No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings Agenda Packets 2020-06-01 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

2020-06-01 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

Document Date: June 1, 2020 Document: 2020-06-01_17_00-Russell_BOS-Regular_Meeting-Packet.pdf

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Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020

Russell County Page 1



AGENDA – JUNE 1, 2020

Board Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.

CALL TO ORDER – Clerk of the Board

ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board


INVOCATION – Chairperson




  1. Continuity of Government Emergency Ordinance

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing

  3. Honaker School Property Transfer Public Hearing

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020



Board Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations Dur including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Fa nal Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.

CALL TO ORDER - Clerk of the Board ROLL CALL - Clerk of the Board



  1. Continuity of Government Emergency Ordinance

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing

  3. Honaker School Property Transfer Public Hearing

Russell County Page 1

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020

Russell County Page 2


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the
    following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors………………A-1

a. Unapproved minutes of May 4, 2020

b. Unapproved minutes of May 20, 2020

Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented
for payment………………………….……………………………………………………….……A-2

  1. Committee Appointments for Board Consideration.

Regional Industrial Authority

David Eaton Two-Year Term April 18, 2020 Ernie McFaddin Two-Year Term April 18, 2020

Cumberland Plateau Economic Development Commission

Frank Horton One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ben Price (Vacant) One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ron Blankenship One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jim Eaton One-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Library

Yvonne Dye Three-Year Term June 30, 2020 Susan Breeding Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Service Authority

Cuba Porter Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 David Edmonds Jr. Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 Terry Powers Vacancy June 24, 2022

Spearhead Trails

Terry Clevenger Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors…

a. Unapproved minutes of May 4, 2020 b. Unapproved minutes of May 20, 2020

Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented for payment.

  1. Committee Appointments for Board Consideration.

Regional Indust Authority

David Eaton Two-Year Term April 18, 2020 Ernie McFaddin Two-Year Term April 18, 2020

Cumberland Plateau Economic Development Commission

Frank Horton One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ben Price (Vacant) One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ron Blankenship One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jim Eaton One-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Library

Yvonne Dye Three-Year Term June 30, 2020 Susan Breeding Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Service Authority

Cuba Porter Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 David Edmonds Jr. Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 Terry Powers Vacancy June 24, 2022

Spearhead Trails

Terry Clevenger Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Page 2

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020

Russell County Page 3

Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens

Larry Burton Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Alice Meade Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Wayne Bostic Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Pat Gray Two-Year Term June 30, 2020

Tourism Advisory Committee

Brandon Blevins (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jason Gullett (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020


• Board of Supervisor’s Lobby.

Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Citizen Comment Period will be guided by Executive Order Fifty-Three Restrictions issued on March 23, 2020 concerning community spread and person-to-person interactions will be limited to the Ten (10) Person Only Ban though Video/Audio/ Electronic Methods and limited to 3 minutes per person.



  1. Russell County COVID-19 Reopening Resolution…………………………………B-1

  2. CPWMA User Agreement……………………………………………………………….B-2

  3. Personnel Policy Update……………………………………………………………….B-3



  1. CDBG Planning Grant – Cleveland Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrade…….……C-1

  2. Russell County Emergency Operation Plan…………………………………………C-2

  3. Town of Lebanon Abstract of Votes…………………………………………………C-3


  1. VRA Amended and Restated Support Agreement of the Southwest Virginia

Regional Jail Authority and Russell County…………………………………………C-4

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020

Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens

Larry Burton Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Alice Meade Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Wayne Bostic Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Pat Gray Two-Year Term June 30, 2020

Tourism Advisory Committee

Brandon Blevins (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jason Gullett (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020


  • Board of Supervisor’s Lobby.

Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Citizen Comment Period will be guided by Executive Order Restrictions issued on March 23, 2020 concerning community spread and person-to-person

will be limited to the Ten (10) Person Only Ban though Video/Audio/ Electronic Methods and limited to 3 minutes per person.



  1. Russell County COVID-19 Reopening Resolution

  2. CPWMA User Agreement…


  4. CDBG Planning Grant - Cleveland Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrade…

  5. Russell County Emergency Operation Plan…

  6. Town of Lebanon Abstract of Votes…


  1. VRA Amended and Restated Support Agreement of the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail Authority and Russell Count;

Russell County

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020

Russell County Page 4

  1. VRA Certificate of the County of Russell Virginia………………………………….C-5

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing…………………C-6

  3. RC Planning Commission Plats……………………….………………………………C-7




• Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………………………D • RC IDA …………………………………………………………………………………….E • RC PSA …………………………………………………………………………………… F • RC Tourism……………………………………………………………………………….G • RC Planning Commission ………………………………………………………………H • Conference Center………………………………………………………………………I • RC Fitness Center……………………………………………………………………….J • RC Transportation & Safety……………………………………………………………K • RC Cannery Reports…………………………………………………………………….L • RC Building Inspector……………………………………………………………………M • RC Litter Report………………………………………………………………………….N • CPWMA Report……………………………………………………………………………O

Agenda Board of Supervisors June 1, 2020

  1. VRA Certificate of the County of Russell Virginia.

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing…



Treasurer’s Report. RC IDA. RC PSA… RC Tourism. RC Planning Commission . Conference Center. RC Fitness Cente! RC Transportation & Safety. RC Cannery Reports. RC Building Inspecto RC Litter Report. CPWMA Report.

Russell County Page 4


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (1), (7), (8).

The vote was: Aye:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace -

Lou Ann Wallace -

Carl Rhea -

Steve Breeding -

David Eaton -

Rebecca Dye -

Oris Christian -


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye:


Motion made by. , second by, and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (1), (7), (8).

The vote was: Aye Nay:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the inia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace - Lou Ann Wallace - Carl Rhea - Steve Breeding - David Eaton - Rebecca Dye - Oris Christian - APPROVAL TO RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION

Motion made by. , second by. and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: Nay:

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 6/1/20     6:00 PM 

Public Hearing

  1. Continuity of Government Emergency Ordinance

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing

  3. Honaker School Property Transfer Public Hearing

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Board Discretion.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM.

Public Hearing

  1. Continuity of Government Emergency Ordinance

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing

  3. Honaker School Property Transfer Public Hearing

Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion. Suggested Motion: Board Discretion.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Oris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuit to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Continuity of Government Emergency Ordinance will be held on June 1, 2020, in the Russell County Governmental Center, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 133 Highlands Drive, Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at 6 p.m.

A copy of the ordinance is available for public review in the Board of Supervisors’ Office, 137 Highlands Drive, during normal business hours Monday through Friday.

Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lonzo Lester at (276) 889- 8000 by 4:30 P.M., June 1, 2020 so arrangements can be made.



Russell County Virginia

“The Heart of Southwest Virginia” ris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3 Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 4 District 6 District 4 Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 Gounty Administrator

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuit to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Continuity of Government Emergency Ordinance will be held on June 1, 2020, in the Russell County Governmental Center, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 133 Highlands Drive, Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at 6 p.m.

A copy of the ordinance is available for public review in the Board of Supervisors’ Office, 137 Highlands Drive, during normal business hours Monday through Friday.

Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lonzo Lester at (276) 889- 8000 by 4:30 P.M., June 1, 2020 so arrangements can be made.


Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Emergency Ordinance to Allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures

WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19); and

WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, the Governor, in Executive Order Fifty-One, declared a state of emergency in the Commonwealth of Virginia, acknowledging the spread of COVID-19 as a disaster as defined in Virginia Code § 44-146.16; and

WHEREAS, Executive Order Fifty-One authorized local governments to render appropriate assistance and to alleviate conditions, as appropriate, to prepare for and mitigate the effects of the virus; and

WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States found and declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to constitute a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020; and

WHEREAS, on March 17 and 23, the Governor requested and then directed Virginians to avoid non-essential gatherings of more than 10 people; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors held a special called meeting on March 17, 2020 Board determined that COVID-19 constituted a “disaster” as contemplated in section 15.2-1413 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended and pursuant to Virginia Code § 44-146.21, declared a local state of emergency in Russell County; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that COVID-19 constitutes a communicable disease of public health threat which has caused a disaster as those terms are defined in Virginia Code § 44-146.16; and

WHEREAS, while the Board of Supervisors values transparency in government and public engagement, it also finds that emergency measures are necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents and employees, while still providing for government operations to continue during this state of emergency; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 15.2-1413 provides that the Board of Supervisors, notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, may adopt an ordinance to assure the continuity of government operations during this disaster and for up to six months; and.

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 44-146.21 further provides that a local director of emergency management or any member of a governing body in his absence may upon the declaration of a local emergency proceed without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law, except for mandatory constitutional requirements; and

Emergency Ordinance to Allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures

WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19); and

WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, the Governor, in Executive Order Fifty-One, declared a state of emergency in the Commonwealth of Virginia, acknowledging the spread of COVID-19 as a disaster as defined in Virginia Code § 44-146.16; and

WHEREAS, Executive Order Fifty-One authorized local governments to render appropriate assistance and to alleviate conditions, as appropriate, to prepare for and mitigate the effects of the virus; and

WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States found and declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to constitute a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020; and

WHEREAS, on March 17 and 23, the Governor requested and then directed Virginians to avoid non-essential gatherings of more than 10 people; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors held a special called meeting on March 17, 2020 Board determined that COVID-19 constituted a “disaster” as contemplated in section 15.2-1413 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended and pursuant to Virginia Code § 44-146.21, declared a local state of emergency in Russell County; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that COVID-19 constitutes a communicable disease of public health threat which has caused a disaster as those terms are defined in Virginia Code § 44-146.16; and

WHEREAS, while the Board of Supervisors values transparency in government and public engagement, it also finds that emergency measures are necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents and employees, while still providing for government operations to continue during this state of emergency; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 15.2-1413 provides that the Board of Supervisors, notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, may adopt an ordinance to assure the continuity of government operations during this disaster and for up to six months; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 44-146.21 further provides that a local director of emergency management or any member of a governing body in his absence may upon the declaration of a local emergency proceed without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law, except for mandatory constitutional requirements; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 15.2-1200 provides the county with authority to adopt necessary regulations to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among its residents; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors also has the inherent authority to vary the county’s policies, procedures, and practices to assure the continuity of government operations; and

WHEREAS, government operations includes the work of the Board of Supervisors and other local public bodies, and the personnel who work for or on behalf of local public bodies; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 2.2-3708.2(A)(3) allows, under certain procedural

requirements including public notice and access, that members of the Board of Superviosrs may convene solely by electronic mean “to address the emergency;” And

WHEREAS, the open public meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of

Information Act (“FOIA”) are limited only by a properly claimed exemption provided under that Act or “any other statute;” and

WHEREAS, the Attorney General of Virginia issued an opinion dated March 20, 2020

stating that localities have the authority during disasters to adopt ordinances to ensure the continuity of the government; and

WHEREAS, this emergency ordinance in response to the disaster caused by the COVID-

19 pandemic promotes the public health, safety, and welfare, and its adoption is consistent with the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Virginia Constitution and the United States Constitution.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that this uncodified ordinance is hereby enacted as follows:

An Emergency Ordinance Allowing for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic

Sec. 1. Purpose; Effective Date; Expiration

This ordinance allows for variances from state laws and county ordinances in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents and employees from the spread of COVID-19 while still providing for government operations to continue during this state of emergency.

The operation of government includes management of all county facilities, management of the school system, and the work of all local boards, including the Board of Supervisors, the Russell County School Board, the Russell County Industrial Development Authority, the Russell County Public Service Authority, the Russell County Department of Social Services, and any other local or regional board, commission, committee, or authority created by the board of supervisors or to which the board of supervisors appoints or recommends for appointment all or a portion of its members (collectively “Public Bodies” and individually “Public Body”), including employees

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 15.2-1200 provides the county with authority to adopt necessary regulations to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among its residents; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors also has the inherent authority to vary the county’s policies, procedures, and practices to assure the continuity of government operations; and

WHEREAS, government operations includes the work of the Board of Supervisors and other local public bodies, and the personnel who work for or on behalf of local public bodies; and

WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 2.2-3708.2(A)(3) allows, under certain procedural requirements including public notice and access, that members of the Board of Superviosts may convene solely by electronic mean “to address the emergency;” And

WHEREAS, the open public meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) are limited only by a properly claimed exemption provided under that Act or “any other statute;” and

WHEREAS, the Attorney General of Virginia issued an opinion dated March 20, 2020 stating that localities have the authority during disasters to adopt ordinances to ensure the continuity of the government; and

WHEREAS, this emergency ordinance in response to the disaster caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic promotes the public health, safety, and welfare, and its adoption is consistent with the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Virginia Constitution and the United States Constitution,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that this uncodified ordinance is hereby enacted as follows:

An Emergency Ordinance Allowing for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic

Sec. 1. Purpose: Effective Date: Expiration

This ordinance allows for variances from state laws and county ordinances in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents and employees from the spread of COVID-19 while still providing for government operations to continue during this state of emergency.

The operation of government includes management of all county facilities, management of the school system, and the work of all local boards, including the Board of Supervisors, the Russell County School Board, the Russell County Industrial Development Authority, the Russell County Public Service Authority, the Russell County Department of Social Services, and any other local or regional board, commission, committee, or authority created by the board of supervisors or to which the board of supervisors appoints or recommends for appointment all or a portion of its members (collectively “Public Bodies” and individually “Public Body”), including employees

who work for or on behalf of any Public Body. Accordingly, the provisions of this emergency ordinance applies to all such “Public Bodies”.

At this time, public health experts recommend against assembling groups of people in confined spaces. Accordingly, this ordinance contains modifications for public meetings which should be followed while it is deemed unwise or unsafe to gather in one location a quorum for any Public Bodies, or to invite members of the public to physically gather together for public meetings.

Moreover, the spread of COVID-19 may make it impossible or impractical for government operations to meet all normally imposed deadlines, regulations, and time frames, or to comport, in some instances, with lengthy procedures and processes such as procurement or employment processes.

This emergency ordinance is effective immediately and will remain in effect for 60 days unless amended, rescinded, or readopted in conformity with the notice provisions of Virginia Code § 15.2-1427; however, in no event will the ordinance be effective for more than six months from the effective date of this ordinance. At the end of the six months, if a state of emergency still exists then this ordinance may be renewed the same way it was originally enacted. Upon repeal or expiration of this ordinance, normal government operations will resume.

Sec. 2. Public Meetings and Public Hearings

A. Any regularly scheduled or regular meeting of any Public Body may be canceled by the chair if there is no essential business that needs to occur or if conditions otherwise make it impractical to meet. Notice of the cancellation must be provided to the Public Body members and the public as soon as practicable.

B. In the alternative, any regularly scheduled or regular meeting of any Public Body may
be held by solely electronic or telephonic means without a quorum of members physically present and without members of the public physically present, provided the following occurs:

  1. Any such electronic meeting of the Public Entities shall be open to electronic participation by the public and closed to in-person participation by the public. The meeting is accessible to the public through live audio or video on the County’s or Public Body’s website, a dial-in telephone number, or a social media platform.

  2. The agenda and public notice for the meeting must:

a) include a statement that the meeting is being held using electronic means under this ordinance;

b) contain specific information about how members of the public can access the meeting; and

c) if there are any public hearing or public comment items, specifically identify how members of the public can provide comment, including one or more of the following: by e-mail, in writing, by telephone, through a social media platform, or via other electronic means.

who work for or on behalf of any Public Body. Accordingly, the provisions of this emergency ordinance applies to all such “Public Bodies”.

‘At this time, public health experts recommend against assembling groups of people in confined spaces. Accordingly, this ordinance contains modifications for public meetings which should be followed while it is deemed unwise or unsafe to gather in one location a quorum for any Public Bodies, or to invite members of the public to physically gather together for public meetings.

Moreover, the spread of COVID-19 may make it impossible or impractical for government operations to meet all normally imposed deadlines, regulations, and time frames, or to comport, in some instances, with lengthy procedures and processes such as procurement or employment processes.

This emergency ordinance is effective immediately and will remain in effect for 60 days unless amended, rescinded, or readopted in conformity with the notice provisions of Virginia Code § 15.2-1427; however, in no event will the ordinance be effective for more than six months from the effective date of this ordinance. At the end of the six months, ifa state of emergency still exists then this ordinance may be renewed the same way it was originally enacted, Upon repeal or expiration of this ordinance, normal government operations will resume.

Ses s and Public Hearings



A. Any regularly scheduled or regular meeting of any Public Body may be canceled by the chair if there is no essential business that needs to occur or if conditions otherwise make it impractical to meet. Notice of the cancellation must be provided to the Public Body members and the public as soon as practicable,

B. _ Inthe alternative, any regularly scheduled or regular meeting of any Public Body may be held by solely electronic or telephonic means without a quorum of members physically present and without members of the public physically present, provided the following occurs:

  1. Any such electronic meeting of the Public Entities shall be open to electronic participation by the public and closed to in-person participation by the public. The meeting is accessible to the public through live audio or video on the County’s or Public Body’s website, a dial-in telephone number, or a social media platform.

  2. The agenda and public notice for the meeting must:

a) include a statement that the meeting is being held using electronic means under this, ordinance;

b) contain specific information about how members of the public can access the meeting; and

©) if there are any public hearing or public comment items, specifically identify how members of the public can provide comment, including one or more of the following: by e-mail, in writing, by telephone, through a social media platform, or via other electronic means.

  1. The agenda is posted on the County’s or Public Body’s website at least three days prior to the meeting. Other materials associated with the meeting, if any, must be made available to the public at the same time they are provided to the Public Body members.

  2. For public hearings and any items for which public comment is permitted, the following rules apply:

a) Normal rules of order apply with respect to requiring the name and home address of the commenter, that comments relate to the hearing or comment topic, that appropriate limits on the number of comments per person per item apply, and that comments be of reasonable length.

b) Public Bodies may allow public comments to be submitted via phone call, e-mail, or in writing, up until a reasonable time before the start of the meeting so long as those comments are provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item.

c) If available, members of the public may provide comments through leaving a voicemail on a dedicated phone number up until a reasonable time before the start of the meeting so long as those comments are then provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item.

d) If available, members of the public may provide comments through telephonic or interactive electronic means (call-in meeting access, social media platform) during the meeting so long as those comments are received by or provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item.

e) The Public Body may choose to receive additional comments through any means for a period of time after the public hearing or public meeting, so long as it announces and publicizes that opportunity and those comments are provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item.

f) All public comments must be made a part of the record of the Public Body either by being summarized in or included with the meeting minutes.

  1. Any votes taken during the meeting must be taken by roll call, individually recording each member’s name and vote.

  2. The minutes of any meeting under this ordinance must conform to the requirements of law, including identifying the forms of electronic communication used, the members participating and the means by which they participated, the opportunities for public access or participation, a summary of the public comments, if any, and the actions taken at the meeting. The Public Entities may approve minutes of an electronic meeting at a subsequent electronic meeting and shall later approve all such minutes at a regular or special meeting after the emergency and disaster has ended.

C. Public Bodies may hold special meetings consistent with the provisions in (B) except that notice of the special meeting need only be provided at least three working days prior to the meeting, and the agenda and associated materials, if any, need to be made available to the public at the same time as they are made available to the Public Body members.

  1. The agenda is posted on the County’s or Public Body’s website at least three days prior tothe meeting. Other materials associated with the meeting, if any, must be made available to the public at the same time they are provided to the Public Body members.

  2. For public hearings and any items for which public comment is permitted, the following rules apply:

a) Normal rules of order apply with respect to requiring the name and home address of the commenter, that comments relate to the hearing or comment topic, that appropriate limits on the number of comments per person per item apply, and that comments be of reasonable length.

b) Public Bodies may allow public comments to be submitted via phone call, e-mail, or in writing, up until a reasonable time before the start of the meeting so long as those comments are provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item,

©) If available, members of the public may provide comments through leaving a voicemail on a dedicated phone number up until a reasonable time before the start of the meeting so long as those comments are then provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item.

d) If available, members of the public may provide comments through telephonic or interactive electronic means (call-in meeting access, social media platform) during the meeting so long as those comments are received by or provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item,

e) The Public Body may choose to receive additional comments through any means for a period of time after the public hearing or public meeting, so long as it announces and publicizes that opportunity and those comments are provided to the Public Body members prior to any decision on an item,

f) All public comments must be made a part of the record of the Public Body either by being summarized in or included with the meeting minutes.

  1. Any votes taken during the meeting must be taken by roll call, individually recording each member’s name and vote.

  2. The minutes of any meeting under this ordinance must conform to the requirements of law, including identifying the forms of electronic communication used, the members participating and the means by which they participated, the opportunities for public access or participation, a summary of the public comments, if any, and the actions taken at the meeting. The Public Entities may approve minutes of an electronic meeting at a subsequent electronic meeting and shall later approve all such minutes at a regular or special meeting after the emergency and disaster has ended.

C. Public Bodies may hold special meetings consistent with the provisions in (B) except that notice of the special meeting need only be provided at least three working days prior to the meeting, and the agenda and associated materials, if any, need to be made available to the public at the same time as they are made available to the Public Body members.

D. Public Bodies may hold emergency meetings consistent with Virginia Code § 2.2-3708.

E. Any item on an agenda for a regularly scheduled, regular, special, or emergency meeting held hereunder may be continued to a later date or time for the purpose of reviewing and considering comments from the public.

F. Non-emergency public hearings and action items of Public Bodies may be postponed to a date certain provided that public notice is given so that the public are aware of how and when to present their views.

G. Nothing in this Emergency Ordinance shall prohibit Public Bodies from holding in- person public meetings provided that public health and safety measures as well as social distancing are taken into consideration.

Sec. 3. Public Buildings, Facilities, Real Property and Events

The director of emergency management is empowered to restrict members of the public from entering or congregating around county-owned buildings, facilities, and real property as is reasonably necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public or county staff. Moreover, the director of emergency management may cancel, postpone, or reschedule any events scheduled for any county-owned building, facility or property as necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public or county staff.

Sec. 4. Additional powers of director of emergency management

A. Funding and Contracts. To the extent of unobligated funds available in excess of appropriations in the approved budget, the director of emergency management may enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to protect the health and safety of persons and property, and to provide emergency assistance to persons affected by this disaster.

B. Procedures. The director of emergency management may proceed without regard to time- consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law (except mandatory constitutional requirements) pertaining to the performance of public work, entering into contracts, incurring obligations, employing workers, renting equipment, purchasing supplies and materials, and other expenditures of public funds.

