No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Industrial Development Authority Meetings Agenda Packets 2016-09-08 IDA Agenda Packet

2016-09-08 IDA Agenda Packet

Document Date: September 8, 2016 Document: 2016-09-08_IDA_Agenda_Packet.pdf

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The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia

Agenda Packet Thursday, September 8, 2016 Bonanza Family Restaurant

5:00 P.M.

The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia Agenda Packet Thursday, September 8, 2016 Bonanza Family Restaurant 5:00 P.M.

Virginia Code Closed Sessions 2.2-3711

  1. Personnel
  2. Acquisition/Sale of Property
  3. Privacy of Individuals
  4. Prospective Business
  5. Legal

Virginia Code

Closed Sessions 2.2-3711

ny pe


Acquisition/Sale of Property Privacy of Individuals Prospective Business


September 8, 2016

AGENDA The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County Virginia will hold its regular monthly meeting on September 8, 2016, at Bonanza Family Restaurant, Main Street, Lebanon, Virginia, and beginning at 5:00 PM.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Welcome Guests

a. David Sutherland, Mayor of Cleveland b. Charles Willard (tentative)

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Approval of Financial and Treasurer’s Report
  3. Committee Reports
  4. Attorney’s Report
  5. Old Business

a. Review Loans and Leases b. Daycare c. Adventure Outdoor – Cleveland d. DSS Lease e. Board Compensation

  1. New Business a. Update from Developer’s Meeting & USDA Roundtable b. New Member Orientation

  2. Closed Session as permitted by Virginia Code #2.2-3711

  3. Adjourn Meeting

Attachments a. Debt & Asset Schedule (Page A1)

September 8, 2016


The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County Virginia will hold its

regular monthly meeting on September 8, 2016, at Bonanza Family Restaurant, Main Street, Lebanon, Virginia, and beginning at 5:00 PM.


Call to Order

Roll Call

Welcome Guests a. David Sutherland, Mayor of Cleveland b. Charles Willard (tentative)

Approval of Minutes

Approval of Financial and Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

Attorney’s Report

Old Business

Review Loans and Leases


Adventure Outdoor — Cleveland

DSS Lease e. Board Compensation

New Business a. Update from Developer’s Meeting & USDA Roundtable b. New Member Orientation


Closed Session as permitted by Virginia Code #2.2-3711 Adjourn Meeting

Attachments a. Debt & Asset Schedule (Page A1)

August 11, 2016

The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on August 11, 2016, at the Holiday Inn, Lebanon, Virginia, and beginning at 5:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Becki Joyce, Chairman Roger Sword, Vice Chairman Scott Gilmer, Member Mike Hincher, Member David Mullins, Member Ernie McFaddin, Member

Carlton Elliott, Member

ABSENT: Richard Lockridge

STAFF: Katie Patton, Attorney Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Joey Gillespie, Advisor

GUESTS: Lou Ann Wallace, Board of Supervisors Carl Rhea, Board of Supervisors Jonathan Belcher, VCEDA Jamie Oliver, Holiday Inn David Wallace, Citizen

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:04 P.M.

Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

REPORT FROM HOLIDAY INN Mr. Jamie Oliver reported the Holiday Inn is doing well, and are planning some capital improvements. The Holiday Inn also wants to implement new marketing strategies to capture a larger market share. The Holiday Inn and VCEDA have reached an agreement on the payment terms of the note with Lebanon Inn LLC. Mr. Belcher with VCEDA will give the board further details of the agreement. Mr. Oliver looks for a bright future for the Holiday Inn.

August 11, 2016

The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on August 11, 2016, at the Holiday Inn, Lebanon, Virginia, and beginning at 5:00 P.M.





Becki Joyce, Chairman Roger Sword, Vice Chairman Scott Gilmer, Member

Mike Hincher, Member David Mullins, Member Ernie McFaddin, Member Carlton Elliott, Member

Richard Lockridge

Katie Patton, Attorney Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Jocy Gillespie, Advisor

Lou Ann Wallace, Board of Supervisors Carl Rhea, Board of Supervisors Jonathan Belcher, VCEDA

Jamie Oliver, Holiday Inn

David Wallace, Citizen

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:04 P.M.

Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.


