No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings Agenda Packets 2020-12-09 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

2020-12-09 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

Document Date: December 9, 2020 Document: 2020-12-09_17_00-Russell_BOS-Regular_Meeting-Packet.pdf

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Agenda Board of Supervisors December 9, 2020

Russell County Page 1




Conference Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 and amended on September 8, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.

CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board


INVOCATION – Chairperson




  1. Belfast Waterline Extension, Phase III

  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance

  3. County Property Transfer to County IDA


  1. Dr. Greg Brown – RC School Board

Agenda Board of Supervisors December 9, 2020


Conference Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

‘The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 and amended on September 8, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.

CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL - Clerk of the Board


INVOCATION - Chairperson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING 4. Belfast Waterline Extension, Phase Ill 2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance 3. County Property Transfer to County IDA PRESENTATIONS

  1. Dr. Greg Brown - RC School Board

Russell County Page 1

Agenda Board of Supervisors December 9, 2020

Russell County Page 2

  1. Jess Powers - RC Emergency Management


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the
    following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors………………A-1

a. Unapproved minutes of November 2, 2020

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures
    presented for payment….……………………….……………………………….…….A-2

  2. Committee Appointments for Board Consideration.

Drill Community Center

Charlene Blankenship Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Rachel Helton Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Doug Lester Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Harold D. Thomas Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Betty Sue Hess Two-Year Term December 31, 2020




  1. Courthouse Project Proposal Resolution (Pursuant to PPEA)

  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance

  3. VRA & RC PSA Lenders’ Agreements

  4. Clinch River Little League

  5. Key Western Property Easement



  1. Russell County CARES Fund Financial Summary…………………………………B-1

  2. RC Abstract of Votes……………………………………………………………………B-2

Agenda Board of Supervisors December 9, 2020

  1. Jess Powers - RC Emergency Management


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors…

a. Unapproved minutes of November 2, 2020

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented for payment.

  2. Committee Appointments for Board Consideration.

Drill Community Center

Charlene Blankenship Two-Year Term December 31, 2020

Rachel Helton Two-Year Term December 31, 2020

Doug Lester Two-Year Term December 31, 2020

Harold D. Thomas Two-Year Term December 31, 2020

Betty Sue Hess Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 CITIZEN’S COMMENT PERIOD


  1. Courthouse Project Proposal Resolution (Pursuant to PPEA)
  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance
  3. VRA & RC PSA Lenders’ Agreements
  4. Clinch River Little League


  1. Russell County CARES Fund Financial Summary.

  2. RC Abstract of Votes…

Russell County Page 2

Agenda Board of Supervisors December 9, 2020

Russell County Page 3

  1. VDOT Secondary System Construction Six-Year Plan……………………………B-3

  2. Honaker & Castlewood Canneries…………………………………………………….B-4

  3. RC Planning Commission’s Comprehensive Plan…………………………………B-5


  1. Russell County “CARES” Business Grants………………………………………….B-6

  2. VDOT – Discontinuance of Rte. 671 and Rte. 678………………………………….B-7

  3. CARES Act Funding to Fast Track Broadband Projects Grant………………….B-8

  4. Litter Prevention & Recycling Grant………………………………………………….B-9

  5. RC Emergency Operations Center Generator Grant……………………B-10

  6. CPRHA Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Pittston Place & HUD Development……B-11

  7. RC BOS Annual Employee Turkey……………………………………………………B-12

  8. 2020 Holiday Leave Schedule.…………………………………………………………B-13




• Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………………………C • RC IDA …………………………………………………………………………………….D • RC PSA …………………………………………………………………………………… E • RC Tourism……………………………………………………………………………….F • RC Planning Commission ………………………………………………………………G • Conference Center………………………………………………………………………H • RC Fitness Center……………………………………………………………………….I • RC Transportation & Safety……………………………………………………………J • RC Cannery Reports…………………………………………………………………….K • RC Building Inspector……………………………………………………………………L • RC Litter Report………………………………………………………………………….M • CPWMA Report……………………………………………………………………………N • RC Disposal Report………………………………………………………………………O

Agenda Board of Supervisors

  1. VDOT Secondary System Construction Six-Year Plan.

  2. Honaker & Castlewood Canneries.

  3. RC Planning Commission’s Comprehensive Plan. REQUESTS

  4. Russell County “CARES” Business Grants…

  5. VDOT - Discontinuance of Rte. 671 and Rte. 678…

  6. CARES Act Funding to Fast Track Broadband Projects Grant.

  7. Litter Prevention & Recycling Grant

10.RC Emergency Operations Center Generator Grant.

11.CPRHA Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Pittston Place & HUD Development.


Treasurer’s Report. RC IDA… RC PSA… RC Tourism. RC Planning Commission . Conference Center.

RC Fitness Cente! RC Transportation & Safety. RC Cannery Reports. RC Building Inspecto RC Litter Report. CPWMA Report. RC Disposal Report.

December 9, 2020

Russell County


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1)(3)(7)(8) – Legal Discussions concerning Personnel Matters; Little League Property Lease; RC PSA Consolidation; Transfer of County Property to County IDA; County’s Opioid Litigation; and Northrop Grumman Litigation.

The vote was: Aye:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace -

Lou Ann Wallace -

Carl Rhea -

Steve Breeding -

David Eaton -

Rebecca Dye -

Oris Christian -


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye:


Motion made by. , second by, and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1)(3)(7)(8) — Legal Discussions concerning Personnel Matters; Little League Property Lease; RC PSA Consolidation; Transfer of County Property to County IDA; County’s Opioid Litigation; and Northrop Grumman Litigation.

The vote was: Aye: Nay:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace - Lou Ann Wallace - Carl Rhea - Steve Breeding - David Eaton - Rebecca Dye - Oris Christian - APPROVAL TO RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION

Motion made by, , second by. and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was:

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

     Meeting: 12/9/20     6:00 PM 

Public Hearing

  1. Belfast Waterline Extension, Phase III

  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance

  3. County Property Transfer to County IDA

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Public Hearing

  1. Belfast Waterline Extension, Phase III

  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance

  3. County Property Transfer to County IDA

Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion. Suggested Motion: Board Discretion.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Oris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will conduct Public Hearings on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. to hear comments concerning the adoption of the “Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance” and “Belfast Phase III Water Project” and “Transfer of County Property to County IDA.

A copy of the proposed Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance is available for review in the Office of the County Administrator at 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during normal business hours.

In addition, the ordinance is posted on the County’s Website at and on RussellCountyVA App on Google Play Store.

The Public Hearings will be held in the Russell County Government Conference Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 133 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during the regular December 2020 monthly meeting.

BY ORDER OF THE RUSSELL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

ris Christian Carl Rhea

At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton

District 4 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester

District 2 District 5 Gounty Administrator


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will conduct Public Hearings on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. to hear comments concerning the adoption of the “Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance” and “Belfast Phase Ill Water Project” and “Transfer of County Property to County IDA.

A copy of the proposed Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance is available for review in the Office of the County Administrator at 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during normal business hours

In addition, the ordinance is posted on the County’s Website at and on RussellCountyVA App on Google Play Store.

The Public Hearings will be held in the Russell County Government Conference Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 133 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during the regular December 2020 monthly meeting.


Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011





This ordinance shall be known as the “Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance of Russell County.” The purpose of this chapter is to prevent degradation of properties, stream channels, waters and other natural resources of the County by establishing requirements for the control of soil erosion, sediment deposition and non-agricultural runoff and by establishing procedures whereby these requirements shall be administered and enforced.

This Chapter is authorized by the Code of Virginia, Title 62.1, Chapter 3.1, Article 2.4, known as the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law.

Section 10-2. DEFINITIONS:

As used in the ordinance, unless the context requires a different meaning:

  1. “Agreement in lieu of a plan” means a contract between the plan-approving authority and the owner that specifies conservation measures that must be implemented in the construction of a single-family residence; this contract may be executed by the plan-approving authority in lieu of a formal site plan.

  2. “Applicant” means any person submitting an erosion and sediment control plan for approval or requesting the

issuance of a permit, when required, authorizing land-disturbing activities to commence.

  1. “Board” means the Virginia State Water Control Board.

  2. “Certified inspector” means an employee or agent of Russell County who (i) holds a certificate of competence from the Board in the area of project inspection or (ii) is enrolled in the Board’s training program for project inspection and successfully completes such program within one year after enrollment.

  3. “Certified plan reviewer” means an employee or agent of Russell County who (i) holds a certificate of

competence from the Board in the area of plan review, (ii) is enrolled in the Board’s training program for plan review and successfully completes such program within one year after enrollment, or (iii) is licensed as a professional engineer, architect, certified landscape architect or land surveyor pursuant to Article 1 (Sec. 54.1- 400 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 54.1 or a professional soil scientist as defined in Sec. 54.1-2200 of the Code of Virginia.

  1. “Certified program administrator” means an employee or agent of Russell County who (i) holds a

certificate of competence from the Board in the area of program administration or (ii) is enrolled in the Board’s training program for program administration and successfully completes such program within one year after enrollment.

  1. “County” means the County of Russell.

  2. “Clearing” means any activity which removes the vegetative ground cover including, but not limited to, root

mat removal or top soil removal.



This ordinance shall be known as the "Erosion and Sediment Control Or this chapter is to prevent degradation of properties, stream channe| County by establishing requirements for the control of soil ei runoff and by establishing procedures whereby these requirements

f Russell County." The purpose of and other natural resources of the iment deposition and non-agricultural istered and enforced,

This Chapter is authorized by the Code of Virginia, Title 6 and Sediment Control Law.

ppter 3.1, Arti known as the Virginia Erosion

Section 10-2, DEFINITIONS: As used in the ordinance, unless the cor

  1. "Agreement specifies conservation measures that m

tified landscape architect or land surveyor pursuant to Article 1 (Sec. 54.1- 54.1 or a professional soil scientist as defined in Sec, 54.1-2200 of the Code of Virginia

“Certified program istrator” means an employee or agent of Russell County who (i) holds a certificate of competence from the Board in the area of program administration or (ii) is enrolled in the Board’s

training program for program administration and successfully completes such program within one year after enrollment.

  1. “County” means the County of Russell.

8 “Clearing” means any activity which removes the vegetative ground cover including, but not limited to, root, ‘mat removal or top soil removal.


  1. “Department” means the Department of Environmental Quality.

  2. “Development” means a tract or parcel of land developed or to be developed as a single unit under single ownership or unified control which is to be used for any business or industrial purpose or is to contain three or more residential dwelling units.

  3. “Director” means the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality.

  4. “District” or “Soil and Water Conservation District” refers to the Clinch Valley Soil and Water

Conservation District.

  1. “Erosion and Sediment Control Plan” or “Plan” means a document containing material for the conservation of soil and water resources of a unit or group of units of land. It may include appropriate maps, an appropriate soil and water plan inventory, and management information with needed interpretations, and a record of decisions contributing to conservation treatment. The plan shall contain all major conservation decisions and all information deemed necessary by the plan approving authority to assure that the entire unit or units of land will be so treated to achieve the conservation objectives.

  2. “Erosion Impact Area” means an area of land not associated with a current land-disturbing activity but

subject to persistent soil erosion resulting in the delivery of sediment onto neighboring properties or into state waters. This definition shall not apply to any lot or parcel of land of 10,000 square feet or less used for residential purposes.

  1. “Excavating” means any digging, scooping or other methods of removing earth materials.

  2. “Filling” means any depositing or stockpiling of earth materials.

  3. “Grading” means any excavating or filling of earth material or any combination thereof, including the land in

its excavated or filled conditions.

  1. “Land-disturbing Activity” means any man-made change to the land surface that may result in soil erosion from water or wind and the movement of sediments into state waters or onto lands in the Commonwealth, including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, excavating, transporting, and filling of land, except that the term shall not include:

a) Minor land-disturbing activities such as home gardens and individual home landscaping, repairs and

maintenance work;

b) Individual service connections;

c) Installation, maintenance, or repair of any underground public utility lines when such activity occurs on an existing hard-surfaced road, street or sidewalk, provided the land-disturbing activity is confined to the area of the road, street, or sidewalk that is hard-surfaced;

d) Septic tank lines or drainage fields unless included in an overall plan for land-disturbing activity relating to construction of the building to be served by the septic tank system;

e) Permitted surface or deep mining operations and projects, or oil and gas operations and projects conducted pursuant to Title 45.1 of the Code of Virginia;

f) Tilling, planting, or harvesting of agricultural, horticultural, or forest crops, or livestock feedlot operations; including engineering operations as follows: construction of terraces, terrace outlets, check dams,

  1. “Department” means the Department of Environmental Quality.

  2. “Development” means a tract or parcel of land developed or to be developed as a single unit under single ownership or unified control which is to be used for any business or industrial purpose or is to contain three or ‘more residential dwelling units.

11, “Director” means the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality.

12, “District” or “Soil and Water Conservation District” Conservation District

the Clinch Valley Soil and Water

  1. “Erosion and Sediment Control Plan” or “Plan” means,

of soil and water resources of a unit or group of units soil and water plan inventory, and management ji decisions contributing to conservation treatment,

containing material for the conservation le appropriate maps, an appropriate interpretations, and a record of jor conservation decisions and entire unit or units of land

9 state waters or onto lands in the Commonwealth, ating, transporting, and filling of land, except that the

Installation, mai on an existing ha the area of the road,

repair of any underground public utility lines when such activity occurs ed road, street or sidewalk, provided the land-disturbing activity is confined to eet, or sidewalk that is hard-surfaced;

  1. Septic tank lines or drainage fields unless included in an overall plan for land-disturbing activity relating to. construction of the building to be served by the septic tank system;

©) Permitted surface or deep mining operations and projects, or oil and gas operations and projects conducted pursuant to Title 45.1 of the Code of Virginia;

f) Tilling, planting, or harvesting of agricultural, horticultural, or forest crops, or livestock feedlot operations; including engineering operations as follows: construction of terraces, terrace outlets, check dams,



desilting basins, dikes, ponds, ditches, strip cropping, lister furrowing, contour cultivating, contour furrowing, land drainage, and land irrigation; however, this exception shall not apply to harvesting of forest crops unless the area on which harvesting occurs is reforested artificially or naturally in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11 (Sec. 10.1- 1100 et seq.) of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia or is converted to bona fide agricultural or improved pasture use as described in Subsection B of Sec. 10.1-1163;

g) Repair or rebuilding of the tracks, rights-of-way, bridges, communication facilities, and other related

structures and facilities of a railroad company;

h) Agricultural engineering operations, including but not limited to the construction of terraces, terrace outlets, check dams, desilting basins, dikes, ponds not required to comply with the provisions of the Dam Safety Act (Va. Code § 10.1-604 et seq.), ditches, strip cropping, lister furrowing, contour cultivating, contour furrowing, land drainage, and land irrigation;

i) Disturbed land areas of less than 10,000 square feet in size;

j) Installation of fence and sign posts or telephone and electric poles and other kinds of posts or poles;

k) Emergency work to protect life, limb or property, and emergency repairs; however, if the land- disturbing activity would have required an approved erosion and sediment control plan, if the activity were not an emergency, then the land area disturbed shall be shaped and stabilized in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance.

  1. “Land-disturbing Permit or approval” means a permit or other form of approval issued by Russell

County for the clearing, filling, excavating, grading, transporting of land or for any combination thereof or for any other land disturbing activity.

  1. “Natural channel design concepts” means the utilization of engineering analysis and fluvial geomorphic

processes to create, rehabilitate, restore, or stabilize an open conveyance system for the purpose of creating or recreating a stream that conveys its bankfull storm event within its banks and allows larger flows to access its bankfull bench and its floodplain.

  1. “Owner” means the owner or owners of the freehold of the premises or lesser estate therein, mortgagee or

vendee in possession, assignee of rents, receiver, executor, trustee, lessee, or other person, firm, or corporation in control of a property.

  1. “Peak flow rate” means the maximum instantaneous flow from a given storm condition at a particular location.

  2. “Permittee” means the person to whom the land-disturbing approval is issued or the person who certifies that

the approved erosion and sediment control plan will be followed.

  1. “Person” means any individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private corporation, trust, estate, commission, board, public or private institution, utility, cooperative, county, city, town or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, governmental body, including a federal or state entity as applicable, any interstate body, or any other legal entity.

  2. “State permit” means an approval to conduct a land-disturbing activity issued by the Board in the form of a

state stormwater individual permit or coverage issued under a state general permit.

  1. VESCP Plan-approving authority" means the building official department is responsible for determining the adequacy of a plan submitted for land-disturbing activities on a unit or units of lands and for approving plans.



desilting basins, dikes, ponds, ditches, strip cropping, lister furrowing, contour cultivating, contour furrowing, land drainage, and land irrigation; however, this exception shall not apply to harvesting of forest crops unless the area on which harvesting occurs is reforested artificially or naturally in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11 (Sec. 10.1- 1100 et seq.) of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia or is converted to bona fide agricultural or improved pasture use as described in Subsection B of Sec. 10.1-1163;

g) Repair or rebuilding of the tracks, rights-of-way, bridges, communication facilities, and other related structures and facilities of a railroad company;

h) Agricultural engineering operations, including but not limited outlets, check dams, desilting basins, dikes, ponds not require, Safety Act (Va, Code § 10.1-604 et seq,), ditches, strip contour furrowing, land drainage, and land irrigation;

the construction of terraces, terrace iply with the provisions of the Dam , lister furrowing, contour cultivating,

i) Disturbed land areas of less than 10,000 square fe

{) Installation of fence and sign posts or telepho i nds of posts or poles;

k) Emergency work to protect life, jowever, if the land- disturbing activity would have required an s ntrol_plan, if the activity were not an emergenc with the requirements of this o

"Land-disturbing Permit or appro County for the clearing, filling, excavat any other land disturbi

form of approval issued by Russell or for any combination thereof or for

ring analysis and fluvial geomorphic processes to cre system for the purpose of creating or recreating a strea sits ba nt within its banks and allows larger flows to access its

yhom the land-disturbing approval is issued or the person who certifies that control plan will be followed.

“Person” means at | partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private corporation, trust, estate, commissio <d, public or private institution, utility, cooperative, county, city, town or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, governmental body, including a federal or state entity as applicable, any interstate body, or any other legal entity.

“State permit” means an approval to conduct a land-disturbing activity issued by the Board in the form of a state stormwater individual permit or coverage issued under a state general permit.

VESCP Plan-approving authority" means the building official department is responsible for determining the adequacy of.a plan submitted for land-disturbing activities on a unit or units of lands and for approving plans.


  1. “VESCP authority” or “program authority” means the County of Russell which has adopted a soil erosion and sediment control program that has been approved by the Board.

  2. Responsible Land Disturber” or “RLD” means an individual holding a certificate issued by the department

who is responsible for carrying out the land-disturbing activity in accordance with the approved ESC plan. The RLD may be the owner, applicant, permittee, designer, superintendent, project manager, contractor, or any other project or development team member. The RLD must be designated on the ESC plan or permit as a prerequisite for engaging in land disturbance.

  1. “Runoff volume” means the volume of water that runs off the land development project from a prescribed

storm event.

  1. ”Single-family residence" means a noncommercial dwelling that is occupied exclusively by one family.

  2. “State waters” means all waters on the surface and under the ground wholly or partially within or bordering the Commonwealth or within its jurisdiction.

  3. “Transporting” means any moving of earth materials from one place to another place other than such movement

incidental to grading, when such movement results in destroying the vegetative ground cover either by tracking or the buildup of earth materials to the extent that erosion and sedimentation will result from the soil or earth materials over which such transporting occurs.

  1. “Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Program” or “VESCP” means a program approved by the Board

that has been established by a VESCP authority for the effective control of soil erosion, sediment deposition, and non-agricultural runoff associated with a land-disturbing activity to prevent the unreasonable degradation of properties, stream channels, waters, and other natural resources and shall include such items where applicable as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and its associated regulations.

  1. “Water Quality Volume “means the volume equal to the first one-half inch of runoff multiplied by the

impervious surface of the land development project.


Pursuant to section 62.1-44.15:54 of the Code of Virginia, the County hereby establishes a VESCP program and adopts the regulations promulgated by the Board (for the effective control of soil erosion and sediment deposition to prevent the unreasonable degradation of properties, stream channels, waters and other natural resources) and the Virginian Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook, third edition.

In accordance with § 62.1-44.15:52 of the Code of Virginia, any plan approved prior to July 1, 2014 that provides for stormwater management that addresses any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels shall satisfy the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels if the practices are designed to (i) detain the water quality volume and to release it over 48 hours; (ii) detain and release over a 24-hour period the expected rainfall resulting from the one year, 24-hour storm; and (iii) reduce the allowable peak flow rate resulting from the 1.5, 2, and 10-year, 24-hour storms to a level that is less than or equal to the peak flow rate from the site assuming it was in a good forested condition, achieved through multiplication of the forested peak flow rate by a reduction factor that is equal to the runoff volume from the site when it was in a good forested condition divided by the runoff volume from the site in its proposed condition, and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels

  1. "VESCP authority” or “program authority” means the County of Russell which has adopted a soil erosion and_ sediment control program that has been approved by the Board.

  2. Responsible Land Disturber” or “RLD” means an individual holding a certificate issued by the department who is responsible for carrying out the land-disturbing activity in accordance with the approved ESC plan. The RLD may be the owner, applicant, permittee, designer, superintendent, project manager, contractor, or any other project or development team member. The RLD must be designated on the ESC plan or permit as a prerequisite for engaging in land disturbance

  3. “Runoff volume” means the volume of water that runs off the land dey storm event.

lopment project from a prescribed

  1. “Single-family residence” means a noncommercial dwelling -cupied exclusively by one family.

  2. “State waters” means all waters on the surface and under th ‘Commonwealth or within its jurisdiction.

r partially within or bordering the

  1. “Transporting” means any moving of earth mat ther than such movement, incidental to grading, when such movement resul ‘over either by tracking, or the buildup of earth materials to the extent that the soil or earth materials over which such transporting occurs.

  2. "Virginia Erosion and Sediment that has been established by a VESCP and non-agricultural runoff associated of properties, stream channels, waters, and applicable as local ord guidelines, techni this article, and

" means a program approved by the Board 1 of soil erosion, sediment deposition, event the unreasonable degradation

specifications, policies and forcement where authorized in

  1. “Water Quality e to the first one-half inch of runoff multiplied by the impervious surface o

Pursuant ion 62. 5 of Virginia, the County hereby establishes a VESCP program and

adopts the the effective control of soil erosion and sediment deposition to prevent the unreasOna S, stream channels, waters and other natural resources) and the Virginian Erosion & fandbook, third edition.

In accordance with § 62. 1¢ Code of Virginia, any plan approved prior to July 1, 2014 that provides for stormwater management that mhy flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels shall satisfy the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels if the practices are designed to (i) detain the water quality volume and to release it over 48 hours; (ii) detain and release over a 24-hour period the expected rainfall resulting from the one year, 24-hour storm; and (iii) reduce the allowable peak flow rate resulting from the 1.5, 2, and 10-year, 24-hour storms to a level that is less than or equal to the peak flow rate from the site assuming it ‘was in a good forested condition, achieved through multiplication of the forested peak flow rate by a reduction factor that is equal to the runoff volume from the site when it was in a good forested condition divided by the runoff volume from the site in its proposed condition, and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels


A. For plans approved on and after July 1, 2014, the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural and man-made channels shall be satisfied by compliance with water quantity requirements specified in § 62.1-
44.15:28 of the Stormwater Management Act and 9VAC25-870-66 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) regulations, unless such land-disturbing activities are in accordance with the grandfathering provisions of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations.

B. Pursuant to Sec. 62.1-44.15:53 of the Code of Virginia, an erosion control plan shall not be approved until it is

reviewed by a certified plan reviewer. Inspections of land-disturbing activities shall be conducted by a certified inspector. The Erosion Control Program of the County shall contain a certified program administrator, a certified plan reviewer, and a certified inspector (who may be the same person.)

C. The County hereby designates the building official department as the plan-approving authority.

D. The program and regulations provided for in this ordinance shall be made available for public inspection at the

office of the building official department.


A. Except as provided herein, no person may engage in any land-disturbing activity until he or she has submitted to the building official department an erosion and sediment control plan for the land-disturbing activity and such plan has been approved by the VESCP authority. No approval to begin a land disturbing activity will be issued unless evidence of state permit coverage is obtained where it is required. Where land-disturbing activities involve lands under the jurisdiction of more than one VESCP, an erosion and sediment control plan, at the option of the applicant, may be submitted to the Department for review and approval rather than to each jurisdiction concerned. Where the land-disturbing activity results from the construction of a single-family residence, an agreement in lieu of a plan may be substituted for an erosion and sediment control plan if executed by the plan-approving authority.

B. The standards contained within the “Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations” and the Virginia

Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook as amended are to be used by the applicant when making a submittal under the provisions of this ordinance and in the preparation of an erosion and sediment control plan. The plan-approving authority, in considering the adequacy of a submitted plan, shall be guided by the same standards, regulations and guidelines. When the standards vary between the publications, the State regulations shall take precedence.

C. The VESCP plan-approving authority shall review erosion and sediment control plans submitted to it and grant

written approval within 60 days of the receipt of the plan if it determines that the plan meets the requirements of the Erosion and Sediment Control Law and the Board’s regulations, and if the person responsible for carrying out the plan certifies that he will properly perform the measures included in the plan and will conform to the provisions of this ordinance. In addition, as a prerequisite to engaging in the land-disturbing activities shown on the approved plan, the person responsible for carrying out the plan shall provide the name of the responsible land disturber, to the program authority, as provided by § 62.1-44.15:52, of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, who will be in charge of and responsible for carrying out the land-disturbing activity. Failure to provide the name of the responsible land disturber, prior to engaging in land-disturbing activities may result in revocation of the approval of the plan and the person responsible for carrying out the plan shall be subject to the penalties provided in this ordinance.

The VESCP plan-approving authority shall waive the certificate of competence requirement for an agreement in lieu of a plan for construction of a single-family residence. If a violation occurs during the land-disturbing activity, then the person responsible for carrying out the agreement in lieu of a plan shall correct the violation and provide the name of the responsible land disturber, as provided by § 62.1-44.15:52 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law. Failure to provide the name of the responsible land disturber shall be a violation of this ordinance. For plans approved on and after July 1, 2014, the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural and man-made channels shall be satisfied by compliance with water quantity requirements specified in § 62.1- 44.15:28 of the Stormwater Management Act and 9VAC25-870-66 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) regulations, unless such land-disturbing activities are in accordance with the grandfathering provisions of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations.

Pursuant to Sec, 62.1-44.15:53 of the Code of Virginia, an erosion control plan shall not be approved until it is reviewed by a certified plan reviewer. Inspections of land-disturbing activities shall be conducted by a certified inspector. The Erosion Control Program of the County shall contain a certified program administrator, a certified plan reviewer, and a certified inspector (who may be the samesperson.)

The County hereby designates the building official department lan-approving authority.

The program and regulations provided for in this ordinani office of the building official department.

available for public inspection at the

A. _ Except as provided herein, no person submitted to the building official department ai

a land disturbing required. Where f more than one VESCP, an erosion and

activity will be issued unless evid

of state permit land-disturbing activities involve .

plan may be substituted for an sty,

ded are to be used by the applicant when making a in the preparation of an erosion and sediment control

‘measures included in the plan and will conform to the provisions of requisite to engaging in the land-disturbing activities shown on the approved ying out the plan shall provide the name of the responsible land disturber, to the § 62.1-44.15:52, of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, who will be carrying out the land-disturbing activity. Failure to provide the name of the of the approval of eSponsible for carrying out the plan shall be subject to the penalties provided in this

in charge of and responsible land dis the plan and the person ordinance.

The VESCP plan-approving authority shall waive the certificate of competence requirement for an agreement in lieu of a plan for construction of a single-family residence. If a violation occurs during the land-disturbing activity, then the person responsible for carrying out the agreement in lieu of a plan shall correct the violation and provide the name of the responsible land disturber, as provided by § 62.1-44.15:52 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law. Failure to provide the name of the responsible land disturber shall be a violation of this ordinance.


D. When the plan is determined to be inadequate, written notice of disapproval stating the specific reasons for

disapproval shall be communicated to the applicant within 45 days. The notice shall specify such modifications, terms and conditions that will permit approval of the plan. If no action is taken within 45 days, the plan shall be deemed approved and the person authorized to proceed with the proposed activity.

E. The VESCP authority shall act on any erosion and sediment control plan that has been previously disapproved

within 45 days after the plan has been revised, resubmitted for approval, and deemed adequate.

F. The VESCP authority may require changes to an approved plan when:

(1) The inspection reveals that the plan is inadequate to satisfy applicable regulations; or

(2) The person responsible for carrying out the plan finds that because of changed circumstances or for other reasons the approved plan cannot be effectively carried out, and proposed amendments to the plan, consistent with the requirements of this ordinance, are agreed to by the plan-approving authority and the person responsible for carrying out the plans.

G. Variances: The VESCP plan-approving authority may waive or modify any of the standards that are deemed to be inappropriate or too restrictive for site conditions, by granting a variance. A variance may be granted under these conditions:

(1) At the time of plan submission, an applicant may request a variance to become part of the approved

erosion and sediment control plan. The applicant shall explain the reasons for requesting variances in writing. Specific variances which are allowed by the plan-approving authority shall be documented in the plan.

(2) During construction, the person responsible for implementing the approved plan may request a variance

in writing from the plan-approving authority. The plan-approving authority shall respond in writing either approving or disapproving such a request. If the plan-approving authority does not approve a variance within 10 days of receipt of the request, the request shall be considered to be disapproved. Following disapproval, the applicant may resubmit a variance request with additional documentation.

(3) The VESCP authority shall consider variance requests judiciously, keeping in mind both the need of

the applicant to maximize cost effectiveness and the need to protect off-site properties and resources from damage.

H. In order to prevent further erosion, the County may require approval of a plan for any land identified

in the local program as an erosion impact area.

I. When a land-disturbing activity will be required of a contractor performing construction work pursuant to a construction contract, the preparation, submission, and approval of an erosion and sediment control plan shall be the responsibility of the owner.

J. In accordance with the procedure set forth in §62.1-44.15:55 (E) of the Code of Virginia, any person engaging, in

more than one jurisdiction, in the creation and operation of wetland mitigation or stream restoration banks, which have been approved and are operated in accordance with applicable federal and state guidance, laws, or regulations for the establishment, use, and operation of wetland mitigation or stream restoration banks, pursuant to a mitigation banking instrument signed by the Department of Environmental Quality, the Marine Resources Commission, or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, may, at the option of that person, file general erosion and sediment control specifications for wetland mitigation or stream restoration banks annually with the Board for review and approval consistent with guidelines established by the Board. Approval of general erosion and sediment control specifications does not relieve the owner or operator from compliance with any other local ordinances and regulations including requirements to submit plans and obtain permits as may be required by such

‘When the plan is determined to be inadequate, written notice of disapproval stating the specific reasons for disapproval shall be communicated to the applicant within 45 days. The notice shall specify such modifications, terms and conditions that will permit approval of the plan. If no action is taken within 45 days, the plan shall be deemed approved and the person authorized to proceed with the proposed activity.

‘The VESCP authority shall act on any erosion and sediment control plan that has been previously disapproved within 45 days after the plan has been revised, resubmitted for approval, and deemed adequate.

The VESCP authority may require changes to an approved plan when:

(1) The inspection reveals that the plan is icable regulations; or (2) The person responsible for carrying out the plan other reasons the approved plan cannot be et plan, consistent with the requirements of thi

wuse of changed circumstances or for and proposed amendments to the by the plan-approving authority

Variances: ing a a ify \dards that are deemed to be inappropriate or too restr ay be granted under these conditions:

(1) At the time of plan submi erosion and sediment contro

writing, Specific variances w1 the plan,

1 of the approved lain the reasons for requesting variance roving authority shall be documente

(2) During const

equest shall be considered to be disapproved. Following additional documentation.

sts judiciously, keeping in mind both the need of 1e need to protect off-site properties and resources

In accordance with the pi set forth in §62.1-44.15:55 (E) of the Code of Virginia, any person engaging, in ‘more than one jurisdiction, in the creation and operation of wetland mitigation or stream restoration banks, which have been approved and are operated in accordance with applicable federal and state guidance, laws, or regulations for the establishment, use, and operation of wetland mitigation or stream restoration banks, pursuant to a mitigation banking instrument signed by the Department of Environmental Quality, the Marine Resources Commission, or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, may, at the option of that person, file general erosion and sediment control specifications for wetland mitigation or stream restoration banks annually with the Board for review and approval consistent with guidelines established by the Board. Approval of general erosion and sediment control specifications does not relieve the owner or operator from compliance with any other local ordinances and regulations including requirements to submit plans and obtain permits as may be required by such



ordinances and regulations.

K. State agency projects are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance except as provided for in the Code of Virginia, Sec. 62.1-44.15:56.


A. Agencies authorized under any other law to issue grading, building, or other permits for activities involving land- disturbing activities shall not issue any such permit unless the applicant submits with his application an approved erosion and sediment control plan, certification that the plan will be followed and evidence of state permit coverage where it is required.

B. No person may engage in any land-disturbing activity until he has acquired a land-disturbing permit (unless the proposed land-disturbing activity is specifically exempt from the provisions of this ordinance), and has paid the fees and posted the required bond.

C. An administrative fee of $150 shall be paid to the County at the time of submission of the erosion and sediment

control plan.

D. No land-disturbing permit shall be issued until the applicant submits with his application an approved erosion and sediment control plan or agreement in lieu of an approved erosion and sediment control plan and certification that the plan will be followed.

E. All applicants for Industrial, Commercial, or Retail Permits shall provide the County a performance bond

with surety, cash escrow, or an irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the Building Official to ensure that measures could be taken by the County at the applicant’s expense should the applicant fail, after proper notice, within the time specified to initiate or maintain appropriate conservation measures required of him by the approved plan as a result of his land-disturbing activity.

The amount of the bond or other security for performance shall not exceed the total of the estimated cost to initiate and maintain appropriate conservation action based on unit price for new public or private sector construction in the locality and a reasonable allowance for estimated administrative costs and inflation which shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the cost of the conservation action. Should it be necessary for the County to take such conservation action, the County may collect from the applicant any costs in excess of the amount of the surety held.

Within sixty (60) days of adequate stabilization, as determined by Building Official in any project or section of a project, such bond, cash escrow or letter of credit, or the unexpended or unobligated portion thereof, shall be either refunded to the applicant or terminated, based upon the percentage of stabilization accomplished in the project or project section. These requirements are in addition to all other provisions relating to the issuance of permits and are not intended to otherwise affect the requirements for such permits.


A. The responsible land disturber, as provided by § 62.1-44.15:52, shall be in charge of and responsible for carrying out the land-disturbing activity and provide for periodic inspections of the land-disturbing activity. The County may require the person responsible for carrying out the plan to monitor the land-disturbing activity. The person responsible for carrying out the plan will maintain records of these inspections and maintenance, to ensure compliance with the approved plan and to determine whether the measures required in the plan are effective in controlling erosion and sedimentation.

B. The building official department shall periodically inspect the land-disturbing activity in accordance with

9VAC25-840-60 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations to ensure compliance with the approved plan and to determine whether the measures required in the plan are effective in controlling erosion and K.

ordinances and regulations.

State agency projects are exempt from the provi Virginia, Sec. 62.1-44.15:56.

ns of this ordinance except as provided for in the Code of


Agencies authorized under any other law to issue grading, building, or other permits for activities involving land- disturbing activities shall not issue any such permit unless the applicant submits with his application an approved erosion and sediment control plan, certification that the plan will b€ followed and evidence of state permit coverage where itis required.

No person may engage in any land-disturbing activity unt hy proposed land-disturbing activity is specifically exempt from, and posted the required bond.

wired a land-disturbing permit (unless the of this ordinance), and has paid the fees

An administrative fee of $150 shall be paid to the n of the erosion and sediment control plan,

No land-<tisturbing permit shall be issued until the i approved erosion and sediment control plan or agreement in lieu of an appr i the plan will be followed.

All applicants for Industrial, Comme provide the County a performance bond with surety, cash escrow, or acceptable to the Building Official to

i nse should the applicant fail, after conservation measures required of

shall not exceed the total of the estimated cost to initiate init price for new public or private sector construction in inistrative costs and inflation which shall not exceed Should it be necessary for the County to take such i any costs in excess of the amount of the surety

d, based upon the perventage of stabilization accomplished in the juirements are in addition to all other provisions relating to the issuance of se affect the requirements for such permits.

The responsible land disturber, as provided by § 62.1-44.15:52, shall be in charge of and responsible for carrying out the land-disturbing activity and provide for periodic inspections of the land-disturbing. activity The County may require the person responsible for carrying out the plan to monitor the land-disturbing activity. The person responsible for carrying out the plan will maintain records of these inspections and ‘maintenance, to ensure compliance with the approved plan and to determine whether the measures required in the plan are effective in controlling erosion and sedimentation.

The building official department shall periodically inspect the land-disturbing activity in accordance with 9VAC25-840-60 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations to ensure compliance with the

approved plan and to determine whether the measures required in the plan are effective in controlling erosion and 7


sedimentation. The owner, permittee, or person responsible for carrying out the plan shall be given notice of the inspection.

If the building official assessor determines that there is a failure to comply with the plan, notice shall be served upon the permittee or person responsible for carrying out the plan by mailing with confirmation of delivery to the address specified in the permit application or in the plan certification, or by delivery at the site of the land-disturbing activities to the agent or employee supervising such activities.

The notice shall specify the measures needed to comply with the plan and shall specify the time within which such measures shall be completed. Upon failure to comply within the specified time, the permit may be revoked and the permittee or person responsible for carrying out the plan shall be subject to the penalties provided by this ordinance.

C. Upon issuance of an inspection report denoting a violation of Va. Code §§ 62.1-44.15:55, -44.15:56, the

building official assessor may, in conjunction with or subsequent to a notice to comply as specified in this ordinance, issue an order requiring that all or part of the land-disturbing activities permitted on the site be stopped until the specified corrective measures have been taken.

If land-disturbing activities have commenced without an approved plan, the building official may issue an order requiring that all the land-disturbing activities be stopped until an approved plan or any required permits are obtained.

Where the alleged noncompliance is causing or is in imminent danger of causing harmful erosion of lands or sediment deposition in waters within the watersheds of the Commonwealth, or where the land-disturbing activities have commenced without an approved plan or any required permits, such an order may be issued without regard to whether the alleged violator has been issued a notice to comply as specified in this ordinance. Otherwise, such an order may be issued only after the alleged violator has failed to comply with such a notice to comply.

The order shall be served in the same manner as a notice to comply, and shall remain in effect for a period of seven days from the date of service pending application by the County or permit holder for appropriate relief to the Circuit Court of Russell County. The County shall serve such order for disturbance without an approved plan or permits upon the owner by mailing with confirmation of delivery to the address specified in the land records. Said order shall be posted on the site where the disturbance is occurring, and shall remain in effect until permits and plan approvals are secured, except in such situations where an agricultural exemption applies.

If the alleged violator has not obtained an approved plan or any required permits within seven days from the date of service of the order, the building official assessor may issue an order to the owner requiring that all construction and other work on the site, other than corrective measures, be stopped until an approved plan and any required permits have been obtained. Such an order shall be served upon the owner by mailing with confirmation of delivery to the address specified in the permit application or the land records of the County.

The owner may appeal the issuance of an order to the Circuit Court of Russell County.

Any person violating or failing, neglecting or refusing to obey an order issued by building official may be compelled in a proceeding instituted in the Circuit Court of Russell County to obey same and to comply therewith by injunction, mandamus or other appropriate remedy.

Upon completion and approval of corrective action or obtaining an approved plan or any required permits, the order shall immediately be lifted. Nothing in this section shall prevent the building official from taking any other action authorized by this ordinance.

sedimentation. The owner, permittee, or person responsible for carrying out the plan shall be given notice of the inspection.

If the building official assessor determines that there is a failure to comply with the plan, notice shall be served upon the permittee or person responsible for carrying out the plan by mailing with confirmation of delivery to the address specified in the permit application or in the plan certification, or by delivery at the site of the land-disturbing activities to the agent or employee supervising such activities.

The notice shall specify the measures needed to comply with the plan and shall specify the time within which such measures shall be completed. Upon failure to comply withingthe specified time, the permit may be revoked and the permittee or person responsible for carrying 0} lan shall be subject to the penalties provided by this ordinance.

Upon issuance of an inspection report denoting a viol building official assessor may, in conjunction with ordinance, issue an order requiring that all or pai stopped until the specified corrective measures ha

le §§ 62.1-44.15:55, -44.15:56, the ice to comply as specified in this

If land-disturbing activities have commenced wit requiring that all the land-disturbing activities be obtained.

Where the alleged noncompliance i sediment deposition in waters within t

ger of causing harmful erosion of lands or th, or where the land-disturbing activities order may be issued without regard to whether the alleged violator has been issued a\noti in this ordinance. Otherwise, such an order may be issued i it notice to comply.

The order shall seven days from

d shall remain in effect for a period of by the County or permit holder for appropriate relief to serve such order for disturbance without an approved ation of delivery to the address specified in the ve the disturbance is occurring, and shall remain

een obtained, Such an order shall be served upon the owner by mailing the address specified in the permit application or the land records of the

‘The owner may appeal the issuance of an order to the Circuit Court of Russell County. Any person violating or failing, neglecting or refusing to obey an order issued by building official may be compelled in a proceeding instituted in the Circuit Court of Russell County to obey same and to comply therewith by injunction, mandamus or other appropriate remedy.

Upon completion and approval of corrective action or obtaining an approved plan or any required permits, the order shall immediately be lifted. Nothing in this section shall prevent the building official from taking any other action authorized by this ordinance.



A. Violators of this ordinance shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.

B. Any person who violates any provision of Va. Code §§ 62.1-44.15:55, 62.1-44.15:56 shall, upon a finding of the District Court of Russell County, be assessed a civil penalty. The civil penalty for any one violation shall be not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, except that the civil penalty for commencement of land-disturbing activities without an approved plan shall be $1,000. Each day during which the violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violations arising from the same operative set of facts result in civil penalties which exceed a total of $10,000, except that a series of violations arising from the commencement of land-disturbing activities without an approved plan for any site shall not result in civil penalties which exceed a total of $10,000. Any such civil penalties shall be in lieu of criminal sanctions and shall preclude the prosecution of such violation as a misdemeanor under subsection A of § 62.1-44.15:63.

C. The building official assessor, or the owner or property which has sustained damage or which is in imminent

danger of being damaged, may apply to the Circuit Court of Russell County to enjoin a violation or a threatened violation of Va. Code §§ 62.1-44.15:55, 62.1-44.15:56, without the necessity of showing that an adequate remedy at law does not exist.

However, an owner of property shall not apply for injunctive relief unless (i) he has notified in writing the person who has violated the local program, and the program authority, that a violation of the local program has caused, or creates a probability of causing, damage to his property, and (ii) neither the person who has violated the local program nor the program authority has taken corrective action within fifteen days to eliminate the conditions which have caused, or create the probability of causing, damage to his property.

D. In addition to any criminal or civil penalties provided under this ordinance, any person who violates any provision

of the Erosion and Sediment Control Law may be liable to Russell County in a civil action for damages.

E. Without limiting the remedies which may be obtained in this section, any person violating or failing, neglecting, or refusing to obey any injunction, mandamus or other remedy obtained pursuant to this section shall be subject, in the discretion of the court, to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,000 for each violation. A civil action for such violation or failure may be brought by the County.

Any civil penalties assessed by a court shall be paid into the treasury of Russell County, except that where the violator is the locality itself, or its agent, the court shall direct the penalty to be paid into the state treasury.

F. With the consent of any person who has violated or failed, neglected or refused to obey any regulation or condition

of a permit or any provision of this ordinance, or order of the VESCP authority the County may provide for the payment of civil charges for violations in specific sums, not to exceed the limit specified in Subsection E of this section. Such civil charges shall be instead of any appropriate civil penalty which could be imposed under Subsection B or E.

G. The Commonwealth’s Attorney shall, upon request of the County, take legal action to enforce the provisions of

this ordinance.

H. Compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall be prima facie evidence in any legal or equitable proceeding for damages caused by erosion, siltation or sedimentation that all requirements of law have been met, and the complaining party must show negligence in order to recover any damages.


Violators of this ordinance shall be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.

Any person who violates any provision of Va. Code §§ 62.1-44.15:55, 62.1-44.15:56 shall, upon a finding of the District Court of Russell County, be assessed a civil penalty. The civil penalty for any one violation shall be not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, except that the civil penalty for commencement of land-disturbing activities without an approved plan shall be $1,000. Each day during which the violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series ofispecified violations arising from the same operative set of facts result in civil penalties which exceed a total ,000, except that a series of violations arising from the commencement of land-disturbing activities an approved plan for any site shall not result in civil penalties which exceed a total of $10, such civil penalties shall be in liew of criminal sanctions and shall preclude the prosecution of, \s a misdemeanor under subsection A

of § 62.1-44.15:63,

The building official assessor, or the owner or

violation of Va. Code §§ 62.1-44.15:55, 62.1- remedy at law does not exist.

However, an owner of property s person who has violated the local pi caused, or creates a probability of ca the local program nor the program aut conditions which have caused, or create

obtained pursuant to this section shall be subject, in the 0 for each violation, A civil action for such violation or

ordinance, or order of the VESCP authority the County may provide for the jons in specific sums, not to exceed the limit specified in Subsection E of this

section. Such ei be instead of any appropriate civil penalty which could be imposed under

Subsection B or E,

‘The Commonwealth’s Attorney shall, upon request of the County, take legal action to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.

‘Compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall be prima facie evidence in any legal or equitable proceeding for damages caused by erosion, siltation or sedimentation that all requirements of law have been met, and the complaining party must show negligence in order to recover any damages.



A. Final decisions of Russell County under this ordinance shall be subject to review by the Russell County Circuit Court, provided an appeal is filed within 30 days from the date of any written decision adversely affecting the rights, duties, or privileges of the person engaging in or proposing to engage in land-disturbing activities.


A. Final decisions of Russell County under this ordinance shall be subject to review by the Russell County Circuit Court, provided an appeal is filed within 30 days from the date of any written decision adversely affecting the rights, duties, or privileges of the person engaging in or proposing to engage in land-disturbing



Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Information Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

      Meeting: 12/9/20      6:00 PM 


  1. Dr. Greg Brown – RC School Board

  2. Jess Powers - RC Emergency Management

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation – Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


Board of Supervisors Information Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266




  1. Dr. Greg Brown - RC School Board

  2. Jess Powers - RC Emergency Management Staff Recommendation:

Presentation — Informational Only.

‘Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011



Prepared By:



Proposed Agriculture Shop 3 a p Legend : & Lebanon High School LHS Path Measure: Untitled Polygon

Write a description for your map.

