No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Board of Supervisors Meetings Agenda Packets 2019-02-04 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

2019-02-04 17 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet

Document Date: February 4, 2019 Document: 2019-02-04_17_00-Russell_BOS-Regular_Meeting-Packet.pdf

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Agenda Board of Supervisors February 4, 2019

Russell County Page 1




Board Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER – Clerk of the Board

ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board


INVOCATION – Pastor Steven Stutzman, Lebanon Baptist Church




  1. Cleveland School Property transfer to RC Industrial Development Authority

BOARD APPOINTMENTS………………………………………………………………………A-1


Tim Lovelace 4-Year Term

RC Equalization Board

Cuba Porter 4-Year Term Kemper Fuller (Alternate) 4-Year Term

Agenda Board of Supervisors February 4, 2019



Board Room Regular Meeting 5:00 PM

Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266

CALL TO ORDER - Clerk of the Board ROLL CALL - Clerk of the Board



  1. Cleveland School Property transfer to RC Industrial Development Authority


CPRWM Board Tim Lovelace 4-Year Term

RC Equalization Board

Cuba Porter 4-Year Term Kemper Fuller (Alternate) 4-Year Term

Russell County Page 1

Agenda Board of Supervisors February 4, 2019

Russell County Page 2


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the
    following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors………………B-1

a. Unapproved minutes of January 9, 2019

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented

for payment………………………………………………………………………………B-2

CITIZEN’S COMMENT PERIOD (Limited to 3 minutes)



  1. Cleveland School Property transfer to RC IDA……………………………………C-1

  2. County Unsafe Building Ordinance………………………………………………….C-2

  3. County Litter Ordinance……………………………………………………………….C-3

  4. County By-Laws…………………………………………………………………………C-4



  1. 2019 Rural Caucus & VACo County Government Day…………………………….D-1

  2. CPRWMA FY18 Financial Audit………………………………………………………D-2

  3. CIFA/VDOT/SVCC Smart Scale Training…………………………………………….D-3

  4. Elk Garden School………………………………………………………………………D-4

  5. Swords Creek Community Center……………………………………………………D-5


  1. Authorization to Award County’s IT Service Contract. ……………….…………D-6

  2. Authorization of Travel Requests……………………………………………………D-7

Agenda Board of Supervisors February 4, 2019


  1. Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors…

a. Unapproved minutes of January 9, 2019

  1. Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented for payment


  1. Cleveland School Property transfer to RC IDA.

  2. County Unsafe Building Ordinance…

  3. County Litter Ordinance…


  5. 2019 Rural Caucus & VACo County Government Day…

  6. CPRWMA FY18 Financial Audit.

  7. CIFA/VDOT/SVCC Smart Scale Trai

  8. Elk Garden School…

  9. Swords Creek Community Center…


  1. Authorization to Award County’s IT Service Contract. …

  2. Authorization of Travel Requests…

Russell County Page 2

Agenda Board of Supervisors February 4, 2019

Russell County Page 3




• Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………………………E • RC IDA …………………………………………………………………………………….F • RC PSA …………………………………………………………………………………… G • Castlewood W&S …………………………………………………………………………H • RC Tourism……………………………………………………………………………….I • RC Planning Commission ………………………………………………………………J • Conference Center………………………………………………………………………K • RC Fitness Center……………………………………………………………………….L • RC Transportation & Safety……………………………………………………………M • RC Cannery Reports…………………………………………………………………….N • RC Building Inspector……………………………………………………………………O

Agenda Board of Supervisors February 4, 2019


Treasurer’s Report. RC IDA… RC PSA… Castlewood W&S RC Tourism RC Planning Commission . Conference Center. RC Fitness Cente RC Transportation & Safety. RC Cannery Reports. RC Building Inspecto

Russell County Page 3


Motion made by _________________, second by ___________ and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Prospective Business matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(A)(5) and to discuss Legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2- 3712(A)(7).

The vote was: Aye: ________ Nay: ________


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace -

Lou Ann Wallace -

Carl Rhea -

Steve Breeding -

David Eaton -

Rebecca Dye -

Harry Ferguson -


Motion made by _______________, second by _________________ and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye: _______ Nay: _______


Motion made by , second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors enter into closed session to discuss Prospective Business matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(A)(5) and to discuss Legal matters pursuant to Section 2.2- 3712(A)(7).

The vote was: Aye: Nay:


Pursuant to §2.2-3712 (D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any Supervisors who believe a departure has taken place?

Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace - Lou Ann Wallace - Carl Rhea - Steve Breeding - David Eaton - Rebecca Dye - Harry Ferguson - APPROVAL TO RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION

Motion made by , Second by and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

The vote was: Aye:

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Item

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

Public Hearing

  1. Transfer Cleveland School Property to RC IDA

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.

ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution

Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

Public Hearing

  1. Transfer Cleveland School Property to RC IDA Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


  • Resolution

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Harry Ferguson Carl Rhea At-Large District 3

Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson David Eaton District 1 District 6 District 4

Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 2 District 5 County Administrator

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, February 4, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. to hear public comments concerning the transfer of the Cleveland School Property to the Russell County Industrial Development Authority.

The Public Hearing will be held in the Russell County Board of Supervisors Meeting Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia during the regular February meeting.


Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”

Harry Ferguson

At-Large Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye, Chairperson District 4 District 6 Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Vice-Chairman District 2 District 5

Carl Rhea District 3

David Eaton District 4

Lonzo Lester Gounty Administrator


The Russell County Board of Supervisors will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, February 4, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. to hear public comments concerning the transfer of the Cleveland School Property to the Russell County Industrial Development Authority,

The Public Hearing will be held in the Russell County Board of Supervisors

Meeting Room at the Russell County Governmental Center, 137 Highland Drive,

Lebanon, Virginia during the regular February meeting.



Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors Action Item A-1

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson
Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board Appointments BOARD APPOINTMENTS………………………………………………………………………A-1


Tim Lovelace 4-Year Term

RC Equalization Board

Cuba Porter 4-Year Term Kemper Fuller (Alternate) 4-Year Term

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.
SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to appoint Board Members.

Board of Supervisors Action Item A-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairperson Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

Board Appointments BOARD APPOINTMENTS.

CPRWM Board Tim Lovelace 4-Year Term

RC Equalization Board

Cuba Porter 4-Year Term Kemper Fuller (Alternate) 4-Year Term

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion. SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to appoint Board Members.

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011



Mr. Earl Rife Mr. Trey Adkins

CUMBERLAND PLATEAU RWMA: Mr. Andrew Chafin, RWMA Representative

Mr. Toby F. Edwards, Director of Waste Management Services


Mr. Damon Rasnick Mr. Ronald Peters


Mr. David Eaton Mr. Tim Lovelace

January 24, 2019

‘Mr. Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Russell County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 1208

Lebanon, VA 24266

Dear Mr. Lester:

‘The Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Board term of office for Mr. Tim Lovelace will expire March 1, 2019. According to our By-Laws and Articles, your representative is eligible to serve additional terms on our Board, or continue to serve until his replacement is named of can narhe a new bolird member to represént the Russell County Board of Supérvisors. a

Let me take this time to thank the Russell County Board of Supervisors for appointing Mr. Tim Lovelace to serve. Mr. Lovelace has exemplified his knowledge of the waste management business and his regionalism. Mr. Lovelace assisted in the Authority becoming a stand alone agency this past year. Again, Mr. Lovelace is a true asset not only to Russell County but to the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority. I truly hope your board of supervisors considers reappointing Mr. Lovelace to serve another term.

The term of this board appointment or reappointment is for four years, expiring on March 1, 2023.Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Director of Waste Services

Mr. Trey Adkins, CPRWMA Chairman Mr. David Eaton, CPRWMA Vice Chairman and Russell County Representative Mr. Tim Lovelace, Russell County Board of Supervisors

137 Highland Drive / P.O. Box 386 Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone 276-698-9414 FAX 276-889-8011


Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/2019 6:00 PM

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:

• January 9, 2019 Board Minutes

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


• Board Minutes

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/2019 6:00 PM

Approval of Minutes

Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting: « January 9, 2019 Board Minutes

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board discretion

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve Board Minutes.


  • Board Minutes

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

January 09, 2019

Arregular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, January 03, 2019 at 6:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.

The Clerk called the meeting to order. Roll Call by the Clerk: Present:

Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Harry Ferguson

Lonzo Lester, Clerk of the Board

Vicki Porter, Deputy Clerk

Katie Patton, Chafin Law Firm



Invocation by Chairperson Rebecca Dye, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Motion made by Lou Wallace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None

Public Hearing Pursuant to having been advertised in a local newspaper for (2) two consecutive weeks, a public hearing was held on the transfer of County property (the old Lebanon Cannery) to the Town of Lebanon. The public hearing was opened to comments, hearing none the public hearing was closed.


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. approve the agenda as amended.

The vote was:

Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye, Harry Ferguson and David Eaton

Nay: None

Rebecca Dye relinquished the Chair to County Administrator Lonzo Lester.


David Eaton nominated Steve Breeding Tim Lovelace nominated Rebecca Dye

Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace that nominations cease and call for a vote.

The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Harry Ferguson and Rebecca Dye

Rebecca Dye - (4) Four votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace and Harry Ferguson Steve Breeding - (3) three votes: David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Carl Rhea

Rebecca Dye was appointed Chairperson for the 2019 Calendar year. The County Administrator relinquished the Chair to Rebecca Dye. STEVE BREEDING ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN

Lou Wallace nominated Tim Lovelace Carl Rhea nominated Steve Breeding

Motion made by David Eaton, second Harry Ferguson that nominations cease and call for a vote.

The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Harry Ferguson, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Steve

Breeding Nay: None

Steve Breeding — (4) four votes: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Harry Ferguson and Carl Rhea Tim Lovelace ~ (3) three votes: Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Tim Lovelace

Steve Breeding was elected Vice-Chairman for the 2019 calendar year. LONZO LESTER APPOINTED CLERK OF THE BOARD, VICKI PORTER APPOINTED DEPUTY CLERK

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Lonzo Lester as Clerk of the Board and Vicki Porter as Deputy Clerk for the 2019 calendar year.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry

Ferguson Nay: None

The Chairperson appointed Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson to the Budget/Finance Committee. Lou Wallace and Steve Breeding were appointed as alternates.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to table the approval of the Bylaws until the next meeting and to follow the Bylaws currently in place until that time.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adopt the Board of Supervisors regular meeting schedule as the first Monday of each month beginning at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted.

The vote was:

Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Maxie Skeen, Cleveland Rescue Squad was recognized for receiving the Governor’s EMS Award for Outstanding Prehospital Provider.

Johnny Skeen, Captain of Cleveland Rescue Squad was recognized for his 57 years of service, his award was presented to his wife, Maxie Skeen.

Fallen Warriors - The Southwest Virginia Wall of Fallen Warriors was on display at the Board meeting. Representatives from the Fallen Warriors group asked that the Board consider funding them $1000 per district.


Helen Owens, Russell County Historical Society asked the Board to consider their request to hang a plaque on the wall of the Old Courthouse. The plaque will be funded by the Wilderness Trail Chapter National Society of Colonial Dames XVII Century.


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the mounting of a plaque on the wall of the Old Courthouse.

The vote was:

Aye: Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Harry Ferguson and Rebecca Dye

Nay: None

Presentations, Cont’d.

Mickey Rhea, Russell County Building Official gave a report on the abandoned and dilapidated structures in the County.


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the December 03, 2018 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.

The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Harry Ferguson Nay: None Abstain: Rebecca Dye APPROVAL OF GENERAL COUNTY INVOICES

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. approve general county invoices in the amount of $756,497.34, including withholdings and reoccurring.

The vote was:

Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the 2019 pre-authorized payment list.

‘The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None APPROVAL OF A LETTER OF SUPPORT

Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the Chairperson to sign a letter of support for another entry to the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area from the Russell County side to The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

The vote was:

Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None

Citizens Comment

The Chair opened citizens comment period.

Charlie Hess, Lebanon stated that the County needed a litter control officer. Citizens comment period was closed by the Chair.

County Attorney Reports and Requests

Katie Patton, Chafin Law Firm asked that the Board pass a formal resolution on the transfer of property to the Town of Lebanon.


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution transferring county property (old Lebanon Cannery) to the Town of Lebanon.

‘The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye, Harry Ferguson and David Eaton

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Russell County and the Russell County Drug Court.

The vote was: Aye: Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None

County Administrator Reports and Requests


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the 2019 County Budget meeting schedule.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Harry Ferguson and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the appointment of Lonzo Lester and Vicki Porter to the Workforce Development Board.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Carl Rhea, Harry Ferguson, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding

Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the Abstract of Votes for the November 06, 2018 election.

The vote was:

Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept the retirement of Treasurer Rick Thompson effective February 28, 2019 and approve his designation of Alicia McGlothlin as Treasurer.

The vote was:

‘Aye: Harry Ferguson, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and Tim Lovelace

Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to direct the County Attorney to file a petition with Circuit Court for issuance of a writ of election to be held in November 2019 to fill the Treasurer of Russell County seat vacated by the retirement of Rick ‘Thompson.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Harry

Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to accept and appropriate a Byrne/JAG Federal Grant in the amount of $45,054.00.

The vote was:

Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to advertise and hire for a housekeeping position vacated by the retirement of Nina Cox.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Harry

Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by David Eaton, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the signing of a plat for White’s Sub-Division as requested by the Russell County Planning Commission.

The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Carl Rhea, second Harry Ferguson and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize the Chairperson to sign a plat for Cleveland Rescue Squad as requested by the Russell County Planning Commission.

The vote was:

‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None


Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from the Emergency Management Department.

The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Steve Breeding, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from the Russell County Tourism Department.

The vote was: ‘Aye: Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Car! Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson Nay: None


Motion made by Car! Rhea, second Steve Breeding and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to hire a full time HVAC employee for the County.

The vote was: Aye: Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, David Eaton and Harry Ferguson Nay: Lou Wallace


Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter into Executive (closed) session pursuant to Section 2.2-3712(5) of the Code of Virginia to discuss prospective business matters and litigation matters pursuant to 2.2-3712(7)(8)…

The vote was:

‘Aye: Harry Ferguson, David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, Carl Rhea and Steve Breeding

Nay: None


Motion made by Harry Ferguson, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.

Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(0) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (i) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.

‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.

Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.

Tim Lovelace ~ AYE Lou Wallace ~ AYE Carl Rhea ~ AYE David Eaton ~ AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding - AYE Harry Ferguson ~ AYE


Motion made by Lou Wallace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. adjourn to reconvene in Richmond, Virginia on January 31, 2019.

The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and Harry Ferguson

Nay: None

Clerk of the Board Chairperson

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-2

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s January 2019 Monthly Expenditures:

County’s January 2019 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s January 2019 Monthly Expenditures.


• January 2019 Monthly Expenditures

Board of Supervisors Action Item B-2 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

Approval of Expenditures

Request approval of the County’s January 2019 Monthly Expenditures:

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): County’s January 2019 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational


SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s January 2019 Monthly Expenditures.


  • January 2019 Monthly Expenditures

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011

  • sees sever = -tovs-votero-vore” Seve Shee preset aruzera zanna yervo0 et0z/oe/t 6x0z/+0/2 2 Novs-eroveo-cory 9°32 S508 precor arusss asunea ervoo evoe/oe/1 et0e/t0/2 1 Tiepscosteno-ooty e902 5e-0e precast aaucsud AWLiAaE Fey900 evoe/oe/% etoe/so/e 2 Nopecotbeto-oory ogee oe-¥e Gerter aressza asuunaa rervo0 stoz/eo/t @toe/¥a/e 2 Tope-oroseo-ooes eer Set Series giussua Awlimen yervo0 e1oe/e0/1 etoe/v0/e 1 Nebecoerero-ost se-ct sect Getter araigia aetinaa Pervo0 etoz/eo/? etoe/¥O/2 <tiys-orveco-oote” tee eee or eTsczestos uous 9 mE sesz00 etoe/ot/t 6t0z/90/z Tyecotoeco-ooty teat te oF Eiietsios voted 2 wiswe seseoo eroc/ot/t e70e/s0/e Chieoreeco-o0by Test arts ot ‘Tececsros uouva 2 wanes seston evoe/au/t et0e/to/e Tyss-oroeco-ooty pe’ze teze or vessoesios vous » Wie Sese00 stoz/ex/er e1ve/90/2 TEescoroeco-o0re | Le-3e live or Sseesestos uous > umiwe sescoo exoe/oe/et @10e/t0/2 CHisgcatoeco-oote e5-te pete oF Seeceestos MOUs 2 wines Sese00 ete/oe/er sT9E/90/e == -stes-otozeo-o079" Oo-se coves Svoett x STMOKRE H 7 E EDEN stOE/s0/t Etee/s0/e Il Lbpssecero sory oo-ee forse Uigett ¥ SIWONEE H 9 G eeoeo0 eLoe/et/te etae/so/e aye Soares -eovs-ozotto-oory” se"mu0’t sewed ‘evst EHS NozZOH ouRY EoTE00 EtoE/LO/t r0e/s0/2 Ceosecogotea-0ore tertat betes Gest HES Nozuou oune cote00 etoe/te/er eroz/90/e Cepse-oeoves-corr da-ott oe-ort Giver ais Notion oua eoveoo eroe/ee/er erve/sa/e Teoss-oroteo-coty 90°95 2098 20vst Bes ROION Gua corEDD BEOE/Lt/er eyoe/Fo/e Cpovecouotea-ootr ¥e-ct9 Sects ‘Yeest BEE NOLIOM ouse cove0o Btoe/s0/et etoe/90/e Ceose-peoteo-oote | se-30 fe-stt GSest BEE NoLLON auOe EoTE0D eteE/oE/TT etoe/90/e
  • = ~sovs-czoteo-cote” 90’aet bovset 7 voosez 4 We Lseaee etoe/et/et stox/eo/e fer teres = = -eoes-oeoteo-aore” sree bree stoestro 4 Wy geoaee etoe/st/t stor/vo/e 1 Nobsceestes coors ss-0e ec0e Eroestto 8 Gy Seocge etoe/st/t etoe/vare a Serces’2 betese ~~ -zors-oeoevo-oors" Es-002 bso erozueet cum AvrNOWIERN ceLoce etOE/ee/er eTOZ/eO/Z ll Norsccecepo-oory Lovvse forsee btoeteer ive Mwriwrvey eeLoae eioe/ue/et voe/se/e Il Tolsegesvo cory se-ees Seeee broeteer cus awinoaeady eeloee ex0e/ue/et stoe/eo/e Tl eetslseseve-oor ee-oesr ee-ces"t brozizet Iwm Rviiwreaae eeLo0e Gi0e/LE/et toe/e0/e a borsee beset ~ = -no¥s-ozosvo-oors” Bp-set 00-858 esesto masse wvoreaNY sescos et0z/ez/t st0z/90/2 4 Se88e Se83e wr1ys-orosio-poty se-et Seer ot secavusiree ogee peceee otoz/et/er stoz/eo/2 Tyeecotoeco-ooy eesrer fe ter oF Secseesecase Rozwae vsLe00 gi0e/s0/t etoe/e0/e CHps-oroeco-o0ty Le-oF toot ot Eeersseesss9 Nogwy seceee et02/s0/t etoeseo/e Tetis-oroeio-ooty eett ée-ere or Ubeuaeasercs Rozwire ssLe0e 9t0e/¥e/er etDe/va/e THvecotoeco-oory se-er See oF eesstusesvey Rogwae veueve eioe/se/et e1oe/eo/e THgloroece-ooty as te aste ot peausaessosy Nogwi veceoe ei02/st/et etoe/ro/e Tpbecoteeco-o0ty 36-38 seve oF Seeseerscty Nozwen P5ue00 gi0e/ee/et eLe/s0/e THos-orseco-00re ee"er feet oF aecscenacsey ogy YSLE00 6102/90/t t0e/s0/2 rcs bo-bcet = = -tooueegorzo-cory” bo-ere borate o-s00seer ops soraso 2 Ll Nestloseteo-oory oo-su0t fortes O-estsoey Osa soza0 29 TL Teet-eseizo-c0ts -eo-ete -ooete oceaisoeso Osan S9Tas0 2 vere’ ees" -orvs-azorse-pore” 60°0F 6a-80 zits srumuauxa ¥ Cotes-ogoteo-ooly se"020"t Sector Geeta srumiancs ¥ Cotpe-ogotea-oorr q9-09e Ssose Sears szuawauss © Corescegotea-cory 99-32 oa-eee HOE Gunang © 2 y Hee gielede Gue/ta/e cotes-ogotea-oote 90-3" tover 2533 SIuSuSING ¥ 9 ¥ etezoo g1Oz/eL/et etDe/I0/e eu ERNODOE 5 IRIGY SE De SSS — SBS wrong eae ena “EERO Ro

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Eiseee €102/20/t etoe/ao/e Stscoo stoe/ée/er eroe/90/e

w st9200 gt0z/60/t etoz/s0/z

1 axe cortiasne — to0-# amgewog agrT-a¥s seNaKEEINDER HSW a/e sroz/oe/t o9eae

pos 1/30/2029

Due DATE 2/oajao1s 2/04/2019,

2foa/2019 2/06/2019 2yoa/aors 2yoa/2ois

2foa/2os 2oa/aon9 3/04/2029

2/04/2013 2fosfeos

2fos/2o9 2/04/2019 2/oa/2013 2/04/2019 2yoaszons 2r08/3019 2/04/2018 2y04/2039 2/04/3083 2704/2039 2/08/3029


2/04/2039 2/08/2023 2/04/2038 2/04/2038 2/04/2033 2704/2035 2 04/2038 2/04/2023 2/04/2039 2/04/2038 2/04/2038 2704/2029 2/04/2033 2/04/2033 2/04/2038 3/o4/20a3 2/04/2029 2/04/2033, 2/04/2028, 2/06/2033, 2/04/2033 2706/2039

rv. pare

iayzfaas T/i2/a01s

a/to/2oas 1/03/2018 wiazj2oas 2/20/2019

2/07/2018 1yzayz0a9 1/22/2013

1/10/2019 1/15/2018

s/at/20as r/tvjaoas E/aty2018 1/2019 T/tyja0as ifujans r/tyy20as r/itj20as T/j2019 TAL/o013 1/25/2018


2/27/2028 3/03/2018 2/03/2029 37oa/2023 4703/2019 3/03/2038 Bron/2029 2/20/2019 3/20/2029 3/20/2023 a/io/zors Gpno/aon 2/14/2039 4/37/2029 apar/3028 i/r/20as 3723/2038 a/a7/20a3 3/24/2035 3/26/2038 3/24/2033 3734/2038

A/P CASH REQUIREMENTS PRE-LIST COMPANY #001 FUNDHAI00 pase ‘expon muvorce cuass __caoss aw wer aNousr g/u_pccousr B0 ‘Seods2 BCRVINS SEPTIC 3287 378.00 375.00 4i00-oa20i¢-sers- Soous2 BLEvINS SEPTzC 32917 373.08, 375-00 100-ogaei0-s413- > 380/00 30100 + o0g161 BREEDING, cRYST o1102018 138.00 195100 “e100-o72030-3008- 135-00 395100 + 00201 BRISTOL HERALD 01092018 20 260.00 260.00 «100-073010-8¢21- - 260100 250.00 + 00760 © m MARTH 53892 ta38 254138 “sto0-o21060-seor— Dale nase + 001277 CAMPBELL PRILLT 02282019 4200/00 400.00 ar00-o1se19-3002— oosers cupare pene 61 248.00 245.00 g1o0-ouz010-seor- =~ Goaaie CAMPBELL PRINT 103 60.00, 60.00 s100-veineo-s0gs- = Go3ais CanPeELE oRiNtt 167 450.00 450.00 Gro0-onz010-s403- > 755.00 35.00 + 903090 CARD SERVTCRS ¢ o1l02019 2 3,013.46 3,013;46 4100-0s1020-s502- = - 002337 CASKIE GRAPHICS 32852 565.23 $66.23 s300-o21060-3006- 566.23 Seelaa * 03438 casTueNooD WATE 01112018 a 62.00 62.00 4200-072080-s103- =~ (003438 CASTLEWOOD NATE 01112019 a S100 31.00 Gz00-o7t0ap-stoa- > costa CastueWooD WAH 01112018 i 118/00, ateloo Goo-ovtoso-si0a- 21 Soeaa CASTLENOSD NATE O1I12019 a 62.00 62.00 sue0-o7z0a0-sics- = (003438 CASTuENOOD Ware 01112018 a 62.00 2100 S200-07z0e0-sio3- = 03438 CASTuENOOD WATE 01112013 a 62.00 62.00 4200-07%080-si03- = (003438 CASTLEKOOD NATH 02112018 a Silo 51.00 <200-casoz0-sios- - o0se3s CasturnooD WATE 01112018 a 31.00 31100 4iso-casozosio3. > (203498 CRSTLENOGD NATE 01112019 a 233.48 233,48 <loo-oss020-si03- | > (03838 CASTLEWOOD WATE 01112018 i 32.00 3n!aa 4200-casoz0-si03- > (002438 CASTLENOGD WATE QANUARY 2029 i 3020/02, 3,010.01 ¢ica-o82020-8025- | * 31933135 + 000138 cKAFIN LAK PxRKC 02242019, 31268-00 3/163 :00 “41a0-c2s0x0-3002- = 3/263 "00 3;163.00 + vosaso ciwzas coRDORAT 12230350 23002 29.72 4200-043020-3000- =~ Dodaso Crivtas CORPORKE 402625324 00 48.00 4i00-casoz0-3008- = Doadso CrvtAS CORPORAT 4024626357 30148 150143 {1o0-oe3020-s008- | Dosaso crivmas conzoaA? coasezae31 6839 $5.19 aiea-ceauz0-s008- > Doaaso czas CouPoRAT 4018625450 240/54 240.54 €100-083020-3008- => dosaso CINTAS cORFOAAT co2ae2a056 45078 5.72 anag-ceso20-s00s- = Dosaso crivtas conzouA? 4014691262 i620 26120 Gio9-943020-3008- 2 Doaaso cwzas CORPORA? eolasosend tooo 48:00 st00-ossoz0-so0s- > doaaso CIWTAS CoRPosaT coi4s0a593 pears 45/72 a100-ce3020-s008- Doaaso cHITAS CoRzoan? 4034904925, 280184 240.54 4100-003020-3008- > Doaaso ciNIAs ComPORAT 4014508995, atl S019 sioscoavon0-3008- dossso Cintas CoRvoaa? 4024904977 180148 1s0l48 4100-63020-3008- Doaaso CrTAS CoRPoaAT 4034979259 16.20 16120 &ipe-oazoz0-3008- = 004450 CINEAS CoRposAT coasz0605s 260184 2a0.s4 sioo-casozo-sooa) >> Doasso CINTAS CoRzoRAT coiszo6ia7 38.00 ‘45:00 4100-be3020-3008- > Coaaso crINTAS CORPOANT 4015206149, ea39 G6.19 SLoooasozo-a00a = 0as50 CINTAS CoRmOMAT 4o2s4s2516 6:20 36.20 Stoo-casoze-aoga- >= Doadso CINTAS coRPoaAT 410004025206177 150148 250148 tion-943020-3008- = Doaaso crnras conponat «oasssi132, 28.00, 8.00 st00-oasoz0-soga. > Doads0 CINTAS CORPORAT 4O19581135 162 14 362/14 4800-43020-3006- > Soaeso CINTAS CORDORAT <olsssiz46 6-15 68.18 s200-casoz0-soue. = Doasso CINTAS CORPONAT caisssi148 260.88 240154 Gi00-043020-390@- >

aposad 1/30/2029

Due pane 2/08/2035

2yoaszoas 2foa/20i9 2yoaszois 2yoasneas 2yoajz0is 2yoayz0is 2/08/2018 2/08/2018 2704/2039 2/08/2033 2/04/2033 2/04/2038 2/04/2038 2/os/aoas 2/04/a0as 2/08/2019 2jpay2ois zfpa/zois 2yoaszois 2yoar2is 2/oa/2018 2/oay2019 2yoe/z0rs 2/04/2039 3/04/2033 2704/2039 3/04/2033 3/08/2033 2/04/2038 2/08/2033, 2700/2019 2/03/3013, 2ypa/2019 2/04/2019

2yoay2ois 2yoas2015


az/20/2018 2/08/2039 3/23/2028 1/20/2038 2/28/2028 an/2s/2028 ra/v7/2018 1/07/2019 a/as/aoas 3/27/2038 TAg/a018 2ay/0a3 i/tny2013 a/20/2018 aas/20n9 a/r6/2029 22/22/2028 a/os/20a8 2/93/2029 iya3/2038 2/26/2029 azpiaj2a.e s/2z/201 s2b/aois 2/3/2018 iayi/anis yivaoie By/20is aa/az/z018 32/26/2018 iaya/2038 32/27/2038 32/27/2026 1/03/2029

1/02/2038 3/08/2029


poser, oososs, ooanes aoeesz ooaes2 ooaesa 00187 oo172 poou7, 03803 oone7a 90133 0013 conse bo0298 booise ponies


curwen VALLEY









Drscoumt Discouer

ponaszox DOMINION DoMIsioN Dowson


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woes Roso0a4


aeseizsso11719 deseraszori7as Lesenveseaias

365969 onasz01s a8

513680 Sa3esa

one2oas a0 513990 a0

a2 Saee 5a88

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seen S888 Tatoo-omsoso-s00r- = = os SE5.90 “esoo-onao20-s408- = « Hest Here +

180.00 150.00 *

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ieee 158580 “esoo-oesoa0-noo2- = - 2880500 1,088088 “eaaeseaseso-a00e = Sige eee “eee-eeane-sm- == Sash Breck «

280.00 250.00 +

8388 Sos ascseasisceests 27 600,00 600.00 4100-o73010-sa13- - - £88588 or08

206.56 105.56 +

pan eoc8e Gopceakodsc$eeec 2: faa S85 eseceblezecsenes 22 85 S50 Clescontozecetoes =” 8 S588 Sgeceaisaecssses 22 so S555 “srco-ongooo-sone- == Bas BES Heeiseeesscseeks 7

a See Ggesigtacgsn 2: 358 Bib0 Hosssigssscenss: 2: a Shh Hosceatsescessis 27

servs-otorto-oorr” 90°08 Teebs-peoweo-poty @a-se Letvecoretro-obry 06-38 “ETSS-OT0TTO-00TF 90°00T I ol Tepscororsocoory over == -sops-ceoreo-oots” 50°88 ToL Mepbsleeseaceewe ge-ter

  • 00-365

  • 98"08

  • Govaae’r

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stozzoto eyoeeore Stozeate eiezeate


seetesor stozeoto xe0e

Seater boeeot eeeeot ier ponzor eaeeot cheer Sereot peeeot toeeot pote eeeeot pesr0t Seseor Seee0F isreot

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eoreoe eres bste09,


usee00 ssevee

‘eer000 ber008 bere0g becoos Ser008 aero09 eero0s Beraos ser000 Beto beto0s seto09 bereos sero0s Sero09 aera0s aeraod Ber008 Ber008




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eroeyet/t Stoe/ee/t

eroesto/t ereeseo/t etazsta/t er0z/co/t

sxor/se/t etog/ze/t Greve reeset erDe/3t/t eroe/se/t eroe/st/t Sroz/oe/t Stoe/ea/t erogezye sroesuzset sroe/evyet stoz/erser suoesueyet eree/an/t st02/st7t Stoe/eust st02/s0/t Sroe/se/et broevet/er etogvet/et etoe/eo/t er0e/20/t broe/e0/t er0e/60/t Stoe/¥o/t etoe/207t arozsuzyer Gr0e/ee/t euogsse/t e20e/st/ Gheesi/t S108/60/t eroeseayt WG ANT

sroz/vo/e ehoe/vo/e sr02/80/2 eioe/s0/e e1ag/s0/2

G20e/e0/e etozseo/e


stoe/eo/e rbe/20/e

exoesro/e eroe/+0/e etoz/ro/e


sxoz/eo/e Gtag/ea/e Groeyvo/e Groe/eo/e Gtoesease btoe/eo/e Erogyeo/e stoe/oo/e Stoe/v0/e ELDE/¥9/@ Btoe/vo/e Stoe/90/e st02/90/e Stoe/vo/e e102/90/8 St0z/s0/e e10g/90/2 Giee/s0/2 Stoe/vo/e eroz/va/e Stoesvo/e etog/vo/e etoe/so/e ioesoo/e etoe/eo/e Stoe/s0/e roe30/2 eroe/30/e broe/90/e Er0e/90/8 er0e/v0/e etoe/¥0/e Sr02/¥0/2 e20e/ba/e Ne Sng

erez/es/t o90ae

avec 1/30/2039


2/04/2038 2/04/3033 2yoe/2033 2/04/3033 2yoa/2039 2/08/2038 2/08/2019 2704/2033 2/06/2033,

2/04/2019 2foaj2019 2/90/2019 2/oasao1s ajoasaois 2/04/2018

2foa/2019 2708/2089

2fos/2019 2/04/2023

2/04/2038 2/04/2033 2/04/2039 3/04/2038 2704/2033

2/os/z0as 2/08/2033

2jos/20i9 2/04/2019 2/oaj201s

2soas2019 2/08/2019 2yoa/20as 2/04/2019, 2yearanis 3y04/2019

2yoaszors 2/04/2019 2/08/2039


aa/aa/201e 22/08/2018 iayos/20re aa/1i/2018 aayis/2018 aA3/2018 32/28/2026 ipy20/038 32/26/2038

3/3/2038 3/23/2038 asaysaens aawrans sfor/aei sro/zois

a1/a6/2018 fyyer/a0.8

ayos/aoas 1/08/2018

s2/au/aoie 3/28/2018 iy2syaons 3/28/2003 2/25/2029

a/os/z0x9 3703/2033

a/o4s20as ayas/20as 12/26/2018

wsisi2ae i2/27/a018 tyoz/201s a/t0/201s 12/03/2018 12/07/2018

1/08/2018 1709/2013 tyoa/20as


oooase doves Doves bones Sonese booess

oossie one? coo8e7



oases bosses: poses


000383, 600353, 00383

003248 ogee

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ummer, ELLEN




mmovarave TECH Tmmovarive Teck anovative Teor


ones PETROLEUM ance




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= -xove-oveteo-core” 268 a p53 TT Teokereesteo-sors eee

ds ozdTeD-OoTy Se’a Teas peoueo-pots Fase se-ozoreSNooTy Gem: TT Teokscogores-sory es = leapsceeateo-cory oe. I Tyopeceeeteocsors 20-91 fee: ~ = -sovs-ozezca-aoty” In’91 5 508 ~~ -6a0e-aEeeu0-cote” 90°83 5 80"k = + -toss-orarto-core” bee:

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romaaess paz 1 ROSS we. _Ner pour g/t xccoue vot a Bo Gelssoeeso-nioa == Boecao Beto aseaive: 256,808 ase,soulet — 2se,soaied


Russell County Government Center

137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011

Board of Supervisors   Action Item 

137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

County Attorney Reports

  1. Cleveland School Property transfer to RC IDA……………………………………C-1

  2. County Unsafe Building Ordinance………………………………………………….C-2

  3. County Litter Ordinance……………………………………………………………….C-3

  4. County By-Laws…………………………………………………………………………C-4

Staff Recommendation:

Board Discretion.

Suggested Motion:

Motion Required.


Board of Supervisors Action Item 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19

County Attorney Reports

  1. Cleveland School Property transfer to RC IDA…

  2. County Unsafe Building Ordinance…

  3. County Litter Ordinanes

4, County By-Laws. Staff Recommendation: Board Discretion. Suggested Motion: Motion Required.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011


Default View Printed 02/01/2019

0 328 656 ft


RUSSELL COUNTY VA06/28/2017Print Date:






C)Grade Factor (

)Phys Depr. % (

Assessed Value:

Replacement Value:

Dwelling Value:

Total Prop.

Total Imp.

Total Land 100,000


Land Use Value








Sale Price:



Deed Book

Instrument #

Dwelling Valuation

Year Built:

911 Adr:


Air Condition:

No. Rooms:

No. Bedrooms:

No. Baths: F / H








Use Class:




Exterior Walls:


User Codes:

Date Inspected

At Home


Previous Values




Land Description Unit Size RateCls Adj Value

Improvement Length Width Condition Deprc. Total Value

Description Story Size Class Factor Rate Value




116R 803A






0 0


0 0.00



COMM LOT 0A 10000099 100000.A 0.000.00

Mthd Grd Dept

           50                   :
            :     +26+          :

±62—+ ±50-14 148+ 102 : 116+ : : 38 : 64 : 4 50 : : : SCHL----172-------10 12+ : : SCHL 32 98 : : +40–+ : 76 76 : : 96 : : : :SCHL 148 90: 40 :-------172--------: : ±-78----+ : : : ±-78----+ : 38 +40–+

Item Rate ValueQty Size




















Print Date: 06/28/2017 RUSSELL COUNTY VA api: 116R 803A ‘Owner: CLEVELAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Record: 16566-1 PO BOX 66 911 Ade. 0. 5168 CLEVELAND RD CLEVELAND VA 24208 Sale Price: 0 Ratio:0.00 Occupancy: Zoning: Use Class: Exterior Taterior ‘Site Construction: BRICK INo. Rooms: 0 Street: PAVED Exterior Walls: BRICK INo. Bedrooms: 0 Street: Foundation: CONCRETE |No. Baths: OF/ OH |Utiities: PUB SEWER Roofing: COMPOSITE |Floors: TWe Utlities: PUB WATER HIP Floors: TWe ‘Acreage: 0.000 interior: SHEETROCK | Year Built: 1962 Stories: 2.00 Air Conditior thd CisLand Description Grd UnitSize Dept Rate Ad) ‘Value Dwelling Valuation ‘A 89 COMMLOT A 0 0.00 10.00100000, 100000 tem ay Sze Rate Value Improvement __Length__WicthConeltion Depre. Total Value Description Story Size Class Factor Rate Value Instrument # ‘Assessed Value 2,965,200 . Deed Book Replacement Value ° tee : a Grade Factor ( C) 4.00 6 User Codes: Phys Depr.% (0.380) ° : Dwelling Value ° 30 Datel Previous Values 6 20120827 Bldg —$580400 Total Imp. ° ou . oo AtHome Lend 100000 =Total Land 100,000 12, : Total Total Prop. 100,000 Initia MG Land Use Value Remarks






At a regular meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors held in the Russell

County Government Center, Lebanon, Virginia, on the 7th day of November, 2016.

Present Vote

Steve Breeding, Chairman Aye

David Eaton, Vice-Chairman Aye

Tim Lovelace Aye

Lou Ann Wallace Aye

Carl Rhea Aye

Rebecca Dye Aye

Mark Mitchell Aye

On motion of Mark Mitchell, seconded by Lou Ann Wallance, which carried 7-0, the

following ordinance was adopted:



WHEREAS, Section 15.2-906 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, authorizes

Russell County to enact an ordinance to compel property owners to remove, repair or secure any

building, wall or any other structure which might endanger the public health or safety of other

residents of Russell County; and

WHEREAS, in order to properly enforce the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code,

the Russell County Board of Supervisors deems it necessary to enact such an ordinance.


Board of Supervisors:

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight


Ata regular meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors held in the Russell

County Government Center, Lebanon, Virginia, on the 7" day of November, 2016.

Present Vote Steve Breeding, Chairman Aye David Eaton, Vice-Chairman Aye Tim Lovelace Aye Lou Ann Wallace Aye Carl Rhea Aye Rebecca Dye ‘Aye Mark Mitchell Aye

On motion of Mark Mitchell, seconded by Lou Ann Wallance, which carried 7-0, the

following ordinance was adopted:


WHEREAS, Seetion’15:2:906 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, authorizes Russell County to enact an ordinance to compel property owners to remove; repair or secure any ‘building, wall or any other structure which might endanger the public health or safety of other

residents of Russell County; and

WHEREAS, in order to properly enforce the’ Virginia Uniform Statewide Building’ Code,

the Russell County Board of Supervisors deems it necessary to enact such an ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Russell County

Board of Supervisors:


  1. The owners of any property located within Russell County shall, at such time or times as

the Board of Supervisors, acting through its Building Inspector, may prescribe, remove, repair or

secure any building, wall or any other structure which might endanger the public health or safety

of other residents of the County.

  1. The County, acting through its Building Inspector and other agents or employees, may

remove, repair, or secure any building, wall or any other structure which might endanger the

public health or safety of other residents of the County if the owner and lienholder of such

property, after reasonable notice and a reasonable time to do so, has failed to remove, repair, or

secure the building, wall or other structure. Notice shall be given by: (i) a written notice mailed

by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the property

owner; and (ii) publication once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper having general

circulation in the County. The County. shall not remove, repair or secure any building or

structure without first presenting a recommendation for same to the Board of Supervisors in an

open meeting for discussion and approval. The requisite notice to the landowner may precede or

follow presentation to and approval by the Board of Supervisors. No action shall be taken by the

County to remove, repair, or secure any building, wall or other structure for at least thirty (30)

days following the later of the return of the receipt or newspaper publication.

  1. In the event the County, acting through its agents or employees, removes, repairs, or

secures any building, wall or any other structure after complying with the notice provisions of

this Ordinance, the cost or expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owners of

such property and may be collected by the locality as taxes are collected.

  1. Every charge authorized by this Ordinance with which the owner of any such property

has been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Underline

The owners of any property located within Russell County shall, at such time or times as

the Board of Supervisors, acting through its Building Inspector, may prescribe, remove, repair or

The County, acting through its Building Inspector and other agents or employees, may remove, repair, or secure any building, wall or any other structure which might endanger the public health or safety of other residents of the County if the owner and lienholder of such

property, after reasonable notice and a reasonable time to do so, has failed to remove, repair, or

secure the building, wall or other structure. Notice shall be’given by: (i) a written notice mailed


on a parity with liens for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in

Articles 3 (§ 58.1-3940 et seq.) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq.) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1. The

County may waive such liens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be

waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has

no business association with the owner. All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the

owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed.

  1. Failure of a landowner to remove, repair, or secure any building, wall, or any other

structure which might endanger the public health or safety or other residents of the County, after

having been provided the aforementioned notice and compliance period shall be punishable by a

$1,000.00 civil penalty.

  1. This Ordinance shall supersede and take the place of all previous ordinances compelling

the repair or removal of buildings and structures, as previously adopted.

  1. All ordinances and portions of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this

Ordinance are hereby repealed.

  1. Should any part or provision of this Ordinance be found to be invalid due to conflict with

federal or state law or regulation, or found to be otherwise invalid by any court of competent

jurisdiction, such invalidity shall in no way affect any other provision of this Ordinance, and the

invalid portion of such Ordinance shall be deemed to be deleted here from without affecting any

other provision of this Ordinance.

This ordinance shall become effective 7th November, 2016.

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Underline

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Lonzo Lester Callout Compliance Period - Timeframe to Complete & Percentage of Completion

Lonzo Lester Highlight

Articles 3 (§ 58.1-3940 et seq.) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq.) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1. The County may waive such liens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be

[Compliance Period - Timeframe to Complete & Percentage of Completion

This Ordinance shall supersede and take the place of all previous ordinahges cot

the repair or removal of buildings and structures, as previously adopted.

All ordinances and portions of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this|

Ordinance are hereby repealed.

Should any part or provision of this Ordinance be found to be invalid due to conflict with federal or state law or regulation, or found to be otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall in no way affect any other provision of this Ordinance, and the invalid portion of such Ordinance shall be deemed to be deleted here from without affecting any other provision of this Ordinance.

This ordinance shall become effective 7" November, 2016.


Adopted this 7th day of November, 2016.



  Russell County Board of Supervisors 

Attest: ______________________

       Lonzo Lester 

       County Administrator & Clerk 

Adopted this 7" day of November, 2016.

STEVE BREEDING, CHAIRMAN Russell County Board of Supervisors

Attest: Lonzo Lester County Administrator & Clerk


Russell County
Litter Control and

Disposal Ordinance

§ 17.2-200. Authorization.

This Ordinance is adopted and enacted pursuant to § 15.2-901; Article 2 Waste and Recycling, §§ 15.2-927 et seq and § 33.1-346 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for the purpose of promoting the public safety, health, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the general public, public travel, it is hereby declared to be in the public interest to regulate and restrict the disposal of trash, garbage refuse, litter or other unsightly matter on public highways, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, on private property, and solid waste facilities of the County, including but not limited to convenience centers, transfer stations and solitary landfills.

Sec. 17.2-201. Title.

This chapter shall be know and may be cited as the “Russell County Litter Control and Disposal Ordinance.”

Sec. 17.2-202. Definitions.

For purposes of this ordinance, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed by this section.

Administrator means the Russell County Administrator or his or her duly authorized designee.

Ashes means the residue resulting from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other combustible material.

Board of Supervisors means the Russell County Board of Supervisors.

Brush means bushes, briars, branches, leaves and similar material.

Brush, pruning and tree trimmings means trimmings from growing or dead trees or bushes no more than six inches in diameter. Any such trimmings over four inches will not be accepted. These items will only be accepted at the transfer

Russell County Litter Control and Disposal Ordinance

§ 17.2-200. Authorization.

This Ordinance is adopted and enacted pursuant to § 15.2-901; Article 2 Waste and Recycling, §§ 15.2-927 et seq and § 33.1-346 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for the purpose of promoting the public safety, health, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the general public, public travel,it is hereby declared to be in the public interest to regulate and restrict the disposal of trash, garbage refuse, litter or other unsightly matter on public highways, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, on private property, and solid waste facilities of the County, including but not limited to convenience centers, transfer stations and solitary landfills.

Sec, 17.2-201. Title.

This chapter shall be know and may be cited as the “Russell County Litter Control and Disposal Ordinance.”

Sec. 17.2-202. Definitions.

For purposes of this ordinance; the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed by this section.

Administrator means the Russell County Administrator or his or her duly authorized designee.

Ashes means the residue resulting from the burning of wood, coal, coke or other combustible material.

Board of Supervisors means the Russell County Board of Supervisors. Brush means bushes, briars, branches, leaves and similar material.

Brush, pruning and tree trimmings means trimmings from growing or dead trees or bushes no more than six inches in diameter. Any such trimmings over four

inches will not be accepted. These items will only be accepted at the transfer


station, with the applicable tipping fee being paid. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Bulk waste means appliances, furniture, bedding material, automobile parts, mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, and carpet.

Commercials establishment means a building or other structure and/or lot or tract of land used for or as a part of the operation of a business enterprise, whether for profit or not, which is not used in whole as a residential unit. For the purposes of this ordinance, any structure which is used by the same owner or tenant for both residential and business purposes shall be deemed to be a commercial establishment, provided however, that if the Administrator determines that a mixed use structure generates a volume of solid waste that does not exceed the average amount of waste generated by a residence in Russell County, then such mixed use structure may be deemed to be a residential unit.

Compacted waste means refuse or waste which has been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means and remains in this state of reduced volume until deposited at the transfer station.

Containers mean any of the following:

  1. Residential Reusable Curbside Receptacle: a receptacle made of plastic, metal or fiberglass with a capacity not to exceed thirty-nine (39) gallons, a loaded weight of no more than thirty-five (35) pounds, having a tight fitting lid, and handles of adequate strength to allow for the container to be lifted.

  2. Non-Reusable: Plastic sacks designed for refuse disposal with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top; securely tied at the top for collection, with a capacity not to exceed thirty (30) gallons and a loaded weight not to exceed thirty-five (35) pounds. Non-reusable containers shall also include garbage compactor bags which meet the capacity and weight requirements for plastic sacks. Both reusable and non-reusable containers shall also be referred to as standard containers in this Ordinance.

  3. Bulk: Bins of metal construction capable of being emptied by mechanical equipment operated by solid waste disposal operators, the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority, the County, towns located in the County and their contractors, generally referred to as dumpsters, which

station, with the applicable tipping fee being paid. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Bulk waste means appliances, furniture, bedding material, automobile parts, mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, and carpet.

Commercials establishment means a building or other structure and/or lot or tract of land used for or as a part of the operation of a business enterprise, whether for profit or not, which is not used in whole as a residential unit. For the purposes of this ordinance, any structure which is used by the same owner or tenant for both residential and business purposes shall be déemed to be a commercial establishment, provided however, that ifthe Administrator determines that a mixed use structure generates a volume of solid waste that does not exceed the average amount of waste generated by a residence in Russell County, then such mixed use structure may be deemed to be a residential unit.

Compacted waste means refuse or waste which has been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means and remains in this state of reduced volume until deposited at the transfer station.

Containers mean any of the following:

  1. Residential Reusable Curbside Receptacle: a receptacle made of plastic, metal or fiberglass with a capacity not to exceed thirty-nine (39) gallons, a loaded weight of no more than thirty-five (35) pounds, having a tight fitting lid, and handles of adequate strength to allow for the container to be lifted.

  2. Non-Reusable: Plastic sacks designed for refuse disposal with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top; securely tied at the top for collection, with a capacity not to exceed thirty (30) gallons and a loaded weight not to exceed thirty-five (35) pounds. Non-reusable containers shall also include garbage compactor bags which meet the capacity and weight requirements for plastic sacks. Both reusable and non-reusable containers shall also be referred to as standard containers in this Ordinance.

  3. Bulk: Bins of metal construction capable of being emptied by mechanical equipment operated by solid waste disposal operators, the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority, the County, towns located in the County and their contractors, generally referred to as dumpsters, which


have a capacity of at least two and not more than eight cubic yards. Also included are large capacity roll on dumpsters.

Curbside means that portion of the street or highway right of way adjacent to the paced or traveled portion of a primary or secondary roadway as established by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Contractor means the person with whom Russell County may contract for the collection of solid waste generated within Russell County, however nothing shall be deemed to require the County to contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste. In the event that the County shall contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste, then the term “Contractor” shall be substituted for Russell County where appropriate in the Ordinance.

