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2017-08-07 18 00-Russell BOS-Regular Meeting-Packet
Document Date: August 7, 2017 Document: 2017-08-07_18_00-Russell_BOS-Regular_Meeting-Packet.pdf
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Agenda Board of Supervisors August 7, 2017
Russell County Page 1
BOS Board Room Regular Meeting 6:00 PM
Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266
CALL TO ORDER – Clerk of the Board
ROLL CALL – Clerk of the Board
INVOCATION – Pastor Brad Cook – Rowe Pentecostal Church
- Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fees Ordinance
PRESENTATIONS (Limited to 5 minutes)……………………………………………………A-1
Senator Ben Chafin, Delegate Todd Pillion, & Matt Ogburn – Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Power
Shonda Mitchell – Oaks Subdivision Roads
Reggie Childers – Blueways & County Expenses
Kim Short – Clinch River Scenic River Designation Extension Resolution
BOARD APPOINTMENTS……………………………………………………….B-1
Agenda Board of Supervisors August 7, 2017
BOS Board Room Regular Meeting 6:00 PM
Russell County Governmental Center Lebanon, Virginia 24266
- Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fees Ordinance
PRESENTATIONS (Limited to 5 minutes). A-1
Senator Ben Chafin, Delegate Todd Pillion, & Matt Ogburn — Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Power
Shonda Mitchell — Oaks Subdivision Roads
Reggie Childers — Blueways & County Expenses
Kim Short - Clinch River Scenic River Designation Extension Resolution
Russell County Page 1
Agenda Board of Supervisors August 7, 2017
Russell County Page 2
SPEARHEAD TRAILS Shy Kennedy 3 Year-Term
COMMUNITY POLICY MANAGEMENT TEAM Patrick Brunty 3 Year-Term Jodi Lester 3 Year-Term
Frank Horton 1 Year-Term Ben Price 1 Year-Term Ron Blankenship 1 Year-Term James Eaton 1 Year-TermSVCC ADVISORY BOARD Lynn Keene 4 Year-Term
- Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the
following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors………………C-1a. Unapproved minutes of July 10, 2017 b. Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 10 a.m. c. Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 6 p.m.
- Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented
for payment………………………………………………………………………………C-2
CITIZEN’S COMMENT PERIOD (Limited to 3 minutes)
Resolution to the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds by RC PSA and
Authorizing the Execution of Financing Agreements and Support
Agreements providing for RC Moral Obligation to make certain
appropriations with Respect to the Bonds…………………………………….……D-1Authorization of Courthouse Construction & Maintenance Fee Ordinance….D-2
- RC Faith-Based Forum on Community Development & Support….……………E-1
Agenda Board of Supervisors August 7, 2017
Shy Kennedy 3 Year-Term COMMUNITY POLICY MANAGEMENT TEAM Patrick Brunty 3 Year-Term Jodi Lester 3 Year-Term
Frank Horton 4 Year-Term Ben Price 4 Year-Term Ron Blankenship 4 Year-Term James Eaton 1 Year-Term SVCC ADVISORY BOARD
Lynn Keene 4 Year-Term
- Approval of Minutes. Consider approval of the minutes of the following meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors…
a, Unapproved minutes of July 10, 2017 b. Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 10 a.m. c. Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 6 p.m.
- Approval of Expenditures. Consider approval of expenditures presented for payment…
- Resolution to the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds by RC PSA and Authorizing the Execution of Financing Agreements and Support
Agreements providing for RC Moral Obligation to make certain appropriations with Respect to the Bonds.
Authorization of Courthouse Construction & Maintenance Fee Ordinance…D-2 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REPORTS AND REQUESTS REPORTS
RC Faith-Based Forum on Community Development & Support.
