No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings Agenda Packets 2022-01-03 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

2022-01-03 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

Document Date: January 3, 2022 Document: 2022-01-03_17_00-Russell_BOS-Regular_Meeting-Packet.pdf

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Agenda Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022

Russell County Page 1




BOS Board Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board





ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING…………………………………………………………………A-1

  1. Election of Chairman

  2. Election of Vice-Chairman

  3. Clerk of Board and Deputy Clerk

  4. Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order

  5. Adoption of County’s By-Laws

  6. 2022 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Schedule

  7. Board of Supervisors FY 22/23 Budget Meeting Schedule

Agenda Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022



BOS Board Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL - Clerk of the Board




  1. Election of Chairman

  2. Election of Vice-Chairman

  3. Clerk of Board and Deputy Clerk

  4. Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order

  5. Adoption of County’s By-Laws

  6. 2022 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Schedule

  7. Board of Supervisors FY 22/23 Budget Meeting Schedule

Russell County Page 1

Agenda Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022

Russell County Page 2


  1. Dr. Norman Rexrode – Russell County Lifetime Achievement Award

PRESENTATIONS – (Limited to 5 Minutes)…………………………………………………………………C-1

  1. RC PSA – Cuba Porter & Clarence “Bud” Phillips

  2. Litter Ordinance – Greg Hancock


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the
    following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors….……………D-1

a. Unapproved minutes of December 6, 2021

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented

for payment………………………………………………………………………………D-2

  1. Approval of 2022 Authorized Payments. Authorization of the list of routine monthly payments for delegated authorization……………….…………D-3

  2. Committee Appointments for Board Consideration………………………………D-4

Budget/Finance Committee

Rebecca Dye One-Year Term

Tim Lovelace One-Year Term

Finney Community Center

David Compton Two-Year Term Edward Tiller Two-Year Term

CITIZEN’S COMMENT PERIOD (Limited to 3 Minutes)



  1. Noise Ordinance

  2. RC Employee Insurance Retirement Program

  3. CIFA Executive Director Contract

Agenda Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022


  1. Dr. Norman Rexrode — Russell County Lifetime Achievement Award

PRESENTATIONS - (Limited to 5 Minutes)…

  1. RC PSA - Cuba Porter & Clarence “Bud” Phillips
  2. Litter Ordinance — Greg Hancock


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors…

a. Unapproved minutes of December 6, 2021

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented for payment…

  2. Approval of 2022 Authorized Payments. Authorization of the list of routine monthly payments for delegated authorization.

  3. Committee Appointments for Board Consideration

Budget/Finance Committee

Rebecca Dye One-Year Term Tim Lovelace One-Year Term

Finney Community Center

David Compton Two-Year Term Edward Tiller Two-Year Term



  1. Noise Ordinance

  2. RC Employee Insurance Retirement Program

  3. CIFA Executive Director Contract

Russell County Page 2

Agenda Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022

Russell County Page 3



  1. 2022 VACo & Virginia Rural Center Rural Caucus Reception………………….F-1

  2. State and Local Economic Interests and Financial Disclosure Statements….F-2

  3. Project Jonah Interjurisdictional Agreement ………………………………………F-3


  1. RC Litter Officer Advertisement………………….……………………………………F-4

  2. DCJS Violence Against Women’s Act Grant ($62,009)……………………………F-5

  3. DCJS 2021 Mitigating COVID-19 Pandemic Risk ($47,189)………………………F-6

  4. RC Sheriff Vehicle Surplus…………………………………………………………….F-7




• Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………………………G • RC IDA …………………………………………………………………………………….H • RC PSA …………………………………………………………………………………… I • Castlewood W&S …………………………………………………………………………J • RC Tourism……………………………………………………………………………….K • RC Planning Commission ………………………………………………………………L • Conference Center………………………………………………………………………M • RC Fitness Center……………………………………………………………………….N • RC Transportation & Safety……………………………………………………………O • RC Cannery Reports…………………………………………………………………….P • RC Building Inspector……………………………………………………………………Q • RC Litter Report………………………………………………………………………….R

Agenda Board of Supervisors


  1. 2022 VACo & Virginia Rural Center Rural Caucus Reception…

January 3, 2022

  1. State and Local Economic Interests and Financial Disclosure Statements…F-2

  2. Project Jonah Interjurisdictional Agreement

REQUESTS 4. RC Litter Officer Advertisement. 5. DCJS Violence Against Women’s Act Grant ($62,009)… 6. DCJS 2021 Mitigating COVID-19 Pandemic Risk ($47,189)… 7. RC Sheriff Vehicle Surplus… BOARD DISCUSSIONS & REMINDERS ADJOURNMENT COUNTY AGENCY / BOARD REPORTS:

Treasurer’s Report. RC IDA. RC PSA Castlewood W&S RC Tourism… RC Planning Commission . Conference Center. RC Fitness Cente! RC Transportation & Safety. RC Cannery Reports. RC Building Inspecto RC Litter Report

Russell County

Page 3


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7)(8) – Legal Discussions concerning RC Public Service Authority (PSA) Legal Matters.

The vote was: Aye:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed, or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace -

Lou Ann Wallace -

Carl Rhea -

Steve Breeding -

David Eaton -

Rebecca Dye -

Oris Christian -


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye:


Motion made by. , second by, and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7)(8) — Legal Discussions concerning RC Public Service Authority (PSA) Legal Matters.

The vote was: Aye: Nay:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the inia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed, or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace - Lou Ann Wallace - Carl Rhea - Steve Breeding - David Eaton - Rebecca Dye - Oris Christian - APPROVAL TO RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION

Motion made by. , second by. and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye:

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Items

137 Highland Drive Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

       Meeting: 1/3/22    6:00 PM 

Organizational Meeting

  1. Election of Chairman

  2. Election of Vice-Chairman

  3. Clerk of Board and Deputy Clerk

  4. Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order

  5. Adoption of County’s By-Laws

  6. 2022 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Schedule

  7. Board of Supervisors FY 22/23 Budget Meeting Schedule

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motions Required.

ATTACHMENTS: • 2022 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Schedule

Board of Supervisors Action Items 137 Highland Drive Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Organizational Meeting

  1. Election of Chairman

  2. Election of Vice-Chairman

  3. Clerk of Board and Deputy Clerk

4, Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order

5, Adoption of County’s By-Laws

  1. 2022 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Schedule

  2. Board of Supervisors FY 22/23 Budget Meeting Schedule

Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion. Suggested Motion: Motions Required.


  • 2022 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting Schedule

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

By Laws Russell County
• Adopted May 5, 2014

Article I Russell County Board of Supervisors, Officers & Their Selection A. There shall be seven (7) members of the Board of Supervisors, six (6) elected for four-year terms by citizen vote of each of the six (6) Districts of Russell County and one (1) member elected at-large by the entire County for four years.

B. The Officers of the Board of Supervisors shall consist of a Chairman and Vice Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

C. Nomination of Officers shall be made from the Board at the first meeting of each calendar year. Election of Officers shall follow immediately.

D. A standing Budget/Finance Committee shall be appointed by the newly elected Board Chairman. This committee shall consist of two (2) Board members and two (2) staff members.

Article II Duties of Officers A. The Chairman shall:
(1) Preside at all meetings;
(2) Work closely with the County Administrator on day to day matters, approve appropriate financial documents, and approve the agenda for all meetings; (3) Carry out such other duties as assigned by the Board.

B. The Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence or inability of the Chairman to act.

C. The Budget/Finance Committee shall be responsible for preparation of the annual County budget and for presentation during a regular or special Board meeting before a vote is taken on the Budget each year. Other financial matters shall be considered by this committee before presentation to the full Board.

Article III Agenda Preparation Policy A. The County Administrator shall prepare an agenda for each regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors, staff, and others may submit to the County Administrator items for the agenda at any time prior to Noon Wednesday of the week preceding the regular meeting to which such item relates. Emergency items will be added as an amendment to the agenda.

B. Copies of the agenda shall be made available electronically for each Supervisor by close of business on Tuesday prior to the Board meeting and an agenda complete with a packet of materials for the Board members and News Media serving the County and the public not later than close of business on Thursday preceding the meeting to which it relates.

Lonzo Lester Underline

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Underline

Lonzo Lester Highlight

By Laws

Russell County

  • Adopted May 5, 2014

Article I

Russell County Board of Supervisors, Officers & Their Selection

A. There shall be seven (7) members of the Board of Supervisors, six (6) elected for four-year terms by citizen vote of each of the six (6) Districts of Russell County and one (1) member elected at-large by the entire County for four years.

B. The Officers of the Board of Supervisors shall consist of a Chairman and Vice Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

C. Nomination of Officers shall be made from the Board at the first meeting of each calendar year. Election of Officers shall follow immediately.

D. A standing Budget/Finance Committee shall be appointed by the newly elected Board Chairman. This committee shall consist of two (2) Board members and two (2) staff members.

Article II

Duties of Officers

A. The Chairman shall:

(1) Preside at all meetings;

(2) Work closely with the County Administrator on day to day matters, approve appropriate financial documents, and approve the agenda for all meetings;

(3) Carry out such other duties as assigned by the Board.

B. The Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence or inability of the Chairman to act.

C. The Budget/Finance Committee shall be responsible for preparation of the annual County budget and for presentation during a regular or special Board meeting before a vote is taken on the Budget each year. Other financial matters shalll be considered by this committee before presentation to the full Board.

Article IIT

Agenda Preparation Policy ‘A. The County Administrator shall prepare an agenda for each regular meeting of the Board

of Supervisors. Supervisors, staff, and others may submit to the County Administrator items

“meeting to which such item relates. Emergency items will be added as an amendment to the agenda.

B. Copies of the agenda shall be made available electronically for each Supervisor by close

of business on Tuesday prior to the Board meeting and an agenda complete with a packet of later than close of business on Thursday preceding the meeting to which it relates.

Article IV Meetings A. The time and place of Board Meetings shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board in conformance with State Law. The regular meeting schedule shall be set at the organizational meeting held in January each year.

B. Minutes from the previous meeting shall be delivered to the Board members with the agenda prior to the next meeting. Unless requested by a Board member, the minutes will not be read and will be approved upon motion and vote of the Board.

C. Order of Business (1) Commencement of Meetings:
At the time established in accordance with Article IV (A) of these By-Laws for the commencement of regular meetings or at the hour specified for continued or special meetings, the Chairman shall call the meeting to order and shall direct the clerk to note the absence of any Board members by roll call. A quorum shall be required for commencement of any meeting.

(2) Agenda:
An agenda shall be prepared by the County Administrator in accordance with Article III under these By-laws. The proposed agenda shall be adopted by the Board at each meeting. The agenda will include under New Business “Reports from Designated Standing Committees”. Should the chairman or any member of the Board have a matter which he or she feels needs to be brought to the attention of the Board but which is not on the agenda, or if there is an amendment to the order of the agenda, he or she may make a motion that an addition or amendment be made to the agenda. Such amended agenda must be approved by a majority of the Board members present.

D. Presentations: Matters to be presented to the Board may be arranged by persons prior to the meetings and placed on the Agenda. The County Administrator must be notified by Wednesday of the week prior to the Board meeting. Any materials to be used for the presentation must be provided and included in agenda packet. Additional materials presented at the Board meeting must be approved by the Chairman prior to dissemination. These presentations are strongly encouraged to be limited to five (5) minutes and when four (4) minutes has elapsed, the Chairman may instruct the speaker that one (1) minute is remaining.

E. Quorum & Method of Voting A majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. All questions submitted to the Board for decision shall be determined by voice vote of a majority of the supervisors voting on any such questions, unless otherwise provided by law. The name of each member voting and how he or she voted must be recorded. Roll Call votes may be requested by any Board member.

F. Procedure for Roll Call of Board Members (1) The Members of the Board of Supervisors shall cast votes in district order on a rotating basis per meeting.
(2) The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall cast the last vote. (3) The Chairman/Clerk shall restate all motions before a vote is taken and the result of the

Article IV


A. The time and place of Board Meetings shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board in conformance with State Law. The regular meeting schedule shall be set at the organizational meeting held in January each year.

B. Minutes from the previous meeting shall be delivered to the Board members with the agenda prior to the next meeting. Unless requested by a Board member, the minutes will not be read and will be approved upon motion and vote of the Board.

C. Order of Business

(1) Commencement of Meetings:

At the time established in accordance with Article IV (A) of these By-Laws for the commencement of regular meetings or at the hour specified for continued or special meetings, the Chairman shall call the meeting to order and shall direct the clerk to note the absence of any Board members by roll call. A quorum shall be required for commencement of any meeting.

(2) Agenda:

‘An agenda shall be prepared by the County Administrator in accordance with Article III under these By-laws. The proposed agenda shall be adopted by the Board at each meeting. The agenda will include under New Business “Reports from Designated Standing Committees”. Should the chairman or any member of the Board have a matter which he or she feels needs to be brought to the attention of the Board but which is not on the agenda, or if there is an amendment to the order of the agenda, he or she may make a motion that an addition or amendment be made to the agenda. Such amended agenda must be approved by a majority of the Board members present.

D. Presentations: Matters to be presented to the Board may be arranged by persons prior to the meetings and placed on the Agenda. The County Administrator must be notified by Wednesday of the week prior to the Board meeting. Any materials to be used for the presentation must be provided and included in agenda packet. Additional materials presented at the Board meeting must be approved by the Chairman prior to dissemination. These presentations are strongly encouraged to be limited to five (5) minutes and when four (4) minutes has elapsed, the Chairman may instruct the speaker that one (1) minute is remaining.

E. Quorum & Method of Voting

A majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. All questions submitted to the Board for decision shall be determined by voice vote of a majority of the supervisors voting on any such questions, unless otherwise provided by law. The name of each member voting and how he or she voted must be recorded. Roll Call votes may be requested by any Board member.

F. Procedure for Roll Call of Board Members (1) The Members of the Board of Supervisors shall cast votes in district order on a rotating basis per meeting.

(2) The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall cast the last vote.

(3) The Chairman/Clerk shall restate all motions before a vote is taken and the result of the

vote shall be announced following each vote.

G. General Rules of Procedure The Board’s Parliamentary Procedures shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th edition, specifically to include Section 49, Conduct of Business in Boards, pages 486 – 488, in all matters not covered by the Board’s bylaws, to the extent compatible with law and the historical practices of the Board. The County Attorney, or his or her designee, shall act as Parliamentarian to the Board. Any questions involving the interpretation or application of Robert’s Rules shall be addressed to the County Attorney. The Board may amend, by Resolution, the rules as it deems appropriate. The following rules shall apply:

(1) Members are not required to obtain the floor before making motions or speaking, which they can do while seated.

(2) All motions require a second except for nominations for appointments to other boards, authorities or commissions.

(3) There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a question, and motions to close or limit debate generally should not be entertained.

(4) Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is pending.

(5) The Chairman can speak in discussion without leaving the chair, can vote on all questions, but cannot make motions unless by consent of a majority of Board members present.

(6) No Board member is required to vote on any issue. If any Board member determines, prior to the calling of any issue before the Board, that he, because of conflict or otherwise, will abstain from voting on such issue, he shall announce such intention at the time the issue comes before the Board and shall not participate in the discussion on such issue or question. An abstention shall be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. An abstention defeats a motion requiring a unanimous vote.

(7) In the incidence of a tie vote, the issue voted upon by the Board is dead and therefore voted down.

(8) If a primary or substitute motion is made at a Board meeting where at least six (6) members are present and the motion is voted on and fails, the same or a substantively similar motion cannot be reconsidered by the Board within the following twelve (12) months except by a primary or substitute motion made by a member of the Board who voted on the prevailing side where there are no less than six (6) Board members present, and only if two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present vote to reconsider the action previously decided.

(9) Only Board members and the Parliamentarian shall have standing to raise noncompliance with these General Rules of Procedure, and only during the current meeting at the time of violation. Failure of the Board to comply with these General Rules of Procedure shall not invalidate any action taken by the Board.

H. Member Absenting Himself from Meeting Prior to Adjournment After the name of any member of the Board has been recorded as present at any meeting of the Board, he shall not absent himself from the remainder of the meeting prior to adjournment unless by consent of the Board.

vote shall be announced following each vote.

G. General Rules of Procedure

The Board’s Parliamentary Procedures shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th edition, specifically to include Section 49, Conduct of Business in Boards, pages 486 - 488, in all matters not covered by the Board’s bylaws, to the extent compatible with law and the historical practices of the Board. The County Attorney, or his or her designee, shall act as Parliamentarian to the Board. Any questions involving the interpretation or application of Robert’s Rules shall be addressed to the County Attorney. The Board may amend, by Resolution, the rules as it deems appropriate. The following rules shall apply:

(1) Members are not required to obtain the floor before making motions or speaking, which they can do while seated.

(2) All motions require a second except for nominations for appointments to other boards, authorities or commissions.

(3) There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a question, and motions to close or limit debate generally should not be entertained.

(4) Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is pending.

(5) The Chairman can speak in discussion without leaving the chair, can vote on all questions, but cannot make motions unless by consent of a majority of Board members present.

(6) No Board member is required to vote on any issue. If any Board member determines, Prior to the calling of any issue before the Board, that he, because of conflict or otherwise, will abstain from voting on such issue, he shall announce such intention at the time the issue comes before the Board and shall not participate in the discussion on such issue or question. An abstention shall be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. An abstention defeats a motion requiring a unanimous vote.

(7) In the incidence of a tie vote, the issue voted upon by the Board is dead and therefore voted down.

(8) Ifa primary or substitute motion is made at a Board meeting where at least six (6) members are present and the motion is voted on and fails, the same or a substantively similar motion cannot be reconsidered by the Board within the following twelve (12) months ‘except by a primary or substitute motion made by a member of the Board who voted on the prevailing side where there are no less than six (6) Board members present, and only if ‘two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present vote to reconsider the action previously decided.

(9) Only Board members and the Parliamentarian shall have standing to raise noncompliance with these General Rules of Procedure, and only during the current meeting at the time of violation. Failure of the Board to comply with these General Rules of Procedure shall not invalidate any action taken by the Board.

H. Member Absenting Himself from Meeting Prior to Adjournment

After the name of any member of the Board has been recorded as present at any meeting of the Board, he shall not absent himself from the remainder of the meeting prior to adjournment unless by consent of the Board.

I. Board to Sit with Open Doors The Board of Supervisors shall sit with open doors and all persons conducting themselves in an orderly manner may attend the meetings; however, the Board may hold closed sessions as permitted by law and when deemed necessary by a majority vote of the Board.

A consent agenda shall be introduced by a motion “to approve” by any Board member, and shall be considered by the Board as a single item. There shall be no debate or discussion by any member of the Board regarding any item on the consent agenda. The Clerk or his/her designee shall provide a brief written summary or memo on each item included in the consent agenda. Upon request of any Board member who wishes to question or discuss an item, that item shall be removed from the Consent Agenda. This item shall be transferred onto the agenda for consideration.

J. Citizens Comment Period
Rules for Citizen Comment Period To ensure that the affairs of the Board and its committees may be conducted in an orderly manner, to ensure that all persons desiring to address the Board on matters pertinent to it are afforded an opportunity to do so, to permit persons in attendance to observe and hear the proceedings of the Board without distraction, and to permit to the fullest extent the Board to conduct County business with minimal disruption, the following rules are established.

(1) Each person desiring to speak during the Citizens’ Comment period on the agenda must provide name and address prior to their comments.

(2) Each speaker is strongly encouraged to limit remarks to a period of three (3) minutes per comment period; when two (2) minutes have passed the speaker may be reminded that there is one (1) minute remaining.

(3) Speakers may not donate their time to other speakers.

(4) Speakers will not be permitted to use audiovisual materials or other visual displays, but may present written and photographic materials to the Board members.

(5) Comments must be confined to matters germane to the business of the Board of Supervisors and shall not be cumulative or repetitive.

(6) Speakers should address the Board with decorum – loud, boisterous, and disruptive behavior, obscenity, and vulgarity should be avoided as well as other words or acts tending to evoke violence or deemed to be a breach of the peace.

(7) The Citizens’ Comment period is not intended to be a question and answer period or time for dialogue with County officials. Questions which are raised during a comment period may at the discretion of the Board be responded to by County officials after sufficient time for appropriate investigation.

(8) Speakers shall remain at the podium while addressing the Board.

(9) Speakers shall not be interrupted by audience comments, calls/whistles, laughter, or other gestures. Individuals in the audience who do not abide by this policy after a warning will be asked to leave the meeting.

I. Board to Sit with Open Doors

The Board of Supervisors shall sit with open doors and all persons conducting themselves in an orderly manner may attend the meetings; however, the Board may hold closed sessions as permitted by law and when deemed necessary by a majority vote of the Board.

‘A consent agenda shall be introduced by a motion “to approve” by any Board member, and shall be considered by the Board as a single item. There shall be no debate or discussion by any member of the Board regarding any item on the consent agenda. The Clerk or his/her designee shall provide a brief written summary or memo on each item included in the consent agenda. Upon request of any Board member who wishes to question or discuss an item, that item shall be removed from the Consent Agenda. This item shall be transferred onto the agenda for consideration.

J. Citizens Comment Period

Rules for Citizen Comment Period

To ensure that the affairs of the Board and its committees may be conducted in an orderly manner, to ensure that all persons desiring to address the Board on matters pertinent to it are afforded an opportunity to do so, to permit persons in attendance to observe and hear the proceedings of the Board without distraction, and to permit to the fullest extent the Board to conduct County business with minimal disruption, the following rules are established.

(1) Each person desiring to speak during the Citizens’ Comment period on the agenda must provide name and address prior to their comments.

(2) Each speaker is strongly encouraged to limit remarks to a period of three (3) minutes per comment period; when two (2) minutes have passed the speaker may be reminded that there is one (1) minute remaining.

(3) Speakers may not donate their time to other speakers.

(4) Speakers will not be permitted to use audiovisual materials or other visual displays, but may present written and photographic materials to the Board members.

(5) Comments must be confined to matters germane to the business of the Board of Supervisors and shall not be cumulative or repetitive.

(6) Speakers should address the Board with decorum - loud, boisterous, and disruptive behavior, obscenity, and vulgarity should be avoided as well as other words or acts tending to evoke violence or deemed to be a breach of the peace.

(7) The Citizens’ Comment period is not intended to be a question and answer period or time for dialogue with County officials. Questions which are raised during a comment period may at the discretion of the Board be responded to by County officials after sufficient time for appropriate investigation.

(8) Speakers shall remain at the podium while addressing the Board. (9) Speakers shall not be interrupted by audience comments, calls/whistles, laughter, or

other gestures. Individuals in the audience who do not abide by this policy after a warning will be asked to leave the meeting

(10) Expressive activities including, but not limited to, petitioning, picketing, displaying signs and posters, solicitation, demonstrating, pamphlet distribution, and conducting polls shall not be permitted within the Governmental Center Building or in any other building that the Board is meeting.

These rules do not preclude persons from delivering to the Board or its Clerk written materials including reports, statements, exhibits, letters, or signed petitions or to prohibit persons from presenting oral or written comments on any subject germane to the business of the Board to individual Board members or to the Board through its Clerk outside the context of the public meeting.

K. Agenda Item Procedure The following guidelines shall be followed for comment addressed to specific agenda items:

(1) In order to prevent obvious questions from consuming Board Meeting time, the Chairman and/or designated person(s) will advise the speaker if a matter is to be considered during some other time during the meeting.

Article V
Procedure for Dealing with Items Not on the Agenda A. All matters not on the agenda must be raised during citizens comment period. Any matter not on the agenda shall not be considered unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

B. For any special meeting, the business to be discussed shall be stated in the call for such meeting. The Chairman or Administrator shall prepare a written agenda listing all items to be considered for every special meeting. No other business shall be discussed or acted upon unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

Article VI Public Hearings A. All public hearings will be advertised in accordance with the Virginia Code. Public hearings may be postponed, continued or canceled at the discretion of the Board.

B. In addition to those required by law, the Board at its discretion may hold public hearings when it decides that a hearing will be in the public interest.

C. The case before the Board shall be summarized by the Chairman or designated person(s). If there is expected to be many speakers on the issue, interested parties wishing to speak must sign the register at the rear of the room prior to the start of the hearing. Each person wishing to speak will be called to the podium by the Chairman or designated person(s) in the order such person signed the register and must state his or her name and address for the record. Generally, each citizen should be provided an opportunity to speak.
Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes, unless waived by the Board.

D. Board Members shall limit their comments in public hearings to insure participation by the public without Board interference.

(10) Expressive activities including, but not limited to, petitioning, picketing, displaying signs and posters, solicitation, demonstrating, pamphlet distribution, and conducting polls shall not be permitted within the Governmental Center Building or in any other building that the Board is meeting.

These rules do not preclude persons from delivering to the Board or its Clerk written materials including reports, statements, exhibits, letters, or signed petitions or to prohibit persons from presenting oral or written comments on any subject germane to the business of the Board to individual Board members or to the Board through its Clerk outside the context of the public meeting.

K. Agenda Item Procedure The following guidelines shall be followed for comment addressed to specific agenda items:

(1) In order to prevent obvious questions from consuming Board Meeting time, the Chairman and/or designated person(s) will advise the speaker if a matter is to be considered during some other time during the meeting.

Article V

Procedure for Dealing with Items Not on the Agenda

A. All matters not on the agenda must be raised during citizens comment period. Any matter not on the agenda shall not be considered unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

B. For any special meeting, the business to be discussed shall be stated in the call for such meeting. The Chairman or Administrator shall prepare a written agenda listing all items to be considered for every special meeting. No other business shall be discussed or acted upon unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

Article VI

Public Hearings A. All public hearings will be advertised in accordance with the Virginia Code. Public hearings may be postponed, continued or canceled at the discretion of the Board.

B. In addition to those required by law, the Board at its discretion may hold public hearings when it decides that a hearing will be in the public interest.

C. The case before the Board shall be summarized by the Chairman or designated person(s). If there is expected to be many speakers on the issue, interested parties wishing to speak must sign the register at the rear of the room prior to the start of the hearing. Each person wishing to speak will be called to the podium by the Chairman or designated person(s) in the order such person signed the register and must state his or her name and address for the record. Generally, each citizen should be provided an opportunity to speak. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes, unless waived by the Board.

D. Board Members shall limit their comments in public hearings to insure participation by the public without Board interference.

Article VII Appointment of Committees Appointments to committees of the Board may be made by the Chairman. Appointments to other authorities, boards, and commissions, shall be made only by member motion adopted by a majority of the full Board. Prior to consideration of the nomination, the nominee shall be notified to determine his or her willingness to serve and to determine if he or she meets the qualifications for such appointment.

Article VIII Duties of the County Administrator The County Administrator shall:

A. Prepare the agenda for each meeting for approval in conformance with the agenda preparation procedure outlined in these bylaws.

B. Keep a written record of all business transacted by the Board.

C. Administer the financial control procedures of the County.

D. Advise and inform the Board on all matters affecting County government.

E. Execute all formal documents authorized by the Board of Supervisors.

F. Provide and supervise all staff services directly under the control of the Board of Supervisors.

G. The County Administrator shall be responsible for all personnel management of the County. Department Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors or Managers will be hired and dismissed with the consent of a majority of the Board of Supervisors.

H. Prepare an annual operating budget for the County government in accordance with guidelines established by the State auditor’s office for approval by the Board of Supervisors. He shall be responsible for maintaining adequate financial and accounting records on all County business under his control.

I. Serve as the Board’s representative in all circumstances where the Chairman, Vice Chairman, or a majority of the Board Members are not available.

J. Perform all other duties delegated by the Board as required by law.

Article IX Amendments A. The Bylaws may be amended by a recorded majority vote of the entire membership of the Board provided that written notice has been given to all members of the Board and a copy of the proposed amendment is sent with the notice, prior to said meeting.

Article VII

Appointment of Committees

Appointments to committees of the Board may be made by the Chairman. Appointments to other authorities, boards, and commissions, shall be made only by member motion adopted by a majority of the full Board. Prior to consideration of the nomination, the nominee shall be notified to determine his or her willingness to serve and to determine if he or she meets the qualifications for such appointment.

Article VIII Duties of the County Administrator The County Administrator shall:

A. Prepare the agenda for each meeting for approval in conformance with the agenda preparation procedure outlined in these bylaws.

