No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings Agenda Packets 2019-08-05 16 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

2019-08-05 16 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

Document Date: August 5, 2019 Document: 2019-08-05_16_00-Russell_BOS-Regular_Meeting-Packet.pdf

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Agenda Board of Supervisors August 5, 2019

Russell County Page 1




Board Room Regular Meeting 4:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER – Clerk of the Board

ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board


INVOCATION – Jacquelyne Booher – Emmanuel Baptist Church




  1. Stream Sweepers – Letter of Appreciation…………………………………………A-1


  1. Peggy Hurley – United States Census 2020

  2. SolSmart Award – “Bronze Award” - Newly-designated SolSmart community. Nationwide, one of 275 communities to have achieved this designation making our solar power program accessible for residents and businesses. Reaching the SolSmart designee milestone is a big achievement that has national recognition for our community leading the way on solar energy growth.

Agenda Board of Supervisors August 5, 2019



Board Room Regular Meeting 4:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER - Clerk of the Board ROLL CALL - Clerk of the Board


INVOCATION — Jacquelyne Booher — Emmanuel Baptist Church



  1. Stream Sweepers - Letter of Appreciation. PRESENTATIONS

  2. Peggy Hurley — United States Census 2020

  3. SolSmart Award — “Bronze Award” - Newly-designated SolSmart community. Nationwide, one of 275 communities to have achieved this designation making our solar power program accessible for residents and businesses. Reaching the SolSmart designee milestone is a big achievement that has national recognition for our community leading the way on solar energy growth.

Russell County Page 1

Agenda Board of Supervisors August 5, 2019

Russell County Page 2


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the
    following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors………………B-1

a. Unapproved minutes of July 1, 2019

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented

for payment………………………………………………………………………………B-2

CITIZEN’S COMMENT PERIOD (Limited to 3 minutes)



  1. Courthouse Renovation Resolution



  1. 2019 VACo Annual Conference (Nov 10-12, 2019)………………………………….C-1

  2. VAS RC School Energy Performance Project………………………………………C-2

  3. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 629 Cross Pipe Installation…………………C-3

  4. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 624 Bank Stabilization………………………C-4

  5. DEQ Erosion & Sediment Control Program Review………………………………C-5

  6. The Crooked Road: 2019 Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail Activity Report…….C-6


  1. VDOT Revenue Sharing Program Resolution for Rte. 667 (Century Farms Road)……………………………………………………………………………………….C-7

  2. Cumberland Mountain Community Services (CSB) FY20 Performance

  3. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) – Dept. of Criminal Justice ($2,367)…C-9

  4. VDEM Local Emergency Management Planning Grant (LEMPG) ($7,500)…….C-10

Agenda Board of Supervisors August 5, 2019


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors…

a. Unapproved minutes of July 1, 2019

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented for payment




  1. 2019 VACo Annual Conference (Nov 10-12, 2019)…

  2. VAS RC School Energy Performance Project…

  3. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 629 Cross Pipe Installatie

  4. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 624 Bank Stabilization…

  5. DEQ Erosion & Sediment Control Program Review…

  6. The Crooked Road: 2019 Vii REQUESTS

  7. VDOT Revenue Sharing Program Resolution for Rte. 667 (Century Farms Road).

jinia’s Heritage Music Trail Acti

  1. Cumberland Mountain Community Services (CSB) FY20 Performance Contract…

  2. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) — Dept. of Criminal Justice ($2,367)…C-9

10.VDEM Local Emergency Management Planning Grant (LEMPG) ($7,500)

Russell County Page 2

Agenda Board of Supervisors August 5, 2019

Russell County Page 3

  1. FY20 DSS WRAP Services for Children with Disabilities ($12,622)…………….C-11

  2. FY20 DSS Non-Mandated Protected Funds ($31,345)…………………………….C-12

  3. Virginia Brownfields Restoration & Economic Redevelopment Assistance
    Fund Program ($215,000) (Revised Performance Date 3/31/20)…………………C-13

  4. RC School Reversion Funds……………………………………………………………C-14

  5. Travel Request……………………………………………………………………………C-15

  6. Missy Carter – Virginia Drug Court Conference - Roanoke, Va. – 8/4-8/6, 2019

  7. Jess Powers – Chemical Spill Response Training Re-Cert. – 8/5-8/6, 2019

  8. Betsy Summerfield, – National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019

  9. Jess Powers – National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019




• Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………………………D • RC IDA …………………………………………………………………………………….E • RC PSA …………………………………………………………………………………… F • Castlewood W&S …………………………………………………………………………G • RC Tourism…………………………………………………………………………………H • RC Planning Commission ………………………………………………………………I • Conference Center………………………………………………………………………J • RC Fitness Center……………………………………………………………………….K • RC Transportation & Safety……………………………………………………………L • RC Building Inspector……………………………………………………………………M • RC Library Board…………………………………………………………………………N

Agenda Board of Supervisors August 5, 2019

11.FY20 DSS WRAP Services for Children with Disabilities ($12,622).

12.FY20 DSS Non-Mandated Protected Funds ($31,345)…

  1. Virginia Brownfields Restoration & Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund Program ($215,000) (Revised Performance Date 3/31/20)…

14.RC School Reversion Funds.

  1. Travel Request.

  2. Missy Carter — Virginia Drug Court Conference - Roanoke, Va. — 8/4-8/6, 2019

  3. Jess Powers - Chemical Spill Response Training Re-Cert. - 8/5-8/6, 2019

  4. Betsy Summerfield, — National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019

  5. Jess Powers — National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019


Treasurer’s Report. RC IDA. RC PSA Castlewood W&S RC Tourism… RC Planning Commission . Conference Center. RC Fitness Cente! RC Transportation & Safety. RC Building Inspecto RC Library Board…

Russell County Page 3


Motion made by _________________, second by ___________ and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (1), (3), (7), (8).

The vote was: Aye: ________ Nay: ________


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace -

Lou Ann Wallace -

Carl Rhea -

Steve Breeding -

David Eaton -

Rebecca Dye -

Harry Ferguson -


Motion made by _______________, second by _________________ and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: _______ Nay: _______


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Legal Matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (1), (3), (7), (8)-

The vote was: Aye Nay:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ji) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace - Lou Ann Wallace - Carl Rhea - Steve Breeding - David Eaton - Rebecca Dye - Harry Ferguson - APPROVAL TO RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION

Motion made by , Second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: Nay:

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Information Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM


  1. Stream Sweepers – Letter of Appreciation

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation – Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

No Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Information Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

8/5/19 6:00 PM



  1. Stream Sweepers — Letter of Appreciation Staff Recommendation:

Presentation — Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

No Motion Required.


  • Awardees

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Information Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM


  1. Peggy Hurley – United States Census 2020

  2. SolSmart Award - Russell County - Newly-designated SolSmart community.
    Nationwide, one of 275 communities to have achieved this designation making our solar power program accessible for residents and businesses. Reaching the SolSmart designee milestone is a big achievement that has national recognition for our community leading the way on solar energy growth.

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation – Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

No Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Information Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM


Peggy Hurley - United States Census 2020

SolSmart Award - Russell County - Newly-designated SolSmart community. Nationwide, one of 275 communities to have achieved this designation making our solar power program accessible for residents and businesses. Reaching the SolSmart designee milestone is a big achievement that has national recognition for our community leading the way on solar energy growth.

Staff Recommendation:

Presentation — Informational Only.

Suggested Motion:

No Motion Required.



Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

2020 Census at a Glance

The census is much more than just a head count. It provides a picture of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals, and businesses; how federal funding is distributed; and how congressional seats are apportioned. It also helps us see how our communities have changed over time. That’s why an accurate count is so important.


Once every decade, the federal government conducts a census of the entire population to count everyone in

the United States and record basic information about them. Our nation’s founders believed this data was so

important that they mandated the decennial census in the Constitution.

Easy and Convenient

In 2020, for the first time ever, the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online, but you can still

respond by phone or mail if you prefer.

Confidential and Secure

Strict federal law protects your census responses. It is against the law for any Census Bureau

employee to disclose or publish any census information that identifies an individual or business.

Census Bureau employees take a lifelong pledge of confidentiality to handle data responsibly and

keep respondents’ information private. The penalty for wrongful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000

or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. No law enforcement agency (not the DHS, ICE, FBI, or

CIA) can access or use your personal information at any time. Data collected can only be used for

statistical purposes that help inform important decisions, including how much federal funding your

community receives.

The Census Bureau will never ask for your Social Security number, bank or credit card account

numbers, money or donations, or anything on behalf of a political party.

The Census Bureau has a robust cybersecurity program that incorporates industry best practices and

federal security standards for encrypting data.

To make sure you and your community are counted, learn more about the 2020 Census by visiting 2020 Census at a Glance

The census is much more than just a head count. It provides a picture of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals, and businesses; how federal funding is distributed; and how congressional seats are apportioned. It also helps us see how our communities have changed over time. That’s why an accurate count is so important.


Once every decade, the federal government conducts a census of the entire population to count everyone in the United States and record basic information about them. Our nation’s founders believed this data was so important that they mandated the decennial census in the Constitution.

v Easy and Convenient

In 2020, for the first time ever, the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online, but you can still respond by phone or mail if you prefer.

a Confidential and Secure

Strict federal law protects your census responses. It is against the law for any Census Bureau employee to disclose or publish any census information that identifies an individual or business. Census Bureau employees take a lifelong pledge of confidentiality to handle data responsibly and keep respondents’ information private. The penalty for wrongful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. No law enforcement agency (not the DHS, ICE, FBI, or CIA) can access or use your personal information at any time. Data collected can only be used for statistical purposes that help inform important decisions, including how much federal funding your community receives.

The Census Bureau will never ask for your Social Security number, bank or credit card account numbers, money or donations, or anything on behalf of a political party.

The Census Bureau has a robust cybersecurity program that incorporates industry best practices and federal security standards for encrypting data.

To make sure you and your community are counted, learn more about the 2020 Census by visiting

Céns States’

ensus 2020


• September 2018—The Census Bureau’s

recruitment Web site went live: For each decennial

census, the Census Bureau begins recruiting

thousands of paid census takers to help ensure

a complete and accurate count. Interested

applicants can visit the Web site to apply for a

variety of jobs beginning in 2019 and through

summer 2020.

• April 2019—The 2020 Census Web site

goes live: This site will be

available in multiple languages and will provide

downloadable materials, answers to frequently

asked questions, and more information about

how individuals and organizations can help

spread the word about the 2020 Census.

• August 2019—New Statistics in Schools

classroom activities are available online: The Statistics in Schools

program provides resources for teaching and

learning with real-life data.

• January 2020—The first enumeration of the

2020 Census takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska.

Local census takers must get a head start while

the frozen ground allows easier access to remote

areas with unique accessibility challenges.

• March 2020—The public can begin responding

to the 2020 Census online at

Replying by mail or phone will also be an option.

• April 2020—Every 10 years, we observe

Census Day on April 1.

• June 2020 through July 2020—Census takers

go door to door to count people who have

not responded to the 2020 Census. Census

takers are Census Bureau employees and will

provide proof that they are official government


• December 31, 2020—By this date, as required by

law, the Census Bureau reports to the President

of the United States the population count and

the apportionment of seats in the U.S. House of

Representatives to each state.

• 2021—Initial 2020 Census data are made

available to the public on

Connect with us @uscensusbureau


  • September 2018—The Census Bureau’s recruitment Web site went live: For each decennial census, the Census Bureau begins recruiting thousands of paid census takers to help ensure a complete and accurate count. Interested applicants can visit the Web site to apply for a variety of jobs beginning in 2019 and through summer 2020.

  • April 2019—The 2020 Census Web site goes live:, This site will be available in multiple languages and will provide downloadable materials, answers to frequently asked questions, and more information about how individuals and organizations can help spread the word about the 2020 Census.

  • August 2019—New Statistics in Schools classroom activities are available online: The Statistics in Schools program provides resources for teaching and learning with real-life data

  • January 2020—The first enumeration of the 2020 Census takes place in Toksook Bay, Alaska. Local census takers must get a head start while the frozen ground allows easier access to remote areas with unique accessibility challenges.

March 2020—The public can begin responding to the 2020 Census online at Replying by mail or phone will also be an option.

April 2020—Every 10 years, we observe Census Day on April 1

June 2020 through July 2020—Census takers go door to door to count people who have

not responded to the 2020 Census. Census takers are Census Bureau employees and will provide proof that they are official government personnel.

December 31, 2020—By this date, as required by law, the Census Bureau reports to the President of the United States the population count and the apportionment of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives to each state,

2021—Initial 2020 Census data are made available to the public on

Connect with us @uscensusbureau

B R 0 N Z E



Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/2019 6:00 PM

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:

• Unapproved minutes of July 1, 2019

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


• Board Minutes

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/2019 6:00 PM

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting: © Unapproved minutes of July 1, 2019

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


  • Board Minutes

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

July 01, 2019

The regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, July 01, 2019 at 6:00 pm. at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia. An Executive (Closed) Session was held prior to the meeting at 5:00 pm.

The Clerk called the meeting to order.

Roll Call by the Clerk:


Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace (Joined the meeting at 5:07pm) Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Harry Ferguson

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney

Absent: None


Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into (closed) executive session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(5) of the Code of Virginia to discuss legal and personnel matters pursuant to 2.2-3712(A), (1), (3), (7) and (8).

The vote was: Aye: Harry Ferguson, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and David Eaton Nay: None


Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None

Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business

July 01, 2019

The regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, July 01, 2019 at 6:00 pm. at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia. An Executive (Closed) Session was held prior to the meeting at 5:00 pm.

The Clerk called the me

ig to order. Roll Call by the Clerk: Present:

Tim Lovelace

Lou Wallace (Joined the meeting at 5:07pm) Carl Rhea

David Eaton

Steve Breeding

Rebecca Dye

Harry Ferguson

Lonzo Lester, Clerk Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk Katie Patton, County Attorney

Absent: None


Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into (closed) executive session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(5) of the Code of Virginia to discuss legal and personnel matters pursuant to 2.2-3712(A), (1), (3), (7) and (8)

The vote was: ‘Aye: Harry Ferguson, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and David Eaton Nay: None CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE (CLOSED) SESSION

Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was:

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None

Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business

matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace – AYE Lou Wallace – AYE Carl Rhea – AYE David Eaton – AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding – AYE Harry Ferguson – AYE

Invocation by Pastor Yul Miller, Grace Fellowship followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was:
Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None



Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Steve Dye, Eugene Ferguson, Barbara Cox, Emory Altizer, Gary Dotson, Tony Maxfield, Henry Stinson, Johnny Jessee and Mike O’Quinn and Carl Rhea (to replace Mark Mitchell) to the Highway and Safety Committee for (2) two-year terms, said terms ending July 10, 2021.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Harry Ferguson and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

The Dante Community Center appointment was tabled.

matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

‘Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace ~ AYE Lou Wallace ~ AYE Carl Rhea ~ AYE David Eaton - AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding - AYE Harry Ferguson — AYE

Invocation by Pastor Yul Miller, Grace Fellowship followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None



Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. appoint Steve Dye, Eugene Ferguson, Barbara Cox, Emory Altizer, Gary Dotson, Tony Maxfield, Henry Stinson, Johnny Jessee and Mike O’Quinn and Carl Rhea (to replace Mark Mitchell) to the Highway and Safety Committee for (2) two-year terms, said terms ending July 10, 2021.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Harry Ferguson and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None

The Dante Community Center appointment was tabled.

New Business


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the June 03, 2019 minutes as amended and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was:
Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the June 12, 2019 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was:
Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,468,006.76 including reoccurring and withholdings.

The vote was:
Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chairperson opened citizens comment period.

Kelly McBride Delph, RCPL shared some events and exhibits at the library this summer.

The Chairperson closed citizens comment period.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, County Attorney, advised the Board to consider the County Administrator’s contract.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the County Administrator’s contract as presented.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the June 03, 2019 minutes as amended and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the June 12, 2019 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,468,006.76 including reoccurring and withholdings.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chairperson opened citizens comment period. Kelly McBride Delph, RCPL shared some events and exhibits at the library this summer.

The Chairperson closed citizens comment period.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, County Attorney, advised the Board to consider the County Administrator’s contract


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the County Administrator’s contract as presented.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Harry Ferguson and Rebecca Dye Nay: None

County Attorney Reports and Requests (continued)

Katie Patton discussed correspondence that her office received from Charlene Farthing.


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the County Attorney to respond to Charlene Farthing’s correspondence.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a Victim Witness Grant in the amount of $70,000 from the Department of Criminal Justice.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a School Resource Officer Grant in the amount of $57,287 from the Department of Criminal Justice.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a VDOT Revenue Sharing Program for Rt. 667 (Century Farms Road) in the amount of $389,418.

The vote was:

The vote was:

‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Harry Ferguson and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None

County Attorney Reports and Requests (continued)

Katie Patton discussed correspondence that her office received from Charlene Farthing,


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. authorize the County Attorney to respond to Charlene Farthing’s correspondence.

The vote was:

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a Victim Witness Grant in the amount of $70,000 from the Department of Criminal Justice.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None ‘APPROVAL OF A SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER GRANT

Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a School Resource Officer Grant in the amount of $57,287 from the Department of Criminal Justice.

The vote was:

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a VDOT Revenue Sharing Program for Rt. 667 (Century Farms Road) in the amount of $389,418.

The vote was:

Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a VDOT Resolution to Abandon Rt. 653 (Creekwood Drive, Blackford area).

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the following travel requests:

Crystal White and Freda Sweeney- Leesburg, Va. – 8/25-8/28,2019 Randy Williams, Freda Sweeney and Crystal White – Williamsburg, Va. – 9/2-9/5,2019 Bridgett McGlothlin – Richmond, Va. 8/12-8/14,2019 Mickey Rhea – Virginia Beach, Va. – 8/26-8/29,2019 Yvonne Cook – Election Day meals

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye, Harry Ferguson, David Eaton and Tim Lovelace Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a VDOT Resolution to Abandon Rt. 653 (Creekwood Drive, Blackford area).

The vote was:

‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the following travel requests

Crystal White and Freda Sweeney- Leesburg, Va. ~ 8/25-8/28,2019

Randy Williams, Freda Sweeney and Crystal White - Williamsburg, Va. ~ 9/2-9/5,2019 Bridgett McGlothlin ~ Richmond, Va. 8/12-8/14,2019

Mickey Rhea — Virginia Beach, Va. ~ 8/26-8/29,2019

Yvonne Cook ~ Election Day meals

The vote was: ‘Aye: Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn,

The vote was: ‘Aye: Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye, Harry Ferguson, David Eaton and Tim Lovelace

Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-2

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s July 2019 Monthly Expenditures:

County’s July 2019 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s July 2019 Monthly Expenditures.


• July 2019 Monthly Expenditures

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-2

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s July 2019 Monthly Expenditures:


County’s July 2019 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s July 2019 Monthly Expenditures.


  • July 2019 Monthly Expenditures

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011


DU::: DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS AMT. NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63445 490.00 490.00 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63454 515.80 515.80 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63482 353.90 353.90 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63483 449.45 449.45 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63484 245.95 245.95 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63485 655.80 655.80 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 7/16/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63594 174.00 174.00 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 7 /16/2019 002615 A & A ENTERPRIS 63595 106.85 106.85 4100-031020-5410-

2,991.75 2,991.75 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 004568 ADDINGTON OIL C 106312 1,844.01 1,844.01 4100-042400-5408-

1,844.01 1,844.01 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 003845 ALSCO LROA894578 298.76 298.76 4100-072010-3008-

298.76 298.76 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 003754 AYlAZON 443976688458 19.96 19.96 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 003754 AMAZON 468745979389 9.24 9.24 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 003754 AMAZON 555367497475 34.91 34.91 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 003754 AMAZON 569796337964 23.98 23.98 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 6/29/2019 003754 AMAZON 598876646987 55.47 55 .47 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003754 AMAZON 777736546994 45. 88 45.88 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 6/29/2019 003754 AMAZON 784886955873 9.99 9.99 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 003754 AMAZON 858885637848 15 .14 15 .14 4100-073010-5411-

214 . 57 214. 57 • 8/05/2019 8/05/2019 001346 ASSOCIATION OF FY 2020 DUES 150 . 00 150.00 4100-021020-5401-

150 . 00 150.00 • 8/05/2019 7/15/2019 000046 AT & T 07152019 46 .93 46.93 4100-032050-5203- 8/05/2019 7/15/2019 000046 AT & T 07162019 25.99 25.99 4100-032050-5203-

  1. 92 72. 92 • 8/05/2019 5/13/2019 003103 AUTO MOTION SER 15785 456.94 456.94 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 5/28/2019 003103 AUTO MOTION SER 15822 49.95 49.95 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/21/2019 003103 AUTO MOTION SER 15879 40. 00 40.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 003103 AUTO MOTION SER 15901 56. 00 56.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/15/2019 003103 AUTO MOTION SER 15931 41. 97 41.97 4100-031020-5408-

644.86 644.86 • 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 003032 B & H RENTALS I 06112019 135.00 135.00 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 003032 B & H RENTALS I 113704 135.00 135.00 4100-043020-5407-

270.00 270.00 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015564212 30.35 30.35 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015564213 79. 79 79.79 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015577631 16.84 16. 84 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015577632 J…6 .84 16. 84 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015577633 284.93 284.93 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015579386 15.23 15.23 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015579387 15 .23 15.23 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015579388 271.24 271.24 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015591565 32.42 32.42 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015591566 63.42 63. 42 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015591567 11.44 11.44 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 002535 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015591568 34 . 30 34 .30 4100-073010-5411-

872 . 03 872.03 • 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002737 BAKERS WASTE EQ 97466 15,557 . 00 15’ 557. 00 4100-042400-5407-

15,557 . 00 15,557.00 8/05/2019 6/05/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 215797 20 . 91 20.91 4100-012010-5401- 8/05/2019 6/05/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 215797 13 .94 13.94 4100-012130-5401- 8/05/2019 6/05/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 215797 13.90 13.90 4100-034010-5401- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 218887 13.88 13.88 4100-012010-5401-

pose 7/31/2038

pus onre 3/05/2015 8/05/2013, 8/03/2019, 5/08/2039 8/08/2038 5/08/2023 6/08/2039 5/08/2039

9/08/2029 9/05/2038

9/05/2028 5/08/2038 8/08/2029 eyes/20is 708/219, 2/08/2029 e7ossa0is 8/08/2019


e70s/a0as 5/08/2029

eyos/2ons 8/08/2039 3/05/2038 5/08/2033 8705/2033

3/05/2013 9708/2038

sfos/2019 8705/2039 8/05/2038 3708/2019, 5/08/2039 bos/a0a9 3/08/2029 8708/2028 5/08/2029 3/08/2039 5/08/2039 8/08/2028


8/08/2028 4703/2033 6708/2018 7085/2013

1A/2 CASH REQUIREVENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY H-001 FUNDE4I00 “pev pure vexpor pore cuass ___sRose am NET Nour g/t. Accomm 3/26/2038 Goasis EA EMSARAIS 65: 130,00 ‘s0-00 #109-052030-SAz0- 6/27/2038 oO2615 AG A ENTSRPRIS 63456 Sis’a0 $i51s0 «100-032020-8az0. 7/02/2028 cozsis A&A EVTERPRIS 65482 383.30 353190 €100-03202008a20. 5yo1/20as oazeas A & A ENTERERIS 62089 preety 4ep’45 4100-031020-s410~ 5/04/2039 002613 A&A ENTERPRIS €3403 25 95 245188 4100-091020-s¢10- 3/01/2019 002616 A $k ENTERERIS 63465 e5.80 Ges a0 4200-0s1020-Se10- Jyie/2org Gozeis A & A NTERPRTS 63894 74.00, Shale dieo-oazea0-selo- J/1s/2013 Go26as A & A ENTERPRIS 63555 ies’e Joel8s 4io0-o3i020-sen0- ‘7/28/2019 404868 ADDINGTON OTL. ¢ 196312 ieee lor Liat lo8 “<z00-caaaoo-seae- aieaa-ot iissalon « 6/26/2019 0384s aLsco unonoas7@ 29896 290.76 _4200-072010-3008- 390-75 258.76 * 8/27/2028 003754 axazox sassvecsease 19196 35198 4200-073020-sa22- 5/26/2018 003754 A¥AION ‘aeerass7s3e3 pet 9/2¢ 4200-073010-sai1- 5701/2035 003786 aMAZOH 5536749785 aes 34191 S200-073n20-se11- 6/26/2039 003754 mao Sesrseaa 7964 23.98 Balsa Sie0-e7sex0-saaa 5/29/2038 003758 RURZON 590076646987 $517 S$la7 aigg-073010-5422- 5/24/2035 00375 auazoN Frrvsesasss4 asa8 Sslee 4200-073020-s432 6/29/2019 003754 aMAZoN ‘yeaaaeassa7s 3193 9199 100-073010-5412- 1702/2038 003758 auaaoN sseeasea7ece alle ibis _aieo-o7aaa0-sea1 48/05/2038 002346 assocxATION oP FY 20a0 DUES is0.00 $0109 _4100-c21020-s4a2- 220.00, ieoloe + 1/15/2038 o000ss ar 6 onsaeis 35.53 6.93 4100-022050-s203- 7/18/2033 oooose AT eT oneaes 28139 25139 4100-032080-5203- fais 33.92 + 5/13/2018 003203 aura WoTrON SER 15785, 456 84 456.94 4100-022020-5409- 5/26/2019 poai03 AUID MOTION SER 15622 45095 ‘eo.98 4200-033020-S408- 6/22/2018 909103 AUTO MOTION SER 15879, 20.00 e149 2o0-osaez0—sa0e- 6/26/2018 00303 AUTO NOTION SeR 15902, 36.00 Selo <100-osa020-sene- 5/15/2018 003103 AUTO MOTION SER 15932, as Giis7 _4100-esn0a0-5408- pr oaalae © 6/22/3018 oos032 5 & RENZALS x 06212029 Ssl06 {38100 “«100-o42e00-seo7- 6/12/2019 003022 B & H RENTALS 7 133700 1as.00 L3El99 _€140-043030-5a0r. 270108 210100 + 6/20/2029 002535 SAxER & TAYLOR s015s642%2 30.38 Jolas 1ea-o7g020-saaz 5/20/2039 co2sa5 Saxe 6 TaYLoR 5025864233 303 73i9 100-a73030-saa9 2403/3029 009538 BAKER & TAYLOR $018577633 ieee 36.84 a1eo-o73020-sq21— Jhoa/30i9 002835 BARER & TAYLOR 013577632 isla iélea a100-073010-5421— 7/01/2039 002535 BAKER & TAFLOR 5019577623 abe 93 naalas ¢i00-073010-8411. ‘J7oa/20is 02535 BAKER © TAYLOR S01SSz0306 15.23 sl2a ioe-orsere-satt- F/o2/zois 002535 SAREE & TAYLOR $015579387 isl 38133 iooco730r0-sari 3/02/2018 002536 BAKER & TAYLOR 5015579300 Ered atilad «190-o7s020-s4i2. ‘J/Liyaeis coasas BAKER & TAYLOR S0Lsssi365 3202 32042 4200-o7s0z0-saiz F/it/2ois 002535 Batse & TAYLOR Sousssisee ers $3182 Goacorsor0-saat 7/11/2028 002636 BAKER & TAYLOR 501859156 ie ho Goaconsaae-saat 3/11/2025 002598 BAKER @ TAYLOR S0LSSoL568 3050 36130 200-o7s020-sart a72 03 s72103 + 7101/2019 002737 BAKERS WASTE 5 97466 15,857.00 45,567.00 €100-042400-5407- 6/05/2019 ooss9s BENTLEY DISTRIB 225797 20.92 ‘20/91 4100-022020-s401- 6/08/2019 coaa34 SuNrueY DISTRIB 215797 13134 Giga dhoo-o12i30-sa01- 6/05/2019 Gosese BANTLEY DrsTars 219797 13190 dala 420a-esa0z0-sa02- 6/26/2038 Goaas4 BawTLEy DISTRIS 218867 lee lee



DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR ~ CLASS GROSS AMT. NET AMOV’"NT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 218887 13.88 13.88 4100-012130-5401- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 218887 13 .88 13.88 4100-034010-5401- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 004494 BENTLEY DISTRIB 218887 13.86 13.86 4100-043020-5405-

104.25 104.25 • 8/05/2019 7/05/2019 000052 BLEVINS SEPTIC 33423 375.00 375.00 4100-042010-5413- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 000052 BLEVINS SEPTIC 33374 135.00 135.00 4100-042010-5413-

510.00 510.00 8/05/2019 7/12/2019 004161 BREEDING, CRY ST 07122019 225.00 225.00 4100-072030-3009-

225.00 225.00 8/05/2019 7/13/2019 004614 BROWN, CARLA 07132019 195.00 195.00 4100-072030-3009-

195.00 195.00 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 002301 C HEALTH 1190 75.00 75.00 4100-031020-5409-

  1. 00 75.00 8/05/2019 2/11/2019 004618 CA…~TER BANK & T 02112019 36. 50 3 6. 5 0 4100-031020-5409-

3 6. 5 0 36. 50 8/05/2019 6/10/2019 002337 CASKIE GRAPHICS 34128 531.31 531 . 31 4100-021060-3006- 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 002337 CASKIE GRAPHICS 34144 301.16 301. 16 4100-021060-3006-

832.47 832.47 8/05/2019 8/05/2019 000128 CASTLEWOOD RESC 4 FOR LIFE 2019 6,016.82 6,016.82 4100-032030-5606-

6,016.82 6,016.82 • 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 003438 CASTLEWOOD WATE JULY 2019 3,000.60 3,000.60 4100-082010-8025-

3,000.60 3,000.60 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 004617 CCCC BUSINESS 0 07032019 872.00 872.00 4100-073010-5500-

  1. 00 872.00 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 004450 CINTAS CO RPO RAT 4025127488 68.91 68.91 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 004450 CINTAS CO RPO RAT 4025127510 45.23 45.23 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025127535 253.19 253.19 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025127584 158.22 158.22 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025127585 74.34 74.34 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025615020 68.91 68.91 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025615080 253.19 253.19 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025615154 45.23 45.23 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025615184 67.23 67.23 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025615207 190.22 190.22 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/15/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025840252 44.16 44.16 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 4/29/2019 004450 CINTAS CO RPO RAT 4020828252 37. 53 37. 53 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4024944955 44.16 44.16 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/08/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4025380150 44.16 44.16 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7 /22/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026316086 57.23 57.23 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026603817 45.23 45.23 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026603847 68.91 68.91 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026603872 255.69 255.69 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026603874 158.22 158.22 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026603894 67.23 67.23 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 004450 CINTAS CORPORAT 4026799960 45 .08 45. 08 4100-043020-3008-

2,092 . 27 2,092.27 8/05/2019 8/05/2019 000144 CLEVELAND LIFE 4 FOR LIFE 2019 6,016. 82 6,016.82 4100-032030-5606-

6,016.82 6,016.82 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003076 COMBS ARCHIE 06242019 483.14 483.14 4100-011010-5501- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003076 COMBS ARCHIE 06242019 218.00 218.00 4100-011010-5504- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003076 COMBS ARCHIE 06242019 21. 58 21. 58 4100-011010-5504-

722.72 722.72 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 004227 COMPTON, KIMBE 06262019 192.00 192.00 4100-013020-3002-

192.00 192.00 • 8/05/2019 6/23/2019 002921 COOK YVONNE 06232019 42 6. 0 0 426.00 4100-011010-5504-


DUE DANE awv.pare vexpor wore giass __cnoss ao MEP ayouwn g/ ncoower poe 9/05/2015 ~6/26/20:5 Doaeae BERTIEY DISTRIS 2iese? 13.89 Tees s100-017is0-seor- =~ 9/05/2019 6/26/2018 coaess suwrisy Distars 218357 alee Hees dloo-oagoua-seor- >> 2705/2019 6/26/2019 Ooaege uewtLsy Drsrars 218997 i3las 13.86 $i00-088020-se05- == asos/zo1 7/05/2018 oooes2 muavrus seerzc 32023 31s!00 375100 4100-o8a010-se13– byos/20is 7/02/2013 d000s2 BLAVINS sROTIC 33378 13s!o0 335l00 foo-oezaua-ser3- > syos/2o1s 7/22/2028 004162 BREEDING, CRYST 07222019 23500 225.00 a100-072030-3008- -~

238.00 225.00 + 8/05/2018 7/13/2019 004624 BROWN, CARLA o7252019 158.00 385109 “¢100-o72020-2009- =~ 18100 sloa + eos/aois 6/28/2039 co2s01 © MEAUTH 11s0 75100, ‘8100 atoc-os2020-sa09- =~ o/os/z01s 2/11/2019 angsie caRTER BANK & 7 92112015 36150 36.50 4200-03t0z0~5408- =~ 8/05/2019 6/20/2018 002337 casKie angurcs 34128 Eriess 531.31 e100-o21060-2006— 8/0s/2019 6/19/2019 00237 CAsKIE GRAPHICS $4144 Sorte Rollie fioocozioge-soee. | >> 4/05/2029 9/05/2019 090129 CASTIGNOOD BESC 4 FOR LIFE 2019 6,036.82 6,016.82 ¢100-032030-5606- =~ 2/05/2029 7/28/2019 003438 CASTLEWOOD MATE JULY 20:9 3,000.60, 3,000.69 ¢100-aa029-8025- =~ 3000-69, 3o00%80 + 4/05/2013 7/03/2019 04617 cece susTESS 0 07052019 72/08 272.0 ¢g0-a72020-500- == 972/08, e210 + 4/05/2018 7/03/2019 oo4aso crvmas coRzoRAT 40252276: Gelsy Zel92 auo0-a4a020-2000- =~ 8/05/2039 3/03/2039 Doaaso CINTAS CORPORAT 4029127510 is 45129 4ioo-cesoaa-soca- ‘8/05/2013 7/93/2019 Doaas0 CINTAS CoRPORAT ¢025177835, 253.13, 283119 t1oo-oeagge-so0e- |

2705/2013 7/03/2019 Ooadso critas CoRPORAT 4023177506 betel igela2 ‘iso-oeacae-acoe- >> 9/05/2019 3/03/2029 Doaaso CENTAS CORPOAAT 4925127585 7636 7434 s100coazoz0cz008- «> 8/03/2019 7/31/2018 dosas0 Civtas convoRaT 2025615020 sais Ge19% a100-tazoz0-a008- i 2/05/2019 7/11/2019 Ooadso CINTAS CORPORAT ao2seis0a¢ 253119 283/19 aioo-pasoao-aeoe- > o/os/2019 3/11/2019 Go4dso CINTAS CORDORAT aoaseisi5¢ 4529 45.23 $100~043020-3008- == B/os/2o1s 7/11/2019 04450 CrNtaS CoRvORAT 202s61515¢ 67.23 69123 dioe-casezo-aoga. = b/os/20is 7/21/2019 oodaso Citas coRsoRAT 4025615207 150122, 190/22 Gioo-oazoa0-3008- 2 > 8/05/20i8 7/15/2019 cosaso cunrans conronat s02se40252 yeerd falas az0qcospz0s008. 2 6/08/2018 4/29/2019 oosaso CNTAS CORFORAT 4020820052 Ss 39133 Hienveasceoeaooa: 2 8/08/2019 7/02/2019 oo4aso ciwzas ComsomAT 57/05/2019 7/08/2019 Opes Cinzas ConeoRAr 4025380150 Salis 6:16 <200-ca30z0-3008- > 8/05/2019 7/22/2019 oosss0 CINTAS CORZORAT 4025316066 5y.23 S7l23 Gogecsone-soce Syos/zois 7/25/2019 ooaeso Crvtas CoRFomAT 4025603617 i323 Goi Goe-eesoae-2008- = 2/06/2033 7/25/2019 ooaaso CINTAS CORFORAT 4026603657 66.52 e151 stea-casozn-aoe- 5/08/2013 7/25/2019 ooaaso crivras CoRzoRar 4025603672 2ssl68 28869 Giag-oeaoao-a008- 2 8/05/2039 7/25/2019 Doaaso Citas CoAPOAAT 4026603876, 358122 is0122 iog-ce3aac-so08- >> 8/08/3038 7/25/2019 doaas0 ciwtas CORPORAT 4026603895 67.33 67.23 sloowgeaoa0-aons- | 705/209 1/29/2019 boadso CENTAS CORFORAT 4026799960, lee S2ee Giee-cenozo-so0e- >|

2.092127 2,092.29

9/05/2013 8/08/2019 00014 CLEVELAND LIFE 4 POR LIFE 018 Siois.3a Gi0ag.82 si00-o3g020-ss0e- ~~ 2/95/2019 6/24/2019 003076 Couns aRceIE os24z019 errr 483.44 “4100-o11010~5801- =~ 8/03/2019 6/24/2033 003076 cous ancHrs 96247019 248100 2igloo fieocouioio-ssoe- > b/os/2019 6/24/2019 003076 Couns ARCHIE 9§2€2019 2150 2a’sa Gxo0-a1ipie-ssoe- =

ain win + 8/05/2018 6/26/2019 004227 COMPTON, AIMEE 06262019 fealoe io2’49 “exo0-on20z0-2002- == ts209 is2iaa +

8/08/2018 6/23/2019 002923 cooK Yvoms 06752018 436.00 26109 “too-o220r0-ss0a- ==


DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE ~ GROSS AMT. NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 6/23/2019 002921 COOK YVONNE 06232019 42.80 42. 80 4100-011010-5504- 8/05/2019 6/23/2019 002921 COOK YVONNE 06232019 10.00 10 . 00 4100-011010-5504- 8/05/2019 6/23/2019 002921 COOK YVONNE 06232019 403.00 403 . 00 4100-011010-5501-

881.80 881 . 80 8/05/2019 7/04/2019 004452 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 16982561070419 88.71 88 . 71 4100-031020-5401-

88.71 88 . 71 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 000167 CSX TRANSPORTAT 8375116 1,258.20 1,258.20 4100-043020-8001-

1,258.20 1,258.20 8/05/2019 6/17/2019 004030 CUMMINS CROSSPO R8-7843 384.85 384.85 4100-032050-3005-

384.85 384.85 • 8/05/2019 8/05/2019 000177 DANTE RESCUE SQ 4 FOR LIFE 2019 6,016.82 6,016.82 4100-032030-5606-

6,016.82 6,016.82 • 8/05/2019 7/15/2019 001871 DELPH KELLY MCB 07152019 159.00 159.00 4100-073010-5411-

159.00 159.00 • 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 004334 DEMTECH VOTING 1207 577.50 577.50 4100-013010-3002-

577.50 577.50 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6484 244.97 244.97 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6534 647.98 647.98 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6535 16.00 16.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6568 391.98 391.98 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6692 20.00 20.00 4100-043020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6708 59. 99 59.99 4100-043020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 000193 DISCOUNT TIRE c 6709 61.99 61.99 4100-043020-5408-

1,442.91 1,442.91 8/05/2019 6/14/2019 000196 DIVISION OF MOT 201916500034 65.00 65.00 4100-012090-5401-

65.00 65.00 • 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 000:98 DOMINION OFFICE 108865 15.69 15. 69 4100-012130-5401- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109331 65.46 65 .46 4100-035050-5401- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109427 24.60 24. 60 4100-021020-5401- 8/05/2019 7/09/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109749 107.95 107.95 4100-012010-5401- 8/05/2019 6/18/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109103 348.99 348.99 4100-013010-5401- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109672 54.36 54.36 4100-013010-5401- 8/05/2019 7/09/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109740 245.99 245.99 4100-013010-5401- 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 110135 3.56 3.56 4100-021060-5401- 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 110210 2.43 2.43 4100-032050-5401- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109328 27. 98 27.98 4100-073010-5401- 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109615 8.20 8.20 4100-073010-5401- 8/05/2019 7/08/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109705 69. 06 69. 06 4100-073010-5401- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109329 54. 59 54.59 4100-031020~5401-

8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109330 290.00 290.00 4100-031020-5401- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109860 40.47 40.47 4100-031020-5401- 8/05/2019 7/16/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 110004 64.68 64. 68 4100-031020-5401- 8/05/2019 7/16/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109994 45.04 45. 04 4100-021060-5401- 8/05/2019 7/16/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 109998 107.09 107.09 4100-012090-5401- 8/05/2019 7/23/2019 000198 DOMINION OFFICE 110250 14. 79 14. 79 4100-021060-5401-

1,590.93 1,590.93 8/05/2019 1/07/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-241094 48.32 48. 32 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 2/19/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-24224 56.73 56.73 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 4/16/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-244060 149. 74 149.74 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 4/23/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-244264 66. 68 66.68 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 5/02/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-244605 10. 80 10. 8 0 4100-031020-5408~

8/05/2019 5/24/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-245330 85.44 85.44 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 001445 FISEER AUTO PAR 397-246297 144.60 144.60 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/27 /2019 001445 FISEER AUTO PAR 397-246328 29.01 29.01 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-247121 98.67 98.67 4100-042400-5407-

“tovs-o0seso-ooty Tepsecseotes-oore “gops-oeeteo-oore Teoys-o20ue0-D0T>

TYave-os0se0-000y Ttoss-ozoteo-oore “Toss-oTOELD-DOTS Tyebe-osoee0-00T> Ctove-oseteo-oore Trobe otoeto-00Ty Tyabe-otoeto-o0ty TYovesoeoteo-00ty aereto-0ote

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svorsezie fhoevenye Stoessere Stoereo/e stoe/te/9 ereeueys SrDE/et/s




exee/so/e etoe/so/e etee/save etoe/so/e etoe/s0/e ELDE/s0/¢ etoe/s0/e br0e/s0/e et0e/s0/e

sr0z/so/e eeoe/so/e btoe/s0/e 6r08/s0/2 e208/s0/8 S207/S0/8 rogysa/e s108/50/8 Stoz/so/e Stoe/s0/e erbe/s0/8 br0e/s0/8 et0e/s0/e et0e/30/8 Stoe/so/ etoe/s0/e etoe/s0/8 et08/s0/2 108/807

e102/s0/8 e10z/so/e 102/50/8

Gt0e/s0/8 e10g/s0/8

S108/80/8 Graz/s/2 $102/50/8 exoe/so/e stoe/so/e ex02/s0/e er0z/so/e eroe/so/e et0z/so/e e102/s0/a 6102/50/8 S20e/s0/8


DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS AMT. NET AMOt;""NT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-247228 126.32 126.32 4100-042400-5413- 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 402-490461 48.15 48 .15 4100-042400-5413- 8/05/2019 7/30/2019 001445 FISHER AUTO PAR 397-247259 8.00 8.00 4100-042400-5408-

872.46 872.46 • 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 000235 FLOWER COUNTRY 0562491 50.00 50. 0 0 4100-011010-5413-

50.00 50.00 • 8/05/2019 5/22/2019 003310 FREEDOM FORD 44365 904.96 904.96 4100-031020-5408-

904.96 904.96 • 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 001009 GALE GROUP 67380982 2,850.00 2,850.00 4100-073010-5411-

2,850.00 2,850.00 8/05/2019 6/12/2019 000854 GALL’S, LLC 12950048 10. 25 10 .25 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 6/17/2019 000854 GALL’S, LLC 12987565 55.00 55. 0 0 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 6/18/2019 000854 GALL’S, LLC 12995378 13 .50 13.50 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000854 GALL’S, LLC 13055937 127. 00 127.00 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 000854 GALL’S, LLC 13110842 104.50 104.50 4100-031020-5409-

310.25 310.25 8/05/2019 7/13/2019 004418 GILMER, ELLEN 07132019 150.00 150.00 4100-072030-3009-

150.00 150.00 8/05/2019 7 /22/2019 001862 GREAT A.1\1ERICA L 25200622 263.22 263.22 4100-012100-3006-

263 .22 263.22 8/05/2019 7 /11/2019 004575 HALE, BILLY R, 07112019 125.00 125.00 4100-011010-3002- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 004575 HALE, BILLY R, 07112019 15.00 15.00 4100-011010-5501-

140.00 140.00 • 8/05/2019 7/13/2019 004163 HAMILTON, AMY 07132019 165.00 165.00 4100-072030-3009-

165.00 165.00 • 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 004619 HELBERT, JE!:-i"NIF 07182019 395.00 395.00 4100-022010-5415- 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 004619 HELBERT, JENNIF 07182019 3 72. 0 0 372.00 4100-022010-5415- 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 004619 HELBERT, JENN IF 07182019 57. 6 0 57. 60 4100-022010-5415-

824.60 824.60 • 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 003859 HESS DONNA 06262019 192.00 192.00 4100-013020-3002-

192.00 192.00 8/05/2019 7/12/2019 000308 HONAKER TIRE SE 114988 500.00 500.00 4100-042400-5408-

500.00 500.00 • 8/05/2019 6/12/2019 000314 HUFFMAN’S TIRE 06122019 176.99 176.99 4100-031020-5408-

176.99 176.99 8/05/2019 4/05/2019 004593 INLAND CONSTRUC 1905 34,560.00 34,560.00 4100-094010-8031-

34,560.00 34,560.00 8/05/2019 5/23/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 1979 675.00 675.00 4100-094010-7056- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 003866 I?<"NOVATIVE TECH 1985 935.00 935.00 4100-094010-7056- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2012 3,100.00 3,100.00 4100-012300-3002- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2013 75.00 75.00 4100-072010-3004- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2016 525.00 525.00 4100-035010-5401- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2019 7 5. 0 0 75.00 4100-013020-3002- 8/05/20:.9 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2030 112.50 112.50 4100-071040-5407- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2031 75. 00 75.00 4100-071040-5407- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 INNOVATIVE TECH 2039 150.00 150.00 4100-012300-3002- 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003866 I!:'NOVATIVE TECH 2045 37 .50 37 .SO 4100-022010-5415-

5,760.00 5,760.00 8/05/2019 6/30/2019 004164 INTERACTIVEGIS, 5837 2,999.00 2,999.00 4100-012090-5401-

2,999.00 2,999.00 • 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 001381 KAP CO 1380552 71.92 71.92 4100-073010-5401-

71.92 71.92 8/05/2019 6/10/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 35540 16.00 16.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 35563 15.00 15.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 35575 140.89 140.89 4100-031020-5408-

pose 7/21/2019

rd £/08/2013 5/08/2028

eyos/2ons e/os/201s 8/05/2018

2/05/2029 2/08/3029 8/08/2039 8/08/2038 8/08/2035

2/05/2038 5/05/2029

sfes/2019 9708/2039,


2705/2019 8/05/2088 5/08/2019

ayos/2019 afos/2ots 9/05/2039 syos/2018

8/05/2038 70s/2013 8705/2039 8/05/2013 byo8/2013 2/05/2019 5/08/2028 5/08/2013 byos/a0as 6/08/2013

8/08/2018 a/0s/2039 4/05/2039

8/05/2038 8/08/2028

7723/2005 17/28/2033, 7730/2013,

s/2aj20i8 5/22/2019 syozy20is 6/12/2018 e/t7/3045 S/te/z019 6/28/2029 3702/2018 a33/2038 3422/2039

aaaj20as ayaa


ayn9/2029 18/2013 qyi8/2013

s/26/2018 ahaiaois s/ra/20n9 4/05/2019

5/23/2038 6/20/2029 o¢2e/2033 3/26/2038 1/36/2038 1726/2039 1/28/2033, 7/26/2033, 1738/2019 7125/2033,

6/30/2018 sy19/2038

5/10/2029 6/26/2019 3703/2038


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1373 3oua Bore 2090 208s

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onDee200 macs nose jo Mer aNoUNT G/L ncoomer poe 126-37 Tees a200-0e2000-St32- etd ‘Bells aioo-oszeod-saig~ ons ovaias « 0100 50.00 s100-0i1010~se1s- - 50.00 50.00 * 308 36 s04l96 s100-o31020-se08- = 2,850.00 2,880100 “s1o0-o7901-se11- =~ 20.25 “70125 “exo0-o31020-se09- =~ 55.00 58.00 Gi00-csioz0-sans- > 33150 1350 <2o0-assozo-sa0s- >= 227100, w27ao 4200-031020-sa03- 2 Soalse ios1so 4100-03a0z0-se09- 350/00, 250109 "4100-072030-3008- fsoloe 150100 263122 Bea + 140.00 240.00 + Lesl00 Uesing “st00-o72020-3009- - 168100, Lesi0e + 395.00 3s8l00 “stoo-o22010-se1s– 332100 322/00 atoo-oz2010-sers- 2 > Bye. 57160 S200-022010~seis- == 552100, 152169 “4200-023020-9002- ~~ 500-00 300108 “€200-042400-5408- = 500709, 500109 + Tre’s3 rs139 + 34,580.00 34,560.00 4100-ca¢o20-0031- ~ “678.00, "eng.00 4i00-094020-7056-— $33.00 $38.00 4100-0s8010-7056- 3,100-09 3,100°80 4100-012300-3002- > 75109 38.00 dioe-e7zoze-ao00 = £28109, 525100 ei00-as0u0-seon- >> 75.00 78.00 4100-072040-Sa07- == ao109 380100 ¢100-0izs00-3002- == 32180 ‘7’so aoo-ozzono-sas 5,760.00, 5.760100 * 2!999 "00, 21958100 <1eo-onzaso-seox- = 31338.00 21399100 + creer 7192 tela 2600 “sro0-032020-8408- = 140189, 240/89 eLoocoaioze-seos. >>


DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS Ai"!T. NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 35577 20.00 20 - 0 0 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 35580 20.00 20.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 35583 10. 0 0 10.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/21/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 3 658 0 16 - 0 0 16.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 000353 KEGLEY SERVICE 36592 15. 00 15.00 4100-031020-5408-

252.89 252.89 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 003245 KENDALL ELECTRI S108111609. OOl 613.97 613.97 4100-043020-5407-

  1. 97 613.97 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 002142 KESTNER MAX 1338 489 .02 489.02 4100-094010-7056-

489 .02 489.02 • 8/05/2019 8/05/2019 004615 KEY WESTER.<."! LLC lST INSTALLMENT 22,500.00 22,500.00 4100-094010-8027-

22,500.00 22,500.00 • 8/05/2019 5/31/2019 003842 L & G EXHAUST 05312019 7 5. 00 75. 00 4100-043020-5408-

75.00 75.00 8/05/2019 7/23/2019 004546 !.JEAF 9675040 95.52 95.52 4100-073010-3002-

95.52 95.52 8/05/2019 6/17/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 06172019 5.15 5 .15 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/04/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314403 15 .33 15.33 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/04/2019 000367 LEB.Ai.\TON BLOCK & 314404 10 .39 10. 39 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/04/2019 000367 LEBANO)l’ BLOCK & 314453 10.14 10.14 4100-043020-3008- 8/05/2019 6/04/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314465 11.94 11.94 4100-071040-5407- 8/05/2019 6/06/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314771 15.95 15. 95 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/06/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314787 7.35 7.35 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/06/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314891 20.78- 28.78- 4100-042400-5407-

CASH DISCOUNT: 8 .00 8/05/2019 6/07/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314983 22. 93 22. 93 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/20::.9 6/07/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315074 1.05 1.05 4100-073010-5407- 8/05/2019 6/10/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315269 71.53 71.53 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/10/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315273 11.85 11. 85 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315454 22 .39 22.39 4100-072020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315488 499 . so 499.50 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315554 3l8 .24 318.24 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/11/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315581 ll. 60 11.60 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/12/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315670 24.40 24.40 4100-043020-3004- 8/05/2019 6/13/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315888 11.49 11.49 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/13/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315933 19.25 19.25 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/13/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315934 4.97 4.97 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/14/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316112 5.84 5.84 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/17 /2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316383 27.35 27. 35 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/17/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316416 1.99 1.99 4100-022010-5415- 8/05/2019 6/18/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316557 189.00 189.00 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/18/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316666 30. 77 30.77 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316725 8.85 8.85 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316904 8.96 8.96 4100-071040-5407- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316919 12. 65 12.65 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 317004 8.55 8.55 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 317008 11.24 11.24 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 000367 LEB.Ai."ION BLOCK & 317031 6 .24 6.24 4100-071040-5407- 8/05/2019 6/21/2019 000367 LEBAi.'ilON BLOCK & 317129 33.28 33.28 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 317656 30.69 30.69 4100-043020-3004- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 317898 18 .49 18.49 4100-043020-3004- 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 317966 15.50 15.50 4100-071040-5407- 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 318072 ll6 .ll 116.11 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/07/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314970 1 5 . 39 5 .39 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 6/07/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314972 1 1.99 1.99 4100-031020-5409-

aposa 7/31/2028 |A/P CASH REQUIRENENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY #001 FuND#sn00 moe 5