Google Earth —

15.2020 Gescle =

Ag Enrollment 2016-Present

CHS HHS. LHS. 2016-17 62 66 21 2017-18 63 57 70 2018-19 61 52 116 2019-20 51 95 126 2020-21 51 65 154

Tracy Highlight

Russell County Schools Agriculture Equipment Inventory and Teaching Space

ITEM CHS Table Saw

Skil Saw

Miter Saw


Jig Saw

Reciprocating Saw Metal Chop Saw

Table Router


Radial Arm Saw Belt/Disc Sander (Large) Belt/Dics Sander (Small) Bench Grinder Handheld Grinder Scroll Saw



Downdraft Table Plasma Cutter

Drum Sander


Handheld Router Welder, Arc

Welder, Mig

Drill, corded

Impact Driver

Drill, cordless

Drill Press

Palm Sander

Handheld Belt Sander Lathe

Vertical Belt Sander Dust Collection System Air Compressor

Shop Vac

Garden Tiller



rs coocenescuusoescoscoosos ccc ocoHHooHog



Classroom Area 745 Sq. ft. 754Sq.ft. 650 Sq. ft. Shop Area 660 Sq. ft. 2,160Sq.ft. 0 Storage Area 300Sq.ft. 4325q.ft. 0 Bam 750 Sq. ft. 750 Sq. ft. 750 Sq, ft.

Tracy Highlight

Novae e

14, 15. 16. 7. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23.

1 ea. Plasma Welder

lea. 20” Planer

1ea. 6” Joiner

ea. Combination Belt/Disc Sander Lea. 12" Sliding Miter Saw

2ea, MIG Welders

2 ea, MIG Welder/Wire Feeders

6 ea, Welding Gloves

4ea. Welding Jackets

4 ea. 18 Volt Drill Driver and Hex Impact Driver Cordless Tool Kits

4ea. Jig Saws 4ea. 4 Station Benches

2a. Material Storage Racks

Lea. Eye Wash Station

Lea. Shop Vac

2ea. Push Brooms

2 ea. Angle Grinders

ea, 15” Band Saw

ea, Wet Cutting Horizontal Band Saw Lea. Welding and Cutting Outfit Lea. Cylinder Hand Truck

1a. Tool Storage Cabinet

Lea. 18” Variable Speed Drill Press

 Board of Supervisors                       Action Item A-1 

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 12/9/20       6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:

• Unapproved minutes of November 2, 2020

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


• Board Minutes

Board of Supervisors Action Item A-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 12/9/20 6:00 PM

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting: ‘* Unapproved minutes of November 2, 2020

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


  • Board Minutes

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

November 02, 2020

A regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, November 2, 2020 beginning at 5:00 pm with Executive (closed) Session followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the meeting to order.

Roll Call by the Clerk:

Present: Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace (by phone from her home due to COVID 19 quarantine) Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Oris Christian

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Senator Ben Chafin, County Attorney

Absent: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter Executive (closed) Session to discuss legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) – discussions concerning Personnel Matters.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of

November 02, 2020

‘A regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, November 2, 2020 beginning at 5:00 pm with Executive (closed) Session followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the me

ig to order. Roll Call by the Clerk:

Present: Tim Lovelace

Lou Wallace (by phone from her home due to COVID 19 quarantine) Carl Rhea

David Eaton

Steve Breeding

Rebecca Dye

Oris Christian

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Senator Ben Chafin, County Attorney


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter Executive (closed) Session to discuss legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) ~ discussions concerning Personnel Matters.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the ia Freedom of

Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace – AYE Lou Wallace – AYE Carl Rhea – AYE David Eaton – AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding – AYE Oris Christian – AYE

Invocation by Chair Rebecca Dye, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None


Andy Smith, Vice Chairman of the Russell County Planning Commission addressed the Board concerning the need for a County agent to be present at the Planning Commission monthly meetings. He asked that the Board consider appointing someone to assume that role.

Melissa Parsons, Department of Emergency Management commented that the participation agreement with the county needs to be signed to allow the transition to the NG911 Migration Program. She gave an overview of the new 911 system and how it would now operate through fiber.


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the NG911 Migration Program Participation Agreement.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian

Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace ~ AYE Lou Wallace — AYE Carl Rhea - AYE David Eaton - AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding - AYE Oris Christian - AYE

Invocation by Chair Rebecca Dye, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None

Presentations ‘Andy Smith, Vice Chairman of the Russell County Planning Commission addressed the Board concerning

the need for a County agent to be present at the Planning Commission monthly meetings. He asked that the Board consider appointing someone to assume that role.

Melissa Parsons, Department of Emergency Management commented that the participation agreement with the county needs to be signed to allow the transition to the NG911 Migration Program. She gave an overview of the new 911 system and how it would now operate through fiber.


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Super approve the NG911 Migration Program Participation Agreement.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian

Nay: None

New Business


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to the October 05, 2020 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the October 27, 2020 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was:

Aye: Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,430,083.88 , including reoccurring and withholdings.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: Nay


Motion made by Oris Christian, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to reappoint Tim Lovelace to the Coal Haul Road Committee for a four (4) year term, said term ending November 07, 2024.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chair opened citizens’ comment.

Steve and Teresa Franklin and Nelson Hayes, Castlewood spoke about the little league field gates being locked in Castlewood. Several attempts have been made to work something out with them but they have not been able to resolve the issue. They want to use the field for their daughter to practice and

Nay: None New Business APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 05, 2020 MINUTES

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to the October 05, 2020 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the October 27, 2020 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was:

Aye: Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,430,083.88 , including reoccurring and withholdings.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: Nay


Motion made by Oris Christian, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to reappoint Tim Lovelace to the Coal Haul Road Committee for a four (4) year term, said term ending November 07, 2024.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chair opened citizens’ comment. Steve and Teresa Franklin and Nelson Hayes, Castlewood spoke about the little league field gates being

locked in Castlewood. Several attempts have been made to work something out with them but they have not been able to resolve the issue. They want to use the field for their daughter to practice and

think that they are entitled to do so since they are taxpayers. Mr. Franklin stated that he did not have a problem with the Clinch River Little League using and leasing the field. He just wants the community to be able to access it when not in use by the little league.

Jim Lyttle, Pastor of the Church Hill United Methodist Church commented that the “hot spot” at the church that was made available for students to use was a success. He thanked the public and the board.
He also stated that the Tourism Advisory Committee had several fundraisers ongoing and was pleased with everyone involved and the work that they do.

Dustin Keith, Lebanon stated that the GIS system that the county uses should be free for everyone to use. All the surrounding counties allow access without charging a fee. Mr. Keith is also a member of the Russell County Planning Commission.

The Chair closed citizens’ comment.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Senator Chafin, County Attorney commented that he would address the Board in Executive (closed) Session at the end of the meeting.


Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Russell County “Cares” Business Grants subject to the criteria in the application.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a public hearing for the Russell County Erosion and Sediment Ordinance to be held at the next board meeting on Wednesday, December 09, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the annual Russell County turkey donation program in the amount of $10,000.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

think that they are entitled to do so since they are taxpayers. Mr. Franklin stated that he did not have a problem with the Clinch River Little League using and leasing the field. He just wants the community to be able to access it when not in use by the little league.

Lyttle, Pastor of the Church Hill United Methodist Church commented that the “hot spot” at the church that was made available for students to use was a success. He thanked the public and the board. He also stated that the Tourism Advisory Committee had several fundraisers ongoing and was pleased with everyone involved and the work that they do.

Dustin Keith, Lebanon stated that the GIS system that the county uses should be free for everyone to Use. All the surrounding counties allow access without charging a fee. Mr. Keith is also a member of the Russell County Planning Commission.

The Chair closed citizens’ comment,

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Senator Chafin, County Attorney commented that he would address the Board in Executive (closed) Session at the end of the meeting.


Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Russell County “Cares” Business Grants subject to the criteria in the application.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a public hearing for the Russell County Erosion and Sediment Ordinance to be held at the next board meeting on Wednesday, December 09, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian

Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the annual Russell County turkey donation program in the amount of $10,000.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize Thanksgiving and Christmas Day payments for part time county employees.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a letter of support and authorize the Chair to sign a Cumberland Plateau Regional Housing Authority housing project grant application for the Dante community.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to change the December 07, 2020 Board of Supervisors meeting date to Wednesday, December 09, 2020 at 6:00 pm due to the county Christmas parade schedule.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Oris Christian and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter Executive (closed) session to discuss legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) – discussions concerning Personnel Matters.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Oris Christian, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize Thanksgiving and Christmas Day payments for part time county employees.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a letter of support and authorize the Chair to sign a Cumberland Plateau Regional Housing Authority housing project grant application for the Dante community.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to change the December 07, 2020 Board of Supervisors meeting date to Wednesday, December 09, 2020 at 6:00 pm due to the county Christmas parade schedule.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Oris Christian and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter Executive (closed) session to discuss legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) ~ discussions concerning Personnel Matters.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Oris Christian, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian

Nay: None


Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace – AYE Lou Wallace – AYE Carl Rhea – AYE David Eaton – AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding – AYE Oris Christian – AYE


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to advertise for a full-time deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson


Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of ‘Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed, or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

‘Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace ~ AYE Lou Wallace ~ AYE Carl Rhea AYE David Eaton — AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding - AYE Oris Christian ~ AYE


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to advertise for a full-time deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Oris Christian Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

                                                  Board of Supervisors                         Action Item A-2 

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 12/9/20      6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s November 2020 Monthly Expenditures:

County’s November 2020 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s November 2020 Monthly Expenditures.


• November 2020 Monthly Expenditures

Board of Supervisors Action Item A-2 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 12/9/20 6:00 PM

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s November 2020 Monthly Expenditures:

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): ‘County’s November 2020 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s November 2020 Monthly Expenditures.


  • November 2020 Monthly Expenditures

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

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A/P CASH REQUIREMENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY #-00L FUNDESi00 PAGE 2 vEwor mevorce cuss __cxoss ar. NET auouT Gfx Accomm bot do3ei9 BALL, EARIXA — ii0sz0z0 20 57-50 57.50 4200-0:3020-2002- =~ 803439 BALL, BARIKA 11032020, 30 50.00, 50.00 4200013020202. =~ 0006s BARNHART BARRA 11032020 20 300/00 300100 «200-023020-3002- – Sooces BARNHART BARBA 11032026, 20 41140 ciieo aiog-eiso20-2002- = pyraets aeilag + cososs BELCHER, mam 11032020 20 250/00 250100 4100-029020-3002- ~~ 350.00 220.08 + ccges2 BELCHER, LINDA 11032020 20 250.00 350100 “«100-013020-3002- - 000086 BEX FRARKLIN PR 42827 327760, 4320.60 ¢zo0-o1zo10-s4or- 3arleo 337160 + oosass Bewrusy DisvRIs 286224 3182 B12 4100-012090-s401- =~ Soaaoe BENTLEY DisTRIS 286224 8182 ‘hoo-o1a0i0-seo2- Coaase BENTLEY DisTAIS 2e8224 pare Gaoo-oaaoio-seor- > Soaeae SENTieY Distaie 286224 8130 ‘oo-osgtzo-seot- | > BENTLEY DISTRIB 291253, B82 ‘oo-o2a090-sa01- || BENTLEY DISTRIB 291253, pec oo-ozzor0-seor- >> Soatse sewstsy DIsTArS 291253 pen ‘oo-escore-saoz- Soadae BeNrLeY Drstars 291253 2le0 ‘ieeeizsse-seez- Goasse BexrLsy Distars 296336 ets Stog-eizesa-seoa- Soaise BeRreny DISTRIB 296336 3138 ‘ioe-eizoie-saga- = Soceae Benriey Distaie 296336 i035 Sheo-oseole-seod- > Seeese BeNTLsY Distaia 296336 coer Roo-oiaizo-seor- > cocaas aise, ax 22082020 35.00 '4100-012090-s401— 55.00 55.00 + 006789 BLACKSTORE PUBL. 1186887 2 31136 sio0-o72010-san1- == coves BLEVING SEPTIC 24609 310100, 510/00 4300-042020-5413- == 000082 BLEVINS SEPTIC 34710 510/00 510,00 4300-082020-8413- >> 2.020109 4,020100 + 003773 BLUE WOLF SALES Hs170212, 215.32 239132 “ex00-o32020-s408- == 03772 BLUE ROLE SALES 16702 219.32 31132 ¢i00-032020-8e08- > ele ‘alee + 000052 BORANZA RESTAUR 697485 Biriers 209/31 “«ro0-o1z010-s4a3– cooess BosTic & TUCKER 35,600.00 15,€00.00 4100-012080-2002- =~ 35,600.00 38,600.00 + 006793 Bows scour TaOU 12082020 500/00, ‘$00.00 s100-o11010-sex7- =~ 500100 500.00 + oo1s99 BREEDING JEAN 11032020 20 250/00, 250.00 4200-033020-3002- =~ 330.00 350.00 = 002962 BUSH MARY aa0s2020 20 230100 230100 «100-013020-3002— 330100 230100 + 001177 caMpasix pazuir 11032020 20 4,767.20 4,767.20 "4100-033020-3002- =~ 001179 CAMPBELL PaILLT 11032020, 20 62905, Galas éioo-oasoz0-s002. > 5,396.25 5,396.25 © 003898 cARD SERVICES c 11052020 alos a6 3’iea.4e 4100-032020-s502- =~ 3iiea ae aie lee + 002337 CASKIE GRAPHICS 34722 199/44 4100-021060-2006- = - oo3ea2 cHArIN Bon 11032020 20 330100, 220.00 4100-013020-2002- =~ 230.00, 330.00 «| 0ge72 CHART, sawpeA 11032020 20 230/06, 330.00 4200-013020-2002- =~ 230.00 230100 +

ap060 32/03/2020

eed 2/03/2020 32/09/2020

32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 3709/2020 12/09/2020 22/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020

32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/99/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/08/2020 32/99/2020 3270873020 32/09/2020

22/09/2020 33/03/2020

32/09/2020 22/09/2020

32/05/2020 32/09/2020

Tafzesz028 a/2a72020

32/05/2020 3/as/2020 31/05/2020 inyes/2020 iiyes/2020 1705/2020 11/30/2020 31/20/2020, 31/24/2020 31/24/2020 31/24/2020 32/24/2020 32/24/2020

33/03/2020 13/03/2020 aaie/2oae 31/09/2020 Hfes/aozs 23/03/2020 12/0/2020 13/03/2020 12/09/2020 13/03/2020 aansraeae 12/24,/2020

9/02/2020 is/ae/aeae Hlsvaoze

ajo2/2020 1170272020

21/03/2020 6/16/2020

5/25/2020 20/06/2020

-A/P CASH REQUIREMENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY 4-001 FUNDEGI00 pack 3 vewwon, pwvorce cuass __cRoss ner. NET aNouvr 6/1. Accoust Bow Souseo CHRISTIAN, ORIS 21242020, TE3.00" 4100-011010-ss01- – Soaseo CHRISTIAN, ORIS 11242020, ‘Dilea a100-o11010-580¢- > alae + cosaso CrNTaS coRPoRAT 4066514633, ‘e191 4100-043020-3008- – Soaaso ciwras CORPORA? cocesiees2 Seas eio0-oas0z0-3008- = Soeeso CINTAS CORFORAT soess14e86 Btl2s S200-o30z0-3002- > S0ees0 CINTAS CoRPORAT 4065518733, S5\s2 4i00-ca3oz0-9002- > Goaase CINTAS CORPORAT cocssi4743 3é.ee Gioe-cesoae-a002- = Soadso CINTAS CORPORAT 466514969 235176 ¢100-083020-3008- |= Seecso CINZAS CORPORAT 4068735705, 20158 Hoocossoz0-s008- >> Goceso CINTAS CORPORAT 4067987630 38193 10c-ceaoz0—so0- = Seees0 CrNTAS CORPORAT 4068310090 Gali 4100-os3020-3008- Soeeso CINTAS CORPORAT 4060320235 fi00-oea0a0-a008- = ‘S0ee50 CHNZAS CORPORAT 4060320293 Boo-ossez0-3008- || Soaaso Cintas Consoax? 4068320510 ‘ioo-peae20-ag08- | Soaaso CINTAS CORPORAT 4068310813, ‘oo-oaso20-3008- 006774 COLABELLA, MARG 11032020, 20 230.00 ‘230.00 4200-013020-2002- =~ coxes9 Couns wave 11032020 20 250/00 380100 “¢x00-013020-3002- - 350.00 250100 + 003076 comas ARCHIE NOVEMBER 2020 elas Whel4e “eroo-oaz010-ssox-~ ielas Bolas + 006227 comprox, KIMBE 11032020 20 300.00, 300,09 4100-013020-2002- ~~ 08327 compro, imae 12032020 20 39.38 37128 4ioo-oizoz0-a002- => ‘Soca? COMPTON, RIMBE 12032020 20 50:00 30100 100-o13020-3002- == 367135, 267.38 * 008606 COMPTON, TeRRY 11032020, 20 250.00 250.00 «200-0:3020-3002- =~ 330/00 3eloo + 002921 cooK yvowxe 12052020 23.00, ‘23:00 4100-023020-5502- =~ 2300, 23100 o0s642 CREECH, JIMMY 11032020 20 230100 230108 "¢100-022020-3002- - 330.00 230100 + 04794 cup scours «12082020 $0070 300100 4100-o12010-se17– 500-00, 500.00 + 004442 CULBERTSON, RIC 12032020 20 230/00, 250.00 e100-012020-2002- =~ 330/08, Boleo + (001396 CUNBERLAND PLAT 1594 64,179.29 6¢,179/29 “4200-p42030-3002– sel179.17 64,279.39 004750 DALE’S HEATING 22903 28:00 25.00 s200-0720¢0-sa07- =~ 25.00 25.00 004652 DANA SAFETY SUP 665748 350/00 380100 “4100-032020-sage– oo0res DENCO seseoc7 a0 2,908.23 2,308.23 4100-073010-se1e- Soozee Dewco seco? io 33.68 ‘Woles 4100-073010-8400- sooues DEMCO 660775, io 30.12 30.12 si00-073010-sao1- = 3.097138 2,077.99 * 00193 Drscoumr TIRE ¢ 8542 733 77:28 4x00-032020-sa08- =~ 00193 DiscouRT TIRE © 8967 29.20 3.00 si00-asiez0-saoe- > 106128 308.25 + 04643 DISHNAN, TERESA 12032020 20 250/00 250.00 4100-013020-3002- - 250.00 2g0l00 + 000198 DownuroN OFFICE 122582 36139 348/99 4100-012090-5402- - Sooise Dominion OFFICE 124799 36.25, {rela3 si00-012090-sean- > 800198 Doumvrow OFFICE 125169 336133 22el99 fioocoizisosann. >>

aposs 12/03/2020

32/03/2028 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/03/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 i27o9/2020 12/09/2020, 12/09/2020 22/09/2020, 32/08/2020 22/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 2/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 32yos/2020 32/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/08/2020

32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/08/2020

0703/2020 10/20/2020 10/29/2020 10/30/2020 20/30/2020 30/29/2020 21/03/2020 21/03/2020 31/03/2020 3/02/2020 31/06/2020 37oe/2020 31/27/2020 10/19/2020, 10/23/2020 10/27/2028, 32/08/2020 31/20/2020 21/09/2020 32 703/2020 32/23/2020 31/20/2020 3/20/2020 3/39/2020 32/24/2020 31/24/2020 31/25/2020 ii/ba72020 32/01/2020 10/23/2020 30/23/2020 30/27/2020 30/27/2020 3/05/2020 31/06/2020 1/27/2020 31/20/2020

31/03/2020 31/03/2020 21703/2020 33/03/2020 32/03/2020 31/26/2020 ai/is/2020 23/03/2020


_ oo 23 ae oe a a eo 2 a ee oe eo eo ao oe a8 8

sons 008332 003639 03676 004727

BoMEzoM Doxturon Bominzon Donan Bonazon BOMINTON DoRaRTOR oxrstoN BoxaNzoN DosraroN BoMERioH DowiroN Bomaezon DoMInON DonatIon DOMINION BoMaNTON DoxraroN Bowdon Bomtnron BowmeoN DoMTRIOR DOMINION DoUaNToR DoxraroN BoMENON

OFFICE orerce oretce oretce orrice Orrice opeice oreice oreice oreiee orice OFFICE oreice orrice oreice oretce OFFICE Orrice orrice oreice oreice









Tse ibseis 225975, 226003, 36009 pereeey eis? pereery iase02.2 226187 325760.2, 36328 eae iesea Lberse 226808 et Bss0e. uasase 126123 e230

aa0x2020 aaes2020 an032020 MILEAGE REING. a7s00 aaes2020


20 io ie


1.79 168 2on!is, 25188 $220 35130 102/00, 52.98 142.95, 33135 3095 2elee 32 98 63198 belo Erie] pcreer) aise 236s Wis 369199 263.99 4.387160 230/00, 30100, 250100 559.00, iss100, iss’00, 60.00 280/09 38.00,

Ths prrtery 147108 32130 20128 52.98 fee 93:33 Soe 35100, 270.02 $5.98 1521398 aise 38 62.53 39.98 1631598 230.00, 330100 50.00 50.00 50.00 380/00 559/00 $59.00 *yor09 350700, 3elco



Siog-a1z130-sao2- ‘oa-ezz0ie-seoa- ‘S200-032050-se02- ‘og-eaz0sa-se02- ‘100-021060-se01- 3too-o12010-seoa- ‘hop-o1aig0-se01- ‘200-021060-se0r- ‘oo-o22010-401- 4100-042400-5414- ‘toq-e73030-sane— ahoo-o7a010-se0d- 4300-073010-se01- ‘2o0-o12010-5402- 4300-043020-5405- ‘oo-oaieeo-saot- ‘ho0"02i060-se02- Siea-eaieeo-seor- {200-c1z010-s402- ‘’2o0-onn020-se01- ‘$100 021060-se01- ‘op-oaie20-se02- 4100-033020-S401- Shoa-esz020-se02- ‘oa-asaeaa-seos- ‘te0-esi020-sao1- ‘Shoo-eaie20-se0r-

'4100-013020-3002- '4200-023020-3002- 4290-013020-3002- 4200-013020-3002- 4100-011010-8501- '4100-063020-2008-

“4100-023020-3002- ‘sa00-o22010-5423-

ap060 32/03/2020 |A/P CASH REQUIREMENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY #-c01 FUND#4100

DUE DATE oW.DATE VENDOR rwvorce CUMS __GRoSs amr. ___weT_aNouNT /t_accourr

32/03/2020 32/18/2020 Solees FISHER AUTO PAR 397-260348 39-36 Gouge si00-ceze00-seo7- 3336 sige +

32/03/2020 32/30/2020 904760 FRIENDS OF HoNA 11302020 1 2,000"00, 2,000.09 "4200-021010-s4x7—

12/05/2020 32/09/2020 004760 FRIENDS OF HONA 12092020, a ie00-00 rioe0le9 1og-011010-s417- >> 2!000"00 21000.00 +

32/09/2020 10/07/2020 000856 GALL’S, LLC 16655475 25.00 ‘75.00 4200-091020-s<09—

32/09/2020 10/24/2020 Cooesa GALLS, Lic 16705273 36.00 26100 i00-oa1020-409- >

3/05/2020 16/26/2020 o00ese GALLS, LEC 6793670 138.45 bela floo-oaieao-se0s) > 239/45 Bole +

12/09/2020 12/03/2020 004589 GIRL SCOUT TROD 22092020, $00.00 500.00 4100-o1010-se17–~ 500.00 Se0-00 +

22/09/2020 11/11/2020 004s47 GUERNSEY nwv-1997600 2.05, 62.05 4200-022020-se1- =~ 62108 2.03

22/08/2020 11/03/2620 006225 HALL, JO ANN 11032020 20 230.00 250100 "4100-013020-3002- =~ 330.00 2a0le0 ©

32/08/2020 11/03/2020 004772 HALSEY, KATIE w 11032020 20 Baoleo 230100 ¢100-032020-2002- =~ 350.00 230.00 +

32/08/2020 11/03/2020 002914 uaMot DEBORAH 11032020 20 230108, 230.00 ¢100-012020-3002- =~ 330/00, 330100 +

32/09/2020 32/03/2020 004778 HAM, GENEVA 12032020 20 230109, 230.00 4100-012020-2002- =~ 230/08, Baoleo +

12/09/2020 11/03/2020 003631 HARRIS REMA 11032020, 20 230.00 350.00 4100-012020-2002- =~

32/09/2020 12/03/2020 004222 HARRIS, SYDNEY 12032020 20 330/00 230100 4300-923020-3002- =~ 330100 220100 +

32/09/2020 12/03/2020 003196 HARRISON JOEL 11032020 20 3ool00 $0000 «100-023020-3002- ~~ 500-00, Seolee +

22/09/2020 11/03/2020 006779 HART, EMILY M. 11032020 20 230.00 230106 "4100-033020-3002- -~ 330.00 230100 +

32/09/2020 11/02/2020 003859 HESS DONNA «11032020 20 Feo.00 00.00 4100-013020-3002- =~ deo.00 400,00 +

32/09/2020 12/03/2020 004436 HESS, ANGELA GA 11032020 20 330700, 230.00 4100-012020-2602- =~ 230.09, 230.00 +

32/05/2020 32/30/2020 004713 HESS, CASSANDRA REIMS e327 303137 “4100-022020-se01- =~

32/09/2020 12/03/2020 004780 HESS, MARK PATR 11032020 20 250100 350100 4300-022020-3002- == 230.00 330100 +

32/03/2020 12/03/2020 004775 HOLSROOK, THOMA 12032020 20 330/00 230/00 4100-023020-3002- =~ 230.00 230/00 +

12/09/2020 12/26/2020 006664 HOME TORY HARDW 21851 3ee eles “s200-0720¢0-se07- - Pers tela

12/09/2020 11/03/2020 006220 HONAKER, AYTL 11032020 20 230.00 230/00 "«100-013020-2002- =~ 330.00 230100 +

22/09/2020 12/02/2020 000314 MUFeMAN’S TIRE 12022020 267-00, 267.00 4100-043020-seaa- –

22/09/2020 10/27/2020 00316 HUFFMAN’S TIRE 10272020 50100, Heoleo sivocosi020.saoa- > 807/09, 807/00 +

32/09/2020 10/27/2020 003866 THNOVATIVE TECH 2552 37.50 37.80 4z00-c21010-sao1- =~

32/09/2020 10/29/2020 Cosase INOVATIVE TECH 2553, 300.00 300.00 ¢s00-0:2090-s401- |

32/09/2020 32/25/2020 Oosace IMNOVATIVE TECH 2554 3750 S2’so sx00-ess020-sanr- >

32/03/2020 10/29/2020 Oosese INNOVATIVE TECH 2555, 390/00 300/00 €i00-ose0z0-saor- >=

32/09/2020 12/35/2020 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2556 3,201.50 3.201156 ¢100-032300-7002- >=

3/eg/a020 10/23/2020 003666 IANOVATIVE TECH 2560 ie7’s0 Yerise 4ioocoasoso-seon- >>

32/09/2020 12/20/2020 oodeee INNOVATIVE TeCH 2566 ie7’s0 iayiso ioe-oigea0-3003- |

12/08/2020 11/15/2020 Co3e66 INNOVATIVE TSCH 2578 500-00, 500.09 ioo-oaiaz0-saoa- >

32/09/2020 12/39/2020 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2587 Se2’s0 3e2is0 a00-o7z010-3009- | =

5,714.00 5,314.00 +


Dye DATE rwv.OATE vExDOR pavorce cuass cross aw. MET awoUNT G/t_AccouT 32/09/2020 10/21/2026 004578 SEFFERSON-NADIS 10212020 30 Tea - perry iie.a + 32/09/2020 11/03/2020 001095 JESSEE PAUL B 11032020 20 300.00 430006 «100-023020-3002- ~~ 32/08/2020 11/03/2020 001095 JESSEE PAUL B 11032020 36 36.80, ‘Se.80 su00-c130z0-3002- = 32/09/2020 11/03/2020 001095 JESSEE PAUL B 11032020 20 50.00 3e100 é10g-a130z0-s002- = 386-89, aeeleo + 32/09/2020 11/03/2020 003058 JESSEE CLAUDETT 12032020 20 350.00 230.00 "4x00-012020-3002- =~ 230.00, 330100 + 32/05/2020 32/23/2020 003507 Jou DEERE FINA 12232020 20.97 ‘40197 —4100-063020-5407- - 32/09/2020 12/23/2020 003587 JOHN DEERE FINA 11232020 26.00 26100 4100-043020-5¢07- : 3/09/2020 12/23/2020 003567 JOHN DEERE FINA 11232020 iSleo 33100 4100-0a30z0-se07— : 32/09/2020 12/23/2020 003567 JOHN DEERE FINA 11252020 a 00 74 500.74 4200-031020-5408- . 320.72, 580.73 + 32/09/2020 12/03/2020 003075 JOHNSON VERNON 12032020 20 300.00 300100 _4100-923020-3002- - 12/09/2020 11/03/2020 003075 JOHNSON VERNON 11032020, 20 1150 S$s0 éiee-cise0-s002. 2 12/09/2020 11/03/2020 004673 CORNSON, GLENN 11032020 20 230100 230100 ¢100-023020-3002- =~ Baoleo 230100 + 22/09/2020 11/03/2020 004783 JOHNSTON, LARRY 11032020 20 450.00 430100 ¢100-012020-3002- =~ ‘o.00 330100 + 22/09/2020 11/03/2020 004773 JUSTICE, HEXTHE 11032020 20 330700, 250.00 _4100-013020-3002- - 230.00, 230100 «| 32/08/2020 10/27/2020 003245 KENDALL, ELECTRI 5209670185…002 35.73 35.79 "4100-043020-se07- - 32/03/2020 10/27/2020 003246 KENDALL ELECTR: $109670165.002 142212 2.422132 4100-043020-5407- : 32/09/2020 12/27/2020 002245 KENDALL ELECTR: §10870735! 003, peer) ‘oreo Gipe-oanozesag7) 2,895.81 2,835.51 + 32/03/2020 10/28/2020 002142 KESTNER WAX 1485. 20.00, 0.00 4200-0s2020-s08- =~ t0.00, fol00 + 32/09/2020 12/02/2020 001522 KVAT 00D STORE Gc9150s1 3.360:09 3.260100 "42100-012020-5423- - 3360.00 303¢0100 + 12/09/2020 12/22/2020 004546 LEAF aa277800 ps.75 395195 _«100-073020-3002- - per 8.98 + 32/09/2020 10/01/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 394233 5163 3163 4100-042020-5407- - 22/o9/a0z0 10/01/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 394237 a 23/91 ‘ioo-oeaea0-5407- = 22/09/2020 10/01/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 394254 23.08 23.04 i00-oea020-se07- : 32/09/2020 10/01/2620 a0a67 LEBANON BLOCK & 394326 3155 3198 100-095010-seo1- 2 22/09/2020 0/03/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK 4 394724 5135 519s 4100-035010-se01- 2 $2/0a/2020 10/03/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 394792 36.80 2660 4100-0a3020-s407- 2 32/09/2020 10/03/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 395769 15’50 S180 4200-0e3020-s407- 32/es/a020 10/09/2020 00367 Leaanow Suock & 395792 32/30 32130 Si00-on3020-se07- 32/09/2020 10/03/2020 00367 LEBANON BLOCK & 395039 pers e216 d100-043020-5407~ 32/09/2020 10/33/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 396378 1,512.00 3,512108 ¢100-09e0a0-7054~ 3/es/2020 10/34/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 396705 345/40 Laslae €100-09¢020-7054- 32/09/2020 10/34/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 396707 reo ‘ia7 ¢ioo-042020-5407-

32/09/2020 16/16/2020 00036? LEBANON BLOCK © 397055 8.76 e776 4200-043020-5407— : 32/09/2020 10/20/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 39778« 3,512.00- 2,$12/09- 41o0-o94010-7054- : 32/09/2020 16/22/2020 000367 LemAwoN BLOCK © 398102 73.34 ‘yola4 4200-035010-5405- - 12/09/2020 10/22/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 390193 ass 41’s9 10" oe3020-se07- : 32/09/2020 16/23/2020 C0036? LEBANON BLOCK & 350886 2,505.32 2,505.91 4100-098010-7084- : 12/09/2020 10/27/2020 00367 LEBANON BLOCK & 390647 23.54 ‘22.84 4200-043020-5407- : 12/09/2020 10/27/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK « 396951 22148 32148 4i00-071000-5407- : 22/05/2020 10/27/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 390962 iiss Zales 4i00-0a3020-s407- : 22/09/2020 10/29/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 399208 33 é2123 d100-oa2400-s407- : 22/03/2020 10/30/2020 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 399477 35.30, 38.30 Si00-osa020-sa0r— :

32/09/2020 10/30/2620 000367 LEBANON BLOCK

3o5ees 2128 412 #leo-o31020-8402

aposo 12/03/2020

DoE pats 32/09/2026 12/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020

32/09/2020 32/09/2020

12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/os/aoze 12/09/2020 12/09/2020

22/09/2020 32/09/2020

yes/aoze 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2028 13/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020

sev. DATE ay

tiyoa/2020 an/es/2020 1172472020 10/07/2020 10/00/2020, yorie/2020 30/23/2020

21/03/2020 30/05/2020 33/28/2020 31/05/2020 ii/os/2020 anyes/2020

12/03/2020 1703/2020

31/03/2020 10/2020 23/03/2020 23/03/2020 13/03/2020 Hyesvaaze 33/02/2020 33/20/2020

41/03/2020 31/03/2020

1/91/2020 se/oe/a0a 20/20/2020 13/05/2020 2/oxs2020 12/05/2020 s3ye2/2020 13/03/2020

enor 000367 200367 00367 200367

000393, 900353,


coeses 008702, ooseas ooseae coos

oo3ee2 Soaeea caress







wea SubY




oon Sesaot ee

a032020 11032020

11032029 aaeaz020 Hesaaze aa032020

yoseaa3 sosa2sea nuiss a0osae6o sour-nov 2020 2032020



20 20



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NET aNOUNT G/L accouxt

3,4g7 3a 330.00 35.36 3338 148192 46.00, 250/00 230100, 250.00, 330"00, 230108, 38.20, 3ol00 405.20 250.00 38.38 380 is l9e- Das es 22159, 3500/00, etter) 350.06 230.00 330/00

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32/09/2020 22/09/2020


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32/09/2020 i2/os/acze

22/09/2020 32/09/2020

32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/09/2020 3709/2020 32/09/2020 32/03/2020

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32/09/2020 32/03/2020

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11/03/2020 3170372020


23/03/2020 31/03/2020

33/13/2020 32/27/2020

32/27/2020 31/24/2020

32/20/2020 31/39/2020

31/03/2020 any03/2020

20/21/2020 31/23/2020 21/13/2020 31/13/2020 32/33/2020 32/20/2020 31/2472020

32/03/2020 32/03/2020

3/29/2020 12/13/2020

‘204200 HORROW, ERIC



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peso 12/03/2020

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nav DATE i1/a8/2026

31/03/2020 32/09/2020 30/28/2020 32/09/2020 0/09/2020 11/09/2020 32/03/2020 33/03/2020 22/09/2020 22/20/2020 34/30/2020 32/28/2020 32/09/2020 32/20/2020 10/23/2020 31/03/2020 21/03/2020 ni/ons2020 31/01/2020 32/01/2020 32/01/2020 32/25/2020 32/03/2020 32/09/2020 32/22/2020 10/27/2020

10/07/2020 22/09/2020

23/20/2020 21/03/2020 32/03/2020


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pose 12/03/2020


32/09/2020 32/09/2020

12/09/2020 32/09/2020

22/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020


32/03/2020 41/03/2020

32/03/2020 31/03/2020

10/06/2020 0/06/2020 10/06/2020 to/o6/2020 40/06/2020


0020893 WISE JAMES oR

004209 WISE, DARLENE 004776 woLPR, GLORIA

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poco 32/03/2020


12/09/2020 12/09/2020 12/09/2020, 32/09/2020 32/09/2028, 22/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/03/2020 32/09/2020 i2yo9/2020 12/09/2020, 32/09/2020 12/09/2020, 32/09/2020 12/09/2020 22/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/08/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 32/09/2020 12/09/2020, 12/09/2020


swv.pare 372372026

32/09/2020 20/22/2020 30/29/2020 30/23/2020 30/27/2020 31/30/2020 31/27/2020 1172772020 31/25/2020 23/03/2020 23/23/2020 33/23/2020 32/23/2020 32/23/2020 31/13/2020 31/29/2020 11/26/2020 itfao/2020 33/17/2020 20/06/2020 30/06/2020 30/08/2020 30/03/2020 30/20/2020 30/21/2020

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poco 32/03/2020

Due pare _rwv.oATE. 32/03/2026 32/33/2026

32/09/2020 9/04/2020 32/09/2020 12/23/2020 32/09/2020 9/23/2020 32/09/2020 12/05/2020


vewoor _ wore cuass ‘Doasie SMITH, CENDY — CARES ACT

o0s6o1 THE HOME DEPOT 571232958 oosaio TRENT, TINA CARES ACT 900706 T¥O WAY RADIO t 104000612


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Ross Aer. ___ MET aNouwr

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AP06o 12/03/2020

DUE DATE INV.OATE veNDOR mavorce 32/03/2020 71/18/2020 SovGe0 TON OF WONKEER 11182020

32/08/2020 10/22/2020 000758 KALLACE FURKITU 128633



E-Payable Total



FoNp¥ea39 PAGE 14 cross AMT. ___NET_aNOUNT G/t_AccousT Pot 25187 St anes 272.63 430,72.90 438, 172130 Toa 20 00 oo

Board of Supervisors Action Item

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson
Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 12/9/20        6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board Appointments Committee Appointments for Board Consideration.

Drill Community Center

Charlene Blankenship Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Rachel Helton Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Doug Lester Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Harold D. Thomas Two-Year Term December 31, 2020 Betty Sue Hess Two-Year Term December 31, 2020

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Board of Supervisors 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 12/9/20 6:00 PM

Action Item Presenter: Chairperson

Board Appointments

Committee Appointments for Board Consideration.

Drill Community Center

Charlene Blankenship Two-Year Term Rachel Helton Two-Year Term Doug Lester Two-Year Term Harold D. Thomas Two-Year Term Betty Sue Hess Two-Year Term

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

December 31, 2020 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2020 December 31, 2020

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors   Action Item 

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 12/9/20        6:00 PM 

County Attorney Reports

  1. Courthouse Project Proposal Resolution (Pursuant to PPEA)

  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance

  3. VRA & RC PSA Lenders’ Agreements

  4. Clinch River Little League

  5. Key Western Property Easement

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

County Attorney Reports

  1. Courthouse Project Proposal Resolution (Pursuant to PPEA)

  2. RC Erosion and Sediment Ordinance

  3. VRA & RC PSA Lenders’ Agreements

  4. Clinch River Little League

  5. Key Western Property Easement

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

‘Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Oris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011





WHEREAS, on February 19, 2020, the Russell County Board of Supervisors declared the Renovations of the Courthouse to be a “Qualifying Project” and subsequently requested proposals regarding the renovation and/or expansion of the Courthouse.

WHEREAS, on November 2, 2020 the Russell County Board of Supervisors was informed that the Courthouse Committee planned to receive revised proposals in the “detailed phase” pursuant to the PPEA guidelines with three proposers, namely, BurWil Construction Company, Inc., J.A. Street and Associates, Inc., Pray Construction Company.

WHEREAS, on December 9, 2020 the Members of the Courthouse Committee reported that they had met with and interviewed extensively the three proposers named above and that those proposers are ranked by the authorized representatives of the Courthouse Committee as follows:

  1. J.A. Street and Associates, Inc.
  2. BurWil Construction Company, Inc.
  3. Pray Construction Company


The Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby ratifies and reaffirms the determinations and the actions taken on its behalf reflected in the above recitals. The proposal of J.A. Street is hereby selected pursuant to the PPEA and the PPEA guidelines.

The Russell County Board of Supervisors, in conjunction with the Courthouse Committee and Skanska USA Building Inc., shall continue negotiations for the purpose of entering into an Interim Agreement with J.A. Street and Associates, Inc. for design phase services only following a public hearing but no sooner than 30 days prior to the public hearing.

Russell County Virginia

“The Heart of Southwest Vi ia” ris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3 Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 4 District 6 District 4 Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator


REAS, on February 19, 2020, the Russell County Board of Supervisors declared the Renovations of the Courthouse to be a “Qualifying Project” and subsequently requested proposals regarding the renovation and/or expansion of the Courthouse.

WHEREAS, on November 2, 2020 the Russell County Board of Supervisors was informed that the Courthouse Committee planned to receive revised proposals in the “detailed phase” pursuant to the PPEA guidelines with three proposers, namely, BurWil Construction Company, Inc., J.A. Street and Associates, Inc., Pray Construction Company.

WHEREAS, on December 9, 2020 the Members of the Courthouse Committee reported that they had met with and interviewed extensively the three proposers named above and that thos proposers are ranked by the authorized representatives of the Courthouse Committee as follows:

  1. J.A. Street and Associates, Inc.
  2. BurWil Construction Company, Inc.
  3. Pray Construction Company


The Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby ratifies and reaffirms the determinations and the actions taken on its behalf reflected in the above recitals. The proposal of J.A. Street is hereby selected pursuant to the PPEA and the PPEA guidelines.

The Russell County Board of Supervisors, in conjunction with the Courthouse Committee and Skanska USA Building Inc., shall continue negotiations for the purpose of entering into an Interim Agreement with J.A. Street and Associates, Inc. for design phase services only following a public hearing but no sooner than 30 days prior to the public hearing,

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Negotiations with J.A. Street and Associates, Inc. shall be done with a goal of preparing a Comprehensive Agreement on such terms and in such a format to be consistent with the requirements of the funding agencies and in the best interests of the citizens of Russell County.

The Courthouse Committee shall keep the Russell County Board of Supervisors fully advised as to the status of those negotiations.

The Russell County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to terminate this procurement at any time per the terms of the Interim Agreement prior to the execution of the comprehensive agreement.

ADOPTED the 9th day of December 2020.



REBECCA DYE Chairperson


Lonzo Lester Clerk of the Board

‘Negotiations with J.A. Street and Associates, Inc. shall be done with a goal of preparing a Comprehensive Agreement on such terms and in such a format to be consistent with the requirements of the funding agencies and in the best interests of the citizens of Russell County.

The Courthouse Committee shall keep the Russell County Board of Supervisors fully advised as to the status of those negotiations.

The Russell County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to terminate this procurement at any time per the terms of the Interim Agreement prior to the execution of the comprehensive agreement.

ADOPTED the 9th day of December 2020.


REBECCA DYE Chairperson


Lonzo Lester Clerk of the Board

K&C Draft: 7/16/2020


dated as of __________ 1, 2020



as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund



Virginia Resources Authority Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

$6,157,089.73 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2020B

$5,901,097.65 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2020C

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

K&C Draft: 7/16/2020


dated as of 1, 2020


as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund


Virginia Resources Authority Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund


[To Be Updated] Page



Section 1.1. Definitions …1 Section 1.2. Rules of Construction …4


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower …5


Section 3.1. Amendment and Restatement of Financing Agreements…7 Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Entering into Master Financing Agreement …7


Section 4.1. Application of Article IV …9 Section 4.2. Application of Proceeds …9 Section 4.3. Agreement to Accomplish Project …10 Section 4.4. Permits …11 Section 4.5. Construction Contractors …11 Section 4.6. Engineering Services …11 Section 4.7. Borrower Required to Complete Project …11


Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant …12 Section 5.2. Annual Budget …13 Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report …13


[To Be Updated]


Section 1.1. Definitions . . Section 1.2. Rules of Construction .


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower …



Section 3.1, Amendment and Restatement of Financing Agreement Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Entering into Master Financing Agreement 7


Section 4.1. Application of Article IV 9 Section 4.2. Application of Proceeds … 9 Section 4.3. Agreement to Accomplish Project 0 Section 4.4. Permits . 1 Section 4.5. Construction Contractors … 1 Section 4.6. Engineering Services 1 Section 4.7. Borrower Required to Complete Project i ARTICLE V PLEDGE, REV AND Ry

Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant … Section 5.2. Annual Budget Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report …


Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bonds …13 Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments …14


Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bonds …14


Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System …15 Section 8.2. Maintenance …15 Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications …15 Section 8.4. Use of System …15 Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records …15 Section 8.6. Ownership of System …15 Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance …16 Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues …16 Section 8.9. No Free Service …16 Section 8.10. No Competing Service …17 Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection …17 Section 8.12. Lawful Charges …17 Section 8.13. Operating Budget …17 Section 8.14. Operating Reserve …17


Section 9.1. Insurance …17 Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies …18 Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation …18 Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction …18 Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title …19


Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence …19

Section 6.1. Section 6.2.

Section 7.1

Section 8.1 Section 8.2. Section 8.3. Section 8.4. Section 8.5. Section 8.6. Section 8.7. Section 8.8. Section 8.9. Section 8.10. Section 8.11

Section 8.12.

Section 8.13.

Section 8.14.

Section 9.1 Section 9.2. Section 9.3. Section 9.4. Section 9.5.

Section 10.1.


PAYMENTS Payment of Local Bonds . Payment of Additional Payments 14 ARTICLE VIL PREPAYMENTS Prepayment of Local Bonds 14 ARTICLE VIII OWNERSHIP, OPERATION AND USE OF SYSTEM Ownership and Operation of Project and System 15 Maintenance . Additions and Modifications Use of System …

Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records Ownership of System Sale or Eneumbrance Collection of Revenues No Free Service … No Competing Service Mandatory Connection Lawful Charges Operating Budget Operating Reserve



Insurance Requirements of Policies . Notice of Damage, Destruction and ‘Condemnation Damage and Destruction ‘Condemnation and Loss of Title


Maintenance of Existence

Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements …19 Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default …20 Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness …20 Section 10.5. Parity Bonds …20 Section 10.6. Further Assurances …22 Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness …22 Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower …22 Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act …22 Section 10.10. American Iron and Steel …22 Section 10.11. Recordkeeping and Reporting …23 Section 10.12. Service Contracts …23



Section 11.1. Events of Default …23 Section 11.2. Notice of Default …24 Section 11.3. Remedies on Default …24 Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver …25 Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept …25


Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns …25 Section 12.2. Amendments …25 Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability …25 Section 12.4. Applicable Law …25 Section 12.5. Severability …26 Section 12.6. Notices …26 Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default …26 Section 12.8. Headings …27 Section 12.9. Term of Agreement …27 Section 12.10. Termination of Original Financing Agreements …27 Section 12.11. Counterparts …27

Section 10.2 Section 10.3. Section 10.4. Section 10.5. Section 10.6. Section 10.7. Section 10.8. Section 10.9. Section 10.10. Section 10.11. Section 10.12.

Section 11.1 Section 11.2. Section 11.3. Section 11.4. Section 11.5.

Section 12.1 Section 12.2. Section 12.3. Section 12.4. Section 12.5. Section 12.6. Section 12.7. Section 12.8. Section 12.9. Section 12.10. Section 12.11.

