No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings Agendas 2020-05-22 18 00-Russell BOS-Reconvened Meeting-Agenda

2020-05-22 18 00-Russell BOS-Reconvened Meeting-Agenda

Document Date: May 22, 2020 Document: 2020-05-22_18_00-Russell_BOS-Reconvened_Meeting-Agenda.pdf

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Agenda Board of Supervisors May 22, 2023

Russell County Page 1



AGENDA – MAY 22, 2023

BOS Board Room Reconvened Meeting 6:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board





  1. RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance

  2. RC FY 2023/2024 County-Wide Budget


  1. FY 2023/2024 County-Wide Budget Workshop

  2. CSA Supplemental Allocation Request – FY23 Funds



Agenda Board of Supervisors May 22, 2023



BOS Board Room Reconvened Meeting 6:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266


  1. RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance
  2. RC FY 2023/2024 County-Wide Budget NEW BUSINESS
  3. FY 2023/2024 County-Wide Budget Workshop
  4. CSA Supplemental Allocation Request — FY23 Funds BOARD DISCUSSIONS & REMINDERS ADJOURNMENT

Russell County Page 1

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Tim Lovelace Steve Breeding District 1 District 5

Carl Rhea Lou Ann Wallace, Chairperson Rebecca Dye District 3 District 2 District 6

David Eaton Oris Christian, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 4 At-Large County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will hold a “Reconvened Meeting” on

Monday, May 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to hear comments in the Public Hearing concerning the adoption of the “RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance”.

A copy of the proposed RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance is available for review in the Office of the County Administrator at 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during normal business hours.

In addition, the RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance are posted on the County’s Website and on RussellCountyVA App on Google Play Store.

The Reconvened Meeting will be held in the Russell County Board of Supervisors Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 133 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia on May 22, 2023.


Russell County Virginia

“The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Tim Lovelace Steve Breeding District 4 District 5

Carl Rhea Lou Ann Wallace, Chairperson Rebecca Dye

District 3 District 2 District 6

David Eaton Oris Christian, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester

District 4 At-Large Gounty Administrator


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will hold a “Reconvened Meeting” on Monday, May 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to hear comments. in. the Public Hearing concerning the adoption of the “RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance”.

A copy of the proposed RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance is available for review in the Office of the County Administrator at 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during normal business hours.

In addition, the RC Off-Road Recreational Vehicles Ordinance are posted on the County’s Website and on RussellCountyVA App on Google Play Store:

TheReconvened Meeting will be held in the Russell County Board of Supervisors Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 133 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia on May 22, 2023.




WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors desires to promote tourism and

recreational activities for its citizens due to the benefit it provides, and the positive economic

impact tourism has on the community; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors desires to enact this Ordinance

governing the use of off-road recreational vehicles in order to provide a safe, suitable, and appropriate

venue for the enjoyment of such activities within the County, the enactment and enforcement

thereof meeting or exceeding application state and federal laws and which shall be compatible with

any statutes, regulations, rules, and other applicable laws governing the Russell County’s Trail

Systems; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 46.2-800.2 allows for the operation of off-road recreational vehicles

in localities within the Russell County’s Trail Systems.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Board of Supervisors of Russell


A. For the purposes of this Ordinance, “off-road recreational vehicle” shall be defined as: (i) any

vehicle having three or more wheels that is powered by a motor and manufactured of

off­ highway use; (ii) utility vehicles as defined by Virginia Code § 46.2-100; or (iii)

any motor vehicle designed to travel with no more than two wheels in contact with the

ground and is capable of exceeding 35 miles per hour and is a type of manufactured

for off-highway use, commonly referred to as “dirt bikes.”

B. Russell County does hereby authorize the operation of any off-road vehicle within its

boundaries on highways designated by appropriate signs as described herein.

C. Signs whose design, number, and location are approved by the Virginia Department

of Transportation (“VDOT”) shall be posted warning motorists that off-road vehicles

may be operating on the highway.

D. All persons operating or riding any off-road vehicles within the limits of the County shall

be subject to the following rules in addition to any restrictions or limitations imposed

by any other governing body having jurisdiction to impose by any other governing body

having jurisdiction to impose such rules regulations, ordinances, or statutes:

  1. All operators shall limit the operation of any off-road vehicle to only those highways

designated for such use and marked by those signs described herein.