DOE DAZE nyv.onge vexon voce gues __snoss ao. NET anower g/t, xccommr 2.0.8 ‘3/05/2015 “1/03/2013 0033 YEGIBY SERVICE $5577 20.00 20.00 si00-asn020-ss0e- == 7os/2019 7/03/2013 000353 reGuay SeRvice 35320 20.00 2ol0a auogosanz0-sae) = 8/05/2019 1/03/2018 000353 xaGuEY SBRVICE 35583, ioleo 40.00 ¢100-032020-ss08- >= 8/03/2018 6/21/2019 cousss xaciay Sunvice 36530 yeloo 2elee Glagosaose-sane. 2/05/2019 6/24/2019 000389 EEGLEY SuRVICE 36592 35100 25199 eigo-aazez0-seos- >> 282189 252188» syos/2o1s 7/02/2019 003245 xENDALL ELECTRI s108112609.002 G1a.97 €13157 “4190-oe30n0-se07- 623/87 513157 8/05/2018 6/28/2018 002142 KESTNER waX 1338 Seo.02 fea.c2 s100-0seo10-7056- == 6/05/2019 6/05/2019 004618 KEY WESTERN LLC 16T INSTALLMENT 22,500.00 22,800100 4100-09a0u0-8027- =~ o7os/20is 5/31/2019 003942 L & G OUST o5312019 580 35.00 <100-0a3020-s40a- =~ 33000 isla + eyos/z0i9 7/23/2019 ooases uEar 9675080 95.52 36.82 sLoc-o72020-2002- =~ 55.82 Ssis2 + 2/05/2028 6/17/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 06272019 3015 501s 4z00-062020-5007- = 8705/2039 6/04/2019 090367 LEBANON BLOCK © 324409 35.33 3533 S200-cazano-sao7- > 3/08/2018 6/05/2013 000367 LEBANON BLOCK @ 313302 3033 ols sion-oazsoncsan7- 2 8/03/2023 6/04/2019 O00367 LeBaNON BLOCK & 314453 aoa inlae Gape-caseze-sons) > 8/05/2038 6/05/2039 000367 LEBANON BLOCK @ 318365 uals $2134 Sieocaziosecsao7- 2 3/05/2018 6/06/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK @ 314772 35135 35198 Woo-easoansao7- I 2/08/2013 6/06/2029 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 314767 738 7138 4i00-043020-sa07- > 3705/2013 6/06/2018 C0036) LEBANON BLOCK & 31489 2038- 28098. eigaccazdoasaon” 2 2/08/2019 6/07/2018 000367 LRRANON SLOCK & 314983 22.99 22.93 4200-043020-s407- – 4705/2019 6/07/2018 000367 LenaWoN Suocx & 315074 {les fies Guoo-evaora-seov- 2/05/2019 6/10/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 315269 crest TEES Gioacocacaansuoy =| S/os/a0as &/10/3033 ease? LARANON BLOCK © 238273 iiss ILeb Sioocoazecocseo?” >= S/os/2oi8 6/11/2019 couse LEBANON BLOCK © 3ises¢ 2339 2253 aipo-o7a0z0-seo?- = byos/20a8 6/11/2019 coo3e? LEBANON BLOCK 315400 458.50 s59180 aiop-ocaago-ear- > £/0s/2018 6/11/2019 e006? LEBANON BLOCK © 315s Estey $1.24 dLoo-osaso0-seo7- > byos/201s 6/12/2019 ooa3¢? LiemaaoN BLOcK © 318501 ELleo files Gioc-casoze-sagy) = 8/05/2019 §/12/2019 cee? LEBANON BLOCK © 315670 2alao Beco GLee-eaanag-aeq- = b/0s/2013 6/13/2019 oo0ae7 LEBANON BLOcK & s1see8 ites Giles aieocossoze-sao7- 2 T 8/08/2028 6/13/2019 ogo3G? LEBANON BLOCK & 315933 Frets 35128 dion-easceecsapy. 2 5/06/2089 6/13/2019 900387 LEBANON BLOCK © 315998 pec (37 Goo-odaozo-seers 2] 2/05/2029 6/14/2019 bo0a67 LEBANON BLOCK © Stelle sibs Sia dieo-ogsoz0-ss07- 2] 8/08/2039 6/17/2019 090367 LeDaNON Brock & 316363 2338 29135 Gaeaceasoaasae) 8/05/2038 6/37/2013 000367 LEBANON BLOCK @ 316236 138 1133 ioa-aazone-sazs- 48/05/2039 6/0/2019 000367 LeBANON BLOCK © 316557 303/08 aeslea Gae-o¢adae-seor | 3/05/2039 6/18/2059 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © Sasge6 30.7 ‘e.17 eaea-ocsoae-sao7- = 5/08/2013 6/19/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 316725 pen 218s an0dcosz0z0-s407- => /as/2033¢/20/2019 000367 Lesaon BLOCK & 316904 3136 eis azoo-evoea-seo7. 2/05/3033 6/20/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 319939 2258 12168 Gioo-oaagzansuay- 2 | 5/05/2013 6/20/2018 oo0s67 LEBANON BLOCK & 317008 3188 S155 sion-oesez0-seor- | 705/209 6/20/2019 oo0367 LenawoN succx © 317008 alae aElz4 alpocoapaoossea7) > 2/08/3019 6/20/2013 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 317091 ‘63a Gla dieo-ovioao-seor) | Byos/2oi9 6/21/2019 oo0367 tamawoN BLocx © 317129 33.28 38128 SLoocoasn20csa07- > G/os/2018 $/25/2019 coaae? LanaNou aLocK © 317656 Beles Boles dzoc-casoze-sona- = 6/08/2019 6/26/2019 00036? LEBANON BUOGK © 317898 ieee {eles Ghoocoazoz0-9002- S/os/z0is ¢/27/2019 oa03G? LesnaoM BuocK © 317360 35180 Gs1s0 siencozaoancsso7- > b/0s/2018 $/21/2019 ooese? UesnoN BLocK © 310072 prrarty aig] Gioo-ocaeao-seers SL 8/08/2018 6/07/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK © 314570 a 5.39 3139 Coo-osa0z0-sa09- >> 6705/2013 6/07/2019 oeoae? LEBANON BLOCK © 314972 a 233 5153 Hoososaezo-se0s. ST


DUE DATE I:t-.iV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS AMT. NET AMOUNT G[L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 6/13/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 315914 1 14. 83 14.83 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 000367 LEBA…~ON BLOCK & 318627 1 19.90 19.90 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 318920 1 .34 .34 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 6/06/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 314891. 28.78 28.78 4100-042400-5407- 8/05/2019 6/06/2019 000367 LEBANON BLOCK & 3148910 20.78- 20.78- 4100-042400-5407-

1,650.63 1,642.63 • 8.00

8/05/2019 8/05/2019 000373 LEBANON LIFE SA 4 FOR LIFE 6,016.82 6,016.82 4100-032030-5606- 6,016.82 6,016.82

8/05/2019 5/28/2019 004051 LEONARD AUTO MOT 05282019 250.00 250.00 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/05/2019 004051 LEONARD AUTOMOT 06052019 125.00 125. 00 4100-031020-5408-

375.00 375.00 8/05/2019 7/13/2019 004621 LESTER, MEGAN 07132019 30.00 30.00 4100-072030-3009-

30.00 3 0. 0 0 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 004037 LIBRARY IDEAS 68362 1,641.00 1,641.00 4100-073010-5411-

1,641.00 1,641.00 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 003374 MCMASTER-CARR s 99367836 14.58 14. 58 4100-043020-5407-

14.58 14. 58 8/05/2019 5/29/2019 003481 MEADE TRACTOR 05292019 so .50 50.50 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 5/31/2019 003481 MEADE TRACTOR 10499887 156.79 156.79 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 003481 MEADE TRACTOR 10539675 51. 98 51.98 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 003481 MEADE TRACTOR 10542194 23.73 23. 73 4100-043020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/22/2019 003481 MEADE TRACTOR 10563799 142 .54 142. 54 4100-043020-5407-

  1. 54 425.54 8/05/2019 7/13/2019 004145 MILLER, CYNTHIA 07132019 60. 0 0 60. 00 4100-072030-3009-

60.00 60.00 • 8/05/2019 9/28/2018 000430 MODERN CHEVROLE 2242 322.07 322.07 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 5/08/2018 000430 MODERN CHEVROLE 25 75.68 75.68 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 4/22/2019 000430 MODERN CHEVROLE 5225 519.03 519.03 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/10/2019 000430 MODERN CHEVROLE 5968 106.25 106.25 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 000430 MODERN CHEVROLE 6145 92. 82 92. 82 4100-031020-5408-

1,115.85 1,115.85 • 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003474 MONK HARRY J 06242019 368.30 368.30 4100-011010-5501- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003474 MONK HARRY J 06242019 127. 02 127. 02 4100-011010-5501- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003474 MONK HARRY J 06242019 213.00 213.00 4100-011010-5504- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 003474 MONK HARRY J 06242019 31.05 31. 05 4100-011010-5504-

739.37 739.37 • 8/05/2019 6/05/2019 003399 MOODY SPRINKLER 75295 594.00 594.00 4100-043020-5407-

594.00 594.00 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 000432 MORGA."J MCCLURE 253972 537.72 537 . 72 4100-031020-5408-

537.72 537 .72 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 003105 MOUNTAIN MATERI 241362 112.85 112 .SS 4100-071040-5407-

112.85 112. 85 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 003339 MULLINS MINDY 07182019 392.50 392.50 4100-022010-5415- 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 003339 MULLINS MINDY 07182019 372.00 372.00 4100-022010-5415- 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 003339 MUL~INS MINDY 07182019 53.56 53.56 4100-022010-5415-

818.06 818.06 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 003862 MY ALARM CENTER 12527299 621.60 621.60 4100-073010-3002-

621.60 621. 6 0 • 8/05/2019 5/10/2019 004511 NATIONAL TEST S 42493 177.50 177.50 4100-022010-5415-

177.50 177.50 • 8/05/2019 8/05/2019 000460 NEW GARDEN RESC 4 FOR LIFE 2019 6,016.82 6,016.82 4100-032030-5606-

6,016.82 6,016.82 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 002181 NORFOLK SOUTHER 0090990188 240.00 240.00 4100-043020-8001-

240.00 240.00 •

  • 09:08 == -soas-oeozeo-oore” Ee-2t0’9 = -stvs-otoeeo-oore” decker betes 1 Soete == <stes-otozzo-oor0" 55-08 21 Tvslotogee-aeves oo’2ue I Leppecorogeoccot os-eee a Seer bles == -govs-azeteo-oory” et-uEs seors-orveva-cork 00’bee = -soss-otorto-oote” S0:ae 2 Tyose-ororto-oory o0-ene 1 Neescovotto-aore se-eve Seer r = -e0xs-o207¢0-o0ry” ee"e8 I Novecseoreo-o0s G2-a0r

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DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR ~ ~ GROSS AMT. NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 7 /18/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-312443 45.91 45.91 4100-042400-5408- 8/05/2019 4/16/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-239484. 27. l3 27.13 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 5/17/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-302636 23.87 23.87 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 5/22/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-303400. 3.99 3.99 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/03/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-305582 8.98 8.98 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/04/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-305637 3.99 3.99 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/04/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-305749 63.99 63.99 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/23/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-306574 73.98 73.98 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 003123 0 'REILLY AUTO p 1943-309404 27.99 27 .99 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 003123 O’REILLY AUTO p 1943-309712 168.84 168.84 4100-031020-5408-

448.67 448.67 • 8/05/2019 4/29/2019 003041 OVERDRIVE INC 01572C01907 9773 741.92 741.92 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 5/14/2019 003041 OVERDRIVE INC 01572DA19092590 92.48 92.48 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 5/07/2019 003041 OVERDRIVE INC 1572DA19087668 47 .99 47.99 4100-073010-5411-

882.39 882.39 8/05/2019 9/27/2018 001996 OWENS FUNERAL s 976 800.00 800.00 4100-053010-6001-

800.00 800.00 8/05/2019 7/30/2019 004620 PENNSYLVANIA DE KENNEL LICENSE 25. 0 0 25.00 4100-035010-5401-

  1. 00 25. 0 0 • 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 000494 PITNEY 30WES IN 1013411767 99. 0 0 99. 0 0 4100-021060-5201-

99.00 99 - 0 0 8/05/2019 7/15/2019 004595 POINT BROADBAND 2689834 253.07 253.07 4100-083050-5203-

253.07 253.07 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 002691 PORTER CUBA 07112019 125. 00 125. 00 4100-011010-3002- 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 002691 PORTER CUBA 0711.2019 19.00 19.00 4100-011010-5501-

144.00 144.00 8/05/2019 7/26/2019 003016 Pt;"RCHASE POWER 07262019 541.39 541.39 4100-021060-5201-

541.39 541.39 • 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 004571 R.E. MICHEL COM 27347900 3 9 - 2 0 39 .20 4100-094010-7056- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 004571 R.E. MICHEL COM 13939300 32.06 32. 06 4100-031020-3005- 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 004571 R.E. MICHEL COM 17070400 11.21 11.21 4100-031020-3005-

82.47 82.47 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 004581 RFC COMPANY 213-5100749327 12. 50 12 .50 4100-043020-3004- 8/05/2019 6/25/2019 004581 RFC COMPANY 213-Sl00749327. 12 .50 12 .50 4100-031020-3005-

25.00 25.00 8/05/2019 6/28/2019 000548 RHEA MICKEY 1943-309341 13 - 98 13.98 4100-034010-5408-

13 .98 13.98 • 8/05/2019 6/12/2019 004520 RICHLANDS FARM 06112019 41. 0 0 41. 0 0 4100-071040-5407-

41.00 41. 0 0 8/05/2019 7/22/2019 003947 RICHLANDS MOBIL 163441 59.85 59.85 4100-043020-5407-

59.85 59. 85 8/05/2019 6/21/2019 002812 RICOH AMERICAS 5056956602 68. 34 68 .34 4100-073010-3002- 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 002812 RICOH AMERICAS 5057156472 147.85 147 .85 4100-012010-3005-

216.19 216 .19 8/05/2019 7 /12/2019 004404 RIVI STAS SUBS CR 9482 253.77 253.77 4100-073010-5411- 8/05/2019 7 /12/2019 004404 RIVI STAS SUBS CR 9483 2,081.43 2,081.43 4100-073010-5411-

2,335.20 2,335.20 • 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 003933 ROGERS GROUP, I 0111013385 310.10 310.10 4100-042400-5413-

310.10 310.10 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 000663 RUSSELL COUNTY AUGUST 2019 47,244.22 47,244.22 4100-095010-9130- 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 000663 RUSSEL:::., COU"'NTY BOS07252019 7,888.20 7,888.20 4100-095010-9130-

55,132.42 55,132.42 8/05/2019 7/03/2019 000594 SAM’S CLUB/GECR 918400659345 1 53. 90 53.90 4100-031020-5409- 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000594 SA.“:!’ S CLUB/GECR 06192019 65. 92 65. 92 4100-043020-5405- 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000594 SA:”!’ S CLUB/GECR 06192019 33.92 33.92 4100-043020-5405-

poco 7/31/2019

bus 8/08/2038 8705/2039 3/05/2033 8703/2023 8/08/2038 3705/2029, 8/05/2033, 8/03/2019 2708/2019 8/08/2038

9/05/2019 eyos/201s 2/08/2015 o7os/2019 ef0s/20.s afos/2029 2/05/2029

3/08/2028 9708/2039

8/05/2023 8/03/2019 2/25/2019, 5/08/2013

s70s/20.s 6/08/2033

o705/2028 of0s/20r8 8/05/2029

2/05/2038 9705/2038

5/05/2028 8/05/2019


eyos/20is By0s/2038

e/os/20as 5/08/2029 5/08/2013

a7ie/2008 apne/zois 5/27/2003 5/22/2019 6/03/2033 /0e/2039 6/08/2038 5/23/2023 6/26/2039 3703/2038

4/29/2033 s/isy2is 5/07/2019 sy27/aone aisopaes 5/20/2028 vyas/2018

ayanjz0rs ayaa 2013

1/26/2039 yoa/zoas 6/25/2023 6/27/2033

6/25/2039 5/25/2039,

6/28/2019 s/1z/2018 s/22/2018

e/2u/20.s 3738/2019

a/a2/20a9 syiay20as


1/29/2038 1725/2033

ayo3/2013 6/28/2019 e/is/20a3

503329, bosias 003223 bosias 603123, 603823

3083, coasae covery








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Foxp#s300 PAGE 7 aos aur. __ NEY amour g/t accom out 233 23133 daoocasaezo-saoe. > pen 3159 Goo-osa0z0-sene- >> aise 193 s0-s1020-sa08- > 3:33 3139 Gioa-osz0z0-sa08- >> 3.38 63.58 si00-d31020-ss08- = 2159 27195 aio0-0aie20-seos- pried 260186 $100-031020-5408- Sania 543192 “sto0-oraa1e-saaa-~ = - 2959 S399 aioe-o7sona-sann- — 22139 aaaias + 800.00 800700 + 25:09, 25100 s:00-0s5010-seox- =~ 53.00 $9.00 4200-o21080-sz01- =~ 39:90 59.40 + 263/07, 263/07 + sloe 125100 “s1av-1s0x0-3002- == 19.00 te.00 Giaanoazoao-ssor- || 14460 1aalo0 + Erie) Sar 39 + 39.20 33.20 $100-09¢020-7056- == inal Ana, Sioe-eaioze-se0s- >> 12150 G2’so Sinocosaoze-ae0s- >> ialse “saoo-casoro-saas- =~ 42laa “snoo-o7z0e0-s807- == pra $5188 s2e0-cazoz0-sa07- =~ Gale ese0-e72020-200a- =~ ser as airias fog-o1a0ig-3008- 2 353.77 255.77 4100-o79020-s4n1- =~ 2,082.83 2 delay sloo-o7se1e-s4ia- > creas 320119 4100-o62400-5413— 7)868.20 7,888.20 4200-088010-8130- =~ 53.90 “4380 “exo0-oaroz0-seos- =~ f5.92 65.32 =


DUE DATE I1’.:V.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS AMT. NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000594 SAM’S CLUB/G:SCR 06192019 57.96 57.96 4100-012010-5401- 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000594 SAM’S CLUB/GECR 06192019 59. 92 59.92 4100-043020-5405-

271.62 271. 62 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 004017 SCOTT, HERBERT 06242019 157.76 157 . 76 4100-011010-5501- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 004017 SCOTT, HERBERT 06242019 395.56 395 . 56 4100-011010-5501- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 004017 SCOTT, HERBERT 06242019 213.00 213 .00 4100-011010-5504- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 004017 SCOTT, HERBERT 06242019 40. 8 0 40. 8 0 4100-011010-5504-

807.12 807.12 8/05/2019 7/22/2019 003380 SHENTEL 07222019 99 .31 99. 31 4100-035050-5413-

99 .31 99 .31 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 001809 SHIELDS ELECTRO BP193225 145.28 145 .28 4100-012300-7002-

145.28 145.28 • 8/05/2019 7/11/2019 003228 SIGMA CONSULTIN 84604 150. 00 150. 00 4100-035050-7006-

150.00 150.00 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 001941 SOUTHERN SOFTWA 243592 4,743.00 4,743.00 4100-032050-3005-

4,743.00 4,743.00 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 004491 STRATEGIC SOLUT 3220668 55.00 55.00 4100-073010-3002-

SS. 00 55.00 8/05/2019 7 /11/2019 003825 STUART ELIZABET 07112019 125.00 125. 00 4100-011010-3002- 8/0S/2019 7 /11/2019 003825 STUART ELIZ.ABET 07112019 9.00 9.00 4100-011010-5501-

134.00 134.00 • 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 004601 THE HOME DEPOT 499800126 1,050.96 1,050.96 4100-043020-5407- 8/05/2019 7/22/2019 004601 THE F.OME DEPOT 503096042 411.31 411.31 4100-043020-5405- 8/05/2019 7/29/2019 004601 THE HOME DEPOT S04251034 364.32 364.32 4100-043020-5405-

1,826.59 1,826.59 8/05/2019 8/16/2019 000366 THE LEBANON NEW 08162019 34.00 34. 00 4100-012010-5401- 8/05/2019 8/27/2019 000366 THE LEBA."l"ON NEW 08272019 34.00 34.00 4100-012130-5401- 8/05/2019 6/05/2019 000366 THE LEBANON NEW 131682 64.20 64.20 4100-031020-3002-

132.20 132.20 8/05/2019 6/07/2019 000384 THE LIBRARY COR 2019090159 500.00 500.00 4100-073010-3002-

500.00 500.00 8/05/2019 7/18/2019 000977 TOP LINE ADVERT 7478 140.00 140. 00 4100-031020-5410- 8/05/2019 6/20/2019 000977 TOP LINE ADVERT 7443 183.00 183.00 4100-022010-5415-

323.00 323.00 • 8/05/2019 5/29/2019 002736 TRACTOR SUPPLY 784902 799.99 799.99 4100-031020-5408-

799.99 799.99 • 8/05/2019 8/04/2019 001079 TREASURER OF VI LV201904 202.27 202.27 4100-034010-5401-

202.27 202.27 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 002133 TREASURER OF VI 07022019 40.00 40.00 4100-035030-3001-

40.00 40.00 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 003598 TREASURER OF VI LODA-20-55183 68,106.23 68,106.23 4100-099000-1012-

68,106.23 68,106.23 8/05/2019 7/10/2019 004359 TRUCKPRO HOLD IN 254-0130842 199.37 199.37 4100-042400-5408- 8/05/2019 7/24/2019 004359 TRUCKPRO HOLDIN 254-0131593 27.66 27.66 4100-042400-5407-

227.03 227.03 • 8/05/2019 6/17/2019 000706 TWO WAY RADIO I 313056 77.70 77.70 4100-031020-7003- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 000706 TWO WAY RADIO I 80000025 684.00 684.00 4100-031020-7003- 8/05/2019 7/01/2019 000706 TWO WAY RADIO I 80000026 65.00 65. 00 4100-031020-7003-

826.70 826.70 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 002814 ULINE 110607236 512.50 512.50 4100-042400-5413-

512.50 512.50 • 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 000733 VACORP 64239 55,215.00 55,215.00 4100-043020-5305- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 000733 VACORP 64239 55,193.00 55,193.00 4100-043020-5308- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 000733 VACORP 64240 31,791.25 31,791.25 4100-099000-1013- 8/05/2019 7/19/2019 000733 VACORP 64780 540.00 540.00 4100-043020-5305-

142,739.25 142,739.25 •

peso 7/31/2029

"3/05/2013 9708/2019 s70s/2019 8/03/2013, 8705/2019, 9708/3013 o/os/2019 9/05/2019 e/os/201s eros/2ons 8/05/2018

8/05/2039 9/05/2019,

9/08/2013 2705/2019, 9708/2019, 2/05/2019 £708/2013 by08/2015 eyos/20.s

oos/z01s 6/08/2013

syos/20r9 efos/2039 afos/a0is sfos/2ais

e/05/201 Byos/2nas

eyos/20is Syos/z0r9 8705/2029


8/05/2038 8/08/2039 8705/2039 3708/2038

7/13/2035 Do0sS4 GANS CLUSTER Saws CL0e/Gaca

5/13/2038 000588 6/24/2039 008019 /24/2028 coaois 6/24/2039 ooaot> 6/24/2033 008017 ‘7/23/2038 003360 6/27/2039 003909 qyray2oas 003228 ryea/aeis 003962 7/02/2019 o0aasi

vyaa/20es 003625 syiaya0ns 003825

1/91/2039 ooas0. 7/22/2039 ooaso 1/28/2038 003601 9/18/2039 000366 8/21/2033 oooses 6/03/2033 ab0366 6/01/2018 00038

z/xa/2019 000977 6/20/2019 000377

s/2s/2ois 002736 eyoa/2o19 001079 vo2/20n9 002132 aoa/2o1s 903598

7/10/2033 o0asss Tyae20i8 006359

6/27/2018 000706 Syoayaeis aoazae Jyoaaeas aoavee

sy1s/201s o02en4

6/24/2018 000733 6/24/2019 900733 6/20/2038 900733 Seas/a0i 900783




srcla CoNsuLTIN












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157.76 157.6 "a190-o11010-s802-—-

395.56 3esise u00-o21e10-s802-

233108 213!00 Gioe-oiuo20-se0e—

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2,080.96 2,050.86 4t00-043¢a0-se07- =~ 36.32 Beals Giop-aeagae—seos-

2,825.59 3,896159 +

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2166 27166 4igo-oazs00csa07) > ar 72.70 4200-033020-7003- ~~ 936-70, 936.70 ¥

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55,293.90 $5,199.00 ai0o-caaga0-saga. = “Heo00 Eeoloe teo-oeaea0-s208-

142,739.25 242, 798128 +


DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS A.~T. NET At."!OUNT G/L ACCOUNT P.O.# 8/05/2019 7/08/2019 003553 VDFP 90396 600.00 600.00 4100-043020-3009-

600.00 600.00 8/05/2019 7/23/2019 002029 VERIZON 07232019 52.46 52.46 4100-071040-5101-

52 .46 52.46 8/05/2019 7/02/2019 003115 VIRGINIA ELECTR 2981370-IN 211.30 211.30 4100-043020-5407-

211.30 211.30 • 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 000758 WALLACE FURNITU 126377 9.36 9 . 36 4100-072010-5407-

9.36 9.36 • 8/05/2019 7/25/2019 003510 WAYNE MUSICK 5872 389.60 389.60 4100-043020-5408-

389.60 389.60 • 8/05/2019 7/24/2019 003033 W:>lOLESALE SUPPL 578271 13 8. 83 138.83 4100-094010-7056-

13 8. 83 138.83 8/05/2019 7/24/2019 001448 WILLIAMS RANDY 07242019 225.00 225.00 4100-012090-5401-

225.00 225.00 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 004405 WORLDWIDE EQUIP 26173936 47.54 47.54 4100-042400-5407-

47.54 47.54 8/05/2019 6/06/2019 000219 XPRESS LUBE 06062019 22.99 22.99 4100-031020-5408- 8/05/2019 6/21/2018 000219 XPRESS LUBE 06212019 23.99 23.99 4100-031020-5408-

46.98 46.98 8/05/2019 7/08/2019 002546 YEARY LANNIS 3RD QTR. 2019 1,725.00 1,725.00 4100-032050-5413-

1,725.00 1,725.00 • TOTAL FOR DUE DATE 8/05/2019 439,774.10 439,766.10


TOTAL DUE FOR FUND- 4100 439,774.10 439,766.10 8.00

vos 7/31/2018



DUE DATE mnwv.oATE vexcoR isvorce cuass _cRoss aur mer sour g/t, accom 5/08/2018 7/08/2013 003553 WEE 50396 ‘605.00 Z00-00 8100-089020-3009- 00.00 So0.00 + o/0s/2018 7/23/2019 002028 vEREZON oraszois 246 52146 4100-071040-S101- s2la6 S2las « 9/05/2019 7/02/2019 003128 VIRGENER BLaCTR 2981970-1N 211/30 211/30 “4z00-043020-5407- 21130 ain.3e « 9/05/2019 6/27/2019 000789 WALLACE FURNETY 126377 pet 136 _4200-072010-8407- 9/05/2018 7/25/2019 casio KAMIE MUSICK 5672 303/69 388:60 #100-043020-5408~ e/os/201s 7/24/2019 003023 WOLESALE SUPPL. 576271 138.83 133183 _<100-oss010-7086~ 9/05/2039 7/24/2018 oo14es WILLIAMS RANDY o7242019 225100 335102 “«100-032090-5602- 238.09, 238.00 + 8/05/2038 6/26/2018 008405 woRLDNIDE BQUEP 26173936 ae ‘a7 /s4 _4200-042¢00-5407- 384 arise + 2/05/2018 6/06/2019 n00218 xvRess ose asoszor9 anise 22199 "«xa0-esn020-s4oe- 5/05/3018 6/21/2018 Do021s xpREss woe 0627321 23°99 25 s9 iea-esaeag-seos- 46038 Sega + 3/05/2013 7/08/2018 0uzsae YEARY LANNIS SRD GTR. 2019 2,725:00, 1,725100 _a1ga-032050-5413- 4725.00 1738100 © TOTAL FOR DUE DATE 9/05/2019 425/776130 425/368. TOTAL DUE POR FUND- 4100 329,778.30 438,766.20


DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE 8/05/2019 6/26/2019 000383 MATTHEW BENDER 11847581


CLASS ~G~R~O~S~S~AMT- 531. 07 531.07 531.07 531.07

NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT 531.07 4713-021080-6012- 531.07 * 531.07 531.07


1/05/2038 “6/26/2013 0o0se3 WATINEW SENDER” 11007503

peso 7/31/2029 |A/P CASH REQUIREMENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY 4-001 FOND#E723 pace 10 DOE_DATE DHV.DATE vewDoR nvores cuss ___cxoss ner. NET aNOUNT 6/. AccouNT Bot 550-07 BaL.07 €753-021080-6012- 53007 Sailor + TOTAL FOR DUE DATE 6/05/2019 531.07 531107 TOTAL BUS FoR FOND- 4713, 531107, SaLlor

  • ---------------------·-------~-----------~~- … -,—~,m"“”~'o~-··-· ·-~··~ -----


DUE DATE INV.DATE VENDOR INVOICE CLASS GROSS AMT. NET AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT 8/05/2019 6/27/2019 003374 MCMASTER-CARR S 99001652 365.10 365.10 4839-083990-5407-

365.10 365.10 8/05/2019 6/12/2019 004520 RICHLANDS FARM 06112019 66.23 66.23 4839-083990-5407-

66.23 66.23 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000594 SAM’S CLtJB/GECR 06192019 109.27 109.27 4839-083990-5405- 8/05/2019 6/19/2019 000594 SAM’S CLUB/GECR 06192019 53.19 53.19 4839-083990-5405-

162.46 162.46 8/05/2019 6/13/2019 000758 WALLACE FURN ITU 126299 74 .47 74.47 4839-083990-5407- 8/05/2019 6/17 /2019 000758 WALLACE FURN ITU 126316 51. 63 51. 63 4839-083990-5407- 8/05/2019 6/24/2019 000758 WALLACE FURNITU 126347 127.49 127.49 4839-083990-5407-

253.59 253.59 TOTAL FOR DUE DATE 8/05/2019 847.38 84 7. 3 8 TOTAL DUE FOR FUND- 4839 847.38 847 .38 NON-DIRECT DEPOSIT 441,152.55 441,144.55 DIRECT DEPOSIT • 00 • 00 E-Payable Total • 00 . 00 FINAL DUE 441,152.55 441,144.55



DUE, DATE, WY. peTe_ vewwoR invorcs cuss __oxoss aur. _sr_ayouwr ¢/u accom Bot 5/08/2013 “6/21/2013 003376 NCRAGTER-CHER S 35001652 365.00 Becd0 4959-D8ES90-5407- = 3e5"t0 Beste + e/05/2018 6/12/2019 ooss20 RICHEANDS FARK 96112019 66.23 G6123 a33-ca2990~-s807- == 2/05/2019 6/19/2019 o90sse srM’s CLUB/oHER 06192019 308127 108127 “4a9-o8ssg0-se0s– 8/08/2018 6/18/2018 oo0sss saw’s CLUS/Gece O6i92018 33.13 E5119 f39-d0a590-sa05. | 2/05/2039 6/13/2018 000750 waLince FURNKTU 126299 ee yea? 4929-083990-sa07- =~ S/os/z0n8 6/17/2019 0o07Se watiace FoRNrTU 126326 Sale Elles asas-ossssocsaor) 2] 8705/2023 6/24/2019 000750 waLiAcS FORNzTU 126347 Peart) az7la49a5-08a990-s007- > 253183 253189 * TOIL FoR DUE DATE 0/05/2019 307 38 5738 TTORAL DUE POR FOND- 4633, serae ber ae Digger DEvosi?. oars carr) B-payable Tetal 20 22 FOWL DOE 461 18253 463,164.55


Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors   Action Item 

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM

County Attorney Reports

  1. Courthouse Renovation Resolution

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19

County Attorney Reports

  1. Courthouse Renovation Resolution

Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion. Suggested Motion: Motion Required.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Item C-1 – C-15 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

   Meeting: 8/5/19     6:00 PM 

County Administrator Reports & Requests


  1. 2019 VACo Annual Conference (Nov 10-12, 2019)………………………………….C-1

  2. VAS RC School Energy Performance Project………………………………………C-2

  3. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 629 Cross Pipe Installation…………………C-3

  4. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 624 Bank Stabilization………………………C-4

  5. DEQ Erosion & Sediment Control Program Review………………………………C-5

  6. The Crooked Road: 2019 Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail Activity Report…….C-6


  1. VDOT Revenue Sharing Program Resolution for Rte. 667 (Century Farms Road)……………………………………………………………………………………….C-7

  2. Cumberland Mountain Community Services (CSB) FY20 Performance


  1. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) – Dept. of Criminal Justice ($2,367)…C-9

  2. VDEM Local Emergency Management Planning Grant (LEMPG) ($7,500)…….C-10

  3. FY20 DSS WRAP Services for Children with Disabilities ($12,622)…………….C-11

  4. FY20 DSS Non-Mandated Protected Funds ($31,345)…………………………….C-12

  5. Virginia Brownfields Restoration & Economic Redevelopment Assistance
    Fund Program ($215,000) (Revised Performance Date 3/31/20)…………………C-13

  6. RC School Reversion Funds……………………………………………………………C-14

  7. Travel Request……………………………………………………………………………C-15

  8. Missy Carter – Virginia Drug Court Conference - Roanoke, Va. – 8/4-8/6, 2019

  9. Jess Powers – Chemical Spill Response Training Re-Cert. – 8/5-8/6, 2019

  10. Betsy Summerfield, – National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019

  11. Jess Powers – National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.


Board of Supervisors Action Item C-1 - C-15 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 8/5/19 6:00 PM

County Admi REPORTS

istrator Reports & Requests

  1. 2019 VACo Annual Conference (Nov 10-12, 2019)…

  2. VAS RC School Energy Performance Project.

  3. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 629 Cross Pipe Installation…

  4. VDOT IACM Project Report on Rte. 624 Bank Stabilization.

  5. DEQ Erosion & Sediment Control Program Review.

  6. The Crooked Road: 2019 Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail Activity Report.


  1. VDOT Revenue Sharing Program Resolution for Rte. 667 (Century Farms Road).

  2. Cumberland Mountain Community Services (CSB) FY20 Performance Contract…


  1. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) - Dept. of Criminal Justice ($2,367)…C-9

  2. VDEM Local Emergency Management Planning Grant (LEMPG) ($7,500)…C-10


  1. FY20 DSS WRAP Services for Children with Disabilities ($12,622).

  2. FY20 DSS Non-Mandated Protected Funds ($31,345)… C12

  3. Virginia Brownfields Restoration & Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund Program ($215,000) (Revised Performance Date 3/31/20).

14, RC School Reversion Funds.


  1. Travel Request. C5

Missy Carter — Virginia Drug Court Conference - Roanoke, Va. - 8/4-8/6, 2019 Jess Powers — Chemical Spill Response Training Re-Cert. — 8/5-8/6, 2019 Betsy Summerfield, — National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019 Jess Powers — National Emergency Management Inst. - 8/18-8/23, 2019


STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.


2019 VACo Annual Conference

November 10-12, 2019

The Omni Homestead in Bath County

2019 VACo Annual Conference

November 10-12, 2019

The Omni Homestead in Bath County

Join us for our premier event on November 10-12

Dear VACo Members,

We are pleased to release the room reservation form for the 2019 VACo Annual Conference on November 10-12 at The Omni Homestead in Bath County. If you are new to the room reservation process, please take a moment to review the VACo Lodging Policy adopted by the VACo Board of Directors.

The Omni Homestead requests that reservations are made by fax or mail only. No phone call reservations will be accepted.

Reservations will be confirmed by email.

If you have questions about room reservations, contact Carol Cameron at [email protected] or at 804.343.2507. The list of alternative lodging options is available on our Annual Conference webpage.

The conference registration form will be available in mid-August.


• General Sessions featuring elected officials, local leaders and policy/government experts discussing and analyzing issues

• Breakout Sessions designed to educate and enlighten

• Exhibit Hall featuring companies and organizations showcasing products and services unique to the needs of county government

• A special hands-on workshop

• VACo’s Annual Business Meeting where the Legislative Program is adopted and the Board of Directors is elected for the upcoming year

• Steering Committee Meetings

• Multiple team-building and networking opportunities

• And Much More

Important Links

• Click here for The Omni Homestead room reservation form

• Click here for a list of alternative lodging options

Join us for our premier event on November 10-12

Dear VACo Members,

We are pleased to release the room reservation form for the 2019 VACo Annual Conference on November 10-12 at The Omni Homestead in Bath County. If you are new to the room reservation process, please take a moment to review the VACo Lodging Policy adopted by the VACo Board of Directors.

The Omni Homestead requests that reservations are made by fax or mail only. No phone call reservations will be accepted.

Reservations will be confirmed by email.

If you have questions about room reservations, contact Carol Cameron at [email protected] or at 804.343.2507. The list of alternative lodging options is available on our Annual Conference webpage.

The conference registration form will be available in mid-August. 85TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE INCLUDES

  • General Sessions featuring elected officials, local leaders and policy/government experts discussing and analyzing issues

  • Breakout Sessions designed to educate and enlighten

  • Exhibit Hall featuring companies and organizations showcasing products and services unique to the needs of county government

  • Asspecial hands-on workshop

  • VACo’s Annual Business Meeting where the Legislative Program is adopted and the Board of Directors is elected for the upcoming year

  • Steering Committee Meetings

  • Multiple team-building and networking opportunities

  • And Much More

Important Links

  • Click here for The Omni Homestead room reservation form

  • Click here for a list of alternative lodging options

From: Greg Montgomery To: Lonzo Lester Cc: Greg Brown; Bailey Sanders Subject: VAS Russell County Schools Project - Servicing Records and Invoice for Quarter Ending 06-30-19 Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:49:48 PM Attachments: VAS Servicing Records Russell Co DSS 19-06-30.pdf

Lonzo – I hope this email finds you well. As per the Administrative Services Agreement with Russell County and Russell County Public Schools, attached please find as relates to the Russell County Schools Project financing through the VA SAVES Green Community Program:

  1. The servicing records for the quarter ending 06/30/19. There was no activity for the quarter. The credit payment in conjunction with the 10/1/18 debt service payment has been filed with the IRS in the amount of $157,976.46 prior to the current sequestration rate of 6.2%. This activity will be reflected on the next quarterly report

Please let us know of any questions, and as always, thanks for your support of the VA SAVES Green Community Program.

W. Gregory Montgomery
Managing Director

1447 South Tryon Street  | Suite 301  | Charlotte, NC 28203 Direct: 704.271.9889 | Mobile: 704.674.7005| Fax: 704.271.9889 Toll Free: 888.271.9378 [email protected];

PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication (including any attachment) may contain confidential or privileged information. The sender does not intend to waive any privilege that may attach to this communication. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to intercept, read, print, retain, copy, forward, or disseminate this communication. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete this communication and all copies.

This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as an offer or a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any investment products or other financial products or services, an official confirmation of any transaction, or an official statement of Sender. Any comments or statements made herein do not necessarily reflect those of CleanSource Capital, LLC or Abundant Power Group, LLC or their subsidiaries and affiliates. CleanSource Capital is the trade name for CleanSource Capital, LLC and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All securities products and services are offered through Piedmont Securities, LLC. This e-mail may be subject to archival, monitoring or review by, and/or disclosure to, someone other than the recipient.

Please consider the environment before printing this email. Thank you.

mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]

Notes to Servicing Records (1) Credit payments acknowledged by IRS & received in Custodial Account. Red indicates not yet rec’d

5,588,478.16$ 266,118.01$ 4.36% (2) Sequestration set for FY9/30/19 at 6.20%

1 2,895,313.31$ 4/17/2017 (3) Before impact of Sequestration 21 10/1/2036 1,920,977.44$

4.60% 223,959.71$



Interest Calculated Calculated

Pmts Date Balance Principal Interest Using the Credit Rate Credit Payment* Date Amount Amount (2) Date Amount

  •                              -                                  *At 70% of Credit Rate

0 4/19/2017 5,588,478.16$

1 10/1/2017 5,365,990.84$ 222,487.32$ 115,681.50$ 109,645.94$ 76,752.16$ 7/27/2017 76,752.16$ 71,456.26$ 9/20/2017 71,456.25$ 6.9%

2 5/21/2018 5,349,932.49$ 16,058.35$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

3 10/1/2018 5,176,161.76$ 173,770.73$ 246,096.89$ 233,257.06$ 163,279.94$ 7/27/2018 163,279.94$ 152,503.46$ 9/4/2018 152,503.46 6.6%

For Servicing Period Ending 06/30/19

Actual Sequestration


Average Principal Payment

Scheduled Debt Payments

Projected Credit Payment Remaining (3)

Actual Credit Payment Received by Russell into

Custody Account

Projected Credit Payment

Recv’d by Russell in Custody


*Lesser of interest or calc CP


Payments/Year Total Payments

QECB Credit Payment Calculation

Total Interest Maturity


Amount of Credit Payment Submitted to

IRS on Form 8038-CP*

Actual Credit Payment Received

Virginia Resources Authority Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Revenue Bond, (VirginiaSAVES Green Community Program - Russell County Projects) Series 2017 (Direct Pay)

Debt Service Schedule

Applicable Credit Rate

Annual Rate

Published Total Projected Credit Payment (3)

aed scm yet ened RS retin Gat edie eter Tae] SSS esa Ppa Pymen 5 RETEST aT] Tame. sauerrnon sr = Fammeertes| eet STs Tag Fa acre np sasston Tu Paens| —— srg] rare ea me Tusa se cat Pron Renae |S Ta 1s coy Jeg cusses coderaynent [Beit ean a a RR ea | — a TE oJ awn |s _ assuame 1 ner [s—ssesss0at [5 azar [sara [sre Eee ED =n EH a eT

(3) Assigned to Banc of America and payments made directly by Russell County (4) Payments under the Lease are credited against the Note.

Date Pmt # Transaction Amount Principal Interest Balance Date Pmt # Transaction Amount Principal Interest Balance

4/19/2017 Funding 5,588,478.16$ 5,588,478.16$ 4/19/2017 Funding 5,588,478.16$ 5,588,478.16$

10/1/2017 1 Payment 338,168.82$ 222,487.32$ 115,681.50$ 5,365,990.84$ 10/1/2017 1 Payment 338,168.82$ 222,487.32$ 115,681.50$ 5,365,990.84$

5/21/2018 2 Principal 16,058.35$ 16,058.35$ -$ 5,349,932.49$ 5/21/2018 2 Principal 16,058.35$ 16,058.35$ -$ 5,349,932.49$

10/1/2018 3 Payment 419,867.62$ 173,770.73$ 246,096.89$ 5,176,161.76$ 10/1/2018 3 Payment 419,867.62$ 173,770.73$ 246,096.89$ 5,176,161.76$

Actual Debt PaymentsActual Debt Payments

Financing Lease (“Lease”)(1)

Virginia Resources Authority Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Revenue Bond, (VirginiaSAVES Green

Community Program - Russell County Projects) Series 2017 (Direct Pay)

Virginia Resources Authority Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Revenue Bond, (VirginiaSAVES Green

Community Program - Russell County Projects) Series 2017 (Direct Pay)

VRA Bond

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‘Grog Montgomery ‘Lonzo Lester

‘Grog Brown; Balov Sanders

VAS Russell County Schools Project - Servicing Records and Invoice for Quarter Ending 06-30-19 Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:49:48 PM

‘VAS Servicna Records Russell Co DSS 19-06-20 oat

Lonzo ~ | hope this email finds you well. As per the Administrative Services Agreement with Russell County and Russell County Public Schools, attached please find as relates to the Russell County Schools Project financing through the VA SAVES Green Community Program:

  1. The servicing records for the quarter ending 06/30/19. There was no activity for the quarter. The credit payment in conjunction with the 10/1/18 debt service payment has been filed with the IRS in the amount of $157,976.46 prior to the current sequestration rate of 6.2%. This activity will be reflected on the next quarterly report

Please let us know of any questions, and as always, thanks for your support of the VA SAVES Green Community Program,

W. Gregory Montgomery Managing Director

1447 South Tryon Street | Suite 301 | Charlotte, NC 28203 Direct: 704.271.9889 | Mobile: 704.674.7005] Fax: 704.271.9889 Toll Free: 888.271.9378,



PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication (including any attachment) may contain confidential or privileged infomation, The sender doesnot intend to waive any privilege that may atach to this communication you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to intercept, rad, print, retan, copy. forward, or disseminate his communication If you have received this communication in eor, please natty the sender immediately by emai and delete this communication and all copies.

“This communication ifr informational purposes only. Its not intended as an offer oa salctaton forthe purchase or sale of any investment produc or ther rancial products or services, an oficial confirmation of any transaction, or an oficial statement of Sender. Any comments or stlements made herein donot necessary reflect those of CleanSource Capital, LLC ox Abundant Power Group, LLC or their subsidiaries and afiates. CleanSource Capitals the trade name for CleanSource Capit LC and its subsidiaries and aflates. Al secures products and serves are offered

through Piedmont Securit, LLC. This e-mal may be subject o archival, monitoring or review by, andlor disclosure to, someone oer than the recipient.

Please consider the environment before printing this emai. Thankyou.

Notes to Servicing Records (1) Credit payments acknowledged by IRS & received in Custodial Account. Red indicates not yet rec’d

5,588,478.16$ 266,118.01$ 4.36% (2) Sequestration set for FY9/30/19 at 6.20%

1 2,895,313.31$ 4/17/2017 (3) Before impact of Sequestration 21 10/1/2036 1,920,977.44$

4.60% 223,959.71$



Interest Calculated Calculated

Pmts Date Balance Principal Interest Using the Credit Rate Credit Payment* Date Amount Amount (2) Date Amount

  •                              -                                  *At 70% of Credit Rate

0 4/19/2017 5,588,478.16$

1 10/1/2017 5,365,990.84$ 222,487.32$ 115,681.50$ 109,645.94$ 76,752.16$ 7/27/2017 76,752.16$ 71,456.26$ 9/20/2017 71,456.25$ 6.9%

2 5/21/2018 5,349,932.49$ 16,058.35$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

3 10/1/2018 5,176,161.76$ 173,770.73$ 246,096.89$ 233,257.06$ 163,279.94$ 7/27/2018 163,279.94$ 152,503.46$ 9/4/2018 152,503.46 6.6%

For Servicing Period Ending 06/30/19

Actual Sequestration


Average Principal Payment

Scheduled Debt Payments

Projected Credit Payment Remaining (3)

Actual Credit Payment Received by Russell into

Custody Account

Projected Credit Payment

Recv’d by Russell in Custody


*Lesser of interest or calc CP


Payments/Year Total Payments

QECB Credit Payment Calculation

Total Interest Maturity


Amount of Credit Payment Submitted to

IRS on Form 8038-CP*

Actual Credit Payment Received

Virginia Resources Authority Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Revenue Bond, (VirginiaSAVES Green Community Program - Russell County Projects) Series 2017 (Direct Pay)

Debt Service Schedule

Applicable Credit Rate

Annual Rate

Published Total Projected Credit Payment (3)

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Morena tae 79 [i arr Aras aa yea Ravens Sons SAVES Geen Su Po Raa Cun a SAT RPT Perc a Bae scm yet ened RS retin Gat edie eter Tae] SSS esa Ppa Pymen 5 RETEST aT] Tame. sauerrnon sr = Fammeertes| eet STs Tag Fa acre np sasston Tu Paens| —— srg] rare ea me Tusa se cat Pron Renae |S Ta TARR iaakanialanl iad inoonsican rome simi esey nen coen]Aculowstromenecetbynaine [nop] SSR RE Imeretcaaited| cet insanrom anc a "tone Acaun me 1s coy Jeg cusses coderaynent [Beit sn oe aa RR ea | — a TE oJ awn |s _ assuame 1 ner [s—ssesss0at [5 azar [sara [sre Eee ED =n EH a eT S—Hasrmr}s—sinessive] sania | — ramen} — mere} s serge] 7am rr sl “isismae| eos

(3) Assigned to Banc of America and payments made directly by Russell County (4) Payments under the Lease are credited against the Note.

Date Pmt # Transaction Amount Principal Interest Balance Date Pmt # Transaction Amount Principal Interest Balance

4/19/2017 Funding 5,588,478.16$ 5,588,478.16$ 4/19/2017 Funding 5,588,478.16$ 5,588,478.16$

10/1/2017 1 Payment 338,168.82$ 222,487.32$ 115,681.50$ 5,365,990.84$ 10/1/2017 1 Payment 338,168.82$ 222,487.32$ 115,681.50$ 5,365,990.84$

5/21/2018 2 Principal 16,058.35$ 16,058.35$ -$ 5,349,932.49$ 5/21/2018 2 Principal 16,058.35$ 16,058.35$ -$ 5,349,932.49$

10/1/2018 3 Payment 419,867.62$ 173,770.73$ 246,096.89$ 5,176,161.76$ 10/1/2018 3 Payment 419,867.62$ 173,770.73$ 246,096.89$ 5,176,161.76$

Actual Debt PaymentsActual Debt Payments

Financing Lease (“Lease”)(1)

Virginia Resources Authority Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Revenue Bond, (VirginiaSAVES Green

Community Program - Russell County Projects) Series 2017 (Direct Pay)

Virginia Resources Authority Taxable Qualified Energy Conservation Revenue Bond, (VirginiaSAVES Green

Community Program - Russell County Projects) Series 2017 (Direct Pay)

VRA Bond

pret i yy ay

i ea Rar Te SS goo

conmunty Pree sel Cony ees Stes 20 vee Fy

commun Prone ony Pree Sees 21 (ret

ese a

ae a | ra ie

wsspon|__lewtee | ssn se szsnwese| | snapo| [rnane | seanere _ssauen Sova] Teme [seen SR [ SRR |S —ssesssear| | |e] arom —[s—sesesur [naar |S [sss Svs rises —[ 2 — ease s—seomref Senos] [src] — apap —[s— wes [5 — ose [= cons

From: Matthews, John To: [email protected]; Rachel Katsil; Bush Doris vjl23305; Buckingham, Richard; Gina Dicicco; Kristin

Owen Subject: VDOT work in a FEMA Zone A Date: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:45:23 PM

You have recently received notification from the DCR Flood Plains group that VDOT proposes to perform work in a flood plain in your area. This email is notification to you of the work performed and the potential impacts. You will receive a follow up email with a link to download the Joint Permit Application (JPA).

In accordance with 23 CFR 650.103 it is the policy of the FHWA: (g) To be consistent with the intent of the Standards and Criteria of the NFIP (Ref 44 CFR 60) where appropriate.

In 23 CFR 650.115(a)(5) it also states that “The design of encroachments shall be consistent with standards established by the FEMA, State, and local governmental agencies for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program for: (i) All direct Federal highway actions, unless the standards are demonstrably inappropriate, and (ii) Federal-aid highway actions where a regulatory floodway has been designated or where studies are underway to establish a regulatory floodway.”

The 1982 memorandum ‘Procedures for Coordinating Highway Encroachments on Flood Plains with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),’ by the FHWA, and endorsed by FEMA, outlines recommended policies and procedures to achieve a flexible, practical and cost effective approach to work within NFIP flood plains to be consistent with the intent of the program. VDOT procedures and policies are based upon these guidelines.

VDOT design standards for stream crossings meet or exceed the minimum NFIP Requirements for all crossing regardless of presence or absence of a designated Special Flood Hazard Area as defined by 44 CFR 60…

It is VDOT practice to have the hydraulics staff to review all activities submitted for environmental permits for potential impact of these activities to the base flood elevation. In the event that this work consists of repairs or maintenance to a VDOT asset, the review will assess if the proposed actions will maintain or improve the hydraulic capacity of the original condition.

19-4059 Russell County, Route 629 Unnamed trib to Clinch River, FIRM 51185C0303D (02/18/2011) DCR Comment: Emergency repair project to replace a damaged cross pipe. The project includes installation of riprap. (This is an after-the-fact permit and the work has already been completed.) This project is within a mapped special flood hazard area, an A Zone without a defined base flood elevation. VDOT must reach out to the local floodplain administrator for an official floodplain determination. The project must be permitted in compliance with Russell County’s floodplain management ordinance. If a base flood elevation for the site is determined during the project, this information needs to be provided to the county.

VDOT Response: This is an after-the-fact permit for the replacement of a culvert that was damaged during storm

mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Matthews, John

Jonzo [email protected]; Rachel Katsil; Bush Doris vil23906; Buckingham, Richard; Gina Dicicco: Kristin Oven

Subject: VDOT workin a FEMA Zone A

Date: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:48:23 PM

You have recently received notification from the DCR Flood Plains group that VDOT proposes to perform work in a flood plain in your area, This email is notification to you of the work performed and the potential impacts. You will receive a follow up email with a link to download the Joint Permit Application (JPA).

In accordance with 23 CFR 650.103 it is the policy of the FHWA: (g) To be consistent with the intent of the Standards and Criteria of the NFIP (Ref 44 CFR 60) where appropriate.

In 23 CFR 650.115(a)(5) it also states that “The design of encroachments shall be consistent with standards established by the FEMA, State, and local governmental agencies for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program for:

(i) All direct Federal highway actions, unless the standards are demonstrably inappropriate, and

(ii) Federal-aid highway actions where a regulatory floodway has been designated or where studies are underway to establish a regulatory floodway.”

The 1982 memorandum ‘Procedures for Coordinating Highway Encroachments on Flood Plains with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),’ by the FHWA, and endorsed by FEMA, outlines recommended policies and procedures to achieve a flexible, practical and cost effective approach to work within NFIP flood plains to be consistent with the intent of the program. VDOT procedures and policies are based upon these guidelines.

VDOT design standards for stream crossings meet or exceed the minimum NFIP Requirements for all crossing regardless of presence or absence of a designated Special Flood Hazard Area as defined by 44 CFR 60.

It is VDOT practice to have the hydraulics staff to review all activities submitted for environmental permits for potential impact of these activities to the base flood elevation. In the event that this work consists of repairs or maintenance to a VDOT asset, the review will assess if the proposed actions will maintain or improve the hydraulic capacity of the original condition.

(02/18/2011) DCR Comment:

The project includes installation of riprap. (This is an after-the-fact permit and the work has already been completed.) This project is within a mapped special flood hazard area, an A Zone without a defined base flood elevation, VDOT must reach out to the local floodplain administrator for an official floodplain determination. The project must be permitted in compliance with Russell County’s floodplain management ordinance. Ifa base flood elevation for the site is determined during the project, this information needs to be provided to the county.

VDOT Response: This is an after-the-fact permit for the replacement of a culvert that was damaged during storm

event in March 2019. The FEMA map shows that the project falls within a mapped Zone A. The Hydraulic Commentary indicates that no detailed engineering computations were performed, but an assessment of the project concluded that there will be no adverse hydraulic impact. The locality will be provided with a copy of the VDOT JPA for their use.

John H. Matthews, P.E. Senior River Mechanics Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation [email protected] 804-786-4031

mailto:[email protected] event in March 2019. The FEMA map shows that the project falls within a mapped Zone A. The Hydraulic Commentary indicates that no detailed engineering computations were performed, but an assessment of the project concluded that there will be no adverse hydraulic impact. The locality will be provided with a copy of the VDOT JPA for their use.

John H. Matthews, P.E.

Senior River Mechanics Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation John.Matthews@VDOT. 804-786-4031

From: Matthews, John To: [email protected]; Rachel Katsil; Bush Doris vjl23305; Buckingham, Richard; Gina Dicicco; Kristin

Owen Subject: VDOT work in a FEMA Zone A Date: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:37:10 PM

You have recently received notification from the DCR Flood Plains group that VDOT proposes to perform work in a flood plain in your area. This email is notification to you of the work performed and the potential impacts. You will receive a follow up email with a link to download the Joint Permit Application (JPA).

In accordance with 23 CFR 650.103 it is the policy of the FHWA: (g) To be consistent with the intent of the Standards and Criteria of the NFIP (Ref 44 CFR 60) where appropriate.