Financial Records and Statements Certificate as to No Default Additional Indebtedness … Parity Bonds

Other Indebtedness Assignment by Borrower Davis-Bacon Act … ‘American Iron and Steel … Recordkeeping and Reporting Service Contracts

ARTICLE XI DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES Events of Default 23 Notice of Default 24

Remedies on Default. Delay and Waiver … State Aid Intercept


Successors and Assigns ‘Amendments Limitation of Borrower’s Liability 25 Applicable Law . Severability Notices … Right to Cure Default Headings Term of Agreement Termination of Original Financing Agreements . Counterparts


Exhibit A - Form of Local Bonds Exhibit B - Project Descriptions Exhibit C - Project Budgets Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel Exhibit E - Form of Requisition Exhibit F - Original Bonds Exhibit G - Original Financing Agreements Exhibit H - Prior Bonds and Existing Parity Bonds
Exhibit I - Debt Service Schedules Exhibit J - Form of Budget Exhibit K - Amended and Restated Support Agreement


Exhibit A - Form of Local Bonds Exhibit B - Project Descriptions

Exhibit C - Project Budgets

Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel Exhibit E - Form of Requisition

Exhibit F - Original Bonds

Exhibit G - Original Financing Agreements

Exhibit H - Prior Bonds and Existing Parity Bonds Exhibit I - Debt Service Schedules

Exhibit J - Form of Budget

Exhibit K - Amended and Restated Support Agreement


THIS MASTER FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of __________, 2020, between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND (the “Fund”), and THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a body politic and corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Borrower”).

Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the “Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunction with the Board of Health, the Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.

The Borrower has requested certain loans from the Fund and has evidenced its obligation to repay such loans by its bonds as described on Exhibit F (the “Russell PSA Bonds”) pursuant to Financing Agreements as described on Exhibit G, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower (the “Russell PSA Financing Agreements”). In connection with the transfers and assumptions described below, the Borrower has requested that the Authority agree to amendments to and restatements of the Russell PSA Financing Agreements with respect to the Russell PSA Bonds on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.

The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority (“Castlewood WSA”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit F (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”) pursuant to Financing Agreements as described on Exhibit G, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and Castlewood WSA (the “Castlewood WSA Financing Agreements”). Castlewood WSA has agreed to transfer to the Borrower the facilities financed by the Castlewood WSA Bonds and the Borrower has agreed to assume the Castlewood WSA Bonds. The parties desire to provide for the assumption by the Borrower of the obligations of the Castlewood WSA with respect to the Castlewood WSA Bonds, on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.

The County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit F (the “County Bonds”) pursuant to Financing Agreements as described on Exhibit G, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the County (the “County Financing Agreements”). The County has agreed to transfer to the Borrower the facilities financed by the County Bonds and the Borrower has agreed to assume the County Bonds. The parties desire to provide for the assumption by the Borrower of the obligations of the County with respect to the County Bonds, on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.


Section 1.1. Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and


THIS MASTER FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of 2020, between the J, as

|. and

Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the “Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunetion with the Board of Health, the Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.

The Borrower has requested certain loans from the Fund and has evidenced its obligation to repay such loans by its bonds as described on Exhibit F (the “Russell PSA Bonds”) pursuant to Financing Agreements as described on Exhibit G, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower (the “Russell PSA Financing Agreements”). In connection with the transfers and assumptions described below, the Borrower has requested that the Authority agree to amendments to and restatements of the Russell PSA Financing Agreements with respect to the Russell PSA Bonds on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.

The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority (“Castlewood WSA”) has previously issued

its bonds as described on Exhibit F (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”) pursuant to Financing Agreements as described on Exhibit G, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and Castlewood WSA (the “Castlewood WSA Financing Agreements”). Castlewood WSA has agreed to transfer to the Borrower the facilities financed by the Castlewood WSA Bonds and the Borrower has agreed to assume the Castlewood WSA Bonds. The parties desire to provide for the assumption by the Borrower of the obligations of the Castlewood WSA with respect to the Castlewood WSA. Bonds, on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.

‘The County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit F (the “County Bonds”) pursuant to Financing Agreements as described on Exhibit G, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the County (the “County Financing Agreements”). The County has agreed to transfer to the Borrower the facilities financed by the County Bonds and the Borrower has agreed to assume the County Bonds. The parties desire to provide for the assumption by the Borrower of the obligations of the County with respect to the County Bonds, on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement.


Section 1.1. Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and

any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Act:

“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.

“Agreement” means this Master Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower, together with any amendments or supplements hereto.

“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in Section 6.1 and Exhibit I payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services attributable to certain of the Local Bonds.

“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to perform the act or sign the document in question.

“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.

“Castlewood WSA” means The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority.

“Castlewood WSA Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds and any allonges thereto described in Exhibit F issued by Castlewood WSA to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Castlewood WSA Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the financing agreements between the Authority and Castlewood WSA as further described on Exhibit G.

“Closing Date” means the date of delivery of the Local Bonds to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as the Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.6 in a written notice to the Authority. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.

“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual

Administrative Fee, if any, payable as set forth in Section 6.1 and Exhibit I.

“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.

“County Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds and any allonges thereto described in Exhibit F issued by the County to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Act:

“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.

“Agreement” means this Master Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower, together with any amendments or supplements hereto,

“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in Section 6.1 and Exhibit I payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services attributable to certain of the Local Bonds.

“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to perform the act or sign the document in question.

“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health, “Castlewood WSA” means The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority.

“Castlewood WSA Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds and any allonges thereto described in Exhibit F issued by Castlewood WSA to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Castlewood WSA Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the financing agreements between the Authority and Castlewood WSA as further described on Exhibit G.

“Closing Date” means the date of delivery of the Local Bonds to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as the Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.6 in a written notice to the Authority. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.

“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual Administrative Fee, if any, payable as set forth in Section 6.1 and Exhibit I

“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.

“County Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds and any allonges thereto described in Exhibit F issued by the County to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“County Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the financing agreements between the Authority and the County as further described on Exhibit G.

“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.

“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health.

“Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.

“Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit H, that on the respective dates of the Local Bonds’ issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds.

“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its annual accounting period.

“Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the Castlewood WSA Financing Agreements, the County Financing Agreements and the Russell PSA Financing Agreements.

“Funding Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Funding Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower.

“Local Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds relating to the assumption of the Castlewood WSA Bonds and the County Bonds and the amendments and restatements of the Russell PSA Bonds, substantially in the forms attached to this Financing Agreement as Exhibit A, issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Bond Proceeds” means the aggregate proceeds from the sale of the Local Bonds pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bonds.

“Master Parity Agreement” means the Master Parity Agreement dated as of __________, 2020, among the Authority, the Borrower and United States of America, acting by and through the Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.

“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.

“County Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the financing agreements between the Authority and the County as further described on Exhibit G.

“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.

“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health. “Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.

“Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit H, that on the respective dates of the Local Bonds’ issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds.

“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its annual accounting period.

“Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the Castlewood WSA Financing ‘Agreements, the County Financing Agreements and the Russell PSA Financing Agreements.

“Funding Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Funding Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower.

“Local Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds relating to the assumption of the Castlewood WSA Bonds and the County Bonds and the amendments and restatements of the Russell PSA Bonds, substantially in the forms attached to this Financing Agreement as Exhibit A, issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Bond Proceeds” means the aggregate proceeds from the sale of the Local Bonds pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bonds.

“Master Parity Agreement” means the Master Parity Agreement dated as of : 2020, among the Authority, the Borrower and United States of America, acting by and through the Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.

“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.

“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.

“Operating Reserve Fund” means the operating reserve fund established in Section 8.13.

“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.

“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable to the Authority.

“Original Bonds” means, collectively, the Castlewood WSA Bonds, the County Bonds and the Russell PSA Bonds.

“Original Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the Castlewood WSA Financing Agreements, the County Financing Agreements and the Russell PSA Financing Agreements.

“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower issued under Section 10.5.

“Prior Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower
secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds.

“Project” means, collectively, the particular projects described in Exhibit B, the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of which were financed or financing in whole or in part with the Local Bond Proceeds.

“Project Budgets” means, collectively, the budgets for the financing or the refinancing of each Project, copies of which are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C.

“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of each Project, as further described in the Project Budgets, and such other costs as may be approved in writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.

“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the

“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.

“Operating Reserve Fund” means the operating reserve fund established in Section 8.13.

“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of

(i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business,

“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable to the Authority.

“Original Bonds” means, collectively, the Castlewood WSA Bonds, the County Bonds and the Russell PSA Bonds.

“Original Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the Castlewood WSA Financing ‘Agreements, the County Financing Agreements and the Russell PSA Financing Agreements.

“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower issued under Section 10.5.

“Prior Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds.

“Project” means, collectively, the particular projects described in Exhibit B, the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of which were financed or financing in whole or in part with the Local Bond Proceeds.

“Project Budgets” means, collectively, the budgets for the financing or the refinancing of each Project, copies of which are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C.

“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of each Project, as further described in the Project Budgets, and such other costs as may be approved in writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.

“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the

Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.

“Required Operating Reserve” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.13.

“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the Borrower’s ownership or operation of the System, excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business interruption loss relating to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities related to the System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other income from other sources pledged by the Borrower to the payment of its Local Bonds.

“Russell PSA Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds and any allonges thereto described in Exhibit F issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Russell PSA Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the financing agreements between the Authority and Borrower as further described on Exhibit G.

“Service Contracts” means the Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Water dated May 6, 2014, between the Borrower and the Buchanan County Public Service Authority; Water Sale Agreement dated July 8, 2015, between the Borrower and the Town of Honaker, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sales of Water dated March 14, 2002, between the Borrower and the Town of Lebanon, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sale of Water dated June 11, 2001, between the Borrower and the Tazewell County Public Service Authority; and Contract for Sale of Water dated October 3, 2013, between the Borrower and the Washington County Service Authority. [Add any service contracts transferred from Castlewood WSA and Russell County]

“Subordinate Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds.

“Support Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit K hereto.

“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, including but not limited to the Project, owned, operated or maintained by the Borrower and used in connection with the collection, supply, treatment, storage or distribution of water or the collection or treatment of wastewater as the same may from time to time exist.

“Transfer Agreement” means the Transfer Agreement dated as of __________, 2020, among the Borrower, the County and The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority.

Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.

“Required Operating Reserve” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.13.

“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the Borrower’s ownership or operation of the System, excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business interruption loss relating to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities related to the System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other income from other sources pledged by the Borrower to the payment of its Local Bonds.

“Russell PSA Bonds” means, collectively, the bonds and any allonges thereto described in Exhibit F issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Russell PSA Financing Agreements” means, collectively, the financing agreements between the Authority and Borrower as further described on Exhibit G.

“Service Contracts” means the Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Water dated May 6, 2014, between the Borrower and the Buchanan County Public Service Authority; Water Sale Agreement dated July 8, 2015, between the Borrower and the Town of Honaker, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sales of Water dated March 14, 2002, between the Borrower and the Town of Lebanon, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sale of Water dated June 11, 2001, between the Borrower and the Tazewell County Public Service Authority; and Contract for Sale of Water dated October 3, 2013, between the Borrower and the Washington County Service Authority. [Add any service contracts transferred from Castlewood WSA and Russell County]

“Subordinate Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds.

“Support Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit K hereto.

“System™ means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, including but not limited to the Project, owned, operated or maintained by the Borrower and used in connection with the collection, supply, treatment, storage or distribution of water or the collection or treatment of wastewater as the same may from time to time exist.

“Transfer Agreement” means the Transfer Agreement dated as of 2020, among the Borrower, the County and The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority.

Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and vice versa.

(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.

© The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:

(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government” (as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.

(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the other documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bonds to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance or refinance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bonds, (vi) pledge the Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bonds, and (vii) carry out and consummate all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bonds.

© This Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bonds were duly authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.

(d) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bonds, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder, (iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v) the operation and use of the

Section 1.2, Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and vice versa.

(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.

(©) The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.


Section 2.1, Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:

(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government” (as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.

(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the other documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bonds to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance or refinance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bonds, (vi) pledge the Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bonds, and (vii) carry out and consummate all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bonds.

(©) _ This Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bonds were duly authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.

(4) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this, ‘Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bonds, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder, (iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v) the operation and use of the

System. The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.

(e) This Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.

(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and this Agreement, the Local Bonds will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.

(g) The issuance of the Local Bonds and the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court, government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.

(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement, which constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default thereunder.

(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds and (ii) is not in default under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds and the compliance with the terms and conditions thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the foregoing.

(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization

System, The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.

(ec) This Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.

(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and this Agreement, the Local Bonds will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.

(g) The issuance of the Local Bonds and the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court, government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.

(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement, which constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default thereunder.

(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds and (ii) is not in default under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support ‘Agreement or the Local Bonds. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds and the compliance with the terms and conditions thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the foregoing.

(i) __ There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization

or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds or the issuance or delivery of the Local Bonds, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bonds or any agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds, (v) in any way affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bonds.

(k) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to the Authority.

(l) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

(m) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds except any Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit H.

(n) The Service Contracts are in full force and effect; no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing under the Service Contracts; and the Borrower is not currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Service Contracts.

(o) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.

(p) All of the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Master Parity Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are true and correct and all terms of the Master Parity Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are reaffirmed, ratified and confirmed.

or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds or the issuance or delivery of the Local Bonds, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bonds or any agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bonds, (v) in any way affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bonds.

(k) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to the Authority.

(1) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

(m) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bonds except any Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit H.

(n) The Service Contracts are in full force and effect; no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing under the Service Contracts; and the Borrower is not currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Service Contracts.

(0) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing. (p) _Allof the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the

Master Parity Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are true and correct and all terms of the Master Parity Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are reaffirmed, ratified and confirmed.


Section 3.1. Amendment and Restatement of Financing Agreements; Assumption of Local Bonds. (a) This Agreement in part constitutes an amendment and restatement of the Financing Agreements with respect to the Local Bonds; however, this Agreement shall not constitute a novation of the original debt evidenced by the Russell County PSA Bonds.

(b) The Borrower agrees to assume each of Castlewood WSA’s and the County’s obligations to make payments of the principal and other sums that become due under its respective Local Bonds after the Closing Date.

© The Borrower’s obligations with respect to the amendments and restatements of the Russell PSA Financing Agreements and the Russell PSA Bonds and the assumption of the Castlewood WSA Bonds and the County Bonds shall be evidenced by the Locals Bonds. The Authority agrees to release Castlewood WSA and the County from their respective obligations under its respective Local Bonds, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Entering into the Master Financing Agreement. This Agreement shall not be effective until the Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority:

(a) The Local Bonds, the Funding Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement.

(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.

© A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.

(d) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and satisfied by it as of such date.

(e) An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed to the Fund and the Authority.

(f) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority.

(g) Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable to the Authority that the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are valid and enforceable against the Borrower, subject to usual and customary qualifications.


Section 3.1. _Amendment and Restatement of Financing Agreements; Assumption of Local Bonds. (a) This Agreement in part constitutes an amendment and restatement of the Financing Agreements with respect to the Local Bonds; however, this Agreement shall not constitute a novation of the original debt evidenced by the Russell County PSA Bonds


Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Entering into the Master Financing Agreement. This Agreement shall not be effective until the Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority:

(a) The Local Bonds, the Funding Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement.

(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.

(©) A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.

(d) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and satisfied by it as of such date.

(¢) An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed to the Fund and the Authority.

(ph An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority.

(g) Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable to the Authority that the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are valid and enforceable against the Borrower, subject to usual and customary qualifications,

(h) Deposit into the Operating Reserve Fund the amount of $________ from the Borrower’s available funds.


Section 4.1. Application of Article IV. The provisions of Article IV shall only apply with respect to the following Original Bonds:

[WSL-022-15E in the amount of $_____]

[WSL-028-14E in the amount of $_____]

Section 4.2. Application of Proceeds.

(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further agrees to exhibit to the Department or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Department) of the following:

(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;

(2) If any requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen,

(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such

work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the Project; and

(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either

that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or discharged upon payment of the requisition.

Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and approval thereof by the Department, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the extent approved by the Department and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The

(h) Deposit into the Operating Reserve Fund the amount of $ from the Borrower’s available funds.


Section 4.1. Application of Article IV. The provisions of Article IV shall only apply with respect to the following Original Bonds:

[WSL-022-15E in the amount of §, ] [WSL-028-14E in the amount of $.

Section 4.2. Application of Proceeds.

(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further agrees to exhibit to the Department or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Department) of the following:

(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;

(2) Ifany requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen,

(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the Project; and

(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or discharged upon payment of the requisition.

Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and approval thereof by the Department, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the extent approved by the Department and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The

Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder nor shall the Department have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including but not limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and performance of public construction contracts related to the Project.
Except as may otherwise be approved by the Department, disbursements shall be held at ninety- five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.3 and a final requisition detailing all retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the Department and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.3, will disburse to or for the account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.

The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the Local Bond shall be reduced only in accordance with Section 6.1.

Section 4.3. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Department. All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Department through their duly authorized representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. The Borrower and the Authority, with the consent of the Department, may amend the description of the Project set forth in Exhibit B.

When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Authority and the Department a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substan- tially in accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as approved by the Department, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project Costs.

Section 4.4. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request, promptly furnish to the Authority and the Department copies of all such permits, consents and approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all applicable lawful program or procedural guidelines or requirements duly

Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder nor shall the Department have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including but not limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and performance of public construction contracts related to the Project. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Department, disbursements shall be held at ninety- five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.3 and a final requisition detailing all retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the Department and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.3, will disburse to or for the account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.

The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the Local Bond shall be reduced only in accordance with Section 6.1.

Section 4.3. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Department, All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Department through their duly authorized representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. The Borrower and the Authority, with the consent of the Department, may amend the description of the Project set forth in Exhibit B.

When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Authority and the Department a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substan- tially in accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as approved by the Department, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of ‘occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project Costs.

Section 4.4. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, ‘occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request, promptly furnish to the Authority and the Department copies of all such permits, consents and approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all applicable lawful program or procedural guidelines or requirements duly

promulgated and amended from time to time by the Department in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection with the Project and the funding thereof from the Fund. Where noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Department, the issue shall be referred to the proper governmental authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.

Section 4.5. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority, the Department and the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer.
Upon request of the Authority, the Department or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority, the Department and the Board.

Section 4.6. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund, the Authority and the Department as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Department the certificates required by Sections 4.2 and 4.3.

Section 4.7. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.


Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge of the

promulgated and amended from time to time by the Department in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from the Fund under the ‘Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection with the Project and the funding thereof from the Fund. Where noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Department, the issue shall be referred to the proper governmental authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.

Section 4.5. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority, the Department and the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon request of the Authority, the Department or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority, the Department and the Board.

Section 4.6. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund, the Authority and the Department as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as. disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Department the certificates required by Sections 4.2 and 4.3.

Section 4.7. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.


Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues: Rate Covenant. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge of the

Revenues securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge.

(a) The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, the Additional Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles (the “Rate Covenant”). If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient Revenues to satisfy such requirement.

(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the Rate Covenant, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operations and Maintenance Expense to cure any deficiency.

Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit J to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance, repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement. Such budget as approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget.
The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.

Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report. (a) If at the end of any Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the Rate Covenant, within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the Rate Covenant. The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.

Revenues securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge.

(a) The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, the Additional Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles (the “Rate Covenant”). If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient Revenues to satisfy such requirement.

(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the Rate Covenant, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operations and Maintenance Expense to cure any deficiency.

Such budget as approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget. The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.

Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report. (a) the end of any Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the Rate Covenant, within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the Rate Covenant. The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.

(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the Rate Covenant when such measures have been implemented and become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultant’s report along with a detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.


Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bonds. The Local Bonds shall be dated as of the Closing Date. The Cost of Funds, if any, of each of the Local Bonds shall be computed on the disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate set forth on Exhibit I with respect to each of the Local Bonds. Principal and the Cost of Funds, if any, due under each of the Local Bonds shall be payable in equal installments as set forth on Exhibit I with respect to each of the Local Bonds. All amounts due hereunder and under each of the Local Bonds shall be due and payable in full with the final installment of principal and Cost of Funds, if any, due as set forth on Exhibit I with respect to each of the Local Bonds. Each installment shall be applied first to payment of the Cost of Funds, if any, accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount. However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If any installment of principal of or the Cost of Funds, if any, on any of the Local Bonds is not paid within ten (10) days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay the Authority a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment on such Local Bonds.

Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments. In addition to the payments of principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of the Authority the following Additional Payments:

(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board

in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and

(b) _ Ifthe Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the Rate Covenant when such measures have been implemented and become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultant’s report along with a detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.



Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bonds. The Local Bonds shall be dated as of the Closing Date. The Cost of Funds, if any, of each of the Local Bonds shall be computed on the disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate set forth on Exhibit I with respect to each of the Local Bonds. Principal and the Cost of Funds, if any, due under each of the Local Bonds shall be payable in equal installments as set forth on Exhibit I with respect to each of the Local Bonds. All amounts due hereunder and under each of the Local Bonds shall be due and payable in full with the final installment of principal and Cost of Funds, if any, due as set forth on Exhibit I with respect to each of the Local Bonds. Each installment shall be applied first to payment of the Cost of Funds, if any, accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount. However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If any installment of principal of or the Cost of Funds, if any, on any of the Local Bonds is not paid within ten (10) days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay the Authority a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment on such Local Bonds.

Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments, In addition to the payments of principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of the Authority the following Additional Payments:

(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and

(2) All expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant to the provisions hereof.

The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2) above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.


Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bonds. At its option and after giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local Bonds at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bonds will be prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bonds but shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bonds, or change the amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.


Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower and shall not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

Section 8.2. Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.

Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi- cations and improvements shall become part of the System.

Section 8.4. Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental

(2) Allexpenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant to the provisions hereof.

The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2) above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.


Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bonds. At its option and after giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local Bonds at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bonds will be prepaid in fall or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bonds but shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bonds, or change the amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.


Section 8.1, Ownership and Operation of Project and System. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower and shall not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

Section 8.2, Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.

Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi- cations and improvements shall become part of the System.

Section 8.4, Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental

policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the cost of making the same.

Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.

Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower owns or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes.

Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged, leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing:

(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the System;

(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and

© The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or useful in the operation of the System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, and then, if such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bonds under Article VII hereof.

policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the cost of making the same.

Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.

Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower owns or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes.

Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbranee. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged, leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing

(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the System;

(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and

(©) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or useful in the operation of the System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, and

then, if such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bonds under Article VII hereof.

Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law, discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.

Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.

Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would compete with the System.

Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection. The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System; provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.

Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due all taxes, fees, assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the “Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues (collectively, the “Mechanics’ Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten (10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.

Section 8.13. Operating Budget. The Borrower agrees to include a reserve in the amount of $300,000 in the Annual Budget for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law, discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.

Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.

Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would compete with the System.

Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection, The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System; provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.

Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due all taxes, fees, assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the “Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the System, The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues (collectively, the “Mechanics” Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten (10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics” Charges. If such a contest occurs, the Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.

Section 8.13. Operating Budget. The Borrower agrees to include a reserve in the amount of $300,000 in the Annual Budget for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

Section 8.14. Operating Reserve. (a) There is hereby established the “Russell County PSA Operating Reserve Fund” (the “Operating Reserve Fund”) to be held by the Borrower in a separate and segregated account. Until the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond and the Existing Parity Bonds and all amounts payable pursuant to this Agreement have been paid or provided for in full, the Borrower agrees to deposit in the Operating Reserve Fund the following amounts on the dates provided for below:

(i) On the Closing Date, the amount of $________ from the Borrower’s available funds (the “Initial Required Operating Reserve”).

(ii) On or before June 30, 2023, an amount that equals the Required Operating

Reserve (as defined below), taking into account the deposit of the Initial Required Operating Reserve.

(iii) To the extent there is any deficiency in the Operating Reserve Fund due to

an increase in the prior Fiscal Year’s Operation and Maintenance Expense, in the next Fiscal Year an amount equal to such deficiency, such that by the end of the next Fiscal Year the Operating Reserve Fund shall hold the Required Operating Reserve.

(iv) To the extent funds are drawn from the Operating Reserve Fund for the

payment of Authorized Expenses (as defined below), commencing in the next Fiscal Year and continuing in each Fiscal Year thereafter until the deficiency is eliminated, an amount equal to one-third of the amount of such deficiency, such that by the end of the third Fiscal Year following the payment of the Authorized Expenses the Operating Reserve Fund shall hold the Required Operating Reserve.

“Required Operating Reserve” means an amount that equals $450,000.

(b) Except as set forth in subsection (d) below, amounts in the Operating Reserve

Fund may only be disbursed, upon written notice to the Authority for amounts up to $50,000 and upon the written consent of the Authority for the remainder of the Required Operating Reserve, to pay extraordinary maintenance or repair expenses related to the operation of the System to the extent available funds, including cash or other reserves, of the Borrower are insufficient to pay such expenses (the “Authorized Expenses”).

© Failure to deposit the Required Operating Reserve under subsections (a)(i) and (ii) above or failure to replenish any deficiency in the Operating Reserve Fund under subsections (a)(iii) and (iv) above in the time specified shall constitute an Event of Default under Section 11.1. The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower has not satisfied the provisions contained in this Section.

(d) Any amounts in the Operating Reserve Fund, including investment earnings thereon, in excess of the Required Operating Reserve shall be transferred to the Borrower as of the end of each Fiscal Year; provided, that if an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, such amounts shall be maintained in the Operating Reserve Fund. Unless the Authority agrees

Section 8.14. Operating Reserve. (a) There is hereby established the “Russell County PSA Operating Reserve Fund” (the “Operating Reserve Fund”) to be held by the Borrower ina separate and segregated account. Until the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond and the Existing Parity Bonds and all amounts payable pursuant to this Agreement have been paid or provided for in full, the Borrower agrees to deposit in the Operating Reserve Fund the following amounts on the dates provided for below:

(i) On the Closing Date, the amount of $ from the Borrower’s available funds (the “Initial Required Operating Reserve”).

(ii) On or before June 30, 2023, an amount that equals the Required Operating Reserve (as defined below), taking into account the deposit of the Initial Required Operating Reserve

(iii) To the extent there is any deficiency in the Operating Reserve Fund due to an increase in the prior Fiscal Year’s Operation and Maintenance Expense, in the next Fiscal ‘Year an amount equal to such deficiency, such that by the end of the next Fiscal Year the Operating Reserve Fund shall hold the Required Operating Reserve.

(iv) To the extent funds are drawn from the Operating Reserve Fund for the payment of Authorized Expenses (as defined below), commencing in the next Fiscal Year and continuing in each Fiscal Year thereafter until the deficiency is eliminated, an amount equal to one-third of the amount of such deficiency, such that by the end of the third Fiscal Year following the payment of the Authorized Expenses the Operating Reserve Fund shalll hold the Required Operating Reserve.

“Required Operating Reserve” means an amount that equals $450,000.

(b) Except as set forth in subsection (d) below, amounts in the Operating Reserve Fund may only be disbursed, upon written notice to the Authority for amounts up to $50,000 and upon the written consent of the Authority for the remainder of the Required Operating Reserve, to pay extraordinary maintenance or repair expenses related to the operation of the System to the extent available funds, including cash or other reserves, of the Borrower are insufficient to pay such expenses (the “Authorized Expenses”).

© Failure to deposit the Required Operating Reserve under subsections (a)(i) and (ii) above or failure to replenish any deficiency in the Operating Reserve Fund under subsections (a)(iii) and (iv) above in the time specified shall constitute an Event of Default under Section 11.1. The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower has not satisfied the provisions contained in this Section.

(4) Any amounts in the Operating Reserve Fund, including investment earnings thereon, in excess of the Required Operating Reserve shall be transferred to the Borrower as of the end of each Fiscal Year; provided, that if an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, such amounts shall be maintained in the Operating Reserve Fund. Unless the Authority agrees

otherwise, the Borrower shall deposit or invest, as appropriate, monies in the Operating Reserve Fund, as the Borrower may direct in writing, in accounts covered and secured under the Virginia Security for Public Deposits Act (Chapter 44, Title 2.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), or in a “Permitted Investments” (as defined below), with a term of not more than five years.
“Permitted Investments” are (a) bonds, notes and other direct obligations of the United States of America, (b) securities unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal, if applicable, and interest by the United States of America, © bonds, notes and other obligations of any agency of the United States of America unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America, or (d) obligations of Federal Home Loan Banks and obligations of Federal Farm Credit Banks.

(e) The Borrower’s obligations to make deposits under subsection (a) above and to make payments as scheduled under the Local Bond shall not be discharged in whole or in part by any transfer made by the Borrower from the Operating Reserve Fund.

(f) The Authority and the Borrower acknowledge that the Operating Reserve Fund is

being established and maintained for the benefit of the System.


Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character to the System, including, without limitation:

(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normally covered by such endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the Project, builders’ risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof. The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.

(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of the System.

© Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia, workers’ compensation insurance.

otherwise, the Borrower shall deposit or invest, as appropriate, monies in the Operating Reserve Fund, as the Borrower may direct in writing, in accounts covered and secured under the Virginia Security for Public Deposits Act (Chapter 44, Title 2.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), or in a “Permitted Investments” (as defined below), with a term of not more than five years. “Permitted Investments” are (a) bonds, notes and other direct obligations of the United States of America, (b) securities unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal, if applicable, and interest by the United States of America, © bonds, notes and other obligations of any agency of the United States of America unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by the United States of America, or (d) obligations of Federal Home Loan Banks and obligations of Federal Farm Credit Banks.

© The Borrower’s obligations to make deposits under subsection (a) above and to make payments as scheduled under the Local Bond shall not be discharged in whole or in part by any transfer made by the Borrower from the Operating Reserve Fund.

(f) The Authority and the Borrower acknowledge that the Operating Reserve Fund is being established and maintained for the benefit of the System.


Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character to the System, including, without limitation:

(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normally covered by such endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the Project, builders’ risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof. The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.

(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, ‘operation or use of the System.

(©) _ Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia, workers’ compensation insurance.

The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.

The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.

Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of like size and character to the System and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30) days’ prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.

Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of (i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations.

Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction, with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended to be used. The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VII.

Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or any part of the System shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full

The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.

The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.

Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of like size and character to the System and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30) days’ prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.

Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of (i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part

of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations

Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction, with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended to be used. The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VIL.

Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or any part of the System shalll be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full

the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title.
If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VII.


Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence. The Borrower shall maintain its existence as a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bonds and this Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the Rate Covenant. The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail, certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of its funds for the Fiscal Year.

Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shall deliver to the Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has

the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shalll cause the Net Proceeds from any such condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bonds pursuant to Article VIL


Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence, The Borrower shall maintain its existence as a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bonds and this Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

Section 10.2, Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days afier the end of each Fiscal Year, The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the Rate Covenant. The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail, certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of its funds for the Fiscal Year.

Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shalll deliver to the Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has

happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.

Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.

Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on parity with the Local Bonds with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be necessary, useful or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bonds, Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii); provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Except to the extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:

(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.

(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.

© If the Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding of the Local Bonds, Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer , or with respect to subsection (iv)© below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bonds, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing this certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future

happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.

Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.

Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on parity with the Local Bonds with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be necessary, useful or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bonds, Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii); provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Except to the extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:

(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.

(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.

(©) __ Ifthe Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding of the Local Bonds, Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, in form and substance satisfactory to the ‘Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer-, or with respect to subsection (iv© below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of Revenues, or

© during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bonds, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing this certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future

System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the customer base of the Borrower.

(d) If the Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bonds (with the consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds or Parity Bonds, either (i) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each of the years the Local Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Parity Bonds to be refunded would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each such year on the Local Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Parity Bonds to be refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bonds, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.

(e) An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance with the provisions of this Section.

Section 10.6. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and demands of all persons.

Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection therewith.

System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the customer base of the Borrower.

(4) Ifthe Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bonds (with the consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds or Parity Bonds, either (i) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each of the years the Local Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Parity Bonds to be refunded would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each such year on the Local Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Parity Bonds to be refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bonds, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds or Existing Parity Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.

(€) _ An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance with the provisions of this Section.

Section 10.6. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and demands of all persons.

Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection therewith.

Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bonds and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the Local Bonds and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bonds and this Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.

Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended.

Section 10.10. American Iron and Steel. The Borrower agrees to comply with all federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials.

Section 10.11. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all

recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.

Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the

Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bonds and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the Local Bonds and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bonds and this, ‘Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.

Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act, The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended.

Section 10.10. American Iron and Steel, The Borrower agrees to comply with all federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials.

Section 10.11. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.

Section 10.12. Service Contracts. The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the

Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of any of the Service Contracts. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreements and use its best efforts to ensure that such agreements remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.

[Add language regarding control over PSA and County leachate]


Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of Default”:

(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds, if any, due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bonds or this Agreement, including payments required to fund the Operating Reserve Fund to the amount of the Required Operating Reserve or restore the balance in the Operating Reserve Fund to the Required Operating Reserve upon any shortfall therein;

(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants, agreements or conditions of the Local Bonds, the Support Agreement or this Agreement and the continuation of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is corrected;

© Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bonds is false or misleading in any material respect;

(d) The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b) and © thereof;

(e) The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;

(f) An order or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the

Section 10.12. Service Contracts. The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of any of the Service Contracts. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreements and use its best efforts to ensure that such agreements remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.

[Add language regarding control over PSA and County leachate]


Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of Default”:

(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds, if any, due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bonds or this Agreement, including payments required to fund the Operating Reserve Fund to the amount of the Required Operating Reserve or restore the balance in the Operating Reserve Fund to the Required Operating Reserve upon any shortfall therein;

(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants, agreements or conditions of the Local Bonds, the Support Agreement or this Agreement and the continuation of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is corrected;

(©) _ Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bonds is false or misleading in any material respect;

(4) _ The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b) and © thereof;

(e) The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;

(8) Anorder or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the

Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof;

(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances secured by or payable from Revenues; or

(h) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after filing.

Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(f), (g) or (h) is entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the existence thereof.

Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the following remedial steps:

(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due on the Local Bonds and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and

(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bonds and under this Agreement, to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights under this Agreement, or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bonds, which the Borrower hereby agrees are assigned to the Authority upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.

Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereto.

Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof;

(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances secured by or payable from Revenues; or

(h) Any bankruptey, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after filing.

Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(1), (g) or (h) is entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the existence thereof.

Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the following remedial steps:

(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due on the Local Bonds and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and

(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bonds and under this Agreement, to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights under this Agreement, or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bonds, which the Borrower hereby agrees are assigned to the Authority upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.

Section 11.4, Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereto,

Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept. The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds, if any, shall not be paid when the same shall become due and payable.


Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

Section 12.2. Amendments. The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 8.13, 8.14, 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.

Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Local Bonds or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bonds nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds or other costs incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bonds or for any other action taken by such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or the Local Bonds.

Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Virginia.

Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement.
If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.

Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bonds or this

Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept, The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds, if any, shall not be paid when the same shall become due and payable.


Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

Section 12.2. Amendments, The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 8.13, 8.14, 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.

Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Local Bonds or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general

obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bonds nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or Cost of Funds, if any, on the Local Bonds or other costs incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bonds or for any other action taken by such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or the Local Bonds.

Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Virginia.

Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement. If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.

Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bonds or this

Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

c/o Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Authority: Virginia Resources Authority

1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Board: Virginia Department of Health

109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: State Health Commissioner

Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority

137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266 Attention: Chairman

A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions or other communications shall be sent or persons to whose attention the same shall be directed.

Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or to perform any act required by it under the Local Bonds or this Agreement, the Authority without prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shall be payable by the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bonds.

Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.

Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bonds previously or simultaneously shall have

Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund clo Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Authority: Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Board: Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: State Health Commissioner

Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266 Attention: Chairman

A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other ‘communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions or other communications shall be sent or persons to whose attention the same shall be directed.

Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or to perform any act required by it under the Local Bonds or this Agreement, the Authority without prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shall be payable by the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bonds.

Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.

Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bonds previously or simultaneously shall have

been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bonds and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bonds and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.

Section 12.10. Termination of Original Financing Agreements. The Original Financing Agreements heretofore executed between the parties thereto are cancelled and terminated as of the Closing Date, provided that such cancellation and termination shall not be construed as a waiver, relinquishment or release of any claims, damages, liability, rights of action or causes of action that the parties thereto may have against the other thereunder and that have accrued before the effective date of this Agreement.

Section 12.11. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature Page Follows]

been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bonds and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bonds and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.

Section 12.10. Termination of Original Financing Agreements. The Original Financing Agreements heretofore executed between the parties thereto are cancelled and terminated as of the Closing Date, provided that such cancellation and termination shall not be construed as a waiver, relinquishment or release of any claims, damages, liability, rights of

action or causes of action that the parties thereto may have against the other thereunder and that have accrued before the effective date of this Agreement.

Section 12.11. Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature Page Follows]

WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.

VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________


By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________

WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized,

VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund








[To Be Provided]



[To Be Provided]




[To Be Provided]



[To Be Provided]



[To Be Provided]



[To Be Provided]



[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]



[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]





__________, Director Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219

Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund The Russell County Public Service Authority Loan No. WSL-028-14E; WSL-022-15E

Dear Mr./Ms. __________:

This requisition, Number , is submitted in connection with the Master Financing Agreement and Amended and Restated Funding Agreement, each dated as of __________ 1, 2020 (together, the “Agreements”) between the Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $________, for the purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto.

Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.

The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of payrolls and associated certifications, and (b) the posting of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project complies with the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American Iron and Steel requirements included in the Agreements.

The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is




, Director Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219

Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund The Russell County Public Service Authority Loan No, WSL-028-14E: WSL-022-15E

Dear Mr./Ms. :

This requisition, Number ___, is submitted in connection with the Master Financing ‘Agreement and Amended and Restated Funding Agreement, each dated as of 1, 2020 (together, the “Agreements”) between the Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the ‘Agreements in the amount of $ . for the purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule | attached hereto.

Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.

The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of payrolls and associated certifications, and (b) the posting of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project complies with the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American Iron and Steel requirements included in the Agreements,

The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is

continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.

This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the performance of the work.


(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)

Attachments cc: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)

continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.

This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the performance of the work.


(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)

Attachments ce: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)



Loan No. WSL-028-14E; WSL-022-15E

This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ____, dated _______, 20, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalization terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred to in the Requisition.

The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished to or installed in the Project.


    [Consulting Engineer] 

Date: ________________________



This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number, dated , 20__, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalization terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred to in the Requisition.

The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished to or installed in the Project.


[Consulting Engineer]




REQUISITION # ______ BORROWER: The Russell County Public Service Authority LOAN NUMBER: WSL-028-14E; WSL-022-15E

CERTIFYING SIGNATURE: ________________________________ TITLE: ___________________________________

Cost Category Amount Budgeted

Previous Disbursements

Expenditures This Period

Total Expenditures to Date

Net Balance Remaining

Total Funding Amount $ ____________________

Previous Disbursements $ ____________________ This Request $ ____________________

         Loan Proceeds Remaining $ ____________________




BORROWER: The Russell County Public Service Authority

LOAN NUMBER: WSL-028-14E; WSL-022-15E

CERTIFYING SIGNATURE: TITLE: Cost Category Amount Previous Expenditures This | Total Expenditures | Net Balance Budgeted Disbursements Period to Date Remaining Total Funding Amount $

Previous Disbursements S This Request $ Loan Proceeds Remaining $



“Original Bonds” means, collectively, (a) the following bonds issued by the Borrower (the “Russell PSA Bonds”):

(1) $99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green Valley Project);

(2) $1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project);

(3) $325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2010-A (Back Valley—Big A Mountain Interconnection Project);

(4) $1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project);

(5) $103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B (Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project);

(6) $700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A (New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project);

(7) $3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014;

(8) $93,071 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Mountain Meadows Line Extension Project);

(9) $294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project);

(10) $445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project);

(11) $197,027 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension Project); and

(12) $512,023 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project);

and (b) the following bonds issued by the County that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “County Bonds”):



“Original Bonds” means, collectively, (a) the following bonds issued by the Borrower (the “Russell PSA Bonds”):

(1) $99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green Valley Project):

(2) $1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project);

(3) $325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2010-A (Back Valley—Big A Mountain Interconnection Project);

(4) $1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project);

(5) $103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B (Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project);

(6) $700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A (New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project);

(7) $3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014;

(8) $93,071 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Mountain Meadows Line Extension Project);

(9) $294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project);

(10) $445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project);

(11) $197,027 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension Project); and

(12) $512,023 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project);

and (b) the following bonds issued by the County that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “County Bonds”)

(13) $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (RD Sword’s Creek Project);

(14) $900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (RD Dante Project);

(15) $119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (RD Lynn Springs Project);

(16) $935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project);

(17) $1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project);

(18) $344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project);

(19) $822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority) (Clark’s Valley Project);

(20) $556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project);

(21) $91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley—South Extension Water Project);

(22) $1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005E (Belfast –Rosedale Project);

(23) $415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2006A (Miller Creek/Frank’s Hollow/Honeysuckle Lane Project); and

(24) $197,170 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2007A (Belfast—Highlands and Yates Project);

and © the following bonds issued by Castlewood WSA that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”):

(25) $350,000 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2000 (Castlewood Water Project);

(26) $640,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2001 (Red Oak Ridge Water Project);

(27) $653,250 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2002 (Mew Road Water Project);

(28) $661,019 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2004 (Carbo/Back Valley Water Project);

(13) $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (RD Sword’s Creek Project);

(14) $900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (RD Dante Project);

(15) $119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (RD Lynn Springs Project);

(16) $935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project);

(17) $1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project); (18) $344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project);

(19) $822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority) (Clark’s Valley Project);

(20) $556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project);

(21) $91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley—South Extension Water Project);

(22) $1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 200SE (Belfast —Rosedale Project);

(23) $415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2006A (Miller Creek/Frank’s Hollow/Honeysuckle Lane Project); and

(24) $197,170 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2007A (Belfast—Highlands and Yates Project);

and (¢) the following bonds issued by Castlewood WSA that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”):

(25) $350,000 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2000 (Castlewood Water Project):

(26) $640,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2001 (Red Oak Ridge Water Project);

(27) $653,250 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2002 (Mew Road Water Project);

(28) $661,019 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2004 (Carbo/Back Valley Water Project);

(29) $937,300 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2005 (Dante Rehabilitation Water Project);

(30) $299,409 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Seven Springs Water Project);

(31) $359,813 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Castlewood Heights Water Project);

(32) $200,400 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008B (Blue Devil Water Project);

(33) $167,012 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2010 (Kingland Heights Water Project);

(34) $100,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2011 (Castlewood Phase One Water Project);

(35) $325,473 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2012 (Route 58/Memorial Drive/Greystone Water Project);

(36) $2,200,000 Sewer Revenue Bond, Series of 2013 (Sewer Phase 1A);

(37) $163,680 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Upper Bear Wallow Water Project); and

(38) $317,151 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Radio Read Meter Replacement and Telemetry Installation Project).

(29) $937,300 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2005 (Dante Rehabilitation Water Project);

(30) $299,409 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Seven Springs Water Project);

(31) $359,813 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Castlewood Heights Water Project);

(32) $200,400 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008B (Blue Devil Water Project);

(33) $167,012 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2010 (Kingland Heights Water Project);

(34) $100,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2011 (Castlewood Phase One Water Project);

(35) $325,473 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2012 (Route 58/Memorial Drive/Greystone Water Project);

(36) $2,200,000 Sewer Revenue Bond, Series of 2013 (Sewer Phase 1A);

(37) $163,680 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Upper Bear Wallow Water Project); and

(38) $317,151 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Radio Read Meter Replacement and Telemetry Installation Project).




[To Be Provided]



[To Be Provided]



Prior Bonds:


Existing Parity Bonds:

$672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (RD Sword’s Creek Project)

$900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (RD Dante Project)

$119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (RD Lynn Springs Project)

$350,000 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2000 (RD Castlewood Water Project)

$937,300 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2005 (Dante Rehabilitation Water Project)

$2,200,000 Sewer Revenue Bond, Series of 2013 (Sewer Phase 1A)

$23,173.29 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2020A

$418,700 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2020D



E ¢ Parity Bonds: $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (RD Sword’s Creek Project) $900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (RD Dante Project)

$119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (RD Lynn Springs Project)

$350,000 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2000 (RD Castlewood Water Project) $937,300 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2005 (Dante Rehabilitation Water Project) $2,200,000 Sewer Revenue Bond, Series of 2013 (Sewer Phase 1A)

$23,173.29 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2020A

$418,700 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2020D



[To Be Provided]



[To Be Provided]



(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead)


Executive Director Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Mr./Ms. __________:

Pursuant to the Financing Agreement[s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20xx] annual budget is enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated below.

Revenues1 Operation &

Maintenance Expense Net Revenues Available for Debt Service ( Revenues – O&M Expense)

Debt Service Coverage (Net Revenues Available for Debt Service/Debt Service)

1 Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, $_________ is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,
Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement.

All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing Agreement[s].

Very truly yours,

By: __________________________

Its: _________________________



(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead) [Date]

Executive Director Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Mr./Ms.

Pursuant to the Financing Agreement{s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20x] annual budget is enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated below.

Revenues! Operation & Net Revenues Available | Debt Service | Coverage Maintenance Expense | for Debt Service (Net Revenues Available ‘(Revenues = O&M for Debt Servie/Debt Expense) Service) "Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, S is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,


Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agr All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing ‘Agreement{s].

Very truly yours,






first day of __________, 2020, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”), acting as the governing body of Russell County, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND (the “Fund”) and as purchaser of the Local Bonds, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Master Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Master Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower.


WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and operates the System in the County;

WHEREAS, the Borrower has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit A (the “Russell PSA Bonds”) pursuant to certain financing agreements, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower;

WHEREAS, The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority (“Castlewood WSA”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit A (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”) pursuant to certain financing agreements, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and
Castlewood WSA;

WHEREAS, the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit A (the “County Bonds”) pursuant to certain financing agreements, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and Castlewood WSA;

WHEREAS, the Borrower desires to amend and restate its obligations with respect to the Russell PSA Bonds, assume the obligations of Castlewood WSA with respect to the Castlewood WSA Bonds and assume the obligations of the County with respect to the County Bonds;

WHEREAS, the Board adopted on July 6, 2020, a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bonds.


NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:



THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of » 2020, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”), acting as the governing body of Russell County, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND (the “Fund”) and as purchaser of the Local Bonds, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Master Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Master Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower.


WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and operates the System in the County;

WHEREAS, the Borrower has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit A (the “Russell PSA Bonds”) pursuant to certain financing agreements, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower;

WHEREAS, The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority (“Castlewood WSA”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit A (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”) pursuant to certain financing agreements, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and Castlewood WSA:

WHEREAS, the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”) has previously issued its bonds as described on Exhibit A (the “County Bonds”) pursuant to certain financing agreements, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and Castlewood WSA;

WHEREAS, the Borrower desires to amend and restate its obligations with respect to the Russell PSA Bonds, assume the obligations of Castlewood WSA with respect to the Castlewood WSA Bonds and assume the obligations of the County with respect to the County Bonds;

WHEREAS, the Board adopted on July 6, 2020, a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bonds.


NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

  1. Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Master Financing Agreement.

  2. No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2020, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Master Financing Agreement, the Local Bonds and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit H to the Master Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.

  3. The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall

include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.

  1. If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.

  2. The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

  3. The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.

  4. The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bonds without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such

  5. Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Master Financing Agreement.

  6. No later than May IS of each year, beginning May 15, 2020, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Master Financing Agreement, the Local Bonds and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit H to the Master Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the ‘Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1

  7. The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.

  8. If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.

  9. The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

  10. The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.

  11. The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bonds without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the ‘Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such

nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bonds, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.

  1. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bonds or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

  2. Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, Attention: Chairman, and (iii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.

  3. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

  4. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bonds and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Master Financing Agreement have been paid in full.

  5. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature page follows]

nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bonds, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to

the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.

  1. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bonds or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

  2. Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, Attention: Chairman, and (iii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.