Convenience Center means a collection point designated and operate by Russell County at which designated solid waste may be deposited.

County the term “County” shall be deemed to refer to Russell County unless the text of the Ordinance specifically refers to some other county.

Disposal means the storage, collection, disposal or handling of refuse.

Garbage means discarded materials composed of animal, vegetable or other organic matter.

Litter means any solid waste that is disposed of as prohibited herein or allowed to be carelessly discarded or scattered about in unsightly matter. Litter shale include, but not be limited to, garbage, trash, refuse and rubbish as referred to within the Ordinance.

Litter bag means a bag or sack, of durable material, which is large enough to serve as a receptacle for litter inside a vehicle or watercraft which is similar in size and capacity to a state approved litter bag.

Litter receptacle means a container with a capacity of not less than ten gallons constructed of such quality as to maintain the original shape when placed at an outdoor location; reasonably resistant to rust and corrosion; and placed for use as a depository for litter. Appliances (refrigerators, etc.) cannot be used as litter receptacles.

Open dump means a site on which any solid waste is placed, discharged, deposited, injected, dumped, or spilled, so as to create a nuisance or so as to pose within the

have a capacity of at least two and not more than eight cubic yards. Also included are large capacity roll on dumpsters.

Curbside means that portion of the street or highway right of way adjacent to the paced or traveled portion of a primary or secondary roadway as established by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Contractor means the person with whom Russell County may contract for the collection of solid waste generated within Russell County, however nothing shall be deemed to require the County to contract for collection of all or part of its solid waste. In the event that the County shall contract for collection of all of part of its solid waste, then the term “Contractor” shall be substituted for Russell County where appropriate in the Ordinance.

Convenience Center means a collection point designated and operate by Russell County at which designated solid waste may be deposited.

County the term “County” shall be deemed to refer to Russell County unless the text of the Ordinance specifically refers to some other county.

Disposal means the storage, collection, disposal or handling of refuse.

Garbage means discarded materials composed of animal, vegetable or other organic matter.

Litter means any solid waste that is disposed of as prohibited herein or allowed to be carelessly discarded or scattered about in unsightly matter. Litter shale include, but not be limited to, garbage, trash, refuse and rubbish as referred to within the Ordinance.

Litter bag means a bag or sack, of durable material, which is large enough to serve as a receptacle for litter inside a vehicle or watercraft which is similar in size and capacity to a state approved litter bag.

Litter receptacle means a container with a capacity of not less than ten gallons constructed of such quality as to maintain the original shape when placed at an outdoor location; reasonably resistant to rust and corrosion; and placed for use as a depository for litter. Appliances (refrigerators, etc.) cannot be used as litter receptacles.

Open dump means a site on which any solid waste is placed, discharged, deposited, injected, dumped, or spilled, so as to create a nuisance or so as to pose within the

rE 3


determination of the Administrator for substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment, including the pollution of air, land, surface water or ground water. A disposal facility operation without all permits required by the state and/or federal governments shall be considered an open dump.

Operator means the person responsible for the overall operation and site management of a solid waste facility.

Owner means the person, corporation, or other legal entity in whom is vested the title to and interest in the land on which a solid waste management facility is located; the person, corporation or other legal entity in whom is vested title to and interest in the land upon which a residence, residential unit, multi-unit residential unit, commercial establishment or industry is located.

Permit means the written permission issued by the state or federal government to own, operate, or construct a solid waste management facility; and any licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance.

Person means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, a governmental body, a municipal corporation, or any other legal entity.

Recycling means the process of separating a given waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it is used again as a raw material for a product, which may or may not be similar to the original thereof.

Refuse means discarded waste materials in a solid or semi-solid state, consisting of garbage, rubbish, or a combination thereof.

Residential unit means a group of rooms located within a building and forming in single inhabitable unit with facilities which are used or are intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooing and/or eating. A residential unit shall also include buildings containing multiple single-family dwelling units, however each unit shall be deemed to be a separate dwelling unit for billing purposes. The term “residential unit “shall also be deemed to include mobile home parks.

Salvage means the authorized, controlled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.

determination of the Administrator for substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment, including the pollution of air, land, surface water or ground water. A disposal facility operation without all permits required by the state and/or federal governments shall be considered an open dump.

Operator means the person responsible for the overall operation and site management of a solid waste facility.

Owner means the person, corporation, or other legal entity:in whom is vested the title to and interest in the land on which a solid waste management facility is located; the person, corporation or other legal entity in whom is vested title to and interest in the land upon which a residence, residential unit, multi-unit residential unit, commercial establishment or industry is located.

Permit means the written permission issued by the state or federal government to own, operate, or construct a solid waste management facility; and any licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance.

Person means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, a governmental body, a municipal corporation, or any other legal entity.

Recycling means the process of separating a given waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it is used again as a raw material for a product, which may or may not be similar to the original thereof.

Refuse means discarded waste materials in a solid or semi-solid state, consisting of garbage, rubbish, or a combination thereof.

Residential unit means a group of rooms located within a building and forming in single inhabitable unit with facilities which are used or are intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooing and/or eating. A residential unit shall also include buildings containing multiple single-family dwelling units, however each unit shall be deemed to be a separate dwelling unit for billing purposes. The term “residential unit “shall also be deemed to include mobile home parks.

Salvage means the authorized, controlled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.


Scavenge means the unauthorized or uncontrolled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.

Sludge means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from the a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, air pollution control facility, or other waste producing facility, but as used in this Ordinance the term does not include the treated effluent from a Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Solid Waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid or contained gaseous material, resulting from residential, industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations and from community activities but does not include (i) solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, (ii) solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or in industrial discharges which are sources subject to a permit from the State Water Control Board, or (iii) source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

The solid waste herein defined also may refer to the following further defined types, i.e.:

  1. Coal Mine Waste: Any commercial waste, construction/ demolition waste, debris waste, inert waste, metals, garbage, mining equipment and/or machinery and any other waste generated prior, during, or after mining activities and which may be disposed of in compliance with this Ordinance and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

  2. Commercial Waste: All solid waste generated by establishments engaged in business operations other than manufacturing or construction. This category includes, but is not limited to, solid waste resulting from the operation of stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, and shopping centers.

  3. Construction/Demolition Waste: The waste building material, packaging and rubble, resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations on pavement, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures,

  4. Debris Waste: Waste resulting from land clearing operations, including but not limited to stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil and road spoils.

  5. Household Waste: Any waste material, including garbage, trash, and refuse normally produced or derived from single and/or multiple residential

Scavenge means the unauthorized or uncontrolled removal of waste materials from a solid waste management facility.

Sludge means any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from the a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, air pollution control facility, or other waste producing facility, but as used in this Ordinance the term does not include the treated effluent from a Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Solid Waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid or contained gaseous material, resulting from residential, industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural operations and from community activities but does not include (i) solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, (ii) solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or in industrial discharges which are sources subject to a permit from the State Water Control Board, or (iii) source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

The solid waste herein defined also may refer to the following further defined types,


  1. Coal Mine Waste: Any commercial waste, construction/ demolition waste, debris waste, inert waste, metals, garbage, mining equipment and/or machinery and any other waste generated prior, during, or after mining activities and which may be disposed of in compliance with this Ordinance and all other applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

  2. Commercial Waste: All solid waste generated by establishments engaged in business operations other than manufacturing or construction. This category includes, but is not limited to, solid waste resulting from the operation of stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, and shopping centers.

  3. Construction/Demolition Waste: The waste building material, packaging and rubble, resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations on pavement, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures,

  4. Debris Waste: Waste resulting from land clearing operations, including but not limited to stumps, wood, brush, leaves, soil and road spoils.

  5. Household Waste: Any waste material, including garbage, trash, and refuse

normally produced or derived from single and/or multiple residential


households and residences. Household wastes do not include sanitary waste in septic tanks (septage).

  1. Hazardous Waste: A solid waste or combination of solid waste which, because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infections characteristics may: (a) cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (b) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, the Collection/Disposal System, or the environment from improperly treated, stores, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed. The foregoing definition is intended to include any waste now or hereafter designated as such by state or federal agencies with jurisdiction and authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the handling and disposal of hazardous and other waste.

  2. Ignitable Waste: a. Liquids having a flash point of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60

degrees Centigrade). b. non-liquids liable to cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture,

spontaneous chemical change or retained heat, or which are liable, when ignited, to burn so vigorously and persistently as to create a hazard.

c. Ignitable compressed gases’, and/or oxidizers. 8. Industrial Waste: Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial

process that is not a regulated hazardous waste. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: Electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products/byproducts; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; mining or oil and gas operations; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing/foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment.

  1. Inert Waste: Solid waste which is chemically and biologically stable from further degradation and considered to be non-reactive. Inert waste includes rubble, concrete, broken bricks, bricks, and blocks.

  2. Infectious Waste: Any solid waste if it is capable of producing an infectious disease in humans; is one of the controlled infectious wastes listed in any relevant section or sections of the Infectious Waste Management regulations of

households and residences. Household wastes do not include sanitary waste in septic tanks (septage)

  1. Hazardous Waste: A solid waste or combination of solid waste which, because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infections characteristics may: (a) cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or (b) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, the Collection/Disposal System, or

the environment from improperly treated, stores, transported, disposed of or

otherwise managed. The foregoing definition is intended to include any waste now or hereafter designated as such by state or federal agencies with jurisdiction and authority to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the handling and disposal of hazardous and other waste.

  1. Ignitable Waste:

a. Liquids having a flash point of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Centigrade).

b. non-liquids liable to cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change of retained heat, or which are liable, when ignited, to burn so vigorously and persistently as to create a hazard.

c. Ignitable compressed gases’, and/or oxidizers.

  1. Industrial Waste? Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial process that is not a regulated hazardous waste. Such waste may include, but is

not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: Electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products/by products; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; mining or oil and gas operations; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing/foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment.

  1. Inert Waste: Solid waste which is chemically and biologically stable from further degradation and considered to be non-reactive. Inert waste includes rubble, concrete, broken bricks, bricks, and blocks.

  2. Infectious Waste: Any solid waste if it is capable of producing an infectious disease in humans; is one of the controlled infectious wastes listed in any relevant section or sections of the Infectious Waste Management regulations of


the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as applicable at any given time, or is identified as infectious by a licensed physician or registered nurse. A waste shall be considered to be capable of producing an infectious disease if it has been, is or may have been contaminated by an organism that is or may be pathogenic to humans and if such organism has a significant probability of being present in sufficient quantities and with sufficient virulence to transmit disease. If the exact cause of a disease is unknown, but the health care professional in charge suspects the presence of a pathogen in the waste is the case, such waste shall be managed as if the pathogen were identified and such waste shall be considered to be infectious waste.

  1. Institutional/Government Waste: All solid waste emanating from institutions such as, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and public or private schools. It can include infectious waste from health care facilities and research facilities which has not been classified as a hazardous waste by the Virginia Hazardous Waste Regulations or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Infectious waste which has been defined by state and federal law, rule or regulation as hazardous waste must be excluded from the waste stream.

  2. Putrescible Waste: Solid waste which contains organic material capable of being decomposed by microorganism, and which causes odors.

  3. Residential Waste: Household waste.

  4. Waste Oil: A spent petroleum product or lubricating fluid from vehicles or


Solid waste management facility means any facility which engages in a planned program for effectively controlling the storage, collection, transportation, processing and reuse, conversion or disposal of solid waste in a safe, sanitary, aesthetically acceptable, environmentally sound and economic manner, in full compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. The Russell County Transfer Station and Russell County Convenience Centers are Solid Waste Management Facilities.

Trash means non-combustible discarded materials including, but not limited to, ashes, scrap metal, glass, brick, concrete or other construction materials.

Uncompacted waste means refuse or waste which has not been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means, or if so, has not been maintained in this reduced volume state during the transportation to the landfill.

the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as applicable at any given time, or is identified as infectious by a licensed physician or registered nurse. A waste shall be considered to be capable of producing an infectious disease if it has been, is or may have been contaminated by an organism that is or may be pathogenic to humans and if such organism has a significant probability of being present in sufficient quantities and with sufficient virulence to transmit disease. If the exact cause of a disease is unknown, but the health care professional in charge suspects the presence of a pathogen in the waste is the case, such waste shall be managed as if the pathogen were identified and such waste shall be considered to be infectious waste.

  1. Institutional/Government Waste: All solid waste emanating from institutions such as, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and public or private schools. It can include infectious waste from health care facilities and research facilities which has not been classified as a hazardous waste by the Virginia Hazardous Waste Regulations or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Infectious waste which has been defined by state and federal law, rule or regulation as hazardous waste must be excluded from the waste stream.

  2. Putrescible Waste: Solid waste which contains organic material capable of being decomposed by microorganism, and which causes odors.

  3. Residential Waste: Household waste.

  4. Waste Oil: A spent petroleum product or lubricating fluid from vehicles or equipment.

Solid waste management facility means any facility which engages in a planned program for effectively controlling the storage, collection, transportation, processing and reuse, conversion or disposal of solid waste in a safe, sanitary, aesthetically acceptable, environmentally sound and economic manner, in full compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. The Russell County Transfer Station and Russell County Convenience Centers are Solid Waste Management Facilities.

Trash means non-combustible discarded materials including, but not limited to, ashes, scrap metal, glass, brick, concrete or other construction materials.

Uncompacted waste means refuse or waste which has not been reduced in volume by mechanical or hydraulic means, or if so, has not been maintained in this reduced

volume state during the transportation to the landfill.

ee 7


Waste generator means the person who actually produces waste intended for disposal at the landfill.

Waste management facility (See also Solid Waste Management Facility) means that area designated by the County Administrator for the collection of refuse intended for disposal at the Transfer Station or Collection Centers.

White goods means refrigerators, stoves, clothes dryers, washing machines, water heaters, window air conditioners and other large appliances of similar size or character, and waste metal products.

Yard waste means decomposable waste materials generated by yard and lawn care, and include leaves, grass trimmings, brush up to six inches in diameter and shrubs and tree trimmings arising from general landscaping maintenance. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Where terms are not defined in this Ordinance and the context or practice requires definition they shall have the meaning specified in Chapter 14 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and/or specified in other relevant statutes, and/or the Solid Waste Management Regulations of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, as now or hereafter adopted as are applicable.

In case of conflict, the statutes and regulations applicable to the particular requirement involved shall prevail over those in this Ordinance.

Sec. 17.2-203. General prohibitions.

A. Moving Violations

  1. Littering Prohibited: Penalties

It shall be unlawful for any person to drop, deposit, discard or otherwise dispose of litter in or upon any public or private property within Russell County, with or without permission of the owner, including, but not limited to any street, sidewalk, park, body of water, vacant or unoccupied lot, except in public litter receptacles, or in authorized private litter receptacles provided for public use, or in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted disposal site.

When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter dumped or disposed of in the highway, right-of-way,

Waste generator means the person who actually produces waste intended for disposal at the landfill.

Waste management facility (See also Solid Waste Management Facility) means that area designated by the County Administrator for the collection of refuse intended for disposal at the Transfer Station or Collection Centers.

White goods means refrigerators, stoves, clothes dryers, washing machines, water heaters, window air conditioners and other large appliances of similar size or character, and waste metal products.

Yard waste means decomposable waste materials generated by yard and lawn care, and include leaves, grass trimmings, brush up to six inches in diameter and shrubs and tree trimmings arising from general landscaping maintenance. This shall not include roots or stumps that exceed four inches in diameter.

Where terms are not defined in this Ordinance and the context or practice requires definition they shall have the meaning specified in Chapter 14 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and/or specified in other relevant statutes, and/or the Solid Waste Management Regulations of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, as now or hereafter adopted as ate applicable.

In case of conflict, the statutes and regulations applicable to the particular requirement involved shall prevail over those in this Ordinance.

Sec. 17.2-203. General prohibitions.

A. Moving Violations

  1. Littering Prohibited: Penalties

It shall be unlawful for any person to drop, deposit, discard or otherwise dispose of litter in or upon any public or private property within Russell County, with or without permission of the owner, including, but not limited to any street, sidewalk, park, body of water, vacant or unoccupied lot, except in public litter receptacles, or in authorized private litter receptacles provided for public use, or in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted disposal site.

When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter dumped or disposed of in the highway, right-of-way,


property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, or private property has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting such trash, garbage, refuse or other unsightly matter; provided, however, that such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence.

Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Uncovered Vehicles, Escape of Load No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom; provided, however, that sand or any substance to increase traction or water or other substance may be applied on a roadway in the cleaning or maintaining of such roadway by the state or local government agency having such responsibilities.
    No person in an aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the County any litter or other object.
    Any operator of a vehicle from which an object has escaped, that may cause an obstruction or damage a vehicle or endanger travelers on such public property, shall immediately cause the public property to be cleaned of all objects and shall be responsible for all the costs of removal. Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

B. Stationary Violations

  1. Areas Surrounding Commercial Establishments and Institutions

It shall be the duty of each proprietor and each operator of any business, industry, or institution to keep the adjacent and surrounding area clear and free of litter. These areas include, but are not limited to, public and private sidewalks, roads, and alleys, grounds, parking lots, loading and unloading areas, and all vacant lots which are owned or leased by said establishment or institution.

property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, or private property has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting such trash, garbage, refuse or other unsightly matter; provided, however, that such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent


Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Uncovered Vehicles, Escape of Load.

No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless such vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping thereffom; provided, however, that sand or any substance to increase traction or water or other substance may be applied ona roadway in the cleaning or maintaining of such roadway by the state or local government agency having such responsibilities.

No personiinvan aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the County any litter or other object.

Any operator of a vehicle from which an object has escaped, that may cause an obstruction or damage a vehicle or endanger travelers on such public property, shall immediately cause the public property to be cleaned of all objects and shalll be responsible for all the costs of removal.

Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor as punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance. Any second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

B. Stationary Violations

  1. Areas Surrounding Commercial Establishments and Institutions

It shalll be the duty of each proprietor and each operator of any business, industry, or institution to keep the adjacent and surrounding area clear and free of litter. These areas include, but are not limited to, public and private sidewalks,

roads, and alleys, grounds, parking lots, loading and unloading areas, and all

vacant lots which are owned or leased by said establishment or institution.


Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Keeping Exterior of Residential and Commercial Property Clean

It shall be the duty of each residential property owner and tenant to keep all exterior private property free of litter. The owner of occupant of any premises within the County shall be responsible for sanitary conditions of such premises, and it shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or allow to be placed or deposited on his premises any solid waste, except as designated by the terms of this Ordinance. It shall be the duty of each owner and tenant to keep all exterior property free of litter or waste, these areas shall include, but not be limited to: sidewalks, public roads, alleys and driveways; yards and grounds; fences; walls and property lines; drainages and vacant lots in both residential and commercial areas. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, public road, street or water body within the County the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. This includes, but is not limited to, rubbish, which includes grass clippings, hedge trimmings, leaves, pine needles, paper, plastic or other materials classified as litter or waste must be placed in an approved container and properly disposed. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

Upon violation of this section, the County may proceed against either the tenant, owner or person in control or against all such persons. A warning citation as provided in Section 17.2-204(b) of this Ordinance shall be served on the owner or occupant of any premises upon which solid waste is found in violation of this section, giving the owner or occupant ten (10) days to remove such solid waste. If the owner or occupant does not comply with the terms of

Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

  1. Keeping Exterior of Residential and Commercial Property Clean

It shall be the duty of each residential property owner and tenant to keep all exterior private property free of litter. The owner of occupant of any premises within the County shall be responsible for sanitary conditions of such premises, and it shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or allow to be placed or deposited on his premises any solid waste, except as designated by the terms of this Ordinance. It shall be the duty of each owner and tenant to keep all exterior property free of litter or waste, these areas shall include, but not be limited to: sidewalks, public roads, alleys and driveways; yards and grounds; fences; walls and property lines; drainages and vacant lots in both residential and commercial areas. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, public road, street or water body within the County the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. This includes, but is not limited to, rubbish, which includes grass clippings, hedge trimmings, leaves, pine needles, paper, plastic or other materials classified as litter or waste must be placed in an approved container and properly disposed. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk in front of their premises free of litter. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 17.2-206 of this Ordinance.

Upon violation of this section, the County may proceed against either the tenant, owner or person in control or against all such persons. A warning citation as provided in Section 17.2-204(b) of this Ordinance shall be served on the owner or occupant of any premises upon which solid waste is found in violation of this section, giving the owner or occupant ten (10) days to remove such solid waste. If the owner or occupant does not comply with the terms of



such citation, he or she shall be served a summons for violation of this section.

This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the accumulation of litter awaiting the next regularly scheduled refuse or garbage collection if such property is served by the regularly scheduled garbage, refuse or litter collection. Such collections shall be deemed to be regular if such collection regularly occurs at least once per week or more frequently.

  1. Indiscriminate Dumping or Discarding of Litter and Solid Waste

It shall be unlawful for any person to discard or dump along any street or road, on or off the right-of-way, any form of solid waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, motor vehicle or vehicle part, rubber tires, appliances, furniture, or any other material or equipment, on public or private property, with or without permission of the property owner, except in County approved receptacles provided for public use for the deposit of said material, or except in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted solid waste disposal site or collection facility.

C. Cleanup of Improperly Disposed Litter or Solid Waste

  1. Cleanup of Premises by County Authorization

The owners of property within the County shall, within fourteen (14) days of receiving written notice from the County, remove from the property any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the County.

If after fourteen (14) days of receiving the notice, the owners of such property have failed to take action as directed by the notice, the County may have such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the County, removed by its own agents or employees, in which event the cost or expense thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owners of such property and may be collected by the County as taxes are collected.

such citation, he or she shall be served a summons for violation of this section.

This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the accumulation of litter awaiting the next regularly scheduled refuse or garbage collection if such property is served by the regularly scheduled garbage, refuse or litter collection. Such collections shall be deemed to be regular if such collection regularly occurs at least once per week or more frequently.

  1. Indiscriminate Dumping or Discarding of Litter and Solid Waste

It shall be unlawful for any person to discard or dump along any street or road, on or off the right-of-way, any form of solid waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, motor vehicle or vehicle part, rubber tires, appliances, furniture, or any other material or equipment, on public or private property, with or without permission of the property owner, except in County approved receptacles provided for public use for the deposit of said material, or except in an area designated by the State Department of Health as a permitted solid waste disposal site or collection facility.

C. Cleanup of Improperly Disposed Litter or Solid Waste

  1. Cleanup of Premises by County Authorization

The owners of property within the County shall, within fourteen (14) days of receiving written notice from the County, remove from the property any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the County.

If after fourteen (14) days of receiving the notice, the owners of such property have failed to take action as directed by the notice, the County may have such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the County, removed by its ‘own agents or employees, in which event the cost or expense thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owners of such property and may be collected by the County as taxes are collected.



Execution of the notice to remove litter shall be in writing and shall be in the form set forth in Section 17.2-204 (b) of this ordinance and served by personal service, posted service or sent by registered mail.

Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with liens for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Articles 3 (§58.1-3940 et seq) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The County may waive such liens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has no business association with the owner. All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed.

A violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty, not to exceed $50.00 for the first violation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within 12 months of the first violation shall not exceed $200.00. Each business day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violation arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of $3,000.00 in a 12-month period.1

In the event three civil penalties have previously been imposed on the same defendant for the same or similar violation, not arising from the same set of operative facts, within a 24-month period a violation of this subsection shall be a Class 3 misdemeanor.2

D. Litter Receptacles

  1. Use of Receptacles

a. It shall be unlawful to deposit any item or items except litter in any receptacle placed for public use as a depository for littler. Any item or items, including litter, which are expressly prohibited from being placed in said receptacle by a sign or other writing located on or

1 See §15.2-901 © for enabling act authorizing civil penalty by ordinance.
2 See §15.2-901 (D) for enabling act authorizing Class 3 misdemeanor when three civil penalties have occurred.

Execution of the notice to remove litter shall be in writing and shall be in the form set forth in Section 17.2-204 (b) of this ordinance and served by personal service, posted service or sent by registered mail.

Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with liens for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Articles 3 (§58.1-3940 et seq) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, The County may waive such liens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has no business association with the owner. All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed.

A violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty, not to exceed $50.00 for the first violation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within 12 months of the first violation shall not exceed $200.00. Each business day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violation arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of $3,000.00 in a 12-month period."

In the event three civil penalties have previously been imposed on the same defendant for the same or similar violation, not arising from the same set of operative facts, within a 24-month period a violation of this subsection shall bea Class 3 misdemeanor.*

D. Litter Receptacles

  1. Use of Receptacles a. Itshall be unlawful to deposit any item or items except litter in any

receptacle placed for public use as a depository for littler. Any item or items, including litter, which are expressly prohibited from being placed in said receptacle by a sign or other writing located on or

  • See §15.2-901 © for enabling act authorizing civil penalty by ordinance. See §15.2-901 (D) for enabling act authorizing Class 3 misdemeanor when three civil penalties have occurred.




around the receptacle, shall not be placed or deposited in said receptacle.

b. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Businesses

It shall be the duty of any person owning or operation any commercial establishment to provide receptacles adequate to contain the litter generated at said establishment. The penalty established for violation of this subsection shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each day of violation. The offender shall receive a summons from the enforcement officer for any violation of this subsection. The offender may pay the fine in lieu of appearing in court on any first offense.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Residences a. All household solid waste shall be contained in receptacles or containers

which conform to standards established by the Russell County Board of Supervisors.

b. It shall be unlawful for any person to use an old appliance or other container deemed unacceptable by the County for trash collection.

c. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. E. Improper Disposal of Waste

  1. Depositing Improper Waste in Receptacles or Facilities

a. It shall be unlawful to improperly dispose of any solid waste as defined in this Ordinance at a facility operated for or in a receptacle placed for public or private use. Improper disposal shall mean and include the depositing in such facility of solid waste which is not accepted or authorized for disposal by such facility. The types of waste not accepted at any such facility shall be displayed at the entrance of such facility or on the receptacle.

F. Enforcement of Litter Laws; Prosecution; Presumption

  1. Enforcement

a. Prosecution for a violation of any provision of this act may be initiated by the County Building Inspector, law enforcement officer, litter control officer, or private citizen.

around the receptacle, shall not be placed or deposited in said receptacle. b. Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 2 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent offense shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. 2. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Businesses

It shall be the duty of any person owning or operation any commercial establishment to provide receptacles adequate to contain the litter generated at said establishment. The penalty established for violation of this subsection shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each day of violation. The offender shall receive a summons from the enforcement officer for any violation of this subsection. The offender may pay the fine in lieu of appearing in court on any first offense.

  1. Providing Adequate Litter Receptacles for Residences a. All household solid waste shall be contained in receptacles or containers

which conform to standards established by the Russell County Board of Supervisors:

b. It shall be unlawful for any person to use an old appliance or other container deemed unacceptable by the County for trash collection.

c._ Any violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor.

E. Improper Disposal of Waste

1, Depositing Improper Waste in Receptacles or Facilities a. It shall be unlawful to improperly dispose of any solid waste as

defined in this Ordinance at a facility operated for or in a receptacle placed for public or private use. Improper disposal shall mean and include the depositing in such facility of solid waste which is not accepted or authorized for disposal by such facility. The types of waste not accepted at any such facility shall be displayed at the entrance of such facility or on the receptacle.

F. Enforcement of Litter Laws; Prosecution; Presumption

  1. Enforcement a. Prosecution for a violation of any provision of this act may be initiated by the County Building Inspector, law enforcement officer, litter control officer, or private citizen.

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  1. Authorization of County Litter Control Office to Bring Civil Action Whereas Section 10.1-1418.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorizes the County to bring a civil action against any person who improperly disposes of solid waste on the property of the County, without the County’s permission. Whenever a court of competent jurisdiction finds that a person has improperly disposed of solid waste upon the County’s property, without the County’s permission, the court shall assess a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) against such defendant, along with costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this subsection shall be paid into the Russell County treasury.

  2. Assign –A-Highway Roadside and Illegal Dump Cleanup For Cleanup of roadside litter and identified illegal dumps within the County, it is hereby established a program pursuant to Section 53.1-129 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and the Sheriff of the County and any of his deputies and any Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Office who has been approved by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be permitted to utilize probationers or remove inmates from the County or Regional Jail under their supervision to work in this program providing that any such inmate has been specifically approved to be permitted to participate in this program by the Sheriff and by the Court. Probationers will be assigned to two-mile designated sections of highway, cleaned up every two weeks for the duration of their assignment to this program. Inmates shall be utilized only for the cleanup for illegal dumps identified by the County Litter Control Department. During the cleanup of illegal dumps, the Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Control Officer or the Sheriff or his deputies will be present during this volunteer work.

Sec. 17.2-204. Removal, disposal of trash and garbage.

(a) The owners of property in the county shall not accumulate thereon and shall remove there from any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county.

(b) Notice to property owner:

  1. The Board of Supervisors may, when it deems it necessary, give written

notice to the owner of any property in the county, and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if

  1. Authorization of County Litter Control Office to Bring Civil Action Whereas Section 10.1-1418.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended

authorizes the County to bring a civil action against any person who improperly disposes of solid waste on the property of the County, without the County’s permission. Whenever a court of competent jurisdiction finds that a person has improperly disposed of solid waste upon the County’s property, without the County’s permission, the court shall assess a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) against such defendant, along with costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this subsection shall be paid into the Russell County treasury. 3. Assign ~A-Highway Roadside and Illegal Dump Cleanup

For Cleanup of roadside litter and identified illegal dumps within the County, it is hereby established a program pursuant to Section 53.1-129 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and the Sheriff of the County and any of his deputies and any Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Office who has been approved by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be permitted to utilize probationers or remove inmates from the County or Regional Jail under their supervision to work in this program providing that any such inmate has been specifically approved to be permitted to participate in this program by the Sheriff and by the Court. Probationers will be assigned to two-mile designated sections of highway, cleaned up every two weeks for the duration of their assignment to this program. Inmates shall be utilized only for the cleanup for illegal dumps identified by the County Litter Control Department. During the cleanup of illegal dumps, the Special Conservator of the Peace/Litter Control Officer or the Sheriff or his deputies will be present during this volunteer work.

Sec. 17.2-204. Removal, disposal of trash and garbage.

(a) The owners of property in the county shall not accumulate thereon and shall remove there from any and all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances which might endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county.

(b) Notice to property owner:

  1. The Board of Supervisors may, when it deems it necessary, give written notice to the owner of any property in the county, and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if




know, stating the facts that constitute a violation of subsection (a) of this section and directing such person or persons to take such action as may be necessary to rectify the conditions within 14 days from the date of the notice.

  1. The notice required by the section shall be certified or registered mail to the last known address, or by hand delivery by the Sheriff of the County, his deputy, the county sanitation office or the designee of the County Administrator, to the owner of the property and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if known, The notice shall be substantially in the following form:


To: ____________________________ Responsible Party

AT: _________________________

Address of property

Tax Map Number

Pursuant to Code of Virginia §15.2-802 of the Ordinances of Russell County, Virginia, you are hereby notified to remove, within 14 days after the date of this notice, all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, in particular (describe the conditions). Upon your failure to remove the same, the county’s agents or employees may remove such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, and the cost and expenses of such removal shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected and shall constitute a lien on the property.

© If the property is not cleaned up after receiving the notice required in subsection (b) of this section, the Board of Supervisors may have such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other like substances that might endanger the health of other residents of the county removed by the county’s own agents and employees, in which event the cost and expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the

know, stating the facts that constitute a violation of subsection (a) of this section and directing such person or persons to take such action as may be necessary to rectify the conditions within 14 days from the date of the notice.

  1. The notice required by the section shalll be certified or registered mail to the last known address, or by hand delivery by the Sheriff of the County, his deputy, the county sanitation office or the designee of the County Administrator, to the owner of the property and to the person primarily responsible for such property, if different from the owner and if known, The notice shall be substantially in the following form:


| aT:

To: Address of property Responsible Party

Tax Map Number

Pursuant to Code of Virginia §15.2-802 of the Ordinances of Russell County, Virginia, you are hereby notified to remove, within 14 days after the date of this notice, all trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, in particular (describe the conditions). Upon your failure to remove the same, the county’s agents or employees may remove such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other substances that endanger the health or safety of other residents of the county, and the cost and expenses of such removal shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected and shall constitute a lien on the property.

(0) If the property is not cleaned up after receiving the notice required in subsection (b) of this section, the Board of Supervisors may have such trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other like substances that might endanger the health of other residents of the county removed by the county’s own agents and employees, in which event the cost and expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the



owners of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected.

(d) Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner and lien holder of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with lien for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Code of Virginia, §§ 58.1-3940 et seq. and 58.1-3965 et seq.

(e) Trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other debris shall be disposed of in personally owned or privately owned receptacles that are provided for such use and for the use of the persons and disposing such matter or in authorized facilities provided for such purpose, and in no other manner not authorized by law.

§ 17.2-205. Dumping Trash on Highway, Right-Of-Way or Private Property.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dump or otherwise dispose of trash, garbage, refuse, litter or other unsightly matter, on public property, including a public highway, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of- way, or on private property without the written consent of the owner thereof or his agent.

(b) When any persons is arrested for a violation of this section, and the matter alleged to have been illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected from a motor vehicle or transported to the disposal site in a motor vehicle, the arresting officer may comply with the provisions of Code of Virginia, §46.2-936, in making such arrest.

© When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected or removed from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting or disposing of such matter. However, such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence.

(d) Any person who violates this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by confinement in jail for not more than twelve (12) months and a fine of not less than $250.00 nor more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the lawful disposal of such matter in landfills, the county transfer station or county convenience stations.

(f) The Commonwealth Attorney of Russell County, Virginia or his designee shall be responsible for all prosecutions under this section.

‘owners of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected.

(a) Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner and lien holder of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a parity with lien for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided in Code of Virginia, § 58.1-3940 et seq, and 58.1-3965 et seq.

(e) Trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other debris shall be disposed of in personally ‘owned or privately owned receptacles that are provided for such use and for the use of the persons and disposing such matter or in authorized facilities provided for such purpose, and in no other manner not authorized by law.

§ 17.2-205. Dumping Trash on Highway, Right-Of-Way or Private Property.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dump or otherwise dispose of trash, garbage, refuse, litter or other unsightly matter, on public property, including a public highway, right-of-way, property adjacent to such highway or right-of- way, or on private property without the written consent of the owner thereof or his agent.

(b) When any persons is arrested for a violation of this section, and the matter alleged to have been illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected from a motor vehicle or transported to the disposal site in a motor vehicle, the arresting officer may comply with the provisions of Code of Virginia, §46.2-936, in making such arrest.

(©) When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter illegally dumped or disposed of has been ejected or removed from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting or disposing of such matter. However, such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence.

(d) Any person who violates this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by confinement in jail for not more than twelve (12) months and a fine of not less than $250.00 nor more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(e) The provisions of this section shalll not apply to the lawful disposal of such matter in landfills, the county transfer station or county convenience stations.

(f) The Commonwealth Attorney of Russell County, Virginia or his designee shall be responsible for all prosecutions under this section.

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§17.2-206. Penalties.

The authorized punishments for a conviction of a misdemeanor are:

(a) For Class 1 misdemeanors, confinement in jail for not more than twelve months and a fine of not more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(b) For Class 2 misdemeanors, confinement in jail for not more than six months and fine of not more than $1,000.00, either or both.

© For Class 3 misdemeanors, a fine of not more than $500.00. (d) For Class 4 misdemeanors, a fine of not more than $250.00.

§17.2-207. Effective Date of Ordinance.

This ordinance shall be effective on the ____ day of ___________, 2018. The County Administrator is directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the General District Court of Russell County and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County.

Adopted this the _____ day of __________, 2018.

§17.2-206. Penalties. The authorized punishments for a conviction of a misdemeanor are:

(a) For Class 1 misdemeanors, confinement in jail for not more than twelve months and a fine of not more than $2,500.00, either or both.

(b) For Class 2 misdemeanors, confinement in jail for not more than six months and fine of not more than $1,000.00, either or both.

(0) For Class 3 misdemeanors, a fine of not more than $500.00.

(d) For Class 4 misdemeanors, a fine of not more than $250.00.

§17.2-207. Effective Date of Ordinance.

  1. The County Administrator is directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the General District Court of Russell County and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County.

This ordinance shall be effective on the day of

Adopted this the day of 2018.


By Laws Russell County
• Adopted May 5, 2014

Article I Russell County Board of Supervisors, Officers & Their Selection A. There shall be seven (7) members of the Board of Supervisors, six (6) elected for four-year terms by citizen vote of each of the six (6) Districts of Russell County and one (1) member elected at-large by the entire County for four years.

B. The Officers of the Board of Supervisors shall consist of a Chairman and Vice Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

C. Nomination of Officers shall be made from the Board at the first meeting of each calendar year. Election of Officers shall follow immediately.

D. A standing Budget/Finance Committee shall be appointed by the newly elected Board Chairman. This committee shall consist of two (2) Board members and two (2) staff members.

Article II Duties of Officers A. The Chairman shall:
(1) Preside at all meetings;
(2) Work closely with the County Administrator on day to day matters, approve appropriate financial documents, and approve the agenda for all meetings; (3) Carry out such other duties as assigned by the Board.

B. The Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence or inability of the Chairman to act.

C. The Budget/Finance Committee shall be responsible for preparation of the annual County budget and for presentation during a regular or special Board meeting before a vote is taken on the Budget each year. Other financial matters shall be considered by this committee before presentation to the full Board.

Article III Agenda Preparation Policy A. The County Administrator shall prepare an agenda for each regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors, staff, and others may submit to the County Administrator items for the agenda at any time prior to Noon Wednesday of the week preceding the regular meeting to which such item relates. Emergency items will be added as an amendment to the agenda.

B. Copies of the agenda shall be made available electronically for each Supervisor by close of business on Tuesday prior to the Board meeting and an agenda complete with a packet of materials for the Board members and News Media serving the County and the public not later than close of business on Thursday preceding the meeting to which it relates.

By Laws

Russell County « Adopted May 5, 2014

Article I

Russell County Board of Supervisors, Officers & Their Selection

A. There shall be seven (7) members of the Board of Supervisors, six (6) elected for four-year terms by citizen vote of each of the six (6) Districts of Russell County and one (1) member elected at-large by the entire County for four years.

B. The Officers of the Board of Supervisors shall consist of a Chairman and Vice Chairman, each of whom shall serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

C. Nomination of Officers shall be made from the Board at the first meeting of each calendar year. Election of Officers shall follow immediately.

D. A standing Budget/Finance Committee shall be appointed by the newly elected Board Chairman. This committee shall consist of two (2) Board members and two (2) staff members.

Article IT

Duties of Officers

‘A. The Chairman shall:

(1) Preside at all meetings;

(2) Work closely with the County Administrator on day to day matters, approve appropriate financial documents, and approve the agenda for all meetings;

(3) Carry out such other duties as assigned by the Board

B. The Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence or inability of the Chairman to act.

C. The Budget/Finance Committee shall be responsible for preparation of the annual County budget and for presentation during a regular or special Board meeting before a vote is taken on the Budget each year. Other financial matters shalll be considered by this committee before presentation to the full Board.

Article IIT

Agenda Preparation Policy

‘A. The County Administrator shall prepare an agenda for each regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors, staff, and others may submit to the County Administrator items for the agenda at any time prior to Noon Wednesday of the week preceding the regular meeting to which such item relates. Emergency items will be added as an amendment to the agenda.

B. Copies of the agenda shall be made available electronically for each Supervisor by close of business on Tuesday prior to the Board meeting and an agenda complete with a packet of materials for the Board members and News Media serving the County and the public not later than close of business on Thursday preceding the meeting to which it relates.

Article IV Meetings A. The time and place of Board Meetings shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board in conformance with State Law. The regular meeting schedule shall be set at the organizational meeting held in January each year.

B. Minutes from the previous meeting shall be delivered to the Board members with the agenda prior to the next meeting. Unless requested by a Board member, the minutes will not be read and will be approved upon motion and vote of the Board.

C. Order of Business (1) Commencement of Meetings:
At the time established in accordance with Article IV (A) of these By-Laws for the commencement of regular meetings or at the hour specified for continued or special meetings, the Chairman shall call the meeting to order and shall direct the clerk to note the absence of any Board members by roll call. A quorum shall be required for commencement of any meeting.

(2) Agenda:
An agenda shall be prepared by the County Administrator in accordance with Article III under these By-laws. The proposed agenda shall be adopted by the Board at each meeting. The agenda will include under New Business “Reports from Designated Standing Committees”. Should the chairman or any member of the Board have a matter which he or she feels needs to be brought to the attention of the Board but which is not on the agenda, or if there is an amendment to the order of the agenda, he or she may make a motion that an addition or amendment be made to the agenda. Such amended agenda must be approved by a majority of the Board members present.

D. Presentations: Matters to be presented to the Board may be arranged by persons prior to the meetings and placed on the Agenda. The County Administrator must be notified by Wednesday of the week prior to the Board meeting. Any materials to be used for the presentation must be provided and included in agenda packet. Additional materials presented at the Board meeting must be approved by the Chairman prior to dissemination. These presentations are strongly encouraged to be limited to five (5) minutes and when four (4) minutes has elapsed, the Chairman may instruct the speaker that one (1) minute is remaining.

E. Quorum & Method of Voting A majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. All questions submitted to the Board for decision shall be determined by voice vote of a majority of the supervisors voting on any such questions, unless otherwise provided by law. The name of each member voting and how he or she voted must be recorded. Roll Call votes may be requested by any Board member.

F. Procedure for Roll Call of Board Members (1) The Members of the Board of Supervisors shall cast votes in district order on a rotating basis per meeting.
(2) The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall cast the last vote. (3) The Chairman/Clerk shall restate all motions before a vote is taken and the result of the

Article IV


A. The time and place of Board Meetings shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board in conformance with State Law. The regular meeting schedule shall be set at the organizational meeting held in January each year.

B. Minutes from the previous meeting shall be delivered to the Board members with the agenda prior to the next meeting. Unless requested by a Board member, the minutes will not be read and will be approved upon motion and vote of the Board.

C. Order of Business

(1) Commencement of Meetings:

At the time established in accordance with Article IV (A) of these By-Laws for the commencement of regular meetings or at the hour specified for continued or special meetings, the Chairman shall call the meeting to order and shall direct the clerk to note the absence of any Board members by roll call. A quorum shall be required for commencement of any meeting.

(2) Agenda:

‘An agenda shall be prepared by the County Administrator in accordance with Article III under these By-laws. The proposed agenda shall be adopted by the Board at each meeting. The agenda will include under New Business “Reports from Designated Standing Committees”. Should the chairman or any member of the Board have a matter which he or she feels needs to be brought to the attention of the Board but which is not on the agenda, or if there is an amendment to the order of the agenda, he or she may make a motion that an addition or amendment be made to the agenda. Such amended agenda must be approved by a majority of the Board members present.

D. Presentations: Matters to be presented to the Board may be arranged by persons prior to the meetings and placed on the Agenda. The County Administrator must be notified by Wednesday of the week prior to the Board meeting. Any materials to be used for the presentation must be provided and included in agenda packet. Additional materials presented at the Board meeting must be approved by the Chairman prior to dissemination. These presentations are strongly encouraged to be limited to five (5) minutes and when four (4) minutes has elapsed, the Chairman may instruct the speaker that one (1) minute is remaining.

E. Quorum & Method of Voting

A majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors shall constitute a quorum of the Board. All questions submitted to the Board for decision shall be determined by voice vote of a majority of the supervisors voting on any such questions, unless otherwise provided by law. The name of each member voting and how he or she voted must be recorded. Roll Call votes may be requested by any Board member.

F. Procedure for Roll Call of Board Members (1) The Members of the Board of Supervisors shall cast votes in district order on a rotating basis per meeting.

(2) The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall cast the last vote.

(3) The Chairman/Clerk shall restate all motions before a vote is taken and the result of the

vote shall be announced following each vote.

G. General Rules of Procedure The Board’s Parliamentary Procedures shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th edition, specifically to include Section 49, Conduct of Business in Boards, pages 486 – 488, in all matters not covered by the Board’s bylaws, to the extent compatible with law and the historical practices of the Board. The County Attorney, or his or her designee, shall act as Parliamentarian to the Board. Any questions involving the interpretation or application of Robert’s Rules shall be addressed to the County Attorney. The Board may amend, by Resolution, the rules as it deems appropriate. The following rules shall apply:

(1) Members are not required to obtain the floor before making motions or speaking, which they can do while seated.

(2) All motions require a second except for nominations for appointments to other boards, authorities or commissions.

(3) There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a question, and motions to close or limit debate generally should not be entertained.

(4) Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is pending.

(5) The Chairman can speak in discussion without leaving the chair, can vote on all questions, but cannot make motions unless by consent of a majority of Board members present.

(6) No Board member is required to vote on any issue. If any Board member determines, prior to the calling of any issue before the Board, that he, because of conflict or otherwise, will abstain from voting on such issue, he shall announce such intention at the time the issue comes before the Board and shall not participate in the discussion on such issue or question. An abstention shall be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. An abstention defeats a motion requiring a unanimous vote.

(7) In the incidence of a tie vote, the issue voted upon by the Board is dead and therefore voted down.

(8) If a primary or substitute motion is made at a Board meeting where at least six (6) members are present and the motion is voted on and fails, the same or a substantively similar motion cannot be reconsidered by the Board within the following twelve (12) months except by a primary or substitute motion made by a member of the Board who voted on the prevailing side where there are no less than six (6) Board members present, and only if two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present vote to reconsider the action previously decided.

(9) Only Board members and the Parliamentarian shall have standing to raise noncompliance with these General Rules of Procedure, and only during the current meeting at the time of violation. Failure of the Board to comply with these General Rules of Procedure shall not invalidate any action taken by the Board.

H. Member Absenting Himself from Meeting Prior to Adjournment After the name of any member of the Board has been recorded as present at any meeting of the Board, he shall not absent himself from the remainder of the meeting prior to adjournment unless by consent of the Board.

vote shall be announced following each vote.

G. General Rules of Procedure

The Board’s Parliamentary Procedures shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th edition, specifically to include Section 49, Conduct of Business in Boards, pages 486 - 488, in all matters not covered by the Board’s bylaws, to the extent compatible with law and the historical practices of the Board. The County Attorney, or his or her designee, shall act as Parliamentarian to the Board. Any questions involving the interpretation or application of Robert’s Rules shall be addressed to the County Attorney. The Board may amend, by Resolution, the rules as it deems appropriate. The following rules shall apply:

(1) Members are not required to obtain the floor before making motions or speaking, which they can do while seated.

(2) All motions require a second except for nominations for appointments to other boards, authorities or commissions.

(3) There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a question, and motions to close or limit debate generally should not be entertained.

(4) Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is pending.

(5) The Chairman can speak in discussion without leaving the chair, can vote on all questions, but cannot make motions unless by consent of a majority of Board members present.

(6) No Board member is required to vote on any issue. If any Board member determines, Prior to the calling of any issue before the Board, that he, because of conflict or otherwise, will abstain from voting on such issue, he shall announce such intention at the time the issue comes before the Board and shall not participate in the discussion on such issue or question. An abstention shall be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. An abstention defeats a motion requiring a unanimous vote.

(7) In the incidence of a tie vote, the issue voted upon by the Board is dead and therefore voted down.

(8) Ifa primary or substitute motion is made at a Board meeting where at least six (6) members are present and the motion is voted on and fails, the same or a substantively similar motion cannot be reconsidered by the Board within the following twelve (12) months ‘except by a primary or substitute motion made by a member of the Board who voted on the prevailing side where there are no less than six (6) Board members present, and only if ‘two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present vote to reconsider the action previously decided.

(9) Only Board members and the Parliamentarian shall have standing to raise noncompliance with these General Rules of Procedure, and only during the current meeting at the time of violation. Failure of the Board to comply with these General Rules of Procedure shall not invalidate any action taken by the Board.

H. Member Absenting Himself from Meeting Prior to Adjournment

After the name of any member of the Board has been recorded as present at any meeting of the Board, he shall not absent himself from the remainder of the meeting prior to adjournment unless by consent of the Board.

I. Board to Sit with Open Doors The Board of Supervisors shall sit with open doors and all persons conducting themselves in an orderly manner may attend the meetings; however, the Board may hold closed sessions as permitted by law and when deemed necessary by a majority vote of the Board.

A consent agenda shall be introduced by a motion “to approve” by any Board member, and shall be considered by the Board as a single item. There shall be no debate or discussion by any member of the Board regarding any item on the consent agenda. The Clerk or his/her designee shall provide a brief written summary or memo on each item included in the consent agenda. Upon request of any Board member who wishes to question or discuss an item, that item shall be removed from the Consent Agenda. This item shall be transferred onto the agenda for consideration.

J. Citizens Comment Period
Rules for Citizen Comment Period To ensure that the affairs of the Board and its committees may be conducted in an orderly manner, to ensure that all persons desiring to address the Board on matters pertinent to it are afforded an opportunity to do so, to permit persons in attendance to observe and hear the proceedings of the Board without distraction, and to permit to the fullest extent the Board to conduct County business with minimal disruption, the following rules are established.

(1) Each person desiring to speak during the Citizens’ Comment period on the agenda must provide name and address prior to their comments.

(2) Each speaker is strongly encouraged to limit remarks to a period of three (3) minutes per comment period; when two (2) minutes have passed the speaker may be reminded that there is one (1) minute remaining.

(3) Speakers may not donate their time to other speakers.

(4) Speakers will not be permitted to use audiovisual materials or other visual displays, but may present written and photographic materials to the Board members.