  1. No Person shall drive an off-road vehicle for a distance of more than five (5) miles on any

highway with a posted speed limit of no more than 35 miles per hour.

  1. All persons operating any off-road vehicle shall obey any posted speed limit.

  2. Regardless of any posted speed limit, no person shall operate an off-road vehicle at a

speed greater than 35 miles per hour.


WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors desires to promote tourism and recreational activities for its citizens due to the benefit it provides, and the positive economic impact tourism has on the community; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors desires to enact this Ordinance governing the use of off-road recreational vehicles in order to provide a,s@fé suitable, and appropriate venue for the enjoyment of such activities within the County, the rent and enforcement thereof meeting or exceeding application state and federal laws. shall be compatible with any statutes, regulations, rules, and other applicable laws gov ell County’s Trail ‘Systems; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 46.2-800.2 allo
in localities within the Russell County’s Trail Sys|

le operation of off-road fecreational vehicles.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND EN) ard of Supervisors of Russell

County: ‘A. For the purposes of this Ordi vehicle" shall be defined as: (i) any vehicle having three or more a motor and manufactured of

off highway use; (ii) utility ve

les per hour and is a type of manufactured to as "dirt bikes.”

lowing rules in addition to any restrictions or limitations imposed jing body having jurisdiction to impose by any other governing body

having to impose such rules regulations, ordinances, or statutes:

  1. All operators shall limit the operation of any off-road vehicle to only those highways designated for such use and marked by those signs described herein.

  2. No Person shalll drive an off-road vehicle for a distance of more than five (5) miles on any highway with a posted speed limit of no more than 35 miles per hour.

  3. All persons operating any off-road vehicle shall obey any posted speed limit.

  4. Regardless of any posted speed speed greater than 35 miles per hour.

, No person shall operate an off-road vehicle at a

  1. Any person operating any off-road vehicle on the highways in Russell County shall obey

all rules of the road applicable to other motor vehicles.

  1. All persons operating or riding any off-road vehicle shall wear a helmet of a type approved by

the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police.

  1. All persons operating or riding any off-road vehicle shall wear eye protection of a type

approved by the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police for use by motorcycle operators.

  1. All persons operating any off-road vehicle shall limit such operation to daylight hours only.

  2. All persons operating any off-road vehicle shall be a licensed driver or shall be otherwise

accompanied by a licensed driver who is either occupying the same vehicle or occupying

another vehicle within a prudent distance.

  1. No person shall operate any off-road vehicle if his driver’s license, whether issued by the

Commonwealth of Virginia or by another jurisdiction, has been suspended or revoked.

  1. Operation of an off-road recreational vehicle as provided in this Ordinance shall be subject to

the issuance of a permit from the County.

  1. Any person operating an off-road vehicle shall carry ATV liability insurance coverage, or, in

the alternative, sign a waiver of liability on the permit application form.

  1. No person shall be allowed to operate any off-road vehicle with a passenger on board unless

such vehicle is equipped and designated by the manufacturer to be operated with more than

one rider.

  1. Any off-road vehicle shall be in safe running condition and shall have all factory safety

equipment, including spark arrestors, installed and in visible working condition. Any person

in violation of this section shall be fined as provided in Virginia Code §46.2-1003.

  1. Any Person operating an off-road vehicle shall operate such vehicle in a safe manner.

  2. The Russell County Sheriff’s Department and any other valid law enforcement authority

shall be authorized to issue citations to any person violating the foregoing provisions of this

Ordinance. In addition, such law enforcement authority shall be hereby authorized to revoke

and remove trail permits when multiple violations of this Ordinance or of the traffic laws of

Russell County or the Commonwealth of Virginia have occurred.

  1. Any violation of the foregoing provisions of this Ordinance which are also a violation of Title

                18.2 or Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia shall be punishable by a civil penalty of not more than 


ADOPTED this the day of 2023.


Lonzo Lester, Clerk Lou Ann Wallace, Chairperson

  1. Any person operating any off-road vehicle on the highways in Russell County shall obey all rules of the road applicable to other motor vehicles.

  2. All persons operating or riding any off-road vehicle shall wear a helmet of a type approved by the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police.