  3. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

  4. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bonds and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Master Financing Agreement have been paid in full.

12, _ This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature page follows]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.


By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________


By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________

VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.







VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund





“Original Bonds” means, collectively, (a) the following bonds issued by the Borrower (the “Russell PSA Bonds”):

(1) $99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green Valley Project);

(2) $1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project);

(3) $325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2010-A (Back Valley—Big A Mountain Interconnection Project);

(4) $1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project);

(5) $103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B (Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project);

(6) $700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A (New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project);

(7) $3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014;

(8) $93,071 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Mountain Meadows Line Extension Project);

(9) $294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project);

(10) $445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project);

(11) $197,027 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension Project); and

(12) $512,023 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project);

and (b) the following bonds issued by the County that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “County Bonds”):



“Original Bonds” means, collectively, (a) the following bonds issued by the Borrower (the “Russell PSA Bonds”):

(1) $99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green Valley Project):

(2) $1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project);

(3) $325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2010-A (Back Valley—Big A Mountain Interconnection Project);

(4) $1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project);

(5) $103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B (Long Branch/Strouth Creck/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project);

(6) $700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A (New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project);

(@) $3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014;

(8) $93,071 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Mountain Meadows Line Extension Project);

(2) $294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project);

(10) $445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project);

(11) $197,027 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension Project); and

(12) $512,023 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project);

and (b) the following bonds issued by the County that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “County Bonds”)

(13) $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (RD Sword’s Creek Project);

(14) $900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (RD Dante Project);

(15) $119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (RD Lynn Springs Project);

(16) $935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project);

(17) $1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project);

(18) $344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project);

(19) $822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority) (Clark’s Valley Project);

(20) $556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project);

(21) $91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley—South Extension Water Project);

(22) $1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005E (Belfast –Rosedale Project);

(23) $415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2006A (Miller Creek/Frank’s Hollow/Honeysuckle Lane Project); and

(24) $197,170 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2007A (Belfast—Highlands and Yates Project);

and © the following bonds issued by Castlewood WSA that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”):

(25) $350,000 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2000 (Castlewood Water Project);

(26) $640,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2001 (Red Oak Ridge Water Project);

(27) $653,250 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2002 (Mew Road Water Project);

(28) $661,019 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2004 (Carbo/Back Valley Water Project);

(29) $937,300 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2005 (Dante Rehabilitation Water Project);

(13) $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (RD Sword’s Creek Project);

(14) — $900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (RD Dante Project);

(15) $119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (RD Lynn Springs Project);

(16) $935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project);

  1. $1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project); (18) $344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project);

(19) $822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority) (Clark’s Valley Project);

(20) $556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project);

(21) $91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 200SB (Clark’s Valley—South Extension Water Project);

(22) $1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 200SE (Belfast Rosedale Project);

(23) $415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2006A (Miller Creek/Frank’s Hollow/Honeysuckle Lane Project); and

(24) $197,170 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2007 (Belfast—Highlands and Yates Project);

and © the following bonds issued by Castlewood WSA that have been assumed by the Borrower (the “Castlewood WSA Bonds”):

(25) $350,000 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2000 (Castlewood Water Project);

(26) $640,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2001 (Red Oak Ridge Water Project);

(21) $653,250 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2002 (Mew Road Water Project);

(28) $661,019 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2004 (Carbo/Back Valley Water Project);

(29) $937,300 Water Revenue Bond, Series of 2005 (Dante Rehabilitation Water Project);

(30) $299,409 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Seven Springs Water Project);

(31) $359,813 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Castlewood Heights Water Project);

(32) $200,400 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008B (Blue Devil Water Project);

(33) $167,012 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2010 (Kingland Heights Water Project);

(34) $100,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2011 (Castlewood Phase One Water Project);

(35) $325,473 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2012 (Route 58/Memorial Drive/Greystone Water Project);

(36) $2,200,000 Sewer Revenue Bond, Series of 2013 (Sewer Phase 1A);

(37) $163,680 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Upper Bear Wallow Water Project); and

(38) $317,151 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Radio Read Meter Replacement and Telemetry Installation Project).

(30) $299,409 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Seven Springs Water Project);

(31) $359,813 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008A (Castlewood Heights Water Project);

(32) $200,400 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2008B (Blue Devil Water Project);

(33) $167,012 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2010 (Kingland Heights Water Project);

(34) $100,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2011 (Castlewood Phase One Water Project);

(35) $325,473 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2012 (Route 58/Memorial Drive/Greystone Water Project);

(36) $2,200,000 Sewer Revenue Bond, Series of 2013 (Sewer Phase 1A);

(32) $163,680 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Upper Bear Wallow Water Project); and

(38) $317,151 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Radio Read Meter Replacement and Telemetry Installation Project).

KC Draft: 08/12/2019


dated as of __________ 1, 2019



as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund



Virginia Resources Authority Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

Loan No. WSL-020-18

Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

KC Draft: 08/12/2019


dated as of 1, 2019


as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund


Virginia Resources Authority Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund




Section 1.1. Definitions …1 Section 1.2. Rules of Construction …4


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower …5


Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond …7 Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond …7


Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds …9 Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project …10 Section 4.3. Permits …11 Section 4.4. Construction Contractors …11 Section 4.5. Engineering Services …11 Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project …12


Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant …12 Section 5.2. Annual Budget …13 Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report …13





Section 1.1. Definitions . . Section 1.2. Rules of Construction …


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower …


Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond … Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond


Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds Section 4.2, Agreement to Accomplish Project Section 4.3. Permits

Section 4.4. Construction Contractors Section 4.5. Engineering Services Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project …



Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant . Section 5.2. Annual Budget Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report


Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond …13 Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments …14


Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond …14


Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System …15 Section 8.2. Maintenance …15 Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications …15 Section 8.4. Use of System …15 Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records …15 Section 8.6. Ownership of Land …15 Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance …16 Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues …16 Section 8.9. No Free Service …16 Section 8.10. No Competing Service …17 Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection …17 Section 8.12. Lawful Charges …17


Section 9.1. Insurance …17 Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies …18 Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation …18 Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction …18 Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title …19


Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence …19 Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements …19 Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default …20

Section 6.1. Section 6.2.

Section 7.1

Section 8.1 Section 8.2. Section 8.3. Section 8.4. Section 8.5. Section 8.6. Section 8.7 Section 8.8. Section 8.9. Section 8.10. Section 8.11 Section 8.12.

Section 9.1. Section 9.2 Section 9.3. Section 9.4. Section 9.5.

Section 10.1 Section 10.2 Section 10.3.



Payment of Local Bond . Payment of Additional Payments 14



Prepayment of Local Bond 14



Ownership and Operation of Project and System 15 Maintenance … Additions and Modifications Use of System … . 5 Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records Ownership of Land …

Sale or Eneumbrance Collection of Revenues No Free Service … ‘No Competing Service Mandatory Connection Lawful Charges


Insurance … Requirements of Policies

Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation Damage and Destruction … ‘Condemnation and Loss of Title …


Maintenance of Existence . Financial Records and Statements Certificate as to No Default

Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness …20 Section 10.5. Parity Bonds …20 Section 10.6. Further Assurances …22 Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness …22 Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower …22 Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act …22 Section 10.10. American Iron and Steel …22 Section 10.11. Recordkeeping and Reporting …23 Section 10.12. Service Contracts …23
Section 10.13. Waterworks Business Operations Plan and Rate Study …23



Section 11.1. Events of Default …23 Section 11.2. Notice of Default …24 Section 11.3. Remedies on Default …24 Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver …25 Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept …25


Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns …25 Section 12.2. Amendments …25 Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability …25 Section 12.4. Applicable Law …25 Section 12.5. Severability …26 Section 12.6. Notices …26 Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default …26 Section 12.8. Headings …27 Section 12.9. Term of Agreement …27 Section 12.10. Commitment Letter …27 Section 12.11. Counterparts …27

Section 10.4. Section 10.5. Section 10.6. Section 10.7. Section 10.8. Section 10.9. Section 10.10. Section 10.11. Section 10.12. Section 10.13.

Section 11.1. Section 11.2. Section 11.3. Section 11.4. Section 11.5.

Section 12.1 Section 12.2 Section 12.3. Section 12.4. Section 12.5. Section 12.6. Section 12.7. Section 12.8 Section 12.9. Section 12.10, Section 12.11.

Additional Indebtedness Parity Bonds … Further Assurances … Other Indebtedness Assignment by Borrower 22 Davis-Bacon Act … ‘American Iron and Steel … Recordkeeping and Reporting Service Contracts . Waterworks Busine

Operations Plan and Rate Study .


Events of Default Notice of Default

Remedies on Default. Delay and Waiver … State Aid Intercept


Successors and Assigns Amendments «2… Limitation of Borrower’ Applicable Law

Severability Notices … Right to Cure Default Headings … Term of Agreement Commitment Letter Counterparts

Liability .


Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond Exhibit B - Project Description Exhibit C - Project Budget Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel Exhibit E - Requisition for Disbursement Exhibit F - Prior Bonds and Existing Parity Bonds
Exhibit G - Form of Budget Exhibit H - Support Agreement


Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond Exhibit B - Project Description

Exhibit C - Project Budget

Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel Exhibit E - Requisition for Disbursement

Exhibit F - Prior Bonds and Existing Parity Bonds Exhibit G - Form of Budget

Exhibit H - Support Agreement


THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of __________, 2019, between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND, and THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a body politic and corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Borrower”).

Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the “Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunction with the Board of Health, the Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.

The Borrower has requested a loan from the Fund and will evidence its obligation to repay such loan by the Local Bond the Borrower will issue and sell to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund. The Borrower will use the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority to finance that portion of the Project Costs not being paid from other sources, all as further set forth in the Project Budget.


Section 1.1. Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Act:

“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.

“Agreement” means this Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower, together with any amendments or supplements hereto.

“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in Section 6.1(a)(ii) payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services attributable to the Local Bond.

“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to perform the act or sign the document in question.

“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.


THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of. 2019, between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND, and THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a body politic and corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Borrower”).

Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the “Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunetion with the Board of Health, the Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.

The Borrower has requested a loan from the Fund and will evidence its obligation to repay such loan by the Local Bond the Borrower will issue and sell to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund. The Borrower will use the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority to finance that portion of the Project Costs not being paid from other sources, all as further set forth in the Project Budget,


Section 1.1. Defi ms. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Act:

“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.

“Agreement” means this Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower, together with any amendments or supplements hereto.

“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in Section 6.1(a)(ii) payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services attributable to the Local Bond.

“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to perform the act or sign the document in question.

“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health,

“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the Borrower, dated __________, 2019, and all extensions and amendments thereto.

“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as the Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.5 in a written notice to the Authority. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.

“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual

Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1.

“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.

“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.

“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health.

“Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.

“Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.

“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its annual accounting period.

“Funding Agreement” means the Funding Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower.

“Local Bond” means the bond in substantially the form attached to this Financing Agreement as Exhibit A issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Bond Proceeds” means the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.

“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.

“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the Borrower, dated 2019, and all extensions and amendments thereto.

“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as the Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.5 in a written notice to the Authority. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.

“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1

“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.

“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.

“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health. “Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.

“Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.

“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its annual accounting period.

“Funding Agreement” means the Funding Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, and the Borrower.

“Local Bond” means the bond in substantially the form attached to this Financing ‘Agreement as Exhibit A issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Bond Proceeds” means the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.

“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bond.

“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.

“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.

“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.

“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable to the Authority.

“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower issued under Section 10.5.

“Prior Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described in Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.

“Project” means the particular project described in Exhibit B, the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of which are to be financed or refinanced in whole or in part with the Local Bond Proceeds.

“Project Budget” means the budget for the financing or the refinancing of the Project, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, with such changes therein as may be approved in writing by the Authority.

“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of the Project, as further described in the Project Budget, and such other costs as may be approved in writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.

“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the

“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bond.

“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation award remaining after payment of attorneys” fees and expenses of the Authority and all other expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.

“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.

“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of

(i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.

“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable to the Authority.

“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower issued under Section 10.5.

“Prior Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described in Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.

“Project” means the particular project described in Exhibit B, the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of which are to be financed or refinanced in whole or in part with the Local Bond Proceeds.

“Project Budget” means the budget for the financing or the refinancing of the Project, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, with such changes therein as may be approved in writing by the Authority.

“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of the Project, as further described in the Project Budget, and such other costs as may be approved in writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.

“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the

Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.

“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the Borrower’s ownership or operation of the System, excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business interruption loss relating to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities related to the System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other income from other sources pledged by the Borrower to the payment of its Local Bond.

“Service Contracts” means the Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Water dated May 6, 2014, between the Borrower and the Buchanan County Public Service Authority; Water Sale Agreement dated July 8, 2015, between the Borrower and the Town of Honaker, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sales of Water dated March 14, 2002, between the Borrower and the Town of Lebanon, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sale of Water dated June 11, 2001, between the Borrower and the Tazewell County Public Service Authority; and Contract for Sale of Water dated October 3, 2013, between the Borrower and the Washington County Service Authority [ADD ANY SERVICE CONTRACTS TRANSFERRED FROM CASTLEWOOD WSA].

“Subordinate Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower described on Exhibit F, secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues securing the payment of the Local Bond.

“Support Agreement” means the Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit H hereto.

“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, including but not limited to the Project, owned, operated or maintained by the Borrower and used in connection with the collection, supply, treatment, storage or distribution of water or the collection or treatment of wastewater as the same may from time to time exist.

“Transfer Agreement” means the Transfer Agreement dated as of __________, 2019, between the Borrower and ____________________.

Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and vice versa.

(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.

Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.

“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the Borrower’s ownership or operation of the System, excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business interruption loss relating to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities related to the System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other income from other sources pledged by the Borrower to the payment of its Local Bond.

“Service Contracts” means the Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Water dated May 6, 2014, between the Borrower and the Buchanan County Public Service Authority; Water Sale Agreement dated July 8, 2015, between the Borrower and the Town of Honaker, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sales of Water dated March 14, 2002, between the Borrower and the Town of Lebanon, Virginia; Agreement for the Bulk Sale of Water dated June 11, 2001, between the Borrower and the Tazewell County Public Service Authority; and Contract for Sale of Water dated October 3, 2013, between the Borrower and the Washington County Service Authority [ADD ANY SERVICE CONTRACTS TRANSFERRED FROM CASTLEWOOD WSA]

“Subordinate Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower described on Exhibit F, secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues securing the payment of the Local Bond.

“Support Agreement” means the Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit H hereto.

“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, including but not limited to the Project, owned, operated or maintained by the Borrower and used in connection with the collection, supply, treatment, storage or distribution of water or the collection or treatment of wastewater as the same may from time to time exist.

“Transfer Agreement” means the Transfer Agreement dated as of +2019, between the Borrower and

Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and vice versa.

(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.

© The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:

(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government” (as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.

(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the other documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance or refinance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bond, (vi) pledge the Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bond, and (vii) carry out and consummate all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond.

© This Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bond were duly authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.

(d) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bond, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder, (iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v) the operation and use of the System. The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.

(e) This Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.

(©) The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shalll they affect its meaning, construction or effect.


Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:

(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government” (as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.

(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the other documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance or refinance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bond, (vi) pledge the Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bond, and (vii) carry out and consummate all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond.

© This Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bond were duly authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.

(4) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Transfer Agreement and the Local Bond, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder, (iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v) the operation and use of the System. The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.

(©) This Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.

(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and this Agreement, the Local Bond will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.

(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court, government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.

(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement, which constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default thereunder.

(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and (ii) is not in default under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and the compliance with the terms and conditions thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the foregoing.

(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond or the issuance or delivery of the Local Bond, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bond or any agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond, (v) in any way

(6 When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and this Agreement, the Local Bond will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.

(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this, ‘Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court, government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.

(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement, which constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default thereunder.

(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and (ii) is not in default under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support ‘Agreement or the Local Bond. ‘The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and the compliance with the terms and conditions thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the foregoing.

(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond or the issuance or delivery of the Local Bond, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bond or any agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond, (v) in any way

affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bond.

(k) There have been no defaults by any contractor or subcontractor under any contract made by the Borrower in connection with the construction or equipping of the Project.

(l) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to the Authority.

(m) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

(n) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond except any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds set forth on Exhibit F.

(o) The Service Contracts are in full force and effect; no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing under the Service Contracts; and the Borrower is not currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Service Contracts.

(p) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.


Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. The Borrower agrees to borrow from the Authority and the Authority agrees to lend to the Borrower, from the Fund, the principal amount equal to the sum of the principal disbursements made pursuant to Section 4.1, but not to exceed $_____ for the purposes herein set forth, a portion of which may be made from federal financial assistance. The Borrower’s obligation shall be evidenced by the Local Bond, which shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and delivered to the Authority on the Closing Date. The Local Bond shall be in the original principal amount of the loan and shall mature, bear a Cost of Funds and be payable as hereinafter provided.

Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond. The Authority shall not be required to make the loan to Borrower and purchase the Local Bond unless the Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority:

(a) The Local Bond, the Funding Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement.

affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bond.

(k) There have been no defaults by any contractor or subcontractor under any contract made by the Borrower in connection with the construction or equipping of the Project.

(1) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to the Authority.

(m) _ Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

(n) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond except any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds set forth on Exhibit F

(0) The Service Contracts are in full force and effect; no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing under the Service Contracts; and the Borrower is not currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Service Contracts.

(p) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.


Section 3.1, Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond, The Borrower agrees to borrow from the Authority and the Authority agrees to lend to the Borrower, from the Fund, the principal amount equal to the sum of the principal disbursements made pursuant to Section 4.1, but not to exceed $__for the purposes herein set forth, a portion of which may be made from federal financial assistance. The Borrower’s obligation shall be evidenced by the Local Bond, which shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and delivered to the Authority on the Closing Date. The Local Bond shall be in the original principal amount of the loan and shall mature, bear a Cost of Funds and be payable as hereinafter provided.

Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond. The Authority shall not be required to make the loan to Borrower and purchase the Local Bond unless the Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority:

(a) The Local Bond, the Funding Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement,

(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.

© A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.

(d) A closing certificate from the Department certifying that the Project is in compliance with all federal and state laws and project requirements applicable to the Fund.

(e) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer estimating the total Project Costs to be financed with the Local Bond Proceeds, which estimate is in an amount and otherwise compatible with the financing plan described in the Project Budget.

(f) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer (i) the Project will be a part of the System, and (ii) the Local Bond Proceeds and funds available from the other sources specified in the Project Budget will be sufficient to pay the estimated Project Costs.

(g) A certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant that in the opinion of the Qualified Independent Consultant, during the first two complete Fiscal Years of the Borrower following completion of the Project, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will satisfy the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In providing this certificate, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person or entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues to be derived under existing contractual arrangements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the consumer base of the Borrower.

(h) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the date the Borrower is expected to complete the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project.

(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that all governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals for the Project required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained and a statement of the Consulting Engineer that he knows of no reason why any future required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals cannot be obtained as needed.

(j) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has obtained or has made arrangements satisfactory to the Authority to obtain any funds or other financing for the Project as contemplated in the Project Budget.

(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.

© A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require,

(4) A closing certificate from the Department certifying that the Project is in compliance with all federal and state laws and project requirements applicable to the Fund.

(©) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer estimating the total Project Costs to be financed with the Local Bond Proceeds, which estimate is in an amount and otherwise compatible with the financing plan described in the Project Budget.

(8) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer (i) the Project will be a part of the System, and (ii) the Local Bond Proceeds and funds available from the other sources specified in the Project Budget will be sufficient to pay the estimated Project Costs.

(g) A certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant that in the opinion of the Qualified Independent Consultant, during the first two complete Fiscal Years of the Borrower following completion of the Project, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will satisfy the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In providing this certificate, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person or entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues to be derived under existing contractual arrangements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the consumer base of the Borrower.

(h) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the date the Borrower is expected to complete the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project.

(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that all governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals for the Project required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained and a statement of the Consulting Engineer that he knows of no reason why any future required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals cannot be obtained as needed.

(j)__ Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has obtained or has made arrangements satisfactory to the Authority to obtain any funds or other financing for the Project as contemplated in the Project Budget.

(k) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and satisfied by it as of such date.

(l) An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed to the Fund and the Authority.

(m) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority.

(n) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has complied with the insurance provisions set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof.

(o) Evidence that the Borrower has satisfied all conditions precedent to the issuance of the Local Bond as a “Parity Bond” under the financing agreements for the Existing Parity Bonds.

(p) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Service Contracts are in full force and effect and that they are binding and enforceable agreements as to each of the Borrower and the other parties to such agreements.

(q) Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable to the Authority that the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are valid and enforceable against the Borrower, subject to usual and customary qualifications.


Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds.

(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further agrees to exhibit to the Board or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Board) of the following:

(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;

(2) If any requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen,

(k) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and satisfied by it as of such date.

(1) An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed to the Fund and the Authority.

(m) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority.

(n) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has complied with the insurance provisions set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof.

(0) Evidence that the Borrower has satisfied all conditions precedent to the issuance of the Local Bond as a “Parity Bond” under the financing agreements for the Existing Parity Bonds.

(p) _ Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Service Contracts are in full force and effect and that they are binding and enforceable agreements as to each of the Borrower and the other parties to such agreements.

(q) Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable to the Authority that the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement are valid and enforceable against the Borrower, subject to usual and customary qualifications.


Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds,

(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further agrees to exhibit to the Board or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Board) of the following:

(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;

(2) Ifany requisition includes an item for payment for labor o to contractors, builders or materialmen,

(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such

work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the Project; and

(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either

that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or discharged upon payment of the requisition.

Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and approval thereof by the Board, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the extent approved by the Board and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder nor shall the Board have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including but not limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and performance of public construction contracts related to the Project.
Except as may otherwise be approved by the Board, disbursements shall be held at ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.2 and a final requisition detailing all retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the Board and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.2, will disburse to or for the account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.

The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the Local Bond shall be reduced only in accordance with Section 6.1.

Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Board. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to complete the Project by the date set forth in the certificate provided to the Authority pursuant to Section 3.2(h). All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Board through their duly authorized representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. The Borrower and the

(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the Project; and

(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or discharged upon payment of the requisition.

Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and approval thereof by the Board, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the extent approved by the Board and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The Authority shall have ‘no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder. nor shalll the Board have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including but not limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and performance of public construction contracts related to the Project. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Board, disbursements shalll be held at ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.2 and a final requisition detailing all retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the Board and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.2, will disburse to or for the account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.

The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the Local Bond shall be reduced only in accordance with Section 6.1

Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Board. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to complete the Project by the date set forth in the certificate provided to the Authority pursuant to Section 3.2(h). All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Board through their duly authorized representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. The Borrower and the

Authority, with the consent of the Board, may amend the description of the Project set forth in Exhibit B.

When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Authority and the Board a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substantially in accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as approved by the Board, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project Costs.

Section 4.3. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with, and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request, promptly furnish to the Authority and the Board copies of all such permits, consents and approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all lawful program or procedural guidelines or requirements duly promulgated and amended from time to time by the Board in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection with the Project and the funding thereof from the Fund, including, but not limited to, the federal “crosscutting” requirements identified in Schedule A of the Commitment Letter. Where noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Board, the issue shall be referred to the proper federal authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.

Section 4.4. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority and the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon request of the Authority or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority and the Board.

Section 4.5. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund, the Authority and the Board as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Board the certificates required by Sections 4.1 and 4.2.

Authority, with the consent of the Board, may amend the description of the Project set forth in Exhibit B

When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Authority and the Board a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substantially in accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as approved by the Board, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project Costs.

Section 4.3. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with, and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request, promptly furnish to the Authority and the Board copies of all such permits, consents and approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all lawful program or procedural guidelines or requirements duly promulgated and amended from time to time by the Board in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection with the Project and the funding thereof from the Fund, including, but not limited to, the federal “crosscutting” requirements identified in Schedule A of the Commitment Letter. Where noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Board, the issue shall be referred to the proper federal authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action,

Section 4.4. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority and the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers” ‘compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon request of the Authority or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority and the Board.

Section 4.5. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund, the Authority and the Board as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Board the certificates required by Sections 4.1 and 4.2.

Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the Authority or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.


Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge of the Revenues securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge.

(a) The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Additional Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient Revenues to satisfy such requirement.

(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the rate covenant in subsection (a) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operations and Maintenance Expense to cure any deficiency.

Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise

Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the Authority or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.


Section 5.1, Pledge of Revenues; Rate Covenant, Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge of the Revenues securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge.

(a) The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Additional Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient Revenues to satisfy such requirement.

(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the rate covenant in subsection (a) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operations and Maintenance Expense to cure any deficiency.

Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise

being in the form of, Exhibit H to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance, repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement. Such budget as approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget.
The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.

Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report. (a) If at the end of any Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a), within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the rate covenant in Section 5.1(a). The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.

(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a) when such measures have been implemented and become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultant’s report along with a detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.


Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond. (a) The Local Bond shall be dated the date of its delivery to the Authority. The Cost of Funds on the Local Bond shall be computed on the disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate of two and fifty one-hundredths percent (2.50%) per annum, consisting of the following:

(i) interest of one percent (1.00%) per annum payable for the benefit of the Fund, and

(ii) one and fifty one-hundredths percent (1.50%) per annum payable as an Annual Administrative Fee.

being in the form of, Exhibit H to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance, repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement. Such budget as approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget. ‘The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.

Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report. (a) If at the end of any Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a), within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the rate covenant in Section 5.1(a). The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.

(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a) when such measures have been implemented and become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultant’s report along with a detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.


Section 6.1, Payment of Local Bond. (a) ‘The Local Bond shall be dated the date of its delivery to the Authority. The Cost of Funds on the Local Bond shall be computed on the disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate of two and fifty one-hundredths percent (2.50%) per annum, consisting of the following:

(i) interest of one percent (1.00%) per annum payable for the benefit of the Fund, and

(ii) one and fifty one-hundredths percent (1.50%) per annum payable as an Annual Administrative Fee.

(b) The Cost of Funds only on all amounts disbursed under the Local Bond shall be due and payable on __________ 1, 20__. Commencing __________ 1, 20__ and continuing semi-annually thereafter on __________ 1 and __________ 1 in each year, principal and Cost of Funds due under the Local Bond shall be payable in equal installments of $, with a final installment of $ due and payable on __________ 1, 20__, when, if not sooner paid, all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall be due and payable in full. Each installment shall be applied first to payment of the Cost of Funds accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount. However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If any installment of principal of or Cost of Funds on the Local Bond is not paid within ten (10) days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay to the Authority a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment.

Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments. In addition to the payments of principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of the Authority the following Additional Payments:

(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board

in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and

(2) All expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any

amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant to the provisions hereof.

The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2) above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.


Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond. Upon completion of the Project and after giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local Bond at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bond will be prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bond but shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.

(b) The Cost of Funds only on all amounts disbursed under the Local Bond shall be due and payable on 1,20__. Commencing 1, 20__and continuing semi-annually thereafter on 1 and Tin each year, principal and Cost of Funds due under the Local Bond shall be payable in equal installments of §_, with a final installment of $, due and payable on 1, 20, when, if not sooner paid, all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall be due and payable in full. Each installment shall be applied first to payment of the Cost of Funds accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount. However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If any installment of principal of or Cost of Funds on the Local Bond is not paid within ten (10) days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay to the Authority a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment.

Section 6.2, Payment of Additional Payments, In addition to the payments of principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of the ‘Authority the following Additional Payments:

(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and

(2) Allexpenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant to the provisions hereof.

‘The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2) above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.


Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond. Upon completion of the Project and after giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local Bond at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bond will be prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bond but shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.


Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower and shall not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

Section 8.2. Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.

Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi- cations and improvements shall become part of the System.

Section 8.4. Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the cost of making the same.

Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.

Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower owns or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes.


Section 8.1, Ownership and Operation of Project and System. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower and shall not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

Section 8.2. Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to

time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.

Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi- cations and improvements shall become part of the System.

Section 8.4, Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the cost of making the same.

Section Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records, The Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.

Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower owns or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes.

Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged, leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing:

(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the System;

(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and

© The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or useful in the operation of the System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, and then, if such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bond under Article VII hereof.

Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law, discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.

Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.

Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would compete with the System.

Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection. The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been

Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged, leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing:

(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the System;

(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and

(©) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or useful in the operation of the System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, and then, if such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bond under Article Vil hereof.

Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law, discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.

Section 8.9, No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.

Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would

compete with the System.

Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection, The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been

constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System; provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.

Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due all taxes, fees, assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the “Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues (collectively, the “Mechanics’ Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten (10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.



Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character to the System, including, without limitation:

(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normally covered by such endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the Project, builders’ risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof. The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.

(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of the System.

constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System; provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.

Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due alll taxes, fees, assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the “Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues (collectively, the “Mechanics” Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten (10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.


Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character to the System, including, without limitation:

(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normally covered by such endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the Project, builders’ risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof. The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.

(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of the System.

© Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia, workers’ compensation insurance.

The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.

The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.

Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of like size and character to the System and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30) days’ prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.

Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of (i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations.

Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction, with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended to be used. The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.

(©) _ Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia, workers’ compensation insurance.

The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.

The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.

Section 9.2, Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of like size and character to the System and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30) days’ prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.

Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation, In the case of (i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations

Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction, If all or any part of the System is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction, with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended to be used. The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VIL.

Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or any part of the System shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title.
If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.


Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence. The Borrower shall maintain its existence as a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bond and this Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail, certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of its funds for the Fiscal Year.

Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or any part of the System shalll be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VIL


Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence, The Borrower shall maintain its existence as a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bond and this ‘Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail, certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of its funds for the Fiscal Year.

Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shall deliver to the Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.

Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.

Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on parity with the Local Bond with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be necessary, useful or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii); provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Except to the extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:

(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.

(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.

© If the Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer , or with respect to subsection (iv)© below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount

Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shalll deliver to the Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.

Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.

Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on parity with the Local Bond with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be necessary, usefull or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii): provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Except to the extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:

(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.

(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.

(©) __ Ifthe Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer-, or with respect to subsection (iv(© below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds ayailable to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount

required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing this certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the customer base of the Borrower.

(d) If the Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bond (with the consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, either (i) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each of the years the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds to be refunded would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each such year on the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or the Prior Bonds to be refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.

(e) An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance with the provisions of this Section.

Section 10.6. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and demands of all persons.

required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing this certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the customer base of the Borrower.

(4) Ifthe Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bond (with the consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, either (i) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each of the years the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds to be refunded would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each such year on the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or the Prior Bonds to be refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 100% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. In providing the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.

(€) An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance with the provisions of this Section.

Section 10.6. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and demands of all persons.

Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection therewith.

Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the Local Bond and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bond and this Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.

Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended.

Section 10.10. American Iron and Steel. The Borrower agrees to comply with all federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials.

Section 10.11. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all

recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.

Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection therewith.

Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the Local Bond and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bond and this Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.

Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended.

Section 10.10. American Iron and Steel, The Borrower agrees to comply with all federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials.

Section 10.11. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.

Section 10.12. Service Contracts. The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the

Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of any of the Service Contracts. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreements and use its best efforts to ensure that such agreements remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.

Section 10.13. Waterworks Business Operations Plan and Rate Study. The

Borrower shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Authority and the Department that the Borrower on or before March 31, 2020 has presented a final rate study to the Board of Directors of the Borrower and the County Administrator, which rate study shall project and recommend rates for a five-year period commencing with the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021 (the “Rate Study”) that satisfy the Rate Covenant. The Rate Study shall take into account any proposed debt and future projects of the Borrower. The Borrower shall also promptly provide a copy of the Rate Study to the Authority and the Department. Furthermore, the Borrower shall submit a Waterworks Business Operations Plan to the Department as required by Section 32.1-172 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, on or before March 31, 2020 for review.


Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of Default”:

(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bond or this Agreement;

(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants, agreements or conditions of the Local Bond, the Support Agreement or this Agreement and the continuation of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is corrected;

© Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bond is false or misleading in any material respect;

(d) The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b) and © thereof.

Section 10.12. Service Contracts. The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of any of the Service Contracts. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreements and use its best efforts to ensure that such agreements remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.

Section 10.13. Waterworks Business Operations Plan and Rate Study, The Borrower shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Authority and the Department that the Borrower on or before March 31, 2020 has presented a final rate study to the Board of Directors of the Borrower and the County Administrator, which rate study shall project and recommend rates for a five-year period commencing with the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021 (the “Rate Study”) that satisfy the Rate Covenant. The Rate Study shall take into account any proposed debt and future projects of the Borrower. ‘The Borrower shall also promptly provide a copy of the Rate Study to the Authority and the Department. Furthermore, the Borrower shall submit a Waterworks Business Operations Plan to the Department as required by Section 32.1-172 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, on or before March 31, 2020 for review.



Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of Default”:

(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bond or this Agreement;

(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants, agreements or conditions of the Local Bond, the Support Agreement or this Agreement and the continuation of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is corrected;

(©) _ Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bond is false or misleading in any material respect;

(4) _ The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b) and © thereof.

(e) The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;

(f) An order or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof;

(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances secured by or payable from Revenues; or

(h) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after filing.

Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(f), (g) or (h) is entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the existence thereof.

Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the following remedial steps:

(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and

(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights under this Agreement, or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bond, which the Borrower hereby agrees are assigned to the Authority upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.

Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be

© _ The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;

(1) Anorder or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof;

(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances secured by or payable from Revenues; or

(h) Any bankruptey, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after filing.

Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(1), (g) or (h) is entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the existence thereof.

Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the following remedial steps:

(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and

(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights under this Agreement, or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bond, which the Borrower hereby agrees are assigned to the Authority upon the occurrence of an Event of Default.

Section 11.4, Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be

construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereto.

Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept. The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds shall not be paid when the same shall become due and payable.


Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

Section 12.2. Amendments. The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.

Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Local Bond or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bond nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or Cost of Funds on the Local Bond or other costs incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bond or for any other action taken by such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or the Local Bond.

Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Virginia.

Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement.
If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then

construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereto,

Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept, The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds shall not be paid when the same shall become due and payable.


Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

Section 12.2. Amendments, The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.

Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Local Bond or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general

obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bond nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or Cost of Funds on the Local Bond or other costs incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bond or for any other action taken by such

individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or the Local Bond.

Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Virginia.

Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement. If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then

such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.

Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bond or this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

c/o Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Authority: Virginia Resources Authority

1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Board: Virginia Department of Health

109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: State Health Commissioner

Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority

__________, Virginia _____ Attention: Chairman

A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions or other communications shall be sent or persons to whose attention the same shall be directed.

Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or to perform any act required by it under the Local Bond or this Agreement, the Authority without prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shall be payable by the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bond.

such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.

Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bond or this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

Fund Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund c/o Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Authority: Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director

Board: Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: State Health Commissioner

Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority

irginia Attention: Chairman

A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions or other communications shall be sent or persons to whose attention the same shall be directed.

Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default, If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or to perform any act required by it under the Local Bond or this Agreement, the Authority without prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shall be payable by the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bond.

Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.

Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bond previously or simultaneously shall have been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.

Section 12.10. Commitment Letter. The Commitment Letter is an integral part of this Agreement and shall survive closing hereunder.

Section 12.11. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature Page Follows]

Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.

Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bond previously or simultaneously shall have been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.

Section 12.10. Commitment Letter. The Commitment Letter is an integral part of this Agreement and shall survive closing hereunder.

Section 12.11. Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in any number of

counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature Page Follows]

WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.

VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________


By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________

WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized,

VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund







THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project)


[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]


FORM OF LOCAL BOND THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]



THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project)


The Project includes financing the replacement of water lines in the Glade Hollow community and the extension of water service to the Glade Hill community, together with related expenses.


PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

The Project includes financing the replacement of water lines in the Glade Hollow ‘community and the extension of water service to the Glade Hill community, together with related expenses



(Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Be Provided]


PROJECT BUDGET THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Be Provided]



(Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]


OPINION OF BORROWER’S BOND COUNSEL THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]



(Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18



__________, Director Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219

Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund The Russell County Public Service Authority Loan No. WSL-020-18

Dear Mr./Ms. __________:

This requisition, Number , is submitted in connection with the Financing Agreement and Funding Agreement, each dated as of __________ 1, 2019 (together, the “Agreements”) between the Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $________, for the purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto.

Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.

The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of payrolls and associated certifications, and (b) the posting of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project complies with the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American Iron and Steel requirements included in the Agreement.


REQUISITION FOR DISBURSEMENT THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18


. Director Office of Drinking Water, 6 Floor Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219

Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund The Russell County Public Service Authority Loan No. WSL-020-18

Dear Mr/Ms.

This requisition, Number __, is submitted in connection with the Financing Agreement and Funding Agreement, each dated as of 1, 2019 (together, the “Agreements”) between the Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $, , for the purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule | attached hereto.

Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.

The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of payrolls and associated certifications, and (b) the posting of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project complies with the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American Iron and Steel requirements included in the Agreement.

The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.

This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the

performance of the work.


(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)

Attachments cc: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)

‘The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.

This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the performance of the work.


(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)

Attachments: ce: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)



Loan No. WSL-020-18

This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ____, dated _______, 20, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred to in the Requisition.

The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished to or installed in the Project.


    [Consulting Engineer] 

  Date: ________________________ 



Loan No. WSL-020-18 This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number , dated 20, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred to in the Requisition. The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or

materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished to or installed in the Project.


[Consulting Engineer]




REQUISITION # ________ BORROWER: THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY LOAN NUMBER: WSL-020-18 CERTIFYING SIGNATURE: ______________________________ TITLE: ______________________________________

Cost Category

Amount Budgeted

Previous Disbursements

Expenditures This


Total Expenditures

to Date

Net Balance Remaining


Total Loan Amount $_________________

Previous Disbursements $_________________ This Request $_________________

Loan Proceeds Remaining $_________________







Total Loan Amount $. Previous Disbursements S. This Request $

Loan Proceeds Remaining $.



(Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Be Completed by Borrower’s Bond Counsel]

Prior Bonds:


Existing Parity Bonds:


PRIOR BONDS AND EXISTING PARITY BONDS THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

[To Be Completed by Borrower’s Bond Counsel] Prior Bonds:


E: 2 Parity Bonds:



THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project)


(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead)


Executive Director Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Mr./Ms. __________:

Pursuant to the Financing Agreement[s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20xx] annual budget is enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated below.

Revenues1 Operation & Maintenance Expense

Net Revenues Available for Debt Service ( Revenues – O&M Expense)

Debt Service Coverage (Net Revenues Available for Debt Service/Debt Service)

1 Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, $_________ is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,
Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement.

All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing Agreement[s].

Very truly yours,

By: __________________________

Its: _________________________


FORM OF BUDGET THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18,

(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead) [Date]

Executive Director Virginia Resources Authority

1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Mr./Ms.

Pursuant to the Financing Agreement{s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20xx] annual budget is enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated


Revenues! ‘Operation & Maintenance | Net Revenues Available | Debt Service | Coverage Expense for Debt Service (et Revenues Available for (Revenues - O&M Expense) Debt ServiceiDebt Service)

T Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, S is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,

Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement.

All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing Agreement[s]

Very truly yours,




(Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of __________, 2019, by

and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”), acting as the governing body of Russell County, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND (the “Fund”) and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower.


WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and operates the System in the County; and

WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a water and sewer system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $_____ (the “Local Bond”) to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to finance the Project; and

WHEREAS, the Board adopted on __________, 2019, a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.


NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

  1. Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.

  2. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in operation at the earliest practical date.

  3. No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 20__, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable


SUPPORT AGREEMENT THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (Glade Hollow Water Line Replacement/Glade Hill Water Service Extension Project) WSL-020-18

THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of 2019, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”), acting as the governing body of Russell County, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”, and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND (the “Fund”) and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower.


WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and operates the System in the County; and

WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a water and sewer system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $____ (the “Local Bond”) to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to finance the Project; and

WHEREAS, the Board adopted on . 2019, a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.


NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

  1. Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.

  2. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in operation at the earliest practical date.

  3. No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 20__, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable

from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.

  1. The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall

include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.

  1. If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.

  2. The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

  3. The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.

from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1

  1. The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.

  2. Ifatany time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.

  3. The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

  4. The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.

  5. The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.

  6. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

  7. Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to ____________________, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to ____________________, Attention: Chairman, and (iii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.

  8. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

  9. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.

  10. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature page follows]

  1. The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to

the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.

  1. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

  2. Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to

, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to

, Attention: Chairman, and (iii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.

  1. Iti the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

12, This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.

  1. _ This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

[Signature page follows]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.


By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________


By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________

VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund

By: ____________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.







VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund



Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

THIS LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this the goth GZ day of 5. cp hemnbe, r] 2013, by and between the RUSSELL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVIS ors a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”) and

the CLINCH RIVER LITTLE LEAGUE ASSOCIATION (hereinafter refered 0 as

Description of Leased Premises Lessor hereby rents and leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby rents from Lessor,

upon the conditions hereinafter, the following described real estate, more particularly bound and described as follows:

12.463 acres, more or less, situate in Castlewood, Russell County, Virginia, off Alternate Route 58 to St. Paul as identified on the attached plat.

Consideration The Lessee covenants and agrees to pay to Lessor rent for the Leased Premises in the amount of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) per year and other good and valuable consideration, ‘The first year’s payment is due and payable on the date of signing of this Lease Agreement.

Term of Lease The term of this Lease Agreement shall be for Ten (10) years, and shall automatically renew for an additional ten year term unless and until one of the parties shall give to the other party at least Sixty (60) days written notice of their intention to terminate this lease at the end of the term.

Lessor shall deliver to Lessee possession of the Leased Premises immediately upon execution of this agreement.

Use of the Leased Premises ‘The Lessee shall at all times keep the demised premises clean, sanitary and in proper repair and shall complete improvements as needed. Failure to perform these conditions shall be grounds for termination of this Lease Agreement by the Lessor.

‘The Lessee shall maintain public liability insurance in the amount of at least ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000), with Lessor named as an additional named insured party. Throughout the term of this Lease Agreement, Lessee shall maintain in the offices of the Russell County Administrator a current copy of the certificate of coverage for said liability insurance.

Lease Agreement Russell County Board of Supervisors and Clinch River Little League Page 1

Indemnification of Lessor

To the extent permitted by law, Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor against any and all claims, debts, demands, obligations, loss, damage, injury and liability against the Lessor, however caused, resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with the rights granted under this Lease Agreement and any alleged act or omission of the Lessee or any person claiming under, by or through the Lessee, or by any negligence or alleged negligence on the part of any Lessee’s agents or employees, as provided and limited by state law. If it becomes necessary for the Lessor to defend any action seeking to impose any such liability, the Lessee will pay the Lessor all court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the Lessor in effecting such defense in addition to any sums which the Lessor may be called upon to pay by reason of entry of a judgment against the Lessor in the litigation in which such claim is asserted.

‘The Lessor reserves the right to use the facilities located on the demised premises for any public school use not in conflict with the activities of the Lessee.

‘Termination of Lease Agreement ‘The Lessor shall have the right to terminate this Lease Agreement at any time upon giving NINETY (90) DAYS written notice to the Lessee, At the expiration of such period, this Lease Agreement shall terminate and the Lessee shall then surrender the Leased Premises to the Lessor.

If any default is made in the performance of or compliance with any term or condition hereof, this Lease Agreement, at the option of the non-breaching party, shall terminate and be forfeited. The breaching party shall be given THIRTY (30) DAYS written notice of any default or breach, and termination and forfeiture of the Agreement shall not result if, within THIRTY (30) DAYS of receipt of such written notice, such party has corrected the default or breach or has taken action reasonably likely to effect such correction within a reasonable time.

Upon termination of this Agreement, Lessee shall surrender the Leased Premises in as good a condition as it was at the beginning of the term of the Lease Agreement, reasonable wear and use excepted. Upon termination of this Lease Agreement, Lessee shall have the right to remove any and all appurtenances installed by Lessee.

Notice All notices or other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to the provisions of this Lease Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given for all purposes three (3) days after having been sent by United States mail to the addresses stated below:

Russell County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 1208

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Attn: County Administrator

Lease Agreement Russell County Board of Supervisors and Clinch River Little League Page 2

Clinch River Little League P.O, Box 1126

Castlewood, Virginia 24224 Attn: League President

Governing Law, This Lease Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the

laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


The parties have incorporated their entire understanding in this Lease Agreement.

No oral statement or prior written matter outside of this Lease Agreement shall have any force or effect. Alll prior agreements between the parties are hereby revoked.

This Lease Agreement may be amended only in writing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RUSSELL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS has authorized its entry into this Lease Agreement by Jon Bowerbank, its Chairman; and the CLINCH RIVER LITTLE LEAGUE ASSOCIATION has authorized its entry into this Lease Agreement by Bob Salyers, its President.



On this the:23 day of/ abs ane, JON BOWERBANK, CHAIRMAN of the RUSSELL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, whose name is signed to the foregoing Lease Agreement, personally appeared before me and acknowledged the same in his capacity as Chairman and Agent of the Russell County Board of Supervisors.

Ae "ublic °

My commission expires: _/2/3/ 20/7 _. My Notary Registration Number: 324. 425.


Lease Agreement Russell County Board of Supervisors and Clinch River Little League Page 3

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Bdb Salyers, Progigent


On this theast day ofthbhes, aoi¥non SALYERS, PRESIDENT of the CLINCH RIVER LITTLE LEAGUE, whose name is signed to the foregoing Lease Agreement, personally appeared before me and acknowledged the same in his capacity as PRESIDENT of the CLINCH RIVER LITTLE LEAGUE.

GAs wal

My commission expires: lol [2012 My Notary Registration Numbet: 3¢. 437%


Lease Agreement Russell County Board of Supervisors and Clinch River Little League Page 4


Courtesy of VGIN , Commonwealth of VirginiaCourtesy of VGIN , Commonwealth of VirginiaCourtesy of VGIN , Commonwealth of Virginia Printed 11/17/2020

Little League Field (Behind Mexican Restaurant)

00000 25 ft25 ft25 ft25 ft25 ft 50 ft50 ft50 ft50 ft50 ft




Little League Field (Behind Mexican Restaurant)



Courtesy of VGIN , Commonwealth of VirginiaCourtesy of VGIN , Commonwealth of VirginiaCourtesy of VGIN , Commonwealth of Virginia Printed 11/17/2020

Little League Fields

00000 100 ft100 ft100 ft100 ft100 ft 200 ft200 ft200 ft200 ft200 ft





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Tracy Rectangle

TINE TABLE TRE SEARING [TENGE 7 Szeseosy [062 wz Nov20%42"" | 54.91 is mios7az’w | 55.56 | were [sea / REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE TB: NSSSear"e —| e516 RUSSELL COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 6. Nss#40"E | 68.08 ur 850925 3447 / = NaTISTS 3505 rm ine" W| e853 / 1 KprR Lid [w 3ers’27" W445 MAR’ ON, | eee BS ren ER GEL P00 Liz ‘S3esve7 £ | 6254 / MAP NO. im Tinsvs0-w [2598 | tua | s ereouere | 9687 / CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHP AND DEDICATION 1S, BASTERLY JR, cog, | LBONARD, Raxurow Tye StsTORY amen’), HERE ceRTeY DEED BK. 225 PG.544 acd DEED BK451 PG.195 THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND TAX MAP NO.LO4IZ061 TAX MAP NO-104RIAAG01 DESCRIBED MEREON AND THAT AND. THAT We HEREBY. ADOPT SH PLAN OF DMISION. OR SUBDIMSION. WH GUR FREE CONSENT, ESTABLISING THE MINMUM SLILDING. RESTRICTION / SES SIRE a ee pan Stes "TO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE USE AS NOTED.