(5) Comments must be confined to matters germane to the business of the Board of Supervisors and shall not be cumulative or repetitive.

(6) Speakers should address the Board with decorum – loud, boisterous, and disruptive behavior, obscenity, and vulgarity should be avoided as well as other words or acts tending to evoke violence or deemed to be a breach of the peace.

(7) The Citizens’ Comment period is not intended to be a question and answer period or time for dialogue with County officials. Questions which are raised during a comment period may at the discretion of the Board be responded to by County officials after sufficient time for appropriate investigation.

(8) Speakers shall remain at the podium while addressing the Board.

(9) Speakers shall not be interrupted by audience comments, calls/whistles, laughter, or other gestures. Individuals in the audience who do not abide by this policy after a warning will be asked to leave the meeting.

I. Board to Sit with Open Doors

The Board of Supervisors shall sit with open doors and all persons conducting themselves in an orderly manner may attend the meetings; however, the Board may hold closed sessions as permitted by law and when deemed necessary by a majority vote of the Board.

‘A consent agenda shall be introduced by a motion “to approve” by any Board member, and shall be considered by the Board as a single item. There shall be no debate or discussion by any member of the Board regarding any item on the consent agenda. The Clerk or his/her designee shall provide a brief written summary or memo on each item included in the consent agenda. Upon request of any Board member who wishes to question or discuss an item, that item shall be removed from the Consent Agenda. This item shall be transferred onto the agenda for consideration.

J. Citizens Comment Period

Rules for Citizen Comment Period

To ensure that the affairs of the Board and its committees may be conducted in an orderly manner, to ensure that all persons desiring to address the Board on matters pertinent to it are afforded an opportunity to do so, to permit persons in attendance to observe and hear the proceedings of the Board without distraction, and to permit to the fullest extent the Board to conduct County business with minimal disruption, the following rules are established.

(1) Each person desiring to speak during the Citizens’ Comment period on the agenda must provide name and address prior to their comments.

(2) Each speaker is strongly encouraged to limit remarks to a period of three (3) minutes per comment period; when two (2) minutes have passed the speaker may be reminded that there is one (1) minute remaining.

(3) Speakers may not donate their time to other speakers.

(4) Speakers will not be permitted to use audiovisual materials or other visual displays, but may present written and photographic materials to the Board members.

(5) Comments must be confined to matters germane to the business of the Board of Supervisors and shall not be cumulative or repetitive.

(6) Speakers should address the Board with decorum - loud, boisterous, and disruptive behavior, obscenity, and vulgarity should be avoided as well as other words or acts tending to evoke violence or deemed to be a breach of the peace.

(7) The Citizens’ Comment period is not intended to be a question and answer period or time for dialogue with County officials. Questions which are raised during a comment period may at the discretion of the Board be responded to by County officials after sufficient time for appropriate investigation.

(8) Speakers shall remain at the podium while addressing the Board. (9) Speakers shall not be interrupted by audience comments, calls/whistles, laughter, or

other gestures. Individuals in the audience who do not abide by this policy after a warning will be asked to leave the meeting

(10) Expressive activities including, but not limited to, petitioning, picketing, displaying signs and posters, solicitation, demonstrating, pamphlet distribution, and conducting polls shall not be permitted within the Governmental Center Building or in any other building that the Board is meeting.

These rules do not preclude persons from delivering to the Board or its Clerk written materials including reports, statements, exhibits, letters, or signed petitions or to prohibit persons from presenting oral or written comments on any subject germane to the business of the Board to individual Board members or to the Board through its Clerk outside the context of the public meeting.

K. Agenda Item Procedure The following guidelines shall be followed for comment addressed to specific agenda items:

(1) In order to prevent obvious questions from consuming Board Meeting time, the Chairman and/or designated person(s) will advise the speaker if a matter is to be considered during some other time during the meeting.

Article V
Procedure for Dealing with Items Not on the Agenda A. All matters not on the agenda must be raised during citizens comment period. Any matter not on the agenda shall not be considered unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

B. For any special meeting, the business to be discussed shall be stated in the call for such meeting. The Chairman or Administrator shall prepare a written agenda listing all items to be considered for every special meeting. No other business shall be discussed or acted upon unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

Article VI Public Hearings A. All public hearings will be advertised in accordance with the Virginia Code. Public hearings may be postponed, continued or canceled at the discretion of the Board.

B. In addition to those required by law, the Board at its discretion may hold public hearings when it decides that a hearing will be in the public interest.

C. The case before the Board shall be summarized by the Chairman or designated person(s). If there is expected to be many speakers on the issue, interested parties wishing to speak must sign the register at the rear of the room prior to the start of the hearing. Each person wishing to speak will be called to the podium by the Chairman or designated person(s) in the order such person signed the register and must state his or her name and address for the record. Generally, each citizen should be provided an opportunity to speak.
Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes, unless waived by the Board.

D. Board Members shall limit their comments in public hearings to insure participation by the public without Board interference.

(10) Expressive activities including, but not limited to, petitioning, picketing, displaying signs and posters, solicitation, demonstrating, pamphlet distribution, and conducting polls shall not be permitted within the Governmental Center Building or in any other building that the Board is meeting.

These rules do not preclude persons from delivering to the Board or its Clerk written materials including reports, statements, exhibits, letters, or signed petitions or to prohibit persons from presenting oral or written comments on any subject germane to the business of the Board to individual Board members or to the Board through its Clerk outside the context of the public meeting.

K. Agenda Item Procedure The following guidelines shall be followed for comment addressed to specific agenda items:

(1) In order to prevent obvious questions from consuming Board Meeting time, the Chairman and/or designated person(s) will advise the speaker if a matter is to be considered during some other time during the meeting.

Article V

Procedure for Dealing with Items Not on the Agenda

A. All matters not on the agenda must be raised during citizens comment period. Any matter not on the agenda shall not be considered unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

B. For any special meeting, the business to be discussed shall be stated in the call for such meeting. The Chairman or Administrator shall prepare a written agenda listing all items to be considered for every special meeting. No other business shall be discussed or acted upon unless approved for consideration by the majority of the Board present in accordance with Article IV, C (2).

Article VI

Public Hearings A. All public hearings will be advertised in accordance with the Virginia Code. Public hearings may be postponed, continued or canceled at the discretion of the Board.

B. In addition to those required by law, the Board at its discretion may hold public hearings when it decides that a hearing will be in the public interest.

C. The case before the Board shall be summarized by the Chairman or designated person(s). If there is expected to be many speakers on the issue, interested parties wishing to speak must sign the register at the rear of the room prior to the start of the hearing. Each person wishing to speak will be called to the podium by the Chairman or designated person(s) in the order such person signed the register and must state his or her name and address for the record. Generally, each citizen should be provided an opportunity to speak. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes, unless waived by the Board.

D. Board Members shall limit their comments in public hearings to insure participation by the public without Board interference.

Article VII Appointment of Committees Appointments to committees of the Board may be made by the Chairman. Appointments to other authorities, boards, and commissions, shall be made only by member motion adopted by a majority of the full Board. Prior to consideration of the nomination, the nominee shall be notified to determine his or her willingness to serve and to determine if he or she meets the qualifications for such appointment.

Article VIII Duties of the County Administrator The County Administrator shall:

A. Prepare the agenda for each meeting for approval in conformance with the agenda preparation procedure outlined in these bylaws.

B. Keep a written record of all business transacted by the Board.

C. Administer the financial control procedures of the County.

D. Advise and inform the Board on all matters affecting County government.

E. Execute all formal documents authorized by the Board of Supervisors.

F. Provide and supervise all staff services directly under the control of the Board of Supervisors.

G. The County Administrator shall be responsible for all personnel management of the County. Department Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors or Managers will be hired and dismissed with the consent of a majority of the Board of Supervisors.

H. Prepare an annual operating budget for the County government in accordance with guidelines established by the State auditor’s office for approval by the Board of Supervisors. He shall be responsible for maintaining adequate financial and accounting records on all County business under his control.

I. Serve as the Board’s representative in all circumstances where the Chairman, Vice Chairman, or a majority of the Board Members are not available.

J. Perform all other duties delegated by the Board as required by law.

Article IX Amendments A. The Bylaws may be amended by a recorded majority vote of the entire membership of the Board provided that written notice has been given to all members of the Board and a copy of the proposed amendment is sent with the notice, prior to said meeting.

Article VII

Appointment of Committees

Appointments to committees of the Board may be made by the Chairman. Appointments to other authorities, boards, and commissions, shall be made only by member motion adopted by a majority of the full Board. Prior to consideration of the nomination, the nominee shall be notified to determine his or her willingness to serve and to determine if he or she meets the qualifications for such appointment.

Article VIII Duties of the County Administrator The County Administrator shall:

A. Prepare the agenda for each meeting for approval in conformance with the agenda preparation procedure outlined in these bylaws.

B. Keep a written record of all business transacted by the Board.

C. Administer the financial control procedures of the County.

D. Advise and inform the Board on all matters affecting County government. E. Execute all formal documents authorized by the Board of Supervisors.

F. Provide and supervise all staff services directly under the control of the Board of Supervisors.

G. The County Administrator shall be responsible for all personnel management of the County. Department Directors, Coordinators, Supervisors or Managers will be hired and dismissed with the consent of a majority of the Board of Supervisors.

H. Prepare an annual operating budget for the County government in accordance with guidelines established by the State auditor’s office for approval by the Board of Supervisors. He shall be responsible for maintaining adequate financial and accounting records on all County business under his control.

I. Serve as the Board’s representative in all circumstances where the Chairman, Vice Chairman, or a majority of the Board Members are not available.

J. Perform all other duties delegated by the Board as required by law.

Article IX


A. The Bylaws may be amended by a recorded majority vote of the entire membership of the Board provided that written notice has been given to all members of the Board and a copy of the proposed amendment is sent with the notice, prior to said meeting.

B. The Bylaws may be suspended in whole or in part only upon the unanimous vote of Board members present, relating to any matter before it.

B. The Bylaws may be suspended in whole or in part only upon the unanimous vote of Board members present, relating to any matter before it.

Board of Supervisors Action Item D-1 – D-7 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

County Administrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for February 2019:


  1. 2019 Rural Caucus & VACo County Government Day…………………………….D-1

  2. CPRWMA FY18 Financial Audit………………………………………………………D-2

  3. CIFA/VDOT/SVCC Smart Scale Training…………………………………………….D-3

  4. Elk Garden School………………………………………………………………………D-4

  5. Swords Creek Community Center……………………………………………………D-5

  6. Authorization to Award County’s IT Service Contract. ……………….…………D-6

  7. Authorization of Travel Requests…….………………………………………………D-7

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.


• Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011 Board of Supervisors Action Item D-1 - D-7

137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266

Meeting: 2/4/19 6:00 PM

County Administrator Reports & Requests

The County Administrator Reports & Request for February 2019: REPORTS

  1. 2019 Rural Caucus & VACo County Government Day.

  2. CPRWMA FY18 Financial Audit.

  3. CIFA/VDOT/SVCC Smart Scale Training.

  4. Elk Garden School.

  5. Swords Creek Community Center.


  1. Authorization to Award County’s IT Service Contract.

  2. Authorization of Travel Requests…

STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.

SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.


  • Various

Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011 www.

City State Zip Code

*** Registration deadline is January 18, 2019 ***

VACo and the Center for Rural Virginia

2019 Rural Caucus Reception

Wednesday, January 30th | Omni Richmond Hotel | 5:30 to 8:00 pm

                                     REGISTRATION FORM                                     *** Registration closes January 18 *** 
                                      $60 per person     Room block at the Omni Richmond closes January 11 

The 2019 Rural Caucus Reception is an evening of collaboration and discussion on the issues that impact rural Virginia. Attendees acquire a healthy understanding of matters affecting rural Virginia and their possible solutions as well as make personal connections across the region. Registration fee includes two drink tickets; heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served.

    Name ____________________________________ Title ________________________________________ 

Name ____________________________________ Title ________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Title ________________________________________

County or Organization __________________________________________________________________

Mailing address ________________________________________________________________________

Contact Phone _______________________________ Email ___________________________________

My guest’s name is _______________________________________________ (Add $60)
Leave blank if no guest.

Total enclosed __________________ ($60 per person) Make checks payable to: Virginia Association of Counties or VACo.

CHARGE: ______VISA ______ American Express ______ MasterCard ______ Discover

Card number_____________________________________________________ Expiration date ________ _______ MONTH YEAR Print cardholder’s name as it appears on the card ______________________________________________________

Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________________

Email for credit card receipt if different from above ______________________________________________________

Register today by faxing this completed form with credit card information to 804.788.0083 or mail with a check to: Virginia Association of Counties, 1207 East Main Street, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23219.

Hotel Information
Officials can stay overnight at the Omni Richmond Hotel with special rates from $147. For reservations, call 1.800.THE.OMNI by January 11, 2019 with the following code: VACo County Government Day or make reservations online at this Omni Richmond Hotel link.

Refund Policy
Requests for registration refunds are honored if received by 10 a.m. on January 18, 2019. However, substitutions are accepted at any time. For questions, please call VACo at 804.788.6652. XO 7 Virginia Association of Counties VACo and the Center for Rural Virginia

2019 Rural Caucus Reception Wednesday, January 30" | Omni Richmond Hotel | 5:30 to 8:00 pm


** Registration closes January 18 *** $60 per person Room block at the Omni Richmond closes January 11

The 2019 Rural Caucus Reception is an evening of collaboration and discussion on the issues that impact rural Virginia. Attendees acquire a healthy understanding of matters affecting rural Virginia and their possible solutions as well as make personal connections across the region. Registration fee includes two drink tickets; heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served.

Name Title Name Title Name Title County or Organization

Mailing address

State Zip Code Contact Phone Email My guest’s name is (Add $60) Teave blank ino guest. Total enclosed ($60 per person)

Make checks payable to: Virginia Association of Counties or VACo. CHARGE: visa ‘American Express MasterCard Discover Card number Expiration date

Print cardholder’s name as it appears on the card

Authorized Signature

Email for credit card receipt if tferent from above.

Register today by faxing this completed form with credit card information to 804.788.0083 or mail with a check to: Virginia Association of Counties, 1207 East Main Street, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23219.

Hotel Information

Officials can stay overnight at the Omni Richmond Hotel with special rates from $147. For reservations, call

1.800.THE.OMNI by January 11, 2019 with the following code: VACo County Government Day or make reservations online at this ‘Omni Richmond Hotel lnk

Refund Policy Requests for registration refunds are honored if received by 10 a.m. on January 18, 2019. However, substitutions are accepted at any time. For questions, please call VACo at 804.788.6652

*** Registration deadline is January 18, 2019 ***





CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Certified Public Accountants CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS P. 0. Box 505, Lebanon, VA 24266 (276) 889-3103






‘Table of Contents

Financial Secti

Independent Auditors’ Report on Financial Statements .

Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Governmental

Auditing Standards…

Basic Financial Statements:

Statement of Net Position…

Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Assets…

Statement of Cash Flows…

Notes to Financial Statements…


& COMPANY, P.C. Certified Public Accountants

Rona C. Bostic, CPA P.O. Box 505, Lebanon, VA 24266 GREGonY D. TucKER, CPA (276) 889-3103. Fax: (276) 889-0229


‘The Board of Directors of the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Lebanon, Virginia

Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate semaining fund information of the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority as of June 30, 2018; and the related notes to the financial statements, Which collectively comprise the Authority’s basic financial statements as listed in the Table of Contents.

‘Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free fiom material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit, We condueted cour audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and the Specifications for Audits of Authorities, Boards, and Commissions issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing proceduces to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fiaud or etror. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers intemal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s intemal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

‘We belicve that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions.


Jn our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly in all material respocts, the respective financial position of the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority, as of June / 30, 2018, and the respective changes in financial position, and, where applicable, cash flows thereof for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Other Matters Required Supplementary Information

“Management has omitted the Manegement’s Discussion and Analysis that accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require to be presented to supplement the besic financial statements, Such missing information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it fo be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context, Our opinion on the basic financial statements is not affected by this missing information.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued a report dated November20, 2018, on our consideration of the Cumberland Plateas Waste Management Authority’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisiotis of laws, regulations, contracts and grants agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide ‘an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an intogral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the Cumberland Plateau Waste Management Authority’s internal control over financial reporting, and compliance.

Baty Taken & Conpery, PC

November20, 2018 Lebanon, Virginia


& COMPANY, P.C. Certified Public Accountants

RONALD C, Bostic, CPA P.O, Box 505, Lebanon, VA 24266 GREGORY D. TUCKER, CPA (276) 889-3103 Fax: (276) 889-0229


AUDITING STANDARDS | ‘The Board of Directors of the ‘Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority i Lebanon, Virginia

We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and the Specifications for Audits of Authorities, Boards, and Commissions issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the accompanying statement of net position of the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management ‘Authority, as of anil for the year ended une 30; 2018, aid the felated statements of revents, expenditures, ‘and changes in net position and cash flows for the year then ended, which collectively comprise the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority’s basic financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated November 20, 2018.

Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Tn planning and performing our audit of the financial stafoments, we considered the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority’s internal control over financial reporting (intemal control) to | determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our

opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion of the effectiveness of the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority’s intemal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority’s internal control.

‘A deficiency in internat control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management cor employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in intemal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough fo merit attention by those charged with governance, |

Our consideration of intemal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in intemal control that might be material ‘wealmesses of, significant deficiencies, Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in intemal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses

may exist that have not been identified,

Compliance and Other Matters

‘As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whethor the Cumberland Platean Regional Waste Management Authority’s financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts

‘However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.

Purpose of this Report

‘The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s intemal control or on compliance, This report is an integral part of an andit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the organization’s internal control and compliance. ‘Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose.

Leet, Taker & Capag, FE Novernber 20, 2018 ‘Lebanon, Virginia

ial Waste Management Authority

Statement of Net Position At June 30, 2018 ASSETS AND. OUTELOWS, SOURCES Current Assets ‘Cash and cash equivatents

‘Accounts receivable ~ net ‘Accounis receivable ~ infergovernmental Prepaid expenses

‘Total Current Assets

Restricted Assets: Cash,

Capital Assets Capital assets, non-depreciable Capital assets, depreciable, net

‘Total Capital Assets

‘Total Assets

Deferred Qutflows of Resources Deferred interest charges

‘Total Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources


Current Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued interest payable Bonds and notes payable

‘Total Current Lia

Long Term Lisbilities Bonds and notes payable Total Long-Term Liabilities

‘Total Liabilities Net Position Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted for other purposes Unrestricted Total Net Position

‘Total Liabilities and Net Position

Exhibit 1


$437,567“ 258,057

13,394 709,018


1,765,771. T1657"




3 154,982 753

one B23473





1,507,617 22,875 $54,005 2,084,497

$2,498,386 /

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Exhil Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Not Position

For Year Ended June 30, 2018 Amount Operating Revenues: . Management fees $475,009 ‘Tipping fees 1,548,999 ‘Waste tire reimbursement 38,692, Miscellaneous income 10,904 i Total Operating Revenues 2,073,603 y~ H Operating Expenses: Disposal costs 1,599,868 Station fees and permits 18,108 ‘Administrative and personnel services 206,658 Fuel costs 14369 Repairs and maintenance 92,239 Contracted services 1,000 Uiilities 16,008 Supplies 5,576 ‘Telephone and pager 2,667 Insurance 13,642 Travel 215 Legal and accounting 3,858 ‘Advertising 1387 Miscellaneous expenses 2,322 ‘Meeting expenses 97 Depreciation and amortization 240,097 / Total Operating Expenses 2.219045 Net Operating income (45,402) / ther Non-Operating Revenue (Lxpenses) Interest income 1,036 Bond issuance costs - Gain on sale of fixed assels - Interest expense 0,480) Total Other Non-Operating Revenue (Expenses) (8,444) ‘Change in net position (153,886) ‘Net Position at Beginning of Year 2,238,383 Net Position at End of Year $ 2.084497 “The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement 6 |

Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority Exhibit 3

‘Statement of Cash Flows For Year Ended June 30, 2018 Amount Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Cash received from customers S 2,090,279 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (1,939,311) Cash payments to employees for services and benefits 1,658) ‘Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities 119,310 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Interest income 1,036 Cash Flows From Capital and Related Financing Activities: Purchase of assets - Gain on sate of fixed assets - Principal proceeds/(payments) for loans and bonds (65,145) Tnterest payments on debt . (10,202) ‘Net Cash Used By Capital and Related Financing Activities Change In Cash. Cash At Beginning Of Year

Cash At End of Year

Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities: ‘Net operating income (Loss) S$ (45,442) / Adjustments to reconcile net operating income (Loss) to net cash provided by operating activities:

Depreciation and amortization 240,097. ‘Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Accounts receivable 16,676 /

Prepaid expenses 248

‘Accounts payable LBS

uiggi0 %

Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities

‘The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part ofthis statement



‘The Cumberland Plateau Regional Waste Management Authority was incorporated under the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act of 1973. The Authority operates under a Board of Directors appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the three-member governments: Buchanan, Dickenson, and Russell Counties. The Authority provides waste management for the three- _member governments.

Reporting Entity,

‘The Authority complies with GASB Statement No. 14, The Financial Reporting Entity. The ‘Authority considered all potential component units in determining what organizations should be included in the financial statements. Based on these criteria, there are no component units to include in the Authority’s financial statements.

jaucial Statement Presentation

‘The accompanying financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard-setting body for establishing governmental

accounting and financial reporting principles.


Proprietary Funds account for operations that are financed in a manner similar to private business enterprises. The proprictiry fund measurement focus is upon determination of net income,

financial position, and cash flows. The proprietary fund of the Authority is an Enterprise Fund.

Enterprise Fund accounts for the financing of services to the general public where all ormostofthe ‘operating expenses involved are recovered in the form of charges to users of such services. All

activity of the Authority is accounted for in the Enterprise Fund.

Basis of Accountins

‘The Authority uses the accrual basis of accounting, Under his method revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they are eared, while expenses are recognized in the accounting

period in which the related Liability is incurred.

Budgets and Budgetary Accounting:

“The budget for the Authority is adopted and maintained on the cash basis. /

Cash and Cash Equivalent

For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents are defined as short term highly liquid investments thal are both rapidly convertible to known amounts of cash and

investments with original maturities of 90 days or Jess.






‘The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles include the use of estimates that affect the financial statements. Accordingly, actual results contd differ from these estimates.

Property, Plant, ent

Fixed Assets: Property, plant, and equipment are stated at cost. Expenditures for maintenance, repairs and minorrenewals are charged to expense as incurred; major improvements or betterment, are capitalized, Depreciation is provided over estimated useful lives of the respective assets onthe

straight-line basis are 5 to 30 years.

‘Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources

Tn addition to assets, the statement of net position will sometimes report a separate section for deferred outflows of resources, This separate financial statement element, deferred outflows of resources, represents a consumption of net position that applies to a future period(s) and so will not berecognized as an outflow of resources (expense) until then. The Authority’s deferred outfiow is net bond issue cost of $722

Tnaddition to liabilities, the statement of financial position will sometimes report a separate section for deferred inflows of resources, This separate financial statement element, deferred inflows of resources, represents an acquisition of net position that applies toa future period(s) and so will not be recognized as an inflow of resources (revenue) until that time, The Authority does not have any deferred inflows.

Net Posi

Net position is the difference between (a) assets and deferred outflows of resources and (b) liabilities and deferred inflows of resources. Net investment in capital assets represents capital assets, less accumulated depreciation, less any outstanding debt related to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets, Deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows that are attributable to the acquisition, construction, or improvement of those assets or related debt are also included in this component of net position.

Equity is classified as net position and displayed in three components:

Invested in capital assets, net of related debt ~ Consists of capital assets including restricted capital assots; net of accurmulated depreciation and reduced by the outstanding balances of any bonds, mortgages, notes, or other borrowings that are attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets,


NOTE 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Equity Classifications (Continued) Restricted ~ Consists of nei assets with constraints placed on the use either by (1) external

‘groups such as creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations or other governments; or Q) law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation.

Unrestricted — All other net asscts that do not meet the definition of “restricted” or “invested

in capital assets, net of related debt.”

Long-term Obligations

‘Long-term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as liabilities in the Authority’s balance

sheets. Bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over

the life of the bonds using the effective interest rate method. Bonds payable are reported net of the

applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as deferred outflows and ; amortized over the term of the related debt,



Alll cash of the Authority is maintained in accounts collateralized in accordance with the Virginia Secutity for Public Deposits Act, Section 201-359 et. Seq, of the Code of Virginia or covered by federal depository insurance, Since the Authority does not have any investinents, there is no formal policy concerning the types of investments allowed.

Restricted Cash

Restricted cash consisted of a certificate of deposit required to be held by the Department of Environmental Quality.


‘There has not been an allowance for uncolleetible accounts asall receivables are from the members of the Authority.


‘The Authority is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, self-insured liability plan sponsored by tho state of Virginia for local political subdivisions. ‘The plan provides $1,000,000 coverage against public official liability claims. The Authority also participates ina local government group self-insurance pool. The pool will provide coverage in the areas of general liability, property, business interruption, and employee’s criminal acts. Management believes such coverage is suflicient to preclude any significant uninsured losses to the Authority. Settled claimshave not exceeded coverage in previous fiscal years.





A summary of the changes in fixed assets follows:

Balance Balance

beginning Additions__Retirements_ ending, Buildings 93307325 S ~ Ss = "$3,367,325 Equipment 1,736,187 : = _ 1,736,187 Total cost 3,103,512 = 5,108,512 Accumulated depreciation: Buildings (2,011,772) (412,244) = @,124,016) Equipment 2,086,595) __ (127,130) = (4,213,725) Total accumulated de (3,098,367) __ (239,374) = _ 6,337,741)

Netcapital assets _$ 2,005,145. $ (239,374)/$ $1,765,771

For the current year depreciation expense amounted to $235,202. ~


‘The following is a summary of long-term debt transactions for the year:

Amounts Amounts Amounts

Payable Additional —_-Prinofpal Payable Due within

beginning Borrowings Reduction ending One Year BondyLoans $323,299 = $65,145 $258,154 $67,738 Details of indebtedness:

‘The Authority received a $406,500 loan on Februaty 1, 2016 to purchase equipment. The loan has monthly payments of $6,219. ‘The interest rate is } 3.2%, The balance of the loan at year end was $258,154.


‘Management has evaluated subsequent events through November 20, 2018, the date which the financial statements Were available fo be issued.


Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority (Counties of Buchanan, Tazewell, and Russell)

Local Legislators
Board of Supervisors
Planning Districts & Commissions
Industrial Development Authorities

The Cumberland Industrial Facilities Authority (CFIA), Southwest Virginia Community College (SWCC), and Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is hosting a training session on the SMART SCALE application process and Smart Portal scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2019 from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. at the SWCC Campus Auditorium.

This training will be led by the SMART SCALE team and targeted towards each County’s SMART PORTAL organizational administrator and jurisdiction staff working on SMART SCALE applications. The purpose of SMART SCALE is to fund the right transportation projects through a prioritization process that evaluates each project’s merits using key factors, including: safety improvements, congestion reduction, accessibility, land use, economic development and the environment. The evaluation focuses on the degree to which a project addresses a problem or need relative to the requested funding for the project.

Please plan to attend and invite your staff as appropriate. For planning purposes, please email the list of attendees from your organization by February 8th, 2019 to [email protected].

mailto:Lonzo.Lester Cumberland Industrial Facilities Autho: (Counties of Buchanan, Tazewell, and Russell)


SMART | eo SCALE "is

Local Legislators

Board of Supervisors

Planning Districts & Commissions Industrial Development Authorities

‘The Cumberland Industrial Faci

ies Authority (CFIA), Southwest Virginia Community College (SWC), and Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is hosting a training session on the SMART SCALE application process and Smart Portal scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2019 from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. at ‘the SWCC Campus Auditorium.

This training will be led by the SMART SCALE team and targeted towards each County’s SMART PORTAL organizational administrator and jurisdiction staff working on SMART SCALE applications. The purpose ‘of SMART SCALE is to fund the right transportation projects through a prioritization process that evaluates each project’s merits using key factors, including: safety improvements, congestion reduction, accessibility, land use, economic development and the environment. The evaluation focuses on the degree to which a project addresses a problem or need relative to the requested funding for the project.

Please plan to attend and invite your staff as appropriate. For planning purposes, please email the list of attendees from your organization by February 8", 2019 to [email protected].


LEONARD DAVID A. LEONARD 1780 East Main Street, Box 10 LAND & Pres 276-889-4252

LIVESTOCK 276-889-5655 Fax [email protected]

August 3, 2018

Russell County Board of Supervisors Lonzo Lesier, Adminstrator Rebecca Dye, Chairman, Belfast/Rosedale Tim Lovelace, Vice Chairman, Moccasin Lou Wallace, Castlewood Carl Rhea, Cleveland David Eaton, Honaker Steve Breeding, Lebanon Harry Ferguson, At Large

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Regarding the attached letter to Reverend Sandra Johnson, District Superintendent, Clinch Mountain District Holston Conference, United Methodist Church, | am interested to purchase the former Elk Garden Elementary School property for the purpose of continuing the ministry there.

Thank you for your consideration in granting this request. | look forward to working with you in facilitating the continued future of this much needed community service.


David A-Leonard


Offices: The Shopping Center of Russell County, Lebanon, Vinginia 24266


LEONARD DAVID A. LEONARD 1780 East Main Street, Box 10 LAND & J 276-889-4252 LIVESTOCK President 276-889-5655 Fax leonardeompanies \

March 1, 2018

Rev. Sandra Johnson, District Superintendent Clinch Mountain District Office

P. O. Box 263

Abingdon, VA 24212

Dear Rev. Johnson,

The Elk Garden School opened in 1916 and is a special place for me. My father went to seventh grade there that year, the last year he attended school. My mom taught there many years to send my brother and me to Virginia Tech. My brother and | and his grandchildren went there. Governor Henry C. Stuart and Senator Harry C. Stuart were instrumental in its establishment. If not for Senator Harry C. Stuart and the Elk Garden Methodist Church, | would not have gone to Virginia Tech

The Elk Garden School Ministry is serving hundreds of people with the support of twenty-five churches, twenty organizations and businesses, and scores of volunteers. The future of this ministry will benefit unknown families and individuals.

My understanding is that if The Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church owned the property, the ministry could accomplish even more and improve the property. Improvements such as heating in the cafeteria, plumbing enhancements, and outdoor storage space would greatly enhance the current ministries and allow for future ministries to be developed.

In conversation with Russell County Administrator, Lonzo Lester, we have discussed the possibility of my purchasing the school and 4.5 acres to give to the Conference. | have faith that the Conference would continue and expand the outstanding work progressing here under the leadership of Brooke Atchley.

If this transition takes place, | would like a contract that the ministry would continue for a minimum of ten years and hopefully forever.

David A. /eofard

cc: Rev Brooke Atchley Lonzo Lester, Russell County Administrator

Rebecgy Dyer =o fRus yao es Yor p Spencers Lpairmay and Boarggnembers



276-883-4030 Fax 276-889-2196 e-mail [email protected]

January 4, 2019

Russell County Board of Supervisors 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Re: RCPSA Office Building — 7341 Swords Creek Road Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors:

Per our letter dated October 15, 2018 regarding your interest in acquiring the vacant RCPSA office building, located at 7341 Swords Creek Road, for use as a community center for the Swords Creek area, the Russell County Public Service Authority Board of Directors have been polled and have approved the following:

In exchange for the possession of the vacant RCPSA office building, located at 7341 Swords Creek Road, the County would agree to reimburse RCPSA $514.02 per month for the current New Peoples Bank loan for the RCPSA office/shop located at 264 Clydesway Drive in Lebanon. The . reimbursement would occur until such time the loan is paid in full. The payoff as of today is $29,513.30,

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me at your eatliest convenience, In the meantime, I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, Hay Mash

Harvey Hart Operations Manager

cc: Lonzo Lester, Russell County Administrator Carter McGlothlin, RCPSA Chairman

Information Technology (IT)

Comparison Cost Analysis

IT Contract vs. IT Employee


Technician Hourly Rates



Hourly Rate/Annual $ 58.00/$58,000 $ 198.00/$198,000

IT Contract vs. IT Employee:


$58,000 PER YEAR

County Employee (w/Benefits):

$75,000 salary & benefits $29,587 = $104,587

Information Technology (IT)

Comparison Cost Analysis

IT Contract vs. IT Employee



Hourly Rate/Annual $ 58.00/$58,000 — $ 198.00/$198,000

IT Contract vs. IT Employee: INNOVATIVE

$58,000 PER YEAR

County Employee (w/Benefits): $75,000 salary & benefits $29,587 = $104,587




TITLE: IT Services Contract

RFP CLOSING DATE/TIME: December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)

In compliance with this RFP and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.

Company Name

Authorized Signature Date Name Printed

Phone Number Fax Number

Note: Russell County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia § 2.2-4343.1 or against an Offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment.


SOLICITATION NUMBER: RFP RC-0003 TITLE: IT Services Contract RFP CLOSING DATE/TIME: December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)

In compliance with this RFP and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.

Company Name

Authorized Signature Date Name Printed

Phone Number Fax Number

Note: Russell County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia § 2.2-4343.1 or against an Offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment.


Name of RFP: IT Services Contract

RFP Number: RFP RC-0003

Closing Date/Time: December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)


Company: Contact Person:


Address: Telephone No:

Remittanc e

FAX No:    

Address: Email:

Indicate Which: Corporation [ ] Partnership [ ] Sole Prop. [ ]

Minority Owned/Controlled Bus. Yes [ ] No [ ] Small Bus. Yes [ ] No [ ]

Organized under the laws of the State of

Principal place of business at


Following are the names and address of all persons having an ownership interest of 3% or more in the Company: (Attach more sheets if necessary)




Name of RFP: IT Services Contract RFP Number: RFP RC-0003 Closing Date/Time: | December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)


Company: Contact Person: Title: Address: Telephone No: FAX No: Remittance e Address: Email: Indicate Which: Corporation [ ] Partnership [ ] Sole Prop. [ ] Minority Owned/Controlied Bus. Yes[] No[] | SmallBus. Yes[] No[]

Organized under the laws of the State of

Principal place of business at


Following are the names and address of all persons having an ownership interest of 3% or more in the Company: (Attach more sheets if necessary)



SECTION II - CONFLICT OF INTERESTS This solicitation is subject to the provisions of Section 2.2-3100 et. seq., Virginia Code Annotated and the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.

The Offeror [ ] is [ ] is not aware of any information bearing on the existence of any potential organizational conflict of interest.

SECTION III – COLLUSION I certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting an offer for the same services, materials, supplies, or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of the State and Federal law and may result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards.

I hereby certify that the responses to the above representations, certifications, and other statements are accurate and complete. I agree to abide by all conditions of this RFP and certify that I am authorized to sign for the Offeror.

Signature Date

Name (Printed) Title



This solicitation is subject to the provisions of Section 2.2-3100 et. seq., Virginia Code Annotated and the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.

The Offeror [ ] is [] is not aware of any information bearing on the existence of any potential organizational conflict of interest.


| certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting an offer for the same services, materials, supplies, or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. | understand collusive bidding is a violation of the State and Federal law and may result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards.

| hereby certify that the responses to the above representations, certifications, and other statements are accurate and complete. | agree to abide by all conditions of this RFP and certify that | am authorized to sign for the Offeror.

Signature Date

Name (Printed) Title


PURPOSE Russell County seeks a qualified contractor to provide Informational Technology Services for its governmental facilities. Russell County desires to establish a three-year service contract, with option of two re-negotiated “one- year extensions” for informational technology services for the County’s non-school related IT systems and equipment.

The primary purpose of the RFP for Russell County IT services is to ensure system maintenance service of all County’s non-school related IT systems on a timely and consistent basis.


  1. Services

a) Contractor agrees to perform to the County’s satisfaction the technical services set forth in the attached

“Specification of Services” (“Services”) with the standard of care and skill customarily provided in the industry for performance of such services, and to devote such amount of its business during the Term as is necessary to fulfill all of its duties and obligations hereunder.

b) Contractor agrees that should County determine, in its sole discretion, that any of Contractor’s agents or

employees has been unable to discharge duties for any cause or has failed or refused to perform Services under this Agreement in a manner satisfactory to County, then County shall notify Contractor in writing of such opinion. Contractor shall immediately substitute the agent or employee with a replacement acceptable to County.

A description of various IT Scope of Services under consideration is attached to this document as Appendix

  1. Location of Services to be provided is attached as Appendix 2.

  2. Payment for Services

a) In full consideration for the Services, County shall pay Contractor a fee of $___ ____per annum payable

in equal monthly installments in accordance with the rates and guidelines set forth in the attached “Specification of Compensation.”

b) Contractor shall issue a monthly invoice to the County detailing all work performed during the previous

month. County shall pay these monthly invoices within 30 days of receipt.

c) On notice to Contractor, County may withhold payments for unsatisfactory performance results and/or question any item reflected on Contractor’s invoice. Pending settlement or resolution of the issue, County’s nonpayment shall not constitute a default of this Agreement. County shall pay all invoiced amounts not in dispute.

d) County must consent in writing prior to Contractor’s working in excess of the maximum work values set

forth in the attached Specifications.

  1. Contractor’s Capacity and Responsibilities

a) It is expressly understood that Contractor shall perform the Services as an independent contractor and is not an agent, associate, partner, joint venture or employee of the County. Contractor agrees that the manner in which it performs its obligations under this Agreement is solely within its direction and control subject to the terms and conditions of the attached Specifications, and that it is not entitled to tax withholding, Worker’s Compensation, unemployment compensation or any employee benefits, statutory or otherwise.

b) Contractor understands and agrees that its employees, agents and representatives will not be treated as

employees of the County for any purpose and are not entitled to receive pension or other retirement benefits, medical, dental, severance, leaves of absence, sick leave, death, disability, vacations, tuition assistance or any other County benefit.


Russell County seeks a qualified contractor to provide Informational Technology Services for its governmental facilities. Russell County desires to establish a three-year service contract, with option of two re-negotiated “one- year extensions” for informational technology services for the County’s non-school related IT systems and equipment.

The primary purpose of the RFP for Russell County IT services is to ensure system maintenance service of all County’s non-school related IT systems on a timely and consistent basis.


  1. Services

a) Contractor agrees to perform to the County’s satisfaction the technical services set forth in the attached “Specification of Services’ (“Services”) with the standard of care and skill customarily provided in the industry for performance of such services, and to devote such amount of its business during the Term as is necessary to fulfil all of its duties and obligations hereunder.

b) Contractor agrees that should County determine, in its sole discretion, that any of Contractor’s agents or ‘employees has been unable to discharge duties for any cause or has failed or refused to perform Services| under this Agreement in a manner satisfactory to County, then County shall notify Contractor in writing of such opinion. Contractor shall immediately substitute the agent or employee with a replacement acceptable to County.

A description of various IT Scope of Services under consideration is attached to this document as Appendix

  1. Location of Services to be provided is attached as Appendix 2.

  2. Payment for Services

a) In full consideration for the Services, County shall pay Contractor a fee of $. per annum payable in equal monthly installments in accordance with the rates and guidelines set forth in the attached “Specification of Compensation.”

b) Contractor shall issue a monthly invoice to the County detailing all work performed during the previous month. County shall pay these monthly invoices within 30 days of receipt.

©) On notice to Contractor, County may withhold payments for unsatisfactory performance results and/or question any item reflected on Contractor’s invoice. Pending settlement or resolution of the issue, County’s nonpayment shall not constitute a default of this Agreement. County shall pay all invoiced amounts not in dispute.

  1. County must consent in writing prior to Contractor’s working in excess of the maximum work values set forth in the attached Specifications.

ntractor’: ity and Responsibil

a) Itis expressly understood that Contractor shall perform the Services as an independent contractor and is not an agent, associate, partner, joint venture or employee of the County. Contractor agrees that the manner in which it performs its obligations under this Agreement is solely within its direction and control subject to the terms and conditions of the attached Specifications, and that it is not entitled to tax withholding, Worker’s Compensation, unemployment compensation or any employee benefits, statutory or| otherwise.

b) Contractor understands and agrees that its employees, agents and representatives will not be treated as ‘employees of the County for any purpose and are not entitled to receive pension or other retirement benefits, medical, dental, severance, leaves of absence, sick leave, death, disability, vacations, tuition assistance or any other County benefit.

c) Contractor shall not have the authority to enter into any contract or agreement to bind County and shall

 not represent to third parties that Contractor has such authority. 

d) Contractor represents and warrants that it has / its personnel have or will obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permissions, certifications, authorizations, registrations and approvals required for the provision of Services under this Agreement; that all Services included in the Specifications shall be performed in a professional manner by qualified personnel in accordance with recognized industry standards, and that all projects will be timely completed, even if doing so requires Contractor to work evenings and weekends.

  1. Confidentiality of Information

a) Contractor acknowledges and agrees to make best efforts to maintain in a secure fashion the

confidentiality of any tangible or intangible information revealed, obtained or developed during the course of or in connection with the performance of the Services, including without limitation any information (in whatever media) contained in any staff or health, personnel record, or about the operations, programs, finances, administration, or any other information or data about which Contractor becomes aware which is or may be a confidential and proprietary nature ("Confidential Information”).

b) Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it shall treat all Confidential Information with the strictest

confidence and secrecy and shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, or use Confidential Information for Contractor’s own purposes or other than for the benefit of County in performing the Services under this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement and at all times, without the prior written consent of County. Contractor also agrees that any dissemination of Confidential Information within its own business operation shall be restricted to “a need to know basis” for the purpose of performing the Services hereunder.

c) This provision shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement. All notes, memoranda, records

and writings consisting of any Confidential Information or made by Contractor relative to the business of County shall be and remain the property of County and shall be destroyed or handed over to County on demand and in any event on the termination of this Agreement.

  1. Property Rights

a) Contractor agrees that all work product, tangible or intangible, including any image, computer program,

report, document, data, copyrightable work, invention, improvement, discovery, design or other intellectual property right conceived, created or developed by Contractor, solely or with others, related to the performance of Services under this Agreement, and all copies of any of the foregoing (“Deliverables”), are the sole, exclusive and absolute property of County and shall be disclosed thereto, it being intended that such Deliverables shall be deemed „works made for hire‟. Contractor agrees to assign all rights therein to County.

  1. Assignment

Contractor may not assign, transfer, subcontract, delegate or otherwise dispose of its interest or delegate any part of its duties hereunder without the prior written consent of County. No such assignment shall relieve Contractor from liability with respect to any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding on any assigns.

  1. Compliance with Laws

Contractor agrees to comply at its expense with all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, regulations and codes in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the procurement of licenses, permits and certificates where required.



Contractor shall not have the authority to enter into any contract or agreement to bind County and shall not represent to third parties that Contractor has such authority.

Contractor represents and warrants that it has / its personnel have or will obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permissions, certifications, authorizations, registrations and approvals required for the provision of Services under this Agreement; that all Services included in the Specifications shall be performed in a professional manner by qualified personnel in accordance with recognized industry standards, and that all projects will be timely completed, even if doing so requires Contractor to work evenings and weekends.

  1. Confidentiality of inf i




Contractor acknowledges and agrees to make best efforts to maintain in a secure fashion the confidentiality of any tangible or intangible information revealed, obtained or developed during the course of or in connection with the performance of the Services, including without limitation any information (in whatever media) contained in any staff or health, personnel record, or about the operations, programs, finances, administration, or any other information or data about which Contractor becomes aware which is or may be a confidential and proprietary nature ("Confidential Information”).

Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it shall treat all Confidential Information with the strictest confidence and secrecy and shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, or use Confidential Information for Contractor’s own purposes or other than for the benefit of County in performing the Services under this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement and at all times, without the prior written consent of County. Contractor also agrees that any dissemination of Confidential Information within its own business operation shall be restricted to “a need to know basis” for the purpose of performing the Services hereunder.

This provision shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement. Alll notes, memoranda, records and writings consisting of any Confidential Information or made by Contractor relative to the business of County shall be and remain the property of County and shall be destroyed or handed over to County on demand and in any event on the termination of this Agreement.

  1. Property Rights


Contractor agrees that all work product, tangible or intangible, including any image, computer program, report, document, data, copyrightable work, invention, improvement, discovery, design or other intellectual property right conceived, created or developed by Contractor, solely or with others, related to the performance of Services under this Agreement, and all copies of any of the foregoing (“Deliverables”), are the sole, exclusive and absolute property of County and shall be disclosed thereto, it being intended that such Deliverables shall be deemed ,works made for hire". Contractor agrees to assign all rights therein to County.

  1. Assignment

Contractor may not assign, transfer, subcontract, delegate or otherwise dispose of its interest or delegate any part of its duties hereunder without the prior written consent of County. No such assignment shall relieve Contractor from liability with respect to any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding on any assigns.

  1. Compliance with Laws

Contractor agrees to comply at its expense with all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, regulations and codes in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the procurement of licenses, permits and certificates where required.

Contractor warrants to County that it has full legal right to enter this Agreement and that neither the Services to be performed nor any work product (Deliverable) to be provided will violate any agreement or infringe the rights of any third party, including any contract right, patent, copyright, or other property right.

  1. Insurance

Consultant will secure, purchase and maintain, at its own expense, the following insurance policies in full force and effect during all periods of Service covered by this Agreement:

Statutory workers compensation covering the Service will be performed, disability benefits and employer’s liability coverage in amounts not less than $500,000 per accident or disease.

Commercial general liability insurance with limits of $500,000 per occurrence, bodily injury and property damage $500,000 per occurrence. This policy shall be written on an “occurrence” basis, shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Each insurance policy described above shall be endorsed to name Russell County Virginia as an “Additional Insured” for all activities covered by this Agreement. The definition of Additional Insured shall include all of County’s trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives. Further, coverage for the Additional Insureds shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Contractor will, at least ten (10) days before the initial period of Services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, and prior to any expiration or anniversary of the respective policy terms, deposit the certificates of insurance evidencing compliance with all insurance provisions noted above. Contractor accepts that failure to provide adequate or proper certification of insurance, specifically including County as “Additional Insured”, shall immediately be deemed a breach of contract.

It is further agreed that Contractor will require all subcontractors and others acting under its direction or control in performing the Services to: (a) execute an insurance and indemnification agreement in favor of County with the Indemnifying Parties agreeing to the same terms and conditions as is contained herein, (b) maintain the same insurance coverage set forth herein, and © provide certificates of insurance evidencing the required coverage and naming County as “Additional Insured.”


Contractor shall, at its own expense, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses (including attorney’s fees) of any nature whatsoever arising from any claim or action, including any claim or action against County for infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property, related to Contractor’s provision of the Services contemplated by this Agreement or breach of any
obligation, representation or warranty set forth herein. Contractor shall have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement. County may participate in any such defense or negotiations to protect its interest.

  1. Breach of Agreement; Termination

a) Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default:

(i) Contractor does not fulfill its obligations to [maintain and install software/equipment] in accordance

with the Specification of Services;

b) In any case where Contractor has failed to perform or has delivered non-conforming goods or services, County may deliver a “Notice to Cure” to Contractor, detailing the instances of noncompliance. Contractor shall have 10 days to reply and recommend remedial action. If Contractor and County agree, Contractor shall have 30 days after receipt of the Notice to cure the noncompliance. If a solution cannot be reached within 10 days after Contractor’s receipt of the Notice, County may terminate this Agreement.

Contractor warrants to County that it has full legal right to enter this Agreement and that neither the Services to be performed nor any work product (Deliverable) to be provided will violate any agreement or infringe the rights of any third party, including any contract right, patent, copyright, or other property right.

  1. Insurance

Consultant will secure, purchase and maintain, at its own expense, the following insurance policies in full force and effect during all periods of Service covered by this Agreement:

Statutory workers compensation covering the Service will be performed, disability benefits and employer’s liability coverage in amounts not less than $500,000 per accident or disease.

‘Commercial general liability insurance with limits of $500,000 per occurrence, bodily injury and property damage $500,000 per occurrence. This policy shall be written on an “occurrence” basis, shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Each insurance policy described above shall be endorsed to name Russell County Vir: “Additional Insured” for all activities covered by this Agreement. The definition of Additional Insured shall include all of County’s trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives. Further, coverage for the Additional Insureds shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Contractor will, at least ten (10) days before the initial period of Services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, and prior to any expiration or anniversary of the respective policy terms, deposit the certificates) of insurance evidencing compliance with all insurance provisions noted above. Contractor accepts that failure to provide adequate or proper certification of insurance, specifically including County as “Additional Insured’, shall immediately be deemed a breach of contract.

Itis further agreed that Contractor will require all subcontractors and others acting under its direction or control in performing the Services to: (a) execute an insurance and indemnification agreement in favor of County with the Indemnifying Parties agreeing to the same terms and conditions as is contained herein, (b) maintain the same insurance coverage set forth herein, and © provide certificates of insurance evidencing the required coverage and naming County as “Additional Insured.”


Contractor shall, at its own expense, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses (including attorney’s fees) of any nature whatsoever arising from any claim or action, including any claim or action against County for infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property, related to Contractor’s provision of the Services contemplated by this Agreement or breach of any obligation, representation or warranty set forth herein. Contractor shalll have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement. County may participate in any such defense or negotiations to protect its interest.