B. Keep a written record of all business transacted by the Board.

C. Administer the financial control procedures of the County.

D. Advise and inform the Board on all matters affecting County government. E. Execute all formal documents authorized by the Board of Supervisors.

F. Provide and supervise all staff services directly under the control of the Board of Supervisors.

G. The County Administrator shall be responsible for all personnel management of the County. Department Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors or Managers will be hired and dismissed with the consent of a majority of the Board of Supervisors.

H. Prepare an annual operating budget for the County government in accordance with guidelines established by the State auditor’s office for approval by the Board of Supervisors. He shall be responsible for maintaining adequate financial and accounting records on all County business under his control.

I. Serve as the Board’s representative in all circumstances where the Chairman, Vice Chairman, or a majority of the Board Members are not available.

J. Perform all other duties delegated by the Board as required by law.

Article IX


A. The Bylaws may be amended by a recorded majority vote of the entire membership of the Board provided that written notice has been given to all members of the Board and a copy of the proposed amendment is sent with the notice, prior to said meeting.

B. The Bylaws may be suspended in whole or in part only upon the unanimous vote of Board members present, relating to any matter before it.

B. The Bylaws may be suspended in whole or in part only upon the unanimous vote of Board members present, relating to any matter before it.

                    Board of Supervisors       January 3, 2022 

Russell County Page 1



Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266



6:00 P.M.

January 3rd, Monday

February 7th, Monday

March 7th, Monday

April 4th, Monday

May 2nd, Monday

June 6th, Monday

July 11th, Monday

August 1st, Monday

September 5th, Monday

October 3rd, Monday

November 7th, Monday

December 5th, Monday

Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022



Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266


January 3%, Monday February 7, Monday March 7", Monday April 4", Monday May 2", Monday June 6", Monday July 11", Monday August 1*, Monday September 5", Monday October 3, Monday November 7", Monday

December 5", Monday

Russell County

Page 1

                    Board of Supervisors       January 3, 2022 

Russell County Page 1



Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266


FISCAL YEAR 2022/2023

Date Activity

01/27/22 Letter of Budget Requests to Departments, Offices, & Agencies

02/18/22 Dead-line for Departmental Budget Requests

03/11/22 Budget Expenditures Compiled

03/15/22 Revenue Projections Compiled

03/18/22 Budget Committee Workshop

03/25/22 Budget Committee Workshop

04/04/22 Full Board of Supervisors Budget Work Session

04/11/22 Advertise Public Hearing for Budget and Tax Rates

04/18/22 Advertise Public Hearing for Budget and Tax Rates

05/02/22 Hold Public Hearing on FY 2022/2023 Budget and Tax Rates

06/06/22 Approve Budget at Regular June Meeting

Board of Supervisors January 3, 2022


Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266


Date Activity 01/27/22 _Letter of Budget Requests to Departments, Offices, & Agencies 02/18/22 —_Dead-line for Departmental Budget Requests

03/11/22 Budget Expenditures Compiled

03/15/22 Revenue Projections Compiled

03/18/22 Budget Committee Workshop

03/25/22 Budget Committee Workshop

04/04/22 Full Board of Supervisors Budget Work Session

04/11/22 Advertise Public Hearing for Budget and Tax Rates

04/18/22 Advertise Public Hearing for Budget and Tax Rates

05/02/22 Hold Public Hearing on FY 2022/2023 Budget and Tax Rates 06/06/22 Approve Budget at Regular June Meeting

Russell County Page 1

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Information Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 1/3/22      6:00 PM 


  1. Dr. Norman Rexrode – Russell County Lifetime Achievement Award

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation – Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


Board of Supervisors Information Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266


Meetin: 00 PM


  1. Dr. Norman Rexrode — Russell County Lifetime Achievement Award

Staff Recommendation: Presentation — Informational Only. Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Lifetime Achievement Award

Awarded to

Norman Rexrode, M.D. In Recognition

Outstanding Emergency Medical Service

Commitment to Leadership and Involvement for the Citizens of Russell County

Awarded by

Russell County Board of Supervisors ,CHAR

Presentation for Dr. Norman Rexrode

West Virginia University, Medical Schoo! - 1978

East Tennessee State University Residency & Internship Hospital - 1980

Board Certified in Emergency Medicine

© Became a member of Russell County Medical Staff September 10", 1983

© Served in various positions at Russell County including most recently Secretary/ Treasurer of the Medical Executive Committee.

  • Served as Chief of Emergency Medicine as well as various leadership positions within the hospital.

  • 2010 Mountain States Health Alliance Servant’s Heart Recipient

  • 2021 Governor’s EMS Award for Physician with Outstanding Contribution to EMS ‘Awarded the Frank M. Yeiser Trophy

[email protected]

From: Hilton, Susan M [email protected] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 1:32 PM

T [email protected]

Subject: Dr. Norman Rexrode

Hi Loretta,

Here is some recent information we pulled on Dr. Rexrode. hope this helps!

Thank you!


Dr. Rexrode has been a member of the medical staff at Russell County Hospital since September 10, 1983. Board Certified in Emergency Medicine

Served in various positions at RCH including most recently Secretary/Treasurer of the Medical Executive Committee He served as Chief of Emergency Medicine as well as various other leadership positions within the hospital.

2021 Recipient of the Governor’s EMS Award for Physician with Outstanding Contribution to EMS (The Frank M. Yeiser Trophy)

2010 Mountain States Health Alliance Servant’s Heart Recipient

East Tennessee State University, Residency Hospital - 1980

East Tennessee State University , Internship Hospital - 1980

West Virginia University, Medical School - 1978

Susan M. Hilton Russell County Hospital 276.883.8190 office

This message is from Ballad Health. The contents contained herein may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, printing or action taken on the contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message,

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Information Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 1/3/22      6:00 PM 


  1. Cuba Porter & Clarence “Bud” Phillips

  2. Litter Ordinance – Greg Hancock

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation – Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


Board of Supervisors Information Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266


Meetin: 00 PM


  1. Cuba Porter & Clarence “Bud” Phillips

  2. Litter Ordinance —- Greg Hancock

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation — Informational Only.

Suggested Motion: Board Discretion.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011


276-883-4030 Fax 276-889-2196 e-mail [email protected]

December 21,2021

‘The Honorable Rebecca Dye, Ch Russell County Board of Supervisors Lebanon, VA 24266

RE: Recommendation For The Suspension of Carter McGlothlin, Russell County PSA Board Member

Dear Chairperson Dye:

The Russell County PSA at its regular monthly meeting of December 21, 2021, pursuant to the Bylaws of the Russell County Public Service Authority (Bylaws), voted to recommend to the Russell County Board of Supervisors that PSA Board Member Carter McGlothlin be suspended from serving as a board member. The basis of the recommendation for the suspension of Mr. McGlothlin is pursuant to Bylaws Section 3.8-(3) and (4). Mr. McGlothlin has been investigated by the Virginia State Police for alleged

“ misuse or abuse of Public Service Authority assets…” and “…has been formally charged with a felony…”. Mr. McGlothlin has been charged with a Class 5 Felony and a Class 1 Misdemeanor. A copy of the Felony and Misdemeanor charges are attached as Exhibit No. 1.

Therefore, based on the aforementioned criminal allegations, the PSA Board by formal vote recommended that Mr. McGlothlin be suspended pursuant to the PSA Bylaws Section 3.8-(4) and (5).

spectfull CAS

Cuba Porter Chairman of the Russell County Public Service Authority

Cc: Lonzo Lester JR, County Attorney

Page 01/06


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[x] General District Covet [x] Criminat [ ] Traffic

si) savenile and Domestic Relations District Court


‘TO ANY AUTHORIZED OFFICER: ‘You are hereby commanded ic the mame of the Comroonwealth of Virginia forthwith to’wmest and

Dring the Accused befoce this Court to answer the charge thet the Accused, within this city ox county, con or about 05/24/2021, to. 06/24/2021 dic unlawfully and felosiously in vioiation of Section

_-, Code of Virginia: Dé eonpire combine or conaat with noher whe ane oto, agent, or employee of a ct, town, county, or ofher political subdivision of the Commarmeaih, without lawful aurhorizaion, use or permit he use ofa publ asset or esse fr prvale r personal purposes untelated Io duifes ad olice oF any othe: legate government interes, the vale of the use having exceeded $1,000 in a 12nenth peti,

LL the undersigned, have fouad probable caase to believe that the Accused committed the offense ‘charged, based on the swom statements of

-3U4US Hay 19. Lebanon, VA 24266


21953 | 5 10t

05/28/1953 401-80-4179



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[ ] Commescial Driver’s License { ] Commercial Motor Vehicle [ ] Hazardous Materials


PAL EXECUTED by arresting the Accised named above on iis dy:


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Page 02/06




12/00/2021 14:12


‘Commanwealth of Virginia 1B General District Coun Russell County. (Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Const

Under penalty of pecjury, I, the undersigned Complainant swear or affirm tbat I brve reason to believe that the Accused committed a criminal offense, om or about

__May24,2021 - Jase 24,2021 inte Diy Covey Towa

of Russel!

Tbase my belief oa the following facts: (Print ALL information clearly.)


ACCUSED: Name, Description, Addrese/Location

‘McGlothlin, Dewey Carter _ "AST Ae, PRS RANE, OCEAN

_3114 US Hwy 19

Lebanon, VA 24266

cn Au 7,201, se ved Ral iy be Sei Any ud Guiradeeycwez | fw lalalelsls aladele Gina Mehiewiorindcmszy, tg miptcgtginmgeenea watwetennce | [ecm

/eouipment belonging to Russell County PSA by C.L. Dale Construction, 2 private construction company. MeGlotilin

scknowledged that tie job on which this equicment was utilized was not a Russell County PSA job. McGlothlin

acknowledged that he retrieved this equipment from Russell County PSA and delivered ito C-L. Dale Construction.

‘The equipment and its usage is valued grester than $1,000.

‘The statements sbove are true and accurate tothe best of my knowledge and belief.

In making this complaint, Thave read and fully understood the following:

‘+ By swearing to these facts, Tagree to appeer in court and testify ifa warrant or sumimows is issued. °/The charge in this warcant cannot be dismissed excep by the court, even at my request.

sa Oa

Rose, Michae!D.

Cl Conplainat isnot lawenfercemeat officer oc ‘Animal control office. Authorization prior €o Issuance of felony arrest warrant given by Commonwealth’s stomey Di Law-caforeerent sgency having

Iuradition aver alleged ofense


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Page 03/06





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and Dring the Accused before this Cou to answer the charge tha the Accused, within this city or did unlewfully in viclation of Section

22-3115 __ oe of Vinginix in accordance wih the requre’vens sel orh in§ 22.31 182 he Tembeis ol The govehing body of any _uthotty estabshed in any county o hy, or part or corsinaton threo, ard having the pow o sue bonds oc expend funds hs excess of $10,000’n any fiscal yecr, other than the executive crector and members cf each indistial develoonent auhorly and economic development authority, as crested by fe Indust! Development and Revenve Bond Act § 1524900 et so, shel fie, as 2 condition to assuming otice, disclosure statement of her personal interests and other iforrafion as is required onthe form prescribed by ‘he Councd pursuant lo 223518 and ferealier shall fe such a stetement annualy on ot before February 1, less the goveming body ofthe jurscicon that appoins the members reques tha the members fe the form settoth ing 22-9117.

  1. the undersigaed, hve found probable cause to believe thatthe Accised conanitied the offense

‘charged, besed oo the ewom statements of

Rose,M__VSP. a Execution by summoos CT permitted at officers disesion. OE] not pennined.

ta Geer

  • Complainant.

12/09/2021 14:12

1208/2021 1016 AM ATEAND IMIS Seance asx Bl wacemate Ol mnce CCRE/Fingerprinting Required

castro. CAI Z0olo


3124US Hwy 19 ___ Lebanon, VA 242

To be completed upon service as Sumanons Resting address LL] tame as above

seo [5 Sooo on 401-80-4179


Commercial Diver’s License 1 Commecicl Mowe Vehicle 1 Hazardous Materials


EXECUTED by aresting the Accused named above o|

‘is da.

EXECUTED by summoning the Accused named above on tis day:

IC) Forlegal enitesompeciban indivi, service Parsou to Va. Code $19.2-76

—12Leefer ___to.i7 AM

Shor Offense Description (nota begal definition): Faure to Disetoco

Offense Tracking Number: 4167GM2100003747


Virginia Crimoe Code:



Page 04/08





12/08/2021 14:12


Conséoonswealth of Virginia 2 Genera Distict Cout Russell County __ Ci Swwenile ard Domestic Relations District Court

‘Under penstty of perjury I, the undersigned Complainant swear o-affizm that T have reasoa to believe that


ACCUSED: Name, Description, Addeess/Lacetion

M in, Dewey Carter {he Accused committed a criizal offense, on of about TST ERSTE MEENA February 22, 2021 inthe O1City BCom OTow 3114 US Hwy 19 Lebanon, VA 24266 of Russell I base my belief on the following facts: (Print ALL information clearly.) covecers nara ow rwatnt oo oe ee eo (a August 77, 2001 ap Oxsbe 8,202, thin ageatinlervcwnd Dewey Cater McGlfilin. MGs serves onthe vel wos [ae | |S [fl Russell County Palio Service Authority Board of Dievtom. During thes interviews, McGlothlin sckaowleiged { ovsoans

_ceuployment with C.L. Dale Construction and reociving a $500 per week salary. McGlothlin failed to disclose this

{income on the Stale and Local Statements of Ecomic Interests required 2s a member of the Russell County PSA board,

‘The statements above are true and accurate (o the best of my kmowledge and belief,

In making this complaint, [have read and fully understand the following:

  • By sweating to these facts, agree to appear in court and (estfy if warrant or summons is iesued. '* Thecharge in this warrant canaot be distnissed except by the court, even at my Fequest.

AZ _ po

Rose, Mickaei D._ = aaa as EL ae Srowcus , bate Cow? Setcrbos an RUB PORTA oO fate & ~ BATE ANDI Sandra Cs jax Clwacsmate (]noce

Complainant isnot law-enforcement officer ot ‘Animal control office. Authorization prior to Issuance of felony arrest warrant given by GComnameakh’s scomey TF Lewenforcemeat agency baving

Jorisicsion over allege offense


Russell County
Litter Control and

Disposal Ordinance

§ 17.2-200. Authorization.

This Ordinance is adopted and enacted pursuant to § 15.2-901; Article 2 Waste and Recycling, §§ 15.2-927 et seq and § 33.1-346 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for the purpose of promoting the public safety, health, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the general public, public travel, it is hereby declared to be in the public interest to regulate and restrict the disposal of trash, garbage refuse, litter or other unsightly matter on public highways, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, on private property, and solid waste facilities of the County, including but not limited to convenience centers, transfer stations and solitary landfills.

Sec. 17.2-201. Title.

This chapter shall be know and may be cited as the “Russell County Litter Control and Disposal Ordinance.”

Sec. 17.2-202. Definitions.

For purposes of this ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed by this section.

Administrator means the Russell County Administrator or his or her duly authorized designee.

Ashes means the residue resulting from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other combustible material.

Board of Supervisors means the Russell County Board of Supervisors.

Brush means bushes, briars, branches, leaves and similar material.

Brush, pruning and tree trimmings means trimmings from growing or dead trees or bushes no more than six inches in diameter. Any such trimmings over four inches will not be accepted. These items will only be accepted at the transfer

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Underline

Tracy Highlight

§ 17.2-200. Authorization.

_and Recycling, §§ 15.2-927 et seq and § 33.1-346 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for the purpose of promoting the public safety, health, welfare, convenience

and enjoyment of the general public, public travel, it is hereby declared to be in the

public interest to regulate and restrict the disposal of trash, garbage refuse, litter oF highway or right-of-way, on private property, and solid waste facilities of the County,

including but not limited to convenience centers, transfer stations and solitary landfills.

Sec, 17.2-201. Title.

This chapter shall be know and may be cited as the “Russell County Litter Control and Disposal Ordinance.”

Sec. 17.2-202. Definitions.

For purposes of this ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed by this section.

Administrator means the Russell County Administrator or his or her duly authorized designee.

Ashes means the residue resulting from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other combustible material.

Board of Supervisors means the Russell County Board of Supervisors. Brush means bushes, briars, branches, leaves and similar material.

Brush, pruning and tree trimmings means trimmings from growing or dead trees or bushes no more than six inches in diameter. Any such trimmings over four inches will not be accepted. These items will only be accepted at the transfer


station, with the applicable tipping fee being paid. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Bulk waste means appliances, furniture, bedding material, automobile parts, mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, and carpet.

Commercials establishment means a building or other structure and/or lot or tract of land used for or as a part of the operation of a business enterprise, whether for profit or not, which is not used in whole as a residential unit. For the purposes of this ordinance, any structure which is used by the same owner or tenant for both residential and business purposes shall be deemed to be a commercial establishment, provided however, that if the Administrator determines that a mixed use structure generates a volume of solid waste that does not exceed the average amount of waste generated by a residence in Russell County, then such mixed use structure may be deemed to be a residential unit.

Compacted waste means refuse or waste which has been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means and remains in this state of reduced volume until deposited at the transfer station.

Containers mean any of the following:

  1. Residential Reusable Curbside Receptacle: a receptacle made of plastic, metal or fiberglass with a capacity not to exceed thirty-nine (39) gallons, a loaded weight of no more than thirty-five (35) pounds, having a tight fitting lid, and handles of adequate strength to allow for the container to be lifted.

  2. Non-Reusable: Plastic sacks designed for refuse disposal with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top; securely tied at the top for collection, with a capacity not to exceed thirty (30) gallons and a loaded weight not to exceed thirty-five (35) pounds. Non-reusable containers shall also include garbage compactor bags which meet the capacity and weight requirements for plastic sacks. Both reusable and non-reusable containers shall also be referred to as standard containers in this Ordinance.

  3. Bulk: Bins of metal construction capable of being emptied by mechanical equipment operated by solid waste disposal operators, the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority, the County, towns located in the County and their contractors, generally referred to as dumpsters, which

station, with the applicable tipping fee being paid. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Bulk waste means appliances, furniture, bedding material, automobile parts, mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, and carpet.

Commercials establishment means a building or other structure and/or lot or tract of land used for or as a part of the operation of a business enterprise, whether for profit or not, which is not used in whole as a residential unit. For the purposes of this ordinance, any structure which is used by the same owner or tenant for both residential and business purposes shall be deemed to be a commercial establishment, provided however, that if the Administrator determines that a mixed use structure generates a volume of solid waste that does not exceed the average amount of waste generated by a residence in Russell County, then such mixed use structure may be deemed to be a residential unit.

Compacted waste means refuse or waste which has been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means and remains in this state of reduced volume until deposited at the transfer station.

Containers mean any of the following:

  1. Residential Reusable Curbside Receptacle: a receptacle made of plastic, metal or fiberglass with a capacity not to exceed thirty-nine (39) gallons, a loaded weight of no more than thirty-five (35) pounds, having a tight fitting lid, and handles of adequate strength to allow for the container to be lifted.

  2. Non-Reusable: Plastic sacks designed for refuse disposal with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top; securely tied at the top for collection, with a capacity not to exceed thirty (30) gallons and a loaded weight not to exceed thirty-five (35) pounds. Non-reusable containers shall also include garbage compactor bags which meet the capacity and weight requirements for plastic sacks. Both reusable and non-reusable containers shall also be referred to as standard containers in this Ordinance.

  3. Bulk: Bins of metal construction capable of being emptied by mechanical equipment operated by solid waste disposal operators, the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority, the County, towns located in the County and their contractors, generally referred to as dumpsters, which


have a capacity of at least two and not more than eight cubic yards. Also included are large capacity roll on dumpsters.

Curbside means that portion of the street or highway right of way adjacent to the paced or traveled portion of a primary or secondary roadway as established by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Contractor means the person with whom Russell County may contract for the collection of solid waste generated within Russell County, however nothing shall be deemed to require the County to contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste. In the event that the County shall contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste, then the term “Contractor” shall be substituted for Russell County where appropriate in the Ordinance.

Convenience Center means a collection point designated and operate by Russell County at which designated solid waste may be deposited.

County the term “County” shall be deemed to refer to Russell County unless the text of the Ordinance specifically refers to some other county.

Disposal means the storage, collection, disposal or handling of refuse.

Garbage means discarded materials composed of animal, vegetable or other organic matter.

Litter means any solid waste that is disposed of as prohibited herein or allowed to be carelessly discarded or scattered about in unsightly matter. Litter shale include, but not be limited to, garbage, trash, refuse and rubbish as referred to within the Ordinance.

Litter bag means a bag or sack, of durable material, which is large enough to serve as a receptacle for litter inside a vehicle or watercraft which is similar in size and capacity to a state approved litter bag.

Litter receptacle means a container with a capacity of not less than ten gallons constructed of such quality as to maintain the original shape when placed at an outdoor location; reasonably resistant to rust and corrosion; and placed for use as a depository for litter. Appliances (refrigerators, etc.) cannot be used as litter receptacles.

Open dump means a site on which any solid waste is placed, discharged, deposited, injected, dumped, or spilled, so as to create a nuisance or so as to pose within the

Tracy Underline

Tracy Highlight

have a capacity of at least two and not more than eight cubic yards. Also included are large capacity roll on dumpsters.

Curbside means that portion of the street or highway right of way adjacent to the paced or traveled portion of a primary or secondary roadway as established by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Contractor means the person with whom Russell County may contract for the collection of solid waste generated within Russell County, however nothing shall be deemed to require the County to contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste. In the event that the County shall contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste, then the term “Contractor” shall be substituted for Russell County where appropriate in the Ordinance.

Convenience Center means a collection point designated and operate by Russell County at which designated solid waste may be deposited.

County the term “County” shall be deemed to refer to Russell County unless the text of the Ordinance specifically refers to some other county.

Disposal means the storage, collection, disposal or handling of refuse.

Garbage means discarded materials composed of animal, vegetable or other organic matter.

Litter bag means a bag or sack, of durable material, which is large enough to serve as a receptacle for litter inside a vehicle or watercraft which is similar in size and capacity to a state approved litter bag

Litter receptacle means a container with a capacity of not less than ten gallons constructed of such quality as to maintain the original shape when placed at an outdoor location; reasonably resistant to rust and corrosion; and placed for use as a depository for litter. Appliances (refrigerators, etc.) cannot be used as litter receptacles.

Open dump means a site on which any solid waste is placed, discharged, deposited, injected, dumped, or spilled, so as to create a nuisance or so as to pose within the




determination of the Administrator for substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment, including the pollution of air, land, surface water or ground water. A disposal facility operation without all permits required by the state and/or federal governments shall be considered an open dump.

Operator means the person responsible for the overall operation and site management of a solid waste facility.

Owner means the person, corporation, or other legal entity in whom is vested the title to and interest in the land on which a solid waste management facility is located; the person, corporation or other legal entity in whom is vested title to and interest in the land upon which a residence, residential unit, multi-unit residential unit, commercial establishment or industry is located.

Permit means the written permission issued by the state or federal government to own, operate, or construct a solid waste management facility; and any licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance.

Person means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, a governmental body, a municipal corporation, or any other legal entity.

Recycling means the process of separating a given waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it is used again as a raw material for a product, which may or may not be similar to the original thereof.

Refuse means discarded waste materials in a solid or semi-solid state, consisting of garbage, rubbish, or a combination thereof.

Residential unit means a group of rooms located within a building and forming in single inhabitable unit with facilities which are used or are intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooing and/or eating. A residential unit shall also include buildings containing multiple single-family dwelling units, however each unit shall be deemed to be a separate dwelling unit for billing purposes. The term “residential unit “shall also be deemed to include mobile home parks.

Salvage means the authorized, controlled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.

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determination of the Administrator for substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment, including the pollution of air, land, surface water or ground water. A disposal facility operation without all permits required by the state and/or federal governments shall be considered an open dump.

Operator means the person responsible for the overall operation and site management of a solid waste facility.

Owner means the person, corporation, or other legal entity in whom is vested the title to and interest in the land on which a solid waste management facility is located; the person, corporation or other legal entity in whom is vested title to and interest in the land upon which a residence, residential unit, multi-unit residential unit, commercial establishment or industry is located.

Permit means the written permission issued by the state or federal government to own, operate, or construct a solid waste management facility; and any licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance.

Person means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, a governmental body, a municipal corporation, or any other legal entity.

Recycling means the process of separating a given waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it is used again as a raw material for a product, which may or may not be similar to the original thereof.

Residential unit means a group of rooms located within a building and forming in single inhabitable unit with facilities which are used or are intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooing and/or eating. A residential unit shall also include buildings containing multiple single-family dwelling units, however each unit shall be deemed to be a separate dwelling unit for billing purposes. The term “residential unit “shall also be deemed to include mobile home parks.

Salvage means the authorized, controlled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.


Scavenge means the unauthorized or uncontrolled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.

Sludge means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from the a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, air pollution control facility, or other waste producing facility, but as used in this Ordinance the term does not include the treated effluent from a Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Solid Waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid or contained gaseous material, resulting from residential, industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations and from community activities but does not include (i) solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, (ii) solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or in industrial discharges which are sources subject to a permit from the State Water Control Board, or (iii) source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

The solid waste herein defined also may refer to the following further defined types, i.e.:

  1. Coal Mine Waste: Any commercial waste, construction/ demolition waste, debris waste, inert waste, metals, garbage, mining equipment and/or machinery and any other waste generated prior, during, or after mining activities and which may be disposed of in compliance with this Ordinance and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

  2. Commercial Waste: All solid waste generated by establishments engaged in business operations other than manufacturing or construction. This category includes, but is not limited to, solid waste resulting from the operation of stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, and shopping centers.

  3. Construction/Demolition Waste: The waste building material, packaging and rubble, resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations on pavement, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures,

  4. Debris Waste: Waste resulting from land clearing operations, including but not limited to stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil and road spoils.

  5. Household Waste: Any waste material, including garbage, trash, and refuse normally produced or derived from single and/or multiple residential

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Scavenge means the unauthorized or uncontrolled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.

Sludge means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from the a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, air pollution control facility, or other waste producing facility, but as used in this Ordinance the term does not include the treated effluent from a Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Solid Waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid or contained gaseous material, resulting from residential, industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations and from community activities but does not include (i) solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, (ii) solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or in industrial discharges which are sources subject to a permit from the State Water Control Board, or (iii) source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

‘The solid waste herein defined also may refer to the following further defined types,


  1. Coal Mine Waste: Any commercial waste, construction/ demolition waste, debris waste, inert waste, metals, garbage, mining equipment and/or machinery and any other waste generated prior, during, or after mining activities and which may be disposed of in compliance with this Ordinance and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

  2. Commercial Waste: All solid waste generated by establishments engaged in business operations other than manufacturing or construction. This category includes, but is not limited to, solid waste resulting from the operation of stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, and shopping centers.

  3. Construction/Demolition Waste: The waste building material, packaging and rubble, resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations on pavement, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures,

  4. Debris Waste: Waste resulting fom land clearing operations, including but not limited to stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil and road spoils.

  5. Household Waste: Any waste material, including garbage, trash, and refuse normally produced or derived from single and/or multiple residential


households and residences. Household wastes do not include sanitary waste in septic tanks (septage).

  1. Hazardous Waste: A solid waste or combination of solid waste which, because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infections characteristics may: (a) cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (b) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, the Collection/Disposal System, or the environment from improperly treated, stores, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed. The foregoing definition is intended to include any waste now or hereafter designated as such by state or federal agencies with jurisdiction and authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the handling and disposal of hazardous and other waste.

  2. Ignitable Waste: a. Liquids having a flash point of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60

degrees Centigrade). b. non-liquids liable to cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture,

spontaneous chemical change or retained heat, or which are liable, when ignited, to burn so vigorously and persistently as to create a hazard.

c. Ignitable compressed gases’, and/or oxidizers. 8. Industrial Waste: Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial

process that is not a regulated hazardous waste. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: Electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products/byproducts; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; mining or oil and gas operations; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing/foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment.

  1. Inert Waste: Solid waste which is chemically and biologically stable from further degradation and considered to be non-reactive. Inert waste includes rubble, concrete, broken bricks, bricks, and blocks.