C. Other Temporary Actions. The director of emergency management may temporarily take any of the following actions: waive or reduce fees imposed by county ordinance; waive enforcement, in whole or in part, of any county ordinance; and modify, limit, waive, suspend, or amend any county program, service, function, process, or procedure. The director must apply the action uniformly for similar situations and not on a case-by-case basis. The director’s actions will only be effective until the next regular meeting of the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors may ratify and extend the time for which the director’s action remains in effect.

D. Public Bodies may hold emergency meetings consistent with Virginia Code § 2.2-3708.

E. Any item on an agenda for a regularly scheduled, regular, special, or emergency meeting held hereunder may be continued to a later date or time for the purpose of reviewing and considering comments from the public.

F. Non-emergency public hearings and action items of Public Bodies may be postponed to a date certain provided that public notice is given so that the public are aware of how and when to present their views.

G. Nothing in this Emergency Ordinance shall prohibit Public Bodies from holding in- person public meetings provided that public health and safety measures as well as social distancing are taken into consideration.

Sec. 3. Public Buildings, Facilities, Real Property and Events

The director of emergency management is empowered to restrict members of the public from entering or congregating around county-owned buildings, facilities, and real property as is reasonably necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public or county staff. Moreover, the director of emergency management may cancel, postpone, or reschedule any events scheduled for any county-owned building, facility or property as necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public or county staff.

Sec. 4._Additional powers of director of emergency management

‘A. Funding and Contracts. To the extent of unobligated funds available in excess of appropriations in the approved budget, the director of emergency management may enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to protect the health and safety of persons and property, and to provide emergency assistance to persons affected by this disaster.

B. Procedures. The director of emergency management may proceed without regard to time- consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law (except mandatory constitutional requirements) pertaining to the performance of public work, entering into contracts, incurring obligations, employing workers, renting equipment, purchasing supplies and materials, and other expenditures of public funds,

©. Other Temporary Actions. The director of emergency management may temporarily take any of the following actions: waive or reduce fees imposed by county ordinance; waive enforcement, in whole or in part, of any county ordinance; and modify, limit, waive, suspend, or amend any county program, service, function, process, or procedure. The director must apply the action uniformly for similar situations and not on a case-by-case basis. The director’s actions will only be effective until the next regular meeting of the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors may ratify and extend the time for which the director’s action remains in effect.

Sec. 5. Suspension of Deadlines, Time Frames, and Procedures

County personnel are encouraged to take action as is practical and appropriate to meet deadlines or time frames established under state law or county ordinances, however, notwithstanding any provision of law, regulation, or policy to the contrary, any deadlines requiring action by the county, any Public Body, or county employees are suspended. Time frames for review or expedited reviews are also suspended. Failure to meet any deadline or time frame will not constitute a default, violation, approval, ratification, or recommendation. Any policies or procedures inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby suspended.

Sec. 6 Adoption by Incorporated Towns within the Boundaries of Russell County

Each incorporated town within the boundaries of Russell County are encouraged,

authorized and/or directed to declare its own state of local emergency and disaster or incorporate by reference the County’s local state of emergency and disaster and to adopt an ordinance for the continuity of town government.

Sec. 7 Validity and Duration of Ordinance and Resumption of Normal Governmental Authority

The provisions herein are presumptively valid, however in the event that any provision of this ordinance is declared to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction all remaining provisions shall not be invalidated and remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Emergency Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 60 days, unless amended, rescinded or readopted by the Russell County Board of Supervisors in conformity with the notice provisions set forth in Virginia Code §15.2-1427 but in no event shall such ordinance be effective for more than 6 months after the conclusion of the disaster. Upon rescission by the Russell County Board of Supervisors or automatic expiration as described herein, this emergency ordinance shall terminate and normal practices and procedures of government shall resume.

  1. This ordinance shall be effective upon adoption.

ADOPTED by the Russell County Board of Supervisors.


    Rebecca Dye 

Sec. 5._ Suspension of Deadlines, Time Frames, and Procedures

County personnel are encouraged to take action as is practical and appropriate to meet deadlines or time frames established under state law or county ordinances, however, notwithstanding any provision of law, regulation, or policy to the contrary, any deadlines requiring action by the county, any Public Body, or county employees are suspended. Time frames for review or expedited reviews are also suspended. Failure to meet any deadline or time frame will not constitute a default, violation, approval, ratification, or recommendation. Any policies or procedures inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby suspended.

Sec. 6 Adoption by Incorporated Towns within the Boundaries of Russell County

Each incorporated town within the boundaries of Russell County are encouraged, authorized and/or directed to declare its own state of local emergency and disaster or incorporate by reference the County’s local state of emergency and disaster and to adopt an ordinance for the continuity of town government.

Sec. 7_ Validity and Duration of Ordinance and Resumption of Normal Governmental Authority

The provisions herein are presumptively valid, however in the event that any provision of this ordinance is declared to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction all remaining provisions shall not be invalidated and remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Emergency Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 60 days, unless amended, rescinded or readopted by the Russell County Board of Supervisors in conformity with the notice provisions set forth in Virginia Code §15.2-1427 but in no event shall such ordinance be effective for more than 6 months after the conclusion of the disaster. Upon rescission by the Russell County Board of Supervisors or automatic expiration as described herein, this emergency ordinance shall terminate and normal practices and procedures of government shall resume.

  1. This ordinance shall be effective upon adoption, ADOPTED by the Russell County Board of Supervisors.


Rebecea Dye Chairperson


Lonzo Lester County Administrator


M. Katherine Patton County Attorney


Lonzo Lester County Administrator


M. Katherine Patton County Attorney

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Oris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuit to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2020/ 2021 County Budget, School Board Budget, and the proposed CY 2020 Tax Levies and Tax Dates required to fund the Budgets will be held on June 1, 2020, in the Russell County Governmental Center, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 133 Highlands Drive, Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at 6 p.m.

A copy of the proposed budget is available for public review in the Board of Supervisors’ Office, 137 Highlands Drive, during normal business hours Monday through Friday. In addition, the FY 2020/2021 County Budget is posted on the County’s Website at and RussellCountyVA App on Google Play Store.

Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lonzo Lester at (276) 889- 8000 by 4:30 P.M., June 1, 2020 so arrangements can be made.



“The Heart of Southwest Vi

ris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton

District 4 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester

District 2 District 5 Gounty Administrator

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuit to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2020/ 2021 County Budget, School Board Budget, and the proposed CY 2020 Tax Levies and Tax Dates required to fund the Budgets will be held on June 1, 2020, in the Russell County Governmental Center, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 133 Highlands Drive, Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at 6 p.m.

A copy of the proposed budget is available for public review in the Board of Supervisors’ Office, 137 Highlands Drive, during normal business hours Monday through Friday. In addition, the FY 2020/2021 County Budget is posted on the County’s Website at

http://www. and RussellCountyVA App on Google Play Store.

Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lonzo Lester at (276) 889- 8000 by 4:30 P.M., June 1, 2020 so arrangements can be made.


Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Oris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuit to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Honaker School Property Transfer Public Hearing will be held on June 1, 2020, in the Russell County Governmental Center, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 133 Highlands Drive, Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at 6 p.m.

Details of the property are available for public review in the Board of Supervisors’ Office, 137 Highlands Drive, during normal business hours Monday through Friday.

Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lonzo Lester at (276) 889- 8000 by 4:30 P.M., June 1, 2020 so arrangements can be made.



Russell County Virginia

“The Heart of Southwest Virginia” ris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3 Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 4 District 6 District 4 Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 Gounty Administrator

The Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings will be held pursuit to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020 to allow for the Continuity of Government Operations During the Pandemic, including Altering the Process for Conducting Public Meetings; Restricting the Use of Public Buildings or Facilities; Providing Additional Powers to the Director of Emergency Management to Incur Costs, Waive Procedures, and Take Other Temporary Actions; and Suspending Deadlines and Procedures.


Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing on the Honaker School Property Transfer Public Hearing will be held on June 1, 2020, in the Russell County Governmental Center, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 133 Highlands Drive, Lebanon, Virginia, beginning at 6 p.m.

Details of the property are available for public review in the Board of Supervisors’ Office, 137 Highlands Drive, during normal business hours Monday through Friday.

Individuals with disabilities who require special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting should contact Lonzo Lester at (276) 889- 8000 by 4:30 P.M., June 1, 2020 so arrangements can be made.


Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

 Board of Supervisors                       Action Item A-1 

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 6/1/20       6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:

• Unapproved minutes of May 4, 2020 • Unapproved minutes of May 20, 2020

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


• Board Minutes

Board of Supervisors Action Item A-1

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting: ‘+ Unapproved minutes of May 4, 2020

  • Unapproved minutes of May 20, 2020

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


  • Board Minutes

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

May 04, 2020

A regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, May 04, 2020 beginning at 5:00 pm with Executive (closed) Session followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the meeting to order.

Roll Call by the Clerk:

Present: Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Oris Christian

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney

Absent: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into Executive (closed) Session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(5) of the Code of Virginia to discuss personnel and legal matters pursuant to 2.2-3711(A), (1), (7) and (8).

The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye, David Eaton and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Invocation by Chairperson Rebecca Dye followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as presented.

May 04, 2020

‘A regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, May 04, 2020 beginning at 5:00 pm with Executive (closed) Session followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the me

gto order. Roll Call by the Clerk:

Present: Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Oris Christian

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney

Absent: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into Executive (closed) Session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(5) of the Code of Virginia to discuss personnel and legal matters pursuant to 2.2-3711(A), (1), (7) and (8).

The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye, David Eaton and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was:

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Invocation by Chairperson Rebecca Dye followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as presented.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Pursuant to being advertised in a local newspaper for (2) two consecutive weeks, a public hearing was held on the 2020/2021 General Operation Budget.

The Chairperson opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed.

New Business


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Oris Christian and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the April 06, 2020 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Oris Christian, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the April 28, 2020 and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,386,884.14, including withholdings and reoccurring.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chair opened public comment.

Kelly McBride Delph, RCPL stated that she was concerned about the upcoming budget and potential cuts due to the COVID 19 epidemic.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Pursuant to being advertised in a local newspaper for (2) two consecutive weeks, a public hearing was held on the 2020/2021 General Operation Budget.

The Chairperson opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. New Business APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 06, 2020 MINUTES

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Oris Christian and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the April 06, 2020 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Oris Christian, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the April 28, 2020 and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,386,884.14, including withholdings and reoccurring.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Citizens Comment The Chair opened public comment.

Kelly McBride Delph, RCPL stated that she was concerned about the upcoming budget and potential cuts due to the COVID 19 epidemic.

The Chair closed Citizens Comment period.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, County Attorney advised the Board to hold a public hearing on the Continuation of Government Ordinance.


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to hold a public hearing on the Continuation of Government Ordinance on June 01, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

The County Attorney stated that she had reviewed the written contract for Courthouse Project Management Services. She asked that the Board approve the contract since she had made a minor change.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Courthouse Project Management Services written contract after review by the County Attorney to reflect a minor change.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Community Development Block Grant through the Department of Housing and Community Development for the Cleveland Sewer Treatment Plant pending final legal review.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: Lou Wallace


Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a letter of confirmation from the Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC) of Virginia Tech for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment grant.

The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian

The Chair closed Citizens Comment period.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, County Attorney advised the Board to hold a public hearing on the Continuation of Government Ordinance.


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to hold a public hearing on the Continuation of Government Ordinance on June 01, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

The County Attorney stated that she had reviewed the written contract for Courthouse Project Management Services. She asked that the Board approve the contract since she had made a minor change.

APPROVAL OF THE COURTHOUSE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Courthouse Project Management Services written contract after review by the County Attorney to reflect a minor change. The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Community Development Block Grant through the Department of Housing and Community Development for the Cleveland Sewer Treatment Plant pending final legal review.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: Lou Wallace

APPROVAL OF CDAC OF VIRGINIA TECH LETTER OF CONFIRMATION FOR A BROWNSFIELD GRANT Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a letter of confirmation from the Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC) of Virginia Tech

for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment grant.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a mutual aid agreement between Russell and Washington County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services from 2020-2023.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None



Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a mutual aid agreement between Russell County and Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services for 2020-2023.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Lebanon High School wall repair contract with Ken’s Construction and D. R. Price Engineering firm based on legal review.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to hold a public hearing on the transfer of Honaker school property on June 01, 2020.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a mutual aid agreement between Russell and Washington County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services from 2020-2023.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a mutual aid agreement between Russell County and Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services for 2020-2023.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Lebanon High School wall repair contract with Ken’s Construction and D. R. Price Engineering firm based on legal review.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to hold a public hearing on the transfer of Honaker school property on June 01, 2020.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

The vote was:

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

May 20, 2020

A special called meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, May 20,2020 at 10:00 am at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the meeting to order.

Roll Call by the Clerk:


Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Oris Christian

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney



Invocation by Chairperson Rebecca Dye, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as presented.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

New Business


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Certification for Receipt of Coronavirus Relief Fund Payments.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

May 20, 2020

A special called meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, May 20,2020 at 10:00 am at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the meeting to order. Roll Call by the Clerk: Present:

Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Oris Christian

Lonzo Lester, Clerk

Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk

Katie Patton, County Attorney



Invocation by Chairperson Rebecca Dye, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as presented.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

New Business


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Certification for Receipt of Coronavirus Relief Fund Payments.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Budget Workshop

The County Administrator explained how the budget could be impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Board discussed the upcoming budget with input from the Commissioner of the Revenue, Randy Williams and Treasurer Alicia McGlothlin. They both were concerned about how a reduction in state funding cause a budget shortfall.

The Commissioner asked that the Board work with local businesses to make sure they are able to stay open. He stated that the DMV Select had been very busy as they are one of the only offices open in the area.

The Treasurer stated that collections were on track with projections at present. She also commented that we should be responsible with Cares Act funds as this is just a “band aid” and will not be a long- term solution.

The health insurance fund was also discussed.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly appointed by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Clerk of The Board Chairperson

Budget Workshop

The County Administrator explained how the budget could be impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Board discussed the upcoming budget with input from the Commissioner of the Revenue, Randy Williams and Treasurer Alicia McGlothlin. They both were concerned about how a reduction in state funding cause a budget shortfall

The Commissioner asked that the Board work with local businesses to make sure they are able to stay open. He stated that the DMV Select had been very busy as they are one of the only offices open in the area,

The Treasurer stated that collections were on track with projections at present. She also commented that we should be responsible with Cares Act funds as this is just a “band aid” and will not be a long- term solution.

The health insurance fund was also discussed.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly appointed by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Oris Christian Nay: None

Clerk of The Board Chairperson

                                                  Board of Supervisors                         Action Item A-2 

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 6/1/20      6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s May 2020 Monthly Expenditures:

County’s May 2020 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational services.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s May 2020 Monthly Expenditures.


• Mayl 2020 Monthly Expenditures

Board of Supervisors Action Item A-2

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM

Approval of Expenditures Request approval of the County’s May 2020 Monthly Expenditures:

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): County’s May 2020 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational services.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s May 2020 Monthly Expenditures.


  • Mayl 2020 Monthly Expenditures

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

apes 5/27/2020

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Board of Supervisors Action Item

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson
Lebanon, VA 24266

    Meeting: 6/1/20        6:00 PM 

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board Appointments Regional Industrial Authority

David Eaton Two-Year Term April 18, 2020 Ernie McFaddin Two-Year Term April 18, 2020

Cumberland Plateau Economic Development Commission

Frank Horton One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ben Price (Vacant) One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ron Blankenship One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jim Eaton One-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Library

Yvonne Dye Three-Year Term June 30, 2020 Susan Breeding Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Service Authority

Cuba Porter Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 David Edmonds Jr. Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 Terry Powers Vacant June 24, 2022

Spearhead Trails

Terry Clevenger Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens

Larry Burton Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Alice Meade Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Wayne Bostic Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Pat Gray Two-Year Term June 30, 2020

Tourism Advisory Committee

Brandon Blevins (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jason Gullett (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020

Staff Recommendation:
Board Discretion.

Board of Supervisors Action Item 187 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM

Board Appointments Regional Industrial Authority

David Eaton Two-YearTerm — April 18, 2020 Ernie McFaddin Two-Year Term — April 18, 2020

Cumberland Plateau Economic Development Commission

Frank Horton One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ben Price (Vacant) One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Ron Blankenship One-Year Term June 30, 2020 Jim Eaton One-Year Term June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Library

Yvonne Dye Three-Year Term June 30, 2020 Susan Breeding Three-Year Term —_ June 30, 2020

Russell County Public Service Authority

Cuba Porter Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 David Edmonds Jr. Four-Year Term June 24, 2020 Terry Powers Vacant June 24, 2022

Spearhead Trails

Terry Clevenger Three-Year Term June 30, 2020

Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens

Larry Burton Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Alice Meade Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Wayne Bostic Two-Year Term June 30, 2020 Pat Gray Two-Year Term June 30, 2020

Tourism Advisory Committee

Brandon Blevins (Resigned) Four-YearTerm —_ June 30, 2020 Jason Gullett (Resigned) Four-Year Term June 30, 2020

Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion.

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Board Appointments for 2020

David Eaton Two Year April 18, 2020 Ernie McFaddin Two Year April 18, 2020 [Cumberland Plateau Economic Development Commission

[Frank Horton. One Year June 30, 2020 [Ben Price-—-vacant ‘One Year June 30 2018 Ron Blankenship One Year June 30, 2020 liames Eaton, Jr. One Year June 30, 2020

Russell Public Library

Yvonne Dye

Three Years

June 30, 2020

[Susan Breeding

Three Years

June 30, 2020

[Russell County PSA

[Cuba Porter One Year June 24, 2020 David Edmonds, Jr. One Year June 24, 2020 [Terry Powers (passed away) Three Year June 24, 2022 |Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens

|Wayne Bostic Two Years ‘August 1, 2020 Pat Gray Two Years ‘August 1, 2020 JAlice Meade Two Years ‘August 1, 2020 Larry Burton Two Years ‘August 1, 2020

Industrial Development Authority

David Mullins

Four Years

‘August 1, 2020

[Community Policy Management Team. Patrick Brunty Three Years ‘August 7, 2020 [Joni Lester Three Years ‘August 7, 2020

[Spearhead Trails Gilbert “Teddy” Clevinger Three Years ‘August 7, 2020

Heart of Appalachia

Kim Short–Vacant Two Years ‘September 10, 2020 JAngie Carpenter Two Years ‘September 10, 2020

[Highway and Safety Commission Tim Lovelace Two Years October 1, 2020

i gr]

[industrial Development Authority Jarred Glass Four Years October 3, 2020

a Ta

[Coal Hauling Road Commision

[Tim Lovelace Four Years November 7, 2020

[Drill Community Center

Charlene Blankenship Two Year December 31, 2020 Rachel Helton Two Year December 31, 2020 Doug Lester Two Year December 34, 2020 Harold Dean Thomas Two Year December 31, 2020

Betty Sue Hess Two Year December 31, 2020

Roger Sword

Four Years

December 31, 2020


Craig Stiltner, Chairman Rocklick Dist G. Roger Rife, Vice-Chairman South Grundy District Tim Hess Hurricane District Jeff Cooper Garden District James Carroll Branham North Grundy District Drew Keene Prater District ‘Trey Adkins Knox District

Robert Craig Horn County Administrator

Lawrence L. Moise, II Esq, County Attomey

May 5, 2020

Lonzo Lester, Administrator 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266

IN RE: CIFA Dear Lonzo:

A regular meeting of the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday the 4" day of May 2020. Upon motion of Trey Adkins seconded by Jeff Cooper and with a roll call vote of seven (7) yeas and zero (0) nays, this board did hereby approve to accept the resignation from Joe G. Street on the Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority (CIFA).

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Fill C fw

Robert Craig Horn, County Administrator ce: Joe Gary Street

Administrative Office P, 0. Drawer 950, GRUNDY, VIRGINIA 24614 ‘wwiw,

‘Telephone (276) 935-6503 Fax: (276) 985-4479

Joe Street 1226 Clear Creek Road Vansant, VA 24656 (276) 991-4450

April 27, 2020

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 950 Grundy, VA 24614

Dear Mr. Stiltner, | am writing this letter to formally notify you that | am resigning my position as a Board Member on the

‘Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority effective today, April 27, 2020. Due to business priorities and other circumstances, it is in my best interest to resign.

| wish CIFA the very best.


“Aste? —

foe G. Street



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TELEPHONENUMBERS: 276-889-0467 716-935-4141 423-817-5940

(Home) (Business) (cell)

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Spearhead Trails he P.0. Box 1594-502 Front Street East S Coeburn, Virginia 24230 p (276) 807-7581 www


April 27, 2020

Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

Russell County Board of Supervisors

PO Box 1208

Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Mr. Lester:

Teddy Clevenger’s appointment to the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority Board will expire on June 30, 2020. The Governance Board, which oversees recruiting and ensuring we have good board members, asks that the Russell County Board of Supervisors reappoint Teddy Clevenger to our serve another term on our Board. He has done an excellent job and we look forward to working with him for another 3-year term beginning July 1, 2020 and expiring June 30, 2023.

If this appointment could be made by your Council in the May or June meeting it would be greatly appreciated. We would like to begin our Board Member orientation in June in time for our next quarterly board meeting in mid-July.


Jack McClanahan, Chairman

Larry Yates, Vice Chairman

Eugene McClellan, Secretary/Treasurer

Serving the Virginia counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Tazewell, and Wise and the City of Norton.

Appalachian Agency "Senior Citizens

‘spect Response Rests

April 22, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Russell County Board of Supervisors PO Box 1208

Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Mr. Lester:

Every two years we request that the Board of Supervisors make appointments to AASC’s Board of Directors. These appointments are made for two-year terms to begin on July 1, 2020.

The Board of Supervisors will need to appoint or reappoint members to fill the seats currently held by Larry Burton, Alice Meade, Wayne Bostic, and Pat Gray. The appointments made on July 1, 2020 will be for two-year terms and will expire on June 30, 2022.

Thank you for your continued support of aging programs in Russell County and I look forward to working with your appointees.


Ceapeatro pm

Regina Sayers Executive Director


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Heart of Lyopaloslia my taceliny



Date Received: COMMITTEE APPLICATION iscace Currently Serving On: NAME: Vance Michelle is Mrs, Cast) Citst) (Middle Initial) (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Rank)

HOME ADDRESS: __ 99 Willow Spring Drive

[email protected]

Lebanon, VA 24266 mneil Addess) ‘TELEPHONE NUMBERS: 276-794-7839 276-206-9238 (Home) JENIN) Cell (FAX) PROFESSION/VOCATION: Administrative Assistant


(List no more than 3 – in order of preference?) Cumberland Mountain Community Service Board

OTHERINTERESTS: _ My interest is to be sure that my grandchildren have a good community to grow up in

and that my small business has the opportunity to grow.