Russell County Page 2
Agenda Board of Supervisors August 7, 2017
Russell County Page 3
Dante Sewer Treatment Plant………………………………………………………….E-2
RC Website and Mobile App……………………………………………………………E-3
Authorization of Lebanon High School Roof Replacement Contract……………E-4
Authorization of Prepayment of September 2017 County Expenditures.………E-5
Authorization to Proceed with VDOT Commercial Entrance Permit for the
New Lebanon Solid Waste Site at Glade Hollow Park………………………………E-6
Authorization to Accept Deed from RC School Board concerning Parcel
of Land in Town of Lebanon……………………………………………………………E-7Authorization of the Spearhead Trails Operation Contribution…………………E-8
Authorization of Lease Renewal Agreement with The Nature Conservancy
for the Artrip and Old Castlewood Sites…………………………………………….E-9Authorization of the DCJS Victim Witness Grant………………………………….E-10
Authorization of Travel Request………………………………………………………E-11
Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………………………………G
RC IDA …………………………………………………………………………………….H
RC PSA …………………………………………………………………………………… I
Castlewood W&S …………………………………………………………………………J
RC Tourism……………………………………………………………………………….K
RC Planning Commission ………………………………………………………………L
Conference Center………………………………………………………………………M
RC Fitness Center……………………………………………………………………….N
RC Transportation & Safety……………………………………………………………O
RC Cannery Reports……………………………………………………………………P
RC Building Inspector Reports……………………………………………………….Q
RC Animal Shelter Reports……………………………………………………………R
Agenda Board of Supervisors August 7, 2017
Dante Sewer Treatment Plant… E-2
RC Website and Mobile Ap;
Authorization of Lebanon High School Roof Replacement Contract…
Authorization of Prepayment of September 2017 County Expenditures.
Authorization to Proceed with VDOT Commercial Entrance Permit for the New Lebanon Solid Waste Site at Glade Hollow Park…
Authorization to Accept Deed from RC School Board concerning Parcel of Land in Town of Lebanon.
Authorization of the Spearhead Trails Operation Contribution…
Authorization of Lease Renewal Agreement with The Nature Conservancy for the Artrip and Old Castlewood Sites…
Authorization of the DCJS Victim Witness Grant…
Treasurer’s Report. RC IDA. RC PSA Castlewood W&S RC Tourism… RC Planning Commission . Conference Center. RC Fitness Cente! RC Transportation & Safety. RC Cannery Reports… RC Building Inspector Reports RC Animal Shelter Reports.
Russell County Page 3
Russell County Government Center
137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Board of Supervisors
137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Public Hearing
- Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fees Ordinance
Staff Recommendation:
Board Discretion.
Suggested Motion:
Motion Required.
Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fees Ordinance Guidelines
Board of Supervisors
137 Highland Drive Presenters - Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17_6:00 PM
Public Hearing
- Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fees Ordinance Staff Recommendation:
Board Discretion.
Suggested Motion:
Motion Required.
- Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fees Ordinance Guidelines
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
The 2015 edition was made possible with the support of Grant No. SJI-13-T-204 from the State Justice Institute (SJI).
Prepared by: Don Hardenbergh Court works
Williamsburg, Virginia
For Office of the Executive Secretary Supreme Court of Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
The 2015 edition was made possible with the support of Grant No. SJI-13-T-204 from the State Justice Institute (SJI).
Prepared by: Don Hardenbergh For Office of the Executive Secretary Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Williamsburg, Virginia Richmond, Virginia
Office of the Executive Secretary Prepared by: Don Hardenberg, Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Rev: 2/15
Localities in Virginia are required by Va. Code § 15.2-1638 to provide courthouses and suitable facilities for the judges and staff of district and circuit courts, including Circuit Court Clerks, and upon request space for the Commonwealth Attorney. The costs of doing so are to be paid by the locality and facilities are to be provided in government owned property and not leased. This has traditionally been a responsibility of local government in Virginia.
If the court facilities are deemed to be insufficient or inadequate, the Code of Virginia sets out a process that can be used to compel improvements to a court facility by local Circuit Courts (§ 15.2-1643). Dating at least to the early 1900s, this process has been used by Circuit Court judges to force jurisdictions to update and upgrade their court facilities. Over the past 15 years this process has been used in a number of communities, including Williamsburg/James City County, Rockbridge County, Dickenson County, and the City of Portsmouth.
If a county plans to construct a courthouse at a new location which is not adjacent to the existing courthouse, Va. Code §§ 15.2-1644 and 15.2-1646 requires citizen approval through a referendum.
There are two court fees that may be collected for the purpose of funding courthouse maintenance and construction. Under a statute first adopted in 1990, Va. Code§ 17.1-281, localities may assess up to a $2 fee on all civil, criminal, traffic and local ordinance cases for the purposes of construction, renovation, or maintenance of the courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating, cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance. The money raised by this fee, however, is generally insufficient to fund most courthouse construction projects and according to JLARC the money has generally been placed in the locality’s general fund to offset facility building maintenance (JLARC, Operational and Capital Funding for District and Circuit Courts, 2009).
Since 2009, localities may assess an additional $3 fee per case, specifically for courthouse construction as long as the Department of General Services (DGS) certifies the courthouse as noncompliant with the Virginia Courthouse Facility Guidelines. The circuit court clerk is responsible for collecting courthouse fees and transferring them to the local treasurer. This money is “solely for the construction, reconstruction, renovation of, or adaptive re-use of a structure for a courthouse.” Va. Code § 17.1-281 (D).