  2. Infectious Waste: Any solid waste if it is capable of producing an infectious disease in humans; is one of the controlled infectious wastes listed in any relevant section or sections of the Infectious Waste Management regulations of

households and residences. Household wastes do not include sanitary waste in septic tanks (septage)

  1. Hazardous Waste: A solid waste or combination of solid waste which, because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infections characteristics may: (a) cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (b) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, the Collection/Disposal System, or

the environment from improperly treated, stores, transported, disposed of or

otherwise managed. The foregoing definition is intended to include any waste now or hereafter designated as such by state or federal agencies with jurisdiction and authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the handling and disposal of hazardous and other waste.

  1. Ignitable Waste:

a. Liquids having a flash point of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Centigrade).

b. non-liquids liable to cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change or retained heat, or which are liable, when ignited, to burn so vigorously and persistently as to create a hazard.

c. Ignitable compressed gases’, and/or oxidizers.

  1. Industrial Waste: Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial process that is not a regulated hazardous waste. Such waste may include, but is

not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: Electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products/byproduc or oil and gas operations; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals

; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; mining

manufacturing/foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment.

  1. Inert Waste: Solid waste which is chemically and biologically stable from further degradation and considered to be non-reactive. Inert waste includes rubble, concrete, broken bricks, bricks, and blocks.

  2. Infectious Waste: Any solid waste if it is capable of producing an infectious disease in humans; is one of the controlled infectious wastes listed in any relevant section or sections of the Infectious Waste Management regulations of


the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as applicable at any given time, or is identified as infectious by a licensed physician or registered nurse. A waste shall be considered to be capable of producing an infectious disease if it has been, is or may have been contaminated by an organism that is or may be pathogenic to humans and if such organism has a significant probability of being present in sufficient quantities and with sufficient virulence to transmit disease. If the exact cause of a disease is unknown, but the health care professional in charge suspects the presence of a pathogen in the waste is the case, such waste shall be managed as if the pathogen were identified and such waste shall be considered to be infectious waste.

  1. Institutional/Government Waste: All solid waste emanating from institutions such as, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and public or private schools. It can include infectious waste from health care facilities and research facilities which has not been classified as a hazardous waste by the Virginia Hazardous Waste Regulations or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Infectious waste which has been defined by state and federal law, rule or regulation as hazardous waste must be excluded from the waste stream.

  2. Putrescible Waste: Solid waste which contains organic material capable of being decomposed by microorganism, and which causes odors.

  3. Residential Waste: Household waste.

  4. Waste Oil: A spent petroleum product or lubricating fluid from vehicles or


Solid waste management facility means any facility which engages in a planned program for effectively controlling the storage, collection, transportation, processing and reuse, conversion or disposal of solid waste in a safe, sanitary, aesthetically acceptable, environmentally sound and economic manner, in full compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. The Russell County Transfer Station and Russell County Convenience Centers are Solid Waste Management Facilities.

Trash means non-combustible discarded materials including, but not limited to, ashes, scrap metal, glass, brick, concrete or other construction materials.

Uncompacted waste means refuse or waste which has not been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means, or if so, has not been maintained in this reduced volume state during the transportation to the landfill.

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the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as applicable at any given time, or is identified as infectious by a licensed physician or registered nurse. A waste shall be considered to be capable of producing an infectious disease if it has been, is or may have been contaminated by an organism that is or may be pathogenic to humans and if such organism has a significant probability of being present in sufficient quantities and with sufficient virulence to transmit disease. If the exact cause of a disease is unknown, but the health care professional in charge suspects the presence of a pathogen in the waste is the case, such waste shall be managed as if the pathogen were identified and such waste shall be considered to be infectious waste.

  1. Institutional/Government Waste: All solid waste emanating from institutions such as, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and public or private schools. It can include infectious waste from health care facilities and research facilities which has not been classified as a hazardous waste by the Virginia Hazardous Waste Regulations or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Infectious waste which has been defined by state and federal law, rule or regulation as hazardous waste must be excluded from the waste stream.

  2. Putrescible Waste: Solid waste which contains organic material capable of being decomposed by microorganism, and which causes odors.

13, Residential Waste: Household waste.

  1. Waste Oil: A spent petroleum product or lubricating fluid from vehicles or equipment.

Solid waste management facility means any facility which engages in a planned program for effectively controlling the storage, collection, transportation, processing and reuse, conversion or disposal of solid waste in a safe, sanitary, aesthetically acceptable, environmentally sound and economic manner, in full compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. The Russell County Transfer Station and Russell County Convenience Centers are Solid Waste Management Facilities.

Uncompacted waste means refuse or waste which has not been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means, or if so, has not been maintained in this reduced

volume state during the transportation to the landfill.

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Waste generator means the person who actually produces waste intended for disposal at the landfill.

Waste management facility (See also Solid Waste Management Facility) means that area designated by the County Administrator for the collection of refuse intended for disposal at the Transfer Station or Collection Centers.

White goods means refrigerators, stoves, clothes dryers, washing machines, water heaters, window air conditioners and other large appliances of similar size or character, and waste metal products.

Yard waste means decomposable waste materials generated by yard and lawn care, and include leaves, grass trimmings, brush up to six inches in diameter and shrubs and tree trimmings arising from general landscaping maintenance. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Where terms are not defined in this Ordinance and the context or practice requires definition they shall have the meaning specified in Chapter 14 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and/or specified in other relevant statutes, and/or the Solid Waste Management Regulations of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, as now or hereafter adopted as are applicable.

In case of conflict, the statutes and regulations applicable to the particular requirement involved shall prevail over those in this Ordinance.

Sec. 17.2-203. General prohibitions.

A. Moving Violations

  1. Littering Prohibited: Penalties

It shall be unlawful for any person to drop, deposit, discard or otherwise dispose of litter in or upon any public or private property within Russell County, with or without permission of the owner, including, but not limited to any street, sidewalk, park, body of water, vacant or unoccupied lot, except in public litter receptacles, or in authorized private litter receptacles provided for public use, or in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted disposal site.

When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter dumped or disposed of in the highway, right-of-way,

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Waste generator means the person who actually produces waste intended for disposal at the landfill.

Waste management facility (See also Solid Waste Management Facility) means that area designated by the County Administrator for the collection of refuse intended for

disposal at the Transfer Station or Collection Centers.

White goods means refrigerators, stoves, clothes dryers, washing machines, water heaters, window air conditioners and other large appliances of similar size or character, and waste metal products.

Where terms are not defined in this Ordinance and the context or practice requires definition they shall have the meaning specified in Chapter 14 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and/or specified in other relevant statutes, and/or the Solid Waste Management Regulations of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, as now or hereafter adopted as are applicable.

In case of conflict, the statutes and regulations applicable to the particular requirement involved shall prevail over those in this Ordinance.

A. Moving Violations

  1. Littering Prohibited: Penalties

It shall be unlawful for any person to drop, deposit, discard or otherwise dispose of litter in or upon any public or private property within Russell County, with or without permission of the owner, including, but not limited to any street, sidewalk, park, body of water, vacant or unoccupied lot, except in public litter receptacles, or in authorized private litter receptacles provided for public use, or in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted disposal site.

When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter dumped or disposed of in the highway, right-of-way,


property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, or private property has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting such trash, garbage, refuse or other unsightly matter; provided, however, that such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence.

Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Uncovered Vehicles, Escape of Load No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom; provided, however, that sand or any substance to increase traction or water or other substance may be applied on a roadway in the cleaning or maintaining of such roadway by the state or local government agency having such responsibilities.
    No person in an aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the County any litter or other object.
    Any operator of a vehicle from which an object has escaped, that may cause an obstruction or damage a vehicle or endanger travelers on such public property, shall immediately cause the public property to be cleaned of all objects and shall be responsible for all the costs of removal. Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

B. Stationary Violations

  1. Areas Surrounding Commercial Establishments and Institutions

It shall be the duty of each proprietor and each operator of any business, industry, or institution to keep the adjacent and surrounding area clear and free of litter. These areas include, but are not limited to, public and private sidewalks, roads, and alleys, grounds, parking lots, loading and unloading areas, and all vacant lots which are owned or leased by said establishment or institution.

property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, or private property has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting such trash, garbage, refuse or other unsightly matter; provided, however, that such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent


Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Uncovered Vehicles, Escape of Load No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is

constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom; provided, however, that sand or any substance to increase traction or water or other substance may be applied ona roadway in the cleaning or maintaining of such roadway by the state or local government agency having such responsibilities.

No person in an aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the County any litter or other object.

Any operator of a vehicle from which an object has escaped, that may cause an obstruction or damage a vehicle or endanger travelers on such public property, shall immediately cause the public property to be cleaned of all objects and shall be responsible for all the costs of removal.

Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

B. Stationary Violations 1, Areas Surrounding Commercial Establishments and Institutions

It shall be the duty of each proprietor and each operator of any business, industry, or institution to keep the adjacent and surrounding area clear and free of litter. These areas include, but are not limited to, public and private sidewalks, roads, and alleys, grounds, parking lots, loading and unloading areas, and all

vacant lots which are owned or leased by said establishment or institution.


Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Keeping Exterior of Residential and Commercial Property Clean

It shall be the duty of each residential property owner and tenant to keep all exterior private property free of litter. The owner of occupant of any premises within the County shall be responsible for sanitary conditions of such premises, and it shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or allow to be placed or deposited on his premises any solid waste, except as designated by the terms of this Ordinance. It shall be the duty of each owner and tenant to keep all exterior property free of litter or waste, these areas shall include, but not be limited to: sidewalks, public roads, alleys and driveways; yards and grounds; fences; walls and property lines; drainages and vacant lots in both residential and commercial areas. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, public road, street or water body within the County the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. This includes, but is not limited to, rubbish, which includes grass clippings, hedge trimmings, leaves, pine needles, paper, plastic or other materials classified as litter or waste must be placed in an approved container and properly disposed. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

Upon violation of this section, the County may proceed against either the tenant, owner or person in control or against all such persons. A warning citation as provided in Section 17.2-204(b) of this Ordinance shall be served on the owner or occupant of any premises upon which solid waste is found in violation of this section, giving the owner or occupant ten (10) days to remove such solid waste. If the owner or occupant does not comply with the terms of

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Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Keeping Exterior of Residential and Commercial Property Clean

It shall be the duty of each residential property owner and tenant to keep all exterior private property free of litter. The owner of occupant of any premises within the County shall be responsible for sanitary conditions of such premises, and it shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or allow to be placed or deposited on his premises any solid waste, except as designated by the terms of this Ordinance. It shall be the duty of each owner and tenant to keep all exterior property free of litter or waste, these areas shall include, but not be limited to: sidewalks, public roads, alleys and driveways; yards and grounds; fences; walls and property lines; drainages and vacant lots in both residential and commercial areas. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, public road, street or water body within the County the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. This includes, but is not limited to, rubbish, which includes grass clippings, hedge trimmings, leaves, pine needles, paper, plastic or other materials classified as litter or waste must be placed in an approved container and properly disposed. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

Upon violation of this section, the County may proceed against either the tenant, owner or person in control or against all such persons. A warning citation as provided in Section 17.2-204(b) of this Ordinance shall be served on the owner or occupant of any premises upon which solid waste is found in violation of this section, giving the owner or occupant ten (10) days to remove such solid waste. If the owner or occupant does not comply with the terms of



such citation, he or she shall be served a summons for violation of this section.

This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the accumulation of litter awaiting the next regularly scheduled refuse or garbage collection if such property is served by the regularly scheduled garbage, refuse or litter collection. Such collections shall be deemed to be regular if such collection regularly occurs at least once per week or more frequently.

  1. Indiscriminate Dumping or Discarding of Litter and Solid Waste

It shall be unlawful for any person to discard or dump along any street or road, on or off the right-of-way, any form of solid waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, motor vehicle or vehicle part, rubber tires, appliances, furniture, or any other material or equipment, on public or private property, with or without permission of the property owner, except in County approved receptacles provided for public use for the deposit of said material, or except in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted solid waste disposal site or collection facility.

C. Cleanup of Improperly Disposed Litter or Solid Waste

  1. Cleanup of Premises by County Authorization

The owners of property within the County shall, within fourteen (14) days of receiving written notice from the County, remove from the property any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the County.

If after fourteen (14) days of receiving the notice, the owners of such property have failed to take action as directed by the notice, the County may have such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the County, removed by its own agents or employees, in which event the cost or expense thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owners of such property and may be collected by the County as taxes are collected.

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  1. Indiscriminate Dumping or Discarding of Litter and Solid Waste

It shall be unlawful for any person to discard or dump along any street or road, on or off the right-of-way, any form of solid waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, motor vehicle or vehicle part, rubber tires, appliances, furniture, or any other material or equipment, on public or private property, with or without permission of the property owner, except in County approved receptacles provided for public use for the deposit of said material, or except in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted solid waste disposal site or collection facility.

C. Cleanup of Improperly Disposed Litter or Solid Waste



Execution of the notice to remove litter shall be in writing and shall be in the form set forth in Section 17.2-204 (b) of this ordinance and served by personal service, posted service or sent by registered mail.

Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with liens for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Articles 3 (§58.1-3940 et seq) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The County may waive such liens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has no business association with the owner. All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed.

A violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty, not to exceed $50.00 for the first violation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within 12 months of the first violation shall not exceed $200.00. Each business day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violation arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of $3,000.00 in a 12-month period.1

In the event three civil penalties have previously been imposed on the same defendant for the same or similar violation, not arising from the same set of operative facts, within a 24-month period a violation of this subsection shall be a Class 3 misdemeanor.2

D. Litter Receptacles

  1. Use of Receptacles

a. It shall be unlawful to deposit any item or items except litter in any receptacle placed for public use as a depository for littler. Any item or items, including litter, which are expressly prohibited from being placed in said receptacle by a sign or other writing located on or

1 See §15.2-901 © for enabling act authorizing civil penalty by ordinance.
2 See §15.2-901 (D) for enabling act authorizing Class 3 misdemeanor when three civil penalties have occurred.

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Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with liens for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Articles 3 (§58.1-3940 et seq) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The County may waive such liens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has no business association with the owner. All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed.

A violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty, not to exceed $50.00 for the first violation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within 12 months of the first violation shall not exceed $200.00. Each business day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violation arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of $3,000.00 in a 12-month period.!

In the event three civil penalties have previously been imposed on the same defendant for the same or similar violation, not arising from the same set of operative facts, within a 24-month period a violation of this subsection shall be a Class 3 misdemeanor.

D. Litter Receptacles

  1. Use of Receptacles a. Itshall be unlawful to deposit any item or items except litter in any

receptacle placed for public use as a depository for littler. Any item or items, including litter, which are expressly prohibited from being placed in said receptacle by a sign or other writing located on or

  • See §15.2-901 © for enabling act authorizing civil penalty by ordinance. See §15.2-901 (D) for enabling act authorizing Class 3 misdemeanor when three civil penalties have occurred.




around the receptacle, shall not be placed or deposited in said receptacle.

b. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Businesses

It shall be the duty of any person owning or operation any commercial establishment to provide receptacles adequate to contain the litter generated at said establishment. The penalty established for violation of this subsection shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each day of violation. The offender shall receive a summons from the enforcement officer for any violation of this subsection. The offender may pay the fine in lieu of appearing in court on any first offense.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Residences a. All household solid waste shall be contained in receptacles or containers

which conform to standards established by the Russell County Board of Supervisors.

b. It shall be unlawful for any person to use an old appliance or other container deemed unacceptable by the County for trash collection.

c. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. E. Improper Disposal of Waste

  1. Depositing Improper Waste in Receptacles or Facilities

a. It shall be unlawful to improperly dispose of any solid waste as defined in this Ordinance at a facility operated for or in a receptacle placed for public or private use. Improper disposal shall mean and include the depositing in such facility of solid waste which is not accepted or authorized for disposal by such facility. The types of waste not accepted at any such facility shall be displayed at the entrance of such facility or on the receptacle.

F. Enforcement of Litter Laws; Prosecution; Presumption

  1. Enforcement

a. Prosecution for a violation of any provision of this act may be initiated by the County Building Inspector, law enforcement officer, litter control officer, or private citizen.

around the receptacle, shall not be placed or deposited in said receptacle.

b. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Businesses

It shall be the duty of any person owning or operation any commercial establishment to provide receptacles adequate to contain the litter generated at said establishment. The penalty established for violation of this subsection shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each day of violation. The offender shall receive a summons from the enforcement officer for any violation of this subsection. The offender may pay the fine in lieu of appearing in court on any first offense.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Residences a. All household solid waste shalll be contained in receptacles or containers which conform to standards established by the Russell County Board of Supervisors. b. It shall be unlawful for any person to use an old appliance or other container deemed unacceptable by the County for trash collection. c. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor.

E. Improper Disposal of Waste

1, Depositing Improper Waste in Receptacles or Facilities a. Itshall be unlawful to improperly dispose of any solid waste as

defined in this Ordinance at a facility operated for or in a receptacle placed for public or private use. Improper disposal shall mean and include the depositing in such facility of solid waste which is not accepted or authorized for disposal by such facility. The types of waste not accepted at any such facility shall be displayed at the entrance of such facility or on the receptacle.

F. Enforcement of Litter Laws; Prosecution; Presumption

  1. Enforcement a. Prosecution for a violation of any provision of this act may be initiated by the County Building Inspector, law enforcement officer, litter control officer, or private citizen.

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  1. Authorization of County Litter Control Office to Bring Civil Action Whereas Section 10.1-1418.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorizes the County to bring a civil action against any person who improperly disposes of solid waste on the property of the County, without the County’s permission. Whenever a court of competent jurisdiction finds that a person has improperly disposed of solid waste upon the County’s property, without the County’s permission, the court shall assess a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) against such defendant, along with costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this subsection shall be paid into the Russell County treasury.

  2. Assign –A-Highway Roadside and Illegal Dump Cleanup For Cleanup of roadside litter and identified illegal dumps within the County, it is hereby established a program pursuant to Section 53.1-129 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and the Sheriff of the County and any of his deputies and any Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Office who has been approved by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be permitted to utilize probationers or remove inmates from the County or Regional Jail under their supervision to work in this program providing that any such inmate has been specifically approved to be permitted to participate in this program by the Sheriff and by the Court. Probationers will be assigned to two-mile designated sections of highway, cleaned up every two weeks for the duration of their assignment to this program. Inmates shall be utilized only for the cleanup for illegal dumps identified by the County Litter Control Department. During the cleanup of illegal dumps, the Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Control Officer or the Sheriff or his deputies will be present during this volunteer work.

Sec. 17.2-204. Removal, disposal of trash and garbage.

(a) The owners of property in the county shall not accumulate thereon and shall remove there from any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county.

(b) Notice to property owner:

  1. The Board of Supervisors may, when it deems it necessary, give written

notice to the owner of any property in the county, and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if

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  1. Authorization of County Litter Control Office to Bring Civil Action Whereas Section 10.1-1418.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended

authorizes the County to bring a civil action against any person who improperly disposes of solid waste on the property of the County, without the County’s permission. Whenever a court of competent jurisdiction finds that a person has improperly disposed of solid waste upon the County’s property, without the County’s permission, the court shall assess a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) against such defendant, along with costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this subsection shall be paid into the Russell County treasury. 3. Assign -A-Highway Roadside and Illegal Dump Cleanup

For Cleanup of roadside litter and identified illegal dumps within the County, it is hereby established a program pursuant to Section 53.1-129 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and the Sheriff of the County and any of his deputies and any Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Office who has been approved by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be permitted to utilize probationers or remove inmates from the County or Regional Jail under their supervision to work in this program providing that any such inmate has been specifically approved to be permitted to participate in this program by the Sheriff and by the Court. Probationers will be assigned to two-mile designated sections of highway, cleaned up every two weeks for the duration of their assignment to this program. Inmates shall be utilized only for the cleanup for illegal dumps identified by the County Litter Control Department. During the cleanup of illegal dumps, the Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Control Officer or the Sheriff or his deputies will be present during this volunteer work.

‘Sec. 17.2-204. Removal, disposal of trash and garbage.

(a) The owners of property in the county shall not accumulate thereon and shall -temove there from any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county.

(b) Notice to property owner:

-1) The Board of Supervisors may, when it deems it necessary, give written. ‘notice to the owner of any property in the county, and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if



know, stating the facts that constitute a violation of subsection (a) of this section and directing such person or persons to take such action as may be necessary to rectify the conditions within 14 days from the date of the notice.

  1. The notice required by the section shall be certified or registered mail to the last known address, or by hand delivery by the Sheriff of the County, his deputy, the county sanitation office or the designee of the County Administrator, to the owner of the property and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if known, The notice shall be substantially in the following form:


To: ____________________________ Responsible Party

AT: _________________________

Address of property

Tax Map Number

Pursuant to Code of Virginia §15.2-802 of the Ordinances of Russell County, Virginia, you are hereby notified to remove, within 14 days after the date of this notice, all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, in particular (describe the conditions). Upon your failure to remove the same, the county’s agents or employees may remove such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, and the cost and expenses of such removal shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected and shall constitute a lien on the property.

© If the property is not cleaned up after receiving the notice required in subsection (b) of this section, the Board of Supervisors may have such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other like substances that might endanger the health of other residents of the county removed by the county’s own agents and employees, in which event the cost and expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the

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To: Address of property Responsible Party

Tax Map Number

Pursuant to Code of Virginia §15.2-802 of the Ordinances of Russell County, Virginia,

you are hereby notified to remove, within 14 days after the date of this notice, all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, in particular (describe the conditions). Upon your failure to remove the same, the county’s agents or employees may remove such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, and the cost and expenses of such removal shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected and shall constitute a lien on the property.

(©) Ifthe property is not cleaned up after receiving the notice required in subsection




owners of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected.

(d) Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner and lien holder of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with lien for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Code of Virginia, §§ 58.1-3940 et seq. and 58.1-3965 et seq.

(e) Trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other debris shall be disposed of in personally owned or privately owned receptacles that are provided for such use and for the use of the persons and disposing such matter or in authorized facilities provided for such purpose, and in no other manner not authorized by law.

§ 17.2-205. Dumping Trash on Highway, Right-Of-Way or Private Property.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dump or otherwise dispose of trash, garbage, refuse, litter or other unsightly matter, on public property, including a public highway, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of- way, or on private property without the written consent of the owner thereof or his agent.

(b) When any persons is arrested for a violation of this section, and the matter alleged to have been illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected from a motor vehicle or transported to the disposal site in a motor vehicle, the arresting officer may comply with the provisions of Code of Virginia, §46.2-936, in making such arrest.

© When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected or removed from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting or disposing of such matter. However, such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence.

(d) Any person who violates this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by confinement in jail for not more than twelve (12) months and a fine of not less than $250.00 nor more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the lawful disposal of such matter in landfills, the county transfer station or county convenience stations.

(f) The Commonwealth Attorney of Russell County, Virginia or his designee shall be responsible for all prosecutions under this section.

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(d) Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner and lien holder of

(e) Trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other debris shall be disposed of in personally ‘owned or privately owned receptacles that are provided for such use and for the use of the persons and disposing such matter or in authorized facilities provided for such purpose, and in no other manner not authorized by law.

§ 17.2-205. Dumping Trash on Highway, Right-Of-Way or Private Property.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dump or otherwise dispose of trash, garbage, refuse, litter or other unsightly matter, on public property, including a public highway, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of- way, or on private property without the written consent of the owner thereof or his agent.

(b) When any persons is arrested for a violation of this section, and the matter alleged to have been illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected from a motor vehicle or transported to the disposal site in a motor vehicle, the arresting officer may comply with the provisions of Code of Virginia, §46.2-936, in making such arrest.

© When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected or removed from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting or disposing of such matter. However, such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence.

(d) Any person who violates this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by confinement in jail for not more than twelve (12) months and a fine of not less than $250.00 nor more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(e) The provisions of this section shalll not apply to the lawful disposal of such matter in landfills, the county transfer station or county convenience stations.

(f) The Commonwealth Attorney of Russell County, Virginia or his designee shall be responsible for all prosecutions under this section.

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§17.2-206. Penalties.

The authorized punishments for a conviction of a misdemeanor are:

(a) For Class 1 misdemeanors, confinement in jail for not more than twelve months and a fine of not more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(b) For Class 2 misdemeanors, confinement in jail for not more than six months and fine of not more than $1,000.00, either or both.

© For Class 3 misdemeanors, a fine of not more than $500.00. (d) For Class 4 misdemeanors, a fine of not more than $250.00.

§17.2-207. Effective Date of Ordinance.

This ordinance shall be effective on the ____ day of ___________, 2018. The County Administrator is directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the General District Court of Russell County and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County.

Adopted this the _____ day of __________, 2018.

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§17.2-207. Effective Date of Ordinance.

This ordinance shall be effective on the __ day of 2018. The County Administrator is directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the General District Court of Russell County and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County.

Adopted this the day of 2018.


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10; ACES

Responsible Party _ Address of property

Pursuant to Code of Virginia §15.2-802 of the Ordinances of Russell County, Virginia, you are hereby notified to remove, within 14 days after the date of this notice, all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, in particular

( ).

Upon your failure to remove the same, the county’s agents or employees may

remove such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, and the cost and expenses of such removal shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected and shall constitute a lien on the property.

Date served: _SBIAPR

Served by: Dea ©, fader

Status Report: March-April 2020

March 12, 2020

In reference to Property Belonging to Gene Couch located on Memorial Drive> Contact was made with Mr. Couch he was advised of the county ordinance. A copy of the ordinance was given to the property owner as well as a written notice served by myself for non compliance with County Code.

April 20, 2020

Inspected the Property on Memorial Drive, little to no progress has been made by the land owner. I spoke with Mr. Couch via phone and advised him that if the property is not in compliance that he will be held accountable.

March 12, 2020

In reference to the Property at 151 Straight Hollow Rd, I made contact with the property owner. She was advised of the County Ordinance and the her property was not int compliance. The owner advised that she would get her sons to get it cleaned up. A written notice was served on the property owner.

April 12, 2020

I returned to 151 Straight Hollow Rd to inspect the property. The owners had made significant progress, and were actively working on cleaning it up while I was on scene.

I advised the property owner that I would be back to inspect the property at a later date to see if the property is in compliance.


P.O. Box 338 Phone (276) 889-8033 79 Rogers Avenue Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected] Fax: (276) 889-8203

                                                    Steve Dye, Sheriff 

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P.O. Box 338 Phone (276) 889-8033 79 Rogers Avenue Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected] Fax: (276) 889-8203

Steve Dye, Sheriff

Status Report: March-April 2020

March 12, 2020

In reference to Property Belonging to Gene Couch located on Memorial Drive> Contact was made with Mr. Couch he was advised of the county ordinance. A copy of the ordinance was given to the property owner as well as a written notice served by myself for non compliance with County Code.

April 20, 2020

Inspected the Property on Memorial Drive, little to no progress has been made by the land ‘owner. | spoke with Mr. Couch via phone and advised him that if the property is not in compliance that he will be held accountable.

March 12, 2020

In reference to the Property at 151 Straight Hollow Rd, | made contact with the property owner. She was advised of the County Ordinance and the her property was not int compliance. The ‘owner advised that she would get her sons to get it cleaned up. A written notice was served on the property owner.

April 12, 2020

returned to 151 Straight Hollow Rd to inspect the property. The owners had made significant progress, and were actively working on cleaning it up while | was on scene.

| advised the property owner that | would be back to inspect the property at a later date to see if the property is in compliance.

March 24, 2020

In reference to the property at 16 Starnes Drive, I made contact with property owner and advised him of the County Litter Ordinance and that his property was not in compliance. He advised me that he would get cleaned up as soon as possible. A written notice was served on the property owner.

April 12, 2020

I returned to in inspect the property at 16 Starnes Drive. Upon inspection the homeowner was in compliance with the County Litter Ordinance.

April 27, 2020

While off duty I was taking my garbage off at the Moccassin Valley Rd trash site, I observed an individual on the concrete ramp and he appeared to be digging in the dumpster. I got out of my vehicle and walked up to the individual that he wasn’t supposed to be digging in the trash. I then observed two male subjects inside the dumpster. I advised all three mail subjects to get out of the dumpster and displayed my badge of authority and advised them of the county litter ordinance. I took down all three individuals names and information and advised them if I caught the back up here they would be issued a summons.