In 23 CFR 650.115(a)(5) it also states that “The design of encroachments shall be consistent with standards established by the FEMA, State, and local governmental agencies for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program for: (i) All direct Federal highway actions, unless the standards are demonstrably inappropriate, and (ii) Federal-aid highway actions where a regulatory floodway has been designated or where studies are underway to establish a regulatory floodway.”

The 1982 memorandum ‘Procedures for Coordinating Highway Encroachments on Flood Plains with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),’ by the FHWA, and endorsed by FEMA, outlines recommended policies and procedures to achieve a flexible, practical and cost effective approach to work within NFIP flood plains to be consistent with the intent of the program. VDOT procedures and policies are based upon these guidelines.

VDOT design standards for stream crossings meet or exceed the minimum NFIP Requirements for all crossing regardless of presence or absence of a designated Special Flood Hazard Area as defined by 44 CFR 60…

It is VDOT practice to have the hydraulics staff to review all activities submitted for environmental permits for potential impact of these activities to the base flood elevation. In the event that this work consists of repairs or maintenance to a VDOT asset, the review will assess if the proposed actions will maintain or improve the hydraulic capacity of the original condition.

19-4074 Russell County, Route 624 Lewis Creek, FIRM 51167C0115C (09/29/2010) DCR Comment: Streambank stabilization, including installation of riprap. This project is within a mapped special flood hazard area, an A Zone without a defined base flood elevation. VDOT must reach out to the local floodplain administrator for an official floodplain determination. The project must be permitted in compliance with Russell County’s local floodplain ordinance. If a base flood elevation for the site is determined during the project, this information must be provided to the county.

VDOT Response: This is a permit for restoring the shoulder of the roadway adjacent to the stream with Class II Riprap on the slope that will be topped with smaller stone. The FEMA map shows that the project falls within a mapped Zone A. The Hydraulic Commentary indicates that no detailed

mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Matthews, John

Jonzo [email protected]; Rachel Katsil; Bush Doris vil23906; Buckingham, Richard; Gina Dicicco: Kristin Oven

Subject: DOT workin a FEMA Zone A

Date: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:37:10 PM

You have recently received notification from the DCR Flood Plains group that VDOT proposes to perform work in a flood plain in your area, This email is notification to you of the work performed and the potential impacts. You will receive a follow up email with a link to download the Joint Permit Application (JPA).

In accordance with 23 CFR 650.103 it is the policy of the FHWA: (g) To be consistent with the intent of the Standards and Criteria of the NFIP (Ref 44 CFR 60) where appropriate.

In 23 CFR 650.115(a)(5) it also states that “The design of encroachments shall be consistent with standards established by the FEMA, State, and local governmental agencies for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program for:

(i) All direct Federal highway actions, unless the standards are demonstrably inappropriate, and

(ii) Federal-aid highway actions where a regulatory floodway has been designated or where studies are underway to establish a regulatory floodway.”

The 1982 memorandum ‘Procedures for Coordinating Highway Encroachments on Flood Plains with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),’ by the FHWA, and endorsed by FEMA, outlines recommended policies and procedures to achieve a flexible, practical and cost effective approach to work within NFIP flood plains to be consistent with the intent of the program. VDOT procedures and policies are based upon these guidelines.

VDOT design standards for stream crossings meet or exceed the minimum NFIP Requirements for all crossing regardless of presence or absence of a designated Special Flood Hazard Area as defined by 44 CFR 60.

It is VDOT practice to have the hydraulics staff to review all activities submitted for environmental permits for potential impact of these activities to the base flood elevation. In the event that this work consists of repairs or maintenance to a VDOT asset, the review will assess if the proposed actions will maintain or improve the hydraulic capacity of the original condition.

is project is within a mapped special flood hazard area, an A Zone without a defined base flood elevation. VDOT must

reach out to the local floodplain administrator for an official floodplain determination. The project must be permitted in compliance with Russell County’s local floodplain ordinance. Ifa base flood elevation for the site is determined during the project, this information must be provided to the county.

VDOT Response: This is a permit for restoring the shoulder of the roadway adjacent to the stream with Class II Riprap on the slope that will be topped with smaller stone. The FEMA map shows that the

project falls within a mapped Zone A. The Hydraulic Commentary indicates that no detailed

engineering computations were performed, but an assessment of the project concluded that there will be no adverse hydraulic impact. The locality will be provided with a copy of the VDOT JPA for their use.

John H. Matthews, P.E. Senior River Mechanics Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation [email protected] 804-786-4031

mailto:[email protected] engineering computations were performed, but an assessment of the project concluded that there will be no adverse hydraulic impact. The locality will be provided with a copy of the VDOT JPA for their use.

John H. Matthews, P.E. River Mechanics Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation



Street address: 1111 E. Main Street, Suite 1400, Richmond, Virginia 23219 Matthew J. Strickler Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218

Secretary of Natural Resources

Mr. Lonzo Ltster County Administrator 137 Highlands Drive P.O. Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266

July 23, 2019

RE: Russell County - Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Program Review

Dear Mr. Lester:

David K. Paylor Director

(804) 698-4000 1-800-592-5482

In accordance with the requirements of §62.1-44.15 :52(D) of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law and 9V AC25-840-90(B) of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, the State Water Control Board (Board) is required to conduct a review and evaluation of Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Programs (VESCP) in order to ensure that the programs meet the minimum standards of effectiveness in controlling soil erosion, sediment deposition and nonagricultural runoff set forth by the law and regulations. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), on behalf of the Board, will conduct the periodic review of VESCPs. This letter is to notify you that the VESCP review for Russell County will begin in September 2019.

DEQ staff will conduct an assessment of Russell County’s VESCP for consistency with the law and regulations. I will be contacting Russell County’s VESCP administrator in the near future to confirm the date for the assessment and to provide additional information on how to prepare for the review, as well as details related to the Department’s review process. Please contact me at 804-698-4097 or at [email protected] if you or your staff has questions concerning the upcoming review.

Compliance Coordinator, DEQ CO- Office of Water Compliance

Copy to: Mickey Rhea, Russell County Building Official John McCutcheon, Compliance Coordinator, DEQ CO-Office of Water Compliance Kelly Miller, Stormwater Manager, DEQ SWRO

Attachments: VESCP Review Checklists


DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Street address: 1111 E. Main Street, Suite 1400, Richmond, Virginia 23219

Mathew J. Sticker ‘Mailing address: P.O, Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 David K,Paylor ‘Sceretary of Natural Resources: meal (804) 698-4000 1-800-592:5082 July 23, 2019

Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator 137 Highlands Drive P.O. Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266

RE: — Russell County - Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Program Review ‘Dear Mr. Lester:

In accordance with the requirements of §62.1-44.15:52(D) of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law and 9VAC25-840-90(B) of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, the State Water Control Board (Board) is required to conduct a review and evaluation of Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Programs (VESCP) in order to ensure that the programs meet the minimum standards of effectiveness in controlling soil erosion, sediment deposition and nonagricultural runoff set forth by the law and regulations. ‘The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), on behalf of the Board, will conduct the periodic review of VESCPs. This letter is to notify you that the VESCP review for Russell County will begin in September 2019.

DEQ staff will conduct an assessment of Russell County’s VESCP for consistency with the law and regulations. I will be contacting Russell County’s VESCP administrator in the near future to confirm the date for the assessment and to provide additional information on how to prepare for the review, as well as details related to the Department’s review process. Please contact me at 804-698-4097 or at

matthew. stafford@deq. virginia,gov if you or your staff has questions concerning the upcoming review. Sincerely,


Matthew Stafford Compliance Coordinator, DEQ CO - Office of Water Compliance

Copy to: Mickey Rhea, Russell County Building Official John McCutcheon, Compliance Coordinator, DEQ CO — Office of Water Compliance Kelly Miller, Stormwater Manager, DEQ SWRO

Attachments: VESCP Review Checklists

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail

2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities July 2, 2019

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail

2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities July 2, 2019

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage M usic Trail 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localit ies

July 2, 2019

Contact Information Jack Hinshelwood, Executive Director The Crooked Road One Heartwood Circle Abingdon, VA 24210 (540) 239-2110 [email protected]


The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail began in 2004 as a driving t rai l linking several important traditional music venues in Southwest Virginia. Within 18 months, t he linking together and collective marketing of these cu ltural assets enabled The Crooked Road to attract internat ional attention which continues to the present. As a 501 c (3) corporation, The Crooked Road’s miss ion is to support economic development and tourism by ce lebrating and promot ing th e region’s unique heritage music.

Th e Crooked Road has become one of the strongest brands in t he sout heast, bringing substantial posit ive attention to Southwest Virginia as well as visitors that contribute to t he local economy. Based on The Crooked Road’s current economic impact of over $9 million dollars per year, and an organizat iona l budget of approximately $750,000, The Crooked Road initiative now yields more t han a 10:1 return on investment for the region. The positive image of the region cultivated by The Crooked Road stimulates interest among people and businesses seeking a location w ith a strong sense of community that is grounded in a sense of place.

The count ies, cit ies, and towns of Southwest Virginia were key to t he creation of The Crooked Road and have been an essential partner ever since. Th is report is intended to provide the local ities with an overview of the past and current activities of The Crooked Road as well as future opportunities. The organization is well posit ioned to build on past accomplishments, to bu ild long-term sustainabil ity, and to implement the programmatic growth needed to increase The Crooked Road’s economic impact beyond the current $9.1 mill ion per year.

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trai l - 2019 Act ivity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 2 of 6

“ The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail

2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Locali July 2, 2019

Contact Information Jack Hinshelwood, Executive Director The Crooked Road

One Heartwood Circle

Abingdon, VA 24210

(540) 239-2110 [email protected]


The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail began in 2004 as a driving trail linking several important traditional music venues in Southwest Virginia. Within 18 months, the linking together and collective marketing of these cultural assets enabled The Crooked Road to attract international attention which continues to the present. Asa 501 ¢(3) corporation, The Crooked Road’s mission is to support economic development and tourism by celebrating and promoting the region’s unique heritage music.

The Crooked Road has become one of the strongest brands in the southeast, bringing substantial positive attention to Southwest Virginia as well as visitors that contribute to the local economy. Based on The Crooked Road’s current economic impact of over $9 million dollars per year, and an organizational budget of approximately $750,000, The Crooked Road initiative now yields more than a 10:1 return on investment for the region. The positive image of the region cultivated by The Crooked Road stimulates interest among people and businesses seeking a location with a strong sense of community that is grounded in a sense of place.

‘The counties, cities, and towns of Southwest Virginia were key to the creation of The Crooked Road and have been an essential partner ever since. This report is intended to provide the localities with an overview of the past and current activities of The Crooked Road as well as future opportunities, The organization is well positioned to build on past accomplishments, to build long-term sustainability, and to implement the programmatic growth needed to increase The Crooked Road’s economic impact beyond the current $9.1 million per year.

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail ~ 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 2 of 6

Background The Crooked Road was designated as Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail by the Virginia General Assembly in 2004. This 330-mile long driving route in Southwest Virginia connects visitors w it h nine major music venues and over SO affiliated venues and festivals that showcase the region’s incredibly rich heritage music traditions. The Crooked Road is home to some of the greatest names in American music - the Carter Family, the Stanley Brothers, Jim and Jesse McReynolds, and the Stonemans. The historic an d currently vibrant scene of heritage music in the region attracts visitors from across the U.S. and from other countries to experience unique musica l t radit ions that have had a profound impact on American music and the American story.

The Crooked Road is also a S01 c (3) non-profit corporation that supports economic development of Southwest Virginia commun ities by helping them celebrate and promote their unique heritage music assets. The establ ishment of The Crooked Road was the beginning initiative in a highly successful fifteen-year ongoing effort to identify and brand Southwest Virgin ia as a distinct region and internationally known tourism destination. Since its inception, tourism to the region has increased more than 60%. It has also been an important catalyst for subsequent initiatives that together w ith The Crooked Road are key building blocks of the creative economy effort in Southwest Virginia. These include the regiona l artisan network known as 'Round t he Mountain, and the more recent Appalachian Spring, a coordinated effort to deve lop and brand Southwest Virginia as a nationa l outdoor recreation destination.

The Crooked Road continues as one of the most widely known tourism brands for the region and is among the most successful regional brands in Virginia and the southeastern United States. It is not simply a tourism initiative, but is a vital component of the overall economic development strategy in Southwest Virginia that views quality of life initiatives like The Crooked Road as key to the ability to attract businesses as well as draw and retain young people to the area.

As an economic development initiative, The Crooked Road has built programs that now generate $9.1 million per year of economic impact in Southwest Virginia (per March 1, 2016 report by Virginia Tech Office of Economic Development) and support 131 jobs in the hospitality sector (lodging, restaurants) the arts sector (venues and artists) and other re lated sectors. With an organizationa l budget of approximately $7SO,OOO, an economic impact of $9.1 million represents a ROI (return on investment) of more than 10:1.

Th e Crooked Road began with a service area that included 10 counties and 3 cities in Southwest Virginia. In 2009, nine more counties and one city were added to The Crooked Road’s service area. The 19 counties, 4 cities, and over SO towns and communities The Crooked Road currently serves encompass an area almost the size of New Jersey. Localities served by The Crooked Road include the counties of Bland, Buchanan, Carroll, Dickenson, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Grayson, Lee, Montgomery, Patrick, Pulaski, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewel l, Washington, Wise and Wythe and the cities of Bristol, Ga lax, Norton and Radford.

The Crooked Road’s Programs and Services The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail is marked with numerous highway signs that display the widely recognized logo of the organization. The Trai l also features 27 unique wayside exhibits where visitors pull off the highway to learn about the musical heritage and culture in t hat specific community.

Operating from its office in Abingdon, Virginia, The Crooked Road has a staff of two full t ime employees and one part-time employee:

• Jack Hinshelwood - Executive Director •Jonathan Romeo - Program Manager • Debbie Holley- Administrative Assistant (part time)

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trai l - 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Vi rginia Localities Page 3 of 6


The Crooked Road was designated as Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail by the Virginia General Assembly in 2004. This 330-mile long driving route in Southwest Virginia connects visitors with nine major music venues and over 50 affiliated venues and festivals that showcase the region’s incredibly rich heritage music traditions. The Crooked Road is home to some of the greatest names in American music - the Carter Family, the Stanley Brothers, Jim and Jesse McReynolds, and the Stonemans. The historic and currently vibrant scene of heritage music in the region attracts visitors from across the U.S. and from other countries to experience unique musical traditions that have had a profound impact on American music and the American story.

‘The Crooked Road is also a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation that supports economic development of Southwest Virginia communities by helping them celebrate and promote their unique heritage music assets. The establishment of The Crooked Road was the beginning initiative in a highly successful fifteen-year ongoing effort to identify and brand Southwest Virginia as a distinct region and internationally known tourism destination. Since its inception, tourism to the region has increased more than 60%. It has also been an important catalyst for subsequent initiatives that together with The Crooked Road are key building blocks of the creative economy effort in Southwest Virginia. These include the regional artisan network known as ‘Round the Mountain, and the more recent Appalachian Spring, a coordinated effort to develop and brand Southwest Virginia asa national outdoor recreation destination.

‘The Crooked Road continues as one of the most widely known tourism brands for the region and is among the most successful regional brands in Virginia and the southeastern United States. It is not simply a tourism initiative, but is a vital component of the overall economic development strategy in Southwest Virginia that views quality of life initiatives like The Crooked Road as key to the ability to attract businesses as well as draw and retain young people to the area.

‘As an economic development initiative, The Crooked Road has built programs that now generate $9.1 million per year of economic impact in Southwest Virginia (per March 1, 2016 report by Virginia Tech Office of Economic Development) and support 131 jobs in the hospitality sector (lodging, restaurants) the arts sector (venues and artists) and other related sectors. With an organizational budget of approximately $750,000, an economic impact of $9.1 million represents a ROI (return on investment) of more than 10:1.

‘The Crooked Road began with a service area that included 10 counties and 3 cities in Southwest Virginia. In 2009, nine more counties and one city were added to The Crooked Road’s service area. The 19 counties, 4 cities, and over 50 towns and communities The Crooked Road currently serves encompass an area almost the size of New Jersey. Localities served by The Crooked Road include the counties of Bland, Buchanan, Carroll, Dickenson, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Grayson, Lee, Montgomery, Patrick, Pulaski, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise and Wythe and the cities of Bristol, Galax, Norton and Radford.

The Crooked Road’s Programs and Services

‘The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail is marked with numerous highway signs that display the widely recognized logo of the organization. The Trail also features 27 unique wayside exhibits where visitors pull off the highway to learn about the musical heritage and culture in that specific community.

Operating from its office in Abingdon, Virginia, The Crooked Road has a staff of two full time employees and one part-time employee:

‘Jack Hinshelwood - Executive Director

  • Jonathan Romeo - Program Manager
  • Debbie Holley ~ Administrative Assistant (part time)

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail ~ 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 3 of 6

The Crooked Road’s activities currently fa ll within the fo llowing four main areas:

  1. Marketing the heritage music assets (venues, artists, and history) of the communities in Southwest Virginia
  2. A Traditional Music Education Program including nine after-school programs, educational publications, monthly youth music concerts, an annual youth music festival , school performances, a roster of artists qualified to present traditional music programs in schools, teacher t raining workshops, and community col lege re-cert ification courses in bringing tradit iona l music into the classroom
  3. Presentation of heritage music through recordings and videos of the region’s artists, The Crooked Road On Tour - a touring program of exemplary Crooked Road artists, and a nine-day signature event every June entitled The Crooked Road’s Mountains of Music Homecoming with over 90 concerts and cu ltural events in SO commun ities
  4. Maintenance and development ofThe Crooked Road highway signs and wayside exhibits

The accomplishments of The Crooked Road include t he following:

• Establishment of a highly visible and recognizable brand that generates substantial tourism business for Southwest Virginia

• Deve lopment of a system of 27 wayside exhibits along t he Trail to highlight each community’s unique musical history

• Publi cation of “A Guide to Th e Crooked Road,” a book about the region’s musica l histo ry and attractions

• The Mountains of Music Homecoming, an annual nine-day signature event showcasing the music and cultura l assets of all the communities in Southwest Virginia

• Managing The Crooked Road On Tour program, presenting exemplary Crooked Road artists in other states and across Virginia

• East coast and west coast tours by Crooked Road artists in partnership with t he National Council for the Traditional Arts

• Development of nine after-school programs for youth t o learn music from accomplished traditional music artists

• Presentation of monthly youth music concerts

• Presentation of an annual youth music festival • Pub lication of educationa l materia ls such as “Traditiona l Music in t he Classroom - A Teachers Gu ide” • Development of a roster of artists qualified to present school programs on t raditional music

• Presentation of in-school concerts by exemplary heritage music performers

• Development of a teacher re-certification course for the community college system • Training youth in event management

• Teacher tra ining in bringing traditional music into t he classroom

• Visitor Gu ide published every 18-24 months (100,000 copies) • Recordings of heritage music from the region (10 CDs to date)

• Highway signage that marks the 330-mile tra il

• Website th at connects people worldwide with the region’s heritage music, artists and venues • Production of high-quality heritage music videos to promote the region’s music

• Collaborative programs and concerts with regiona l partners (Wayne Henderson School of Appalachian Arts, Wi lliam King Regiona l Museum, Barter Theatre, Virginia Tech, Emory & Henry College, Southwest Virginia Community College, public school systems, and many others)

• Working as a strategic partner with Virgin ia Tourism Corporation to enhance Th e Crooked Road and the Virginia Is For Lovers brands. Crooked Road has been t he lead organization in Virginia Tourism’s engagement with the International Bluegrass Music Association’s annua l conference and trade show in Raleigh with over 200,000 attendees

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail - 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 4 of 6

‘The Crooked Road’s activities currently fall within the following four main areas:

  1. Marketing the heritage music assets (venues, artists, and history) of the communities in Southwest

Education Program including nine after-school programs, educational publications, monthly youth music concerts, an annual youth music festival, schoo! performances, a roster of artists qualified to present traditional music programs in schools, teacher training workshops, and community college re-certification courses in bringing traditional music into the classroom

  1. Presentation of heritage music through recordings and videos of the region’s artists, The Crooked Road On Tour -a touring program of exemplary Crooked Road artists, and a nine-day signature event every June entitled The Crooked Road’s Mountains of Music Homecoming with over 90 concerts and cultural events in 50 communities

  2. Maintenance and development of The Crooked Road highway signs and wayside exhibits

‘The accomplishments of The Crooked Road include the following:

‘© Establishment of a highly visible and recognizable brand that generates substantial tourism business for Southwest Virginia

© Development of a system of 27 wayside exhibits along the Trail to highlight each community’s unique musical history

‘© Publication of “A Guide to The Crooked Road,” a book about the region’s musical history and attractions

‘© The Mountains of Music Homecoming, an annual nine-day signature event showcasing the music and cultural assets of all the communities in Southwest Virginia

© Managing The Crooked Road On Tour program, presenting exemplary Crooked Road artists in other states, and across Virginia

© East coast and west coast tours by Crooked Road artists in partnership with the National Council for the Traditional Arts

© Development of nine after-school programs for youth to learn music from accomplished traditional music artists

© Presentation of monthly youth music concerts

  • Presentation of an annual youth music festival

  • Publication of educational materials such as “Traditional Music in the Classroom ~ A Teachers Guide” Development of a roster of artists qualified to present school programs on traditional music Presentation of in-school concerts by exemplary heritage music performers Development of a teacher re-certification course for the community college system

‘* Training youth in event management

‘© Teacher training in bringing traditional music into the classroom

  • Visitor Guide published every 18-24 months (100,000 copies)

‘* Recordings of heritage music from the region (10 CDs to date)

© Highway signage that marks the 330-mile trail

‘* Website that connects people worldwide with the region’s heritage music, artists and venues

‘* Production of high-quality heritage music videos to promote the region’s music

‘© Collaborative programs and concerts with regional partners (Wayne Henderson School of Appalachian Arts, William King Regional Museum, Barter Theatre, Virginia Tech, Emory & Henry College, Southwest Virginia Community College, public school systems, and many others)

© Working as a strategic partner with Virginia Tourism Corporation to enhance The Crooked Road and the Virginia ls For Lovers brands. Crooked Road has been the lead organization in Virginia Tourismn’s ‘engagement with the International Bluegrass Music Association’s annual conference and trade show in Raleigh with over 200,000 attendees

‘The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail ~ 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 4 of 6

• Positive coverage of the region’s music and culture in national and internat ional media outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Smithson ian Magazine, National Geographic, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Huffington Post, Forbes, Lonely Planet, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Toronto Star, NPR, British Airways, the Guardian (UK), Die Welt (Germany) and John Deere’s national publication, The Furrow

• Representing the region at re levant conferences and festiva ls • Special events presentat ions such as The Crooked Road Fidd le Army and host ing foreign artists

Financial Stewardship In its early years, The Crooked Road was almost exclusively dependent on public funding from localities and the state. The local governments in th e region provide annua l financial support to the Crooked Road and have done so every year since the initiative began in 2004. As part of its strategic planning over the last several years, The Crooked Road has very deliberat ely expanded the number and types of its revenue sources to maximize the financial stabili ty of t he organization and to responsibly leverage the public funding it receives. Th is has meant expand ing beyond public funding into revenue from products and services, individual donors, corporat ions, crowdfunding, private fou ndations and other sources. One of the best examples of leveraging is the private sector investment in The Crooked Road through the Mountains of Music Homecoming. This event, which has raised the profile of the region as a unique destination, has attracted over $500,000 of private sect or investment between 2015 and 2018. The Crooked Road wi ll continue to engage with all of these sources to help maintain and grow the organization and its services for t he benefit of Southwest Virginia. Th ese sources demonstrate The Crooked Road’s commitment to make the most effective use of the public funds entrusted to the organization.

Future Vision The Crooked Road has become one of Southwest Virginia’s strongest brands, presenting a very positive image of the region th at attracts international acclaim. It has become a source of pride and identity for t he area’s residents. It has also helped in bringing about the designation of Southwest Virginia as a distinct tourism region by t he Virginia Tourism Corporat ion. The opportunities to cont inue growing the positive impacts of The Crooked Road on the region are substantial.

Looking t o t he future, The Crooked Road’s goa l is to fully serve its expanded region, to leverage other funding, and to increase its economic impact through new programs and services such as:

• Promoting the region in the numerous major metropolitan areas within a 300-mile radius of Southwest Virginia (Cincinnati, Nashville, Atlanta, Charlotte, Washington DC, and Baltimore)

• Expanding the signature Mountains of Music Homecoming event to expand the outdoor sector involvement, and to bring more visito rs to the region

• Providing training for youth in new areas such as event management, arts organization management and cultural asset development. The Mountains of Music Homecoming event is one of the platforms for t his training

• Developing new after-school tradit ional music education programs in over 40 additional communit ies • Providing business growth and assistance opportun it ies for t he Major Venues ofThe Crooked Road. As

the primary attraction of The Crooked Road, t heir vitality is critical to the overall success of the organization and its mission

• Providing artists with assistance in marketing, educational and business opportun it ies

• Expanding the scope of The Crooked Road On Tour program to take t he region’s artists across the US and to foreign countries

• Developing Crooked Road wayside exhibits in the nine additional counties that were not involved in The Crooked Road until 2009

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail - 2019 Activity Repor t to Southwest Vi rginia Loca lities Page 5 of 6

© Positive coverage of the region’s music and culture in national and international media outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Smithsonian Magazine, National Geographic, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Huffington Post, Forbes, Lonely Planet, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Toronto Star, NPR, British Airways, the Guardian (UK), Die Welt (Germany) and John Deere’s national publication, The Furrow

‘© Representing the region at relevant conferences and festivals

‘© Special events presentations such as The Crooked Road Fiddle Army and hosting foreign artists

Financial Stewardship

In its early years, The Crooked Road was almost exclusively dependent on public funding from localities and the state. The local governments in the region provide annual financial support to the Crooked Road and have done so every year since the initiative began in 2004. As part of its strategic planning over the last several years, The Crooked Road has very deliberately expanded the number and types of its revenue sources to maximize the financial stability of the organization and to responsibly leverage the public funding it receives. This has meant expanding beyond public funding into revenue from products and services, individual donors, corporations, crowdfunding, private foundations and other sources. One of the best examples of leveraging is the private sector investment in The Crooked Road through the Mountains of Music Homecoming. This event, which has raised the profile of the region as a unique destination, has attracted over $500,000 of private sector investment between 2015 and 2018. The Crooked Road will continue to engage with all of these sources to help maintain and grow the organization and its services for the benefit of Southwest Virginia. These sources demonstrate The Crooked Road’s commitment to make the most effective use of the public funds entrusted to the organization

Future Vision

‘The Crooked Road has become one of Southwest Virginia’s strongest brands, presenting a very positive image of the region that attracts international acclaim. It has become a source of pride and identity for the area’s residents. It has also helped in bringing about the designation of Southwest Virginia as a distinct tourism region by the Virginia Tourism Corporation. The opportunities to continue growing the positive impacts of The Crooked Road on the region are substantial.

Looking to the future, The Crooked Road’s goal is to fully serve its expanded region, to leverage other funding, and to increase its economic impact through new programs and services such as:

‘+ Promoting the region in the numerous major metropolitan areas within a 300-mile radius of Southwest Virginia (Cincinnati, Nashville, Atlanta, Charlotte, Washington DC, and Baltimore)

‘¢ Expanding the signature Mountains of Music Homecoming event to expand the outdoor sector involvement, and to bring more visitors to the region

‘© Providing training for youth in new areas such as event management, arts organization management and cultural asset development. The Mountains of Music Homecoming event is one of the platforms for this training

© Developing new after-school traditional music education programs in over 40 additional communities

  • Providing business growth and assistance opportunities for the Major Venues of The Crooked Road. As the primary attraction of The Crooked Road, their vitality is critical to the overall success of the organization and its mission

© Providing artists with assistance in marketing, educational and business opportunities

© Expanding the scope of The Crooked Road On Tour program to take the region’s artists across the US and to foreign countries

© Developing Crooked Road wayside exhibits in the nine additional counties that were not involved in The Crooked Road until 2009

The Crooked Road: Virg! 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 5 of 6

ia’s Heritage Music Trail

• Enhancing The Crooked Road brand through a sophisticated merchandising strategy that also increases revenue for the organ ization

• Creating new audio and video products, including a double CD of the historic and current fiddle music of The Crooked Road

• A Crooked Road Traditional Music School where students interested in Crooked Road music styles learn from a faculty of accomplished Crooked Road art ists

These numerous opportunities make clear the immense potential for The Crooked Road to increase its benefit to Southwest Virginia and to increase the initiative’s economic impact well beyond the achievements to date.

The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail - 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 6 of 6

ing strategy that also increases

  • Enhancing The Crooked Road brand through a sophisticated merchandi revenue for the organization © Creating new audio and video products, including a double CD of the historic and current fiddle music of

‘The Crooked Road © A Crooked Road Traditional Music School where students interested in Crooked Road music styles learn

from a faculty of accomplished Crooked Road artists

‘These numerous opportunities make clear the immense potential for The Crooked Road to increase its benefit to Southwest Virginia and to increase the initiative’s economic impact well beyond the achievements to date.

‘The Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trall ~ 2019 Activity Report to Southwest Virginia Localities Page 6 of 6

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Harry Ferguson Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011


At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors held on

August 5th, 2019, on a motion by _______________, seconded by _______________, the following resolution was adopted by a vote of ___ to ___:

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors desires to submit an application

for an allocation of funds of up to $194,709 (Coal Severance Funds) through the Virginia Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2021-22, Revenue Sharing Program; and,

WHEREAS, $194,709 of these funds are requested to fund Rte. 667 (Century Farms Road) Widening Reconstruction, from Rte. 747 to Rte. 668; and,

WHEREAS: The Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby supports this

application for an allocation of $194,709 through the Virginia Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2021-22 Revenue Sharing Program.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County

of Russell, hereby commits to fund its local share of preliminary engineering, right-of-way and construction (as applicable) of the project(s) under agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation in accordance with the project financial document(s).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator is authorized to

execute all agreements and/or addendums for any approved projects with the Virginia Department of Transportation.

ADOPTED this 5th day of August 2019.


Lonzo Lester, County Administrator

Russell County Virginia

“The Heart of Southwest Vi ia” Harry Ferguson Carl Rhea At-Large District 3 Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 4 District 6 District 4 Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator


Ata regularly scheduled meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors held on August 5", 2019, on a motion by___, seconded by , the following resolution was adopted bya vote of to:

WHEREAS, the Russell County Board of Supervisors desires to submit an application for an allocation of funds of up to $194,709 (Coal Severance Funds) through the Virginia Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2021-22, Revenue Sharing Program; and,

WHEREAS, $194,709 of these funds are requested to fund Rte. 667 (Century Farms Road) Widening Reconstruction, from Rte. 747 to Rte. 668; and,

WHEREAS: The Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby supports. this application for an allocation of $194,709 through the Virginia Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2021-22 Revenue Sharing Program.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Russell, hereby commits to fund its local share of preliminary engineering, right-of-way and construction (as applicable) of the project(s) under agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation in accordance with the project financial document(s).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator is authorized to execute all agreements and/or addendums for any approved projects with the Virginia Department of Transportation.

ADOPTED this 5" day of August 2019. A COPY ATTEST

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell Co Rt 667 Road Widening 19-Jun-19

Project Length ~ 1050 ft Excavated width = 5 ft Embankment Height = 20 ft

Volume = 3,888.89 Add 10% - slope transition and to daylight other curves near landfill 4,300.00 CY

Assumptions % Material to haul to disposal site 100% Round trip to disposal site 0.5 hours Volume of material excavated per day 110 CY

Duration: Excavation 39 days Haul Operations 39 days

Tree Removal (Assume 1 week) Laborer / Flagger 23 3 40 2,760 Skilled Laborer 23 2 40 1,840 Foreman 30 1 40 1,200 Skid Steer 45 1 40 1,800 Chipper 20 1 40 800 Excavator 70 1 40 2,800 Tandem Trucks 75 2 80 12,000 Low Boy 100 1 8 800


Landfill Tipping Fees 5,000

Excavation Laborer / Flagger 23 3 312 21,528 Foremant 30 1 312 9,360 Laborer 23 2 312 14,352 Skid Steer 45 1 312 14,040 Loader 55 1 312 17,160 Excavator 70 1 312 21,840 Excavator & Hammer 80 1 312 24,960 Tandem Trucks 75 3 312 70,200 Low Boy 100 1 16 1,600 Environmental Controls 10,000

Russell Co Rt 667 Road Widening


Project Length ~ 1050 ft Excavated width sft Embankment Height = 20 ft

Volume = 3,888.89 4,300.00 CY


% Material to haul to disposal site

Round trip to disposal site

Volume of material excavated per day

Duration: Excavation Haul Operations

Tree Removal (Assume 1 week)

Laborer / Flagger 23 Skilled Laborer 23 Foreman 30 Skid Steer 45 Chipper 20 Excavator 70 Tandem Trucks 75 Low Boy 100

Landfill Tipping Fees

Excavation Laborer / Flagger 23 Foremant 30 Laborer 23 Skid Steer 45 Loader 55 Excavator 70 Excavator & Hammer 80 Tandem Trucks 5 Low Boy 100

Environmental Controls

100% 0.5 hours 110 cy

40 40 40 40 40 40 80

312 312 312 312 312 312 312 312


2,760 1,840 1,200 1,800

800 2,800 12,000 800


9,360 14,352 14,040 17,160 21,840 24,960 70,200

1,600 10,000

‘Add 10% - slope transition and to daylight other curves near landfill




Drain Pipe Installation

Laborer / Flagger 23 3 8 552 Foreman 30 1 8 240 Excavator & Hammer 80 1 8 640 Laborer 23 2 8 368 Skid Steer 45 1 8 360 Pipe 800


Ditch & Pave Additional Road Width (4’) Base stone 9 265 2385 Rip Rap 14 120 1680 Tandem Trucks 75 4 16 4800 Roller 62 8 8 3968 Flaggers / Laborer 23 5 20 2300 Grader 75 1 16 1200 Low Boy 100 1 8 800 Milling (for tie-in) 6 250 1500 Base Mix 80 150 12000 Pavement Overlay 90 290 26100 Lay Asphalt 35 340 11900 Low Boy 100 1 8 800


Fencing 10,000

Subtotal 316,433

Engineering / Admin 5,000 Environmental Review 5,000 Construction Monitoring 15,520 Contingency 47,465

TOTAL 389,418

Drain Pipe Installation

Laborer / Flagger 23 3 Foreman 30 1 Excavator & Hammer 80 1 Laborer 23 2 Skid Steer 45 a Pipe

Ditch & Pave Additional Road Width (4’)

Base stone 9 265 Rip Rap 14 120 Tandem Trucks 1s 4 Roller 62 8 Flaggers / Laborer 23 5 Grader 75 1 Low Boy 100 1 Milling (for tie-in) 6 250 Base Mix 80 150 Pavement Overlay 90 290 Lay Asphalt 35 340 Low Boy 100 1 Fencing


Engineering / Admin Environmental Re Construction Monitoring Contingency




20 16

552 240 640 368 360 800

2385, 1680 4800 3968 2300 1200

800 1500







69,433 10,000 316,433 5,000 5,000 15,520



Revenue Sharing Pre-Application

Rte 667 Widening

Project Status: Pre-Screening Organization: Russell County Project ID: 5888-Pre


Project Information

Project Title

Rte 667 Widening

Locality’s Priority #


Route #


Local Road Name, if available

Century Farms Road

Project Type


Scope of Work


Project Short Description

Widening existing roadway, curve and sight distance improvements, drainage improvements, and addition of right-of- way fencing.


Russell County

VDOT Organization


Priority Selection Criteria

In order to meet the Priority 1 selection criterion, this project must have received a prior Revenue Sharing allocation through the application procedure. Is this request expected to meet Priority 1?


Project ID: 5888-Pre Page 1 of 3

SMART Me) Mi! Pont QNiinwoon DRPF \VDOT

Revenue Sharing Pre-Application

Rte 667 Widening

Organization: Russell County

Project Status: Pre-Screening Pret ID: 5888. Pre

(@ General

Project Information

Project Title Locality’s Priority # Route # Rte 667 Widening 1 667

Local Road Name, if available

Century Farms Road

Project Type Scope of Work Construction Reconstruction

Project Short Description Widening existing roadway, curve and sight distance improvements, drainage improvements, and addition of right-of-

way fencing, Locality VDOT Organi Russell County Bristol

Priority Selection Criteria In order to meet the Priority 1 selection criterion, this project must have received a prior Revenue

Sharing allocation through the application procedure. Is this request expected to meet Priority 17 No

Project ID: S888.

Pre Page 1 of 3

In order to meet Priority 2 selection criteria, this project can be shown to meet a transportation need identified in CTB’s Statewide Transportation Plan (VTrans). Provide reference to the project work identified in VTrans and explanation of how this requested project pertains to VTrans. Is this request anticipated to meet VTrans Priority 2 selection criterion?


This project will be identified in the locality’s approved Capital Improvement plan (CIP) and, it will be documented that only by receipt of the requested allocation that the project advertisement date will be advanced. Is this request anticipated to meet the CIP Priority 2 selection criterion? If yes, appropriate documentation will be provided with the application submission.


In order to meet Priority 3 selection criterion, the project work will be documented to be for pavement resurfacing or bridge rehabilitation where the maintenance analysis determines the infrastructure does not meet the Department’s performance guidelines. Is this request is expected to meet and will be shown to meet the Priority 3 selection criterion? If yes, appropriate documentation accompanying this application submission.




Length (miles)



Rte 747


Rte 668


Project Financial Information

Total VDOT Revenue Sharing (state) matching funds anticipated to be requested with this project application for FY2021-FY2022:



Total Amount


Total Locality Match corresponding to TOTAL VDOT allocation requested for this application:



Project ID: 5888-Pre Page 2 of 3

In order to meet Priority 2 selection criteria, this project can be shown to meet a transportation need identified in CTB’s Statewide Transportation Plan (VTrans). Provide reference to the project work identified in VTrans and explanation of how this requested project pertains to VTrans. Is this request anticipated to meet VTrans Priority 2 selection criterion?


This project will be identified in the locality’s approved Capital Improvement plan (CIP) and, it will be documented that only by receipt of the requested allocation that the project advertisement date will be advanced. Is this request anticipated to meet the CIP Priority 2 selection criterion? If yes, appropriate documentation will be provided with the application submission.


In order to meet Priority 3 selection criterion, the project work will be documented to be for pavement resurfacing or bridge rehabilitation where the maintenance analysis determines the infrastructure does not meet the Department’s performance guidelines. Is this request is expected to meet and will be shown to meet the Priority 3 selection criterion? If yes, appropriate documentation accompanying this application submission.


@ Location

Location Length (miles) From To 02 Rte 747 Rte 668

i Financial

Project Financial Information

Total VDOT Revenue Sharing (state) matching funds anticipated to be requested with this project application for Fy2021-FY2022:

FY2021-FY2022 Total Amount $194,709 $194,709

Total Locality Match corresponding to TOTAL VDOT ~— Amount allocation requested for this application: $194,709

Project ID: 5888-Pre Page

Current Attachments

Supporting Documents

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation 600 East Main Street, Suite 2102 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-4440

VDOT Central Office

1401 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219

(804) 367-7623 (toll-free) 711 (hearing impaired)

© 2019 Commonwealth Transportation Board

Project ID: 5888-Pre Page 3 of 3

€y Supporting Documents

Current Attachments -DRPF- AyooT Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation VDOT Central Office 600 East Main Street, Suite 2102 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-4440 (604) 367-7623 (tol-ree)

711 (hearing impaired)

© 2019 Commonwealth Transportation Board

Project ID: 5888-Pre Page 3 of 3

CUMBERLAND MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY SERVICES Mental Health, Intellectual Disability, and Substance Abuse Services

July 16, 2019

Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator

Mary F. Cole, LCSW, Executive Director

Russell County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 1208 Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Dear Mr. Lester:

Please find attached a copy of our FY 2020 Performance Contract financial pages as submitted to the Department of Behavioral Health.

A complete copy of the contract can be found at:

This is to comply with the Administrative Requirements of our Performance Contract with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. It requires our performance contract to be approved by the governing body of each political subdivision that established Cumberland Mountain Community Services.

If you have any questions concerning the contract please give me a call. Thank you for your assistance.


mtlJj-:1~ MaryF. Cole Executive Director

P.O. Box 810 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 •Te l : (276 ) 964-6702 •Fax : {276) 964-0292 • TDD 1- 800-347-4939


Mental Health, Intellectual Disability, and Substance Abuse Services Mary F. Cole, LCSW, Executive Director

July 16, 2019

Mr. Lonzo Lester

County Administrator

Russell County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 1208

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Dear Mr. Lester:

Please find attached a copy of our FY 2020 Performance Contract financial pages as submitted to the Department of Behavioral Health.

‘A complete copy of the contract can be found at:

http://dbhds. virginia. gov/behavioral-health/office-of-support-services

This is to comply with the Administrative Requirements of our Performance Contract with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. It requires our performance contract to be approved by the governing body of each political subdivision that established Cumberland Mountain Community Services.

Ifyou have any questions concerning the contract please give me a call. Thank you for your assistance.


Mary F. Cole Executive Director

P.O, Box 810 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609 * Tel: (276) 964-6702 « Fax: (276) 964-0292 = TDD 1-800-347-4939

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY 2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Consolidated Budget (Pages AF-3 through AF-12)

Funding Sources

State Funds ~

Local Matching Funds

Total Fees

  • Transfer Fees ln/(Out)

Federal Funds ~

Other Funds

State Retained Earnings

Federal Retained Earnings

Other Retained Earnings t—

Subtotal Ongoing Funds r–

State Funds One-Time

Federal Funds One-Time

Subtotal One -Time Funds


c: Cost for MH/DV/SUD Services

E C_

Local Match Computation

Total State Funds

Total Local Matching Funds

Total State and Local Funds

Total Local Match% __ (._L_ocal I Total State + Local) -~'—

Report Date 711612019

al Health Ment (MH) Services










1 1,255,651




1 1,255,651

9,694,266 1

Developmental (DV) Services








= 0





10,422,826 1

Substa nee order Use Dis


(SU D) Servic es

1,55 5,947 6,033,570

0 139,996

60 4,950 17,31 1,501

0 0

1,21 7,376 1,321,623

3 0 ,735 135,335




3,780 319,240

7,000 227,000

0 0









3,80 9,788 25,488,265

3,607,615 1 23~ Cost for Emergency Services (AP-4)

Cost for Ancillary Services (AP-4)








Total Cost for ServicesL_I _ _ _

CSB Administrative Percentage

Administrative Expenses 3,206,900

Total Cost for Services 25,488,265

Admin I Total Expenses 12.58%

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY 2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Consolidated Budget (Pages AF-3 through AF-12) Funding Sources Mental Health |Developmental| Substance | TOTAL | (MH) Services (DV) Services |Use Disorder (sup)

  • a [ Services a _|

State Funds 4,108,934 368,689, 1,855,047, 6,083,570

Local Matching Funds 139,006 ° ° 139,996

Total Fees 6,711,337 9,995,214 604,950 17,311,501 |

~ Transfer Fees In/(Out) “5,220 5,220 0 0 "Federal Funds - 104,247 ) 4,217,376 1,321,623 | i Other Funds 50,897 53,703 30,735, (136,235 State Retained Eamings 145,460 oO 173,780 319,240

| Federal Retained Earnings 0 = 227,000 227,000 | ~ Other Retained Earnings | ° ~ 0) 0) i Subtotal Ongoing Funds _ 11,285,651 10,422,826 3,808,788, 25,408,265 State Funds One- oO oO oO 0)

Federal Funds One oo 0)

[- ‘Subtotal One -Time Funds 0 0

TOTAL ALL FUNDS: 11,255,651 10,422,826 3,809,788 (25,488,265

Cost for MH/DVISUD Services 91694,266| 10,422,026) 2,607,618] 23,724,707] OO Cost for Emergency Services (AP-4) 1,686,292 |

| Cost for Ancillary Services (AP-4)| 77,266 — 7 Total Cost for Services| 25,488,265

[- Local Match Computation | | CSB Administrative Percentage |

Total State Funds 6,033,570| | Administrative Expenses 3,206,900

"Total Local Matching Funds Total Cost for Services | 25,488,265]

Total State and LocalFunds | —=—«6,173,566 | Admin/ Total Expenses 12.58%) Total Local Match % 2.27% (Local / Total State + Local) |

Report Date 7/16/2019 AFA




Mental He a Ith:

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY 2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Financial Comments

State Ret ained Earnings:

CCBHCT raining funds received in FY16 - $36, 110

:::_mment4 jTelepsych iatry funds received in FY17 - $4,730

Comment5 CIT Asses sment funds received in FY18- $104,620


Comment7 Developm ental Services:

Comment8 Medicaid DD Waiver fees reduced by $290,226 which are transferred to Part C

-Comment9 General fu nds reduced by $34,530 which are transferred to Part C

Comme11tlO ~

Commentll Substance Abuse:

-Comment12 SA Federal Retained Earnings:

-Comment13 SOR Prev ention funds received in FY19- $75,000

Commentl4 SOR MAT Expansion funds received in FY19 - $152,000

,_, Comment15

Comment16 SA State R etained Earnings:

Comment17 Are You 0 kay funds received in FY 19 - $814

Comment18 SA transfer s from DBHDS Facilities received in FY17 - $80,923

Comment19 Criminal Ju stice Opiod Project funds received in FY18 - $55, 172

Comment20 ASAC Gra nt received in FY19 - $36,871






Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-2

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY 2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board Financial Comments

[Comment] (Mental Heatt:

Comment? Sie RetainesEarings

\Comment3 | CCBHC Training funds received in FY16 - $36,110

[Comment4_‘Telepsychiatry funds received in FY17 - $4,730

[CommentS CIT Assessment funds received in FY18 - $104,620


(Comment7 Developmental Services:

‘Comment8 (Medicaid DD Waiver fees reduced by $290,226 which are transferred to Part C


‘Comment9 |General funds reduced by $34,530 which are transferred to Part C

Comment1 1 Substance Abuse:

[Comment] 3 ‘SOR Prevention funds received in FY19 - $75,000

‘Comment 2 SA Federal Retained Earnings:

Comment] 4 SOR MAT Expansion funds received in FY19 - $152,000


‘Comment16 SA State Retained Earnings:

(Comment17 Ave You Okay funds received in FY 19 - $814

(Comment 18 SA tansters from DBHDS Facies received in FY17 - $80,523

‘Comment19 |Ctiminal Justice Opiod Project funds received in FY 18 - $55,172

‘Comment20 ASAC Grant received in FY19 - $36,871

| re — Comment21





Report Date 7/16/2019


FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Mental Health (MH) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources

MH Medicaid Fees

MH Fees: Other

MH Transfer Fees ln/(Out)

Total MH Fees

MH Net Fees


MH FBG SEO Chlld & Adolescent (93.958)

MH FBG Young Adult SMI (93.958)

MH FBG SMI (93.958)

MH FBG SMI PACT (93.958)

MH FBG SMI SWVBH Board (93.958)

Total MH FBG 5MI Funds

MH FBG Geriatrics (93.958)

MH FBG Peer Services (93.958)

Total MH FBG Adult Funds

MH Federal PATH (93.150)

MH Federal CABHI (93.243)

MH Other Federal - DBHDS

MH Other Federal - CSB

Total MH Federal Funds


Regional Funds

MH Acute Care (Fiscal Agent)

MH Acute Care Transfer ln/(Out)

Total MH Net Acute Care - Restricted

MH Regional OAP (Fiscal Agent)

MH Regional OAP Transfer ln/(Out)

Total MH Net Regional OAP - Restricted

MH Regional Residential OAP - Restricted

MH Crisis Stabilization (Fiscal Agent)

MH Crisis Stabilization - Transfer ln/(Out)

Total Net MH Crisis Stabilization - Restricted

MH Transfers from DBHDS Facilities (Fiscal Agent)

MH Transfers from DBHOS Facilities - Transfer ln/(Out)

Total Net MH Transfers from DBHOS Facilities

Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-3

































FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit

it A: Resources and Servi

Mental Health (MH) Services ‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds FEES ‘MH Medicatd Fees 6,457,831 ‘MH Fees: Other 253,506 Total MH Fees e337 [Mi Transfer Fees tn/(Out) 5,220 MH Net Fees 6706,17 FEDERAL FUNDS MH FOG SED Child & Adolescent (93.958) 25,668, [MH FBG Young Adult SM (93.958) ° (MH FBG SMI (93.958) 78579 MH FBG Sma PACT (93.958) ° MH FG SMI SWVBH Board (93.958) ° Total MMH FBG SMI Funds 78579 MH FBG Geriatries (93.958) ° MH FBG Peer Services (93.958) ° ‘otal MH FBG Adult Funds I 857F MH Federal PATH (93.150) ° MH Federal CABHI (93.243), IH Other Federal-DBHDS ° ‘MH Other Federal - CSB ° ‘Total MH Federal Funds 09207 STATE FUNDS Regional Funds MH Acute Care (Fiscal Agent) o IM Acute Care Transfer in/(Out) 21,339 Total MH Net Acute Care - Restricted 21,339 MH Regional DAP (Fiscal Agent) ° MH Regional DAP Transfer in/(Out) 330,549 ‘Total MH Net Regional DAP - Restricted 330,549 MH Regional Residential DAP - Restricted ° MH Crisis Stabilization (Fiscal Agent) 720597 MH Crisis Stabilization - Transfer n/(Out) ° Total Net MH Crisis Stabilization - Restricted 720597 MH Transfers from DBHDS Faclities (Fiscal Agent) ° [MH Transfers from DBHDS Faclites- Transfer In/(Out) ° Total Net MH Transfers from DBHDS Facilities ° ara

Report Date 7/16/2019

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Mental Health (MH) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources

MH Recovery (Fiscal Agent)

MH Other Merged Regional Funds (Fiscal Agent)

MH Total Regional Transfer ln/(Out)

Total MH Net Unrestricted Regional State Funds

Total MH Net Regional State Funds

Children State Funds

MH Child & Adolescent Services Initiative

MH Children’s Outpatient Services

MH Juvenile Detention

Total MH Restricted Children’s Funds

MH State Children’s Services

MH Demo Proj-System of Care (Child)

Total MH Unrestricted Children’s Funds

MH Crisis Response & Child Psychiatry (Fiscal Agent)

MH Crisis Response & Child Psychiatry Transfer In/( Out)

Total MH Net Restricted Crisis Response & Child Psychiatry

Total State MH Children’s Funds

Other State Funds MH Law Reform

MH Pharmacy - Medication Supports

MH Jail Diversion Services

MH Rural Jail Diversion

MH Forensic Discharge Planning

MH Docket Pilot JMHCP Match

MH Adult Outpatient Competency Restoration Services

MH CIT-Assessment Sites

MH Expand Telepsychiatry Capacity


MH PACT· Forensic Enhancement

MH Gero-Psychiatric Services

MH Permanent Supportive Housing


MH Young Adult SMI

MH Expanded Community Capacity (Fiscal Agent)

MH Expanded Community Capacity Transfer ln/(Out)

Total MH Net Expanded Community Capacity

MH First Aid and Suicide Prevention (Fiscal Agent)

MH First Aid and Suicide Prevention Transfer ln/(Out)

Total MH Net First Aid and Suicide Prevention

Total MH Restricted Other State Funds

Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-4








































FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Mental Health (MH) Services Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds

[MH Recovery (Fiscal Agent) 79,966 MH Other Merged Regional Funds (Fiscal Agent) ° MH Total Regional Transfer In/(Out) ° ‘Total MH Net Unrestricted Regional State Funds 9965

Total MH Net Regional State Funds 41,152,451

Children State Funds Mii Child & Adolescent Services initiative asco ‘MH children’s Outpatient Services 75,000 ‘MH Juvenile Detention 0 Total MH Restricted Children’s Funds 760,639" [MH State Children’s Services 25,000 [MH Demo Proj-System of Care (child) 300,000 Total MH Unrestricted Children’s Funds 325,000" [MH Crisis Response & Child Psychiatry (Fiscal Agent) ° [Mi Crisis Response & Child Psychiatry Transfer In/(Out) 42,324 ‘otal MH Net Restricted Crisis Response & Child Psychiatry aaa ‘otal State MH Children’s Funds (Restricted for Children) 527,963 Other State Funds

[Mi Law Reform 265,194 [MH Pharmacy - Medication Supports 104,973 [Mit Jail Diversion Services ° [Mit Rural Jail Diversion ° MH Forensic Discharge Planning 19,000 [Mit Docket Pilot JMHCP Match ° MH Adult Outpatient Competency Restoration Services ° MH CIT-Assessment Sites 349,772 [MH Expand Telepsychiatry Capacity 23,367 Mi PACT ° MH PACT - Forensic Enhancement ° MH Gero-Psychiatric Services ° ‘MH Permanent Supportive Housing ° ‘MH STEP-VA 623,059 ‘MH Young Adult SM ° (MH Expanded Community Capacity (Fiscal Agent) ° ‘MH Expanded Community Capacity Transfer In/(Out) ° ‘otal MH Net Expanded Community Capacity Oo

[Mi First Aid and Suicide Prevention (Fiscal Agent) 62,500 [Mit First Aid and Suicide Prevention Transfer In/(Out) ° ‘Total MH Net Fist Aid and Suleide Prevention 623500

‘Total MH Restricted Other State Funds 1,447,865

Report Date 7/16/2019 ora

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Mental Health (MH) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources

MH State Funds

MH State Regional Deaf Services

MH State NGRI Funds

MH Geriatrics Services

Total MH Unrestricted Other State Funds

Total MH Other State Funds



MH Federal Retained Earnings

MH State Retained Earnings

MH State Retained Earnings - Regional Programs

MH Other Retained Earnings

Total MH Other Funds


MH Local Government Appropriations

MH Philanthropic Cash Contributions

MH In-Kind Contributions

MH Local Interest Revenue

Total MH Local Matching Funds

Total MH Funds


MH FBG SMI (93.958)

MH FBG SEO Child & Adolescent (93.958)

MH FBG Peer Services (93.958)