  1. Breach of Agreement: Termination a) Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default:

(i) Contractor does not fulfill its obligations to [maintain and install software/equipment] in accordance with the Specification of Services;

b) In any case where Contractor has failed to perform or has delivered non-conforming goods or services, County may deliver a “Notice to Cure" to Contractor, detailing the instances of noncompliance. Contractor shall have 10 days to reply and recommend remedial action. If Contractor and County agree, Contractor shall have 30 days after receipt of the Notice to cure the noncompliance. If a solution cannot be reached within 10 days after Contractor’s receipt of the Notice, County may terminate this Agreement.

c) The County may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at its convenience, on no less than thirty 30 days’ written notice to Contractor.

d) On any termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall stop work, terminate all subcontracts and deliver to

County all Confidential Information, County property, works for hire and such work in process as the County may request. County shall have no liability to Contractor beyond payment for Services rendered to and accepted by County prior to the effective date of the termination. Contractor may recover actual cancellation costs incurred before the effective date of termination if Contractor submits a claim for such costs, supported by third party invoices, to County within thirty (30) days of receipt of the termination notice. The remedies provided herein with respect to any termination are exclusive and in lieu of any other remedies available at law or equity.

e) Any cancellation or termination by County, whether for default or otherwise, shall be without prejudice to

any claims or damages or other rights of County against Contractor. If any fees or expenses have been prepaid by County, Contractor shall refund a pro rata portion of such fees or expenses.

©) The County may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at its convenience, on no less than thirty 30 days’ written notice to Contractor.

d) Onany termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall stop work, terminate all subcontracts and deliver to County all Confidential Information, County property, works for hire and such work in process as the County may request. County shall have no liability to Contractor beyond payment for Services rendered to) and accepted by County prior to the effective date of the termination. Contractor may recover actual cancellation costs incurred before the effective date of termination if Contractor submits a claim for such costs, supported by third party invoices, to County within thirty (30) days of receipt of the termination

notice. The remedies provided herein with respect to any termination are exclusive and in lieu of any other remedies available at law or equity.

©) Any cancellation or termination by County, whether for default or otherwise, shall be without prejudice to any claims or damages or other rights of County against Contractor. If any fees or expenses have been prepaid by County, Contractor shall refund a pro rata portion of such fees or expenses.



Contractor shall prepare and submit to County for approval the Specification of Services statement annexed hereto. The Specification of Services statement shall include:

(i) Description of the overall services to be performed, (ii) Estimated costs, (iii) Names and billing rates of the individuals.


The Contractor and County Administrator will review the progress of the work each month.


Bid proposals will be evaluated on several criteria deemed to be in the best interests of Russell County, including, but not limited to, contract price, experience level of employees, company business profile, and ability to meet specific IT needs as detailed in Appendix 1 on a timely and consistent basis.

Considerations for the informational technology services of this RFP includes, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Bidder business profile, including bidder company history, length of time in business, number and qualifications of IT service technicians, at both a senior and apprentice level.

  2. Capability to provide routine IT services on a timely and auditable basis.

  3. Ability to service the entire range of vendors and unit types to be found in the County’s base of installed

equipment. 4. Availability of trained and experienced service technicians and helpers. 5. Price for delivery of services for the contract period described in the RFP.


The Russell County Administrator is the issuing officer for this Request for Proposals (RFP) and the point of contact for questions.

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone: (276) 889-8000 E-mail: [email protected]


Issuance of RFP Documents

November 20, 2018

Deadline for Proposal Submission Offeror Interviews
Notice of Intent to Award Commencement of Contract

December 7, 2018 December 19, 2018 January 7, 2019 February 1, 2019

mailto:[email protected] SPE


Contractor shall prepare and submit to County for approval the Specification of Services statement annexed hereto. The Specification of Services statement shall include:

(i) Description of the overall services to be performed, (ii) Estimated costs, (iii) Names and billing rates of the individuals.


The Contractor and County Administrator will review the progress of the work each month.


Bid proposals will be evaluated on several criteria deemed to be in the best interests of Russell County, including, but not limited to, contract price, experience level of employees, company business profile, and ability to meet specific IT needs as detailed in Appendix 1 on a timely and consistent basis.

Considerations for the informational technology services of this RFP includes, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Bidder business profile, including bidder company history, length of time in business, number and qualifications of IT service technicians, at both a senior and apprentice level.

  2. Capability to provide routine IT services on a timely and auditable basis.


Ability to service the entire range of vendors and unit types to be found in the County’s base of installed equipment.

  1. Availability of trained and experienced service technicians and helpers.
  2. Price for delivery of services for the contract period described in the RFP.


The Russell County Administrator is the issuing officer for this Request for Proposals (RFP) and the point of contact for questions.

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone: (276) 889-8000

E-mail: [email protected]


Issuance of RFP Documents November 20, 2018 Deadline for Proposal Submission Offeror December 7, 2018 Interviews December 19, 2018 Notice of Intent to Award Commencement of January 7, 2019

Contract February 1, 2019

Each offeror must provide three (3) printed copies of the proposal; one printed copy should be marked “Original.”
The outside of the sealed envelope or box containing the proposals should be marked with the offeror’s name and clearly labeled “Russell County IT Services Contract” before delivering to the Issuing Office. In order to be considered, all proposals must be physically received by the Issuing Office before 3:00 p.m., EST, on December 7, 2018.

Proposals should be delivered to:

Telephone, facsimile or electronically transmitted proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after the specified closing time will not be given further consideration.


The County reserves the right to request services in addition to those specified or implied by this Request for Proposal (RFP), that are within the scope of services normally performed by the Offeror, at any time during the term of the resulting contract.


An authorized representative of the Offeror shall sign the proposal. All information requested should be submitted.
Failure to submit all information requested may result in the Russell County requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lacking key information may be rejected by Russell County. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation.

Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. The offeror’s proposal should provide all the information that it considers pertinent to its qualifications for the project and which respond to the Scope of Services described.

Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All documents submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume.

Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for Russell County pursuant to the RFP will belong exclusively to Russell County and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia FOIA; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342(D) of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other material is submitted.
Offerors must specifically identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. Russell County reserves the right to ask for additional clarification prior to establishing protection.


This contract will be awarded utilizing the process of competitive negotiation as prescribed in § 2,2-4302.2 (A) (4), Code of Virginia.

A proposal evaluation committee shall engage in individual discussions with two or more offerors deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable based on initial responses and with emphasis on professional competence, to provide the required services. Repetitive informal interviews may be utilized. At the conclusion of these

If by USPS mail:

Russell County Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207 Lebanon, VA 242466

If by overnight courier:

Russell County Lonzo Lester, County Administrator
137 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266

Each offeror must provide three (3) printed copies of the proposal; one printed copy should be marked “Origin: The outside of the sealed envelope or box containing the proposals should be marked with the offeror’s name and clearly labeled “Russell County IT Services Contract” before delivering to the Issuing Office. In order to be considered, all proposals must be physically received by the Issuing Office before 3:00 p.m., EST, on December 7, 2018.

Proposals should be delivered to:

If by USPS mail If by overnight courier:

Russell County Russell County

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207 137 Highland Drive

Lebanon, VA 242466 Lebanon, VA 24266

Telephone, facsimile or electronically transmitted proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after’ the specified closing time will not be given further consideration.


The County reserves the right to request services in addition to those specified or implied by this Request for Proposal (RFP), that are within the scope of services normally performed by the Offeror, at any time during the term of the resulting contract.


‘An authorized representative of the Offeror shall sign the proposal. All information requested should be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in the Russell County requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lacking key information may be rejected by Russell County. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation.

Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. The offeror’s proposal should provide all the information that it considers pertinent to its qualifications for the project and which respond to the Scope of Services described

Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All documents submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume.

Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for Russell County pursuant to the RFP will belong exclusively to Russell County and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia FOIA; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342(D) of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other material is submitted Offerors must specifically identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is

necessary. Russell County reserves the right to ask for additional clarification prior to establishing protection.


This contract will be awarded utilizing the process of competitive negotiation as prescribed in § 2,2-4302.2 (A) (4), Code of Virginia

A proposal evaluation committee shall engage in individual discussions with two or more offerors deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable based on initial responses and with emphasis on professional competence, to provide the required services. Repetitive informal interviews may be utilized. At the conclusion of these

discussions, based on evaluation factors published in this Request for Proposal and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the proposal evaluation committee shall select in the order of preference two or more offerors whose professional qualifications and proposed services are deemed most meritorious.

Negotiations shall then be conducted, beginning with the offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and advantageous to the public body can be negotiated at a price considered fair and reasonable and pursuant to contractual terms and conditions acceptable to the evaluation committee, an award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and reasonable price.


Factors to be considered by the proposal evaluation committee in determining which Offeror(s) will be selected for interviews/discussions will include, but are not necessarily limited to:

a) Qualification and experience of staff assigned to this contract;

b) Availability and time commitment of staff assigned to this contract;

c) Understanding of the scope of services requested in this RFP;

d) Recent relevant experience relative to IT systems;

e) Approach or method of providing the requested services;

f) Methods for ensuring accountability and responsiveness to the County;

g) Non-Binding Estimate of Cost;

h) The results of interviews and/or discussions with Offerors; and

i) References.


The County of Russell reserve the right to cancel this Request for Proposal or reject any or all proposals received.


Any proposal in response to this RFP shall be valid for ninety (90) days. At the end of the ninety days, the offer may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. If the offer is not promptly withdrawn (within 5 business days) at that time, it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled.


Pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-4316, questions or comments concerning this RFP shall be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] or by regular mail to Lonzo Lester, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266.


The award of any contract will be made in accordance with the statutes for competitive negotiation for professional contracts contained in Virginia Code § 2.2-4301. It is the County’s intent to enter into a contract with the successful Offeror. If the County determines in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror is fully qualified, or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a contract as a result of this solicitation, the County will provide email notification to all offerors.

mailto:[email protected] discussions, based on evaluation factors published in this Request for Proposal and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the proposal evaluation committee shall select in the order of preference two or more offerors whose professional qualifications and proposed services are deemed most meritorious.

Negotiations shall then be conducted, beginning with the offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and advantageous to the public body can be negotiated at a price considered fair and reasonable and pursuant to contractual terms and conditions acceptable to the evaluation committee, an award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and reasonable price. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA AND SCORING

Factors to be considered by the proposal evaluation committee in determining which Offeror(s) will be selected for interviews/discussions will include, but are not necessarily limited to:

a) Qualification and experience of staff assigned to this contract;

b) Availability and time commitment of staff assigned to this contract;

c) Understanding of the scope of services requested in this RFP;

d) Recent relevant experience relative to IT systems;

) Approach or method of providing the requested services;

f) Methods for ensuring accountability and responsiveness to the County;

g) Non-Binding Estimate of Cost;

h) The results of interviews and/or discussions with Offerors; and

i) References. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The County of Russell reserve the right to cancel this Request for Proposal or reject any or all proposals received. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD Any proposal in response to this RFP shall be valid for ninety (90) days. At the end of the ninety days, the offer may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. If the offer is not promptly withdrawn (within 5 business days) at that time, it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS RFP

Pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-4316, questions or comments concerning this RFP shall be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] or by regular mail to Lonzo Lester, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266.


The award of any contract will be made in accordance with the statutes for competitive negotiation for professional contracts contained in Virginia Code § 2.2-4301. It is the County’s intent to enter into a contract with the successful Offeror. If the County determines in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror is fully qualified, or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a contract as a result of this solicitation, the County will provide email notification to all offerors.


All offerors shall be provided a written Notice of Award via email. Any offeror who desires to protest the decision to award the contract shall submit such protest in writing to Lonzo Lester, County Administrator, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, Virginia 24266 no later than ten days after the announcement of the decision to award. The written protest shall include the basis for the protest and the relief sought. The County Administrator shall issue a decision in writing within ten days stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision shall be final unless the offeror appeals within ten days of receipt of such written decision by invoking administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 2.2-4365, Code of Virginia, if available, or in the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 2.2-4364. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to permit an offeror to challenge the validity of the terms or conditions of the Request for Proposal. Pending final determination of any protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and accepted in good faith in accordance with this RFP shall not be affected by the fact that a protest or appeal has been filed.


By submitting a proposal, Offeror certifies that its proposal is made without collusion or fraud and that it has not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and that it has not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. Furthermore, the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-4367 through 2.2- 4377 of the Virginia Code, pertaining to bidders, offerors, contracts and subcontractors, are applicable to this RFP, as are the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-3100 through 2.2-3131 of the Virginia Code.


By submitting their proposals, Offerors certify that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Russell County, Virginia, or any other locality from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the type of Services/deliverables covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently so debarred.

In compliance with this Request for Proposals and to all the conditions imposed herein, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon in writing by subsequent negotiation.

Company Name and Address:








All offerors shall be provided a written Notice of Award via email. Any offeror who desires to protest the decision to award the contract shall submit such protest in writing to Lonzo Lester, County Administrator, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, Virginia 24266 no later than ten days after the announcement of the decision to award. The written protest shall include the basis for the protest and the relief sought. The County Administrator shalll issue a decision in writing within ten days stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision shall be final unless the offeror appeals within ten days of receipt of such written decision by invoking administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 2.2-4365, Code of Virginia, if available, or in the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 2.2-4364. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to permit an offeror to challenge the validity of the terms or conditions of the Request for Proposal. Pending final determination of any protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and accepted in good faith in accordance with this RFP shall not be affected by the fact that a protest or appeal has been filed.


By submitting a proposal, Offeror certifies that its proposal is made without collusion or fraud and that it has not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and that it has not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. Furthermore, the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-4367 through 2.2- 4377 of the Virginia Code, pertaining to bidders, offerors, contracts and subcontractors, are applicable to this RFP, as are the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-3100 through 2.2-3131 of the Virginia Code.


By submitting their proposals, Offerors certify that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Russell County, Virginia, or any other locality from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the type of Servicesideliverables covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently so debarred.

In compliance with this Request for Proposals and to all the conditions imposed herein, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon in writing by subsequent negotiation.

‘Company Name and Address:







Appendix 1 -

List of Informational Technology Services

Informational Technology Services

● Cabling
● Surveillance Site Planning/Mapping
● Surveillance System Installation ● Surveillance System Management ● PC Installation
● PC Repair ● PC Setup ● Printer Installation ● Printer Repair
● Copier Repair ● AS400

○ Work with Varying Devices
○ Various Network Settings ○ Client Access Installation ○ IBM Line Printer Repair ○ Legasuite Maintenance ○ Virtual Printer Setup ○ Work with Outque

● Microsoft Office Installation ● Microsoft Office Repair ● Cell Phone Setup ● Cell Phone Repair ● Data Recovery
● Data Backup ● Setup and Maintenance of BrightSign
● VPN Setup and Maintenance
● Various Firewall Support
● Work with POE Phones ● Email and Internet Security
● Norton and Malwarebytes Maintenance
● Maintenance of Registrar Voting Machines
● Access Point Setup, Installation, and Maintenance
● Installation and Maintenance of Cell Phone Extenders
● Switch and Patch Panel Installation and Maintenance ● Various Visual Aid Installations
● Guard911 Installation and Maintenance
● Network Scanning ● Complete Cabling Renovation
● Aid Virginia Supreme Court in Maintaining Circuit Court Clerk and District Court Clerk
● Audio Visual Installation and Maintenance
● Technical Contact for BVU 20 Accounts
● Telemetry Support
● Maintain GoDaddy Accounts
● Maintain dotgov Account
● Maintain IIS Server

Appendix 1 -

List of Informational Technology Services

Informational Technology Services

Cabling Surveillance Site Planning/Mapping Surveillance System Installation Surveillance System Management PC Installation PC Repair PC Setup Printer Installation Printer Repair Copier Repair S400 © Work with Varying Devices © Various Network Settings © Client Access Installation © IBM Line Printer Repair © Legasuite Maintenance © Virtual Printer Setup © Work with Outque Microsoft Office Installation Microsoft Office Repair Cell Phone Setup Cell Phone Repair Data Recovery Data Backup Setup and Maintenance of BrightSign VPN Setup and Maintenance Various Firewall Support Work with POE Phones Email and Internet Security Norton and Malwarebytes Maintenance Maintenance of Registrar Voting Machines Access Point Setup, Installation, and Maintenance Installation and Maintenance of Cell Phone Extenders Switch and Patch Panel Installation and Maintenance Various Visual Aid Installations Guard911 Installation and Maintenance Network Scanning Complete Cabling Renovation Aid Virginia Supreme Court in Maintaining Circuit Court Clerk and District Court Clerk Audio Visual Installation and Maintenance Technical Contact for BVU 20 Accounts Telemetry Support Maintain GoDaddy Accounts Maintain dotgov Account Maintain IIS Server

Appendix 2 -

Maintenance Service Specifications

Informational Technology Service Locations

● Russell County Government Center
○ Board of Supervisors Office
○ Treasurer’s Office
○ Commissioner’s Office
○ Assessor’s Office/Reassessment Contractor
○ Building Inspector’s Office
○ Community Work Program
○ Fitness Center
○ Conference Center
○ Virginia Tech Extension Office
○ Emergency Management Office
○ Maintenance Department

● Russell County Courthouse
○ Commonwealth Attorney’s Office
○ Circuit Court Clerk’s Office
○ Circuit Court Judge’s Office
○ District Court Clerk’s Office
○ Court Security

● Russell County Sheriff’s Office
● Russell County 911 Center ● Russell County Registrar’s Office
● Russell County Social Services
● Russell County Public Library

○ Lebanon Library
○ Honaker Library

● Russell County PSA
○ Administrative Office ○ Warehouse Site

● Russell County Canneries
○ Castlewood Cannery
○ Honaker Cannery

● Russell County Community Centers
○ Cleveland Community Center ○ Finney Community Center

● Russell County Animal Shelter
● Russell County Solid Waste Department

Appendix 2 -

Maintenance Service Specifications

Informational Technology Service Locations

Russell County Government Center © Board of Supervisors Office © Treasurer’s Office © Commissioner’s Office © Assessor’s Office/Reassessment © Building Inspector’s Office © Community Work Program © Fitness Center © Conference Center © Virginia Tech Extension Office © Emergency Management Office © Maintenance Department Russell County Courthouse © Commonwealth Attomey’s Office © Circuit Court Clerk’s Office © Circuit Court Judge’s Office © District Court Clerk’s Office © Court Security Russell County Sheriff’s Office Russell County 911 Center Russell County Registrar’s Office Russell County Social Services Russell County Public Library © Lebanon Library © Honaker Library Russell County PSA © Administrative Office © Warehouse Site Russell County Canneries © Castlewood Cannery © Honaker Cannery Russell County Community Centers

Cleveland Community Center © Finney Community Center Russell County Animal Shelter Russell County Solid Waste Department



SOLICITATION NUMBER: RFP RC-0003 TITLE: IT Services Contract RFP CLOSING DATE/TIME: December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)

In compliance with this RFP and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.

— _ . Lanavat Aaalegs, Solutions Fre, Company Name. ¢Z

a) _ A . lt L lacol Musick Pe.

Aythorized Signatufe Date Name Printed “20. Phone Number Fax Number

Note: Russell County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia § 2.2-4343.1 or against an Offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment.


Name of RFP: IT Services Contract, RFP Number: RFP RC-0003 Closing Date/Time: December 7, 2048 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)


Company: Laanivabive Tee hvac bey y Contact Person: —SJacd (Musick

Solutions, Lne. Title: Presideit (Owner

‘Address: M58. Thachkers Beard RI Telephone No: oy ~O%

Henaker VA QYYO FAX No:


e t + Address: Email: sl cubeor Indicate Which: Corporation Partnership [J Sole Prop. [ ]

Minority Owned/Controlied Bus. Yes[] Noh Small Bus. Yes }4~ Nol]

Organized under the laws of the State of Pacttave Principal place of business at__ (ussel\ C ua vA FEIN: Bl-issto52

Following are the names and address of all persons having an ownership interest of 3% or more in the Company: (Attach more sheets if necessary)

“Jecds Cusick


Sg “Theckers Branch Read


__ Henalec, VA; URED

Origin \

SECTION Il - CONFLICT OF INTERESTS This solicitation is subject to the provisions of Section 2.2-3100 et. seq., Virginia Code Annotated and the

State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.

The Offeror [ ] is ‘is not aware of any information bearing on the existence of any potential organizational conflict of interest.

SECTION Ill - COLLUSION | certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connestion with any corporation, firm, or person submitting an offer for the same services, materials, supplies, or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. | understand collusive bidding is a violation of the State

and Federal law and may result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards.

| hereby certify that the responses to the above representations, certifications, and other statements are accurate and complete, | agree to abide by all conditions of this RFP and certify that | am authorized to sign for the Offeror.

Lb hak — shale

Signalife _ Date daca (Yusek, Preside ait

Name (Printed) Title


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Russell County seeks a qualified contractor to provide Informational Technology Services for its governmental facilities. Russell County desires to establish a three-year service contract, with option of two re-negotiated “one- year extensions" for informational technology services for the County’s non-school related IT systems and equipment.

The primary purpose of the RFP for Russell County IT services is to ensure system maintenance service of all County’s non-school related IT systems on a timely and consistent basis,


  1. Services

a) Contractor agrees to perform to the County’s satisfaction the technical services set forth in the attached “Specification of Services” (‘Services’) with the standard of care and skill customarily provided in the industry for performance of such services, and to devote such amount of its business during the Term as is necessary to fulfill all of its duties and obligations hereunder.

b) Contractor agrees that should County determine, in its sole discretion, that any of Contractor’s agents or employees has been unable to discharge duties for any cause or has failed or refused to perform Services| under this Agreement in a manner satisfactory to County, then County shall notify Contractor in writing of such opinion. Contractor shall immediately substitute the agent or employee with a replacement acceptable to County,

A description of various IT Scope of Services under consideration is attached to this document as Appendix 4. Location of Services to be provided is attached as Appendix 2.

  1. Payment for Services FS Rep Sen agelp a) In full consideration for the Services, County shall pay Contractor a fee of $, or-annumepayable in equal monthly installments in accordance with the rates and guidelines set forth in the attached "Specification of Compensation.”

b) Contractor shall issue a monthly invoice to the County detailing all work performed during the previous. month. County shall pay these monthly invoices within 30 days of receipt.

©) Onnnotice to Contractor, County may withhold payments for unsatisfactory performance results and/or question any item refiected on Contractor’s invoice. Pending settlement or resolution of the issue, County’s nonpayment shall not constitute a default of this Agreement. County shall pay all invoiced amounts not in dispute,

d) County must consent in writing prior to Contractor’s working in excess of the maximum work values set forth in the attached Specifications.

  1. Ce nt a

a) Itis expressly understood that Contractor shall perform the Services as an independent contractor and is not an agent, associate, partner, joint venture or employee of the County. Contractor agrees that the manner in which it performs its obligations under this Agreement is solely within its direction and control subject to the terms and conditions of the attached Specifications, and that it is not entitled to tax withholding, Worker’s Compensation, unemployment compensation or any employee benefits, statutory of] otherwise.

b) Contractor understands and agrees that its employees, agents and representatives will not be treated as ‘employees of the County for any purpose and are not entitled to receive pension or other retirement benefits, medical, dental, severance, leaves of absence, sick leave, death, disability, vacations, tuition assistance or any other County benefit.

) Contractor shall not have the authority to enter into any contract or agreement to bind County and shall not represent to third parties that Contractor has such authority.

Contractor represents and warrants that it has / its personnel have or will obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permissions, certifications, authorizations, registrations and approvals required for thel provision of Services under this Agreement, that all Services included in the Specifications shall be performed in a professional manner by qualified personnel in accordance with recognized industry standards, and that all projects will be timely completed, even if doing so requires Contractor to work evenings and weekends.

4, Confidential i

) Contractor acknowledges and agrees to make best efforts to maintain in a secure fashion the confidentiality of any tangible or intangible information revealed, obtained or developed during the course of or in connection with the performance of the Services, including without limitation any information (in whatever media) contained in any staff or health, personnel record, or about the operations, programs, finances, administration, or any other information or data about which Contractor becomes aware which is| or may be a confidential and proprietary nature ("Confidential Information”),

b) Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it shall treat all Confidential Information with the strictest confidence and secrecy and shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, or use Confidential Information for Contractor’s own purposes or other than for the benefit of County in performing the Services under this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement and at all times, without the prior written consent of County. Contractor also agrees that any dissemination of Confidential Information within its own business operation shall be restricted to “a need to know basis” for the purpose of performing the Services hereunder.

©) This provision shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement. All notes, memoranda, records and writings consisting of any Confidential Information or made by Contractor relative to the business of County shall be and remain the property of County and shall be destroyed or handed over to County on demand and in any event on the termination of this Agreement.

  1. Property Rights:

a) Contractor agrees that all work product, tangible or intangible, including any image, computer program, report, document, data, copytightable work, invention, improvement, discovery, design or other intellectual property right conceived, created or developed by Contractor, solely or with others, related to the performance of Services under this Agreement, and all copies of any of the foregoing (“Deliverables”), are the sole, exclusive and absolute property of County and shall be disclosed thereto, it being intended that such Deliverables shall be deemed ,works made for hire". Contractor agrees to assign all rights therein to

County. 6. Assignment

Contractor may not assign, transfer, subcontract, delegate or otherwise dispose of its interest or delegate any part of its duties hereunder without the prior written consent of County. No such assignment shall relieve Contractor from liability with respect to any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding on any assigns.

7, Gompliance with Laws

Contractor agrees to comply at its expense with all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, regulations and codes in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, including but} not limited to the procurement of licenses, permits and certificates where required.


Contractor warrants to County that it has full legal right to enter this Agreement and that neither the Services to be performed nor any work product (Deliverable) to be provided will violate any agreement or infringe the rights of any third party, including any contract right, patent, copyright, or other property right.

  1. Insurance

Consultant will secure, purchase and maintain, at its own expense, the following insurance policies in full force and effect during all periods of Service covered by this Agreement:

Statutory workers compensation covering the Service will be performed, disability benefits and employer’s, liability coverage in amounts not less than $500,000 per accident or disease.

Commercial general liability insurance with limits of $500,000 per occurrence, bodily injury and property damage $500,000 per occurrence. This policy shall be written on an “occurrence” basis, shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Each insurance policy described above shall be endorsed to name Russell County Virginia as an “Additional Insured” for all activities covered by this Agreement. The definition of Additional Insured shall include all of County’s trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives. Further, coverage for the Additional Insureds shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Contractor will, at least ten (10) days before the initial period of Services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, and prior to any expiration or anniversary of the respective policy terms, deposit the certificates| of insurance evidencing compliance with all insurance provisions noted above. Contractor accepts that failure to provide adequate or proper certification of insurance, specifically including County as “Additional Insured! shall immediately be deemed a breach of contract.

It is further agreed that Contractor will require all subcontractors and others acting under its direction or control in performing the Services to: (a) execute an insurance and indemnification agreement in favor of County with the Indemnifying Parties agreeing to the same terms and conditions as is contained herein, (b) maintain the same insurance coverage set forth herein, and © provide certificates of insurance evidencing the required coverage and naming County as "Additional Insured.”


Contractor shall, at its own expense, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses (including attorney’s fees) of any nature whatsoever arising from any claim or action, including any claim or action against County for infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property, related to Contractor’s provision of the Services contemplated by this Agreement or breach of any obligation, representation or warranty set forth herein. Contractor shall have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement. County may participate in any such defense or negotiations to protect its interest.

  1. Breach of Agreement; Termination

a) Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default:

@ Contractor does not fulfill its obligations to [maintain and install software/equipment] in accordance with the Specification of Services;

b) In any case where Contractor has failed to perform or has delivered non-conforming goods or services, County may deliver a “Notice to Cure” to Contractor, detailing the instances of noncompliance. Contractor shall have 10 days to reply and recommend remedial action. If Contractor and County agree, Contractor shall have 30 days after receipt of the Notice to cure the noncompliance. If a solution cannot be reached within 10 days after Contractor’s receipt of the Notice, County may terminate this Agreement.



©) The County may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at its convenience, on no less than thirly 30) days’ written notice to Contractor.

d) On any termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall stop work, terminate all subcontracts and deliver to| County all Confidential information, County property, works for hire and such work in process as the County may request. County shall have no liability to Contractor beyond payment for Services rendered to and accepted by County prior to the effective date of the termination. Contractor may recover actual cancellation costs incurred before the effective date of termination if Contractor submits a claim for such costs, supported by third party invoices, to County within thirty (30) days of receipt of the termination notice. The remedies provided herein with respect to any termination are exclusive and in lieu of any other remedies available at law or equity.

©) Any cancellation or termination by County, whether for default or otherwise, shall be without prejudice to any claims or damages or other rights of County against Contractor. If any fees or expenses have been prepaid by County, Contractor shall refund a pro rata portion of such fees or expenses.



Contractor shall prepare and submit to County for approval the Specification of Services statement annexed hereto. The Specification of Services statement shall include:

(i) Description of the overall services to be performed, Gi) Estimated costs, (iii) Names and billing rates of the individuals.

I. MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY The Contractor and County Administrator will review the progress of the work each month. Tl. GENERAL BUSINESS CONSIDERATIONS:

Bid proposals will be evaluated on several criteria deemed to be in the best interests of Russell County, including, but not limited to, contract price, experience level of employees, company business profile, and ability to meet specific IT needs as detailed in Appendix 1 on a timely and consistent basis.

Considerations for the informational technology services of this RFP includes, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Bidder business profile, including bidder company history, length of time in business, number and qualifications of IT service technicians, at both a senior and apprentice level.

Capability to provide routine IT services on a timely and auditable basis

Ability to service the entire range of vendors and unit types to be found in the County’s base of installed equipment.

  1. Availability of trained and experienced service technicians and helpers.

  2. Price for delivery of services for the contract period described in the REP.



The Russell County Administrator is the issuing officer for this Request for Proposals (RFP) and the point of contact for questions,

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone: (276) 889-8000

E-mail: lonzo.lester@russellcount


Issuance of RFP Documents November 20, 2018 Deadline for Proposal Submission Offeror December 7, 2018 Interviews December 19, 2018 Notice of Intent to Award Commencement of January 7, 2019

Contract February 1, 2019

Each offeror must provide three (3) printed copies of the proposal; one printed copy should be marked “Original.” The outside of the sealed envelope or box containing the proposals should be marked with the offeror’s name and clearly labeled “Russell County IT Services Contract” before delivering to the Issuing Office. In order to be considered, all proposals must be physically received by the Issuing Office before 3:00 p.m., EST, on December 7,

Proposals should be delivered to:

by USPS mail TF by overnight courier: Russell County Russell County

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207 187 Highland Drive

Lebanon, VA 242466 Lebanon, VA 24266

Telephone, facsimile or electronically transmitted proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after the specified closing time will not be given further consideration.


The County reserves the right to request services in addition to those specified or implied by this Request for Proposal (RFP), that are within the scope of services normally performed by the Offeror, at any time during the term of the resulting contract.


‘An authorized representative of the Offeror shall sign the proposal. All information requested should be submitted, Failure to submit all information requested may result in the Russell County requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lacking key information may be rejected by Russell County. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation,

Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. The offeror’s proposal should provide all the information that it considers pertinent to its qualifications for the project and which respond to the Scope of Services described.

Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All documents submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume.

Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for Russell County pursuant to the REP will belong exclusively to Russell County and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia FOIA; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2,2-4342(D) of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other material is submitted Offerors must specifically identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is. necessary. Russell County reserves the right to ask for additional clarification prior to establishing protection.


This contract will be awarded utilizing the process of competitive negotiation as prescribed in § 2,2-4302.2 (A) (4), Code of Virginia.

‘A proposal evaluation committee shall engage in individual discussions with two or more offerors deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable based on initial responses and with emphasis on professional competence, to provide the required services, Repetitive informal interviews may be utilized. At the conolusion of these

discussions, based on evaluation factors published in this Request for Proposal and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the proposal evaluation committee shall select in the order of preference two or more offerors whose professional qualifications and proposed services are deemed most meritorious. Negotiations shall then be conducted, beginning with the offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and advantageous to the public body can be negotiated at a price considered fair and reasonable and pursuant to contractual terms and conditions acceptable to the evaluation committee, an award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and reasonable price PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA AND SCORING

Factors to be considered by the proposal evaluation committee in determining which Offeror(s) will be selected for interviews/discussions will include, but are not necessarily limited to:

a) Qualification and experience of staff assigned to this contract;

b) Availability and time commitment of staff assigned to this contract;

c) Understanding of the scope of services requested in this RFP;

d) Recent relevant experience relative to IT systems;

) Approach or method of providing the requested services;

f) Methods for ensuring accountability and responsiveness to the County;

g)Non-Binding Estimate of Cost;

h) The results of interviews and/or discussions with Offerors; and

i) References. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The County of Russell reserve the tight to cancel this Request for Proposal or reject any or all proposals received. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD Any proposal in response to this RFP shall be valid for ninety (90) days. At the end of the ninety days, the offer may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. Ifthe offer is not promptly withdrawn (within 5 business days) at that time, it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS RFP

Pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-4316, questions or comments concerning this RFP shall be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] or by regular mail to Lonzo Lester, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266.


‘The award of any contract will be made in accordance with the statutes for competitive negotiation for professional contracts contained in Virginia Code § 2.2-4301. It is the County’s intent to enter into a contract with the successful Offeror. If the County determines in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror is fully qualified, or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a contract as a result of this solicitation, the County will provide email notification to all offerors.



All offerors shall be provided a written Notice of Award via email. Any offeror who desires to protest the decision to award the contract shall submit such protest in writing to Lonzo Lester, County Administrator, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, Virginia 24266 no later than ten days after the announcement of the decision to award. ‘The written protest shall include the basis for the protest and the relief sought. The County Administrator shall issue a decision in writing within ten days stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision shall be final unless the offeror appeals within ten days of receipt of such written decision by invoking administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 2.2-4365, Code of Virginia, if available, or in the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 2.2-4364. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to permit an offeror to challenge the validity of the terms or conditions of the Request for Proposal. Pending final determination of any protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and accepted in good faith in accordance with this RFP shall not be affected by the

fact that a protest or appeal has been filed. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING

By submitting a proposal, Offeror certifies that its proposal is made without collusion or fraud and that it has not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and that it has not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. Furthermore, the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.24367 through 2.2. 4377 of the Virginia Code, pertaining to bidders, offerors, contracts and subcontractors, are applicable to this RFP, as are the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-3100 through 2.2-3131 of the|


By submitting their proposals, Offerors certify that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Russell County, Virginia, or any other locality from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the type

of Services/deliverables covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently so debarred.

In compliance with this Request for Proposals and to all the conditions imposed herein, the undersigned offers andl agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon in writing by subsequent negotiation.

Company Name and Adsress: Ug Toc hryalac Soluctions, Tne, Date: i 2 fF rob)

Name: Jacek fam) sel Title: Des Ae

Telephone: ae 20g-CTQ?

Set prude yocds@ gona. cen


Appendix 1 - List of Informational Technology Services

Informational Technology Services

Cabling Surveillance Site Planning/Mapping ‘Surveillance System Installation Surveillance System Management PC Installation PC Repair PC Setup Printer Installation Printer Repair Copier Repair AS400

© Work with Varying Devices Various Network Settings Client Access Installation IBM Line Printer Repair Legasuite Maintenance Virtual Printer Setup

© Work with Outque Microsoft Office Installation Microsoft Office Repair Cell Phone Setup Cell Phone Repair Data Recovery Data Backup Setup and Maintenance of BrightSign VPN Setup and Maintenance Various Firewall Support Work with POE Phones Email and Internet Security Norton and Malwarebytes Maintenance Maintenance of Registrar Voting Machines Access Point Setup, Installation, and Maintenance Installation and Maintenance of Cell Phone Extenders Switch and Patch Panel Installation and Maintenance Various Visual Aid Installations Guard911 Installation and Maintenance Network Scanning Complete Cabling Renovation Aid Virginia Supreme Court in Maintaining Circuit Court Clerk and District Court Clerk ‘Audio Visual Installation and Maintenance Technical Contact for BVU 20 Accounts Telemetry Support Maintain GoDaddy Accounts Maintain dotgov Account Maintain IIS Server





Appendix 2 -

Maintenance Service Specifications

Informational Technology Service Locations


Russell County Government Center © Board of Supervisors Office Treasurer’s Office Commissioner’s Office Assessor’s Office/Reassessment Contractor Building Inspector’s Office Community Work Program Fitness Center Conference Center Virginia Tech Extension Office Emergency Management Office 0 Maintenance Department Russell County Courthouse © Commonwealth Attorney’s Office © Circuit Court Clerk’s Office © Circuit Court Judge’s Office © District Court Clerk’s Office © Court Security Russell County Sheriff’s Office Russell County 911 Center Russell County Registrar’s Office Russell County Social Services Russell County Public Library ‘0 Lebanon Library © Honaker Library Russell County PSA © Administrative Office © Warehouse Site Russell County Canneries © Castlewood Cannery © Honaker Cannery Russell County Community Centers 7 © Cleveland Community Center S oak Gave © Finney Community Center Russell County Animal Shelter Russell County Solid Waste Department



REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) Informational Technology (IT) Services


The Russell County Board of Supervisors is seeking proposals for the provision of Informational Technology (IT) services. Firms meeting the requirements of this REP are invited to submit their proposal. Proposals are due no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, December 7", 2018. Any proposals received after this deadline may be returned to the offeror unopened. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (small or minority and/or women owned firms) are encouraged to submit proposals. MBE/WBE firms are encouraged to submit proposals.

The County is an equal opportunity/atfirmative action employer and will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, age, or handicap. The Attorney must certify that they do not, or will not, maintain or provide for their employees any facilities that are segregated on the basis of race, color, creed, or national origin; that they will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, sex, or national origin, except where religion, sex, or national origin is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the Attorney. The County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations.

The Firm shall comply with the President’s Executive Order #11246. prohibiting discrimination in employment regarding race, color, creed, sex, or national origin; the President’s Executive Orders #12138 and #11625 regarding utilization of MBE/WBE firms; and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Inquiries and proposal packets should be addressed to:

Lonzo Lester, MBA, CPC, VCO County Administrator

137 Highland Drive

Russell, VA 24266 276-889-8000

276-889-8011 (FAX)



SOLICITATION NUMBER: RFP RC-0003 TITLE: IT Services Contract RFP CLOSING DATE/TIME: December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)

In compliance with this RFP and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.

Wize Solutions LLC

1217/2018 Mark Eschle

Authorized Signature Date Name Printed 276-477-2161 276-698-3070 Phone Number Fax Number

Note: Russell County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia § 2.2-4343.1 or against an Offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment.


Name of RFP: IT Services Contract RFP Number: RFP RC-0003 Closing Date/Time: December 7, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)


Company: Wize Solutions LLC. Contact Person; Mark Eschle Title: VP Operations Address: 851 French Moore Jr. Blvd. Telephone No: 276-477-2161 Abingdon, VA 24210 FAX No: 276-698-3070 Remittance ‘Kddress: 861 French Moore Jr. Blvd Abingdon Email [email protected] Indicate Which: Corporation [ J Partnership [ ] Sole Prop. x]

Minority Owned/Controlled Bus. Yes [x] No[] Small Bus. Yes k] No[ ]

Organized under the laws of the State of Virginia

Principal place of business at 851 French Moore Jr. Blvd.

FEIN: Abingdon, VA 24211

Following are the names and address of all persons having an ownership interest of 3% or more in the Company: (Attach more sheets if necessary)

Dario & Wendy Marquez Name

851 French Moore Jr. Blvd. Abingdon, VA 24211 Address

SECTION Il - CONFLICT OF INTERESTS This solicitation is subject to the provisions of Section 2.2-3100 et. seq., Virginia Code Annotated and the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.

The Offeror [] is [ ] is not aware of any information bearing on the existence of any potential organizational conflict of interest.


| certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting an offer for the same services, materials, supplies, or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. | understand collusive bidding is a violation of the State and Federal law and may result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards.

| hereby certify that the responses to the above representations, certifications, and other statements are ‘accurate and complete. | agree to abide by all conditions of this RFP and certify that | am authorized to

sign for the Offeror.

aan we 12/7/2018 Signature \ Date

Mark Eschle VP Operations Name (Printed) Title



Russell County seeks a qualified contractor to provide Informational Technology Services for its governmental facilities, Russell County desires to establish a three-year service contract, with option of two re-negotiated “one- year extensions" for informational technology services for the County’s non-school related IT systems and equipment.

The primary purpose of the REP for Russell County IT services is to ensure system maintenance service of all County’s non-school related IT systems on a timely and consistent basis.


  1. Services
  1. Contractor agrees to perform to the County’s satisfaction the technical services set forth in the attached “Specification of Services" (“Services”) with the standard of care and skill customarily provided in the industry for performance of such services, and to devote such amount of its business during the Term as is necessary to fulfill all ofits duties and obligations hereunder.

b) Contractor agrees that should County determine, in its sole discretion, that any of Contractor’s agents or employees has been unable to discharge duties for any cause or has failed or refused to perform Services| under this Agreement in a manner satisfactory to County, then County shall notify Contractor in writing of such opinion. Contractor shall immediately substitute the agent or employee with a replacement

acceptable to County.

‘A description of various IT Scope of Services under consideration is attached to this document as Appendix 4. Location of Services to be provided is attached as Appendix 2.

  1. Payment for Services
  1. In ull consideration for the Services, County shall pay Contractor a fee of $.,Su- edper annum payable in equal monthly installments in accordance with the rates and guidelines set forth in the attached “Specification of Compensation."

b) Contractor shall issue a monthly invoice to the County detailing all work performed during the previous month. County shall pay these monthly invoices within 30 days of receipt.

c) On notice to Contractor, County may withhold payments for unsatisfactory performance results and/or question any item reflected on Contractor’s invoice. Pending settlement or resolution of the issue, County’s nonpayment shall not constitute a default of this Agreement. County shall pay alll invoiced amounts not in dispute.

4 County must consent in writing prior to Contractor’s working in excess of the maximum work values set forth in the attached Specifications.

  1. Contractor’s Capacity and Responsibilities

a) Itis expressly understood that Contractor shall perform the Services as an independent contractor and is not an agent, associate, partner, joint venture or employee of the County. Contractor agrees that the manner in which it performs its obligations under this Agreement is solely within its direction and control subject to the terms and conditions of the attached Specifications, and that itis not entitled to tax withholding, Worker’s Compensation, unemployment compensation or any employee benefits, statutory or} otherwise.

) Contractor understands and agrees that its employees, agents and representatives will not be treated as ‘employees of the County for any purpose and are not entitled to receive pension or other retirement benefits, medical, dental, severance, leaves of absence, sick leave, death, disability, vacations, tuition assistance or any other County benefit


Contractor shall not have the authority to enter into any contract or agreement to bind County and shall not represent to third parties that Contractor has such authority.

Contractor represents and warrants that it has / its personnel have or will obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permissions, certifications, authorizations, registrations and approvals required for the! provision of Services under this Agreement; that all Services included in the Specifications shall be performed in a professional manner by qualified personnel in accordance with recognized industry standards, and that all projects will be timely completed, even if doing so requires Contractor to work evenings and weekends.

  1. Confidentiality of Information



Contractor acknowledges and agrees to make best efforts to maintain in a secure fashion the confidentiality of any tangible or intangible information revealed, obtained or developed during the course of or in connection with the performance of the Services, including without limitation any information (in Whatever media) contained in any staff or health, personnel record, or about the operations, programs, finances, administration, or any other information or data about which Contractor becomes aware which is. or may be a confidential and proprietary nature ("Confidential Information’).

Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it shall treat all Confidential Information with the strictest confidence and secrecy and shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, or use Confidential Information for Contractor’s own purposes or other than for the benefit of County in performing the Services under this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement and at all times, without the prior written consent of County. Contractor also agrees that any dissemination of Confidential Information within its own business operation shall be restricted to “a need to know basis” for the purpose of performing the Services hereunder.

This provision shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement. All notes, memoranda, records and writings consisting of any Confidential Information or made by Contractor relative to the business of County shall be and remain the property of County and shall be destroyed or handed over to County on demand and in any event on the termination of this Agreement.

  1. Property Riahts


Contractor agrees that all work product, tangible or intangible, including any image, computer program, report, document, data, copyrightable work, invention, improvement, discovery, design or other intellectual property right conceived, created or developed by Contractor, solely or with others, related to the performance of Services under this Agreement, and all copies of any of the foregoing (‘Deliverables’), are| the sole, exclusive and absolute property of County and shall be disclosed thereto, it being intended that such Deliverables shall be deemed ,works made for hire". Contractor agrees to assign all rights therein to County.

  1. Assignment

Contractor may not assign, transfer, subcontract, delegate or otherwise dispose of its interest or delegate any part of its duties hereunder without the prior written consent ‘of County. No such assignment shall relieve Contractor from liability with respect to any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding on any assigns.

  1. Compliance with Laws

Contractor agrees to comply at its expense with all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, regulations and codes in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the procurement of licenses, permits and certificates where required.

  1. Insurance


  1. Breach of Agreement: Termination

a) Any of the following events shall be deemed an event of default:


Contractor warrants to County that it has full legal right to enter this Agreement and that neither the Services to be performed nor any work product (Deliverable) to be provided will violate any agreement or infringe the rights of any third party, including any contract right, patent, copyright, or other property right.

Consultant will secure, purchase and maintain, at its own expense, the following insurance policies in full force and effect during all periods of Service covered by this Agreement:

Statutory workers compensation covering the Service will be performed, disability benefits and employer’s liability coverage in amounts not less than $500,000 per accident or disease.

Commercial general liability insurance with limits of $500,000 per occurrence, bodily injury and property damage $500,000 per occurrence. This policy shall be written on an “occurrence” basis, shall apply on @ primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Each insurance policy described above shall be endorsed to name Russell County Virginia as an “Additional Insured” for all activities covered by this Agreement. The definition of Additional Insured shall include all of County’s trustees, officers, employees, agents and representatives. Further, coverage for the Additional Insureds shall apply on a primary basis irrespective of any other insurance, whether collectible or not.

Contractor will, at least ten (10) days before the initial period of Services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, and prior to any expiration or anniversary of the respective policy terms, deposit the certificates of insurance evidencing compliance with all insurance provisions noted above. Contractor accepts that failure to provide adequate or proper certification of insurance, specifically including County as “Additional Insured”, shall immediately be deemed a breach of contract.

itis further agreed that Contractor will require all subcontractors and others acting under its direction or control in performing the Services to: (a) execute an insurance and indemnification agreement in favor of County with the Indemnifying Parties agreeing to the same terms and conditions as is contained herein, (b) maintain the same insurance coverage set forth herein, and © provide certificates of insurance evidencing the required coverage and naming County as “Additional Insured.”

Contractor shall, at its own expense, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, from and against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses {including attomey’s fees) of any nature whatsoever arising from any claim or action, including any claimn or action against County for infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property, felated to Contractor’s provision of the Services contemplated by this Agreement or breach of any Obligation, representation or warranty set forth herein. Contractor shall have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement. County may participate in any such defense or negotiations to protect its interest.

(@) Contractor does not fulfill its obligations to [maintain and install software/equipment] in accordance with the Specification of Services;

In any case where Contractor has failed to perform or has delivered non-conforming goods or services, County may deliver a "Notice to Cure��� to Contractor, detailing the instances of noncompliance. Contractor shall have 10 days to reply and recommend remedial action. If Contractor and County agree, Contractor Shall have 30 days after receipt of the Notice to cure the noncompliance. if a solution cannot be reached within 10 days after Contractor’s receipt of the Notice, County may terminate this Agreement.


©) The County may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at its convenience, on no less than thirty 30 days’ written notice to Contractor.

  1. On any termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall stop work, terminate all subcontracts and deliver to County all Confidential Information, County property, works for hire and such work in process as the County may request. County shall have no liability to Contractor beyond payment for Services rendered to| and accepted by County prior to the effective date of the termination. Contractor may recover actual cancellation costs incurred before the effective date of termination if Contractor submits a claim for such costs, supported by third party invoices, to County within thirty (30) days of receipt of the termination

notice. The remedies provided herein with respect to any termination are exclusive and in lieu of any other remedies available at law or equity.

e) Any cancellation or termination by County, whether for default or otherwise, shall be without prejudice to any claims or damages or other rights of County against Contractor. If any fees or expenses have been prepaid by County, Contractor shall refund a pro rata portion of such fees or expenses.


Contractor shall prepare and submit to County for approval the Specification of Services statement annexed hereto. The Specification of Services statement shall include:

(i) Description of the overall services to be performed, (ii) Estimated costs, (iii) Names and billing rates of the individuals.

IL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY The Contractor and County Administrator will review the progress of the work each month.


Bid proposals will be evaluated on several criteria deemed to be in the best interests of Russell County, including, but not limited to, contract price, experience level of employees, company business profile, and ability to meet ‘specific IT needs as detailed in Appendix 1 on a timely and consistent basis.

Considerations for the informational technology services of this RFP includes, but not limited to, the following:

1, Bidder business profile, including bidder company history, length of time in business, number and qualifications of IT service technicians, at both a senior and apprentice level.

Capability to provide routine IT services on a timely and auditable basis.

Ability to service the entire range of vendors and unit types to be found in the County’s base of installed equipment.

  1. Availability of trained and experienced service technicians and helpers.

  2. Price for delivery of services for the contract period described in the RFP.



The Russell County Administrator is the issuing officer for this Request for Proposals (RFP) and the point of contact for questions.

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24266 Phone: (276) 889-8000

E-mail: [email protected] ANTICIPATED RFP SCHEDULE

Issuance of RFP Documents November 20, 2018 Deadline for Proposal Submission Offeror December 7, 2018 Interviews December 19, 2018 Notice of Intent to Award Commencement of January 7, 2019

Contract February 1, 2019

Each offeror must provide three (3) printed copies of the proposal; one printed copy should be marked “Original.”

The outside of the sealed envelope or box containing the proposals should be marked with the offeror’s name and

clearly labeled “Russell County IT Services Contract” before delivering to the Issuing Office. In order to be

considered, all proposals must be physically received by the Issuing Office before 3:00 p.m., EST, on December 7, 8.