  3. All persons operating or riding any off-road vehicle shall wear eye protection of a type approved by the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police for use by motorcycle operators

  4. All persons operating any off-road vehicle shall limit such of to daylight hours only.

  5. All persons operating any off-road vehicle shall be accompanied by a licensed driver who is either of @ vehicle or occupying another vehicle within a prudent distance.

  6. No person shall operate any off-road vehi r issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia or by another

  7. Operation of an off-road recreational vehicle the issuance of a permit from the County.

this Ordinance shall be subject to

liability insurance coverage, or, in ation form.

a passenger on board unless er to be operated with more than

fations to any person violating the foregoing provisions of this , such law enforcement authority shall be hereby authorized to revoke its when multiple violations of this Ordinance or of the traffic laws of Commonwealth of Virginia have occurred.

  1. Any viola the foregoing provisions of this Ordinance which are also a violation of Title 18.2 or Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia shall be punishable by a civil penalty of not more than $500.00.

ADOPTED this the day of 2028.


Lonzo Lester, Clerk Lou Ann Wallace, Chairperson

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Tim Lovelace Steve Breeding District 1 District 5

Carl Rhea Lou Ann Wallace, Chairperson Rebecca Dye District 3 District 2 District 6

David Eaton Oris Christian, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 4 At-Large County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will be holding a Board of Supervisors Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. to hear public comments at the Public Hearing concerning the
FY 2023/2024 County-Wide Budget.

The meeting will be held in the Russell County Board of Supervisors Board Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia



Tim Lovelace District 4

Carl Rhea District 3

David Eaton District 4

Russell County Virginia

“The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Lou Ann Wallace, Chairperson District 2

Oris Christian, Vice-Chairman At-Large

Steve Breeding District 5

Rebecca Dye District 6

Lonzo Lester Gounty Administrator


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will be holding a Board of Supervisors Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2023, at 6:00

P.M. to hear public comments at the Public Hearing concerning the FY 2023/2024 County-Wide Budget.

The meeting will be held in the Russell County Board of Supervisors Board Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia


Russell County Government Center


137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Bato Rate: 0.1894 Contact Porson: Pam Hendrickson- Wimmer (pamela. [email protected]) 1 of Supplement Requested: We certify thatthe information provided In this request for a supplemental allcation Is accurote, ond thatthe costs within the request were unanticipated and ‘are required costs for specific mandated children pursuant to Section 2.2-5211,¢ ofthe Children’ Services Act. All cases have been assessed, where required, by ‘the Family assessment and Planning Teom and comply with the provisions ofthe Code of Virgnlo, the CSA Manual, and the Appropriations Act, The Supplement Request clcultion Is based on the focalley’s local match rate foreach expenditure code atthe time ofthe supplement request creation.