Deputy C Porter

Russell County Sheriffs Office

April 27, 2020

While off duty | was taking my garbage off at the Moccassin Valley Rd trash site, | observed an individual on the concrete ramp and he appeared to be digging in the dumpster. | got out of my vehicle and walked up to the individual that he wasn’t supposed to be digging in the trash. | then observed two male subjects inside the dumpster. | advised all three mail subjects to get out of the dumpster and displayed my badge of authority and advised them of the county litter ordinance. | took down all three individuals names and information and advised them if | caught the back up here they would be issued a summons.

Deputy C Porter

Russell County Sheriffs Office

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 Board of Supervisors                       Action Item D-1 

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

      Meeting: 1/3/22       6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:

• December 6, 2021 Board Minutes

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


• Board Minutes

Board of Supervisors Action Item D-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 1/3/22 6:00 PM

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:

  • December 6, 2021 Board Minutes

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


  • Board Minutes

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

December 06, 2021

A regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, December 06, 2021, beginning at 3:00 pm with Executive (closed) Session followed by the regular meeting at 4:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the meeting to order.

Roll all by the Clerk:


Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Carl Rhea

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney Loretta Vance, Secretary

Absent: Oris Christian


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into Executive (closed) Session to discuss legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7)(8) concerning Opioid and Northrop Grumman Legal Matters.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye
Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye
Nay: None

December 06, 2021

‘A.regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, December 06, 2021, beginning at 3:00 pm with Executive (closed) Session followed by the regular meeting at 4:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the me

ig to order. Roll all by the Clerk: Present:

Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Carl Rhea

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney Loretta Vance, Secretary

Absent: Oris Christian


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into Executive (closed) Session to discuss legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7)(8) concerning Opioid and Northrop Grumman Legal Matters.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed, or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace – AYE Lou Wallace – AYE Carl Rhea – AYE David Eaton – AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding – AYE

Invocation by Caleb Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Steve Breeding second, Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea Nay: None


Pursuant to being advertised in a local newspaper for two (2) consecutive weeks, a public hearing was held on the Belfast Waterline Extension Phase III – DHCD Grant. Debbie Milton- representing the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission gave an overview of the grant award in this amount. The Chair opened the public hearing to comments. Hearing none, the public hearing was closed.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a DHCD Grant for the Belfast Waterline Extension Phase III and authorize the Chair to sign all documents related to the grant.


Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed, or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace ~ AYE Lou Wallace ~ AYE Carl Rhea AYE David Eaton - AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding - AYE

Invocation by Caleb Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA

Motion made by Steve Breeding second, Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea

Nay: None


Pursuant to being advertised in a local newspaper for two (2) consecutive weeks, a public hearing was held on the Belfast Waterline Extension Phase Ill ~ DHCD Grant. Debbie Milton- representing the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission gave an overview of the grant award in this amount. ‘The Chair opened the public hearing to comments. Hearing none, the public hearing was closed.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a DHCD Grant for the Belfast Waterline Extension Phase III and authorize the Chair to sign all documents related to the grant.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace and Rebecca Dye
Nay: None

New Business


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the November 01, 2021, minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the November 01, 2021 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Committee Appointments


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re-appoint Vicki Porter to the Appalachian Juvenile Commission for a four (4) year term, said ending December 06, 2025.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re- appoint David Eaton and James Mounts to the Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board for three (3) year terms, said terms ending December 31, 2024.

The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye
Nay: None


The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

New Business


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the November 01, 2021, minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the November 01, 2021 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Committee Appointments


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re-appoint Vicki Porter to the Appalachian Juvenile Commission for a four (4) year term, said en December 06, 2025,

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

DAVID EATON AND JAMES MOUNTS RE-APPOINTED TO THE CMCSB Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re- appoint David Eaton and James Mounts to the Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board for three (3) year terms, said terms ending December 31, 2024. The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re- appoint Linda Cross to the Highway and Safety Committee for a two (2) year term, said term ending December 31, 2023.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re-appoint Alicia McGlothlin to the People Incorporated Financial Board for a two (2) year term, said term ending December 31, 2023.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Scott McGlothlin to the Russell County Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Kirby Meadows, said term ending March 05, 2022.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Charles Edmonds to the Russell County Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Wayne Young, said term ending December 07, 2023.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Charles Edmonds to The Russell County Public Service Authority to fill the unexpired term of Chris Dye, said term ending June 24, 2025.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re- appoint Linda Cross to the Highway and Safety Committee for a two (2) year term, said term ending December 31, 2023,

The vote was: ‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re-appoint Alicia McGlothlin to the People Incorporated Financial Board for a two (2) year term, said term ending December 31, 2023.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Scott McGlothlin to the Russell County Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Kirby Meadows, said term ending March 05, 2022

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. appoint Charles Edmonds to the Russell County Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Wayne Young, said term ending December 07, 2023.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. appoint Charles Edmonds to The Russell County Public Service Authority to fill the unexpired term of Chris Dye, said term ending June 24, 2025.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept the resignation of Kirby Meadows from the Russell County Planning Commission effective immediately.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chair opened citizens comment period.

Greg Hancock, Lebanon addressed the Board about Litter Ordinance and how it is to be enforced.

Phillip Roelof, Lebanon commented on the junk cars along Pioneer Avenue and the lack of enforcement of the litter ordinance.

Joseph Breeding, Lebanon stated that he is having problems with a neighbor’s goats on his property. He would like the county to revisit the fencing ordinance.

The Chair closed citizens comment period.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, County Attorney addressed the Board concerning the VRA Courthouse Financing Resolution, Opioid Litigation MOU, Project Jonah, and the Noise Ordinance.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Resolution for a Virginia Resource Authority Courthouse Financing Resolution.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve an Opioid Litigation Memorandum of Understanding and Resolution and authorize the Chairperson and the County Administrator to sign all documents.

The vote was:


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept the resignation of Kirby Meadows from the Russell County Planning Commission effective immediately

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chair opened citizens comment period. Greg Hancock, Lebanon addressed the Board about Litter Ordinance and how it is to be enforced.

Phillip Roelof, Lebanon commented on the junk cars along Pioneer Avenue and the lack of enforcement of the litter ordinance.

Joseph Breeding, Lebanon stated that he is having problems with a neighbor’s goats on his property. He ‘would like the county to revisit the fencing ordinance.

The Chair closed citizens comment period.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, County Attorney addressed the Board concerning the VRA Courthouse Financing Resolution, Opioid Litigation MOU, Project Jonah, and the Noise Ordinance.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Resolution for a Virginia Resource Authority Courthouse Financing Resolution.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve an Opioid Litigation Memorandum of Understanding and Resolution and authorize the Chairperson and the County Administrator to sign all documents.

The vote was:

Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the advertisement of a public notice for an Interjurisdictional Agreement for Project Jonah.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to draft a Noise Ordinance for the Board’s consideration.

County Administrator Requests and Reports


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept the Abstract of Votes for the November 02, 2021 election.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to allow the Building Inspector’s office to manage litter control for a period of six months at which time it will be re-evaluated.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and David Eaton Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a Litter Prevention and Recycling Program Grant.

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the advertisement of a public notice for an Interjurisdictional Agreement for Project Jonah.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to draft a Noise Ordinance for the Board’s consideration.


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept the Abstract of Votes for the November 02, 2021 election.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to allow the Building Inspector’s office to manage litter control for a period of six months at which time it will be re-evaluated

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and David Eaton Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a Litter Prevention and Recycling Program Grant.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding to approve a request from the Russell County Public Service Authority requesting $28,440.40 for the purchase of fire hydrants.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a VDOT Notice of Intent to Discontinue Rte. 743 (Rollercoaster Road).

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to advertise for an animal control Administrative Assistant due to a resignation in that department.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to set an early pay date for county employees due to the Christmas holiday.

The vote was:
Aye: Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


The vote was: ‘Aye: Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding to approve a request from the Russell County Public Service Authority requesting $28,440.40 for the purchase of fire hydrants.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a VDOT Notice of Intent to Discontinue Rte. 743 (Rollercoaster Road).

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to advertise for an animal control Administrative Assistant due to a resignation in that department.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to set an early pay date for county employees due to the Christmas holiday.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to give Russell County Employees give certificates for a turkey/ham.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to refer the Curtis Salyer Property Easement to the Russell County Planning Commission for review.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to give Russell County Employees give certificates for a turkey/ham.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to refer the Curtis Salyer Property Easement to the Russell County Planning Commission for review.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

                                                  Board of Supervisors                         Action Item D-2 

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 1/4/21      6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s December 2021 Monthly Expenditures:

County’s December 2021 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s December 2021 Monthly Expenditures.


• December 2021 Monthly Expenditures

Board of Supervisors Action Item D-2 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 1/4/21 6:00 PM

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s December 2021 Monthly Expenditures:

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): County’s December 2021 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s December 2021 Monthly Expenditures.


  • December 2021 Monthly Expenditures

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

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Board of Supervisors Action Item D-3

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

     Meeting: 1/3/22      6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Pre-Authorized Expenditures

Request authorization of the County’s Pre-Authorized Payment of Monthly Expenditures:

The list of general expenditures the Board approves annually to ensure the County complies with the Virginia Procurement Act which requires all expenditures to be within 30 days or within the terms of the contracts. The expenditures are monthly operational expenditures or approved contracts:

Reoccurring Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual Operational Expenditures
(i.e. Utilities, Credit Card Payments, Facility/Park/Vehicle Maintenance, Withholding payments (payroll), Debt service, and Contracts)

Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to authorize the County’s Pre-Authorized Payment of Monthly Expenditures.


• None

Board of Supervisors Action Item D-3 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 1/3/22 6:00 PM

Approval of Pre-Authorized Expenditures

Request authorization of the County’s Pre-Authorized Payment of Monthly Expenditures:

The list of general expenditures the Board approves annually to ensure the County complies with the Virginia Procurement Act which requires all expenditures to be within 30 days or within the terms of the contracts. The expenditures are monthly operational expenditures or approved contracts:

Reoccurring Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual Operational Expenditures (i.e. Utilities, Credit Card Payments, Facility/Park/Vehicle Maintenance, Withholding payments (payroll), Debt service, and Contracts)

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.


Motion to authorize the County’s Pre-Authorized Payment of Monthly Expenditures.


  • None

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Item: D-4

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson
Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 1/3/22        6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

  Board Appointments 

Budget/Finance Committee

Rebecca Dye One-Year Term

Tim Lovelace One-Year Term

Finney Community Center

David Compton Two-Year Term Edward Tiller Two-Year Term

Board of Supervisors

137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 1/3/22 6:00 PM

Action Item: D-4 Presenter: Chairperson

Board Appointments Budget/Finance Committee

Rebecca Dye Tim Lovelace

Finney Community Center

David Compton Edward Tiller

One-Year Term One-Year Term

Two-Year Term Two-Year Term

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors   Action Item 

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 1/3/22         6:00 PM 

County Attorney Reports

  1. Noise Ordinance

  2. RC Employee Insurance Retirement Program

  3. CIFA Executive Director Contract

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney

Lebanon, VA 24266

County Attorney Reports

  1. Noise Ordinance
  2. RC Employee Insurance Retirement Program
  3. CIFA Executive Director Contract

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

‘Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Board of Supervisors


The Russell County Board of Supervisors agrees to participate in the following hospitalization benefits for retirees:


  1. Employees who are members of the Virginia Retirement System and are

eligible to retire.

  1. The employee must be at least age 50 but must not have reached the age of Medicare Insurance.

  2. The employee must have fifteen (15) years of service with the Russell County Board of Supervisors including the ten (10) years immediately preceding retirement.

  3. Retirement application for any option will be within 90 days of an effective retirement date. Employees approved by the Virginia Retirement System to receive disability benefits at any time during the calendar year will be eligible for any option with an effective date to coincide with their retirement thru the Virginia Retirement System.

Plan Option

The retiree agrees to trade, without pay, a minimum of 25 days of unused

accumulated sick/personal leave balances per calendar year at retirement date or a total of 175 days over a seven-year period, in exchange to pay a percentage of the health insurance premium up to seven years or until the retiree reaches the age of Medicare insurance, whichever comes first. The retiree will be allowed to trade unused accumulated sick/personal leave days for days required. The percentage is based on total years of service listed below:

15 years service… … …60% of insurance paid by the board

16-20 years service… … .65% of insurance paid by the board

21-24 years service… …70% of insurance paid by the board

25-29 years service… …80% of insurance paid by the board

30+ years service… … 85% of insurance paid by the board

The board would pay the percentage for single healthcare plan policies for the retiree. Employee Plus One and Family coverage (retiree, spouse, and siblings or retiree and siblings) would require the retiree to pay the difference between the cost of a

Russell County Board of Supervisors


The Russell County Board of Supervisors agrees to participate in the following hospitalization benefits for retirees


  1. Employees who are members of the Virginia Retirement System and are eligible to retire.

  2. The employee must be at least age 50 but must not have reached the age of Medicare Insurance.

  3. The employee must have fifteen (15) years of service with the Russell County Board of Supervisors including the ten (10) years immediately preceding retirement.

  4. Retirement application for any option will be within 90 days of an effective retirement date. Employees approved by the Virginia Retirement System to receive disability benefits at any time during the calendar year will be eligible for any option with an effective date to coincide with their retirement thru the Virginia Retirement System.

Plan Option

The retiree agrees to trade, without pay, a minimum of 25 days of unused accumulated sick/personal leave balances per calendar year at retirement date or a total of 175 days over a seven-year period, in exchange to pay a percentage of the health insurance premium up to seven years or until the retiree reaches the age of Medicare insurance, whichever comes first. The retiree will be allowed to trade unused accumulated sick/personal leave days for days required. The percentage is based on total years of service listed below:

15 years service… … .60% of insurance paid by the board

16-20 years service… .65% of insurance paid by the board

21-24 years service. 70% of insurance paid by the board

25-29 years service…80% of insurance paid by the board

30+ years service…85% of insurance paid by the board

The board would pay the percentage for single healthcare plan policies for the retiree. Employee Plus One and Family coverage (retiree, spouse, and siblings or retiree and siblings) would require the retiree to pay the difference between the cost of a

single plan and the cost of an employee plus one or a family healthcare plan. The hospitalization insurance must be through the group insurance plan purchased by the Russell County School Board for the regular employees and will be subject to all the rules and regulations governing this policy.

In the event the retiree becomes deceased during the contract period before all days are purchased, the spouse/dependent/estate administrator of the deceased retiree would receive the unused accumulated balances of sick/personal leave remaining. The reimbursement will be equal to the rate paid for unused sick/personal leave at the time of retirement.

Application Procedures

Employees who wish to participate in the Retirement Incentive Program (the “Program”) should submit an application to the Russell County Administration within 90 days prior to the anticipated date of retirement.


Applicants for the program may withdraw their applications upon request.

Failure to meet the yearly minimum purchase requirement could result in the revocation of insurance benefits.

Rescinding of Program

This policy is subject to appropriations by the Russell County Board of

Supervisors. Intent to rescind the policy will be published at the regular monthly Board meetings preceding the Board Meeting at which a vote is to be taken. In the event, the plan is rescinded, participants already in the plan will continue to receive benefits.

single plan and the cost of an employee plus one or a family healthcare plan. The hospitalization insurance must be through the group insurance plan purchased by the Russell County School Board for the regular employees and will be subject to all the rules and regulations governing this policy.

In the event the retiree becomes deceased during the contract period before all days are purchased, the spouse/dependent/estate administrator of the deceased retiree would receive the unused accumulated balances of sick/personal leave remaining. The reimbursement will be equal to the rate paid for unused sick/personal leave at the time of retirement.

Application Procedures

Employees who wish to participate in the Retirement Incentive Program (the “Program’”) should submit an application to the Russell County Administration within 90 days prior to the anticipated date of retirement.


Applicants for the program may withdraw their applications upon request. Failure to meet the yearly minimum purchase requirement could result in the revocation of insurance benefits.

Rescinding of Program

This policy is subject to appropriations by the Russell County Board of Supervisors. Intent to rescind the policy will be published at the regular monthly Board meetings preceding the Board Meeting at which a vote is to be taken. In the event, the plan is rescinded, participants already in the plan will continue to receive benefits.


This CONTRACT FOR SERVICES (“Agreement”), made in duplicate originals this 15th day of January , 2022, by and between the CUMBERLAND INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as “CIFA,” and Jennifer R. Pike, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”.


WHEREAS, CIFA is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia created for the purpose of promoting and developing industry within Russell, Buchanan, Tazewell, and Dickenson Counties of Virginia pursuant to Section 15.2-6400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended.

WHEREAS, Both CIFA and Contractor desire that Contractor provide services in assisting Buchanan County, Dickenson County, Russell County, and Tazewell County with economic and industrial development to improve the lives of all citizens in the Coalfields, but as a condition thereto, CIFA requires that Contractor covenant and agree as herein after provided.

IN CONSIDERATION of awarding the contract for services to Contractor and the promises and of the mutual covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows:


a. The term of this contract shall commence on January 15, 2022, and shall continue until January 15, 2023. This contract shall not be automatically renewed and is expressly subject to the appropriation of funds by Buchanan County, Dickenson County, Russell County, and Tazewell County. It shall be a prerequisite for the Board of Supervisors from each county to appropriate funding.

b. Contractor hereby agrees to devote her best efforts and full time to the serve the four counties in procuring and expanding economic and industrial development in the four-county region.

c. Contractor agrees to abide by the general standards and policies established by CIFA. Contractor agrees to use due diligence and best efforts to perform in accordance with and obey such ethical mandates and all statutes, rules and regulations covering any service that she may render during the term of this contract hereunder.
Contractor agrees that continuation on this contract for the entire term listed above is contingent upon successful performance of her duties.

d. Contractor understands and agrees she has no authority to enter any contract binding CIFA, or to deliberately create any obligations on behalf of CIFA unless specifically authorized by the CIFA Board of Directors to do so.

This CONTRACT FOR SERVICES (“Agreement”), made in duplicate originals this 15th day of January , 2022, by and between the CUMBERLAND INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as “CIFA,” and Jennifer R. Pike, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”.


WHEREAS, CIFA is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia created for the purpose of promoting and developing industry within Russell, Buchanan, Tazewell, and Dickenson Counties of Virginia pursuant to Section 15.2-6400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended.

WHEREAS, Both CIFA and Contractor desire that Contractor provide services in assisting Buchanan County, Dickenson County, Russell County, and Tazewell County with economic and industrial development to improve the lives of all citizens in the Coalfields, but as a condition thereto, CIFA requires that Contractor covenant and agree as herein after provided.

IN CONSIDERATION of awarding the contract for services to Contractor and the promises and of the mutual covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows:


a. The term of this contract shall commence on January 15, 2022, and shall continue until January 15, 2023. This contract shall not be automatically renewed and is expressly subject to the appropriation of funds by Buchanan County, Dickenson County, Russell County, and Tazewell County. It shall be a prerequisite for the Board of Supervisors from each county to appropriate funding.

b. _ Contractor hereby agrees to devote her best efforts and full time to the serve the four counties in procuring and expanding economic and industrial development in the four-county region.

c. Contractor agrees to abide by the general standards and policies established by CIFA. Contractor agrees to use due diligence and best efforts to perform in accordance with and obey such ethical mandates and alll statutes, rules and regulations covering any service that she may render during the term of this contract hereunder. Contractor agrees that continuation on this contract for the entire term listed above is contingent upon successful performance of her duties.

d. Contractor understands and agrees she has no authority to enter any contract binding CIFA, or to deliberately create any obligations on behalf of CIFA unless specifically authorized by the CIFA Board of Directors to do so.


  1. Confidentiality. Contractor recognizes and acknowledges that CIFA’s trade secrets, confidential information, and proprietary information, including computer data and programs (collectively “Confidential Information”), are valuable, special, and unique assets of the CIFA, access to and knowledge of which are essential to the performance of Contractor’s duties.
    Contractor will not, before or after termination of this contract, in whole or in part, disclose such Confidential Information to any person or entity for any purpose whatsoever, nor shall Contractor make use of such Confidential Information for Contractor’s own purposes or for the benefit of any person or entity other than CIFA under any circumstances before or after termination of this contract. Provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply after termination of this contract with CIFA to Confidential Information that has become publicly known through no action on Contractor’s part. Contractor shall consider and treat as CIFA’s property all memoranda, books, records, papers, letters, computer data or programs, or prospective business lists, including, but not limited to, any copies thereof in any format, which in any way relate to CIFA’s business or affairs, financial or otherwise, whether created by the Contractor or coming into Contractor’s possession. Contractor shall deliver the same to CIFA on the date of termination of this contract, or on demand of CIFA at any earlier time.

  2. Duties and Responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the Contractor shall include but not be limited to: being responsible for creating and coordinating with the CIFA Board Chairman or his/her designee the agenda for the quarterly or a special called CIFA Board of Directors Meeting; informing and engaging public and private stakeholders of economic development activities and successes through effective, consistent, and frequent dialogue; encouraging public and private stakeholder engagement when considering tactical approaches to executing organizational objectives; coordinating programs and personnel activities with external stakeholders, and with local, community, state and federal agencies; maintaining the image in the community by representing CIFA in written and oral presentations, including primary responsibility for all media contacts; representing CIFA on community, regional, state, and national associations and organizations on issues of mutual concern. Coordinates with various agencies to assure CIFA’s best interest is being served; executing the Board of Directors mission, goals and strategies as well as special projects as appropriate; developing new plans and programs to increase the CIFA’s ability to enhance job creation and retention in the Coalfield Region; coordinating annual business expansion, retention and recruitment efforts and responds to opportunities and is accountable for associated metrics; analyzing the feasibility of proposed projects including financial and economic impact analysis; researching and compiling demographic and economic data in response to inquiries from prospective businesses; preparing development proposals to private development companies and businesses; coordinating with various businesses, agencies, community organizations, and incorporated communities’ and counties’ departments to conduct presentations and site tours for the purposes of identifying, attracting, and promoting the four counties to new businesses and industries; working closely with regional economic development organizations, workforce providers, educational institutions, and the business community in promoting the incorporated communities and Counties; directing the CIFA finance programs, including writing and or participating in the development of grant applications; working with the Board in preparing and recommending the annual budget, analyzing future needs, estimating resource requirements, and making determinations as to appropriate allocations of resources for consideration and approval of the Board of Directors; preparing or approving all reports, applications, proposals, and any other significant written presentations; developing sources of revenue and controls costs consistent with resources and organizational goals and objectives; facilitating the activities of the Board of Directors by recommending meeting agenda items, and advising and assisting in setting and evaluating overall organizational goals; and other special assignments designated by the Board of Directors.

  3. Confidentiality. Contractor recognizes and acknowledges that CIFA’s trade secrets, confidential information, and proprietary information, including computer data and programs (collectively “Confidential Information"), are valuable, special, and unique assets of the CIFA, access to and knowledge of which are essential to the performance of Contractor’s duties. Contractor will not, before or after termination of this contract, in whole or in part, disclose such Confidential Information to any person or entity for any purpose whatsoever, nor shall Contractor make use of such Confidential Information for Contractor’s own purposes or for the benefit of any person or entity other than CIFA under any circumstances before or after termination of this contract. Provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply after termination of this contract with CIFA to Confidential Information that has become publicly known through no action on Contractor’s part. Contractor shall consider and treat as CIFA’S Property all memoranda, books, records, papers, letters, computer data or programs, or prospective business lists, including, but not limited to, any copies thereof in any format, which in any way relate to CIFA’s business or affairs, financial or otherwise, whether created by the Contractor or coming into Contractor’s possession. Contractor shall deliver the same to CIFA on the date of termination of this contract, or on demand of CIFA at any earlier time.

  4. Duties and Responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the Contractor shall include but not be limited to: being responsible for creating and coordinating with the CIFA Board Chairman or his/her designee the agenda for the quarterly or a special called CIFA Board of Directors Meeting; informing and engaging public and private stakeholders of economic development activities and successes through effective, consistent, and frequent dialogue; encouraging public and private stakeholder engagement when considering tactical approaches to executing organizational objectives; coordinating programs and personnel activities with external stakeholders, and with local, community, state and federal agencies; maintaining the image in the community by representing CIFA in written and oral presentations, including primary responsibility for all media contacts; representing CIFA on community, regional, state, and national associations and organizations on issues of mutual concern. Coordinates with various agencies to assure CIFA’s best interest is being served; executing the Board of Directors mission, goals and strategies as well as special projects as appropriate; developing new plans and programs to increase the CIFA’s ability to enhance job creation and retention in the Coalfield Region; coordinating annual business expansion, retention and recruitment efforts and responds to opportunities and is accountable for associated metrics; analyzing the feasibility of proposed projects including financial and economic impact analysis; researching and compiling demographic and economic data in response to inquiries from prospective businesses; preparing development proposals to private development companies and businesses; coordinating with various businesses, agencies, community organizations, and incorporated communities’ and counties’ departments to conduct presentations and site tours for the purposes of identifying, attracting, and promoting the four counties to new businesses and industries; working closely with regional economic development organizations, workforce providers, educational institutions, and the business community in promoting the incorporated communities and Counties; directing the CIFA finance programs, including writing and or participating in the development of grant applications; working with the Board in preparing and recommending the annual budget, analyzing future needs, estimating resource requirements, and making determinations as to appropriate allocations of resources for consideration and approval of the Board of Directors; preparing or approving all reports, applications, proposals, and any other significant written presentations; developing sources of revenue and controls costs consistent with resources and organizational goals and objectives; facilitating the activities of the Board of Directors by recommending meeting agenda items, and advising and assisting in setting and evaluating overall organizational goals; and other special assignments designated by the Board of Directors.


  1. Compensation. The Contract shall pay unto Contractor the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($120,000.00). The compensation shall be payable in monthly installments. The above compensation is the total amount to be paid to Contractor during the term of this Contract. There shall be no reimbursement made in addition to the above-referenced sum for any expenses, including but not limited to mileage, lodging, and any other incidental expenses.

  2. Termination of Contract. This Contract may be terminated upon thirty (30) days’ written notice by CIFA or the Contractor, timely provided to the other party. Should this Contract be terminated for convenience rather than cause, CIFA shall provide compensation pro rata for the period in which the Contract was terminated.

a. CIFA may, at any time with or without notice, terminate the Contract for cause that shall include but not be limited to the following grounds: (1) fraud, misrepresentation, embezzlement, or similar acts of dishonesty committed by the Contractor: (2) Contractor’s conviction of a felony; (3) Contractor’s illegal use of drugs or use of alcohol while representing CIFA; (4) disclosure of Confidential Information as defined in this Contract; (5) failure to comply with the duties and obligations contained in this Contract.

b. If this Contract is terminated for cause, the Contractor shall not receive compensation for services after the Contractor is sent notification that the Contract shall be terminated for cause.

c. Upon termination of this Contract, Contractor must return all Authority property, documents, and/or materials possessed by Contractor to the then Chairman of CIFA or to CIFA’s then Administrator, within fourteen (14) days of the date of the termination of this contract.

  1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be January 1, 2022. This Agreement is for period of twelve (12) months and shall terminate on December 31, 2022. However, said Agreement is terminable by CIFA, with or without cause, at any time, with or without notice subject to terms contained in this Agreement.

  2. Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that she has taken no proprietary, trade secret, or confidential information from any prior Employer, and will not knowingly disclose such information to CIFA, or improperly use any such information of which she had knowledge on behalf of any prior employer. Contractor further warrants to CIFA that she is not bound by any non-competition, non-solicitation, or non-disclosure agreement that would preclude, limit, or in any manner affect her contract with CIFA, and that by entering into this Agreement with CIFA she is not violating the terms or conditions of any such agreement or any other agreement from any previous employment or association.

  3. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of CIFA under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of CIFA. Contractor shall not be entitled to assign any of her rights or obligations under this Agreement.

  4. Amendments. No amendment or modification of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by Contractor and by an authorized person designated by CIFA. Accordingly, Contractor and CIFA agree that no representation contrary to the terms of this Agreement is valid and that this Agreement may not be augmented, contradicted, or modified in any way, except by a writing signed by Contractor and an authorized person designated by CIFA.

  5. Compensation. The Contract shall pay unto Contractor the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($120,000.00). The compensation shall be payable in monthly installments. The above compensation is the total amount to be paid to Contractor during the term of this Contract. There shall be no reimbursement made in addition to the above-referenced sum for any expenses, including but not limited to mileage, lodging, and any other incidental expenses.