Proposals should be delivered to:

Thy USPS mail: Fy overnight courier:

Russell County Russell County

Lonzo Lester, County Administrator Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1207 187 Highland Drive

Lebanon, VA 242466 Lebanon, VA 24266

Telephone, facsimile or electronically transmitted proposals will not be accepted. Proposals received after the specified closing time will not be given further consideration.


The County reserves the right to request services in addition to those specified or implied by this Request for Proposal (RFP), that are within the scope of services normally performed by the Offeror, at any time during the term of the resulting contract.


An authorized representative of the Offeror shall sign the proposal. All information requested should be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in the Russell County requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lacking key information may be rejected by Russell County. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation.

Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. The offeror’s proposal should provide all the information that it considers pertinent to its qualifications for the project and which respond to the Scope of Services described.

Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All documents submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume.

Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for Russell County pursuant to the RFP will belong exclusively to Russell County and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an offeror shall not be ‘subject to public disclosure under the Virginia FOIA; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342(D) of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other material is submitted. Offerors must specifically identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. Russell County reserves the right to ask for additional clarification prior to establishing protection.


This contract will be awarded utlizing the process of competitive negotiation as prescribed in § 2,2~4302.2 (A) (4), Code of Virginia.

A proposal evaluation committee shall engage in individual discussions with two or more offerors deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable based on initial responses and with emphasis on professional competence, to provide the required services. Repetitive informal interviews may be utilized. At the conclusion of these

discussions, based on evaluation factors published in this Request for Proposal and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the proposal evaluation committee shall select in the order of preference two or more offerors whose professional qualifications and proposed services are deemed most meritorious. Negotiations shall then be conducted, beginning with the offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and advantageous to the public body can be negotiated at a price considered fair and reasonable and pursuant to Contractual terms and conditions acceptable to the evaluation committee, an award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and reasonable price. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA AND SCORING

Factors to be considered by the proposal evaluation committee in determining which Offeror(s) will be selected for interviews/discussions will include, but are not necessarily limited to:

a) Qualification and experience of staff assigned to this contract;

b) Availability and time commitment of staff assigned to this contract;

¢) Understanding of the scope of services requested in this RFP;

d) Recent relevant experience relative to IT systems;

©) Approach or method of providing the requested services;

f) Methods for ensuring accountability and responsiveness to the County;

  1. Non-Binding Estimate of Cost;

h) The results of interviews and/or discussions with Offerors; and

i) References. REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The County of Russell reserve the right to cancel this Request for Proposal or reject any or all proposals received. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD Any proposal in response to this RFP shall be valid for ninety (90) days. At the end of the ninety days, the offer may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. If the offer is not promptly withdrawn (within 5 business days) at that time, it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS RFP

Pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-4316, questions or comments concerning this RFP shall be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] or by regular mail to Lonzo Lester, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, VA 24268.


The award of any contract will be made in accordance with the statutes for competitive negotiation for professional contracts contained in Virginia Code § 2.2-4301. It is the County’s intent to enter into a contract with the successful Offeror. If the County determines in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror is fully qualified, or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a contract as a result of this solicitation, the County will provide email notification to all offerors.


All offerors shall be provided a written Notice of Award via email. Any offeror who desires to protest the decision to award the contract shall submit such protest in writing to Lonzo Lester, County Administrator, P.O. Box 1207, Lebanon, Virginia 24266 no later than ten days after the announcement of the decision to award. The written protest shall include the basis for the protest and the relief sought. The County Administrator shall issue a decision in writing within ten days stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision shall be final unless the offeror appeals within ten days of receipt of such written decision by invoking administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 2.2-4365, Code of Virginia, if available, or in the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 2.24364. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to permit an offeror to challenge the validity of the terms or conditions of the Request for Proposal. Pending final determination of any protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and accepted in good faith in accordance with this RFP shall not be affected by the fact that a protest or appeal has been filed.


By submitting a proposal, Offeror certifies that its proposal is made without collusion or fraud and that it has not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and that it has not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this, procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. Furthermore, the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-4367 through 2.2- 4377 of the Virginia Code, pertaining to bidders, offerors, contracts and subcontractors, are applicable to this REP, as are the provisions, requirements, and prohibitions contained in Sections 2.2-3100 through 2.2-3131 of the Virginia Code.


By submitting their proposals, Offerors certify that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Russell County, Virginia, or any other locality from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the type of Services/deliverables covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently so debarred.

In compliance with this Request for Proposals and to all the conditions imposed herein, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon in writing by subsequent negotiation.

Company Name and Address: ize Solutions LLC

Date: 42/7/2018

Telephone: 276-477-2161

Email: [email protected]


\WV4z| RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

Executive Summary

Wize Solutions is pleased to submit this proposal and specification of services in response to RFP RC-003 ~IT Services Contract. We believe we are uniquely qualified to provide the required Information Technology (IT) services to Russell County as demonstrated in our proposal.

Our Company

Wize Solutions is a SWaM (Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned) certified business operating entirely with the Commonwealth of Virginia. It was established by business and IT professionals with a goal of providing quality IT services while bringing 21st century careers to rural communities in Virginia. Founded in 2017, the company is headquartered in Abingdon, the gateway to Southwest Virginia, where it is home to a talented and professional team with expertise in desktop support, software application development and support, software quality assurance and testing, information management, systems engineering, and cloud consulting.

The mission of the Wize Solutions team is to create sustainable IT employment opportunities for workers in economically distressed rural communities. By providing our clients with highly trained and qualified rural talent, Wize Solutions creates a cost-effective alternative to other models that offer only onsite and/or offshore sourcing. Under this business model, both our clients and American workers win.

Working in conjunction with Virginia Highlands Community College, Radford University, UVA- Wise and East Tennessee State University, Wize Solutions offers its customers the most advanced IT solutions while enabling rural IT professionals to garner the real-world experience and expertise that customers demand.

In essence, Wize Solutions provides the economic bridge which allows both urban centers and rural communities to prosper.

Our senior leadership team has decades of experience in managing large-scale IT projects:

Mark Eschle - Mark is the VP of Operations for the Abingdon, Virginia headquarters office and has over 30 years of experience in the information technology and business process service industry. During his last 10 years at CGI, a $10B IT and business process services company, he led the site selection, planning, and operational start-up for 4 delivery centers across the United States, including IT service delivery and customer contact centers in Lebanon, Virginia and Troy, ‘Alabama. These centers provide jobs for over 1600 people in economically depressed areas while providing world class IT and contact center services to customers at below-market costs.

Dario Marquez — Dario is the Founder of Wize Solutions. From 1980 to present Dario has been the founder and current Chairman of Board of MVM Inc., a company with over 2600 nationwide employees. MVM operates major contact centers in San Antonio, Mcallen and Phoenix, where hundreds of MVM employees are coordinating internal and external communications with MVM personnel, government employees and the general public.


\WWV4=) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

Our Team

Wize Solutions is committed to providing timely, IT services that meet the highest quality standards. We believe the key to this commitment is our investment in people. We have built a relatively small, but hand-selected team of experts — each of whom brings decades of experience in the IT field, backed up by relevant certifications. Equally important, we share a common set of values that results in a culture of quality, teamwork, and active community involvement.

Our Solution Approach

‘We understand from the RFP that Russell County has a broad array of technical support needs. ‘And as with most government organizations, we can only assume the budget available to meet these needs is constrained. It is thus important to create a support model that is priority- sensitive while providing responsive support at all levels of the organization. It should also be comprehensive in its coverage such that contacting support about virtually any IT issue Is a simple, one-step process.

With these goals in mind, our solution will provide a single point of contact approach to managing all IT-related service requests. We will assign a full-time field service technician — Brian Williams — to be the primary contact. Brian brings over 11 years of experience in IT field support. He will be backed up by two highly experienced systems engineers ~ Brian Twomey and David Maloney, each of which has over 20 years’ experience providing software development and systems engineering services directly to clients. Brian and Dave will provide support with more complex issues and/or during peak periods of support. Brian Williams will spend the majority of his time on-site at Russell County facilities providing the support services listed in the Statement of Services below. Our systems engineers will provide back up support from our center in Abingdon but will also have the ability to come on-site if necessary.

We will also employ a robust ticket tracking system to log and manage all incidents and other requests. This system will enable prioritization of service requests based on client provided parameters, while also ensuring full visibility into ticket backlog via a customizable reporting tool. By using such a tool, we will ensure a common approach and methodology for all reported incidents, regardless of whether they are assigned to Wize or a third-party service provider.

While Wize Solutions is not aware of current service level agreements that may exist, we will have the capability to establish such metrics and provide regular dashboard reporting to ensure service level objectives are being met. This would typically begin with a service level baselining process that would establish a set of key metrics, supported by actual ticket-related data gathered over a period of at least 6 months. While this is not something we are proposing as part of this RFP, it is a best practice that we would recommend the County consider adopting in the future, and something that Wize can assist with.

V4) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

Finally, we will assign an experienced IT project manager ~ Tammy McCoy to oversee the contract and customer relationship. Tammy will have primary responsibility for ensuring client satisfaction, managing resource allocation, addressing any issues, and overseeing the change control process.

In the following section, we will address each of the individual IT service areas requested in the RFP, providing our approach and indicating the experience level we bring for each area. We would note that a key assumption we made in preparing our response is that the support coverage requested will primarily involve on-site support during normal Russell County business hours. Providing support after hours, on weekends and/or during holiday on a regular basis, would involve additional costs and is not included in our pricing.

Information Technology Services provided by Wize Solutions

As indicated above, Wize Solutions will be using a service management and ticketing tool for tracking, reporting, maintaining, logging and noting resolution on all issues encountered across all areas of service. This tool will provide for proper documentation of each incident, where it was found, its priority, its current status, as well as relevant dates and resolution notes. We have included the licensing cost for this tool in our price proposal based on an assumption that, a maximum of 10 people (including both Russell County and Wize Solutions staff) will have access to this tool at any given time. If more than 10 users are anticipated, the cost will be


Wize solutions will track all tickets, regardless of service provider; however, there are certain service activities that will require third-party vendor support. We assume that any service contracts for such support will be negotiated directly between Russell County and the third- party service provider. Wize Solutions will coordinate with these providers to ensure work is performed in accordance with service level agreements and will manage the escalation process to Russell County for any issues encountered. Wize Solutions can also provide Russell County with assistance in the vendor identification and selection process where third party support is indicated but no contract currently exists.

The scope of the support service areas to be covered by our support model are provided in the table below along with an indication of the role Wize Solutions will play in supporting each area. Also provided for each service are any assumptions we have made regarding the delivery of that service. Except where noted in the assumptions column, Wize Solutions will perform the service indicated using its own staff.

WW/4s) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

Statement of Services to be Provided

Cabling related to. | 60 years Cabling is limited to basic normal business | combined requirements of hardware operations. experience needs (i., adding a new employee, moving an employee to a different location, etc.). Larger projects (such as complete rewiring or new facility stand-up) are outside the scope. It is assumed such projects will be handled via separate procurement. Surveillance Site Maintain 9 years Surveillance Site Planning/Mapping/System management of | combined Planning/Mapping/System Installation/Management current basic needs | experience installation of any new of surveillance systems are not included system. in the scope of services to be provided. PC installation/Repair/Setup | Install/repair/setup | 60 years We assume the County basic PC hardware | combined will be responsible for the & software. experience cost and ownership of license and maintenance agreements for all software installed on, County-owned computers. Printer Installation Basic local/network | 60 years Issues which involve printer install. combined workgroup/enterprise Incident tracking for | experience printers require all printers. ‘maintenance contract(s) with a third-party vendor. MS Office Installation/Repair | Perform basic 60 years We assume the County install/repair of MS_| combined will be responsible for the office experience cost and ownership of license and maintenance agreements for all software installed on

Wide) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

‘County-owned computers.

Cell Phone Setup Basic support and | 30 years Cell phone setup is limited install of apps to —_| combined to application install or cellphones. experience basic troubleshooting. It

is assumed initial setup and data transfer would be handled by phone provider as part of service contract.

Cell Phone Repair Cell phone incidents | None. Third-party service will be tracked but contract required for all not repaired by cell phone equipment. Wize Solutions

Data Recovery/Backup Will support basic | 40 years Development and support data backup and —_| combined of enterprise level disaster recovery processes | experience recovery or business for PC equipment. continuity plans are

outside the scope.

Setup and Maintenance Setup/change basic | Noyearsof | Any issues related to

BrightSign display content. | experience but | BrightSign branded

the team has a basic

hardware (displays and or control boxes) will be

knowledge of | serviced by BrightSign. Brightsign

VPN Setup and Maintenance | Setup client-side | 30 years Back office VPN Setup and VPNs and perform | combined Maintenance done by client VPN experience __| third party.


Various Firewall Support Support local 15 years Firewall hardware software firewall | combined configuration will be systems (firewall, | experience _| handled by a third-party Windows Firewall, hardware vendor. etc.)

Work with POE Phones Basic setup/install & | 5 years Repair of POE phones will troubleshoot of POE | combined be provided by POE phone phones atclient | experience _| third-party vendor. site.

Norton and Malwarebytes Install and 15 years Norton and Malwarebytes

Maintenance troubleshoot combined Maintenance back office detected Norton | experience _| components, if required, and Malwarebytes | with AVand | will need to be licensed by issues. Malware the County and

applications _| maintained by third party.

\WWVAE) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

‘Access Point Setup, Installation | Install and maintain | 25 years Wize will do basic Access and Maintenance basic access points | combined Point Setup Installation ‘experience. and Maintenance. It is assumed a third-party vendor will perform required installs of APs and Switches. Installation and Maintenance of | install basic 10 years Installation and cell Phone Extenders cellphone extenders | combined Maintenance of cell experience. | phone extenders which require installation of rack components require third- party support. ‘Switch and Patch Panel Maintain phy: 25 years Configuration of new Installation and Maintenance | switch and patch —| combined switches as a result of re- panels. experience organization or major equipment upgrade is outside the scope. ‘Aid VA Supreme Court in Perform basic 30 years Maintaining Circuit Court Clerk | support to Circuit & | combined and District Court Clerk District court clerk’s | experience on office aided by the | desktop Virginia Supreme —_| support count Technical Contact for BVU-20 | Serve as primary 30 years Accounts contact for BVU-20 | combined accounts. experience Maintain GoDaddy and dotgov | Manage GoDaddy _| 20 years accounts and dotgov combined accounts experience Maintain IIS Server Maintain Ils Server | 20 years combined experience Email and internet Security ‘Administer policy | 20 years ‘State maintains the main and tools for Email | combined Exchange internet email and Internet experience service and internet


security for the same. While Wize solutions will assist with “email and internet security” we will not assume liability for attacks, data loss or security.

Various Visual Aid Installations

Various Visual Aid Installations can be provided by Wize subject

\//4e) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA

Response and Spé

ation of Services

to training on Visual Aid tools to be provided during knowledge transfer.

‘Audio Visual Installation and | install and maintain | 60 years ‘Audio Visual Installation Maintenance basic audio visual | combined and Maintenance ~ Wize equipment experience assumes that this refers to

basic equipment such as slide show projectors, PC video cameras, etc. which can be handled by our support staff,

‘Guard911 Installation and Support with Wize Solutions technicians

Maintenance assistance from may be able to provide

third-party vendors

support for Guard 911 assuming County can provide the necessary training.

‘AS400: ‘Work with Varying devices Various Network Setup Client Access Install IBM Line Printer Repair Legasuite Maintenance Virtual Printer Setup Work with Outque

Support with assistance from third-party vendors

Training for AS400 for Wize staff will be required. Wize is willing to cover some or all of the cost, depending on the level of training required.

Maintenance of Registrar Voting Machines

Support with assistance from third-party vendors

Wize can potentially provide support for voting machines assuming the team receives appropriate training; however, Wize cannot assume liability for the accuracy of voting,

Network Scanning

Support with assistance from third-party vendors

Wize assumes this is in reference to network security to include things like threat monitoring and penetration testing which are outside the scope of our proposal.

Complete Cabling Renovation

‘Support with assistance from third-party vendors

‘Assume large cabling projects (i.e., a new building or major renovation) will be

\WW/4=_ RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

handled via separate

procurement. Telemetry Support ‘Support with Wize is uncertain on what assistance from the scope of Telemetry third-party vendors support is. We would

heed further information to determine if this is, something we could support.

Knowledge Transfer Process

In order to support the needs of the Russell County Information Technology Services (IT), Wize Solutions will utilize knowledge transfer (KT) sessions performed during the first month of the contract. Wize Solutions will require access to and availability of existing support and other relevant County resources during the knowledge transfer process. Knowledge transfer will be performed via a combination of in-person, live web session, and over the phone conversations where applicable.

During the 30-day KT period, Wize Solutions will observe and assist current provider in the performance of service activities; however, current provider will retain primary support responsibility. Upon completion of KT, Wize Solutions will take over and assume full responsibility for all support functions.


Our price for providing the services proposed in this response will be a fixed rate of $16,500 per month based on a contract duration of 36 months. Invoices will be delivered on the first day of each month for services to be provided during that month. Payment is due 30 days from invoice date. The initial month of service (assumed to be dedicated to Knowledge Transfer) will be performed at no charge.

Pricing is based on the staffing and solution approach along with the list of assumptions provided herein. It assumes that on average the resource time commitment to perform all proposed services will equate to roughly 1.5 FTEs during each month. Should additional services be required or should the level of service requested exceed the workload that can be provided by 1.5 FTEs, this pricing may need to be revised.

The price also covers the cost of Wize Solution-owned PC equipment issued to Wize Solutions staff as well as license cost for the ticketing system provided by us. It does not include the cost of any IT equipment or software installed/used by Russell County or any of its employees.

Vas) RFP RC-0003 IT Services Contract for Russell County VA Response and Specification of Services

Resumes for proposed Wize team members are attached. Individual rates are provided below as required by the RFP; however, as requested, the pricing proposed is a flat monthly rate based on a blend of these resources. Wize Solutions may substitute resources based on availability and employment status; however, Wize will ensure that any substituted resources will possess similar skills and experience level as the resource being replaced and will be fully qualified to perform the work for which they are assigned.

Resource Name | Role Full or Part time_| Standard Bill Rate

Brian Williams _| Sr. IT Service Technician Full Time $75.00/hr

Brian Twomey _| Sr. IT Systems Engineer Part Time $105.00/hr

David Maloney _| Sr. IT Systems Engineer Part Time $105.00/hr

Tammy McCoy_| IT PM and Quality Assurance | Part Time $95.00/hr Conclusion

On behalf of Wize Solutions, we want to thank you again for the opportunity to provide our response to this RFP. We are excited about the opportunity to serve Russell County and we hope that our response has demonstrated that we bring all the required qualifications.

We would also stress the importance we place on becoming a trusted, long-term partner to the County. Our mission is to serve clients both locally and nationally by hiring local talent and forging public and private partnerships within the Appalachian region that will result in creating new jobs and fostering economic growth across SWVA. By choosing Wize Solutions, Russell County will become a partner in achieving that mission, while also tapping into some of best IT talent that can be found anywhere in the country.

Our management is available at your convenience to answer any questions. Resumes are attached to this proposal representing key resources targeted for this work.


Brian E. Williams


With nearly 20 years in the Information Technology industry, Mr. Williams has handled a broad range of responsibilities such as management of technical and functional teams, systems administration, process optimization, analysis and testing. He has worked on medium to large

projects in state government, telecommunications, environmental services and financial industries

Professional Experience

Subject Matter Expert, CGI - (2013 - 2018) As a Subject Matter Expert, Mr. Williams was a member of a team that provided local and remote desktop support for thousands of US-based

employees. His responsibilities included:

Windows 7 & 10 image development and validation High/Critical problem detection, prevention/resolution and root cause analysis Problem resolution for escalations from Level 2 technicians

Work with various global and regional IS/IT departments to resolve high impact problems: Development of scripts/methods for GPO/ePO deployment to resolve/prevent problems Development of scripts/methods to automate resolutions for field technicians/Helpdesk

Support of local and remote end-user applications and environments Setup, deployment, and maintenance of hardware assets

Software and hardware troubleshooting, repair, and documentation Vendor coordination for support of hardware and infrastructure

Field Repair Technician, ASM Computer Consulting, Inc - (2007 - 2013)


Field Repair of Laptops, Desktops and Workstations Onsite troubleshooting of PC’s

IT Support Technician, U.S. Solutions Group, Inc - (2002 - 2005)

Microsoft Access database design, development and maintenance Report development using Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel & Crystal Reports Software roll-outs and updates using Symantec Ghost

End-user support of applications including MS-Office, Symposium and FedEx applications

Monitoring and maintenance of Symposium Call Center Server

Telescript project development and maintenance

LAN maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair

Server & PC maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair

© Vendor and Client coordination © Design of in-house web applications using Active Server Pages and VB-Script

consultant, Sprint PCS - (1999 - 2002) As a teleconsultant for Sprint PCS, Mr. Williams was responsible for the handling of calls for Federal Express - Domestic Revenue Services

«IT systems integration of client applications

Process calls for billing adjustments, account maintenance and invoice information

  • Coordinate with departments within FedEx to ensure customer satisfaction and quality of service

nal education and certifications

CompTIA At Certified © Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer — Windows NT Workstation 4.01 © Virginia Highlands Community College


David Maloney


With over 20 years in the Information Technology industry, Mr. Maloney has handled a broad range of responsibilities such as management of technical and functional teams, systems administration, process optimization, analysis and testing. He has worked on medium to large projects in telecommunications, healthcare, federal government and financial industries.

Professional experience

Senior Systems Engineer, Wize Solutions — (2018 — present) As a Senior Systems Engineer, Mr. Twomey is responsible for configuration and maintenance of Cisco networking equipment, physical and virtual servers, SAN, and backup and disaster recovery procedures. He is also responsible for daily maintenance of office equipment which includes local printer, employee desktops, and POE phones. Mr. Twomey is also an Oracle DBA for a state government client and provides regular support and troubleshooting for databases running on 40+ servers in a production environment.

Senior Consultant, CGI — (1996 ~ 2018) As a Senior Consultant, Mr. Maloney has served as a Manager of Systems Engineering and Software Developer as well as providing mentorship and guidance to junior employees and representing the company at career fairs, college advisory committees, and in the community.

Manager of Systems Engineering:

From 2009 through 2018, Mr. Maloney led a System Engineer team of 2-6 people, which involved installing and configuring Solaris servers, patching the systems, management of the hardware resources: systems performance, memory utilization, and SAN storage space management. The role also involved Oracle Database Administration tasks such as installing new Oracle products and their maintenance, creating and managing Oracle databases, and implementing changes to the product data model. He implemented an LDAP system to centralize user authentication from several disparate systems. The hardware stack also includes several Dell blade servers running VMware vSphere with roughly 200 VMs of every operating system imaginable. Mr. Maloney was also responsible for providing ongoing technical support and expertise to other members of the group.

Software Developer:

Mr. Maloney was a development team lead for a conversion project for a top 10 North ‘American bank. Mr. Maloney led a team of 6 developers in creating a mixture of COBOL and Java applications to extract a subset of bank data from mainframes, SQL Server databases, Oracle databases, and proprietary systems in order to allow a subset of bank branches to break off and form their own independent bank.

For the prior six years, Mr. Maloney had been assigned to a development role on a large, next-generation customer care and billing system project. In this role, Mr. Maloney wrote and reviewed Detailed Designs and C++ and SQL code, reviewed System Requirements and Business Requirements Documents, and supported System Test activities.

For three months in 2005, Mr. Maloney worked with a client in the healthcare industry. His tasks included website development using PHP, MySQL, MSSQL, and Macromedia Fireworks.

For two years, Mr. Maloney was a development co-lead for a large North American telecommunications client. With teams of as many as 11 developers comprised of AMS employees, client employees, and consultants from other firms, Mr. Maloney successfully delivered into production two major software releases. The delivered software is the processing logic in a multi-tier client-server platform.

For over three years (including the two years detailed above), Mr. Maloney worked in development roles for a large North American telecommunications client. Mr. Maloney worked on multiple releases of software for the business processing layer of a multi-tier client-server platform utilizing Oracle 8i, C/C++ and SQL; the software interfaces with GUI and EDI front-ends as well as multiple back-end systems. In this role, Mr. Maloney has written and reviewed Detailed Designs and C/C++ and SQL code, reviewed System Requirements and Business Requirements Documents, supported System Test, Deployment, and Production activities, and worked as a development co-lead.

Mr. Maloney spent four months on a different project for the same client. The technical architecture of that project was a multi-tier client-server platform utilizing Oracle7, software languages C, C++, and Visual C++, and Tuxedo as a transaction processor. The system was developed to streamline processing for Repair staff while laying the groundwork for the next generation Repair operations support system. During Mr. Maloney’s assignment on the project he was a member of the design team and was responsible for working with user contacts to define requirements and develop use cases. Mr. Maloney also was responsible for defining the requirements and architecture options for a Management Information System to accompany the system.

Mr. Maloney has also worked on COBOL applications for large telecommunication companies. These applications were large-scale customer care and collections systems.


B.Sc. DeVry University, Computer Information Systems 1996

Additional education and certifications

© Effective Supervisor Training UVAMWISE 2012 ° VMWare Certified Associate e Advanced Communicator Silver, Advanced Leader Bronze, Toastmasters International


Brian Twomey


With nearly 20 years in the Information Technology industry, Mr. Twomey has handled a broad range of responsibilities such as management of technical and functional teams, systems administration, process optimization, analysis and testing. He has worked on medium to large projects in state government, telecommunications, environmental services and financial industries

Professional Experience

Senior Consultant, CGI - (2008 - Present) As a Senior Consultant Mr. Twomey has served as a Manager of Systems Engineering, Systems Administrator and Test Manager as well as providing mentorship and guidance to junior employees.

Manager of Systems Engineering

Currently as a Manager of Systems Engineering, he is responsible for the management of resources, who support client applications and infrastructure. As a manager he provides leadership in the areas of administration, analysis, security, implementation, and modernization. He is also responsible the following roles & duties:

Analysis of current systems and providing paths to modernization

  • Responsible for planning database server migration from physical to virtual hosts «Redesign and implementation of disaster recovery procedures Forecasting and demand planning for resource needs Coordination with applications maintenance and development teams Redesign and implementation of automated build & deploy processes Project estimation, status and risk assessment Daily reporting via JIRA and confluence Interfacing with stakeholders and upper level management daily Working across teams to establish cost saving synergies Streamlining communication process and reduced service gaps © Development departmental plans, including business, production and organizational priorities Systems Administrator:

Installation and configuration of Oracle Database single instance and RAC, ASM, EMCC12c

Installation and configuration of SQL Server instances

e Administration and set up of Linux, Unix, Windows physical and virtual hosts.

Implementation of VMware products and features including vCenter and High Availability

Experience in database performance tuning and optimization Configuration of backup and restores using rman and datapump

Load testing and change recommendations

Setup, Design and configurations of SSIS and SSRS reports

Responsible for Datacenter hardware refresh & network redesign that included new ESXI hosts, SAN, tape robot, and additional blade enclosures.

Design and implement disaster recovery procedures

Configuration and management of Veritas Netbackup & Dell Netvault

Installation and configuration of security and monitoring tools.

Test Manager:

Management of test teams - Onshore & Offshore Built relationships across Business and third-party vendors - Onshore/Offshore Reporting testing progress and defects status to clients (HP Quality Center) Lead Client, IT and Test Team calls to work issues

Coordination of Client, Business and Test teams to work issues

Project estimation, status and risk assessment

Planning and managing test execution strategies and timelines

Analysis of business and functional requirements

Automation test planning and set up

Automation Administrator, Fidelity National Information Services - (2007 -

Management the automation & administration team members Analyzed internal systems & processes providing recommendations to improve efficiency

Administration of the sales force automation Goldmine application for 200 plus users Administration of SharePoint 2003/2007 server

Creation of business and functional requirements, work plans, and communications plans

Automation of manual tasks to reduce cost and streamline processes

Developing content for external & internal SharePoint sites

Team Lead Quality Assurance, Southern Datacomm - (2006 - 2007)

Analyzed client requirements Designed manual and automated test cases.

Led SCRUM meetings

Creating and updating batch and shell script files for automated testing Debugging and inspection of encrypted data

Creation and modification of API’s

Lead Software Tester, Jackson Hewitt Corporate - (2002 - 2006)

Created and maintained manual test cases Used in house automation test tools Coordination of testing scenarios for multiple development teams

Review of requirements, code, design and other documentation for issues « Configuration of all aspects the staging environment-40 plus test machines

Quality Assurance Software Tester, Systems support Analyst Level Ill, Arthur Andersen - (2000-2002)

Troubleshot network, internet, intranet, remote access, Lotus Notes R5, and desktop issues

Created and updated technical knowledge base documents

Developing and executing test cases from requirements

Providing leadership, training, and direction to team members


Education BAA, Virginia Wesleyan College Social Science - Concentration Psychology 1997 Additional education and certifications

CompTIA At Certified 2003 © Effective Supervisor Training UVAWISE 2012 Security Clearance

« FTI- Federal Tax Information

Tammy J. McCoy


With over 16 years in the Information Technology industry, Ms. McCoy has proven success in business and client management, project management, test management, software testing, automated testing, pilot programs and team leadership in diverse environments in the software and IT consulting industry. Tammy is an effective leader able to motivate her teams and organizations for success with new and long-term strategies. Tammy is corporately recognized as an award winner for building relationships and bridges with clients.

Professional Experience

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Wize Solutions — (2018 — present) Hired by Wize Solutions as part of their top executive team to help build and expand their company, Ms. McCoy is responsible for writing contractual proposals for client work for quality assurance including requirements, assisting with determining quality assurance services for customers, build strong client relationships and build the companies Quality Assurance team from the ground up. Interview and determine best possible team members for hire. In charge of running the companies entire Quality Assurance team.

Senior Consultant, CGI - (2006 - 2018) As a Senior Consultant at CGI, Ms. McCoy worked directly with a global Telecom clients. For this client she personally delivered countless software releases on time and on budget as a project manager. Due to her unwavering success with this client she was chosen to pilot four additional possible contracts for CGI. These pilot projects were delivered with much success winning multimillion dollar contractual agreements for CGI. Her experience as a software test analyst team lead, software project manager and her ability to have a personal high energy drive to deliver projects paired with her ability to motivate her team and effectively interact with clients makes her an asset to any IT project team.

Software Test Analyst Team Lead, TEDS, Inc - (2001 ~ 2006) Ms. McCoy led the Quality Assurance software testing team by planning, monitoring and coordinating all QA responsibilities. She developed and implemented processes and procedures to improve productivity and quality. Ms. McCoy provided progress reports and points of concern to the executive team. She also interfaced with offshore quality assurance and development teams.

Education AAS Virginia Highlands Community College, Information Systems Technology 2001 Additional education and certifications

Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certified

SAFe® 4 Certified Agilist

Effective Supervisor Certification — (UVA) University of Virginia Business Essentials Certification — (UVA) University of Virginia Certification in Leadership and Team Building — Merit Systems LLC

Russell County Board of Supervisors 276-889-8000

T r a v e l R e q u e s t A p p r o v a l F o r m

Date Submitted 1/7/2019

Employee Name(s) Kimberly Short

Department Tourism

Phone 276-254-0745

Email (optional)

Destination Richmond, VA

Purpose of Travel Meeting with NS & Todd Pillion on February 11th. HOA / Regional DMO meeting

with VTC, VEDP, and legislators - February 12, 2019

Anticipated Expenses

Type of Expense Description of Expense Daily Expenses

(Except Airfare)


Days Total Expenses Amt Approved


Ground Transportation Gas $80.00

Conf/Registration Fees

Lodging The Berkely Hotel 2 $416.00

Meals and Tips $40.00



Grand Total $536.00

Employee Signature Date Signed

Co Admin Signature Date Approved

                                             ***** Employee must submit two signed copies at time of request*****

Russell County Board of Supervisors 276-889-8000 Travel Request Approval Form

Date Submitted Employee Name(s) Department


Email (optional) Destination

Purpose of Travel Anticipated Expenses IType of Expense


IGround Transportation Iconf/Registration Fees Lodging

Meats and Tips



Employee Signature

Co Admin Signature

1/7/2019 Kimberly Short Tourism


Richmond, VA

Meeting with NS & Todd Pillion on February 11th. HOA / Regional DMO meeting with VTC, VEDP, and legislators - February 12, 2019

Daily Expenses # of

(exceot Airfare) Davs Teta Expenses Amt Approved

Description of Expense

Gas $80.00 The Berkely Hotel 2 $416.00 $40.00 Grand Total $536.00

Date Signed

Date Approved

“= Employee must submit wo signed copies at time of request

Russell County Board of Supervisors 276-889-8000 Travel Request Approval Form

[Date Submitted 1/25/2019

Employee Name(s) BrdgettS. MeGiothin. ; |Department Russell County & Building Dept. a

Phone - _ "276-889-8012 tT a - OT [Email (optional) bridaet [email protected] 7

Destination Roanoke, VA 7 : a Purpose of Travel Conference/Training

lAnticipated Expenses as eee z Ta oie

[rype of Expense Description of Expense 2 eons eT mses

|Ground Transportation


$125.00 g12100 1 $121.00 $61.00 2 $122.00 Grand Total $368.00 ig. Date Signed

1/23/2019 _

Date Approved

‘Sunday, March 31 10 a.m.-12:00 p.m,


1:00-5:00 p.m.

3:00-5:00 pam 5:00-6:30 p.m, 6:30 pm.

Monday, April 1 7:00-9:00 a.m.

8:00-10:00 a.m, 10:00 a.m.-noon.


:00 p.m, 1:00-4:00 p.m.


March 31-April 1 Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke Virginia

Region Chairs Meeting Board of Directors Lunch

Board of Directors Meeting Presiding: Pete Mensinger Presiding,

Registration- Conference Hall Foyer

Networking Reception (outdoor patio/officers club, weather dictates) Dinner on your own

Registration and Continental Breakfast

Conference Hall Foyer

General Membership meeting

Training Sessions

Luneh (included in registration)

Afternoon Sessions




276-883-4030 Fax 276-889-2196 e-mail [email protected]

January 4, 2019

Russell County Board of Supervisors 137 Highland Drive Lebanon, Virginia 24266

Re: RCPSA Office Building — 7341 Swords Creek Road Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors:

Per our letter dated October 15, 2018 regarding your interest in acquiring the vacant RCPSA office building, located at 7341 Swords Creek Road, for use as a community center for the Swords Creek area, the Russell County Public Service Authority Board of Directors have been polled and have approved the following:

In exchange for the possession of the vacant RCPSA office building, located at 7341 Swords Creek Road, the County would agree to reimburse RCPSA $514.02 per month for the current New Peoples Bank loan for the RCPSA office/shop located at 264 Clydesway Drive in Lebanon. The . reimbursement would occur until such time the loan is paid in full. The payoff as of today is $29,513.30,

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact me at your eatliest convenience, In the meantime, I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, Hay Mash

Harvey Hart Operations Manager

cc: Lonzo Lester, Russell County Administrator Carter McGlothlin, RCPSA Chairman


December 31, 2018

Regular Account 1,970,263.82 Honaker Library Donations 0.00 IDA Debt Reduction 1.00 Employee Insurance 1,779,582.07 Employee Claims Account 1,000.00 Knox Coal Insurance Fund 414.84 Russell Co. Housing Fund 4,424.36 School Textbook $7,660.04 Sheriff Domestic Violence 2,429.31 Petty Cash Treasurer 651.30 Sheriff Seized Assets 290,931.77 Sheriff Restitution. 2,355.30 Sheriff Forfeited Assets 19,106.96 ‘Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 30,724.99 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 21,440.15. Comm Attorney Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 225,223.92 ‘Commonwealth Atiomey Abanoned Property 500.00 Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 57,889.41 SSI Recipients 82.76 First Sentinel Bank 2,806.75 Bank of Honaker 1,000.00 New Peoples Bank 4,660.85, Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00 ‘Treasurer’s Money Market 5,403,014.37 Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80 Certificates of Deposit Knox Creek Ins. 0.00 Certificate of Deposit Employee Insurance 0.00 Total Cash In Bank 9,950,527.7 Cash In Office 1,800.00 Petty Cash 100.00, TOTAL CASH 9,952,227.77


Cash in Office 7,600.00 Cash in Bank 9950,527.77 Peity Cash 100.00 General Fund 6,189, 740.34 Sheriff In State Trip 30,551.95 Sheriff Dare Fund 100.00 Sheriff Seized Assets 290,931.77 Sheriff Restitution 2,355.30 Sheriff For -d Assets 19,106.96, ‘Comm Attomey Forfeited Assets 30,724.99 Honaker Library Donations 24,783.87 Russell County Housing Fund 4,424.36 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 21,440.15 Sheriff Domestic Violence 2,429.31 Comm Attorney Abanoned Prop _ 500.00 Comm Attorney Fed Justice 225,223.92 Sheriff Fed Justice Forfeited 57,869.41 Social Services (267,327.06) Swa Asap 9,673.88 Coal Road Improvement 179,403.08 CSA (469,752.46) School Fund 1,211,849.89 School Food 83,032.81 School Textbook 57,660.04 Regional Adult Education 265,480.31 Peity Cash Treasurer 651.30

Fund Trash Pickup (21,207.58) Current Cre 2,570.21 Current Debit 14.44 Title XX 41,321.05 SSI Recipients 82.76 Damage Stamp Fund 2,823.98 IDA Debt Reduction 4.00 Valley Heights 53,069.34 Dante Sewer 49,575.00 Employee Health Insurance 1,779,996.91 Employee Insurance Claims 1,000.00 Law Library 49,792.07 Special Welfare 47,729.18 “Housing Fund #2 7,700.00 Russell Co Health & Fitness 91,698.12 ‘Caner (99,966.03) WIB (852.80) Total 9,952,227.77. 9,952,227.77

December 17, 2018

The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia was held on December 17, 2018, at 5:30 P.M. at Bonanza Family Restaurant, Main Street, Lebanon, Virginia.





Ernie McFaddin, Chairman Richard Lockridge, Vice Chairman Carlton Elliott, Secretary

Roger Sword, Member

Jarred Glass, Member

Mike Hincher, Member

Tony Dodi, Member

Scott Gilmer, Member David Mullins, Member

Katie Patton, Attorney

Jonathan Belcher, VCEDA

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:49 P.M.

Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.


Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by Richard Lockridge and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2018,

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None


Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Mike Hincher, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to approve the Financial Report of December 17, 2018.

December 17, 2018

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: 8. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None


ATTORNEY’S REPORT The attorney and the chairman presented preliminary terms for the Revolving Loan Program.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ‘The chairman reported VCEDA negotiated a facilities lease agreement with Lebanon Inn LLC.

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia approving the 6" amendment to the facilities lease agreement between VCEDA and Lebanon Inn, LLC,

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: §. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

‘The chairman advised the IDA the Russell county Health Department did not wish to relocate to the 911 Center. They would possibly consider a move to the Government Center in the future.

‘The Regional IDA discussed completing a feasibility study for a regional events center.

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Richard Lockridge and duly authorizing a letter of support for a feasibility study pertaining to a regional event center.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass

December 17, 2018

Absent: 8. Gilmer, D. Mullins Nay: None

Upon motion made by Tony Dodi, second by Roger Sword and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia directing the attorney to draft an agreement between the IDA and Darrell Stoots granting 1 +/- acre lot in the Russell County Industrial Park to Mr. Stoots.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: $. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Mike Hincher and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to enter Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code #2.2-3711 (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) & (8) Legal Counsel.

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M, Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: S, Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

RECONVENE TO PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Tony Dodi, and duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.

The Vote was:

Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: S. Gilmer, D. Mullins

Nay: None

CERTIFICATION AFTER RECONVENING IN PUBLIC SESSION The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed

December 17, 2018

session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.

The Roll Vote Was:

Ernie McFaddin Yes Roger Sword Yes Carlton Elliott Yes Mike Hincher Yes Scott Gilmer Absent Jarred Glass Yes Tony Dodi Yes David Mullins Absent Richard Lockridge Yes

MOTIONS FROM CLOSED SESSION Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Richard Lockridge and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the chairman to apply for VCEDA funds for project “Blue Jay”.

‘The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: $. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Richard Lockridge and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia authorizing the chairman to apply for any and all necessary funds through the Commonwealth of Virginia in reference to project “Blue Jay”

The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M. Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass

ADJOURNMENT Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia adjourning this meeting at 9:03 PM.

‘The Vote was: Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, C. Elliott, M, Hincher, T. Dodi, J. Glass Absent: 8. Gilmer, D, Mullins

Nay: None

RUSSELL COUNTY P.S.A. Monthly Meeting - The Board of Director January 21, 2019

AGENDA 1, Call to Order Welcome -

  1. Visitors: Rita Baker & James Baker with T&L
  2. Pledge of Allegiance


Minutes of December 2018

Financial Report ~ Harvey Hart General Acct (Register: 1010) Dec 2018 | Check # | 20915 | 21462 [$ 33,578.41 Environmental Waste Acct. (Register 1060) |Dec 2018 | Check # [121 122 $_ 221,512.95 Long Term Operating Debt Acct Dec 2018 | Check # 1104 | $ 4,847.94 NPB CD # 12020 Dec 2018 $ 68,441.49 NPB CDD # 98737 Dec 2018 $ 93,229.04 Equipment Replacement Dec 2018 $6,049.00

  1. Profit & Loss Review

  2. Water Loss Review

  3. Past due Water Customers Review PROGRESS REPORT ON WATER PROJECTS:

  4. Rt. 656 (Creekside Dr.) — Project Complete. Final VDH site visit to close out project is scheduled for 01/24/19.

  5. Town of Cleveland ~ Done clean up on project since last reported.

  6. Fincastle Estates — Finished both directional bores, installed 60” concrete vault, installed (1) 6” monitoring meter, installed (1) hydrant, installed 400” of 6” line, and tied into main line since last reported.

4, SERCAP (Rabbit Hollow) — Installed (3) meters. Project Complete

  1. SERCAP (Fields) ~ Installed (1) meter. Project Complete

New Business: 1, Joint Software Upgrade RCPSA & CWSA 2. Review 2017-2018 Audit from Owens CPA

Old Business:

Next board meeting February 18, 2019 - 6:00 pm - 137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA.

RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors

December 17, 2018


Carter McGlothlin Clifford Hess Chris Dye Larty McGlothtin James Kiser Darrell Puckett

Harvey Hart Visitor’s: Rita Baker and James Baker with T&L

Meeting called to order by Clifford Hess at 5:55 p.m.

Prayer: Rita Baker

Pledge of Allegiance: James Kiser

Minutes ~ November 2018- suspended reading ~ Motion to approve by James Kiser, second by Chris Dye, motion passed Yay-5 — Nay-0

‘Adjournment — Motion made by James Kiser, second by Chris Dye at 6:28 pm Financial Report:

Financial Report given by Harvey Hart.

Motion to approve by Larry MeGlothlin, second by Darrell Puckett - Motion passed Yay-5 - Nay-0

Amendments to Agenda - None

Operations Acct. Oct, 2018 Check # | 20859 20914 Environmental Waste Acct. Oct, 2018 Check# 120 121 Long Term Debt Acct Oct, 2018 Check # 1104 NPB CD # 12020

NPB CD # 98737


CHECKS: ~ Given by Harvey Hart - Reviewed by Board

PROFIT AND LOSS: — Given by Harvey Hart — Reviewed by Board WATER LOSS: — Given by Harvey Hart — Reviewed by Board PAST DUE ACCT: — Reviewed by Board


Project update giving by Rita Baker on all projects.

Route 656 (Creekside Drive) ~ Installed 425-ft 6” line: 6-ft of 2” line, (3) meters, (1) 6” gate valve since last reported. Project complete.

Fincastle Project ~ Started on directional bore since last reported. ‘Town of Cleveland — No work done on project since last reported. Glade Hollow/Glade Hill ~


Waiting on funding:

Route 603

Tank to Arrowhead Subdivision


  1. Billing & Accounting software only ~ motion made by Chris Dye, second by Larry McGlothlin Yay-5 — Nay-0
  2. Audit Tabled until Jan 2019 meeting.


