30 new people for a meat packing plant to be situated % mile North of the livestock market. We respectfully request VDOT to build a frontage access road to be used by employees farmers, buyers and truck drivers.
The facility will be used for a weekly livestock sale, special sales including Virginia Cooperative Extension Services graded sales, special cow/heifer sales, production sales, real estate sales, and educational seminars,
Southwest Virginia Community College, Buchanan County, Tazewell County and Russell County Joint Industrial Development Authority are working on plans to utilize balance of the property as an Agricultura Industrial Park,
‘Additional information will be made available upon request.
‘Thanking you, sincerely,
David A. Leonard Partner
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Page A20
$o th ost Livestock, LLC.
US. Highway 19 Hansonville, Virginia
2 10+ acres 400 ft. frontage on US Hwy 19…isagadetbston)…$ 450,000.00
} Grading, gravel, pipe, crossover, etc… 250,000.00 $150’ x 270’ building…(ptus covered areas for loading and unloading). 420,000.00 t Sales barn and offices finish out… 225,000.00 {Office furniture/equipment… 30,000.00 t Electronic Information system… 40,000.00 ¢ Pens and working faciliti 100,000.00 t Electrical and lighting. 50,000.00 { Restaurant equipment… 30,000.00 {Livestock handling equipment. 50,000.00 $ Bobcat… 35,000.00 { Well, water lines and 10 automatic waterers. 25,000.00 t Outside fencing. 20,000.00 $ Legal and permits. 30,000.00 t Surveying, planning, drawings. 10,000.00 t Paving…(?). 50,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET … 1,815.000.00
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U.S. Highway 19 Hansonville, Virginia
S OL RS CT { 100,000 shares @ $20/share ¢ Minimum shares to be on Board — 2,500 shares = $ 50,000.00
- Minimum purchase — 500 shares x $20.00 (?) = 10,000.00
(offered to livestock producers throughout Southwest Virginia)
t Minority shareholders select Board members 1 per 2,500 shares
Endorsed by: Russell County Cattlemen’s Association Russell County Farm Bureau Russell County Industrial Development Authority Southwest Virginia Angus Association Virginia Cooperative Extension Service Russell County Chamber of Commerce
ADAM WILSON — 276.608.0026 CHRIS DALE 276.608.2067 DAVID LEONARD 276.964.3553
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$84,200 $172,000 $321,600 $109,000
$700,200 TOTAL $522.54 PERLE
Page A23
qt “oy, JA we? henge se / TT oe Que
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October 30, 2018
Russell County Board of Supervisors 137 Highlands Drive Lebanon, VA 24266
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Tip Top Materials, LLC, is installing a 150-acre facility on the East side of US Hwy 19 at Hansonville, Virginia. We are presently grading, building and preparing a site to create and market limestone, mulches and landscaping products.
The property will include a quarry, truck scales office and sixteen bins for products. Full-time employees on site will be five Drivers to deliver product will be twenty.
The following are investments/budget for equipment, land, and facilities for Tip Top Materials, LLC, 2018:
Land… Office, Scales and Infrastructure.
.$ 620,000.00
77,000.00 200,000.00 32,000.00
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Virginia Depa (434) 951-6310 ‘ines Minerals and Enevay
NOTICE ISSUED BY__ Awgyueent pig Sevens APPLICANT’S NAME__Z7e_ Zao <Watbecwriale. £,
appress__5¢ ates tinal Count Labestar, ll 24266
TELEPHONE NO._ 276-889-2700
Russell County Administrator Name, P.O. Box 121, ‘Address____ 137 Highland Drive
Lebanon, VA 24266
‘State law (Section 45.1-184.1 of the Code of Virginia) requires that land owners within 1,000 feet of a proposed new mineral mine be notified that the operator is seeking e surface mining and reclamation permit from the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy. The surface mining permit must address Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy requirements for regrading, revegetation and erosion controls of mineral mine sites.
In accordance with that requirement _ Zz Zige_Ctfawialy LLL.
(COMPANY NAME) is hereby notifying you that it has applied/will apply for a surface mining and reclamation permit on (DATE). The mineral to be mined is_Zvmes toe.
- The proposed mine is located 4% miles__S@J (DIRECTION)
or, ot Lebanon, VA (NEAREST TOWN) on _{/S/ Lile 5B (ROAD)
(CITY/COUNTY), Tax Map ID No.__ 7947.
Property owners within 1,000 feet of the land proposed to be mined for minerals other than coal may specify objections in writing and request a hearing within ten (10) days of receipt of this notice to: The Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Division of Mineral Mining, 900 Natural Resources Drive, Suite 400, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, (434) 951-6310.