Mr. Jamie Oliver reported the Holiday Inn is doing well, and are planning some capital improvements. The Holiday Inn also wants to implement new marketing strategies to capture a larger market share. The Holiday Inn and VCEDA have reached an agreement on the payment terms of the note with Lebanon Inn LLC. Mr. Belcher with VCEDA will give the board further details of the agreement. Mr. Oliver looks for a bright future for the Holiday Inn.

Page 2 August 11, 2016


Mr. Belcher reported the lease payment agreement Lebanon Inn, LLC previously was based on 50% of net profit, which caused some misinterpretation. The new proposal will increase the regular payment by $1,300.00 per month for a total of $8,900.00 per month. Mr. Belcher asked for a letter from the IDA accepting the terms of the new lease.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Carlton Elliott and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia approving the new lease agreement with Lebanon Inn LLC upon review by the Attorney.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

Mr. Belcher informed the board the utilities grant and building fund loan, for the shell building, is close to expiration and needs to be extended.

Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the attorney to prepare a letter of extension for the utilities grant and the building fund loan.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

Mr. Belcher gave the IDA board an overview of the purpose and vision of


PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. David Wallace reported his desire to install a zip line facility on his property. This project would be in conjunction with Adventure Solutions US. The board suggested possible funding avenues; no action was taken at this time.

Page 2 ‘August 11, 2016

REPORT FROM VCEDA Mr. Belcher reported the lease payment agreement Lebanon Inn, LLC previously was based on 50% of net profit, which caused some misinterpretation. The new proposal will increase the regular payment by $1,300.00 per month for a total of $8,900.00 per month. Mr. Belcher asked for a letter from the IDA accepting the terms of the new lease.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Carlton Elliott and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia approving the new lease agreement with Lebanon Inn LLC upon review by the Attorney.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D, Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

Mr. Belcher informed the board the utilities grant and building fund loan, for the shell building, is close to expiration and needs to be extended.

Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the attorney to prepare a letter of extension for the utilities grant and the building fund loan.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

Mr. Belcher gave the IDA board an overview of the purpose and vision of VCEDA.

PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. David Wallace reported his desire to install a zip line facility on his property. This project would be in conjunction with Adventure Solutions US. The board suggested possible funding avenues; no action was taken at this time.

Page 3 August 11, 2016


Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of July 21st meetings adding a footnote that only two BOS members were present simultaneously.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge


Financial report was presented by Carlton Elliott

Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by David Mullins, and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the Financial Report of August 11, 2016 as presented and to pay all bills as presented with the following additions;

Thermco $669.97

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge


The Attorney reported on the letter sent to Chuck Lessin of Appalachian Biofuels. The letter request the Tobacco Grant money to be returned by August 31, 2016.

The Attorney presented a draft of the Industrial Facilities Agreement with

Mrs. Potts of the Daycare facility to be presented to Tru-Point Bank.

COMMITTEE REPORT The property committee met with DSS to discuss the possibility of increasing the rent by $300.00 per month. The IDA agrees to update the entrance to automatic doors for ADA compliance and other minor repairs.

Page 3 ‘August 11, 2016

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of July 21" meetings adding a footnote that only two BOS members were present simultaneously.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

FINANCIAL REPORT Financial report was presented by Carlton Elliott

Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by David Mullins, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the Financial Report of August 11, 2016 as presented and to pay all bills as presented with the following additions;

[ Thermco [ $669.97 |

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

ATTORNEY’S REPORT The Attorney reported on the letter sent to Chuck Lessin of Appalachian Biofuels. The letter request the Tobacco Grant money to be returned by August 31, 2016.

The Attorney presented a draft of the Industrial Facilities Agreement with Mrs. Potts of the Daycare facility to be presented to Tru-Point Bank.

COMMITTEE REPORT The property committee met with DSS to discuss the possibility of increasing the rent by $300.00 per month. The IDA agrees to update the entrance to automatic doors for ADA compliance and other minor repairs.

Page 4 August 11, 2016

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the Attorney to revise the lease reflecting the raise to $6,700.00 per month.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge


The Chairman will meet with Mr. Bill Kahl of Steel Fab to discuss their future.

AT&T is in need of chairs for a training center in order to hire new employees. The board discussed ways to possibly assist AT&T in meeting this goal.


Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to go into Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code#2.2-3711 (1) Personnel (3) Property (7) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge


Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Scott Gilmer, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

Page 4 ‘August 11, 2016

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the Attorney to revise the lease reflecting the raise to $6,700.00 per month.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

OLD BUSINESS The Chairman will meet with Mr. Bill Kahl of Steel Fab to discuss their future.