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L.K. ADDISON L.S. 1049 4

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1 – B-13 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator

Lebanon, VA 24266

               Meeting: 12/9/20         6:00 PM 

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for December 2020:


  1. Russell County CARES Fund Financial Summary…………………………………B-1

  2. RC Abstract of Votes……………………………………………………………………B-2

  3. VDOT Secondary System Construction Six-Year Plan……………………………B-3

  4. Honaker & Castlewood Canneries……………………………………………………B-4

  5. RC Planning Commission’s Comprehensive Plan…………………………………B-5


  1. Russell County “CARES” Business Grants………………………………………….B-6

  2. VDOT – Discontinuance of Rte. 671 and Rte. 678………………………………….B-7

  3. CARES Act Funding to Fast Track Broadband Projects Grant………………….B-8

  4. Litter Prevention & Recycling Grant………………………………………………….B-9

  5. RC Emergency Operations Center Generator Grant……………………B-10

  6. CPRHA Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Pittston Place & HUD Development……B-11

  7. RC BOS Annual Employee Turkey……………………………………………………B-12

  8. 2020 Holiday Leave Schedule.…………………………………………………………B-13

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011 Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1 - B-13

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 12/9/20 6:00 PM

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for December 2020:


  1. Russell County CARES Fund Financial Summary.

  2. RC Abstract of Votes…

  3. VDOT Secondary System Construction Six-Year Pla

  4. Honaker & Castlewood Canneries…

  5. RC Planning Commission’s Comprehensive Plan.


  1. Russell County “CARES” Business Grants.

  2. VDOT - Discontinuance of Rte. 671 and Rte. 678…

  3. CARES Act Funding to Fast Track Broadband Projects Grant

  4. Litter Prevention & Recycling Grant.

  5. RC Emergency Operations Center Generator Grant

  6. CPRHA Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Pittston Place & HUD Development…

  7. RC BOS Annual Employee Turkey.

  8. 2020 Holiday Leave Schedule…

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011


MARCH 1, 2020 - DECMEMBER 31, 2020
Compiled: November 2, 2020


Town’s CARES Fund (Transferred to Towns)
Town of Lebanon $533,027 Town of Honaker $241,694 Town of Cleveland $34,329 Town of Saint Paul $30,154 Town’s CARES Fund Totals $839,204

County Operational Expenses
Medical and Protective Supplies (masks, hand sanitizer stations & refills, and gloves, etc.) $214,652 Payroll for Public Personnel (Public personnel dedicatedto Covid-19 responses - EMS, Sheriffs Office, 911 Staff, County Staff, Disposal Staff, Janitorial Staff, etc.) $1,655,321 Voter Registrar’s Office (processing absentee ballots) $0 Health & Human Services $0 COVID-related Expenditures $7,500 Operational Expenses Totals $1,877,473

Public Facility Safety Modifications
Cleaning Supplies & Services (Hiring part-time staff; sanitizing meeting rooms, courts, and government facilities) $252,026 New Medical/Emergency Response Equipment $107,250 Decontamination Equipment $165,000 Safety Modifications to Public Buildings (Touchless Entry Systems, Plexiglass Screening, Air Filters, etc.) $33,655 Public Facility Safety Modifications Totals $557,931

Business Support & Recovery
Small Business Grant Program $260,000 PPE Kits for Businesses $0 Creation of Safe Public Spaces $227,000 Business Support & Recovery Totals $487,000

RUSSELL COUNTY “CARES” FUND ACCOUNT MARCH 1, 2020 - DECMEMBER 31, 2020 Compiled: November 2, 2020

Business Support & Recovery Totals

IRUSSELL COUNTY “CARES” RELIEF FUND TOTAL: $4,639,052 Town’s CARES Fund (Transferred to Towns)

[Town of Lebanon $533,027 [Town of Honaker $241,694 HTown of Cleveland $34,329 Town of Saint Paul $30,154 Town’s CARES Fund Totals $839,204 [County Operational Expenses

[Medical and Protective Supplies (masks, hand sanitizer stations & refills, and gloves, etc.) $214,652 Payroll for Public Personnel (Public personnel dedicatedto Covid-19 responses - EMS, Sheriffs Office, 911 Staff, County Staff,

Disposal Staff, Janitorial Staff, etc.) $1,655,321 Voter Registrar’s Office (processing absentee ballots) $0 Health & Human Services $0 |COVID-related Expenditures $7,500 [Operational Expenses Totals $1,877,473 Public Facility Safety Modifications

[Cleaning Supplies & Services (Hiring part-time staff; sanitizing meeting rooms, courts, and government facilities) $252,026 New Medical/Emergency Response Equipment $107,250 [Decontamination Equipment $165,000 safety Modifications to Public Buildings (Touchless Entry Systems, Plexiglass Screening, Air Filters, etc.) $33,655 Public Facility Safety Modifications Totals $557,931 Business Support & Recovery

Small Business Grant Program $260,000 PPE Kits for Businesses $0 Creation of Safe Public Spaces $227,000


Community Assistance Programs
Nonprofit Support & Community Partnerships (Food Pantries) $160,000 Housing/ Homelessness $0 Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squads (5 Rescue Squads & 8 Fire Squads) $415,000 Community Assistance Programs Totals $575,000

School System Response & Adaptation $125,000

Technology & Telework
Telework Equipment (remote meeting equipment, laptops, etc.) $52,896 Upgrade Financial Software (online bill paying) $22,000 WIFI Upgrade $0 Techology & Telwork Totals $74,896

Other Covid-19 Related Expenses
Local match on COVID expenditures $0 Regional Jail Expenses $0 Legal Expenses $14,250 Secure a Line of Credit $0 Other Covid-19 Related Expenses Totals $14,250

Broadband Projects
Extend Hot Spots $16,875 Broadband Projects Totals $16,875

CARES Funds as Grant Match
Plan to use CARES Funds to Leverage other Grant Programs $0 CARES Funds as Grant Match Totals $0

CARES Fund Account

Total CARES Expenditures To-Date (11/2/2020) $4,567,629

CARES Fund Balance: (11/2/2020) $71,423

Nonprofit Support & Community Partnerships (Food Pantries) Housing/ Homelessness Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squads (5 Rescue Squads & 8 Fire Squads)

Community Assistance Programs Totals

Telework Equipment (remote meeting equipment, laptops, etc.) Upgrade Financial Software (online bill paying)

WIFI Upgrade

Techology & Telwork Totals

Local match on COVID expenditures Regional Jail Expenses

Legal Expenses

Secure a Line of Credit

Other Covid-19 Related Expenses Totals

Extend Hot Spots Broadband Projects Totals

Plan to use CARES Funds to Leverage other Grant Programs CARES Funds as Grant Match Totals

Total CARES Expenditures To-Date (11/2/2020)

$160,000 $0 $415,000


$52,896 $22,000 $0



$0 $14,250





$0 $0


ICARES Fund Balance: (11/2/2020)



Cast in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA, at the 2020 November General Election held on November 03, 2020 for,

President and Vice President

NAMES OF CANDIDATES ON THE BALLOT TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FIGURES) Donald J. Trump = Republican - 10879) Joseph R. Biden - Democratic 2373 ‘Jo Jorgensen - Libertarian 116 Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications] 18 [Valid Write-Ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write In Votes] Total Numb: votes for Office 0

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 03, 2020, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the President and Vice President.

Given under our hands this_6th day of November 2020

, Chairman

, Vice Chairman

, Secretary


Cast in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA at the 2020 November General Election held on November 03, 2020 for,

Member United States Senate


(IN FIGURES) Daniel M. Gade - Republican - 962 |Mark R. Warner - Democratic 3288, ‘Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications] 3 [Valid Write-Ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write In Votes]

‘Total Number of Overvotes for Office 0

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 03, 2020, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the Member United States Senate.

Given under our hands this 6th day of _November 2020

Re & Cause , Chairman Ail A, SS, (ol? Vice Chairman

Dans S_-rttenhe , Secretary

Poe, f tert Secretary



Cast in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA at the 2020 November General Election held on November 03, 2020 for,

Member House of Representatives

District: 09. NAMES OF CANDIDATES ON THE BALLOT TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FIGURES) H. Morgan Griffith - Republican 11129 Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications) 409 [Valid Write-Ins + Invalid Write_it Total Write In Votes] Total Number of Overvotes for Office 0

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 03, 2020, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the Member House of Representatives.

Given under our hands this 6th day of November __, 2020

\wow t, Qroete . Chairman Lod ZL Sank , Vice Chairman

, Secretary

Berg ep Mier , Secretary


Cast in the Town of CLEVELAND in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA at the 2020 November General Election held on November 03, 2020 for,


District: CLEVELAND.


Jennifer Carter Chumbley : a 47

Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications} 0

[Valid Write-ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write in Votes}

Total Number of Overvotes for Office 0

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 03, 2020, do herby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes at the said election and do, therefore, determine and deciare that the following person(s) has received the greatest number of votes cast for the Mayor .

Jennifer Carter Chumbley.

Given under our hands this 6th day of November __, 2020

vos Coos Chairman ty 5

WEL Z/ hae . Vice Chairman

, Secretary & , Secretary


Cast in the Town of CLEVELAND in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA. at the 2020 November General Election held on November 03, 2020 for,

Member Town Council District: CLEVELAND


‘Linda | Couch

Jeremiah W. “Tiny” “Neal W.D. “Jake” Chumbley, III |Flora Couch “Judy” Farmer “Marcus A. Combs

Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications} [Valid Write-Ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write In Votes]

‘Total Number of Overvotes for Office




We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 03, 2020, do herby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes at the said election and do, therefore, determine and declare that the following person(s) has received the greatest

number of votes cast for the Member Town Council

A. Linda |. Couch 2, Jeremiah W, “Tiny” Neal “Jake” Chumbley

-4. Flora Couch “Judy” Farmer ombs

Given under our hands this 6th day of November


\hoou y, Quase

Haka. Les!

Bek: Yel


, Chairman , Vice Chairman,

, Secretary

, Secretary


Cast in the Town of HONAKER in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA at the 2020 November General Election held on November 03, 2020 for,

Member Town Council District: HONAKER


(IN FIGURES) Timothy Ryan Hart : : ee ee 342| Connie M, Harris 320 ‘Richard D. Vandyke 276 Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications) 18,

[Valid Write-Ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write In Votes] i Total Number of Overvotes for Office

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 03, 2020, do herby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes at the said election and do, therefore, determine and declare that the following person(s) has received the greatest number of votes cast for the Member Town Council .

4._Timothy Ryan Hart 2. Connie M. Harris 3. Richard D. Vandyke

Given under our hands this 6th day of November , 2020

Susur, Conve , Chairman Kz LLC kof , Vice Chairman Zoo 2 herd. , Secretary 0. MhorL , Secretary Ui



NOVEMBER 30, 2020

FY 20 / 21 & FY 21 / 22 Six Year Plans

Due to the impacts of the Corona Virus pandemic, the 6 Year Plan process did not occur as it normally does this

past spring for the FY 20 / 21 plan. However, we are now in position to move forward with the process.

VDOT’s goal is hold a public hearing for the plan in January 2021 for the FY 20 / 21 plan. At this time, we

anticipate the FY 21 / 22 plan to move forward as it normally would in the April – June 2021 time frame.

FY 20 / 21 Plan

Russell County’s allocation for the FY 20 / 21 plan was $177,658 allocated in FY 25/26. Based on the funds in

the allocation and desired turn-around time for the public hearing, the funds were added to the last project

currently on the plan, which is Lower Copper Creek, Route 678 (UPC 115384)

Thomas Warner Bridge / Route 679 (UPC 110904) Projects will be fully funded July 1, 2021 and scheduled for

construction in 2021. Tumbez Hollow / Route 679 (UPC 113035) is partially funded in 2021.

FY 21 / 22 Plan

At this time we do not know what the allocation to the County’s six year plan for FY 21 / 22 will be. However,

we do anticipate a return to the normal historical process this spring for the FY 21 / 22 plan with a public

hearing in May. Additional funds have previously been allocated to Tumbez Hollow for FY 21 / 22, but based on

the current estimate, the project would not be fully funded until FY 22 / 23.

The Board may want to consider dividing Tumbez Hollow into two phases. We will be revisiting the cost

estimates for the projects currently on the plan and adjusting as appropriate over the next few months. As part

of this effort we will look at the feasibility of dividing Tumbez into two logical phases.

Also through the next few months we will be reviewing the existing gravel roads in the County and propose

potential roads to be added as part of the FY 21 / 22 plan (funds would most likely not be available until the

last year of the plan). A workshop with County staff and the Board of Supervisors could also be scheduled to

review potential additions and select routes should be the Board desire to do so.

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight


NOVEMBER 30, 2020

‘EY 20 /21 & FY 21 / 22 Six Year Plans

Due to the impacts of the Corona Virus pandemic, the 6 Year Plan process did not occur as it normally does this past spring for the FY 20 / 21 plan. However, we are now in position to move forward with the process.

DOT’s goal is hold a public hearing for the plan in January 2021 for the FY 20 / 21 plan. At this time, we anticipate the FY 21 / 22 plan to move forward as it normally would in the April - June 2021 time frame.

FY 20/21 Plan

Russell County’s allocation for the FY 20 / 21 plan was $177,658 allocated in FY 25/26. Based on the funds in the allocation and desired turn-around time for the public hearing, the funds were added to the last project currently on the plan, which is Lower Copper Creek, Route 678 (UPC 115384)

‘Thomas Warner Bridge / Route 679 (UPC 110904) Projects will be fully funded July 1, 2021 and scheduled for construction in 2021. Tumbez Hollow / Route 679 (UPC 113035) is partially funded in 2021.

FY 21/22 Plan

‘At this time we do not know what the allocation to the County’s six year plan for FY 21 / 22 will be. However, we do anticipate a return to the normal historical process this spring for the FY 21 / 22 plan with a public hearing in May. Additional funds have previously been allocated to Tumbez Hollow for FY 21 / 22, but based on the current estimate, the project would not be fully funded until FY 22 /23.

The Board may want to consider dividing Tumbez Hollow into two phases. We will be revisiting the cost estimates for the projects currently on the plan and adjusting as appropriate over the next few months. As part of this effort we will look at the feasibility of dividing Tumbez into two logical phases.

‘Also through the next few months we will be reviewing the existing gravel roads in the County and propose potential roads to be added as part of the FY 21 / 22 plan (funds would most likely not be available until the last year of the plan). A workshop with County staff and the Board of Supervisors could also be scheduled to review potential additions and select routes should be the Board desire to do so.

Route Previous Additional Balance to

PPMS ID Funding Funding complete

Accomplishment Required

Type of Funds SSYP Funding 2021-22 2024-25

Type of Project Other Funding

Priority # Ad Date Total

Rt.9999 PE $0

Total $0 $1,430,769 ($1,430,769) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($1,430,769)

9999.99 0.0

Rt.0834 Jackie Dye Road PE $0

State forces/Hired

equip CN Only

End State Maint.

9999.99 0.7 8/1/2023

109170 0779083968 RW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

S Rte. 603 Total $160,000 $45,958 $89,042 $89,042 $0 $0 $0 $0

State forces/Hired

equip CN Only

End State Maint.

9999.99 0.3 8/1/2023

Rt.0679 Thomas Warner Bridge Rd PE $0

State forces/Hired

equip CN Only

Rte. 613

9999.99 1.5 8/25/2023


County: Russell County

Board Approval Date: 2020-21 through 2024-25


Project #


FROM 2020-21 2022-23 2023-24 2025-26



-11498 9999961463 RW $0 $837,834 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

NOT APPLICABLE District Closeout Balance Entry -


CON $0 $592,935 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$0 $0

109168 0834083967 RW $0 $260,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




RTE. 834 - Blade, Ditch and


CON $320,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

S Rte. 632 Total $190,000 $245,446 $74,554 $74,554 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Rt.0779 Davis Hankins Lane PE $0





RTE. 779 - Blade, Ditch and


CON $160,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$0 $0

110904 0679083P72 RW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Rte. 679 (Thomas Warner Bridge

Rd) Rural Rustic.

CON $585,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

1.50 Miles West Rte. 613 Total $585,000 $0 $575,000 $263,240 $321,760 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Page 1 of 2

Tracy Highlight

istic rita County: Rusa County Board Agpoal Dato

2100 21 gh 2004.25

roa aa TTT Te ay OTT TTT Se PeMS 10 Proc Funding Funsog complete ecomplshnant —— |Desergton Ragared TypestFunas ——frnow SYP Fura zocor | zoarze | aocz2s | anosae | zozezs | 526 Panty lena One Tosa) 7 1408 seonacrecs Aw so} sears | | | sal 0 norAPpucaste foie closeout saline ety | con so] seen | | sf sl Py Tora so srasozeo] 1430760 | x x sal so (s1490,760)

00 90 oo oa [se Dye Roa 7 3 toatsa osstacseer Aw so 250} | | si sal ey state re 24- la, Dien ans con s220.0 | | | sl so FORCESHIED —[Suracosret EQUIPMENT s fod er srassil — s7asil | | sal ey ey 9998.99 lor 2023 roe lpaveraae ane 7 3 soat70 orrenesece Aw si | sf | | sal 2 state ire. 779- lose, Dien ans con s1e0.009 | | | sf sal * EQUIPMENT s rt. 602 Tora s1¢0.000 1598 sept] see x x sal so ey Sato frcstited fend State Maint S00 99 ps 2009 ae [nas Warner Brago Ra FE ay *y0p08 osrscese72 Aw za | | | sf sal * STATE rt. 679 trams Warner Srage | CON 58500 | | x sal so FORCESHIRED [Re Rural to EQUIPMENT

1 50 oe West e619 | sa] ssrso00] —szeaz00] —saz.700 | sal ey 0

Page 1 of 2

State forces/Hired

equip CN Only


9999.99 0.9 10/11/2024

State forces/Hired

equip CN Only

1.3 Mi. S. Rte. 609

9999.99 1.3 12/27/2024

State forces/Hired

equip CN Only

1 Mi. E. Rte. 606

9999.99 1.0 12/16/2025

Rt.0679 Tumbez Hollow Rd. PE $0

113035 0679083976 RW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Rte. 679 (Tumbez Hollow Rd)

Rural Rustic

CON $595,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$0613 Total $595,000 $0 $595,000 $0 $115,415 $413,879 $65,706 $0 $0

Rt.0606 Blanch Davis PE $0

115383 0606083979 RW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Rte. 606 - Blade, Ditch and pave CON $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Rte. 609 Total $595,000 $0 $595,000 $0 $0 $0 $322,767 $272,233 $0 $0

Rt.0678 Lower Copper Creek PE $0

115384 0678083980 RW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Rte. 678 - Blade, DItch and pave CON $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Rte. 606 Total $582,658 $0 $582,658 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $116,240 $466,418

CON $0 $0

Total $0

$0$0 $0 $0 $0


$0 $0 $0 $0

$0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0




Next Priority - TBD Next Priority - TBD RW $0

Page 2 of 2

Prose [ronbes Holow Pe | 112008 locrenenere Aw 3 | | | so ey state ri. 7 TurberHotownay — | cow ss5000 | | si sal ey EQUIPMENT

eis Tors $595 000 $505 000 so] siisate]— saraere] 565,06 0 0 satetorestived —_ feow toabee leo rov2024 Fae jaan os 7 ay 5080 ocosaesero Aw «| | | sd sal so state ri. 08 Bade, och andpave | con 80000 | | so so ey

od Tous $585.00 $505,000 | | sof sszzze7]— szraz00 * Sato frcectitos 1.9m SR. 609 iaooe he vazn008 Foe [aver Copper oar 7 a ‘soe osreoesse0 Aw sf | | | sal ey STATE ri. 678 Bade, Otenandpave | CON 200 on] | x x sal 0 FORCESHIRED EQUIPMENT

sos Tort $582.65 522659 | x | so] 115.200 0 1 oo FE Nex Prany-7a0 |Next Ponty. 180 Aw | | x so 0

cow | | sd sal * Tota | | | | «| 0 0

Page 2 of 2

VIII - 1



A. Goals

In the previous chapter the Russell County Planning Commission inventoried and

familiarized themselves with the economic, physical, and social elements of Russell County. In so

doing, the Commission became familiar with the locational features in the County which

contribute to its potential for growth and development. The Commission was also enabled to

identify the barriers to growth, natural and manmade, which hinder the county from being able to

achieve all that it desires for its citizens.

The Commission discovered that others in the past have engaged in a process of

“visioning” in order to provide citizen advice to county leaders. The conclusions from those efforts

are included in this plan as advice and guidance for future use by the county.

Russell County Development Group

In 2007 a group called the Russell County Development Group, LLC was formed and

tasked to prepare an Action Plan primarily to prepare Russell County for the economic, physical,

and social impacts from two High-Technology firms (CGI & Northrup Grumman) locating in the

Town of Lebanon.

The Group prepared a document called the Regional Preparedness Action Plan. The plan

covers twenty-two (22) subject matters which are prioritized into 5 groupings.

Tier 1 Priority-Taking Immediate Actionable Steps-Subjects related directly to the

implementation of the overall Plan and subjects that have the necessary resources most readily

available in order to implement individually:

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight


In the previous chapter the Russell County Planning Commission inventoried and familiarized themselves with the economic, physical, and social elements of Russell County. In so doing, the Commission became familiar with the locational features in the County which contribute to its potential for growth and development. The Commission was also enabled to identify the barriers to growth, natural and manmade, which hinder the county from being able to achieve all that it desires for its citizens.

The Commission discovered that others in the past have engaged in a process of “visioning” in order to provide citizen advice to county leaders. The conclusions from those efforts are included in this plan as advice and guidance for future use by the county.

Russell County Development Group

In 2007 a group called the Russell County Development Group, LLC was formed and tasked to prepare an Action Plan primarily to prepare Russell County for the economic, physical, and social impacts from two High-Technology firms (CGI & Northrup Grumman) locating in the Town of Lebanon.

The Group prepared a document called the Regional Preparedness Action Plan. The plan covers twenty-two (22) subject matters which are prioritized into 5 groupings.

Tier_1 Priority-Taking Immediate Actionable Steps-Subjects related directly to the

implementation of the overall Plan and subjects that have the necessary resources most readily

available in order to implement individually:


VIII - 2

Subject No.1:

Process (for implementing the Plan)

Subject No.2: Geographic and Political Boundaries (mapping & data)

Subject No. 3: Census Statistics (data)

Subject No. 5: Economic Impact Analysis (to assist the planning process)

Tier 2 Priority-Accommodating Urgent Growth Needs-Subjects related to urgent physical shortages but need additional resources and/or longer-term planning and approvals.

Subject No. 4: Citizen Participation (preparing for growth and change)

Subject No. 8: Land Use (effectively accommodating growth patterns)

Subject No. 12: Market Rate Housing (one new job=one new household)

Subject No. 13: Child Care (providing choices)

Subject No. 20: Wellness, Fitness, & Recreation (amenities for well-being)

Tier 3 Priority-Facilitating Growth-Subjects related to on-going initiatives and improvements to continue meeting growth needs and sustainability.

Subject No. 6: Information & Communications Technology (continuing the momentum)

Subject No. 10: Main Street Initiatives (New Ruralism)

Subject No 14: Hotels & Lodging (space for travelers)

Subject No. 15: Health Care (increasing & improving levels of service and

Tier 4 Priority-Continuing to Meet Needs -Subjects related to more in-depth strategies and

heavily dependent upon prior Tier Groups.

Subject No. 17: Infrastructure (heavily reliant upon comprehensive planning)
Subject No. 18: Education (heavily reliant upon housing, planning, statistics)

Subject No. 19: Food & Beverage Establishments (heavily reliant upon Economic

Subject No.1: Subject No.2: Subject No. 3:

Subject No. 5:

Process (for implementing the Plan) Geographic and Political Boundaries (mapping & data)

Census Statistics (data)

Economic Impact Analysis (to assist the planning process)

Tier 2 Priority-Accommodating Urgent Growth Needs-Subjects related to urgent physical

shortages but need additional resources and/or longer-term planning and approvals.

Subject No. 4: Subject No. 8:

Subject No. 12: Subject No. 13:

Subject No. 20:

Citizen Participation (preparing for growth and change)

Land Use (effectively accommodating growth patterns) Market Rate Housing (one new job=one new household)

Child Care (providing choices)

Wellness, Fitness, & Recreation (amenities for well-being)

Tier_3_Priority-Facilitating Growth-Subjects related to on-going initiatives and improvements to continue meeting growth needs and sustainability.

Subject No. 6:

Subject No. 10:

Subject No 14:

Subject No. 15:

Information _& Communications Technology (continuing the momentum) Main Street Initiatives (New Ruralism)

Hotels & Lodging (space for travelers)

Health Care (increasing & improving levels of service and accessibility)

Tier 4 Priority-Continuing to Meet Needs -Subjects related to more in-depth strategies and

heavily dependent upon prior Tier Groups.

Subject No. 17: Subject No. 18:

Subject No. 19:

Infrastructure (heavily reliant upon comprehensive planning) Education (heavily reliant upon housing, planning, statistics)

Food & Beverage Establishments (heavily reliant upon Economic


VIII - 3

Impact Analysis)

Tier 5 Priority-Transitioning to the 2027 Plan -Subjects related to long-term planning as the economic, social, and physical environments change.

Subject No. 7: Finance & Enticements (identifying the funding sources)

Subject No. 9: Social Issues (old kids + new kids = us kids)

Subject No. 11:

Transportation Issues (thoughtful planning)

Subject No. 16:

Entertainment & Leisure (things to do, places to see)

Subject No. 21: New Business Development (recruitment & Economic Gardening)

Subject No. 22: Branding (telling the story)
Russell County Library Board Five Year Plan 2017 to 2022

The Russell County Library Board has a vision of the Library being the heart of our

community, a hub for information, education, and resources serving all citizens of Russell County.

The Russell County Public Library cultivates a community of lifelong learners through reading,

digital connectivity, access to information resources, and programming. To achieve this mission

of the Library, the following goals are set forth:

  1. Drive Early Childhood Literacy in our communities

  2. Offer computer technology & opportunities for digital learning

  3. Provide enrichment activities for youth to prevent educational losses during the summer

  4. Deliver opportunities to learn skills and gain knowledge at any age

  5. Develop and implement a technology strategic plan for the maintenance, replacement,

and improvement of the library’s technology.

  1. Seek additional funding sources through grants

Impact Analysis)

Tier 5 Priority-Transitioning to the 2027 Plan -Subjects related to long-term planning as the economic, social, and physical environments change.

Subject No. 7: Finance & Enticements (identifying the funding sources)

Subject No. 9: Social Issues (old kids + new kids = us kids)

Subject No. 11 Transportation Issues (thoughtful planning)

Subject No. 16: Entertainment & Leisure (things to do, places to see) Subject No. 21 New Business Development (recruitment & Economic Gardening) Subject No. 22 Branding (telling the story)

Russ unty Library Board



VIII - 4

  1. Create and deploy a marketing plan to increase awareness of library programs and


  1. Create a more comfortable and creative physical environment in the main library

  2. Design and implement an annual assessment plan to determine how best to serve the

Russell County citizenry

**For more in depth information, refer to the complete Russell County Public Library’s

Five Year Plan**

The Russell County Library has sponsored a visioning process for several years to obtain

information to be included in the Library Boards Strategic Plan for current and future programs.

The following Goals and Objectives are from that Plan:

Community Vision 2008

  1. Seniors will have stimulating activities.

  2. Seniors will have appropriate housing, transportation, recreation, and health care.

  3. Low income families will have access to diverse activities at low/no cost.

  4. Low motivated students have alternatives to ensure they complete school. (All students are

motivated to learn.)

  1. Preschool children will have diverse and stimulating activities.
  2. Children will have adequate care available-preschool/after-school/summer [childcare!]

The Russell Library-has da fe at Jota f Juded-in-the-Libi wd fi The follow 1 bjecti hat Ph s ¥ s C ity Vision 2008 1 . cet 2 1Ehi jate hi health PPFOP! transp I 3. L fami tthe sto-di , 4. L d-students-h i " Mm 5. Preschool children will have d 6. ‘hikdren-will-have-ad 4 leq Pi 4

VI - 4

VIII - 5

  1. Children and teens will have opportunities for and access to the arts, culture, and our


  1. Children will be exposed to literature through programs like the Imagination Library.

  2. All adults will have a variety of job opportunities (support for manufacturing, agriculture

and mining.)

  1. All adults will have access to higher education.

  2. All citizens will have fitness and recreation opportunities.

  3. All citizens will appreciate our natural beauty by recycling, litter control, clean air and


  1. All citizens will have multicultural activities to expand diversity.

  2. All citizens will have outlets like restaurants/theaters/bowling alley for activity and


  1. All will have access to technology infrastructure.

The Russell County Planning Commission

The Planning Commission developed the following goals and objectives, as a guide for the

specific actions and strategies for the development of Russell County that will be discussed in the

next chapter of this Comprehensive Development Plan.

  1. Provide a suitable living environment for the current and future residents of Russell County.

  2. Encourage the wise use of the natural resources located in the County.

  3. Encourage the wise use of agricultural lands for their local economic impact, attractive

landscape, and place in the county’s heritage.

7 Child: d ill_have-opportunities for-and " 1 m

8 =hildren-will-b dol hrough like the Imagination Libt

. (pos p :

9 adults-willty jety of job i k factiti !

job-opp: PP ;

and mining)

  1. Albadults-will have aecess-to higher educe rm Ihave fi ml

i s PP

  1. Albes HLappreei beauty b- Jing clean airand awater,

1B. Alle 1s Jtieultural pand-di

  1. AW 1h ets tik heaters-bowling alley_-f " socialization.

  2. Alwils pnolowy intra

The Russ ‘ounty Planning Com: mn

The Planning Commission developed the following goals and objectives, as a guide for the specific actions and strategies for the development of Russell County that will be discussed in the next chapter of this Comprehensive Development Plan.

  1. Provide a suitable living environment for the current and future residents of Russell County,

  2. Encourage the wise use of the natural resources located in the County.

  3. Encourage the wise use of agricultural lands for their local economic impact, attractive

landscape, and place in the county’s heritage.


VIII - 6

  1. Encourage the development of decent, safe, and sanitary housing that will meet current and

future demand.

  1. Encourage the availability of housing to meet Russell County incomes, demographic

attributes and ages.

  1. Provide for orderly development consistent with good land-use practices.

  2. Encourage the general quality of life consistent with a diverse economic base with

opportunities for all residents.

  1. Promote development that will recognize the beauty of the County’s natural areas and

sustain a balance between man-made and natural ecology.

B. Objectives

The objectives of the Russell County Comprehensive Development Plan are presented by

subject category. Objectives are designed to be attainable. There attainment will relate to the

fulfillment of a stated general goal. The objectives listed below are not necessarily presented in

the order of their importance.

Agricultural and Natural Resource Objectives

Agriculture and coal have historically been the dominant factors determining settlement

patterns of the county. These resources still play an important role in the economic and social

activity in the county. Their impact is of lesser importance now than in the past. However, the

importance of Russell County’s natural resources, agriculture, coal, timber, gas, water, wildlife,

limestone, and landscape cannot be overstated.




Encourage the development of decent, safe, and sanitary housing that will meet current and future demand,

Encourage the availability of housing to meet Russell County incomes, demographic attributes and ages.

Provide for orderly development consistent with good land-use practices.

Encourage the general quality of life consistent with a diverse economic base with opportunities for all residents.

Promote development that will recognize the beauty of the County’s natural areas and sustain a balance between man-made and natural ecology.


The objectives of the Russell County Comprehensive Development Plan are presented by

subject category. Objectives are designed to be attainable. There attainment will relate to the

fulfillment of a stated general goal. The objectives listed below are not necessarily presented in

the order of their importance.

Agricultural and Natural Resource Objectives

Agriculture and coal have historically been the dominant factors determining settlement

patterns of the county. These resources still play an important role in the economic and social

activity in the county. Their impact is of lesser importance now than in the past. However, the

importance of Russell County’s natural resources, agriculture, coal, timber, gas, water, wildlife,

limestone, and landscape cannot be overstated.


VIII - 7

It is necessary to understand that the development of Natural Resources have been

important to the history of Russell County and they will be just as important to the county’s future.

The Objectives for Agriculture and Natural Resources are:

• Protect productive agricultural land from encroachment by residential, commercial,

industrial, and recreational developments.

• Encourage the development of residential, commercial, and industrial uses on marginal

agricultural lands.

• Encourage the use of best management practices that curtail soil erosion and protect surface

and ground water supplies.

• Encourage the establishment of programs that identify and preserve valuable lands from

alternative uses.

• Encourage the development of enterprises that add value to existing ag production and

promote diversification into additional agriculture businesses.

Commercial Objectives

The best description of commercial activity in Russell County would be that the market

responded to the demand. Company stores with an inventory of general merchandise were located

adjacent to company mines. General stores were also located within farming communities. That

trend has changed somewhat. The community of Dante and the towns of Cleveland and Honaker

all experienced a decrease in commercial activity due to the loss of employment in company mines

and the growth of commercial activity in Lebanon and adjoining areas.

It is necessary to understand that the development of Natural Resources have been

important to the history of Russell County and they will be just

important to the county’s future.

The Objectives for Agriculture and Natural Resources are:

Protect productive agricultural land from encroachment by residential, commercial,

industrial, and recreational developments.

  • Encourage the development of residential, commercial, and industrial uses on marginal agricultural lands.

  • Encourage the use of best management practices that curtail soil erosion and protect surface and ground water supplies.

  • Encourage the establishment of programs that identify and preserve valuable lands from

alternative uses.

  • Encourage the development of enterprises that add value to existing ag production and promote diversification into additional agriculture businesses. Commercial Objectives The best description of commercial activity in Russell County would be that the market responded to the demand. Company stores with an inventory of general merchandise were located adjacent to company mines. General stores were also located within farming communities. That trend has changed somewhat. The community of Dante and the towns of Cleveland and Honaker all experienced a decrease in commercial activity due to the loss of employment in company mines

and the growth of commercial activity in Lebanon and adjoining areas.

VIL -7

VIII - 8

The commercial activity in the county with the exception of Lebanon appears to be

gravitating towards major highway intersections and along major thoroughfares. Russell County’s

objectives for commercial development are:

The commercial activity in the county with the exception of Lebanon appears to be gravitating towards major highway intersections and along major thoroughfares. Russell County’s

objectives for commercial development are:


VIII - 9

To encourage the development of commercial enterprises in the Towns and other places

that provide municipal water and sewer.

• To encourage the development of commercial enterprises consistent with the counties

natural and man-made features.

• To encourage the development of commercial centers to meet the needs of existing and

future populations of the county and adjoining areas.

• To encourage the development of commercial enterprises in or adjacent to the areas which

they primarily serve.

• To work with the Towns of Lebanon, Honaker, and Cleveland encouraging them to

maximize their commercial potential.

• To encourage commercial developments with limited access to adjacent through fares.

• To consider the feasibility and implementation of a county business license.

Industrial Objectives

Manufacturing has been the single dominant source of employment in Russell County for

the past thirty years. When you combine mining, construction, and public utilities with

manufacturing to create the industrial category, the impact is approximately 50 percent of the jobs

in the County. In order to maintain the broad employment base in the County, the Comprehensive

Development Plan emphasizes continued development of the industrial sector. Russell County’s

objectives for industrial development are:

To encourage the development of commercial enterprises in the Towns and other places that provide municipal water and sewer.

  • To encourage the development of commercial enterprises consistent with the counties natural and man-made features.

  • To encourage the development of commercial centers to meet the needs of existing and future populations of the county and adjoining areas.

  • To encourage the development of commercial enterprises in or adjacent to the areas which they primarily serve.

  • To work with the Towns of Lebanon, Honaker, and Cleveland encouraging them to

maximize their commercial potential.

  • To encourage commercial developments with limited access to adjacent through fares.

Industrial Objectives

Manufacturing has been the single dominant source of employment in Russell County for the past thirty years. When you combine mining, construction, and public utilities with manufacturing to create the industrial category, the impact is approximately 50 percent of the jobs in the County. In order to maintain the broad employment base in the County, the Comprehensive Development Plan emphasizes continued development of the industrial sector. Russell County’s

objectives for industrial development are:


VIII - 10

• To continue to diversify the industrial base of employment.

• To identify lands for industrial development that will have a minimal adverse impact on

residential, agricultural, and natural resource development.

• To protect existing and future industrial lands from non-industrial related activities.

• To encourage the establishment of Industrial Parks with suitable infrastructure and

adequate services.

To encourage maintenance of Industrial Parks and sites that are attractive, safe, and


• To encourage working with neighboring jurisdictions to jointly develop industrial parks

and share in the tax receipts from industrial clients.

Residential Objectives

In most counties residential development is the single most intensive use of developed land

in rural areas. As family size decreases and the county becomes more prosperous, the demand for

land for residential use will surpass the demand for any other use. The demand is relentless and

predictable. The Russell County objectives for residential development are:

• To encourage the construction of energy efficient housing.

• To encourage the construction of housing for the elderly.

• To encourage the construction of housing for middle income residents.

• To continue to address the need for housing with indoor plumbing.

  • To continue to diversify the industrial base of employment.
  • To identify lands for industrial development that will have a minimal adverse impact on residential, agricultural, and natural resource development.
  • To protect existing and future industrial lands from non-industrial related activities.
  • To encourage the establishment of Industrial Parks with suitable infrastructure and adequate services. To encourage maintenance of Industrial Parks and sites that are attractive, safe, and accessible.
  • To encourage working with neighboring jurisdictions to jointly develop industrial parks

and share in the tax receipts from industrial clients.

In most counties residential development is the single most intensive use of developed land in rural areas. As family size decreases and the county becomes more prosperous, the demand for land for residential use will surpass the demand for any other use. The demand is relentless and

predictable. The Russell County objectives for residential development are:

  • To encourage the construction of energy efficient housing.

. To encourage the construction of housing for the elderly.

  • To encourage the construction of housing for middle income residents.
  • Tocontinue to address the need for housing with indoor plumbing.

VII - 10

VIII - 11

• To encourage residential development in or near the Towns of Lebanon, Honaker,

Cleveland and St. Paul.

• To encourage residential development where water, sewer, roads are available.

• To encourage multifamily developments where water, sewer, streets are available.

• To encourage developers to employ best management practices during and after


• To encourage the development of affordable rental housing.

• To encourage the recycling of mobile homes when being replaced by manufactured homes.

To encourage the permanent placement of manufactured homes.

To encourage the development of mobile home parks that are serviced by public facilities

and that are maintained in a decent, safe, and sanitary manner.

Community Facilities and Services Objectives

Both public and private sectors provide services to county residents that will be discussed

in this section of the plan. Specifically, the subjects will include public water supply and

distribution, sewage systems, health facilities and services, social services, mental health facilities

and services, recreation facilities and services, fire, lifesaving, and police services, transportation

facility and services, telecommunication facilities and services and library facilities and services.

The relationships between these services are strong and definite even though they are discussed

. To encourage residential development in or near the Towns of Lebanon, Honaker,

Cleveland and St. Paul

  • To encourage residential development where water, sewer, roads are available.

  • To encourage multifamily developments where water, sewer, streets are available.

  • To encourage developers to employ best management practices during and after construction.

  • Toencourage the recycling of mobile homes when being replaced by manufactured homes.

To encourage the permanent placement of manufactured homes.

To encourage the development of mobile home parks that are serviced by public facilities

and that are maintained in a decent, safe, and sanitary manner.

Community Facil

Both public and private sectors provide services to county residents that will be discussed in this section of the plan, Specifically, the subjects will include public water supply and distribution, sewage systems, health facilities and services, social services, mental health facilities and services, recreation facilities and services, fire, lifesaving, and police services, transportation facility and services, telecommunication facilities and services and library facilities and services.

The relationships between these services are strong and definite even though they are discussed

VII- 11

VIII - 12

separately in this document. The intent is to efficiently and economically plan these activities to

maximize benefits for present and future residents at the safest and most convenient locations.

Russell County’s objectives for community facilities and services are:

• To encourage the provision of essential services and facilities (water, sewer, fire, lifesaving,

etc.) in the approval of commercial, residential, and recreational developments.

• To require the provision of vital services such as water, sewer, telecommunication and

other utilities be incorporated into plans for industrial developments.

• To encourage the location of public facilities that serve large populations, such as hospitals,

schools, libraries, health clinics, solid waste convenience stations, near the intersection of

major highways.

• To encourage the location of compatible community services such as libraries, fire and

lifesaving, and other governmental services into a cluster.

To acquire sites for planned facilities in advance of need.

By subject area the Plan sets the following objectives:

Education Facilities and Services Objectives

• Long term educational facility planning should include members of the Town Councils as

well as representatives from adjoining counties.

• Planning for the short-term should include representatives from Russell County business

and industry.

• The school system should continue to support a comprehensive program to reduce the

number of people in the workforce without a high school diploma.

separately in this document. The intent is to efficiently and economically plan these activities to maximize benefits for present and future residents at the safest and most convenient locations.

Russell County’s objectives for community facilities and services are:

  • Toencourage the provision of essential services and facilities (water, sewer, fire, lifesaving,

etc.) in the approval of commercial, residential, and recreational developments.

  • To require the provision of vital services such as water, sewer, telecommunication and other utilities be incorporated into plans for industrial developments.

  • Toencourage the location of public facilities that serve large populations, such as hospitals, schools, libraries, health clinics, solid waste convenience stations, near the intersection of major highways.

. To encourage the location of compatible community services such as libraries, fire and lifesaving, and other governmental services into a cluster.

To acquire sites for planned facilities in advance of need.

By subject area the Plan sets the following objectives

Education Facilities and Services Objectives

  • Long term educational facility planning should include members of the Town Councils as

well as representatives from adjoining counties.

: Planning for the short-term should include representatives from Russell County business and industry. : The school system should continue to support a comprehensive program to reduce the

number of people in the workforce without a high school diploma.

VII - 12

VIII - 13

• To encourage vocational education, to meet current and future workforce demands and

encourage counselors to assist in stressing these career options.

Fire, Life Saving and Police Protection Objectives

• Fire, lifesaving, and police protection is an essential public service that needs to be

emphasized especially in the areas of the county with more dense populations.

• These essential public services must be recognized with the financial support and

leadership they require.

Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Objectives

• The county should continue its policy of seeking the most economical and reliable means

of providing this service to its citizens.

• The county should expand its litter control programs to include abandoned cars and mobile


Resource recovery and other alternative uses of solid waste should be studied and programs

Fire, Life Saving and Police Protection Objectives

  • Fire, lifesaving, and police protection is an essential public service that needs to be emphasized especially in the areas of the county with more dense populations,

  • These essential public services must be recognized with the financial support and leadership they require.

Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Objectives

  • The county should continue its policy of seeking the most economical and reliable means of providing this service to its citizens.

  • The county should expand its litter control programs to include abandoned cars and mobile homes.

Resource recovery and other alternative uses of solid waste should be studied and programs

VIII - 13

IX - 2

implemented where determined to be economically and socially feasible.

Public Water and Sewer Objectives

• The county should continue to pursue the consolidation of these services into a single entity

so that everyone in the county pays the same rate for the service received.

• The county should continue to work with adjoining jurisdictions to obtain potable water at

the most feasible price for its citizens.

• The county should continue to implement the most economical alternatives for the provision

of water and sewer services as recommended in the 604 (b) study.

• The county should restudy the recommendations for the provision of sewer services in the

604 (b) study and the Southwestern Virginia Regional Sewer study to determine if alternative

methods of sewage collection and treatment are more economically feasible.

Transportation Objectives

Transportation planning is vital to any community and should be an integral part of

countrywide comprehensive planning. The transportation system should seek to safely and

efficiently move people and goods within and through the county. The county also needs to address

the need to provide safe and convenient access to specific neighborhoods and sites as well as to

collector streets and arterial roadways. The Russell County objectives for transportation are:

• To encourage the approval of plans that minimize through traffic in residential areas.

• To encourage the provision of limited access roads to serve residential areas, parks,

industrial, and commercial centers.

• To preserve productive agricultural areas within the County by requiring new highways to

be routed along existing rights-of-way.

implemented where determined to be economically and socially feasible.

Public Water and Sewer Objectives

  • The county should continue to pursue the consolidation of these services into a single entity so that everyone in the county pays the same rate for the service received.

. The county should continue to work with adjoining jurisdictions to obtain potable water at the most feasible price for its citizens.

. The county should continue to implement the most economical alternatives for the provision of water and sewer services as recommended in the 604 (b) study.

. The county should restudy the recommendations for the provision of sewer services in the 604 (b) study and the Southwestern Virginia Regional Sewer study to determine if alternative methods of sewage collection and treatment are more economically feasible.

Transportation Objectiv Transportation planning is vital to any community and should be an integral part of

countrywide comprehensive planning. The transportation system should seek to safely and

efficiently move people and goods within and through the county. The county also needs to address the need to provide safe and convenient access to specific neighborhoods and sites as well as to collector streets and arterial roadways. The Russell County objectives for transportation are:

  • To encourage the approval of plans that minimize through traffic in residential areas.

  • To encourage the provision of limited access roads to serve residential areas, parks, industrial, and commercial centers.

  • To preserve productive agricultural areas within the County by requiring new highways to

be routed along existing rights-of-way.


IX - 3

• To anticipate where obvious the need to widen highways and require the building line (set

back) be established accordingly.

To require that subdivisions be designed in consideration of existing and future street alignments.

Historic Preservation Objectives

The preservation of historic sites and structures is an important and, in some cases vital to a

county’s development. Sites and structures of historic importance are ignored and lost as a county

develops. This plan deems the preservation of historic and archaeological sites to be important and

recommends the following objectives:

• To encourage the preservation of all sites of historic and/or archaeological significance.

• To encourage and promote a continuation of the identification and cataloging of known

historic and archaeologic sites for preservation and restoration consistent with the Virginia

Department of Historic Resources guidelines.

• To encourage and promote the active use of historically important sites.

To anticipate where obvious the need to widen highways and require the building line (set

back) be established accordingly.

To require that subdivisions be designed in consideration of existing and future street alignments.

The preservation of historic sites and structures is an important and, in some cases vital to a county’s development. Sites and structures of historic importance are ignored and lost as a county develops. This plan deems the preservation of historic and archaeological sites to be important and recommends the following objectives:

To encourage the preservation of all sites of historic and/or archaeological significance.

To encourage and promote a continuation of the identification and cataloging of known historic and archaeologic sites for preservation and restoration consistent with the Virginia

Department of Historic Resources guidelines.

To encourage and promote the active use of historically important sites.


IX - 4



A. Introduction

This chapter should be recognized as the Comprehensive Development Plan (Plan) for

Russell County. The recommendations contained herein have been developed from the review of

previous studies conducted in the County and from information developed while preparing this


The intent of the Plan is that it be used as a guide by builders, developers, and decision-

makers in the County and State regarding the future development of Russell County. It is a blend of

market trends, land suitability, and the ability of the County to provide basic community services.