DMM-103 Rev 05/16
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Southwest Livestock, LLG
US Highway 19 Hansonv e Virg nia
t i
LLC mahage weekly livestock sales (Monday)
Cow, bred, open heifer sales — (spring and fall) ~ Buying station — flat fee or $5.00/head — (lease out) ? Purebred Sales
Sort, weigh and load…009. /head
Sort, weigh, load, and use chutes for work… $ /head Farm equipment sales ‘
Land sales — (by appointment)
Miscellaneous sales — (by appointment)
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Southwest Livestock, LLC.
U.S. Highway 19 Hansonville, Virginia 276-889-4252
10 acres - 400 ft. frontage on U.S. 19
Frontage road access along U.S. 19 VDOT $500,000 + % of additional $200,000 if needed
(A). Three counties Regional Industrial Development Authority designated Agricultural Industrial Park at Hansonville , VA. Tax investment advantage through Federal opportunity zone for new tax investment opportunities for partnerships or corporations. (B). Senators and Delegates endorsed ©. 434 individua signed endorsing petition in favor of stockyard eer rom —_rganizations supporting stockyard ~ Russell County Cattlemen’s Association
- Russell County Board of Supervisors
- Russell County Farm Bureau ~ Russell County Chamber of Commerce
- Southwest Virginia Angus Association
- Virginia Cooperative Extension
Latest electronic off-site buyers bidding
Monday auction sale
Buying station possible
Special sales
Bostic-Tucker CPA’s
Abingdon Veterinary Clinic interested
Building like Canton, NC
Ransom Leonard, Manager (276-202-5429) Virginia Tech B.S. Animal Science -5 years experience buying and assembling dairy heifers throughout Midwest. -Organizing and shipping to Russia and Turkey ~ 2300 head per ship load
through Delaware port.
- ‘Stock can be purchased by cash or note to First Bank & Trust Company secured by
signature and Stockyard stock
- Available: 40,000 shares @$20 per share (40% of company)
- Interested in your input for successful management
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yay bape
WHEREAS, it is generally recognized that agriculture represents the number one industry in Virginia, with an annual economic impact of $55 billion; and
Pl (ON
WHEREAS, production of livestock in Southwest Virginia is a vital component to the number one industry of the Commonwealth: and
WHEREAS, the Community of Hansonville, in Russell County, Virginia, is situated in the crossroads of two main four-lane highway arteries, being U.S. Route 58 and State Route 19; and
WHEREAS, it is desired that it be recognized by the undersigned that creation of a livestock marketing center in the Community of Hansonville would greatly facilitate the trade and exchange of livestock throughout Southwest Virginia.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, as evidenced by their signatures hereto, the undersigned do hereby acknowledge their endorsement, ratification and approval for the location of the Southwest Virginia Livestock Cooperative, inc., in the Community of Hansonville, Russell County, Virginia, for the purposes of engaging in the buying, selling and trading of livestock. Each of the undersigned, as evidenced by their signatures hereto, petition the Commonwealth of Virginia, its commissions, political subdivisions and agencies, to lend their support to the creation of the Southwest Virginia Livestock Cooperative, Inc., as a means of furthering agribusiness in the Commonwealth.
WITNESS the following signatures: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME . MIRO) Bede mi tchelf (ai ley
Raber Linde F mutU ns
y Bullet Muth gs Albert Feld s [pe Bayon Helton bet Silice” Berk Sealy YtRE
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The Data Company Inc TDEC
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TO: VCEDA Project Review Committee
FROM: Jonathan Belcher, VCEDA Executive Director/General Counsel DATE: May 22, 2020
RE: Request from Russell County IDA for Modification of TDEC Loan
On 2/20/2020, the VCEDA Board approved a request from the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County (“IDA”) for a $25,000.00 loan from the VCEDA Russell County Account to be used to finance the purchase and installation of equipment, and costs associated therewith, for an expansion of TDEC at 141 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia. The loan was to be due and payable in three (3) years in one (1) lump sum balloon payment, and if there were at least fifteen (15) full-time and/or part-time jobs at the TDEC operation in Lebanon, Virginia on the loan maturity date, then the loan automatically was to be forgiven and converted into a grant. The interest rate on this loan was to be 2.375%, and the loan was to be collateralized by a first priority security interest in the equipment being financed with these VCEDA loan proceeds.
In the process of trying to close this loan, it was discovered that a bank in Maryland has a blanket lien on all of TDEC’s existing and hereafter acquired equipment. This blanket lien made it impossible to close the VCEDA loan. In discussions with the company and IDA on how best to work around this situation, it was proposed as an altemative that VCEDA just make a $25,000.00 workforce development and training grant to the IDA for distribution to the company. The IDA therefore has submitted the enclosed request to ask for this change. Because VCEDA has a dedicated Workforce Development and Training Fund, which is funded from the coal tax credit, there therefore is no longer necessarily any need to fund the request from the VCEDA Russell County Account, which has a very limited available balance.