1 | Date Printed: 5/8/2023 | i


‘actual FY23 Mandated Net

Expenditure | Projected

(excludes | FY23 ‘Tol FY23

| enced oot | Adatonat | acuaterojected

ecatnaten | "“Repor” | expenditure | “Expenditure i

Rate @ e Grbac) { CONGREGATE CARE / MANDATED RESIDENTIAL SERVICES [este ae Eero incense ein y ! ] ‘Congresate Care; 2967 500.00 | | pool expenditures for costs not covered by IE (L…, one $se000; [9 | fon oom-and-board) |b. | Foster Care - al others nLicenied Resdentat - Fame caret oaser | sies.as7.0 | | “e,|ResdentalCongreqate Care ~ CSA Parental oase7. 0.00 | Agreements; 035 Noncustodal Agreements 7 $00 C9 Te. | Educational Services -Congregate Care 0.1096 $157,253.80 1 | CONGREGATE CARE” MANDATED RESIDENTIAL “Schone SERVICES SUBTOTAL $325,608.40] $183,724.09 $509,412.40] $113,139.81] $39672.59 {Sum of oes taeibtcote) | 2, OTHER MANDATED SERVICES Ta. | Weatment Foster Care VE 0.1894] $603,575.14 ev1.a35.a4] $953,761 3658 )73.56 22.1 | Treatment Foster Care 0.1894] 091,071.88] $168,769.01] §722p02.87 Ta | Treatment Foster Care - CSA Parental Agreement 00 00! $0.00 3S Noncustocal Agreements C4 %. $0001 ae | Specaied Foster Care - 18; Community Based 1094 0.00 00 Services oe) s000/ C9) % 2.1 | Specaized Foster Care 0.1694 $0.00/ (—9] $0.00 $0.00 7e,| Fart Foster Care = WE; Community Based Services [el ee) ‘a, | Famiy Foster Care Maintenance ~ ~ ca] $0.00 2x. | Famiy Foster care - chidren receiving maintenance —_ coal Sed taste netics poymentss narpansent tag $96,903.89| $18,368.75) $7815.14 Stipend/Arrangements 2et. | State Kinship Guardianship 0.1894 30.00 [9 $0.00 $0.00 ez. | Federal Kinship Guardianship 0.1894 $0.00] [9] | $0.00 0.00 2t.[ Community-Based Services o.ova7| $09,392.22 $108,225.22] $10,248.99 241 | Community Tansten Services Direct Fail Services : eco) (S00 te Tanston from Resident to Community sonar soo) C9 $0.00 $0.00 74| Special Education Private Day Placement 0.1804] $96,381.67 $146,383.67] $27,725.07 Psychiatrie Hosplal/ Criss Stabitzation Uns 0.1894 30.00 30.00] $0.00 1 | OTWER MANOATED SERVICES SUBTOTAL ~~ ; Lee Gumot tines $1,675)626.46

Bada o282+200

[ther =e ° i 20 | $709,384.00 | $2,563,912.20 {Unet = Unet) [suaseasean| ton assco] “s

swans) topes

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Steve Breeding Highlight

Comments*: Since the first Supplemental Allocation Request for funds was submitted on 11/10/22, there have been 12 adaltionalchitéren who entered foster care, 2 who had to be re-opened for services, and {rel trom the school system.

Page 2 - CSA Supplemental Allocation Request Form — FY23

Date Created: 5/8/2023 Date Printed: 5/8/2023 Localty(FIPS): Russet (167) Base Rate: 0.1894

‘Contact Person: Pam Hendrickson Wimmer ([email protected])

1 of Supplement Requested:

We certify thatthe Information provided tn this request for o supplemental allocation Is accurate, ond thatthe costs within the request were unanticipated and ore’ costs for specific mandated children pursuant to Section 2.2-5211,C ofthe Children’ Services Act. All cases have been assessed, where required, by the Family assessment ond Planning Team and comply with the poisons of the Code of Virginio, the CSA Manual, and the Appropriations At. The Supplement Request colculation is based on the locality’s local match rate for each expenditure code atthe time ofthe supplement request creation.


‘This includes mandated and non-mandated pool funds avatlable. | Current Non-Mandated Protected Amount:

a_i rr Curren Total Pool Aoctin: | i SORE AS ccnp an cen oy spproved supplemental allocatlons/adjustments. $2,350,6 al $438,816.96 | $1,912,068.11 |

‘Total dolar amount of current non-mandated protected funds, $31,345.00 C._ | Non-Mandated Costs: ano Amount of Actual Non-Mandated expenditures. (RESIDENTIAL/CONGREGATE CARE) :

‘er, | Nommandated Costs: ‘Amount of Actual Non-Mandated expenditures. (COMMUNITY BASED)

D. | Unused Non-Mandated Protected Funds Avalab ~| (Cine B Line C= Line Ct) | 1

| Mandated Funds Available: ‘Ths number represents the existing allocated funds avalable forthe mandated population, (Une A Lie B + Line 0)

F__ [Net Projected Mandated Expenditure (without WRAP) (excluding pended reports) (From Page 1, Line tt)

w 1 | s213,027.13

otal | $1,854,558.20 eats) rsou28.0

Ne 1 bon | gyonasaco ssrssas|

  • Line L - Line M) |

TAPORTANT Actual signatures on the cover page are required on local documentation. Documentation must be maintained which supports the supplemental allocation being requested ts ony for mandated (or "sum sufficient’) children. That reasonable projections have been made to estimate the amount of Supplemental funds needed.

All thrae columns of tine L and ine W should be greater than $50 fora successful Submit. This supplemental request doesnot reflect WRAP-Around Funds ‘or WRAP-Around Expenditures. A separate funding request form specifc to WRAP-Around funds must be used to request additional Wrap-Around funding.


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