EDUCATION: _High School Graduate; Some College; Multiple individual training courses.

JOB EXPERIENCE: Have been in the clerical field for over 30 years in multiple different positions (Resume Attached)

CIVIC OR SERVICE ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCE: _Jarrettsville and Hamilton Young Marines, Russell County,

Republican Committee Secretary






Michelle L. Vance 99 Willow Springs Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 H: 276-794-7839 C: 276-206-9238 [email protected]


A rewarding and stable opportunity by bringing value added support to a company by expanding my customer service, accounting and administrative skills.


BurWil Construction Co. 620 Locust St., Bristol, TN 37620 Position: Administrative Assistant (January 2013-Present) Responsibilities: Provide administrative support to the construction teams (project managers and superintendents) as needed. Answer phones, assistant customers and subcontractors with questions and requests. Preparation and submission of requests for proposals and qualifications. Preparation of purchase order and contracts, as well as account reconciliation for each project. Prepare letters, meeting minutes, safety and background information as needed per project. Upkeep project filing and processing all requests from field employees. Processing of accounts payables and receivables as needed for job costing information.

Intelect Corporation 4000 Dillon St., Baltimore, MD 21224 Position: Project Coordinator (July 2012-September 2012) Responsibilities: Entry of all daily reports along with safety reports and exporting to client ftp site. Updating productivity excel sheets for tracking purposes. Develop bill of material for projects. Act as liaison between field employees and the office. Create weekly roll-ups for client review. Close-out packages on a weekly basis. Develop new tracking methods for all projects. Review subcontracts and contracts for accuracy.

Lebolo Watts JV Ft. Meade, MD - Wideband Satellite Communication Center Project Position: Project Coordinator/Quality Control Clerk (March 2012-July 2012-Temporary) Responsibilities: Daily site reports, RFl’s, Submittals, calculating exposure hours utilizing the USACE QCS System. Verifying all subcontracts are in compliance (ie. contract completion, certificates of insurance and various other site specific forms). New hire orientation as well as subcontractor orientation on job site. Review and distribution of cettified payroll. General office duties such as filing, answering phones, office management etc. Effectively taking meeting minutes and compiling for distribution. Evaluation and distribution of all safety and background information for all employees working on site.

Michelle L. Vance 99 Willow Springs Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 H: 276-794-7839 C: 443-799-1615 [email protected] Page Two

MBR Construction Services, Inc., 10931 McCormick Rd., Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Position: Office Manager/Accounting Assistant/Project Coordinator (May 2008-March 2012) Responsibilities: All aspects of office managementireception/secretarial for seven person office; project coordination for multi-million dollar jobs. Processing and dealing with customers and clients on a dally basis regarding both accounts payable and receivable. ‘Answering phones, typing letters, dictation, ordering supplies, filing, petty cash and planning Keeping Access database of all union labor, purchase orders, subcontracts, certified payroll as well as point of contact for vendors and general contractors. New hire orientation and recruitment of field and temporary office personnel. Also included all pre-employment testing and background checks. Open and close all project and service jobs as well as processing billing (i.e. invoices & AIA’s). Process all payroll and certified payroll and requests and keep track of any bonding information. Also acted as local Human Resource contact (ie. Payroll, benefits and personnel issues). Work with company Safety Director on training and injury reports.

Struever Bros. Ecoles & Rouse, Inc., 1040 Hull St., Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21230 Position: Construction Accounting Assistant (August 2005 — April 2008) Responsibilities: Set up new jobs, input construction budgets; training of new Project Managers on all construction software; review checks runs for accuracy; code invoices and credit card statements; review jobs for accounting accuracies, and move as necessary. Work with Operation and Project Managers to review costs on jobs. Work with VP of Construction to closeout all jobs. Take calls and question from subcontractors and other vendors and research payment histories.

Struever Bros. Eccles & Rouse, Inc., 1040 Hull St., Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21230 Position: Administrative Assistant (September 2004 — August 2005) Responsibilities: Provide administrative support to the construction teams (project managers and superintendents) as needed. Preparation of AIA (invoice) packages. Activate and maintain accurate project files. Assemble and maintain close-out documents for projects. Blueprint coordination and distribution. Compose and/or transcribe meeting minutes, interoffice memos and format correspondence.


Software: Expedition, Access, ACT, AS/400, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, Netscape, Sharepoint, PaperPort, Timberline and Lotus, Remedy, USACE RMS System, etc. Strong attention to detail, organization, communication and customer service skills.

Loretta Vance

From: Sent: To: Subject:

[email protected] Monday, March 16, 2020 8:11 AM [email protected]; [email protected] Online Form Submittal: Board and Committee Application

Board and Committee Application

Name Mary “Maddie” Gordon Email Address [email protected] Address 195 Greystone Drive

city Castlewood

State VA

Zip Code 24224

Phone Number 2766087899

Fax Number Field not completed.

Board/Committee on Which District 2 Tourism Advisory Committee You Wish to Serve

Other Interests Field not completed.

Education B.A. Business - Maryville College 2011 MBA - King University 2014

Job Experience ‘Owner/Administrator Greystone Manor, Inc. (Assisted Living) since 2011

Owner Clinch Life Outfitters since 2017 Clinch River Project Manager for StreamSweepers since 2017

Civic or Service Field not completed. Organization Experience

Are you currently amember No of a Russell County Board or Committee?

IFYES, please name: Field not completed.

Have you previously served No as a member of a Russell

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors   Action Item 

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

     Meeting: 6/1/20        6:00 PM 

County Attorney Reports

  1. Russell County COVID-19 Reopening Resolution…………………………………B-1

  2. CPWMA User Agreement……………………………………………………………….B-2

  3. Personnel Policy Update……………………………………………………………….B-3

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 6/1/20


County Attorney Reports

  1. Russell County COVID-19 Reopening Resolution

  2. CPWMA User Agreement.

  3. Personnel Policy Update.

Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion. Suggested Motion: Motion Required.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Oris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011




WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 53 and Executive Order No. 55 were enacted

by the Governor of Virginia to limit the growth and devastating effects of COVID-19.

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 61 has been enacted for a Phased state

reopening to commence May 15, 2020;

WHEREAS, small businesses throughout Southwest Virginia, including those in

Russell County are disproportionately affected by Executive Order No. 53 and

Executive Order No. 55, which has caused a devastating regional unemployment rate

and Executive Order 61 continues to inequitably impact our region by a nearly statewide

phasing metric;

WHEREAS, neighboring states such as Tennessee and North Carolina, with

demographics similar to Southwest Virginia, have opened or begun to reopen in a more

expedited manner with continued heightened awareness and sanitation practices and


WHEREAS, a failure to likewise reopen Russell County and Southwest Virginia

both limits the recovery of businesses due to earlier reopening in neighboring states,

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

ris Christian Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton

District 4 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester

District 2 District 5 Gounty Administrator



WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 53 and Executive Order No. 55 were enacted by the Governor of Virginia to limit the growth and devastating effects of COVID-19.

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 61 has been enacted for a Phased state reopening to commence May 15, 2020;

WHEREAS, small businesses throughout Southwest Virginia, including those in Russell County are disproportionately affected by Executive Order No. 53 and Executive Order No. 55, which has caused a devastating regional unemployment rate and Executive Order 61 continues to inequitably impact our region by a nearly statewide phasing metric;

WHEREAS, neighboring states such as Tennessee and North Carolina, with demographics similar to Southwest Virginia, have opened or begun to reopen in a more expedited manner with continued heightened awareness and sanitation practices and regulations;

WHEREAS, a failure to likewise reopen Russell County and Southwest Virginia

both limits the recovery of businesses due to earlier reopening in neighboring states,

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

and places residents of Russell County and Southwest Virginia at risk by travelling out

of the area to patronize businesses in other states that have reopened.

WHEREAS, Russell County, Virginia has approximately 26,600 residents, of

which only 8 have tested positive for COVID-19 and no COVID-19 cases currently

active; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors is confident that Russell

County and Southwest Virginia businesses can reopen in a safe and sanitary manner,

following federal and state health and safety guidelines; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors trusts the citizens of

Russell County to be personally responsible in practicing preventative measures, such

as social distancing and good hygiene, in the process of reopening of Russell County

and Southwest Virginia.

NOW THEREFORE, the Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby

respectfully requests that the Governor of Virginia to consider modifying the reopening

of the Commonwealth of Virginia from a state-wide basis to a local/regional basis

utilizing the phased approach outlined by the Governor of Virginia but allowing Russell

County and Southwest Virginia to utilizes a flexible and expedited re-opening process

when certain metrics are met locally or regionally. The Russell County Board of

Supervisors further requests that such a flexible and expedited local/regional reopening

occur for Russell County and Southwest Virginia effective immediately, in which Russell

County and Southwest Virginia would have the flexibility to enter Phase III of reopening


and places residents of Russell County and Southwest Virginia at risk by travelling out of the area to patronize businesses in other states that have reopened

WHEREAS, Russell County, Virginia has approximately 26,600 residents, of which only 8 have tested positive for COVID-19 and no COVID-19 cases currently active; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors is confident that Russell County and Southwest Virginia businesses can reopen in a safe and sanitary manner, following federal and state health and safety guidelines; and

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors trusts the citizens of Russell County to be personally responsible in practicing preventative measures, such as social distancing and good hygiene, in the process of reopening of Russell County and Southwest Virginia.

NOW THEREFORE, the Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby respectfully requests that the Governor of Virginia to consider modifying the reopening of the Commonwealth of Virginia from a state-wide basis to a local/regional basis utilizing the phased approach outlined by the Governor of Virginia but allowing Russell County and Southwest Virginia to utilizes a flexible and expedited re-opening process when certain metrics are met locally or regionally. The Russell County Board of Supervisors further requests that such a flexible and expedited local/regional reopening occur for Russell County and Southwest Virginia effective immediately, in which Russell County and Southwest Virginia would have the flexibility to enter Phase III of reopening


FURTHER, the Russell County Board of Supervisors directs that the Clerk of the

Board of Supervisors forward a copy of this Resolution to the following: Virginia House

of Delegates; Virginia Senate; and Ralph S. Northam – Governor of Virginia. This

resolution was adopted this the 1st day of June 2020 by the Russell County, Va., Board

of Supervisors.

Recorded Vote: ____________________________________
Moved by:____________ Rebecca Dye, Chairperson
Seconded by:___________ Board of Supervisors
Yeas:____________ County of Russell Nays: ___________


                                                              Lonzo Lester, County Administrator                                                         

FURTHER, the Russell County Board of Supervisors directs that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors forward a copy of this Resolution to the following: Virginia House of Delegates; Virginia Senate; and Ralph S. Northam — Governor of Virginia. This resolution was adopted this the 1* day of June 2020 by the Russell County, Va., Board

of Supervisors.

Recorded Vote:

Moved by: Rebecca Dye, Chairperson Seconded by: Board of Supervisors Yeas County of Russell Nays:


Lonzo Lester, County Administrator

Buchanan County Dickenson County Russell County

Tazewell Coun an BoRClPae ES pai P.O. Box 2347 P.O. Box 350 J os 4 Bath Creek Road 15 Roger Steet 145.Ben Bat Road Grundy, VA. 24614 Clinwood, VA 24208 Lebanon, VA 21366 Tazewell, VA. 24651 hone: 2769384591 Phone 3769264999 Phone: 2764807521 Phe’ re eh sts Fae 2769354537 Pa 69260407 Fac 2168897695 x 2688S Lee County Scot County ‘Wise County and the City of Norton 1364 Stet 112 Bech Stet 134 Roberts Ave SW Sone, VA 24263 Suite Wie, VA 2093 Phone: 26-346-201 ate iy, VA. 2051 hone” 27608-8000 Fac 2e3ieou0] Phone 2763861312 Fax 2763761000

Fax: 2763862116


VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Cumberland Plateau & Lenowisco Health Districts A Stewards for Optimum Districts 224 Clydesway Dr.— Suite B 134 Roberts Avenue, SW Cenatinatd eae Lebanon, VA 24266 Wise, VA 24293

“Protecting You and Your Environment — Better Health, Better Home, Better Horizons!”

Eleanor S. Cantrell, M.D. District Director, Lenowi (Cumberland Plateau Hi

June 1, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator, Russell County Lebanon, VA

RE: COVID-19 Dear Mr. Lester:

As we continue to work in our region to respond and limit the spread and impact of the SARS- CoV2 virus which causes COVID-19, at this time, there have been eight confirmed cases of COVID-19 in residents of Russell County. In surrounding or contiguous counties the case numbers range from 0 (Dickenson County) to 51 (Washington County), Other nearby jurisdictions have had 27 cases in Wise County/City of Norton, 18 in Buchanan County, 7 in Scott County and 9 in Tazewell County. Russell County residents with COVID-19 have had two hospitalizations (25%) among the 8 cases and 0 deaths. Wise/Norton’s 27 cases resulted in 13 hospitalizations (48%) and 2 deaths (7%). Scott County had 2 hospitalizations (29%) and 2 deaths of its 7 cases. Washington County reports 8 hospitalizations (16%) and 4 deaths (8%) of its 51 cases, Buchanan County had 0 hospitalizations and 0 deaths of 18 cases. The Commonwealth of Virginia overall percent hospitalized is 10.3%.

In looking at demographic descriptors of residents of our area, we have a higher percent of our residents who are elderly (over age 65 years is 21.6% in Russell Co compared to Virginia 15.4%) and disability in younger than 65 is higher in Russell County compared to the rest of the Commonwealth (2016 SSI % of population age 64 and under who receive SSI benefits in Russell County 5.5% compared to Virginia 1.7%). Also impacting health and health outcomes, for many years Russell County and most surrounding counties have been designated as medically under- served in the three broad professional areas assessed, indicating that the number of primary care, mental health and dental providers is insufficient for the population, based simply on numbers of people per provider, without accounting for the complex diseases seen in our older, sicker population. This, compounded by lack of many specialty providers available locally, further makes accessing adequate healthcare a challenge for many.

Looking at some specific metrics for Russell County, (information taken from the 2020 county

health rankings data which can be found in totality at www., please consider:

Overall Russell County ranked 104/133 in Health outcomes (health outcomes reflect current health indicators that result from past conditions/bchaviors) which places it in the lowest quartile ranking of localities in Virginia; Health Outcome measures how long people live and how healthy they feel while alive, One important measure in Outcomes is “premature death” measured by “years of Potential life lost”, or the number of years lost before age 75 per 100,000 population (age-adjusted); (example: a death at age 75 or older contributes 0 years to this metric, whereas a death at 45 years of age contributes 30 years), all “leveled” to reflect the number of years per 100,000 people to make it possible to compare between counties with different populations. Russell County was 10, 900 years per 100,000 population compared to Virginia 6, 400. The worst in Virginia was 12. 500; Russell Co ranked 116 out of 133 jurisdictions. Russell County has a high measure for premature death. Metrics on quality of life (number of poor mental and physical health days, number of overall poor-fair health and low birth rates) ranked somewhat better, giving over all placement of 93 out of 133 jurisdictions for these four metrics combined. In Health Factors (modifiable conditions that contribute to health outcomes or can be thought of as things or conditions present today that determine our health in the future), which includes metrics evaluating clinical care, health behaviors, environmental factors and social determinants; overall Russell County ranked 114 out of 133 jurisdictions, again in the bottom quartile. County Health Rankings assessed several areas important to over all health of a county/jurisdiction, but I selected health conditions which I believe are more relevant to the COVID 19 discussion, for your consideration: In Clinical Care, Russell County overall ranked 131/133. This measure includes the following: © Rate of hospital stays for ambulatory sensitive conditions (conditions that usually do not require hospitalizations) in Medicare population (to remove lack of insurance as a barrier), interpreted to reflect access to care including people using the ER in the absence of primary care provider access or quality of care), Russell County had 8, 220 stays in this category compared to Virginia overall with 4.461 hospital stays in this category per 100,000 Medicare enrollees. The cause of hospital stays included diabetes with short or long-term complications, uncontrolled diabetes without complications, diabetes with lower-extremity amputation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, hypertension, heart failure, dehydration, bacterial pneumonia, or urinary tract infection Russell County rate was for these hospitalizations was nearly double the state in 2017 (the source of the data for this metric), pre-COVID. We have seen in the past few months in the COVID timeframe that the underlying conditions even if well-controlled (diabetes, COPD, asthma, hypertension, heart disease) are those identified as placing people with COVID 19 infection at higher risk for hospitalization, intensive care admission, requirement for ventilator support and death. © Ratio of primary care providers to population is 3, 860:1 in Russell County compared to Virginia at 1, 320:1 overall (nearly 1/3 fewer providers than the rest of the Commonwealth). © Percent of Medicare enrollees who had a flu shot, Russell Co 44% compared to Virginia 50%. (taking a flu vaccine may be relevant to the upcoming fall season when seasonal flu and COVID 19 may both be circulating)

‘© Heath Behaviors ranking for Russell County was overall © Adult smoking in Russell County was 19% compared to Virginia overall 16% © Adult obesity in Russell County was 38% compared to Virginia overall 30% Both obesity and current smoking as well as the many conditions listed in the previous bullet related to medical condition have been identified in some studies as causing greater tisk of complications leading to poorer outcomes than in persons not having these conditions or factors.

Finally I would note that phase I re-opening began May 15 and the first week to 10 days of that period was cool and rainy in many parts of the two districts I cover (not a scientific assessment of the weather at all—but observations, as we had several outdoor testing events throughout both districts during this time which were often conducted in the rain/chill and for which we had cancellations citing weather as the reason), so perhaps the weather had some impact on the numbers of people getting out in the community generally. In the past week-10 days the weather has been more temperate and more people appear to be venturing out, many of whom are not following the recommendations for social distancing, wearing masks while in public and limiting travel to essential trips. ‘The incubation period for SARS CoV2 virus is 2-14 days so we are just past one incubation period (from May 15-29) and still in the incubation period beginning with Memorial Day holiday; thus far we have not seen an uptick in cases. However, I do not believe we are in a position to fully assess the impact of Phase I re-opening and the lack of adherence to guidance (noted above) yet on case count.

Based on an assessment of the overall health and risk status of so many residents of our communities including Russell County (more people at high risk for poorer outcomes including death if contracted COVID 19), and our health care systems” capacity (access to primary care providers, tertiary care resources for very ill patients largely residing in another state or out of the region), I am pleased that many areas have been able to maintain low case counts and reduce the possibility of serious illness and death in our communities. It is my opinion that our on- going efforts should, at this time, continue to focus on community education regarding the importance of social distancing, wearing face coverings when in public and consolidating trips so that the fewest number of trips are made to meet essential needs. In my opinion, moving to phase 3 at this time poses unknown but likely increased risk of more cases of COVID 19 ina county with more people at risk of serious including fatal outcomes. In my opinion from a public health perspective and for the reasons stated above, I cannot support a direct move to phase III at this time.


Chex Ciscoe

Eleanor S. Cantrell, M.D, District Director Lenowisco Health District

Board of Supervisors Action Item C-1 – C-7 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator

Lebanon, VA 24266

               Meeting: 6/1/20         6:00 PM 

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for June 2020:


  1. CDBG Planning Grant – Cleveland Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrade…….……C-1

  2. Russell County Emergency Operation Plan…………………………………………C-2

  3. Town of Lebanon Abstract of Votes…………………………………………………C-3


  1. VRA Amended and Restated Support Agreement of the Southwest Virginia

         Regional Jail Authority and Russell County………………………………………..C-4 
  2. VRA Certificate of the County of Russell Virginia………………………………….C-5

  3. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing…………………C-6

  4. RC Planning Commission Plats……………………….………………………………C-7

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.


• Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011 Board of Supervisors Action Item C-1 - C-7

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for June 2020: REPORTS

  1. CDBG Planning Grant — Cleveland Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrade.

  2. Russell County Emergency Operation Plan…

  3. Town of Lebanon Abstract of Votes…


4, VRA Amended and Restated Support Agreement of the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail Authority and Russell County… .

  1. VRA Certificate of the County of Russell Virginia.

  2. Russell County Fiscal-Year 2020/2021 Budget Public Hearing.

  3. RC Planning Commission Plats…

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive « Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

May 20, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

Russell County

137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266-7169

RE: 2020 CDBG Planning Grant-Approval

Dear Mr. Lester:

We have reviewed the County’s request for CDBG planning assistance for the Russell County Cleveland

Regional Sewer System PER Project. We are prepared to offer planning grant assistance for developing

this project. Our review of these items indicates that the County and the stakeholders have demonstrated

an acceptable preliminary level of interest and need in developing plans for the proposed project. DHCD

will make a total of up to $60,000 available to the County for developing solutions for the identified long-

term sewage system community needs.

Joe Blevins, Program Manager in the Community Development Division, has been assigned to work with

you to continue the planning efforts and to assist you in conducting a Facilitated Planning Strategy

meeting. The result of this meeting will be a work plan and budget that will be included in the proposal

for planning grant funds to be submitted to DHCD. Mr. Blevins will be in touch with you shortly or can

be reached at (276) 274-4539.

In summary, the next steps in this process are:

  1. The County must abide by the Virginia Public Procurement Act and may not execute contracts

that will obligate CDBG funds until these contracts have been reviewed by DHCD.

  1. DHCD’s staff person will meet with the County and stakeholders and hold a Facilitated Planning

Strategy session to develop a work-plan that will encompass a discussion of all activities that

need to be completed and by when they will be completed.

  1. Within seven (7) working days of the Facilitated Planning Strategy the County must submit a

Planning Grant proposal to DHCD that includes the work plan and cost of completing the


  1. Upon receipt, DHCD will evaluate the proposal and, if determined to be necessary, set-up a

Contract Negotiation Meeting with the County and a contract will be issued within one week of

the Contract Negotiation Meeting.

  1. Please note that requests must be submitted electronically through the Agency’s Centralized

Application and Management System (CAMS). To access CAMS, visit the website at and click on the CAMS icon in the upper-right hand corner. You may

submit your proposal information utilizing the reports and communications tab with the project. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA .


May 20, 2020

Mr. Lonzo Lester

County Administrator Russell County

137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA 24266-7169

RE: 2020 CDBG Planning Grant-Approval

Dear Mr. Lester:

We have reviewed the County’s request for CDBG planning assistance for the Russell County Cleveland Regional Sewer System PER Project. We are prepared to offer planning grant assistance for developing this project. Our review of these items indicates that the County and the stakeholders have demonstrated an acceptable preliminary level of interest and need in developing plans for the proposed project. DHCD will make a total of up to $60,000 available to the County for developing solutions for the identified long- term sewage system community needs.