Next Board meeting January 21,2019 6:00 p m— 137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA

Carter McGlothlin. ‘Chairman RCPSA

Operating Account Check Register 1210118 to 12/3118 Balance as of 01/18/19 $21,729.19

Dato | Ref No. Payee ‘Momo Paymont_[ Deposit] Balance framove0r (215783 |AFLAG $698.51 $698.31 jrarosra0i8 [20015 [JAMES HORN [Boot Reimbursement 3145.29 145.24 fraros2018 [120318 [EP $231.34 $281.36 frarosr2018 lam $57,861.36]

frarosr20te [21307 MICHAEL L. BALL [PR snag Bai 74 frarowaore [21902 RITA. BOSTIC. IPR $44.94 447 54 fravosraore [21903 [BRANDON GENT [pe sait-74 Sart 74 javow2018_|2tae4 [TRACY GRADY lpr ‘sa0n.74 340 79 fraiosraoré [21905 ___ [HARVEY HART lpm 349.3 449.3] jizoaz0v8 [21300 |cooy Hess lem ‘3431.94 EEIEET) [izroaaore [21907 | MOTHY HONAKER [Pre $456.46 3456. fraroao018 [21368 [JAMES HORN [eR ‘Seat 344.94 jraroa201_ [21999 [DAVID HUGHES: [PR $411.79 Sat 74 jrarowa01e_{21400___|RHONDAL. LESTER. PIR sait7g 3411 75 fraroaro01e [21401 [CARL RHEA PIR ia] 3413.54 froreareo1e [21402 IMR DAVID G ROBINSON PIR 449.31 3449.3) jrarowa0ie [21403 [EARLY SAGE PIR ERG 411.74 framareote [21404 [LUTHER SAULS Pie Sart 7] ‘sart74 fraroera0re [21405 [BRAD SHORTT Pm $441 04] 3441.94 fraiowra0o1e [21408 |GREGORY A. SIMERLY PR $441 04 ‘aan. frarearzore [21407 IEDNA F. VANCE PR $449.3 $449.3 ji2/osa01e [21408 BLAKE YATES PR 544i 24] ET) fraroaraots [21409 MICHAEL L, BALL PIR $483.7 3433.77 r2i0a2018|2r410 RITA C. BOSTIC PIR $904.25] 604.25) fizmoaraote |21411 [BRANDON GENT PR 3680. 3689.38] javow2018|at4i2_|TRACY GRADY PR 3524.0] 3024.99] f2voa2018 [21413 [HARVEY HART, Pe 3140424] $4,404.24) raroar201e_jatat4 [cooy HESS Pm $233.00] $233.82] fransraote [21416 __ | NMOTHY HONARER on $1.070-13 $4,070.12) raroar2018_|21416 GAMES HORN PR $691.51 3601.54 franoaraote [21417 DAVIO HUGHES aa $1,12034] $4,120.34) f2roa2018_jar418 [RHONDA L. LESTER. PIR $1,029, $4,020.56) r2roa2018_ |1419 [CARL RHEA PIR $297 21 $207.21 [rarosr20te_|21420_ | MR DAVID C ROBINSON PR 3795.41 3795.48] jizrosraote [2421 [EARLY SAGE PR $402.7] $402.87 jizosrante Jara2a [LUTHER SAULS: Pre 3000.58] 5606.58] jizrosraote [21423 [BRAD SHORTT Pre 3562. 3552.68] [izos2018 [21424 |GREGORY A. SIMERLY pre 3186.5 5184.51 [ra/oaa0t8 [21425 |EDNAF. VANCE [pre 3946.60 5946; ji2/osraot8 [21426 |BLAKE YATES [PR 3854. 5854. [i2/osa018 [120416 J DEBIT GARD. [Fuet 32 $20.06] [12/04/2018 [120418 ]DEBIT GARD [PostagerBil| Cards s721.2| 3721.2 fraroaroote [120416 [PSN 3126.50 126. [r2/0«r2018 [1612048086 [CARD SERVICES CENTER (Visa) 32,886.27) $2,885.27] frarosi20te lar 37,702.65]

jrarosiaote _|20016 | HARVEY HART. [Boot Reimbursement sara EAT frareer20%8 [AR S276

r2ioei201e [2a [IRS Tax Payment 35,021.64) $5,021.64) [12/06/2018 |Mo-2526606 [JEAN PENLEY $50

[12/07/2078 lane $4,256.01

fraovote _fr2o7ie _JALLY $580.45 3589.49

Page 1 of 4

frarionore le 4484. franarore —[a0e7 EARLY SAGE |Boot Reimbursement $150, 315000) franorote [121018 __|vRS $126.48] $126.48] farv201e ae EXE)

[iznwaote [20eis [TRACY GRADY [Boot Reimbursement $60, 16000] [ranwreore [121118 __ | NEW PEOPLES BANK $62.84) $a2.84 fieniizo1e_[vzi1ie {VRS 35,180.07 35,180.07] farzreove aR $4,700.26]

Harzrzor6 [RCPSA - CONSTRUCTION Labor Reimb. 349,642.44 frariere01e_|20819___ [RHONDA L. LESTER. [Boot Reimbursernent 3150.09 5150560 franeraot8 (20820 | FARLY SAGE [Payroll Advance $500.09 $500.00 frenierot [12-12-18 DIANA MANN $100:

franisr2018 a 35,008.72]

fianaraore [ratei6 [DEBIT CARD $20.05] $0.05) [iznisote|ratate [PSN 3172.77 gra] Hranaore lark $7,260.19]

franaraot6 IRPSA- CONSTRUCTION [Labor Reimb, $7,381.35]

[rarraraore [20801 [CARL RHEA [Boot Reimbursement ‘a5. frariaroo1e 20922 JEDNAF. VANGE [Boot Reimbursement 3150: frariaizo1e [21369 JAMES KISER [PR ‘St. lrarazove_[r2t4t6 [DELUXE FOR BUSINESS: 3314.04 [rarrr2ote lar $14,000.04

lranv2ov8 [246 IVA Tax Payment 310, 370.09} jrarizao1_|20236 (JAMES KISER PIR 3144.7 314470} jrari7oo1e 20023 [Garter MeGiethin Director Foes Dec $200. $200.00 frari7a01e 20824 [Lary A. MeGlotaln Drector Fees - Dec $200. $200.00] fran7eore [20026 | Ciffora Hess. Director Fees - Dec. $2001 $200.00] franvaore |20026 _ |Ctvis Dye, Dractor Foes - Dec. $200. 3200.00] [t2/17/20%8 [20827 [Darrell W. Puckett Director Fees Dec. $2001 $200.00] fran7eo18 [121718 [DEBIT CARD. [Sams Chuo $33.39) $83.33) frenareote le $3,850.23

frarieraors [20826 |RITA_BOSTIO. [Boot Reimbursement 3150.00 5750.00) farteizo1e|etaa7 MICHAEL L. BALL PR 3528.71 $528.71 franereore [21426 RITA C. BOSTIC PR 3821.09 $821 06] franereote [21429 BRANDON GENT PR 3062.25 3682.25] frarieraota [21430 TRACY GRADY PIR $805 60] 5905.60] jiariaraote |2i4at HARVEY HART, PR $1,422.38] 35,472.38) fiaviaeots 21432 |CODY HESS PIR $564.36 3564.36] fiariareote[21433_ |IMOTHY HONAKER PR $1,116.09 31.115.00) frariea0te [24a [JAMES HORN PR $689.06] $689.06] parieraote [21436 DAVID HUGHES: PR $1,070.79 34,070.79) jianaraote [21436 [RHONDA LLESTER PR $988.25 980.25] }iarieraote [21437 [CARL RHEA. [PR $297 21 $3287.21 frariaaots [21438 IMR DAVID C ROBINSON) [pre 3799.19 3786.19] franiareots [21439 IEARLY SAGE PR $567.36 $567 36] jrartae0t8 [21a40. LUTHER SAULS: [pre $090.59 3898. frarteeote [21441 [BRAD SHORTT IPR $588.65 3586. [ig/ta2018 [21442 |GREGORY A. SIMERLY. IPR $590.12] 3530-1 franie20te [21449 IEDNA F. VANCE pre $976.37] $976.37| artemo16 fotaaa BLAKE YATES lee 3854. $654.86| fianer2o16 le 35.5757

franie2ote _[‘2te16 [DEBIT CARD [Fuer S20. S201 frareora0%e le 7.304,

jzrzore018 2a IRS Tax Payment 4503, $4543.55) frareorote [245 IRS Tax Payment $1817) $181.76]

Page 2 of 4

Frenerore [rents [ves BEI) 3164] faavaoie fra POSTHASTERAESANON Pestave 35.39 36.9 272016 [20929 [APPALACHIAN POWER 3508 99 $0539 2exre0%6 [2090 NC. $240.09 5240109 freao1e [e0ost —|CNTAS $350.8) 3350.60 r2rsraote —[a0ga2 [CONSOLIDATED PIPE & SUPPLY 5992.23] 3992.24 1272018 [20099 [DAVID CASEY 346 $45.0) f2vrB018 [209s4 [INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY Toes ES) fzmva0i8 [20996 [J&L ACCOUNTING SERVICE, INC. $400. $400.00 frtiaoie [20936 |L & M AUTO PARTS, LTD 3960. $369.23) fe2rrao1e [a0gar [LEBANON BLOCK & SUPPLY $110.79 $110.75 Frzrirao1e [20996 | MARVIN & VERONICA HALE 5 $45.0 Fzrevaoie [20939 NEW PEOPLES BANK 3590.70 355070 frravzo1e [20040 OWENS GPa & ASSOIATES PO 77004 77.00.09 frewzo1e [zoos RAVEN SUPER MARKET $90.47] $30.47 fro. [20042 [Russe Couny Treasurars Offce yarra7 3277.0 frar2o1e [2004s SARATOGA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.[RUSSTT 362.60) 352.50) 272018 _[at9e4 | SHONDA MILLER 3007 $30.74 f2miv20r8 [20086 _[Sunest 3147.03 3147-0 j2ra0%8 _[ao946 | Fs COUNTRY STORE 8 39.99 f2B018 [p09a7 |THE LEBANON NEWS, ING. 356. 356.74 farevaots [ates [THE QUIRETE COMPANIES 3677.07 3671.47 Frente [20049 [TIP TOP MATERIALS LLC 572 $72.68] Favxraote — [20960 [TOWN OF HONAKER $7008 4 $0834 fzrvz018 [20961 [TOWN OF LEBANON. 34,7325 34.7525 fzexvo0r8 [20962 [Treasurer of Vigna 31.2017 3120177 jziB0r8 [20969 | VERIZON WIRELESS 3866 366530 f2rvvBor6 _[ao0s4 [ARCS GASES S124 512459 faasra0ie~fpoass [VERIZON 387.11 ser. f2rvaoie [732110 [ANTHEM DENTAL $83 $83.50) f2rapoie _[¥z2a16 | RURAL DEVELOPWENT 33,600.00) 3550804 rarwo18 [7z2a16 [DEBIT GARD. aw E 38.09 frearore |rz2710 [DEBIT CARD Fuel ¥20.44 wo Faneroi8 lw SEYENZ]

Freneroe ROPSA~ CONSTRUCTION [Cons Labor Rein 329.557 aa

fefsoie [20866 [BLAKE S.YATES [Boot Reimbursement | 514209 ECA arzTr2018| my SUGEEE)

frar0%8 _|Wa5i6 _|RWERIGAN EXPRESS Ea) EaS) fnrrois [122716 [PsN $50.0 360.09 fenrmoie [1227162 — [PSN $55.51 $6597 f2nano18 Ine aria

fareenoie [aes [Va Tox Payment EEE EERE) frerepoie_|iz2eie [ALLY 3927.44 5027-48 rereroia |iz2910 ~~ RURAL DEVELOPWENT 3545.00 $543.00 f2mreo16|stza078957 [VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY 3765 630.9 315,520.46 fzno1e [144s ___|WICHAEL L. BALL Pm 3546.39 3546.35 fzraoi8 _[24a6_JRITAC. SOSTIC. im 390825 390825 f2ire0%8 [z’ea7 | BRANDON GENT Pm 3705.9 $709

lrrewzo1e[eiaae [TRACY GRADY Pr 37,030.09 $1,050.43 faaiva0te [e440 [HARVEY HART mm $1,572.24 $1,522.29 220% [ziaso [Copy HESS aR $568.09 $566.69 freawaoie_[eiast _[TMOTHY HONAKER Pa 310657 7.06574 f2a120t@ [21452 JAMES HORN Pir 3740.09 3745.53) 21/2018 [eras [Davi HUGHES aR 3107079 $0707 2/2646 [piase RHONDA. LESTER PR 31,032.87 $1,052.87

Page 30f4

TI [SARL RHEA PR $351.29 335129) frarstre018 f2r4s6. [MF OAVID C ROBINSON, [pre 3784.5 3784.51] frarataote [21457 [EARLY SAGE lpr $539.08 5599.99 frarevaote [21468 [LUTHER SAULS PIR 3809. 3898. fravstaote [21459 |BRAD SHORTT PR 3672.15) $6721 fiarstra0t6 [21460 [GREGORY A. SIMERLY PR 3560.29 3560. jaio1 [arae1 JEDNA F. VANCE PR 3035.05 3935: [iareraote [21462 [BLAKE YATES. Pie $873. 3873, fiarer20e [123118 |NEW PEOPLES BANK [onk Free Monthly Fee $9.95 59.

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NPB CD #12020

1210118 to 12/3418 Balance as of 01/18/19 $68,441.49 No Activity NPB CD #98737 12/01/18 to 12/3118 Balance as of 01/18/19 $93,229.04 No Activity Long Term Debt Account Register 12101118 to 12/34/18 Balance as of 01/18/19 $4,847.94 Bate] Ret Now Payee ‘Memo Payment | epost [Balance Frarearz0t6 WANDA HARMON $250.00] $4,847.54] [raroarzore [4100 [OAKWOOD MOBILE HOMES. $25.00] $4,597, 94 Equipment Replacement Account Register, 4210118 to 12/34/18 Balance as of 01/18/19 $2,949.00 Date [Ref No. Payee Memo, Payment | Deposit | Balance jrari2r2018 Salo of Scrap $181.80) $4,984, 272672018 [Sate of Equipment $1,665.00] _ $6,049. Environmental Waste Account Register 1210118 to 12/34/18 Balance as of 01/18/19 $223,310.46 Dato__[Ref No. Payee ‘Memo Payment | Doposit[ Balance raraa018 lam 2,387.63) 246,879.85 [Jon BAG SCOTIA Sottware Upgrade - lrzrsevzote_forze |AMPSTUN CORPORATION. RoPSA a CWSA [30,875.00 216,004 8% rae6/2018 ae 608.12) 221,512.98

Page 1 of 1

Russell County Public Service Authority - Operating Profit and Loss

December 2018 Total Dec 2018 Jul - Dec, 2018 (YTD) income "4000.0 Water Revenue $96,724.05] 360,513.24 “4100.0 Sewer Revenue $567.68 $3,840.48] “4200.0 Trash Revenue 35,524.35] 342,411.17| “4300.0 Hookup & Reconnect Revenue $217.53 31,556.36] "4400.0 Credit Gard Fees $165.00 34,153.25| “4500.0 Job Income $2,700.00] $19,896.09] "4600.0 Government income (Reimbursement) $85,650.47 "$220,006 06] “4900.0 Other Operating Revenue 34,473.05] $36,507.26] Return Checl/Return Check Foo N $76.00] ‘Sales of Product Income $307.04] [Total income $197,019.67] $930,344.83] [Cost of Goods Sold "5000.0 Water Purchase $21,048.59] 3155,07471| "5100.0 Sewer Fees 9768.01] $451479| Cost of Goods Sold $0.0 [Total Cost of Goods Sold $24,811.54 $169,589.49] [Gross Profit $176,208.46 $770,755.34) [Expenses 2480.0 401K Contributions 31,768.59| $10,404.41 6030.0 Uniforms. 3192.8 $1,738.34] 16060.0 Employee Health Insurance $5,146.6 $330,064.23) (6066.0 Health Insurance Credit, $28, ‘$167.83 6070.0 Retirement Plan 31,594.36] 38,994.15] (6080.0 Short Term Disability $164.20] $1,042.28] 6100.0 insurance 35,128.47 $7,207.65] 6170.0 Telephone 51,806.37| ‘317,827 66| 6120.0 Electric $966.42] $4,002.02] 6120.3 Electric - Pumps $1,921.56] $10,411.89] 61204 Electric - Tanks $53.71] $676.84] 6130.0 Other Utilities $530.34] 160.0 Chemicals 3368.15] 6188.4 Samples Pump 4 $798.72 6185.2 Samples-Pump 2 $618.22 6185.5 Samples-Pump 5 31,223.38] (6185.6 Samples-Pump 6 $124.50) (6185.7 Samples - Cleveland School $128.85] (6186.8 Samples - Thompson Creek ‘$187.64 $308.44 6190.0 Monitoring $43.09] $316.0

Page 1of3

6200.0 Materials & Supplies: $4,960.97] 35,921.25] 6206.0 REM Office 3887.13] $3,054.66] 6210.0 REM System $176.25 38,960.25] 6210.4 REM Pump 1 $737.5 6210.2 REM Pump 2 38.89] 57,7095 6210.5 REM Pump 5 35,281.93] 6216.2 REM Big A Tank $12.33] 215.3 REM Call Valloy Tank (632) seat] 6218.8 RAM Belfast Tank sit7.39 6220.0 RAM Equipment ‘$351.61 $3,404.66] (6240.0 Gas, Ol, Grease $2,356.09] 317,205.95] {6246.0 Vohicle/Equipment Tires $1,107.97] 6250.0 TagsiTile/Licenses: $6.09] 58.00] 6280.0 Office Supplies $314.94] $404.59| 6270.0 Postage & Delivery $927.60] $5,697.49| 6280.0 Printing & Reproduction $a18.57 '6300.0 Accounting Foes $34,352.0 $37,383.0 16320.4 Water Works Oporation Swords Cr EERIE. 6320.2 Water Works Operation Belfast $2013 16820.5 Water Works Operation Hansonville 4,156.49] '6820.6 Water Works Operation New Garden $365.80] ‘6820.7 Water Works Operation Thompson Greek $23.60] 6870-4 Rent- Lebanon Shop $539.79] $3,136.49] 6390.0 Advertisement ‘s112.36| 6420.0 Service Charges 800.41] $3,126.63} 6430.0 Dues & Subscriptions $33.35] $579.50 6447.0 Legal Fees $300.00 '$300.00] (66000 Payroll Expenses $75,700.34] $316,487.40 Director Fees: '$1,000.09] 6,000.00] Purchases $22,148.85] Reimbursements $168.49] 3682.49]

[Total Expenses $134,786.74) "$539,680.29

Net Operating Income $40,441.42] $231,075.05

[Other income 4258.0 Due To/From Construction Fund $34,502.01 $162,002.61] ‘8000.4 Interest Income, $4,007.74]

[Fotal Other income $34,592.91 $163,100.35]

[Other Expenses 2300.0 NIP New Peoples Bank LC 339,439.60] 2510.0 NIP Swords Crock $33,608.09] $21,654.00) 2640.0 NIP Drill Project $0,276.63] 2647.0 NIP Highland Acres/Yates WSL-AG $3,342.02] 2612.0 NIP Miller CreekiFrank’s/Honey $6,925.25] 2613.0 NIP Big A Btn. Phase | WSL-11-9 $16,504.84] 2616.0 NP Belfast $27,707.99] 2617.0 NIP Rosedale $51,786) 2618.0 NIP New GardeniFinney $17,983.72| $17,088.72]

Page 2 of 3

2519.0 NIP Maing Lino WSL-40-13E $109,970.07 $109,970.57] "2620.0 NIP Green Valley Estates $9,397.84 2630.0 NIP South River $4,523.98| 72638.0 NIP Long Branch 52,663.09] 2640.0 NiP Pine Greek 35,747.24] 2841.0 NIP VRA Mountain Meadows $2,095.96] 32,096.24] 2660.0 NIP Clark’s Valley t $13,706.09) '2860.0 NIP Lynn Spring $583.09 35,258.00] 2827.0 NIP VRA Big Ain. Phase I $25,579.79] $25,578.79] 2930.0 NIP Green Valley West $17, 662,7 2938.0 NIP Back Valley 35.4204 2980.0 NIP iPerl RRM $6,868.47| 2940.0 NIP REGES $10,389.02 2041.0 NIP Fincastle Est $4,197.13] 2982.0 Ally 2016 Chev ‘3027-45 35,564.70] 2984.0 NIP Ally New Truck $509.45 $3,536.70] 6236.0 Customer Deposit Refund $120.75 $482.52) 236.1 Customer Over Payment Refund $134.39] ‘Reconciliation Discrepancies w7r18.3|

[Total Other Expenses $161,420.14 $403,628.46

[Net Other income ($126,827.80) ($250,422.84)

[Net income ($06,386.28) 619,347.78]

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General Construction Account Check Register

4210118 to 123118 Balance as of 01/18/19 $8,014.26 Date | RefNo. Payee ‘Memo Payment [ Deposit_[ Balance frarosre0te [4051 [Kenny A Taylor $25.00) $2,857.93] fanerao%e ROBOS 300,815.06) $03,478.00 [RCBOS Loan Pym jrarrzreote |4os2 [Russel County PSA Operating |Nov-18 $83,650. $9,823.46 [Constr Tabor j12r2ra0te|4oss Russell County PSA. Operating __ [Projects Nov-18 $6.192.03) 93,631.41 frariaraote [405s [Lebanon Block & Supply Go., Ine [903363 $8.74 33,822. fararo1e {4055 [Consolidated Steel, Inc. $81.09) $3,541.72| franaraote [Town of Cleveland Sr 28.41| _ $20,870-1 fanarora [4056 Lehn Deore Financial frita-23666 Ee) $20,520.23) Hranamore [4057 [Lary aller 364.09) $20,456.23 lrararzor8_|40se [Core & hain 3773.85 349,682.39 [rarrazore [4069 [Cabanon Block & Supply Go, Ine. [908849 $38.09) $19,644.29 jr2nar20t8 [4060 [C-L. Dale Construction Services, LLC $7,920.00) 311,728.25 EE [Tip Top Materials, LLC $00.49} ‘317,693. frenaraote [2062 [Rhonda Lester Payrol Advance 3500.00] 317,198 [Constr Labor js2rar20te [4063 |Russell County PSA Operating [Cleveland $7,981.35] $3,752.54 [Construction Tabor jr2reera0te _|406a |Russel County PSA - Operating __|Reimb. $29,697.44 (925,704.95 [Reimb Tabor |Thompson arei2018 loatert7ra, $11,606.61] ($14,118.32) [Ram Equip FThompson r2rzer2016 lovortert718, $6,283,00| (67,094.42 [Roimb Labor FIRCaSTS j2rer2018 proat1 $10,151.40] _ $2,316. Remb Equp FIncaate tarera018 prow $4,286.49| _ 36,603.47 [Reinb Eng Fincastle {2ree2018 prow 3500.00] _ $7,103.47] 2727/2018 [Russet County Public Schools $2,500.00] $9,603.47 jrareviaove [4065 INew Peoptes Bank, Ine [25042890 $500.00] $9,100.47] at Financial Commercial R6VOTANG jr2ra7i2018 {4068 \card 35 3360 2633 9082 | $700.00) 38,403.47] framerate [4067 [Lakeside Ready Mix, In. 5670.00] $7,733.47| jrara72018 [4068 [McClure Concrete Materials $247.00] 37,486.47 jrarari20%6 [4069 [Lebanon Block & Supply Co.,inc. [903945 3140.13] 37,387.32] jr2ra7/2018 [4070 [Verizon Wiretess j713189824-00007 $320.13] 37,017.4 jraza7i2018 [4074 [Treasurer of Virginia - $5170.25] $6,837.04] framerate [4072 [Appalachian Power ‘$1824 36.819, jrararre0te [4073 [Wyihevite Ofice Supply in. $40.89] 36,778.84 frerer20%8 [aor [Lebanon Block & Supply Co. inc. [03049 EXE 36,737.47| frarar2018 [4075 [TruckPro, LLG f254RU008 $105.57 $6,540, jrarerre0t8 [4076 [John Deere Financial 1119-23505) $126.95] $8,473.61 frere7re018 [Cintas $518.48] 35,005.13 frarerre0t8 [407 JARCET Equipment Go, $100.4] $5,794.69 frererreots [4079 [Russell OH Co, Ine. 31,585.64] ‘$4,208.65 jrarerreot8 [4080 [Garter Machinery Co. ne. 3915.01 $3,893.84 [iza7reote _|w7a28 [American Express $2,854.16] 31,039,

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‘Thompson Creek Project Account Register

421018 to 123118 Balance as of 01/18/19 $47…80 Date | Ref No. Payeo Memo Payment | Deposit | Balance fiarero078 VRA $23,214.87] $23,262 67 Pe Blevins Septic Service $5200.00] $22,962.67] Farsroo1e [1035 [omc Supply, Ino 37,814.65] $21,148.09) [raraerzore _|1034 [Rogers Group, ine. fsras6e $08. $21,048.59) fraresra0te [1035 [Town of Lebanon $140 320,508 59 jreraer2ote [1036 Hip Top Materials, LLC $410.23 $320,408.31 fraaerote [1037 [Thompson & Ltion, Ine. $2,500 $17,998.34 AO CREST [Thompeon 2262010 [Transfer to General Construction Acct JO/DHIE/17H18 $11,006.51 $0,931.71 Rem Hampson 1212672018, [Transfer to General Construction Acct |D/D#IG/17/18 $6,283.90) 47.89 Route 656 Project Account Register 1210118 to 1213118 Balance as of 01/18/19 $47.60 No Activity iPorl RRM Replacoment Project Account Register 12101148 to 12/94/18 Balance as of 01/18/19 $47…60 No Activity Fincastle Estates Project Account Register 12101118 to 12/9118 Balance as of 01/18/19 $47.80 Date | Ref No. Payee ‘Momo Payment [Deposit | Balance rer20%6 WRA $21,878.70] _ $22,928. jrarasra0re [7034 [Thompson & Litton, Ine. $7600.00) $920,828, fraresreote [1025 [Core & main $4,973.79] 315,856.04 framerate [1028 JRogers Group, In. [a7246664 ‘S771 $15,777. fareemote [1027 [Larry Miter $60.00] 515,697. framerate [1028 [Tip Top Materials, LLC 3534.62] 315,162 a [Ts Country Store 5788 545,005.69) fraresraore [1090 [Jery Street $100. $14,985.69] in Tabor FINCaSTS H2reerote loa $10,181.49} $4,834.29] imb Equip Pincaste jraraerante lat 34,286 40] 3547 80] im Eng FIncaSTS 21262018 lowers 3500. $47.80)

Page 1 0f 1

Russell County Public Service Authority - Construction Profit and Loss

December 2018 Total Tul= Dec, 2018 Dec 2018 (YTD) [income 4148.0 Contributions - Govt $89,650.41 $123,557.76 “4300.0 Loan Proceeds “4300.4 Route 656 $87 302.2 “4300.5 Fincastle Estates 847,502.96] 47,602.96) “4300.6 iPerl Radio Read Meters 36,282.01 4900.7 Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road '$13,928.82| 371,325.03) “Total 4300.0 Loan Proceeds $31,431.88] 166,412.25) “4400.0 Misc. Income 4400-4 Mise. Projects: $26,798.99] 9126,516.47| “4400.2 Sale of Supplies/Materials $297.04 Total 4400.0 Misc. Income $26,793.90 $126,612.51] "7200.0 Grant Contributions "7200-4 Route 656 $20,434.07| 7200.6 Fincastle Estates $4,375.74) 34,376.74] 7200.6 iPori Radio Read Meters $1,570.51] 7200.7 Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road 39,285.95] "$47,560. ‘Total 7200.0 Grant Contributions $43,664.69] 973,930.37| [Total Income $155,597.96 $480,712.89) [Gross Profit $456,537.96] $480,712.89] [Expenses '5500.0 Project Expenses 5510.0 Materials 8510.4 Route 656 $3,487.63] 8510.5 Fincastle Estates 3014.72] $5,868.57] 3510.8 Mise. Projects (6712.56) “Total 5510.0 Materials ‘sora 38,643.59] '6520.0 Salaries & Benefits 8520.4 Route 656 757181 $44,867.41 6520.5 Fincastle Estates $3,973.04] $20,178 '8520.7 Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road $26 213.40] '3620.8 Mise. Projects $12,274.68 353,414.44] “Total 6520.0 Salaries & Benefits $23,820.25] $144,674.04] 6530.0 Hourly Equipment 530.4 Route 656 $3,240.70 $21,7536] '5530.5 Fincastle Estates $656.47| $4,286.49} '5630.7 Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road $16,958.3 6620.8 Misc, Projects 32,158.56] 36,048.67| Total 6580.0 Hourly Equipment 36,084.73] $50,442.15]

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3640.0 Supplies/tiiscellaneous 540.4 Route 656 $358.75 $9,448.64] 15540.5 Fincastle Estates 316,161 89] 18,188.39] ‘5640.7 Thompson Greek/Tunnel Road $2,540.36] 5640.5 Misc. Projects 31,476.14] '$20,609.60| “Total 5540.0 Supplies/ifiscellaneous: $17,016.77] $60,781.93] '5690.0 Engineering "5500.10 Glade Hollow '521,000.00) "5590.4 Route 656 $3,000.00] 6500.5 Fincastle Estates $6,500.01 '6590.7 Thompson Greek/Tunnel Road $10,650. ‘Total 6890.0 Engineering 30.0 $49,160.00) ‘Total 6500.0 Project Expenses '$47,806.47| '$303,661.67| ‘6000.0 Salaries - General Gonsruction 93,715.29] 314,958.89] 6046.0 Employee Benefits '$500.00] 3500.0 6030.0 Uniforms $518.49) 35,084. "6080.0 Contract Labor $25.04 $160.00] 6104.0 Employee Screening $50.09] '6120.0 Telephone Cell $306.85] '$3.467.74| 140.2 Electric Temp Office $48.21] 385.24 6200.0 Supplies $315.20] S167. 6220.0 Repair & Maint. $2,148.92] 323,179.54 (6240.0 Gas, Oil, Grease $2,771.98] 319,184.33] 6260.0 Office Supplies 313967] $1,806.49] 6270.0 Postage & Delivery $25.00 3314.14] (6300.0 Accounting Services $77.00) 6340.0 Small Tools & Equipment $162.25] $517.32 '6420.0 FinancelService Charges $26.59] ‘wt8 7] 164300 Dues/Subscriptions $225.0 {6446.0 License/Tags/inspections '$80.00] 6446.0 Permit Fees 34,786.00) ‘9004.0 Transfer Out To PSA $85,650.41 $123,557.76 Total Expenses $142,200.23] $498,216. [Not Operating income 13,397.73] (617,603.49) ‘Not Income $13,387.7 617,603.41] Accrual Basis Page 2 of 2

Russell County PSA - Construction Outstanding Receivables as of 01/18/19




Hourly Equip,





[Route 656 DIDHZS






Route 656 D/D#26






Fincastle Estates DIDHI2






[Glade Hollow






[Town of Cleveland Oct-16


[Town of Cleveland Dec -18




TEA 94

‘$60, 887.54]





[Town of Cleveland Pump House


lWDOT/Dante Project


[County Projects












[OS HwyHicks: =

(Bese eSCoOS |

90.00 [2


Rabbit Hollow (GERCAP)



$0.00 [2


Fields (SERCAP)


[Castlewood Projects

$0.00 [i

[Castiewood Main Meter Project,


[Castlewood Admin, Services














IMisc./Glenview/east Crossroads Meters










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A |Gallons of water purchased from TCPSA-RAVEN/DORAN 5,048,000 B__|Gallons of water purchased from HONAKER ELEM SCHOOL METER C__ Total gallons of water purchased (A +B) 5,048,000 D___|Average gallons/day placed into distribution system [C/days in month] 168,267 E___|Gallons of water metered to customers - Swords Creek 3,337,277 F___|Gallons of water metered for flushing, fie flow, etc. 150,000 G__[Total gations of water unaccounted for {C - (E+F)] 4,560,723 H___|Apparent percent of water lost from the distribution system [100 H/C] 30.92% ||Number of connections 4299 J____laverage gallons/day per connection (F/d) 2569 K|Estimated daily population served 3248

Distribution system performance goals: less that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system less than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connectiot

CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)

|_DATE Magi DATE Magi DATE Mg/t Date Magi

1 9 47 4.17 - 030 25

2 10 48 26 410-010 3 103-010 | 14 19 50-010 27

4 12__| 154-010 | 20 28 1.21 - 020 5 1.21-020 | 13 24 4.18 -020 29

6 14__| 100-020 | 22 30

7 128-030 | 15 23 3t 1.63 - 030 8 16 24 1.66 - 030

REMARKS (waterline breaks, consumer complaints, service conncetions made) (may be continued on back):

Signed Name: —Qeaus pou

Printed Name: 7 Tracy/Grady Title/Operator Class: Operations Class 5


Month /Year - December, 2018 WATERWORKS - BELFAST - RCPSA

PWSID ID: 1167051


A__|Gallons of water purchased from TCPSA - CLAYPOOL HILL 2,481,400 B___|Gallons of water purchased from TOWN OF LEBANON °

C_ [Total Gallons of water placed into waterworks [A + B) 2,481,400 1D Average gallons/day placed into distribution system [C/days in month] 82,713, E [Gallons of water metered to customers - 1,881,886 F __ [Gallons of water metered for flushing, fire flow, etc.

G__ [Total gations of water unaccounted for [C - E + F] 599,514 H___ [Apparent percent of water lost from the distribution system [100 G/C] 24.16% 1___[Number of connections. 698

J [Average gallons /day per connection (E/!) 2,696

Kk __ [Estimated daily population served 4,575

Distribution system performance goals:

Jess that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system

Jess than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connection CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)


DATE Magi DATE DATE Migi Date Magi

1 9 17 163 - 010 25

2 10__|_ 151-070 18 26 7.68 - 020 3 762-010 1 19 7.67 - 020 27

4 12_ | 170-020 20 28 770 - 030 5 7.60 - 020 13. 21 1:36 - 030 29

6 4 740-030 [22 30,

7 746-030 15. 23 31 740-070 8 16 24 470-010

REMARKS (waterline breaks, consumer complaints, service connections made) (may be continued on back):

Signed Name: Zepag Meals Printed Name: Tracy Grady

Title/Operator Class: Operations Class 5

Month / Year: December, 2018

PWSID #: 1167275

Population Served: 225



No. Connections Served 90

Gallons of Water Pumpe 362,610

Y OPERATION REPORT Green Valley Estates Waterworks

Gallons of Water sold: 307,305

Water Loss: 12.85% Well 27-8 |welt 90-6 Master lobe ICL Residual Sample Date Comments,



3 23,200 | 6,430 33,636. 762 O70 4

5 13,900 3,840 22,307 60 020 6

  1. 16,300 AAT6 22,450 146 030 §


10 33300 | 6,436 32,867 TH 070 1

2 76100__[ 4419 24,561 7.70 020 3

14 76,200 7468 23,407 740 030 i


17 24400 | 6,768, 36,125 1.53 010 18

19 76480 [4569 24693 167 020 20

21 17,500__| 4,826 25,890 736 030 22


24 28,300 7,852 F502, 170 070 25.

26 20,300 5616 28,645 168 020 27

28 77;500_| 4,848 26,060 170 030 29


3h 25,600 7,081 36,634 740 070

[Totals 259,080__| 71,652 379,206

Operator in Responsible Charge: Tracy Grady _


Submit by the 40th ‘Virginia Department of Health Office of Drinking Water, Abingdon Field Office

454 East Main Street

‘Abingdon, Virginia 24210

Printed Name

q aed li, ‘month to:

WW License Class: _5


Month ‘Year - December, 2018 WATERWORKS: HANSONVILLE - RCPSA PWSID ID: 1167275


‘A___|Galtons of water purchased from TOWN OF LEBANON 4,263,300 B__|Galloons of water pumped from GREEN VALLEY ESTATES WELLS 352,610 C _ |TOTAL gallons of water placad in water works (a+b+c) 1,615,910 D [Average gallons/day placed into distribution system [D/days in month] 53,864 E __ [Total gallons of water metered to customers - Hansonville 801,232 F__ [Total gallons of water metered to customers - Green Vally Estate 307,305 G__ [Total gallons of water metered to customers - Washington County 235,876 H___|Gations of water metered for flushing, fire flow, etc. ||Total Gallons of water sold (E+F+G+H } 1,344,413 J [Total gallons of water unaccounted for 271,497 __ Apparent percent of water lost from the distribution system [100 J/C] 16.80% L|Number of connections 392 M__ Average gallons/day per connections VL 3,430 N___|Estimated daily population served 980,

Distribution system performance goals:

Jess that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system

Jess than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connection CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)

DATE | Mg/L - Station # | DATE | Mg/t -Station#| DATE | Mg/L-Station# | Date | Mgl. - Station # 1 9 ard 1.67 - 010 25 2 10. 41.64 -010 18 26 4.64 - 020 3 1.65 - 010 “4 49 4.66 - 020 27 4 12 4.70 - 020 20 28 1.65 - 030 5 1,64 - 020 13 24 4,67 - 030 29 6 14 1.68 - 030 22 30 Zz 1.62 - 030 15 23 34 4.62 - 010 8 16 24 1.65 - 010 Signed Name: Me hs (hd

Printed Name : oh Title/Operator Class: Operatior Class 5


Month Year December, 2018 WATERWORK - New Garden PWSID ID: 1167540


A__|Gallons of water purchased from HONAKER-NEW GARDEN METER 323,726 B___|Average gallons/day placed into distribution system {C/days in month) 10,791 C__|Gallons of water metered to customers 293,890 D__|Gallons of water metered for flushing, fire flow, ect.

E__|Total galtons of water unaccounted for [E - (A-C] 29,836 F__|Apparent percent of water lost from the distribution system [100 E/A] 9.22% G__|Number of connections 126

H___ Average gallons/day per connection (C/l) 9796 __|Estimated daily population served 315

Distribution system performance goals: less that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system less than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connection

CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)

DATE. Mg/t DATE Mag/L DATE. Magft. Date Mf. 4 9 17 80-030 25) 2 40) 48] 26| 1.60-010 3|1.24-010 4 49] 1.58-010 27| 4 12|.84-010 20) 28| 50-020 5|.91-020 43] 24 47-020 29] 6 14| 1.61 - 020 22| 30] 7|_ 1.64 - 030 45] 23] 31] 1.54 - 030 8 46] 24] 45 - 030 REMARKS (waterline breaks, consumer complaints, service conncetions made) (may be continued on back): Signed Name: tla, Sd dah

Printed Name : Tracy Grady Title/Operator Class: Operations Class 5


Month December County: Russell Year 2018 Waterworks: Thompson Creek - RCPSA PWSID No: 1167814


A |Gallons of water purchased fram Town Of Honaker 31,366 B |Gallons of water placed into distribution from other sources ‘C__ {Total Gallons of water placed into waterworks [A + B) 34,366, D__ [Gallons of water metered to primary customers 29,515 E [Gallons of water placed into the distribution system thar are not transferred ito primary customrs (C -D) 1,854 F__ [Gallons of water metered to other customers G___|Gallons of water used for flushing distribution system, leaks, otc. H__ [Total gallons of water unaccounted for (E - F - G) 1,854 1__ [Apparent percent of water lost from distribution system 5.90% J Average gallons per day placed into distribution system for customers other 984 than primary customers (E / days per Month) K___|Number of connections 20 L__ |Average gallonsiday per other waterworks customers (J 7K) 49 M__|Estimated daily population served 23

Distribution system performace goals:

  • Less than 30% loss of water placed into distribution system

(CHLORINE RESIDUAL (Required 3 dayshveek)

DATE. MgiL DATE DATE Magi Date 7 9 7 720 - 010 25 2 70 18 26 7.23 - 010 3 134-010 1 19 7.18 - 010 27 4 72_| 124-010 20 28 7.25 - 010 a 736-010 13. 21 1.15 - 010, 29 6 44 [422-070 22 30 7 730-010 15 23, 31 740-010 Ey 16 24 720-010

REMARKS (waterline breaks, consumer complaints, service connections made) (may be continued on back):

Signed Name: May Mid Printed Name: Tracy Grady Title/Operator Class: Operations Class 5


Locarron accouN?

001-00002090 104150

003-99002500 104395,

901-00007900 100332

001-00008000 101007

01-c0008830 104989,

01-00008870 100230,

901-00009600 100403

001-00010030 104810

001-00031002 105257

01-00011100 104526

01-00012000 00015,

01-09015350 101369

001-00018300 100445

901-po018400 100353

901-00019201 1oae14

901-00020100 104701,

001-00020730 100887

001-p0022600 105270 01-00024100 104537

901-p0099372 105000

002-00027460 104783,

902-00027490 304243,

902-00027500 100554

902-00027800 100473,



xan Aooress PREVA, TOTAL ZASTPAY NOTE RAN, APRIL e7i.e4 968.18" 12/26/18 5065 HORTON RIDGE RD Mer: 75097547 WID/MMU: 16865970 Prvkas354966 je SPARKS, DAVID 74.60 Mi7sdAQ7

4446 HORTON RIDGE RD Meri: 75696159 MID/NXU: 16871348 PrvRa:220131

youxs, Kexm 2 44.70 est unsie Py 5757 1765 HORTON RIDGE RD uex#s 76068571 wED/MMU: 1607I860 PrvRA‘2582i5

YOUNG, KExTH 94.68 unsa use td. J4.54 307 HORTON ROGE RD Mert: 75896147 WID/IKU: LEBsEzzD Drona, «98967 1-GYle wea, xxusry ner azar Tahohi

4954 HORTON RIDGE Mer#: 75896145 MID/MMU: 16864618 PrvRd:146550

LESTER, RHONDA paav.a6 2508-44�� roria/ie Dak. “AS

5040 HORTON RIDGE RD Mex¥: 75696127 MID/MKU: 16864526 PrvRd:366767

‘CASEY, BARBARA 269.72 257.31 1/30/19 100-60 1019) SMORDS CREEK RO Mer#: 75697567 HID/MKU: 16983080 PFORAPLOTO1O

GARRETT, SAMANTHA Ye.11 120.4% 1/29/18 10175" SWORDS CREEK RD Mt 16074156. Bread: 92185

RAY, KIMBERLY M 156.58 156.58 9/5/18 4.0. 9835 SWORDS CK RD APT #3 Mer#: 76123160 MED/MXU: 16931478 PrvRd: 61360

EMILY’S COUNTRY,CO 208.74 269.74* 10/23/18 9929 SWORDS CREEK RD Mtr#: 76129144 MID/mxU: 16949380 PrvRd:103834

camepen, RaLeH 1405.39 sae0.73» none fd. log

9871 SWORDS CREEK RD 9871 SHOR Mer#: 75897535 MID/MKU: 16872580 PrRdl:20355)

HORTON, RANDY ¢ KAT yaar 328.13 13/8/18 83 SIMMONS TOHN RD Mer#: 82093668 MID/MmU; 18997910 PrvRd;96832

WEIR, MICHAEL, 72.73 137.67 12/26/18 \Pa. 00 233 MAPLE GAP RD Werf: 62094415 MID/RU: 85564994 BevRd:117999

HESS, VIRGIL 1 60.00 90.00 11/5/18 259 MAPLE GAP RD Mtrf: 75897250 MID/MXU: 19018046 PrvRd:78953,

Y AIDE, TONY 267.99 308.99 a2sune Pat 9/3

15° MAPLE GAP RD Mtr¥: 75697252 MID/MXO: 19014722 Prvad:122786

MESSER, ALEXA 89.01 119.01" 11/26/18

9463" SWORDS CREBK RD Mtr: 75897534 MID/MKU: 16862546 PrvRd:182899 JOHNSON, BENIABIN F 149.74 aig.1a* 12/12/18

229 JOHNSON HOLLOW RD Meri: 75897553 MID/MKU: 16937804 PruRd: 408765 HALSEY, CHATS 23.94 53.94 10/16/18 2.0)

9059! SWORDS CREEK RD Mer#: 75897513 MID/MKU: 16976182 PrvRa:87592 79562775

NICHOLS, CURTIS 33.93 63.83 12/5/18 36 KAXDENS WAY Mtr: 75997503 MID/wxU: 69532854 PruRd:61217

RAY, KIMBERLY M 94.35 94.35" 12/28/18 Ld 9937 SWORDS CK RD APT #2 APT # Mtr#: 76123245 MID/uKU: 16871344 PrvRd;23187S

PRICE, DONNA ¢ 105.36 135.36" 12/5/18 ‘TL MANCHESTER DRIVE 71, MANCHES MtrW: 75696125 MZD/HxU: 17042794 PrvRdzIOGSTL

PRICE, DUSTY 62.18 103.35 1/14/19 22 NATURES WAY Mtr#: 75896126 MID/MxU: 17047490 PreRd: 23450

GOODMAN, DARREL. 53.85 121.76 1/7/19 19 MANCHESTER DRIVE Meri: 75696119 MID/NKU: 17046596 PrvRa:493146

PRICE, SEVENTA 36.97 78.95 11/26/18 4311’ ROBINSON RIDGE MEr#: 75896115 MID/MXU: 17044228 PrvRa:222707

KEEN, BRIAN 62.99 113.93 12/4/18



  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

Locarron wae necour ADDRESS PREVBAL TOTAL tasty NOTE 004-00003700 HORTON, won Davi 15.63 45.63 1/14/19 100472 3449" HORTON RIDGE RO MEx¥: 75096040 ID/MKU: 16733932 PrvRd:130290 004-00003810 MEADOWS, BRADLEY 119.73 150.25» 2/29 Dat las 100889 3212 HORTON RIDGE RD utr#: 79096039 mID/MKU: 16799296 Pevied: 355220 006-00004100 _BLANKENSIITP, BYRON 39.90 74.32 w2sasie 100839 ‘3276 HORTON RIDGE RD MEeH: 82099907 wID/HKU: 16759032 PrvRd:59250 004-00004600 GOODMAN, 9AM & RUTH 45,92 97.33. 12/6/18 101008 3007 HORTON RIDGE Mers: 82093906 MID/mMU: 167S4406 PrvRa:91554 o04-00005200 RoBLNEETE, KEN 16,00 unas ro27a8 uke Mos vos 2480 HORTON RIDGE RD Mex#: 82099904 NiED/MKU: 16756236 PrvRa: 66291 90¢-00005300 —goRDAW, racqueLzNE 74,50 104.30 saat 2311 HORZON REDGE RD Mex#: 2093903 MUD/wmO: 16952352 PrvRd:14197 007-00000454 EVANS, BRENDA 69.03 300.29 1/8/19 192562 {54 PING CREEK RD Mer: 82094077 Mib/uKv: 16993032 PevRd: 42874 07-v0061750 HESS, BRIETANY 33.37 63.37 12/7/18 100728 S41 PINE CREEK RD mer: 79452939 uzD/emu: 16949314 PrvRd: 90435 007-00061950 —-MUSTCK, Lacy J 83.18 130,76 1da/t9- YA .35° 104527 1022" PINE CREEK RD wtr#: #2093960 MTD/MKU: 16949320 PrvRaTBI995 007-00062100 FUCKER, DANIET. 12.67 61.93 1/4/19 100743 1028’ PINE CREEK RD MUr#: 82093425 MI/MKU: 16705176 PrvRd: 40363 007-00052550 _SWINEY, AMBER 40.39 70.39 11/28/10 105405 260 RICHI RD MexR: 82093398 mrD/miu: 16804250 PxvRd: 41323 G5- 5300 007-00062850 _RECKARDSoN, scoTTY 276.21 06.21" 7/36/18 104281 87 AB IN| Mer: 75896011 MID/MKU: 16622670 Prvad: 147609 007-00062950 _RECHARDSON, DENNIS 46.41 92.40 12/7/18 190710 402 AE IN MEEB: 02092392 mxp/amcu: 16611650 PrvRd:$7274 07-00063000 Rowe, Josi eeo.c2 —pi.a2e anos = Pit as 100740 489 AE LN 403 AE ON werB: €2093492 MID/MXU: 16803674 PrvRa:312344 007-00063450 _RTCHARDSON, LZNDA 19.00 60.00 12/27/18 100211 1903 PINE CREEK RD wer#: 75896037 MID/MMU: 16764924 PevRd: 217393 007-09063900 MTL, CHRIS 59.17 113.09 12/4/10 100888 2534 BINE CREEK RD wer#: 75896007 MIb/wmu: 16765908 PrvRd:?51679 007-00064270 HUBBARD, HUBERT 227,21 272.268 Wasa, Fai 102625 2983 PINE CREEK RD Mtx¥: 75896088 MID/Wx0: 16765604. Prva: 260364 007-00ncassa — MEADONS, ROY e621 20.56 1a/s/ae at Yas Yooss2 G35, HORTON RIDGH RD HeeH: 75896072 mID/IMU: 16600704 PevAd, 124452 PASS 008-00002200 REYNOLDS, ALZDA 650.87 698.90" 11/5/18 ‘102720 TI PEACEFUL IN meré: 75097275 mrb/tmiu: 19017286 PrvRd: 267603 008-00002300 PECK, TERESA 1416.16 1446.16% 12/26/18 102721 54 PEACEFUL IN werd: 75097180 MID/MKG: 19014730 BevRé: 239719 008-00007709-RATLTEF, LOKE 279.79 _-309.79* 12/27/18 104506 '56_OAKTAND DR 56 OAKLAND DR Mec#: 2094495 MID/MKU: 16952692 Bev 63737709 BIS 066) 008-00009443 “QUINN, REBECCA 126.29 101.77 105483 $24 CALL VALLEY RD eré: 78519443 MIb/umU: 80970262 PrvRd:62550 008-000194¢3 wir, cuELSEA 29.98 29.98” 6/14/18 108324 924 CADL VALLEY RD wer NO MERER MED/MKU: NO MID/MKU Prvkd:51374 79519643, 80870262 008-00019444 REYNOLDS, SANDRA 112,35 112.35* 2/9/18 105228 924 CALL VALLEY RD Metz® NO METER WID/MKD: NO MID/WKU PrvRd: 24601

78519443 90970262


Locarion accounr ‘08-00080220 100255

908-00081330 100805,

008-00081450 iooe1t

008-00081562 104782,

008-poaesée1 105116

908-00082690 102157

08-00082720 105337

008-c0081800 100828

009-00003610 103303,

003-po018600 300584

909-p0030200 100071

009-00090430 105233,

909-o0090490 101155,

909-00091400 100201

009-00091851 100238

009-o0092000 100245,

909-00082550 100360

009-00092950 100485

909-o00s3000 100487

009-00093050 100488

008-90093100 100496

209-00093300 100543

909-00093350 100605

999-00093450 100618


  • Indigates 90 Day Balance

MAME ADDRESS PREVBAL ‘Torar rasTeAY noms, PLASTER, JEFF 66.75 220.76 11/19/18

577 PLASTERS 8D, Mtr: 82093975 MID/NX

16936950 Prend: 115868

BARTON, DWAYNE @ ME 41.63 79.50 12/4/18 Y1BO WYSOR VALLEY RD Mtr@: 75897172 WID/wxU: 19015232 PrvRd:220269

OSBORNE, KYLE STANE 44.20, 129.83 1/4/19 Putas

23 ASPEN CY Mtr#: 82094213 MrD/MKU: 19002678 PrvAd: 75339

SIGMON, LISA R SNYD 242.63 300.51* 1/9/29 87558 440 WYSOR VALLEY RD Mer#: 75897266 Mid/mxu: 62100738 devnd: 404994

RONYON, SARAH 36.32 77.45. 1/4/19 634 DRILL RD Mtr#: 75897201 MLO/wxU: 19032754 PreRd: 263375

MUSICK, DEANA 140.00 140.00* 6/12/18 LB 125 AICKORY JCT Mtrf: 75897206 mrD/mmu: 19015682 Prvnd: 199605

SMITH, JEFFERY 83.83 113.83 12/4/18

636 DRILL RD Mtr#; 75897204 MID/MxU: 19032952 PrvRd: 79563 75897204 19032952

maaats, canze 95.48 325.40 12/4/28 74 DRILL RD Mtr: 15897178 wxp/exG: 19024570 Fevid:99326 345-1875 Is SHORTRIDGE, JASON 440.00 ara.acr vaniens pmb faa ‘3610 CLARKS VALLEY RD Merb: 62094068 Wub/amU: 19009414 PreRa: 76052 70589201 Cease, Donn 46.17 108.03 1/15/19 237° MAPLE GAP _RD Merb: 76411699 MED/MxU: 19015700 PevRd:194036 wui122p, rooney 23.0 63.03 12/11/18 335 CLARKS VALLEY RO Mts: O209¢211 MLb/imU: 16727280 Prvnd:272g2 F4/-toat DAvEDSON, EREDERICK 91.29 130.70 the

303 CLARKS VALLEY RD Meri: 82094125 MID/MKU: 16720710 PrvRd:12471

‘MORRISON, RODNEY 30.67 126.90 1/14/19 435 RICHARDSON HOLLOW Mtr#: 62094430 MID/MKU: 16726222 PrvRd: 67122 82094116

JOHNSON, BRIAN 58.14 97.68 11/30/18 43383 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr: 82094135 MrD/MKU: 16725318 PrvRd: 108673)

yg, go8y 193.12 eat.79+ wonie “Fe Aig

75 MAY DRIVE MerB: 82094098 wrD/wxU: 16723970 PrvRd: 91277

Dye, TEDDY 97.27 153.99 11/28/18 2223 CLARKS VALIZY RD Mer: 62094101 MID/MKU: 16889812 PrvRd:318633

SHORT?, ERTC WILLIA 60.05 107.86 11/26/28 2789 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr: 76222605 MID/WKU: 19030656 PrvRd:227251

HARMAN, JERE 4869.98 4899.98" 9/11/06 RE O’ZOP 41 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mex¥: 54090492 WED/MKU: PrvRd:0

HARMAN, JERE 4869.98 4899.98 9/11/06 RE9 LOT # 40 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr#: 54090496 MID/MKU: PrvRd:0

SESE HARMAN, 4869.98 4899.98" 9/11/06 RE 9 LOT # 39 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr#: $4090408 MZD/MXU: PreRd:0

HARMAN, JEFF 4969.98 4899.90 9/11/06 RT 9’LOT # 03 CLARKS VALLEY RD Werf: 54816375 MID/MKU: PruRd:0

BARMAN, JEFF 4995.98 4925.90 9/11/06 RT 9’LOP # 07 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr: 54916361 MrD/mxU: 19011758

HARMAN & HARMAN LI. 4969.98 4899.98 9/11/06 RT 9 LOT # 08 CLARKS VALLEY RD Uer€: 54816339 MID/wxu: PruRd:0

HARMAN & HARMAN Lis 4369.98 4899.98" 9/11/06 RY 9 Lor # 09 CLARKS VALLEY RD MtrW: 54916349 MID/MxU: PrvRd:0


LOCATION ACCOUNT 009-00093500 102438

909-09093530 103984

909-00093850 100622

003-00093600 100630

009-09093650 100665

009-00093800 100685

012-0000019) 103674

012-n0000496 102959)