MH State Funds

MH One-Time Restricted State Funds

Total One Time MH Funds

Total MH All Funds

Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-5




























Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Mental Health (MH) Services ‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds IMiH State Funds 880,655 MH State Regional Deaf Services 100,000 MIH State NGRI Funds ° MH Geriatrics Services, % ‘otal MH Unrestricted Other State Funds 380,655" ‘Total MH Other State Funds 2,428,520 ‘TOTAL MH STATE FUNDS 4,108,934

OTHER FUNDS. MH Other Funds 50,897 Mi Federal Retained Earnings ° Mi State Retained Earnings 145,460 Mi State Retained Earnings - Re ° MH Other Retained Earnings 0 ‘otal MH Other Funds 996,357 139,996 o 0 ‘MH Local interest Revenue 0 Total MH Local Matching Funds aa Total MH Funds t1255,651 MH ONE TIME FUNDS

MH FBG sl (93.958) ° MH FBG SED Child & Adolescent (93.958) ° MH FBG Peer Services (93.958) ° (MAH State Funds ° MH One-Time Restricted State Funds ° Total One Time MH Funds ° Total MH All Funds 11,255,651

Report Date 7/16/2019 AES

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Developmental Services (DV)

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources


DV Medicaid DD Waiver Fees

DV Other Medicaid Fees

DV Medicaid ICF/IDD Fees

DV Fees: Other

Total DV Fees

DV Transfer Fees In/( Out)



DV Other Federal - DBHDS

DV Other Federal - CSB

Total DV Federal Funds


DV State Funds


Total DV Unrestricted State Funds

DV Trust Fund (Restricted)

DV Rental Subsidies

DV Guardianship Funding

DV Crisis Stabilization (Fiscal Agent)

DV Crisis Stabilization Transfer ln(Out)

DV Net Crisis Stabilization

DV Crisis Stabilization-Children (Fiscal Agent)

DV Crisis Stabilization-Children Transfer ln(Out)

DV Net Crisis Stabilization -Children

DV Transfers from DBHDS Facilities (Fiscal Agent)

DV Transfers from DBHDS Facilities - Transfer In/( Out

Total Net DV Transfers from DBHDS Facilities

Total DV Restricted State Funds

Total DV State Funds


DV Workshop Sales

DV Other Funds

DV State Retained Earnings

OV State Retained Earnings-Regional Programs

DV Other Retained Earnings

Total OV Other Funds

Report Date 7/16/2019




































FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Developmental Services (DV) ‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds FeEs DV Medicaid DD Waiver Fees 5,400,878 DV Other Medicaid Fees 1,412,900 DV Medicaid ICF/IDD Fees 2,134,700 DV Fees: Other 1,086,740 Total DV Fees CT) DV Transfer Fees In/(Out) aa DV NET FEES 10,000,484" FEDERAL FUNDS Dv Other Federal - DBHDS o DV Other Federal - 5B 0 Total DV Federal Funds 0 STATE FUNDS Dv state Funds 246,298 DV OBRA Funds 122,391 Total DV Unrestricted state Funds 368,689 Dv Trust Fund (Restricted)

Dv Rental Subsidies DV Guardianship Funding

° ° ° DV Crisis Stabilization (Fiscal Agent) ° DV Crisis Stabilization Transfer In(Out) o DV Net Crisis Stabilization a

DV Crisis Stabilization-children (Fiscal Agent) 0 DV Crisis Stabilization-Children Transfer In(Out) o DV Net Crisis Stabilization -Children a



DV Transfers from DBHDS Facilities (Fiscal Agent) DV Transfers from DBHDS Facilities - Transfer In/(Out

Total Net DV Transfers from DBHDS Facilities ° Total DV Restricted State Funds ° Total DV State Funds 368,689


DV Workshop Sales o DV other Funds 53,703 DV’State Retained Earnings o DV State Retained Earnings-Regional Programs 0 DV Other Retained Earnings 0 Total DV Other Funds 53,703,


Report Date 7/16/2019

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Developmental Services (DV)

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources


DV Local Government Appropriations

DV Philanthropic Cash Contributions

DV In-Kind Contributions

DV Local Interest Revenue

Total DV Local Matching Funds

Total DV Funds


DV One-Time Restricted State Funds

Total One Time DV Funds

Total DV All Funds

Report Date 7/16/2019












FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Developmental Services (DV)

‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources

LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS DV Local Government Appropriations DV Philanthropic Cash Contributions DV In-Kind Contributions DV Local Interest Revenue

Total DV Local Matching Funds

Total DV Funds

DV ONE TIME FUNDS DV One-Time Restricted State Funds

Total One Time DV Funds

Total DV All Funds

Report Date —-7/16/2019

Funds ° ° ° ° 0 10,422,826 0 ° 10,422,826 AFT

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources

SUD Medicaid Fees

SUD Fees: Other

Total SUD Fees

SUD Transfer Fees In/( Out)



SUD FBG Alcohol/Drug Treatment (93.959)


SUD FBG Jail Services (93.959)

SUD FBG Co-Occurring (93.959)

SUD FBG New Directions (93.959)

SUD FBG Recovery (93.959)

SUD FBG MAT - Medically Assisted Treatment (93.959)

Tota SUD FBG Alcohol/Drug Treatment Funds

SUD FBG Women (includes LINK at 6 CSBs) (93.959)

SUD FBG Prevention-Women (LINK) (93.959)

Total SUD FBG Women Funds

SUD FBG Prevention (93.959)

SUD FBG Prev-Family Wellness (93.959)

Total SUD FBG Prevention Funds

SUD Federal VA Project LINK/PPW (93.243)

SUD Federal CABHI (93.243)

SUD Federal Strategic Prevention (93.243)

SUD Federal VSAT- Implementation {93.243)

SUD Federal OPT-R · Prevention (93.788)

SUD Federal OPT·R ·Treatment (93.788)

SUD Federal OPT·R · Recovery (93.788)

Total SUD Federal OPT-R Funds {93.788)

SUD Federal Opioid Response - Recovery (93.788)

SUD Federal Opioid Response -Treatment (93.788)

SUD Federal Opioid Response - Prevention (93.788)

Total SUD Federal Opioid Response Funds (93.788)

SUD Other Federal • DBHDS

SUD Other Federal • CSB


Report Date 7/16/2019





































FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibi

Resources and Services

‘Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds FEES

SUD Medicaid Fees 218,696 SUD Fees: Other 386,254 Total SUD Fees 604,950,

SUD Transfer Fees In/{Out) 0 SUD NET FEES 604,950


SUD FBG Alcohol/Drug Treatment (93.959) 858,772 ‘SUD FBG SARPOS (93.959) 4551 ‘SUD FBG Jail Services (93.959) o ‘SUD FBG Co-Occurring (93.959) ° ‘SUD FBG New Directions (93.959) ° ‘SUD FBG Recovery (93.959) ° SUD FBG MAT- Medically Assisted Treatment (93.959) ° Tota SUD FBG Alcohol/Drug Treatment Funds 904,343

‘SUD FBG Women (Includes LINK at 6 C5Bs) (93.959) 29,978 ‘SUD FBG Prevention-Women (LINK) (93.959) ° ‘Total SUD FBG Women Funds 233578

SUD FBG Prevention (93.959) 159,555, SUD FBG Prev-Family Wellness (93.959) 0 Total SUD FBG Prevention Funds 759,555,

‘SUD Federal VA Project LINK/PPW (93.243) SUD Federal CABHI (93.243) SUD Federal Strategic Prevention (93.243) ‘SUD Federal YSAT ~ Implementation (93.243) SUD Federal OPT-R - Prevention (93.788) SUD Federal OPT-R - Treatment (93.788) ‘SUD Federal OPT-R - Recovery (93.788) Total SUD Federal OPT-R Funds (93.788)

‘SUD Federal Opioid Response ~ Recovery (93.788) ‘SUD Federal Opioid Response ~ Treatment (93.788) SUD Federal Opioid Response ~ Prevention (93.788)

Total SUD Federal Opioid Response Funds (93.788)

‘SUD Other Federal - DBHDS SUD Other Federal - CSB ‘TOTAL SUD FEDERAL FUNDS 4,217,376

Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-S

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources


Regional Funds

SUD Facility Reinvestment (Fiscal Agent)

SUD Facility Reinvestment Transfer ln/(Out)

Total SUD Net Facility Reinvestment

SUD Transfers from DBHDS Facilities (Fiscal Agent)

SUD Transfers from DBHDS Facilities - Transfer In/( Out)

Total Net SUD Transfers from DBHDS Facilities

SUD Community Detoxification (Fiscal Agent)

SUD Community Detoxification - Transfer In/( Out)

Total Net SUD Community Detoxification

Total SUD Net Regional State Funds

Other State Funds

SUD Women (includes LINK at 4 CSBs) (Restricted)

SUD Recovery Employment

SUD MAT· Medically Assisted Treatment

SUD Peer Support Recovery

SUD Permanent Supportive Housing Women



SUD Recovery

Total SUD Restricted Other State Funds

SUD State Funds

SUD Region V Residential

SUD Jail Services/Juvenile Detention


Total SUD Unrestricted Other State Funds

Total SUD Other State Funds



SUD Other Funds

SUD Federal Retained Earnings

SUD State Retained Earnings

SUD State Retained Earnings-Regional Programs

SUD Other Retained Earnings

Total SUD Other Funds

Report Date 7/16/2019



































FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract,

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

‘Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services

‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds

STATE FUNDS Regional Funds ‘SUD Facility Reinvestment (Fiscal Agent) ‘SUD Facility Reinvestment Transfer In/(Out) ‘otal SUD Net Facility Reinvestment SUD Transfers from DBHDS Facilities (Fiscal Agent) ‘SUD Transfers from DBHDS Facilities - Transfer In/(Out) Total Net SUD Transfers from DBHDS Facilities

‘SUD Community Detoxification (Fiscal Agent) 150,000, ‘SUD Community Detoxification ~ Transfer In/(Out) 0 ‘Total Net SUD Community Detoxification 450,000 Total SUD Net Regional State Funds 150,000 Other State Funds SUD Women includes LINK at 4 CSBs) (Restricted) 100,600 SUD Recovery Employment ° SUD MAT- Medically Assisted Treatment 82,153 ‘SUD Peer Support Recovery 0 ‘SUD Permanent Supportive Housing Women ° ‘SUD SARPOS 38,563 ‘SUD STEP-VA ° SUD Recovery 85,725 Total SUD Restricted Other State Funds 307,005 SUD State Funds 3,098,906 ‘SUD Region V Residential o ‘SUD Jal Services/Juvenile Detention 0 SUD HIV/AIDS 0 Total SUD Unrestricted Other State Funds 7,088,906 Total SUD Other State Funds 1,405,947 TOTAL SUD STATE FUNDS 4,555,947 OTHER FUNDS SUD Other Funds 30,735 ‘SUD Federal Retained Earnings 227,000 ‘SUD State Retained Earnings 173,780 ‘SUD State Retained Earnings-Regional Programs ° ‘SUD Other Retained Earnings 0 Total SUD Other Funds 855

Report Date 7/16/2019 APS

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources


SUD Local Government Appropriations

SUD Philanthropic Cash Contributions

SUD In-Kind Contributions

SUD Local Interest Revenue

Total SUD Local Matching Funds

Total SUD Funds


SUD FBG Alcohol/Drug Treatment (93.959)

SUD FBG Women (includes LINK-6 CSBs) (93.959)

SUD FBG Prevention (93.959)

SUD State Funds

Report Date

Total SUD One-Time Funds

Total All SUD Funds
















FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit

: Resources and Services

‘Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services ‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Funding Sources Funds

LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS ‘SUD Local Government Appropriations ° ‘SUD Philanthropic Cash Contributions ° SUD In-Kind Contributions o SUD Local Interest Revenue 0 Total SUD Local Matching Funds ° Total SUD Funds 3,809,788


SUD FBG Alcohol/Drug Treatment (93.959) 0 ‘SUD FBG Women (includes LINK-6 CSBs) (93.959) 0 SUD FBG Prevention (93.959) 0 ‘SUD State Funds o Total SUD One-Time Funds 0 ‘Total All SUD Funds 3,809,788,

Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-10

FV2019 And FV2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY 2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Local Government Tax Appropriations

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board


Buchanan County

Russell County

Tazewell County

Total Local Government Tax Funds:

Report Date 7/16/2019

Tax Appropriation






Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY 2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

City/County ‘Tax Appropriation Buchanan County 20,000 Tazewell County 80,000 Total Local Government Tax Funds: 139,996

Report Date 7/16/2019 AF-11

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Supplemental Information

Reconciliation of Projected Resources and Core Services Costs by Program Area

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

MH DV SUD Emergency Ancillary Services Services Services Services Services

Total All Funds (Page AF-1) 11,255,651 10,422,826 3,809,788

Cost for MH, DV, SUD, 9,694,266 10,422,826 3,607,615 1,686,292 77,266 Emergency, and Ancillary Services

Difference 1,561 ,385 0 202,173 -1,686,292 -77,266

Difference results from


Explanation of Other in Table Above:

Report Date 7/1 6/2019 AF-12






FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

Supplemental Information

Reconciliation of Projected Resources and Core Services Costs by Program Area

‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

MH pv SUD — Emergency Ancillary Services Services Services Services Se Total ‘Total All Funds (Page AF-1) 11,255,651 10,422,826 3,809,788 25,488,265 Cost for MH, DV; SUD, “9,694,266 10,422,826 3,607,615 1,686,292 77,266 25,488,265 Emergency, and Ancillary Services ference 1,561,385 0 202,173 -1,686,292 77,266 0

Difference results from


Explanation of Other in Table Above:

Report Date 76/2019


Report for Form 11

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 100 Mental Health Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Projected Numbers of

Projected Individuals Core Services Service Receiving

Capacity Services - - — - - - - - - - 250 Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Services 0 .05 Beds 4

310 Outpatient Services 9FTEs 565

312 Medical Services 5 .5 FTEs 1139

320 Case Management Services 31 FTEs 1985

410 Day Treatment or Partial Hospitalization 36Slots 57

420 Ambulatory Crisis Stabilization Services 4Slots 48

425 Mental Health Rehabilitation 75 Slots 135

510 Residential Crisis Stabilization Services 10 Beds 247

521 Intensive Residential Services 1 Beds

Projected Total

Service Costs $21,339

$1 ,094,680

$1 ,059,523





$1 , 131,600

$71 ,230

581 Supportive Residential Services 4.5 FTEs 54 $457,449

      • 0 FTEs ‘–~–~’ $62,500 61 O Prevention Services

Totals 4,235 $9,694,266

__ -- - _ _ _ F_or_m llA: Ph_ar_m_a_cy M_ed_i_cat_io_n_S_upports __ - -- - 1

6 N 6 umbe•ofConsumers ]

al Pharmacy Medication Supports Consumers

Report Date 7/16/2019 AP-1

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 100 Mental Health Services Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Report for Form 11

Projected . Numbers of Projected Projected Individuals Total Core Services Service Receiving Serviee ee Eaacity Services Costs '250 Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Services 0.05 Beds 4 $21,339 310 Outpatient Services ‘OFTES 585 $1,094,680 312Medical Services «BS FTES. 1139 $1,059,523 | |820 Case Management Services 31 FTES 7985 $3,751,645 ‘410 Day Treatment or Partial Hospitalization = 36 Slots 87 $542,600 | (420 Ambulatory Crisis Stabilization Services - a ~ 4Slots 4B $221,800 | '425 Mental Health Rehabilitation 75Siots 135 $1,279,900 '510 Residential Crisis Stabilization Services: 10 Beds 247 $1,131,600 | 1621 Intensive Residential Services a 7 7 - {Beds $71,230 | 1581 Supportive Residential Services 45 FTES oy $457,449 | 610 Prevention Services OFTES = $62,500 | ; a Totals 4235 $9,696,266

[Number of Consumers |


Report Date 7/6/2019 APA

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 200 Developmental Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Report for Form 21 Projected

Numbers of Projected Individuals

Service Receiving Capacity Services

Core Services

310 Outpatient Services 0.25 FTEs 27

320 Case Management Services 12 FTEs 365

425 Developmental Habilitation 105 Slots 124

501 Highly Intensive Residential Services (Community-Based ICF/ID Services) 20 Beds 19

521 Intensive Residential Services 47Beds 46

581 Supportive Residential Services 48 FTEs 60

Totals 641

Report Date 7/16/2019 AP-2

Projected Total

Service Costs $10,545

$1 ,359,273



$3,061 ,079



FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 200 Developmental Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Report for Form 21

Projected . Numbers of Projected Projected = Individuals__—_Total Core Services Service Receiving Service Capacity Services Costs ‘310 Outpatient Services (0.25 FTEs 7 $10,545 | 320 Case Management Services — 7 i2FTEs 365 «$1,380,273 '425 Developmental Habilitation 105 Siots 128 $2,149,229 '501 Highly Intensive Residential Services (Community-Based ICF/ID Services) 20 Beds 9 ‘$2,298,800 (621 Intensive Residential Services _ 7 “AT Beds 46 $3,061,079 '581 Supportive Residential Services 4FTES 60 $1,543,900 Totals 1 $10,422,826

Report Date 7/16/2019 AP-2

Report for Form 31

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 300 Substance Use Disorder Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Projected Numbers of Projected

Projected Individuals Total Core Services Service Receiving Service

Capacity Services Costs

310 Outpatient Services 13.5 FTEs 832 $1,714,299

335 Medication Assisted Treatment Services 2FTEs 175 $313,401

320 Case Management Services 4.5 FTEs 257 $389, 164

501 Highly Intensive Residential Services (Medically Managed Withdrawal Services) 6Beds 322

Totals 1,586 $3,607,615

Report Date 7/16/2019 AP-3

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 300 Substance Use Disorder Services Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Report for Form 31 Projected ; Numbers of Projected Projected Individuals Total Core Services Service Receiving Service —_ ‘Capacity Services Costs [810 Outpationt Services 13.5FTES 832 $1,714,299

  • Medication Assisted Treatment Services OO 2FTEs 175 $313,401 bar Case Management Services _ —_ — 4SFTES (287 $389,164 '601 Highly Intensive Residential Services (Medically Managed Withdrawal Services) 6 Beds 322 $735,631 (610 Prevention Services TO - = ‘$455,220 Totals 4,508 «$3,607,615

Report Date 7622019 AP-3

Report for Form 01

E mergency Services

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 400 Emergency and Ancillary Services

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Projected Core Services Service



Projected Numbers of Individuals Receiving Services

763 r ~nsumer Run Services (No. Individuals Served) I_ Totals 763

Report Date 7/16/2019 AP-4

Projected Total

Service Costs




FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract FY2020 Exhibit A: Resources and Services

CSB 400 Emergency and Ancillary Services Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board

Report for Form 01

Projected Numbers of Projected Projected Total Core Services Service Service

  • Capacity Costs /100 Emergency Services OFTEs $1,686,292 '730 Consumer Run Services (No. individuals Served) 7 “Ty = = $7,266 Totals 763 $1,763,568

Report Date 7/16/2019


FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

Table 2: Board Management Salary Costs

Name of CSB: Cumberland Mountain Community Services Boar FY 2020

Table 2a: FY 2020 Salary Range Budgeted Tot. Tenure

Management Position Title Beginning Ending Salary Cost (yrs)

Executive Director $143,544.00 5.50

Table 2: Integrated Behavioral and Primary Health Care Questions

  1. Is the CSB participating in a partnership with a federally qualified health center, free clinic, or local health department to integrate the provision of behavioral health and primary health care?


  1. If yes, who is the partner?

D a federally qualified health center


D a free clinic


D a local health department, or


D another organization


  1. Where is primary health (medical) care provided?

D on-site in a CSB program,

D on-site at the primary health care provider, or

D another site --specify:

  1. Where is behavioral health care provided?

D on-site in a CSB program,

D on-site at the primary health care provider, or

D another site --specify:

Report Date 7/ 1612019 AP-5

FY2019 And FY2020 Community Services Performance Contract

Table 2: Board Management Salary Costs

Name of CSB: — Cumberland Mountain Community Services Boar FY 2020 ‘Table 2a: FY 2020 Salary Range Budgeted Tot. Tenure Management Position Title Beginning Ending Salary Cost (rs) Executive Director $143,544.00 5.50

Table 2: Integrated Behavioral and Primary Health Care Questions

  1. Is the CSB participating in a partnership with a federally qualified health center, free clinic, | or local health department to integrate the provision of behavioral health and primary health care?

No | 2.1fyes, who is the partner?

(a federally qualified health center Name:

Cla free clinic Name:

Ua local health department, or Name:

O another organization Name:

  1. Where is primary health (medical) care provided?

O on-site ina CSB program, O on-site at the primary health care provider, or CO another site --specit

4, Where is behavioral health care provided?

O on-site in a CSB program, O on-site at the primary health care provider, or O another site --specify:

Report Date 7/16/2019 AP-5


Shannon Dion Director

Megan Peterson Chief Deputy Director

Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator Russell County P. 0. Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266

Department of Criminal Justice Services

June 27, 2019

RE: Local Law Enforcement Block Grant

Dear Mr. Lester:

Washington Building 1100 Bank Street

Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-4000

The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) makes federal funds available to localities to help support their efforts to reduce crime and improve public safety. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has been designated to administer a portion of the JAG funds reserved for Virginia and to make those funds available to local units of government. I am pleased to advise you that we are awarding your locality $2,367, funded tlu·ough federal grant 2017-DJ-BX-0082. Your DCJS grant award number is 20-Tl173L017 and the project period for this program is 07/01/2019 through 06/30/2020.

Enclosed you will find the Statement of Grant Award (SOGA) and Special Conditions documents, along with Reporting Requirements and Projected Due Dates. To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the SOGA and return it electronically within the next 60 days to [email protected]. In order to complete the award acceptance, you must also provide information on how your locality will use the awarded federal funds. Instructions are attached.

In addition, please review your special conditions carefully as they include specific requirements about how your grant funds must be managed. DCJS is mandated to comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAM), currently accessible at Therefore, you must maintain a valid Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number (a unique nine-digit number used for identifying and




Department of Criminal Justice Services Shannon Dion Washington Building

‘1100 Bank Street

Director Richmond, Virginia 23219

Megan Peterson {804) 786-4000

Chief Deputy Director won dos. virginia gov

June 27, 2019

Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator Russell County

P.O. Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266

RE: Local Law Enforcement Block Grant

Dear Mr. Lester:

The Byme Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) makes federal funds available to localities to help support their efforts to reduce crime and improve public safety. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has been designated to administer a portion of the JAG fands reserved for Virginia and to make those funds available to local units of government. I am pleased to advise you that we are awarding your locality $2,367, funded through federal grant 2017-DJ-BX-0082. Your DCJS grant award number is 20-T1173L017 and the project period for this program is 07/01/2019 through 06/30/2020.

Enclosed you will find the Statement of Grant Award (SOGA) and Special Conditions documents, along with Reporting Requirements and Projected Due Dates. To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the SOGA and return it electronically within the next 60 days to [email protected]. In order to complete the award acceptance, you must also provide information on how your locality will use the awarded federal funds. Instructions are attached.

In addition, please review your special conditions carefully as they include specific requirements about how your grant funds must be managed. DCIS is mandated to comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAM), currently accessible at https://www.sam.gow/SAM/. Therefore, you must maintain a valid Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number (a unique nine-digit number used for identifying and

keeping track of entities receiving federal funds) and be registered in SAM to receive an award. For SAM registration assistance, please contact Lacey Payne at (804) 786-8003 or via email at Lacey .Payne@dcj s.

Please provide copies of this Award Package to those contacts listed on your grant application. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project’ s success. If you have any questions regarding this award, please contact your Grant Monitor, Jessica Rothenberg, at (804) 225-184 7 or via email at [email protected].


~d)-~ Shannon Dion



keeping track of entities receiving federal funds) and be registered in SAM to receive an award. For SAM registration assistance, please contact Lacey Payne at (804) 786-8003 or via email at Lacey, Payne@dejs. virginia gov.

Please provide copies of this Award Package to those contacts listed on your grant application, We will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project’s success. Ifyou have any questions regarding this award, please contact your Grant Monitor, Jessica Rothenberg, at (804) 225-1847 or via email at jessica.rothenberg@dejs. virginia. gov.


Sharwom Dim

Shannon Dion


Department of Criminal Justice Services 1100 Bank Street 121h Floor, Richmond, VA 23219

Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance Subgrantee: Russell

Pro· ect Director

The Hon. Steve Dye Sheriff Russell County Sheriffs Office P. 0. Box 338 Lebanon, VA 24266-0338 sheriff@mssel Jcountyva. us

Phone No: (276) 889-8033


DCJS Grant Number: 20-Tl l 73L017

Pro· ect Administrator

MT. Lonzo Lester County Administrator Russell County P. 0. Box 1208 Lebanon, VA 24266 [email protected]

Phone No: (276) 889-8000


Grant Start Date: 07/01/2019

Grant End Date: 06/30/2020

Finance Officer

Mr. Rick Thompson Treasurer Russell County P. 0. Box 121 Lebanon, VA 24266-0121 [email protected]

Phone No: (276) 889-8028

Enter the amount of Federal funds you plan to spend in each category below. The total of Federal funds entered must equal tile I f F d I f d d d . h. PI d I d II tota o e era Ult s awar e m t 1s 2rant. ease roun to t ie nearest o ar.

Purpose Areas Federal Category Amount

  1. Law Enforcement a . Hiring $ # Current Officers b. Overtime $ # Officers to Hire c. Equipment: # Current Suppor t Personnel

(1) Traditional Law Enforcement Equipment $ # Support Personnel to Hfre (2) Information Technology $ Swom D Civilian D

  1. Prosecution & Courts $

  2. Prevention & Education $

  3. Corrections & Community Corrections $

  4. Drug Treatment '$

  5. Planning, Education & Technology Improvement 1$


1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor, Richmond, VA_ 23219.

Department of Criminal Justice Services

Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance

‘Subgrantee: Russell

DCIS Grant Number: 20-T1173L017

Grant Start Date: 07/01/2019 Grant End Date: 06/30/2020


Project Director Project Administrator Finance Officer ‘The Hon. Steve Dye Mr. Lonzo Lester ‘Mr. Rick Thompson Sheriff County Administrator ‘Treasurer Russell County Sheriff’s Office Russell County Russell County P.O, Box 338 P.O, Box 1208 P.O. Box 121 ‘Lebanon, VA 24266-0338 Lebanon, VA 24266 Lebanon, VA 24266-0121 [email protected] [email protected]

Phone No: (276) 889-8033 Phone No: (276) 889-8000 Phone No: (276) 889-8028 Federal ‘Subgrantee Cash Match TOTAL

TOTAL PROJECT $2367 $2367 Enter the amount of Federal funds you plan to spend in each category below. The total of Federal funds entered must equal the total of Federal funds awarded in this grant. Please round to the nearest dollar, Purpose Areas Federal Category Amount - 1, Law Enforcement a. Hiring 8 # Current Officers b. Overtime $ # Officers to Hire c, Equipment: # Current Support Personnel (@) Traditional Law Enforcement Equipment | $ # Support Personnel to Hire (2) Information Technology $ Swen Civilian [_] 2. Prosecution & Courts s 3. Prevention & Education 8 4. Corrections & Community Corrections 8 3 5. Drug Treatment $ = 6. Planning, Education & Technology Improvement | $

“Please indicate your locality’s DUNS #f in the space provided. As the duly authorized representative, the undersigned, having

received the Statement of Grant Awaits SOGAY at federal

conditions and provisions of all otf

special Conditions attached thereto, hereby accepts this grant and agrees to the fd 4 laws and rules and regulations that apply to this award. 4

Coinkey, Min enerCiabor “WL Gf


Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services 1100 Bank Street, l 21h Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant

Grant Start Date: 07/01/2019 Grant End Date: 06/30/2020

Acceptance of this grant award by the sub grantee constitutes its agreement that it assumes full responsibility for the management of all aspects of the grant and the activities funded by the grant, including assuring proper fiscal management of and accounting for grant funds; assuring that personnel paid with grant funds are hired, supervised and evaluated in accordance with established employment and personnel policies; and assuring that all terms, conditions and assurances–those submitted with the grant application, and those issued with this award–are complied with.

By signing the Statement of Grant Award/ Acceptance, the sub grantee agrees to: • use the grant funds to carry out the activities described in the grant application, as

modified by the terms and conditions attached to this award or by subsequent amendments approved by DCJS;

• adhere to the approved budget contained in this award and amendments made to it in accord with these terms and conditions; and,

• comply with all te1ms, conditions and assurances either attached to this award or submitted with the grant application.

  1. Requirements of the award; remedies for non-compliance or for materially false statements

The conditions of this award are material requirements of the award. Compliance with any certifications or assurances submitted by or on behalf of the sub grantee that relate to conduct during the period of performance also is a material requirement of this award.

Failure to comply with any one or more of these award requirements – whether a condition set out in full below, a condition incorporated by reference below, or a certification or assurance related to conduct during the award period – may result in the Office of Justice Programs (“OJP”) or the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) taking appropriate action with respect to the recipient and the award. Among other things, the OJP and DCJS may withhold award funds, disallow costs, or suspend or terminate the award. The Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including OJP, also may take other legal action as appropriate.



Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services 1100 Bank Street, 12"" Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant

Grant Start Date: 07/01/2019 Grant End Date: 06/30/2020

Acceptance of this grant award by the subgrantee constitutes its agreement that it assumes full responsibility for the management of all aspects of the grant and the activities funded by the grant, including assuring proper fiscal management of and accounting for grant funds; assuring that personnel paid with grant funds are hired, supervised and evaluated in accordance with established employment and personnel policies; and assuring that all terms, conditions and assurances–those submitted with the grant application, and those issued with this award–are

complied with.

By signing the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance, the subgrantee agrees to: © use the grant funds to carry out the activities described in the grant application, as modified by the terms and conditions attached to this award or by subsequent

amendments approved by DCJS;

© adhere to the approved budget contained in this award and amendments made to it in accord with these terms and conditions; and,

© comply with all terms, conditions and assurances either attached to this award or

submitted with the grant application,

1, Requirements of the award; remedies for non-compliance or for materially false statements

The conditions of this award are material requirements of the award. Compliance with any certifications or assurances submitted by or on behalf of the subgrantee that relate to conduct

during the period of performance also is a material requirement of this award,

Failure to comply with any one or more of these award requirements – whether a condition set out in full below, a condition incorporated by reference below, or a certification or assurance related to conduct during the award period — may result in the Office of Justice Programs (“OIP”) or the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) taking appropriate action with respect to the recipient and the award. Among other things, the OJP and DCJS may withhold award funds, disallow costs, or suspend or terminate the award. The Department of Justice (“DOJ”), including OJP, also may take other legal action as appropriate.

Any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement to the federal government related to this award (or concealment or or~ission of a material fact) may be the subject of criminal prosecution (including under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or 1621, and/or 42 U.S.C. 3795a), and also may lead to imposition of civil penalties and administrative remedies for false claims or otherwise (including under 31 U.S.C. 3729-3730 and 3801-3812).

Should any provision of a requirement of this award be held to be invalid or unenforceable by its te1ms, that provision shall first be applied with a limited construction so as to give it the maximum effect pe1mitted by law. Should it be held, instead, that the provision is utterly invalid or -unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from this award.

  1. Applicability of Part 200 Uniform Requirements

The Unifo1m Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted and supplemented by DOJ in 2 C.F.R. Pait 2800 (together, the “Part 200 Uniform Requirements”) apply to this award.

For more information and resources on the Part 200 Unifo1m Requirements as they relate to OJP awards and subawards (“subgrants”), see the OJP website at

In the event that an award-related question arises from documents or other materials prepared or distributed by OJP that may appear to conflict with, or differ in some way from, the provisions of the Pait 200 Uniform Requirements, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS promptly for clarification.

  1. Compliance with DOJ Grants Financial Guide

References to the DOJ Grants Financial Guide are posted on the OJP website (currently, the “DOJ Grants Financial Guide” available at including any updated version that may be posted during the period of perfo1mance. The subgrantee agrees to comply with the DOJ Grants Financial Guide.

  1. Requirements related to “de minimis” indirect cost rate

A subgrantee that is eligible under the Pait 200 Unifo1m Requirements and other applicable law to use the “de minimis” indirect cost rate described in 2 C.F.R. 200.41.4(±), and that elects to use the “de minimis” indirect cost rate, must advise DCJS in writing of both its eligibility and its election, and must comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. The “de minimis” rate may be applied only to modified total direct costs (MTDC) as defined by the Pait 200 Unifo1m Requirements.

  1. Requirement to report potentially duplicative funding

If the subgrantee currently has other active awards of federal funds, or ifthe subgrantee receives any other award of federal funds during the period of performance for this award, the sub grantee promptly must determine whether funds from any of those other federal awards have been, are


Any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement to the federal government related to this award (or concealment or omission of a material fact) may be the subject of criminal prosecution (including under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or 1621, and/or 42 U.S.C. 3795a), and also may lead to imposition of civil penalties and administrative remedies for false claims or otherwise (including under 31 U.S.C. 3729-3730 and 3801-3812).

Should any provision of a requirement of this award be held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, that provision shall first be applied with a limited construction so as to give it the maximum effect permitted by law. Should it be held, instead, that the provision is utterly invalid or -unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from this award.

  1. Applicability of Part 200 Uniform Requirements

The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F. Part 200, as adopted and supplemented by DOJ in 2 C.F.R. Part 2800 (together, the “Part 200 Uniform Requirements”) apply to this award.

For more information and resources on the Part 200 Uniform Requirements as they relate to OJP awards and subawards ("“subgrants’”), see the OJP website at hitps://ojp. gov/funding/Part200UniformRequirements.him.

In the event that an award-related question arises from documents or other materials prepared or distributed by OJP that may appear to conflict with, or differ in some way from, the provisions of the Part 200 Uniform Requirements, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS promptly for clarification.

  1. Compliance with DOJ Grants Financial Guide

References to the DOJ Grants Financial Guide are posted on the OJP website (currently, the

“DOJ Grants Financial Guide” available at including any updated version that may be posted during the period of performance. ‘The

subgrantee agrees to comply with the DOJ Grants Financial Guide.

4, Requirements related to “de minimis” indirect cost rate

A subgrantee that is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requirements and other applicable law to use the “de minimis” indirect cost rate described in 2 C.F.R. 200.414(f), and that elects to use the “de minimis” indirect cost rate, must advise DCJS in writing of both its eligibility and its election, and must comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. The “de minimis” rate may be applied only to modified total direct costs (MTDC) as defined by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements.

5, Requirement to report potentially duplicative funding

If the subgrantee currently has other active awards of federal funds, or if the subgrantee receives any other award of federal funds during the period of performance for this award, the subgrantee promptly must determine whether funds from any of those other federal awards have been, are

being, or are to be used (in whole or in pait) for one or more of the identical cost items for which funds are provided under this award. If so, the subgrantee must promptly notify DCJS in writing of the potential duplication, and, if so requested by DCJS, must seek a budget-modification or change-of-project-scope to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding.

  1. Requirements related to System for Award Management and Universal Identifier Requirements

The subgrantee must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAM), currently accessible at This includes applicable requirements regarding registration with SAM, as well as maintaining the cunency of information in SAM.

The subgrantee must maintain a valid DUNS number (a unique nine-digit number used for identifying and keeping track of entities receiving federal funds). Subgrai1tees must be registered in SAM to receive an award and must maintain an active registration for the entire period of the award.

  1. All subawards (“subgrants”) must have specific federal authorization

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements for authorization of any subaward. This condition applies to agreements that – for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements – OJP considers a “subaward” (and therefore does not consider a procurement “contract”). · The details of the requirement for authorization of any subaward are posted on the OJP web site at (Award condition: All subawards (“s~bgrants”) must have specific federal authorization), and are incorporated by reference here.

  1. Specific post-award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would exceed $150,000

The subgrantee, must comply with all applicable requirements to obtain specific advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would exceed the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (currently, $150,000). This condition applies to agreements that – for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements – OJP considers a procurement “contract” (and therefore does not consider a subaward).

The details of the requirement for advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract under an OJP award are posted on the OJP web site at (Award condition: Specific post-award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract (if contract would exceed $150,000)), and are incorporated by reference here.


being, or are to be used (in whole or in part) for one or more of the identical cost items for which funds are provided under this award. If’so, the subgrantee must promptly notify DCIS in writing of the potential duplication, and, if so requested by DCJS, must seek a budget-modification or change-of-project-scope to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding.

  1. Requirements related to System for Award Management and Universal Identifier Requirements

‘The subgrantee must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award

Management (SAM), currently accessible at This includes applicable requirements regarding registration with SAM, as well as maintaining the currency of

information in SAM.

‘The subgrantee must maintain a valid DUNS number (a unique nine-digit number used for identifying and keeping track of entities receiving federal funds), Subgrantees must be registered in SAM to receive an award and must maintain an active registration for the entire period of the award.

  1. All subawards (“subgrants”') must have specific federal authorization

‘The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements for authorization of any subaward. This condition applies to agreements that – for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements – OJP considers a “subaward” (and therefore does not consider a procurement “contract” ‘The details of the requirement for authorization of any subaward are posted on the OJP web site at,htm (Award condition: All subawards (“subgrants") must have specific federal authorization), and are incorporated by

reference here.

  1. Specific post-award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would exceed $150,000

The subgrantee, must comply with all applicable requirements to obtain specific advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would exceed the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (currently, $150,000). This condition applies to agreements that – for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements - OJP considers a procurement “contract” (and therefore does not consider a subaward).

The details of the requirement for advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract under an OJP award are posted on the OJP web site at

https://ojp gow/funding/Explore/NoncompetitiveProcurement.htm (Award condition: Specific post-award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract (if

contract would exceed $150,000), and are incorporated by reference here.

  1. Requirement§ pertaining to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persom (including reporting requirements and OJP authority to terminate award)

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements (including requirements to report allegations) pertaining to prohibited conduct related to the trafficking of persons, whether on the pait of subgrantees, or individuals defined (for purposes ofthis condition) as “employees” of any subgrantee.

The details of the sub grantee’s obligations related to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons are posted on the OJP web site at­ Trafficking.htm (Award condition: Prohibited conduct by subgrantees related to trafficking in persons (including rep01ting requirements and OJP authority to tem1inate award)), and are incorporated by reference here.

  1. Compliance with applicable rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting of conferences, meetings, trainings, and other events

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and official DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and repo1ting requirements, where applicable) governing the use of federal funds for expenses related to conferences (as that term is defined by DOJ), including the provision of food and/or beverages at such conferences, and costs of attendance at such conferences.

Inf01mation on the pertinent DOJ definition of conferences and the rnles applicable to this award appears in the DOJ Grants Financial Guide (currently, as section 3.10 of “Postaward Requirements” in the “DOJ Grants Financial Guide”).

  1. Requirement for data on performance and effectiveness under the award

The subgrantee must collect and maintain data that measure the perf01mance and effectiveness of work under this award. The data must be provided to DCJS as specified by DCJS in the program solicitation or other applicable written guidance. Data collection supports compliance with the Government Perf01mance and Results Act (GPRA) and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, and other applicable laws.

  1. OJP Training Guiding Principles

Any training or training materials that the subgrantee develops or delivers with OJP award funds must adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees, available at

  1. Effect of failure to address audit issues

The subgrantee understands and agrees that DCJS or the DOJ awarding agency may withhold award funds, or may impose other related requirements, if (as detem1ined by DCJS or the DOJ awarding agency) the subgrantee does not satisfactorily and promptly address outstanding issues


9, Requirements pertaining to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements and OJP authority to terminate award)

‘The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements (including requirements to report allegations) pertaining to prohibited conduct related to the trafficking of persons, whether on the part of subgrantees, or individuals defined (for purposes of this condition) as “employees” of any


The details of the subgrantee’s obligations related to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons are posted on the OJP web site at ‘Trafficking. htm (Award condition: Prohibited conduct by subgrantees related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements and OJP authority to terminate award)), and are incorporated by reference here.

  1. Compliance with applicable rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting of conferences, meetings, trainings, and other events

‘The subgrantee must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and official DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, where applicable) governing the use of federal funds for expenses related to conferences (as that term is defined by DOD), including the provision of food and/or beverages at such conferences, and costs of attendance at such conferences.

Information on the pertinent DOJ definition of conferences and the rules applicable to this award appears in the DOJ Grants Financial Guide (currently, as section 3.10 of “Postaward Requirements” in the “DOJ Grants Financial Guide”).

11, Requirement for data on performance and effectiveness under the award

The subgrantee must collect and maintain data that measure the performance and effectiveness of work under this award. The data must be provided to DCIS as specified by DCJS in the program solicitation or other applicable written guidance. Data collection supports compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, and other applicable laws.

  1. OJP Training Guiding Principles Any training or training materials that the subgrantee develops or delivers with OJP award funds

must adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees, available at

  1. Effect of failure to address audit issues

‘The subgrantee understands and agrees that DCJS or the DOJ awarding agency may withhold award funds, or may impose other related requirements, if (as determined by DCJS or the DOJ awarding agency) the subgrantee does not satisfactorily and promptly address outstanding issues

from audits required by the Pait 200 Unifo1m Requirements (or by the terms of this award), or other outstanding issues that arise in connection with audits, investigations, or reviews of DOJ awards.

  1. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 42

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Pait 42, specifically including any applicable requirements in Subpa1t E of 28 C.F.R. Pait 42 that relate to an equal employment opportunity program.

  1. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 54

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 54, which relates to nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in ce1iain “education programs.”

  1. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 38

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements of 28C.F.R. Pait 38, specifically including any applicable requirements regarding written notice to program beneficiaries and prospective program beneficiaries.

Among other things, 28 C.F.R. Pait 38 includes rules that prohibit specific fo1ms of discrimination on the basis of religion, a religious belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice. Part 38 also sets out rules and requirements that pertain to subgrantee organizations that engage in or conduct explicitly religious activities, as well as rules and requirements that pertain to subgrantees that are faith-based or religious organizations.

The text of the regulation, now entitled “Paitnerships with Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations,” is available via the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (currently accessible at by browsing to Title 28-Judicial Administration, Chapter 1, Part 38, under e-CFR “current” data.

  1. Restrictions on “lobbying”

In general, as a matter of federal law, federal funds awarded by OJP may not be used by the subgrantee, either directly or indirectly, to suppo1i or oppose the enactment, repeal, modification, or adoption of any law, regulation, or policy, at any level of goverrunent. See 18 U.S.C. 1913. (There may be exceptions if an applicable federal statute specifically authorizes certain activities that otherwise would be barred by law.)

Another federal law generally prohibits federal funds awai·ded by OJP from being used by the subgrantee, to pay any person to influence (or attempt to influence) a federal agency, a Member


from audits required by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements (or by the terms of this award), or other outstanding issues that arise in connection with audits, investigations, or reviews of DOT awards.

  1. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.R.R. Part 42

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 42, specifically including any applicable requirements in Subpart E of 28 C.F.R. Part 42 that relate to an equal

employment opportunity program.

  1. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 CFR. Part 54

The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 54, which relates to nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in certain “education programs.”

  1. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 CER. Part 38

‘The subgrantee must comply with all applicable requirements of 28C.F.R. Part 38, specifically including any applicable requirements regarding written notice to program beneficiaries and prospective program beneficiaries.

Among other things, 28 C.F.R. Part 38 includes rules that prohibit specific forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, a religious belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice. Part 38 also sets out rules and requirements that pertain to subgrantee organizations that engage in or conduct explicitly religious activities, as well as rules and requirements that pertain to subgrantees that are faith-based or religious organizations.

The text of the regulation, now entitled “Partnerships with Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations,” is available via the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (currently accessible at http://www. by browsing to Title 28-Judicial ‘Administration, Chapter 1, Part 38, under e-CFR “current” data.

  1. Restrictions on “lobbying”

In general, as a matter of federal law, federal funds awarded by OJP may not be used by the subgrantee, either directly or indirectly, to support or oppose the enactment, repeal, modification, or adoption of any law, regulation, or policy, at any level of government. See 18 U.S.C. 1913. (There may be exceptions if an applicable federal statute specifically authorizes certain activities that otherwise would be barred by law.)

Another federal law generally prohibits federal funds awarded by OJP from being used by the subgrantee, to pay any person to influence (or attempt to influence) a federal agency, a Member

of Congress, or Congress (or an official or employee of any of them) with respect to the awarding of a federal grant or cooperative agreement, subgrant, contract, subcontract, or loan, or with respect to actions such as renewing, extending, or modifying any such award. See 31 U.S.C. 1352. Certain exceptions to this law apply, including an exception that applies to Indian tribes and tribal organizations.

Should any question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a subgrantee would or might fall within the scope of these prohibitions, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS for guidance, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval ofDCJS and OJP.

  1. Compliance with general appropriations-law restrictions on the use of federal funds (FY 2017)

Pertinent restrictions, including from various “general provisions” in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017, are set out at 7- AppropriationsLawRestrictions.htm, and are incorporated by reference here.

Should a question arise as to whether a paiticular use of federal funds by a subgrantee would or might fall within the scope of an appropriations-law restriction, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS for guidance, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval of DCJS and OJP.

  1. Reporting Potential Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and Similar Misconduct

The subgrantee must promptly refer to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, subgrantee, contractor, subcontractor, or other person has, in connection with funds under this award – (1) submitted a claim that violates the False Claims Act; or (2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct.

Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct involving or relating to funds under this award should be repo1ted to the OIG by-

a. mail directed to: Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, Investigations Division, 1425 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 7100, Washington, DC 20530; and/or

b. the DOJ OIG hotline: (contact information in English and Spanish) at (800) 869-4499 (phone) or (202) 616-9881 (fax).

Additional info1mation is available from the DOJ OIG website at

  1. Restrictions and certifications regarding non-disclosure agreements and related matter s

No subgrantee under this award, or entity that receives a procurement contract or subcontract with any funds under this award, may require any employee or contractor to sign an internal confidentiality agreement or statement that prohibits or otherwise restricts, or purpmts to prohibit


of Congress, or Congress (or an official or employee of any of them) with respect to the awarding of a federal grant or cooperative agreement, subgrant, contract, subcontract, or loan, or ‘with respect to actions such as renewing, extending, or modifying any such award. See 31 U.S.C. 1352, Certain exceptions to this law apply, including an exception that applies to Indian

tribes and tribal organizations.

Should any question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a subgrantee would or might fall within the scope of these prohibitions, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS for guidance, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval of DCJS and OIP.

  1. Compliance with general appropriations-law restrictions on the use of federal funds (FY 2017)

Pertinent restrictions, including from various “general provisions” in the Consolidated

Appropriations Act, 2017, are set out at http://oip.gow/funding?Explore?PY2017- AppropriationsLawRestrictions.him, and are incorporated by reference here.

Should a question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a subgrantee would or might fall within the scope of an appropriations-law restriction, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS for guidance, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval of DCJS

and OJP. 19. Reporting Potential Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and Similar Misconduct

‘The subgrantee must promptly refer to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, subgrantee, contractor, subcontractor, or other person has, in connection with funds under this award – (1) submitted a claim that violates the False Claims Act; or (2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct.

Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct involving or relating to funds under this award should be reported to the OIG by—

a. mail directed to: Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, Investigations Division, 1425 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 7100, Washington, DC

20530; and/or b. the DOJ OIG hotline: (contact information in English and Spanish) at (800) 869-4499

(phone) or (202) 616-9881 (fax). Additional information is available from the DOJ OIG website at, 20. Restrictions and certifications regarding non-disclosure agreements and related matters No subgrantee under this award, or entity that receives a procurement contract or subcontract

with any funds under this award, may require any employee or contractor to sign an internal confidentiality agreement or statement that prohibits or otherwise restricts, or purports to prohibit

or restrict, the reporting (in accordance with law) of waste, fraud, or abuse to an investigative or law enforcement representative of a federal department or agency authorized to receive such information.

The foregoing is not intended, and shall not be understood by the agency making this award, to contravene requirements applicable to Standard Form 312 (which relates to classified information), Form 4414 (which relates to sensitive compartmented information), or any other form issued by a federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of classified information.

  1. (Cont’d)

In accepting this award, the subgrantee-

a. represents that it neither requires nor has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that cmrently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and

b. certifies that, if it learns or is notified that it is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), rep01iing of waste, fraud, or abuse as described above, it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds, will provide prompt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so by that agency.

If the sub grantee does or is authorized under this award to make subawards (“subgrants”), procurement contracts, or both-

a. it represents that it has determined that no other entity that the subgrantee’s application proposes may or will receive award funds (whether through a subaward (“subgrant”), procurement contract, or sub~ontract under a procurement contract) either requires or has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that cunently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and

b. it has made appropriate inquiry, or otherwise has an adequate factual basis, to support this representation; and

c. it certifies that, if it learns or is notified that any subgrantee, contractor, or subcontractor entity that receives funds under this award is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting of waste, fraud, or abuse as described above, it will immediately stop any futiher obligations of award funds to or by that entity, will provide prompt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so by that agency.


or restrict, the reporting (in accordance with law) of waste, fraud, or abuse to an investigative or law enforcement representative of a federal department or agency authorized to receive such information.

The foregoing is not intended, and shall not be understood by the agency making this award, to contravene requirements applicable to Standard Form 312 (which telates to classified information), Form 4414 (which relates to sensitive compartmented information), ot any other form issued by a federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of classified


  1. (Cont’d)

In accepting this award, the subgrantee—


represents that it neither requires nor has required intemal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that currently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and

certifies that, if it learns or is notified that it is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting of waste, fraud, or abuse as described above, it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds, will provide prompt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so by that agency.

If the subgrantee does or is authorized under this award to make subawards (“subgrants”), procurement contracts, or both—


it represents that it has determined that no other entity that the subgrantee’s application proposes may or will receive award funds (whether through a subaward (“subgrant”), procurement contract, or subcontract under a procurement contract) either requires or has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that currently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees ot contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as desoribed above; and ithas made appropriate inquiry, or otherwise has an adequate factual basis, to support this representation; and

it certifies that, if it learns or is notified that any subgrantee, contractor, or subcontractor entity that receives funds under this award is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting of waste, fraud, or abuse as described above, it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds to or by that entity, will provide prompt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so

by that agency.


  1. Compliance with 41 U.§.C. 4712 (including prohibitions on n~prisal; notice to employees)

The 13ubgrantee must comply with, and is subject to, all applicable provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712, including all applicable provisions that prohibit, under specified circumstances, discrimination against an employee as reprisal for the employee’s disclosure of information related to gross mismanagement of a federal grant, a gross waste of federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a federal grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal grant.

The subgrantee also must inform its employees, in writing (and in the predominant native language of the workforce), of employee rights and remedies under 41 U.S.C. 4712.

Should a question arise as to the applicability of the provisions of 41’U.S.C. 4712 to this award, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS for guidance.

  1. Encouragement of policies to ban text messaging while driving

Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,” 74 Fed. Reg. 51225 (October 1, 2009), DOI encourages subgrantees to adopt and enforce policies banning employees from text messaging while driving any vehicle during the course of performing work funded by this award, and to establish workplace safety policies and conduct education, awareness, and other outreach to decrease crashes caused by distracted drivers.

  1. Discrimination findings

The subgrantee assures that in the event that a Federal or State comt or Federal or State administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing on the ground of race, religion, national origin, sex, or disability against a recipient of victim assistance f01mula funds under this award, the subgrantee will forward a copy of the findings to the Office for Civil Rights of OJP.

  1. Documentation requirements

The subgrantee agrees promptly to provide, upon request, financial or programmatic related documentation related to this award, including documentation of expenditures and achievements.

  1. Additional monitoring requirements

The subgrantee understands that it may be subject to additional financial and programmatic on­ site monitoring, which may be on short notice, and agrees that it will cooperate with any such monitoring.


  1. Compliance with 41 U.S.C. 4712 (including prohibitions on reprisal; notice to employees)

The subgrantee must comply with, and is subject to, all applicable provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712, including all applicable provisions that prohibit, under specified circumstances, discrimination against an employee as reprisal for the employee’s disclosure of information related to gross mismanagement of a federal grant, a gross waste of federal funds, an abuse of authority relating toa federal grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal grant.

The subgrantee also must inform its employees, in writing (and in the predominant native language of the workforce), of employee rights and remedies under 41 U.S.C. 4712.

Should a question arise as to the applicability of the provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712 to this award, the subgrantee is to contact DCJS for guidance.

22, Encouragement of policies to ban text messaging while driving

Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,” 74 Fed. Reg. 51225 (October 1, 2009), DOJ encourages subgrantees to adopt and enforce policies banning employees from text messaging while driving any vehicle during the course of performing work funded by this award, and to establish workplace safety policies and conduct education, awareness, and other outreach to decrease crashes caused by distracted

drivers. 23. Discrimination findings

The subgrantee assures that in the event that a Federal or State court or Federal or State administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing on the ground of race, religion, national origin, sex, or disability against a recipient of victim assistance formula funds under this award, the subgrantee will forward a copy of the findings to the Office for Civil Rights of OIP.

24, Documentation requirements

The subgrantee agrees promptly to provide, upon request, financial or programmatic related documentation related to this award, including documentation of expenditures and

achievements. 25, Additional monitoring requirements

‘The subgrantee understands that it may be subject to additional financial and programmatic on- site monitoring, which may be on short notice, and agrees that it will cooperate with any such monitoring.


  1. Record retention and access

Records pertinent to the award must be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report. Sub grantee must provide access, including performance measurement info1mation, in addition to the financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other pertinent records indicated at 2 C.F.R. 200.333.

  1. Non-Supplanting requirement

Funds made available through this award will not be used to replace state or local funds that would, in the absence of this grant, be made available for the same purposes. Guidance on the non-supplanting requirement is available here: guides/financialguidel 1/PreawardRequirements/chapter5page 6.htm

  1. Civil Rights training requirement

The subgrantee agrees to meet the civil rights training requirements through viewing the online training modules offered through the Office on Civil Rights at or online training offered by DCJS. The subgrantee must review these training modules at least once per grant cycle and must view the civil rights overview, standard assurances modules, and the module on the obligations to provide services to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.

  1. Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP)

As a recipient of Department of Justice funding, the subgrantee agrees to comply with the requirements regarding Equal Employment Opportunity Plans (EEOP). In certain cases, subgrant recipients must develop an EEOP. Your organization is required to submit a Ce1tification Report and/or the Utilization Report section of your plan to the Office of Civil Rights. Further guidance can be found at The Certification form required by OJP can be found at

  1. Performance and obligation periods

Grant funds, including state and local match, may be expended and/or obligated during the grant award period of perfo1mance. Sub grantees may only charge to the award allowable costs incuned during this grant award period. All properly incurred obligations must be liquidated no later than 45 days after the end of the award period. No new obligations may be made during the liquidation period. The subgrantee agrees to submit a final financial report and return all received and unexpended grant funds to DCJS within 45 days of the end of the grant award period.