Joe Blevins, Program Manager in the Community Development Division, has been assigned to work with you to continue the planning efforts and to assist you in conducting a Facilitated Planning Strategy meeting. The result of this meeting will be a work plan and budget that will be included in the proposal for planning grant funds to be submitted to DHCD. Mr. Blevins will be in touch with you shortly or can be reached at (276) 274-4539.

In summary, the next steps in this process are:

  1. The County must abide by the Virginia Public Procurement Act and may not execute contracts that will obligate CDBG funds until these contracts have been reviewed by DHCD.

  2. DHCD’s staff person will meet with the County and stakeholders and hold a Facilitated Planning Strategy session to develop a work-plan that will encompass a discussion of all activities that need to be completed and by when they will be completed.

  3. Within seven (7) working days of the Facilitated Planning Strategy the County must submit a Planning Grant proposal to DHCD that includes the work plan and cost of completing the activi

4, Upon receipt, DHCD will evaluate the proposal and, if determined to be necessary, set-up a Contract Negotiation Meeting with the County and a contract will be issued within one week of the Contract Negotiation Meeting.

  1. Please note that requests must be submitted electronically through the Agency’s Centralized Application and Management System (CAMS). To access CAMS, visit the website at www.dhed. virginia gov and click on the CAMS icon in the upper-right hand corner. You may submit your proposal information utilizing the reports and communications tab with the project.

Mr. Lonzo Lester May 20, 2020 Page 2 of 2

For additional information, please contact Rachel Jordan, Policy Analyst at (804) 371-7076.


  Matt Weaver 

  Associate Director 

c: Jim Baldwin, Cumberland Plateau PDC

Joe Blevins, DHCD

For additional information, please contact Rachel Jordan, Policy Analyst at (804) 371-7076.


Jt oll

Matt Weaver Associate Director

©: Jim Baldwin, Cumberland Plateau PDC Joe Blevins, DHCD

Portners for Better Communities


Cast in the Town of LEBANON in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA at the 2020 May Town General Election held on May 19, 2020 for,

Member Town Council District: LEBANON


(IN FIGURES) M. Elijah Leonard : 7 : 446 Scott J. Gilmer 389 William Brad Lambert 308 Kevin Buford Ferguson 281 J. Hassel Kegley : 257 Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications} : 16 [Valid Write-ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write In Votes)

‘Total Number of Overvotes for Office 0

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on May 19, 2020, do herby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes at the said election and do, therefore, determine and declare that the following person(s) has received the greatest number of votes cast for the Member Town Council

  1. M. Elijah Leonard
  2. Scott J. Gilmer 3, William Brad Lambert

Given under our hands this 20th day of May, 2020 Kuo Que . Chairman

, Vice Chairman Pigs | Wort Secretary Pact, 2 Dovg , Secretary


Cast in the Town of LEBANON in RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA at the 2020 May Town General Election held on May 19, 2020 for,

Mayor District: LEBANON


(IN FIGURES) Nelson A. “Tony” Dodi : 20 (tee o08 ‘Total Write-In votes [From Write-Ins Certifications] 12

[Valid Write-Ins + Invalid Write_ins = Total Write In Votes)

Total Number of Overvotes for Office 0

We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on May 19, 2020, do herby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes at the said election and do, therefore, determine and declare that the following person(s) has received the greatest number of. votes cast for the Mayor .

Nelson A. “Tony” Dodi

Given under our hands this 20th day of May, 2020

Ks & Goon » Chairman

, Vice Chairman

Bixnns \ Se Secretary

DK Woe | Secretary te OO



THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED SUPPORT AGREEMENT (this “Support Agreement”) is made as of June 1, 2020, among the COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA (the “County”), SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA REGIONAL JAIL AUTHORITY (the “Jail Authority”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (“VRA”), as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to an Indenture of Trust dated as of June 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”), between the Jail Authority and REGIONS BANK, as Trustee, and a Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement dated as of April 14, 2020 (the “Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement”), between VRA and the Jail Authority.


WHEREAS, the Jail Authority is a regional jail authority pursuant to Section 53.1-95.2 et seq. of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Virginia by resolutions duly adopted by the governing bodies of the Counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington and Wise, Virginia and the City of Norton, Virginia (collectively, the “Member Jurisdictions”) for the purpose of developing regional jail facilities (collectively, the “Regional Jail”) to be operated on behalf of the Member Jurisdictions by the Authority;

WHEREAS, the Jail Authority has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell its Jail Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2020 in an original aggregate principal amount of $37,880,000 (the “Local Bond”) to VRA pursuant to the terms of the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement to finance the refunding, redemption and defeasance of all or a portion of the Authority’s outstanding $65,955,000 Jail Facilities Revenue and Refunding Bond, Series 2013 (the “2013 Bond”) issued to finance and refinance the costs of constructing, renovating and improving the Regional Jail;

WHEREAS, VRA requires each Member Jurisdiction, as a condition to the purchase by VRA of the Local Bond, to enter into a Support Agreement; and

WHEREAS, in connection with the issuance by the Jail Authority and the purchase by VRA of the Local Bond, the Board of Supervisors of the County (the “Board”) adopted on March 2, 2020, a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution and delivery of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond.

WHEREAS, the Board, the Authority and VRA wish to enter into this Amended and Restated Support Agreement to reflect the refunding of the 2013 Bond and the issuance and sale of the Local Bond.


THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED SUPPORT AGREEMENT (this “Support Agreement”) is made as of June 1, 2020, among the COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA (the “County”), SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA REGIONAL JAIL AUTHORITY (the “Jail Authority”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (“VRA”), as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to an Indenture of Trust dated as of June 1, 2013 (the “Indenture”), between the Jail Authority and REGIONS BANK, as Trustee, and a Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement dated as of April 14, 2020 (the “Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement”), between VRA and the Jail Authority,


WHEREAS, the Jail Authority is a regional jail authority pursuant to Section 53.1-95.2 et seq. of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Virginia by resolutions duly adopted by the governing bodies of the Counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington and Wise, Virginia and the City of Norton, Virginia (collectively, the “Member Jurisdictions”) for the purpose of developing regional jail facilities (collectively, the “Regional Jail”) to be operated on behalf of the Member Jurisdictions by the Authority;

WHEREAS, the Jail Authority has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell its Jail Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2020 in an original aggregate principal amount of $37,880,000 (the “Local Bond”) to VRA pursuant to the terms of the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement to finance the refunding, redemption and defeasance of all or a portion of the Authority’s outstanding $65,955,000 Jail Facilities Revenue and Refunding Bond, Series 2013 (the “2013 Bond”) issued to finance and refinance the costs of constructing, renovating and improving the Regional Jail;

WHEREAS, VRA requires each Member Jurisdiction, as a condition to the purchase by VRA of the Local Bond, to enter into a Support Agreement; and

WHEREAS, in connection with the VRA of the Local Bond, the Board of Supervisors of the County (the “Board”) adopted on March 2, 2020, a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution and delivery of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond.

WHEREAS, the Board, the Authority and VRA wish to enter into this Amended and Restated Support Agreement to reflect the refunding of the 2013 Bond and the issuance and sale of the Local Bond


NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

  1. Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement.

  2. The Jail Authority shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, and to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of refunding the 2013 Bond and refinancing the Regional Jail.

  3. No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2021, the Jail Authority shall notify the County of the County’s share (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”), pursuant to the Service Agreement, of the amount by which the Jail Authority reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement and the Local Bond and any unrefunded debt service due on the 2013 Bond, if any, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expenses, and (iii) any other payments due and owing by the Jail Authority under the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.

  4. The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Jail Authority. The County Administrator shall deliver to VRA within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Jail Authority an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.

  5. If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Jail Authority shall notify the County of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.

  6. The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify VRA as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

  7. The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to


NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

  1. Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement.

  2. The Jail Authority shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, and to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of refunding the 2013 Bond and refinancing the Regional Jail.

  3. No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2021, the Jail Authority shall notify the County of the County’s share (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”), pursuant to the Service Agreement, of the amount by which the Jail Authority reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement and the Local Bond and any unrefunded debt service due on the 2013 Bond, if any, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expenses, and (iii) any other payments due and owing by the Jail Authority under the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.

4, The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Jail Authority. The County ‘Administrator shall deliver to VRA within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Jail Authority an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.

5 Ifat any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Jail Authority shall notify the County of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.

  1. The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify VRA as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.

  2. The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to

make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.

  1. The County acknowledges and agrees that (i) VRA would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Support Agreement, (ii) VRA will be an express, intended third party beneficiary of the Service Agreement and (iii) VRA is treating this Support Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, including amendments thereto taking effect as of July 1, 2011 (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes VRA or the Trustee to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, VRA is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to VRA, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.

  2. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Jail Authority, VRA or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

  3. Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, VA, 24266 Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Jail Authority, to 16325 Taylor Place, Suite 400, Abingdon, Virginia 24211, Attention: Administrator, and (iii) if to VRA, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.

  4. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Support Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

  5. This Support Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by Jail Authority under the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement have been paid in full.

  6. This Support Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.


make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.

  1. The County acknowledges and agrees that (i) VRA would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Support Agreement, (ii) VRA will be an express, intended third party beneficiary of the Service Agreement and (iii) VRA is treating this Support Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, including amendments thereto taking effect as of July 1, 2011 (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorize: VRA or the Trustee to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, VRA is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to VRA, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.

  2. Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Jail Authority, VRA or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.

10, Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, VA, 24266 Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Jail Authority, to 16325 Taylor Place, Suite 400, Abingdon, Virginia 24211, Attention: ‘Administrator, and (iii) if to VRA, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.

  1. Itis the intent of the parties hereto that this Support Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

  2. This Support Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by Jail Authority under the Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement have been paid in full.

  3. This Support Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of

which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Support Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.


By: _____________________________________ Chairman, Board of Supervisors


By: _____________________________________ Chairman


By: _____________________________________ Executive Director

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Support Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written,



Chairman, Board of Supervisors






Executive Director



The undersigned Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Russell,

Virginia (the “Governing Body”) and the County Administrator of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “Member Jurisdiction”), certify the following:

  1. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on April 2, 2001, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present and absent:

PRESENT: Frank W. Horton Danny L. Brown Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples, Jr. Clarence Ball Carter McGlothlin


being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

  1. A resolution (the “Authorizing Resolution”) creating the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail Authority (the “Authority”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Frank W. Horton Danny L. Brown Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples, Jr. Clarence Ball Carter McGlothlin

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Authorizing Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

  2. Such Authorizing Resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded, or amended

but is in full force and effect on this date.

  1. Steven L. Dye, as the Sheriff of Russell County, Virginia, serves as a member of the Authority from the Member Jurisdiction. The Governing Body has appointed Oris Christian and Tim Lovelace to act as the Member Jurisdiction’s other representatives to the Authority and who serve at the will of the Governing Body. The term of the Sheriff as a member of the Authority expires when his term as sheriff of the Member Jurisdiction expires. As of March 2, 2020 and the date of this certificate, the duly


The undersigned Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “Governing Body”) and the County Administrator of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “Member Jurisdiction”), certify the following:

1, A meeting of the Governing Body was held on April 2, 2001, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present and absent:


Frank W. Horton Danny L. Brown, Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples, Jr. Clarence Ball Carter MeGlothlin


None being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting. 2. A resolution (the “Authorizing Resolution”) creating the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail Authority (the “Authority”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of

such meeting as follows:


Frank W. Horton Danny L. Brown Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples, Jr. Clarence Ball Carter McGlothlin

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit _A is a true, complete, and correct copy of such ‘Authorizing Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

  2. Such Authorizing Resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded, or amended but is in full force and effect on this date.

  3. Steven L. Dye, as the Sheriff of Russell County, Virginia, serves as a member of the ‘Authority from the Member Jurisdiction. The Governing Body has appointed Oris Christian and Tim Lovelace to act as the Member Jurisdiction’s other representatives to the Authority and who serve at the will of the Governing Body. The term of the Sheriff as a member of the Authority expires when his term as sheriff of the Member Jurisdiction expires. As of March 2, 2020 and the date of this certificate, the duly


authorized and appointed members of the Authority Board appointed by the Member Jurisdiction were and are Sheriff Dye, Oris Christian, and Tim Lovelace.

  1. Katie Patton, Esquire is the duly appointed, qualified, and serving County Attorney.

  2. Lonzo Lester is the County Administrator and the duly appointed, qualified, and

serving Clerk of the Governing Body.

  1. No resolution or ordinance of the Governing Body has been adopted requesting or authorizing the withdrawal of the Member Jurisdiction from the Authority.

  2. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on February 3, 2003, at which meeting

the following duly elected members were present and absent:

PRESENT: Frank W. Horton Clarence Ball Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin Danny L. Brown


being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

  1. A resolution (the “Service Agreement Resolution”) authorizing the Member Jurisdiction to enter into a Service Agreement among the Authority, the Member Jurisdiction, and the other eight members of the Authority, dated as of April 1, 2003 (the “Original Service Agreement”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Frank W. Horton Danny L. Brown Clarence Ball Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Service Agreement Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

authorized and appointed members of the Authority Board appointed by the Member Jurisdiction were and are Sheriff Dye, Oris Christian, and Tim Lovelace.

  1. Katie Patton, Esquire is the duly appointed, qualified, and serving County Attorney.

  2. Lonzo Lester is the County Administrator and the duly appointed, qualified, and serving Clerk of the Governing Body.

  3. No resolution or ordinance of the Governing Body has been adopted requesting or authorizing the withdrawal of the Member Jurisdiction from the Authority.

  4. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on February 3, 2003, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present and absent:

PRESENT: Frank W. Horton Clarence Ball Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin Danny L. Brown

ABSENT: None being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

  1. A resolution (the “Service Agreement Resolution”) authorizing the Member Jurisdiction to enter into a Service Agreement among the Authority, the Member Jurisdiction, and the other eight members of the Authority, dated as of April 1, 2003 (the “Original Service Agreement”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Frank W. Horton Danny L. Brown Clarence Ball Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin

NAYS: None

11, Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Service ‘Agreement Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.


  1. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on May 2, 2005, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present and absent:

PRESENT: Mike Puckett Bill Wampler Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin Danny L. Brown


being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

  1. A resolution (the “Amendment Resolution”) authorizing the Member Jurisdiction to enter into an Amended Service Agreement among the Authority, the Member Jurisdiction, and the other nine members of the Authority, dated as of July 1, 2005 (the “Amended Service Agreement,” and, together with and amending the Original Service Agreement, the “Service Agreement”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Mike Puckett Bill Wampler Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin Danny L. Brown

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Amendment Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

  2. Such Service Agreement Resolution, as amended by the Amendment Resolution, has

not been repealed, revoked, rescinded or amended but is in full force and effect on this date.

  1. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on March 2, 2020, at which meeting the

following duly elected members were present and absent:

PRESENT: Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding

  1. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on May 2, 2005, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present and absent:

PRESEN Mike Puckett Bill Wampler Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin Danny L. Brown

ABSENT: None being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

  1. A resolution (the “Amendment Resolution”) authorizing the Member Jurisdiction to enter into an Amended Service Agreement among the Authority, the Member Jurisdiction, and the other nine members of the Authority, dated as of July 1, 2005 (the “Amended Service Agreement,” and, together with and amending the Original Service Agreement, the “Service Agreement”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Mike Puckett Bill Wampler Robert J. Keene Ralph C. Maples D. Carter McGlothlin Danny L. Brown

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Amendment Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

15, Such Service Agreement Resolution, as amended by the Amendment Resolution, has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded or amended but is in full force and effect on this date.

  1. A meeting of the Governing Body was held on March 2, 2020, at which meeting the following duly elected members were present and absent:


Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding


Rebecca Taylor Dye 
Oris Christian 


being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

  1. A resolution (the “Support Agreement Resolution”) authorizing the Member

Jurisdiction to enter into an Amended and Restated Support Agreement among the Authority, the Member Jurisdiction, and the Virginia Resources Authority (“VRA”), dated as of June 1, 2020 (the “VRA Support Agreement”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Taylor Dye Oris Christian

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Support Agreement Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

  2. Such Support Agreement Resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded, or

amended but is in full force and effect on this date.

  1. The Service Agreement and the Support Agreement have each been duly executed and delivered by the Member Jurisdiction. The Member Jurisdiction is not in default in its obligations under the Service Agreement or the Support Agreement. A copy of the Service Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit E and a copy of the VRA Support Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit F.

  2. No litigation or administrative action of any kind is currently pending or threatened to

(a) restrain or enjoin the execution and delivery of the Service Agreement or the Support Agreement (together, the “Agreements”), (b) in any way contest or challenge the due adoption of the Authorizing Resolution, the Service Agreement Resolution, the Amendment Resolution or the Support Agreement Resolution or © question the title of the officers of the Member Jurisdiction to their respective offices or the officers who executed the Service Agreement or who are executing the Support Agreement.

Rebecca Taylor Dye Oris Christian

ABSENT: None being all of the members of the Governing Body on the date of such meeting.

17.A resolution (the “Support Agreement Resolution”) authorizing the Member Jurisdiction to enter into an Amended and Restated Support Agreement among the ‘Authority, the Member Jurisdiction, and the Virginia Resources Authority (“VRA”), dated as of June 1, 2020 (the “VRA Support Agreement”) was adopted by a majority of the members of the Governing Body by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of such meeting as follows:

AYES: Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Taylor Dye Oris Christian

NAYS: None

  1. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true, complete, and correct copy of such Support

Agreement Resolution as recorded in the Minutes of such meeting.

  1. Such Support Agreement Resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded, or amended but is in full force and effect on this date.

  2. The Service Agreement and the Support Agreement have each been duly executed and delivered by the Member Jurisdiction, The Member Jurisdiction is not in default in its obligations under the Service Agreement or the Support Agreement. A copy of the Service Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit E and a copy of the VRA

Support Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit F.

  1. No litigation or administrative action of any kind is currently pending or threatened to (a) restrain or enjoin the execution and delivery of the Service Agreement or the Support Agreement (together, the “Agreements”), (b) in any way contest or challenge the due adoption of the Authorizing Resolution, the Service Agreement Resolution, the Amendment Resolution or the Support Agreement Resolution or © question the title of the officers of the Member Jurisdiction to their respective offices or the officers who executed the Service Agreement or who are executing the Support Agreement.


  1. The authorization, execution, and delivery of the Agreements and the compliance with the provisions thereof, are within the corporate powers of the Governing Body and do not and will not conflict with or constitute a violation of, breach of, or default under (i) any federal or Virginia constitutional provision or any other provision of Virginia law, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Governing Body is a party or by which the Governing Body is bound, or (iii) to the best of my knowledge after due investigation, any order, rule or regulation of any court or governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over the Governing Body or any of its properties.

  2. There have been obtained all consents, approvals, authorizations, and orders of

governmental or regulatory authorities, if any, which are required to be obtained by the Member Jurisdiction as conditions precedent to the execution, delivery, and performance of the Member Jurisdiction’s obligations under the Agreements.

  1. The authorization, execution, and delivery of the Agreements and the compliance

with the provisions thereof, are within the corporate powers of the Governing Body and do not and will not conflict with or constitute a violation of, breach of, or default under (i) any federal or Virginia constitutional provision or any other provision of Virginia law, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Governing Body is a party or by which the Governing Body is bound, or (iii) to the best of my knowledge after due investigation, any order, rule or regulation of any court or

governmental agency or body having jurisdiction over the Governing Body or any of its properties.

There have been obtained all consents, approvals, authorizations, and orders of governmental or regulatory authorities, if any, which are required to be obtained by the Member Jurisdiction as conditions precedent to the execution, delivery, and performance of the Member Jurisdiction’s obligations under the Agreements.


Dated: June ___, 2020.


By: __________________________________

Name: Rebecca Dye Title: Chairman, Board of Supervisors

By: __________________________________

Name: Lonzo Lester Title: County Administrator

Dated: June, 2020.



Name: Rebecca Dye Title: Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Name: Lonzo Lester Title: County Administrator





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‘Sone a


Cash in Office 7,600.00 ‘Cash in Bank 7,092,472.33 Peity Cash 100.00 ‘General Fund 972,318.23 ‘Non-Judicial Real Estate Sales 2,388.81 Sheriff In State Trip 30,861.95 Sheriff Dare Fund 100.00 Sheriff Seized Assets 54,556.09 Sheriff Restitution 5,503.92 Sheriff Forfeited Assets ‘502.80 ‘Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 37,701.20 Honaker Library Donations 24,783.87 Russell County Housing Fund 4,424.36 ‘Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,523.38 ‘Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,666.31 ‘Comm Attomey Abanoned Prop 500.00 ‘Comm Attomey Fed Justice 754,388.75 Sheriff Fed Justice Forfeited 7,915.75 Sheriff Calendar Fund. 857.31 Social Services (270,245.68) ‘Swva Asap’ 12,940.48 Coal Road Improvement 367,976.02 CSA (539,944.43) School Fund 2,030,705.97 School Food 376,075.83 School Textbook 46,036.40 Regional Adult Education 250,739.75 Petty Cash Treasurer 217.80 Litter Fund Trash Pickup (15,451.50) Current Credit (0.79) Current Debit 14.44 Title XX 77,321.05 ‘SSI Recipients 1408.00 Damage Stamp Fund 2,823.98 Valley Heights 62,120.54 Dante Sewer 49,575.00 Employee Health Insurance 3,295, 100.82 Employee Insurance Claims 7,000.00. Law Library 56,442.44 Special Welfare 48,864.35 Housing Fund #2 7,700.00 Russell Co Health & Fitness 124,726.32 Cannery (136,018.94) WIB 10,051.75 Total 7,094,172.33 7,094,172.33,


April 30, 2020 Regular Account 978,833.62 Employee Insurance 3,295, 100.82 Employee Claims Account 7,000.00 Non-Judicial Reals Estate Sales 2,388.81 Russell Co. Housing Fund 4,424.36 School Textbook 46,036.40 Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,666.31 Petty Cash Treasurer 217.80 Sheriff Seized Assets 54,556.09 Sheriff Restitution 5,503.92 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 502.80 Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 31,701.20 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,523.38 Comm Attorney Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 154,388.75 ‘Commonwealth Attorney Abanoned Propert 500.00 Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 7,915.75 Sheriff Calendar Fund 857.31 SSI Recipients 1,408.00 First Sentinel Bank 1,000.00 Bank of Honaker 4,163.60 New Peoples Bank 4,594.26 Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00 Treasurer’s Money Market 2,413,825.35 Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80 Total Cash In Bank 7,092,472.33 Cash In Office 1,600.00 Petty Cash 100.00

TOTAL CASH 7,094,172.33

April 14, 2020 ‘The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on April 14, 2020 at 5:30 P.M. via conference call pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Emie McFaddin, Chairman Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretary Roger Sword, Member ‘Tony Dodi, Member Scott Gilmer, Member David Mullins, Member Jarred Glass. Member ABSENT: Donnie Christian, Member STAFF: Katie Patton, Attorney GUEST: Lonzo Lester, Russell County Administrator

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 P.M. Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2020 meeting.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins

Absent: D. Christian Nay: None

FINANCIAL REPORT Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Jarred Glass, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the financial reports and pay invoices presented and additional invoice from Lab 20 for $400.00.