012-00000648 105422

012-00000782 102864

042-00002200 101416

012-00002900 102701,

012-00003200 105438

012-00003337 105272

012-p0004683 104915 012-00081860 104576

012-00320800 101174

012-00120730 103669,

912-00121750 105223, 912-00121950 103928

012-00225081, 105434

912-o0126500 101336

o1z-00126700 104239


  • Indicates 90 Day Balance


390 CLARKS VALLEY ESTES mtrf: 2094058 mrD/MxU: 19003208 Prvnd:114002

SUTHERLAND, SHERRY 37.02 67.62. 11/30/18 344 CLARKS VALLEY ESTATES Mtr: 82094062 MID/MKU: 19011742 PrvRa:60056

HARMAN & HARMAN LL 4969.98 4899.98 9/11/06 — RE 9 LOT § 29 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr¥: 54090495 MID/MxU: PrvRd:0

HARMAN HARMAN LE 4369.98 4899.98 9/11/06 RT 9 LOT § 27 CLARKS VALLEY RD Mtr: 54090422 MID/MKU: PruRd:0


9.98 4899.98* 9/11/06 ——– 34090409 MID/MKU: Prvnd:0

MILLER, MARY 2956.96 2412.00% 11/8/18 spat ‘hea 556 CLARKS VALLEY ESTATE Mtr#: 82094134 WID/MKU: 19011570 Prvnd:113699 HARRIS, CAROLYN 37,30 95.35 1/4/19

434 DRILL RD LOT # 2 HICKORY J Mtx#: 75697239 MID/MKU: 19018352 PrvRd!2ISZT2 53242690

BROWN, BLANCH 57.04 12.04 11/27/18 490 STONE BRANCH RD Mtr#: 82094072 MID/mU: 80408470 PrVRA:67200 METER § 4

STILINER, TIMOTHY A 60.34 315.16 11/20/18

648 ROMIA RD Mtr#: 82093607 MID/MKU: 17264950 PrvRd:89366 65546642

‘STEVENS, ANGELA 36.08 69.94 12/18/18 702 ROMIA ROAD Mtr#: 82093809 MID/MKU: 17284128 PrvRa: 49801

VANCE, JOHNNY 49.75 6.41 1/8/19 1804 DRILL RD Mtr: 75897141 MED/MXU: 19034204 ProRd:98415,

KEATON JR, CLARENCE $4.77 8.77 14/19 237 WM HELTON RD Mer#: 82093579 MID/MU: 16802972 PrvRa:36985

HELTON, SANDY 63.50 93,50 12/7/18 565 WM HELTON RD Mtrf: 82093450 MID/MKU: BB458186 PrvRd:4428

MULDER, AMANDA 20.63 63.19 1/24/19 3337 DRILL RD Mtr#: 82093650 mTD/mU: 19003112 Pevad: 49316

STILTNER, TIMOTRY 57.22 325.57 11/20/18 4683 DRILL RD Mtr#; 82094435 MID/WXU: 16803670 Prvad:23441 41032592

RICHARDSON, AMANDA, 19.00 49.00 1/7/19 438 DRILL RD Mtr: 75897243 MED/MXU: 19018440 PrvRd:103316

OSBORNE, AGEE LEE 50.95 80.95 1/8/19 82 STONE BRANCH Mtr#: 75897216 MID/WU: 19002380 PrvRa:37836

SAGE, BARLY G. 147.32 177.32" 13/7/18 351 STONE BRANCH AD Mér#: 75897187 MID/NKU: 19002210 PrvRa:160532

CHARLES, DEBBIE 33.36 63.36 12/4/18 2377 ‘DRILL RD Mtr: 82094563 MXD/MXU: 16724770 Prvad:36249 58634874

MEADE, DUSTIN 34.34 64.34 12/17/18 26 BISHOP STREET GAURAL BRANCH weed: 62093559 MID/pU, 16803824 Pr wRAFTOTO BGs 55 77

[BRESNAHAN, CINDY 84.60 128.70 11/19/18 342 OLD DRILL RD RENTAL Mtr: 62093414 WID/MKU: 16805668 PrvRd:34176

‘SMUTH, MARY ANN 27.17 57.17 1/4/19 6430 DRILL RD Mtr#: 82093500 MID/MMU: 16799684 PrvRd:31229

JACKSON, LOUTS 60.00 90.00 12/5/18 6637 DRILL RD Mer#: 62094420 MID/MKU: 16802234 Prvad:54611 METER HAD SNOW ON IT



  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

Location NAME, Accoun ADDRESS PREVBAL TOTAL LASTPAY 012-00127851 - STILTNER, GINGER 189.72 240.85" 1/4/19 150-09 304734 57 WABLE CREST RD Mtr#: 62094398 MID/WKU: 17285208 PrvRd:77421 012-00127900 LESYER, TAULBEE & M 45.55 62.37 12/10/18 301284 AS WAPLE CREST RD wtx#: 62094952 MIU/mxU: 17285142 PrvRd:55689 012-00128000 THARP, MICHELLE 29.39 129.90 1/6/19 PbS 6.04 101286 305’ MAPLE CREST RD. wtr#: 82094358 MID/MKUs 99099502 HrvRd: 63069

seniaeza 012-00128600 — wunLNs, LARRY 9 208.48 258.50* 12/26/18 101328 502 ROMIA ROAD Mts#: 82094169 MID/MKU; 17205108 PrvRa: 46501 01500048321 SIGMON, HITCHELL 1296.18 1326.18* 4/4/18 Ld: 109913 3612 KENTS RIDGE RD Meri: 82093385 MIO/MKU: 19078170 Prvad:54578 018-00002620 MEADE, JACKIE 34,50 64.50 1/8/19 103975 2620 CAMPBELL, HOLLOW RD Mtr#: 82094350 MID/NKU: 16760516 Pryka: 45225

944, 3408

01800004910 _CRABEREE, JaMES 152.50 216.208 Labdiie 05344 4910 FINNEY RD meré: 64281748 MID/MRU: 88457627 PrvRd:16679 018-00005900 BAKER, LEE 55.76 95.76 11/26/18 102600 9494 REDBUD HWY. Mer#: 82093611 MID/UXU: 16819064 PrvRd? 102441 018-00008000 _HONAKER, CYNTHIA 46.07 82.87 12/4/18 304728 286 DON STEVENS DRIVE Mex#: 62093731 MID/MKU: 16803416 PevRd:50456 018-00009400 _cousman, osy 76.66 asa.70 wana Pfu 5-00 104680 8953 REDBUD HWY Mer#: 82094146 MID/MKU: 16824546 PrvRd:B0306 018-00009800 RICHARDSON, WILLIAK 34.50 64.50 11/27/18 1oae19 9045 REDBUD HWY Mez#: 62094147 MED/MKU: 16823504 PrvRd:16959 018-00010600 cL TFTON, DEBBY 75.64 105.64 11/5/18, 1oesa1 41 MAPLE LEAP DRIVE wert: 62094385 miD/tomv: 16805724 Prved:51167 018-c0010800 —_syKeS, TRSHA 39.62 69.62 12/4/18 102487 9532 REDBUD HAY Méx#: 82094208 MrD/wiv: 16803530 Hevad:20716

018-00012600 BALL, EARNEST gau.7a2aa.sov yrs “Yd. 100-06 loses eongeH543

9668 REDBUD Hay # 3 Mtr: 62094190 MED/mxu: 16803252 PrvR

018-00013200 O’DONNELL, JOHN 1 358.47 358.47" 3/23/18 Lb 103701, 200 DON’ SBVBNS OR Mex#: 82093734 MID/mMU: 16820802 exvRdeO7727 018-00013701 SMITH, saMES 199.73 234.05" quasag fd. 40.40 Yoas7 351, PULLERS BRANCH RD utr¥: ¢20997¢7 Mzb/uxU: 16819800 PrvRd: 51537 018-00014000 RAY, JOSH 154.61 197.03" az/ans Pad fas Yoasst 3048 REDBUD AMY Mer#: 82094390 MID/MiU: SoBd0NNG PrvRd 44419 018-00014300 MILLER, JEREMY & an 29,39 48.01 1/4/19 Toes 737 PULLER BRANCH werd: 2093745 wiD/itu: 16820404 Prvnd! 10757 019-00016300 _DoTsox, KIMBERLY 34,50 6.50 1/14/28 tosa08, Te BIC A CIRCLE DR Mer: 04281909 Mib/uxo: 16890168. prvad: 4827 018-00016600 BRLDAIN, GEORGE ALI. 32.21 62.27 1ays/a8 Toasts 325 MORRAYS CHADEL RD MesH: 75897265 MID/MXU: 16990702, Prehas36547

20). 3560 018-00123450 _ACKSON, HARLEY 2.01 103.00 “/is/is 301229 TLL AWBBRITZL OR COMPEON SUB Mex#: 75697229 MID/BU: 19003476 ProRdsIS7E6E ona-0o12380, Musick, venmzzER 34.42 99.74 29/6/18 1o5z08 TSU AMBERNTEE OR Wex#: 75897147 MED/mG: 1902764 PevAd-e0176 o1n-00000167 RAY 132, czaUDE 94.96 96.05 12/26/18 tosaoe 67 BOED DRIVE Mee: €2094222 waD/MU: L6942918 Prva: 19451 o1A-p0000048 coovee, sezeney 317.07 a17.07* aayis/i7 303352 448 PLASTERS RO Mexé: €2099850 MED/MU: 16953078 PrvRd;1900,

DS 4 134 01A-00001143 HERRERA, WILMA. SEAN 110.22 1716.19 2/1/18

105208 43 NICKEL RD Mtr: 76060640 wrD/MxU: 16952546 Prvad: 375208


LOCATION AccOUNT: o1a-00002702 205171

o1a-00004338 104755,

01A-00004636 104016

o1a-00007999 105060

p1a-00016897 108304

o1a-00025300 100122

01A-00029730 104969

‘91A~00029731. 101126, b1a-o0021020 101146

01A-09031200 100145

o1a-00031470 100602

o1a-00031650 203697

o1a-00035050 105443)

1A-00035220 100566

1A-00037050 100596

01A-00037200 105163,

024-00027280 108402 01n-00037300 105084 01A-00037320 104258 01A-00037900 100178

91A-00040760 103136

01A-00040900 100266

o1a-c0041400 100251



  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

NAME ADDRESS: PREVBAL ‘TorAL rasteAY Nore HORT, CHRISTOPHER & 24.10 88.19 1/7/13

63" FELLOWSHIP DRIVE Mtr#: 76068615 MID/MKU: 16931706 PrvRd:221240 76068615 16931706

PECK, BRANDON 1 351.25, 381.25" 8/3/18 Le 4338 SWORDS CREEK RD Mtr: 75896138 MID/MKU: 16865600 PrvRd:172576

‘HUBBARD, EDITH 34.50 64.50 33/21/18 4636 SWORDS CREEK ROAD Mtr¥: 76068635 MID/MKD: 169¢1484 PrvRd: 166

JOHNSON, ANTSTA 100.00 aso.ase aoe Pd AS-BY 71999 SWORDS CREEK RD Mtx#: e1el8542 vZD/MKO: 88513160 BrvRd: 70024

BROWN, ANNA 35.22 97.49 1/9/19 50 OAKLAND RD METER # 3 PLAST Mer#: 62094377 MID/NXU: 16953308 PrvRdvSa70

HAYES, LARRY AND DE 30.85 73.64 11/19/18 21 WAITES LN Mee#: 7097448 mxD/mxu: 16902056 PrvRd:226713

JONES, JESSICA 47.87 96.20 1/18/19 8464 SWORDS CREEK RD Mri: 76068697 MID/MKU: 16952534 PrvRd:140239

JOKES, JON 562.31 862.31¢ 9/6/17 Ld 8464 SWORDS CREEK RD Meh NO METER MID/WKU: NO MID/WKU PevRd:0 76068697 16952534

DAVIS, DANNY 90.45 130.74 asia, “Yd, 100.06 912% SHORDS CREEK RD wex#: 75997460 MID/MRU: 18714082 PreRas797699

DAVIS, PERRY 33.33 63.33 1/8/19 8003 SWORDS CREEK RD Mtr#: 75897456 MID/MXU: 18714354 PrvRd:123807

(OSBORNE, MATTHEH 31.94 665.79 1/4/19 103 SWIFTLY JOHN RD Mer#: 76069628 NID/wxU: 18709240 PrvRd: 113677

HAYES, DANIELLE « N 36.83 71.54 11/26/18 7727 SWORDS CREEK RO Mtr#: 76069649 HID/UKU: 16930636 PrvRa:142639

RAY, KIWBERLY 57,73 ro0.68 wane Pd

897 LYNN SPRINGS RD Mér#: 82094251 MID/MKU; 16941514 PrvRa:14341 6068604

BOND oR, caRLos yanc2 282.65 ayes Dak Ae S40 1isi SERINGS RD Mtr: 76060660 Nxb/mmu: LeB42290 Prvad: 340124

IDLER, AECEREL 61,28 106.25 12/4/18 ASL MILLER CRERK RD Mex#: 76060659 HID/MKU: 16988246 PrvRd:277936 BOARDITNE, DEBRA aize2 aag.2ae oyris NP 'I30

7455 MILLER CREEK RD Mtr#: 76068619 MID/MKU: 16953098 PrvRd:124533

mass, perry 356.23 ae6.74

7461 MILLER GREEK RD Mtr#: 76068620 MID/MKU: 16938192 PrvRd:60619 METER ON LEFT (TRAILER)

HONAKER, KETSHTA & 298.48 328.48" 12/4/18 7463 MILLER CREEK RD Mtr#: 76068621 MID/wmU: 16933072 PrvRd:84395

CRABTREE, ELLEN R. 879.20 879.20% 12/4/18. bide

1465 MILLER CREEK RD 7465 MILL, Mtr#: 63883731 MID/¥XU: 16933132 PrvRdz0 69945093 52126413

PRESLEY, JBRRY & JE 42.54 12.54 1/8/19 ‘5181 SWORDS CREEK RD wer#: 76068609 WID/mKU: 16937608 PrvRd:233037

‘CORDEE, TACY 102 ALPHA ST Merl: 74661800 wxp/mxt

64,50 11/29/18

GRIZ218, JESSE ¢ NI 39.78 70.33 11/20/18 306 ALPHA ST Nerf: 74661797 MID/MxU; 16865876 PrvRd:152755

BLGNS, KEITH B 62.39 108.76 12/10/18 6 ALPHA ST 86 ALPHA ST Mtr#: 75896161 MID/MKU: 16862206 PrvRd:1937,




  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

Locaron Nan necounr ADDRESS PREVBAL ORAL LASTPRY NOTE 014-00041500 FORRES, conv 46.53 76.83 1/4/19 100195 63 ALBHA ST MEr#: 76060596 muD/MKU: 16964608 ervRd:173403, o1n-00004800 RAY, TIMOTHY A 109.96 145.18* 12/26/18 Looz08 26 BOYD DRIVE Mer#; 62096152 MID/HXU; 16800710 Prvnd:31245 0sn-00046200 KENNEDY, KEVIN as6.73 907.06" 1/4/19 100236 184 U’WILSON RD MECH: 76060504 MID/mxG: 16993190 BrvRd: 455142 01A-00046511 STEVENS, ANGEEA 243.91 368.62" . 103008 3937 SWORDS CREEK RD APY @ 2 Mex¥: 82693600 wID/MRU? 16951462 PrvRa:7O1ST 01A-00047050 owen, KARTINA 44.90 4.53 12/19/30 Sopa! 3975" SWORDS CREEK RD MexH: 79097101 MZD/MKU: 46997052 BroRa:249395 O1A-00047150 — MCDANTEL, ROWARD se.a7 4.20 a/7/19 103338 3964 GAORDS CREEK RD #1 APT. utr#; 75042491 wrD/vxU: 16937858 PrvRaTISTITZ 014-00007172 WILSON aR, ARLIN cK 51.19 90.59 12/16/18 108376 3964 SWORDS CREEK RD. #3 ACT 3 Wer#: 75097098 MID/MKU: 16932746 PrvRaTASLIAS 3964 SHORD CREEK RD APE. #3 01A-00048500 BURKE, JANIE 02.17 143.29 12/13/18 100219 3717 SHORDS CREEK RD Mex#: 715896166 SED/mxU: 16074690 PrvRd: 399859 1A-00048700 —-HONAKER, RANDAL 93.91 123.91" 9/6/18 100395 135 PERRY DRIVE Mec#: 75096164 MID/mU: 17044946 Pevna: 161922 018-00009240 _-VANOVER, LENORA 54.38 99.73 12/a/1e oan “165 HONEYSUCKLE LN wez#: 75897200 MID/tmU: 19001870 ervRd:256039 01A-00061350 WILSON, JEFF 173.90 205.75 oyeana ff. #908.73 05032 42) PIME CREEK RD Mer: 82094284 MID/MKO: 16803646 PrvRd: 22296 01-00003700 RAY, WAYNE = JR ave. arene Patllas 101379 7208 NILLER CREEK RD Mex¥: 2096170 WID/ix0: 19002608 PrvRa:72237 01-00003800 HUTCHINSON oR, EDDr 51.05 9.62 a2/asie 101380 92 OAK LEAP I Mex#; 92094083 MID/MKU: 19027930 PrvRa: 153906 018-00004500 RAY, TIM & SANDY 139,02 1a72.16* 1/24/19. LU. j00-4 100-66 101387 6125 MELLER CEEK RD Mex#: 82094093 MID/wxU: 19023094 pruRds 54084 oxs-90004900 naz36, evaNAA sito s6s.29 asgne Yah 4109.0 101391 7 EBREINS HOLLOW RD west: 02093974 miD/mU: 19002850 PevAd: 100405, 012-00005900 RAY JR, CLAUDE A 39.02 69.02 11/20/18 101401 188 PERKINS HOLLOW RD Mee#: 82094052 MIb/mKU: 19002368 PrvRd: 60724 012-00006100 RAY, Kerra 23.9 63.83 12/4/19 ‘orae2 TS 'MELUER CHURCH LANE MerH: 82094260 MrD/mO: 19012224 PevRd: 12017) o12-00007095 CRABTREE, TRAVIS. ¢ 401.08 449.96" 12/28/18 (6. oan 7055 MILLER CREEK RD Meré: 75896061 wID/MKC: 19004152 PevRa:267702 018-00007057 TAYLOR, AARBARA~ 8 29.00 69.00 12/20/18 oes 7057 WELOER CREEK RO 7057 MILL Mtr#: 15896057 mID/mMU: 19012676 PrvRaTOIZIRS o18-00007061 owes, pAvzO 10.90 42.32 1/9/19 105453 O61 MILLER CREEK RD Mex#: 75896058 NTD/MKU: 19003430 BrvRa:70206 025-0000048 _HoNAKR, rvctWMA s2.74 165.30" rosane Prnd 120» 103405 453 CRACKERS WECK Mtr: 75097603 MID/MKU: 16942428 PrvRa:225829 025-00000572 _cRARTRRE, ySoN 70.61 100,61 10/25/18 104747 372 CRACKERS NECK ROAD Mee#: 76068917 MuD/mxu: 16930120 PrvRa:e4527 025-00000604 CRABTREE, PHYLLIS 1930.91 1930.91" 7/11/18 rar 103408 606 CRACKERS NECK ROAD Mex: 76068915 MID/MKU: 16967626 Prvna:89474 MeMER #2 025-00000974 ADS, TRA x 150.76 13.76" aang Yh (Seva

103433 974 NAT WRIGHT TRATL Mex#: 75897606 MID/Mx

  • 16951412 Prvad: 18sea9


Locarion Accounr: 026-00000032 104318

026-on00010a 304464

026-00000119 104213,

026-00000196 104711

026-00000229 104408

026-00000767 104300

926-00000831 108346

026-00000956 104511

026-00000903 104514

026-o0002866 104476

026-00002540 104343,

026-00002608 104339,

026-00002654 104348,

26-00002720 108366

026-00002836 105293,

026-00002550 104306

026-00008055 io4ars

026-00012250 104e28

026-00012509 104077

027-a0001454 105410

027-00003774 205414

92R-00030220 102096

028-00030240 302097

2-00030300 104741

922-00030430 102105,


  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

swe popness REVERE TomAL IagteaY NOTE Nom cranes 33.03 eres ayers 32 TENNESSE ST MexR: 76222559 MED/MEA: 19966966 Prved: 4007S SRICH, BIEL 908 25,99 $5.99 au/as/1e TOM HACKERS BRANCH Ect: 76222589 MID/MKU; 16020278 Prehar1 3474 TAYEOR, VAN & BBP 22.40 72.40 3/7/33 139 7-6 HELIVAN DR ort: 76223287 MrD/mxU: 29021762 Pevhds123180 struawer, e171, 49.73 o7.41 1/5/18 196 NEW GARDEN HST RO wert: 16223208 MID/MKU: 19011616 PrvRd: 173004 augias, arity 2693.55 1669.55" — 225 PEBBLRSTONE DR werd: 76202619 wHD/MKD: 16978624 PrvRd:43 vera, KOR ea. aas.4a asses Ter #EAMEY RO were: 76222510 MED/MHD: 16978100 Pevnd:LeAeLe 85,08 ¢ KIMBER: «1.4 190.08 1/7/19 830 ROMANS RIDGE RO wtx:. 76222549 MiD/MMU: 18955080 Prom: 162629 mustek, conn 1292.71, 1299.24 aasasyas_— << 956 HUBBARD TORN RO Mtr: 78493171 MiD/MKU: 18100908 FEvRaS29959 savior, poromty 71.99) 31.79 3/8/29 909 DRERZENS BRANCH Mert: 18230552 Mib/MRU: 16179470. FevRd:236000 ‘TURNER, CHRIS 6 1A0 307.30 429.22" rataie Pint HOS 2465 FINNEY RD. Mexb: 76722509 wxD/mmi: 17205192 brvRd; 222971 BROW, JOR & Mecaw 51.28 108.28 aa/7n8

2540 JOHN SIMMS HILL RD Mtr#: 76222581 MID/mxD: 19002412 PrvR


(COOK, ROLAND 1058.00 1088.00* 3/10/17 — 2608 JOHN SIMMS HTLL AD NtrH: 76222548 MED/MAU: 19015316 PrvRd: 48425

BARTON, THERESA 6 J 106.83 208.32 1/11/19 2654 JOHN SIMMS HILL RD Mer#: 76222581 MID/MKU: 18956722 PrvRd: 279004

STINSON, PAUL, HENRY 1304.40 1394.40* 0/37/15 2720 JOHN SIMMS HILL RD Mtr¥: 76222595 MID/MKU: 16975114 PevRd:10

Boy, GARY 214.76 244.76" 1/16/19 39/NBW GARDEN EST wer: 82093522 MID/MKU: 86731006 PrvRd:6530

‘TAYLOR, BLYZABETH 39.59 69.96 12/4/18 11494 NEW GARDEN ROAD Mceg: 75897550 MID/MxU: 16932772 PrvRd: 255559

MCGLOTHLEN, PATRICT 60.00 90.00 10/23/18 8955 NEW GARDEN RD Mri: 76222620 MID/MKU: 16961672 PrvRd:16

RARE, KeNNETH 1642.40 1672.40 12250 WEW GARDEN RD Mer#: 76222524 MID/MKU: 16821568 PrvRa:10

RASNAKE, JERRY 73.30 103.307 10/4/19, — 12509" NBW GARDEN ROAD Mtr#: 75897543 MED/WKU: 16953076 PrvRd:13

‘JOHNSON, DANNY 103.50 333.80* 1454 TONNE: RD Mtr#: 84261747 MID/MKU: 88457924 PrvRd:10

HESS, DARREN 103.50 133.50* 1774 TONNEL RD meré: 4281746 MID/MxU; 88458072 PrvRd:10

coweron, sanice v7.09 209.09" aaae e100 00 B19 RANKS HOMLON must: YeDs0724 aMD/mU: Le7I3060 bevRtiaLsTs

OUNTS, Aly 59.68 112.34 12/6/18 307 FRANKS HOLLOW RD Mtx#: 76068720 MID/MKU: 16964266 PrvRd: 329620

KEEN, KERRY & 29.03 63.83 12/4/18 115 FRANKS HOLLOW RD Mer#: 76068722 MED/MMU: 16952170 Prva: 102786

1URE, ALBERTA 149.55 a79.95* seg pat 8 S15 FRANKS HOLLOW Mer: 75997476 MIB/wKU; 16960632 Prva: 136306


LOCATION accoun? 02F-00030870 104418

05-00000000 104570

05-00011937 103375,

05~00050900 100627

05~00051320 100634

05-00051550 100638

95-00052420 300841,

05-00052700 105221,

05~00053250 100672,

05-00053660 104107

95-00054200, 104726

05~00054700 100704

05a-o0000117 103868,

05a-00000814 104894

o5A-o0000822 203863

95A-00001025 105399

06-00060250 100776

26-00060000 103223,

oga-cooe0900 104746

opa-00080960 100256

aa-o0081190 p14)

12a-o0001066 103896

12h-00001232 103889

12n-00001568 105240,

12a-00002632 105283


  • Indicates 30 Day Balance


1403 FRANKS HOLLOM Mtr#: 75897477 MID/MKU: 16933140 PrvRd:136356 PHILLIES, ANTHONY 109.98 174.97 12/19/38

296 OLD SCHOOL WAY Mtr NO METER MID/MKU: NO MED/MKU PruRd:81000 HORTOM, ROBIN 50.23 26.48 1/7/19

1937 LYN SPRINGS RD Mex#: 76069981 MID/MKU: 16874070 PrvRd:272966 REET, LONNTE 16.33 122.97 1/7/19

2467 LYNW SPRING RD werH: 76069005 MID/MKU: 16886646 PrvRa:262126 WARD, RALPH 34.580 64.50 11/5/18

2956 LYNN SPRING RO Mcx#: 76068969 MID/MXU: 16886724 Prvnd: 14961: DYE, JEFEREY 20.00 60.00 12/17/18

250 DYE HOLLOR Mer#: 76068071 MrD/mxG: 09457128 Prvad: 307142 OYE, KEVIN § DEDRA 39.33 97.84 1/4/18

286 TRUEL BROWN RD Mer: 76069011 MID/MKU: 16941502 PrvRa:352562 DYE, RAND 324.22 1g5.25 11/30/18

‘837 TRUET BRORY RD Mer$: 76069020 MID/MKU: 16952580 PrvRd:396510 PRICE, ADAM 51.43 103.35 12/28/28

4334 TAM SPRING RD Meré: 76068987 MID/MKU: 16942132 PrvRd: 25657 DYE, ASHLEY 39.64 69.64 12/4/18

4661 LYNN SPRING RD Meri: 76069030 MID/MKU: 16941494 PevRd: 203087 BATTON, LINDA 32.18 68.43 1/11/18

694 JACKIE DYE RD Mtr: 76069032 MID/HKU: 16964454 Prvad:130010 TESTER, RANDY 42.7 97.44 11/8/18

5274 LYNN SPRING RD Mtr#: 76069019 MID/MxU: 16999684 Prvad: 105977 PERKINS, CHRISTY 44.85 77.00 11/13/18

117 APPLE BLOSSUM RD Nerf: 76068903 MID/MxU: 16872180 PrvRd:247604 SCARBERRY, ANDREA 45.33 80.06 12/10/18

814 LONG BRANCH RD Mex: 76068963 MID/WAU: 17044754 PevRd: 37046: WHITED, ROBERT 8, 84.17 119.99 10/19/18

822 LONG BRANCK RD Mex: 76068964 MED/MxU: 17049308 PrvRa:205600


szeK, nate 243.28 08.20" spent so

1025 LONG BRANCH RD Mtr#: 76068940 MED/mxU: 17050520 prvad: 12762

RATLIFF, THOMAS § 396.35 426.35* 1/16/19 YA conc ha 2086

4361 PINE CREEK RD Mtré: 75896174 MID/NKU: 17045446 Py

anuen, canny «exw 1.00 107.50 11/20/38 3026 PINE CREEK RD meré: 14100435 MED/MKU; pevnd:1632000

sure, zommy Ray 24.50 4.50 1/4 Se GARDNER AD Mer: 02099792 ID/wMU! 19036016 Prva: 46210

onaser, sHIRLEE 34.50 66.01 11/15/18 309 FLGER TOM OR. Mex#: 02099649 MID/MKU: 19034060 Prvka: 26477

MILDER, GEORGE W. 69.57 106.12 Isa. dds O86 764 SWORDS CREEK Mer#: 92094014 MUD/MRU: 19002290 PevRd: 34932

FIELDS, ROBERT o0.37 122.37 aa/s/10 1066’ HELLER CREEK RD Meri: 76068928 NID/mKU: 16064094 PEWRd: 90198

CLAYBURNE, JERRY. ¢ 36.10 66.10 12/10/18 1292 MILLER CREEK RD Nec#: 75896179 MID/MKU: 16072458 PrvRd:162152

vanoves, camubaine 10.09, aa.a9e aavzrrin You Las

1568 MILLER CREEK RD Mer#: 81460469 MID/MMU: 16870160 PrvRd: 45726

HUTCHINSON, EDDIE 38.05 73.06 12/4/18 2632 MILLER CREEK RO Mtr#: 75897595 MID/MKU: 16972146 PrvRd:49789




12K-00011560 LOWE, JERRY 829.98 866.47* 12/5/18

104550, 1592 MILLER CREEK RD MtrB: 76068926 MED/MKU: 16964698 PrvRd:339304 76060930

19A~-00015300 -COXTON, PATRICIA 12.94 140.36 12/28/18

105018 10698 REDBUD AYW Mer#: 82094460 wID/MKU: 16805208 PrvRd:101553

18A-00016200 RATE, CHRISTINA 40.00 40.00% 9/14/20

roaaaa T0704 REDBUD Hy wer#: 82094455 MUD/MKU: 16901972 PrvRds47409

18A-00017800 BALL, MICHAEL 149 143.39 11/20/18

102748 1026 CHIMMEY ROCK RO Mer#: 02093469 MID/MKU: 16764812 PrvRa:60090 19A-00017900 HARRIS, KEITH 22.82 74.99 12/20/10

102756 1530" CHIMMEY ROCK RD MEe#: 62093659 WLD/MKU: 17021610 PrvRa:e8e28 1en-00018300 BARTON MELISSA & € 202.30 sao ni/sjia Pmt 30 102763 10779 REDBUD HWY Mex: 82093646 UID/uKU: 16806308 PrvRd:53518


‘roTaL counr = 224 9385¢.68 — 102814.96



  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

Locarzon vane aecouwt ADDRESS PREVEAL TONAL LASEPRY NOTE 010-00000600 ESS, GuEN & BRENDA 39.33 70.32 12/4/19 102813 91 9 FRANK TAYLOR Mtr: 62099899 MID/uxU: 19013838 Prviuis43629 010-00112270 caMPARLL, SHERRY 50.00 89.00 1/4/19 Tones 670 dF TAYLOR RD Mtr#: 82093654 MID/MKU; 19013416 Prvkds 16005. 010-00112349 HORTON, DAVID 109.30 139.30" 12/15/18 Loa 1008 652 DILLION ST Mexf: @2093379 wID/MKG: 19003260 Frvmd: 8144 020-00112360 GILBERT, GaRY «KAR 94.59 168.67 12/19/18 sous S51 SINLION ST Mex#: 92094252 wxo/miU: 19003484 PevRas143113, 010-00112460 COLEMAN, xTEREA e421 137.91 12/13/18 103608 307 JF TAYLOR RD witré: 76222601 wED/aota: 19003402 Prehds302052 010-00112640 —EUDLER, PAULA 34.50 64.50 11/4/18 100909 1112’ 5 PRANK TAYLOR RD wEr#: 82094184 MED/uKO; 19033843 PevRa:302 011-00001300 bury, say 10.38 an…as 10/22/18 LO: 2511 18058 US HRY 19 Mer#: 62093940 mID/mU: 19002049 PrvRa: 56691 o11-00111420—cLEVENGeR, srEuaNr 69.00 99.00 19/11/18 104562 166 BeTHS LN Mech: 62098525 wrD/ted: 19011456 Prvnd:27816 011-00112910 HOLMES, caRTS 146.84 176.8¢* aug, + $38.60 roost 39 SUNSET IN LOT #2 Merb; 82093786 MID/MKU: 19028626 PrvRd:47295 011-00117950 —-DIMPFE, CARRIE E 91.35 91.35+ 4/4/18 Zo. Losers 21124 US HAY 19 Mer#: 62094171 WED/MiG: 19011076 Prvad: 9452

30343336 913-00000200 _osponws, trvrs 69.00 99.00 10/17/28 102264 506 SPRING HILLS wtr#: 82099605 MID/uxC: 19030689 PrvRd:19823, 013-00000340 —SLANKENSHTP, wELENA 249.93 749.33 3/19/18 104829 340 HICKORY Sf Mtr: 70530503 wirv/md: B0840SS4 SevRd: 96403, 013-00000854 PROFFITT, RON & MAR 33.38 63,38 12/6/18 Toaaoe 306 HICKORY ST MEr#: 78530454 mIO/MKU; 16920890 PrvRd:36937 023-00000900 HUBBARD, LEROY & KR 2298.97 2322.71" 1/4/19 int V3.0 ~t0 00 101365 162 SUMMIPT ORIVE ers: 62093699 WED/MMU: 19031076 PreRds116759 013-00001385 —_BLANKENSRZP, KRAYIN 20.00 70.00 10349 385 EICKORY Sf Mtr; 78530505 MID/MxU: 02424052 Pevitds 116719

10530508 013-00007347 _ADKTNS, GLENNA 28.38 176 1afasne 108533 116 SPRING OR Mert: 78787347 wxD/imG: 1exe1242 Prva: 113366 013-00009045 SaRcewT, oenwza « 49.53 96.34 12/7/18 oases. 324 HECKORY SP Mest: 70519445 MED/WMU: 90501392 Prvad:205411 013-00011074 REYNOLDS, Ane 16.70 16.70" 6/2/37 104901 1074 SPRING HILL RD Mex: 79787349 WED/mKU: 19037014 PrwRd:69629 033-00011074_DEDOACH,ELTZRBETH 54.49 92.33 11/21/18 10325 1074 SERING BILL RD werk; 78787349 MID/MKU: 19037014 Proka: 109091 013-00113990 KEENE, ROBERT 1 30.00 60.00 11/26/18 Soas80 O36 GPRING HILL RD were: 92093809 MEO/NKU: 19028998 PevRar32278 013-po124090—_MAREIN, Ausra . 197.74 20.27 aang Pd I yp.e8 100984 667 SPRING HILL RD ter: 92094521 Mrb/wmxU: 19043012 PevRdtas4919 013-00114230 wens, MIs 47.00 47.00° 7/4/76 100960 152" SUM@IIST DRIVE eel: 82093660 MID/mKU: 19011712 PevRd:10 014-00001375_coMPron, DraNA 34.50 64.90 11/16/18 102981 15753" US shy 19 Mer#: 92099696 mxD/N0: 17026442 PrvRd:18059 14-09001910 BRON, BrLLY 72.66 147.16. 12/26/18

105305, ‘77 BELVIEM MEADOWS DR Mer#: 64261910 MID/MxU: 19010794 PrvRa:54004


Location ws necoune obras preva nota uagrear Nore Oi4-00016800 CLINE, JANIE 34.20 ere layis/la oases SB OLD DOMINION ORIVE wer8: 82094442 wID/mKU; 18071882. PewRd:82225 ©14-00018100 ANDERSON, exUt 133.44 370.20" 9/3/38 Lid: toro? 19064 08 Ky 19 Lon #5 Merd: 82093849 wzp/txu: 15031496 Pevnd: 49222 o16-00025900 eseen, xen 39.93 12.36 11/30/38 105050 159 DORKS ST Mtr#: 62093864 wrD/MmO: 16952440 Presa 40734 o14-00117851 cox, azneN 41,50 11.50 12/6/38 tot7e2 2081 US ty 19 weeH: 62093736 mxp/miy: 28002090 BrvRd? 16550 ex4-00137900 veartes,cany 40.03 4.3 e/3/i8 yosias 20120" Go Wiwy 19 Meets 92094215 mro/mivs 29003840 PEvREs 891 016-90005210 cAWERELL, BARBARA c 62.25, ens 1/iayis Soses: 273 AGRE LANE” wex#: 92099672 sxo/mM! 19011414 Prva: 2828 oisoowsi7eo — ripeRr, ane 63.00 93.00 14/29 10088 2622 OLD HY 19 Mir#: 2099774 MED/MiU: 19011724 Prva: 20208 ors-00331960 —PAERTCK, KEITH 7.86 103,84" ais/is toosss 2405 OLD HY 19 mers: €2099861 mED/miU: 19021950 PrvRd: 34877 o20-00003628 HOLBROOK, Franz 34.50 67.49 13/26/18 Yosest 2209 GREEN VALLEY RD wex#: 76069390 WED/AMU: 16973122 PrvRd- 112995 o20-02020800 ewoRECKS, JUDY 55218 iets ncaone Pat (30 for0s0 1S DYE ERIVE 45 YE DRIVE Mert; 76222495 mmO/IMG: BOSEITZE Beek: 22734 20-02021000 RAY, BRAbLeY 49.84 90.20 13/20/18 Yorrte TIL REMEDY OR WecH: 76222492 MID/MKO: 90366960 PevRd: 160976 020-02021400 GRAY, 71M « ANGIE 10.36 69.46 12/4/18 Yo1043, Tod YAnBs ST" Ner#: 76223235 mrv/mtdr 19027026 ervids206322 223-00000497 _PomRs, STEVEN 37.90 2.82 aps £03090 1197 ODD HOLLOW ROAD Mtx¥s 02093462 WED/MKO: 17046288 brvRd:44603 02%-00000605_BETCER, DAVON 19.81 329.81 8730/18 Lb. raseat G03 POOR PAR RD ROARING SPING MexH: 62093490 MID/AKU: 17067342 PrvRdTITseIS 02100000816 HESS, ADAM 36.57 89.65 13/30/18 Yosie7 116 POOR FARM RO Mer#: 82093508 MID/tKU: 2047616 BrvAd: 65796 02100002500 COOK, MICHAEL 12.88 42.89 1/7/13 Years, 13182008 ZAR RD. Mtr#: 82093475 MID/MKU: 17047820 PevRa: 18430

63069359" READING 72541-8 210000280: monet, wane i673 497.73 aussie tear 612 POOR FARM RD ROARING GEREN Mex#! 62093491 MED/MKU: 17027860 PrvRTZSUES v21-90230050 stacy, usrmm 30,00 60.00 32/7/18 toseo: 10752 US tr 19 week; 80601077 MED/MO! 16864562 roma 10861 021-00211250 BENNERT,A J 234.68 293.00" azene Pat Yas Yozzse BEL 200K FAR RD Mtr: 82093505 MID/AiU: 17027694 ‘BruRasO3066 o2i-o0221851 —sorp, case 33.09 63.09 12/19/38 103308 TO24 POOR FARM RD werk: 92099545 MED/mnU; 16926706 Prema; 21469 2200212751 RVA PROPERTY souUT 14.50 14,50 rosa? TrS"AOTMN CHASE RD Mer#: 93063730 MID/IM: 86450240 PrvRd:I0 cot-coese100 wim, sina tin70 m0. aaa. james Yoaaat {SAORI curse RO MecHs B2082H88 MD/nau: aesubeTD Bewntigess 7 VALE 02200000300 LER, peaxoe n4s.20 868.008 anos ld. Jods 100293 “59 GRANDVEEN COURT Mtr: 62093621 Mio/iaU: 19013800 PrvRd 102482 022-00000389 CHAIN, MATTHEW 177.52 210.09 1ssiesze pat Yay roses S49 HACEARLANE IN wert; 92094329 MrD/em: oBdSeaS4 PevRds BUGLE 022-0000148: MORGAN, BRIAN 964.42 994.42” 7/3/28 L

102981 481 MACFAREANE IN Mer: 82093667 MID/MKU: 08458370 PrvRd:175062


Locarron accounT 022-c0004500 101674

022-00010100 102061

022-00021000 102225,

022-00022700 102470,

023-00001670 105066

023-00005085, 103170,

923-00002456 103663,

023-00003067 104951

023-00003909 105002,

923-00005253 103142

023-00008257 103141

024-00003908 204727

24-00220140 102523,

024-00220210 102530

024-00220440 102574

o24-00220690 102580

024-00220820 102668

118-00115250 300272

19-00000090 102360,

i9-oo900116 105163,

19-00000304 103673

19-00000354 103006

19-o0000023, 103593

19-00000838, 103943,



223 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD Mtr: 82094311 MID/MXU: 19033840 PrvRd:15659

SUTHERLAND, DENVER, 509.26 636.33" 20/18 Pat ase

426 UAKE ATLL DRIVE wer#: 82094322 MID/MmU: 19002910 PrvRd: 160019

MCCALL ROBERT & VA 20.38 69.39 11/20/18 102 SUNSET RD ‘ner#: 92094296 NxD/mm0: 19002420 Puvind:S7401 ovo, REBECCA 30.26 30.26 10/26/18 395 MACEARLANE IN Mert: 62094268 MED/biKU: 19032964 Drvhdse7687 usu, auExis 44.00 si.e1 aasas/ie SY” ROLLING NILES COURT wtr#: 75896269 NED/MKUs 17627688 rena: 105707 seavens, coms 152.00 293.90" 21/9/18 SHOT MOUNTAIN ROAD Mtr: 75896229 MID/HKO; 17028036 prvRdso DUTY, WELLEAN & KAY nas? aoaia Pa S809

LA"ROLLING HELIS COURT Mtr#: 75896184 MID/MKU: 16960728 PrvRd: 286387

KITTS, AMANDA 353.10 417.08 2/7/19 as. ba 65 ROLLING HILLS COURT Mteg: 78896246 MID/wxU: 1702667 PrvRa: 29851

Fuuugn, cunrsexua 34.50 4.50 1a/is/ie 3809" MOUNTAIN ROAD Meri: 60448762 MI/HKU: 85573800 Prvad? 39500

GARREE?, RICKY 175.99 208.93 8/6/18 ot le Sei MOUNTAIN ROAD wert: 75896190 Nita: 16950060 Pevncasass PO

NEECE, SRMANTHA 3722.15 3792.65" 1/21/19 py-83000 9459 MOUNTAIN ROAD Mex: 75896217 MID/tiXU: 16960552 PevRd: 476764

HUNT, RICKY & rsa 41.05 77.80 12/8/18 427 THIN OAK CIRCLE Mee#: 79420596 MiD/sKO: 17069808. PrvRa: 107900

enweDe, uagoLD 33.83 63.83 12/20/18 150 TWIN OAK CIRCLE Mert: 92094150 txD/tmU: 4 NosuominaN, urcusne 33.09 66.45 12/asre 220 SUNSIANE ST Mer#s 82093966 mxD/MU: 16976024 PrvRd:20978 ovens se 90.00 128.00 1/4/39 G10 AWIN OAK CIRCLE MEr#: 92094229 Mib/mU; 19026518 prvRd:i10 POGLEMAN, ELLEN 70.76 ans pat 13 SP NOREIELD RD MEx#: 92094234 MzD/IKG: L6Ge7440 DrvRa:25858 TAYLOR, BRYAN 96.36 an.te aap = fb. tlaa-os 14543 08 HY 19 wer: 62094238 miD/mids 99096572 Brund: S068 ermons, come 11.08 13.99 12/5/38 We THDIAN 2255 OR INDIAN HL werd! 62004059 uxD/1mU: 19032220 PrvRaTSETRT ASNAKE, CARLOS 38.00 63,00 12/26/18 30 DALSY DAVE” Mere: Toeg6z4e mrD/wiU: 16860826 bevRa ALL, MAKELLIA aad.s4 171.54 12/8/18 Lids TIS WARNER SUB. RD. Mex: 75096323 iED/uxU: 6867348 Bevied:128559 PHILLIPS, LUTHER A 40.9 7e.55 u/e/ie 212 DEEN AUN. Mtr#: 75896316 MxD/axU! 16874774 BrvRd: 218068 seoaai8 comans, sive « 30 69.08 123.03 ayyer/ae

354 FARMLAND DRIVE Mtr®: 75896252 MID/MXU: 16872696 Prvkd: 460482

MeISTBR, MICHELLE 46.37 96.12 12/17/18 423 ROLLING MEADOWS RO Mtr#: 75896293 MID/MKU: 16067084 PrvRd:248156

JESSER, DEBRA WARNE, 46.10 89.77 11/28/18 938 GREEN VALLEY RD Mtr#: 75896313 MID/MxU: 16873332 PevRd:143032 5823675,



Location ACCOUNT 19-00000940 105420,

19-00001080 103805 19-00002082 105357 49-00001338 103057

19-00001364 103382

19-00001388 102504

19-p0003960 102826

191-p9000034 103055,

191-p0000226 104129

191-00000340 303056

191-00003409 304677 192-90000047 103456

192-00000114 103501

192-00000226 103494

192-00000764 105353,

192-00000896 103508

192-0000262a 105288

192-00002846 103531

192-00007008 103563,

192-00007373 105205

192-00007562 103546 192-0000922 104690,

153-00000060 103703,

193-00000115, 103746


  • Indicates 90 Day Balance

NAME ADDRESS PREVBAL ‘TORAL LasTeAY nome, UESSEE, DEBRA W 34.50 64.50 11/28/19

940 GREEN VALLEY RD Mtr#: 75896314 MID/MKU: 16869880 PrvRa: 140009 5823675,

STINSON, CARLINE. 63.52 63.528 9/17/18 108 SUNNY HILL DRIVE Mér#: 75897320 WID/WKU: 16865374 Prved: 260784

‘THOMAS, REBECCA 72.05 72.08% 108 SONNY HILL DRIVE Mert NO METER MID/MKU: NO MID/MKD Prvad:273462 75897320 16865374

RISER, CHRIS 43.00 83.87 12/11/18 1318 GREEN VALLEY RD Mer#: 76069400 HID/MKU: 16964518 PrvRd:295700

PRICE, DONALD & CAT 35.44 70.70 33/13/18 1A64 GREEN VALLEY RD. Mer#: 75096307 MID/MKU: 16860440 PrvAd: 362995

tse, Zant $67.10 587.20" 5/15/17 — 188 GREEN VALLEY RO Mitre: 76069408 ED/MKU: 6872460 BroRaseS names, zoszen & 7.83, 99.01 1/15/38 3993 US HWY 19 wex#: 75897900 MED/tmtd: Léus9742 Peved: 257719 © & pave, cowsaRuce 62.10 147.90 aise Sa WOODLANDS DR. GARAGE were: 75897258 WID/uKO: 16960739. Prone 365457 oury, 180 nen 225.60 11/33/18 226 FOREST LODGE OR. werk: 76222498 HED/MKO: 19020076 Prva 711076 ate, canas 96.59 159.87 11/26/18 43H ROODLANDS CT Mee: 75097299 mxD/MU: 16073906 PevRd: 759598 BLSWICK, Donne 29.42 66.82 1/9/13 $403.08 Amy 19 Mert: 75897917 MID/Ws 16670816 Pend: 249672 santeass PAERICK, PATS 304.00 334.00 4/9/18 — (77 RARGOVILLE 1 tx¥; 75097375 MEO/MMU: 16870262 ‘PrvRd: 6478 aarutee, mare 30.00 60.00 12/13/18 TIA CARYSISR oR wert: 75897426 waD/miO! 16872524 eevRd: 94602 anvancep oraswostr 39.05 302.79 13/33/18 Y108 Uo HY 19" Mcc#: 75897409 wro/ameG: 16074762 PLvRA:Sii1e3 ‘CARRICO, BOYD 140.22 140.22* 4Os e108 HWY 19 BRICK HOUSE MEr#; 79897I13 MED/eMU. 18709170 PruRd: 162560 xkesmen, seney si.sa_ 260.50" 1yesn9 “Wf f00.00 896 G2 HWY 19 Mex#: 75897124 Mrv/uKU! 16072168 Puna: 414416 writs, wnzoza 131.01 sen.aa+ aassie BEL AHANGON DRIVE NtrH: 75897396 MID/omO; 16969674 ervRas?4112 BROOKS, ureKZE 1115,00 1345.00 12/2678, {Be APELE TREE LN Mec: 75897445 sO/AMU: L6d6i548 CevRA oss, eamaxcra 69.16 99.26" 23/6/38 O68 ClANGH WE ROAD Wex#s 75097117 MED/eMo: 16075006 PrvRa:85252 ‘erzgow, ANANDA ara 70.96 1/4/19 TA07’CHANCH MOUNTAIN RD METER Uitx#: is097I11 HrO/Miy: 10707666 PrvRaTTOOTES AASMAKE, JOY 60.00 90.00 12/6/18 TOL MGUVERIN CRERK RD werk; 75997362 MIO/MO: 16560002 Pron: 124542 1ne239 FOX, CAROL 470.23 s29,s9 wana Pd Ald 0 obo US WHY 19 Mer: 75097126 mro/MMy! 16B69196 DrvRd: 6d166L STILINER, CHARLES 148.73 201.14" 374/19, bd #9000

60 CROSSRIDGE ROAD mUre: 75897350 MID/MKU: 16974214 ervRd:3B0612

ROBINSOW, STEPHEN 34.50 64.50 11/16/18 115 LINDA STREET Mer#: 75097354 MED/MmU: 16066054 PrvRa:16


LOCATION AccouNT 193-00000123 103736

193-po001028 409053

193-00002033 103752

193-00005692 103710

194-00000202 14633,

197-00002894 105121,

197-00003707 105145

197-00003965 105344

197-00003984 105128

197-00004055 105134

497-00000056 105135

157-00004615 105130

197-00004618 105138

297-00013966 305392,



  • Indicates 90 bay Balance


123 ROSE HILL DR Mtr#: 75897352 MED/MKU: 16859622 Prond: 414972

OWENS, TRAVIS & JBN 29.10 59.10 12/26/18 1028 CROSSROADS DRIVE Merf: 75997490 MID/MXU: 16937966 PrvRd:0

\JBSSEE, BUFORD 150.00 180.00* 8/6/38 163 CROSSRIDGE ROAD Mex: 75997333 MED/mU: 16873410 PrvAa:9997535

GLOVIER, JEFF. 34.50 64.50 11/15/19 ‘91 LINDA STREET Mtr#: 75897369 MID/MiU: 16874194 PruRd: 25607

HOWARD, KEVIN 34.50 64.50 11/19/18 142 RIDGE RUN IN Mer#: 78530520 MID/MKU: 62096978 Prvnd:39720,

MUSICK, STAN & MIRA, 798.90 e28.4s+ 12/26/10 992 ELK GARDEN RD Wtr#: 80601894 MID/MKU: 05576480 ervRd:131423

‘STREBY, MICHAEL & 1 33.60 63.60 12/4/18 1432’ CREEKSIDE DR Mer#: 82093707 wID/wxU: 95574800 Prvd:31789

MUSICK, CHESTER & © 92.37 128.36" 1/7/19 Yd. 45.00 1499 CREEKSIDE DR Mtré: 82093965 wED/uxu: 95895542 PrvRd: 47897

AUSTIN, DONNA & JOR 542.90 872.80* = 1314’ BLK GARDEN RD Mtr#: 82093984 MID/MKU: 95575998 PrvRd:10

RAY, CHARLTE 34.50 64.50 11/30/18 469 MAJESTIC VALLEY RD Merg: 82094055 MID/MKU: 85565050 Prvad:9929

RAY, DONALD & TANYA 207.00, 237.00* 6/21/18 = 491 MAJESTIC VALLEY RD Mtr: 62094056 MID/MXU: 85894976 PrvRd:i0

OWENS, CHERYL t 529.78 559.78 —_— 1310 BLK GARDEN RD Mtr#: 82094615 MID/WXU: 83091548 PrvRd:3604

‘COOK, ROBERT 178.50 238.19* 12/28/28 Pb 450.90

1399 CREEKSIDE DR Merit: 82094618 MID/MAU: 85565122 PrvRa:5150

‘CUARTES, BUD 40.67 76.99 12/17/18

1483 CREEKSIDE DR Mtr#: 82093966 MID/mxU: 85577054 PrvRd: 36119 82093966 85577054

cour = 111 21168.40 © 25479,56




















EM $




Foop city





































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Jan-13 (METERS = BUILDING $ - TOTAL = [20% TOTAL -








Silling Surunary

Group Name: castuswoop WATER & SEWAGE Group Number: mi2qo4

Billing Period: 121012018 t0 ovo1n019 Date Billed: toW20i8 Due Date (21012018

NetAmount Bue Amount Paid Balance $9,791.90 $13,301.28 $3,509.38 ~83,509.38 811,921.36 $0.00 SU92136" OE $17,921.36

pee! a ‘ FP “Pople fess ae chad inthe premio amounts, op inom : ope Membership Detait Cte ta site gy po lo Stun stu sme i 2A tr 04 na Feira tet, Sut ae eae FRG maeart Bile ee a aie ee re & 612M69924 HORTON, KEVIN GD 212p ERICH 94 $615.11 $1,363.90. ‘$1,979.01 siaaret outa, Sa a er Sere Mee | a? a a paca eomags gi wey bee Be ee et ae te a

$0.00 85891 35787 sis08 78 Membership Detod Subtutat S618647 35,736.89 S11,921.36 “Rate Change Legend EASY ABD Rate C-New Ata Catpory D=Now Ago Rate Area Category


10 815+ 00

2 sore MO 21275-8722

190702 a2 Feo00




(00554/2–S 0-6 0


Po BOX 655 CASTLEWOOD VA 24224-0655



Biting Pon, 14-01-2018 Thu 11-30-2018 PAYMENT DUE BY 11-01-2018

‘Changes nol reflected on the currant subscriber listing wil’be adjusted on the next bing.