  6. Termination of Contract. This Contract may be terminated upon thirty (30) days’ written notice by CIFA or the Contractor, timely provided to the other party. Should this Contract be terminated for convenience rather than cause, CIFA shall provide compensation pro rata for the period in which the Contract was terminated.

a. _CIFA may, at any time with or without notice, terminate the Contract for cause that shall include but not be limited to the following grounds: (1) fraud, misrepresentation, embezzlement, or similar acts of dishonesty committed by the Contractor: (2) Contractor’s conviction of a felony; (3) Contractor’s illegal use of drugs or use of alcohol while representing CIFA; (4) disclosure of Confidential Information as defined in this Contract; (5) failure to comply with the duties and obligations contained in this Contract.

b. If this Contract is terminated for cause, the Contractor shall not receive compensation for services after the Contractor is sent notification that the Contract shall be terminated for cause.

c. Upon termination of this Contract, Contractor must return all Authority property, documents, and/or materials possessed by Contractor to the then Chairman of CIFA or to CIFA’s then Administrator, within fourteen (14) days of the date of the termination of this contract.

  1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be January 1, 2022. This ‘Agreement is for period of twelve (12) months and shall terminate on December 31, 2022 However, said Agreement is terminable by CIFA, with or without cause, at any time, with or without notice subject to terms contained in this Agreement.

  2. Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that she has taken no proprietary, trade secret, or confidential information from any prior Employer, and will not knowingly disclose such information to CIFA, or improperly use any such information of which she had knowledge on behalf of any prior employer. Contractor further warrants to CIFA that she is not bound by any non-competition, non-solicitation, or non-disclosure agreement that would preclude, limit, or in any manner affect her contract with CIFA, and that by entering into this Agreement with CIFA she is not violating the terms or conditions of any such agreement or any other agreement from any previous employment or association.

  3. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations of CIFA under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of CIFA. Contractor shall not be entitled to assign any of her rights or obligations under this Agreement.

  4. Amendments. No amendment or modification of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by Contractor and by an authorized person designated by CIFA. Accordingly, Contractor and CIFA agree that no representation contrary to the terms of this Agreement is valid and that this Agreement may not be augmented, contradicted, or modified in any way, except by a writing signed by Contractor and an authorized person designated by CIFA.



  1. Separate Terms/Severability. Each term, condition, covenant or provision of this Agreement shall be viewed as separate and distinct, and in the event that any such term, covenant or provision shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or void, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

  2. Waiver. A waiver by either party of a breach of provision(s) of this Agreement shall not constitute a general waiver or prejudice the other party’s right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provisions in this Agreement.

  3. Attorney’s Fees. If Contractor breaches this Agreement or if litigation or other legal proceeding relating to this Agreement occurs as a result of Contractor’s actions, CIFA shall be entitled to recover (in addition to any other relief awarded or granted) its reasonable costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in such litigation or proceeding from Contractor. This shall include but not necessarily be limited to any collection proceeding that CIFA may pursue against Contractor.

  4. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be sufficient, if in writing, sent by mail to her residence in the case of Contractor, or hand delivered to the Contractor, and, in the case of CIFA, to its current Chairman.

  5. Acknowledgment. Contractor acknowledges that she has been advised by CIFA to consult with independent counsel of her own choice, at her expense, concerning this Agreement; that she has had the opportunity to do so; and that she has taken advantage of that opportunity to the extent that she desires. Contractor further acknowledges that she has read and understands this Agreement; is fully aware of its legal effect; and has entered into it freely based on her own judgment.

The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of CIFA. The Contractor is empowered to control her own means and methods; provide her own equipment; and set her own work hours. The Contractor is responsible for any insurance coverage necessary for her person or her equipment. CIFA shall not provide any health insurance, retirement benefits, workers’ compensation coverage, or other fringe benefits commensurate with employment. The only compensation received by Contractor shall be the compensation specifically stated within the Contract.

  1. Entire Agreement. Contractor acknowledges receipt of this Agreement and agrees that this Agreement represents the entire Agreement with CIFA concerning the subject matter expressed herein, and supersedes any previous oral or written communications, representations, understandings or Agreements with CIFA or any agent thereof.

  2. Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties hereto agree that in the event that this Agreement need be construed or interpreted in any way as a result of litigation all matters pertaining hereto shall be brought exclusively in the Circuit Court of Russell County, Virginia.

  3. Indemnification. By signing this Contract, the Contractor does hereby agree to indemnify and hold CIFA harmless from any and all claims or damages, from whatever cause of action derived, by the Contractor or by third parties, arising from the services provided under this Contract.

  4. Severability. Should any paragraph of this Contract be determined to be unconstitutional, unenforceable, void, or otherwise invalid, such defect shall not impair the remaining paragraphs of the Contract and the Contract shall remain and endure as if the defective paragraph were stricken from the Contract.

  5. Separate Terms/Severability. Each term, condition, covenant or provision of this Agreement shall be viewed as separate and distinct, and in the event that any such term, covenant or provision shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or void, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

  6. Waiver. A waiver by either party of a breach of provision(s) of this Agreement shall not constitute a general waiver or prejudice the other party’s right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provisions in this Agreement.

  7. Attorney’s Fees. If Contractor breaches this Agreement or if litigation or other legal proceeding relating to this Agreement occurs as a result of Contractor’s actions, CIFA shall be entitled to recover (in addition to any other relief awarded or granted) its reasonable costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in such litigation or proceeding from Contractor. This shall include but not necessarily be limited to any collection proceeding that CIFA may pursue against Contractor.

  8. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be sufficient, if in writing, sent by mail to her residence in the case of Contractor, or hand delivered to the Contractor, and, in the case of CIFA, to its current Chairman

  9. Acknowledgment. Contractor acknowledges that she has been advised by CIFA to consult with independent counsel of her own choice, at her expense, concerning this Agreement; that she has had the opportunity to do so; and that she has taken advantage of that opportunity to the extent that she desires. Contractor further acknowledges that she has read and understands this Agreement; is fully aware of its legal effect; and has entered into it freely based on her own judgment.

The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of CIFA. The Contractor is empowered to control her own means and methods; provide her own equipment; and set her own work hours. The Contractor is responsible for any insurance coverage necessary for her person or her equipment. CIFA shall not provide any health insurance, retirement benefits, workers’ compensation coverage, or other fringe benefits commensurate with employment. The only compensation received by Contractor shall be the compensation specifically stated within the Contract.

  1. _ Entire Agreement. Contractor acknowledges receipt of this Agreement and agrees that this Agreement represents the entire Agreement with CIFA concerning the subject matter expressed herein, and supersedes any previous oral or written communications, representations, understandings or Agreements with CIFA or any agent thereof.

  2. Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties hereto agree that in the event that this Agreement need be construed or interpreted in any way as a result of litigation all matters pertaining hereto shall be brought exclusively in the Circuit Court of Russell County, Virginia.

  3. Indemnification. By signing this Contract, the Contractor does hereby agree to indemnify and hold CIFA harmless from any and all claims or damages, from whatever cause of action derived, by the Contractor or by third parties, arising from the services provided under this Contract.

  4. Severability. Should any paragraph of this Contract be determined to be unconstitutional, unenforceable, void, or otherwise invalid, such defect shall not impair the remaining paragraphs of the Contract and the Contract shall remain and endure as if the defective paragraph were stricken from the Contract.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the _____

day of ____________, 2022.




COUNTY OF ____________________, to-wit:

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ______________________________, Chairman of the Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority, in his capacity as Chairman and agent of the Authority on this ______ day of ________________________, 2022.

My Commission expires: __________________________________.

    Notary Public 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the

day of 2022.





COUNTY OF to-wit

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by

Chairman of the Cumberland Industrial

ies Authority, in his capacity as Chairman and agent of the Authority on this day of 2022.

My Commission expires: .

Notary Public


COUNTY OF ______________________, to wit:

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by __________________________Contractor, this ______ day of ________________________, 2022.

My Commission expires: __________________________________.

    Notary Public 


The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Contractor, this day of 2022.

My Commission expires:

Notary Public

Jennifer R. Pike 4323 Meredith Creek Drive

Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Cell 276-614-5100

November 11, 2021.

Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority, Hiring Committee 137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Dear Hiring Committee:

1am submitting my letter of intent along with my resume and references for the Executive Director position with the Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority. | am a Southwest Virginia native with extensive state service working in the Virginia Legislature and the Executive Branch of Government. These experiences along with my education and diverse working knowledge of economic growth and development have afforded me a unique skill set that makes me an excellent choice for this position,

Your job announcement indicated you were seeking someone with the ability to provide proper strategic direction as well as implementing high-quality vision to serve the Board of Directors. An example that | would like to share is that | developed a resolution for Veterans and Service Members by leading an initiative to establish a Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Tazewell, Virginia which serves 1,800 service-connected members over a wide geographic region. This was a twofold initiative as it provided vital health care services to those who served our country as well as provided an economic boost for our local community hospital. This initiative was the first of its kind in the state of Virginia and has continued to grow each year since inception.

Furthermore, | am highly confident that my resume exceeds the minimum requirements for this position as advertised.

tam extremely excited and look forward to further discussing my qualifications. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warmest Regards, Jennifer R. Pike


Jennifer R. Pike 4323 Meredith Creek Drive ~ Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 ~ Cell 276-614-5100


[email protected]


Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia Bachelors of Science - Multidisciplinary Studies; Minor Public Administration Masters of Public Administration — (18 credit hours complete)

Southwest Virginia Community College, Richlands, Virginia Associates of Applied Science — Business Administration Associates of Applied Science ~ General Studies Associates of Applied Science ~ Education

Associates of Applied Science – Psychology

Professional Experience

Department of General Services July 2018 to Present Policy and Legislative Specialist/Accounts Payable Manager Develop and prepare legislative decision packages for agency proposed and introduced legislation, including budget decision packages. Review, analyze and develop position papers on legislative proposals. Legal research and analysis. Serve as legislative liaison and meet with General Assembly Members during and out of General Assembly session. Work with DGS service and administrative areas on business process activities and practices to address issues impacting operations and to develop solutions to improve efficiencies and effectiveness. Assist DGS service areas in the development, implementation, sustainment, and enforcement of their policies and procedures and strategic plan. Extensive work with the legislative, budget, and regulatory process. Manage, coordinate and staff the Art and Architectural Review Board during monthly meetings. Served as liaison between architects, project managers and board members to review project renderings, schematics, and materials. Made recommendations to improve the process in which the board reviewed and made decisions on all state-owned facilities, Because of my previous accounting and budgeting experience, during the COVID pandemic, the DGS Directors office ask that | assist in the Fiscal Office due to a staffing shortage. | am currently serving as the Accounts Payable Manager.

Senate of Virginia March 2010 to June 2018 Legislative Aide, Districts 21, 39 and 38 (Roanoke, Fairfax, and Tazewell) Possess in depth knowledge of state governmental principles. Proven organizational and leadership abilities. Have extensive experience with government relations, policy analysis, organizational and analytical skills, verbal and written communication skills to include interviews, extensive public speaking, interpretation of state and federal laws, proven strategic management and leadership, multitask under strict deadlines, daily work with private, local, state and federal organizations to mandate and promote service delivery, monitor and analyze legislation, legal research and analysis, manage frequent and varied contacts in order to adapt resolutions for program successes, perform long-range program planning and development, work with accuracy and attention to detail, monitor program performances and service deliveries. Extensive collaboration with Cabinet level Secretariats of the Executive Branch. Extensive analytical out-of-the-box thinking to solve a myriad of problems as relayed by constituents within the communities we served. Extensive experience in networking with constituents and other elected officials serving localities. Collaborated with local and state Boards and Authorities such as VECEDA, The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission, USDA and VEDP. Provided direction and guidance to the business and private sector on growth opportunities for business and industry on the local, state, and federal levels. Served as a liaison for Virginia Economic Development Partnership and lead a team of business professionals to the United Arab Emirates to secure economic development opportunities.

Town of Tazewell Council January 2017 to November 2018 Elected Council Member, Town of Tazewell One of 6 who assisted in governing and overseeing the daily operations of the Town of Tazewell. Strong understanding of economic development finance. Frequent public speaking. Proven collaboration with diverse constituent groups. Grant funding was secured to revitalize the Main Street corridor in the Town of Tazewell. As part of the revitalization process, we established a plan to show performance measures on return of investment. Established and approved a multimillion-dollar budget, secured businesses for economic growth, developed policies and procedures, assisted with state procurement process and requirements, secured grant funding, and provided a continuous networking with constituents that | served.

Southwest Virginia Community College ‘August 2009 to June 2010 Title Il Administrative and Office Specialist I!

Performed daily tasks associated with the management of the Title Ill grant program.

Performed grant writing and reporting. Trade Show Representative. Collaborated with other

team members to develop and deliver quality training materials to grant recipient programs.

Administered a multimillion-dollar 5 year state/federal budget and assisted with the state

procurement process.

Clinch Valley Printing Co., Inc. October 1988 to August 2009 Vice President of Operations

Served as Administrator/Manager of all aspects of the printing company. Managed 25

employees daily and implemented a variety of programs from time management, employee

relations, and human resources to public relations, Worked extensively developing and

implementing new employee programs. Served as the training officer for all new equipment,

software, and OSHA related compliance.

Community Service Work Projects

Tazewell Veterans Care Clinic (CBOC)

Responsible for development of strategies that established a Veterans Care Clinic (CBOC) located inside Carillion Tazewell Community Hospital. | met with local, state, and federal officials to solicit the idea and presented a plan to develop the clinic. | worked with different organizations to establish plans for the care and transportation of Veterans from over a wide geographic region. This clinic not only provided care for Veterans, but it also provided much needed revenue and employment to Carillion Tazewell Community Hospital. This clinic is currently growing and providing more diagnostic testing than its inception.

Tazewell Train Station Revitalization

Served as Repurposing Committee Chairman. Worked extensively planning, organizing, grant writing and getting the station on the State and National Registers of Historic Places. Promoted the project and held various events to gain support and attention to the station. The Tazewell Train Station is currently thriving and serving as a community welcome/information center as well as serving as a public meeting space.

International Trade Mission to United Arab Emirates

Served as a liaison for the Commonwealth of Virginia Economic Development Partnership during an International Trade Mission to the Middle East (UAE) in the fall of 2018. This trade mission served a Roanoke area who manufactured body armor for the military and law enforcement industries. This trade mission was successful, and the company has now grown by

130 employees and is looking for future expansion,

Budget Management Experience

Clinch Valley Printing Co., Inc.

Southwest Virginia Community College, Title It Edwards for Senate 2016 Campaign Fund Town of Tazewell Council

Community Service

Tazewell Rotary Club

‘Town of Tazewell

Tazewell Chamber of Commerce

Tazewell County Enterprise Zone Committee Town of Tazewell Train Station Revitalization Phi Theta Kappa

Jeffersonville Women’s Club

1.7 million Annually

25 million/5 Year Grant 2.8 million/8 months 18 million Annually

Paul Harris Fellow Award Recipient Elected Council Member

Past Board Member

Appointed 2016-2018

Chairman, Repurposing Committee Member

Past Member


Mr. Norvell West Business Owner


Ms, Brittany Whitley State Government


Mr. Todd Day Local Government


Board of Supervisors Action Item F-1 – F-7 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

                 Meeting: 1/3/22         6:00 PM 

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for January 2022:


  1. 2022 VACo & Virginia Rural Center Rural Caucus Reception………………….F-1

  2. State and Local Economic Interests and Financial Disclosure Statements….F-2

  3. Project Jonah Interjurisdictional Agreement……………………………………….F-3


  1. RC Litter Officer Advertisement………………….……………………………………F-4

  2. DCJS Violence Against Women’s Act Grant ($62,009)……………………………F-5

  3. DCJS 2021 Mitigating COVID-19 Pandemic Risk ($47,189)………………………F-6

  4. RC Sheriff Vehicle Surplus…………………………………………………………….F-7

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.


• Various

Board of Supervisors Action Item F-1 - F-7 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 1/3/22 6:00 PM

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for January 2022:


  1. 2022 VACo & Virginia Rural Center Rural Caucus Reception…

  2. State and Local Economic Interests and Financial Disclosure Statements…F-2

  3. Project Jonah Interjurisdi


  1. RC Litter Officer Advertisement…

ional Agreement…

  1. DCJS Violence Against Women’s Act Grant ($62,009)…

  2. DCJS 2021 Mitigating COVID-19 Pandemic Risk ($47,189)…

  3. RC Sheriff Vehicle Surplus…

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.


  • Various

2022 Rural Caucus Reception






MY GUEST’S NAME: (add $75)


CHARGE OPTIONS: VISA American Express MasterCard Discover









Or please make check payable to VACo. Mail check and completed registration form to 1207 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219.

W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 , 2 0 2 2

Fax completed registration form with credit card information to 804.788.0083.


Hotel Reservation Details: Lodging costs are not covered in the registration fee. The Chairpersons’ Institute is held at the Omni Richmond Hotel, 100 South 12th Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Room rates start at $162 (single room occupancy). To reserve a hotel room, call 804.344.7000 by January 11, 2022, with this code: Government Legislative Day 2022 Group or reserve a room at this Omni Richmond Hotel link.

Refund Policy: Requests for registration refunds are honored if received by January 28, 2022. Substitutions are allowed in the event a supervisor is unable to attend. For more information, call VACo at 804.788.6652.

$75 per person through January 28 $90 per person January 29 and later | $90 at the door

E a r l y R e g i s t r a t i o n D e a d l i n e i s J a n u a r y 2 8 R o o m b l o c k a t t h e O m n i R i c h m o n d H o t e l c l o s e s o n J a n u a r y 1 1 2022 RURAL CAUCUS RECEPTION


RECEPTION $75 per person through January 28 GENERAL ASSEMBLY $90 per person January 29 and later | $90 at the door Early Registration Deadline is January 28 Room block at the Omni Richmond Hotel closes on January 11





MY GUEST’S NAME: (add $75)


CHARGE OPTIONS: O VISA O American Express O MasterCard O Discover





Hotel Reservation Details: Lodging costs are not covered in the registration fee. The Chairpersons’ Institute is held at the Omni Richmond Hotel, 100 South 12th Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Room rates start at $162 (single room occupancy). To reserve a hotel room, call 804.344.7000 by January 11, 2022, with this code: Government Legislative Day 2022 Group or reserve a room at this Omni Richmond Hotel link.

Fax completed registration form with credit card information to 804.788.0083.

PLEASE CONTACT Or please make check payable to VACo. Mail check and completed

VALERIE RUSSELL AT : : . . [email protected] registration form to 1207 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219. WITH ANY QUESTIONS.

Co ; [Reval Center e tnership of the Center Ira ‘Virginia Association of Counties Virginia and the C uncil for F Vi

Refund Policy: Requests for registration refunds are honored if received by January 28, 2022. Substitutions are allowed in the event a supervisor is unable to attend. For more information, call VACo at 804.788.6652.

2022 Local Government Day FEBRUARY 3, 2022 @ 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Advocate for Counties

Thursday, February 3, 2022 | Omni Richmond Hotel | REGISTRATION FORM | REGISTER ONLINE

Local Government Day

Its a day for all of us. Counties. Cities. Towns. Planning Districts. It’s a day for us to learn how the decisions being made by the General Assembly might affect us. And it’s a day to make our voices heard. Attend Local Government Day. Then visit the Capitol to meet with your legislators and observe committee meetings. Later join us for a reception

Registration Fee

$100 Day Briefing only (Noon - 2pm)

$100 Reception only (530pm)

$150 for both | $175 late registration

AGENDA gam - VACo Board of Directors Meeting taam - Registration/Check In 1130am - Lunch Noon = Local Government Day Afternoon - Visit the Capitol to speak with legislators 530pm - Reception

H Reservation Detail

Lodging costs are not covered in the registration fee. Local Government Day is held at the Omni Richmond Hotel, 100 South 12th Street, Richmond, VA 23219. Room rates start at $162 (single room occupancy). To reserve a hotel room, call 804.344.7000 by January 24, 2022, with this code: Government Legislative Day 2022 Group or reserve a room at this Omni Richmond Hotel link.



Details Date:

February, 3.2922,(20%2-92- 92)

Time: 100 am - 2:00 pm

Event Category: Featured


Organizer VACo

Phone: 804.788.0083

Website: certification/


Venue Omni Richmond Hotel VACo Event

100 South 12th Street Richmond, VA (Virginia 23219 United States

  • Google Map


county-government-day- 2017

« 2022 Rural Caucus Reception


1207 East Main Street, Suite 300

Richmond, Va 23219-3627

Phone: 804.788.6652 Fax: 804.788.0083

2022 Chairpersons Institute »



This AGREEMENT is dated and entered into this the ___ day of ________, 2022



COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (herein, “Tazewell County”), both being political subdivisions of

the Commonwealth of Virginia incorporated pursuant to Section 15.2-400 et seq. of the

Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (herein collectively “the Counties”).

W I T N E S S E T H :

WHEREAS, Pure Salmon Virginia, LLC is a limited liability corporation

sponsoring a private business initiative to create multiple aquaculture facilities in

Tazewell County and Russell County for the growth, harvesting, and processing of

salmon on a commercial scale heretofore not accomplished in the United States,

including facilities ranging from fish hatcheries, to facilities for growing fish, to facilities

for processing and packaging fish for wholesale, to facilities for commercialization of fish

by-products (herein, “Project Jonah”);

WHEREAS, in the construction of said aquaculture facilities, Project Jonah will

conduct significant land-disturbing activities, which will displace greater than one million

cubic yards (1,000,000 yd3.) of soil;

WHEREAS, land-disturbing activities that displace greater than ten thousand

square feet (10,000 ft2.) of soil require erosion and sediment control permits, pursuant to

Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq. of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended;

Tracy Highlight

This AGREEMENT is dated and entered into this the __ day of , 2022 by and between THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (herein, “Russell County”) and THE BOARD OF THE SUPERVISORS OF TAZEWELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (herein, “Tazewell County”), both being political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia incorporated pursuant to Section 15.2-400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (herein collectively “the Counties”).


WHEREAS, Pure Salmon Virginia, LLC is a limited liability corporation sponsoring a private business initiative to create multiple aquaculture facilities in Tazewell County and Russell County for the growth, harvesting, and processing of salmon on a commercial scale heretofore not accomplished in the United States, including facilities ranging from fish hatcheries, to facilities for growing fish, to facilities for processing and packaging fish for wholesale, to facilities for commercialization of fish by-products (herein, “Project Jonah’);

WHEREAS, in the construction of said aquaculture facilities, Project Jonah will conduct significant land-disturbing activities, which will displace greater than one million cubic yards (1,000,000 yd?.) of soil;

WHEREAS, land-disturbing activities that displace greater than ten thousand square feet (10,000 ft?.) of soil require erosion and sediment control permits, pursuant to

Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq. of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended;

WHEREAS, both Russell County and Tazewell County have adopted Virginia

Erosion and Sediment Control Programs (herein, “VESCP”) and have become VESCP

authorities, pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:54 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as


WHEREAS, the construction of said aquaculture facilities will require Project

Jonah to acquire building permits in Russell County and Tazewell County, pursuant to

Section 36-105 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended;

WHEREAS, Russell County has issued a Request for Qualifications for qualified

vendors to conduct erosion and sediment control and industrial building services, for

which interviews have been conducted, and upon which a contract will be awarded for

these engineering services;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:54 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as

amended, both Russell County and Tazewell County are entitled to implement fee

schedules and charge fees pertaining to erosion and sediment control inspections;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 36-105 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as

amended, both Russell County and Tazewell County are entitled to implement fee

schedules and charge fees pertaining to industrial building inspections;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:58 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as

amended, Russell County and Tazewell County, as VESCP authorities, are permitted to

enter into agreements with adjacent jurisdictions to assist with the responsibilities of the

Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, being Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq. of the

Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, which includes review and determination of

adequacy of erosion and sediment control plans;

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

WHEREAS, both Russell County and Tazewell County have adopted Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Programs (herein, “VESCP”) and have become VESCP authorities, pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:54 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as


WHEREAS, Russell County has issued a Request for Qualifications for qualified vendors to conduct erosion and sediment control and industrial building services, for which interviews have been conducted, and upon which a contract will be awarded for

these engineering services;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15.2-1300 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as

amended, the power of industrial building inspections may be exercised jointly between

Russell County and Tazewell County, and the Counties may enter into an agreement

between them for jointly exercising said power;

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Regional Project Jonah Participation Agreement

adopted by the Counties, dated October 27, 2020, the Counties desire that fees

collected from erosion and sediment control inspections and industrial building

inspection be collected and disbursed as Project Revenue, subject to the provisions of

Article VI© as claims upon Project Revenue for infrastructure and capital expenses;


WHEREAS, the Counties remain committed to assist Project Jonah in the

creation of hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars worth of taxable assets throughout

the region;

NOW THEREFORE, in order to carry out the purposes described herein, which

will promote the development of Project Jonah for the mutual benefit of the Counties,

the Counties hereby agree as follows:

(1) Pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:58 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended,

Russell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Tazewell County

Director of Engineering, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions

of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq.

of the Code of Virginia, and the Russell County VESCP, within the territorial limits

of Russell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah.

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

subject to the provisions of

Article VI© as claims upon Project Revenue for infrastructure and capital expenses;


WHEREAS, the Counties remain committed to assist Project Jonah in the creation of hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars worth of taxable assets throughout the region;

NOW THEREFORE, in order to carry out the purposes described herein, which will promote the development of Project Jonah for the mutual benefit of the Counties, the Counties hereby agree as follows:

(1) Pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:58 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Russell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Tazewell County Director of Engineering, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq. of the Code of Virginia, and the Russell County VESCP, within the territorial limits

of Russell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah

(2) Pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:58 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended,

Tazewell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Russell County

Engineer, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the Virginia

Erosion and Sediment Control Law, Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq. of the Code of

Virginia, and the Tazewell County VESCP, within the territorial limits of Tazewell

County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah.

(3) Pursuant to Section 15.2-1300 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended,

Russell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Tazewell County

Building Official, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the

applicable state and local building codes, pursuant to Section 36-97 et seq. of the

Code of Virginia, and such ordinances adopted by Russell County, within the

territorial limits of Russell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah.

(4) Pursuant to Section 15.2-1300 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended,

Tazewell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Russell County

Building Official, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the

applicable state and local building codes, pursuant to Section 36-97 et seq. of the

Code of Virginia, and such ordinances adopted by Tazewell County, within the

territorial limits of Tazewell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah.

(5) All erosion and sediment control inspection fees shall be collected in the

jurisdiction which such erosion and sediment control inspection occurred,

regardless of which County’s employees performed the erosion and sediment

control inspection.

Tracy Highlight





Pursuant to Section 62.1-44.15:58 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Tazewell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Russell County Engineer, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, Section 62.1-44.15:51 et seq. of the Code of Virginia, and the Tazewell County VESCP, within the territorial limits of Tazewell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah

Pursuant to Section 15.2-1300 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Russell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Tazewell County Building Official, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the applicable state and local building codes, pursuant to Section 36-97 et seg. of the Code of Virginia, and such ordinances adopted by Russell County, within the territorial limits of Russell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah

Pursuant to Section 15.2-1300 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Tazewell County grants, authorizes, and otherwise empowers the Russell County Building Official, and/or his agents and assigns, to enforce the provisions of the applicable state and local building codes, pursuant to Section 36-97 et seg. of the Code of Virginia, and such ordinances adopted by Tazewell County, within the

territorial limits of Tazewell County, Virginia, pertaining to Project Jonah:

(6) All industrial building inspection fees shall be collected in the jurisdiction which

such industrial building inspection occurred, regardless of which County’s

employees performed the industrial building inspection.

(7) The terms and conditions of the Regional Project Jonah Participation Agreement

adopted by the Counties, dated October 27, 2020, shall control and be binding

upon the collection of erosion and sediment control inspection fees and industrial

building inspection fees. Said fees shall be considered Project Revenue as that

term is defined therein. Russell County or Tazewell County may assert claims

upon said fees as Project Revenue for capital expenses and infrastructure in

accordance with Article VI© of said Participation Agreement. It is anticipated

that said fees shall be first applied to the costs accrued by Russell County

pursuant to the Request for Qualifications advertised and awarded by Russell

County for these engineering services.

(8) The term of this Agreement shall expire on (a) December 31, 2024 or (b) when

Project Jonah has completed its final land-disturbing activity in the Counties and

has been issued all certificates of occupancy by the Counties, whichever comes


(9) All employees of Russell County or Tazewell County shall remain and be

considered employees of their respective County, regardless of the jurisdiction in

which the employees are performing work under this Agreement.