  1. Record retention and access

Records pertinent to the award must be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report. Subgrantee must provide access, including performance measurement information, in addition to the financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other pertinent records indicated at 2 C.F.R. 200.333.

  1. Non-Supplanting requirement

Funds made available through this award will not be used to replace state or local funds that would, in the absence of this grant, be made available for the same purposes. Guidance on the non-supplanting requirement is available here: https:/! 1 /PreawardRequirements/chapterSpage


28, Civil Rights training requirement

‘The subgrantee agrees to meet the civil rights training requirements through viewing the online training modules offered through the Office on Civil Rights at

https://ojp cov/about/ocr/assistance.htm or online training offered by DCJS. The subgrantee must review these training modules at least once per grant cycle and must view the civil rights overview, standard assurances modules, and the module on the obligations to provide services to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.

  1. Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP)

As a recipient of Department of Justice funding, the subgrantee agrees to comply with the requirements regarding Equal Employment Opportunity Plans (EEOP). In certain cases, subgrant recipients must develop an EEOP. Your organization is required to submit a Certification Report and/or the Utilization Report section of your plan to the Office of Civil Rights. Further guidance can be found at The Certification form required by OJP can be found at pdf.

30, Performance and obligation periods

Grant funds, including state and local match, may be expended and/or obligated during the grant award period of performance. Subgrantees may only charge to the award allowable costs incurred during this grant award period. All properly incurred obligations must be liquidated no later than 45 days afer the end of the award period. No new obligations may be made during the liquidation period. The subgrantee agrees to submit a final financial report and return all received and unexpended grant funds to DCJS within 45 days of the end of the grant award



  1. Travel Policy

Sub grantees may follow their own established travel rates if they have an established travel policy. DCJS reserves the right to determine the reasonableness of an organization’s travel policy. If the subgrantee does not have an established policy,· then they must adhere to federal travel policy. DCJS allows reimbursement for actual_reasonable expenses and meals according to per diem. Please refer to the following IRS website for the most cunent mileage rate: Transpo1iation costs for air and rail must be at coach rates.

  1. Project initiation

Within 60 days of the starting date of the grant, the subgrantee must initiate the project funded. If not, the subgrantee must rep01i to DCJS, in writing, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for the delay, and the expected starting date. If the project is not operational within 90 days of the stait date, the subgrantee must obtain approval in writing from DCJS for a new implementation date or DCJS may cancel and terminate the project and redistribute the funds.

  1. Budget amendments

No amendment to the approved budget may be made without the prior approval ofDCJS. No more than two (2) budget amendments will be permitted during the grant period. Budget amendments must be requested using the online Grants Management Information System (GMIS), accompanied with a nanative. The deadline for all budget amendments to be submitted will be 45 days prior to the end of the grant year.

  1. Financial audits

The subgrantee agrees to forward a copy to DCJS of the subgrantee’s scheduled financial statement audit for the fiscal year that covers the grant award period. If the subgrantee is a local government or non-profit organization and expends $750,000 or more in federal awards (from all sources) during its fiscal year, the sub grantee is required to submit the appropriate single or program specific audit in accordance with the provisions outlined in 2CFR Part 200 Subpait F.

  1. Procurement

The subgrantee agrees to provide for fair and open competition when procuring goods and services with award funds and to maintain documented procurement policies and procedures. Permission to make a sole source procurement requires the prior approval of DCJS. Any request for exemption to this regulation must be filed in writing.

  1. Conflict of interest

All subgrantees must have a written conflict of interest policy. The subgrantee certifies that it will disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to DCJS in accordance with applicable federal awarding agency policy as required in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart E § 200.112.


  1. Travel Policy

Subgrantees may follow their own established travel rates if they have an established travel policy. DCJS reserves the right to determine the reasonableness of an organization’ travel policy. If the subgrantee does not have an established policy, then they must adhere to federal travel policy. DCIS allows reimbursement for actual_reasonable expenses and meals according to per diem, Please refer to the following IRS website for the most current mileage rate: Transportation costs for air and

rail must be at coach rates.

  1. Project initiation

Within 60 days of the starting date of the grant, the subgrantee must initiate the project funded. If not, the subgrantee must report to DCJS, in writing, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for the delay, and the expected starting date. If the project is not operational within 90 days of the start date, the subgrantee must obtain approval in writing from DCJS for a new implementation date or DCJS may cancel and terminate the project and redistribute the funds.

33, Budget amendments

‘No amendment to the approved budget may be made without the prior approval of DCJS. No more than two (2) budget amendments will be permitted during the grant period. Budget amendments must be requested using the online Grants Management Information System (GMIS), accompanied with a narrative. The deadline for all budget amendments to be submitted

will be 45 days prior to the end of the grant year.

  1. Financial audits

‘The subgrantee agrees to forward a copy to DCJS of the subgrantee’s scheduled financial statement audit for the fiscal year that covers the grant award period. If the subgrantee is a local government or non-profit organization and expends $750,000 or more in federal awards (from all sources) during its fiscal year, the subgrantee is required to submit the appropriate single or program specific audit in accordance with the provisions outlined in 2CFR Part 200 Subpart F.

  1. Procurement

The subgrantee agrees to provide for fair and open competition when procuring goods and services with award funds and to maintain documented procurement policies and procedures. Permission to make a sole source procurement requires the prior approval of DCJS. Any request for exemption to this regulation must be filed in writing.

  1. Conflict of interest All subgrantees must have a written conflict of interest policy. The subgrantee certifies that it

will disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to DCJS in accordance with applicable federal awarding agency policy as required in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart B § 200.112.


  1. Financial management systems

All subgrantees are required to establish and maintain adequate accounting systems and :financial records and to accurately account for funds awarded to them. They must have a :financial° management system in place that is able to record and report on the receipt, obligation, and expenditure of grant funds. Subgrantees must properly track the use of award funds and maintain adequate suppo1ting documentation including maintaining proper documentation for all paid grant and match staff and volunteer time reported. Fmther info1mation is available in the DOJ Financial Guide at FinancialGuide.pdf.

  1. Project income

Any funds generated as a direct result ofDCJS grant-funded projects are deemed project income. Project income mu~t be reported on the Subgrantee Financial Repmt for Project Income provided by DCJS. Instructions for the Project Income form can be downloaded at: http://www.dcj s. virginia. gov /forms/ grants/subgrantProj ectlncomelnstructions. doc. The Project Income form can also be downloaded from the DCJS website at: Examples of project income might include service fees; client fees; usage or rental fees; sales of materials; and income received from sale of seized and forfeited assets (cash, personal or real property included).

  1. Change in personnel

The subgrantee agrees to submit the DCJS Program Change/Update form when there is a personnel change in the program. Available on the DCJS website at:

  1. Required reports

The subgrantee agrees to submit, on or before scheduled due dates, such reports as required by DCJS. This includes filing required reports using the online Grants Management Information System (GMIS) and performance metric reports using the Performance Metric Tool (PMT). Failure to submit reports by the deadline dates may result in delay for reimbursement requests and/or cancellation of the subaward.

  1. Delegation of responsibility

Any delegation ofresponsibility for carrying out grant-funded activities to any entity must be pursuant to a written memorandum of understanding by which the implementing organization agrees to comply with all applicable grant terms, conditions and assurances. Any such delegation notwithstanding, the applicant acknowledges by its acceptance of the award its ultimate responsibility for compliance with all terms, conditions and assurances of the grant award.


  1. Financial management systems

All subgrantees are required to establish and maintain adequate accounting systems and financial records and to accurately account for funds awarded to them. They must have a financial management system in place that is able to record and report on the receipt, obligation, and expenditure of grant funds. Subgrantees must properly track the use of award funds and maintain adequate supporting documentation including maintaining proper documentation for all paid grant and match staff and volunteer time reported. Further information is available in the DOJ

Financial Guide at

  1. Project income

Any funds generated as a direct result of DCIS grant-funded projects are deemed project income. Project income must be reported on the Subgrantee Financial Report for Project Income provided by DCJS. Instructions for the Project Income form can be downloaded at:

http://www.dejs. virginia. gov/forms/grants/subgrantProjectIncomelnstructions.doc. The Project

Income form can also be downloaded from the DCJS website at:

http://www. dejs. virginia. gov/forms/grants/subgrantProjectIncome.xls. Examples of project income might include service fees; client fees; usage or rental fees; sales of materials; and income received from sale of seized and forfeited assets (cash, personal or real property

included). 39. Change in personnel The subgrantee agrees to submit the DCJS Program Change/Update form when there is a

personnel change in the program. Available on the DCJS website at: https://www.dejs. virginia, gov/ victims-services/forms.

  1. Required reports

The subgrantee agrees to submit, on or before scheduled due dates, such reports as required by DCIS. This includes filing required reports using the online Grants Management Information System (GMIS) and performance meitic reports using the Performance Metric Tool (PMT). Failure to submit reports by the deadline dates may result in delay for reimbursement requests and/or cancellation of the subaward.

  1. Delegation of responsibility

Any delegation of responsibility for carrying out grant-funded activities to any entity must be pursuant to a written memorandum of understanding by which the implementing organization agrees to comply with all applicable grant terms, conditions and assurances. Any such delegation notwithstanding, the applicant acknowledges by its acceptance of the award its ultimate responsibility for compliance with all terms, conditions and assurances of the grant award.


  1. National Environmental Policy Act Compliance

The grantee agrees to assist the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NatiOnal Historic Preservation Act, and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds, either directly by the grantee or by a subgrantee. Accordingly, the grantee agrees to first determine if any of the following activities will be funded by the grant, prior to obligating funds for any of these purposes. If it is determined that any of the following activities will be funded by the grant, the grantee agrees to contact BJA.

The grantee understands that this special condition applies to its following new activities whether or not they are being specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted by the grantee, a subgrantee, or any third party and the activity needs to be unde1iaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met. The activities covered by this special condition are: a. New construction; b. Minor renovation or remodeling of a prope1iy located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, including properties located within a 100-year flood plain, a wetland, or habitat for endangered species, or a property listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places; c. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or (b) significantly change its size; d. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or education environments; and e. Implementation of a program relating to clandestine methamphetamine laboratory operations, including the identification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories.

The grantee understands and agrees that complying with NEPA may require the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement, as directed by BJA. The grantee fuither understands and agrees to the requirements for implementatiOn of a Mitigation Plan, as detailed at, for programs relating to methamphetamine laboratory operations.

Application of this Special Condition to Grantee’s Existing Programs or Activities: for any of the grantee’s or its subgrantees’ existing programs or activities that will be funded by these grant funds, the grantee, upon specific request from BJA, agrees to cooperate with BJA in any preparation by BJA of a national or program environmental assessment of that funded program or activity.

  1. Consultants

Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of $650 per day. A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) program office prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds.


42, National Environmental Policy Act Compliance

The grantee agrees to assist the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds, either directly by the grantee or by a subgrantee. Accordingly, the grantee agrees to first determine if any of the following activities will be funded by the grant, prior to obligating funds for any of these purposes. If it is determined that any of the following activities will be funded by the grant, the grantee agrees to contact BJA.

The grantee understands that this special condition applies to its following new activities whether or not they are being specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted by the grantee, a subgrantee, or any third party and the activity needs to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met. The activities covered by this special condition are: a. New construction; b. Minor renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, including properties located within a 100-year flood plain, a wetland, or habitat for endangered species, or a property listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places; c. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or (b) significantly change its size; d. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or education environments; and e. Implementation of a program relating to clandestine methamphetamine laboratory operations, including the identification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories.

‘The grantee understands and agrees that complying with NEPA may require the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement, as directed by BJA. The grantee further understands and agrees to the requirements for implementation of a Mitigation Plan, as detailed at, for programs relating to methamphetamine laboratory operations.

Application of this Special Condition to Grantee’s Existing Programs or Activities: for any of the grantee’s or its subgrantees’ existing programs or activities that will be funded by these grant funds, the grantee, upon specific request from BJA, agrees to cooperate with BJA in any preparation by BJA of a national or program environmental assessment of that funded program or activity.

  1. Consultants Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of $650 per

day. A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) program office prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds.


  1. Monitoring and access to grant records

The subgrantee agrees to comply with OJP and DCJS grant monitoring guidelines, protocols, and procedures, and to cooperate with BJA, OCFO, and DCJS on all grant monitoring requests, including requests related to desk reviews, enhanced programmatic desk reviews, and/or site visits. The recipient agrees to provide to BJA, OCFO, and DCJS all documentation necessary to complete monitoring tasks, including documentation related to any subawards made under this award. Further, the recipient agrees to abide by reasonable deadlines set by BJA, OCFO, and DCJS for providing the requested documents. Failure to cooperate with BJA’s/OCFO’s/DCJS’s grant monitoring activities may result in sanctions affecting the recipient’s DOJ awards, including, but not limited to: withholdings and/or other restrictions on the recipient’s access to grant funds; referral to the Office of the Inspector General for audit review; designation of the recipient as a DOJ High Risk grantee; or tennination of an award(s).

  1. Information technology systems

The subgrantee agrees that any information technology system funded or supported by OJP funds will comply with 28 C.F.R. Pait 23, Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies, if OJP determines this regulation to be applicable. Should OJP determine 28 C.F.R. Pait 23 to be applicable, OJP may, at its discretion, perform audits of the system, as per the regulation. Should any violation of28 C.F.R. Patt 23 occur, the recipient may be fined as per 42 U.S.C. 3789g©- ( d). Recipient may not satisfy such a fine with federal funds.

  1. Avoidance of the duplication of networks

To avoid duplicating existing networks or IT systems in any initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement information sharing systems which involve interstate connectivity between jurisdictions, such systems shall employ, to the extent possible, existing networks as the communication backbone to achieve interstate connectivity, unless the recipient can demonstrate to the satisfaction of BIA that this requirement would not be cost effective or would impair the functionality of an existing or proposed IT system.

  1. Protection of human research subjects

The subawardee must comply with the requirements of 28 C.F.R. Patt 46 and all OJP policies and procedures regarding the protection of human research subjects, including obtainment of Institutional Review Board approval, if appropriate, and subject informed consent.

  1. Confidentiality requirements

Subgrantee agrees to comply with all confidentiality requirements of 42 U.S.C. section 3789g and 28 C.F.R. Part 22 that are applicable to collection, use, and revelation of data or information. Grantee further agrees, as a condition of grant approval, to submit a Privacy Certificate that is in accord with requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 22 and, in particular, section 22.23.


44, Monitoring and aceess to grant records

The subgrantee agrees to comply with OJP and DCIS grant monitoring guidelines, protocols, and procedures, and to cooperate with BJA, OCFO, and DCJS on all grant monitoring requests, including requests related to desk reviews, enhanced programmatic desk reviews, and/or site visits, The recipient agrees to provide to BJA, OCFO, and DCJS all documentation necessary to complete monitoring tasks, including documentation related to any subawards made under this award. Further, the recipient agrees to abide by reasonable deadlines set by BJA, OCFO, and DCIS for providing the requested documents. Failure to cooperate with BJA’s/OCFO’s/DCIS’s grant monitoring activities may result in sanctions affecting the recipient’s DOJ awards, including, but not limited to: withholdings and/or other restrictions on the recipient’s access to grant funds; referral to the Office of the Inspector General for audit review; designation of the recipient as a DOJ High Risk grantee; or termination of an award(s).

45, Information technology systems

‘The subgrantee agrees that any information technology system funded or supported by OP funds will comply with 28 C.F.R. Part 23, Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies, if OJP determines this regulation to be applicable. Should OJP determine 28 C.F.R. Part 23 to be applicable, OJP may, at its discretion, perform audits of the system, as per the regulation. Should any violation of 28 C.F.R. Part 23 occur, the recipient may be fined as per 42 U.S.C. 3789g©- (@), Recipient may not satisfy such a fine with federal funds.

  1. Avoidance of the duplication of networks

To avoid duplicating existing networks or IT systems in any initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement information sharing systems which involve interstate connectivity between jurisdictions, such systems shall employ, to the extent possible, existing networks as the communication backbone to achieve interstate connectivity, unless the recipient can demonstrate to the satisfaction of BJA that this requirement would not be cost effective or would impair the functionality of an existing or proposed IT system.

47, Protection of human research subjects The subawardee must comply with the requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 46 and all OJP policies

and procedures regarding the protection of human research subjects, including obtainment of Institutional Review Board approval, if appropriate, and subject informed consent.

  1. Confidentiality requirements

Subgrantee agrees to comply with all confidentiality requirements of 42 U.S.C. section 3789g and 28 C.F.R. Part 22 that are applicable to collection, use, and revelation of data or information. Grantee further agrees, as a condition of grant approval, to submit a Privacy Certificate that is in accord with requirements of 28 C.F.R, Part 22 and, in particular, section 22.23.


  1. Body Armoir

Ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased with JAG funds may be purchased at any threat level, make or model, from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the vests have been tested and found to comply with applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards and are listed on the NIJ Compliant Body Almor Model List ( In addition, ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased must be American made. The latest NIJ standard inf01mation can be found here:

  1. Mandatory Wear Policy Certification

The subgrantee agrees to submit a signed certification that all law enforcement agencies receiving vests purchased with JAG funds have a written “mandatory wear” policy in effect. Fiscal agents and state agencies must keep signed ce1tifications on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize JAG funds for ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchases. This policy must be in place for at least all unifo1med officers before any JAG funding can be used by the agency for body armor. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the policy other than it be a mandatory wear policy for all unifonned officers while on duty.

  1. Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program

JAG funds may be used to purchase vests for an agency, but they may not be used as the 50% match for pmposes of the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) program.

  1. Required online (internet-based) Task-Force Training

The sub-grantee agrees that within 120 days of award acceptance, each current member of a law enforcement task force funded with these funds who is a task force commander, agency executive, task force officer, or other task force member of equivalent rank, will complete required online (internet-based) task force training. Additionally, all future task force members are required to complete this training once during the life of this award, or once every four years if multiple awards include this requirement. The training is provided free of charge online through BJA’s Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership ( This training addresses task force effectiveness as well as other key issues including privacy and civil libe1ties/rights, task force performance measurement, personnel selection, and task force oversight and accountability. When BJA funding supports a task force, a task force personnel roster should be compiled and maintained, along with course completion certificates, by the grant recipient. Additional information is available regarding this required training and access methods via BJA’s web site and the Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership (

  1. Quarterly accountability metrics

Any law enforcement agency receiving direct or sub-awarded JAG funding must submit quarterly accountability metrics data related to training that officers have received on the use of


49, Body Armor

Ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased with JAG funds may be purchased at any threat level, make or model, from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the vests have been tested and found to comply with applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards and are listed on the NIJ Compliant Body Armor Model List ( In addition, ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased must be American made. The latest NIJ standard information can be found here: hitp://www_nij,gov/topics/technology/body-armor/safetyinitiative.htm.

  1. Mandatory Wear Policy Certification

‘The subgrantee agrees to submit a signed certification that all law enforcement agencies receiving vests purchased with JAG funds have a written “mandatory wear” policy in effect. Fiscal agents and state agencies must keep signed certifications on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize JAG funds for ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchases. This policy must be in place for at least all uniformed officers before any JAG funding can be used by the agency for body armor. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the policy other than it be a mandatory wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty.

  1. Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program

JAG funds may be used to purchase vests for an agency, but they may not be used as the 50% match for purposes of the Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) program.

  1. Required online (internet-based) Task-Force Training

The sub-grantee agrees that within 120 days of award acceptance, each current member of a law enforcement task force funded with these funds who is a task force commander, agency executive, task force officer, or other task force member of equivalent rank, will complete required online (intemet-based) task force training. Additionally, all future task force members are required to complete this training once during the life of this award, or once every four years if multiple awards include this requirement. The training is provided free of charge online through BJA’s Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership ( This training addresses task force effectiveness as well as other key issues including privacy and civil liberties/rights, task force performance measurement, personnel selection, and task force oversight and accountability. When BJA funding supports a task force, a task force personnel roster should be compiled and maintained, along with course completion certificates, by the grant recipient. Additional information is available regarding this required training and access methods via BJA’s web site and the Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership

( 53. Quarterly accountability metrics

Any law enforcement agency receiving direct or sub-awarded JAG funding must submit quarterly accountability metrics data related to training that officers have received on the use of


force, racial and ethnic bias, de-escalation of conflict, and constructive engagement with the public.

  1. Required attendance at BJA sponsored events

The subawardee must participate in BJA-sponsored training events, technical assistance events, or conferences held by BJA or its designees, upon BJA’s request.

  1. Use of funds for DNA testing

If award funds are used for DNA testing of evidentia1y materials, any resulting eligible DNA profiles must be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System (“CODIS,” the DNA database operated by the FBI) by a government DNA laboratory with access to CODIS. No profiles generated under this award may be entered or uploaded into any non-governmental DNA database without prior express written approval from BJA. Award funds may not be used for the purchase of DNA equipment and supplies unless the resulting DNA profiles may be accepted for entry into CODIS.

  1. Reclassification of various statutory provisions to a new title 34 of United States Code

On September 1, 2017, various statutory provisions previously codified elsewhere in the U.S. Code were editorially reclassified to a new Title 34, entitled "Crime Control and Law Enforcement. 11 The reclassification encompassed a number of statutory provisions pertinent to OJP awards (that is, OJP grants and cooperative agreements), including many provisions previously codified in Title 42 of the U.S. Code. Effective as of September 1, 2017, any reference in this award document to a statutory provision that has been reclassified to the new Title 34 of the U.S. Code is to be read as a reference to that statutory provision as reclassified to Title 34. This rule of construction specifically includes references set out in award conditions, references set out in material incorporated by reference through award conditions, and references set out in other award requirements.

  1. Encouragement of submission of “success stories”

BJA strongly encourages the recipient to submit annual (or more frequent) JAG success stories. To submit a success story, sign in to a My BJA account at to access the Success Story Submission form. If the recipient does not yet have a My BJA account, please register at Once registered, one of the available areas on the My BJA page will be "My Success Stories. 11 Within this box, there is an option to add a Success Sto1y. Once reviewed and approved by BJA, all success stories will appear on the BJA Success Story web page at

  1. Program Guidelines

Unless otherwise stated, Special Conditions listed in item #59 must be met by August 31, 2019. If they remain unmet after this date, then the subgrantee must report to the DCJS, by letter, the steps taken to achieve compliance, the reasons for non-compliance, and the expected date of


force, racial and ethnic bias, de-escalation of conflict, and constructive engagement with the public.

54, Required attendance at BJA sponsored events

The subawardee must participate in BJA-sponsored training events, technical assistance events, of conferences held by BJA or its designees, upon BJA’s request.

  1. Use of funds for DNA testing

If award funds are used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting eligible DNA profiles must be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System (“CODIS,” the DNA database operated by the FBI) by a government DNA laboratory with access to CODIS. No profiles generated under this award may be entered or uploaded into any non-governmental DNA database without prior express written approval from BJA. Award funds may not be used for the purchase of DNA equipment and supplies unless the resulting DNA profiles may be accepted for

entry into CODIS.

  1. Reclassification of various statutory provisions to a new title 34 of United States Code

On September 1, 2017, various statutory provisions previously codified elsewhere in the U.S. Code were editorially reclassified to a new Title 34, entitled “Crime Control and Law Enforcement.” The reclassification encompassed a number of statutory provisions pertinent to OJP awards (that is, OJP grants and cooperative agreements), including many provisions previously codified in Title 42 of the U.S, Code. Effective as of September 1, 2017, any reference in this award document to a statutory provision that has been reclassified to the new Title 34 of the U.S. Code is to be read as a reference to that statutory provision as reclassified to Title 34. This rule of construction specifically includes references set out in award conditions, references set out in material incorporated by reference through award conditions, and references set out in other award requirements.

  1. Encouragement of submission of “success stories”

BIA strongly encourages the recipient to submit annual (or more frequent) JAG success stories. To submit a success story, sign in to a My BJA account at to access the Success Story Submission form. If the recipient does not yet have a My BJA account, please register at Once registered, one of the available areas on the My BJA page will be “My Success Stories.” Within this box, there is an option to add a Success Story. Once reviewed and approved by BJA, all success stories will appear on the BJA Success Story web page at https://www.

58, Program Guidelines Unless otherwise stated, Special Conditions listed in item #59 must be met by August 31, 2019.

If they remain unmet after this date, then the subgrantee must report to the DCJS, by letter, the steps taken to achieve compliance, the reasons for non-compliance, and the expected date of


compliance. DCJS may terminate grant funding based upon unexplained or unreasonable failure to substantially comply with special conditions within reasonable specified timeframes.

  1. Prior to DCJS disbursing funds, the subgrantee must comply with the following special conditions:

a) Submit a budget narrative outlining all expenditures.

b) Please submit verification of registration in the federal System for Award Management (SAM).


compliance. DCJS may terminate grant funding based upon unexplained or unreasonable failure to substantially comply with special conditions within reasonable specified timeftames.

  1. Prior to DCJS disbursing funds, the subgrantee must comply with the following special conditions:

a) Submit a budget narrative outlining all expenditures.

b) Please submit verification of registration in the federal System for Award Management (SAM).



Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services 1100 Bank Street, 121h Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant

Grant Start Date: 07/01 /2019 Grant End Date: 06/30/2020


By accepting the accompanying grant award, you are agreeing to submit online quru.terly financial and progress reports for this grant throughout the grant period, as well as final repo1ts to close the grant. No eligible current recipient of funding will be considered for continuation funding if, as of the continuation application due date, any of the required financial and progress reports for the current grant are more than 30 days overdue. For good cause, submitted in writing by the grant recipient, DCJS may waive this provision.

To submit reports, requests, and to view your grant award, refer to the Grants Management Information System (GMIS) at our website: www.dcjs In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer.

o FINANCIAL REPORTS are due within 15 days after the end of each calendar quarter and must be approved by your locality’s Financial Officer. Repmts are required even if no expenditures occuned during the quarter. If the due date falls on a weekend or non-business day, the report is due on the next business day. For financial questions, contact Bill Dodd at (804) 371-0638 or via email at [email protected] or Mru.·k Fero at (804) 225- 2782 or via email at [email protected].

• PROGRESS REPORTS fot most grant programs are due within 15 days after the end of each calendar quru.ter and must be approved by your DCJS Grant Monitor.

• REQUEST FOR FUNDS for most grant programs are processed quru.terly. Requests must be preceded by the previous quarter’s financial and approved progress repmts. For request for funds questions, contact Bill Dodd at (804) 371-0638 or via email at [email protected] or Mark Fero at (804) 225-2782 or via email at Mru.'k.F ero@dcj s. virginia. gov.

• BUDGET AMENDMENTS can be submitted for most DCJS programs with prior approval through our online Grants Management Information System (GMIS). Please review your Special Conditions carefully to determine the requirements and procedures for amending budgets. For budget amendment questions, contact your assigned Grant Monitor.



Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services 1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219

Local Law Enforcement Block Grant

Grant Start Date: 07/01/2019 Grant End Date: 06/30/2020


By accepting the accompanying grant award, you are agreeing to submit online quarterly financial and progress reports for this grant throughout the grant period, as well as final reports to close the grant. No eligible current recipient of funding will be considered for continuation funding if, as of the continuation application due date, any of the required financial and progress reports for the current grant are more than 30 days overdue, For good cause, submitted in writing by the grant recipient, DCIS may waive this provision.

To submit reports, requests, and to view your grant award, refer to the Grants Management Information System (GMIS) at our website: In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer.

© FINANCIAL REPORTS are due within 15 days after the end of each calendar quarter and must be approved by your locality’s Financial Officer. Reports are required even if no expenditures occurred during the quarter. If the due date falls on a weekend or non-business day, the report is due on the next business day. For financial questions, contact Bill Dodd at (804) 371-0638 or via email at Bill, [email protected] or Mark Fero at (804) 225- 2782 or via email at Mark [email protected].

© PROGRESS REPORTS for most grant programs are due within 15 days after the end of each calendar quarter and must be approved by your DCIS Grant Monitor.

© REQUEST FOR FUNDS for most grant programs are processed quarterly. Requests must be preceded by the previous quarter’s financial and approved progress reports, For request for funds questions, contact Bill Dodd at (804) 371-0638 or via email at Bill. [email protected] or Mark Fero at (804) 225-2782 or via email at Mark.Fero@dcjs.

BUDGET AMENDMENTS can be submitted for most DCJS programs with prior approval through our online Grants Management Information System (GMIS). Please review your Special Conditions carefully to determine the requirements and procedures for amending budgets. For budget amendment questions, contact your assigned Grant Monitor,


e GRANT CLOSEOUT: The last quaiterly financial report of a project using federal funds must indicate any unpaid obligations that may exist at the expiration of the grant award period. The subgrantee has up to 45 days from the end of the award period to liquidate any unpaid obligations and submit a final financial report. The liquidation period exists to allow projects time to receive final invoices and make final payments – no new obligations may be incurred during this period. Closeout questions should be directed to Andrew Wooldridge (804) 225-1863 or via email at Andrew.Wooldridge{a), or Mark Fero at (804) 225-2782 or via email at Mai-k.Fero@,



9/30/2019 10/15/2019

12/31/2019 1115/2020

3/31/2020 4115/2020

6/30/2020 7/15/2020

Final Report 8/15/2020


• GMIS Online: Send an email to [email protected].


© GRANT CLOSEOUT: The last quarterly financial report of a project using federal funds must indicate any unpaid obligations that may exist at the expiration of the grant award period. The subgrantee has up to 45 days from the end of the award period to liquidate any unpaid obligations and submit a final financial report. The liquidation period exists to allow projects time to receive final invoices and make final payments – no new obligations may be incurred during this period. Closeout questions should be directed to Andrew Wooldridge (804) 225-1863 or via email at Andrew, Wooldridge @dcjs. virginia gov or Mark Fero at (804) 225-2782 or via email at Mark. [email protected].

REPORTING SCHEDULE CALENDAR REPORT QUARTER ENDING DUE DATES 9/30/2019 10/15/2019 12/31/2019 1/15/2020 3/31/2020 ; 4/15/2020 6/30/2020 7/15/2020 Final Report 8/15/2020

GENERAL HELPDESK INFORMATION ° GMIS Online: Send an email to grantsweb@dejs. virginia gov.


WORK ELEMENTS FINAL REPORT Pewfou·m~u’lce Pteiriod: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2@19

Russell County, 'Virginia (Jurisdiction)

This is to certify that the amount of $7,500 (grant a/location) received as payment under LEMPG has been expended for the purpose of enhancing Emergency Management in the locality.

lt is further certified that the locality has provided required match documentation that demonstrates the use of non-federal funds (cash or in kind) in the amount of $7,500 (local match) for Emergency Management which is equal to, or greater than, the LEM PG allocation.

Error! Reference source not found. Emergency Management Staff (enter name of person)

EM Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jess Powers EM Deputy Coordinators… Betsy Summerfield and Levi Horton EM Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Ferguson


1 . 1 This work element requires that the locality ensure that local EOP adoption is current, and that ongoing maintenance of the plan is occurring.

Enter date of EOP Adoption (MonthNear) July 2016

If your EOP is current as of June 30th, skip to 1.2.

If your EOP is not current as of June 30th, describe the status of your planning efforts and expected adoption date. (maximum 625 characters)

1.2 This work element requires that the locality coordinate emergency management planning activities with all public colleges and universities, if applicable, in the locality. Such coordination with private institutions is encouraged.

Does locality have private or public colleges or universities? Y ~ N D If no, skip to 2.1. If yes, .complete following information

List colleges or universities in your locality and summarize any coordination activities with those colleges and universities. (maximum 625 characters)

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WORK ELEMENTS FINAL REPORT Performance Period: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

Russell County, Virginia (Jurisdiction)

This is to certify that the amount of $7,500 (grant allocation) received as payment under LEMPG has been expended for the purpose of enhancing Emergency Management in the locality.

{t is further certified that the locality has provided required match documentation that demonstrates the use of non-federal funds (cash or in kind) in the amount of $7,500 (local match) for Emergency Management which is equal to, or greater than, the LEMPG allocation.

Error! Reference source not found. Emergency Management Staff (enter name of person)

EM Coordinator … sos. JOSS Powers:

EM Deputy Coordinators… Betsy Summerfield and Levi Horton EM Director … Harry Ferguson


1.1 This work element requires that the locality ensure that local EOP adoption is current, and that ‘ongoing maintenance of the plan is occurring.

Enter date of EOP Adoption (Month/Year) July 2016 if your EOP is current as of June 30th, skip to 1.2.

If your EOP is not current as of June 30th, describe the status of your planning efforts and expected adoption date. (maximum 625 characters)

1.2. This work element requires that the locality coordinate emergency management planning activities with all public colleges and universities, if applicable, in the locality. Such coordination with private institutions is encouraged.

Does locality have private or public colleges or universities? ve nO Ifno, skip to 2.1. Ifyes, complete following information

List colleges or universities in your locality and summarize any coordination activities with those colleges and universities. (maximum 625 characters)

Page 1 of 4

Southwest Virginia Community College. Russell County Emergency Management has coordinated the following: Reviewed and updated of the Emergency Operations Plan; inclusion in the Community Emergency Response Team Training, VESTEX, and AEP Power Plant Exercises. Provided weather alerts and assessed if the college had any problems with weather related events (last year: 8 flash flood events, 3 hurricanes (Michael, Florence, and Barry), 2 winter storms, 9 dangerous thunderstorms, 7 power outages, 6 days with wind chills below 0°F, and 6 days above 90°F.

Training and Exercises

2.1 This work element applies only to Coordinators and primary Deputy Coordinators new to their positions on or after July 1, 2015. These officials will complete Principles of Emergency Management (FEMA 1$230) and Emergency Planning (FEMA IS235). These may be taken online or classroom.

If neither Coordinator or Deputy are new to their position (after October 1, 2015) check here: D and go to #2.2

18230 y N

Coordinator Completed IZ! D

IS235 y N ~D

18100 y N IZl D

18200 y N IZI D

18700 y N !Zl D

lS800 y N !Zl D

Coordinator and one Deputy Coordinator have completed the National Emergency Management Professional Program - Basic Academy, Advanced, and both are enrolled in the Executive Academy. Both are adjunct instructors with VDEM and for the Basic Academy and have over 16 years in Emergency Management experience.

Dep Coord Completed 1Z! D IZl D !Zl D (See attachments)

2.2 This work element requires that the locality attend and participate in the Regional Improvement Planning Workshop sponsored by VDEM.

Enter date and lace of attendance. he VDEM exercise branch moved toward an exercise request model which makes the

process more clear, coordinated, and cost effective. The new model (2 regional exercises ·and 2 technical assistance exercises per region per fiscal year) at tbe upcoming TEPW. However, most regions will be having their workshop outside of our application time ·ame for technical assistance requests. To communicate this in advance, VDEM hosted

a 30 minute webinar to explain the technical assistance process and application on August 16: 9:30-10 a.m.,

On Wednesday, January 6, 2019, VDEM conducted an initial planning meeting on the ESTEX 2019 exercise at the Wise County EOC that focused on Regions 4 and 6. The

exercise was conducted on Ma 7, 2019.

2.3 This work element requires that the locality develop a 3-year exercise program in accordance with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program and submit a copy to their VDEM Chief Regional Coordinator. Localities actively participating in the regional exercise program for the current year will be deemed to have met this requirement. Active participation is defined as being a host jurisdiction or a jurisdiction actively engaged in a regional exercise as a player I participant. Emergency Planning Zone localities actively participating in the current year’s exercises for VOPEX will be deemed to have met this requirement.

Locality was an active participant in regional HSEEP program?

As VDEM adjunct instructors, Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator conducted a training for the HSEEP course L 146, class on August 21-22, at the Wytheville

Page 2of4

[Southwest Virginia Community College. Russell County Emergency Management has coordinated th following: Reviewed and updated of the Emergency Operations Plan; inclusion in the Community Emergency Response Team Training, VESTEX, and AEP Power Plant Exercises. Provided weather alerts and assesse f the college had any problems with weather related events (last year: 8 flash flood events, 3 hurricanes

lichael, Florence, and Barry), 2 winter storms, 9 dangerous thunderstorms, 7 power outages, 6 days wit jwind chills below 0°F, and 6 days above 90°F.

Training and Exercises,




This work element applies only to Coordinators and primary Deputy Coordinators new to their positions on or after July 1, 2015. These officials will complete Principles of Emergency Management (FEMA IS230) and Emergency Planning (FEMA IS235). These may be taken online or classroom. If neither Coordinator or Deputy are new to their position (after October 1, 2015) check here: [] and go to #2.2 18230 18235 IS100-*1S200—-1S700-—IS800 YN YN YN YN YN YN Coordinator Completed —&X (] O BO WoO Oo wo

Coordinator and one Deputy Coordinator have completed the National Emergency Management Professional Program ~ Basic Academy, Advanced, and both are enrolled in the Executive Academy. Both are adjunct instructors with VDEM and for the Basic Academy and have over 16 years in Emergency Management experience.

Dep Coord Completed KO HO WO WO BO WO (See attachments)

This work element requires that the locality attend and participate in the Regional Improvement Planning Workshop sponsored by VDEM.

Enter date and place of attendance.

The VDEM exercise branch moved toward an exercise request model which makes the [process more clear, coordinated, and cost effective. The new model (2 regional exercises} hand 2 technical assistance exercises per region per fiscal year) at the upcoming TEPW. However, most regions will be having their workshop outside of our application time iframe for technical assistance requests. To communicate this in advance, VDEM hosted 30 minute webinar to explain the technical assistance process and application on

|August 16: 9:30-10 a.m.,

|On Wednesday, January 6, 2019, VDEM conducted an initial planning meeting on the 'ESTEX 2019 exercise at the Wise County EOC that focused on Regions 4 and 6. The

exercise was conducted on May 7, 2019. - —

This work element requires that the locality develop a 3-year exercise program in accordance with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program and submit a copy to their VDEM Chief Regional Coordinetor. Locailies actively participating in the regional exercise program for the current year will be deemed to have met this requirement. Active participation is defined as being a host jurisdiction or a Jurisciction actively engaged in a regional exercise as a player / participant. Emergency Planning Zone localities actively perlcipating in the current year’s exercises for VOPEX will be deemed to have met this requirement.

Locality was an active participant in regional HSEEP program? YXIN

As VDEM adjunct instructors, Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator conducted a training for the HSEEP course L146, class on August 21-22, at the Wytheville

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Community College, Grayson Hall, Room 219, 1000 East Main Street, Wytheville, VA 24382.

Locality was an active .Partici.pant in VOPEX during the program year? YDN[gj

Virginia Operations Plan Exercise (VOPEX) is a Biennial Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise that tool< place on July 17, 2018 for localities within ten miles of the North Anna nuclear power station, including Carolina, Hanover, Louisa, Orange and Spotsylvania counties. Russell County is located ·324 miles southwest of the power station.

If locality did not check “Y” for either of the above, then answer the following:

3-Year exercise program developed? (Attach copy to this report) YDN!Zl

Crisis Manati1ement System

  1. This work element requires locality to maintain personnel who are trained in, and have access to, WebEOC.

List all persons trained in, and who have current access to, WebEOC. ·maximum 625 characters) Jess Powers

Capability Reporting

  1. This work element requires that locality conduct an annual review of LCAR and submit results to VDEM by May 1, 2019.

Current LCAR Submitted? Veg] ND

Program Updates

  1. This work element requires that the Coordinator and I or the primary Deputy Coordinator each attend one VDEM Fall Forum and/ or the Virginia Emergency Management Symposium (VEMS).

Coordinator Attended? YD N~ Date

Dep. Coord. Attended? YD N[gj Date

Emergency Management Fall Forums have not been conducted for state and local emergency managers to come together to hear updates on policies and procedures, share lessons-learned over the year, and learn about new tools and technologies since September 20 and 21, 2017, in Roanoke, VA, but travel and attendance were budgeted in the County’s June 2018 budget for 2018-2019 budget year, to attend a fall forum near Region 4 in accordance with the LEMPG requirements in September 2018 using

Page 3of4

Community College, Grayson Hall, Room 219, 1000 East Main Street, Wytheville, VA 24382.

Locality was an active participant in VOPEX during the program year? YL INI

Virginia Operations Plan Exercise (VOPEX) is a Biennial Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise that took place on July 17, 2018 for localities within ten miles of the North Anna nuclear power station, including Carolina, Hanover, Louisa, Orange

and Spotsylvania counties. Russell County is located 324 miles southwest of the power


if locality did not check “Y” for either of the above, then answer the following: 3-Year exercise program developed? (Attach copy to this repor!) YOINEI

Crisis Management System

  1. This work element requires locality to maintain personnel who are trained in, and have access to, WebEOC.

List all persons trained in, and who have current access to, WebEOC. (maximum 625 characters) jess Powers

  1. This work element requires that locality conduct en annual review of LCAR and submit results to VDEM by Mey 1, 2019.

Current LCAR Submitted? YX] NC] Program Updates:

  1. This work element requires that the Coordinator and / or the primary Deputy Coordinator each attend one VDEM Fall Forum and/or the Virginia Emergency Management Symposium (VEMS).

Coordinator Attended? YC] NE) Date

Dep. Coord. Attended? YL] ND Date

Emergency Management Fall Forums have not been conducted for state and local emergency managers to come together to hear updates on policies and procedures, share lessons-learned over the year, and learn about new tools and technologies since September 20 and 21, 2017, in Roanoke, VA, but travel and attendance were budgeted in the County’s June 2018 budget for 2018-2019 budget year, to attend a fall forum near Region 4 in accordance with the LEMPG requirements in September 2018 using

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employee time and county vehicle. VDEM paid lodging and meals, and there were no fees for attendance.

The 2019 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium was conducted on March 26- 29, in Newport News Marriott at City Center, which is 407 miles, 2 days travel, 6 days of lodging, mileage, per diem, nonmember fee of $425 for each participant, and overtime, which was not budgeted in the June 2018 {2018-2019) budget to include the cost of VEMS participation versus attending a 2018 Fall Forum near Region 4, as originally budgeted in June 2018.

VDEM Chief Regional Coordinator Date

This report must be submitted to your Chief Regional Coordinator by July 31, 2019.

Region 1 [email protected] Region 2 [email protected] Region 3 [email protected] Region 4 [email protected]

R~gion 5 [email protected] Region 6 [email protected] Region 7 [email protected]

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‘employee time and county vehicle. VDEM paid lodging and meals, and there were no fees for attendance.

The 2019 Virginia Emergency Management Symposium was conducted on March 26- 29, in Newport News Marriott at City Center, which is 407 miles, 2 days travel, 6 days of lodging, mileage, per diem, nonmember fee of $425 for each participant, and overtime, which was not budgeted in the June 2018 (2018-2019) budget to include the cost of VEMS participation versus attending a 2018 Fall Forum near Region 4, as originally budgeted in June 2018.

hye 407

7/3efi Date VDEM Chief Regional Coordinator Date This report must be submitted to vour Chief Regional Coordinator by July 31, 2019. Region 1 [email protected] Region 5 [email protected] Region 2 [email protected] Region 6 [email protected] Region 3. [email protected] Region 7 [email protected]

Region 4 [email protected]

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From: Wimmer, Pamela To: Lonzo Lester Cc: Patrick Brunty Subject: Fwd: Administrative Memo #19-07 Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:46:27 AM Attachments: Administrative Memo 19-07.pdf

FY20NonMandated_Protection.pdf FY20 WRAP Allocation.pdf

Good Morning Lonzo-

Attached is the Memo that I received from OCS this morning regarding WRAP Services for Children with Disabilities. As you can see Russell County was allocated $12,622.00 in funding this Fiscal Year and we would like to continue utilizing these funds for children who have Individualized Educational Plans (IEP’s). We will be providing to identified children therapeutic mentoring services as well as other services deemed appropriate by the Family Assessment and Planning Team and Russell County Schools Special Education staff. The local match for these funds is $2,391.00. If you would please send me confirmation that we can access these funds for FY20 I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your continued support of our local CSA Office and I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks again. Pam

Good Morning -

Attached please find Administrative Memo #19-07, FY20 Non-Mandated (Protected) Funds and FY20 Wrap-Around Services for Students with Disabilities along with two (2) accompanying documents: FY20 Non Mandated Protection and FY20 WRAP Allocation.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Maris Adcock at (804) 662-7451 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you, Marsha Mucha

Marsha Mucha

Marsha Administrative Staff Assistant
Office of Children’s Services 1604 Santa Rosa Rd., Suite 137, Richmond, VA 23229 804-662-9815 (Office)

mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected],+Suite+137,+Richmond,+VA+23229+804&entry=gmail&source=g tel:(804)%20662-9814


Scot Reiner, MS. OFFICE OF CHILDREN’S SERVICES Executive Director Administering the Children’s Services Act ADMINISTRATIVE MEMO #19-07 TO: CPMT Chairs CSA Fiscal Agents CSA Coordinators FROM: Maris Adcock, sll, Business Operation Manager DATE: July 16, 2019


FY20 Non-Mandated (Protected Funds

Attached to this memo is a PFD file, which reflects the FY2020 Non-Mandated/Protected funds associated with a locality’s Base Pool Allocation. The localities were provide their FY2020 Base Pool Allocation in CSA Administrative Memo #19-06.

‘Non-Mandated/Protected funds are a subset of a locality’s Base Pool Allocation. The Non- Mandated/Protected funds are not additional funding. It is an amount of the Base Pool Allocation identified to be used for possible expenditures for non-mandated services.

FY20 Wrap-Around Services for Students with Di:


‘The FY2020 budget for CSA appropriates $2.2 million for services in the category “Wrap-Around Services for Students with Disabilities” (SPED Wrap-Around). This specific appropriation represents a continuation for the CSA “earmark” funding for this particular service category.

This limited appropriation places several restrictions on expenditures for this category (ie. expenditures may not exceed $2.2 million in general funds statewide and the funds cannot be used for or transferred to other service categories). As with all CSA service funds, unspent funds cannot be carried forward from cone fiscal year to the next. The Office of Children’s Services (OCS) must allocate and manage these funds in such a manner as to ensure compliance with these restrictions.

The allocation and management of the funds are based on the following principles.

  1. All localities should have an opportunity to utilize funds,
  2. Al localities should have access to funds, and
  3. 100% of the earmarked funds will be lable for allocation.

1604 Santa Rost Road, Suite 137 # Richmond, Virginia 23229-5008 « PHONE: 804-662-9815 « FAX: 804-662-9831 » WEB: wow.csa.viginia.g0v

Administrative Memo #19-07 July 16, 2019 Page 2

The process for allocation and management of FY2020 SPED Wrap-Around funds is the same as prior years. Please see the description below.

  1. The initial allocation is calculated based on a locality’s average utilization of SPED WRAP- Around funds over four funding years (FY2016 - FY2019).

a. Ifa locality has not expended these funds during the three most recently completed fiscal years (FY2016-2018), nor have they requested these funds during the fiscal year (FY2019), they did not receive an initial SPED Wrap-Around Allocation for FY2020.

  1. Ifa locality does not receive SPED Wrap-Around funds in the initial allocation, they can complete the SPEDWRAP form found on the CSA website under Resources Forms. Submit the completed form by email to the OCS Finance and Business Office for review and consideration.

  2. Mid-year recovery and reallocation of unutilized SPED Wrap-Around allocation:

a, Following the close of the second quarter (December 2019), a locality’s expenditures of SPED Wrap-Around services will be analyzed.

b. Ifa locality has not recorded any expenditures for SPED Wrap-Around services in the CSA LEDRS system, the locality’s current, SPED Wrap-Around allocation maybe unallocated and made available for redistribution.

¢. A locality whose SPED Wrap-Around allocation has been unallocated due to no expenditures having been reflected in the CSA LEDRS system may request a reallocation of SPED Wrap-Around, This will require the completion of the SPEDWRAP Form located on the CSA website under Resources Forms. Send the completed form to the OCS Finance and Business Office for review and consideration.

4, If at any point in FY2020 a locality needs additional SPED Wrap-Around funds, the locality may submit the SPEDWRAP form located on the CSA website under Resources Forms. Then email the completed form to the OCS Finance and Business Office requesting consideration for allocation of additional funds.

Requests for additional funds will be supported based on available unallocated funds. The total SPED Wrap-Around Allocation cannot exceed $2,200,000.

‘The use of mandated funds for “Wrap-Around Services for Students with Disabilities” allows communities to provide services to youth when their identified educational disabilities affect adjustment outside the school environment. Such services may provide critical supports for youth who face significant challenges in the home or community. Communities are encouraged to consider their local ‘ies regarding the provision of SPED Wrap-Around services and to identify strategies to maximize utilization of community-based supports for all youth.

Questions regarding the SPED Wrap-Around allocation process may be directed to Maris Adcock by

phone at (804) 662-7451 or by e-mail at maris.adcock@csa, virginia. gov.

ce: Scott Reiner Zandra Relaford




ACCOMACK $38,655

ALBEMARLE $121,311


AMELIA $10,000

AMHERST $85,122


ARLINGTON $137,387

AUGUSTA $39,871

BATH $10,000


BLAND $10,000



BUCHANAN $34,381


CAMPBELL $80,361

CAROLINE $19,958

CARROLL $22,749




CLARKE $10,000

CRAIG $10,000

CULPEPER $40,025




ESSEX $10,000


FAUQUIER $92,484

FLOYD $22,353

FLUVANNA $26,170

FRANKLIN CO $140,887


GILES $15,850



GRAYSON $13,863

GREENE $12,396


Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.

1 of 4

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.



|ACCOMACK $38,655 ALBEMARLE $121,311 ALLEGHANY $42,892 AMELIA. $10,000 [AMHERST $85,122 APPOMATTOX $10,902 ARLINGTON $137,387 AUGUSTA $39,871 BATH $10,000 BEDFORD COUNTY $47,313 BLAND $10,000 BOTETOURT $17,263 BRUNSWICK $16,926 BUCHANAN $34,381 BUCKINGHAM $15,461 CAMPBELL. $80,361 CAROLINE $19,958 CARROLL $22,749 CHARLES CITY. $10,000 |CHARLOTTE. $33,202 ICHESTERFIELD $476,901 CLARKE $10,000 CRAIG $10,000 CULPEPER $40,025 [CUMBERLAND $84,607 DICKENSON $23,751 DINWIDDIE $63,456 ESSEX $10,000 FAIRFAX CITY/CNTY/FALLS CH $1,630,458 FAUQUIER $92,484 FLOYD $22,353 FLUVANNA $26,170 FRANKLIN CO $140,887, FREDERICK $34,011 GILES $15,850 |GLOUCESTER $35,580 |GOOCHLAND $10,000 |GRAYSON $13,863 IGREENE $12,396 |GREENSVILLE/EMPORIA $64,731

1 of 4




Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


HANOVER $84,600

HENRICO $429,722

HENRY $50,707


ISLE OF WIGHT $103,708






LEE $44,098

LOUDOUN $298,840

LOUISA $46,717


MADISON $17,437

MATHEWS $10,000




NELSON $12,721

NEW KENT $10,000



NOTTOWAY $15,650

ORANGE $28,277

PAGE $85,046

PATRICK $14,002


POWHATAN $15,674




PULASKI $42,149






RUSSELL $31,345

SCOTT $21,525

2 of 4

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.