RIBER ID baw) EFFECTIVE Jounc] TOTAL NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME Spe) PREMIUM |. “pare [cone | PREMIUM DUE Hi rooresz ERVIN DANIEL 2| 57.55 | 07-01-2015 57.58 f4318 150 FIELDS JOSHUA 1 27.78 | 03-01-2010 27.78 1671097 FINCH MCKINLEY 2| 87.55 | 09-01-2018 57.55 ipi277186 HORTON KEVIN 3] 103.58 | 04-01-2018 103.58 341 9965 MULLINS CECI 1 27.78 | 03-01-2010 27.78 | 6512759 MULLINS susrin 2) 87.85 } 04-01-2016 57.55 p 00842372 ROSE CHRISTINA 2| 87.55 | 05-01-2017 57.55 | 125258613 SABO TwoTHY 1 27.78 | 02-01-2018 27.78 29817752 SLEMP HAD 3} 403,58 | 08-01-2010 403.58 729213084 STANLEY MARSHA 2| 87.55 | 08-01-2016 57.55 230336990 ‘WILSON MELISSA 2| 57.55 | 08-01-2018 57,55 DENA: CURRENT | RATE ONT). | AMOUNT: a 1 3 |@ 27.78 83.34 6 [@ srs] = 348.90 3 2 | @ 103.58 207.16 TOTALS " 635.80 TOTAL DUE 635.60 PRIQR MONTH DUE 10-01-2018 808.45 PRIGR MONTH DUE 09-01-2418 520.70 PRIGR MONTH(S) DUE 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 4,964.95 oct-09-2018

Page No: 2

‘900881/2-8 0-60




Bling rl Pung, 12-01-2018 Thu 12.34.2018 PAYMENT DUE BY 1201-2018



PREP IBoo vn nasons isis al eer caaiaat } PLEASE PAY AMOUNT BILLED GROUP NO. 900310629 - 00001117 -0000- 1-3


suascnieen ‘0 LAST NAME FIRST NAME BA | PREMIUM DATE __}-coo# | PREMIUM DUE 227907662 ERVIN wet 2) 57.56 | 07-01-2018 57.55 724348150 FIELOS JOSHUA 1 | 27-78 | 03-01-2010 27.78 130671097 FINCH MCKINLEY 2 87.55 | 09-01-2018 57.55 191277186 HORTON Kevin 3} 103.58 | 04-01-2015, 103.58 129419966 MULLINS Ceci. 1} 27.78 | 03-01-2010 21.78 "26512759 MuLins JusmiN 2| 57.85 | 04-01-2016 57.55 100842372 ROSE CHRISTINA 2| 57.85 | 05-01-2017 57.55 125268613 SAB0 miworiy 1 | 27-78 | 02-01-2015 27-78 "29817752 SLEMP cHaD 3| 103-58 } 08-01-2010 103.88 129213084 STANLEY MARSHA 21 57.85 | 08-01-2010 57.55 :30336990 WIL son MELISSA 2| 57.55 | 08-01-2018 57.55



1 3 [@ 27.78 83.34

2 6 |@ 57.55) “= 345.30

3 2 | @ 103.58 207.16

TOTALS. "1 635.80 TOTAL DUE 635.80 PRIGR MONTH DUE 11-01-2418 635.80 PRIGR MONTH DUE 10-01-2418 808.45 PRIGR MONTH(S) OUE 520.70 GRAND TOTAL 2,600.75 Nov.29.2018

Pago No: 2

Bs yvate fs x “BOX O46, Mite CSiNGTON, LA 70404

Nvosaei Account Number: 10001, CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWER, AUTHORITY Questions? 1-677-717-4455, MARSHA STANLEY ‘londay through Friday 888 to SPM EST P.O. BOX 655



enoROue cree enue

PRopuct cov wa BENEFITINNCP LIFE E 50,000 $8.00 AD&D E 50,000 $2.00 STD E Bat $18.00 SUBTOTAL $28.80 $0.00 ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: $28.80


Propuct co}

UFE E 50,000 8.00. Apab E 0,000 00" sid € 74, $21.57

SUBTOTAL $1.37 90.00


i —

PRODUCT cov wR BENEFITIMCP PRENIIUR ADS FE € 50,000 $8.00 ADED E 50,000 $2.00 sip e : 210 $24.06.

‘SUBTOTAL $91.08 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.06





— “BASIC BENEFIT/MCP PREMIUN ADS LIFE: 50,000 $38.00 AD&D 50,000 $2.00 sD 252 $f9.66 ‘SUBTOTAL $2986 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: , $2986

s0€2 126.981) 2 of 2


a seco s0.972120F%

J : sa {| Nationwide’ P.O. BOX 2046 COVINGTON, LA 70434


owrseoig Group Number Nvouser coun Numba CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWER ___ (aot AUTHORITY Guestions? 1-877-717-4455 MARSHA STANLEY erdey trough Friday BAM to opus Ey P.0, BOX 655



SUBTOTAL $28.80 $0.00

SUBTOTAL $o137 $0.00


50,000 $8.00. ADED E 50,000 $2.00 SiO E 270 $21.06 SUBTOTAL $31.08 $0.00 TOTAL PREMUM: $31.06

I Propuct cov wr BENEFIT/MCP PREMIUN UE E 0,000 $8.00 ADaD E 50,000, 32.00 sD E 248 i936 SUBTOTAL $29.94 $0.00 TOTAL PREMUM: $29.34

PRobucT cov wa ‘BENEFITINCP PRESUME URE E 50,000 $8.00 ADED E 0,000, $2.00 st E 252 $1966 SUBTOTAL $29.08 $0.00


Invoice Dato: owts2018

Group Number: Nvosa4t Account Number: 10001

Questions? 1.877-717-4456 ‘Monday through Fisay GA to SPA EST

~BENEFITAICE 50,000 0,000


‘SUBTOTAL $28.80 $0.00 ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: $23.20


PRODUCT cov wr BENEFITIMCP PREMIUM UE we 50,000 $8.00, AD&D E 50,000 5200 Simo. £ 210 $24.06 SUBTOTAL $31.08 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.06


E ‘50,000

AD&D € 0,000 s1D 5 248 SUBTOTAL



UFE E 50,000 $8.00 ADED E 50,000 $200 STD E 252 $1966

‘SUBTOTAL $29.68 $0.00


[| Nationwide’ a = e P.O. BOX 2946 COVINGTON, LA 70494


Invoice Date:

Group Number: Account Number:

ADC [93.01712 oF 2

‘Questions? 1-877-717-4455 Moncey through Friday 8AM to SP i EST



PRopucT cov wR BENEFITIMCP FE E 50,000 ADAD E 50,000 sTD E 241 SUBTOTAL


$28.0 $0.00





$3197 $0.00

propuct cov wR BENEFIT/MCP LIFE: E 50,000: ADR E 50,000 STD E 270 SUBTOTAL



$34.06 $0.00



PRODUCT cov wR BENEFITMICE FE E 50,000, ADAD E 50,000, siD E 252




GPF (45.279) 2083



Invaiee Date: o7rieoi

Group Number: Nvoxaat

Account Number: ‘10001 CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWER ‘me AUTHORITY Questions? 1-877-717-4455 MARSHA STANLEY ‘Monday through Friday 8AM to @PM EST P.O. BOX 655,



PRoouct cov wa BENERITIMCP UFE E 130,600 ADED E 50,000, st) E 2a SUBTOTAL





$28.80 $0.00


$3197 $0.00



E 50,000,




PRopucT cov wR FE E 50,000 ADD E 50,000, STD £ 248 SUBTOTAL TOTAL PREMIUM:

PRENUUM $8.00 $2.00


$29.36 00 $29.35 *

oxo JAC2 93.797] 203

7! | Nationwide’

eee =" P.O, BOX 2946 GEST a GOVINGTON, La T0404 in at orate a ‘Group Number: NVOS241 Account ‘1

« ‘CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWER, Number oot AUTHORITY Questions? 1-077-717-4485 MARSHA STANLEY Monday through Friday All to SPM EST P.0, BOX 855






SUBTOTAL $91.97 $0.00 ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.37

cov wR UFE E 0,000 $8.00 DED E 50,000 $2.00 sip e We? $1381 SUBTOTAL geaet $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $23.81

SUBTOTAL $51.06 $0.00 ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.06


a Nationwide’ P.O. BOX 2948, COVINGTON, LA 70434



P.O, BOX 855,



GFE Propucr cov wR Ure E ADD E SID E

Group Number: Account Number

Questions? 1-877-717-4455

‘Monday through Friday @Ail to GPA EST

JEFO [11.669] 2 of 3

‘BENEFITINCP PREMIUAE ADE 50,000" $8.00 50,000 $2.00 2a rago

‘SUBTOTAL $2a80 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $28.40

PRODUCT cov WR BENEFITINICE PREMIUM ADS UFE E 50,000 $8.00 ADED E 50,000 $200 STD E 214 92137 SUBTOTAL. $31.97 $0.00 ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.37 (NUMBER Gad2a7a1

F cov WR


PRODUCT BENEFIT/MCP FE E $0,000 > DED E 50,000, sto & 17 SUBTOTAL ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: PLOVEENAME- HORTON, OK: MENOMBER ootessa CLASSE. PRODUCT cov wn ‘BENEFITINCP PRED ‘ADI LIFE £ 50,000 $8.00 AD&D e 50,000 $2.00 SID € 70 $21.06 ‘SUBTOTAL $31.06 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.06

pRopucT cov WR LIFE € ADAD E STD Ee

BENEFITINCP PREMIUM ADS 0,000 $8.00, 50,000 $2.00 28 $19.34

SUBTOTAL $2034 60.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $29.36

i] Mationwide* © EL 'p.0. BOX 2946 Fe . COVINGTON, LA 70434 Invoice Date: jontpo1e

Group Naber: ssvossa

Account Number: 10001 CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY Questions? 1-877-717-4455, MARSHA STANLEY ‘Monday through Fikday 8AM to @PHl EST P.O. BOX 655





AIFE E 50,000 AD&D E 50,009 sip E 244 SUBTOTAL


PRoDucT cov wvR BENEFIT/NCE PR Ure E 0,000 ADED E 50,000 STD é 278 SUBTOTAL TOTAL PREM: IPRUNBER Giooztrats, Chase

DEF [92.198] 20°3


EMU $8.00

$2.00 S137

a137 331.37



pRopucT cov Wve BENEFITAUCP PR LEE E 50,000, DAD é 50,000 sid é 17 SUBTOTAL ‘TOTAL PREWIU:





WHORES gragieaata CEASE”



EMI $8.00 $2.00


$31.06 $31.06

EMM $8.00 $2.00


4 Nationwide’ P.0. BOX 2946, COVINGTON, LA 70434



P.O, BOX 655



1054 24,127) 2083


Group Number: wvoaa44 Account Number: ‘19001

Questions? 1-877-717-4455 ‘Monday through Friday 9A to SPA EST


i Prooucr cov wvA



URE E Ada & st E



BENERTTAICe PRewiun fy 50,000 $8.00: 309000 200 2A1 $18.80.

‘SUBTOTAL $28.80 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: $2880

BENEFIT/NGP PRENtUM ADE 50,000 $8.00 0,000" $2.00 274 $2137

SUBTOTAL $3137 $0.00 TOTAL PREMIUM: 89137






roe “BASIC. BENEFITINCP PREMIUNE AD 150,000 $8.00 50,000 $2.00 270 $21.08, : SUBTOTAL $31.06 0.00 ‘TOTAL PREMIUM: $31.08


50,000 ‘$8.00 50,000 $2.00 248 $1934 SUBTOTAL $29.34 $0.00


er | Nationwfcle’ P.O BOK Do






E 50,000

stp E 2a ‘SUBTOTAL



E ADAD E 0,000 E 274


Seer Invoice Date:

Group Number: Account Number:

‘Monday through Fricay BAin to ‘SPM EST

Questions? 1-877-717-4455

$31.37 $0.00


$2381 $0.00


$31.08 $0.00

E 150,000

ADaD E 50,000 STD E 248 SUBTOTAL


PREMIUM Apt $8.00 $200 si9a¢

$20.94 $0.00

LocationiDesoription ‘Shel 10071695006 SAINT PAUL VA 24.696 Gxt DIESEL

‘Shel 10071695006 SAINT PAUL. VA

<x 24.830 ont, DIHaEE ‘916.02 tae 1404) 0520669 Shell 10074085006 SAINT PAUL VA 25aTS 1 DSL erat $7002 = 28.178 ON, DrBgET 19.02 Fan 1427) osaaote stot 17625008 SANK PAULA 0000 1 OSL $090 e200 20.000 cas. DIES 452.00 juoe —12295/ o567081 Shel 10071695008 SAINT PALL VA pesas 4 DSL $10.08 $66.01 22.836 Oat, DIRSES. 468.02 CARD NUMBER oot0 TOTAL 142.005 $8357 0.70 cA 012 gs 07.24) 0462598 Shou 10071695006 SAINT PAUL VA veosi 8 UN sais ‘82.25 44-021 ost, UULENDED 992.28 ‘Shel 1007 1635008 SAINT PAUL. VA t2ee2 8 UNL 445 $28.50 32.002 Gat oraRaDED $29.50 ‘Shel 10071645005 CASTLEWOOD VA y4e0 © 8 UNL $802 S210 10.400 Gat, cHLEADED $24.00 ‘Shot 1007 1695008 SAINT PALL. VA yo 8 UML $285 $25.50 11.140 xt, UNLEADED 925.50 . ‘Shel 10071695006 SAINT PAUL VA yetes © 8 UNL $559 e700 16.168 ext cwAADED 487.00 ‘et 10071698006 SAINT PAUL VA yaois | 8 UNL 3498 $2750 22.013 est umuRaDED g21.50 “ene 08<1)) 0508501 Shed 10071636006 SAINT PAUL VA 49805 8 UML $480 $3125 13.095 ast, umEADED $1.25 CARD NUMBER 012 TOTAL" 90.596 : stat CARD NUMBER G017 7 - _ ~ i a 7 _ ane” s0:i2 G409086". Shell 107 keas006 SAINT PAUL VA omen gsi BSL Sisae erie 25.818 GRE DIRSEL sat.00 i CARD NUMBER 017 TOTAL 35.810 $15.04 ‘GRAND TOTAL $250.63, Message Codes: 1 Electronic Sale with Authorization 4 -lectionic Sala without Authorization & - Electroni Salo at Pump

2 Keyed Salo with Aulnotizaior

5 Koyed Sale without Authorization

YEAR-TO-DATE SUMMARY ‘Total Gatlons Purchssed thie Statoment “Total Gallons Purchased in 2019

‘9 - Manual Sale






ag Broa

Quantity Code Code Exempt Tax Amount irAUL VA 172 8M $002 S651 i em aaa 18 SOS OASTLEWOOD VA 96004 as saa $90.20 Yorn os seetg0 ls DIESE $30.00 & #179 "As tan 1695006 SANT PAUL VA , zat UM sae $8975 ps 482 Gat UMza000 1s gpg 10071698008 SAINT PALIL VA y ys 20081 8 UNL $694 sagt AUT NS g9.09% Gat MEERORD YO 6.01 foot |S OTERS SANT PA YA / eon samt 8 um mast son08 ;gs08e0 | Shel 10071695000 SAINT PADK VA totat aun ses aor 19.124 om UmERnED woot 518967 Shel 10071605005 SAINT PALL. VA 2127 8 UNL $795 $4700 21.276 xh WEaDED 37.00 01 30541629 Sholl 10071695006 SAINT PAUL VA ye1st 1 UNL $0.60 42.01 419.191 cay naaioe e201 : : CABQNUBERoGO4 TOTAL» 5795 sosaz i688 Sh io 65506 Sit PAT VA “78 Ba “teise SiBi60 46.725 can nmmsun fast.00 woe satinemecaron yy ee 29,046 cas Draart won | yoriT | 0620)! 0067299 . ste 10071645005 CASTLEWOOD VA - moo 8 fw; $1204 99,00 28.596 anu resin 21101 oste808 ‘shot 10071645008 SAINT PAUL VA woos 4 | ow enn 105.00 2.770 ens Drasic 299.00 soi 1226 1897 0605504 "Shel 10071695008 SAINT PALL. VA ws 4 | pa: $1009 00.0 22.589 eae Drs $66.00 pans GARD NUMBER 0006 TOTAL ___ $808.01 cs “$80.00 13,100 ons amapo=9 430.00 H 1071695006 SARNT PAU. VA waie | a uw $019 sa101 17.916 ens umza000 pot poo 0068908 . Stil 1007645006 CASTLEWOOD VA 13809 | 8 une, 00 $2200 13.906 ont wna020 $92.00 bod

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Page 4 of 6 1-800-977-5160

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING, INC. 5730 Inchistrial Park Re. Norton, Virginia 24273 (276) 679-6544 Invoice for Services Rendered

invoice No: 992.48,

Page 1 of 4 ‘Customer No,; 525 Project No; 19 or, Professional Services Invoice.Date: 12/31/2018 Customer: CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWAGE AUTHOR | 12/1/2018 Through 12/31/0018 . P.O. BOX 655 Due Date: 1/31/2019 CASTLEWOOD, VA 24224

Project Desc: DANTE WWTP - 8, COLL Invoice Tatal: $297.00 Charge Code ‘Description of Sorvice or Analysis MIS = AMOUNT =~‘ TOTAL BC02 E. Coli - Colilert wénumeric result 4.00 22.00 88.00 20 BOD Analysis 1.00 33,00. 33,00 SNI CBOD, TSS, AMMONIA. 1.00 60,50 60.50 SPI CBOD, TSS 3.00 38,50 115.50



‘Visit due. website at www.emnilab.coin.

a PPL company

Account Nam BILLING SUMMARY Savi Adcrss: Previous Balance 3a Payments) Received 381 Online Payments: Balance as of 1298 000 Telephone Payments Current Electric Charges: 25.03 Total Current Charges as of 12/13/18 $25.03, Gustomer Service: Total mount Due $2503, Walicin Center:


Pre Big 8 Dr Lit Sta ‘CASTLEWOOD VA

{ge-kavcom (800) 383-5582, press 2-2-3, 24 hours a day, §2.00 fee (800) 383-5582

IM-F, fam-6pmm ET

1000 Park Avenue, NWW Norton, VA 24273

MEF, Sam-Spm ET

Next read will occur 1/40/19 ~ 1/14/19 (Meter Read Portion 07)


BILLING PERIOD AT-A-GLANCE TS Yean Last YEAR Average Temperature oa eer ; - Number of Days Billed 34 3 a FB MAA ne WN JUL AUG SEP OCT Nov DES Bi Avg. Electric Charges per Day $0.74 $0.27 Ha ed ee ee ee ‘ug. Electric Usage per Day (kWh) 0.00.00 27 |a2* 020 025 028 026 027 O27 02 ved O78 ass O74


15 Banners Comer Ra Lit Stan CASTLEWOOD va Oniine Payments: ‘g2-4c0m 30.00 Telephone Payments: (800) 263-5582, prass 2-0 3 10152 24 hours a day; $2.00 fon Customer Service: (800) 383-5590 asof 12a $101.52. MF, Bam-pm EF eaarae s101.52 Walk-in Center: 1000 Parc Avenue, KW Norton, va 24273 ‘ ME, 9am-5pm EF


age Temperature Aa age "er of Days Billed 30 30 ‘a lectric Charges per Day $3.99 $3.30

‘eat Usage per Day awn) 19.97

S17 315 286 295 a4

320 3.43 3.39


19 Banners Comer Rd Litt Statn CASTLEWOOD vA 10152 101.52 Online Payments: $0.00 Telephone Payments: (800) 383-5582, press 2-2-3 10406, 24 hours a day; $2.00 9

0106 Customer Service: (800) 363-5562

MF, Barn-6pm EF $104.06 ‘Walk-in Center: 1000 Park Avenue, NW ‘Norton, vA 24273 MF, Sam-Spm EF

Nox read will occur 27/19 - 2/1/18 (Meter Read Portion 06)


; TS YEAR ust Average Température 43° age

‘nie ot ays Bled Om UNF Ma ary ay “Wide etic charges per Day $3.15 a4 ce ‘Ma Electe sage per Day any —iB.97 44.71 2b an

8552" are ge pe 382 424 sar arr ais

4736-01 t9iinvoive | 4736-0119 . .


é 6421-011 1/invoice - 6421-0111 $30.00. MAW2019 °° 5767-01 19nvoice - 5767-0119 $88.59 VATS ~ 7217-017 9/InVoI0e - 7217-0119 $25.03. OI T2019 9807-04 19/Invoice - 9807-0119 $158.22

Prowse hAl Rnd 8487 sournen@AbAVAOIG esto) 695.0005 Total Amt: aureomusn . $410,383 7 we

Mailed 1/41/19 for Account # 3000-3

ues my

‘a PPL company Account ame: CASTLEWOOD WATER

Service Adéress: Pre Big 8 Or Lift Sta

BILLING SUMMARY CASTLEWOOD UA previous Batanco 25.03 Payments) Recaved 25.03. Oatine Payments: Balance as of 1/10/19 ‘$0.00 ‘Telephone Payments: {800) 383-5582, press 2-2-3 Current Electric Charges 25.03 24 hours a dey $2.00 fee Total Current Charges as of 11019 $25.0 Gustomer Service: itr toneenet Totat Amount Due $25.03 Walk-in Center: 1000 Park Avenue, NW

Norton, WA 24273,

WF, Sam-5pm ET

Nxt read wil occur 2/8/19 - 2/42/19 (Meter Read Portion 07)




TS YEAR LAST YEAR Average Temperature 45° so JAN FEB OMAR APR MAY JUN AL AUG = SEP OCT =NOV DEC | JAN Number of Days Billed 29 wm sone [sor £8! aug. Electric Charges perDay $086 $028 Sy ay age ge aye gh ree mo 75 75" 7 sate | ae

‘vg. Electric Usage per Day Wh) -«0.00-«0.00-B 024 029 025 a28 Or 027 a27 O75 089 078 099 074 | 005

cy ipeaenrerns rye ranma foRORTTT 7 “ Sas 01/10/2019 4736-01 19/Invoice - 4736-0119 $104.06 01/11/2019 6421-011 1/invoice - 6421-0114 $30.00 Oi 1/2019° 8767-01 19/Invoice - 5767-0119 $58.59 01/11/2019 7217-01 19/Invoice - 7217-0119 $25.03. 01/11/2019 9807-01 t9/Invoice - 9807-0119 $158.22

sovcrounie eat PRBS dA9487 — sournen PUAGADNG cor 505.0005 Total Amt prcconusa — $410533


Biting Dste: 1228/18 Page 4 of 6 Tolophone Numbor: 276 762-2208, Account Nuinbor: 000027573359 92¥ How ia Reach Us: Soo page 2


Account Summary Ccadeeierranenmmatemeieee amen care}

Previous Charges 919865 Payment Received Dee 10, Thank You. “194.865 Balance Forward $00 Now Charges

Verizon $148.70 ‘Total New Charges due Jan 22 $146.70 Total Due $146.70

Your New Condensed invoive is Herelt Your accountis now sot up to receive a condensed paper invoice. The new lomat provides your monthly biling essentials without tha detais or adiional paper. To sy all ling details for your invoice

ee instructions on the back ofthe remit lub and sign-up to use our secure portal and access your account online.


Zp -Yoo - ay

This bil was mailed on 12/91/18

Mail Payments to : Verizon, PO Box 4830, Trenton, NJ 08650-4890,

‘Chango of Address 0 to verizon.combillingaddress or callus,

ih your payment. We will not review or honor other writon notifications, Vist veizon com.

ie hae 037 re ne age AT As elle SLEWOOD WATER & SEWAGE AUTH

3 %pox 655 CASTLEWOOD, VA 24224-0655

Current bill summary: Billing from 12/07/18 - 01/08/19 (33 days)

Delivery $69.87


Current Charges,

lectric Service $426.56

iaage tar op dott tne

e%o | gfe $¢é



“lap N@ Dee Naor» | Jan" Dec 8 anid | an 18 SE 18 Jan 19

Total usage for the past 12 months: 55,146 kWh Average (Avg.) monthly usage: 4,596 kWh Meter Read Details:

[ Mater #aze7aoose Previous| type | Current | Type | Metered | Usage e008 | actwal| 994s [Actual] S407 | S407 kWh =| 18600 | Actual | 186 TRsKw Service Period 12/06 01/08 uti

‘Next scheduled read date should be between Feb 6 and Feb TL

sf January 30, 2019 PP" 8d aap

Bill mailing date is Jan 9, 2019 Account #021-924-647-1-3

Notes from APCO:

Make this bill the last ane sent in the mailt Go paperless and get ‘email alerts when your bills ready. Sign up at!

Usage History (kWh):

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jal Al Sap Get Nov Dec dan 2018 2019

Methods of Payment

mz) PO Box 371496 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7496

"] 1-800-611-0964 (fee may apply)

Need to get in touch?

omer Operations Center: 1-800-956-4237 ges; or 1-800-956-4237

‘Turn over for important information! > _

yma 25163



re lyst gdb yey ag NC OD WATER & SEWAGE AUTH 3 BX 655

\STLEWOOD, VA 24224-0655

frent 6flf summary: "9 from 12/07/18 - oV/o8/19 (33 days)

Delivery $24.49

Nang 20 18 Dee an 0

the past 12 months: 4,335 kwh

monthly usage: 367 kWh

d Details:


Need to get in touch?

808 0968 en

‘myrourit aus on oF before

sonuary 30,2018 SISO, 12

a mae SOT zoe ?

Account #025-345-647-0.9 DANTE, VA 2aas7 cvor

Motes from Apco;

Make this bit the tast one

‘sant in tha maitt Go ‘email alerts when your bill

Is ready,

Usage History kWh): e



SF 8 & w 4

Methods of Payment


PO Box 371496 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7496

= 1-800-611-0964 (fee may applyy

‘ustomer Operations Center: 1-800-956-4237 lutages: OF 1-800-956-4237

umn over for important information!

M1 25171


7 | Sera “Amount due on or before [sep eects $72.48 yyment/Reture Wait: ill mailing date is Jan 9, 2019.

PO Box 24401 is Jan 9, 201 CANTON, OH 44701-4401 Bp AL9O qn #027-103-647-0-0


3 from APCO: ata lyfe gl af iy notes Fe vnc ttsea tena he matt Go popes and get CASTLEWOOD WATER & SEWAGE AUTH email alerts when your bill is ready. Sign up at AEPPaperless,com!

PO BX 655 CASTLEWOOD, VA 24224-0655

Usage History (kWh): e

o # © Current bill summary: Billing from 12/07/18 - 01/08/19 (33 days) * ne

Tee Fab Mor Apr May Jun” lA Sap Oct Nov Dec dan 2018 2019

Del souat Methods of Payment


oy PO Box 371496

  • pittsburgh, PA 15250-7496

$72.48 U] 1-800-611-0964 (fee may apply) Current Charges,

Need to get in touch? Customer Operations Center: 1-800-956-4237 es:

or 1-800-956-4237

Electric Service $48.07

Fuel Factor @. 2.02 Turn over for important information! ‘Transmission Services a2 Distribution Services aso

Current Balance Due $ 2.31

‘otal Balance Due. i gS 7eae Pay $73.56 after 0/30/2018 ;

AIP Check Listing

‘Vendor Range - JOHNNY HICKS’ - ]OHNNY HICKS Date From - 12/13/2018 Date To - 1/31/2019

Castlewood Water and Sewer

01/18/2019 10:14 AM Page: 1 of 1 ‘Check Number Bank Vendor Date Amount

119250 1 “JOHNNY HICKS: 01/07/2019 $700.00 119427 1 JOHNNY HICKS 12/27/2018 $700.00 119503. 1 JOHNNY HICKS. ‘O1/17/2019. $700.00

3 . Checks Totaling - $2,100.00

Totals By Fund Checks ‘Voids Total 30 ‘$2,100.00 ‘$2,100.00

Totals: $2,100.00 $2,100.00

_ Invoice

Boggs Municipal Services, inc. P.O, Box 2466

<8.” 8905 Santa Ana Road

“7” Wise, VA 24293

Ph: (276) 328-5114 Fax: (276) 328-5115

Bill To: ; Project Name/Ship To: Nite acc Mamie one Authority Wastewater Treatment Plant UV Lights… P.O. Box 655 and Straight Hollow Trou ft. ac Castlewood, VA 24224 ‘ Quantity | “Item Code Description Price Each | - Amount RepairLabor |12-19-18 475.00 475.00

Service Call to troubleshoot Danté Wastewater Treatment Plant UV lights. Wire biimt loose on trough. Repaired.

‘Straight Hollow Lift Station pump kicking breaker. Staff will pull.

20-06 -#>

| Subtotal $475.00 ‘Thar you for your business! We look forward to serving you again. If you prefer to receive Invoices electronically, please contact us a | S2t©S Vax (0.0%) $0.00 (276) 328-5114, Payments/Credits $0.00 30, .: Day Past Due Accounts are subject to 1.5% Finance: ‘Charge Total Balance Due $475.00


_ 091 me EPA K NOG ey,


PO BOX 655 | CASTLEWOOD, VIRGINIA 24224 276-762-5411


Wie densi ey i vay |








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1/18/2019 11:31:57 AM

Earnings History Report

‘CASTLEWOOD: Page: 1 of 2 Reporting Period: 12/13/2018 To 18/2019 ‘Trans Date Check # TaxFringe TotHrs RegHRS OTHRS VAC Sick HOL, COMP: PERS: RegEarn OT Earn SOC SEC Medicare FedWH State WH Retire WH Net Pay Gross Pay 58 JOSHUA LEE FIELDS: 12/26/2018 269 $0.00 103.5 79 13, 0 0 0 0 11.6 $1,291.44 $278.27 $94.46 $22.09 $151.00 $68.00 $0.00 $1,097.30 $1,569.74 Federal Gross State Gross Medicare Gross Social Gross Retirement. $1,461.72 $1,461.72 $1,523.56 $1,523.56 $0.00 Deductions: BC/BS: $43.37 DENTAL $2.78 AFLAC DIS $28.87 VRS 361.84 01/07/2019 280 $0.00 56 37 ) o oO 16 0 $799.12 $0.00 $46.68 $10.92 $57.94 $24.00 $0.00 $522.72 $799.12 Federal Gross State Gross Medicare Gross Social Gross Retirement. $691.13. $691.13 $752.97 $752.97 $0.00 Deductions: BC/BS: $43.37 DENTAL $2.78 AFLAC DIS $28.87 VRS: $61.84 Summary: 320 88 RESTS Say 58 JOSHUA LEE FIELDS ” eee es ‘Soc Sec WH: $141.14 Tax Fringe: $0.00 SocSecGross: $2,276.53 Vac Hrs: 0.00 Medicare WH: $33.01 Regular Earnings: $2,090.55 Med Gross: $2,276.53 Sick Hrs: 0.00 Federal WH: $208.94 OT Earnings: $278.27 Fed Gross: $2,152.85 Hol Hrs: 16.00 ‘State WH: $92.00 Net Pay: $1,620.02 State Gross: $2,152.85 Comp Hrs: 0.00 Retire WH: $0.00 Additional Earn: $0.00 Retire Gross: $0.00 Pers Hrs: 14.50 Gross P: ‘$2,368.83 Reg Hrs: 116.00 OT Hrs: 13.00 Tot Hrs: 159.50 Deduction Description Amount AFLAC DIS $57.74 BC/BS $86.74 DENTAL $5.56 VRS: $123.68

192019 11:31:57 AM Earnings History Report

CASTLEWOOD Page: 2 of 2 Reporting Period: 12/13/2018 To 1/18/2049 Report Surhmary: ‘Soc Sec WH: $141.14 Tax Fringe: $0.00 SocSecGross: $2,276.53 Vac Hrs: 0.00 Medicare WH: $33.01 Regular Earnings: $2,090.56 Med Gross: $2,276.53, Sick Hrs: 0.00 Federal WH: $208.94 OT Eamings: $278.27 Fed Gross: $2,152.85 Hol Hrs: 16.00 ‘State WH: $92.00 Net Pay: $1,620.02 State Gross: $2,152.85 ‘Comp Hrs: 0.00 Retire WH: $0.00 Additional Earn: $0.00 Retire Gross: $0.00 Pers Hrs: 14.50 Gross Pay: $2,368.83, Reg Hrs: 116.00 OT Hrs: 13.00 Tot Hrs: 159.50 Deduction Description Amount AFLAC DIS 957.74 { cd BC/BS: $86.74 \r if DENTAL $5.56."

VRS. $123.68


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PO BOX 655 CASTLEWOOD , VIRGINIA 24224 276-762-5411 Employee: spesw Js,


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AGENDA February 18, 2019

Call to Order — Chairman Meadows Invocation

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of December 17, 2018 Agenda Approval of January 21, 2019 Agenda Minutes of December 17, 2018. Minutes of January 21, 2019

New Business

Review of Plats

Other Business


Russell County Planning Commission

January 21, 2019

The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, January 21, 2019 in the lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County Government Center, 133 Highland Drive Lebanon VA,

Members Present Members Absent Others Present

Jack Compton Mark A. Mitchell (excused) Crystal White Charlie Edmonds Dave Leonard

Harry Ferguson Jeff Buchanan, VDOT Dustin Keith

John Mason

Chairman Kirby Meadows Vice Chair Andy Smith Roger Sword

Wayne Young

Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given. No Agenda for January 21, 2019 available.

No Minutes from December 17, 2018 meeting available.

New Business

Dave Leonard and Jeff Buchanan, VDOT discussed land division at property in Hansonville. VDOT provided letter that stated VDOT would approve road and proposed cul-de-sac provided that there were 3 occupied dwellings and the 50’ right of way was graveled and the traffic count was less than 50a day. Motion made by Dustin Keith, seconded by Andy Smith to approve split under 6 acre exemption with a few modifications. Motion approved.

Crystal White provided Real Estate Disclosure Forms to be completed by February 1, 2019.

Previously approved divisions were reviewed by Commission.

Review of Plats

Reviewed 12/18/2018 — 01/21/2019 transactions.

Other Business

Meeting adjourned. Motion by Charlie Edmonds, seconded by Wayne Young.

Kirby Meadows, Chairman


Andy Smith, Vice Chairman




COMMISSIONER January 14, 2019

Mr Harry Ferguson

Russell County Planning Commission P.O, Box 1208

Lebanon, VA 24266

Mr. Ferguson

The Lebanon Residency has reviewed the attached plat dated December 14, 2018 submitted to us by Addison Surveyors on behalf of Mr. Dave Leonard, As shown, the plat Is a two-lot division of the property of Leonard Company Family LP, Based on the plat provided, itis our finding that the road as praposed meets current VDOT standards, However, there are some Issues to bear in mind regarding the acceptance of the road Into the VDOT system.

  1. The road will not be accepted into the VDOT system at this time as there are only two accupied ‘dwellings served by the road, To be brought into the system, a road must serve at least three ‘occupied dwellings.

  2. The road must meet the standards current at the time the road Is brought into the system. While ‘we are not aware of any proposed changes, It is possible at the time the road serves three ‘occupied dwellings, VDOT road standards may be different than now.

3, Prior to acceptance, VDOT staff must Inspect the road to confirm campllance with standards at the time of the inspection and acceptance.

| trust this information meets your neads, Should you questions or need clarification, please contact me.


ichanan, P.E. ‘Assataft Resident Englneer



DECEMBER 18, 2018- JANUARY 21, 2019

  1. Brenda and Tony Carrier boundary line survey 117.36 AC Back Valley RD

  2. Brian Collins, Steve Collins, and Mark Gamble Boundary line adjustments: Brian Collins new acreage 1.388AC, Mark Gamble new acreage 1.322AC, and Steve Collins new acreage .714AC Farmland DR

  3. Jamie Dean pulled off .570 AC (has public water) Remaining acreage 8.98 AC Dante RD

4, Larry Dean Fuller boundary line survey 1.289 AC Swords Creek RD

  1. Jefferson Steffey boundary line adjustment with Jonathan Long Adjoining property owner Booker RD

  2. AE Smith Heirs boundary line survey 25.21 AC Gravel Lick Rd

  3. Jerry Kite boundary line survey (2 tracts) 0.19 AC and .30 AC Chestnut Ridge Circle


January 1, 2019

‘The following is a lst of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of January.

Date Event Event Type Space omtang 50" Wedding Anniversary Individual Half Regina Hubbard Event $100

o12019 Birthday Party Individual Full Armold Day Event $125

o126/19 Baby Shower Individual Full Heather Lynch Event $125

0127819 Kelli Whitt Individual Full Birthday Party Event $126

o1aer9 Mountain Movers Community Full Kaylin Ervin Event Free


owsine Market Outlook Seminar Individual Full David Mullins Event $205,

(Total: $805.00)

  • $125 Final Total = $680.00


2018 Yearly Report

© January $520.00





  • +6$535.00



° September… «$1,785.00

° October.

° November… $1,450.00

« December. $1,850.00

Total = $23,000.00

Russell County Health & Fitness

‘Membership 2018 2019 January [lune July | August | September | October November December January Members / Class Packages 165 236 230 222] 224 27 224 203] 231] Pay Per Class 28| Fr 4 2 16| 4 3 a 7 [otal Engagement 133| 248 234 224 249] 221] 229] 21] 238| Sales [sales Month to Date * [s 4050.00[s s.0ss.00[$ 4496.00]$ 428.00]$ 4a6aco[s 4778.00|$ 4,298.00] $ 4,140.00 [$6,192.00 Payroll nsrucor/ Trainer Payrot__[$ 184000] 430000] 215000]§ 129000]$ a2e000[s ass000] aseooo[s ~~ aaoseo]$ aiss0o

  • Reporting from 12/28/2018 - 1/23/2019




1-GUARD RAILS THROUGHTOUT THE COUNTY EMERGENCY AREA’S BEING REPAIRED FIRST 2-Rt 683/Trout pond road there have been chevrons placed at the bridge crossing people are asking for a larger or addition signs be placed on Rt 683N creek side difficulty seeing when dark or foggy present placement causing confusion in locating the bridge

3-Rt 870/615 needs guard rail installed to prevent vehicle’s wrecking into creek SHOULDER REPAIRS AND POT HOLES

1-RT 613 north of Thomas Warner ditch needs to be cleaned

2-Rt 19N turn off onto Altizer Dr. needs gravel in a hole where water stands 3— Rosedale estates needs speed limit signs

4 - Cleveland at the Baptist church needs chevron signs placed in a curve

5-Rt 645 3/10 mile east of the Clinch River bridge pot holes developing


7-Rt 645 one mile after crossing clinch river ditch line higher than the road






ITEMS REPORTED CORRECTED 1-Rt 657 East Crossroads near Chris Griffith house a pot hole


will help

2-Rt 58 Castlewood near the Fair Ground exit median needs to be lowered for better visibiitly

3 Rt 627 Sawmill Hollow Dante just past the R.R. tracks one lane road shoulder appears to have washed away over time need to widen the road and temporary

place warning signs 4-Rt 635 Horton Ridge/ Rabbit Hollow road needs to be filled to widen a curve



Russell County Board of Supervisors Russell County Building Official

137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009


Warren & | 4478 Red Oak | 158 RSB 1831 aafaaj20i7 | 04/13/2018 04/18/2018 The Lebanon Lesha Kiser | Ridge Rd. News Castlewood, VA24224 ‘Comments:

11/21/2017 Observation of Mickey Rhea, Russell Co. Building Official, Building was unsecure- doors were open to allow public access, had holes in the roof, which would allow the elements to enter the structure, no electrical service to the structure, unsure of septic system existence. Structure, in my opinion, is unsafe, uninhabitable, and a danger, as well as a safety hazard to public, due to acces

04/11/2018 Certified Letter of Notification, Report from Building Official observation and County Ordinance, sent to property owner. 04/16/2018 Certified Letter received and signed for by owner

(04/18/2018. 1* Public Notification published in The Lebanon News

04/25/2018. 2 Public Notice in The Lebanon News,

(05/01/2018 Property Owner contacted the Building Official’ office to request an extension to come into compliance, due to her current work schedule.

5/25/2018 No further contact from property owner, expiration of all notices.

5/29/2018 As of the current date, | have been unable to schedule follow up inspections,

6/4/2018 Property Owner stated working on it,

7/25/2018 Ms. Kiser contacted Russell County Building Office, stated that she was continuing to remove vehicles from property and working on home/structure, but was experiencing delays due to work schedule and rain.

8/27/2018: Follow up visit by Mickey Rhea, Building Official, could not see improvement or progress on clean-up/compliance, 2" notice will be sent to property owner.

9/28/2018: Ms. Kiser contacted the Russell County Building Office to report that progress is continuing to be made on site. **12/11/2018: Mis. Kiser contacted the Russell County Building Office to report that progress iscontinuing to be made on site,

**Denotes recent activity

Russell County Board of Supervisors Russell County Building Official

137 Highland Dr,

Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009


Jamie McCoy | 540Upper | 160 RIE 2327 er7poiw | 7/5/2018 gaia The Lebanon Bear Wallow /1s/18 News Dante, VA 24283

Contacted Russell County Building Official regarding steps to bring home to compliance

8/27/18: Owner contacted Mickey Rhea, is in process of hiring an individual to remove structure *¥12/14/2018: Owner contacted Mickey Rhea, asked if correcting roof and porch would bring structure into compliance, Mr. Rhea, agreed.

594 Dante | 159 RIC 2253 oz7f2018 ‘| 7/5/2018 9/8/18 The Lebanon Rd. 8/15/18 News Dante, VA


Russell County Building Office received response card from certified letter delivery. 8/8/18: 1* Public Notice in The Lebanon News

8/15/18: 2" Public Notice in The Lebanon News

8/27/18: No response from listed property owner

*#1/a/19: Due to limited resources, the Building Office is unable to proceed.

*Denotes recent activity

Russell County Board of Supervisors Russell County Building Official

137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266,

Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009


Wanda GOS Lower | 159 RIC 2250 ea7pois | 7/5/2018 3/8/18 The Lebanon Farmer Bear Wallow B/15/18 News Dante, VA 24283 8/6/18: Cortified Letter received notification letter back as “Unclaimed ”

8/14/18: Ms, Farmer contacted Russell County Building Office regarding her inability to financially/physicaly bring structure to compliance. 8/16/18: Building Official, Mickey Rhea attempted to contact Ms. Farmer to discuss situation, No Answer

8/20/18: Ms. Farmer contacted R.C. Bullding Office and spoke with Mr. Rhea, discussed options and time extension to bring structure to compliance,

10/26/2018: No further communication from Ms. Farmer.

+#12/14/2018: Ms. Farmer contacted Russell County Building Office, she continues be unable, financially and/or physically to bring structure into compliance.

*Denotes recent activity

Russell County Board of Supervisors Russell County Building Official

137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009


Boyd & Stella | 35 Brandy 59 RIC 2251 efz7pois | 7/5/2018 e/a/i8 The Lebanon Dishman Hollow Rd. 8/15/18 News Dante, VA 24283

‘8/2/18; _ Certified Letter returned, unable to deliver 8/27/18: No response from listed property owner 51/4/2019: Due to limited resources, the Building Office is unable to proceed.

Freddie& | 4218Dante | 159 R 6096 sr2poie | 7/5/2018 e/a/18 The Lebanon Karen Rd. 8/15/18 News Multins Dante, VA


Russell County Building Office received response card from certified letter delivery. Russell County Administrator received documentation indicating a discrepancy In the matter of the listed property owner’s). No updates or information has been received by this office as of the current date.

*Denotes recent activity

Russell County Board of Supervisors Russell County Building Official

137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009


Terry F. 2740 Dante — | 158RSC2070 ofazoie | 7/5/2018 ‘| 7/23/2018 The Lebanon Ramsey Rd. News Dante, VA 24237 Comments:

7/23/48: Mr. Ramsey contacted the Russell County Building Office, stated that he was not the property owner. Records do seem to show ‘some discrepancy in property and mapping. The Russell County Assessment and Mapping office is currently reviewing the records. 10/26/2018: Unable to determine the property owner.

Tim&Rendy [192Lower | 1592189 epajoie [7/5/2018 | 7/25/18 The Lebanon Hale Bear Wallow News Dante, VA 24237

Russell County Building Office received response card from certified letter delivery. 7/25/2018 Ms. Hale contacted the Russell County Building Office, stated that she was working on cleaning up property, due to work and ‘trying to find assistance in hauling/removing debris, Ms. Hale has asked for an extension to complete the remainder of the clean-up. Building Official, Mickey Rhea to follow-up

10/26/2018: Russell County Building Official, Mickey L. Rhea, granted a 30 day extension to continue work on site.

12/3/18: Ms. Hale contacted the Russell County Building Office, requested an extension to continue to work on site. Mr. Rhea, granted the extension.

*Denotes recent activity

Russell County Board of Supervisors Russell County Building Official

137 Highland Dr.

Lebanon, VA 24266

Phone: 276-889-8012 Fax: 276-889-8009


*Denotes recent activity

Public Hearing.pdf
Meeting: 2/4/19               6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Board Appointments.pdf
SUGGESTED MOTION(s):  Motion to appoint Board Members.

Authorization - Minutes BOS.pdf

Authorization - Expenditures.pdf

Presentations - Attorney.pdf
Meeting: 2/4/19         6:00 PM
Staff Recommendation:
Suggested Motion:

Meeting: 2/4/19            6:00 PM

Wednesday, January 30th | Omni Richmond Hotel | 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Hotel Information
Refund Policy

RFP - Russell County IT Svcs.pdf
Russell County seeks a qualified contractor to provide Informational Technology Services for its governmental facilities.  Russell County desires to establish a three-year service contract, with option of two re-negotiated “one-year extensions” for in...
The primary purpose of the RFP for Russell County IT services is to ensure system maintenance service of all County’s non-school related IT systems on a timely and consistent basis.
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