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight





All employees of Russell County or Tazewell County shall remain and be considered employees of their respective County, regardless of the jurisdiction in

which the employees are performing work under this Agreement.

(10) The jurisdiction for any challenges by Project Jonah to any determinations made

under erosion or sediment control inspection or industrial building inspection by

Russell County or Tazewell County shall be a court of appropriate jurisdiction in

the jurisdiction which the subject property lies.

(11) Tazewell County shall not be liable to any third party for procurement defects

regarding any contract entered into by Russell County and the successful vendor

pursuant to the Request for Qualifications advertised and awarded by Russell

County. The terms and conditions of the Regional Project Jonah Participation

Agreement adopted by the Counties, dated October 27, 2020, shall control and

be binding upon all other third-party claims.

(12) This Participation Agreement shall not be enforceable against any Participant


(a) Each County’s governing body has approved this Agreement by vote of its

governing body at a public meeting; and

(b) Evidence of such approval in the form of a written resolution certified by

the Clerk of the Board of each County’s governing body is attached

hereto; and

© The Chairpersons of the Counties’ respective Boards of Supervisors and

their County Administrators have executed this Agreement.

(13) This Agreement may only be modified by a writing approved by the Counties’

respective governing bodies, by vote at a public meeting, evidenced by a certified

copy of a written resolution of each County’s governing body.

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight





The jurisdiction for any challenges by Project Jonah to any determinations made under erosion or sediment control inspection or industrial building inspection by Russell County or Tazewell County shall be a court of appropriate jurisdiction in

the jurisdiction which the subject property lies.

This Participation Agreement shall not be enforceable against any Participant


(a) _ Each County’s governing body has approved this Agreement by vote of its governing body at a public meeting; and

(b) Evidence of such approval in the form of a written resolution certified by the Clerk of the Board of each County’s governing body is attached hereto; and

© The Chairpersons of the Counties’ respective Boards of Supervisors and their County Administrators have executed this Agreement.

This Agreement may only be modified by a writing approved by the Counties’

respective governing bodies, by vote at a public meeting, evidenced by a certified

copy of a written resolution of each County’s governing body.

(14) The Counties may not withdraw from this Agreement unless the other

Participants unanimously agree, by vote of their respective governing bodies at a

public meeting.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Governing Bodies identified, by authorized action,

have caused this Agreement to be executed and their respective seals affixed hereto

and attested by their respective clerks or secretaries commencing the ___ day of

____________, 2022.



Clerk of the Board Rebecca Dye

Board of Supervisors Chairperson



Clerk of the Board Thomas A. Lester, Jr.
Board of Supervisors Chairman

(14) The Counties may not withdraw from this Agreement unless the other Participants unanimously agree, by vote of their respective governing bodies at a public meeting,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Governing Bodies identified, by authorized action, have caused this Agreement to be executed and their respective seals affixed hereto and attested by their respective clerks or secretaries commencing the __ day of



Clerk of the Board Rebecca Dye Board of Supervisors Chairperson



Clerk of the Board Thomas A. Lester, Jr. Board of Supervisors Chairman

December 14, 2021

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A

Lebanon,Virginia 24266

RE: Decreasing Violence Against Women in Russell County

Dear Lonzo Lester:

Congratulations on being a recipient of the above referenced grant program! Your DCJS grant

award number is 22-R4705VA21 and was approved for a total award of $62,009, funded through

Award Number 2020-WF-AX-0011. The project period is 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.

Included with this letter is a Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance (SOGA). Please note hard

copies of the General Special Conditions, as well as the Reporting Requirements and Projected Due

Dates, are now referred to as Conditions and Requirements and will be posted online at within the next two weeks.

In addition to the general Special Conditions, there may be grant specific Special Conditions

related to your Grant Award called Encumbrances. If there are any, you are required to adhere to these

conditions via the On-line Grants Management System (OGMS) at If

you have not previously done so, you must register in order to use this web-based system. The

instructions on Registering for a New Account and Submitting Action Item Encumbrances are posted

here along with other resources and

training videos. All registrants will be approved within 3 – 5 business days.

We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project’s success. To indicate

your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the included SOGA and return it

electronically within the next 60 days to [email protected]. If you have questions,

contact your DCJS Grant Monitor Sharon Reed at 804-658-8179 or via email at

[email protected].



Department of Criminal Justice Services

‘Shannon Dion Washington Building Director 1100 Bank Street

Richmond, Viginia 23219 Megan Peterson (804) 786.4000 (Chief Deputy Director www. dejs.virginia gov

December 14, 2021

Lonzo Lester County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A Lebanon, Virginia 24266

RE: Decreasing Violence Against Women in Russell County Dear Lonzo Lester:

Congratulations on being a recipient of the above referenced grant program! Your DCJS grant award number is 22-R4705VA21 and was approved for a total award of $62,009, funded through Award Number 2020-WF-AX-0011. The project period is 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.

Included with this letter is a Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance (SOGA). Please note hard copies of the General Special Conditions, as well as the Reporting Requirements and Projected Due Dates, are now referred to as Conditions and Requirements and will be posted online at within the next two weeks.

In addition to the general Special Conditions, there may be grant specific Special Conditions related to your Grant Award called Encumbrances. If there are any, you are required to adhere to these conditions via the On-line Grants Management System (OGMS) at https://ogms.dcjs.virginia.gow/. If you have not previously done so, you must register in order to use this web-based system. The instructions on Registering for a New Account and Submitting Action Item Encumbrances are posted here hitps://www.dejs. virginia gov/grants/ogms-training-resources along with other resources and training videos. All registrants will be approved within 3 — 5 business days.

We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project’s success. To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the included SOGA and return it electronically within the next 60 days to [email protected]. If you have questions, contact your DCJS Grant Monitor Sharon Reed at 804-658-8179 or via email at [email protected].



Shannon Dion


Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

1100 Bank Street, 12th Floor

Richmond, Virginia 23219

Project Director Project Administrator Finance Officer

Steven Dye


79 Rogers Avenue

Lebanon, Virginia 24266


[email protected]

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A

Lebanon, Virginia 24266


[email protected]

Alicia McGlothlin


137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266


[email protected]

*Please indicate your ICR in the space provided, if applicable. As the duly authorized

representative, the undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Awards (SOGA) and

reviewing the Special Conditions, hereby accepts this grant and agree to the conditions and

provisions of all other Federal and State laws and rules and regulations that apply to this award.

Signature: ______________________________
Authorized Official (Project Administrator)

Title: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

3255 – CY 22-23 VSTOP Formula Grant Program for Continuation Applicants

Subgrantee: Russell

DUNS Number: 40157851 DCJS Grant Number: 22-R4705VA21

Grant Start Date: 1/1/2022 Grant End Date: 12/31/2022

Federal Funds: $24,882

State General Funds:

State Special Funds:

Local Match: $37,127

Total Budget: $62,009

Federal Grant Number: 2020-WF-AX-0011

Federal Awardee: VAWO

Federal Catalog Number: 16.588

Project Description: To increase the apprehension, prosecution, and adjudication of persons

commiting violent crimes against women.

Federal Start Date: 7/1/2020

Indirect Cost Rate: _____% *If applicable


Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor

Richmond, Virginia 23219

3255 — CY 22-23 VSTOP Formula Grant Program for Continuation Applicants

Subgrantee: Russell DUNS Number: 40157851 Grant Start Date: 1/1/2022

DCIS Grant Number: 22-R470SVA21

Grant End Date: 12/31/2022

Federal Grant Number: Federal Awardee: Federal Catalog Number: Project Description:

2020-WF-AX-0011 VAWO 16.588

To increase the apprehension, prosecution, and adjudication of persons

commiting violent crimes against women.

Federal Start Date: 7/1/2020 Indirect Cost Rate: % — “Ifapplicable Federal Funds: $24,882 State General Funds:

State Special Funds:

Local Match: $37,127 Total Budget: $62,009

Project Director

Project Administrator

Finance Officer

Steven Dye Sheriff

79 Rogers Avenue Lebanon, Virginia 24266 276-889-8033, [email protected]

Lonzo Lester County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A Lebanon, Virginia 24266 276-889-8000 [email protected]

Alicia MeGlothlin Treasurer

137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266 276-889-8028 [email protected]

*Please indicate your ICR in the space provided, if applicable. As the duly authorized representative, the undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Awards (SOGA) and reviewing the Special Conditions, hereby accepts this grant and agree to the conditions and provisions of all other Federal and State laws and rules and regulations that apply to this award,


Authorized Of



ject Administrator)


December 17, 2021

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A

Lebanon,Virginia 24266

RE: 2021 Mitigating Covid-19 Pandemic Risks

Dear Lonzo Lester:

Congratulations on being a recipient of the above referenced grant program! Your DCJS grant

award number is 9686 and was approved for a total award of $47,189, funded through Federal Award

Number 2020-VD-BX-0141. The project period is 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.

Included with this letter is a Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance (SOGA). Please note hard

copies of the General Special Conditions, as well as the Reporting Requirements and Projected Due

Dates, are now referred to as Conditions and Requirements and will be posted online at within the next two weeks.

In addition to the general Special Conditions, there may be grant specific Special Conditions

related to your Grant Award called Encumbrances. If there are any, you are required to adhere to these

conditions via the On-line Grants Management System (OGMS) at If

you have not previously done so, you must register in order to use this web-based system. The

instructions on Registering for a New Account and Submitting Action Item Encumbrances are posted

here along with other resources and

training videos. All registrants will be approved within 3 – 5 business days.

We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project’s success. To indicate

your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the included SOGA and return it

electronically within the next 60 days to [email protected]. If you have questions,

contact your DCJS Grant Monitor Christopher Boucher at (804) 584-0510 or via email at

[email protected].



Department of Criminal Justice Services

‘Shannon Dion ‘Washington Bulaing Director 1100 Bank Street

Richmond, Viginia 23219 Megan Peterson (604) 786.4000 CChiet Deputy Director wwe ds.vrginia. gov

December 17, 2021

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A Lebanon, Virginia 24266

RE: 2021 Mitigating Covid-19 Pandemic Risks Dear Lonzo Lester:

Congratulations on being a recipient of the above referenced grant program! Your DCJS grant award number is 9686 and was approved for a total award of $47,189, funded through Federal Award Number 2020-VD-BX-0141. The project period is 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.

Included with this letter is a Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance (SOGA). Please note hard copies of the General Special Conditions, as well as the Reporting Requirements and Projected Due Dates, are now referred to as Conditions and Requirements and will be posted online at https://www.dejs.virginia.gow/grants/grant-requirements within the next two weeks.

In addition to the general Special Conditions, there may be grant specific Special Conditions related to your Grant Award called Encumbrances. If there are any, you are required to adhere to these conditions via the On-line Grants Management System (OGMS) at htips://ogms.dcjs.virginia,gov/. If you have not previously done so, you must register in order to use this web-based system. The instructions on Registering for a New Account and Submitting Action Item Encumbrances are posted

here_https://www dejs.virginia gov/grants/ogms-training-resources along with other resources and training videos. All registrants will be approved within 3 — 5 business days

We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project’s success. To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the included SOGA and return it electronically within the next 60 days to [email protected]. If you have questions, contact your DCIS Grant Monitor Christopher Boucher at (804) 584-0510 or via email at [email protected].



Shannon Dion



Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

1100 Bank Street, 12th Floor

Richmond, Virginia 23219

Project Director Project Administrator Finance Officer

Steven Dye


79 Rogers Avenue

Lebanon, Virginia 24266


[email protected]

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

137 Highland Drive, Ste A

Lebanon, Virginia 24266


[email protected]

Alicia McGlothlin


137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266


[email protected]

*Please indicate your ICR in the space provided, if applicable. As the duly authorized

representative, the undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Awards (SOGA) and

reviewing the Special Conditions, hereby accepts this grant and agree to the conditions and

provisions of all other Federal and State laws and rules and regulations that apply to this award.

Signature: ______________________________
Authorized Official (Project Administrator)

Title: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

2344 - Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) CY22

Subgrantee: Russell

DUNS Number: 040157851 DCJS Grant Number: 9686

Grant Start Date: 1/1/2022 Grant End Date: 12/31/2022

Federal Funds: $47,189

State General Funds:

State Special Funds:

Local Match: _______

Total Budget: $47,189

Federal Grant Number: 2020-VD-BX-0141

Federal Awardee: OJP

Federal Catalog Number: 16.034

Project Description: To support a broad range of activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to

the coronavirus.

Federal Start Date: 1/20/2020

Indirect Cost Rate: _____% *If applicable


Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor

Richmond, Virginia 23219

2344 - Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) CY22

Subgrantee: Russell DUNS Number: 040157851 Grant Start Date: 1/1/2022

DCJS Grant Number: 9686

Grant End Date: 12/31/2022

Federal Grant Number: Federal Awardee: Federal Catalog Number: Project Description:

2020-VD-BX-0141 OI, 16.034

To support a broad range of activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to

the coronavirus. Federal Start Date: 1/20/2020 Indirect Cost Rate % _*Iapplicable Federal Funds: $47,189

State General Funds:

State Special Funds:

Local Match:

Total Budget: $47,189

Project Director Steven Dye Sheritt 79 Rogers Avenue Lebanon, Virginia 24266 276-889-8033, [email protected]

Project Administrator Lonzo Lester County Administrator 137 Highland Drive, Ste A Lebanon, Virginia 24266 276-889-8000 [email protected]

Finance Officer ‘Alicia MeGlothlin, Treasurer 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266 276-889-8070 [email protected]

*Please indicate your ICR in the space provided, if applicable. As the duly authorized representative, the undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Awards (SOGA) and reviewing the Special Conditions, hereby accepts this grant and agree to the conditions and provisions of all other Federal and State laws and rules and regulations that apply to this award.





ght Reg ge BBLS oy &s ¢ i av 79 Rogers Avenue Phone (276) 889-8033 A and Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected] Fax: (276) 889-8203 UYrw , . Steve Dye, Sheriff

December 14, 2021

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

Russell County Board of Supervisors 137 Highlands Drive, Suite A Lebanon, VA 24266

Mr. Lester,

Please accept this letter as a request to allow the following vehicles to be declared as surplus:

2008 Ford E-350 van IFBNE31L18DA14810 2000 International Horton IHTSLAAL7YH202977 1999 Freightliner 1FV3EFAC6XH992140 1995 Soft Top Humvee 59449

2011 Dodge Charger

Authorization is also requested to liquidate them via government auction with all proceeds returned to the Russell County Board of Supervisors to be used for the purchase of a 2000

Freightliner IF V6HLCBOYHB67285 which will be utilized as a Crime Scene Vehicle.

Tf you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Sincerely,


Steve Dye Sheriff



Open Howse


Lebanon High Schoot cordially invites you to their Agricultural Mechanics Laboratory Open Howse

Clinch River Little League P.O. Box 1126 Castlewood, VA 24224 Cliche Phone: (276) 337-8782 Facebook: 501C3: 54-1359161 Email: [email protected],

December 10, 2021

Lonzo Lester

Russell County Administrator 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Mr. Lester,

On behalf of the Clinch River Little League Board, we would like to thank you for continued support of our program, We have obtained W&L Construction to put down the payment at the fields behind the Russell County Fairgrounds, after you complete the promised work of grading the road. We have been negotiating the price which will be finalized, including a discount, when we are ready to start work on the project, which is long overdue. The road is many times nearly impassable with being washed out by rain and weather. We would like to ask you to take this project before the Board of Supervisors to approve an additional grant to be given to Clinch River Little League to be used for the sole purpose of paving the entrance road. This will benefit the county and our League, especially when the district and state Little League tournaments come around in June/July 2022 and proceeding years, There will be a great return on the investment with many teams and families coming to the area and staying in local hotels and cating at local restaurants. This project will take place after the first of the year. We thank you for your support and

consideration in this matter,

Aesvsersdranfn 2We SONY Mem pe OF 2 oQhera Little League Board Gopi? 216-206-1261 ne te 276-254-0793

Ua -te9-5143 (oy Uo (0B-S1A an7¢ aro SU23

Lidl) au 2201875 Ain 216-395-0702 ee Rapa

LAVA 2-22-6697

Commonwealth of Virginia

2021 Pay and Holiday Calendar Revised October 2020

State Holidays January February March January 4 : : Wr RS _ REECE SMTWTFS sMTWTFS SMTWTEF S January 18 234 5 6 eng. 0 ; M2s1se M2 3456 February 15 345 6 12.13 George Washington Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 May 31 19 20 Memorial Day 17 @ 19 2 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

39 21 22:23 24 25 26 27 J

lee) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 juneteent 28 29 30 Bil duly 5 31 28

independence Day (Observed) September 6

Labor Day April May June Gctober 114 Columbus Day & Yorktown TWTRE — 7 ae SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFES November 2 123 1 2345 Election Day November 14 45678 910 678 9 0 112 Veterans Day November 24 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 ff] 17 @19 4 hours additional holiday time 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

y ; 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 November 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 93 94 95 26 27 28 29 > Thanksgiving 9 Novertbarae! 25 26 27 28 29 Bo] 30 @) 27 28 29 20 Day After Thanksgiving December 23 Bhours additional holiday time July August September December 24 Christmas (Observed) . 5 5 TWrer Se SMT WTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFES New Year’s (Observed) 4 Pena ol: Inara agence ho G23 1234567 M234 holiday and payday schedulemy §4@)6 7 8 910 8 91011121314 5@7 8 9 1011

you have questions, see your

agency human resources officer. 1112 13:14 15 17 «15 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 18 Denotes Payday [_] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19-20 21 22 23 24 25 Denotes Holiday () 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 Bo Donotes Additional py2) / Time Off ele Abg Denotes Payday on October November December Holiday or Time Off Published by the Virginia Departs = S M T W SMTWTFES ment of Human Resource Manage- ment. An equal opportunity employ- 234 345 6 5 hed by Commonwealth of 5 67 8 9 1011 10 @ 12 13 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 39 1 22 BADGE 27 — 19 20 21 20.25, 25 3 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 Bi]

Commonwealth of


2022 Pay and Holiday Calendar

State Holidays

January 47 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day February 21

George Washington Day

May 30

Memorial Day

June 20

Junefeenth (Observed)

July 4

Independence Day September 5

Labor Day

October 10

Columbus Day & Yorktown Victory Day

November 8

Election Day

November 14

Veterans Day

November 23

4 hours additional holiday time November 24


November 25

Day After Thanksgiving Decomber 23

8 hours additional holiday time December 26

Christmas (Observed)

Please note: In some agencies, the holiday and payday schedule may vary from what is shown here. If you have questions, see your Ageney human resources officer.

Denotes Payday [7] Denotes Holiday ()

Denotes Additional

BEREAN give) Ge)


Published by the Virginia Depart- ‘ment of Human Resource Manage- ‘ment. An equal opportunity employ-

Denotes Payday on Holiday or Time Off

Published by Commonwealth of Virginia April 2024

dhrm NY




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SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA: ‘2021 PAY AND HOLIDAY CALENDAR FOR SALARY PAYROLL ovis Ap 2021 Tanuary Fobroary March non Tue Woe Tou frst | | Sn enw hdtv fv ew] | Sn Won Tow Wed Tho aay —2 reer ys ro Taps ass qe se se) ree rire Soe 7. eta arte) cms recep) eco ae zef as [ae Par (as bao T 30] a] 22 as ae zeta Parte par ara et zea tso$ Pei May Tare Sion Toe Wod v4 _sut | | Sn Mon Tow Wet tnw mu | | anton Top Wed Tv T Tt ee pers Sere ee) Pearce ie] Se (aoe) Wee ses sr) Ger eet ter) Greet Fc i ze barb arte toe $ Coe ar Ta 28 50 Tauaiy Auguat z ‘September Sin “Hon Ten id tow su | | Son won ow as tw ft] | Gum Mon Tow od Tho a cane mes a) ee ee Oe ot ie shes se) Geer eee ter) Gee ees i slelaperets ta) Gebers ee barbara ‘Gatober Novenbar December ‘Sr Mon Tue od tou_F&ut| | Sun Mone ed tru ft au | | Oo dn Tow Wd To 1 Tz Sete a) a ram Tose ese) ee ome] ees we Pe bea eas) Gee ree ao} eset ee fas ae for a8 [29 (30) ai toe as [oa 27] io aoa ea a aD eer | 6 | 29 Te stein [BiiBoewis ut ony sina an Ye Sin 18 a ar a (Cer oy ety eae Warren Day Edom ey roe tne inert On (bree) Rowe oo tna Pei tinerbay Nowrbet Daya Taiog Doce oats Auta i ans Cac


November 30, 2021

Regular Account 7,266,419.90 Employee Insurance 3,344,551.73 Employee Claims Account 7,000.00 Non-Judicial Reals Estate Sales 806.90 Russell Co. Housing Fund 4,424.36 School Textbook 19,095.43 Sheriff Domestic Violence 41,183.35, Petty Cash Treasurer 840.36 Sheriff Seized Assets 58,678.05 Sheriff Restitution 8,482.47 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 33.70 Comm Attomey Forfeited Assets 34,716.29 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,526.96 Comm Attorney Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 104,996.28 ‘Commonwealth Attorney Abanoned Property 500.00 Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 7,919.52 Sheriff Special Projuects 40,422.14 SSI Recipients 2,730.24 First Sentinel Bank 4,000.00 Bank of Honaker 22,433.60 New Peoples Bank 172,672.05 Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00 ‘Treasurer’s Money Market 2,071,909.41 Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80 Certificate Of Deposit Employee Insurance 2,000,000.00 Total Cash In Bank 16,243,706.53 Cash In Office 4,617.31 Petty Cash 100.00

TOTAL CASH 15,245,423.84


November 30, 2021

ACCOUNT DEBIT. CREDIT Cash in Office 1617.31 Cash in Bank 75,243,706.53 Petty Cash 100.00 General Fund 6,489,327 94 ‘Non-Judicial Real Fstate Sales 806.90 Sheriff In State Trip 30,861.95 Sheriff Dare Fund 4100.00 Sheriff Seized Assets 58,678.05 Sheriff Restitution 6,482.47 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 33.70 ‘Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 34,716.29 Honaker Library Donations 24,763.87 Russell County Housing Fund 4,424.36 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,526.96 Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,183.35 ‘Comm Attomey Abanoned Prop 500.00 ‘Comm Attomey Fed Justice 704,996.28 Sheriff Fed Justice Forfeited 7,919.52 Sheriff’s Special Projects 40,422.14 Social Services (316,014.81) ‘Swva Asap 15,920.10 Coal Road Improvement 559,341.56 CSA (446,168.15) School Fund (642,258.05) School Food 7,215,019.38 School Textbook 19,005.43 Regional Adult Education 258,308.43 Petty Cash Treasurer 840.35 COVID 19 73,577.38 Litter Fund Trash Pickup (24,749.43) ‘American Rescue Act 2,212,974.21 Current Credit (0.79) Current Debit 14.44 Title XX 77,321.05 SSI Recipients 2,730.24 Damage Stamp Fund 2,823.98 Valley Heights 81,138.49 Dante Sewer 53,706.00 ‘Employee Health Insurance 3344,551.73 ‘Employee Insurance COD 2,000,000.00 Employee Insurance Claims 7,000.00 Law Library 59,666.70 Special Welfare 49,139.74 Housing Fund #2 7,700.00 Russell Co Health & Fitness 732,865.92 Cannery (188,935.59) WI 10,051.75 Total 15,245,423.84 15,245,423.84


MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF DIRECTORS of The Russell County Public Service Authority held at held at 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 on this 14" day of December 2021 at 6:00 PM.

  1. The following members were present, constituting a quorum (4): Cuba Porter, Chairman; Donnie Christian, Vice Chairman; David Edmonds, Jr., Treasurer; Chris Dye; Clifford Hess; Carter McGlothlin; Joe Huff; and Rhonda Lester, Secretary.

  2. Also present: Harvey Hart, RCPSA Director; Katie Patton, Legal Counsel; Dennis Jones; and Bud Phillips

  3. All the above directors of The Russell County Public Service Authority being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.

4, Cuba Porter acted as Chairperson of the meeting and Rhonda Lester as Secretary of the meeting.

  1. Cuba Porter opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer led by David Edmonds, Jr.

  2. Approve Agenda - Motion to approve the agenda as read made by Donnie Christian, seconded by Joe Huff, and unanimously adopted.

  3. Public Comments:

a) Dennis Jones introduced himself as legal counsel of Harvey Hart, RCPSA Director and offered assistance to the Board during their upcoming executive session.

  1. Motion to go into executive session pursuant to § 2.2-3711(A) (1) and (8) of the Code of Virginia, Consultation with legal counsel regarding personnel matters made by Donnie Christian, seconded by Clifford Hess, and unanimously adopted.

Motion made by Donnie Christian seconded by Joe Huff, and duly approved by the Board of Directors to return to regular session.

Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Directors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (1) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Directors.

Any member of the Board of Directors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (1) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed, or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

A roll call vote was taken.

Carter McGlothlin: Absent Clifford Hess: Yes

Cuba Porter: Yes

Chris Dye: Yes

Joe Huff: Yes

Donnie Christian: Yes David Edmonds, Jr.: Yes

Yes: 6 No: 0 Absent: 1

By a majority vote, motion to return to regular session was approved.

  1. Carter McGlothlin stated for the record that he voluntarily did not participate in the executive session.

  2. New Business to Discuss:

a) Motion to appoint Bud Phillips as legal counsel of the Russell County Public Service Authority; Mr. Phillips is willing to represent RCPSA pro se, he will be an employee of RCPSA and not a contracted attorney made by Chris Dye, seconded by Donnie Christian, and unanimously adopted. At this time Katie Patton excused herself from the meeting.

b) After receiving legal advice, motion to terminate Harvey Hart as Executive Director Pursuant to § 15.2-5113(E) of the Code of Virginia made by Joe Huff, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr.

A roll call vote was taken.

David Edmonds, Jr.: Yes Chris Dye: Yes

Donnie Christian: Yes Clifford Hess: Abstain

Joe Huff: Yes

Cuba Porter: Yes

Carter McGlothlin: Abstain

Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstain: 2

By a majority vote, motion to terminate Harvey Hart as Executive Director was approved.

©) Motion to give Chairman, Cuba Porter authority to contact a couple of individuals associated with RCPSA in the past in regards to a Interim Operating Director position made by Donnie Christian, seconded by Joe Huff

A roll call vote was taken.

David Edmonds, Jr.: Yes Chris Dye: Yes

Donnie Christian: Yes Clifford Hess: Yes

Joe Huff: Yes

Cuba Porter: Yes

Carter MoGlothlin: Abstain

Yes: 6

No: 0 Abstain: 1

By a majority vote, motion to give Chairman, Cuba Porter authority to contact a couple of individuals associated with RCPSA in the past in regards to the Interim Operating Director position was approved.

  1. Matters presented by the Board: None

  2. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn at 7:26 PM was made by Donnie Christian seconded by Joe Huff and adopted.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Dated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on Gf A Y, Z the 14" day of December 2021. ¢


Secretary Name: Rhonda Lester

November 17, 2021 ‘The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on November 17, 2021, at 5:30 P.M. at the Russell County Conference Center.


PRESENT: Richard Lockridge, Chairman Tony Dodi, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretary Harry Ferguson, Member John Stamper, Member Donnie Christian, Member DeAnna Jackson, Member Roger Sword, Member Jarred Glass, Member


STAFF: Emie McFaddin, Executive Director Katie Patton, Attorney

GUESTS: The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:34 P.M. Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Donnie Christian, second by Jarred Glass and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2021 meeting, and correcting the motion for the General Services lease to include the Chairman and Executive director as signatories.

The Vote was: Aye: C. Elliott, J. Stamper, T. Dodi, D. Christian, H. Ferguson, D. Jackson R. Sword, J. Glass

Nay: None

FINANCIAL REPORT Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Donnie Christian, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the October 2021 financial reports and pay invoices presented.

The Vote was:

Aye: C. Elliott, J. Stamper, T. Dodi, D. Christian, H. Ferguson, D. Jackson R. Sword, J. Glass

Nay: None

ATTORNEY’S REPORT The attorney will provide FOIA information to the new members at the next meeting.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT The Executive Director reported the Probation project is moving forward.

Project “Reclaim” will soon have a one million square foot pad completed.