‘The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian

Nay: None

ATTORNEY’S REPORT ‘The Powers project has not been completed. Roger Sword commented the legal fees for the project needs to be reimbursed by Mr. Powers. The IDA will bill Mr. Powers for legal fees once the project is completed.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Town of Lebanon established a loan fund to help businesses during the Covid-19 crisis. To date there have been 25 applications, 9 have been funded.

VCEDA has initiated a program to make funds available to small business.

Upon motion made by Scott Gilmer, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the chairman to apply for VCEDA funding of a small business revolving loan fund of $75,000.00.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C, Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian

Nay: None

‘The Health Department project has been moving forward and the IDA needs to established funding for the project.

Upon motion made by Scott Gilmer, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the chairman to establish a line of credit with First Bank & Trust not te exceed $1,000,000.00 for the Health Department project.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, S. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins Absent: D. Christian

Nay: None

I-Go Wireless is providing hotspots around the county during the Covid-19 crisis.

Samuel Corporation (Steel Fab) sends their appreciation for the assistance in purchasing the paint simulator.

NEW BUSINESS Tony Dodi asked if the USDA requirements for the small business loans could be loosened during the pandemic. The Chairman will check with the USDA contact person to ask for variances to the requirements.

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Jarred Glass, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia declaring the May 14, 2020 to be held electronically pursuant to the Russell County Emergency Ordinance of April 6, 2020, and adjourning this meeting at 6:28PM.

The Roll Call Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, R. Sword, 8. Gilmer, J. Glass, D. Mullins

Absent: D. Christian Nay: None


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS of The Russell County Public Service Authority held at held at 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 on this 19th day of May 2020 at 6:00 PM.

‘The following members were present, constituting a quorum (4); Clifford Hess, Vice Chairman;

Cuba Porter, Treasurer:

Chris Dye;

David Edmonds, J.;

Joe Huff; and

Rhonda Lester, Secretary,

  1. Also present:

Harvey Hart, Director RCPSA ; and Katie Patton, Legal Counsel

  1. All the directors of The Russell County Public Service Authority being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.

  2. Clifford Hess acted as Chairperson of the meeting and Rhonda Lester as Secretary of the meeting.

  3. Cuba Porter opened the meetin Chris Dye.

with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer led by

  1. Approve Agenda - Motion to approve the agenda as read made by Cuba Porter, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr, and unanimously adopted.

  2. Minutes of the last meeting dated April 21, 2020 were reviewed and, upon motion duly made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye, were unanimously adopted as read,

  3. Public Comments: None

  4. Harvey Hart, Director, presented to the meeting:

  • Bank Activity and Account Balances Reports

  • Profit and Loss Reports

  • Outstanding Construction Receivables Report © Systems Water Loss Reports

and upon motion made by Chris Dye, adopted as presented,

seconded by David Edmonds, Jr, were unanimously

. Harvey Hart, Director, presented to the meeting the following project updates from April 21,

2020 to date:

¢ GLADE HOLLOW/GLADE HILL WATE Materials have been ordered. Anticipated loan clos

PROJECT ing by 06/23/20,


  • CREEKSIDE/EAGLES NEST /BOODY WATER LINE EXTENSION PROJECT Creekside will be complete once paving is done. Eagles Nest will be complete one meters are installed and pressure testing and sampling have been done. Body is complete.

  • MAINTENANCE, Installed five new service meters located in Swords Creek, Rosedale, and Castlewood communities.

  • OLD SCHOOL/COUNTY (DANTE) Worked on road,

  • CLEVELAND TRASH S| Installed new fence, retaining wall,

“OUNTY ind poured two slabs of concrete.

© BELFAST (RT. 603) - EXTENSION Materials have been ordered,

© POTENTIAL WELLS No new updates.

*¢ CLEVLAND METER REPLACEMANT (WSL-026-13) No new updates,

  • CASTLEWOOD ME No new updates.


  • SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PH 1 (WSL-027-17) No new updates.



Dated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on AZ, sued fl

the 19" day of May 2020.

  • Old Business to Dis

. There being no further business to come before the meet

VDH approved the use of leftover funds from the Fincastle Estates Project to install 4,700 LF of 8° line.

° EAGLE’ S NEST No new updates.

. Clifford Hess presented to the meeting and thereupon the following resolutions were offered.



© Motion to approve award of contract for Professional Engincering Services to Thompson & Litton made by David Edmonds, Jr., seconded by Chris Dye, and unanimously adopted.

© Motion to table the discussion/approval of the interviews done for Professional Auditing Services pending review by legal counsel made by David Edmonds, Jr., seconded by Joe Huff, and unanimously adopted.

  • Motion to approve bringing the office staff back to regular schedule effective May 26, 2020 made by Cuba Porter, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr., and unanimously adopted.

  • Motion to approve advertising for bid request for sale of 2006 F-350 pickup truck and Positrac skidsteer made by Cuba Porter, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr., and unanimously adopted.

  • Motion to approve the new VRA Proposed Debt Payment Schedule made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye, and unanimously adopted


. Matters presented by the Board: None

. a motion to adjourn at 7:33PM was made by Chris Dye, seconded by Cuba Porter, and duly approved by the Board of Directors. ‘The next meeting is scheduled for June 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM.


Secretary Name: Rhonda Lester

P.O Box 1208 Office: 276-889-8000 137 Highland Drive Cell: 276-254-0014 Lebanon, VA 24266 Email: [email protected]


Russell County Tourism

May highlights:

-Promoted Russell County through schedule of activities for National Travel and Tourism Week May 3-9,

-Participated in weekly industry calls with Virginia To

‘sm Corporation. -Went out into county to take several pictures needed for tourism promotions.

-Visited Dante trail head site during clearing of trees by AEP for pictures and information and created publicity materials.

-Worked with Virginia Tourism Corporation to try and get information on all Love signs in Russell County to them so they can see if criteria is met on the signs so they can be listed.

-Monthly meeting call with Clinch River Valley Initiative (CRVI). Spoke on massive interest in Cleveland bridge on social media and information regarding The Channels with Claiborne Woodall

-Continued making promotional materials for Virginia Tourism Corporation “We’ll Be Waiting For You Campaign.”

-Had meeting with Christina Owens of DHCD on how to gauge traffic at the Cleveland bridge and walk.

-Worked on local promotions with Kim Short of Heart of Appalachia

-Prepared support letter for Heart of Appalachia marking funds through VCEDA.

-Worked with Russell County Advisory Committee Chair on finalizing expenditures for FY 2019-2020 projects.

-Updated events changes around area on social media, website,

Russell County Planning Commission

March 16, 2020

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, March 16, 2020 in the lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present Oris Christian Jack Compton Kevin Tiller, Esq. Charlie Edmonds Mark A. Mitchell Crystal White Dustin Keith

John Mason

Chairman Kirby Meadows Vice Chair Andy Smith Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Kirby Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given. Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by John Mason.

Meeting minutes approved. Motion by Vice Chairman Andy Smith, seconded by Roger Sword.

New Business a

Crystal White discussed Russell County GIS. Current host cost $3500. Revenue covers those cost. All neighboring counties offer this service for free. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by John Mason to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to waive all user fees for access to the Russell County GIS system. Motion carried. Member Oris Christian abstained.

Kevin Tiller presented a request from William Wasserman to determine if land he is looking to put in a conservation easement would be compatible with the Russell County Comprehensive Plan. Motion by Roger Sword, seconded by Dustin Keith to approve compatible. Motion carried.

Oris Christian updated members on the upcoming vote by Russell County Board of Supervisors on the Emergency Declaration.

Dustin Keith wants more cohesion and possible a directory for rental housing. There also is a need for more rental housing.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 02/18/2020 - 03/16/2020 transactions.

Other Business

Meeting adjourned. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Vice Chairman Andy Smith.

Kiba, Maadaoe

Kirby Meadows, Chairman


Vice Chairman Andy Smith

Russell County Planning Commission

May 18, 2020 The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, May 18, 2020 in the lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland

Drive Lebanon VA. . ag aia

Members Present : Members Absent "Others Present Oris Christian Jack Compton (excused) Kevin Tiller, Esq.

Dustin Keith Charlie Edmonds (excused) John Mason ; Chairman Kirby Meadows Mark A. Mitchell

Vice Chair Andy Smith

Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Kirby Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given.

Agenda approved as amended. Motion by John Mason, seconded by Andy Smith.

March 16, 2020, meeting minutes approved. Motion by Oris Christian, seconded by John

Mason. _ ‘s .

New Business

Plat for Thomas Young reviewed for re-subdivision. Roger Sword made motion and seconded by Mark A. Mitchell, to recommend to Board of Supervisors to approve re-subdivision.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 03/17/2020 — 05/18/2020 transactions.

Other Business

Nothing new from IDA from Roger Sword.

Mark A. Mitchell reported to Planning Commission about COVID-19 Relief Fund.

Oris Christian discussed Cleveland Sewer problems.

Discussion about GIS fees.

Dustin Keith advised real estate listings are down, but buyers are up. Applebee’s is back on the market. ich

Report about Comprehensive Plan.

Chairman Meadows ask everyone to be safe.”

Attest: “ ga Wu ROS HSS ges

Mark A. Mitchell, Secretary


  1. Milton Guy & Judy Harris Cemetery expansion .05 AC + .08 AC = .13 AC Remaining ac 105. 322 AC New Garden RD ‘ :

  2. Milton Guy & Judy Harris Boundary line adjustment -598 AC + 1 AC =1.598 AC Remaining / AC 104.322 AC New Garden RD eas Paes at :

  3. Richard & Melinda Smith Boundary line

: adjustments -595 AC + 36.283 AC + 70.871 AC: . =107.719 AC, 40.920 AC + 66. 819 AC= 107. 739 AC Sandy Ridge RD



  1. Rita Perkins 4.87AC & .88AC to be sold to JR Watson Boundary survey of remaining land Cricket Lane :

  2. Mary Bush .46AC added to Jerry Jessee -13AC & -93AC Total acreage is 1.52AC Adjoining land owner Mew RD.

  3. Benny willis Boundary line adjustments- New acreages.

  4. ame & 1.291AC Evergreen DR

4.J Roger Garrett 38. 29Ac. to Jerry F Hawkins Remaining acreage 1.58AC Frontage US rw 19

  1. Thomas & Misty Young boundary line adjustment .769AC + .692AC + .820AC Total Acreage 1.661AC Glenview DR To be approved at May 18, 2020 meeting (In subdivision)




Call to Order — Chairman Meadows’ **


AGENDA - June 15,2020 ©


Pledge of Allegiance Ee ont :

Approval of Agenda

Minutes of May 18, 2020

New Business BM SAY Review of Plats Other Business



May 1, 2020

‘The following is a list of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of May.

Date Event Event Type Space

05/02/20 Wedding Reception Full Nikki Bise $0

Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus 05/03/20 Birthday Party Individual Full Stephanie Honaker Event $0

Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus 08/07/20 Sabika Bingo Community Full Yovanna Dye Event so

‘Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus. 05/08/20 Judges Drug Conference Individual Half Sherly Robinette Event so

Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus 05109720 Rated R Wrestling Community Full Bret Ramsey Event $0

Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus 08/10/20 Star Wars Convection Community Full Jonathan Davis Event $0

‘Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus. 05/11/20 Extension 4-H Projects Individual Full Ashley Clark Event Free Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus $0 5/18/20 Mountain Movers Community Full Kevin Blankinship Event Free

50 Canceled Due To COVID-19 Virus

05/1920 DMME VA Gas & Oil Board Meeting Community Halt Rick Cooper Event $0 Canceled Due To CONVID-19 Virus

05/20/20 ‘Chamber of Commerce Dinner ‘Community Full Angie Carpenter Event Free

Canceled Due To CONVID-19 Virus $0

05/21/20 Work Force Investment Board Meeting Community Full Pam Rall Event $0

Canceled Due To CONVID-19 Virus

05/24/20 Family Reunion Individual Full Veronica Keith Event $0 Canceled Due To CONVID- 19 Virus

05/29/20 Judges Drug Conference Individual Half Sherly Robinette Event 80 Canceled Due To CONVID-19 Virus

05/30/20 Baby Shower Community Full Keona Taylor Event $0 Canceled Due To CONVID-19 Virus

(Total: $0.00)

  • $0 Final Total = $ 0000.00

Due To The CONVID-19 Virus Pandemic we had to canceled all 14 events for the month. The Grand total would have been $1,750.00

Russell County Health & Fitness

Membership 2018



June |July | August| September

October | November | December


February _| March



Members / Class Packages 138 183 178 175|

163 184 192


za] 206



Pay Per Class, 3 5 Q |

2 3 3

2 5

[Total Engagement. 201] 188 ie |

FT 187 135





Sales Month to Date * $902.00] $830.00] _ $652.00] $418.00]


$398.00[ $1,069.00] $752.00)


31,305.75] $890.75]

[silver Sneakers $362.50] $250.00] $230.00] $232.50|

$227.50] $252.50] $215.00]


$142.00] $262.50]

Renew Acitve

$131.20] $172.80

$1,263.50] $1,080.00] $883.00 3650.50]

$625.50] $1,321.50] $967.00]


$1,578.95] $1,225.05|


Instructor /Trainer Payroll_[ $1,285.00] __ $825.00] $1,005.00] $260.00]

sei000| $1035.00] $880.0]


'$1,245.00] $1,110.00]



  • Reporting from 3027/20 to 5/26/20


  • Reflects closing of fitness center for COVID-19 *

The Russell County Animal Shelter

Adopted-2 Dogs Owner Reclaimed-4 Dogs

Dogs to Rescue- 57 Dogs

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Members Present Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye Ann Monk Susan Breeding Karen Herndon Sharon Sargent Karen Davis Sherry Lyttle Sharon Van Dyke _ 7

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 18 February 2020 at 5:03 pm.

Minutes: Sharon VanDyke made and Sherry Lyttle seconded a motion to approve the minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Communications: Citizen Comments — Joel Clark of Lebanon stated he appreciates the library and described his visit a few weeks ago. Discussion of policies governing library behavior–Kelly will remind staff, while Jewel will make regular ‘patrols.’

Financial: Judy Ashbrook made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion passed.

Staff Reports: Jewel Blackwell reviewed the Activity reports and Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs and Director’s Reports. Kelly presented projections for staffing and costs for FY2021, noting the VA General Assembly have passed bills to raise minimum wage.


ished Bu:


New Business: Sharon VanDyke moved that when the heat pump is replaced, the library administration have the authority to close the library if the temperature drops below 66 degrees F and Judy seconded it; motion passed.

Karen Davis moved and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to match the Lebanon Friends for a digital sign not to exceed a total of $13,500; motion passed.

Sherry moved and Susan seconded a motion to replace the retiring staffer with a full time position of Branch Manager/Children’s Programmer (prefer bachelor’s degree) with a starting salary of $25,000 with benefits that will be advertised to the public; motion passed.

Sherry moved and Sharon VanDyke seconded a motion to submit the budget request with additional funds needed for a potential minimum wage increase; motion passed.

Karen Davis made and Ann seconded a motion to adjourn.

Review and Summary:

Respectfully submitted, Kelly McBride Delph

Russell County Library Board of Trustees Special called meeting 26 March 2020, 5 pm

Attending @ RCPL: Ann Monk; via Zoom: Judy Ashbrook, Susan Breeding, Karen Davis, Karen Herndon, Sherry Lyttle, Sharon Sargent, Sharon VanDyke. Absent: Yvonne Dye

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Director Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the current curbside & phone operations, with sanitizing protocols.

Sherry Lyttle moved and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to remain closed to the public with employees reporting until the Governor of the Virginia lifts the state of emergency, unless the county requires complete closure; motion passed.

Discussion of library emergency operation & new hire/Jamie’s departure.

‘Susan Breeding moved and Ann Monk seconded a motion adjourn.

Russell County Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting 21 April 2020, 5 pm Under State & County Declaration of Emergency

Attending via Zoom: Susan Breeding, Karen Davis, Yvonne Dye, Karen Herndon, Sherry Lyttle, Sharon Sargent, Sharon VanDyke, Attending via phone: Judy Ashbrook

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. New Employee Sarah Perrigan was introduced and welcomed by the board members.

Director Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the draft plan for phased reopening of the building & operations, with no target date or timeline. Timing will be when it is safe & prudent. It was agreed that the library should not reopen until the county and state do so. Staff will work on executing the plan, but not initiate reopening services and building without prior notification and approval of board.

Board members asked about staff work and how and what other libraries were doing. Kelly summarized the projects and work.

Susan Breeding moved and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion adjourn.



‘Mr. Toby F, Edwards, Executive Director CUMBERLAND’

‘Mr. Damon Rasnick

PLATEAU. Mr, Ronald Peters BUCHANAN COUNTY: RUSSELL COUNTY: Mr. Earl Rife Mr. Carl Rhea

Mr. Jeff Cooper Mr. Tim Lovelace

|. May 21, 2020 CPRWMA Board of Directors Roll Call for Quorum. Il, a) Approval of Minutes of the March 19, 2020 meeting…

Motion: Seconded:

b) Approval of Straw Poll on Paying bills dated April 16",

¢) Approval of Straw Poll on April Board Stipend dated April 24*,… d) Approval of Straw Poll on Users Agreement dated April 30"…

Il. Administrative Business

a) Review CPRWMA Waste Stream Report March and April.

b) Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March & April2020… ¢) CPRWMA Attorney’s Report for March 2021

d) Litter and Recycling Report, WV. Old Business

a) Users Agreement with the Member Counties…

Motion: Seconded: b) 2020-2021 Budget Revisited…

Motion:, Secondeded:

V. New Business

a) VACORP insurance Proposal… …White Attachment

Motion:___137-Highlane-DHPG°P 4PM, ox-386—Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected]


VI. Correspondence

a) VADEQ 2019 Regional Recycling Rate Report.

b) Meetings with County Administrators and BOS Chairman’s Vil. Adjournment and Next Meeting.

Chair or Vice Chair conducting the meeting:

Motion: Seconded:.

Minutes submitted by: Saundra Honaker or Rebecca Thornbert


‘Mr. Damon Rasnick Mr. Ronald Peters


‘Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director BUCHANAN COUNTY:

RUSSELL COUNTY: Mr. Earl Rife Mr. Jeff Cooper Mr. Carl Rhea

Mr. Tim Lovelace

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2020 Members Prese: Others Present

Damon Rasnick, Vice Chairman Toby Edwards, Director

Earl Rife RJ. Thornbury, Legal Counsel

Tim Lovelace Saundra Honaker, Finance Officer

Carl Rhea Barbara Rife

Ronald E Peters

Jeff Cooper

CALL TO ORDE! Vice-Chairman, Damon Rasnick, called the March 19,

2020, meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 11:03 PM. The meeting was held in Lebanon, VA at Russell County Government Center.

QUORUM: A quorum was established, and it was noted that we are within the 10-person limit according to state guidelines because of the coronavirus. Everyone introduced themselves and the two new members were welcomed.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 27, 2020 monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Directors were presented for consideration, A motion was made by Carl Rhea to approve the minutes as presented and seconded by Earl Rife. Motion was ratified, voting as follows

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper — Aye Ron Peters — Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye

WASTE STREAM REPORTS Toby Edwards commended Brian Ferguson for his help with the software program. He was instrumental in getting the stations up and running. Buchanan County has had an increase in mine waste, Dickenson is down a little, and Russell is down a little.

137 Highland Drive / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected] www.cprwma,com

® 2.

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 2

TREASURER’’S REPORT: Earl Rife presented the CPRWMA Treasurer’s Report for the month of February 2020, reporting the total in the bank was $445,168.01 at the end of February. Clarification was made on credit card charges and the HSA repayment. A brief explanation was given for the benefit of new members of how the reports are derived. A motion was made by Earl Rife to approve the finance report as presented and seconded by Ron Peters. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

Earl Rife — Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye

Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye

ATTORNEY’S REPORT: Rebecca Thornbury reported that the board needs to

make a motion to ratify the bi-laws now that the articles are approved. Members decided to give the new members time to review the documents and a motion would be addressed at the next meeting.

Rebecca also discussed the issue of having meetings during this State of Emergency because of the coronavirus, The Board members must meet in person to approve expenditures. The finance officer needs permission to write checks, and Toby will call each board member to get approval with the understanding that the finance report would be ratified at the next meeting. The finance reports will be sent to board members; however, everyone was reminded to be careful when replying to a mass e-mail. Don’t respond to “all” as that would constitute a meeting; be sure to reply individually. A motion was made to allow finance officer to pay bills, Toby to send mass e-mail for a straw vote, with the understanding that the finance report would be ratified at the next meeting. Motion made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Earl Rife. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick — Aye Carl Rhea — Aye Earl Rife — Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye Tim Lovelace — Aye

Rebecca reported that the wording had been changed for the refund of the amounts left over at the end of the fiscal year in the User Agreement. Member discussed that the amount left over at the end of the year needs to be divided evenly by all 3 counties. A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Earl to change the wording of the refund to be made at the end of the fiscal year. They then each rescinded their motion. Another motion was made by

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 3

Ron and seconded by Earl Rife to state that any excess amount left over at the end of the year would be refunded equally between the three counties and would be made after the audit of the books by the CPA. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye ‘Tim Lovelace — Aye

Rebecca also presented a proposed resolution for the adoption of a small purchase procurement policy. The Board currently does not have any type of policy. The state currently has a policy for $100,000 but this proposal is for any purchases under $5,000. A change was recommended for the state amount to be corrected to $100,000 and the word competitiveness be change to competition. A motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Ron Peters to adopt the resolution pending corrections as discussed. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick — Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye

Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper — Aye

Ron Peters ~ Aye Tim Lovelace ~ Aye OLD BUSINESS

No old business NEW BUSINESS

2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET: Each line item of the budget was reviewed. The monthly charge per county will increase by $478.03 for a total of $13,089.14 per month. Toby said that he would like to have some LED lighting installed for safety & to lessen power bill. A motion to adopt this budget and to send a copy to all three counties. Motion made by Earl Rife and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Motion was ratified, and roll call vote as follows:

Damon Rasnick — Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jef Cooper - Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye ‘Tim Lovelace - Aye

SECURITY SYSTEM QUOTES: Toby presented three bids for the security system monitoring from Cox Security, Fleenor Security, and Johnson Controls. Some discussion was given between the three companies. Members decided to

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 4

go with Cox Security. Even though it was higher per month, you didn’t have to sign a contract (could quit with a 30-day notice) and they would use our current equipment. The other companies required an updating of equipment. A motion to accept the bid from Cox Security was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Carl Rhea. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper — Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye


Chairman: Motion to nominate Damon Rasnick as chairman was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Tim Lovelace made a motion to close nominations. Damon Rasnick was elected as Chairman by acclamation,

Vice-Chairman: Motion to nominate Jeff Cooper as vice-chairman was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Tim Lovelace made a motion to close nominations. Jeff Cooper was elected as Vice-Chairman by acclamation,

Treasurer: Motion to nominate Earl Rife as treasurer was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace made a motion to close nominations. Earl Rife was elected as treasurer by acclamation.


e Buchanan & Dickenson County Board Appointments were presented, and the appointees had already been introduced at the beginning of the


© Manpower Agreements: The updated manpower agreement was provided to board members. Toby was directed to email all board

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 5

members copies of the articles of incorporation, by-laws and up-to-date listing of board members and staff.