AT&T is in need of chairs for a training center in order to hire new employees. The board discussed ways to possibly assist AT&T in meeting this goal.


Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to go into Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code#2.2-3711 (1) Personnel (3) Property (7) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Scott Gilmer, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

Page 5 August 11, 2016


The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

The Roll Vote Was:

Becki Joyce Yes Ernie McFaddin Yes Carlton Elliott Yes Davis Mullins Yes Scott Gilmer Yes Roger Sword Yes Mike Hincher Yes Richard Lockridge Absent


Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by David Mullins, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to adjourn this meeting to reconvene August 29, 2016 at 5:00 PM at the VCEDA conference room.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

Page S ‘August 11, 2016

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

The Roll Vote Was:

Becki Joyce Yes Emie McFaddin Yes Carlton Elliott Yes Davis Mullins Yes Scott Gilmer Yes Roger Sword Yes Mike Hincher Yes Richard Lockridge Absent ADJOURNMENT

Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by David Mullins, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to adjourn this meeting to reconvene August 29, 2016 at 5:00 PM at the VCEDA conference room.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D, Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

August 29, 2016

The August 11, 2016 meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was reconvened on August 29, 2016, at the VCEDA Conference Room, Lebanon, Virginia, and beginning at 5:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Becki Joyce, Chairman Roger Sword, Vice Chairman Scott Gilmer, Member Mike Hincher, Member David Mullins, Member Ernie McFaddin, Member

Carlton Elliott, Member

ABSENT: Richard Lockridge

STAFF: Ben Chafin, Attorney

GUESTS: Jonathan Belcher, VCEDA Chuck Lessin, Appalachian Biofuels Payton Johnson, Appalachian Biofuels Dean Price, Biodiesel 4 Schools

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:07 P.M.

Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

REPORT FROM APPALACHIAN BIOFUELS Mr. Chuck Lessin reported the Tobacco Commission Funds of $210,000.00

have been spent on the project. Mr. Lessin asked the board to request a six month extension on his behalf to the Tobacco Commission. He would like to try to keep the project alive with a partnership with Biodiesel 4 Schools.

Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Ernie McFaddin and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the attorney to prepare a letter to Appalachian Biofuels requesting a letter of credit for the $210,000.00 and a new financial statement. Once this

August 29, 2016

The August 11, 2016 meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was reconvened on August 29, 2016, at the VCEDA Conference Room, Lebanon, Virginia, and beginning at 5:00 P.M.


PRESENT: Becki Joyce, Chairman Roger Sword, Vice Chairman Scott Gilmer, Member Mike Hincher, Member David Mullins, Member Ernie McFaddin, Member Carlton Elliott, Member

ABSENT: Richard Lockridge

STAFF: Ben Chafin, Attorney

GUESTS: Jonathan Belcher, VCEDA

Chuck Lessin, Appalachian Biofuels Payton Johnson, Appalachian Biofuels Dean Price, Biodiesel 4 Schools

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:07 P.M. Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

REPORT FROM APPALACHIAN BIOFUELS Mr. Chuck Lessin reported the Tobacco Commission Funds of $210,000.00 have been spent on the project. Mr. Lessin asked the board to request a six month extension on his behalf to the Tobacco Commission. He would like to try to keep the project alive with a partnership with Biodiesel 4 Schools.

Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Ernie McFaddin and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the attorney to prepare a letter to Appalachian Biofuels requesting a letter of credit for the $210,000.00 and a new financial statement. Once this

Page 2 August 11, 2016

criterion is met, the IDA will then apply for a 6 month extension from the Tobacco Commission.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

COMMITTEE REPORT Roger Sword reported the glass in the shell building is being repaired. The project is 90% complete and is being done under warranty.

The Elliott property on Big Cedar Creek is now available and will be listed on the Virginia economic web sites.


The Industrial Facilities Agreement is final and ready for board approval.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Daycare Center.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge


AT&T corporate will not allow the IDA to grant chairs for the training facility. AT&T is still hopeful in hiring new employees.

The Chairman met with Steel Fab and they are moving some jobs from Wisconsin to Lebanon. The Lebanon plant has priority on all projects, however there is a hiring freeze.

Page 2 ‘August 11, 2016

criterion is met, the IDA will then apply for a 6 month extension from the Tobacco Commission.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

COMMITTEE REPORT Roger Sword reported the glass in the shell building is being repaired. The project is 90% complete and is being done under warranty.