HALIFAX/SOUTH BOSTON $38,098 HANOVER $84,600 HENRICO $429,722 HENRY. $50,707 HIGHLAND. $2,523 ISLE OF WIGHT $103,708 JAMES CITY COUNTY. $34,872 KING AND QUEEN $23,021 KING GEORGE $14,422 KING WILLIAM. $24,574 LANCASTER $10,000 LEE $44,098 LOUDOUN $298,840 LOUISA $46,717 LUNENBURG $92,169 MADISON $17,437 MATHEWS: $10,000 MECKLENBURG $79,344 MIDDLESEX $10,000 MONTGOMERY $53,993 NELSON $12,721 NEW KENT $10,000 NORTHAMPTON $16,058 NORTHUMBERLAND $26,805 NOTTOWAY, $15,650 JORANGE. $28,277 PAGE $85,046 PATRICK $14,002 PITTSYLVANIA. $47,385 POWHATAN $15,674 PRINCE EDWARD $16,569 PRINCE GEORGE $20,374 PRINCE WILLIAM $779,745 PULASKI $42,149 RAPPAHANNOCK $10,000 RICHMOND CO. $10,000 ROANOKE COUNTY $125,436 ROCKBRIDGE $29,110 ROCKINGHAM $56,811 RUSSELL $31,345 SCOTT $21,525





Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


SMYTH $97,251



STAFFORD $55,493

SURRY $10,000

SUSSEX $31,610

TAZEWELL $59,097

WARREN $23,306



WISE $51,186

WYTHE $28,842

YORK $41,320


BRISTOL $61,541






DANVILLE $198,162



GALAX $10,000

HAMPTON $324,777


HOPEWELL $71,270


LYNCHBURG $375,907

MANASSAS $139,978




NORFOLK $1,097,638

NORTON $10,000


POQUOSON $10,000


RADFORD $10,000


3 of 4

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.



|SHENANDOAH $49,463 SMYTH $97,251 [SOUTHAMPTON $16,488 SPOTSYLVANIA, $45,762 STAFFORD. $55,493 SURRY $10,000 SUSSEX $31,610 TAZEWELL, $59,097 WARREN $23,306 | WASHINGTON $36,352 WESTMORELAND $15,606 WISE. $51,186 WYTHE $28,842 YYORK $41,320 ALEXANDRIA $94,680 BRISTOL $61,541 BUENA VISTA $71,863 ICHARLOTTESVILLE $391,582 |CHESAPEAKE $390,418 [COLONIAL HTS. $14,520 |COVINGTON $18,306 DANVILLE $198,162 FRANKLIN CITY. $13,679 FREDERICKSBURG $42,729 |GALAX $10,000 HAMPTON $324,777 HARRISONBURG $21,137 HOPEWELL $71,270 LEXINGTON $10,000 LYNCHBURG $375,907 MANASSAS $139,978 MANASSAS PARK $10,000 MARTINSVILLE $25,799 NEWPORT NEWS $990,310 NORFOLK $1,097,638. NORTON $10,000 PETERSBURG $114,304 POQUOSON $10,000 PORTSMOUTH $152,670 RADFORD $10,000 RICHMOND CITY $652,624





Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


SALEM $22,237

STAUNTON $102,927

SUFFOLK $309,218





STATE TOTAL $14,456,748

4 of 4

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


Locality PROTECTION ROANOKE CITY. $484,023 SALEM. $22,237 STAUNTON $102,927 SUFFOLK $309,218 VIRGINIA BEACH $1,073,425, IWAYNESBORO $44,282 WILLIAMSBURG $10,000 WINCHESTER, $20,162

STATE TOTAL $14,456,748


Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020 FY2020

FIPS Locality


Match FY

State and

Local Share State Share Local Share

1 Accomack 23.32% 20 6,484.00 4,972.00 1,512.00

3 Albemarle 44.74% 20 96,868.00 53,529.00 43,339.00

5 Alleghany/Clifton Forge 19.24% 20 6,157.00 4,972.00 1,185.00

7 Amelia 32.68% 20 7,386.00 4,972.00 2,414.00

9 Amherst 27.22% 20 19,512.00 14,201.00 5,311.00

11 Appomattox 26.39% 20 6,755.00 4,972.00 1,783.00

13 Arlington 46.02% 20 35,802.00 19,326.00 16,476.00

15 Augusta 33.02% 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00

17 Bath 42.78% 20 - - -

19 Bedford County 31.11% 20 - - -

21 Bland 21.09% 20 - - -

23 Botetourt 36.02% 20 12,149.00 7,773.00 4,376.00

25 Brunswick 24.39% 20 6,576.00 4,972.00 1,604.00

27 Buchanan 31.56% 20 7,265.00 4,972.00 2,293.00

29 Buckingham 20.23% 20 44,777.00 35,719.00 9,058.00

31 Campbell 31.07% 20 19,521.00 13,456.00 6,065.00

33 Caroline 33.08% 20 10,221.00 6,840.00 3,381.00

35 Carroll 29.09% 20 7,012.00 4,972.00 2,040.00

36 Charles City 31.31% 20 - - -

37 Charlotte 22.04% 20 11,060.00 8,622.00 2,438.00

41 Chesterfield 38.53% 20 38,604.00 23,730.00 14,874.00

43 Clarke 47.97% 20 9,556.00 4,972.00 4,584.00

45 Craig 29.01% 20 - - -

47 Culpeper 37.67% 20 74,850.00 46,654.00 28,196.00

49 Cumberland 30.40% 20 7,144.00 4,972.00 2,172.00

51 Dickenson 30.42% 20 13,343.00 9,284.00 4,059.00

53 Dinwiddie 33.58% 20 41,186.00 27,356.00 13,830.00

57 Essex 38.53% 20 8,088.00 4,972.00 3,116.00

61 Fauquier 45.84% 20 84,797.00 45,926.00 38,871.00

63 Floyd 23.24% 20 - - -

65 Fluvanna 38.11% 20 53,951.00 33,390.00 20,561.00

67 Franklin County 28.30% 20 106,329.00 76,238.00 30,091.00

69 Frederick 43.48% 20 16,442.00 9,293.00 7,149.00

71 Giles 28.98% 20 - - -

73 Gloucester 36.87% 20 7,876.00 4,972.00 2,904.00

75 Goochland 48.71% 20 - - -

77 Grayson 21.09% 20 - - -

79 Greene 34.71% 20 18,877.00 12,325.00 6,552.00

83 Halifax 23.35% 20 19,470.00 14,924.00 4,546.00

85 Hanover 44.44% 20 34,091.00 18,941.00 15,150.00

87 Henrico 37.55% 20 30,160.00 18,835.00 11,325.00

89 Henry 27.86% 20 - - -

91 Highland 38.22% 20 - - -

93 Isle of Wight 36.13% 20 - - -

1 of 3

Children’s Services Act Allocation for WRAP FY2020

Local State and FIPS Locality Match | FY| Local Share | State Share | Local Share 1[Accomack 23.32% | 20 6,484.00 4,972.00 1,512.00 3]Albemarie 44.74% [20 96,868.00 53,529.00 43,339.00 SlAlleghany/Clifton Forge | 19.24% | 20 6,157.00 4,972.00 1,185.00 7[Ametia 32.68% | 20 7,386.00 4,972.00 2,414.00 g|Amherst 27.22% | 20 19,512.00 14,201.00 5,311.00 11[Appomattox 26.39% | 20 6,755.00 4,972.00 1,783.00 13]Arlington 46.02% | 20 35,802.00 19,326.00 16,476.00 15[Augusta 33.02% | 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00 17[Bath 42.78% | 20 = = = 19[Bedford County 31.11% | 20 = = = 21[Bland 21.09% | 20 = = = 23[Botetourt 36.02% | 20 12,149.00 7,773.00 4,376.00 25[Brunswick 24.39% | 20 6,576.00 4,972.00 1,604.00 27|Buchanan 31.56% | 20 7,265.00 4,972.00 2,293.00 29[ Buckingham 20.23% | 20 44,777.00 35,719.00 9,058.00 31Campbell 31.07% | 20 19,521.00 13,456.00 6,065.00 33[Caroline 33.08% | 20 10,221.00 6,840.00 3,381.00 35[Carroll 29.09% | 20 7,012.00 4,972.00 2,040.00 36|Charles City 31.31% | 20 = 2 2 37|Charlotte 22.04% | 20 11,060.00 8,622.00 2,438.00 41|Chesterfield 38.53% | 20 38,604.00 23,730.00 14,874.00 43[Clarke 47.97% [20 9,556.00 4,972.00 4,584.00 45|Craig 29.01% | 20 = 3 3 47|Culpeper 37.67% | 20 74,850.00 46,654.00 28,196.00 ‘49|Cumberland 30.40% | 20 7,144.00 4,972.00 2,172.00 51 [Dickenson 30.42% | 20 13,343.00 9,284.00 4,059.00 53[Dinwiddie 33.58% | 20 41,186.00 27,356.00 13,830.00 S7[Essex 38.53% | 20 8,088.00 4,972.00 3,116.00 61/Fauquier 45.84% | 20 84,797.00 45,926.00 38,871.00 63[Floyd 23.24% | 20 = - - 65[Fluvanna 38.11% | 20 53,951.00 33,390.00 20,561.00 67[Franklin County 28.30% | 20[ 106,329.00 76,238.00 30,091.00 69[Frederick 43.48% | 20 16,442.00 9,293.00 7,149.00 7i(Giles 28.98% | 20 = = = 73)Gloucester 36.87% | 20 7,876.00 4,972.00 2,904.00 75|Goochland 48.71% | 20 5 - - 77|Grayson 21.09% | 20 - : 2 73[Greene 34.71% | 20 18,877.00 12,325.00 6,552.00 83[Halifax 23.35% | 20 19,470.00 14,924.00 4,546.00 85[Hanover 44.44% | 20 34,091.00 18,941.00 15,150.00 87[Henrico 37.55% | 20 30,160.00 18,835.00 11,325.00 89[Henry 27.86% | 20 - - 2 91[Highiand 38.22% | 20 < < 2 93 [Isle of Wight 36.13% | 20 = = =


Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020 FY2020

FIPS Locality


Match FY

State and

Local Share State Share Local Share

95 James City 44.83% 20 9,012.00 4,972.00 4,040.00

97 King & Queen 31.44% 20 7,252.00 4,972.00 2,280.00

99 King George 36.27% 20 - - -

101 King William 38.53% 20 11,314.00 6,955.00 4,359.00

103 Lancaster 43.91% 20 8,864.00 4,972.00 3,892.00

105 Lee 22.45% 20 20,160.00 15,634.00 4,526.00

107 Loudoun 47.64% 20 49,177.00 25,749.00 23,428.00

109 Louisa 44.01% 20 8,880.00 4,972.00 3,908.00

111 Lunenburg 16.98% 20 8,845.00 7,343.00 1,502.00

113 Madison 33.55% 20 7,482.00 4,972.00 2,510.00

115 Mathews 42.71% 20 - - -

117 Mecklenburg 22.86% 20 46,034.00 35,511.00 10,523.00

119 Middlesex 43.33% 20 - - -

121 Montgomery 28.34% 20 - - -

125 Nelson 31.32% 20 7,239.00 4,972.00 2,267.00

127 New Kent 43.29% 20 - - -

131 Northampton 19.71% 20 - - -

133 Northumberland 33.04% 20 7,425.00 4,972.00 2,453.00

135 Nottoway 26.86% 20 - - -

137 Orange 40.83% 20 18,876.00 11,169.00 7,707.00

139 Page 28.65% 20 10,975.00 7,831.00 3,144.00

141 Patrick 25.39% 20 - - -

143 Pittsylvania 23.55% 20 11,660.00 8,914.00 2,746.00

145 Powhatan 43.42% 20 26,490.00 14,988.00 11,502.00

147 Prince Edward 22.32% 20 6,401.00 4,972.00 1,429.00

149 Prince George 37.16% 20 - - -

153 Prince William 34.14% 20 - - -

155 Pulaski 29.23% 20 52,293.00 37,008.00 15,285.00

157 Rappahannock 41.99% 20 24,599.00 14,270.00 10,329.00

159 Richmond County 32.27% 20 7,341.00 4,972.00 2,369.00

161 Roanoke County 43.97% 20 31,223.00 17,494.00 13,729.00

163 Rockbridge 23.36% 20 14,156.00 10,849.00 3,307.00

165 Rockingham 34.45% 20 7,585.00 4,972.00 2,613.00

167 Russell 18.94% 20 12,622.00 10,231.00 2,391.00

169 Scott 31.54% 20 - - -

171 Shenandoah 35.17% 20 26,415.00 17,125.00 9,290.00

173 Smyth 23.37% 20 - - -

175 Southampton 32.30% 20 - - -

177 Spotsylvania 45.88% 20 60,370.00 32,672.00 27,698.00

179 Stafford 44.39% 20 53,046.00 29,499.00 23,547.00

181 Surry 39.79% 20 - - -

183 Sussex 23.87% 20 6,531.00 4,972.00 1,559.00

185 Tazewell 24.55% 20 25,070.00 18,915.00 6,155.00

187 Warren 38.53% 20 10,067.00 6,188.00 3,879.00

2 of 3

Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020

Local State and FIPS Locality Match | FY| Local Share | StateShare | Local Share

95[James City 44.83% | 20 9,012.00 4,972.00 4,040.00

97[King & Queen 31.44% | 20 7,252.00 4,972.00 2,280.00

99]King George 36.27% | 20 = = = 101]king William 38.53% | 20 11,314.00 6,955.00 4,359.00 103[Lancaster 43.91% | 20 8,864.00 4,972.00 3,892.00 105|tee 22.45% | 20 20,160.00 15,634.00 4,526.00 107[Loudoun 47.64% | 20 49,177.00 25,749.00. 23,428.00 109[Louisa 44.01% [20 8,880.00 4,972.00 3,908.00 111 [Lunenburg 16.98% | 20 8,845.00 7,343.00 1,502.00 113[Madison 33.55% | 20 7,482.00 4,972.00 2,510.00 115[Mathews 42.71% [20 = = = 117[Mecklenburg 22.86% | 20 46,034.00 35,511.00 10,523.00 119[Middlesex 43.33% | 20 = : 2 121[Montgomery 28.34% | 20 < < 2 125[Nelson 31.32% | 20 7,239.00 4,972.00 2,267.00 127[New Kent 43.29% | 20 = = = 131 [Northampton 19.71% | 20 3 = = 133[Northumberland 33.04% | 20 7,425.00 4,972.00 2,453.00 135[Nottoway 26.86% | 20 = : 2 137[Orange 40.83% | 20 18,876.00 11,169.00 7,707.00 139[Page 28.65% | 20 10,975.00 7,831.00 3,144.00 141 [Patrick 25.39% | 20 = = = 143[Pittsylvania 23.55% | 20 11,660.00 8,914.00 2,746.00 145[Powhatan’ 43.42% | 20 26,490.00 14,988.00 11,502.00 147[Prince Edward 22.32% | 20 6,401.00 4,972.00 1,429.00 149[Prince George 37.16% | 20 < < 2 153[Prince William 34.14% | 20 = = = 155[Pulaski 29.23% | 20 52,293.00 37,008.00 15,285.00 157[Rappahannock 41.99% | 20 24,599.00 14,270.00 10,329.00 159[Richmond County 32.27% | 20 7,341.00 4,972.00 2,369.00 161[Roanoke County 43.97% | 20 31,223.00 17,494.00 13,729.00 163]Rockbridge 23.36% | 20 14,156.00 10,849.00 3,307.00 165[Rockingham 34.45% | 20 7,585.00 4,972.00 2,613.00 167 [Russell 18.94% | 20 12,622.00 10,231.00 2,391.00 169[Scott 31.54% | 20 = = < 171]Shenandoah 35.17% | 20 26,415.00 17,125.00 9,290.00 173]Smyth 23.37% | 20 - : 2 175|Southampton 32.30% | 20 < = 2 177|Spotsylvania 45.88% | 20 60,370.00 32,672.00 27,698.00 179[stafford 44.39% | 20 53,046.00 29,499.00 23,547.00 1gi|surry 39.79% | 20 = = = 183|Sussex 23.87% | 20 6,531.00 4,972.00 1,559.00 185[Tazewell 24.55% | 20 25,070.00 18,915.00 6,155.00 187[Warren 38.53% | 20 110,067.00 6,188.00 3,879.00


Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020 FY2020

FIPS Locality


Match FY

State and

Local Share State Share Local Share

191 Washington 27.60% 20 - - -

193 Westmoreland 30.25% 20 7,128.00 4,972.00 2,156.00

195 Wise 27.55% 20 89,521.00 64,858.00 24,663.00

197 Wythe 27.08% 20 - - -

199 York 38.88% 20 8,135.00 4,972.00 3,163.00

510 Alexandria 53.09% 20 125,624.00 58,930.00 66,694.00

520 Bristol 25.47% 20 - - -

530 Buena Vista 23.29% 20 6,482.00 4,972.00 1,510.00

540 Charlottesville 30.68% 20 43,630.00 30,244.00 13,386.00

550 Chesapeake 37.15% 20 109,198.00 68,631.00 40,567.00

570 Colonial Heights 40.27% 20 - - -

580 Covington 24.96% 20 6,626.00 4,972.00 1,654.00

590 Danville 22.23% 20 26,286.00 20,443.00 5,843.00

620 Franklin City 37.10% 20 - - -

630 Fredericksburg 34.41% 20 19,279.00 12,645.00 6,634.00

640 Galax 31.46% 20 - - -

650 Hampton 32.23% 20 73,025.00 49,489.00 23,536.00

660 Harrisonburg 38.08% 20 8,030.00 4,972.00 3,058.00

670 Hopewell 26.67% 20 57,419.00 42,105.00 15,314.00

678 Lexington 33.02% 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00

680 Lynchburg 27.36% 20 36,714.00 26,669.00 10,045.00

683 Manassas City 41.68% 20 - - -

685 Manassas Park 42.73% 20 8,682.00 4,972.00 3,710.00

690 Martinsville 33.21% 20 - - -

700 Newport News 27.73% 20 - - -

710 Norfolk 24.55% 20 124,501.00 93,936.00 30,565.00

720 Norton 32.54% 20 7,370.00 4,972.00 2,398.00

730 Petersburg 35.35% 20 50,198.00 32,453.00 17,745.00

735 Poquoson 27.87% 20 - - -

740 Portsmouth 26.05% 20 - - -

750 Radford 20.35% 20 - - -

760 Richmond City 36.91% 20 - - -

770 Roanoke City 30.72% 20 7,177.00 4,972.00 2,205.00

775 Salem 35.13% 20 7,665.00 4,972.00 2,693.00

790 Staunton 26.99% 20 6,810.00 4,972.00 1,838.00

800 Suffolk 24.32% 20 - - -

810 Virginia Beach 35.69% 20 - - -

820 Waynesboro 38.43% 20 9,803.00 6,036.00 3,767.00

830 Williamsburg 45.53% 20 - - -

840 Winchester 45.87% 20 15,577.00 8,432.00 7,145.00

1200 Greensville/Emporia 22.66% 20 6,429.00 4,972.00 1,457.00

1300 Fairfax/Falls Church 46.11% 20 717,020.00 386,402.00 330,618.00

3,052,888.00 1,900,000.00 1,152,888.00

3 of 3

Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020

Local State and FIPS Locality Match | FY| Local Share | StateShare | Local Share 191|Washington 27.60% | 20 : 5 2 193|Westmoreland 30.25% | 20 7,128.00 4,972.00 2,156.00 195[Wise 27.55% | 20 89,521.00 64,858.00 24,663.00 197|wythe 27.08% | 20 = = = 199[York 38.88% | 20 8,135.00 4,972.00 3,163.00 510|Alexandria 53.09% | 20| 125,624.00 58,930.00 66,694.00 520]@ristol 25.47% | 20 5 - 2 530|Buena Vista 23.29% | 20 6,482.00 4,972.00 1,510.00 '540| Charlottesville 30.68% | 20 43,630.00 30,244.00 13,386.00 550|Chesapeake 37.15% [20 | 109,198.00 68,631.00 40,567.00 570|Colonial Heights 40.27% [20 = = = '580|Covington 24.96% | 20 6,626.00 4,972.00 1,654.00 590|Danville 22.23% | 20 26,286.00 20,443.00 5,843.00 620]Franklin City 37.10% | 20 < < 2 630] Fredericksburg. 34.41% | 20 19,279.00 12,645.00 6,634.00 640|Galax 31.46% | 20 = = = 650|Hampton 32.23% | 20 73,025.00 49,489.00 23,536.00 660| Harrisonburg 38.08% | 20 8,030.00 4,972.00 3,058.00 670|Hopewell 26.67% | 20 57,419.00 42,105.00. 15,314.00 678] Lexington 33.02% | 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00 680] Lynchburg 27.36% | 20 36,714.00 26,669.00 10,045.00 683| Manassas City 41.68% | 20 = = = (685 | Manassas Park 42.73% | 20 8,682.00 4,972.00 3,710.00 690| Martinsville 33.21% | 20 = = - 700|Newport News 27.73% | 20 - 2 2 710|Norfoik 24.55% | 20[ 124,501.00 93,936.00 30,565.00 720|Norton 32.54% | 20 7,370.00 4,972.00 2,398.00 730) Petersburg 35.35% | 20 50,198.00 32,453.00 17,745.00 735|Poquoson 27.87% | 20 = 3 3 740|Portsmouth 26.05% | 20 = - - 750|Radford 20.35% | 20 < : 2 760|Richmond City 36.91% | 20 < = 2 770|Roanoke City 30.72% | 20 7,177.00 4,972.00 2,205.00 775|Salem 35.13% | 20 7,665.00 4,972.00 2,693.00 790|Staunton 26.99% | 20 6,810.00 4,972.00 1,838.00 800|Suffolk 24.32% | 20 5 - 2 810] Virginia Beach 35.69% | 20 - : 2 820|Waynesboro 38.43% | 20 9,803.00 6,036.00 3,767.00 830|Williamsburg 45.53% | 20 = = = 840| Winchester 45.87% | 20 15,577.00 8,432.00 7,145.00 1200] Greensville/Emporia 22.66% | 20 6,429.00 4,972.00 1,457.00 1300] Fairfax/Falls Church 46.11% [20] 717,020.00| 386,402.00 | 330,618.00 3,052,888.00 | 1,900,000.00 | 1,152,888.00

3 0f3

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

From: Wimmer, Pamela

To: ‘Lonzo Lester

ce: Patrick Bruty

Subject: Fwd: Administrative Memo #19-07

Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:46:27 AM

Attachments: Administrative Memo 19.07.00 EyZ0NonMandated Protection.pdf +©Y20 WRAP Allocation pdt

Good Morning Lonzo-

Attached is the Memo that I received from OCS this morning regarding WRAP Services for Children with Disabilities. As you can soe Russell County was (0 in funding this Fiscal Year and we would like to continue

utilizing these funds for children who have Individualized Educational Plans) (EPS). We will be providing to identified children therapeutic mentoring services

as well as other services deemed appropriate by the Family Assessment and

Planning Team and Russell County Schools Special Education staff. The local) “match for these funds is $2,391.00, If you would please send me confirmation that

we can access these funds for FY20 I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your continued support of our local CSA Office and I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks again, Pam

Good Morning -

Attached please find Administrative Memo #19-07, FY20 Non-Mandated (Protected) Funds and FY20 Wrap-Around Services for Students with Disabilities along with two (2) accompanying documents: FY20 Non Mandated Protection and FY20 WRAP Allocation.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Maris Adcock at (804)

662-7451 or by email at maris.adcock@esa. virginia gov.

Thank you, Marsha Mucha

Marsha Mucha


Administrative Staff Assistant

Office of Children’s Services

1604 Santa Rosa Rd., Suite 137, Richmond, VA 23229, 804-662-9815 (Office)

804-662-9831 (Fax) [email protected]

The information in this email and any attachments may be confidential and privileged. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient (or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this information to the intended recipient), please notify the sender by reply email and immediately delete this email and any copies from your computer and/or storage system. The sender does not authorize the use, distribution, disclosure or reproduction of this email (or any part of its contents) by anyone other than the intended recipient(s). Additionally, no representation is made that this email and any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.

Pamela Hendrickson-Wimmer

Russell County CSA Coordinator

Ph: (276) 883-5229

Fx: (276) 889-2662

mailto:[email protected] 804-662-9831 (Fax) marsha,[email protected],gov The information in this email and any attachments may be confidential and privileged. Access fo this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. Ifyou are not the intended recipient (or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this information tothe intended recipient), please notily the sender by reply email and immediately delete this email and any copies from your computer and/or storage system. The sender does not authorize the use, lstbution, asclasure or reproduction of this email (or any part

ofits contents) by anyone other than the intended recipfent(s). Additionally, no representation is made that this emeil and any attachments ar fre of viruses. Vius scanning is recommended and isthe responsibly of tho recipient.

Pamela Hendrickson-Wimmer Russell County CSA Coordinator Ph: (276) 883-5229 Fx: (276) 889-2662

Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020 FY2020

FIPS Locality


Match FY

State and

Local Share State Share Local Share

1 Accomack 23.32% 20 6,484.00 4,972.00 1,512.00

3 Albemarle 44.74% 20 96,868.00 53,529.00 43,339.00

5 Alleghany/Clifton Forge 19.24% 20 6,157.00 4,972.00 1,185.00

7 Amelia 32.68% 20 7,386.00 4,972.00 2,414.00

9 Amherst 27.22% 20 19,512.00 14,201.00 5,311.00

11 Appomattox 26.39% 20 6,755.00 4,972.00 1,783.00

13 Arlington 46.02% 20 35,802.00 19,326.00 16,476.00

15 Augusta 33.02% 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00

17 Bath 42.78% 20 - - -

19 Bedford County 31.11% 20 - - -

21 Bland 21.09% 20 - - -

23 Botetourt 36.02% 20 12,149.00 7,773.00 4,376.00

25 Brunswick 24.39% 20 6,576.00 4,972.00 1,604.00

27 Buchanan 31.56% 20 7,265.00 4,972.00 2,293.00

29 Buckingham 20.23% 20 44,777.00 35,719.00 9,058.00

31 Campbell 31.07% 20 19,521.00 13,456.00 6,065.00

33 Caroline 33.08% 20 10,221.00 6,840.00 3,381.00

35 Carroll 29.09% 20 7,012.00 4,972.00 2,040.00

36 Charles City 31.31% 20 - - -

37 Charlotte 22.04% 20 11,060.00 8,622.00 2,438.00

41 Chesterfield 38.53% 20 38,604.00 23,730.00 14,874.00

43 Clarke 47.97% 20 9,556.00 4,972.00 4,584.00

45 Craig 29.01% 20 - - -

47 Culpeper 37.67% 20 74,850.00 46,654.00 28,196.00

49 Cumberland 30.40% 20 7,144.00 4,972.00 2,172.00

51 Dickenson 30.42% 20 13,343.00 9,284.00 4,059.00

53 Dinwiddie 33.58% 20 41,186.00 27,356.00 13,830.00

57 Essex 38.53% 20 8,088.00 4,972.00 3,116.00

61 Fauquier 45.84% 20 84,797.00 45,926.00 38,871.00

63 Floyd 23.24% 20 - - -

65 Fluvanna 38.11% 20 53,951.00 33,390.00 20,561.00

67 Franklin County 28.30% 20 106,329.00 76,238.00 30,091.00

69 Frederick 43.48% 20 16,442.00 9,293.00 7,149.00

71 Giles 28.98% 20 - - -

73 Gloucester 36.87% 20 7,876.00 4,972.00 2,904.00

75 Goochland 48.71% 20 - - -

77 Grayson 21.09% 20 - - -

79 Greene 34.71% 20 18,877.00 12,325.00 6,552.00

83 Halifax 23.35% 20 19,470.00 14,924.00 4,546.00

85 Hanover 44.44% 20 34,091.00 18,941.00 15,150.00

87 Henrico 37.55% 20 30,160.00 18,835.00 11,325.00

89 Henry 27.86% 20 - - -

91 Highland 38.22% 20 - - -

93 Isle of Wight 36.13% 20 - - -

1 of 3

Children’s Services Act Allocation for WRAP FY2020

Local State and FIPS Locality Match | FY| Local Share | State Share | Local Share 1[Accomack 23.32% | 20 6,484.00 4,972.00 1,512.00 3]Albemarie 44.74% [20 96,868.00 53,529.00 43,339.00 SlAlleghany/Clifton Forge | 19.24% | 20 6,157.00 4,972.00 1,185.00 7[Ametia 32.68% | 20 7,386.00 4,972.00 2,414.00 g|Amherst 27.22% | 20 19,512.00 14,201.00 5,311.00 11[Appomattox 26.39% | 20 6,755.00 4,972.00 1,783.00 13]Arlington 46.02% | 20 35,802.00 19,326.00 16,476.00 15[Augusta 33.02% | 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00 17[Bath 42.78% | 20 = = = 19[Bedford County 31.11% | 20 = = = 21[Bland 21.09% | 20 = = = 23[Botetourt 36.02% | 20 12,149.00 7,773.00 4,376.00 25[Brunswick 24.39% | 20 6,576.00 4,972.00 1,604.00 27|Buchanan 31.56% | 20 7,265.00 4,972.00 2,293.00 29[ Buckingham 20.23% | 20 44,777.00 35,719.00 9,058.00 31Campbell 31.07% | 20 19,521.00 13,456.00 6,065.00 33[Caroline 33.08% | 20 10,221.00 6,840.00 3,381.00 35[Carroll 29.09% | 20 7,012.00 4,972.00 2,040.00 36|Charles City 31.31% | 20 = 2 2 37|Charlotte 22.04% | 20 11,060.00 8,622.00 2,438.00 41|Chesterfield 38.53% | 20 38,604.00 23,730.00 14,874.00 43[Clarke 47.97% [20 9,556.00 4,972.00 4,584.00 45|Craig 29.01% | 20 = 3 3 47|Culpeper 37.67% | 20 74,850.00 46,654.00 28,196.00 ‘49|Cumberland 30.40% | 20 7,144.00 4,972.00 2,172.00 51 [Dickenson 30.42% | 20 13,343.00 9,284.00 4,059.00 53[Dinwiddie 33.58% | 20 41,186.00 27,356.00 13,830.00 S7[Essex 38.53% | 20 8,088.00 4,972.00 3,116.00 61/Fauquier 45.84% | 20 84,797.00 45,926.00 38,871.00 63[Floyd 23.24% | 20 = - - 65[Fluvanna 38.11% | 20 53,951.00 33,390.00 20,561.00 67[Franklin County 28.30% | 20[ 106,329.00 76,238.00 30,091.00 69[Frederick 43.48% | 20 16,442.00 9,293.00 7,149.00 7i(Giles 28.98% | 20 = = = 73)Gloucester 36.87% | 20 7,876.00 4,972.00 2,904.00 75|Goochland 48.71% | 20 5 - - 77|Grayson 21.09% | 20 - : 2 73[Greene 34.71% | 20 18,877.00 12,325.00 6,552.00 83[Halifax 23.35% | 20 19,470.00 14,924.00 4,546.00 85[Hanover 44.44% | 20 34,091.00 18,941.00 15,150.00 87[Henrico 37.55% | 20 30,160.00 18,835.00 11,325.00 89[Henry 27.86% | 20 - - 2 91[Highiand 38.22% | 20 < < 2 93 [Isle of Wight 36.13% | 20 = = =


Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020 FY2020

FIPS Locality


Match FY

State and

Local Share State Share Local Share

95 James City 44.83% 20 9,012.00 4,972.00 4,040.00

97 King & Queen 31.44% 20 7,252.00 4,972.00 2,280.00

99 King George 36.27% 20 - - -

101 King William 38.53% 20 11,314.00 6,955.00 4,359.00

103 Lancaster 43.91% 20 8,864.00 4,972.00 3,892.00

105 Lee 22.45% 20 20,160.00 15,634.00 4,526.00

107 Loudoun 47.64% 20 49,177.00 25,749.00 23,428.00

109 Louisa 44.01% 20 8,880.00 4,972.00 3,908.00

111 Lunenburg 16.98% 20 8,845.00 7,343.00 1,502.00

113 Madison 33.55% 20 7,482.00 4,972.00 2,510.00

115 Mathews 42.71% 20 - - -

117 Mecklenburg 22.86% 20 46,034.00 35,511.00 10,523.00

119 Middlesex 43.33% 20 - - -

121 Montgomery 28.34% 20 - - -

125 Nelson 31.32% 20 7,239.00 4,972.00 2,267.00

127 New Kent 43.29% 20 - - -

131 Northampton 19.71% 20 - - -

133 Northumberland 33.04% 20 7,425.00 4,972.00 2,453.00

135 Nottoway 26.86% 20 - - -

137 Orange 40.83% 20 18,876.00 11,169.00 7,707.00

139 Page 28.65% 20 10,975.00 7,831.00 3,144.00

141 Patrick 25.39% 20 - - -

143 Pittsylvania 23.55% 20 11,660.00 8,914.00 2,746.00

145 Powhatan 43.42% 20 26,490.00 14,988.00 11,502.00

147 Prince Edward 22.32% 20 6,401.00 4,972.00 1,429.00

149 Prince George 37.16% 20 - - -

153 Prince William 34.14% 20 - - -

155 Pulaski 29.23% 20 52,293.00 37,008.00 15,285.00

157 Rappahannock 41.99% 20 24,599.00 14,270.00 10,329.00

159 Richmond County 32.27% 20 7,341.00 4,972.00 2,369.00

161 Roanoke County 43.97% 20 31,223.00 17,494.00 13,729.00

163 Rockbridge 23.36% 20 14,156.00 10,849.00 3,307.00

165 Rockingham 34.45% 20 7,585.00 4,972.00 2,613.00

167 Russell 18.94% 20 12,622.00 10,231.00 2,391.00

169 Scott 31.54% 20 - - -

171 Shenandoah 35.17% 20 26,415.00 17,125.00 9,290.00

173 Smyth 23.37% 20 - - -

175 Southampton 32.30% 20 - - -

177 Spotsylvania 45.88% 20 60,370.00 32,672.00 27,698.00

179 Stafford 44.39% 20 53,046.00 29,499.00 23,547.00

181 Surry 39.79% 20 - - -

183 Sussex 23.87% 20 6,531.00 4,972.00 1,559.00

185 Tazewell 24.55% 20 25,070.00 18,915.00 6,155.00

187 Warren 38.53% 20 10,067.00 6,188.00 3,879.00

2 of 3

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020

Local State and FIPS Locality Match | FY| Local Share | StateShare | Local Share

95[James City 44.83% | 20 9,012.00 4,972.00 4,040.00

97[King & Queen 31.44% | 20 7,252.00 4,972.00 2,280.00

99]King George 36.27% | 20 = = = 101]king William 38.53% | 20 11,314.00 6,955.00 4,359.00 103[Lancaster 43.91% | 20 8,864.00 4,972.00 3,892.00 105|tee 22.45% | 20 20,160.00 15,634.00 4,526.00 107[Loudoun 47.64% | 20 49,177.00 25,749.00. 23,428.00 109[Louisa 44.01% [20 8,880.00 4,972.00 3,908.00 111 [Lunenburg 16.98% | 20 8,845.00 7,343.00 1,502.00 113[Madison 33.55% | 20 7,482.00 4,972.00 2,510.00 115[Mathews 42.71% [20 = = = 117[Mecklenburg 22.86% | 20 46,034.00 35,511.00 10,523.00 119[Middlesex 43.33% | 20 = : 2 121[Montgomery 28.34% | 20 < < 2 125[Nelson 31.32% | 20 7,239.00 4,972.00 2,267.00 127[New Kent 43.29% | 20 = = = 131 [Northampton 19.71% | 20 3 = = 133[Northumberland 33.04% | 20 7,425.00 4,972.00 2,453.00 135[Nottoway 26.86% | 20 = : 2 137[Orange 40.83% | 20 18,876.00 11,169.00 7,707.00 139[Page 28.65% | 20 10,975.00 7,831.00 3,144.00 141 [Patrick 25.39% | 20 = = = 143[Pittsylvania 23.55% | 20 11,660.00 8,914.00 2,746.00 145[Powhatan’ 43.42% | 20 26,490.00 14,988.00 11,502.00 147[Prince Edward 22.32% | 20 6,401.00 4,972.00 1,429.00 149[Prince George 37.16% | 20 < < 2 153[Prince William 34.14% | 20 = = = 155[Pulaski 29.23% | 20 52,293.00 37,008.00 15,285.00 157[Rappahannock 41.99% | 20 24,599.00 14,270.00 10,329.00 159[Richmond County 32.27% | 20 7,341.00 4,972.00 2,369.00 161[Roanoke County 43.97% | 20 31,223.00 17,494.00 13,729.00 163]Rockbridge 23.36% | 20 14,156.00 10,849.00 3,307.00 165[Rockingham 34.45% | 20 7,585.00 4,972.00 2,613.00 167|Aussell 18.94% | 20| 42/6200 | _10;28100| _ 2:39:00 | 169[Scott 31.54% | 20 = = < 171]Shenandoah 35.17% | 20 26,415.00 17,125.00 9,290.00 173]Smyth 23.37% | 20 - : 2 175|Southampton 32.30% | 20 < = 2 177|Spotsylvania 45.88% | 20 60,370.00 32,672.00 27,698.00 179[stafford 44.39% | 20 53,046.00 29,499.00 23,547.00 1gi|surry 39.79% | 20 = = = 183|Sussex 23.87% | 20 6,531.00 4,972.00 1,559.00 185[Tazewell 24.55% | 20 25,070.00 18,915.00 6,155.00 187[Warren 38.53% | 20 110,067.00 6,188.00 3,879.00


Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020 FY2020

FIPS Locality


Match FY

State and

Local Share State Share Local Share

191 Washington 27.60% 20 - - -

193 Westmoreland 30.25% 20 7,128.00 4,972.00 2,156.00

195 Wise 27.55% 20 89,521.00 64,858.00 24,663.00

197 Wythe 27.08% 20 - - -

199 York 38.88% 20 8,135.00 4,972.00 3,163.00

510 Alexandria 53.09% 20 125,624.00 58,930.00 66,694.00

520 Bristol 25.47% 20 - - -

530 Buena Vista 23.29% 20 6,482.00 4,972.00 1,510.00

540 Charlottesville 30.68% 20 43,630.00 30,244.00 13,386.00

550 Chesapeake 37.15% 20 109,198.00 68,631.00 40,567.00

570 Colonial Heights 40.27% 20 - - -

580 Covington 24.96% 20 6,626.00 4,972.00 1,654.00

590 Danville 22.23% 20 26,286.00 20,443.00 5,843.00

620 Franklin City 37.10% 20 - - -

630 Fredericksburg 34.41% 20 19,279.00 12,645.00 6,634.00

640 Galax 31.46% 20 - - -

650 Hampton 32.23% 20 73,025.00 49,489.00 23,536.00

660 Harrisonburg 38.08% 20 8,030.00 4,972.00 3,058.00

670 Hopewell 26.67% 20 57,419.00 42,105.00 15,314.00

678 Lexington 33.02% 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00

680 Lynchburg 27.36% 20 36,714.00 26,669.00 10,045.00

683 Manassas City 41.68% 20 - - -

685 Manassas Park 42.73% 20 8,682.00 4,972.00 3,710.00

690 Martinsville 33.21% 20 - - -

700 Newport News 27.73% 20 - - -

710 Norfolk 24.55% 20 124,501.00 93,936.00 30,565.00

720 Norton 32.54% 20 7,370.00 4,972.00 2,398.00

730 Petersburg 35.35% 20 50,198.00 32,453.00 17,745.00

735 Poquoson 27.87% 20 - - -

740 Portsmouth 26.05% 20 - - -

750 Radford 20.35% 20 - - -

760 Richmond City 36.91% 20 - - -

770 Roanoke City 30.72% 20 7,177.00 4,972.00 2,205.00

775 Salem 35.13% 20 7,665.00 4,972.00 2,693.00

790 Staunton 26.99% 20 6,810.00 4,972.00 1,838.00

800 Suffolk 24.32% 20 - - -

810 Virginia Beach 35.69% 20 - - -

820 Waynesboro 38.43% 20 9,803.00 6,036.00 3,767.00

830 Williamsburg 45.53% 20 - - -

840 Winchester 45.87% 20 15,577.00 8,432.00 7,145.00

1200 Greensville/Emporia 22.66% 20 6,429.00 4,972.00 1,457.00

1300 Fairfax/Falls Church 46.11% 20 717,020.00 386,402.00 330,618.00

3,052,888.00 1,900,000.00 1,152,888.00

3 of 3

Children’s Services Act

Allocation for WRAP FY2020

Local State and FIPS Locality Match | FY| Local Share | StateShare | Local Share 191|Washington 27.60% | 20 : 5 2 193|Westmoreland 30.25% | 20 7,128.00 4,972.00 2,156.00 195[Wise 27.55% | 20 89,521.00 64,858.00 24,663.00 197|wythe 27.08% | 20 = = = 199[York 38.88% | 20 8,135.00 4,972.00 3,163.00 510|Alexandria 53.09% | 20| 125,624.00 58,930.00 66,694.00 520]@ristol 25.47% | 20 5 - 2 530|Buena Vista 23.29% | 20 6,482.00 4,972.00 1,510.00 '540| Charlottesville 30.68% | 20 43,630.00 30,244.00 13,386.00 550|Chesapeake 37.15% [20 | 109,198.00 68,631.00 40,567.00 570|Colonial Heights 40.27% [20 = = = '580|Covington 24.96% | 20 6,626.00 4,972.00 1,654.00 590|Danville 22.23% | 20 26,286.00 20,443.00 5,843.00 620]Franklin City 37.10% | 20 < < 2 630] Fredericksburg. 34.41% | 20 19,279.00 12,645.00 6,634.00 640|Galax 31.46% | 20 = = = 650|Hampton 32.23% | 20 73,025.00 49,489.00 23,536.00 660| Harrisonburg 38.08% | 20 8,030.00 4,972.00 3,058.00 670|Hopewell 26.67% | 20 57,419.00 42,105.00. 15,314.00 678] Lexington 33.02% | 20 7,423.00 4,972.00 2,451.00 680] Lynchburg 27.36% | 20 36,714.00 26,669.00 10,045.00 683| Manassas City 41.68% | 20 = = = (685 | Manassas Park 42.73% | 20 8,682.00 4,972.00 3,710.00 690| Martinsville 33.21% | 20 = = - 700|Newport News 27.73% | 20 - 2 2 710|Norfoik 24.55% | 20[ 124,501.00 93,936.00 30,565.00 720|Norton 32.54% | 20 7,370.00 4,972.00 2,398.00 730) Petersburg 35.35% | 20 50,198.00 32,453.00 17,745.00 735|Poquoson 27.87% | 20 = 3 3 740|Portsmouth 26.05% | 20 = - - 750|Radford 20.35% | 20 < : 2 760|Richmond City 36.91% | 20 < = 2 770|Roanoke City 30.72% | 20 7,177.00 4,972.00 2,205.00 775|Salem 35.13% | 20 7,665.00 4,972.00 2,693.00 790|Staunton 26.99% | 20 6,810.00 4,972.00 1,838.00 800|Suffolk 24.32% | 20 5 - 2 810] Virginia Beach 35.69% | 20 - : 2 820|Waynesboro 38.43% | 20 9,803.00 6,036.00 3,767.00 830|Williamsburg 45.53% | 20 = = = 840| Winchester 45.87% | 20 15,577.00 8,432.00 7,145.00 1200] Greensville/Emporia 22.66% | 20 6,429.00 4,972.00 1,457.00 1300] Fairfax/Falls Church 46.11% [20] 717,020.00| 386,402.00 | 330,618.00 3,052,888.00 | 1,900,000.00 | 1,152,888.00

3 0f3




ACCOMACK $38,655

ALBEMARLE $121,311


AMELIA $10,000

AMHERST $85,122


ARLINGTON $137,387

AUGUSTA $39,871

BATH $10,000


BLAND $10,000



BUCHANAN $34,381


CAMPBELL $80,361

CAROLINE $19,958

CARROLL $22,749




CLARKE $10,000

CRAIG $10,000

CULPEPER $40,025




ESSEX $10,000


FAUQUIER $92,484

FLOYD $22,353

FLUVANNA $26,170

FRANKLIN CO $140,887


GILES $15,850



GRAYSON $13,863

GREENE $12,396


Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.

1 of 4

Lonzo Lester Highlight



|ACCOMACK $38,655 ALBEMARLE $121,311 ALLEGHANY $42,892 AMELIA. $10,000 [AMHERST $85,122 APPOMATTOX $10,902 ARLINGTON $137,387 AUGUSTA $39,871 BATH $10,000 BEDFORD COUNTY $47,313 BLAND $10,000 BOTETOURT $17,263 BRUNSWICK $16,926 BUCHANAN $34,381 BUCKINGHAM $15,461 CAMPBELL. $80,361 CAROLINE $19,958 CARROLL $22,749 CHARLES CITY. $10,000 |CHARLOTTE. $33,202 ICHESTERFIELD $476,901 CLARKE $10,000 CRAIG $10,000 CULPEPER $40,025 [CUMBERLAND $84,607 DICKENSON $23,751 DINWIDDIE $63,456 ESSEX $10,000 FAIRFAX CITY/CNTY/FALLS CH $1,630,458 FAUQUIER $92,484 FLOYD $22,353 FLUVANNA $26,170 FRANKLIN CO $140,887, FREDERICK $34,011 GILES $15,850 |GLOUCESTER $35,580 |GOOCHLAND $10,000 |GRAYSON $13,863 IGREENE $12,396 |GREENSVILLE/EMPORIA $64,731

1 of 4




Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


HANOVER $84,600

HENRICO $429,722

HENRY $50,707


ISLE OF WIGHT $103,708






LEE $44,098

LOUDOUN $298,840

LOUISA $46,717


MADISON $17,437

MATHEWS $10,000




NELSON $12,721

NEW KENT $10,000



NOTTOWAY $15,650

ORANGE $28,277

PAGE $85,046

PATRICK $14,002


POWHATAN $15,674




PULASKI $42,149






RUSSELL $31,345

SCOTT $21,525

2 of 4

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.



HALIFAX/SOUTH BOSTON $38,098 HANOVER $84,600 HENRICO $429,722 HENRY. $50,707 HIGHLAND. $2,523 ISLE OF WIGHT $103,708 JAMES CITY COUNTY. $34,872 KING AND QUEEN $23,021 KING GEORGE $14,422 KING WILLIAM. $24,574 LANCASTER $10,000 LEE $44,098 LOUDOUN $298,840 LOUISA $46,717 LUNENBURG $92,169 MADISON $17,437 MATHEWS: $10,000 MECKLENBURG $79,344 MIDDLESEX $10,000 MONTGOMERY $53,993 NELSON $12,721 NEW KENT $10,000 NORTHAMPTON $16,058 NORTHUMBERLAND $26,805 NOTTOWAY, $15,650 JORANGE. $28,277 PAGE $85,046 PATRICK $14,002 PITTSYLVANIA. $47,385 POWHATAN $15,674 PRINCE EDWARD $16,569 PRINCE GEORGE $20,374 PRINCE WILLIAM $779,745 PULASKI $42,149 RAPPAHANNOCK $10,000 RICHMOND CO. $10,000 ROANOKE COUNTY $125,436 ROCKBRIDGE $29,110 ROCKINGHAM $56,811

| $31,845 | eT






Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


SMYTH $97,251



STAFFORD $55,493

SURRY $10,000

SUSSEX $31,610

TAZEWELL $59,097

WARREN $23,306



WISE $51,186

WYTHE $28,842

YORK $41,320


BRISTOL $61,541






DANVILLE $198,162



GALAX $10,000

HAMPTON $324,777


HOPEWELL $71,270


LYNCHBURG $375,907

MANASSAS $139,978




NORFOLK $1,097,638

NORTON $10,000


POQUOSON $10,000


RADFORD $10,000


3 of 4

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.



|SHENANDOAH $49,463 SMYTH $97,251 [SOUTHAMPTON $16,488 SPOTSYLVANIA, $45,762 STAFFORD. $55,493 SURRY $10,000 SUSSEX $31,610 TAZEWELL, $59,097 WARREN $23,306 | WASHINGTON $36,352 WESTMORELAND $15,606 WISE. $51,186 WYTHE $28,842 YYORK $41,320 ALEXANDRIA $94,680 BRISTOL $61,541 BUENA VISTA $71,863 ICHARLOTTESVILLE $391,582 |CHESAPEAKE $390,418 [COLONIAL HTS. $14,520 |COVINGTON $18,306 DANVILLE $198,162 FRANKLIN CITY. $13,679 FREDERICKSBURG $42,729 |GALAX $10,000 HAMPTON $324,777 HARRISONBURG $21,137 HOPEWELL $71,270 LEXINGTON $10,000 LYNCHBURG $375,907 MANASSAS $139,978 MANASSAS PARK $10,000 MARTINSVILLE $25,799 NEWPORT NEWS $990,310 NORFOLK $1,097,638. NORTON $10,000 PETERSBURG $114,304 POQUOSON $10,000 PORTSMOUTH $152,670 RADFORD $10,000 RICHMOND CITY $652,624





Children’s Services Act

FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


SALEM $22,237

STAUNTON $102,927

SUFFOLK $309,218





STATE TOTAL $14,456,748

4 of 4

Children’s Services Act FY20 non-Mandated / Maximum Protection Level.


Locality PROTECTION ROANOKE CITY. $484,023 SALEM. $22,237 STAUNTON $102,927 SUFFOLK $309,218 VIRGINIA BEACH $1,073,425, IWAYNESBORO $44,282 WILLIAMSBURG $10,000 WINCHESTER, $20,162

STATE TOTAL $14,456,748



Russell County - VBAF SR PA - 072219





Executive Summary

Effective Date: July 22, 2019

Grantee: COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA (the “Grantee”), a political

subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Project: Facilitate redevelopment of the Site to make way for campground

and outdoor classroom, by undertaking removal and disposal of debris

and mining cores, removal and disposal of an AST, abatement of

asbestos and building demolition, in accordance with results of Phase I

Environmental Assessment of the Site

Site: Located at the intersection of Lower Bearwallow Road and Laurel

Branch Road (36.98053°N by 82.30708°W) in Dante, Russell County,

Virginia, having Tax Parcel ID #160L2392A1

Grant: $215,000

Local Match:

Funding sources include VA Department of Forestry (Urban &

Community Forestry Grant and in-kind contributions of $34,915); CSX

($15,000 Donation); VDOT ($118,000 Grant); EPA/VT CDAC

($46,000 in Brownfields Grants); and United Way of Southwest

Virginia ($5,000 Donation) (see Exhibit A for complete list)

Performance Date: March 31, 2020

Variations: N/A

Notice Addresses: if to the Grantee:

Russell County

137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Attention: County Administrator

[email protected]



Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight


e Date: July 22, 2019

Grantee: COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA (the “Grantee”), a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Project: Facilitate redevelopment of the Site to make way for campground and outdoor classroom, by undertaking removal and disposal of debris and mining cores, removal and disposal of an AST, abatement of asbestos and building demolition, in accordance with results of Phase I Environmental Assessment of the Site

Site: Located at the intersection of Lower Bearwallow Road and Laurel Branch Road (36.98053°N by 82.30708°W) in Dante, Russell County, Virginia, having Tax Parcel ID #160L2392A 1

Grant: $215,000

Funding sources include VA Department of Forestry (Urban & Community Forestry Grant and in-kind contributions of $34,915); CSX Local Match: ($15,000 Donation); VDOT ($118,000 Grant); EPA/VT CDAC ($46,000 in Brownfields Grants); and United Way of Southwest Virginia ($5,000 Donation) (see Exhibit A for complete list)

Performance Date: | March’312020 N/A

if to the Grantee:

Russell County 137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, Virginia 24266 Attention: County Administrator



Russell County - VBAF SR PA - 072219


Russell County - VBAF SR PA - 072219

WITNESS the following signatures as of the Effective Date, each having the same force

and effect as if set forth at the end of this Agreement.





 Name:  Johan Salén 

 Title:    Vice President, Incentives 











 Name:  Jeffery A. Steers 

 Title:    Director of Central Operations 







WITNESS the following signatures as of the Effective Date, each having the same force and effect as if set forth at the end of this Agreement.


By Name: Johan Salén Title: Vice President, Incentives Date:






By Name: Jeffery A. Steers Title: Director of Central Operations Date:


By Name:


Russell County - VBAF SR PA - 072219


Russell County - VBAF SR PA - 072219

This PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated as of the Effective


AUTHORITY (“VEDP”), a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the

“Commonwealth”), and the GRANTEE identified in the Executive Summary above, recites and

provides as follows:


  1. The Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund (the

“VBAF”) was established pursuant to § 10.1-1237 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended

(the “Virginia Code”), to promote the restoration and redevelopment of brownfield sites in the

Commonwealth and to address environmental problems or obstacles to reuse so that such sites can

be effectively marketed to new economic development prospects;

  1. The VBAF is administered by the Virginia Resources Authority (“VRA”), and VEDP

directs the distribution of grants from the VBAF;

  1. VEDP, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”),

has established guidelines for the awarding of Site Remediation Grants from the VBAF;

  1. The Grantee submitted an application for a Site Remediation Grant to assist with the

Investment (set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto) being made by or on behalf of the Grantee for

the Project at the Site;

  1. VEDP, in consultation with DEQ and based upon the VBAF priorities, has awarded the

Grant to the Grantee for the Project;

  1. VEDP and the Grantee desire to set forth their mutual understanding and agreement as to

the payout of the Grant, the use of the Grant proceeds, the obligations of the Grantee, and the

repayment by the Grantee of all or part of the Grant proceeds under certain circumstances, all of

which shall be governed by this Agreement; and

  1. The restoration and redevelopment of brownfield sites and addressing environmental

problems or obstacles to reuse of such sites constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure

of public funds and is the animating purpose in making the Grant:

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual benefits, promises and

undertakings of the parties to this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the

receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as


Section 1. Construction and Definitions.

(a) Incorporated Terms: The Executive Summary, signature page, and recitals above,

and exhibits attached hereto, constitute integral parts of this Agreement and are hereby

incorporated by reference.

This PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (thi: greement”), dated as of the Effective Date, by and between the VIRGINIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP AUTHORITY (“VEDP”), a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the Commonwealth”), and the GRANTEE identified in the Executive Summary above, recites and provides as follows:


  1. The Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund (the “VBAE”) was established pursuant to § 10.1-1237 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), to promote the restoration and redevelopment of brownfield sites in the Commonwealth and to address environmental problems or obstacles to reuse so that such sites can be effectively marketed to new economic development prospects;

  2. The VBAF is administered by the Virginia Resources Authority (“WRA”), and VEDP directs the distribution of grants from the VBAF;

  3. VEDP, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”), has established guidelines for the awarding of Site Remediation Grants from the VBAF;

  4. The Grantee submitted an application for a Site Remediation Grant to assist with the Investment (set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto) being made by or on behalf of the Grantee for the Project at the Site;

5 VEDP, in consultation with DEQ and based upon the VBAF priorities, has awarded the Grant to the Grantee for the Project;

  1. VEDP and the Grantee desire to set forth their mutual understanding and agreement as to the payout of the Grant, the use of the Grant proceeds, the obligations of the Grantee, and the repayment by the Grantee of all or part of the Grant proceeds under certain circumstances, all of which shall be governed by this Agreement; and

  2. The restoration and redevelopment of brownfield sites and addressing environmental problems or obstacles to reuse of such sites constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds and is the animating purpose in making the Grant:

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual benefits, promises and undertakings of the parties to this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows.

Section 1. Construction and Det ns.

(a) Incorporated Terms: The Executive Summary, signature page, and recitals above,

and exhibits attached hereto, constitute integral parts of this Agreement and are hereby incorporated by reference.

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(b) Variations: To the extent any terms and conditions set forth in the Variations

section of the Executive Summary, if applicable, conflict with the terms and conditions set forth

below, the terms and conditions set forth in the Variations section of the Executive Summary shall


© Definitions: As used in this Agreement, terms set forth in the first column of the

Executive Summary shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the second column, and the

following terms shall have the following definitions:

“Grant Report” means a report in the form of Exhibit B attached hereto delivered in

accordance with Section 4(b).

“Investment” means expenditures by or on behalf of the Grantee associated with the

Project, including the Grant proceeds and the Local Match, made in accordance with

Exhibit A attached hereto.

“Local Match” means the required one-to-one match by the Grantee of the amount

of the Grant from public and/or private sources in either cash or documented reasonable

and necessary costs associated with the Project, as identified in the Executive Summary.

“Performance Date” means the date designated as such in the Executive Summary,

which is the date by which the Grantee expects to have completed the Project. If VEDP,

in consultation with DEQ, deems that good faith and reasonable efforts have been made

and are being made by the Grantee to complete the Project, the Performance Date may be

extended by up to 15 months and the date to which the Performance Date has been extended

shall be the “Performance Date” for the purposes of this Agreement.

Section 2. Grant, Disbursement, and Use of Grant Proceeds.

(a) Grant: VEDP, in consultation with DEQ and based upon the VBAF priorities, has

awarded the Grant to the Grantee for the Project.