The Health Department lease is close to being finalized, and construction on the space has begun.

CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Harry Ferguson, second by Tony Dodi and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to enter Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code #2.2-3711 (3) Property (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) & (8) Legal.

‘The Vote was: Aye: C. Elliott, J. Stamper, T. Dodi, D, Christian, H. Ferguson, D. Jackson R. Sword, J. Glass

Nay: None

RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion made by Donnie Christian, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was: Aye: C. Elliott, J. Stamper, T. Dodi, D. Christian, H. Ferguson, D. Jackson

R. Sword, J. Glass Nay: None

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion. The Roll Call Vote Was:

Richard Lockridge Yes DeAnna Jackson Yes Carlton Elliott Yes Donnie Christian Yes Harry Ferguson Yes Jarred Glass Yes Tony Dodi Yes John Stamper Yes

Roger Sword Yes

Upon motion made by Donnie Christian, second by John Stamper, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia changing the December meeting to Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 5:30 PM at the Russell County Conference Center.

The Vote was: Aye: C. Elliott, J. Stamper, T. Dodi, D, Christian, H. Ferguson, D. Jackson R. Sword, J. Glass

Nay: None

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by John Stamper, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia adjourning this meeting at 8:58 PM.

The Vote was: Aye: C. Elliott, J. Stamper, T. Dodi, D. Christian, H. Ferguson, D. Jackson R. Sword, J. Glass

Nay: None


December 1, 2021

‘The following is a list of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of December.

Date Event Event Type Space 12102121 IDA Board Meeting Community Full

Emie McFadden Event $0

42104721 Baby Shower Individual Full Wendy Gilbert Event $125

12007124 Lebanon Youth Football Awards Individual Full JR Watson Event $125

sais Mercy Ambulance Christmas Dinner Individual Full Jay Lewis Event $25

s2nizet Perkins Family Christmas Dinner Individual Full Jimmie Perkins Event $125

12113721 Woodmen Life Christmas Dinner Individual Full Bonnie McGlothlin Event $135

4216121 Farm Bureau Christmas Dinner Individual Full Nova Wallace Event $210

42007124 Birthday Party Individual Full Jessica Roberts Event $190

sagt Kiser Family Christmas Dinner Individual Full Lynn Kiser Event $150

12124124 ‘Sword Family Christmas Dinner Individual Full ‘Samantha Sword Event $125

12/26/21 Hubbard Christmas Dinner Individual Full Jeanne Hubbard Event $125

12128721 Hard Rock Café Meeting Individual Full Rebecca Dye Event $0

(Total: $1,335.00)

  • $250.00

Final Total = $ 1,085.00



















































BARBARA COX 971 1502 JOHNNY JESSEE 889 1563 LINDA CROSS 794 7618 TIM LOVELACE 9710367 GARY DOTSON 7 62 9803 TONY MAXFIELD 254 2492

EUGENE FERGUSON 210 8504 MIKE O’QUINN 701 7086 CARL RHEA 254 3810 HENRY STINSON 873 4905 HENRY KINCER 889 7601 BILL WATSON 794 1021



CUMBERLAND PLATEAU RWMA: Mr. Toby F: Edwards, Executive Director


Mr, Damon Rasnick ‘Mr. Ronald Peters


BUCHANAN COUNTY: RUSSELL COUNTY: ‘Mr. Jeff Cooper Mr. Tim Hess. Mr. Carl Rhea Mr. Tim Lovelace


|. December 16, 2021 CPRWMA Board of Directors Roll Call for Quorum.



Vil. vill.

a) Approval of Minutes of the November 18, 2021 meeting…

Motion:, Seconded:

lll. Administrative Business

a) Review CPRWMA Waste Stream Report November 202:

b) Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2021…

Motion: Seconded:

c) CPRWNMA Attorney’s Report for November 2021…

d) Litter and Recycling Report…

Old Business A) Discussion on Updating By-Laws for Date and Time of the Month:

Motion: Seconded.

B) Discussion on (1) Appointment from the Three County Area per Section 1 Paragraph 2 of the By-Laws by the Authority Board of Directors.

Motion: Seconded: New Business ‘ A) Unifirst Uniform Rental Updated Agreement… Attachment Motion:. Seconded:

Correspondence/Public, Comment

¢ VA DEQ 2021 Financial Assurance for Permits at Buchanan, Dickenson and Russell Transfer Stations.


Adjournment ang AwiginndiDyve / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Chair or Vice Chair ahotteciing-BasrédetingEmall [email protected] Motion:

Minutes submitted by: Ron Peters and Saungpe Honaker

CUMBERLAND PLATEAU RWMA: Mr. Toby F, Edwards, Executive Director



Mr, Damon Rasnick ‘Mr. Ronald Peters

BUCHANAN GOUNTY: RUSSELL COUNTY: Mr Jeff Cooper Mr. Tim Hess: ‘Mr. Carl Rhea. Mr. Tim Lovelace Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2021 Members Present Others Present: ABSENT Jeff Cooper, Chairman Toby Edwards, Director Tim Hess Carl Rhea Danny Davis, BC Solid Waste Ronald E. Peters Saundra Honaker, Finance Damon Rasnick Ernie McFaddin, McFaddin Insurance Tim Lovelace CALL TO ORDER: Chairman, Jeff Cooper, called the November 18, 2021,

meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 6:03 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance and

prayer were observed.

QUORUM: A quorum was established.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ‘The minutes of the October 21, 2021, monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was presented for consideration. A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Damon Rasnick to approve the minutes as

presented, Motion was ratified, voting as follows: Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye ‘Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye

137 Highland Drive / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-833-5403 Emall [email protected]


Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management. Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2021 Page 2


WASTE STREAM REPORTS - October 2021: Toby Edwards reviewed the waste

stream reports, All three counties were down from the previous month, The Environmental Recovery Fee of $13 per load began November 1-2021. This rate will

continue until June 30, 2022. The tipping & haul rate changed on October 27, 2021 as follows:

Old Rate New Rate Buchanan $37.14 $38.24 Dickenson $36.93 $38.03 Russell $35.19 $36.24

TREASURER’S REPORT ~ October 2021; Ron Peters presented the CPRWMA

Treagurer’s Repért, reporting the total cash balance was $217,472.96 at the end of October. A motion to apprdvé the report as presented was made by Damon Rasnick and seconded by Carl Rhea. Toby stated that the certificate of deposit may have to be increased. We are waiting on requirement from DEQ. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye

Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper — Aye

Ron Peters — Aye

CPRWMA ATTORNEY’S REPORT — October 2021: Rebecca Thornbury reviewed the bylaws regarding the meeting time and date, Currently the meeting is set for the 3rd Thursday at 11:00 am. A motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Damon Rasnick to authorize Rebecca to review the bylaws and update the meeting time to 6:00 PM. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters — Aye

LITTER AND RECYCLING REPORT: —_The second HHW was held in Buchanan

County with less participation than the first, OLD BUSINESS A motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Ron Peters to enter closed

meeting pursuant to Section 2,2-3711 (A)(1) of the Code of Virginia to discuss personnel matters and that Toby Edwards, Saundra Honaker, and Emie McFaddin

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2021 Page 3

attend, as they are deemed necessary and would aid the Board in their consideration, Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye

Tim Lovelace Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye

Ron Peters ~ Aye

A motion was made to reconvene in open session by Ron Peters and seconded by Damon Rasnick. Motion was ratified, roll call voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Tim Lovelace Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye

Motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Damon Rasnick that the Board certifies that only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion authorizing the cloged session were heard, discussed, or considered during the closed session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia.

Motion was ratified, roll call voting as follows: Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye ‘Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye

A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Tim Lovelace to approve the new annual health/dental/vision plan for Toby Edwards as presented by Ernie McFaddin, Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye ‘Tim Lovelace- Aye, Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye

A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Damon Rasnick to authorize the chairman, Saundra Honaker, and Toby Edwards to finalize the details on a Medical Reimbursement Plan for Toby Edwards. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

‘Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye

Ron Peters ~ Aye

A motion was made by Damon Rasnick and seconded by Ron Peters to give a Christmas Bonus to Toby Edwards and Saundra Honaker in the same amount as last year. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye

Tim Lovelace Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye

Ron Peters ~ Aye

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2021 Page 4

NEW BUSINESS Meeting dates were discussed under Attorney Report.

CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence to present


A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Carl Rhea to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 PM and that the next meeting be held December 16, 2021, at 5:00 PM at

Bonanza in Lebanon. Motion was ratified, voting as follows: Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Tim Lovelace Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye

Secretary/Treasurer Date

_Senbatond Pistons Beclana! Wart Manscoment shorty,

‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Waste Stream Analysis

Period: December 15th, 2020 to December 30th, 2021

Buchanan County _

Feb2natalareh Mareh2021-

‘Ap 202%. hay 2021 Jene dure 202tuly Jy 221-hog hop 2021-S0pt

Totals Tors All (Preonit|

lwaste Materials) deczo-sanzvzre2tztfeu2t: 2021 Apatet tay 2001 2021 iat" Septzers octz__novz02t__bac2021" Mantna“Tomego jousehold TESS Ee Sehog TURNS 1.23882 08592 ___t14B 72 110821 102768477 BT 1404S So OD Sat 600 Ta |Commerciat 2795 21080 17804 «8825 2B Te 18549 aN a7 ase 41 23037072013 «14927 «OOD


Debris 4893028 675 167173388 148 097 3854 100 1724863812128 =a was.ot NYard/Ash Waste 0.00 000 0.00 000 6342806 54.80 358 054 000 13121583 «00a jitine Waste 24800 57782 ase sase9 © age? © 33921 30385 25180 ASST 5761 29758-22425 000TH lindustrial Waste 0.00 0.00, ‘000, 000 = 000, ‘000 000 ‘000 000 000 000 «= 000000 0.00 [Rooting Waste 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000000000 0.00 Tres 2401784 7288 4158-9878) 088 4864 2788 1847 401920733570 000 aes White Goods os9 0.00 5.85 000 000 0.00 oor 000 0.00 000 = 00000000 845 jitter Pick-up 935 340 7.85 1314 84g 7.58 107 260 893 1720301800

lttegal Dumps 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 ‘000 000 000 = 000» 0000

Dry Sludge 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 oo 000 © 000» 0000.

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Sambar Platoey Replona! Waste Manngoment Autor,

Russell County


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2020-2024 53,834.90

Cumeand Pitan Waste Seam Aas Reon

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saNov 2021

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Dickenson County Waste Stream Analysis

(This Month)

Teetes Ce re ee an we zor | mee Ses) os) | com) | omy | crow [cosy | fom | cont ms] ce co om |G cod ere sist dogo sate sss 102852078 an me mss 7007 a0 se tosses reas se mss Za v2 "563 JConstucton Dates ae 72 ae oops ‘38 oes ery 00 rn ry: rT eT) oo 600 2s ats w78 ais: ssaa gos astz2 oot tae tbe 2070s is vos ton ‘000 ‘000 000, ©0000) aoa 000000 ‘000000 00 oo 000 405-35] 188 23 Sua 5061567 28 wa ise ssa amt foes vs tas a0 en rr rT } oo = ogo 00 G00 or te 000s arta? 07 ost 1 250 lottery sttpe nn 00 om occ 000 a a a a et) 0m = 000 co ono 188 188 om ats ott, oma 4 om 38 om om yesee _7eras sot mass ens asst asust ania? omnes ssnaz


Dickenson County 2020-2024

1600.00 =


1.20009 fp

4,000 00





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‘aNov 2021

Ccunbarand isan Wats Siem Aras Report

Fussell County Waste Stream Analysis Period: November 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021

ei ea lee les ale aes eeelieseaiecl: alee

Name of | Tissonth | Lasttonth 2c 201, zona, zon zone, zens, zoster | ts Waste Matecial | ronay | crore) | (fens) | tone) | trons) |_cronay || crore) | troney | rons) | Coma) | cron) | cronsy | rons) |cons)| rors) [ rons) | ctena) Irovsstote 1,204.10 1.48629 1,218.44 997.40 1,034.48 1,09635 1,053.25 1,107.41 1.06221 1.11205 1.16942 129003 1,272.20 133630 1.28815 140031 1.51601 [commercat ious? 12272 10070 114.94 11485 1295811350 12829 13242 12395 13762 14787 12360 28231 22613. 19222 22729 |constrction Demis 644740717 © 63.09 8647-11 25543485 3ZT | aOMD S287 BtS 3872742 RGT —39E0 13806 2279 fveraash waste 000 000.00 11.63 «S831 638313747 00000 194885071 BSS 582318 119658177 sine waste 000 000 000 000 000.000 34-2189 «2780 «000-000-000 a0 nde! Waste 3078-03536 2457 4028S 1572967724885 B2BCSD G22 1520. «1980 aiid 1777 Roofing waste 00 "000900 o00 00000000000 S000 S000 S00 00s 502 ees 1850 7.10 16658551215 10.1778 738 8D B71 G3 3tB CGT, 221179 «G00 «16 |vnite Goode 000 00000009 t287 000078 te 2805 5445513881 St Pastas 000 = 000-000-000 S00 SS SoS Dry Statee 000 000 000-000 «00000000000 SoS) Jconteminatea Recycle (000 «0.002138 1298 © 000-000 000000 00S) eget Dumpatte ost 169 072 000000481 301158 7807459270084 4k= 1208S 384 2720S, [storm Debs 000 000 900 000 000.00 odS 00S 00S SS SSS) Jcerass 182 418T928 14 tte 210108147 20k 18138381 21914582240 150576 4457-24 1491.65 1,200.15 1,312.58 1,310.07 4,368.26 1,308.70 1.25854 1,523.57 1454.44 1,555.38 1,490.02 1,779.53 1,560.36 1,979.75 2,052.55 Russel County Waste Stasm Anaiyts ‘his Month

[Total Tonnage includes the following towns: lLebanon ° Honaker o

[Cieveland 2


Russell County 2020-2021

wavy 2021-Sept 2021

aNov 2021


Dee 20- Jan 2021

seen 2021-Feb 2021

‘Feb 2021-March 2021

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‘oMay 2021-tne 2021

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sasept 2021 0ct2021

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste

Management Authority

Cash Flow Statement

Cash Balance -October 31, 2021.

Cash Received - Tipping Fees: Dickenson (Oct) Buchanan (Oct) Russell (Oct)

Bank Loan

Cash Expenditures

November 2021

Cash Expenditures - Nov 2021

Cash Balance - November 30, 2021


55,991.85 86,537.52 67,262.30


209,791.67 76,000.00



Fund Balances:

Capital Equip Replacement Fund $165,510 DEQ C/D $25,022 $25,022.46


[Total in Bank


Cumberland Plateau Reglonal Check Register

For the Period From Nov 4, 2021 to Nov 30, 2024 Filer Criteria includes: Report orda is by Check Number

Gieck Date Payee ‘Amount ‘Ti7rai Anthom HealinKeepera, ne ‘514.80 Toby Hoallh/Vision/Dantal 1119121 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 6,218.75 Loan Payment 4130/21 TAG Resources, LLC 89.57 Employee 401k 11/90/21 TAG Resources, LLC 248,00 Employoo 401k. 1115/21 TAG Resources, LLC 246,00 Employee 401k 124621 11/20/21 United States Treasury 1,856.88 Federal Withholding 1227.21 44/8021 VA Dept of Taxation ‘926,29 Stale Withholding 43521 11/21 Flolds Restaurants, LLC 375.46 Board Mesting Oov21 13522 411721 Lebanon Block & Supply 12.68 BC Supplies 43523 41121 Soptic Inc ‘950.00 BC Leachate 13524 44/1721 Addington O’, Ine 2610.20 RC Fuel 13625 4124 Unificst Corporation 924.54 Unifomns Ocv2t 13528 1111724 Crystal Springs 26.44 RC Supplios 13527 4121 Grin instruments 3,048.31 BC Sta Maint $782.85 DCStaMaint $701.28 RC Sta Maint $1,472.18 13528 4121 Vola 13528 11/1/24 Buchanan County PSA 60.27 BC Utllty 13530 44/1721 Appalachian Power Company 920.70 BC Electric 13531 44/18/21 WM Corporate Services, inc. 60,602.69 BC Tipping/Haul Ocv2t 49592 111821 WM Corporate Servicas, Inc. 37,206.27 DC Tipping/Haul Oct21 13533 1118721 WM Corporate Services, Inc. 181,045.44 RC Tipping/Haul Ocv21 13534 14/18/21 Lowe’s 220.42 RC Sta Maint 13595 4118721 Void 13536 41/18/21 Justice Law Office 4,067.20 Legal Ocv21 13537 44/10/21 MX| Environmental Services, LLG 1,888.75 BC HW 13538 14/18/21 Mansfeld Oil Company 60.20 Vehicle Fi 13539 11/46/21 Industrial Davalopment Authosity 200.00 Office Rent Deci21 43540 14/18/21 Honaker Solutions, LUC {800,00 Accounting Novizt 13541 44/18/21 Pest Control Plus, Inc. 120.00 BCIDCIRC Pest $40 each 13542 4118721 IGO Technology 115.85 BC Ine 13543 44/18/21 Verlagn 38.82 RC Phone 13544 1118121 Dickenson Co Public Service Authority 42.86 DC Uiiity 13545 14/18/21 Appalachian Powar Company 256.66 OG Electric 19646 41/18/21 Appalachian Power Company 209.46 RG Electie 13847 41/18/24 Garter Machinery Company, Ino. 20,222.41 BC-Equip Maint $5,583.20 RC Equip Maint $14,630.12 13548 41118121 Carter Machinory Company, Inc. 111.91 RC Equip Maint 13549 414/18721 Skyline Contracting Inc, 355,00 RC Equip Maint $105, BC Equip Maint $160 19550 41/1821 Alderson Construction 225.00 DG Sta Maint 43551 ‘41621 Card Services Center 1,692.07 Postage (USPS) $54. : Boots (Saf-Gard) $1,234.94 Supplies (WalMart) “$63.13 f RC Equip (Bully) $240 PRIV121 11/2/21 Ronald E, Peters 184.70 Directors Compensation PRIN21 11/2/21 _TiLovelace 184,70 Director’s Compensation PRINZ1 = 11/2/21 Car| Rh 484.70 Director’s Compensation PRIV21 11/21 —_elfery S. Cooper 184.70 Director’s Compensation PRINZ «© 11/7221 Timothy W, Hoss 184.70 Directors Compeneation PRI1122 11/2/21 Damon Rasnlek 4184.70 Directors Compensation PRIV1521 11/16/21 Toby F, Edwards 2,500.42 Toby Selory ‘st hall PRII242} 11/24/21 Toby F. Edwards 4,00000 Toby Christmas PRI13021 14/80/21 ‘Toby F. Edvard. 2,500.12 Toby Salary 2nd half Total ‘ 190,916.10



Espentures ETEDTET Towanaizar Dust Direct Expenses: [Transport/Olsposal TGA 3482,092.00 ire Recycling : 135,000.00 HW Event 8675 77,000.00 tier Reimbursed expanses : : AS20758 7.509,902.00 [Overhead Expenses: Debt Service - Load 31,085.75 75,000.00 | a [other Disposal : 2,000.00 | — ox [Uulities: 5 PETES 3,300.00 | sow Dickenson 1568.07 4,500.00 | —a5¥ Ausel 1160.86 4,500.00 | 20x [Supplies = ‘Buchanan 66 7,500.00 | 7a Dickenson 2254 2,500.00 | 108 Russel 646.29 2,500.00 | 264 Fuel: 7 Buchanan EEE} 7,000.00 | 7a Dickenson 298257 4,500.00 | sx Russell 2678.29 7,000.00-| 208 Hrelephone: ‘Buchanan Bass 500.60 | 70 Dickenson. T5565 4,100.00 | a Russel 927.19 2,000.00 | ain [station Malntenance/improvernentar Buchanan PGES 30,000.00 | ~ax] Dickenson 3.50.38 30,000.00 | ~s0x] Fussell Ts9151 30,000.00 | 45x] Leader/Equip Malntenance: ‘Suchanan EEXIEC) ‘Baon00o | raw] © [FMtanagernemt oreaidow Dickenson 871053 73,000.00 sex] Toby eat 5733] Russell 3350274 23,000.00 sex] [roby salary 31598,76 [Transfer Station Permits and Management: Jaoax cost/Contaibution 2516.23] station Permits 2000800 | sn] Tones 2417.37] 'VACO Insurance: 16,000.00 | 2x] Management & Fen 30,000.00 | ~<2v] Finance Manager 91000.00 | a4 3130.25 cea T2000.00|—an] [Bracers Comp R Tawar IF suppore 4,000.00} ~7x] salary [ofice RentaVintermeea/OMIce Sopptes 2.96471 3,000.00 [aan] |raxes 45s) Directors Corap PR Tax 3,459.00 78,100.00 | — 30x] 6459] ProfesTona Fees (AUT r = 7200.00| ox} | OMice brasiawn, eeting Expense PET 3,000.00} ew] [Phone/int ara] [revel 1.448:70, 3,000.00 |resx] —|ent 1000 09} Supplies xD 000.00 "ax] Postage 303.2 foues/teenses 5 ‘00.001 ox} —_fotica Sup 644.34) hice Epente ETUC 30000] ax] Joan charge 20.09 [Uniform Rentals EFEIEC} 4,000.00 | 70x 2464.71 [adverts 53.00 "600.00 | — 75 ProjectsTire Shear OCRRC 2 70,000.00 | a Reserves/eaulp __Emerganey Fund 7 72,000.00 | on ‘GUERREAD SUBTOTAL DRE SSCET 733,900.00 ie Machines/Shearer 82,30000, se [rota cerenses Taoromas 009,553.00 Rate begins ahfaae™ “overhead Rate per County FERIIETS






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vers End of Report #0

1st Tt Cusomet tant

[email protected]

From: Suzanne Taylor <suzanne.taylor@deq virginia. gov>

Sent: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 2:27 PM

To: tobyedwards@bvunet

ce: Saundra Honaker; Daniel Scott

Subject: RE: CD Statement Balance for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PBR 106 Attachments: DEQ Fin Assurance 2021,pdf

Hi Toby, thanks for your call yesterday regarding the Authority’s CD account and the updated cost estimates for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PUR 106 (attached). Per our discussion and additional input from Dan Scott, DEQ agrees that the Authority may hold off on increasing the three closure cost estimates for site decontamination and PE closure certification costs until the Authority’s next FA review due on October 9, 2022. Additionally, | understand the Authority will try to increase their CD account by $10,000 to cover the increased FA obligation in 2022 and future inflation adjustments, Therefore | will issue a review letter by email within the next 60 days for the Authority’s 2021 financial assurance submittal. Thanks again for your time and assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards, Suzanne

Suzanne D. Taylor Financial Responsibility Programs Coordinator Office of Financial Responsibility and Waste Programs 1n of Land Protection and Revitalization Virginia Department of Environmental Quality 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 659-1533 my DEQ cell phone number (800) 592-5482 (804) 698-4178 (Fax) All faxes received into DEQ MUST include the following information:

From: [email protected] [email protected] Sent: Monday, November 22, 2022 1:11 PM

To: ‘Suzanne Taylor’ [email protected] Ce: ‘Saundra Honaker’ [email protected]; ‘Scott, Daniel’ [email protected]

‘Subject: RE: CD Statément Balance for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PBR 106

Suzanne and Dan,

Please see the attached 2021 Financial Assurance Forms and supporting documents.

Please let me know if you need anything else.


Toby F. Edwards, MsED

Executive Director

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management. Authority 135 Highland Drive, Suite C

Lebanon, VA 24266

Telephone (276) 883-5403

Cell 276) 698-9414

From: Suzanne Taylor <suzanne.taylor@dea virginia gov> ‘Sent: Monday, November 22, 2021 11:31 AM To: [email protected]

Cc: Saundra Honaker [email protected]; Scott, Daniel [email protected] ‘Subject: RE: CD Statement Balance for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PBR 106

Hi Toby, attached is the DEQ closure cost estimate form. Please complete the form for any new closure costs for each permit being updated and email the form to me along with a copy to Dan Scott. Therefore 1 will also hold off on reviewing the 2021 FA for the three permits until we receive the new cost estimate(s). Thank you.

Kind regards, Suzanne

From: [email protected] [email protected] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 10:21 AM

To: ‘Suzanne Taylor’ [email protected] Ce: Saundra Honaker [email protected] Subject: RE: CD Statement Balance for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PBR 106

Suzanne, Doing that as we speak. Sorry I have been on the road this week. Will you send me the form | need to fill out “Solid Waste Management Facility Cost Estimate Form, DEQ Form CE SWMF?


Toby F. Edwards, MsED

Executive Director

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority 135 Highland Drive, Suite C

Lebanon, VA 24266

Telephone (276) 883-5403

Cell 276) 698-9414

From: Suzanne Taylor <suzanne. taylor> ‘Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 4:39 PM To: [email protected]

Subject: CO Statement Balance for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PBR 106

Hi Toby, | hope this email finds you doing well; please send me a current statement for the CD covering the financial assurance obligation for PBR 001, PBR 049 and PBR 106.

Thank you,


Suzanne D. Taylor Financial Responsibility Programs Coordinator Office of Financial Responsibility and Waste Programs Division of Land Protection and Revitalization Virginia Department of Environmental Quality 1141 East Main Street, Suite 1400 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 698-4146 office number (804) 839-1634 alternate work location (800) 592-5482 (804) 698-4178 (Fax) All faxes received into DEQ MUST include the following information: DEQ recipient’s first and last name Sender’s name

DEQ Solid Waste Management Facility YOON Deere or Cost Estimate Form, DEQ Form CE SWMF

——Buchananan County Transfer Permit No, —106 Location Address: 1912 Buchanshire Rd City, State, Zip: Raven, VA 24639

FA Holder Estimate Prepared by:

‘Toby Edwards


Process Rat 200,tons/day Closure Plan Title: Storage Capacity: cubic yards Closure Plan Date: Process Area: square feet P.E. Certification Date

Ill. Total Closure Cost Estimate Closure Cost Element Total Cost _—_Notes

a Specify Loading / Hauling and Disposal Rate Total Waste Removal Cost (including stockpiles): $—_—-$7,68 {$/ton) or ($/cy): $ $38.24 per ton

" Specify Loading / Hauling and Disposal Rate ‘Total Leachate / Washwater Removal Cost: $—s0 5 /ton) or ($/gal): $ $300 per tank

‘Total Decontamination Cost: $

Total Postclosure Cost (if necessary): $

Total P.E, Certification of Closure: $

Total Other: $ Specify: Total: | $—$8,248

References: Please indicate references used to develop this cost estimate, specify any assumptions made, and provide

any supplemental calculations as necessary: Please see attached cost sheet,


This Is to certify that the cost estimates pertaining to the engineering features and monitoring requirements of this solid waste management facility have been prepared by me and are representative of the design specified in the facility’s Closure Plan. The estimate is based on the cost of hiring a third party and does not incorporate any salvage value that ‘may be realized by the sale of wastes, facility structures, or equipment, land or other facility assets at the time of Closure. In my professional judgment, the cost estimates are a true, correct, and complete representation of the

financial liabilities for closureand postclosure car all other DEQ. ind stafutds of n Com SIGNATURE:

Toby F. Edwarts \ Executive Director

Acknowledgement by Owner 7)Operator: coun. Nake Z (Lo pate: [7 2 z

NAME: Toby F, Edwards ‘TITLE: ——Executive Director

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020


Instructions for Completing DEQ Form CE SWMF

DEQ. Form CE SWMF should be submitted by solid waste management facilities (SWMF) providing a new or updated cost estimate in accordance with a new permit, permit modification, or facility operational change affecting the existing

financial assurance cost estimate. Examples of operational changes that could require calculation ofa revised cost estimate and submittal of this form are listed below:

Addition of a new solid waste building, equipment, or other construction on site; Increase, decrease, or exceedance or permitted process rate;

Significant increase or decrease (t 15%) in SWIA report since previous year;

Increase, decrease, or exceedance of permitted storage capacity;

New stockpile, increase or decrease in stockpile size, or complete removal of stockpile; Addition or removal of leachate storage unit capacity (e.g. tanks)

Change in leachate disposal method;

‘Modification to closure plan;

Partial facility closure; and

‘Any enforcement action requiring a revised cost estimate and financial assurance update.

the facility is increasing an existing cost estimate for inflation to meet the annual financial assurance. demonstration, this worksheet is not necessary. This form is designed to provide summary information regarding the individual cost estimates developed to cover the cost of facility closure and certification that the estimates are true, correct and complete,

|. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Enter the name of the facility as it should appear or as it currently appears on the existing permit

Permit No. {indicate the permit number assigned to the facility. The permit number is usually written as PBRMH or SWPHI,

Address, City, State, Zip: Provide the street address of the facility’s physical lacation (may be Rural Route/Box No. if 911 address Is not available)

FA Holder: Indicate the entity responsible for maintaining the financial assurance mechanism. This entity should be either the owner or operator of the facility listed, and should match the SCC documentation on file for the facility,

Estimate Prepared By: Indicate the person and entity preparing this form and the attached cost estimate worksheets, For example, if the form is prepared by a facility representative, this box should contain his/her name along with the facility name. Ifa

consultant prepared the form, the consultant’s name along with the consultant’s company should be liste

Il, OPERATIONAL AND CLOSURE DETAILS Operating Details Provide details for which the cost estimate was Prepared.