This Plan should guide development decisions that promote and enhance orderly growth and the

efficient delivery of services.

B. Findings

Russell County has been recovering the past 25 years from the demise of employment in the

coal industry and agriculture. The economic base is being rebuilt through a continuing emphasis on

infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, natural gas, fiber optics), regional partnerships, and the expansion

of jobs in the services sector of employment.

The completion of the four-laning of U. S. 19 and U. S. Alt. 58 has had a tremendous impact

on the County’s economy. The completion of the four-laning of U. S. 460 through Buchanan County

and the connections of U. S. 19 to the east with I-77, to the south with I-81, and U. S. Alt. 58 to the

Tracy Highlight

AL Introduction

This chapter should be recognized as the Comprehensive Development Plan (Plan) for Russell County. The recommendations contained herein have been developed from the review of previous studies conducted in the County and from information developed while preparing this document.

The intent of the Plan is that it be used as a guide by builders, developers, and decision- makers in the County and State regarding the future development of Russell County. It is a blend of market trends, land suitability, and the ability of the County to provide basic community services. This Plan should guide development decisions that promote and enhance orderly growth and the efficient delivery of services.

B, Findings

Russell County has been recovering the past 25 years from the demise of employment in the coal industry and agriculture. The economic base is being rebuilt through a continuing emphasis on infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, natural gas, fiber optics), regional partnerships, and the expansion of jobs in the services sector of employment.

The completion of the four-laning of U. S. 19 and U. S. Alt. 58 has had a tremendous impact ‘on the County’s economy. The completion of the four-laning of U. S. 460 through Buchanan County

and the connections of U. S. 19 to the east with I-77, to the south with I-81, and U. S. Alt. 58 to the


IX - 5

north with I-26 (via U. S. 23) provides transportation connections not to be overlooked as the County

plans for its economic future.

When the County removes from intense development land with 20 percent and greater

slope, land with karst topography, land with permitted coal mines and permitted natural gas well

sites, it becomes very important for the County to look at its remaining land as a valuable resource

necessary to be managed for the use of future generations.

The County also needs to be concerned about the future of the AEP gas coal-fired power

plant located in the Carbo community between the Town of Cleveland and the Town of St. Paul in

neighboring Wise County, Virginia. The concern is the age of the structure and its economic

viability in today’s regulatory environment.

An encouraging sign are the stimulants for development that are on the horizon in the

County. These are the interest in the County to develop its tourism potential; the expansion

construction of the fiber-optic backbone through the County; and the consolidation of water and

sewer providers in the County into one entity. The county should encourage development of

alternative energy.

The County has the potential for a bright future; however, to achieve its potential the County

must continue to be proactive in its decision-making while cognizant of the impacts on future events.

The recommendations contained herein are intended for that purpose.

C. Population

A full discussion of population dynamics will be forthcoming when the 2010 Census

information is available. However, the recommendations contained in this Plan are pro-growth and

their implementation will lead to modest growth over the next twenty years.

north with 1-26 (via U. S. 23) provides transportation connections not to be overlooked as the County

plans for its economic future.

When the County removes from intense development land with 20 percent and greater slope, land with karst topography, land with permitted coal mines and permitted natural gas well sites, it becomes very important for the County to look at its remaining land as a valuable resource necessary to be managed for the use of future generations.

The County also needs to be concerned about the future of the AEP gas coal-fired power plant located in the Carbo community between the Town of Cleveland and the Town of St. Paul in neighboring Wise County, Virginia. The concern is the age of the structure and its economic viability in today’s regulatory environment.

An encouraging sign are the stimulants for development that are on the horizon in the County. These are the interest in the County to develop its tourism potential; the expansion

construction of the fiber-optic backbone through the County; and the consolidation of water and

sewer providers in the County into one eniy. _THe/S6uhiy SGU GReSU A CVIGpRRGAE SE

‘The County has the potential for a bright future; however, to achieve its potential the County must continue to be proactive in its decision-making while cognizant of the impacts on future events.

The recommendations contained herein are intended for that purpose.

C. Population A full discussion of population dynamics will be forthcoming when the 2010 Census information is available. However, the recommendations contained in this Plan are pro-growth and

their implementation will lead to modest growth over the next twenty years.


IX - 6

The growth in population in the County is dependent upon continuing growth in the services

sector of employment, continuing to replace those jobs lost in the manufacturing sector, continuing

to add jobs in the technology sector, and attracting former residents and retirees to move into the


Where the people will live in the County is dependent upon the implementation of some of

the recommendations contained in this Plan. In the near-term people will continue to locate

randomly along the U. S. 19 corridor from Hansonville to the Tazewell County line, and in or

adjacent to the Town of Lebanon. A major reason for that is the amount of land already subdivided

but vacant along this corridor. In the long term, growth should occur in Rosedale, Hansonville,

Castlewood and Lebanon. Redevelopment will have to take place in Honaker and Cleveland before

these two towns will see the impact of growth.

D. Land-Use

The following are logical extensions of the goals and objectives as stated in the previous

Chapter. The County should look at the Hansonville area as a special opportunity zone for business

and industry. The same holds true for Rosedale except that a lot of development (some vacant and

some dilapidated) has taken place in Rosedale. A full complement of services (water, sewer, natural

gas and fiber-optics broadband) should be provided for these areas. In addition, the corridor from

Old Castle Whites Quarry to the Town of St. Paul along U.S. Alt. 58 should be given special

attention because it is in a karst area. Water services and fiber-optic broadband are already in place

but sewer and natural gas should be provided as soon as practical.

A significant land-use problem in the County is the abundance of junk yards. They are

everywhere - in residential developments, on farms, in towns, adjacent to streams, and along the

The growth in population in the County is dependent upon continuing growth in the services sector of employment, continuing to replace those jobs lost in the manufacturing sector, continuing to add jobs in the technology sector, and attracting former residents and retirees to move into the County.

Where the people will live in the County is dependent upon the implementation of some of the recommendations contained in this Plan, In the near-term people will continue to locate randomly along the U. S, 19 corridor from Hansonville to the Tazewell County line, and in or adjacent to the Town of Lebanon. A major reason for that is the amount of land already subdivided but vacant along this corridor. In the long term, growth should occur in Rosedale, Hansonville, Castlewood and Lebanon. Redevelopment will have to take place in Honaker and Cleveland before these two towns will see the impact of growth,

D. —_ Land-Use

The following are logical extensions of the goals and objectives as stated in the previous Chapter. The County should look at the Hansonville area as a special opportunity zone for business and industry. The same holds true for Rosedale except that a lot of development (some vacant and some dilapidated) has taken place in Rosedale, A full complement of services (water, sewer, natural gas and fiber-optics broadband) should be provided for these areas. In addition, the corridor from Old Castle Whites-Quarry to the Town of St. Paul along U.S. Alt. 58 should be given special attention because it is in a karst area. Water services and fiber-optic broadband are already in place but sewer and natural gas should be provided as soon as practical.

A significant land-use problem in the County is the abundance of junk yards. They are

everywhere - in residential developments, on farms, in towns, adjacent to streams, and along the


IX - 7

road rights-of-way. The next significant land-use issue is that of abandoned and/or dilapidated

mobile homes, and a final significant land-use issue is the number of residential developments on

sub- standard privately maintained roads.

Some of these issues can be addressed by the adoption of a Zoning Ordinance and revision

of the County’s Subdivision Ordinance. Others can be addressed by the establishment of a program

to clean up non-commercial junk yards and abandoned mobile homes. The County should use the

VDOT Rural Additions Program where possible to bring substandard subdivision streets up to


road rights-of-way. The next significant land-use issue is that of abandoned and/or dilapidated mobile homes, and a final significant land-use issue is the number of residential developments on

sub- standard privately maintained roads.

Some ofthese issues ean be addressed by the adoption of a Zoning Ordinance and revision of the County’s Subdivision Ordinance. Others can be addressed by the establishment of a program to clean up non-commercial junk yards and abandoned mobile homes. The County should use the VDOT Rural Additions Program where possible to bring substandard subdivision streets up to



IX - 8

Specifically, this Plan recommends the

preparation and adoption of a County-wide Zoning Ordinance; the modification of the County’s

recycling program to include inoperable vehicles, abandoned mobile homes, school buses, trucks,

and other abandoned machinery; and an amendment to the County Subdivision Ordinance to allow

subdivisions of land where a new street or road is involved, only when provisions have been made

for the construction and maintenance of safe road and street travel.

The County has a significant amount of land that is already in ownership of the Nature

Conservancy to protect the ecosystem adjacent to the Clinch River. The County should encourage

the use of the Land Trust and Conservation easement programs to protect the Clinch River

Watershed, the Big Moccasin Creek Watershed as well as the Big Cedar Creek Watershed. These

programs will allow the land to stay in private ownership while protecting a valuable asset of the


Specifically, this Plan recommends the preparation and adoption of a County-wide Zoning Ordinance; the modification of the County’s recycling program to include inoperable vehicles, abandoned mobile homes, school buses, trucks, and other abandoned machinery; and an amendment to the County Subdivision Ordinance to allow subdivisions of land where a new street or road is involved, only when provisions have been made for the construction and maintenance of safe road and street travel.

The County has a significant amount of land that is already in ownership of the Nature Conservancy to protect the ecosystem adjacent to the Clinch River. The County should encourage the use of the Land Trust and Conservation easement programs to protect the Clinch River Watershed, the Big Moccasin Creek Watershed as well as the Big Cedar Creek Watershed. These programs will allow the land to stay in private ownership while protecting a valuable asset of the



IX - 9

E. Commercial

Russell County has been undergoing a transition from a manufacturing and mining based

economy to an economy that is more diversified. This transition will include an economy based on

manufacturing, agriculture, technology, mining, services, and tourism. In order to continue this

economic movement, the County needs to accomplish the following:

• Continue to work with the Towns of Cleveland, Honaker, and Lebanon and neighboring

Counties to secure a cost-effective supply of potable water;

• Continue to work toward a uniform water and sewer rate for all Russell County residents;

• Review (Russell County Public Service Authority) of The Southwest Virginia Regional

Wastewater Study to determine if some of the recommendations relative to Russell County

might be more cost effectively served with alternative technology sewer systems;

• The County should continue to participate with the Arrowhead Authority to identify multi-

use trails in the county for inclusion in their proposed development;

• Continue to support the efforts of the Towns of Honaker, Lebanon and Cleveland to revitalize

E, Commercial Russell County has been undergoing a transition from a manufacturing and mining based economy to an economy that is more diversified. This transition will include an economy based on manufacturing, agriculture, technology, mining, services, and tourism, In order to continue this economic movement, the County needs to accomplish the following:

  • Continue to work with the Towns of Cleveland, Honaker, and Lebanon and neighboring Counties to secure a cost-effective supply of potable water;

  • Continue to work toward a uniform water and sewer rate for all Russell County residents;

  • Review (Russell County Public Service Authority) of The Southwest Virginia Regional Wastewater Study to determine if some of the recommendations relative to Russell County might be more cost effectively served with alternative technology sewer systems;

  • The County should continue to participate with the Arrowhead Authority to identify multi- use trails in the county for inclusion in their proposed development;

. Continue to support the efforts of the Towns of Honaker, Lebanon and Cleveland to revitalize


IX - 10

their business districts;

• Continue to support the efforts by Members of the Virginia General Assembly to acquire

property and establish a State Park in the vicinity of the Town of Cleveland;

• Seek funding for the development of a Russell County Telecommunication Plan. Such a plan

would establish policy for the provision of fiber-optic and wireless broadband services

throughout the County;

• The County should then be an active participant in seeking funding for the construction of

the telecommunication network identified in the Telecommunication Plan;

• The County (Board of Supervisors) should continue to support efforts to establish a the Wellness

Center for the benefit of all Russell County citizens;

• The County (Board of Supervisors; Industrial Development Authority) should encourage a

feasibility study for the distribution of natural gas to the special opportunity areas identified

in this plan;

• The County should work with the Regional Housing Authority to determine if redevelopment

zones are viable for the county;

F. Industrial

Manufacturing has been and hopefully will continue to be an important part of the Russell

County economy into the future. Most manufacturing operations remaining competitive in today’s

market place must do so with technological improvements. The County has made tremendous

improvements in its ability to attract high-tech employment with the addition of CGI, Northrup

their business districts;

  • Continue to support the efforts by Members of the Virginia General Assembly to acquire property and establish a State Park in the vicinity of the Town of Cleveland;

  • Seek funding for the development ofa Russell County Telecommunication Plan, Such a plan would establish policy for the provision of fiber-optic and wireless broadband services throughout the County;

  • The County should then be an active participant in seeking funding for the construction of the telecommunication network identified in the Telecommunication Plan;

. The County (Board of Supervisors) should continue to support efforts-to-establish-a the Wellness

Center for the benefit of all Russell County citizens;

  • The County (Board of Supervisors; Industrial Development Authority) should encourage a feasibility study for the distribution of natural gas to the special opportunity areas identified in this plan;

  • The County should work with the Regional Housing Authority to determine if redevelopment

zones are viable for the county;

F Industri:

Manufacturing has been and hopefully will continue to be an important part of the Russell County economy into the future. Most manufacturing operations remaining competitive in today’s market place must do so with technological improvements. The County has made tremendous

improvements in its ability to attract high-tech employment with the addition of CGI, Northrup


IX - 11

Grumman, AT & T and the establishment of the Southwest Virginia Technology Development

Center at the new Russell County Governmental Center.

The following actions are recommended for the County to maintain its momentum of Industrial


• The County should continue to develop plans for a Wellness Center;

• The County (Industrial Development Authority) should continue to seek options on land for

future business and industrial development;

• The County should work with The Town of Honaker and Cleveland to redevelop their

economic centers.

Russell County IDA – Industrial Conclusions

• The county should seek to hire Economic Development Staff to promote individual and

commercial expansion.

• The county should reach out to surrounding counties in the development of shared-revenue

regional economic development projects.

• The county should create an entrepreneurial and small capital loan program for smaller

commercial and economic development projects.

• The county should consider zoning of commercial and industrial areas in the county.

Grumman, AT & T and the establishment of the Southwest Virginia Technology Development Center at the new Russell County Governmental Center. The following actions are recommended for the County to maintain its momentum of Industrial


ot b a

ide develop plans fora Wellness C PP 3

‘The County (Industrial Development Authority) should continue to seek options on land for

future business and industrial development;

The County should work with The Town of Honaker and Cleveland to redevelop their

economic centers.


IX - 12

• The County should work to see that Hansonville, Rosedale, Belfast Mills and Castlewood

are all provided with water, sewer, natural gas, fiber-optic, and safe access so they can

develop as future economic centers;

• The County (Board of Supervisors; Industrial Development Authority) should look at the

possibilities available under the Virginia Industrial Facilities Authority Act to purchase and

develop land for future industrial or business use;

• The County should encourage the Industrial Development Authority to study the viability of

redevelopment zones for the County;

• The County should seek to locate industries that manufacture equipment needed for the

production of energy conservation products;

• The County should encourage the location and/or expansion of food processing companies into

the area.;

• The County should work with VDOT to examine the feasibility of extending Route 82 from

Cleveland through Carbo to the intersection with Route 63 at Hamlin.

G. Residential

An complete updated analysis of housing in Russell County will be completed when the 2010

2020 Census information is available. The recommendations contained herein are based on the

information generated during the 2009 survey of structural conditions conducted by the consultants

to the Planning Commission. The following actions are recommended by the County to deal with

the housing issues identified.

  • The County should work to sce that Hansonville, Rosedale, Belfast Mills and Castlewood are all provided with water, sewer, natural gas, fiber-optic, and safe access so they can develop as future economic centers;

  • The County (Board of Supervisors; Industrial Development Authority) should look at the possibilities available under the Virginia Industrial Facilities Authority Act to purchase and develop land for future industrial or business use;

  • The County should encourage the Industrial Development Authority to study the viability of redevelopment zones for the County:

  • The County should seek to locate industries that manufacture equipment needed for the

production of energy conservation products;

  • The County should encourage the location and/or expansion of food processing companies into the area.;

  • The County should work with VDOT to examine the feasibility of extending Route 82 from

Cleveland through Carbo to the intersection with Route 63 at Hamlin. G. Residential An complete updated analysis of housing in Russell County will be completed when the 2040 2020 Census information is available. The recommendations contained herein are based on the information generated during the 2009 survey of structural conditions conducted by the consultants to the Planning Commission. The following actions are recommended by the County to deal with

the housing issues identified.


IX - 13

• The County should continue to support efforts by all the towns to rehabilitate substandard

homes for those who are income eligible;

The County should continue to support efforts by all the towns to rehabilitate substandard

homes for those who are income eligible;


• The County should continue to support programs by the State and Federal government that

address the housing issues (energy and safety) of low- and moderate-income residents.

• The County should adopt a policy of always having a neighborhood housing rehabilitation

project being either implemented or being studied;

• The County should continue to recruit business and industry that pay more than the minimum


• The County should continue to support the

program to extend water lines to low- and

moderate-income neighborhoods;

• The County should encourage a

continuation of the program to provide grant

and loan assistance for first time home


• The County should encourage the construction of housing units for the elderly as well as for

those with disabling conditions;

• The County has approved plats for the subdivision of land for approximately 26% more land

than has been developed. Ideally, it is in the County’s best interest that any land subdivided

for residential use be developed within three (3) years of approval;

• The County has much land in subdivisions with privately maintained streets that are unsafe

for fire and rescue vehicles to travel. The County needs to determine the number of miles of

privately maintained unpaved streets that exist in the County (with assistance from the

The County should continue to support programs by the State and Federal government that address the housing issues (energy and safety) of low- and moderate-income residents.

The County should adopt a policy of always having a neighborhood housing rehabilitation project being either implemented or being studied;

The County should continue to recruit business and industry that pay more than the minimum, wage;

The County should continue to support the program to extend water lines to low- and moderate-income neighborhoods;

The County should encourage a continuation of the program to provide grant and loan assistance for first time home


The County should encourage the construction of housing units for the elderly as well as for those with disabling conditions;

‘The County has approved plats for the subdivision of land for approximately 26% more land than has been developed. Ideally, it is in the County’s best interest that any land subdivided for residential use be developed within three (3) years of approval;

‘The County has much land in subdivisions with privately maintained streets that are unsafe for fire and rescue vehicles to travel. The County needs to determine the number of miles of

privately maintained unpaved streets that exist in the County (with assistance from the

IX - 10
Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission), and should then develop a plan to bring

them up to VDOT standards or that are safe for emergency vehicles;

• The County should request that the Cumberland Plateau Regional Housing Authority conduct

a Housing Study to determine the housing needs for Russell County (and other members of


Housing Authority) for the next twenty (20) years;

• The County should encourage the Regional Housing Authority to adopt an affordable dwelling

unit policy;

H. Transportation

Transportation has been the single most important factor in the development of Russell

County in the past, and that importance will continue into the future. In the past, the construction of

railroads made it possible to export coal, timber, and cattle from the County. Currently,

improvements to U.S. Alt. 58 and U.S. 19 have made it possible for people and commerce to move

in and through the County in unprecedented ways. The following actions are recommended to keep

the County up-to-date with transportation issues:

• The County should work with County neighbors to get State Route 91 paved and improved

from Midway in Tazewell County to Broadford in Smyth County. It should be noted that

Route 91 is the only unpaved primary road in Virginia;

• The County should seek funding for improving the access to the quarry located adjacent to

Big Moccasin Creek in the western end of the county;

IX-10 Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission), and should then develop a plan to bring

them up to VDOT standards or that are safe for emergency vehicles; ‘The County should request that the Cumberland Plateau Regional Housing Authority conduct a Housing Study to determine the housing needs for Russell County (and other members of the

Housing Authority) for the next twenty (20) years;

The County should encourage the Regional Housing Authority to adopt an affordable dwelling

unit policy;


Transportation has been the single most important factor in the development of Russell

County in the past, and that importance will continue into the future. In the past, the construction of

railroads made it possible to export coal, timber, and cattle from the County. Currently,

improvements to U.S. Alt. 58 and U.S. 19 have made it possible for people and commerce to move

in and through the County in unprecedented ways. The following actions are recommended to keep

the County up-to-date with transportation issues:

The County should work with County neighbors to get State Route 91 paved and improved from Midway in Tazewell County to Broadford in Smyth County. It should be noted that Route 91 is the only unpaved primary road in Virginia;

The County should seek funding for improving the access to the quarry located adjacent to

Big Moccasin Creek in the western end of the county;

• The County should prioritize funding for paving the road to the solid waste transfer station;

IX - 11
• The County should work with Smyth and Washington Counties to get State Route 80

improved from U. S. 19 south to the top of Clinch Mountain;

• The County should continue to seek funding to four-lane Rt. 80 from Rosedale to Honaker;

• Century Farms Road – Road is a safety concern due to increased traffic to landfill and recent

accidents. County and Towns disposal trucks use route along with County residents. Road

too narrow and needs widening. Century Farms Road, Route 667, widening from Route 747

to Route 668.

• US Route 19 – Road is a safety concern and the proposed VDOT project will increase the

super elevation of the eastbound direction of US 19 approximately 1,900 feet west of SR 80

to meet VDOT’s minimum standards. The south side of the roadway will be kept constant

while the north side will be lowered to achieve the required super elevation through the

horizontal curve. Roadway improvements will occur in the median for a length of

approximately 1,600 feet and will include a 6-foot paved shoulder with rumble strips.

• US Route 58 at Sundown Drive – Road is a safety concern and the proposed VDOT project

involves extending the turn lanes at US 58 at Sundown Drive to meet VDOT’s minimum

standards. The eastbound left and westbound right-turn lanes will be extended to 200 feet

storage and 200 feet taper. The eastbound left-turn land will have a paved 4 foot inside

shoulder and the westbound right-turn lane will have a paved 8 foot outside shoulder. ROW

acquisition will be required for the westbound right-turn land due to the required cross-slope

to accommodate the turn lane and shoulder.

Thee should prioritize fundi

IX-11 The County should work with Smyth and Washington Counties to get State Route 80

improved from U. S. 19 south to the top of Clinch Mountain;

The County should continue to seek funding to four-lane Rt. 80 from Rosedale to Honaker;

Century Farms Road ~ Road is a safety concern due to increased traffic to landfill and recent accidents. County and Towns disposal trucks use route along with County residents. Road too narrow and needs widening. Century Farms Road, Route 667, widening from Route 747 to Route 668.

US Route 19 — Road is a safety concer and the proposed VDOT project will increase the super elevation of the eastbound direction of US 19 approximately 1,900 feet west of SR 80 to meet VDOT’s minimum standards. The south side of the roadway will be kept constant while the north side will be lowered to achieve the required super elevation through the horizontal curve. Roadway improvements will occur in the median for a length of approximately 1,600 feet and will include a 6-foot paved shoulder with rumble strips.

US Route 58 at Sundown Drive — Road is a safety concern and the proposed VDOT project involves extending the turn lanes at US 58 at Sundown Drive to meet VDOT’s minimum standards. The eastbound left and westbound right-turn lanes will be extended to 200 feet storage and 200 feet taper. The eastbound left-turn land will have a paved 4 foot inside shoulder and the westbound right-turn lane will have a paved 8 foot outside shoulder. ROW acquisition will be required for the westbound right-turn land due to the required cross-slope

to accommodate the turn lane and shoulder.

• The County should continue to work with the Four County Transit Authority to provide

transportation services for work, college, medical care, and shopping;

• The County should request the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission to conduct

a study of the unpaved subdivision streets in Russell County, and develop a set of alternatives

for solving the problems identified, including the costs; including the costs;

The County should continue to work with the Four County Transit Authority to provide transportation services for work, college, medical care, and shopping;

The County should request the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission to conduct a study of the unpaved subdivision streets in Russell County, and develop a set of alternatives

for solving the problems identified, including the costs; including the costs;

• The County should encourage and support the preparation of development plans for the

special opportunity areas;

• The County should work with Buchanan County to gain support for improvements to State

Route 80 that will include bike lanes on each side of the highway for access to the Breaks

Interstate Park;

• The County should continue to work with and support the Arrowhead Authority currently

seeking to build a multi-use trail system from Cumberland Gap to the West Virginia state line;

• The County should work with Tazewell and Washington Counties to encourage

improvements to the General Aviation Airports in each County, including upgrading them

to All- Weather status with at least a 5,000 foot-runway;

• The County should work with VDOT to examine the feasibility of designating secondary

Route 615 to primary Route 82 from the Town of Cleveland to the intersection with State

Route 63 at Hamlin.

• Alternate Rt. 58 is one of eleven (11) corridors of statewide significance in the Commonwealth,

if managed properly by Russell County it will be an economic asset. If allowed

to develop as a “main-street” that investment will become a liability to the

county and state.

The County should encourage and support the preparation of development plans for the

special opportunity areas;

The County should work with Buchanan County to gain support for improvements to State

Route 80 that will include bike lanes on each side of the highway for access to the Breaks

Interstate Park; The County should continue to work with and support the Arrowhead Authority currently

seeking to build a multi-use trail system from Cumberland Gap to the West Virginia state line;

The County should work with Tazewell and Washington Counties to encourage improvements to the General Aviation Airports in each County, including upgrading them to All- Weather status with at least a 5,000 foot-runway;

The County should work with VDOT to examine the feasibility of designating secondary Route 615 to primary Route 82 from the Town of Cleveland to the intersection with State

Route 63 at Hamlin.

Altemate Rt. 58 is one of eleven (11) corridors of statewide significance in the Commonwealth,

if managed properly by Russell County it will be an economic asset. If allowed to develop as a “main-street” that investment will become a liability to the

county and state.

I. Public Facilities

Capital expenditures are an important part of any governmental operation as is the

efficient and cost-effective delivery of essential services. The degree to which a local

government applies itself to service delivery and the effective maintenance of

equipment and structures will define that local government. It will become a reflection

of that government in the larger community. The recommendations contained in this

Plan are intended to prepare Russell County to compete for jobs and to compare

favorably with any County in Virginia on quality of life issues.

• The County should continue to enhance preparing a plan and program for wellness

services in the County;

• The County should continue to encourage its legislative delegation to purchase the land

necessary to establish a State Park in the vicinity of the Town of Cleveland;

• The County should encourage the Towns of Cleveland and Honaker to pursue funding

for redevelopment of their business districts;


Capital expenditures are an important part of any governmental operation as is the efficient and cost-effective delivery of essential services. The degree to which a local government applies itself to service delivery and the effective maintenance of equipment and structures will define that local government. It will become a reflection of that government in the larger community. The recommendations contained in this Plan are intended to prepare Russell County to compete for jobs and to compare

favorably with any County in Virginia on quality of life issues.

The County should continue to enhance preparing-a-plan-and-program-for wellness

services in the County;

The County should continue to encourage its legislative delegation to purchase the land

necessary to establish a State Park in the vicinity of the Town of Cleveland;

Thee ould encourage the Towns of Cleveland and Honak fandi

• The County should promote development and expansion pursue funding of a

Telecommunications Plan for the provision of fiber- optic high-speed broadband

services throughout the entire County. The

Telecommunications Plan should also include universal access;

• The County should work with Wise County to improve library services for Castlewood

and Dante and continue to improve the facilities in the Town of Cleveland;

• The County should continue to implement the recommendations in the 604(b) study

for the provision of potable water throughout the County;

• The County should continue to work with the Virginia Department of Historic

Resources for recognition on the National Register of Historic Places cataloged in the

Russell County survey;

• The County should request the School Board to develop a plan for construction of a walking

path around the periphery of the properties at Castlewood High School and Honaker Elementary


• The County should update its plan for the provision of Fire and Rescue services to determine

if they are adequately funded with equipment and staff;

• The County should request that support the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens in prepare a feasibility study for the provision of elder care services in the County;

• The Russell County School Board should continue conversations with the Wise County

School Board to investigate cooperative educational opportunities and a possible

partnership between the Castlewood and St. Paul school systems, including the

corresponding financial impacts;

The County should promote development and expansion pursue—finding of a Telecommunications Plan for the provision of fiber- optic high-speed broadband

services throughout the entire County. The

Telecommunications Plan should also include universal access;

Thec hould-work-with Wi js Jibs ices for Castlewood

The County should continue to implement the recommendations in the 604(b) study for the provision of potable water throughout the County;

The County should continue to work with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources for recognition on the National Register of Historic Places cataloged in the Russell County survey;

The County should request the School Board to develop a plan for construction of a walking

path around the periphery of the properties at Castlewood High School and Honaker Elementary


The County should update its plan for the provision of Fire and Rescue services to determine

if they are adequately funded with equipment and staff;

The County should request-that support the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens in prepare -a feasibility study for the provision of elder care services in the County;

• The County should complete the installation of an Information Technology (IT)

division that will include internet access to the Geographic Information System (GIS)

services for the three towns, and for the constitutional offices;

• The County should continue to incorporate into this Plan the recommendations for

Russell County contained in the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for future


The County should review all previous studies for the provision of wastewater

services in the County to determine where alternative sewer technologies

might be more cost-effective and feasible;

• The County should appoint a committee to take a look at the need and desirability for the

Purchase of Development Rights program for the preservation of Agricultural and Forest Land;.

• The County should encourage the Towns of Cleveland and Honaker to seek part-time town

manager assistance either through the Cumberland Plateau Planning District

Commission or the private sector;

• The County should encourage the Planning Commission to prepare a Capital

Improvement program for consideration by the Board of Supervisors;

• The County should continue its efforts to bring the animal shelter into compliance with

state standards;

• The County should actively support the formation of a voluntary organization to aid in

the humane treatment of captured animals;

+h should Jete_the_installation-of_an_Information Fechnol as

“Informe 5 4S;

The County should continue to incorporate into this Plan the recommendations for Russell County contained in the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for future consideration.

The County should review all previous studies for the provision of wastewater

services in the County to determine where alternative sewer technologies

might be more cost-effective and feasible;

‘The County should appoint a committee to take a look at the need and desirability for the

Purchase of Development Rights program for the preservation of Agricultural and Forest Land.

The County should encourage the Towns of Cleveland and Honaker to seek part-time town

manager assistance either through the Cumberland Plateau Planning. District Commission or the private sector; The County should encourage the Planning Commission to prepare a Capital

Improvement program for consideration by the Board of Supervisors;

Th should-c Aforts-to-bring the animal-shel compliance-with Th houkdactivel he formation of a-volunte ange aid : PP ro

• The County should use the creation of the Wellness Center as a stimulant to establish a

countywide recreation program.

. The County should use the creation of the Wellness Center as a stimulant to establish a

countywide recreation program.

IDA Awarded $5,000 each 10 Applications $50,000

Gerald Sharp dba Gerald Sharp PC., 1114 E. Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 Jordan Smith & Tyler Castle dba Next Fitness Club LLC., 1806 E. Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Preston Ball dba Preston Ball Photography, 155 Grandville Meadows Dr., Lebanon, VA 24266 Robert Weatherly dba Lebanon Physical Therapy & Rehab. Services 272 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA
Robin Fields dba Robin’s Nest, 23271 US Hwy 19, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 Thomas Luke Stillwell dba Luke Stillwell Optometrist PC., 1050 Regional Park Rd. Lebanon, VA 24266 Thomas Luke Stillwell dba Mountain View Rental Properties LLC., 7831 Mountain Rd. Cedar Bluff, VA
Tim Ball dba Tim Ball Farming, Inc., 245 Oak Circle Dr. Rosedale, VA 24280 Vincent J. Gilmer dba Vincent’s Vineyard 2313 E. Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

Russell County BOS Awarded $5,000 each 14 Applications $60,000

Bailey Engineering, P.O. Box 155, Rosedale, VA 24280 Barbara’s His & Hers Salon, 10 Memorial Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224 Clatterbuck Pavement Markings, Inc., 3280 Cleveland Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225 Quality Paving Inc., P.O. Box 88, Swords Creek, VA 24649 Dirt Daubers, 2977 High Point Rd., Castlewood, VA 24224 Flower Country, 6 Memorial Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224 J & J Trash Waste Management, Rosedale, VA 24280 Rexanna’s Family Hair Care, 465 Swords Creek Rd., Honaker, VA 24260 Honaker Florist LLC, 429 South Railroad Ave., Honaker, VA 24260 Honaker Wholesale LLC., 435 South Railroad Ave., Honaker, VA 24260 Lonesome Pine Brewing Co., 15 East Main Street, Lebanon, VA 24266 Something Special, 11668 US Highway 19, Lebanon, VA 24266 Swords Creek Cut & Style, 7336 Swords Creek Rd. Swords Creek, VA 24649 Wright Way Cleaning, 62 Woosley St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Gerald Sharp dba Gerald Sharp PC., 1114 E. Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

Jordan Smith & Tyler Castle dba Next Fitness Club LLC., 1806 E. Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Preston Ball dba Preston Ball Photography, 155 Grandville Meadows Dr., Lebanon, VA 24266

Robert Weatherly dba Lebanon Physical Therapy & Rehab. Services 272 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA

Robin Fields dba Robin’s Nest, 23271 US Hwy 19, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609

Thomas Luke Stillwell dba Luke Stillwell Optometrist PC., 1050 Regional Park Rd. Lebanon, VA 24266

Thomas Luke Stillwell dba Mountain View Rental Properties LLC., 7831 Mountain Rd. Cedar Bluff, VA

Tim Ball da Tim Ball Farming, Inc., 245 Oak Circle Dr. Rosedale, VA 24280

Vincent J. Gilmer dba Vincent’s Vineyard 2313 E. Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

Bailey Engineering, P.O. Box 155, Rosedale, VA 24280

Barbara’s His & Hers Salon, 10 Memorial Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224

Clatterbuck Pavement Markings, Inc., 3280 Cleveland Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225

Quality Paving Inc., P.O. Box 88, Swords Creek, VA 24649

Dirt Daubers, 2977 High Point Rd., Castlewood, VA 24224

Flower Country, 6 Memorial Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224

J &J Trash Waste Management, Rosedale, VA 24280

Rexanna’s Family Hair Care, 465 Swords Creek Rd., Honaker, VA 24260

Honaker Florist LLC, 429 South Railroad Ave., Honaker, VA 24260

Honaker Wholesale LLC., 435 South Railroad Ave., Honaker, VA 24260

Lonesome Pine Brewing Co., 15 East Main Street, Lebanon, VA 24266

Something Special, 11668 US Highway 19, Lebanon, VA 24266

‘Swords Creek Cut & Style, 7336 Swords Creek Rd. Swords Creek, VA 24649

‘Wright Way Cleaning, 62 Woosley St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Rescue Squads Awarded $35,000 each $175,000 Castlewood Rescue Squad
Cleveland Life Saving Crew Dante Rescue Squad Lebanon Lifesaving Crew New Garden Rescue Squad

Fire Departments Awarded $30,000 each $240,000 Dante Fire Department
Honaker Vol. Fire Dept. Lebanon Vol. Fire Dept. Belfast-Rosedale Fire Dept. Cleveland Vol. Fire Dept. Copper Creek Moccasin Fire St. Paul Fire and Rescue Castlewood Fire Department

Food Ministry Awarded Awarded $22,000 each $110,000

Roger E. Jessee Woody Scott 762-7812, 623-3484 Word of Victory Rod Wicker 701-2511 Elk Garden Brooke Atchley 540-599-4071 Barbara Parker 971-6724 Star Ministry Amanda Thomas 276-451-1172 Splash Ministry Carolyn Puckett 991-6044

Castlewood Rescue Squad Cleveland Life Saving Crew Dante Rescue Squad Lebanon Lifesaving Crew New Garden Rescue Squad

Dante Fire Department

e Dept. Lebanon Vol. Fire Dept. Belfast-Rosedale Fire Dept. Cleveland Vol. Fire Dept. Copper Creek Moccasin Fire St. Paul Fire and Rescue Castlewood Fire Department

Honaker V

Roger E. Jessee Woody Scott ‘762-7812, 623-3484

Word of Victory Rod Wicker 701-2511

Elk Garden Brooke Atchley 540-599-4071 Barbara Parker 971-6724 Star Ministry ‘Amanda Thomas 276-451-1172

Splash Ministry Carolyn Puckett 991-6044

Town of Lebanon $5,000 each 33 Applications $165,000

Amber Franks dba Pat’s Kountry Diner Debbie Smith dba Debbie’s Hair Gabriella Range dba The Local James Range dba Crossfit Beartown Janet McGlothlin dba Top Line Advertising Jefferson Steffey dba J & V’s Corner Diner Jodi Campbell dba The Veritas Nurturing Center Kathern J. Moore dba Perfect Petals Kayla Goff Moran dba RKT Hair Studio Mark Smith dba Shug’s Place Mary Rasnake dba Mary & Company Rebecca Rose dba Wild Rose Hair Becky’s Cut & Style-Becky Gilbert Jimmy’s Detailing-Jimmy Honaker Kegley Service Center, Inc.-Betty Kegley The Artist’s Loft-Edward Young Randi’s Glamour Connection-Randi Sykes Street Drug Corp.-Jared Street Melody Acres Farm-Vincent Gilmer Pizza Town-Marisa Graziano Appalachian Meats-Victoria Gent John Stanley Attorney At Law Clark Print Shop-Devin Clark El Campesino-Fernando Onate Designs by JLeigh-Jamie Bradley Nextdoor Drug, PC-Jackie Hackney & Nicole Lawson Best Life Physical Therapy, Inc.,- Kaitlin Dodi-Monk Salon Platinum-Justin Gobble The Lebanon News-Jerry Lark Extol Corp Inc-Larry & Wanda Hughes Woodz-N-Waterz Taxidermy-Joshua Ward Fields Restaurants, LLC-Tim Fields

Tokyo Japanese Restaurant-Wei Kang Hau

Tracy Highlight

‘Amber Franks dba Pat’s Kountry Diner

Debbie Smith dba Debbie’s Hair

Gabriella Range dba The Local

James Range dba Crossfit Beartown

Janet McGlothlin dba Top Line Advertising

Jefferson Steffey dba J & V’s Corner Diner

Jodi Campbell dha The Veritas Nurturing Center

Kathern J. Moore dba Perfect Petals

Kayla Goff Moran dba RKT Hair Studio

Mark Smith dba Shug’s Place

Mary Rasnake dba Mary & Company

Rebecca Rose dba Wild Rose Hair

Becky’s Cut & Style-Becky Gilbert

Jimmy’s Detailing-Jimmy Honaker

Kegley Service Center, Inc.-Betty Kegley

‘The Artist’s Loft-Edward Young

Randi’s Glamour Connection-Randi Sykes

Street Drug Corp.-lared Street

Melody Acres Farm-Vincent Gilmer

Pizza Town-Marisa Graziano

‘Appalachian Meats-Victoria Gent

John Stanley Attorney At Law

Clark Print Shop-Devin Clark

El Campesino-Fernando Onate

Designs by JLeigh-Jamie Bradley

Nextdoor Drug, PC-Jackie Hackney & Nicole Lawson

Best Life Physical Therapy, Inc.,- Kaitlin Dodi-Monk

‘Salon Platinum-Justin Gobble

The Lebanon News-Jerry Lark

‘Woodz-N-Waterz Taxidermy-Joshua Ward

Fields Restaurants, LLC-Tim Fields

Tokyo Japanese Restaurant-Wei Kang Hau

Town of Honaker $5,000 each 12 Applications $60,000

Diane Fuller dba Honey Bea’s Café, 392 South Railroad Honaker, VA 24260 Mariano Romano, K & M Romano Inc. dba Momma Mia, 412 Putnam Rd., Honaker, VA 24260 Modern Chevrolet Sales, 5600 Redbud Hwy, Honaker, VA 24260 T’s Country Store and Feed, 5888 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260 DR Price The Farmers Table Tiger Stop McFaddin & Associates Honaker Tobacco Outlet Honaker Animal Health Barnhart Chiropractic Whitt Insurance Agency

Diane Fuller dba Honey Bea’s Café, 392 South Railroad Honaker, VA 24260

Mariano Romano, K & M Romano Inc. dba Momma Mia, 412 Putnam Rd., Honaker, VA 24260

Modern Chevrolet Sales, 5600 Redbud Hwy, Honaker, VA 24260

T’s Country Store and Feed, 5888 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260

DR Price

The Farmers Table

Tiger Stop

McFaddin & Associates

Honaker Tobacco Outlet

Honaker Animal Health

Barnhart Chiropractic

Whitt Insurance Agency

Russell County BOS Awarded $5,000 25 Applications $125,000 Authentic Appalachian Landworks, 776 Red Oak Ridge Rd., Castlewood, VA 24224 Ball Coal Company, Inc. 245 Oak circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280
Barton’s Service Center, 8335 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260 Bill’s Carport’s and Buildings, 4382 Swords Creek Rd, Swords Creek, VA 24649 Bostic Tucker & Co., PC, Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Campbell Storage & Rental, 7809 Green Valley Rd., Lebanon, VA 24266 David Shelton Trucking Co., Inc., 1965 Pine Creek Rd… Swords Creek, VA 24649 David Mullins Wealth Management, 603 Fairview Lane, Lebanon, VA 24266 Elk Garden Aluminum, 8043 Mountain R., Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 Extol Corp. dba Glamour Tan, 20 Russell St., Lebanon, VA 24266 (Town of Lebanon) Highlands Ambulance Service, P.O. Box 1017, Lebanon, VA 24266 Honaker Tire Service, P.O. Box 1508, Honaker, VA 24260 Jared Shelton Trucking, LLC 37 Alpha St., Swords Creek, VA 24649 Jeff Shelton Trucking, 90 Alpha St., Swords Creek, VA 24649 JordyKy Trucking, Inc., P.O. Box 203, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 Lebanon Discount Tire 2106 East Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 Maggie Chafin Salon, 1796 East Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 Photography by Kalyn, 571 McFarlane Lane, Rosedale, VA 24280 Robin’s Nest, PO Box 9, Rosedale, VA 24280 (got IDA loan) Rock Ridge Vapor LLC, 1800 East Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Romanos II Restaurant, Inc., 2 Memorial Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224
Shortt Accounting Service, Inc., P. O. Box 1575, Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 Starnes Refrigeration & A/C, Inc., 4082 US Hwy 19, Lebanon, VA 24266 Stinson Heating & Cooling, Inc, 11 West Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 SWVA Mechanical LLC, 623 Oak Circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280 The Christian Center, Inc., Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 ( Town of Lebanon) Wayne Musick Auto Repair, 1930 West main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 Wallace Furniture and Hardware, Inc., 5711 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260

‘Authentic Appalachian Landworks, 776 Red Oak Ridge Rd., Castlewood, VA 24224 Ball Coal Company, Inc. 245 Oak circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280

Barton’s Service Center, 8335 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260

Bill’s Carport’s and Buildings, 4382 Swords Creek Rd, Swords Creek, VA 24649 Bostic Tucker & Co., PC, Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Campbell Storage & Rental, 7809 Green Valley Rd., Lebanon, VA 24266

David Shelton Trucking Co., Inc., 1965 Pine Creek Rd. Swords Creek, VA 24649 David Mullins Wealth Management, 603 Fairview Lane, Lebanon, VA 24266 Elk Garden Aluminum, 8043 Mountain R., Cedar Bluff, VA 24609

Extol Corp. dba Glamour Tan, 20 Russell St., Lebanon, VA 24266 (Town/of Lebanon) Highlands Ambulance Service, P.O. Box 1017, Lebanon, VA 24266

Honaker Tire Service, P.O. Box 1508, Honaker, VA 24260

Jared Shelton Trucking, LLC 37 Alpha St., Swords Creek, VA 24649

Jeff Shelton Trucking, 90 Alpha St., Swords Creek, VA 24649

JordyKy Trucking, Inc., P.O. Box 203, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609

Lebanon Discount Tire 2106 East Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

Maggie Chafin Salon, 1796 East Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

Photography by Kalyn, 571 McFarlane Lane, Rosedale, VA 24280

RRobin’s Nest, PO Box 9, Rosedale, VA 24280 (gotIDA loan)

Rock Ridge Vapor LLC, 1800 East Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Romanos Il Restaurant, Inc., 2 Memorial Drive, Castlewood, VA 24224

[Shortt Accounting Service, Inc., P. 0. Box 1575, Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 ‘Starnes Refrigeration & A/C, Inc., 4082 US Hwy 19, Lebanon, VA 24266 [Stinson Heating & Cooling, Inc, 11 West Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

'SWVA Mechanical LLC, 623 Oak Circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280

‘The Christian Center, Inc., Main St. Lebanon, VA 24266 (‘Town of Lebanon) ‘Wayne Musick Auto Repair, 1930 West main St. Lebanon, VA 24266

'Wallace Furniture and Hardware, Inc., 5711 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260

Farms Awarded $5,000 16 Applications $80,000 Banner’s Farm Inc., P.O. Box 100, Castlewood, VA 24224 Bar-C Farms, 7809 Green Valley Rd., Lebanon, Va 24266 Big A Mtn. Farms, 8094 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260 Circle K Farms, LLC, P.O. Box 2921, Lebanon, VA 24266 Derek Hicks, P. O. 4021, Castlewood, VA 24225
DJB Cattle, 47 Trigg Dr., Lebanon, VA 24266 Dry Branch Cattle Company, Inc., P.O. Box 92, Rosedale, VA 24280 Green Valley Genetics, 7325 Green Valley Rd., Lebanon, VA 24266 Kiser’s Farm, 3350 Jessee’s Mill Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225 Powers Farm, 361 Sink Hole Lane, Cleveland, VA 24224 Richard Bostic, P.O. Box 1568, Honaker, VA 24260 Rocking B Cattle Company, LLC, 245 Oak Circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280 RR Farm, 2691 Seven Springs Hollow Road, Castlewood, VA 24224 Sykes Livestock, LLC, P.O. Box 1985, Lebanon, VA 24266 Tim Ball Farming, Inc, 245 Oak Circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280 (got IDA Loan) Tony Browning, 3995 Memorial Dr., Castlewood, VA 24224 3M Cattle, 2417 Cleveland Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225

Banner’s Farm Inc., P.O. Box 100, Castlewood, VA 24224

Bar-C Farms, 7809 Green Valley Rd., Lebanon, Va 24266

Big A Mtn. Farms, 8094 Redbud Hwy., Honaker, VA 24260

(Circle K Farms, LLC, P.O. Box 2921, Lebanon, VA 24266

Derek Hicks, P. 0. 4021, Castlewood, VA 24225

DJB Cattle, 47 Trigg Dr., Lebanon, VA 24266

Dry Branch Cattle Company, Inc., P.O. Box 92, Rosedale, VA 24280

(Green Valley Genetics, 7325 Green Valley Rd., Lebanon, VA 24266

Kiser’s Farm, 3350 Jessee’s Mill Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225

Powers Farm, 361 Sink Hole Lane, Cleveland, VA 24224

Richard Bostic, P.O. Box 1568, Honaker, VA 24260

Rocking B Cattle Company, LLC, 245 Oak Circle Dr., Rosedale, VA 24280

RR Farm, 2691 Seven Springs Hollow Road, Castlewood, VA 24224

‘Sykes Livestock, LLC, P.O, Box 1985, Lebanon, VA 24266

‘Tony Browning, 3995 Memorial Dr., Castlewood, VA 24224

3M Cattle, 2417 Cleveland Rd., Cleveland, VA 24225

Applications received after October Board meeting Awarded 10 Applications $50,000

Diana Belcher Farm, Ronald & Diana Belcher, 648 Roman’s Ridge Rd. Honaker, VA 24260 Darlene Jackson Taxi, Inc., Ricky and Jennifer Roark, PO Box 37, Rosedale, VA 24280 Auto Energy, Travis Hackworth, Business address: 11842 US Hwy 19, Lebanon, VA 24266 The Stone Cellar Restaurant, 19 South Church St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Mountain View Retirement Home, Inc., Linda Mays, PO Box 1148 Lebanon, VA 24266 KLW Farm, Brandi Jessee, 8525 New Garden Rd. Honaker, VA 24260 KC Repairs, Inc., Ronald Combs, P.O. Box 1354, Honaker, VA 24260 Mountain Suzuki, Inc., Larry Lambert, 1306 US Hwy 19, Rosedale, VA 24280 Compton Carpet, Chris Compton, Independent Installer, for Fogleman’s Carpet Kenneth Shortt, Independent Installer, for Fogleman’s Carpet

Diana Belcher Farm, Ronald & Diana Belcher, 648 Roman’s Ridge Rd. Honaker, VA 24260

Darlene Jackson Taxi, Inc., Ricky and Jennifer Roark, PO Box 37, Rosedale, VA 24280

‘Auto Energy, Travis Hackworth, Business address: 11842 US Hwy 19, Lebanon, VA 24266

Mountain View Retirement Home, Inc., Linda Mays, PO Box 1148 Lebanon, VA 24266

KLW Farm, Brandi Jesse, 8525 New Garden Rd. Honaker, VA 24260

KC Repairs, Inc., Ronald Combs, P.O. Box 1354, Honaker, VA 24260

Mountain Suzuki, Inc., Larry Lambert, 1306 US Hwy 19, Rosedale, VA 24280

Compton Carpet, Chris Compton, Independent Installer, for Fogleman’s Carpet

Kenneth Shortt, Independent Installer, for Fogleman’s Carpet

December Meeting 11 Applications $5,000 each $55,000

Auto Motion Service & Accessories, William Castle, 942 East Main St. Lebanon, VA 24640 Bruce H. Russell II, PC 29 East Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Cable Plus, Inc, David Eaton, P.O. Box 1030, Honaker, VA 24260 Cross Rentals, LLC, Randall Cross, 109 N. Church St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Douglas E. Burke, Jr., Brick Mason, PO Box 912, Castlewood, VA 24224 Lebanon Tax & Accounting Services, Inc., Mary T. Cross, 111 N. Church St., Lebanon, VA 24266 Positively Gymnastics, Inc., 443 Technology Park Drive, Lebanon, VA 24266 Pro Image Computer Graphics, Lynn Peters, 32 Meadow Lark Lane, Lebanon, VA 24266 Triple J Farms, David Eaton, P.O. Box 359, Honaker, VA 24260 Lula Honaker Farm, Lula Honaker & Melissa Stinson, 103 Sykes Drive, Honaker, VA 24260 Sawmill Bottom, Brady K. Crabtree, 1717 Sandy Ridge Road, Cleveland, VA 24225

Auto Motion Service & Accessories, William Castle, 942 East Main St. Lebanon, VA 24640

Bruce H. Russell Ii, PC 29 East Main St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Cable Plus, Inc, David Eaton, P.O. Box 1030, Honaker, VA 24260

Cross Rentals, LLC, Randall Cross, 109 N. Church St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Douglas E. Burke, Jr., Brick Mason, PO Box 912, Castlewood, VA 24224

Lebanon Tax & Accounting Services, Inc., Mary T. Cross, 111 N. Church St., Lebanon, VA 24266

Positively Gymnastics, Inc., 443 Technology Park Drive, Lebanon, VA 24266

Pro Image Computer Graphics, Lynn Peters, 32 Meadow Lark Lane, Lebanon, VA 24266

Triple J Farms, David Eaton, P.O. Box 359, Honaker, VA 24260

Lula Honaker Farm, Lula Honaker & Melissa Stinson, 103 Sykes Drive, Honaker, VA 24260

Sawmill Bottom, Brady K. Crabtree, 1717 Sandy Ridge Road, Cleveland, VA 24225

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight


870 Bonham Road

STEPHEN C. BRICH, PE, Bristol, VA 24201


REGISTERED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER: 7019 0160 0000 1285 5887

Date: November 23, 2020

Russell County Board of Supervisors

Attn.: Mr. Lonzo Lester, County Administrator 137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Mr. Lester:

Pursuant to §33.2-908.B of the Code of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Transportation intends to

the dead end of Rute 936, a total distance oF 1.19 miles. This i an administrative matter being

considered by the Virginia Department of Transportation to resolve missing or erroneous roadway data. This action will not affect any standards of maintenance currently being performed.