(b) Disbursement: The Grant will be paid to the Grantee in full after: (i) completion of

the Project; (ii) the Grantee’s delivery of the Grant Report to VEDP; and (iii) verification of the

Report by VEDP and DEQ. The Grantee shall promptly provide such additional information and

documentation requested by VEDP or DEQ to complete the verification. Promptly after

verification, VEDP will direct VRA to disburse the Grant proceeds to the Grantee by wire transfer

in accordance with the ACH instructions previously provided by the Grantee.

© Use of Grant Proceeds: The Grantee will expend the proceeds of the Grant only as

permitted by § 10.1-1237 of the Virginia Code and as part of the Investment in accordance with

Exhibit A attached hereto.

(b) Variations: To the extent any terms and conditions set forth in the Variations section of the Executive Summary, if applicable, conflict with the terms and conditions set forth below, the terms and conditions set forth in the Variations section of the Executive Summary shall prevail.

© Definitions: As used in this Agreement, terms set forth in the first column of the Executive Summary shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the second column, and the following terms shall have the following definitions:

“Grant Report” means a report in the form of Exhibit B attached hereto delivered in accordance with Section 4(b).

“Investment” means expenditures by or on behalf of the Grantee associated with the Project, including the Grant proceeds and the Local Match, made in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto.

“Local Match” means the required one-to-one match by the Grantee of the amount of the Grant from public and/or private sources in either cash or documented reasonable and necessary costs associated with the Project, as identified in the Executive Summary.

“Performance Date” means the date designated as such in the Executive Summary, which is the date by which the Grantee expects to have completed the Project. If VEDP, in consultation with DEQ, deems that good faith and reasonable efforts have been made and are being made by the Grantee to complete the Project, the Performance Date may be extended by up to 15 months and the date to which the Performance Date has been extended shall be the “Performance Date” for the purposes of this Agreement.

Section 2. Grant, Disbursement, and Use of Grant Proceeds.

(a) Grant: VEDP, in consultation with DEQ and based upon the VBAF priorities, has awarded the Grant to the Grantee for the Project.

(b) Disbursement: The Grant will be paid to the Grantee in full after: (i) completion of the Project; (ii) the Grantee’s delivery of the Grant Report to VEDP; and (ii) verification of the Report by VEDP and DEQ. The Grantee shall promptly provide such additional information and documentation requested by VEDP or DEQ to complete the verification, Promptly after verification, VEDP will direct VRA to disburse the Grant proceeds to the Grantee by wire transfer in accordance with the ACH instructions previously provided by the Grantee.

(©) Use of Grant Proceeds: The Grantee will expend the proceeds of the Grant only as

permitted by § 10.1-1237 of the Virginia Code and as part of the Investment in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto.

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Section 3. Investment.

(a) Investment: The Grantee expects to make the Investment and complete the Project

on or before the Performance Date. As the Project is undertaken, adjustments to the Investment

may be needed. Except for de minimis adjustments (impacting, in the aggregate, less than 10% of

the Grant proceeds), adjustments to the Investment require the prior written approval of VEDP and

must be reflected on a revised Exhibit A provided to VEDP.

(b) Local Match: The Grantee will make the Local Match on or before the Performance


© Supplemental Grant: If the Investment proves insufficient to allow the Grantee to

complete the Project or other associated work identified through the results of the Project, a

supplement grant in an amount of up to 20% of the Grant may be awarded if that additional amount,

plus other identified funds, will be sufficient to allow completion and if monies are available from

the VBAF. If such a supplemental Site Remediation Grant is awarded, the Grantee must provide

an additional Local Match.

Section 4. Reporting.

(a) Interim Reports: The Grantee shall provide an interim report on the progress of the

Project at such times as VEDP and DEQ may request.

(b) Grant Report: Promptly after completion of the Project, the Grantee will deliver

the Grant Report to VEDP. Such report must be completed, signed by an authorized representative

of the Grantee, and have copies of invoices and all other required supporting documentation


© Status Reports: After the Performance Date, at such times as VEDP and DEQ may

request, the Grantee shall provide a written detailed report reasonably satisfactory to VEDP

providing an update on the Site, including whether (i) the Site was successfully marketed to a new

economic development prospect, and (ii) the Project generated any additional private investment

and job creation.

(d) Costs of Reporting: The costs of reporting will be borne by the Grantee.

Section 5. Repayment Obligations.

(a) If Investment is Less than Expected: If the Grant Report indicates that the Grantee

was able to complete the Project for less than the expected Investment, such that the amount of the

Grant proceeds exceeds the Local Match or the Grantee will not need all of the Grant proceeds

previously disbursed to the Grantee, the Grantee must repay to VEDP an amount equal to the

excess amount or the amount of the Grant proceeds no longer required.

Section 3. Investment,

(a) Investment: The Grantee expects to make the Investment and complete the Project on or before the Performance Date. As the Project is undertaken, adjustments to the Investment may be needed. Except for de minimis adjustments (impacting, in the aggregate, less than 10% of the Grant proceeds), adjustments to the Investment require the prior written approval of VEDP and must be reflected on a revised Exhibit A provided to VEDP.

(b) Local Match: The Grantee will make the Local Match on or before the Performance Date.

(©) Supplemental Grant: If the Investment proves insufficient to allow the Grantee to complete the Project or other associated work identified through the results of the Project, a supplement grant in an amount of up to 20% of the Grant may be awarded if that additional amount, plus other identified funds, will be sufficient to allow completion and if monies are available from the VBAF. If such a supplemental Site Remediation Grant is awarded, the Grantee must provide an additional Local Match.

Section 4. Reporting.

(a) Interim Reports: The Grantee shall provide an interim report on the progress of the Project at such times as VEDP and DEQ may request.

(6) Grant Report: Promptly after completion of the Project, the Grantee will deliver the Grant Report to VEDP. Such report must be completed, signed by an authorized representative of the Grantee, and have copies of invoices and all other required supporting documentation attached.

(©) Status Reports: After the Performance Date, at such times as VEDP and DEQ may request, the Grantee shall provide a written detailed report reasonably satisfactory to VEDP providing an update on the Site, including whether (i) the Site was successfully marketed to a new economic development prospect, and (ii) the Project generated any additional private investment and job creation.

(@ Costs of Reporting: The costs of reporting will be borne by the Grantee

Section 5. Repayment Obligations.

(a) If Investment is Less than Expected: If the Grant Report indicates that the Grantee was able to complete the Project for less than the expected Investment, such that the amount of the Grant proceeds exceeds the Local Match or the Grantee will not need all of the Grant proceeds previously disbursed to the Grantee, the Grantee must repay to VEDP an amount equal to the excess amount or the amount of the Grant proceeds no longer required.

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(b) If Grant Proceeds are Misspent: If the Grant Report indicates, or any evidence

gathered by VEDP reveals, that any Grant proceeds have been expended on anything other than

the Investment, the Grantee must repay to VEDP the amount so misspent.

© Failure to Complete by Performance Date: If it is determined that the Grantee is

unable to complete the Project and expend the Grant proceeds by the Performance Date and the

Performance Date is not extended, the Grantee must repay to VEDP the unspent proceeds of the

Grant as of the Performance Date.

(d) Repayments to Fund: VEDP will provide written notification to the Grantee if any

repayment is due from the Grantee to VEDP under this Agreement. Within 60 days of receiving

such notification, the Grantee will make the repayment to VEDP, subject to appropriation. Any

repayment received by VEDP will be promptly transferred by VEDP to the VRA for redeposit to

the VBAF.

Section 6. Notices.

Formal notices and communications among the parties shall be given either by (i) personal

service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service that provides a receipt showing date

and time of delivery, (iii) mailing utilizing a certified or first class mail postage prepaid service of

the United States Postal Service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iv)

delivery by email with transmittal confirmation and confirmation of delivery, addressed as noted

below. Notices and communications personally delivered or delivered by document delivery

service shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Notices and communications mailed shall be

deemed effective on the second business day following deposit in the United States mail. Notices

and communications delivered by email shall be deemed effective the next business day, not less

than 24 hours, following the date of transmittal and confirmation of delivery to the intended

recipient. Such written notices and communications shall be addressed to:

if to the Grantee: [see Executive Summary]

if to VEDP, to: with a copy to:

Virginia Economic Development Partnership

One James Center, Suite 900

901 East Cary Street

Richmond, Virginia 23219

Email: [email protected]

Attention: Incentives Coordinator

Virginia Economic Development Partnership

One James Center, Suite 900

901 East Cary Street

Richmond, Virginia 23219

Email: [email protected]

Attention: General Counsel

Section 7. Miscellaneous.

(a) Entire Agreement; Amendments: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement

between the parties hereto as to the Grant, and may not be amended or modified, except in writing,

signed by each of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit

(b) If Grant Proceeds are Misspent: If the Grant Report indicates, or any evidence gathered by VEDP reveals, that any Grant proceeds have been expended on anything other than the Investment, the Grantee must repay to VEDP the amount so misspent.

(©) Failure to Complete by Performance Date: If it is determined that the Grantee is unable to complete the Project and expend the Grant proceeds by the Performance Date and the Performance Date is not extended, the Grantee must repay to VEDP the unspent proceeds of the Grant as of the Performance Date.

(4) Repayments to Fund: VEDP will provide written notification to the Grantee if any repayment is due from the Grantee to VEDP under this Agreement. Within 60 days of receiving such notification, the Grantee will make the repayment to VEDP, subject to appropriation. Any repayment received by VEDP will be promptly transferred by VEDP to the VRA for redeposit to the VBAF.

Section 6. Notices.

Formal notices and communications among the parties shall be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, (iii) mailing utilizing a certified or first class mail postage prepaid service of the United States Postal Service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iv) delivery by email with transmittal confirmation and confirmation of delivery, addressed as noted below. Notices and communications personally delivered or delivered by document delivery service shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Notices and communications mailed shall be deemed effective on the second business day following deposit in the United States mail. Notices and communications delivered by email shall be deemed effective the next business day, not less than 24 hours, following the date of transmittal and confirmation of delivery to the intended recipient. Such written notices and communications shall be addressed to:

if to the Grantee: [see Executive Summary]

if to VEDP, to: with a copy to: Virginia Economic Development Partnership Virginia Economic Development Partnership One James Center, Suite 900 One James Center, Suite 900 901 East Cary Street 901 East Cary Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Attention: Incentives Coordinator Attention: General Counsel

Section 7. Miscellaneous. (a) Entire Agreement; Amendments: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement

between the parties hereto as to the Grant, and may not be amended or modified, except in writing, signed by each of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit

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of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The Grantee may not assign its

rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of VEDP.

(b) Governing Law; Venue: This Agreement is made, and is intended to be performed,

in the Commonwealth and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the

Commonwealth. Jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising out of or involving this

Agreement shall lie in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, and such litigation shall be

brought only in such court. In the event this Agreement is subject to litigation, each party shall be

responsible for its own attorneys’ fees.

© Counterparts and Signatures: This Agreement may be executed in one or more

counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of which together shall be one and the

same instrument. This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature, each of which shall

have the same force and effects as its corresponding original.

(d) Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable,

invalid or illegal, then the enforceability, validity and legality of the remaining provisions will not

in any way be affected or impaired, and such provision will be deemed to be restated to reflect the

original intentions of the parties as nearly as possible in accordance with applicable law.


Exhibit A: Investment

Exhibit B: Form of Grant Report

of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The Grantee may not assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of VEDP.

(b) — Governing Law; Venue: This Agreement is made, and is intended to be performed, in the Commonwealth and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth. Jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising out of or involving this Agreement shall lie in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, and such litigation shall be brought only in such court. In the event this Agreement is subject to litigation, each party shall be responsible for its own attorneys’ fees.

(©) Counterparts and Signatures: This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of which together shall be one and the same instrument. This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature, each of which shall have the same force and effects as its corresponding original.

(4) Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable, invalid or illegal, then the enforceability, validity and legality of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired, and such provision will be deemed to be restated to reflect the original intentions of the parties as nearly as possible in accordance with applicable law.


Exhibit Exhibit

Investment Form of Grant Report

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Russell County - VBAF SR PA - 072219






Project Summary



Located at the intersection of Lower

Bearwallow Road and Laurel Branch

(36.98053°N by 82.30708°W) in Dante,

Russell County, Virginia, having Tax

Parcel ID #160L2392A1

Grant Amount: $215,000

Effective Date of Performance Agreement: July 22, 2019

Performance Date (as extended if applicable): March 31, 2020

Project Report

  1. Provide a brief summary of the outcome of the Project:

  2. In the table on the following page, report any adjustments to the scope of work for the

Project (as set forth in Exhibit A to the Performance Agreement) and associated costs, or

check the box below if no adjustments were made.

☐ There were no adjustments to the Scope of Work for the Project.






Located at the intersection of Lower Bearwallow Road and Laurel Branch Site: (36.98053°N by 82.30708°W) in Dante, Russell County, Virginia, having Tax Parcel ID #160L2392A1

Grant Amount: $215,000

Effective Date of Performance Agreement: | July 22, 2019

Performance Date (as extended if applicable): | March 31, 2020

Project Report

  1. Provide a brief summary of the outcome of the Project:

  2. In the table on the following page, report any adjustments to the scope of work for the Project (as set forth in Exhibit A to the Performance Agreement) and associated costs, or check the box below if no adjustments were made.

O There wer

no adjustments to the Scope of Work for the Project.



Scope of Work

Adjustment Budget


Local Match EPA Grant Share VBAF Grant Share

TOTAL $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________

  1. Provide assessment values for the Site before the Grant and after completion of the


Before Grant

After Project


Assessed Property Value: $____________ $____________

  1. Attach complete copies of all studies and reports performed and obtained in connection

with the Project. Such studies and reports will be subject to review and request for further

supporting documentation.

  1. The Site is enrolled in the Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program (the “VRP”)

(check appropriate box): Yes ☐ No ☐

  1. Attach copies of all invoices for the Project.

  2. Attach before and after photographs.

  3. Provide assessment values for the Site before the Grant and after completion of the

Project: After Project Before Grant Completion Assessed Property Value: $ $ 4. Attach complete copies of all studies and reports performed and obtained in connection with the Project. Such studies and reports will be subject to review and request for further supporting documentation. 5. The Site is enrolled in the Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program (the “VRP”) (check appropriate box): Yes 0 No O 6. Attach copies of all invoices for the Project. 7. Attach before and after photographs.



By my signature below, I hereby certify that: (i) I have examined this Report and the information

provided is true, correct, and complete in all respects, and all required documentation is attached;

(ii) data collected with respect to the Site reflects certification by the by the Virginia Division of

Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) Virginia Environmental Laboratory Accreditation

Program (VELAP); (iii) if the Site is not enrolled in the VRP, the Project has met appropriate

standards of care for reuse of the Site in accordance with the VRP, and the Grantee will maintain

all records for facilitating potential future brownfields revitalization of the Site, to demonstrate

appropriate care, and to facilitate potential future enrollment in the VRP if necessary; and (iv) the

Grant proceeds have been used exclusively for the Project in accordance with the Performance

Agreement, and any unused Grant proceeds will be promptly repaid to VEDP.

WITNESS the following signature.


Submitted by: ________________________________________ __________________ Signature of Official Title

Name: __________________________________________ Print Name

Date: _________________________


By my signature below, I hereby certify that: (i) I have examined this Report and the information provided is true, correct, and complete in all respects, and all required documentation is attached; (ii) data collected with respect to the Site reflects certification by the by the Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) Virginia Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (VELAP); (iii) if the Site is not enrolled in the VRP, the Project has met appropriate standards of care for reuse of the Site in accordance with the VRP, and the Grantee will maintain all records for facilitating potential future brownfields revitalization of the Site, to demonstrate appropriate care, and to facilitate potential future enrollment in the VRP if necessary; and (iv) the Grant proceeds have been used exclusively for the Project in accordance with the Performance Agreement, and any unused Grant proceeds will be promptly repaid to VEDP.

WITNESS the following signature.


Submitted by:

Signature of Official Tile


Print Name


Russell County Board of Supervisors

Travel Reimbursement Form Date Submitted

Employee Name(s)



Email (optional)


7-23-JCJ /l7issy R ~Carter’ DRu6 COuR-r I cwP 2 7({)- '8~9- 81sg-


Purpose of Travel

rn r:ssy. ecu-ler& russell Q>lll1-/yt.J:/ . us "Rca.nok’e, VA

\Jir91·n ia. DRu6 ~T dJN~ Anticipated Expenses

Type of Expense


Ground Transportation

Cont/Registration Fees


Meals and Tips



Employee Signature

Description of Expense


Wd~ use Comm.Any TA-Hee Pl4tO B 'I Vt- OU-Pt<12N.E C1:xY2T PfH 0 B~ \IA- SLAP~~ Co.x2:r -

Nff+ Par1<1N6 Of mf CXJVtfi:d by ho/el)

;?. (JJzz

Daily Expenses # of <Exceot Airfare) Davs Total Expenses Amt Approved

Grand Total

Date Signed

Russell County Board of Supervisors 276-889-8000 Travel Reimbursement Form

Date Submitted “ 23 -IF9

Employee Name(s) Miss y R… Carter

ee DruG’ Guer/ CwP

Phone 270- 889- 8ISE

lEmail (optional) Missy. Carter @ russell opurty Q.Uus Destination Roanoke, VA

Purpose of Travel Virgi inia “Deué Cwer CONRERENCE

[Anticipated Expenses

Daily Expenses # of

[Type of Expense Description of Expense (Excent Airfare) Davs

airtare Ap

cround transportation wil Use Comm. Any TAHSE contResiswationrees PAID BY VA a Qeer

Total Expenses Amt Approved

Lodging Pro BY VA Supreme Goer peo 7 Sol [day $/B32

les oer Fancing Cif not covered by hotel)

Employee Signature 7V jiou R Ont Date Signed

¥ Date OF TRAVEL - Aug 4, 5)C

[email protected]

From: [email protected] Sent: To: Cc:

Thursday, July 18, 2019 7:35 PM [email protected]; zack@russel [email protected]

Subject: RE: Travel Request for State Drug Court Conference


Very good.

Go ahead and complete travel request form and I will approve. I will put on BOS Agenda on 8/5/19 for final approval.


From: [email protected] [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 3:16 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Trave l Request for State Drug Court Conference


The Virginia Drug Court Conference will be held in Roanoke this year on August 5 and 61 h.

I am requesting travel permissions for August 4th, 5th and 6th.

The Virginia Supreme Court pays for the training and also pays for my lodging.

I am requesting my meals, parking, etc to be reimbursed to me. I am also requesting to switch vehicles with Zack for those days. Zack has agreed to allow me to take his county vehicle, with your approval.

This conference is a yearly event, that helps keep all the drug court programs in the State up to date with what we shou ld be doing.

All the members of the drug court team are requested to attend and the other members of the team will each have reimbursement from their respected employers.

Please let me know ASAP if this request is approved, as it is only a couple weeks away.

Thank you, Missy

Missy R. Carter, Program Director Russell County Community Work Program Russell County Adult Drug Court Program Office: (276) 889- 8158 Cell : (276) 254-1420 [email protected]


missy. carter@russellcountyva iS

Fro [email protected] Sent Thursday, July 18, 2019 7:35 PM

To: [email protected]; [email protected] cc: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Travel Request for State Drug Court Conference


Very good.

Go ahead and complete travel request form and | will approve. | will put on BOS Agenda on 8/5/19 for final approval.


From: [email protected] <missy.carter> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 3:16 PM

To: [email protected]; [email protected]

Ce: vicki. [email protected]

Subject: Travel Request for State Drug Court Conference

Lonzo, The Virginia Drug Court Conference will be held in Roanoke this year on August 5 and 6".

| am requesting travel permissions for August 4", 5® and 6".

The Virginia Supreme Court pays for the training and also pays for my lodging.

am requesting my meals, parking, etc to be reimbursed to me. | am also requesting to switch vehicles with Zack for those days. Zack has agreed to allow me to take his county vehicle, with your approval.

This conference is a yearly event, that helps keep all the drug court programs in the State up to date with what we should be doing.

All the members of the drug court team are requested to attend and the other members of the team will each have reimbursement from their respected employers.

Please let me know ASAP if this request is approved, as itis only a couple weeks away.

Thank you, Missy

Missy R. Carter, Program Director Russell County Community Work Program Russell County Adult Drug Court Program

Office: (276) 889- 8158

Cell: (276) 254-1420 [email protected]


656 Clydesway Drive, Suite A - P. O. Box 997 - Lebanon, VA 24266 T: (276) 889-8247 - F: (276) 889-8248

Travel Request - National Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Executive Academy

Employee information

Name Betsy Summerfield Department Emergency Management

Employee ID Position

______________ 6_7_7 Approval : Mr. Lonzo Lester

Emergency ~ Management Deputy Coordinator

Date Description 8/18/2019 Travel to Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 8/19/2019 Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (E0684) class 8/20/2019 Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (E0684) class 8/21/2019 Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (E0684) class 8/22/2019 Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (E0684) class 8/23/2019 Return to Russell County

Meals $61.00

$126.52 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00


Pay period



Per Diem Hotel Mileage Expense Fuel $61.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ! $0.00 $0.00 $0.00



I EMI pays lodging (FREE), meal ticket costs $126.52 (includes breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) for the 5-dav class.


I $248.52 $122.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Russell County Subtotal

RUSSELL COUNTY TOTAL ---- -Aooroved bv Notes I



TOTAL $61.00

$126.52 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$61.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00



I FEMA’s EMl accepts only 50 students annually for the Executive Emergency Management Academy Training. EMI, partnering with our Nation’s best and brightest, will convey cutting edge models and approaches to the core competencies areas of systems thinking for emergency managment, leading complex systems, methodologies to take ideas from inception to innovation, net centric visioning and designing, presenting for impact. The course is highly interactive and includes relevant case studies and realistic simulation exercises

,for emergency mangment executives. Fonnal acceptance into the Executive Academy is required. The E0680 Class will be held at EMI, Emminsburg, MD, on February 25-March 1, ~--------~2019 with agenda, acceptance, and travel documentation attached.


For Office Use Only


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 656 Clydesway Drive, Suite A ~ P.O. Box 997 ~ Lebanon, VA 24266 T: @16) 889-8247 ~

: 76) 89-8248,

Travel Request - National Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Executive Academy

Employee information Pay period

‘Name Betsy Summerfield Department Emergency Management From 9/18/2015]

Employee 1D 677 Approval: _Mr. Lonzo Lester i 8/23/2019] Position Emergency t Management Deputy Coordinator

Date] Description, Meals [Per Diem] Hotel | Mileage | Expense | Fuel TOTAL

#/18/2019 Travel to Emergency Management Institute (EMI) '$61.00| $0.00, 7 $61.00)

[8/19/2019 Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (EO684) 52 $0.00) $0.00) $126.52]

'8/20/2019| Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (E0684) class $0.00, $0.00] 0.00] T —— $0.00]

'8/21/2019| Contemporary Emergency Management Institute (E0684) class $0.00, $0.00. $0.00 $0.00]

'8/22/2019|Contemporery Emergency Management Institute (E0584) $0.00| $0.00) $0.00, $0.00]

18/23/2019 Return to Russell County ~ 00] $61.00] = [$61.00

TT — mI $0.00]

a 30.00]

I i $0.00]

EMT pays lodging (FREE), meal ticket costs $126.52 (Includes breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) for the 5-day class. $0.00]

  • a a as _ 30.00]

_ _ — $0.00]

— . —— $0.09]

8 00]

[e252] $122.00] $0.00) $0.00] $0.00 Russell County Subtotall _$248.52| RUSSELL COUNTY TOTAL| $248.52]

cutting edge models and approaches tothe core competencies area of systems thinking for emergency managment, leading complex systems, methodologies to take ideas from

{Inception to innovation, net centric vsioning and designing, presenting fr impact. The course is highly interactive and includes relevant case studies and realistic simulation exercises

| {for emergency mangment executives. Formal acceptance into the Executive Academy is required. The E0880 Class willbe held at EMI, Emmitsburg, MD, on February 25-March 1, 2019 with agenda, acceptance, and travel documentation attached.

fromewson exevoyee stonnruRE



656 Clydesway Drive, Suite A - P. O. Box 997 - Lebanon, VA 24266 T: (276) 889-8247 - F: (276) 889-8248

Travel Request - National Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Executive Academy

Employee information

Name Jess Powers

! Employee ID 369

Department Emergency Management

Approval: Mr. Lonzo Lester Position Emergency Management Coordinator

Date Description Meals 8/18/2019 Travel to Emergency Management Institute (EMI) $61.00 8/19/2019 Attend Interpreting the Contempory EM Environment (E0684) Class $126.52 8/20/2019 Attend Intereretin9 the Contemoorv EM Environment (E0684) Class $0.00 8/21/2019 1Attend Interereting the Contemoorv EM Environment (E0684) Class $0.00 8/23/2019 Attend Interpreting the Contempory EM Environment (E0684) Class $0.00 8/24/2019 Return to Russell County $61.00


Pay period



Per Diem Hotel Mileage Expense Fuel $61.00 $0.00 392.00 $58.56

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ’ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$61.00 $392.00 $58.56

EMI pays lodging (FREE), meal ticket costs $126.52 (includes breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) while on campus

$248.52 $122.00 $0.00 $0.00 $117.12 Russell County Subtotal

RUSSELL COUNTY TOTAL 1-A_,.,p __ r __ o_v_e_d_b_y. _ _ __ Notes …



TOTAL $119.56 $126.52

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$119.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ( 0.00 ( 0.00

0.00 0.00



FEMA’s EMl accepts only 50 students annually for the Executive Emergency Management Academy Training. EMI, partnering with our Nation’s best and brightest, will convey cutting edge models and approaches to the core competencies areas of systems thinking for emergency managment, leading complex systems, methodologies to take ideas from inception to innovation, net centric visioning and designing, presenting for impact. The course is highly interactive and includes relevant case studies and realistic simulation exercises for emergency mangment executives. Formal acceptance into the Executive Academy is required. The Intrepreting the Contemporary EM Environment E0684 Class will be

.__ _ _______ _ held at EM!, Emmittsburg, MD, on August 19-22, 2019 with agenda, acceptance, and travel documentation attached.

For Office Use Only

EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: /.McPVf ~ ____ 11_-Ju_l-1_9


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 656 Clydesway Drive, Suite A ~ P. 0. Box 997 ~ Lebanon, VA 24266 "Ts (276) 889-8247 ~ F: (276) 899-8248

Travel Request - National Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Executive Academy

Employee information Pay period Name Jess Powers Department Emergency Management | From 6/8/2019] Employee 1D 369 ‘Approval: _Mr, Lonzo Lester Ito 9/23/2019]

[Postion “Emergency Management Coordinator ] Description Heals [Per Diem] Hotel | Mileage | Expense [Fuel TOTAL institute (EVA) '$61.00| $61.00) 392.00) $5556| $1536] he Contempory EM Environment (E0682) Class $126.52) $0.00) 12652 ng the Contempory EM Environment (E0684) Class 30.00 C $0.00) | "8/21/2019 Attend Interpreting the Contempory EMI Environment (£0684) Class ~$0.00| $0.00) $0.00] '8/23/2019 Attend Interpreting the Contempory EM Environment (E0684) Class $0.00) $0.00) $0.00] 8/24/2019 Return to Russell County $61.00| $61.00| $119.56] $0.00] | $0.00 $0.00 $0.00] EMI lodging (FREE), mé unch and Dinner) while on cz 30.00 es 1 $0.00 I $0.00] I I i | $0.00 [5248.52] 5122.00] $0.0) 0,00] $117.12

Russell County Subtotall $365.64] RUSSELL COUNTY ToTAL| $365.64)

‘Approved Notes

FEMA’s EMI scceps ony 50 students annually forthe Executive Emergency Management Academy Training. EMI, partnering with our Nations best and brightest, will convey ‘eutting edge models and approaches to the core competencies areas of systems thinking for emergency managment, lading complex systems, methodologies to take ides from inception to innovation, net centre visioning and designing, presenting for impact. The course is highly interactive and includes relevant case sudies and relistc simulation ‘exercises for emergency mangrnent executives. Forma acceptance into the Executive Academy is required The Intrepreting the Contemporary EM Environment E0684 Class willbe held at EMI, Emmitsburg, MD, on August 19-22, 2019 with agende, cceptance, and travel documentation attache,

rome en recy ionaTURE:

Emergency Management Institute 16825 S. Seton Avenue Emmitsburg, MD 21727


131 Highland Drive, Room 183 P. 0. Box 911

Lebanon, VA 24266 T: (276) 889-8247 ,…, F: (2’76) 889-8248 ,…, Mobile: (276) 701-9775

May 14, 2018

Ref: FY19 National Emergency Management Executive Academy Letter of Recommendation

Dear Emergency Management Institute,

The emergency management profession continues to grow with full-time emergency management personnel across the countiy. However, emergency management in rural localities, like Russell County, have not kept up with this pace of the ongoing importance of local emergency management, allocation of local funding, professional development opportunities, or had the grant opportunities to develop a professional emergency management depaitment. Rural localities are just as or more vulnerable than urban communities to a variety of natural and man-made hazards due to emergency management departments or programs not being fully staffed, funded, and trained.

Russell County Emergency Management supports and recommends that the Russell County Emergency Management Coordinator attends the FY19 National Emergency Management Executive Academy to enhance and positively influence our local rural emergency management experience, sldlls, and abilities to help our whole community to become more resilient to disasters. The advanced, comprehensive, and cutting-edge curriculum will support the advancement of our local strategic and policy level executive leadership to forge a path toward improving lhe processes, practice, and profession of our local emergency management.


z:t:Il Russell County Emergency Management, Director



131 Highland Drive, Room 183

P.O. Box 911

Lebanon, VA 24266

‘T: (276) 889-8247 ~ F: (276) 889-8248 ~ Mobile: (276) 701-9775

May 14, 2018

Emergency Management Institute 16825 S. Seton Avenue Emmitsburg, MD 21727

Ref: FY19 National Emergency Management Executive Academy Letter of Recommendation

Dear Emergency Management Institute,

The emergency management profession continues to grow with full-time emergency management personnel across the country. However, emergency management in rural localities, like Russell County, have not kept up with this pace of the ongoing importance of local emergency management, allocation of local funding, professional development opportunities, or had the grant opportunities to develop a professional emergency management department. Rural localities are just as or more vulnerable than urban communities to a variety of natural and man-made hazards due to emergency management departments or programs not being fully staffed, funded, and trained.

Russell County Emergency Management supports and recommends that the Russell County Emergency Management Coordinator attends the FY19 National Emergency Management Executive Academy to enhance and positively influence our local rural emergency management experience, skills, and abilities to help our whole community to become more resilient to disasters. The advanced, comprehensive, and cutting-edge curriculum will support the advancement of our local strategic and policy level executive leadership to forge a path toward improving the processes, practice, and profession of our local emergency management.


_ 42 rk A, Mitchell

Russell County Emergency Management, Director


656 Clydesway Drive, Suite A - P. 0 . Box 997 - Lebanon, VA 24266 T: (276) 889-8247 - F: (276) 889-8248

Travel Request - Chemical Spill Response Training Re-certification

Employee information

Name Jess Powers ---------------~ Employee ID xxx-xx-6542

Department Emergency Management

Approval: Mr. Lonzo Lester Position Emergency Management Coordinator

Date Description Meals 8/5/2019 Travel to Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. (Invoice attached) $61.00 I 8/6/2019 Return from Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. $61.00 I 8/6/2019 Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. (Separate Invoice) 8/6/2016 Holiday Inn, 3315 Ordway Drive, Roanoke, VA I



I $122.00

— - - - -· - ~A.:1:.1~r~o~v~e~d~b=…L~~~~- Notes

Pay period



Per Diem Hotel Mileage Expense Fuel 153.00 $25.00 153.00 $25.00

$150.00 $111.00


$0.00 $111.00 $150.00 $50.00 Subtotal




TOTAL $86.00 $86.00

$150.00 $111.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 •,o.oo •w.oo •o0.00

I <~,; ;/•’

… $433 .00


: Chemical Spill Response Training/OSHA Level ll, Annual Refresher Training - 8 hours; OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) program extensive regulations ensure worker safety and health. The course complies with OSHA regulations. This will renew my HAZWOPER certification with the 8-hour refresher course that meets the requirements

1outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for 8 (eight) hours of annual refresher training. This course is designed for general site workers who remove hazardous waste or who are exposed or potentially …_ __________ 1 exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards. (please see attached documentation from Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc.)

For Office Use Only EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: /UkPl/f ~ ____ 1_0-_Ju_l-1_9


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (656 Ciydesway Drive, Suite A ~ P. 0. Box 997 ~ Lebanon, VA 24266 ‘Ts 216) 889-8247 ~ F: (276) 889.8248

Travel Request - Chemical Spill Response Training Re-certification

Employee information Pay period Name Jess Powers Deparment Emergency Management | From EEENE [Employee 10 2007-6542 ‘Approval: Mr. Lonzo Lester | tro 8/6/2013| Position - Emergency Management Coordinator _ |

Date Description Meals_[Per Dien] Hotel | Mileage | expense [Fuel TOTAL 8/5/2015 Travel to Sigma Consulting and Training, Ine, (Invoice attached) 361.00, (153.00) [$25.00 $86.00] '8/6/2018|Retum from Sige Consulting and Training, Inc. a [$61.00 | [$25.00] 5.00} '8/6/2019|Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. (Separate Invoice $150.00) 150.00] | 8/8/2036 Holiday Inn, 3315 Ordway Drive, Roanoke, VA. 111,00] $0.00 “$0.00 $0.00] = —$0.00] $0.00] t ! $0.00) = i — $0.00 a == = = 4 $0.00) 50.00) I i 0.00

$150.00 $50.00)

Subtotall $433.00 rorat| $433.00)

[Approved by “Notes

(Chemie pil Response TrainingOSHA Level I, Annuel Refesher Tiining-8 hours; OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) program extensive regulations ensure worker safety sa health The course complies with OSHA regions. This wil enew ty HAZWOPER ceifenon withthe S-hour reese eourse that mets the requitements cutined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.12 for 8 (ih) hours of annual effesher trsining. This cous is designed fr general ste workers who remove hazardous Waste or whe ae exposed cr oteaally

exposed to hazards substances or health hazards (lease st tached documentation from Sigma Consulting and Training ne.)

cesocccowrne gue ountd_unn

, 1u 111u~~11u 1.uum.y r.111erye11~y

Course Title:


Directions/Hotel Reservations:

Date of Course: (Please select)


rrom :>1 bri11 U//UH/19 9:UUam p. J ot J

Fax: (863) 326-6780 Phone: (863) 232-291 O

e-mail: info@sigmatrainingservicesJ;…QfD…

Fax Registration Form Chemical Spill Response Training

Roanoke Area Holiday Inn 3315 Ordway Drive Roanoke VA 24017

(540) 362-4500

0 Roanoke Area August 61

h. 2019

Culpeper Area Best Western Inn 791 Madison Road Culpeper, VA 22701

(540) 825-1253

( ) Culpeper Area August 7111

, 2019

Richmond Area Comfort Inn & Suites 10601 Telegraph Road Glen Allen, VA 23059

(804) 262-2000

( ) Richmond Area August 8’h, 2019

$150 per person. 4 or more $125 each. Class Time: 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.

Indicate number attending: (Please provide names if known in advance).

Agency & Dept RusSG,~~ fme.‘:’:nrj tJ,e;~rre.rtf Names of Attendees:~~ssR= /!r111><:.r:s Business Mailing Address: !1 ‘/- . &15e.I! Sfree4 e. 0, &IL q /I City: Leba_ro"’“”‘’-'-n.__ _____ ~ State: J/.[i_ Zip Code: t:XJ…/ r:l fRf…, __

Telephone:.lJ.7lt)'101 -q’7’75 Fax: (J1fp) 8&9…-&14€ e-mail : jess-(l?~s. rcem6/ph~d?t’IJJ Please indicate payment method: Check _LPurchase Order _Credit Card

Payment’'"~ l1a11t ! to he re<·eiw!ll prior lo atlemli11g tlu: du.\·.~.

Name (as it appears on the card) Circle one: Visa MC AMEX

Credit CardNumber: _ ________ ~------ Exp. Date:_ / _

Credit CardBittingAdd~ss:~--------~-------~~–~ City; State: Zip Code: ______ _ (must match the billing address 41nd zip code on your credit card statement)

Security Code": Amount:$ Signature:_,…-.,…--------~- •security Code found on front of AX (4 digits over last 4 numbers) and back of MC/VISA (last three digits by signature)

Government purchase orders accepted. Please make checks payable and mail to: Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. P.O. Box 190. Eagle Lake, FL 33839

Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc - Federal Identification Number: 30-0009429 (Please forward a copy of your purchase order when completed)

Cancellations received at least three days prior to the class will receive a 100% refund. No refunds less than three days prior to class. Class size is limited … You must register in advance to secure your seat in the class!

to /aussent LuuNLy onergency ron S168 vy —y:Wuan pp. ¥ ot F

LTT Fax: (863) 326-6780 SIGMA CONSULTING Phone: (863) 232-2910

AND TRAINING, INC. e-mail: [email protected] Fax Registration Form

Course Title: Chemical Spill Response Training

Location: Roanoke Area Culpeper Area Richmond Area Holiday Inn Best Western Inn Comfort Inn & Suites 3315 Ordway Drive 791 Madison Road 10601 Telegraph Road Roanoke VA 24017 Culpeper, VA 22701 Glen Allen, VA 23059


Reservations: (540) 362-4500 (540) 825-1253, (804) 262-2000

Date of Course: (f Roanoke Area () Culpeper Area —() Richmond Area

(Please select) August 6", 2019 ‘August 7", 2019 August 8”, 2019

Fee $150 per person, 4 or more $125 each. Class Time: 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.

Indicate number attending: (Please provide names if known in advance). Agency & he ae ae Names of Attendees: Jess 7 owes

Business Malling Address:_94 Aysse/! Shect P.O, Bov 411

City:_ Lebanon State: VA_ Zip ape ae

Telephone:(a7)101-FIIS Fax: (Tb) 869 BANE __ e-mail: jess_

Please indicate payment method: . Check Purchase Order Credit Card Payment dogs not have ta be received prior to attending the class.

Name (as it appears on the card) Circle one: Visa MIC AMEX

Credit Card Numb Exp. Date: __

Credit Card Billing Addres:

city: State: Zip Code:

(must match the billing address and zip code on your credit card statement)

Security Code Amount, Signature:

“Security Code foundl on front of AX @ digits ovar last 4 nuinbera) and back of CNISA (ast threo digits by signature)

Government purchase orders accepted. Please make checks payable and mail to: ‘Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. P.O, Box 190, Eagle Lake, Fl. 33839 Sigma Consulting and Training, inc - Federal Identification Number: 30-0009429 (Please forward a copy of your purchase order when completed)

Cancellations received at least three days prior to the class will receive a 100% refund, No refunds less than three days prior to class, Class size is limited… You must register in advance to secure your seat in the class!

/ahoo. Loy


June 30, 2019

Regular Account 2,055,968.49

Honaker Library Donations 0.00

IDA Debt Reduction 0.00

Employee Insurance 3,455, 147.37

Employee Claims Account 1,000.00

Knox Coal Insurance Fund 0.00

Russell Co. Housing fund 4,424.36

School Textbook 29,950.29

Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,949.69

Petty Cash Treasurer 421 .80

Sheriff Seized Assets 56,807.01

Sheriff Restitution 72.51

Sheriff Forfeited Assets 81.61

Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 31 , 163.62

Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,517.32

Comm Attorney Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 182,401 .10

Commonwealth Attorney Abanoned Property 500.00

Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 7,909.38

Sheriff Calendar Fund 2,515.88

SSI Recipients 0.13

First Sentinel Bank 4, 173.88

Bank of Honaker 20, 172.13

New Peoples Bank 136,247.43

Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00

Treasurer’s Money Market 2,415,334. 30

Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80

Certificates of Deposit Knox Creek Ins. 0.00

Certificate of Deposit Employee Insurance 0.00

Total Cash In Bank 8,488, 122.10

Cash In Office 1,600.00

Petty Cash 100.00

TOTAL CASH 8,489,822.10

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight


June 30, 2019

Regular Account 2,055,968.49

Honaker Library Donations 0.00 IDA Debt Reduction 0.00 Employee Insurance BARR AATERT Employee Claims Account 1,000.00

Knox Coal Insurance Fund 0.00 Russell Co. Housing Fund 4424.36 School Textbook 29,950.29 Sheriff Domestic Violence 1,949.69 Petty Cash Treasurer 421.80 Sheriff Seized Assets 56,807.01

Sheriff Restitution 72.51

Sheriff Forfeited Assets 81.61

Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 31,163.62

Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets: 7,517.92

Comm Attorney Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 182,401.10 Commonwealth Attorney Abanoned Property 500.00 Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 7,909.38

Sheriff Calendar Fund 2,615.88

SSI Recipients 0.43

First Sentinel Bank 4,173.88

Bank of Honaker 20,472.18

New Peoples Bank 136,247.43

Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00

‘Treasurer’s Money Market 2,415,334.30 Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80 Certificates of Deposit Knox Creek Ins. 0.00 Certificate of Deposit Employee Insurance 0.00 Total Cash In Bank 8,488,122.10 Cash In Office 1,600.00 Petty Cash 100.00

TOTAL CASH 8,489,822.10


Cash in Office Cash in Bank Petty Cash General Fund Sheriff In State Trip Sheriff Dare rund Sheriff Seized Assets Sheriff Restitution Sheriff Forfeited Assets Comm Attorney Forfei ted Assets Honaker Library Donations Russel l County Housin.g Fund Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets Sheriff Domestic Violence Comm Attorney Abanoned Prop Comm Attorney fed Justice Sherifffed Justice Forfeited Sheriff Calendar Fund Soc ial Services Swva Asap Coal Road Improvement CSA School Fund School Food School Textbook Regional Adult Education Petly Cash Treasurer Litter Fund Trash Pickup Current Credit Current Debit T it le XX SS! Recipients Damage Stamp Fund I DA Debt Reduction Valley Heights Dante Sewer Employee Health Insurance Employee Insurance Claims Law Library Special Welfare Housing Fund #2 Russell Co Health & Fitness Cannery WIB Total



1,600.00 8,488, 122.10



J une 30, 20 19


3,685, 146.93 30,551.95

100.00 56,807.01

72.51 81 .61

31 , 163.62 24,783.87 4,424.36 7,517.32 1,949.69

500.00 182,401 .10

7,909.38 2,515.88

(212,338.08) 10,607.79

286,71 1.49 (507,352.98) 556,481.74 358,434.40

29,950.29 255,797.84

421.80 (23,345.81)

1,879.21 14.44

11,321.05 0.13

2,823.98 0.00

56,492.90 49,575.00

3,455, 147.37 1,000.00

52,537.40 46,308.84

7,700.00 108,862.12

(105, 185.80) 10,051.75


DATE June 30, 2019

ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT Cash in Office 7,600.00 Cash in Bank 6,486,122.10 Petty Cash 700.00 General Fund 3,685,146.93 Sheriff In State Trip 30,551.95 Sheriff Dare Pund 100.00 ‘Sheriff Seized Assets 56,807.01 ‘Sheriff Restitution 72.51 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 81.61 ‘Comm Attomey Forfeited Assets 37,163.62 Honaker Library Donati 24,783.87 Russell County Housing Fund 4,424.36 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 7,517.32 Sheriff Domestic Violence 7,949.69 ‘Comm Attorney Abanoned Prop 500.00 ‘Comm Attorney Fed Justice 782,401.10 Sheriff Fed Justice Forfeited 7,909.38 Sheriff Calendar Fund 2,515.88 Social Services (212,336.08) Swva Asap 10,607.79 ‘Coal Road Improvement 286,711.49 CSA (507,352.98) School Fund 556,481.74 School Food 356,434.40 ‘School Textbook 29,950.29 Regional Adult Education 255,797.84 Petty Cash Treasurer 421,80 Litter Fund Trash Pickup (23,345.81) (Current Credit 1,879.21 Current Debit 14.44 Title XX 17,321.05 SSI Recipients ORE} Damage Stamp Fund 2,823.98 IDA Debt Reduction 0.00 Valley Heights 56,492.90 Dante Sewer 49,575.00 Employee Health Insurance 3,455,147.37 Employee Insurance Claims 7,000.00 Law Librar 52,537.40 Special Welfare 46,308.84 Housing Fund #2 7,700.00 Russell Co Health & Fitness 708,862.12 Caner (105,185.80) WIB 10,051.75

Total 8,489,822.10 8,489,822.10

June 4, 2019 The Regular monthly meeting of the Industiial Development Authority of

Russell County, Virginia was held on June 4, 2019, at 5:30 P.M. at Bonanza Family Restaurant, Main Street, Lebanon, Virginia.





Ernie McFaddin, Chairman Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretaty Tony Dodi. Member Roger Sword, Member J atTed Glass, Member Mike Hincher, Member

Scott Gilmer, Member David Mullins, Member

Ben Chafin, Attorney

Phillip Powers Mark Mitchell, Town Manager Lonzo Lester, County Administrator

The Chainnan called the meeting to order at 5:33 P.M.

Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Roger Sword and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2019 meeting.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gihner, D. Mullins Nay: None

FINANCIAL REPORT Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge, and

duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve to pay invoices presented on June 4, 2019.

June 4, 2019 ‘The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on June 4, 2019, at 5:30 P.M. at Bonanza Family Restaurant, Main Street, Lebanon, Virginia.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ernie McFaddin, Chairman Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretary Tony Dodi. Member Roger Sword, Member Jarred Glass, Member Mike Hincher, Member ABSENT: Scott Gilmer, Member David Mullins, Member STAFF: Ben Chafin, Attorney GUEST: Phillip Powers

Mark Mitchell, Town Manager Lonzo Lester, County Administrator

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 P.M. Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2019 meeting.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: $, Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

FINANCIAL REPORT Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve to pay invoices presented on June 4, 2019.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

PUBLIC COMMENT Phillip Powers asked the IDA to extend the terms of the land grant, for the

Industrial Park partial, due to a large amount of rock material to be moved.

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Roger Sword, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to extend the land grant contract with Phillip Powers for a period of one year.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

ELECTION OF OFFICES & REORGANIZATION Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Mike Hincher, and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to nominate all officers as they are cun-ently held and to elect each officer by acclamation.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to appoint Chafin Law Firm as the Attorney for the IDA for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

‘The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S, Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

PUBLIC COMMENT Phillip Powers asked the IDA to extend the terms of the land grant, for the Industrial Park partial, due to a large amount of rock material to be moved.

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Roger Sword, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to extend the land grant contract with Phillip Powers for a period of one year.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

ELECTION OF OFFICES & REORGANIZATION Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Mike Hincher, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to nominate ail officers as they are currently held and to elect each officer by acclamation.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to appoint Chafin Law Firm as the Attorney for the IDA for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

‘The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R, Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Roger Sword, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to appoint Bostic-Tucker CPA as the accountant for the IDA for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D . Mullins Nay: None

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to set the monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday, 5:30 PM at Bonanza Restaurant.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

ATTORNEY’S REPORT The Attorney presented the lease agreement with C-6 Corp. The company

expects to employee 15 full time employees in years 1 and 2, increasing to 20 full time employees by year 3.

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the chairman to sign the agreement with C-6 Corp. as presented by the Attorney.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

The Attorney presented the lease with the Sheriffs Office on the old DSS building.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Mike Hincher, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the chairman to sign the lease agreement with Russell County Sheriffs Office as presented by the Attorney.

Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Roger Sword, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to appoint Bostic-Tucker CPA as the accountant for the IDA for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: 8. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to set the monthly meetings on the 2" Thursday, 5:30 PM at Bonanza Restaurant.

‘The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

ATTORNEY’S REPORT The Attorney presented the lease agreement with C-6 Corp. The company expects to employee 15 full time employees in years 1 and 2, increasing to 20 full time employees by year 3,

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the chairman to sign the agreement with C-6 Corp. as presented by the Attorney.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R, Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

The Attorney presented the lease with the Sheriff’s Office on the old DSS building.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Mike Hincher, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the chairman to sign the lease agreement with Russell County Sheriff’s Office as presented by the Attorney.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

The Attorney presented the lease on the Solar Kiln in Castlewood, VA with H&H Log Yard.

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Mike Hincher, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the chairman to sign the agreement with H&H Log Yard as presented by the Attorney.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M . Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The CPPD funds from the broadband operations have to be applied for by

the county. Therefore, the IDA must enter a MOU with the Russell County Board of Supervisors to request funds for Project “Blue Jay”.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to enter into a MOU with the Russell County Board of Supervisors to apply for a grant from the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Broadband Fund to be used for Project “Blue Jay”.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lock.ridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

Southwest Virginia Community College is asking for a letter of support for their application to VCEDA for and upgrade to the education center.

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to send a letter of support to VCEDA for Southwest Virginia Community College’s application for upgrades to the Higher Education Center.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T, Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

The Attorney presented the lease on the Solar Kiln in Castlewood, VA with H&H Log Yard.

Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Mike Hincher, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the chairman to sign the agreement with H&H Log Yard as presented by the Attorney.

‘The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R, Sword, J Glass Absent: . Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ‘The CPPD funds from the broadband operations have to be applied for by the county. Therefore, the IDA must enter a MOU with the Russell County Board of Supervisors to request funds for Project “Blue Jay”.

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to enter into a MOU with the Russell County Board of Supervisors to apply for a grant from the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Broadband Fund to be used for Project “Blue Jay”.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

Southwest Virginia Community College is asking for a letter of support for their application to VCEDA for and upgrade to the education center.

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to send a letter of support to VCEDA for Southwest Virginia Community College’s application for upgrades to the Higher Education Center,

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the Chairman to sign a MOU with Southwest Virginia Community College to construct a science lab in the Higher Education Center.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M . Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to enter Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code #2.2-3711 (3) Property (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) & (8) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lock.tidge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly

approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Ce1iification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby

certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to authorize the Chairman to sign a MOU with Southwest Virginia Community College to construct a science lab in the Higher Education Center.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to enter Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code #2.2-3711 (3) Property (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) & (8) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except

the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

The Roll Vote Was: Ernie Mcfaddin Carlton Elliott Scott Gilmer Tony Dodi Roger Sword

Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes

Mike Hincher Yes Jarred Glass Yes David Mullins Absent Richard Lockridge Yes

MOTIONS FROM CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Jarred Glass, and duly

approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the Chairman to apply for a Site Study Grant with VCEDA for the Russell Place Prope1ty.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Locklidge, C. Elliott, T . Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge, and

duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia adjourning this meeting at 10:11 PM.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

The Roll Vote Was:

Ernie McFaddin Yes Mike Hincher Yes Carlton Elliott. Yes Jarred Glass Yes Scott Gilmer Absent David Mullins Absent Tony Dodi Yes Richard Lockridge Yes

Roger Sword Yes

MOTIONS FROM CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Jarred Glass, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the Chairman to apply for a Site Study Grant with VCEDA for the Russell Place Property.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass Absent: $. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia adjourning this meeting at 10:11 PM.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, C. Elliott, T. Dodi, M. Hincher, R. Sword, J Glass

Absent: §. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS of Russell County Public Service Authority held at 137

Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 on this 2nd day of’ July, 2019 at 3:00PM.

I. The following members were present, constituting the entire board:

Carter McGlothlin;

Clifford Hess;

Chris Dye;

Cuba Porter;

Terry Po.vers;

David Edmonds, Jr.; and

Joe Huff.

  1. Also present:

Harvey I lart;

Rhonda Lester;

frank Kilgore;

Lonzo Lester;

Steve Areeding;

Katie Patton and

Brad Patton.

  1. All the directors of the Russell County Public Service Authority being present, formal notice

call ing the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be called by Harvey Harl,

Operations Manager.

  1. Harvey Harl, Operations Manager presented lo the meeting and thereupon the following reso lution

was offered, seconded and unanimously adopted.


• The fo llowing individuals are appointed and confirmed as officers of the Russell County Public

Service Authority for a term of one year or until replaced:

-=C~a"'“‘rl=er’-“M~e-=G~lo””'t""'h=li1=-1 ____ : Chairman;

-=C~li=ffi~·o~rd~H=e=ss~ _____ : Vice Chairman;

~C~u~ba~· P~o~rt~e1· _ _ ____ : Treasurer

_Rh~o_n_da~L_e~st~e_r ______ : Secretary

Page I of 4


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS of Russell County Public Service Authority held at 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 on this 2nd day of July, 2019 at 3:00PM.

  1. The following members were present, constituting the entire board: Carter McGlothlin; Clifford Hess; Chris Dye; Cuba Porter; ‘Terry Powers; David Edmonds, Jr.; and Joe Huff.

  2. Also present Harvey Hart; Rhonda Lester; Frank Kilgore; Lonzo Lester; Steve Breeding; Katie Patton and Brad Patton.

  3. All the directors of the Russell County Public Servi

Authority being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeti Operations Manager.

declared to be called by Harvey Hart,

4, Harvey Hart, Operations Manager presented to the meeting and thereupon the following resolution was offered, seconded and unanimously adopted,


© The following individuals are appointed and con

ned as officers of the Russell County Public Service Authority for a term of one year or until replaced:

Carter MeGlothlin. : Chairman; Clifford Hess Vice Chairman;

Cuba Porter ¥ Rhonda Lester



Page | of 4

  1. Carter McGlothlin, Chai rman presented lo the meeting and thereupon the following

resolutions were offered, seconded and unanimously adopted.


• The Russell County Public Service Authority is authorized to rename Castlewood Water and

Sewage Authority’s existing New Peoples Bank (the “Institution”) accounts as fo llows: Russell

County Public Service Authority - Castlewood Division I) Acct #30001184 Collections

(Operating), 2) Acct ff3 0000822 Project, 3) Acct f/33003377 Savings and the following company

agents (the “Designated Signers”) arc authorized to sign for and on behalf of the Russell County

Public Service Authority any and all checks, drafts or other orders with respect lo funds of the

Russell County Public Service Authority in these Accounts:

Harvey Hart (Operations Manager), Carter McGlothlin (Chairman), and Cuba Porter (Treasurer)

The Designated Signers are authorized to transact any and all other business with the lnslitution

deemed by the Designated Signers to be reasonable and advisable except the borrowing of money

or the obtaining of credit in any form or the usc of any of the assets oft he Russell County Public

Service Authority as any type of security or collateral. The Secretary of the Russell County Public

Service Authority is directed to communicate this authority and the relevant signatures to the

Institution, and to ensure proper enforcement of thi s resolution.

Motion to approve made by Joe 1-lufi: seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted.