Process rate: Indicate the process rate of the facility In tons per day. The process rate is defined as “the maximum rate of waste acceptance that a solid waste management facility can process for treatment and/or storage. This rate is limited by the capabilities of equipment, personnel, and infrastructure.” The process rate is often specified in the facility’s Permit-by-Rule and used to estimate financial assurance,

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Storage Capacity: Indicate the storage capacity, for both incoming solid waste and recovered material of the facility in Cubic yards. This value should correspond with the sum of the solid waste and recovered material storage capacity indicated on a faclity’s PBR application form.

Processing area: If the facility’s cost estimate is based on the processing area, the size of the processing area should be provided in square feet.

Closure Plan:

ate the ttle ofthe Closure lan on file at the facliy, in accordance with’9 VAC 20-81-360.2, Closure Plans” and amended Closure Plans shall be maintained in the facility’s operating record.

Plan Date: Speciy the plan’s date. ifthe plan has been amended, enter the date of the last amendment.

PE, Certification: Applications for new or modified Permits-by-Rule shuld include a certificate signed bya P.E. that

facility has a Closure Plan meeting the standards of 9 VAC 20-B1-360 in its operating record. Indicate the date of the P.E. Certification in this box.

Ill. Total Closure Cost Estimate

In the box provided, indicate the total estimated cost to close the facility. In accordance with 9 VAC 2-70-1114, the Closure cost estimate shall (1) equal the cost of final closure at the point in the facility’s active life when the ‘extent and ‘manner of its operation would make closure the most expensive; (2) be based on the costs to the owner or operator of hiring a third party to close the facility; and {3) may not incorporate any salvage value that ‘may be realized by the sale of wastes, facility structures or equipment, land or other facility assets at the time of partial or final closures. To comply with these requirements, the closure cost estimate for solid waste management facilities should include costs ascacisted with the removal of solid waste and leachate/wastewater remaining on site at closure; decontamination of equipment, containers, and/or structures; postclosure care which may include testing to ensure the facility has not contaminated underlying solls and/or groundwater {if contamination of underlying solls or groundwater is anticipated); P.E. Certification of closure; and any other potential costs associated with closing the facility. Worksheets or other documentation substantiating the costs associated with closure should be provided as an attachment to this form.

‘Total Waste Removal Cost:

The cost of waste removal should include unit costs for loading all wastes stored on site and the costs associated with hauling and disposing/treating (ie. tipping fee) the wastes at the closest solid waste disposal or management facility. In addition, removal and treatment/disposal costs for all materials stored on site for beneficial use (excluding the first 20 cy

of each material), as indicated in Mer O11: Fing rance for: te Useor Other Uses, shall be covered by the facility’s estimated closure cost. The Department offers the following

equations which can be used to determine the portion of the SWMEF closure cost estimate for the removal of wastes Femaining on site at closure.

  1. Process rate cited in the facility permit Ifa process rate is referenced in the facility permit, the removal cost may be based on the process rate in tons

Per day (TPD) plus the total on-site storage capacity in tons far all stored waste materials multiplied by the hauling and disposal cost per ton.

Waste Removal Cost, $= ((Pracess rate, TPO) + (Storage Capacity, tons] x (Loading/Hauling + Disposal Rate, $/ton) 2. Process rate not cited in the facility permit

tn the event that the facility permit does not contain a dally process rate, the estimated maximum on-site storage may be determined on the basis of the dimensions of the tipping floor or waste pile. An estimated maximum on-site storage can be calculated using the area of the tipping floor or waste ple (in square feet) and an averoge waste pile height. This volume can be used to determine an estimated tonnage and removal cost, Waste Removal Cost, § « {Area of tipping floor/waste pile: (length, feet) x (width, feet] x (Helght of waste pile, feet) x (0.037 cy/cf) x (0.4 tons/cy) x (Loading/Hauling + Disposal Rate, $/ton)

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Alternate calculations may be used; however, all estimates should provide dacumentation and justification for the cost factors and equations used.

‘Total Leachate / Wastewater Removal Cost:

In the case of facilities that collect leachate, the closure cost estimate should include the cost of toading/hauling and

alsposing of the maximum leachate storage capacity at the prevailing industrial rate for the appropriate wastewater treatment facility.

Total Decontamination Cost: Costs associated with decontaminating equipment, containers, and structures should be provided for, if necessary. The

estimate to cover decontamination should provide for a third party performing the service, Remember, salvage value of equipment and structures cannot be considered when determining the estimate.

Total Postclosure Costs:

{m accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.1.b, if all contaminated subsoils cannot be practicably removed or decontaminated, the facility shall perform postclosure care in accordance with the closure and postclosure care requirements, This: may include soll and groundwater sampling and testing. IFso, the postclosure cost should include casts associated with mobilization of a sampling team and costs associated with the number of sampling locations and number of tests to be

Performed. Inclusion of costs associated with testing will not be applicable to most solid waste management faclities designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with the VSWMR.

Total P.E. Certification of Closure:

Total cost for a professional engineer licensed in the State of Virginia to certify the facility has been closed in accordance with the facility’s approved Closure Plan in accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.2.e.

Total Other:

\fany other costs associated with the closure of the solid waste management facility are anticipated and they do not fall

under the previous categories, the total cast should be pravided on this line. Documentation for the other costs should be provided as an attachment to this form.


In the space provided, list references used to prepare the cost estimate and specify any assumptions used in the calculations. These references can be bids or actual cost data from previous projects, RSMeans values, or other applicable data, References listed should include dates associated with the documentation. If valuable to support the ‘worksheets provided, please attach copies of references to this form. Any supplemental calculations should also be provided to demonstrate how costs were calculated if they vary from those calculations outlined in the instructions

IV. Certification by Preparer

The person responsible for preparing the cost estimate should read the certification statement and provide his/her ‘name, title, signature, and date to certify that the facility cost estimate provided is true, correct, and complete.

Acknowledgement by Owner/Operator If DEQ Form CE SWMF and the attached cost estimate worksheets are prepared by a third party (ie. consultant), a Fesponsible official representing the FA Holder should indicate his/her acknowledgement of the cost estimate. If this

estimate is prepared by a responsible official representing the FA Holder then this line can be left blank so long as the Certification by Preparer is signed.

DEQ Form CE SWMEF 07/2020

DEQ Solid Waste Management Facility DEI OF Cost Estimate Form, DEQ Form CE SWMF


|, FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: ickenson County Transfer Permit No, —o49

Location Address: 322 Dog Branch Gap Rd City, State, Zip: ——Clinchco, VA 24226

FA Holder Estimate Prepared by:

—Toby Edwards


Process Rate: 200 tons/day Closure Pian Title: Storage Capacity cubic yards Closure Plan Dat Process Area: ___ square feet PLE, Certification Date;

I. Total Closure Cost Estimate Closure Cost Element Total Cost Notes

ae Specify Loading / Hauling and Disposal Rate Total Waste Removal Cost (Inching stockples; $7,009 62 ton} or{S/onh atari

: Specify Loading / Hauling and Disposal Rate Total Leachate / Washwater Removal Cost: $ $800 {S/ton) or (S/gal): 8 —$300 per tank

Total Decontamination Cost: $

Total Postclosure Cost (If necessary): $

Total P.E. Certification of Closure: $

‘Total Other: $ Specify: Total: $—s0,206

References: Please indicate references used to develop this cost estimate, specify any assumptions made, and provide

any supplemental calculations as necessary: Please see attached cost sheet,

IV. CERTIFICATION BY PREPARER This is to certify that the cost estimates pertaining to the engineering features and monitoring requirements of this solid waste management facility have been prepared by me and are representative of the design specified in the facility’s Closure Plan, The estimate is based on the cost of hiring a third party and does not incorporate any salvage value that ‘may be realized by the sale of wastes, facility structures, or equipment, and or other facility assets at the time of closure. in my professional judgment, the cost estimates are a true, correct, and complete representation of the financial liabilities for closure and postclosure care of the facility apy comply with the requirements of 9 VAC 20-70 and “Toby F. Edwards

all other DE Common) Yo — oar: _L Lez/e ef TITLE: Executive Director

mFS aawcl om yerhl

Toby F. Edwards : <== Executive Director

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020



instructions for Completing DEQ Form CE SWME

DEQ Farm CE SWMF should be submitted by solid waste management facilities (SWMF) providing a new or updated cost estimate in accordance with a new permit, permit modification, or facility operational change affecting the existing Financial assurance cost estimate. Examples of operational changes that could require calculation of a revised cost estimate and submittal ofthis form are listed below:

  • Addition of a new solid waste building, equipment, or other construction on site; Increase, decrease, or exceedance or permitted process rate; Significant increase or decrease (+ 15%) in SWIA report since previous year; Increase, decrease, or exceedance of permitted storage capacity; New stockpile, increase or decrease in stockpile size, or complete removal of stockpile; Addition or removal of leachate storage unit capacity (e.g. tanks) Change in leachate disposal method; Modification to closure plan, Partial facility closure; and ‘Any enforcement action requiring a revised cost estimate and financial assurance update.

Ifthe facility is increasing an existing cost estimate for inflation to meet the annual financial assurance demonstration, this worksheet is not necessary. This form is designed to provide summary information regarding the individual cost

estimates developed to cover the cast of facility closure and certification that the estimates are true, correct and complete.

|. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Enter the name of the facility as it should appear or as it currently appears on the existing permit.

Permit No. Indicate the permit number assigned to the facility. The permit number is usually written as PBRNHH or SWPHIHH,

Address, City, State, Zip: Provide the street address of the facility’s physical location (may be Rural Route/Box No. if 911 address is not available)

FA Holder: Indicate the entity responsible for maintaining the financial assurance mechanism, This entity should be elther the ‘owner or operator of the facility listed, and should match the SCC documentation on file for the facility.

Estimate Prepared By: Indicate the person and entity preparing this form and the attached cost estimate worksheets. For example, i the form is prepared by a facility representative, this box should contain his/her name along with the facility name. Ifa Consultant prepared the form, the consultant’s name along with the consultant’s company should be listed,

ll, OPERATIONAL AND CLOSURE DETAILS Operating Details Provide details for which the cost estimate was prepared,

Process rate: Indicate the process rate of the facility in tons per day. The process rate is defined as “the maximum rate of waste acceptance that a solid waste management facility can process for treatment and/or starage. This rate is {imited by the capabilities of equipment, personnel, and infrastructure.” The process rate is often specified in the facility’s Permit-by-Rule and used to estimate financial assurance.

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Storage Capacity: Indicate the storage capacity, for both incoming solid waste and recovered ‘material, of the facility in cubic yards. This value should correspond with the sum of the solid waste and recovered material storage capacity indicated on a facility’s PBR application form.

Processing area: f the facility’s cost estimate is based on the processing area, the size ofthe processing area should be provided in square feet. Closure Plans

Title: indicate the title of the Closure Plan on file at the faclity. In accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.2., Closure Plans and amended Closure Plans shall be maintained in the facility’s operating record.

Plan Date: Specify the plan’s date. IF the plan has been amended, enter the date of the last amendment.

P.E, Certification: Applications for new or modified Permits-by-Rule should include a certificate signed by aP.E. that

faclty has a Closure Plan meeting the standards of 9 VAC 20-81-360 in its operating record. Indicate the date Of the P.E, Certification in this box

Ill. Total Closure Cost Estimate

{mn the box provided, indicate the total estimated cost to close the facility. In accordance with 9 VAC 2-70-111.A, the closure cost estimate shall (1) equal the cost of final closure at the point in the facility’s active life when the extent and manner ofits operation would make closure the most expensive; (2) be based on the costs ta the owner or ‘operator of hiring a third party to close the facility; and (3) may not incorporate any salvage value that may be realized by the sale of Wastes, facility structures or equipment, land or other facility assets at the time of partial or final closures. To comply with these requirements, the closure cost estimate for solid waste management facilities should include costs assacinted with the removal of solid waste and leachate/wastewater remaining on site at closure; decontamination of equipment, containers, and/or structures; postclosure care which may include testing to ensure the facility has not contaminated underlying soils and/or groundwater (if contamination of underiying soils or groundwater Is anticipated); P… Certification of ctosure; and any other potential costs associated with closing the facility. Worksheets or other documentation substantiating the costs associated with closure should be provided as an attachment to this form.

Total Waste Removal Cost:

The cost of waste removal should include unit costs for loading all wastes stored on site and the costs associated with hrauling and disposing/treating (i.e. tipping fee) the wastes at the closest solid waste disposal or management facility. tn addition, removal and treatment/disposal costs forall materials stored on site for beneficial use (excluding the first 20 cy of each material), as indicated in Gul le : Final

Use or Other Uses, shall he covered by the facility’s estimated closure cost. The Department offers the following

equations which can be used to determine the portion of the SWMF closure cost estimate for the removal of wastes remaining on site at closure.

  1. Process rate cited in the facility permit 'fa process rate is referenced in the facility permit, the removal cost may be based on the process rate in tons per day (TPO) plus the total on-site storage capacity in tons forall stored waste materials multiplied by the hauling and disposal cost per ton. Waste Removal Cost, $= (Process rate, TPO) + (Storage Capacity, tons}] x (Loading/Havling + Disposal Rate, $/ton)

  2. Process rate not cited in the facility permit In the event that the facility permit does not contain a daily process rate, the estimated maximum on-site storage may be determined on the basis of the dimensions of the tipping floor or waste pile, An estimated maximum on-site storage can be calculated using the area ofthe tipping floor or waste pile (in square feet) and an average waste pile height. This volume can be used to determine an estimated tonnage and removal cost, Waste Removal Cost, $ = [Area of tipping floor/waste pile: (length, feet) x (width, feet)] x (Height of waste pile, feet) x (0.037 cy/cf) x (0.4 tons/cy) x (Loading/Hauling + Disposal Rate, $/ton)

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Alternate calculations may be used; however, all estimates should provide documentation and justification for the cost factors and equations used.

‘Total Leachate / Wastewater Removal Cost:

In the case of facilities that collect leachate, the closure cost estimate should include the cost of foading/hauling and

disposing of the maximum leachate storage capacity at the prevailing industrial rate for the appropriate wastewater treatment facility.

Total Decontamination Cost: Costs associated with decontaminating equipment, containers, and structures should be provided for, ifnecessary. The

estimate to cover decontamination should provide for a third party performing the service, Remember, salvage value of equipment and structures cannot be considered when determining the estimate.

Total Postclosure Costs:

Im accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.1., if all contaminated subsoils cannot be practicably removed or decontaminated, the facility shall perform postclosure care in accordance with the closure and postclosure care requirements. This may include soll and groundwater sampling and testing. If so, the postclosure cast should include costs associated with ‘mobilization of a sampling team and costs associated with the number of sampling locations and number of tests to be Performed, Inclusion of costs associated with testing will not be applicable to most solid waste management facilities designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with the VSWMR.

‘Total P.E. Certification of Closure:

‘Total cost for a professional engineer licensed in the State of Virginia to certify the facility has been closed in accordance with the facility’s approved Closure Plan in accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.2.e.

Total Other:

\fany other costs associated with the closure of the solid waste management facility are anticipated and they do not fatl

under the previous categories, the total cost should be provided on this line. Documentation for the other costs should be provided as an attachment to this form.


{nthe space provided, list references used to prepare the cost estimate and specify any assumptions used in the calculations. These references can be bids or actual cost data from previous projects, RSMeans values, or other applicable data, References listed should include dates associated with the documentation. If valuable to support the ‘worksheets provided, please attach copies of references to this form. Any supplemental calculations should also be Provided to demonstrate how costs were calculated if they vary from those calculations outlined in the instructions

IV. Certification by Preparer

The person responsible for preparing the cost estimate should read the certification statement and provide his/her fname, title, signature, and date to certify that the facility cost estimate provided is true, correct, and complete,

Acknowledgement by Owner/Operator DEQ Form CE SWMF and the attached cost estimate worksheets are prepared by a third party (ie. consultant), a responsible official representing the FA Holder should indicate his/her acknowledgement of the cost estimate, If this

estimate is prenared by a responsible official representing the FA Holder then this line can be left blank so long as the Certification by Preparer is signed,

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

ean Solid Waste Management Facility SAGA DEMENT OF Cost Estimate Form, DEQ Form CE SWMF


Factlity Narn County Transfer Permit No, —002 Location Addres: 786 Century Farm Rd City, State, Zip: ——Castlewood, VA 24224

FA Holder: Estimate Prepared by: ——Toby Edwards


Process Rate: 200 tons/day Closure Plan Title: Storage Capacity: cubic yards Closure Plan Date: Process Area:____ square feet P.E, Certification Date:

Ill, Total Closure Cost Estimate Closure Cost Element Total Cost | Notes

Total Waste Removal Cost (including stockples, $7,240 eae ned Hauling ae

  • | Specify Loading / Hauling and Disposal Rate Total Leachate / Washwater Removal Cost: &—se00 16 /ton) or ($/gal):$—$300 per tank |

Total Decontamination Cost: $

Total Postclosure Cost (if necessary): $

Total P.£. Certification of Closure: $

Total Other: $ Specify: Total: $—$7,808

References: Please indicate references used to develop this cost estimate, specify any assumptions ‘made, and provide

any supplemental calculations as necessary: Please see attached cost sheet.


‘Thisis to certify that the cost estimates pertaining to the engineering features and monitoring requirements of this solid waste management facility have been prepared by me and are representative of the design specified inthe facility’s Closure Plan. The estimate is based on the cost of hiring a third party and does not incorporate any salvage value that may be realized by the sale of wastes, facility structures, or equipment, land or other facility assets at the time of closure. In my professional judgment, the cost estimates are a true, correct, and complete representation of the financial liabilities for closure and postclosure care of the/faclity and comply with the requirements of 9 VAC 20-70 and

all other DEQ. mene) of Es Virginia. SIGNATURE: A. iA A:

NAME: Toby F. Edwards

Tm Executive Director

wore OT, ood — Mo2/of SIGNATURE: : j: LALA DATE: NAME: Toby F. Edwards SN

TITLE: ———Executive Director

DEQ Form ce SWMF 07/2020

  1. DATE: rah if

Instructions for Completing DEQ Form CE SWMF DEQ Form CE SWMF should be submitted by solid waste management facilities {SWMF) providing a new or updated cost estimate In accordance with a new permit, permit modification, or facility ‘operational change affecting the existing

Financial assurance cost estimate. Examples of operational changes that could require calculation of a revised cost estimate and submittal of this form are listed below:

° Addition of a new solid waste building, equipment, or other construction on site; Increase, decrease, or exceedance or permitted process rate;

Significant increase ar decrease (t 15%) in SWIA report since previous year;

Increase, decrease, or exceedance of permitted storage capacity;

New stockpile, increase or decrease in stockpile size, or complete removal of stockpile;

Addition or removal of leachate storage unit capacity (e.g. tanks)

Change in leachate disposal method;

Modification to closure plan;

Partial facility closure; and

‘Any enforcement action requiring a revised cost estimate and financial assurance update.

eee ee c eee

Ifthe facility is increasing an existing cost estimate for inflation to meet the annual financial assurance demonstration, this worksheet is nat necessary. This form is designed to provide summary information Fegarding the individual cost

estimates developed to cover the cost of facility closure and certification that the estimates are true, correct and complete.

|. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Enter the name of the facility as it should appear or as it currently appears on the existing permit,

Permit No, Indicate the permit number assigned to the facility. The permit number is usually written as PERM or SWPHIHY.

Address, City, State, Zip: Provide the street address of the facility’s physical location (may be Rural Route/Box No. if 911 address is not available)

FA Holder: Indicate the entity responsible for maintaining the financial assurance mechanism, This entity should be either the ‘owner oF operator of the facility listed, and should match the SCC documentation on file for the facility.

Estimate Prepared By:

Indicate the person and entity preparing this form and the attached cost estimate worksheets, For ‘example, If the form 's prepared by a facilty representative, this box should contain his/her name along withthe facility name. Ifa consultant prepared the form, the consultant’s name along with the consultant’s company should be listed,

|, OPERATIONAL AND CLOSURE DETAILS Operating Details Provide details for which the cost estimate was prepared.

Process rate: Indicate the process rate of the facility in tons per day. The process rate is defined as “the ‘maximum rate of waste acceptance that a solid waste management facility can process for treatment ‘and/or storage. This rate is \imited by the capabilities of equipment, personnel, and infrastructure.” The process rate Is often specified in the facility’s Permit-by-Rule and used to estimate financial assurance

‘DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Storage Capacity: indicate the storage capacity, for both incoming solid waste and recovered material, ofthe facility in Cusie Yards. This value should correspond with the sum of the solid waste and recovered material storage capacity Indicated on a facility’s PBR application form.

Processing area: I the facility’s cost estimate is based on the processing area, the size of the processing area should be provided in square feet.

Closure Plans

Title: Indicate the title of the Closure Plan on file at the facility. in accordance with 9’ VAC 20-81-360.2, Closure Plans and amended Closure Plans shall be maintained in the facility’s operating record.

Plan Date: Specify the plan’s date. If the plan has been amended, enter the date of the last amendment,

P.€. Certification: Applications for new or modified Permits-by-Rule should include a certificate signed by a P.E. that

facility has a Closure Plan meeting the standards of 9 VAC 20-B1-360 in its operating record. indicate the date of the P.E. Certification in this box,

Ill. Total Closure Cost Estimate

In the box provided, indicate the total estimated cost to close the facility. In accordance with 9 VAC 2-70-11.A, the closure cost estimate shall (1) equal the cost of final closure at the point inthe facllty’s active life when the extent and ‘manner ofits operation would make closure the most expensive; (2) be based on the costs to the owner or operator of hiring a third party to close the facility; and (3) may not incorporate any salvage value that ‘may be realized by the sale of wastes, facility structures or equipment, land or other facility assets at the time of partial or final closures. To comply with these requirements, the closure cost estimate for solid waste management facilities should include costs associated with the removal of solid waste and leachate/wastewater remaining on site at closure; decontamination of equipment, Containers, and/or structures; postclosure care which may include testing to ensure the facility has not contaminated underlying soils and/or groundwater (if contamination of underlying solls or groundwater is anticipated); P.E, Certification of closure; and any other potential costs associated with closing the facility. Worksheets or other documentation substantiating the costs associated with closure should be provided as an attachment to this form,

‘Total Waste Removal Cost:

‘The cost of waste removal should include unit costs for loading all wastes stored on site and the costs associated with hauling and disposing/treating (Le. tipping fee) the wastes at the closest solid waste disposal or ‘management facility. In addition, removal and treatment/disposal costs for all materials stored on site for beneficial use (excluding the first 20 cy of each material), as indicated in 0 i St ‘Material

‘Use or Other Uses, shall be covered by the facility’s estimated closure cost. The Department offers the following

equations which can be used to determine the portion of the SWMEF closure cost estimate for the removal of wastes remaining on site at closure.

  1. Process rate cited in the facility permit Ifa process rate is referenced in the facility permit, the removal cost may be hased on the process rate in tons Per day (TPD) plus the total on-site storage capacity in tons for all stored waste materials multiplied by the hauling and disposal cost per ton, Waste Removal Cost, § = [(Process rate, TPO) + (Storage Capacity, tons)} x Loading/Hauling + Disposal Rate, $/ton)

  2. Process rate not cited in the facility permit tn the event that the facility permit does not contain a dally pracess rate, the estimated maximum on-site storage may be determined on the basis of the dimensions of the tipping floor or waste pile. An estimated maximum onsite storage can be calculated using the area of the tipping floor or waste pile (in square feet) and an average waste pile height, This volume can be used to determine an estimated tonnage and removal cost. Waste Removal Cost, $= [Area of tipping loor/waste pile: (length, feet) x (width, feet] x Height of waste ple, feet) x (0.037 cy/cf) x (0.4 tons/cy) x (Loading/Hauling + Disposal Rate, $/ton)

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Alternate calculations may be used; however, all estimates should provide documentation and justifi

ication for the cost factors and equations used,

‘Total Leachate / Wastewater Removal Cost:

In the case of facilities that collect leachate, the closure cost estimate should include the cost of laading/hauling and

disposing of the maximum leachate storage capacity at the prevailing industrial rate for the appropriate wastewater treatment facility.

Total Decontamination Cost:

Costs associated with decontaminating equipment, containers, and structures should be provided for, it necessary. The estimate to cover decontamination should provide for a third party performing the service, Remember, salvage value of equipment and structures cannot be considered when determining the estimate,

Total Postclosure Costs:

Im accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.1.b, if all contaminated subsoils cannot be Practicably removed or decontaminated, the facility shall perform postclosure care in accordance with the closure and Postclosure care requirements. This may include soll and groundwater sampling and testing. If so, the postclosure cost should include costs associated with ‘mobilization of a sampling team and costs associated with the number of sampling locations and number of tests to be Performed. Inclusion of costs associated with testing will not be applicable to most solid waste management facilities designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with the VSWMR,

Total P.E. Certification of Closure:

Total cost for a professional engineer licensed in the State of Virginia to certify the facility has been closed in accordance with the facility’s approved Closure Pian in accordance with 9 VAC 20-81-360.2.¢.

Total Other:

\fany other costs associated with the closure of the solid waste management facility are anticipated and they do not fall under the previous categories, the total cost should be provided an this line. Documentation for the other costs should be provided as an attachment to this form,


in the space provided, ist references used to prepare the cst estimate and specify any assumptions used in the calculations. These references can be bids or actual cost data from previous projects, RSMeans values, or other applicable data. References listed should include dates associated with the documentation, If valuable to support the worksheets provided, please attach copies of references to this form. Any supplemental calculations should also be Provided to demonstrate how costs were calculated if they vary from those calculations outlined in the instructions

IV. Certification by Preparer

The person responsible for preparing the cost estimate should read the certification statement and provide his/her name, tite, signature, and date to certify that the facility cost estimate provided is true, correct, and complete.

Acknowledgement by Owner/Operator IF DEC Form CE SWMF and the attached cost estimate worksheets are prepared by a third party (ie. consultant), a

DEQ Form CE SWMF 07/2020

Permit Buchanan County 106 Dickenson County 049

Russell County 001

Cumberland Plateau Regional Solid Waste Management Authority

Financial Assurance Demonstration 2021





Disposal/Transportation 200x$38.24= $7,548 200x$38.03= $7,606

200x$36.24= $7,248

Leachate Disposal 2 tanksx$300= $600 2 tanks x$300=$600

2 tanks x $300=$600

Total Closure $8,248 $8,206 $7,848


Organizational Meeting.pdf
Meeting: 1/3/22    6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Acknowledgement 1.pdf
Meeting: 1/3/22      6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Meeting: 1/3/22      6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Authorization - Minutes BOS.pdf

Authorization - Expenditures.pdf

Pre-Authorization Expenditures.pdf

Presentations - Attorney.pdf
Meeting: 1/3/22         6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Retirement VRS 2.pdf
Plan Option
Application Procedures
Rescinding of Program

Meeting: 1/3/22         6:00 PM

Interjurisdictional Agreement.pdf
W I T N E S S E T H :
(13) This Agreement may only be modified by a writing approved by the Counties’ respective governing bodies, by vote at a public meeting, evidenced by a certified copy of a written resolution of each County's governing body.
(14) The Counties may not withdraw from this Agreement unless the other Participants unanimously agree, by vote of their respective governing bodies at a public meeting.

Meeting: 1/3/22      6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Group15: Off
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