Discontinuance is an action by the Commonwealth Transportation Board that relieves VDOT of the maintenance responsibility and regulatory authority for a road due to lack of sufficient public benefit to warrant maintenance at public expense. The road right of way will still provide legal access to abutting properties (i.e. no properties will be landlocked) and will be available for public use, but the administrative and regulatory authority for the right of way is returned to the county Board of Supervisors.

‘Additional materials related to the proposed discontinuance(s) are available for public viewing prior to the public hearing by contacting the VDOT Lebanon Residency at the address/phone

Page 1 of 2 www.


number/email below on or before January 15, 2021. Notice of the public hearing will be published in the December 2, 2020 edition of the Lebanon News.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this will not be an open forum public hearing. Comments and questions must be submitted virtually, remotely, or via pre-scheduled in-person appointment with a VDOT Lebanon Residency staff member. Please contact the VDOT Lebanon Residency at the address/phone number/email below to schedule an appointment on or before January 15, 2021.

CONTACT INFORMATION: [Mon -Fri, 8a.m.-Sp.m.] VA Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 127 Lebanon, VA 24266 (276) 415-3433 @ydot



Sincerely, John Bolling

Architect/Engineer I VDOT Lebanon Residency

Page 2 of 2

John.Bolling PolyLine

John.Bolling PolyLine

John.Bolling Line

John.Bolling Text Box A

John.Bolling Text Box B

John.Bolling Text Box C

John.Bolling Text Box D

John.Bolling Text Box 0.70

John.Bolling Typewritten Text ROUTE 679

John.Bolling Ellipse

John.Bolling Ellipse

John.Bolling Ellipse

John.Bolling Line

John.Bolling Ellipse

John.Bolling Typewritten Text ROUTE 806

John.Bolling Typewritten Text 678

John.Bolling Typewritten Text 678

John.Bolling Typewritten Text 671

John.Bolling Typewritten Text 936

John.Bolling Text Box 0.28

John.Bolling Text Box 3.70

John.Bolling Text Box 1.10

John.Bolling Image



John.Bolling Typewritten Text Dickensonville Dr.

John.Bolling Typewritten Text Upper Copper Creek Rd

John.Bolling Typewritten Text Honaker Chapel Rd.

John.Bolling Typewritten Text NOT TO SCALE

John.Bolling Ellipse

John.Bolling Typewritten Text 936

John.Bolling Text Box 1.19

John.Bolling Arrow

John.Bolling Arrow

John.Bolling Image

John.Bolling Ellipse

John.Bolling Typewritten Text 671

John.Bolling Text Box RE-NUMBER

John.Bolling Image

John.Bolling PolyLine



ve AB 936 Re-number from Rte 678 u cb 671 Length Correction

Route 678 [A] 1.03 mi SW Rte 58Alt [B) Route 936 [C] 0.28 mi N Route 806 [D]

se ¢ ot = = aa : Re


pg. 1

The Board of Supervisors of Russell County, in regular meeting on the 9th day of December 2020, adopted the following:


671 & ROUTE 678

WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation has notified the Russell County Board of Supervisors of its intent to discontinue a section of old Route 671 from 0.28 mile north of Route 806 to 0.98 mile north of Route 806, a distance of 0.70 miles; and a section of old Route 678 from the intersection with existing Route 678 to the dead end of Route 936, a distance of 1.19 miles; and,

WHEREAS, the sketch, attached and incorporated herein as a part of this resolution, defines the adjustments in the secondary system of state highways that would result from a discontinuance of the aforementioned sections of Route 671 & Route 678, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby does not support the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s proposed discontinuance of old Route 671 and old Route 678 as identified on the attached sketch, pursuant to §33.2-908.B of the Code of Virginia, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Russell County Board of Supervisors requests that the roadways described on the attached sketch remain included in the Secondary System of State Highways with the understanding that the Virginia Department of Transportation will only maintain these routes to the extent of their use by the general public, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Russell County Board of Supervisors requests that segment AB as identified on the attached sketch be accordingly re-numbered as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways, and

The Board of Supervisors of Russell County, in regular meeting on the 9" day of December 2020, adopted the following:


WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation has notified the Russell County Board of Supervisors of its intent to discontinue a section of old Route 671 from 0.28 mile north of Route 806 to 0.98 mile north of Route 806, a distance of 0.70 miles; and a section of old Route 678 from the intersection with existing Route 678 to the dead end of Route 936, a distance of 1.19 miles; and,

WHEREAS, the sketch, attached and incorporated herein as a part of this resolution, defines the adjustments in the secondary system of state highways that would result from a discontinuance of the aforementioned sections of Route 671 & Route 678, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby does not support the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s proposed discontinuance of old Route 671 and old Route 678 as identified on the attached sketch, pursuant to §33.2-908.B of the Code of Virginia, and

BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Russell County Board of Supervisors requests that the roadways described on the attached sketch remain included in the Secondary System of State Highways with the understanding that the Virginia Department of Transportation will only maintain these routes to the extent of their use by the general public, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Russell County Board of Supervisors requests that segment AB as identified on the attached sketch be accordingly re-numbered as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways, and

pg. 2

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, this Board of Supervisors orders that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Recorded Vote A Copy Teste: Moved By: ________________________ Seconded By: ______________________ Yeas: ____________________________
Nays: Rebecca Dye, Chairperson County of Russell

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, this Board of Supervisors orders that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Recorded Vote A Copy Teste:

Moved By:

Seconded By:

Yeas: a es Nays: Rebecca Dye, Chairperson

County of Russell

Secretary of Commerce and Trade

Patrick Henry Building • 1111 East Broad Street • Richmond, Virginia 23219 • (804) 786-2211 • TTY (800) 828-1120


Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

Russell County

137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Mr. Lester,

On behalf of Governor Northam, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that Russell County has been

awarded broadband funding pursuant to the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

(CARES Act) in the amount of $155,000 for the Flats Circle Project.

As stated in the program guidelines, these funds must be expended and service must be available by

December 25, 2020. Similar to previous CARES Act allocations to localities, this award amount will be

transmitted to Russell County by the Department of Accounts. Once the project is complete, the

Governor’s Broadband Team and the Department of Accounts will follow up regarding project outcomes

and compliance. I want to reiterate that it is incumbent on Russell County to ensure project expenses are

documented and verified in case of audit.

Congratulations on your award and we look forward to working with you now and in the future to achieve

universal broadband coverage in Russell County.


Evan Feinman

Chief Broadband Advisor

Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam

Tracy Highlight

COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Office of the Governor

Secretary of Commerce and Trade


Lonzo Lester County Administrator Russell County

137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Mr. Lester,

As stated in the program guidelines, these funds must be expended and service must be available by December 25, 2020. Similar to previous CARES Act allocations to localities, this award amount will be transmitted to Russell County by the Department of Accounts. Once the project is complete, the Governor’s Broadband Team and the Department of Accounts will follow up regarding project outcomes and compliance. I want to reiterate that it is incumbent on Russell County to ensure project expenses are

documented and verified in case of audit.

Congratulations on your award and we look forward to working with you now and in the future to achieve universal broadband coverage in Russell County.


Evan Feinman Chief Broadband Advisor Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam.

Patrick Henry Building + 1111 East Broad Street « Richmond, Virginia 23219 + (804) 786-2211 * TTY (800) 828-1120

From: [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: FY2021 Non-Competitive Litter Prevention and Recycling Grant Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:52:49 PM


Matthew J. Strickler Secretary of Natural



Street address: 1111 E. Main Street, Suite 1400, Richmond, Virginia 23219

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218

David K. Paylor Director

(804) 698-4000 1-800-592-5482

November 18, 2020

Lonzo Lester County Administrator Russell County 137 Highland Dr PO Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Lonzo Lester:

I am pleased to inform you that a grant award of $11,637.00 has been approved for the Litter Prevention and Recycling Program activities for the period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. DEQ’s calculation of your grant award was based upon the following distribution:

Russell County: $7,910.00 Town of Cleveland: $1,032.00 Town of Honaker: $1,032.00 Town of Lebanon: $1,663.00

Processing of the grant awards is underway, and a payment for this amount should be received within the next two weeks if funds can be transferred electronically (EDI) or in thirty days if processing by check is required.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Prina Chudasama at [email protected] or at (804) 698-4159.


mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

‘ceds(@dea virginia. gov; bran ferouson @russellcounty brian ferquson@russellcounta,us

FY2021 Non-Competitive Liter Prevention and Recycling Grant Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:52:49 PM


David K. Paylor vet address: 1111 E. Main Street, Suite 1400, Director Richmond, Virginia 23219 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 www.deq virginia. gov

Matthew J. Strickler gpg Secretary of Natural Resources (804) 698-4000


November 18, 2020

Lonzo Lester County Administrator Russell County

137 Highland Dr

PO Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Lonzo Lester:

Processing of the grant awards is underway, and a payment for this amount should be received within the next two weeks if funds can be transferred electronically (EDI) or in thirty days if processing by check is required.

Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please contact Prina Chudasama at

prina.chudasama@deq, virginia. gov or at (804) 698-4159.


Sanjay Thirunagari Manager, Recycling and Litter Programs Division of Land Protection & Revitalization

| e Uz

Sanjay Thirunagari Manager, Recycling and Litter Programs Division of Land Protection & Revitalization

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Department of Emergency Management

9711 Farrar Court, Suite 200, North Chesterfield, Virginia 23236

TEL 804.267.7600 TDD 804.674.2417 FAX 804.272.2046

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”


State Coordinator of

Emergency Management

October 29, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

RE: Russell County, Emergency Operations Center Generator Project


Dear Mr. Lester:

I am pleased to notify you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the

project titled “Russell County Emergency Operations Center Generator Project.” The funds have been

obligated through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Attached you will find the grant award package.

Please read all documents carefully prior to initiating your project. As funded, the federal share is 75

percent of the total project costs.

Your project cannot begin until the authorized agent has signed the grant award package. No

reimbursements will be made until the award package is signed and received by the Virginia Department

of Emergency Management. Please sign the attached grant agreement, scan, and email it to Amy S.

Howard, mitigation grant administrator. Congratulations on the approval of this project. If you have

questions regarding this award or the implementation of your project, please contact Amy Howard at

(804) 267-7733 or by e-mail at [email protected].


Curtis C. Brown

Alternate Governor’s Authorized Representative



mailto:[email protected] Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight


Department of Emergency Management

9711 Farrar Court, Suite 200, North Chesterfield, Virginia 23236 TEL 804.267.7600 TDD 804.674.2417 FAX 804.272.2046

CURTIS C. BROWN State Coordinator of Emergency Management

October 29, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266

RE: Russell County, Emergency Operations Center Generator Project FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007

Dear Mr. Lester:

‘lam pleased to notify you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the ‘project titled "Russell County Emergency Operations Center Generator Project.” The funds have been obligated through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Attached you will find the grant award package. Please read all documents carefully prior to initiating your project. As funded, the federal share is 75 percent of the total project costs.

Your project cannot begin until the authorized agent has signed the grant award package. No reimbursements will be made until the award package is signed and received by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. Please sign the attached grant agreement, scan, and email it to Amy S. Howard, mitigation grant administrator. Congratulations on the approval of this project. If you have questions regarding this award or the implementation of your project, please contact Amy Howard at

(804) 267-7733 or by e-mail at [email protected].


Lb —

Curtis C. Brown Alternate Governor’s Authorized Representative



Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security, “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Department of Emergency Management

9711 Farrar Court, Suite 200, North Chesterfield, Virginia 23236

TEL 804.267.7600 TDD 804.674.2417 FAX 804.272.2046

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”


State Coordinator of

Emergency Management

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Grant Agreement FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007

This Agreement is made as of this 7th day of October 2020 by and between the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, hereinafter called “VDEM,” and the Russell County

herein after called the “Sub-grantee.” The DUNS number for the Russell County is 040157851.

The parties to this Agreement, in consideration of the mutual covenants and stipulations set out herein, agree as follows:

(1) GENERAL PROVISIONS: This Agreement is a sub-grant award of federal funds from VDEM to the sub-grantee. VDEM has received a grant from the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 97.039. The sub-grantee shall implement the project as set forth in the grant Agreement documents. These documents consist of:

(1) Executed Grant Agreement; (2) Scope of Services, Attachment A; (3) Project Budget, Attachment B; (4) Milestone Table, Attachment C; and (5) Grant Assistance Agreements and VDEM-FEMA General Terms and Conditions and

Assurances; Attachment D.

State agencies acting as the sub-grantee shall report all federal funds received as part of this Agreement as federal pass-thru funds on their agency’s Schedule of Federal Assistance.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as authority for either party to make commitments, which will bind the other party beyond the Scope of Work contained herein. Furthermore, the sub-grantee shall assign, sublet, or subcontract any work related to this Agreement or any interest it may have herein with full compliance with federal and state procurement regulations. The schedule of service set forth in the Scope of Work and Milestone Table shall be deemed to have been consented to, as required by the preceding sentence, upon the execution of this Agreement by VDEM.


Department of Emergency Management

9711 Farrar Court, Suite 200, North Chesterfield, Virginia 23236 TEL 804.267.7600 TDD 804.674.2417 FAX 804.272.2046

CURTIS C. BROWN, State Coordinator of Emergency Management

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Grant Agreement FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007

This Agreement is made as of this 7" day of October 2020 by and between the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, hereinafter called “VDEM,” and the Russell County herein after called the “Sub-grantee.” The DUNS number for the Russell County is 040157851.

The parties to this Agreement, in consideration of the mutual covenants and stipulations set out herein, agree as follows:

(1) GENERAL PROVISIONS: This Agreement is a sub-grant award of federal funds from VDEM to the sub-grantee. VDEM has received a grant from the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management ‘Agency Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 97.039. The sub-grantee shall implement the project as set forth in the grant Agreement documents. These documents consist of:

(1) Executed Grant Agreement;

(2) Scope of Services, Attachment A;

(3) Project Budget, Attachment B;

(4) Milestone Table, Attachment C; and

(5) Grant Assistance Agreements and VDEM-FEMA General Terms and Conditions and

Assurances; Attachment D.

State agencies acting as the sub-grantee shall report all federal funds received as part of this Agreement as federal pass-thru funds on their agency’s Schedule of Federal Assistance.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as authority for either party to make commitments, which will bind the other party beyond the Scope of Work contained herein. Furthermore, the sub-grantee shall assign, sublet, or subcontract any work related to this Agreement or any interest it may have herein with full compliance with federal and state procurement regulations. The schedule of service set forth in the Scope of Work and Milestone Table shall be deemed to have been consented to, as required by the preceding sentence, upon the execution of this Agreement by VDEM.

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security, “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

(2) SCOPE OF SERVICES: The sub-grantee shall provide the service to VDEM set forth and summarized in the Scope of Work (Attachment A) and Milestone Table (Attachment C). All deliverables shall conform to accepted standards and practices. If there is any change in the original scope of work, a formal request must be made to VDEM for review and approval prior to implementing the change. These attachments are consistent with the original VDEM-FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) grant project application. The sub-grantee shall provide VDEM with quarterly reports and a final report on the progress of work set forth in the Scope of Work. The quarterly reports and final report shall contain the following components: (1) a narrative describing in detail the progress of the sub- grantee in fulfilling the provisions of the Scope of Works; (2) Reimbursement Requests as needed
that itemize the expenses incurred by the sub-grantee, including separate columns for the federal, state, and the sub-grantee’s matching contribution to the total cost of services as reflected in the Project Budget-Attachment B; and (3) the schedule of specific project tasks with target completion dates and actual completion dates (Milestone Table – Attachment C). The first quarterly report is due to VDEM at the end of the first complete quarter following the award of the grant.

Reporting Period Report Due to VDEM January 1 – March 31 no later than April 15 April 1 – June 30 no later than July 15 July 1 – September 30 no later than October 15 October 1 – December 31 no later than January 15

(3) TIME OF PERFORMANCE: The services of the sub-grantee shall begin on the date of sub-grantee’s signature of this document and terminate on 12-18-2022, unless otherwise altered through provisions of this Agreement or extended by written authorization of VDEM. Requests for time of performance extension must be received in writing by VDEM within 75 days of termination date with reasons for requested time of performance extension and a revised Milestone Table – Attachment C. All time limits stated are of essence of this Agreement. All funds must be obligated no later than the project completion date. The final request for reimbursement must be received no later than 60 days after the completion date for the project.

(4) COMPENSATION: The total project award from VDEM is $13,552 provided through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Disaster 4411, Tropical Storm Michael. FEMA shall provide funds for the project identified in the Scope of Work (Attachment A) totaling $9,680. FEMA shall also provide sub- recipient management cost funds in the amount of $645. VDEM shall provide funds for the project identified in the Scope of Work (Attachment A) totaling $2,581. The sub-grantee agrees to provide a match in the amount of $645. The sub-grantee is aware of and shall comply with cost- sharing requirements of federal and state mitigation grant assistance; specifically that federal assistance is limited to 75 percent of eligible expenditures, state assistance (as reimbursed through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management) is limited to 20 percent of eligible costs, and the sub-grantee shall provide from the sub-grantee’s funds 5 percent of eligible costs.
The non-federal funds must be from a non-federal funding source and can be completely fulfilled by in-kind services as long as financial records document them as such.

VDEM shall release the grant award to the sub-grantee on a cost-reimbursement basis upon receipt and approval of the sub-grantee’s quarterly and final reports and deliverables as required by this Agreement or at other times agreed to by VDEM. Any cost overruns incurred by the sub-


The sub-grantee shall provide the service to VDEM set forth and summarized in the Scope of Work (Attachment A) and Milestone Table (Attachment C). All deliverables shall conform to accepted standards and practices. If there is any change in the original scope of work, a formal request must be made to VDEM for review and approval prior to implementing the change. These attachments are consistent with the original VDEM-FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) grant project application. The sub-grantee shall provide VDEM with quarterly reports and a final report on the progress of work set forth in the Scope of Work. The quarterly reports and final report shall contain the following components: (1) a narrative describing in detail the progress of the sub- grantee in fulfilling the provisions of the Scope of Works; (2) Reimbursement Requests as needed that itemize the expenses incurred by the sub-grantee, including separate columns for the federal, state, and the sub-grantee’s matching contribution to the total cost of services as reflected in the Project Budget-Attachment B; and (3) the schedule of specific project tasks with target completion dates and actual completion dates (Milestone Table ~ Attachment C). The first quarterly report is due to VDEM at the end of the first complete quarter following the award of the grant.

Reporting Period Report Due to VDEM January 1 - March 31 no later than April 15 April 1 -June 30 no later than July 15 July 1 = September 30 no later than October 15 October 1 ~ December 31 no later than January 15,


The services of the sub-grantee shall begin on the date of sub-grantee’s signature of this document and terminate on 12-18-2022, unless otherwise altered through provisions of this Agreement or extended by written authorization of VDEM. Requests for time of performance extension must be received in writing by VDEM within 75 days of termination date with reasons for requested time of performance extension and a revised Milestone Table — Attachment C. All limits stated are of essence of this Agreement. All funds must be obligated no later than the project completion date. The final request for reimbursement must be received no later than 60 days after the completion date for the project.


The total project award from VDEM is $13,552 provided through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Disaster 4411, Tropical Storm Michael. FEMA shall provide funds for the project identified in the Scope of Work (Attachment A) totaling $9,680. FEMA shall also provide sub- recipient management cost funds in the amount of $645. VDEM shall provide funds for the project identified in the Scope of Work (Attachment A) totaling $2,581. The sub-grantee agrees to provide a match in the amount of $645. The sub-grantee is aware of and shall comply with cost- sharing requirements of federal and state mitigation grant assistance; specifically that federal assistance is limited to 75 percent of eligible expenditures, state assistance (as reimbursed through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management) is limited to 20 percent of eligible costs, and the sub-grantee shall provide from the sub-grantee’s funds 5 percent of eligible costs. The non-federal funds must be from a non-federal funding source and can be completely fulfilled by in-kind services as long as financial records document them as such.

\VDEM shall release the grant award to the sub-grantee on a cost-reimbursement basis upon receipt and approval of the sub-grantee’s quarterly and final reports and deliverables as required by this Agreement or at other times agreed to by VDEM. Any cost overruns incurred by the sub-

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

grantee during the time of performance shall be the responsibility of the sub-grantee. The sub- grantee shall spend the funds according to the specified categories of the contract budget. The sub-grantee shall use mitigation grant funds solely for the purposes for which these funds are provided and as approved by FEMA and VDEM. General policies for determining allowable costs are established in 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 200, subpart E (included in Attachment D) and the appropriate OMB circulars that identify cost principles for different kinds of organizations. Minor shifts of the funds among categories by the sub-grantee, not to exceed 10 percent of any budget line item are permissible, but in no case can the total expenditures exceed the amount provided by this contract. Shifts in funds exceeding 10 percent among budget line items must be approved in writing by VDEM.

(5) ASSISTANCE: VDEM agrees upon request of the sub-grantee to furnish, or otherwise make available to the sub- grantee, copies of existing non-proprietary materials in the possession of VDEM that are reasonably related to the subject matter of this Agreement and are necessary to the sub-grantee for completion of its performance under this Agreement. VDEM Grants Division staff will provide technical support to the sub-grantee and make periodic site visits to monitor progress.

(6) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The role of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) must be clearly stated in all press releases, news articles, and request for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing this project, whether funded in whole or part.

Acknowledgement of financial assistance, with VDEM and FEMA logos, must be printed on all reports, studies, web sites, and other products (including map products) supported, in whole or in part, by this award or any sub-award. The sub-grantee is responsible for contacting VDEM staff in adequate time to obtain the logo in camera-ready or digital form. The final draft must be approved by VDEM staff prior to production. The acknowledgement should read as follows:

This report was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, via Grant Agreement Number FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007 for $13,552.

(7) CREATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: To the extent that the copyright to any copyrightable material created pursuant to this Agreement is owned by the sub-grantee and/or the sub-grantee is empowered to license its use, VDEM agrees to grant to the sub-grantee, and hereby does grant to the sub-grantee, a license to use the materials so owned for public, not-for-profit purpose within the territory of the Commonwealth and shall execute and deliver such further documents as the Commonwealth may reasonably request for the purpose of acknowledging or implementing such license.

A copyright notice shall be placed in an appropriate location on any copyrightable material being distributed or published. Such notice shall include (1) either the symbol “©”, the word “Copyright”, or the abbreviation “Copr.”; (2) the year of first publication; and (3) the name of the copyright owner (the Commonwealth of Virginia). This information shall be followed by the words, “all rights reserved.”

grantee during the time of performance shall be the responsibility of the sub-grantee. The sub- grantee shall spend the funds according to the specified categories of the contract budget. The sub-grantee shall use mitigation grant funds solely for the purposes for which these funds are provided and as approved by FEMA and VDEM. General policies for determining allowable costs are established in 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 200, subpart E (included in ‘Attachment D) and the appropriate OMB circulars that identify cost principles for different kinds of organizations. Minor shifts of the funds among categories by the sub-grantee, not to exceed 10 percent of any budget line item are permissible, but in no case can the total expenditures exceed the amount provided by this contract. Shifts in funds exceeding 10 percent among budget line items must be approved in writing by VDEM


\VDEM agrees upon request of the sub-grantee to furnish, or otherwise make available to the sub- grantee, copies of existing non-proprietary materials in the possession of VDEM that are reasonably related to the subject matter of this Agreement and are necessary to the sub-grantee for completion of its performance under this Agreement. VDEM Grants Division staff will pro technical support to the sub-grantee and make periodic site visits to monitor progress.

(6) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The role of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) must be clearly stated in all press releases, news articles, and request for proposals, bid solicitations and other documents describing this project, whether funded in whole or part.

Acknowledgement of financial assistance, with VDEM and FEMA logos, must be printed on all reports, studies, web sites, and other products (including map products) supported, in whole or in part, by this award or any sub-award. The sub-grantee is responsible for contacting VDEM staff in adequate time to obtain the logo in camera-ready or digital form. The final draft must be approved by VDEM staff prior to production. The acknowledgement should read as follows:

This report was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, via Grant Agreement Number FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007 for $13,552.


To the extent that the copyright to any copyrightable material created pursuant to this Agreement is owned by the sub-grantee and/or the sub-grantee is empowered to license its use, VDEM agrees to grant to the sub-grantee, and hereby does grant to the sub-grantee, a license to use the materials so owned for public, not-for-profit purpose within the territory of the Commonwealth and shall execute and deliver such further documents as the Commonwealth may reasonably request for the purpose of acknowledging or implementing such license.

‘A copyright notice shall be placed in an appropriate location on any copyrightable material being distributed or published. Such notice shall include (1) either the symbol “©”, the word “Copyright”, or the abbreviation "Copr.”; (2) the year of first publication; and (3) the name of the copyright owner (the Commonwealth of Virginia). This information shall be followed by the words, “all rights reserved.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

(8) STRUCTURAL MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS: Specific requirements must be adhered to for structural mitigation projects such as structural relocation, property acquisition and demolition, and structural retrofitting or improvement as detailed in Attachment D. These requirements can include deed restrictions, operation and maintenance plans, and insurance requirements, as dictated by the specific grant and project requirements.

(9) BREACH AND TERMINATION: In the event of breach by the sub-grantee of this Agreement, VDEM shall provide written notice to the sub-grantee specifying the manner in which the Agreement has been breached. If a notice of breach is given and the sub-grantee has not substantially corrected the breach within 60 days of receipt of the written notice, VDEM shall have the right to terminate the Agreement. The sub-grantee shall be paid for no service rendered or expense incurred after receipt of the notice of termination, except such fees and expenses incurred prior to the effective date of termination that are necessary for curtailment of its work under the Agreement. Termination of this Agreement can occur as an effect of one of two results: First, as a result of the proper completion and closeout of this project. Second, termination may occur as a result of Termination for Convenience or other termination as allowed or required by 2 CFR 200.339 for projects which cannot be completed as described in the FEMA-approved grant project application and the Scope of Services – Attachment, herein. Communication of this decision and information related to the project termination will be provided to the sub-grantee in coordination with FEMA through registered mail.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by the following duly authorized officials:



Russell County Virginia Department of Emergency Management





October 30,2020

Authorized Sub-grantee Signatory State Coordinating Officer


Specific requirements must be adhered to for structural mitigation projects such as structural relocation, property acquisition and demolition, and structural retrofitting or improvement as detailed in Attachment D. These requirements can include deed restrictions, operation and maintenance plans, and insurance requirements, as dictated by the specific grant and project requirements.


In the event of breach by the sub-grantee of this Agreement, VDEM shall provide written notice to the sub-grantee specifying the manner in which the Agreement has been breached. If a notice of breach is given and the sub-grantee has not substantially corrected the breach within 60 days of receipt of the written notice, VDEM shall have the right to terminate the Agreement. The sub-grantee shall be paid for no service rendered or expense incurred after receipt of the notice of termination, except such fees and expenses incurred prior to the effective date of termination that are necessary for curtailment of its work under the Agreement. Termination of this Agreement can occur as an effect of one of two results: First, as a result of the proper completion and closeout of this project. Second, termination may occur as a result of Termination for Convenience or other termination as allowed or required by 2 CFR 200.339 for projects which cannot be completed as described in the FEMA-approved grant project application and the Scope of Services - Attachment, herein. Communication of this decision and information related to the project termination will be provided to the sub-grantee in coordination with FEMA through registered mail

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by the following duly authorized officials:

Sub-grantee: Grantor: Russell County Virginia Department of Emergency Management a By: By: Date: Date: October 30,2020 Authorized Sub-grantee Signatory State Coordinating Officer

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

Attachment A FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007 Project Scope of Work

Project Sponsor: Russell County

Project Title: Russell County Water Plant Treatment Generator

Purchase and install a generator and transfer switch to operate the water plant at 200 Shady Lane, Rocky Mount, Virginia to make water to refill the six water tanks when power goes out.

‘Attachment A FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007 Project Scope of Work Project Sponsor: Russell County


le: Russell County Water Plant Treatment Generator

Purchase and install a generator and transfer switch to operate the water plant at 200 Shady Lane, Rocky Mount, Virginia to make water to refill the six water tanks when power goes out.

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

Attachment B FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007

        Project Budget 

Project Awarded Budget – Funding Source HMGP:

Federal Project Funds $9,680

State Project Funds $2,582

Local Project Funds $645

Sub-recipient Management Costs $645

Total Project Funds $13,552

Project Budget from VDEM-FEMA HMGP application:


Generator 1 $4,950

Generator Switch 1 $2,198

Concrete Pad 1 $415

Wire 1 $1,600

Labor Regular Time 1 $1,264

Labor Helper Regular Time 1 $480

Construction Management/Permitting 1 $2,000


Federal Management Costs 1 $645 $645

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Attachment B FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007 Project Budget

Project Awarded Budget ~ Funding Source HMGP:

[sess $9,680. $2,582 $645, $645, $13,552 Project Budget from VDEM-FEMA HMGP application: COST

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

Attachment C FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007

Project Milestone Table 



Grant Implementation/Kick-Off Meeting 90

Board of Supervisors Approval 120

RFP preparation and submittal 120

Generator Purchase 240

Generator Installation 240

Permitting and inspections 195

Project final paperwork and closeout submittal 90

1095 Days (or POP end date

whichever is sooner

Attachment C FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007 Project Milestone Table


Grant Implementation/Kick-Off Meeting 90

Board of Supervisors Approval 120

RFP preparation and submittal 120

Generator Purchase 240

Generator Installation 240

Permitting and inspections 195

Project final paperwork and closeout submittal 90 TOTAL DAYS TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT

1095 Days (or

POP end date

whichever is


Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

Attachment D Administrative Requirements and Guidance

Federal Administration and Guidance Documents:

  1. 2 CFR Part 200 Cost Principles for State, Local, Indian Tribal Governments

  2. CATEX documentation (where required)

  3. Structural Mitigation Project Requirements (where required)

  4. Current Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Guidelines

  5. FEMA Award Package

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Contact: John Schmierer FEMA Region III One Independence Mall, Sixth Floor 615 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404

Attachment D Administrative Requirements and Guidance

Federal Adi

istration and Guidance Documents:

  1. 2 CFR Part 200 Cost Principles for State, Local, Indian Tribal Governments

  2. CATEX documentation (where required)

  3. Structural Mitigation Project Requirements (where required)

  4. Current Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Guidelines

  5. FEMA Award Package

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Contact: John Schmierer

FEMA Region Ill

One Independence Mall, Sixth Floor

615 Chestnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia is a Resilient Virginia.”

Attachment E FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007

Hazard Mitigation Assistance

Non-Supplanting Certification

I certify that any funds awarded under Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants will be used to supplement existing funds for programs activities, and will not replace (supplant) non-federal funds.

Designated Agent





Attachment & FEMA-DR-4411-VA-007


igation Assistance

I certify that any funds awarded under Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants will be Used to supplement existing funds for programs activities, and will not replace (supplant) non-federal funds

Designated Agent





Saving lives through effective emergency management and homeland security. “A Ready Virginia isa Resilient Virginia.”

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P.O. BOX 1328 / LEBANON, VIRGINIA 24266 1H. Truman Mulins, Chairman ‘Tol.: (276) 889-4910 / TDD# 1-800-546-1833 Ext. 418 Koith L. Vis, Executive Director Ramona Simmons, Vice Chair FAX (276) 889-4615 James N. Horn, Commissioner ‘ ‘Judy E. Lockridge, Commissioner Richard Blankenship, Commissioner

“en 0’Gxinn, Commissioner December 1, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Russell County Board of Supervisors P.O, Box 1208

Lebanon, Virginia 24266-1208

Dear Mr. Lester,

I want to thank you in advance for your favorable consideration of our request and ask that you signify your agreement by signing the attached statement as our auditor requires confirmation of your agreement.

Please contact me with any questions regarding this request. As always, we appreciate your interest in and the continued support of public housing in Russell County.

Sincerely, cith L. Views -

Executive Director



Sbrontuniry il Counties, Virginia Helping With The Housing Needs Of Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell and Tazewell Cou ; orrottenl To Dscrainate Agsinat Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status, r National Origin.

I, as agent for the Russell County Board of Supervisors, hereby agree to waive the payment in lieu of taxes for fiscal year of 2020. This agreement will require annual consideration for future waiver approval. The Authority has identified use of these funds for resident services.

Signed: Title: Date:

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

PO. BOX 1328 / oe BOR oes

H. Truman Mulins, Chairman ‘Tel.: (276) 889-4910 / TDD# 1-800-545-1833 Ext. 418 Keith L. Vers, Executive Director Ramona Simmons, Vice Chair FAX (276) 889-4615

‘James N. Horn, Commissioner ‘

‘Judy €, Lockridge, Commissionor

Richard Blankenship, Commissioner

sim 0’Quinn, Commissioner December 1, 2020

Mr, Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Russell County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 1208

Lebanon, Virginia 24266-1208

Dear Mr. Lester,

I want to thank you in advance for your favorable consideration of our request and ask that you signify your agreement by signing the attached statement as our auditor requires confirmation of your agreement.

Please contact men with any questions regarding this request. As always, we appreciate your interest in and the continued support of public housing in Russell County.


Yon HL

eith L. Viers Executive Director



$2, NE elping With The Housing Needs Of Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell and Tazewell Counties, Virginia

Ite llegal To Discriminate Against Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status, or National Origin.

I, as agent for the Russell County Board of Supervisors, hereby agree to waive the payment in lieu of taxes for fiscal year of 2020. This agreement will require annual consideration for future waiver approval. The Authority has identified use of these funds for resident services.

Signed: Title Date:

Tracy Highlight

Tracy Highlight

11/24/2020 16:29 12768898090 RUSSELL CIR CT JUDGE PAGE @2/83

. To: Chery/

Sharon Abernathy [email protected] Thu 10/22/2020 2:50 PM To: CC Judges [email protected]; GD Judges [email protected]; JOR Judges [email protected]; GD Clerks [email protected]; JDR Clerks [email protected]; Combined Clerks [email protected] Cer CC Clerks [email protected]: Directors [email protected] To: Circuit Court Judges

District Court Judges

District Court Clerks

cc: Circuit Court Clerks

From: Karl R. Hade, Executive Secretary

The message below was generated to inform you of the holiday leave schedule adopted today by the Judicial Council and the Committee on District Courts. In addition to the leave days resulting from their action, I wanted to note that, by action of the General Assembly, Election Day is now a State Holiday. This holiday was added in lieu of the Friday preceding the third Monday in January, the former Lee-Jackson Day, which will no longer be celebrated as a state holiday. 2020 Acts of Assembly, Chapter 417.

This message was not meant as a comprehensive accounting of all the generally applicable legal holidays. See Virginia Code § 2.2-3300, which creates those holidays. Those other holidays, such as Veterans’ Day, remain unaffected by either the legislation noted above or the action of the Judicial Council and the Committee on District Courts.

The Committee on District Courts (CDC) has the authority to determine when the district courts and clerks’ offices of the Commonwealth shall be open for business, and the Judicial Council has the authority to determine when the circuit courts (excluding circuit court clerks’ offices) shall be open for business. Va. Code §§ 16.1-69.33, 17.1-705.2. Both judicial policy-making bodies met this week and authorized the holiday schedule detailed below for their respective levels of court.

Election Day

Tuesday, November 3: Full Day Holiday Thanksgiv:

Wednesday, November 25: Half Day Holiday

Thursday, November 26: Full Day Holiday

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11/24/2028 16:29 12768998090 RUSSELL CIR CT JUDGE

PAGE 03/03

Friday, November 27: Full Day Holiday


Thursday, December 24: Full Day Holiday

Friday, December 25: Full Day Holiday


Friday, January 1: Full Day Holiday

Sharon L. Abernathy

Chambers of Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons Supreme Court of Virginia

100 North 9th Street

Richmond, VA 23219

(804) 786-5754


October 31, 2020

Regular Account 872,472.89 Employee Insurance 4,090,676.03 Employee Claims Account 7,000.00 Non-Judicial Reals Estate Sales 2,388.81 Russell Co. Housing Fund 4,424.36 School Textbook 18,032.21 Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,666.31 Petty Cash Treasurer 217.80 Sheriff Seized Assets $5,224.44 Sheriff Restitution 10,420.42 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 33.70 Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 31,706.03 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,524.52 Comm Attorney Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 148,688.65 Commonwealth Attorney Abanoned Property 600.00. Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 7,916.95 Sheriff Calendar Fund 867.31 Sheriff Special Projuects 3,200.10 ‘SSI Recipients ~ First Sentinel Bank. 41,000.00 Bank of Honaker 1,000.00 New Peoples Bank 897.60 Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00 Treasurer’s Money Market 2,572,634.99 Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80 Total Cash In Bank 7,906,846.89 Cash In Office 4,600.00 Petty Cash 100.00

TOTAL CASH 7,908,546.89


Cash in Office 7,600.00 Cash in Bank 7,906,846.89 Petty Cash 700.00 General Fund 816,161.07 Non-fudicial Real Estate Sales 2,388.81 Sheriff In State Trip 30,861.95 Sheriff Dare Fund 100.00 Sheriff Seized Assets 55,224.41 Sheriff Restitution 10,420.42 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 33.70 ‘Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 37,706.03 Honaker Library Donations 24,783.87 Russell County Housing Fund 4,404.36 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,524.52 Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,666.31 Comm Attomey Abanoned Prop 500.00 ‘Comm Attorney Fed Justice 7148 688.65 Sheriff Fed Justice Forfeited 7,916.95 Sheriff Calendar Fund 857.31 Sheriffs Special Projects 3,200.10 Social Services (826,601.64) ‘Swva Asap 13,446.02 Coal Road Improvement 396,512.08 CSA (619,831.10) School Fund 128,746.01 School Food 624,684.85 ‘School Textbook 18,032.21 Regional Adult Education 252,927.44 Petty Cash Treasurer 217.80 COVID 19 7,868, 966.89 Litter Fund Trash Prekup (20,611.97) Current Credit 1,139.21 ‘Current Debit 14.44 Title XX 77,321.05 SSI Recipients 0.00 ‘Damage Stamp Fund 2,828.98 Valley Heights 69,840.67 Dante Sewer 49,575.00 Employee Health Insurance 4,090,676.03 Employee Insurance Claims 7,000.00 Law Library 56,734.20 Special Welfare 50,094.51 ‘Housing Fund #2 7,700.00 Russell Co Health & Fitness 132,736.92 Cannery (158,106.92) WIB 10,051.75 Total 7,908 546.89 7,908,546.89

October 8, 2020 ‘The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on October 8, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. via conference call pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Erie McFaddin, Chairman Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretary Roger Sword, Member Tony Dodi, Member John Stamper, Member Donnie Christian, Member Jarred Glass, Member

ABSENT: Scott Gilmer, Member STAFF: Ben Chafin, Attorney ‘The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 P.M. Secretary called the roll and recorded the rolll call.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Donnie Christian and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2020 Meeting.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass

Absent: S. Gilmer Nay: None

FINANCIAL REPORT Upon motion made by Donnie Christian, second by Jarred Glass, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the financial report and pay invoices presented.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C, Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass

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Absent: 8. Gilmer Nay: None

PUBLIC/GUEST COMMENTS No guest presentations.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT The attorney reported project “Brown” is moving forward and the purchase of the building should be finalized within a week.

‘The attorney reported the IDA was able to get an extension on project “Trout”

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ‘The chairman reported he has been asked for letters of support for VCEDA’s seed capital grant program,

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Donnie Christian, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, authorizing the chairman to prepare letters of support for the following VCEDA seed capital grant applicants; Jessica Whitt, The Play Hut and NXTGen Mobile Welding Services. The chairman is also authorized to sign all documents relating to these letters of support.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass Absent: S. Gilmer

Nay: None

duly approved by , authorizing

the chairmai

nt relating to this pro

‘The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass

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Tracy Highlight

Absent: S. Gilmer Nay: None

The chairman asked the board to adopt a resolution of support for VCEDA highlighting the benefit of their organization to our region. VCEDA has come under criticism from other organizations in the Commwealth.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, authorizing the chairman to prepare a Resolution of Support for the Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority. The chairman is also authorized to sign all document relating to this resolution.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass

Absent: S. Gilmer Nay: None

CPRHA is asking VCEDA for funding toward the Villas on Main Project and CPRHA would like for the IDA to submit a letter of support.

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, authorizing the chairman to prepare a letter of support to VCEDA for CPRHA’s Villas on Main Project. The chairman is authorized to sign all documents relating to this

letter of support.

‘The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass Absent: S. Gilmer

Nay: None

Project “Build” is asking for the lot on Gray Farm Road to build a building. This will be discussed next month in closed session.

Baker Roofing has completed the roof onthe Government Center ovate ataPepecenenti now woking Vion 4 oP plans forte

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Tracy Highlight

‘The BOS approved funds to convert 10 Covid loans to grants. ‘The motel payments are paid through October, however there has been no communication with Jamie Oliver.

— alee

The Courthouse Project has received proposals from 3 companies.

BiafeetJonais is moving forward, and the 3 counties are working on the details of revenue sharing agreements.

is now in harvest mode. The main crop has been good but some of the experimental crops did not do as well.

PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Donnie Christian, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia adjourning this meeting at 6:44 PM

The Roll Call Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, D. Christian, J. Stamper, J. Glass Absent: S. Gilmer

Nay: None

Loretta Vance —

From: vicki [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 9:00 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: FW: Russell County Courthouse PPEA Interviews From: Lonzo Lester [email protected]

riday, November 13, 2020 1:12 PM Tot ‘Michael L. Moore’ [email protected]; [email protected]; Zack Stoots [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tdodi@russell,; [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]; Loretta Vance [email protected]

Subject: Russell County Courthouse PPEA Interviews

Courthouse Committee Members ~ Reminder.

Subject: Russell County Courthouse PPEA Interviews When: Thursday, November 19, 2020 8:00 AM-12:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: Russell County Government Center, 137 Highland Circle, Lebanon, VA Agenda:

8:00-8:10 AM: Committee Meeting

8:15-9:15 AM: Burwil/Moseley Interview

9:30-10:30 AM: L.A. Street/silling Interview

10:45 AM-11:45 AM: —_Pray/Architectural Partners Interview

14:45 AM-12:15 PM: Deliberation and Selection by Committee

‘This message, including any atlachments hereto, may contain prvlegad or ‘confidential information and Is sent solely forthe alontion and use ofthe intended adéressee(s). you are not an inlonded addressee, you may neither use this message nor copy or dalver ito anyone. In such case, you should immediately destroy his message and kindly notify the sondar by reply eal Thank you.

Luiza Lester, MBA, CPC. UCO Resell County Administrator

137 Aightaud Drtve

Lebanon, Vaginia 24266 276-889-8000 (Ofgece) 276-980-4896 (Cell)

276-889-50Ut (Fas) E-mail: Louse, lester(Drussetloowutyoa. us

“This communication, including any attachments, may contain confidential and privileged information. The information is intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you are prohibited from any use, distribution, or copying of this communication. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication in its entirety from your system.



MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING OF DIRECTORS of The Russell County Public Service Authority held at held at 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 on this 17th day of November 2020 at 6:00 PM.

The following members were present, constituting a quorum (4): Carter McGlothlin, Chairman;

Cuba Porter, Vice Chairman

Donnie Christian, Treasurer;

Chris Dye

Clifford Hess;

David Edmonds, Jr.;

Joe Huff; and

Rhonda Lester, Secretary.

  1. Also present:

Harvey Hart;

James Baker, T&L; Rita Baker, T&L; and Katie Patton

  1. All the directors of The Russell County Public Service Authority being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.

  2. Carter McGlothlin acted as Chairperson of the meeting and Rhonda Lester as Secretary of the meeting.

  3. Harvey Hart opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer led by Donnie Christian,

  4. Approve Agenda - Motion to amend the agenda to add“ Enter into (closed) executive session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712 (8) of the Code of Virginia to discuss legal matters pursuant to 3711(A)(3)(7)(8) of the Code of Virginia” regarding consolidation & restructuring of debt and Crossroads Engineering contract” to Old Business made by Chris Dye, seconded by Donnie Christian, and unanimously adopted,

  5. Minutes of the last meeting dated October 20, 2020 were reviewed and, upon motion duly made by Donnie Christian, seconded by Clifford Hess were unanimously adopted as read.

  6. Public Comments: None

  7. Harvey Hart, Director, presented to the meeting:

® Bank Activity and Account Balances Reports Profit and Loss Reports

  • Outstanding Construction Receivables Report


  • Systems Water Loss Reports

and upon motion made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Chris Dye, were unanimously adopted as presented.

Rita Baker with Thompson & Litton presented to the meeting the following project updates from October 20, 2020 to date:

  • BELFAST PH II (RT. 603) - WATER LINE EXTENSION PROJECT: Installed for this reporting period: 60 LF of 2-inch line, 847 LF of 1-inch line, 1,647 LF of %- inch line, and (14) Service Meters. A Progress/Management Team Meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2020 at 10:00 AM.

  • LAKE BONAVENTURE PH II (PINCASTLE) Installed for this reporting period: 195 LF of 8-inch line and 40 LF of road crossing for a total installed to date of 4,995 LF of 8-inch line, 50 LF of creek crossing, and 80 LF of road bore Pressure testing and Bac T samples were also done this reporting period. VDH approved placing this line into service. Tie-in to new line was made,

  • LAKE BONAVENTURE TO SOUTH CLINCHFIELD WSL-017-15 Installed for this reporting period: 2,545 LF of 8-inch line and 30 LF of road crossing.

  • Old Business to Discuss:

Motion made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Donnie Christian and duly approved by the Board of Directors to enter into (closed) executive session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712 (5) of the Code of Virginia to discuss legal matters pursuant to 371 1(A)(3)(7)(8) of the Code of Virginia regarding consolidation & restructuring of debt and Crossroads Engineering contract,

Motion made by David Edmonds, Jr., seconded by Clifford Hess, and duly approved by the Board of Directors to return to regular session.

Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Directors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge @) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Directors.

Any member of the Board of Directors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (I) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place,

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only

to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes,

Clifford Hess ~ Yes Chris Dye ~ Yes

Cuba Porter ~ Yes

Joe Huff = Yes

Donnie Christian - Yes David Edmonds, Jr. - Yes Carter MeGlothlin ~ Yes

12, New Business to Discuss:

  • Carter McGlothlin, Chairman presented to the meeting and thereupon the following resolutions were offered,


‘* Motion to approve the Resolution of The Russell County Public Service Authority to fully commit to using resources to address issues that may arise regarding the acquisition of easements and rights-of-way in a lawful fashion as it relates to the consolidation of the Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority and the Russell County Public Service Authority, made by Donnie Christian, seconded by Clifford Hess, and duly adopted.

‘The vote was:

Yes: Jr

lifford Hess, Chris Dye, Cuba Porter, Joe Huff, Donnie Christian, David Edmonds,

No: Carter McGlothlin

  • Motion to approve employee Christmas Bonuses in the amount of $500.00 each, made by Donnie Christian, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr, and unanimously adopted.
  1. Matters presented by the Board: None

  2. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn at 7:38 PM and to reconvene at 4:00 PM at the Russell County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting on December 9, 2020 was made by Donnie Christian, seconded by Clifford Hess, and duly approved by the Board of Directors,

Dated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on the 17" day of November 2020,


Secretary Name: Rhonda Lester



at its regular meeting on November 17. 2020, the Russell Coumy Public Service Authority Board discussed the acquisition of the assets of the Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority, more specifically interests in real property.

WHEREAS, the Russell County Public Service Authority Board understands that

action may be necessary to lawfully establish easements and rights- WHE!

it may be necessary to use resources of the Board to lawfully establish ensements and

“ay S, the Russell County Public Service Authority Board understands that

rights-of way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Russell County Public Service

Authority Board to fully commit to the use of resources necessary to the establish

easements and rights-of-way in a lawful fas BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Russell County Public

Service Authority Board, Carter MeGiothlin, is hereby authorized to sign this Resolution,


and the Clerk, Rhonda Lester, is hereby authorized to attest to the Chairman’s signature

and to this Resolution,

. , Craton 1 le AAR L Carter MeGlothlin, Chairman Russell County Public Service Authority

Gancle Kets.

Rhonda Lester, Clerk Russell County Publi

vice Authority


November highlights

ived notification of a successful Marketing Leverage Program grant application award of $5,000 through ia Tourism Corporation, (Press release regarding this announcement is attached).

-Met with Commissioner Randy Williams and county administrator on an elected official recognition wall for the Government Center. Retired or deceased elected officials will turn in a photo and it will be framed and displayed. ‘There has been a large interest in this idea from family members of past officials.

-Completed hanging several items from artists in the Russell County Artisan Gallery in the Government Center. Participated in meeting with Scotty Wampler, Economic Recovery Coordinator, Cumberland Plateau PDC.

-Had meeting with Russell County TAC on fundraising and holiday projects.

-Worked with TAC committee on getting fundraising items distributed. -Continued to market Russell County Tourism on social media, -Participate in CRVI meeting,

Participated in Virginia Tourism Corporation industry meeting.

-Began working on items for new MLP grant,

-Working on final projects for WanderLove Grant.

Heather Powers Russell County Tourism Coordinator

Russell County Receives Virginia Tourism Corporation Recovery Marketing Leverage Grant For Tourism


Russell County has received $5,000 from the Virginia Tourism Corporation’s (VTC) Recovery Marketing Leverage Program (RMLP), designed to help local and regional tourism entities attract more visitors by leveraging limited local marketing dollars through a local match of the state grants funds.

More than $1.9 million in matching grant funds were awarded to 161 | program, This funding cycle, local partners will provide more than $5.6 milli grants, These grants will ultimately impact 483 statewide tourism entities.

Russell County will use the VTC Recovery Marketing Leverage grant funds to promote local tourist destinations from agritourism to local shopping. This will include print and social media that will reach numerous locations within target areas,

Russell County Tourism Coordinator Heather Powers said, “I am pleased to have been able to work closely with the Russell County Tourism Advisory Committee on this successfull grant application,” Further Powers noted, “Together, we will work to promote the county as we are hopefl to continue to be a popular destination with our outside adventure opportunites, especially beginning in the spring.”

‘The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the tourism and hospitality industries in Virginia. As the Commonwealth slowly reopens for business, VIC offered these grant funds as a first step to re-entry into the ‘marketplace to spur economic activity and future travel across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

“Tourism is a crucial section of the Virginia economy and when we invest in this industry, we support local job creation and drive regional economic growth, which is desperately needed now due to the pandemic,” said Governor Ralph Northam, “These funds give localities and businesses access to critical marketing resources that will help bring more travelers to our Commonwealth, increase visitor spending, and grow demand for Virginia products.”

Tourism is one of the Commonwealth’s largest economic engines, with visitors to Russell County spending more than $13.4 million in 2019, supporting 150 work opportunities and contributing $858,730.00 in local and state tax revenue, The tourism and hospitality industries have also been among the hardest-hit by the pandemic, experiencing decreased revenue and job loss, along with the temporary closure of many tourism-related businesses. A revived tourism economy can help spur new economic activity and inject critical funds back into Virginia communities.

Visit Experience Russell at, on facebook @EperienceRussellCountyVA and Instagram at ExperinceRussellCountyVA

About Virginia Tourism Corporation Virginia Tourism Corporation is the state agency charged with marketing the Commonwealth as a premier travel

and film destination. In 2019, visitors to Virginia spent $27 billion, which supported 237,000 work opportunities and contributed $1.8 billion in state and local taxes. To learn more, visit,

‘al tourism initiatives through this ind value to match the VIC

Russell County Planning Commission 10/19/20

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, October 19,2020 in the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133, Highland Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present Jack Compton Kevin Tiller Esq. Charlie Edmonds Lonzo Lester Dustin Keith John Mason

Chairman Kirby Meadows Mark Mitchell

Vice Chair Andy Smith Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Oris Christian

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given.

Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Oris Christian to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Motion by Roger Sword, seconded by Oris Christian to approve minutes of 09/21/20 meeting. Motion carried.


Vice Chair Andy Smith nominated Kirby Meadows for Chairman. Mark Mitchell made the motion that nominations cease and Kirby Meadows be elected by acclimation, motion carried.

Jack Compton nominated Andy Smith for Vice Chairman. Mark Mitchell made the motion that nominations cease and Andy Smith be elected by acclimation, motion carried.

Roger Sword nominated Mark Mitchell for secretary. Andy Smith made the motion that nominations cease and Mark Mitchell be elected by acclimation, motion carried.

New Business

Lonzo Lester presented request to amend the Comprehensive Plan. VDOT Projects #1 Century Farm Road, #2 U S Route 19 Northbound and Southbound lanes near Tiller Trailer Court. #3 U S Route 58 at Sundown Drive. (Details attached.) Motion made by Andy Smith seconded by Roger Sword to amend the Comprehensive Plan as requested, motion carried. Andy Smith requested that while involved with Project #2 that obstruction of view near old Elk Garden School be addressed as well.

Chairman Meadows opened discussion about the county Agent vacancy. Mr. Lester stated that the he and the Board of Supervisors had been dealing with the vacancy. Ms White ask for a ten percent raise to continue to serve as the Agent. Dustin Keith stated that it would be advantageous for the Agent to be in the County Assessor’s Office. Kevin

Tiller ask if anyone in the Board of Supervisors office could be assigned the Agent’s duties and possibly limiting the days of availability. Mr Lester that they were already short staffed unable to absorb any additional responsibilities. Roger Sword brought the fact that Ms White was already receiving $1200.00 per year and to consider that in making a decision. Oris Christian stated that his son Donnie would consider the position, due to his qualifications and experience. Variious other options were discussed. Motion made by Mark Mitchell, seconded by Andy Smith that Chairman Meadows appear before the Board of Supervisors at their November meeting and ask that the Board negotiate with Crystal White for a suitable stipend for the County Agent position, motion carried.

Lonzo Lester presented a plat for Pure Salmon VA LLC. After review Roger Sword moved, seconded by Jack Compton that the consolidation of the property was exempt from ordinance, motion carried.

Mr Lester also presented a plat for Richard and Tammy Perkins. After review Mark Mitchell made the motion seconded by Oris Christian that the conveyance to a family member was exempt, motion carried.

The plat previously presented for Linda Patrick with the 30 foot right of way was discussed. Motion by Jack Compton seconded by Oris Christian was exempt from ordinance, motion carried.

Motion by Andy Smith seconded by Dustin Keith that the plat for Kenneth and James Osborne property line adjustment was exempt from ordinance, motion carried.

Motion by Jack Compton seconded by Andy Smith that plat containing -7 Acres conveying land from Greg Farmer to Clinton and Joyce Farmer be approved, motion carried.

Motion by Mark Mitchell seconded by Dustin Keith that single division of land on State Route 673, Morning Star Circle of Dolphus and Brenda Murdock exempt from ordinance, motion carried.

Kevin Tiller presented plat for Peggy Williams and Meredith Neece expanding Meredith Neece property. Motion by Andy Smith seconded by Oris Christian that adjoining land owner exempt, motion carried.

Review of Plats Reviewed 09/22/20 thru 10/19/20 transactions. Other Business

Andy Smith discussed the possibility of making plats available electronically.

Chairman Meadows authorized Mark Mitchell to sign plats.

Dustin Keith informed the Planning Commission of land access seminar to be presented at an upcoming meeting by Austin Counts of Appalachian Voices. Mr Keith also brought up online access to tax maps. Mr. Lester responded to the actions taken by the Board of Supervisors.

Next Delinquent Tax Sale is Scheduled for November 10* at 11:00 AM at the Russell County Government Center.

Chairman Meadows ask that next month to schedule a joint public hearing with the Board of Supervisors in reference to the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Meadows informed the Commission that he had akey to the building.

Motion to adjourn by Charlie Edmonds seconded by Dustin Keith. Motion carried.

Ket Mundo

Kirby Meadows, Chairman

|, Secretary

Russell County Planning Commission

August 18, 2020- September 21, 2020

. Thomas Meade added .03 AC to Henry W. & Linda Meade (new acreage .59 AC) Remaining acreage 33.72 AC Adjoining Land Owner Porter Hollow RD

. Caleb & Tabatha Smith 4.09 AC on right of way divided off Remaining acreage is 20 AC Green Valley RD

. Riverbound Trout Farms LLC 11.09 AC & 18.91 AC to Pure Salmon LLC Remaining acreages are 37.35 AC & 30.93 AC US HWY 19

. Robert & Teresa J Mercer Boundary line adjustment, new acreages 7.447 AC & 1.211 AC Mountain RD

. Linda Crabtree 43.234 AC to be sold Remaining acreage -766 AC Hubbard Town RD

. James Milton .43 AC to Sharon Fogleman Remaining acreage 7.39 AC Adjoining Land Owner Deerfield DR

. Justin & Jessie Grizzle 2.076 AC to Brandon Bise Remaining acreage 8.924 AC Combs Valley RD


November 1, 2020

‘The following is a list of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of November.

Date Event Event Type Space Community Full Russell County Board Of Supervisors Event Free 11102120 Lonzo Lester $125 11/04/20 Farm Bureau Board of Directors Meeting Individual Quarter Bruce Warmer Event $75 11/05/20 Southern States Board Meeting Individual Quarter Allison Kiser Event $75 41/07/20 Phantom Feast Community Full Rodney Shortridge Event $25 Canceled 11/10/20 ‘Treasure Office County Tax Sale ‘Community Full Alicia MeGlothtin Event Free $125 44113120 Wedding Reception Individual Full Karen Taylor Event $25 Canceled 11/14/20 ‘Wedding Reception Individual Full Karen Taylor Event $25


11/18/20 Baby Shower Individual Full Kim McFarlane Event $125 11/16/20 ‘Mountain Movers Community Full Kevin Blankenship Event Free $125 11/18/20 Russell County Farm Bureau Meeting Individual Quarter Bruce Wamer Event $75 11/26/20 Family Thanksgiving Dinner Individual Full Rhonda Sword Event $0 Canceled Due To Covid-19 Virus 11/28/20 Milton Family Thanksgiving Dinner Individual Full Nancy McCoy Event $0

Canceled Due To Covid-19 Virus

(Total: $800.00)

” $375.00

Final Total = $ 425.00







SHOULDER REPAIR AND POT HOLE 1-Rt 613/58 just off Rt. 58 at parking lot ASPHALT has broken off causing vehicle problems. Gravel has been pulled up against pavement. WILL PAVE IN THE SPRING

2Rt 19S/949 needs signs warning of an intersection or/and watch vehicle turn. GIVEN TO BRISTOL DEPT. TRAFFIC


4-Rt 620 one mile up out of Finney pavement broken off needs pipe and filled

5- All, back roads need grass cut for VISIBILITY RT 846 MARVIN HESS RD BRUSH COMING OUT INTO ROADWAY Rt.695 TROUT POND ,615 IN THE MUD HOLE AREA AND 683 DIFFERENT AREA’S NEED WEEDS cut also on rt. 67 swords creek at the blinking light near the school

6-Rt, 615 near 870 intersection tree hanging over the wall. REQUEST GUARD RAIL TO BE INSTALLED WHICH WOULD PREVENT WRECKS INTO THE CREEK -talked to road crew to remove TREE


8-Rt 615 Back Valley cracker neck area dips IN THE ROAD has been patched will fix




11- Rt. 600 Wilder Hollow large pot hole near the POND 400YDS. FROM THE DICKENSON COUNTY LINE


13-Rt 665 past the ball park road falling in just pass 600 intersection WILL MONITOR




2-Rt 71N request speed limit signs need to be moved back near Fincastle Subdivision to slow down oncoming traffic LOOKING TO INSTALL CAUTION TRAFFIC ENTERING HIGHWAY

3-Rt 80 Blackford Bridge ruff possibility dropping down GETTING WORSE-BRIDGE CREW MADE AWARE WILL PASS ON TO BRISTOL

4-Rt. 816 & 819 road narrow need delineator’s installed WILL GIVE TO SIGN CREW FOR EVALUATION













3-Rt. 71s / 604 Molls Creek INTERSECTION needs bank scaled back for visibility instead a stop bar will be installed and brush to be keep trimmed —WILL KEEP BANK SCALED BACK

4-Rt. 80 from the doubles to Rt. 19 needs a passing lane installed

5-Rt. 645 New Garden Road water undercutting road one mile East of Nash’s Ford Bridge GETTING WORSE

6-Rt. 19N ramp onto Rt. 80at Elk Garden School is ruff and tilted IN THE WORKS



Barbara COX 971 1502 JOHNNY JESSEE 889 1563 LINDA CROSS 794 7618 TIM LOVELACE 971 0367 GARY DOTSON 7 62 9803 TONY MAXFIELD 254 2492 EUGENE FERGUSON 210 8504 MIKE O’QUINN 701 7086 CARL RHEA 2543810 HENRY STINSON 873 4905 HENRY KINCER 889 7601



Cannery Revenue Report FY 2020/2021


Month Resident |OutofCounty] Combined | Resident Cans Glass [Non-Resident] Cans Glass Customers | Customers | Revenues | Customers | Used Jars Customers | Used Jars July 7 7 $375.06[$ 156.81 0 928 [S$ 218.25 0 648 [August 25 16 $_ 970.85[$ 346.60 0 1900 [S$ 624.25 0 1745 [September 16 12 $_879.25[$ 248.85 0 1333 ~[$ 630.40 0 1780 (October 1 17 $774.05[$ 258.65 0 1573—([$ 515.40 0 1691 [November [December January Total 69 52 $ 2,999.21[$ 1,010.91 0 5734 [$1,988.30 0 5864 Honaker Month Resident |OutofCounty| Combined | Resident Cans Glass [Non-Resident] Cans Glass Customers | Customers | Revenues | Customers | Used Jars Customers | Used Jars July 1 1 $130.70[$ 83.95 0 586 [S$ 46.75 0 143 August 35 2 $ 40240[$ 349.50 0 1823 (| $ 52.60 0 140 [September 18 5 $318.20[$ 196.10 0 o71—‘(|$ 422.10 0 327 (October 15 7 $386.00[$ 162.55 0 846 [$223.45 0 455 November December January Total 79 15 $ 1,237.00[$ 792.10 0 4326 [$444.90 0 1065 Combined Total Total Total Total Total Total Season Totals Revenues | Resident Cans Jars | Non-Resident] Cans Jars $ 4,236.21 | $ 1,803.04 CY) 10060 |$ 2,433.20 0 6929

Total Cans : 0 Total Glass Jars: 16,989

Address Property Owner

4478 Red Oak Ridge Rd.Castlewood, VA 24224

Warren & Lesha Kiser

4982 Mew Rd. Castlewood, VA 24224

James D. Ratliff

2625 BannerSt. St. Beecher Mays & Brenda

Paul, VA 24283 Hammons c/o Connie Jesse

106 Talbert St.

Castlewood, VA 24224

Winchester Hotel

Washers and Dryers~-Sun

Tax Map L.d.

158.RSB 1831

156 LIA 336

157 LIB 3294


08/31/2020: Building Official has made contact with Russell Co. Litter Officer to arrange a site visit.-10/26/2020: Proceed with legal action if R.C.B.O. recommends it. 11/30/2020:Proceed with legal action if R.C.B.0. recommends it.

10/26/2020: Has not yet been observed by R.C.B.D. 11/30/2020:Has not vet been observed by R.C.8.0.

10/26/2020: Has not yet been observed by R.C.B.D. 11/30/2020 Has not yet been observed by R.C.B.D.

10/26/2020: Forward to Russell County Sheriffs office for enforcement. 11/30/2020: Forward to Russell County Sheriffs office for enforcement.

10/26/2020: Need to do further site visits R.C.8.D. 11/30/2020: Need to do further site visits R.C.8.D.

10/26/2020: Forward to Russell County Sheriffs office for enforcement. 11/30/2020: Forward to Russell County Sheriffs office for enforcement.

Animal Shelter Report November 2020

Animal control answered 170 calls 19 dogs reclaimed

5 dogs adopted

“U4 dogs transferred to rescue

17 November 2020 Lebanon Library

5pm Board of Trustees Agenda

  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Introductions

  4. Presentations:

  5. Approval of Minutes

  6. Communications: Citizens Comments

  7. Financial Report Fines Bills Budget spreadsheet

  8. Staff Reports: Programs Services

  9. Remarks/Reports of Trustees:

  10. Unfinished Business:

u1. New Business: Director’s Evaluation

  1. Tabled Business:

  2. Review & Summary

14, Next Meeting Date: 15 December 2020

  1. Adjournment

Operating Under an Emergency Declaration

fsa bila

Honaker Communit Ltxary «Lebanon brary


© Masks required of Staff - EVEN seated at own staff workstation

© Masks required of Patrons © Social Distancing of 6’ Enforced

  • Limit occupancy-50% Lebanon, 10 persons HCL

Library Board of Trustees Meeting soe Cou Publi Lary, Members Present Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye* ‘Ann Monk Susan Breeding karen Herndon Sharon Sargent Karen Davis Sherry Lyttle Sharon Van Dyke

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 20 October 2020 at 5:00 pm.

Minutes: Sharon Van Dyke made and Judy Ashbrook seconded a motion to approve the ributed; motion passed.

September minutes as Communications:

Sharon Sargent made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs and Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Busine:

New Business: Susan Breeding made and Judy seconded a motion to approve the revised budget including IMLS/CARES funding; motion passed.

Susan moved that the Board go into closed session pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia for the purpose of an employee personnel matter.

Sharon VanDyke made and Sherry Lyttle seconded a motion to exit the closed session; motion passed,

Susan moved that the Board certify that to the best of each members knowledge, only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia identified in the motion authorizing the closed session were

Freedom of Information Act an heard, discussed, or considered in the closed session and Karen Davis seconded the motion; motion passed. Roll Call vote: Judy, aye; Susan, aye; Karen Davis, aye; Sherry, aye; Karen Herndon, aye; Ann Monk, aye; Sharon VanDyke, aye; Sharon Sargent, aye.

Review and Summary: Sharon Sargent made and Ann seconded a motion to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Kelly McBride Delph

*Yvonne Dye left before the meeting concluded.

Russell County Public Library Revenue Report 2020 - 2021

INCOME us August_| Sept_| oct_| nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | mar | aor | may | un |ytoToTats Late Charges 1840-7740 34.90 6920 799.90 BMW Copies| 18528 218.80 326.40 197.55 898.03] Color Copies} 132.08 85.75 101.25 2225 341.30] Fax 11310 48804280 85.30 290.00 LosvDamaged 375 25.00 111.00 0.00 430.75 FOL Donations 1295 7.85 143.15. 107.00 240.95| Mise 500 14.00 5.00 8.20 29.20) Mtg Room 000 0.00» 0.00 0.00 0.09} iLL 000 0.00» 0.00 0.00 0.00] Cardstoci( 200 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.09] Service Charge| 45.00 12.00 1200 _ 10.00 49,00 Total (Less FOL $444.58 $476.75] $635.35] $392.50] $0.00] $0.00[ S000] 80.00] S000] Sooo SOO sD, —SASET Te PETTY casH yTD EXPENDITURES uly | August| sept | oct_| Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | mar | apr | may | Jun | SPENDING Materials 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00} Food 000 0.00» 0.00 0.00 0.09} Miscellaneous| 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.86. 79.86| Postage| 4340 1681 7408.40 76.01 Programs| 1368 0.00_—-0.00___0.00 13.66 Deposit 387.52] 461.94] 627.95] 30424] 0.00] 0.00] 0.00] ooo] 0 ool_0.00] 0.00] 0.00] _s1.781.68 Deposit Goal $4,500 Percent to Goal 39.59% FY 2021 Revenue 1082020 Fines & Fees -001 $1,749.06 LBRFEE Donations-006 $1,095.00 LeRDON Towns -011 (Leb) $3,500.00 LsFTow [Towns -011 (Hon) $2,000.00 LsFTOW FaETE E-rate 3 201504

[Mast Trust CD $25,505.64

Date Location 10/7/2020 Lebanon 10/7/2020 Lebanon

20/14/2020 Lebanon 10/21/2020 Lebanon 10/26/2020 Lebanon. 10/28/2020 Lebanon.

Total Lebanon

Date Location Lebanon Honaker

[Total RCPL

Program Facebook Storytime Book Club

Facebook Storytime Facebook Storytime Family History Q & A Facebook Storytime

6 Programs


6 Programs O Programs 6 Programs

Programs Report October 2020


Honaker Programs


Youth Children Total A-minute video views: 4 2 ° ° 2 ‘Lminute video views: 3 ‘Leminute video views: F] ° ° ° q minute video views: al 2 C) C) 27] Youth Children Total 2 ° ° 27] 0 ° o| 2 ° 21]

—RCPL Monthly Activity Report

‘Lebanon Branch. SULY| AUG | SEP | OCT [NOV | DEC | JAN | FEB [MAR | APR [MAY [JUNE] | YTD "20-24 | YTD "13-20

[Circulation Stats [Adult Fiction 456] 468[ 477] 34] T T 7755] 2073] [Adult Non-Fiction: a2i| 122] 145] _ 147] 535) 739 Large Print Fiction 09] 151] 425] 122) 5071 578 [Large Print Non-Fiction a) t 5] 37] [Paperbacks 4[40| to] 2 H T 23) 40| [Parent Resource ol ofa 2 ol Reference oO] of 0} 0 i | [Local History |_~32| 30] 2630} 178) 336| Interibrary Loan i of 1] | 2. | [Books-By-Mail a) 2 71 Storage. Al NiA—2) | 2 Nal IBook COS 8| 19| 25] 36 38 72 Digital Books ol of oo 0} | [Electronic Resources a] 3) 12] [Downloadable Books" '329| 293] 313] 249) 1184] 1,158] [Downloadable Music 103| 105] $280) i 386) 333) [Music COs. 76) 8|_11 T i 3] 454 DVOs 9634] 457] 175) 7562 7216] Biu-Ray 48| 65] 35| 65; 213) “704| [Equipment ‘ol of o} | | [Periodicals 46| 60) 25) 49) 80] 781 [Juvenile Easy 78| 101] 455] 209] 543 896 | [Juvenile Fiction 713] 115] 105] 110] 443 405 | [Juvenile Non-Fiction 82|—42| 31] 36) 191 303 [Young Adult Fiction 18| 25] 23| 38] i 04) 179} [Young Adult Non-Fiction a i 2 I Total 1657! 1 629|T. 702] 4761| 0] 0} 0] 0] 0 of of of 5949) EE [JULY AUG | -SEP | OCT | NOV] DEC | JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY] JUNE] [YTD "20-21 | YTD 18-20 Holds Processed 193] 126] 784] 270) T_T T Z 307 [Overdue Notices of of ol 0 i 0) 104] [Overdue Notices vis E-mail o| —4[ oof am 1 3] Notices: o| of oof a) 3] Patron Count [JULY AUG T SEP | OCT | NOV] DEC [JAN | FEB [ MAR | APR | MAY [JUNE] [YTD "20-21 YTD 19-20 [Average Dally Visits 7e|—s6|__7i] 79] T 3B] 734 [Total Visits 7,906| 7,453) 1,763| 7,807 i” 6s20| 10.147] Patrons Added 44] 16) 3.719] 3600) L 7349) 109] [Technology Usage [JULY | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC | JAN | FEB | MAR [APR | MAY [JUNE] | YTD "20-21 | YTD 19-20 Public Computers [228] 212] 238] 243] w9 7375 | [Wireless Computers 368/323] 330] 357] i378. ‘980| [Home Page Hits 2,053) 7,939] 2,168) 3.207; 2,053) 5944

[The meeting room had 0 appointments with O attendance. The library was open 26 days.

RCPL Monthly Activity Report Honaker Branch

| [JULY AUG | SEP [OCT [NOV | DEC] JAN | FEB [MAR APR [MAY [JUNE] [YTD 20-27; ¥IDE30 (Gircutation Stats TI [Adult Fition 2 63 5869 252 340 [Adut Non-Fiction 1 1 01 7 29 72 Large Print Fition 19 1 19 30 78 229 [Large Print Non-Fiction —] o 3 2 oO 5 0} Paperbacks 0 0 3 0 3 64] Parent Resource 0 0 oO oO 0 Reference 0 0 oO oO 0 4 Local Histo © 6 0 oO 0 75) interlibrary Loan 0 0 o oO ° | Books-By-Mai =o 0 0 o ° q Book COs 2 2 2 0 6 5| 0 0 0 Oo 0 Electronic ResouTes © 0 o o ° 4 Iusic CDs 1 68 8 lo 18 30 DVDS 7 3% 8taT 141 383] Periodicals 0 2 0 0 2 3 [Juvenile Easy | 4 20 2 @ 27 461 [Juvenile Fiction 10 862 «10 20 22 ant [Juvenile Non-Fiction 304 0 3 10 42| [Young Adult Fiction 302 4 «0 9 a7| [Young Adult Non-Fiction 0 0 0 lo 0 2 Total 149° 143° 140188 620 2173| [JULY AUG SEP] OCT | NOV | DEC | JAN FES | MAR | APR MAY [JUNE] [YTD "20721, YTD "19-20 |Holds Processed 7 48 21 33, 26. 123, 108} [Overdue Notices 0 0 “0 0 0 17 [Overdue Notices via E-mail 0 0 o oO 0 q Fine Notices 0 0 0 oO ° 35] Patron Count [JULY AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC | JAN [FEB [MART APR MAY [JUNE] [VID O-2i[yIDe20 [Average DalyVeis—] 11 8 7 7 8 30] [Total Visits 15413995117 505 1589 Patrons Added 0 2 8 3 13 23] [Technology Usage [JULY AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV] DEC [JAN | FEB [WAR APR WAY JUNE) [YTO"20-21[YID"1s720 [Public Computers. 29 23 40 35 127 236 [Wireless 180 145164177 489 267]

The library was open 16 days.

[The meeting room had 0 appointments with 0 attendance.

RCPL Director’s Update November 2020

Physical Plant Disinfecting sprayer in use weekly Lebanon: Lockers still not installed Honaker: Shingles off garage; structural integrity of basement piers!

Budget No Fines assessed this fiscal year

Policies Disaster Planning for Virginia Libraries Project (LVA CARES) community resiliency MOU: Family Nutrition Program

Collections Local History webpage renewed with digital collections

Staff Brooke Fetty & Jamie Rexrode: Circulation Assistants; Belinda Levy: HCL Branch Mgr etc, Jewel absent due to inhalation of sanitizing chemicals; workman’s comp application made

Programs & Services

Generic library cards for all kz students >3600!

Story Walks both Honaker & Lebanon

Family History Month Virtual October program

NEA Big Read Apr 2021 as partner with Lonesome Pine Regional Lib — A Wizard of Earthsea

Technology New TLC server arrives Careg purchases introduced this month

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Christmas Raffle Baskets from both Friends groups; buy your tickets at the board meeting!



Mr. Damon Rasnick Mr. Ronald Peters

CUMBERLAND PLATEAU RWMA: Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director



Mr. Jeff Cooper

Mr. Tim Hess Mr. Carl Rhea

Mr. Tim Lovelace

Agenda |. November 18, 2020 CPRWMA Board of Directors Roll Call for Quorum.

Il, a) Approval of Minutes of the October 21, 2020 meeting… Motion: Seconded:

lll. Administrative Business

a) Review CPRWMA Waste Stream Report October 202(

b) Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of October 2020… c) CPRWMA Attorney’s Report for October 2020…

d) Litter and Recycling Report… IV. Old Business

Letter to WV Tire Disposal. .Cream Sheet Motion: con V. New Business a) Dickenson County Tire Machine…ssscsscccesesssnesestesssesseseerensteseenes ‘Toby Motion: Second

b) :

VI. Correspondence a) Permit updates for Buchanan County Transfer Station… b) Virginia DEQ Transfer Station Permits Financial Assurance Report. ¢) _ Letter from Bud Phillips on Probation and Community Program…

Attachments Attachments Attachment

Vil. Adjournment and Next Meeting.

Chair or Vice Chair conducting the meeting: Motion:, Seconded:

Minutes submitted by: Tim Lovelace and Saundra Honaker

137 Highland Drive / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected]



Mr, Damon Rasnick Mr. Ronald Peters


Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director


RUSSELL COUNTY: Mr. Jeff Cooper Mr. Tim Hess Mr. Carl Rhea

Mr. Tim Lovelace

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2020 Members Present: Others Present:

Jeff Cooper, Vice-Chairman Toby Edwards, Director

Carl Rhea Rw. Thornbury, Legal Counsel Tim Lovelace Saundra Honaker, Finance Officer Ronald E Peters Danny Davis, Buchanan Co.

Damon Rasnick (by phone)

CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairman, Jeff Cooper, called the October 21, 2020, meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 5:11 PM. The meeting was held in Lebanon, VA at the Bonanza Restaurant.

QUORUM: A quorum of those physically in attendance was established.

ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION: Pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3708.2, upon notice provided, Chairman Damon Rasnick, participated by phone from Dickenson County, Virginia, as he could not attend physically due to a temporary medical disability. As Vice Chair, Jeff Cooper presided over the meeting.

A motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Ron Peters to allow Damon Rasnick to participate via phone from home due to medical disability. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye /

Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye

Ron Peters — Aye

A motion was made by Carl Rhea and seconded by Ron Peters to amend the Agenda to include correction to Treasurer’s Report and Health Insurance renewal. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

137 Highland Drive / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected] aes

October 21, 2020 Page 2

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 17, 2020 monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Directors were presented for consideration. A

motion was made by Tim Lovelace to approve the minutes and seconded by Carl Rhea. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye

Ron Peters — Aye


Buchanan and Dickenson tonnage increased, and Russell County has decreased a little.

‘TREASURER’S REPORT: Tim Lovelace presented the CPRWMA

‘Treasurer’s Report for the month of September 2020, reporting the total in the bank was $486,262.33 at the end of September. The CPA overstated the overage amount for the fiscal year ending 2018 in the amount of $6,910.00 and understated in the amount of $92.00 for the fiscal year ending 2019. The CPA corrected those errors and reported them to the Authority, Based on the corrections, Ron Peters made a motion to move $6,910 from the capital fund back into the general fund and to move $92 into the capital fund. Motion was seconded by Carl Rhea. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye

Ron Peters — Aye

A motion was made by Ron Peters to approve the finance report as presented and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Motion was ratified, voting as follows: Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye


Thornbury reported that the User Agreement and Manpower Agreement Addendum have been approved by the member counties.


Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2020 Page 3 LITTER AND RECYCLING REPORT: Buchanan County dump clean-up has

been scheduled for December 9", Dickenson and Russell will wait until Spring to have their clean-up. Motion made by Carl Rhea and seconded by Ron Peters to accept the report as presented. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye


2018 and 2019 AUDITS: The CPA noted corrections for misstated overage amounts for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. By motion and vote of the Board as noted above, the general fund amount and capital outlay now reflect the corrections.

NEW BUSINESS 401k PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZATION; Saundra Honaker stated that we had

been informed by that no one is serving as administrator for the retirement plan due to a change in board members. Saundra read the Service Agreement requesting an appointment of an administrator and alternate. A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Tim Lovelace to adopt the resolution to appoint Saundra Honaker as administrator and Damon Rasnick as alternate. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye

Tim Lovelace Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye

Ron Peters - Aye

Also, she stated that the Board had previously approved paying the retirement management fee (that is being withheld from Toby’s retirement account). However, because of the way that retirement funds are controlled, it is not possible to pay the fees directly. The only way to cover these charges would be to increase his retirement contribution one (1) percent (from 7% to 8%). A motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Carl Rhea to increase the 401k contribution for Toby Edwards from 7% to 8%. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye

Ron Peters - Aye

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes October 21, 2020 Page 4

HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL: Toby’s health insurance is due to renew on January 1, 2021. A letter was presented from McFaddin & Associates

stating the renewal quote is $714.18 which is $83.01 less from the prior year. ‘A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Carl Rhea to accept the proposed new health insurance renewal. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye

Ron Peters - Aye


PERMIT UPDATES FOR DICKENSON AND RUSSELL TRANSFER STATIONS: The main updates are new employees and certifications.


FUNDS: Russell tire machine should be up and running by next week. Toby will work with legal team to develop a waiver of indemnification. They will present this at the next meeting. West Virginia Tire is not picking up tires from the transfer stations, creating an accumulation of tires and hardships. A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Carl Rhea to direct Toby Edwards to develop a letter to be sent to WV Tire explaining the hardships the counties are having when they do not pick up the tires. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

‘Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye

Ron Peters - Aye

NED USERS AGREEMENT WITH BUCHANAN, DICKENSON AND LL: Signed User Agreements are enclosed in agenda packets for board members to

have for their records.

ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING: A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Tim Lovelace to hold the next meeting on Wednesday,

November 18th at 5:00 PM at the Bonanza Restaurant and spouses are invited since this will be the Thanksgiving meeting, Motion was ratified, voting as


Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye


Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes October 21, 2020 Page 5

A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Tim Lovelace to adjourn meeting at 6:08 PM. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Tim Lovelace- Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye

Secretary /Treasurer Date


‘Sumber Peay Rela! Wee Manacement thr, ‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Period: December 15th, 2019 to December 15th, 2020

_Buchanan County Pa ETD i T ranges (meu | ae | emai | way | yaa | Ast | Sos] ece [mason Tom | aN hastens) nee estnaerw as saa “etiee’| ose EY |S ao eae ibaa ree SOE SET Baa TS Aare LE TST we ess mam ara ues + wea ieaao) | nis anne = ait mse eats ee ee ee ° Ee a et Goss tet Soo So fimewnca”” —2eoue senso. ase anna wear eae Brody asta _ Ieawstware “oon” “aon” “nga “no a on or ae) fooingwosie Om ——-ao0 Gono) Son | ona ago) t hres o” mam Sa a i oe oe JiteGonds Oat ties a Ha oo = tw too Sas tg titres tag ae te rn ey Iguiourgs a8 oao | aon at a eer er et) os Jov’Suaoe”” toot a a a 00 Jems eS or eS i rr ee a Sorbets Oa aay yas Soest Sa 3m

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frown ofCieveland 10.34, 0.00 0.00 0.00


‘Total FY 20192020 49,879.98

‘Cumberan Pitas West Sear Anais Report

. — Buchanan County Wate Steam Analyte October 16th, 2020 te November 75,2020

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Sumber Patosu Resins! Waste Management Authority


Buchanan County 2019-2020

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Dickenson County Waste Stream Analysis (This Month)

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‘SumbertansPateey Realos! Waste Mansgemant Auer

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‘Cumberiand Pletesu Wisse Steam Ana}ss Report

Russell County Waste Stream Analysis Petiod: October 16th, 2020 to November 15, 2020

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Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Cash Flow Statement

October 2020 Cash Balance - September 30, 2020 213,452.33 Cash Received - Tipping Fees: Buchanan (Sep) 74,391.45 Dickenson (Sep) 57,745.46 Russell (Sep) 73,246.32 205,383.23 BC Test Reimbursement 225.00 Butty Tire Machine Relmb 7,030.00 Cash Expenditures Cash Expenditures - October 2020 (201,726.40) Cash Balance - October 31, 2020 224,364.16 Fund Balances: Capital Equlp Replacement Fund 247,810 DeQc/D 25,000 rotal in Bank 4977436


For tho Period From Oct 1, 2020 to Oct 31, 2020,

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‘Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director CUMBERLAND



Mr, Damon Rasnick Mr. Ronald Peters

BUCHANAN COUNTY: RUSSELL COUNTY: Mr. Jeff Cooper ‘Mr. Tim Hess. ‘Mr, Carl Rhea Mr. Tim Lovelace November 9, 2020 Mr. Brian Takash

General Manager West Virginia Tire Disposal, Inc. 26 Bryant Branch Rd Summersville, WV 26651

Dear Brian:

‘The Cumberland Plateau Regional Solid Waste Management Authority has enjoyed a positive, long term relationship for many years with West Virginia Tire Disposal, Inc. for its Tire Management program, West Virginia Tire Disposal costs of services are highly competitive and your company attention to the needs of the Authority are very appreciated. In eatly spring of this year, the Authority extended our contract with your company due to cost and our working history.

‘Over the past few months America has experienced the COVID 19 pandemic and it has put unprecedented stresses on business and people, My Authority’s Board of Directors and my participating counties recognize the situation facing not only your ‘company but our solid waste management responsibilities. During this time we have not been able to get empty trailers from WV Tire in a timely manner and have had to cut off our local tire dealers and citizens, In addition, we are currently stock piling tires which is exceeding our Virginia Department of Environmental Quality permit limits.

Over the past year, all three of my facilities have experienced not getting empty trailers on time or within a week of contact with your company. Per our contract, page 3 last sentence “The Contractor (WV Tire) agrees to within 36 to 48 hours of being notified by the Authority or its employees to pickup the loaded trailer and to drop an empty trailer”, The Authority has been understanding due to the COVID 19 pandemic but for example, it has been over a month since we have contacted you about a pickup for my Dickenson County Transfer Station. I am reaching out to you to determine how we can remedy this issue not only for my Dickenson County Facility but my Buchanan and Russell Facilities as well. While at this time, I am not providing formal notice of default on behalf of the Authority at this time, I am requesting we work together to resolve this situation. By making this request, the Authority is not waiving any rights or remedies it

137 Highland Drive / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected]


may have under the contract now or in the future.

The Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority and West Virginia Tire Disposal collectively view our relationship as a partnership and we believe the history of good service that your company provides reflects that. Please take this letter as a mechanism to fix the current situation and to grow our long term relationship.

Si ey 57) |

Toby F. Edw. Executive Director CPRWMA

Cc: Mr. Damon Rasnick, Chairman CPRWMA

Ce: Mr. Jeff Cooper, Vice Chair CPRWMA

Ce; Mr. Ron Peters, Dickenson Co Board member

Ce: Mr. David Moore, Dickenson County Administrator Ce: Ms. Rebecca Thronbury, CPRWMA Legal Council



Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director


Mr. Jeff Cooper Mr. Tim Hess


Mr. Damon Rasnick. Mr. Ronald Peters


(Mr. Carl Rhea Mr. Tim Lovelace

November 5, 2020

Mr. Stephan Martin Environmental Inspector

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Southwest Regional Office

355 A Deadmore Street

Abingdon, VA 24210

RE: Update to Buchanan County Transfer Station PBR#106 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND STAFFING

Dear Mr, Martin:

Lam vriting in regards to an update of the operation manual for the Buchanan County Transfer Station. During the review of the Buchanan County Transfer Station Operation

‘Manual, [recognized a need to update our operations manuals in regards to staffing.

Attached you will find our updated disclosure statement along with staff information for inclusion into the manual. 1 trust this letter and attachments will satisfy those requirements

needed for inclusion of the updated disclosure statement and operations manual.

Ifyou have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact me

at (276) 889-1778,

SUS Chass —

‘Toby F. Edyrds Director, CPRWMA

Ce: Mr, Danny Davis, Buchanan County Transfer Station

Co: Mr. Keith Baldwin, Director of Public Works Buchanan County Virginia Ce: Mr. Craig Hom, Administrator Buchanan County

137 Highland Drive / P.O, Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected]


Public Hearing.pdf
Meeting: 12/9/20     6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

ESC Model Ordinance.pdf

Meeting: 12/9/20      6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Authorization - Minutes BOS.pdf

Public Hearing.pdf
Meeting: 12/9/20     6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Authorization - Expenditures.pdf

Board Appointments.pdf
Staff Recommendation:

Presentations - Attorney.pdf
Meeting: 12/9/20        6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Drinking Water Master Financing Agreement (blacklined).DOCX.pdf
Virginia Resources Authority

[To Be Updated]
Section 10.13. Waterworks Business Operations Plan and Rate Study  23
Exhibit A - Form of Local Bonds
“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.
“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.
“Castlewood WSA” means The Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority.
“Closing Date” means the date of delivery of the Local Bonds to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.
“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time ...
“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual Administrative Fee, if any, payable as set forth in Section 6.1 and Exhibit I.
“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.
“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health.
“Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.
(g) The issuance of the Local Bonds and the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Master Parity Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powe...
(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurr...
(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its...
(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the cre...
(l) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.
Title: ___________________________________________
Project DescriptionS
Project BudgetS
Opinion of Borrower’s BOnd Counsel
Loan No. WSL-028-14E; WSL-022-15E
This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ____, dated _________, 20__, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority.  Capitalization terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Ag...
The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, s...
Loan Proceeds Remaining $ ____________________
[To Be Provided]
[To Be Completed by Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
Prior Bonds:
Existing Parity Bonds:

Russell County PSA_Drinking Water Financing Agreement (WSL-020-18)_1....pdf
Virginia Resources Authority
Loan No. WSL-020-18

Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond
“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.
“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.
“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund.
“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the Borrower, dated __________, 2019, and all extensions and amendments thereto.
“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1.
“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.
“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health.
“Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.
(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Transfer Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will no...
(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurr...
(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its...
(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the cre...
(m) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.

WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.
Title: ___________________________________________
Form of Local Bond
Project Description
Project Budget
Opinion of Borrower’s BOnd Counsel
Loan No. WSL-020-18
This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ____, dated _________, 20__, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority.  Capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agree...
The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, s...
REQUISITION # ________
CERTIFYING SIGNATURE: ______________________________
TITLE: ______________________________________
Total Loan Amount $_________________
Previous Disbursements $_________________
This Request $_________________
Loan Proceeds Remaining $_________________
Prior Bonds:
Existing Parity Bonds:

Meeting: 12/9/20         6:00 PM

rcpc comp plan proposed changes.pdf
A.  Goals
Russell County Development Group
Russell County Library Board Five Year Plan 2017 to 2022
Community Vision 2008
The Russell County Planning Commission
B.  Objectives
Agricultural and Natural Resource Objectives
Commercial Objectives
Industrial Objectives
Residential Objectives
Community Facilities and Services Objectives
Education Facilities and Services Objectives
Fire, Life Saving and Police Protection Objectives
Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Objectives
Public Water and Sewer Objectives
Transportation Objectives
Historic Preservation Objectives

A.  Introduction
B.  Findings
C.  Population
D.  Land-Use

E.  Commercial
F.  Industrial
Russell County IDA – Industrial Conclusions
H.  Transportation
I.  Public Facilities

ESC Model Ordinance.pdf

RC CARES Fund Account Balance .pdf
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