For the benefit of the new board members, a lengthy discussion was given to the history of the CPRWMA. A review was made of past problems and corrections in an effort to continue on the good work of the board.

Ron Peters had a few items to cover:

© What was outcome of purchasing the worker’s compensation policy? The resolution was signed at the last meeting and was sent to the insurance company for coverage to begin on the date of the resolution.

© Suggestion was made to purchase recording equipment and to record the meetings. A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Earl Rife to purchase recording equipment and begin recording at the next meeting. Motion was ratified with voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick ~ Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye

© Suggestion was made to hire a part-time secretary to record minutes. No further discussion was given to this subject.


Based on the current state of emergency due to the coronavirus, no decision about future meetings were made. A motion made by Ron Peters and seconded by Earl Rife for the Chairman to decide closer to time of the regular scheduled meeting in April. This decision will be based on the current recommendations of the state government. Motion was ratified, and voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick — Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye ‘Tim Lovelace ~ Aye

A motion was made that if it becomes necessary to vacate the next meeting an e-mail will be sent to all board members. Also, Toby was given permission to

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 6

advertise the cancellation in the respective newspapers. Motion was made by

Tim Lovelace and seconded by Earl Rife. Motion was ratified with voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife — Aye Jeff Cooper — Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace ~ Aye

ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Ron Peters, all in favor. Motion was ratified. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:25 PM.


Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Cash Flow Statement

March 2020

Cash Balance - February 29, 2020

Cash Received - Tipping Fees:

Buchanan (Feb) 67,988.46 Dickenson (Feb) 51,059.17 Russell (Feb) 60,853.15 Buchanan (Mar) 69,769.10 Interest

Cash Expenditures Cash Expenditures - March 2020

Cash Balance - March 31, 2020

Fund Bolances: Copital Equip Replacement Fund

DEQC/D (New)


257.70 473,867.59



196,228 25,000.00

[Total in Bank


Cumberland Plateau Regional Check Registor

For tho Period From Mar 1, 2020 to Mar 34, 2020 Filer Ciera incudes: Report orders by Check Numbor

Checks Bats “Faves Gaak Account Anvount ‘tira Anthem Healieepara, 040-000-000 787.19 Toby Heal Danial Vision ‘10/20 TAG Resoureas, LLC 1040-000-000 204.17 Employee 40tk S718/20 TAG Resourcas, LLC 1040-000-000, 204.17 Employee 401k

12708 riane — fintneed Disposal Sav to40200-000 —197,88’31 BOIDCIRC Dupes Transport

12768 3/18/20 Innavative Technology 8 1040-000.000, {975.00 IF Support

12770 arie720 Vaid +040-000-000 Void

sam 3110720 Folds Restaurants, LLC 1040-000.000, 150.67 Moeting

ter 319720 TAG Resources, LLC 1040-000.000, 1,100.00 401K Admin & Ei

12773 3110/20 WV Tire Disposal, Ine. 1040-000-000 2,283.28 DCIRC Tie Dispoeal

12774 3/18/20 Bostic, Tucker & Ce PC 1040-000.000 3,780.00 CPA Audit

12778 34920 Manafieki Ol Company 1040.000-000 159.38 Vehicle Fuol

12778 3148/20 _Industial Development # 4040-000.000 200.00 Apri Office Rent

som 3/18/20 Honakor Solutions, LLC 4040.000-000 750,00 Mar/20 Accounting

12778 3119720 Appalachian Power Com 040-000-000 485.32 BC Erectio

12778 ‘31920 Buchanan County PSA 1040.000-000 47.83 BC Uully

12760 3718/20 Freedom Ford of Claypo. 040-000-000 20.00 Vehicle Maintenance

12781 3/18/20 Dominion Office Product 1040-000.000 121.97 RC Supplies

12782 3148120 Carlor Machinery Compe 1040.000-000 2721.94 DC Equlp Maint

12783 119/20 Vansant Lumber Compa 040-000-000 2440 BC Supplies

12704 ‘318/20 Unifist Corporation 040-000-000 228.90 Uniforms

12785, 3118720 Mansfield Ol Company 1040-000-000, 48.05 Vehicle Fuel

12706 3/1920 _Dietenson Co Public Ser 1040-000.000 3.00 ¢ Ualty

‘2787 3/18/20 Edate’s Trophies & Gift €1040.000-000 180.00 Meeting

12708 319720 Verizon 040-000-000 80.70 BC Phone

12789 ‘3148/20 Appalachian Power Com 1040-000-000, 858.80 RC Electio

12700 3/19/20 Appalachian Power Com 040-000-000 872.22 DC Eisctic

12784 719720 Carta Machinary Compe 1040-000.000 434.02 BC Equlp Maint

$2782 3118/20 Carler Machinery Comps 1040-000-000 14.21 BO Equlp Maint

12763 3119720 Alderson Constructon ” 1040-000.000 ‘440.00 RC Maintonanice

12704 3118720 WVTire Daposa, Ine. 1040.000-000, 928.72 RC Tira Disposal

12795 319720 Card Services Center 040-000-000 28.10 Postage

12788 32720 Point Brosdbond 040-000-000, 58.01 Office Phone

s2707 3727720 Point Brosdband 4040-00000, 88.87 DC Phone

12798 3127720 WV Tire Dispose, In. 1040-000.000 1,284.24 Tire Diaposet

12780 727/20 Veron +4040-000-000 109.49 RC Phone

+2600 3727720 Anchorage Photo Cirle 1040-000.000 47.97 BC Supplies

12801 312720 Crystal Springs ‘140-000-000 24.24 RC Supplon

$2602 3727/20 Cariar Machinery Comps 040-000-000, 1,498.78 BCIDGIRG Equip Maint

12803 327720 Pest Control Pus, Inc. 1040-000.000 160.00 BCIDORG Past,

12004 3/27/20 Fields Restaurants, LLC 040-000-000 135.40 Moating

12605 3727720 Skylna Fabricalag ie. 1040-000.000 $3487.00 BC/OGIRC Maintenance

2808 3720 EArt Rife +41040-000-000 197.80 Travel

‘2807 3727/20 Ronald Peters +1040-000-000 142.24 Travel

12000 8727720» 83.Ga8.& Grocar, Ine. 1040-000-000, 847.02 OC Fuel

4.16.20 3130720 United States Treasury 1040-000-000 1409.18 Federal PIR Toros

42720 3780720 VA Deptof Taxation 1040-000-000, 274.68 Slate PIR Taxes

430.20 780720 VEC 440-000-000 8.00 Slate Unemployment

Online 3118/20 Caterplr Financial Sn 1040-000-000 6,218.75 Loan Payment

PRI120 3120 Ronald E.Petere 1040-00000, 184.70 Directors Compensation

PR9120 311720 Damon Rasnick 040-000-000 18470 Directors Compensation

R320 3120 End Rife +1040-000-000 184.70 Directors Compansation

PR3120 ‘20 CariRhea 1040-000-000 184.70 Directors Compensation

PRB120 3/1720 ery. Cooper 040-000-000, 184.70 Diroctors Companeation

PRo120 34120 Tim Lovelace 1040-00000 184.70 Directors Compensation

Prt620 3113720 Toby F. Edwards 4040-000-000, 2,300.72 Salary/tst Hall

PR3120 retro Toby F.Edwards 1040-00000 2,380.72 Solaryrnd Halt

Total Sone



Boece [aan Thusaaud | sia

Direct Expense [Teanspory/Disposal FACET [ie Recying 3513229

723,204 [Overhead Expenses: A Dobe Service - Loaders ame [iter Diperat uites: Buchaneo ast Diana a2 use 497534 [supotes: 7 Buchan ETE] Dekaron 250.02 usell 2998396 Fuel. . Buchanan CEO ‘sonn0 | 7] lekanion 436078 4901.00 | 10] Auge 3aa27 7oa00 | 201 [felephone: = Buchanan Tae ain | aa Dien ‘w9.0 3.30000 | 7x] ruse ios 3.30000 |e] Station Malnenance/improven = Buchanan tao “Rao | sa] Dicken 2,000.00 ‘za900.00 [ox] usell 27,000.00 ‘3900000 | ax] Loader /Equip Maintenance c Buchanan ERIS “Beaman | ay Waraneren Bealdavn Dikerton 3qc0108 Tago0n00 | sex rby Health eases] use 3787136 7300.00 | 6 Toby sly sua] [wins Rapa ss W785, Toby Taxes aos [Transfer Station Perlis and Maal a Joak con /contbaton asa [station Permits 7396.00 ‘0n.0 | consult. 20 'VACO Insurance 2.36.00 43,612.00 sola q [aansgement Fig wa66.94 9,700.00 |—ox conference 275.00) Finance Manager 350.0 ‘a0a00 [ox axes] [agar 788.6 “900.0 |x] cig Tat irsupper 3a0157 apiec0 |x} 31000 force nentntemetcayotice supoes 346421 seeno0| sex) aan eo PATET Teens Tigao 00 [ee] aunts [roestonal Fees audi) 37000 350000 | ra] IMenting Expense 306857 3853.00 | ao rravel 3200.14 ‘,ona.00 | 200 Supa 1500 70.00 | [oves/ucennar “1000 | ce Expense Teese Zn.05 | an [Uiarm Renal PEIED 3500.00 |e] [averting ERE 3270.00 ico Jneserves/eauiy lemergency Fund : sasns0| on oor nepal Software Updtes Cot | Money spied fom CPRWMA con was ied iet tation att & tis neta syou03 7 ‘Money coctnbued by CPRWMA nd ‘SVERREND SUBTOTAL i “ware aay szz00 | |nddedto Appropriate budget [ora enrenaes areas XACT

cument Rate

*erhaed Rate per County saee4s0

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Cash Flow Statement

April 2020

Cash Balance - March, 2020

317,458.94 Cash Recelved - Tipping Fees: Dickenson (Mar) 43,663.70 Russell (Mar) 56,629.54 100,293.24 Refund from Ferrell Gas (Russell) 110.73 Cash Expenditures Cash Expenditures - April 2020 (175,466.65) Cash Balance - March 31, 2020 242,396.26 ‘und Balances: Copal Equip Replacement Fund 196,228 DEQC/D (New) 25,000.00 [otal in Bank



Cumberland Plateau Reglonal

Check Register

For the Period From Apr 1, 2020 to Apr 30, 2020 Fite Citria Includes: Report order la by Check Number.

Chock # Date Payee. ‘Amount “411120 Anthem HealthKeepers, Inc. 797.19 Toby Hoal-DentabVision 4/4120 TAG Resources, LLC 204.17 Employee 401K 4/20/20 Caterpillar Financial Services Corp 6,218.75 Loan Payment 4/2120 TAG Resourees, LLC 204.17 Employee 401k 12608 41420 Unifirst Corporation 108.45 Uniforms 12810 413/20 Addington Oil, Inc 2,086.31 RC/BC Fuel 12811 413/20 Vansant Lumber Company 21,28 BC Supplies 12812 4113/20 Innovative Technology Solutions, 262.50 IT 12813 411320 Dominjon Office Products, Inc. 112.98 RC Supplies 12014 411320 Pest Control Plus, Inc. 80.00 DGMRC Pest 12015 4n3f20 Central Scale, Inc. 291.33 RC Maint 12016 4/13/20 Appalachian Power Company 883.23 BC Electric 12017 4/19/20 83 Gas & Grocery, Ino. 9,50 DC Fuel 12818 4/1320 Buchanan County PSA 48,00 BC Utlity 12818 4/13/20 Dickenson Co Public Service Authority 36,00 DC Utlity 12820 4113/20 Carter Machinery Gompany, Inc, 49.99 RC Maint 12824 4113/20 WV Tire Disposal, Inc. 1,048.80 DC Tire Disposat 12022 i320 Void 42823, 411920 Sonnys 12.00 BC Fuel 12024 4/18/20 Advanced Disposal Services 149,737.37 BC/DCIRC Disposal Trans. 12825 4196120 Justice Law Office 1,860.00 Legal 12628 4116/20 Appalachian Power Company 410.85 RC Electric 12827 4116120 Appalachian Power Company 310,93 DC Electrle 12828 4118120 Card Services Center 162.43 Family Drug ($88.73) Postage ($63.70) 12828 ‘4116/20 Industrial Development Authority 200.00 Office Rent (May) 12830 4116/20 Honaker Solutions, LLC 760,00 Apr/20 Accounting 12031 4/23/20 Point Broadband 174,66 DC/Office Phone $2832 4i23/20Verlzon 80,39 BC Phone 12833 4123120 Campbell Printing of Bristol 116.00 Office Printing 12034 4123120 Crystal Springs 30,18 RC Water 12895 4/23/20. WV Tire Disposal, Inc. 894.52 RC Tire Disposat 12836 4123/20 Free Service Tire 265.00 RC Tires 12837 4124120 Mansfield Oll Company 62.66 Vehicle Fuel 5.16.20 4130/20 United States Treasury 4,400.18 Federal P/R Taxes 5.26 4130/20 VA Dept of Taxation 274.58 State Withholding PR4120 4/1/20 Ronald &. Peters 184,70 Directors Compensation PR4120 4/1/20 Damon Resnick 184.70 Directors Compensation PR4120 4/1/20 Earl Rife 184.70 Directors Compensation PR4120 4/1/20 Tim Lovelace 184,70 Directors Compensation PR4120 © 4/1/20 Carl Rh 184,70 Directors Compensation PR4120 © 4/4/20 Jeffery 8. Cooper 184.70 Directors Compensation Volk Ck #12388 (lost) 14,00 Sonny’s (fuel) ‘Vold Ck #12759 (conference cancelled) -276.00 VRA PR41820 4/16/20 Toby F. Edwards 2,980.72 Salary/tst half PR43020 © 4/90/20 Toby F. Edwards 2,980.72 Salary/2nd half Total 175,486.66 15/8/2020 at 7:23 PM. Page: 4




apenas [Erase Thusleoreod “Bush [Direct Expenses [Transport/Disporal 73172088 “rasa. 00, [ie Rocyeing 38,0004 45,000.00 BECKI 7527 92.00 [Overhead Expenses: - [Debt Serica Loaders aT 7500060 | — ther Dispose = 2,000.00 | on] [utes 2 ‘uehona EWEN 7,060:60 | so ‘lekenton SEC 4.000.00-| us use 449479 ‘4000.00 [23 [Supplies Bochena aS 700.0 | Dickenson 25170 72,500.00 | som] Russel EXSIRIS 300.00 | so ual: : ‘ucharan aaa 66.00 |— ai ‘Dickenson 4378.28 4,000.00 | ise ust 2.6.78 3,700.00 [47x FFelephoner = Suehsnen mot 7200.60 |e Dickenson 345.74 00.00 |— ae ssa Tous 800.00 |e station Malntenance/improvement = Behan, xT ESET ETI Diieason 23,040.00 20,000.06 |~ a ussall 7.3.33 30,000.06 |~ saw Loader /Ejulp Malntanancer : “chara EXTEN 7550000 | oa Management Breakdown Dickens 76.01.95 £6,000,00 | oc rb Health 7087.06} Russell 38,232.25 37,306, 00 |~s0sx Toby Solty 3457.1] Wings Reales 307.05, roby Tons ‘470.25 Transer Station Perlis and = Ja01x cos/contbuton 5262.06 [station Permits Ta.00 ejsw0 0 | eos fconsut 200 VACO insurance 2036.00, 9,642.0 |~ xf usa [anegerent a Fane T6A71.05 ‘34,700.00 [~7rx|conference 0 [Finance Manager 7,000 100.00 | — 20 sari) tega 1055.6 6,500.00 |“ Oetars Cop Tes Supa 396407 4,000.00 ox] 12200, lorie RentsyinteretcelVatfie supplies 393092| sgca00| cou] 9533 TOE COAG PATE 75.330 e.10000|— rai] 331333 [rofssona Fons (a) 3.00.00 | ont Ieetng Expense 3,951.00 | om travel 3,000.00 | zou Isupaar "200.00|— Tones “0. 00-| so ica pene 700.00 |— eer Uniform Reta 254176 '3.500.00-| 73 a7 3.73. 3278.00 | soo lneceres/esuip/ Emergency Jens : 1,338.00] on] Foor Repasofware Opiates [Money contbutad fam cPRWMA [canital Fond 410.11 73912.00|_s10x|**Money conviouted by eRWMA and ‘CERREAD SUBTOTAL ff ass.o07 51 527,922.00 | nied to Approprated Budget (TovAENPENEES POE EAT cure Rte ‘=*overhend Rata per County sai

‘CUMBERLAND PLATEAU REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY _ FY 2020 2021- OPERATING BUDGET | Original Fy2018. +Fy.2039/2020 Z i Budget Budget Direct Expenses: | HTransport/Disposal | "$ 1,482,99200 742,992.00 Tire Recycling | 48,000.00 | 45,000.00 1,527,992.00, 3,527,992.00, Overhead Expense: _ Debt Service-Loaders| $75,000.00 75,000.00 Jother Disposal 2,000.00 2,000.00 Utilities: ! Buchanan i 4500.00 5,100.00 Dickenson | 4800.00 4,500.00, Russell [sone 4,500.00, |Supplies: im Buchanan {| 2,500.00 2,500.00, Dickenson ! 2,500.00 2,500.00, Russell 2,500.00 3,000.00 ‘Buch - 5,000.00 6,000.00, Dickenson i 3,500.00 4,000.00 Russell - 8,000.00 7,000.00 Telephone: | Buchanan : 1,500.00 7,500.00 Dickenson 1,000.00, 3,100.00 2,500.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 36,500.00. 26,500.00

  • 16,500.00 — | Transfer Station Permits and Management: IStation Permits | | 18,108.00 19,000.00 IVACO Insurance 33,642.00 2,00] 14,000.00 175,000.00 90,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 32,000.00, 00000} 6,000.00 np & Pit Tax 31,500.00 38,100.00 Professional Fees (Aucit)| 3,500.00 Meeting Expenses 2,000.00 3,900.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 “400.00, 450.007 2,000.00 7500.00, 4,000.00 1,659.00 130.00) 2,500.00 Projects — Keserves/teu

Status Report: May 2020

May 12, 2020

In reference to the property sitting at the intersection of River rd and Red Oak Ridge Rd belonging to Josh Bradley. I spoke with Mr. Bradley by phone and he advised that he would get the property cleaned up. He advised that the previous renter had trashed the property.

May 27, 2020

I checked on the property of Mr. Bradley on todays date and progress had been made, I attempted to contact Mr. Bradley by phone today I left a message for him, to further discuss the property.

May 26, 2020

In reference to the property at 6780 Dante Rd, I have made attempts to make contact with the homeowners, but have been unsuccessful up to this point. A notice was posted on the door of the residence for the owners to get in contact with me as soon as possible.

May 27, 2020

In reference to a complaint of refrigerator doors being on the VDOT property on Upper Bear Wallow Rd I was unable to locate any doors.

Deputy C Porter

Russell County Sheriffs Office


P.O. Box 338 Phone (276) 889-8033 79 Rogers Avenue Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected] Fax: (276) 889-8203

                                                    Steve Dye, Sheriff 


vaitting P.O, Box 338, Phone (276) 889-8033

. ae 79 Rogers Avenue 7 Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected] Fax: (276) 889-8203

a Stee Dye Sherif

Status Report: May 2020

May 12, 2020

In reference to the property sitting at the intersection of River rd and Red Oak Ridge Rd belonging to Josh Bradley. | spoke with Mr. Bradley by phone and he advised that he would get the property cleaned up. He advised that the previous renter had trashed the property.

May 27, 2020

I checked on the property of Mr. Bradley on todays date and progress had been made, | attempted to contact Mr. Bradley by phone today | left a message for him, to further discuss the


May 26, 2020

In reference to the property at 6780 Dante Rd, | have made attempts to make contact with the homeowners, but have been unsuccessful up to this point. A notice was posted on the door of the residence for the owners to get in contact with me as soon as possible.

May 27, 2020

In reference to a complaint of refrigerator doors being on the VDOT property on Upper Bear Wallow Rd I was unable to locate any doors.

Deputy C Porter

Russell County Sheriffs Office

CUMBERLAND PLATEAU RWMA: Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director


Mr, Earl Rife Mr. Jeff Cooper


Mr. Damon Rasnick Mr. Ronald Peters


Mr. Carl Rhea Mr. Tim Lovelace



May 21, 2020 CPRWMA Board of Directors Roll Call for Quorum. a) Approval of Minutes of the March 19, 2020 meeting…

Motion: Seconded:

b) Approval of Straw Poll on Paying bills dated April 16”.

¢) Approval of Straw Poll on April Board Stipend dated April 24"… sss… ie areentch | d) Approval of Straw Poll on Users Agreement dated April 30".

Administrative Business

a) Review CPRWMA Waste Stream Report March and April

b) Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March & April2020…

c) CPRWMA Attorney’s Report for March 2020… d) Litter and Recycling Report.

Old Business a) Users Agreement with the Member Counties…

Motion: Seconded: b) 2020-2021 Budget Revisited.