Motion to (recommend, not recommend, or table to) approve a request from the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County (“IDA”) to rescind the up to ‘$25,000.00 loan approved by VCEDA to the IDA on February 20, 2020 for the TDEC project, and to approve up to a $25,000.00 grant to the IDA from the VCEDA Coalfield Workforce Development and Training Fund to be used to assist with workforce development and ing for the TDEC operation located at 141 Highland Drive in Lebanon, Virginia. The VCEDA Chairman is hereby authorized to execute any documentation associated with the foregoing and this grant.
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Date /_/__
Motion # Member 1 or 24 Member 1 or 2" Dodi, Tony Christian, Donnie Elliott, Carlton Lockridge, Richard Gilmer, Scott Mullins, David Glass, Jarred ‘Sword, Roger Description
Authorize the Chairman to prepare an amendment to VCEDA for the TDEC loan request that was approved on February 20, 2020 to rescind the $25,000 loan request and apply for a $25,000 grant from the VCEDA Coalfield Workforce Development and Training Fund. The Chairman is hereby authorized to sign all documentation relating to this project.
Vote Yes No__
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IDA Disaster Loans
13 requests to date
9 loans completed
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Client Name: Ernie McFaddin Client Company RUSSELL COUNTY IDA
Client Address PO Box 2378 LEBANON VA 24266 Client Primary Phone 276-971-0690
Client Business Email emie@russelicountyida org
Site Name GOVERNMENT CENTER +/- 112,600 SQFT Work Description RE ROOF Site Address: 139 HIGHLANDS DRIVE LEBANON VA 24266
DESCRIPTION: Baker Roofing Company is proposing to provide all tools, labor, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the roofing project on the discussed property in accordance to the specifications contained within this proposal document outlined in the following pages
Baker Roofing Manager Jeff Tolley Primary Phone 540 208 9685 Primary Emait [email protected]
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Upon awarding ofthe contrac setup a pre-construction meeting fo discuss schedule, staging and delivery of material
Load materials onto the oof and set up the necessary safety equipment.
Remove ballast from roof and dispose of properly.
Remove and replace any wel roofing material a a square foot price of $2.65 pending the owners’ appravel.
Remove and replace any deteriorated steel decking a a square foot price of $9.50 pending the owners’ approval.
Over the prepared roof, mechanically fasten’ polyisocyanurate insulation to the deck in accordance with the
‘manufactures specifications.
Over the applied insulation install a new .060 Mechanically Fastened Carlisle or Firestone TPO Roof System.
Flash all walls, projections, penetrations and roof curbs in accordance fo the manufactures specifications.
Install new 24-gauge kynar ished drip edge and coping where applicable. The colors chosen from the standard color chart. Coping on Board of Supervisors Building will be reused.
Install new protective walk pads a the two roof hatches that access the roof.
11, Upon completion ofthe roof project remove, all job-related materials and debris.
12, A 2-year Baker Roofing and a 20 Year Manufacturer warranty willbe issued upon completion.
13, Reuse all gutters and down spouts.
OAR on a
Exclusions Include:
- Removal of Hazardous waste
Custom Colors
Painting of fasteners exposed on the underside of the deck
Disconnecting any roof top curbs that requires to be raised.
Damage to any electrical conduits or equipment attached to the underside of the roof
Delays By Others
Night & Weekend Work
Baker Roofing Company is proposing to provide all tools, labor, equipment and supervision necessary to perform the roofing project on the discussed property in accordance to the specifications contained within this proposal document outlined in the following pages
eitts ope ste
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40% down with monthly progressive payments Please subm! paym nt as soon a8 possible Any aterat on ot deviation from the above specications invoWing extra costs wal be performed only upon written orders and wall become an extra charge aver and above the estimate ‘This proposal does not include any asbestos removal unless specfica yin uded All accounts past due wil be charged 1 §/ interest per ‘month until paid
CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE ‘The above prices terms specications and cond lions are sal sfactory and are hereby accepted Contractor is authonzed to do the work as. ‘specified. Payment vill be made as outined above
{tis acknowiedged by all parties in the agreement tha his roof isin need of repair Saker Roofing Company will make every reasonable effort {locate and alleviate leaks Some leaks may be difficult and tme consuming to locale Latent conditions unobserved deficiencies walls Windows and or weather events could cause Unexpected leaking Leaks can and do travel fom areas nol repalred Baker Roofing Ci ‘warrants epairs fr one year atthe point of repair only The cost of any warranty repair work shall not exceed the original cost of repairs
‘The Owmer confirms that by signing this agreement no existng contract / warranty to which the customer’s @ party is or willbe breached ‘Tris agreement is not binding on Baker Roofing unl executed by an authorized officer of Baker Rooting Contractor may withdraw the above ‘contract f not accepted within 30 days of the Contractor’s signing date
Initial Accoptanco
Contract: $ 424,800.00
Jeff Totey - Sates
tollevaabakerroofna com 540 206 9685 5-5-2020
Pane | Em mall;
Billing Addeess
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BAER Page 4ot 4
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