The Elliott property on Big Cedar Creek is now available and will be listed on the Virginia economic web sites.

DAYCARE CENTER The Industrial Facilities Agreement is final and ready for board approval.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Daycare Center.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

OLD BUSINESS AT&T corporate will not allow the IDA to grant chairs for the training facility. AT&T is still hopeful in hiring new employees.

The Chairman met with Steel Fab and they are moving some jobs from Wisconsin to Lebanon. The Lebanon plant has priority on all projects, however there is a hiring freeze.

Page 3 August 11, 2016


The Board of Supervisors would like to swap the land granted to them, in the industrial park, for two acres across from the PSA Building. This property would be used to construct an animal shelter. No board action was taken at this time.

VCEDA reported they have hired four ambassadors to go to trade shows and

bring leads back to the region.

CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Carlton Elliott and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to go into Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code#2.2-3711 (1) Personnel (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge


Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

Page 3 ‘August 11, 2016

NEW BUSINESS The Board of Supervisors would like to swap the land granted to them, in the industrial park, for two acres across from the PSA Building. This property would be used to construct an animal shelter. No board action was taken at this time.

VCEDA reported they have hired four ambassadors to go to trade shows and bring leads back to the region.

CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Carlton Elliott and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to go into Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code#2.2-3711 (1) Personnel (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Scott Gilmer, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None

Absent: R. Lockridge

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

Page 4 August 11, 2016

The Roll Vote Was:

Becki Joyce Yes Ernie McFaddin Yes Carlton Elliott Yes Davis Mullins Yes Scott Gilmer Yes Roger Sword Yes Mike Hincher Yes Richard Lockridge Absent

FINANCIAL REPORT The secretary presented the board with a report of the board’s assets and debts.

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by David Mullins, and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to adjourn this meeting at 8:36 PM

The Vote was: Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

The Roll Vote Was:

Becki Joyce Yes Carlton Elliott Yes Scott Gilmer Yes

Mike Hincher Yes

Page 4 ‘August 11, 2016

Ernie McFaddin Yes Davis Mullins Yes Roger Sword Yes Richard Lockridge Absent

FINANCIAL REPORT The secretary presented the board with a report of the board’s assets and debts.


Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by David Mullins, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to

adjourn this meeting at 8:36 PM

The Vote was:

Yea: R. Sword, S. Gilmer, M. Hincher, C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, D. Mullins

Nay: None Absent: R. Lockridge

IDA of Russell County VA (IDA)

Bank Recap Report

Document Date Range: From: 080116 To: 083116

For All Document Types

Bank Code:



















A FB&T Operating Account


Check Payee Name



Beginning Balance: 270,564.48

8/9/2016 Deposit CASH RECEIPT DEPOSITAR DEPOSIT 7,981.00 278,545.48 8/31/2016Yes

8/9/2016 Deposit DepositGL 132 16,759.69 295,305.17 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Sword, R.PR 000235 000000005 184.70 295,120.47 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Hincher, M.PR 000236 000000011 184.70 294,935.77 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Joyce, B.PR 000237 000000012 184.70 294,751.07 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Elliott, C.PR 000238 000000013 184.70 294,566.37 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Gilmer, S.PR 000239 000000009 184.70 294,381.67 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Carlton ElliottAP 005407 00ELLCAR 116.00 294,265.67 No

8/11/2016 Check Auto Russell County BoardAP 005408 00RCBOS 17,903.33 276,362.34 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Starnes, IncAP 005409 00STARNES 66.00 276,296.34 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto Susan’s Cleaning Service IncAP 005410 00SUSCLE 1,516.00 274,780.34 8/31/2016Yes

8/11/2016 Check Auto ThermcoAP 005411 00THERMCO 669.97 274,110.37 8/31/2016Yes

8/14/2016 Deposit DepositGL 133 13,625.00 287,735.37 8/31/2016Yes

8/14/2016 Deposit CASH RECEIPT DEPOSITAR DEPOSIT 740.00 288,475.37 8/31/2016Yes

8/15/2016 Check Manual Internal Revenue ServiceAP W00040 00IRS 356.00 288,119.37 8/31/2016Yes