Motion: Secondeded: New Business

a) VACORP Insurance Proposal… .-…White Attachment

Motion:__137 Highland DRPG°PSBIO, Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone 276-833-5403 Email [email protected]


Vi. Correspondence

a) VA DEQ 2019 Regional Recycling Rate Report.

b) Meetings with County Administrators and BOS Chairman’s VII. Adjournment and Next Meeting.

Chair or Vice Chair conducting the meeting:

Motion:. Seconded:

Minutes submitted by: Saundra Honaker or Rebecca Thormberry

CUMBERLAND PLATEAU RWMA: Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Executive Director


Mr. Damon Rasnick ‘Mr. Ronald Peters


BUCHANAN COUNTY: RUSSELL COUNTY: Mr. Earl Rife Mr. Jeff Cooper Mr. Carl Rhea Mr. Tim Lovelace ‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Members Present: Others Present: Damon Rasnick, Vice Chairman Toby Edwards, Director Earl Rife RJ. Thornbury, Legal Counsel Tim Lovelace Saundra Honaker, Finance Officer Carl Rhea Barbara Rife Ronald E Peters Jeff Cooper CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairman, Damon Rasnick, called the March 19,

2020, meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 11:03 PM. The meeting was held in Lebanon, VA at Russell County Government Center.

QUORUM: A quorum was established, and it was noted that we are within the 10-person limit according to state guidelines because of the coronavirus. Everyone introduced themselves and the two new members were welcomed.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 27, 2020 monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Directors were presented for consideration. A motion was made by Carl Rhea to approve the minutes as presented and seconded by Ear! Rife. Motion was ratified, voting as follows

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace ~ Aye

WASTE STREAM REPORTS Toby Edwards commended Brian Ferguson for his help with the software program. He was instrumental in getting the stations up and running. Buchanan County has had an increase in mine waste, Dickenson is down a little, and Russell is down a little.

137 Highland Drive / P. O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone 276-833-5403 | Email [email protected]

® -—"

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 2

TREASURER’S REPORT: Earl Rife presented the CPRWMA Treasurer’s Report for the month of February 2020, reporting the total in the bank was $445,168.01 at the end of February. Clarification was made on credit card charges and the HSA repayment. A brief explanation was given for the benefit of new members of how the reports are derived. A motion was made by Earl Rife to approve the finance report as presented and seconded by Ron Peters. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick — Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters — Aye Tim Lovelace — Aye

ATTORNEY’S REPORT: Rebecca Thornbury reported that the board needs to make a motion to ratify the bi-laws now that the articles are approved. Members decided to give the new members time to review the documents and a motion would be addressed at the next meeting.

Rebecca also discussed the issue of having meetings during this State of Emergency because of the coronavirus. The Board members must meet in person to approve expenditures. The finance officer needs permission to write checks, and Toby will call each board member to get approval with the understanding that the finance report would be ratified at the next meeting. The finance reports will be sent to board members; however, everyone was reminded to be careful when replying to a mass e-mail. Don’t respond to “all” as that would constitute a meeting; be sure to reply individually. A motion was made to allow finance officer to pay bills, Toby to send mass e-mail for a straw vote, with the understanding that the finance report would be ratified at the next meeting. Motion made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Ear! Rife. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters — Aye Tim Lovelace — Aye

Rebecca reported that the wording had been changed for the refund of the amounts left over at the end of the fiscal year in the User Agreement. Member discussed that the amount left over at the end of the year needs to be divided evenly by all 3 counties. A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Earl to change the wording of the refund to be made at the end of the fiscal year. They then each rescinded their motion. Another motion was made by

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 3

Ron and seconded by Earl Rife to state that any excess amount left over at the end of the year would be refunded equally between the three counties and would be made after the audit of the books by the CPA. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye

Rebecca also presented a proposed resolution for the adoption of a small purchase procurement policy. The Board currently does not have any type of policy. The state currently has a policy for $100,000 but this proposal is for any purchases under $5,000. A change was recommended for the state amount to be corrected to $100,000 and the word competitiveness be change to competition. A motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Ron Peters to adopt the resolution pending corrections as discussed. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye

Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye

Ron Peters - Aye ‘Tim Lovelace - Aye OLD BUSINESS

No old business NEW BUSINESS

2020-21 PR BUDGET: Each line item of the budget was reviewed. The monthly charge per county will increase by $478.03 for a total of $13,089.14 per month. Toby said that he would like to have some LED lighting installed for safety & to lessen power bill. A motion to adopt this budget and to send a copy to all three counties. Motion made by Earl Rife and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Motion was ratified, and roll call vote as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye

SECURITY SYSTEM QUOTES: Toby presented three bids for the security system monitoring from Cox Security, Fleenor Security, and Johnson Controls. Some discussion was given between the three companies. Members decided to

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 4

go with Cox Security. Even though it was higher per month, you didn’t have to sign a contract (could quit with a 30-day notice) and they would use our current equipment. The other companies required an updating of equipment. A motion to accept the bid from Cox Security was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Carl Rhea. Motion was ratified, voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye ‘Tim Lovelace - Aye


Chairman: Motion to nominate Damon Rasnick as chairman was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Tim Lovelace made a motion to close nominations. Damon Rasnick was elected as Chairman by acclamation.

Vice-Chairman: Motion to nominate Jeff Cooper as vice-chairman was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Tim Lovelace. Tim Lovelace made a motion to close nominations. Jeff Cooper was elected as Vice-Chairman by acclamation.

Treasurer: Motion to nominate Earl Rife as treasurer was made by Earl

Rife and seconded by Carl Rhea. Tim Lovelace made a motion to close nominations. Earl Rife was elected as treasurer by acclamation.


  • Buchanan & Dickenson County Board Appointments were presented, and the appointees had already been introduced at the beginning of the


  • Manpower Agreements: The updated manpower agreement was

provided to board members. Toby was directed to email all board

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 5

members copies of the articles of incorporation, by-laws and up-to-date listing of board members and staff.

For the benefit of the new board members, a lengthy discussion was given to the history of the CPRWMA. A review was made of past problems and corrections in an effort to continue on the good work of the board.

Ron Peters had a few items to cover:

  • What was outcome of purchasing the worker’s compensation policy? The resolution was signed at the last meeting and was sent to the insurance company for coverage to begin on the date of the resolution.
  • Suggestion was made to purchase recording equipment and to record the meetings. A motion was made by Ron Peters and seconded by Earl Rife to purchase recording equipment and begin recording at the next meeting. Motion was ratified with voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper ~ Aye Ron Peters ~ Aye Tim Lovelace ~ Aye

  • Suggestion was made to hire a part-time secretary to record minutes. No further discussion was given to this subject.


Based on the current state of emergency due to the coronavirus, no decision about future meetings were made. A motion made by Ron Peters and seconded by Earl Rife for the Chairman to decide closer to time of the regular scheduled meeting in April. This decision will be based on the current recommendations of the state government. Motion was ratified, and voting as follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea - Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper - Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace ~ Aye

A motion was made that if it becomes necessary to vacate the next meeting an e-mail will be sent to all board members. Also, Toby was given permission to

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Monthly Board Meeting Minutes March 19, 2020 Page 6

advertise the cancellation in the respective newspapers. Motion was made by Tim Lovelace and seconded by Earl Rife. Motion was ratified with voting as. follows:

Damon Rasnick - Aye Carl Rhea ~ Aye Earl Rife - Aye Jeff Cooper — Aye Ron Peters - Aye Tim Lovelace - Aye

ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn was made by Earl Rife and seconded by Ron Peters, all in favor. Motion was ratified. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:25 PM.


Earl Rife, Se Date


_Sumberend Prateay Reionsl Waste Henegement Author ‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Waste Stream Analysis. Period: December 15th, 2019 to December 15th, 2020 ae ‘Buchanan County 35 Fepzmeach Mach 80 one | ay attue | Jone: y yg Aug DESH Sept 2ID0C1OCLEIon | Nov B2RORE Toe Tne All (Perot) [waste materials) Dec 1s un22cien2u20F0u 2021 2020” Ap 2420 oy 2020 no 0 Monta Tonnege E a a 0 38 Soe 0.00 000 5,s68az [Commercial eooz | 13855 7283_—«337.85 24235 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 0.00 $78. IConstruction Debris aunt 2.32 5210 | 1805 | 4966 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 190.24 NYardiash Waste 508 0.00 069 000 | 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 734 Mine Waste 29608 3685054032 a0n49 | 207.47 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,830.86 lindustrial Waste 0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 ‘0000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0.00 0.00 [Roofing Waste | 0.00 ‘0.00 0.00 0000.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 Hires 942 m7 371 529 | 3252000 | 0.00 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.65 White Goods 02 11.93 492 1128472 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.04 litter Pick-up 148 | 428 1282 231971 ‘0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.38 toga! Dumps 048 0.00 ‘0.00 000 0000.00 000 | 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 048 ory Studge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 000 | 0.00 ‘0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 carcass 0.00 034 048/038 | 070 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.92 Storm Debris 0.00 aii 531112453818 0.00 000-000 0.00 0.00 000 | 000 14342 ] Tote sssnas sss100 sss 2osts7 17229 ao 0900 oan oon 0 [RAT BO) r20e| TownetGnmty 11373 | 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dickenson County avenge Sevzgree rasumauch Mehta 22 ny 2Reuee urea dy TE A EDS pL MABOM OEY Tet rom at (Porton [Waste Materia,s) Dec 1-an2azo 2020 220 hort 2in0 May 220 2i20”Novs800 19 "“Cotunna—“Tonmane E eaaa7_| S802 508 78 602 43 1 39 ——o00 S00 08 To 00, 308677 [Commercial yeaz7_ 1019213020 167.44 0.00 0.00 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 73182, [Construction Debris y213 aso | a8 a7a7 1697 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139.06 yard waste “0.00 0.00 000/000} 000 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mine Waste 40473 | 20387 azas7_ engi 248.11 0.00) 000 0000.00 000000 0.00 | industrial Waste 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | [Roofing Waste 7610.00 0.00 000000 0.00 0.00 | ~000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tres 687 788388 1143905000 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 000000 0.00 | storm Debris 0.00 0.00 ‘000 000 0000.00 000/000 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 carcass. 0.13 0.00 0.05 0.00 002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 000/000 Dry Stage 0.00 0.00 ‘000 "000/000 | 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 000/000 | 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000/000 000 0.00 | itegat Jounpsicieanups 2:36 656 628 200 09% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Towel Ciiewoos 155.95 000

‘Sumberend Pitsou Regions Waste Menscement Authorty

Russell County,

Aveage Feu 2020March March2020- Aprit2020- May2020June June 2020suly Jy 2020-Avg Aug 2020-Sopt_ Sept 2020-0ct Oct 20204Nov Nov 2020-086 Total fromall (Pet Month) 2020 2020 2000 ‘2020 2000

[Fown of Lebanon [Town of Honaker [Town of Cteveland


333.64 40.85 10.34

00 0.00

0.00 ‘0.00

0.00 0.00





000 0100

00 0.00 0.00

Total FY

Waste Materials) bec s-senzzatn2ezese ana‘ 2i20.”” “Ape 2ez0 _ tay28i0 |” som somo comme omage ahold Tao47s 107957 10568 TAS BE 708aE 000 700 ToT 00 T0000 000 area 8 [Commercat 10818 905.1833) 42508 149.18 000 0.00 0.00 000 | 000 | 000000 saa.79 Iconstruction Joebris 71689378 90.08 7e75__ ons? 000 000 0.00 000 | 000 000,000 lvarwash Waste 2455 e22¢ 20300000 Oo 00 000 000-000-000 | 000 laine Waste 000 000 000 000 | 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 | 000 .90_ lindustial Waste 39.2¢ G07 2783-18) e540 0.00 9.00 0.00 00000000 a73.36 Rooting Waste 0.00000 000000000000 0.00 0.00, 000 000 000000 0.00 bes 2st 13 78/4423 1463 0.00 0.00 0.00 000/000 000 000 eras lwnite Goods 792000 0000004099 0.00 9.00 0.00 000 000000) 000 nt Jpatates 0.00 00 000000000 000 9.00 0.00 000000000000 0.00 lory Studge 0.00 000 000/000 ~o00 | 000 000 000 000000000 00000 [contaminated Recycle 0.00 710 000 | 090 | 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 00 740 lWogal Dumpsita 982 at 1138 | 028000000 0.00 0.00 900 000000 a0 | asar Storm Debris 000000 000000 000000 0.00 0.00 000 | 000000) 000 0.00 carcass 010 01 416/487 ort 0.00 0.00 0.00 000000000 000 395

2019-2020 22,064.13

‘Combarand Patan Waste Stan Anais Report

Buchanan County Waste Stream Analyte ‘riod: April 1th, 2020 to May 15, 2020,


eames ae meta zee | ar | 000 tenay | tonny | cranny | tors) rons) | aia) | rons) | ctomsy | tons) | cron) | cons) crocs) | cronmy | roe) | | ioaaaa 1.50.0 | 4.1en05 406038 1.40448 | i.toae3 | tonto 1.10038 1.30020 4.19627 | szer78 200a4 128818 120008 19682) t1u77 | 7503 bagea2 ‘190 / gas | arean 3777816078754 t6008 | i143 tee e149 18a | 27a) sear | 614 | 22.20 esa7__ 6726 | 6263_| aes 3783 sas? S308 e349) 421) 000 oa 0.00 “0002818 | 2908000000 | a0 000 aaa Sara | Goad) ae 401.38 068435359 | 19097 24868 20187 | 20601 | 22580 ts?” 000 | 000 000 200 ‘000 [000 | 000 | “000 000 000 000, 000) 314) 927183 san 000000000 | 000-000 aus 436 W213) 278729) oz 1982 | 2500266018 asat tae | azge) Saze 8577 185000 0400.00 [000.00 000 | 000 000 000025 s0s0 aaa 160 aat 52780 [asses aar tor 28 tans) tog? aa? aaa 090 | 23390) 000 047/000 445 oss | 000 | aus) 386 [east ‘000 | 000 000/000 [eco 000000000000 000000000 0.00 0 a7 | 088 | 080048 | ox) 042 005 | om oor oazogz 0380.0 BeiS| 1245000) aagz | testa a7 | e4¢ 040 | 000000 000/000 000000000 yaw 203197 4.77656 40118 1.54708 433570— | zoster 23vese 7a6s02 e160 | 47ase0 iarone i7r2es 17aas0 Buchanan County Wass Siren Ania ‘teen

Total Tonnage inches the Tolowing town T T T T f Grundy. 2.

Combed Plat Mat Sram Any Raper

Dickenson County Vnata Stour Arya Period: Ap 16th 2020 to May 15,2020


ates | mtn a Pa an wer | Lene) ctoemy cron) | cron) roo) | trove) | 1 trem) | stony | 1 crane) fom). eto | eras | eeoze) eiet9 [cree | e520 cr 0 7428 ‘sooo rae | b1as S500, 21607 928 has) ess tease 368 my zoo) ate 7a) [io 97020088 aa oo 7 O00 200 Coo az ioa8 eet mars iar 860 7085 fo ws oo 008m 30 00 om | 00 [rom $m) ter rs eam a3 [80s fa seat no isos tes teas ‘00/000 000000 i 08 0 om om ‘aro | 6m ae ‘ar it oer tes a nT ita oo Oa 000 $00 900 a0 t 0 a0) 800 oi) 00° co: 2e0 om eas om 00 00 000 om om 000 Ves + 1 28 t Lasrar sysnre | sonnss | senna eases rion rans0 > ts i [Amoese ams tates 12me2 ease Dickenson County Waste Stream Analysis (This Month)

[Tos Tonnage icles the folowing owns: Town of wood °

‘Cumbotand Plateau Waste Sresm Anaiysis Report

Russell County Waste Stream Analysis Period: Aptil 16th, 2020 to May 15, 2020

ol eae el ed eee

This onth |Last Month 20192018 zor zane aats zoe ata aetz att, ato zane or | 2008 (fone) | rom | crore) | cronay || cron) | (tons) | trons) | crons) || (Pons) | (rons) (rons) (rons) | (rons) || crons) | crone)_| cons)

1,708.42 14368 1243.40 1.22708 | 4,t0507 | 446273 | 422091 1988.14 | 138685 14T050 1490.72 | 146278 1.63140 1.50070) 163071 460462 ‘25081939 2009712280 e763 16070. i1860. tesa ease 2271 21848 30027, 21408 Sere

  1. 8185 | 4265 65:59 | 2678 | 51.15 73.43 | 109.49 9990 201.68 189.40 | 17663 | 7001 | 12340 0.00 8274 1869-2361 | 2638 4.86) 19.18 97.68 407 | 3.45 | 883 | 11.18 0.00 14.04 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 000 | 000 0.00 000 | 22.30 3691 | 000 000 | 000 | 000 2.18 28.14 33:38 2884 | 3479 808 701889 Os. 482 | 11.95 2608 6336.78.18 103.42

9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 | 29.68 70.06 380) 48s 842, 335 067 | 10.42 460356 esa | 208 211 | 0.00

0.00 0.00 | 000 | 000 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 4423 373i) 34239871622 7.18 8.18 | 18.40 0.00 1334 | 0.00 "000/787 | 381000 | 000 |


{0900.00 | 000 | 0000.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 | 000 0000.00 983 000 0.90000 000 0.00 | 000 000 0.90 | 090 090 000 | 0.00 213 | 000 15.56 000 0.90 0.00 0.00 | 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000/000 000 000 | 000 556 ooo | 026 | 67 5631354 | 804 1110-886 21.12 244223 6.19665 330 | 0.00 090 | 0.00000 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 | 000 "000/000 000 | 0.00 or 474.407 0.76) 061401 tg 20013 2a ae) 6848s 38000 = 2,008.04 4,882.01 | 1,619.34 1,862.56 1,97659 1,344.04 | 1A7671 1,587.13 1,730.92 1,876.24 1,813.36 1,915.29 | 2093.08 2,165.27 2,080.67 2,376.35 ‘unset County Waste Stream Anaiyia (ois Month)

fo ft ff fp ot

Lebanon [Cleveland

Total Tonnage includes the following towns:

0 Honaker al oO

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority | Waste Stream Analysis: = = Sm) _ Period: December 15th, 2019 to December rtSth, 202000 sain z Buchanan (County Tovpac | A. | Moyo | ety | og Aw | te tO or waste materia) ove an ceasancozneenaa (sme ‘aonaet_ Myene an ie Troe ssa Sans 1238 @8 000 000 oo —— oe a2 13855783 Sores | ooo 000 8.00 ooo 000000 | 000 41m as2__5310 4805000000 amo a a a a a eT ey: 2930896850 | 4932-40049, 000 000 ~~) ooo 0 000000, 000000000000 000 000-0000) 0.00 000000890000 000 00 000/000-0000 oa 7m Sm 523000000 000 200000900000 Fn eC i 00 000000000000 (4s 436 tee 238000000 000 ooo 00090000 ‘eas 000 ooo 00000000 0.00 a a ) [000/000 000) 8.00000 000 00000 000000 00 s | Oo ot a49 039000 0.00 000000000000 00 S00 aat) suit tas 000000 0000008000000 | | rotts assnag sion ayaseezouts7 ea oma aga acon ano) ROSET| ara fy —romsteonay 11079" ago 900 / a aco a0 000 000 soot ee __Dickenson’County: as eee rence Smear reeaanen man Ape. Mayans Rey | Bday gt Sep ER Oe Os ee Tottom alt | ert) lwasto Materials) vec -Janaic “20 soon Apet ae ‘oy sae ae mae ae ee” nov taoeete “oun “tmege a TO 30000900000 000 aon lcommercisl ——1ze27— 4018249020 ter44 000000000 a a \Gonstucton Denis [re oes 418 grat 0000 ow 000000 | 000 nom taaor NaraWasts 0.00000 000000000 000 300 oo o00 000000000 tan wine Waste 0473 aan87 2087 24001000000 000 | 000/000-0009 000 > 000 —-aaar8 Industral Waste 0000.00 000 800” 000000 000/000-8008 000 0000.00 Roofing Waste 781000000 000000000 000/000 000 g00—000 000 tres @s7 7838843000000 000 | 00000000000 000 lstorm Debris ~~ 0.00 000 | 00000000 000 | 000000 00-000 00000 Icorcass S03 000 00s ~e0o 000 000.000 000 000/000 000,000 a8 ry Sade 000 | 000 000 a00 | 000-000-000 000) 000000 | 000900 ea auch 00) 0.00 000000000 0.00 ow 000) a0) 000 800 —n00 00 [egal Dumpsicieanups 2.36 ase os | 260 000 | 000 00 | 000,000 000 000 000 aaa

‘Sumberand Pttory Relonal Waste Maoagarent Author,

Russell County

Feb 20zbatarch March 2020-- Apri 2020- May 2020June June 2020July dey 2020-A0g Avg ZOZESept Sept 2020-0etOet 2120 2020 200 0

verge 2020-Nov Nov 2020-006 | Totalatrom al (Per onth)

laste Materials) osc 1. sanazztanzoanray zen" 2020 Aor 00 ay a20_| 220 feo Tenge jousshold 1.30873 107087 109638 164388 000 000 00 C7 a T [commercial 10515 | 9105) 11933 2508 | 00o 000 000 000000000000) 000


Debris 7165 | 95289008 7a7s_| 000 | 0m 0.00 000 000 000 00/0 sass lYardiAsh Waste 6224 32.89 ‘0.00 | 0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 0.00 ‘0.00 000000 | 0.00 4129.62 ine Waste 0.00 000/000 000 a0 0.00 0.00 000/000) 000000 00 instal Waste sari 2reg ete 0000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0000.00) tae Rooting Waste 00 | 000/000) 000» 000 0000.00 0.00 000 000000

{Tires 1189 738 | 4425000000000) 000 000 | 000) 000) 000

White Goods 000/000 | 000/000) 000 000/000 000 | 000 | 000000

Patiates. 000/000 000 | 000000 000 a a a) t ry Sludge 0.00 000 000 {000 7 000 000 0.00 000 000000 | 000


Recycle 0.00 710 000 090 | 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 a 740 egal Dumpsiia 982s st 1138) 026/000 000 0.00 000000000000 ooo aa Storm Debris 00000 000-000 | 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000000000 000 | carcass 010) om 446/487) 0000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00000000

[Rows ofLebanon | ‘Caltown of Honaker

[Town of Ctevetand

333.64 000 000000 4085 al 1034 000 000 00

‘00 ‘0.00 i 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tata FY T 2018-2020 17,156.53