• Russell County Public Service Authority is also authorized to close the following Miner’s

Exchange Bank accounts and transfer the remaining funds into the appropriate New Peoples Bunk


Miner’s Exchange Bank Operating Acct t/300008 15

Miner’s Exchange Bank Savings J\cct 113301 354 1

Motion to approve made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted.

• Be it hereby resolved that in order to facilitate obtaining financial assistance from the United States

of America, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development for the assumption of

USDA Rural Development indebtedness for the Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority and

Russell County Rural Utilities Service loans, the Governing Body does hereby adopt and abide by

all covenants contained in the agreements, documents, and forms required by the Government to be


Page 2 of 4

Carter MeGlothlin, Chairman presented to the meeting and thereupon the following

resolutions were offered, seconded and unanimously adopted.


‘The Russell County Public Service Authority is authorized to rename Castlewood Water and

Sewage Authority’s existing New Peoples Bank (the “Institution”) aecounts as follows: Russell County Public Service Authority — Castlewood Division 1) Acet #30001 184 Collections (Operating), 2) Acct #3000822 Project, 3) Acet 433003377 Savings and the following company agents (the “Designated Signers”) are authorized to sign for and on behalf of the Russell County Public Service Author

Russell County Publ

any and all checks, drafis or other orders with respect to funds of the Service Authority in these Accounts:

Harvey Hart (Operations Manager), Carter MeGlothlin (Chairman), and Cuba Porter (Treasurer)

The Designated Signers are authorized to transact any and all other business with the Institution deemed by the Designated Signers to be reasonable and advisable except the borrowing of money or the obtaining of eredit in any form or the use of any of the assets of the Russell County Public Service Authority as any type of security or collateral.

he Secretary of the Russell County Public Service Authority is directed to communicate this authority and the relevant signatures to the Institution, and to ensure proper enforcement of thi


Motion to approve made by Joe Huff, seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted.

Russell County Public Service Authority is also authorized to close the following Miner" Exchange Bank accounts and transfer the remaining funds into the appropriate New Peoples Bank accounts:

Miner’s Exchange Bank Operating Acet #300008 15 Miner’s Exchange Bank Savings Acct #33013541

Motion to approve made by Cuba Porter,

seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted.

Be it hereby resolved that in order to facilitate obtaining financial assistance from the United States of America, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development for the assumption of USDA, Rural Development indebtedness for the Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority and Russell County Rural Utilities Service loans, the Governing Body does hereby adopt and abide by all covenants contained in the agreements, documents, and forms required by the Government to be


Page 2 of 4

Be it further resolved that the Chairman, Vice Cha irman, or Operations Manager of the Board of

Directors be authorized to execute on behalf of the Russell County Publi c Service Authority the

above-referenced agreements, documents, and forms and to execute such other documents

including, but not limited to. debt instruments, security instruments, and/or grant agreements as

may be required in obtaining the said financial assistance.

Motion to approve made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Cli fford Hess and unanimously adopted.

  1. Motion lo use Chafin Law firm as Russe ll County Pu blic Service Authori ty’ s legal counsel was

made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Joe lluff and unanimously adopted.

  1. Motion to use the ne’vvest version of Robcrt· s Rules of Order as Russell County Publi c Service

Authority’s parliamentary procedures was made by David Edmonds, Jr, seconded by Chris Dye and

unanimously adopted.

  1. Motion for Russell County Pub I ic Service Authori ty to continue to use Owens CPA & Associates

audi ti ng services was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted.

  1. Motion to appoint Harvey Hart to be Interim Acting Director of Russell County Public Service

Authority was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Joe Huff and unanimously adopted.

  1. Lonzo Lester and Steve Breeding will put together a packet in relation to the debt of both merging

Authorities for the board 's review.

11 . The fol lowing amendments were made to the agenda by legal representative, Kat ie Patton:

• Added "Organization of the Board’ ’ as number I to the New Business Olltline

• Renumbered numbers 2 through 5 on the New Business Outline

• Added “Discussion of New 13ylaws” as number 6 to the New Business Outline

• Added “Matters Presented by the Board” as number 7 to the New Business Outli ne

• Changed the Next Meeting Date to July 16111

Motion to approve the Amended Agenda was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and

unanimously adopted.

Page 3 of4

Be it further resolved that the Chairman, Vice Chairman, or Operations Manager of the Board of

Directors be authorized to execute on behalf of the Russell County Public Service Authority the above-referenced agreements, documents, and forms and to execute such other documents including, but not limited to, debt instruments, security instruments, and/or grant agreements as

may be required in obtaining the said financial assistance

ford Hess

Motion to approve made by Cuba Porter, seconded by C and unanimously adopted,

  1. Motion to use Chafin Law firm as Russell County Public Service Authority’s legal counsel was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Joe Hulf and unanimously adopted.

  2. Motion to use the newest version of Robert’s Rules of Order as Russell County Public Service

made by David Edmonds, Jr, seconded by Chris Dye and

Authority’s parliamentary procedures wa

unanimously adopted.

8, Motion for Russell County Public Service Authority to continue to use Owens CPA & Associates ously adopted.

auditing services was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and una

  1. Me Authority was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Joe Huff and unanimously adopted.

n to appoint Harvey Hart to be Interim Acting Director of Russell County Public Service

10, Lonzo Lester and Steve Breeding will put together « packet in relation to the debt of both merging Authorities for the board’s review.

  1. The following amendments were made to the agenda by legal representative, Katie Patton:

© Added “Organization of the Board” as number 1 to the New Business Outline

© Renumbered numbers 2 through 5 on the New Business Outline

© Added “Discussion of New Bylaws” as number 6 to the New Business Outline

‘* Added “Matters Presented by the Board” as number 7 to the New Business Outline © Changed the Next Meeting Date to July 16"

Motion to approve the Amended Agencla was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted.

Page 3 of 4

  1. Frank Kilegore handed out “Bylaws of the Russell County Public Service Authority” for the

Board’s review. He advised that he would be making revisions to Articles 4.1 and I. I and would

have revised copies for the next scheduled meeting.

13 . Rhonda Lester handed out “Proposed Employee Ilandbook” fo r the Board ·s rev iew.

  1. Carter McGlothlin presented lo the meeting the following issues for the Board to be thinking about

for the next scheduled meeting:

• Approval of Proposed Employee l Janel book

• Approval of Proposed 2019/2020 Budgets

• Approval of Owens CPA and /\ssoeiates· Engagement Letter for FY 19 auditing services

• Discuss restructuring customer rates and f ecs

• Review/Discuss old past due customer account balances

  1. I-rank Kilgore recognized Brad Patton und thanked him for all of his hard work in regard to the

merging of the two Authorities.

  1. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn al 4:00 PM was

made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted. The next meeting is

scheduled for July 16, 2019 al 6:00 PM.

  1. Dated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on the 2nd day of July, 20 19.

-~· ____ (Signature)

Secretary Name: __ L_ce::>s./,e,- _ _

Page 4 of4

  1. Frank Kilegore handed out “Bylaws of the Russell County Public Service Authority” for the Board’: have revised copies for the next scheduled meeting

review. He advised that he would be making revisions to Articles 4.1 and 1.1 and would

  1. Rhonda Lester handed out “Proposed Employee Handbook” for the Board’s review.

14, Carter McGilothlin presented to the meeting the following issues for the Board to be thinking about for the next scheduled meeting:

Approval of Proposed Employee Handbook

© Approval of Proposed 2019/2020 Budgets

© Approval of Owens CPA and Associates’ Engagement Letter for FY 19 auditing servi

«Discuss restructuring customer rates and fees

© Review/Discuss old past due customer account balances

15, Frank Kilgore recognized Brad Patton and thanked him for all of his hard work in re

merging of the two Authorities.

16, There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn at 4:00 PM was made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Chris Dye and unanimously adopted. ‘The next meetin scheduled for July 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM,

  1. Dated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on the 2nd day of July, 2019.

. Kner Aol (Signature)

Secretary Name: _ Koo cla Lester

Page 4 of 4


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS of The Russell County Public Service Authority held at

137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 o n this 16th clay of July, 2019 at 6:00 PM.

l . The following members were present, constituting the entire board (all members have been sworn


Carter McG!o thlin, Chairman;

Clifford Hess, Vice Chairman;

Cuba Porter, Treasurer;

Chris Dye;

Terry Powers;

David Edmonds, .Jr. ;

.Joe .luff; and

Rhonda Lester, Secretary .

2 . Also present:

Harvey Hart;

James Baker, T&L;

Frank Kilgore;

Joyce Kilgore; and

Rachel Norris

  1. All the directors of The Russell County Publi c Service Authority being present, formal notice

calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.

  1. Carter McGlothlin acted as Chairperson of the meeting and Rhonda Lester as Secretary of the


  1. Chris Dye opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance fo llowed by a prayer led by Cuba


  1. Minutes of the last regular meeting dated June 17, 2019 were reviewed and, upon motion duly

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Chris Dye, were unanimously adopted as read.

  1. Minutes of the last special called meeting dated .July 2, 20 19 were reviewed and, upon motion dul y

made by Chris Dye, seconded by Clifford Hess, were unanimously adopted as read.

Page I of 4


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS of The Russell County Public Service Authority held at 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266 on this 16th day of July, 2019 at 6:00 PM.

  1. The following members were present, constituting the entire board (all members have been sworn

Carter MeGlothlin, Chairman; Clifford Hess, Viee Chairman; ‘Cuba Porter, Treasurer;

Chris Dye;

‘Terry Powers;

David Edmonds, Jr

Joe Juff and

Rhonda Lester, Secretary.

  1. Also present: Harvey Hart; James Baker, T&L: Frank Kilgore; Joyce Kilgore; and Rachel Norris

  2. All the directors of The Russell County Public Service Authority being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.

4, Carter MeGlothlin acted as Chairperson of the meeting and Rhonda Lester as Secretary of the meeting.

  1. Chris Dye opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer led by Cuba Porter.

6, Minutes of the last regular meeting dated June 17, 2019 were reviewed and, upon motion duly made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Chris Dye, were unanimously adopted as read.

  1. Minutes of the last special called mee! made by Chris Dye, seconded by Clifford Hess, were unanimously adopted as read.

dated July 2, 2019 were reviewed and, upon motion duly

Page | of 4

  1. Harvey Hart, Interim Acting Director, presented to the meeting:

• Bank Activity and Account Balances Reports

• Profit and Loss Reports

• Outstanding Construction Receivables Report

• Past Due Customer Accounts Reports

• Systems Water Loss Reports

and upon motion duly made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Terry Powers, were unanimously

adopted as presented.

  1. James Baker, Project Engineer with Thompson & Litton presented to the meeting the following

project updates from June 16, 2019 to date :

• Fincastle Estates Project - Installed ( l I) Service Meters, Worked on Pressure Tank,

Worked on Pump Station, Done Sampling

• County/Lebanon Trash Site Project - Poured Concrete, Cleaned off Bank, Filled Ramp with


• Nature Conservancy/Carbo Launch Site Project - Cut Trees, Built Road, Leveled Lot

• Leonard/Hansonville Project - Installed 1400’ of 2" Linc, ( I) Service Meter, Done 8x6"


• Eagle’ s Nest Project - Graveled Road, Installed Gate, Poured Concrete Pad for Tank

• Glade Hollow/Glade Hill Project - Ordered Some Materials, Awaiting Loan Closing with


• Nash ’ s Ford Project - Submi tted Fund ing Application with VDH (should have notification

or funding status in July or August)

• Belfast Pht~se II Project - Plans and Specs Submitted to VDH, CPPD is Updat ing

Environmental Review

• Elk Garden - Talking with VDH about Plans to use a Well in the Elk Garden Area as a

Potential Water Somee

I 0. Caiter McGlothlin, Chairman presented to the meeting and thereupon the following resolutions

were offered.


• Proposed Employee Handbook is still under legal review at this time and approval to put the

handbook into use will be addressed al a later date.

Page 2 or 4

8, Harvey Hart, Interim Acting Director, presented to the meeting:

© Bank Activity and Account Balances Reports © Profit and Loss Reports

‘© Outstanding Construction Receivables Report © Past Due Customer Accounts Reports

@ Systems Water Loss Reports

‘and upon motion duly made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Terry Powers, were unanimously

adopted as presented.

9, James Baker, Project Engineer with Thompson & Litton presented to the meeting the following project updates from June 16, 2019 to date:

© Fincastle Estates Project ~ Installed (11) Service Meters, Worked on Pressure Tank, Worked on Pump Station, Done Sampling

© County/Lebanon Trash Site Project ~ Poured Conerete, Cleaned off Bank, Filled Ramp with Dirt

© Nature Conservaney/Carbo Launch

Project ~ Cut Trees, Built Road, Leveled Lot

Leonard/Hansonville Project ~ Installed 1400" of 2” Line, (1) Service Meter, Done 8x6”


Eagle’s Nest Project ~ Graveled Road, Installed Gate, Poured Concrete Pad for Tank

© Glade Hollow/Glade Hill Project ~ Ordered Some Materials, Awaiting Loan Closing with VRA

© Nash’s Ford Project — Submitted Funding Application with VDH (should have notification of funding status in July or August)

© Belfast Phase II Project ~ Plans and Specs Submitted to VDH, CPPD is Updating Environmental Review

© Elk Garden ~ Talking with VDH about Plans to use a Well in the Elk Garden Area as a Potential Water Source

10.Carter MeGlothlin, Chairman presented to the meeting and thereupon the following resolutions were offered.


Proposed Employee Handbook is still under legal review at this time and approval to put the

handbook into use will be addressed at a later date.

• Motion to approve the proposed 2019/2020 Budgets made by Chris Dye, seconded by Clifford

Hess, and unanimously adopted.

• Motion to approve the Owens CP/\ and Associates ’ Engagement Letter for FYI 9 auditing services

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Terry Powers, and unanimously adopted.

• Motion to approve the proposed Payment Plan Policy made by Cuba Porter, seconded by Terry

Powers, and unanimously adopted.

• Motion to approve the proposed Service Disconnection for Nonpayment (45 days past due) Policy

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Chris Dye, and unanimously adopted.

• Motion lo appoint Caiter McGlothlin and Cuba Porter to have discussions with the County

Administrator and Transition Committee regarding Rates & Fees Restructure and the authority to

set rates and fees and advertise for public hearings related to such made by Terry Powers,

seconded by Chris Dye, and unanimously adopted.

• Proposed Employee Rate Increases for all employees and Full-Time Status for Rachel Norris is

still under board review at thi s time and will be addressed at a later date.

  1. Frank Kilgore presented to the meeting revised "Bylaws of The Russell County Public Service


Motion to approve made by Terry Powers, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr., and unanimously adopted.

  1. The following amendments were made to the agenda:

• Changed the Meeting Date to July 16, 2019

• Removed Rita Baker from Visitors’ List

• Added Eagle’s Nest Project - Graveled Road, Installed Gate, Poured Concrete Pad for Tank

as number 5 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

• Added Glade Hollow/Glade Hill Project - Ordered Some Materials, /\wai ling Loan Closing

with VRA as number 6 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

• Added Nash’s Ford Project - Submitted Funding Application with YOH (should have

notification of fund ing status in July or August) as number 7 on the Progress Rep01t on

Water Projects Outline

Page 3 of 4

Motion to approve the proposed 2019/2020 Budgets made by Chris Dye, seconded by Clifford Hess, and unanimously adopted.

Motion to approve the Owens CPA and Associates’ Engagement Letter for FY19 auditing services

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Terry Powers, and unanimously adopted.

© Motion to approve the proposed Payment Plan Policy made by Cuba Porter, seconded by ‘Terry Powers, and unanimously adopted.

Motion to approve the proposed Service Disconnection for Nonpayment (45 days past due) Policy

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Chris Dye, and unanimously adopted.

Motion to appoint Carter McGlothlin and Cuba Porter to have discussions with the County Administrator and Transition Committee regarding Rates & Fees Restructure and the authority to set rates and fees and advertise for public hearings related to such made by Terry Powers, seconded by Chris Dye, and unanimously adopted.

© Proposed Employee Rate Increases for all employees and Full-Time Status for Rachel Norris is still under board review at this time and will be addressed at a later date,

11, Frank Kilgore presented to the meeting revised “Bylaws of ‘The Russell County Public Service Authority”

Motion to approve made by Terry Powers, seconded by David Edmonds, Jr., and unanimously adopted.

  1. The following amendments were made to the agenda:

© Changed the Meeting Date to July 16, 2019

© Removed Rita Baker from Visitors” List

© Added Eagle’s Nest Project ~ Graveled Road, Installed Gate, Poured as number 5 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

© Added Glade Hollow/Glade Hill Project ~ Ordered Some Materials, Awaiti with VRA as number 6 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

  • Added Nash’s Ford Project ~ Submitted Funding Application with VDH (should have notification of funding status in July or August) as number 7 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

onerete Pad for Tank

1g Loan Closing

Page 3 of 4

• Added Belfast Phase Ii Project - Plans and Specs Submitted to VDII, CPPD is Updating

Environmental Review as number 8 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

• Added Elk Garden - Talking with VDf I about Plans to use a Well in the Elk Garden Arca

as a Potential Water Source as number 9 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

• Added Discussion of Revised Bylaws by Frank Kilgore as number 8 on the New Business


• Added Public Comments

  1. Old Business to Discuss: None

  2. Public Comments: None

  3. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn at 8: 14 PM was

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Terry Powers, and unanimously adopted. The next meeting is

scheduled for August 20, 20 19 at 6:00 PM.

Dated in the Commonwealth of Virgin ia

on the 16th day of July, 20 19. -~.,…;{d~-~~"—'-~–< ______ (Signature)

Secretary Name: Rhonda Lester

Page 4 of 4

© Added Belfast Phase II Project ~ Plans and Specs Submitted to VDH, CPPD is Updating Environmental Review as number 8 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

© Added Elk Garden ~ Talking with VDH about Plans to use a Well in the Elk Garden Area as a Potential Water Source as number 9 on the Progress Report on Water Projects Outline

© Added Discussion of Revised Bylaws by Frank Kilgore as number 8 on the New Business Outline

© Added Public Comments

13, Old Business to Discuss: None 14, Public Comments: None 15. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn at 8:14 PM was

made by Clifford Hess, seconded by Terry Powers, and unanimously adopted. ‘The next meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2019 at 6:00 PM.

Dated in the Commonwealth of Virginia zi on the 16th day of July, 2019. Khuda K _ (Signature)

Secretary Name: Rhonda Lester

Page 4 of 4

Russell County Tourism July 2019

• Artisan gallery waivers are being sent out in an effort to begin the planned program.

• New TAC committee in place, and officers elected

• 2017 MLP Grant paperwork finalized and submitted

• Food Truck Rally planning underway, to include a tourism booth to gather visitor data

• Partnering with OCR and VTC to collect visitor data at OCR properties

• Met with Abingdon tourism about potential partnership on motor coach tours (Clifton Farms)

• AirBnb Workshop planned for September 11 to provide unique lodging to the area

• Meeting with Sherman Wallace /People Inc on Jesses Mill and potential for restoration or wedding venue

• Planning grand opening for Lonesome Pine Brewing Co

• Working with OOF and Town of Lebanon to explore Tree City USA designation

• Partnering with Chamber on ways to get youth I young adults more involved in tourism efforts

• Updated website events

• Attended ABC hearing opposing the expansion of Vincent’s Vineyard. License to expand was granted

• Finalizing marketing plan for upcoming year

• Working closely with HOA for increased exposure

Russell County Tourism July 2019

Artisan gallery waivers are being sent out in an effort to begin the planned program.

New TAC committee in place, and officers elected

2017 MLP Grant paperwork finalized and submitted

Food Truck Rally planning underway, to include a tourism booth to gather visitor data

Partnering with DCR and VTC to collect visitor data at DCR properties Met with Abingdon tourism about potential partnership on motor coach tours (Clifton Farms)

AirBnb Workshop planned for September 11 to provide unique lodging to the area

Meeting with Sherman Wallace / People Inc on Jesses Mill and potential for restoration or wedding venue

Planning grand opening for Lonesome Pine Brewing Co

Working with DOF and Town of Lebanon to explore Tree City USA designation

Partnering with Chamber on ways to get youth / young adults more involved in tourism efforts

Updated website events

Attended ABC hearing opposing the expansion of Vincent’s Vineyard. License to expand was granted

Finalizing marketing plan for upcoming year

Working closely with HOA for increased exposure

Russell County Planning Commission

June 17, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, June 17, 2019 in the lobby of the

Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland

Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present

Jack Compton John Mason Kevin Tiller Esq.

Charlie Edmonds Crystal White

Harry Ferguson

Dustin Keith

Chairman Kirby Meadows

Mark A. Mitchell

Vice Chair Andy Smith

Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given.

Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Jack Compton.

May meeting minutes approved. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by Charlie Edmonds.

Russell County Planning Commission

June 17, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, June 17, 2019 in the lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present Jack Compton John Mason Kevin Tiller Esq. Charlie Edmonds Crystal White Harry Ferguson

Dustin Keith

Chairman Kirby Meadows Mark A. Mitchell

Vice Chair Andy Smith Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given. ‘Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Jack Compton.

May meeting minutes approved. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by Charlie Edmonds.

New Business

Dave Leonard tract presented to Planning Commission. Basically, transaction does not require

action by Commission due to single division exemption.

Mark A. Mitchell reported on Town of Lebanon progress.

Roger Sword reported on IDA progress.

Harry Ferguson reported on Board of Supervisors activities.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 05/21/2019 - 06/17 /2019 transactions.

Other Business


Meeting adjourned. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Dustin Keith.

Kirby Meadows, Chairman



New Business

Dave Leonard tract presented to Planning Commission. Basically, transaction does not require action by Commission due to single division exemption.

Mark A. Mitchell reported on Town of Lebanon progress. Roger Sword reported on IDA progress.

Harry Ferguson reported on Board of Supervisors activities.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 05/21/2019 — 06/17/2019 transactions.

Other Business


Meeting adjourned. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Dustin Keith.

byl eadae

Kirby Meadows, Chairman

Mark A. Mitchell,


MAY 21, 2019- JUNE 17, 2019

  1. Daisy·~nnette Salyer 80AC to be sold to Howard Jessee Remaining acreage unknown Approved at May 20, 2019 meeting 6AC Exemption

  2. Arthur Smith 3.31AC to Travis Gilbert Remaining acreage 83.69AC Middle Valley RD Frontage

  3. Travis Gilbert 6.03AC boundary survey Middle Valley RD

  4. Ge~~ld Newberry boundary survey 3.004 AC and .292AC Pine Creek RD

  5. Leonard Companies Family LP 50.864AC to ABC Clinch Mountain LLC Remaining acreage 23.775AC to be approved at June 17, 2019 meeting US HWY 19

  6. John & Barbara Barnhart .204 AC to Lucas Deel to be added to 1.254AC tract. New acreage 1.458AC Remaining acreage is .230AC Adjoining Land Owner

  7. Troy Leon Lester deeding by boundary description to Ernest L. Perkins No survey, just deed. Drill RD Adjoining Land Owner


MAY 21, 2019- JUNE 17, 2019

. Daisy Annette Salyer 80AC to be sold to Howard Jessee Remaining acreage unknown Approved at May 20, 2019 meeting 6AC Exemption

. Arthur Smith 3.31AC to Travis Gilbert Remaining acreage 83.69AC Middle Valley RD Frontage

. Travis Gilbert 6.03AC boundary survey Middle Valley RD i

. Gerald Newberry boundary survey 3.004 AC and .292AC Pine Creek RD

. Leonard Companies Family LP 50.864AC to ABC Clinch Mountain LLC Remaining acreage 23.775AC to be approved at June 17, 2019 meeting US HWY 19 |

. John & Barbara Barnhart .204 AC to Lucas Deel to be added to 1.254AC tract. New acreage 1.458AC Remaining acreage is -230AC Adjoining Land Owner

|. Troy Leon Lester deeding by boundary description to Ernest L. Perkins No survey, just deed. Drill RD Adjoining Land Owner










TELEPHONE: (276) 889-8000


August 19, 2019

Call to Order- Chairman Meadows


Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Minutes of July 15, 2019

New Business

Review of Plats

Other Business



AGENDA August 19, 2019

  1. Call to Order - Chairman Meadows Il. Invocation

I. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Approval of Agenda

V. Minutes of July 15, 2019

VI. New Business

VI. Review of Plats

Vill. Other Business

IX. Adjourn

Russell County Planning Commission

July 15, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, July 15, 2019 in the lobby of the

Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland

Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present

Jack Compton Harry Ferguson Kevin Tiller Esq.

Charlie Edmonds Mark A. Mitchell Crystal White

Dustin Keith Vice Chair Andy Smith

John Mason Roger Sword

Chairman Kirby Meadows

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:36 p. m.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given.

Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Jack Compton.

June meeting minutes approved. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by Wayne Young.

Russell County Planning Commission

July 15, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, July 15, 2019 in the lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland

Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present Jack Compton Harry Ferguson Kevin Tiller Esq. Charlie Edmonds Mark A. Mitchell Crystal White Dustin Keith Vice Chair Andy Smith

John Mason Roger Sword

Chairman Kirby Meadows

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:36 p. m. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given. ‘Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Jack Compton.

June meeting minutes approved. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by Wayne Young.

New Business

Approved as exempt a division of land containing .864 acres+/- Copper Creek Corporation to

Fred W. and Jimmy Gay Meade. Single division with no new roads.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 06/18/2019 - 07 /15/2019 transactions.

Other Business


Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Dustin Keith.

Kirby Meadows, Chairman


Kevin Tiller Esq.

New Business

Approved as exempt a division of land containing .864 acres +/- Copper Creek Corporation to Fred W. and Jimmy Gay Meade. Single division with no new roads.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 06/18/2019 — 07/15/2019 transactions.

Other Business


Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Dustin Keith.

Kirby Meadows, Chairman


Kevin Tiller Esq.


JUNE 18, 2019- JULY 15, 2019

  1. Heartwood Forestland 1.827 AC to be retained, selling

remainder. Remaining acreage 284.163 AC Wilder Hollow RD


  1. Denise Murphy & Dennis Johnson (Tiger Stop LLC) 0.16 AC added

to 1.38 AC New acreage 1.54 AC from J & M Mobile Home Park

LLC Remaining acreage 28.52 AC Redbud HWY Adjoining Land


  1. John Mussomele .683 AC pulled off Remaining acreage 22.107

AC High Point RD Frontage

  1. Thomas Bundy 29.38 AC to be sold Remaining acreage 44.60 AC

Dennison Chapel RD 6AC exemption

  1. Dudley Slate Boundary survey of both tracts 1.287 AC+ 0.62 AC

Total Acreage 1.34 AC Jessees Mill RD

  1. Jack & Jean Tuggle 6.784 AC to Danny & Amanda Musick

Remaining acreage 1.021 AC Maple Gap RD Adjoining land


  1. Betty Jean Yates .899 AC pulled off Remaining acreage 38.01 AC

River Mountain RD Frontage


JUNE 18, 2019- JULY 15, 2019

  1. Heartwood Forestland 1.827 AC to be retained, selling remainder. Remaining acreage 284.163 AC Wilder Hollow RD


  1. Denise Murphy & Dennis Johnson (Tiger Stop LLC) 0.16 AC added to 1.38 AC New acreage 1.54 AC from J & M Mobile Home Park LLC Remaining acreage 28.52 AC Redbud HWY Adjoining Land Owner

  2. John Mussomele .683 AC pulled off Remaining acreage 22.107 AC High Point RD Frontage

  3. Thomas Bundy 29.38 AC to be sold Remaining acreage 44.60 AC Dennison Chapel RD 6AC exemption

  4. Dudley Slate Boundary survey of both tracts 1.287 AC + 0.62 AC Total Acreage 1.34 AC Jessees Mill RD

  5. Jack & Jean Tuggle 6.784 AC to Danny & Amanda Musick Remaining acreage 1.021 AC Maple Gap RD Adjoining land owner

  6. Betty Jean Yates .899 AC pulled off Remaining acreage 38.01 AC River Mountain RD Frontage









TELEPHONE: (276) 889-8000


July 15, 2019

Call t o Order - Chairman Meadows

Invocat ion

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Minutes of June 17, 2019

New Business

Review of Plats

Other Business






AGENDA July 15, 2019

Call to Order — Chairman Meadows Invocation

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Minutes of June 17, 2019

New Business

Review of Plats

Other Business


Russell County Planning Commission

June 17, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, June 17, 2019 in the lobby of the

Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland

Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Ot hers Present

Jack Compton John Mason Kevin Tiller Esq.

Charlie Edmonds Crysta l White

Harry Ferguson

Dustin Keith

Chairman Kirby Meadows

Mark A. Mitchell

Vice Chair Andy Smith

Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given.

Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Jack Compton.

May meeting minutes approved. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by Charlie Edmonds.

Russell County Planning Commission

June 17, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, June 17, 2019 in the lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland Drive Lebanon VA.

Members Present Members Absent Others Present Jack Compton John Mason Kevin Tiller Esq. Charlie Edmonds Crystal White

Harry Ferguson

Dustin Keith

Chairman Kirby Meadows Mark A. Mitchell

Vice Chair Andy Smith Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given. Agenda approved. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Jack Compton.

May meeting minutes approved. Motion by Dustin Keith, seconded by Charlie Edmonds.

New Business

Dave Leonard tract presented to Planning Commission. Basically, transaction does not require

action by Commission due to single division exemption.

Mark A. Mitchell reported on Town of Lebanon progress.

Roger Sword reported on IDA progress.

Harry Ferguson reported on Board of Supervisors activities.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 05/21/2019 - 06/17 /2019 transactions.

Other Business


Meeting adjourned. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Dustin Keith .

Kirby Meadows, Chairman


Mark A. Mitchell, Secretary

New Business

Dave Leonard tract presented to Planning Commission. Basically, transaction does not require action by Commission due to single division exemption.

Mark A. Mitchell reported on Town of Lebanon progress. Roger Sword reported on IDA progress.

Harry Ferguson reported on Board of Supervisors activities.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 05/21/2019 — 06/17/2019 transactions.

Other Business


Meeting adjourned. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Dustin Keith.

Kirby Meadows, Chairman


Mark A, Mitchell, Secretary


MAY 21, 2019-JUNE 17, 2019

  1. Daisy·Annette Salyer 80AC to be sold to Howard Jessee Remaining acreage unknown Approved at May 20, 2019 meeting 6AC Exemption

  2. Arthur Smith 3.31AC to Travis Gilbert Remaining acreage 83.69AC Middle Valley RD Frontage

  3. Travis Gilbert 6.03AC boundary survey Middle Valley RD

  4. Ge~~ld Newberry boundary survey 3.004 AC and .292AC Pine Creek RD

  5. Leonard Companies Family LP 50.864AC to ABC Clinch Mountain LLC Remaining acreage 23.775AC to be approved at June 17, 2019

meeting US HWY 19

  1. John & Barbara Barnhart .204 AC to Lucas Deel to be added to 1.254AC tract. New acreage 1.458AC Remaining acreage is

.230AC Adjoining Land Owner

  1. Troy Leon Lester deeding by boundary description to Ernest L. Perkins No survey, just deed. Drill RD Adjoining Land Owner


MAY 21, 2019- JUNE 17, 2019

. Daisy Annette Salyer 80AC to be sold to Howard Jessee Remaining acreage unknown Approved at May 20, 2019 meeting 6AC Exemption

. Arthur Smith 3.31AC to Travis Gilbert Remaining acreage 83.69AC Middle Valley RD Frontage

. Travis Gilbert 6.03AC boundary survey Middle Valley RD

. Gerald Newberry boundary survey 3.004 AC and .292AC Pine Creek RD

. Leonard Companies Family LP 50.864AC to ABC Clinch Mountain LLC Remaining acreage 23.775AC to be approved at June 17, 2019 meeting US HWY 19

. John & Barbara Barnhart .204 AC to Lucas Deel to be added to 1.254AC tract. New acreage 1.458AC Remaining acreage is .230AC Adjoining Land Owner

'. Troy Leon Lester deeding by boundary description to Ernest L. Perkins No survey, just deed. Drill RD Adjoining Land Owner


The following is a list of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of July.

Date Event Event Type Space

07/06/19 Arrington Family Reunion Individual Half

Jim Arrington Event $100

07/08/19 VDOT Training Individual Quarter

Michael Music Event $85

07/09/19 VDOT Training Individual Quarter

Michael Music Event $85

07/10/19 VDOT Train ing Individual Quarter

Michael Music Event $85

07/11 /19 VDOT Training Individual Quarter

Michael Music Event $85

07/13/19 Burrell Family Reunion Individual Full

Yvonne Richardson Event $135

07/1611 9 DMME VA Gas & Oil Board Meeting Community Full

Teresa Flanary Event $210

07/18/19 Southern States Annual Meeting Community Full

Sabrina Fleenor Event $135


July 1, 2019

‘The following isa list of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of July.

Date Event Event Type ‘Space

o7i06i19 Arrington Family Reunion Individual Half slim Arrington Event $100

07/08/19 ‘VDOT Training Individual Quarter Michael Music Event $85

o7io9/19 VDOT Training Individual Quarter Michael Music Event $85

o7none VDOT Training Individual Quarter Michael Music Event $85

omnis VDOT Training Individual Quarter Michael Music Event $85 o7nsne Individual Full ‘Yvonne Richardson Event $136 o7iteng DMME VA Gas & Oil Board Meeting ‘Community Full Teresa Flanary Event $210 ores Southem States Annual Meeting Community Full Sabrina Fleenor Event $135

07/20/19 Bridal Shower Individual Full

Janette Miller Event $310

07/21/19 Wedding Reception Individual Full

Haley Hubbard Event $300

07/28/19 Baby Shower Individual Full

Lara Ray Event $135

(Total: $1 ,665.00)


Final Total = $1,665.00


orrone Bridal Shower Full Janette Miller Event $310 orig Wedding Reception Individual Full Haley Hubbard Event $300 o7ia8i9 Baby Shower Individual Full Lara Ray Event 9135

(Total: $1,665.00)

  • —_$0

Final Total = $1,665.00

Russell County Health & Fitness


2018 2019

November December January February March April May June July

Members I Class Packages 224 203 231 235 255 257 233 198 183

Pay Per Class 5 8 7 7 17 7 3 3 5

Total Engagement 229 211 238 242 272 264 236 201 188


Sales Month to Date * $ 4,298.00 $ 4,140.00 $ 6,192.00 $ 4,517.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,090.00 $ 3,362.00 $ 901.00 $ 830.00

Silver Sneakers $ 230.00 345 362.5 $ 250.00

$ 4,320.00 $ 3,707.00 $ 1,263.50 $ 1,080.00


Instructor I Trainer Payroll I $ 1,580.00 I $ 1,325.00 I $ 1,155.00 I $ 1,530.00 I $ 1,320.00 I $1,470 I s 1,345 .oo I s 1,285.oo I s 825.oo

  • Reporting from 6/24-7 /28/2019


Russell County Health & Fitness

Membership 2018 2019 ‘November | December January February ‘March ‘April May June duly.

Members / Class Packages 22a 203] 231] 235| 255| 257| 233] 198| 183| Pay Per Class 5 a 7 7 17 7 3 3 5 [Fotal Engagement 229 214 238 222] 27 264] 236 201] 129]

Sales sales Month to Date * S$ 4,298.00|$ 4,140.00] $ 6,192.00|$ 4,517.00] $ 4,700.00] $ 4,090.00] $ 3,362.00|$ 901.00|$ 830.00 Silver Sneakers $230.00 345 3625 $ 250.00 $ _4320.00[$ 3,707.00] $ 1,263.50] $ 1,080.00

Payroll Instructor /Trainer Payroll [$ 1,580.00]$ 1,325.00] $ 1,155.00[$ 1,530.00[$ 1,320.00] _$a.470[$ 1345.00]$ 1,285.00]$ 825.00

  • Reporting from 6/24-7/28/2019

RUSSELL ($bJUUI’¥ llllill~LlE>ltiNCG f)!Jl>.\lR?iMM Dll1JA1’1lMIS l~~~WJRliJMOla! GJ~IMN…,~I


TAX MAP ID. 158RSB1831

EVALUATION DATE: 11/21/2017 04/11/2018 04/18/18–04/25/18



5/1/18: Property owner(s) contacted the RCBO to request an extension of t ime to bring property into compliance due to work schedule .

6/4/18 Property owner(s) stated t hey are working on cleanup

7 /25/18 Ms. Kiser contacted the RCBO, updated on progress, stated they were experiencing delays to work schedule and weather.

8/27 /18 Follow up visit conducted by RCBO, could not see progress on compliance efforts. 2nd notice to be issued to property owner(s).

9/28/18 Ms. Kiser contacted RCBO, reported progress is continuing to be made on site.

12/11/18 Ms. Kiser contacted RCBO, reported progress is continuing to be made on site.

2/19/19 Follow up visit by RCBO, progress appears to have ceased. Building Official is setto

appear before the Russell County Board of Supervisors to present findings and discuss further actions to be taken by t he county. Follow up correspondence has been sent to the property owner(s), via Certified Mail.

3/22/19 Return receipt of certified letter sent property owner(s), received by RCBO.

4/25/19 No further response from property owner(s).

5/23/2019 No response from property owner(s) to report, RCBO req uests direct ion from RCBOS, on to how to proceed.

6/19/2019: As of the current date, t here has been no response from the property owner. A follow up letter is being issued to encourage the property owner to communicate with the RCBO.

07 /22/2019 As of the current date, there has been no response from the property owner. A fo llow up letter was issued on 6/19/2019, to encourage t he property owner to communicate with the RCBO. The RCBO received the return card showing the certified letter had been delivered, w ith no response from the property owner





PUBLIC NOTICE: 04/18/18-04/25/18


5/1/18: Property owner(s) contacted the RCBO to request an extension of time tobring property into compliance due to work schedule.

6/4/18 Property owner(s) stated they are working on cleanup

7Psrs Mss. Kiser contacted the RCBO, updated on progress, stated they were experiencing delays to work schedule and weather.

8/27/18 Follow up visit conducted by RCBO, could not see progress on compliance efforts. 2nd notice to be issued to property owner(s).

9/28/18 Ms. Kiser contacted RCBO, reported progress is continuing to be made on site.

aayaa/18 Ms. Kiser contacted RCBO, reported progress is continuing to be made on site.

2ns/s Follow up visit by RCBO, progress appears to have ceased. Building Official is setto appear before the Russell County Board of Supervisors to present findings and discuss further actions to be taken by the county. Follow up correspondence has been sent to the property owner(s), via Certified Mail

3/22/19 Return receipt of certified letter sent property owner(s), received by RCBO. 4pr5/i9 No further response from property owner(s).

5/23/2019 No response from property owner(s) to report, RCBO requests direction from RCBOS, on to how to proceed,

6/19/2019: _As of the current date, there has been no response from the property owner. A follow up letter is being issued to encourage the property owner to communicate with the RCBO.

07/22/2019 _ As of the current date, there has been no response from the property owner. A follow up letter was issued on 6/19/2019, to encourage the property owner to communicate with the

RCBO. The RCBO received the return card showing the certified letter had been delivered, with no response from the property owner

June 19, 2019

Warren & Leasha Kiser

4478 Red Oak R idge Rd.

Castlewood, VA 24224

Russell County Building Department 137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone:276-889-80 12

Fax: 276-889-8009 [email protected]

M ickey L. Rhea - Building Official


RE: Dilapidated House/Structure

Location: 4478 Red Oak Ridge Rd. Castlewood, VA 24224

Tax Map 158 R SB 1831

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kiser,

T his letter is in reference to the above listed property that has been determined to be in violation of the Russell County Dilapidated Building/Structure Ordinance. An initial observation on the property was conducted on November 21, 2017. On July 25, 2018,you contacted this office to obtain an extension of time to complete the remainder removal of the structure.

Several observation visits were conducted through-out the final months of 2018 and a final follow-up observation of the property was conducted on February l 9, 2019, and per this visit, it is my determination tlrnt progress on the removal of the structure and debris, has not been met.

Please be advised that this letter is to inform you that due to the extensive amount of time given and the lack of significant progress, I will be appearing before the Russell County Board of Supervisors to present a report on these findings on July 1, 2019 and to also gain direction from them to initiate further legal action regarding this matter.

If you have any questions, please contact me at my office.


Mickey L. Rhea

Building Code Official

Russell County Building Department 137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009 [email protected] Mickey L. Rhea — Building Official

2" NOTIFICATION Tune 19, 2019

Warren & Leasha Kiser 4478 Red Oak Ridge Rd. Castlewood, VA 24224

RE: Dilapidated House/Structure Location: 4478 Red Oak Ridge Rd. Castlewood, VA 24224 ‘Tax Map Ld. # 158 R SB 1831

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kiser, This letter is in reference to the above listed property that has been determined to be in violation of the Russell County Dilapidated Building/Structure Ordinance. An initial observation on the property was conducted on November 21, 2017. On July 25, 2018, you contacted this office to obtain an extension of time to complete the remainder removal of the structure.

Several observation visits were conducted through-out the final months of 2018 and afinal follow-up observation of the property was conducted on February 19,2019, and per this visit, it is my determination that progress on the removal of the structure and debris, has not been met.

Please be advised that this letter is to inform you that due to the extensive amount of time given and the lack of significant progress, I will be appearing before the Russell County Board of Supervisors to present a report on these findings on July 1, 2019 and to also gain direction from them to initiate further legal action regarding this matter.

Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at my office,


Mickey L. Rhea Building Code Official

RUSSSLL COYNT’Y BlUil LDl11t6 DiSPAR:tnMENif l?>JWiDADm lfiflt.ilCJU~E}N’.O~E o•~–




159 RIC 2253


7/5/2018 08/08/18-08/15/18



1/4/2019 Owner

2/13/2019 to proceed

03/1519 to proceed

4/1/2019 Owner


RCBO and his office have exhausted all notification efforts in contacting Property

RCBO requests recommendations from the Russell County Board of Supervisors on how

RCBO requests recommendations from the Russell County Board of Supervisors on how

RCBO and his office have exhausted all notification efforts in contacting Property

RCBO requests direction from RCBOS on how to proceed.

6/19/2019 RCBO has not been able to make contact with property owner and asks the RCBOS to advise on how to proceed from this point forward.



PUBLIC NOTICE: 08/08/18-08/15/18


1/4/2019 Owner

2/13/2019 to proceed

03/1519 to proceed

4/1/2019 ‘Owner



RCBO and his office have exhausted all notification efforts in contacting Property

RCBO requests recommendations from the Russell County Board of Supervisors on how

RCBO requests recommendations from the Russell County Board of Supervisors on how

RCBO and his office have exhausted all notification efforts in contacting Property

RCBO requests direction from RCBOS on how to proceed.

RCBO has not been able to make contact with property owner and asks the RCBOS to

advise on how to proceed from this point forward.

RlJSSEU. COU!Nf¥ BUILDllMG DJP.All-TMENT &.ltA"£>Att::B sm~~W•i~• 0-~~C,E





159 R 2189

6/22/2018 7/5/2018 08/08/18-08/15/18


7 /25/2018 Ms. Hale contacted t he RCBO, stat ed that she was working on cleaning up property Due to work and trying to find assistance in hauling/removing debris, the remainder of the cleanup.

10/26/2018 RCBO granted a 30 day extension to continue to work on site.

12/3/2018 Ms. Hale contacted the RCBO, requested an additional extension to continue to work on the site. RCBO, Rhea, granted the extension.

2/19/2019 Follow-up visit conducted by RCBO, progress appears to have ceased. RCBO is set to appear before the Russell County Board of Supervisors, to present findings and discuss further actions to be taken by the county. Follow-up correspondence has been sent to property owner, via certified mail.

2/25/2019 Follow-up notification letter was returned to the RCBO, stating owner had moved and no forwarding address was ava ilable.

4/25/2019 RCBO requests recommendations from Russell County Board of Supervisors on how to proceed from this point.

5/23/2019 RCBO requests direction from RCBOS on how to proceed.

6/19/2019 RCBO has been unable to make contact with property owner, RCBO asks the RCBOS to advise on how to proceed from this point forward.



PUBLIC NOTICE: 08/08/18-08/15/18


7/25/2018 Mss. Hale contacted the RCBO, stated that she was working on cleaning up property Due to work and trying to find assistance in hauling/removing debris, the remainder of the cleanup.

10/26/2018 RCBO granted a 30 day extension to continue to work onsite,

12/3/2018 Ms, Hale contacted the RCBO, requested an additional extension to continue to work ‘on the site. RCBO, Rhea, granted the extension.

2/19/2019 Follow-up visit conducted by RCBO, progress appears to have ceased. RCBO is set to appear before the Russell County Board of Supervisors, to present findings and discuss further actions ‘to be taken by the county. Follow-up correspondence has been sent to property owner, via certified mail.

2/25/2019 _ Follow-up notification letter was returned to the RCBO , stating owner had movedand no forwarding address was available.

4/25/2019 _RCBO requests recommendations from Russell County Board of Supervisors on how to proceed from this point.

5/23/2019 RCBO requests direction from RCBOS on how to proceed.

6/19/2019 RCBO has been unable to make contact with property owner, RCBO asks the RCBOS to advise on how to proceed from this point forward.




Animal Control Report

June 2019


Animal Control Report

June 2019




Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Judy Ashbrook Pam Barton

Susan Breeding

Members Present

Yvonne Dye

Karen Herndon Sherry Lyttle

Ann Monk

Sharon Sargent

Chair Sherry Lyttle called the meeting to order 17 July 2018 at 5:03 pm.

Members Absent

Minutes: Karen Herndon made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the June

minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Judy Ashbrook made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion


Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business:

New Business: Susan Breeding made and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to table the

Circulation Policy; motion passed.

Karen moved and Ann seconded a motion to approve the budget as presented with increased

salary and staff hours; motion passed.

Sherry presented the slate of officers she and Judy had created: Karen Herndon as Chair, Sherry

Lyttle as Vice Chair, and Yvonne Dye as Secretary. Sherry asked for nominations from the floor.

Ann moved and Sharon seconded a motion to close the nominations; motion passed.

Pam made and Susan seconded a motion to accept the slate of officers by acclamation; motion


Review and Summary:

Susan moved and Judy seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting Pan

Members Present =—————S——S—S—SSSs Members Absent _ Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye Ann Monk Pam Barton Karen Herndon Sharon Sargent |__Susan Breeding ___Sherrytyttle

Chair Sherry Lyttle called the meeting to order 17 July 2018 at 5:03 pm.

Minutes: Karen Herndon made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the June minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Judy Ashbrook made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion passed.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and Director’s Reports. Unfinished Business:

New Business: Susan Breeding made and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to table the Circulation Policy; motion passed.

Karen moved and Ann seconded a motion to approve the budget as presented with increased salary and staff hours; motion passed.

Sherry presented the slate of officers she and Judy had created: Karen Herndon as Chair, Sherry Lyttle as Vice Chair, and Yvonne Dye as Secretary. Sherry asked for nominations from the floor. Ann moved and Sharon seconded a motion to close the nominations; motion passed.

Pam made and Susan seconded a motion to accept the slate of officers by acclamation; motion passed.

Review and Summary:

Susan moved and Judy seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Judy Ashbrook Pam Barton

Susan Breeding

Members Present

Yvonne Dye Karen Herndon

Ann Monk

Sharon Sargent

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 21 August 2018 at 5:07 pm.

Members Absent

Sherry Lyttle

Jewel Blackwell thanked the board for their get well wishes when she was out on medical leave.

Minutes: Ann Monk made and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to approve the July minutes as

distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Sharon Sargent made and Pam Barton seconded a motion to approve the bills;

motion passed.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business:

New Business: Susan Breeding made and Ann seconded a motion to correct the board bylaws

making the quorum five (5) in Article 1 and the two-thirds of membership five (5) in Article VII;

motion passed.

Susan moved and Sharon seconded a motion to approved the Library Associate-Public Services

with grammatical changes; motion passed.

Review and Summary:

Pam moved and Ann seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph


Library Board of Trustees Meeting Poel Cou Pale Litany, ee _Members Present Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye ‘Ann Monk Sherry Lyttle Pam Barton Karen Herndon Sharon Sargent

Susan Breeding re reenee

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 21 August 2018 at 5:07 pm. Jewel Blackwell thanked the board for their get well wishes when she was out on medical leave.

Minutes: Ann Monk made and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to approve the July minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Sharon Sargent made and Pam Barton seconded a motion to approve the bills;

motion passed.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and Director’s Reports. Unfinished Business:

New Business: Susan Breeding made and Ann seconded a motion to correct the board bylaws making the quorum five (5) in Article 1 and the two-thirds of membership five (5) in Article VII;

motion passed.

Susan moved and Sharon seconded a motion to approved the Library Associate-Public Services with grammatical changes; motion passed

Review and Summary:

Pam moved and Ann seconded a motion to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Judy Ashbrook Pam Barton

Susan Breeding

Members Present

Karen Herndon Sherry Lyttle Ann Monk

Sharon Sargent

Members Absent

Yvonne Dye

Chair Karen Herndon cal led the meeting to order 18 September 2018 at 5:08 pm.

Minutes: Judy Ashbrook made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the August

minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Sherry Lyttle made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion


Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business: Sherry made and Judy seconded remove Circulation policy from table;

motion passed. Judy made a motion to approve the Circu lation Policy as presented with the

edits and Pam seconded; motion passed.

New Business: Susan made and Ann seconded a motion that henceforth the library close on

the Veteran’s Day as observed by the federal government; motion passed. (November 11

libraries are on regular schedule.)

Review and Summary:

Susan moved and Pam seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

ee Members Present Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Karen Herndon Sherry Lyttle

Pam Barton Ann Monk Yvonne Dye Susan Breeding Sharon Sargent

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 18 September 2018 at 5:08 pm

Minutes: Judy Ashbrook made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the August minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Sherry Lyttle made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion passed,

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business: Sherry made and Judy seconded remove Circulation policy from table; motion passed. Judy made a motion to approve the Circulation Policy as presented with the edits and Pam seconded; motion passed.

New Business: Susan made and Ann seconded a motion that henceforth the library close on the Veteran’s Day as observed by the federal government; motion passed. (November 11 libraries are on regular schedule.)

Review and Summary:

Susan moved and Pam seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Judy Ashbrook Pam Barton

Susan Breeding

Members Present

Yvonne Dye Karen Herndon Sharon Sargent

Members Absent

Sherry Lyttle Ann Monk

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 16 October 2018 at 5:10 pm, and thanked the

Friends of the Honaker Library. The Friends introduced themselves and thanked the board, and

everyone enjoyed the ‘snacks’ the Friends provided.

Minutes: Judy Ashbrook made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the

September minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Susan Breeding made and Pam Barton seconded a motion to approve the bills;

motion passed.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and, Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business:

New Business: Strategic Plan was reviewed without change. Board members noted that we

need to continue to search for grants and conduct outreach.

Review and Summary: Due to Thanksgiving, the next meeting will be November 27, 5 pm

Judy moved and Pam seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Ke lly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Members Present Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye ] Sherry Lyttle Pam Barton Karen Herndon Ann Monk Susan Breeding Sharon Sargent |

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 16 October 2018 at 5:10 pm, and thanked the Friends of the Honaker Library. The Friends introduced themselves and thanked the board, and everyone enjoyed the ‘snacks’ the Friends provided.

utes: Judy Ashbrook made and Sharon Sargent seconded a motion to approve the September minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Susan Breeding made and Pam Barton seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion passed.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and, Director’s Reports. Unfinished Business:

New Business: Strategic Plan was reviewed without change. Board members noted that we need to continue to search for grants and conduct outreach.

Review and Summary: Due to Thanksgiving, the next meeting will be November 27, 5 pm

Judy moved and Pam seconded a motion to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Judy Ashbrook Pam Barton

Susan Breeding

Members Present

Yvonne Dye

Karen Herndon

Sherry Lyttle Ann Monk

Sharon Sargent

Members Absent

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 27 November 2018 at 5:00 pm.

Minutes: Pam Barton made and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to approve the October

minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Susan Breeding made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion


Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and, Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business:

New Business: Volunteer Policies were reviewed without change.

Review and Summary:

Ann moved and Sherry Lyttle seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectful ly submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting Fussel Cou Pui Litany,

____MembersPresent = Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye Sherry Lyttle Pam Barton Karen Herndon Ann Monk

Susan Breeding

__Sharon Sargent _

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 27 November 2018 at 5:00 pm.

Minutes: Pam Barton made and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to approve the October minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Susan Breeding made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion passed.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and, Director’s Reports. Unfinished Business: New Business: Volunteer Policies were reviewed without change.

Review and Summary:

Ann moved and Sherry Lyttle seconded a motion to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Judy Ashbrook Pam Barton

Susan Breeding

Members Present

Yvonne Dye Karen Herndon

Sherry Lyttle Ann Monk

Sharon Sargent

Members Absent

Chair Karen Herndon cal led the meeting to order 18 Dec January 2018 at 5:06 pm.

Minutes: Ann Monk made and Judy Ashbrook seconded a motion to approve the November

minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Financial: Susan Breeding made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion

passed. Board conducted a lengthy discussion of the budgeting process & issues.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and, Director’s Reports.

Unfinished Business:

New Business: Karen Herndon and Susan Breeding volunteered to serve on t he budget


Review and Summary:

Pam Barton moved and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Members Present Members Absent Judy Ashbrook Yvonne Dye Sherry Lyttle Pam Barton Karen Herndon Ann Monk Susan Breeding Sharon Sargent

Chair Karen Herndon called the meeting to order 18 Dec January 2018 at 5:06 pm.

Minutes: Ann Monk made and Judy Ashbrook seconded a motion to approve the November minutes as distributed; motion passed.

Final usan Breeding made and Ann Monk seconded a motion to approve the bills; motion passed. Board conducted a lengthy discussion of the budgeting process & issues.

Staff Reports: Kelly McBride Delph reviewed the Programs, Activity, and, Director’s Reports. Unfinished Business:

New Business: Karen Herndon and Susan Breeding volunteered to serve on the budget committee.

Review and Summary:

Pam Barton moved and Yvonne Dye seconded a motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly McBride Delph

Meeting:    8/5/19    6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Meeting: 8/5/19           6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Authorization - Minutes BOS.pdf

Authorization - Expenditures.pdf

Presentations - Attorney.pdf
Meeting: 8/5/19      6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Meeting: 8/5/19     6:00 PM

Rt 667 Revenue Sharing Estimate.pdf
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