8/29/2016 Check Manual BonanzaAP 005412 00BONANZA 48.97 288,070.40 No

8/31/2016 Interest Bank StmntBR INTEREST 24.78 288,095.18 8/31/2016Yes

Ending Balance: 288,095.18

Document Type Summary For Bank Code A:

Number Of Document AmountDocument Type

Checks 12 21,599.77

Deposits 4 39,105.69

Interest Earned 1 24.78

Run Date:

B/R Date:



9/7/2016 10:21:20PM

Bank Recap Report For All Document Types Document Date Range: From: 080116 To: 063116

IDA of Russell County VA DA)

‘enced A FBR Opwatng Acne Beaming ence OSA ‘noun sm06 128200 Poa

IDA of Russell County VA (IDA)

Bank Recap Report

Document Date Range: From: 080116 To: 082316

For All Document Types

Bank Code:



















B FB&T Motel Account


Check Payee Name



Beginning Balance: 282.74

8/8/2016 Check Auto Cumberland PlateauAP 002465 00CPPD 3,247.30 2,964.56-8/31/2016Yes

8/8/2016 Check Reversal Virginia Coalfield EconomicAP 002466 00VCEDA 7,464.84- 4,500.28 8/31/2016Yes

8/8/2016 Check Auto Virginia Coalfield EconomicAP 002466 00VCEDA 7,464.84 2,964.56-8/31/2016Yes

8/8/2016 Check Auto Virginia Coalfield EconomicAP 002467 00VCEDA 2,599.45 5,564.01-8/31/2016Yes

Motel Payment

8/8/2016 Check Auto Virginia Small BusinessAP 002468 00VSBFA 5,287.86 10,851.87-8/31/2016Yes

8/9/2016 Deposit DepositGL 55 18,599.45 7,747.58 8/31/2016Yes

8/23/2016 Check Auto Virginia Coalfield EconomicAP 002469 00VCEDA 4,779.74 2,967.84 No

8/23/2016 Check Auto Virginia Coalfield EconomicAP 002470 00VCEDA 2,685.10 282.74 No

Ending Balance: 282.74

Document Type Summary For Bank Code B:

Number Of Document AmountDocument Type

Checks 7 18,599.45

Deposits 1 18,599.45

Run Date:

B/R Date:



9/7/2016 10:20:39PM

Bank Recap Report For All Document Types Document Date Range: From: 080116 To: 062316

IDA of Russell County VA DA)

‘ean anew: aa DoamentType __—_Mamberot oat Amount ‘noun 97206 102090 Poot

IDA of Russell County VA (IDA)

Bank Recap Report

Document Date Range: From: 080116 To: 083116

For All Document Types

Bank Code:



















H FB&T - Steel Fab


Check Payee Name



Beginning Balance: 7,637.19

8/8/2016 Deposit DepositGL 64 35,145.98 42,783.17 6/30/2016Yes

8/8/2016 Check Auto Town of Lebanon VAAP 002655 00TOL 22,099.16 20,684.01 8/31/2016Yes

8/8/2016 Check Auto Virginia Coalfield EconomicAP 002656 00VCEDA 12,274.38 8,409.63 8/31/2016Yes

8/9/2016 Deposit DepositGL 63 35,145.98 43,555.61 8/31/2016Yes

8/31/2016 Interest Bank StmntBR INTEREST 4.47 43,560.08 8/31/2016Yes

Ending Balance: 43,560.08

Document Type Summary For Bank Code H:

Number Of Document AmountDocument Type

Checks 2 34,373.54

Deposits 2 70,291.96

Interest Earned 1 4.47

Run Date:

B/R Date:



9/7/2016 10:21:46PM

Bank Recap Report For All Document Types

Document Date Range: From: 080116 To: 063116 sont nara coun VA on)

= “Beginning Balance: 7697.19 eer oemevinm a vm

Government Center Rents Collected

Date Description Amount 8/14/2016 WIB 740.00 8/14/2016 3B Consulting 3,500.00

9/7/2016 WIB 740.00 9/7/2016 VA Coal 4,530.68 9/7/2016 Social Serv 6,400.00 9/7/2016 DMME 5,763.64


Government Center Rents Collected

Date Description [Amount 8/14/2016|WiB 740.00 8/14/2016|3B Consulting 3,500.00}

9/7/2016|wiB. 740.00] 9/7/2016|VA Coal 4,530.68 9/7/2016] Social Serv 6,400.00) 9/7/2016|DMME 5,763.64


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