‘Combertana Pitan Waste Stam Ansys Report

= = ‘Buchanan County Waste Stream Analyala = Period: March 16th, 2020 io Apri 15, 2020, a i 7 — | + aee80 ‘09.00 4093576551 086.08 4.10848 | 4.20737 | 4.28656 | 128680. 7,260.72 | ‘sss esa) 22 5124 23032 | 66332 | a7 | 14s65 f60.17 13908 ssege_| soso tore | srs | 2325 sie ane | ars tase | area ars 007 | 098 | 6a? | 442 | 345) 000 t702 asa) arg. so70g | 10426 [137.70 | 3467 | 03.11 | aan. | 2a3 99 s0e46 9648 | i725 11034 ‘000 | 000 00 | 060 | "000 ~/—"o00 "ooo "0.00 | a0 | 000 0.00 eee | 638 | 407/242 | 3094.43 0.00000 000 000/000 ‘S71 230) 968 | t341_ | 28392269 aog2 | 2t32 asad) az? | ar01 5220 | 1688 492000 000/087 | 04s 000 oz | 000 000) 4184 i262) 760) 247950 | ate | 1314 taar_ | 12001959) 701 | 0000.00 (000021) oon as) wes 533) “000/000 ‘000/000 7 000 > 000 a0 000) 000 0480.48 025642) 0t2 025 005 [oo ote 25 Osbraronsh seas sat 617/000 0s 000 | 000 000 | 0.00 | 000 | 000 — _ — } “lzoaiar s7ases some | aease | set ist039 varias | vem name tas ae 220047 | 1gBTET 40125 | 45061 | 466845 4

‘Buchanan County Want Stream Anata “Tie on)


Combeand Pass Ware Sree nays Raper


= t 5657 | reoo7 | e161 |

[teres 20505035

ori? 190_ [mas 0 00. 0.00

ot 000 150

Dickenson County Waste Stream Analysis (This Month)

otal Tonnage includes the folowing Towns: | : T T T TTownof Chnwood 0 a —

3 ‘Russell County Waste Stream Analysis,

‘CumborandPisteau Waste Seam Anahis Report

mur meas a 208 Le Leen Lore | rom | ton | 1 | ron

0886 T 1.4008 saar | sana —— 125.08 1011 912525 | 12825 | 15551 | 20021 30375 218.24 7876 {45.16 [ 14 z 37| 401.16 | 184,70 | 176.56 | 14 0.00 7 | tart) 252 ~[- 2680 [403 0.00 0.00 | 000 | 000 | ox 100/000 se | 3193 | 000 28.16 23.43 eZ) 4768 1203.10.83 000 ‘000 | “0.00 [9.00 | 00 0.00 0.00000 4425/78 | 1404 Z 1167 | 4 403, 000 0.00 | 099) 04a) 14 000 | 01 , 307 000/000 000 r T ‘0.00 ‘0.00 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 T 0.00 | T 00 000 | 0.00 Y 0.00 0.00 0.00" 0.00 026 4136 | 314 Z 0251086 z 686143 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 D a: [000 > 0.00 000 | 000 000 000 | 0 ee ato i) 208 {1,892.01 1,345.65 | 1,414.09 | 1,391.57 | 1,305.61 | 1,442.55 | 1,655.20 1,537.53 1,669.55 1,847.95 | 2,017.35 2,140.07 ar | paaye SAMA BBE 122,256.34

‘The Month


7 ’ “¢ - - e ao A ef FF “ ° on ° < a o Hota! Tonnage includes the foliowing towns:

ILebanon 0 [Cleveland oO

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority

Cash Flow Statement

March 2020 Cash Balance - February 29, 2020 223,940.01 Cash Received - Tipping Fees: Buchanan (Feb) 67,988.46 Dickenson (Feb) 51,059.17 Russell (Feb) 60,853.15 Buchanan (Mar) 69,769.10 Interest 257.70 473,867.59 Cash Expenditures Cash Expenditures - March 2020 (156,408.65) Cash Balance - March 31, 2020 317,458.94 Fund Balances: Capital Equip Replacement Fund 196,228 DEQC/D (New) 25,000.00 [Total in Bank 538,686.94

Cumberland Plateau Regional Check Register For the Period From Mar 1, 2020 to Mar 31, 2020 Filor Cite includes: Report orders by Check Number.

Check # Dats Payee ‘Cash Account Amount, Vie Anthem HealthKeepers, 040-000-000 797-19 Toby Health-Dental-Vision vero TAG Resources, LLC 040-000-000 (204.17 Employee 401k ero | TAG Resources, LLC — 1040-000-000 (204.17 Employee 401k

12768 ‘vi9r20 Advanced Disposal Sery 1040-000-000 117,158.31 BCIDCIRC Disposal Transport

12769 ‘19/20 Innovative ‘Technology S 040-000-000 975.00 IT Support,

12770 ‘19720 Void 1040-000-000 Void

42771 ‘19720 Fields. Restauranis, LLC 104-000-000 150.67

12772 ‘19/20 TAG Resources, LLC 040-000-000 1,100.00 401K Admin & Erisa

12773 ‘19/20 W) Tire Disposal, Inc. 040-000-000 2,263.28 DCIRC Tire Disposal

12774 ‘3/19/20 Bostic, Tucker & Co PC. 1040-000-000 3,750.00 CPA Audit

lore 31020 ManaiatlorConsary Soe 50.8 Vote Fon

12776 319/20 Industrial Development ¢ 1040-000-000 200.00 April Office Rent

12777 9/19/20 Honaker Solutions, LLC. 1040-000-000 750.00 Mari20,

12778 3/19/20 Appalachian Power Com 140-000-000 405.32 BC Electric

12779 319720 Buchanan County PSA 1040-000-000 47.63 BC Utility

12780 319720 Freedom Ford of Claypo: 1040-000-000 20.00 Vehicle |

12781 19/20 Dominion Office Product 1040-000-000 121.97 RC Supplies.

12782 ‘19/20 Carter Machinery Comps 1040-000-000 2,721.94 DC Equip Maint

12783 319/20 ‘Vansant Lumber Compa 1040-000-000 24.40 BC Supplies

12784 319720 Unifiret Corporation 1040-000-000 (225.90 Uniforms

12785 319720 Mansfiekd Oil Company 1040-000-000 48.66 Vehicle Fue!

12786 ‘vig20 Dickenson Co Public Se: 1040-000-000 36.00 DC.

12787 ‘19/20 Eddie’s Trophies & Gift £ 1040-000-000 180.00

12788 ‘319720 Verizon 1040-000-000 80.70 BC Phone

12789 ‘i920 Appalachian Power Com 1040-000-000 (859.80 RC Electric

{ero0 31020 Aepalcln Power Com onary raze De Beste

12791 ‘19720 ‘Carter Machinery Compe 1040-000-000 434.02 BC Equip Maint

12792 419/20 Carter Machinery Comps 1040-000-000 14.21 BC Equip Maint

12793 ‘319720 Alderson 040-000-000 440.00 RC Maintenance

12794 3/19/20 WV Tire Disposal, inc. 1040-00-00 928.72 RC Tire Disposal

12795 ‘319720 Card Services Canter 1040-000-000 28.10 Postage

12796 ‘3727/20 Point Broedband -1040-000-000 88.01 Office Phone

12797 3727720 Point Broadband 1040-000-000 86.57 DC Phone

12798 ‘327/20 WV Tire Disposal, inc. 1040-000-000 1,234.24 Tire |

12799 ‘e720 040-000-000 103.49 RC Phone

12800 ‘327120 Anchorage Photo Circle 1040-000-000 47.97 BC Supplies

tao 3210 Coal pigs Sowaaeaes 2424 RC sping

12802 ‘727120 Carter Machinery ‘Comps 1040-000-000 1,495.78 BC/DC/RC Equip Maint

12803 ‘327/20 Pest Control Plus, Inc. 040-000-000 160,00 BC/DC/RC Pest

12804 9/27/20 Fields Restaurants, LLC 040-000-000 135.40

12805 ‘M2720 Skyline Fabricating, inc. -1040-000-000 ‘3,487.00 BC/DC/RC Maintenance

12806 3270 «Ean Rife 1040-000-000 197.80 Travel

12807 (9/27/20 Ronald Peters 040-000-000 142.24 Travel

12808 ‘we7Ro 83 Gas & Grocary, Inc. 1040-000-000 647.02 OC Fuel

4.18.20 9/30/20 United States ‘Treasury 1040-000-000 1,409.18 Federal PIR Taxes:

4.27.20 730/20 VA Dept of Taxation 1040-00-00, 274.58 State PIR Taxes

4.30.20 730/20: VEC. 1040-000-000 8.00 State |

Online ‘v1er20 ‘Caterpillar Financial Sen 1040-000-000 6,218.75 Loan Payment

PR3120 120 Ronald E. Peters 1040-000-000 184.70 Directors Compensation

PR3120 120 Damon Rasnick 040-000-000 184.70 Directors Compensation

PR3120 w1RO Earl Rife 1040-000-000 184.70 Directors Compensation

praia zo Gana qowoaocsoo 18470 Dre Gonparaston

PR3120 4120 Jettery 8. Cooper 100-000-000 184.70 Directors Compensation

prot azo Tinea” foumnneoo 10470 blecae Companion

PR31520 313/20 Toby F. Edwards -1040-000-000 (2,380.72 Salery/ist Half

PR33120 ‘931720 Toby F. Edwards 1040-000-000 2,389.72 Salaryi2nd Halt

Tota ations

Expenditures | Fragiae Taine | aden [Direct Expenses: [Transpory/Dkposa FECETEN A200 Recyiing 28 7233.20.40 7.527, 992.00 [Overhead Expenses: 5 [Debt Service - Loaders ae Tsp00.00 | 7 [othe Osposa 3 2 os] vies: Bochana “Rast r a] Dickenson 5257.68 7x] ‘uss 4075.14 2x) Supoles! - ochanae i383 z EI Dickenson 2s 2300.00 | 02] Aussi 293836 ‘3000.0 |x] Fuel : ‘uch RECT Ta Dickenson 4560.78 4.90000 | 10 Ausell 3300.7, 3,700.00 |x] [felephone: é ‘chan aS. aoa | aa] ‘Dickenson 939.19 3300.00 | 7x] ‘Aussi Tost, 300.00 | ex] Bia, ‘zeio08 | se 73,000.00; 3 a] 7900.0. 39.00.00 |] Eu [T5soe.06 | “aaa Management Breakdown 6.60.05 EI os roby Heath 620937} 737736, 737,300.00 | s008| Toby sulary sez] 795, [Toby Tas «ones

  • 01K cos/cootrbuion asa] 7963.00 7900.00 | se const 200) 2036.00 33,642.00 | ssu|nsa 166.94 98,7000 | —7on| conference as00) 685000, 9,100.00 | 73x] conse. S768.16 0,006.08 | sex [recion Comp Tamer 330157 Za] 1100 34641 saeoo0| sx] mais Tease ‘iaiooo0 | are] nasa s 373000, ia] 30057, 3851.00 wx] 3.20014 $4900.00 | ia] 38.0 70000 | a]
  1. “i000 | a) USI 720008 |} EEIZECI 3272 3rre0 | Te] a3saso| ox] 0a 7332200 Money contributed by CPRWMA and Misa 327322.00 | |ndded to Appropriate Budget Taran PIO Curent Rate aeeaso

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste

Management Authority Cash Flow Statement April 2020 Cash Balance - March, 2020 317,458.94 Cash Received - Tipping Fees: Dickenson (Mar) 43,663.70 Russell (Mar) 56,629.54 100,293.24 Refund from Ferrell Gas (Russell) 110.73 Cash Expenditures Cash Expenditures - April 2020 (175,466.65) Cash Balance - March 31, 2020 242,396.26 Fund Balances: ‘Copal Equip Replacement Fund 196228 DEQC/D (New) 25,000.00 [Total In Bank 463,624.26


Cumberland Plateau Reglonal

Check Register

For the Period From Apr 1, 2020 to Apr 30, 2020 Fier Criteria Includes: Report order Is by Check Number.

Check #___ Dato ‘Amount iy “Anthem HealthKeepers, Inc. 797.19 Toby Healt-DentabVision 414120 TAG Resources, LLC 204.17 Employee 401k 4120/20 Calerpliar Financial Services Corp 6,218.75 Loan Payment 4121120 TAG Resources, LLC 204.17 Employee 401k 12808 4113/20 Unifirst Corporation 188.45 Uniforms 12810 4113/20 Addington Olt, Inc. 2,086.31 RC/BC Fuel 12611 4/13/20 Vansant Lumber Company 21.28 BC Supplies 12812 413/20 Innovative Technology Solutions 262.60 IT 12613 4113/20 Dominion Office Products, Inc. 112.99 RC Supplies 12814 4113/20 Pest Control Plus, Inc. 80.00 DO/RC Pest 12815 4113/20 Central Scale, Inc. 291.33 RC Maint 12816 4113/20 Appalachian Power Company (883,33 BC Electric 12617 4113120 83 Gas & Grocery, Inc. 9.50 DC Fuel 12018 4113/20 Buchanan County PSA. 48.00 BC Utlity 12819 4113/20 Dickenson Co Public Servies Authority 36,00 DC Utility 12820 4113/20 Carter Machinery Company, Inc. 49.93 RC Maint 12821 4113/20 YWV Tire Disposal, Inc. 41,048.80 OC Tire Disposal 12822 43/20 Vold 42823 419720 Sonny 12.00 BC Fuel 12024 416/20 Advanced Disposal Services: 149,737.37 BC/DCIRC Disposal Trans 12825 4116/20 Justice Law Office 1,060.00 Legal 12626 4116/20 Appalachian Power Company 419.85 RC Electric 12827 4/16/20 Appalachian Power Company 919.93 DC Electric 12628 4116/20 Card Services Center 162.43 Family Drug ($88.73) Postage ($63.70) 12828 4116/20 Industrial Development Authority 200.00 Office Rent (May) 12830 4116/20 Honaker Solutions, LLC 750,00 Apri20 Accounting 12831 4/23120 Point Broadband 174.86 DC/Office Phone 12032 4123120 Verizon 80.99 BC Phone 12833 4123120 Campbell Printing of Bristol 116.00 Office Printing 12604 4123120 Crystal Springs 30.18 RC Water 12836 4/23/20 WV Tire Disposal, Inc. 894.52 RC Tire Disposal 12836 4123120 Free Service Tire 255.00 RC Tires 12837 4124120 Mansfield Oil Company 62.56 Vehicle Fuel 5.16.20 4130/20 United States Treasury 4,409.16 Federal PIR Tax« 5.26 4130/20 VA Dept of Taxation 274.88 State Withholding PRA120 411720 Ronald &. Peters 184.70 Directors Compensation PR4120 411120 Damon Rasnick 184,70 Directors Compensation PR4120 420 EarlRife 184.70 Directors Compensation PRA120 411120 Tim Lovelace 184,70 Directors Compensation PRAI20 41720 Cart Rhea 184.70 Directors Compensation PR4120 411120 Jeffery S. Cooper 184.70 Directors Compensation Vold Ck #12396 (los!) -14.00 Sonny’s (fuel) \Vold Ck #12759 (conference cancelled) -275.00 VRA PR41520 4/16/20 Toby F. Edwards 2,380.72 Salary/tet halt PR43020 4/90/20 Toby F. Edwards 2,380.72 Salary/2nd halt Total 175,468.65 6/6/2020 at 7:33 PM Page: 1


en EE : Tauvs(aorune | ae [ranspor/Oisposal Tero aa Fire Reevng E0006 75,900.00 Taeanni Taz 352.0

[Overhead Expenses: S [Debt service Loaders ene aaa | other apo = acoa0 [0 [ites 3 Bucher ESTEE “poate | Bckeson asta “20.00 | si ase 19878 ‘po.00 [Supplies: = Bicharaa Tae aaa | Dikenon 77 3500.00 | sre Ruse Sur 3.50.00 | ser Fuel 5 Buchan a 306 | a Dickenson 457828 “0.00 | i Reset assure $700.00 |e Telephone z ‘uch war T3065 | a Dekenson 370 30000 | or un Tout s.00| em tation Mainananea/improvensent Sacha ia Fie | a Dickenson 230007 as. | tus FETE 300.00 | se Leader /Eaip Maintonane : uchanen EEGs Fo Dickenson ie.50195 oe 07.04 ase 181229 37,308.00 | sss] Toby Say sistas [naar 3705 roby Tees “ura ransfr Station Penritsand 5 late con/contbaton suszog] Station Permits Tsao Tapes | aeonat 200] ACO iaurance 203600 3.54200 —sxlnsa Ianegemen 6 Fae TeArI05 ‘7000 [7a aso) Fiance Manager 70000 9,100.00 |r rans est To. Te | Tas Oren Core Teer Soper Sekor poo] 12200 orice nentainterne/celyoee svotes as0s2 sscos0| cox] soa [oreo COREE PRT pEREEE TEfooos| oe] _ 131533 rotestiona Fes Dad) 35000 35000 | io isting Exons 3ens7 351.00 | om Trae 10. 0.00 | aoe pba 7500 | ference aod ‘se |

en Tenis ans | [Uno Reta asa 3500.0 |x breve aie 33700 | Toe serve? ren : «| FsorReparSaware Unies one contre rom CRWMA cant Fond soir 7322.00 | s1e|*Money conttted by CPRWMA 20d VERNER SRTOTAL [aes est $r751.80 | deo Appropriate Bat Foraroneees Tae | Sa

‘current Rate

-overhud Rat per county salen


Commonwealth of Virginia

Locality Recycling Rate Report ‘EQ Form 50-30 (Rewised September 208)

ate Submitted Calendar Year Sold Waste Planning Unit in au Region (Gk onthe naan elon rp dounnans (Contest ata Repomsl Wed aethatey ‘SWPU Web Page we epowra com Contact contact 2 [Name [esr eawarde fre [secutive Decor [address tine t POBox 386 tebanon, VA 2266 [address ine 2 [Adarets ine 3 [Phone Number [276-803 5203 [mall address [street [Teta Population for swPU 63392 [sweu Population Density 10] |wandated Recycting Rate IReporing Frequency a |rcwiteocsesne) 25% asst Eas

sources for PRM Data [some Pete county tani

Jother Sources for cotected data Jsomae Wainar/Teree



Enter tons {whole numbers only) inthe yellow highlighted boxes for PRMs and MSW Disposed. Totals will auto calculate,

rineipal Recydable Materials [PRM]

Spscly Other Ps Yor Row 38

PRM Material

"Tons reeyled

PAM Matertal Tors reeled









[used anuiveeze






lmoperative Motor Vehides


lother Total

sony aateratandsonngs ows 24-3916 berg]

[tal PRN in Tons


iW Dione

[nowseotd Waste


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her Totat

[credit for Source Reduction Program|]

SRP does nat apply enter 0" SAP dots apply enter"?

Ente facility Information and material in columns A and B. Enter tons (whole numbers only) Inthe yellow highlighted boxes. Totals will auto calculate.

Credits Recycling Residue Facity/ Operation materia Tons For 7 Credits Sola Waste Reuse Reuse Method Material Tons [retat ol ‘Credits Non-MSW racyled Recycling Method ateial Tons [rota 5 [cneoiTs TOTAL |

Recycling rates auto caleuate,

Base Recytng ate 167% ‘Agjustea Recycling ate 36.7% ‘austed Recyeing Rae +587 7% ‘rea ae Allowed Bate 65 2u% Final Recycle Rate 18.7%



County per month

Original Fr2018 £v2019/2020 Sudget Budget Direct Expenses: |Transport/Disposal $ 1,482,992.00 1,482,992.00 |Tire Recycling 45,000.00 45,000.00 1,527,992.00 1,527,992.00 Overhead Expenses: Debt Service-Loaders $ —_75,000.00 75,000.00 lother Disposal 2,000.00 2,000.00 Utilities: Buchanan 4,500.00 5,100.00 Dickenson 4,500.00 4,500.00 Russell 4,500.00 4,500.00 |Supplies: Buchanan 2,500.00 2,500.00 Dickenson 2,500.00 2,500.00 Aussell 2,500.00 3,000.00 Fuel: Buchanan 5,000.00, 6,000.00 Dickenson 3,500.00 4,000.00. Russell 8,000.00 7,000.00. Telephone: Buchanan 1,500.00 1,500.00 Dickenson 1,000.00 1,100.00 fussell 1.00.00 7,500.00 Station Maintenance/Improvements: Buchanan 20,000.00 30,000.00. Dickenson 20,000.00 30,000.00 Russell 20,000.00 30,000.00 |Loader/Equip Maintenance: Buchanan 12,500.00 16,500.00 Dickenson 32,500.00 16,500.00 Russell 12,500.00 16,500.00 |Transfer Station Permits and Management [Station Permits 18,108.00 19,000.00, |VACO Insurance 13,642.00 14,000.00, |Management and Fringe 175,000.00 90,000.00, |Finance Manager 9,000.00 Legal 3,000.00 12,000.00 ir Support lOffice |Rental/Internet/Cell/Offi Ice Supplies 6,000.00 Directors Comp & PR Tax 31,500.00 18,100.00, Professional Fees (Audit), 3,500.00, 4,000.00 Meeting Expenses 2,000.00 3,000.00 Havel 3,000.00 3,000.00 |Supplies: 1,000.00 3,000.00 |Dues/Licenses 400.00 410.00 Vehicle Expense 3000.00 7500.00 Unitorm Rentals 3,000.00 ladvertising 1,659.00 2,500.00 Projects eserves/tquipy Emergency Fund 8,791.00 2,000.00 OVERHEAD SUBTOTAL ** 475,100.00 452,210.00 [TOTAL EXPENSES $_2,003,052.00 '$1,980,202.00 2,018.00 Rate beging July 1st

  • Overhead Rate per 13,197.22 12,561.39

    Public Hearing.pdf Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM Staff Recommendation: Suggested Motion:

    Authorization - Minutes BOS.pdf SUGGESTED MOTION(s):

    Authorization - Expenditures.pdf SUGGESTED MOTION(s):

    Board Appointments.pdf Staff Recommendation:

    Presentations - Attorney.pdf Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM Staff Recommendation: Suggested Motion:

    Reports1.pdf Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): SUGGESTED MOTION(s): ATTACHMENTS:


    Reports1.pdf Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): SUGGESTED MOTION(s): ATTACHMENTS:

    Reports1.pdf Meeting: 6/1/20 6:00 PM STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): SUGGESTED MOTION(s): ATTACHMENTS:

    Board Appointments.pdf Staff Recommendation:

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