According to DGS, during the first five years of the act 29 jurisdictions requested such certification by DGS. Tim Lovelace Highlight
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Tim Lovelace Highlight
Tim Lovelace Highlight
Localities in Virginia are required by Va, Code § 15.2-1638 to provide courthouses and suitable facilities for the judges and staff of district and circuit courts, including Cireuit Court Clerks, and upon request space for the Commonwealth Attorney. The costs of doing so are to be paid by the locality and facilities are to be provided in government owned property and not leased. This has traditionally been a responsibility of local government in Virginia.
If the court facilities are deemed to be insufficient or inadequate, the Code of Virginia sets out a process that can be used to compel improvements to a court facility by local Circuit Courts (§ 15.2-1643). Dating at least to the early 1900s, this process has been used by Circuit Court judges to force jurisdictions to update and upgrade their court facilities. Over the past 15 years this process has been used in a number of communities, including Williamsburg/James City County, Rockbridge County, Dickenson County, and the City of Portsmouth.
Ifa county plans to construct a courthouse at a new location which is not adjacent to the
existing courthouse, Va. Code §§ 15.2-1644 and 15.2-1646 requires citizen approval through a referendum,
There are two court fees that may be collected for the purpose of funding courthouse maintenance and construction. Under a statute first adopted in 1990, Va, Code§ 17.1-281, localities may assess up to a $2 fee on all civil, criminal, traffic and local ordinance cases for the purposes of construction, renovation, or maintenance of the courthouse or jail and court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating, cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance. The money raised by this fee, however, is generally insufficient to fund most courthouse construction projects and according to JLAR(
building maintenance (LARC, Operational and Capital Funding for District and Circuit Courts, 2009).
Since 2009, localities may assess an additional $3 fee per case, specifically for courthouse construction as long as the Department of General Services (DGS) certifies the courthouse as noncompliant with the Virginia Courthouse Facilit The circuit court clerk is res|
of, or adaptive re-use
ofa structure for a courthouse.” Va. Code § 17.1-281 (D).
According to DGS, during the first five years of the act 29 jurisdictions requested such certification by DGS.
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Office of the Executive Secretary Prepared by: Don Hardenberg, Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Rev: 2/15
Localities wishing to impose this $3 filing fee must submit a self-evaluation of their court facility to DGS, indicating how their facility is non-compliant with the Virginia Courthouse Facility Guidelines. A DGS building inspector then conducts an on-site inspection of the facility to confirm that it is out of compliance. DGS reviews the case and issues a certification of noncompliance, which then authorizes the locality to adopt an ordinance imposing the fee. The locality must reimburse DGS for the site visit and other related costs, which according to DGS have generally been in the range of $1,100 to $1,400 in localities that have been certified.
The most common financing arrangement is the general obligation bond. There are basically three options when it comes to financing a capital project such as a courthouse: 1) financing without debt, 2) financing with short-term debt, and 3) financing with long-term debt.
It is usually not possible to finance a capital improvement project out of operating funds. In
Virginia, as noted earlier, local governments may charge a filing fee to cover improvements
to the courthouse. The amount of funds that can be generated through this method however
are generally not enough to fund anything but small renovation or improvement projects.
When the indebtedness is not large and the time needed to retire the debt is short, the use of
short-term debt, such as grant anticipation notes, tax anticipation notes, and lines of credits,
or bonds that can be retired in less than five years may be possible. Such funding
mechanisms however may best be reserved for initiating a project when there is a need to
get a project started quickly or for minor renovations.
As noted earlier most courthouse projects are financed with long-term debt, such as general
obligation bonds. There are however some alternatives that may be used. Long term
financing can be broken down into public financing options and private financing options.
A. Public Financing
Early in the planning process it will usually be necessary to provide some funding for expenses and to hire an architect or courts planner to conduct a review of the current facilities and a needs assessment. This may be funded out of general revenues, as is usually the master plan if one is to be done. Once a decision has been made to go forward with the project it is necessary to secure more substantial funding to cover not only the design architect fees but the site acquisition and construction costs. With very few exceptions this will require some form of loan. Two of the most prevalent public funding options are general obligation bonds and revenue bonds. The choice of which method to use may depend on the length of the project, the political viability of public funding that normally requires a referendum, and the expected life of the building.
- General Obligation Bonds (GOB)
General obligation bonds are the most commonly used means of financing long- term large public capital improvement projects. They are relatively inexpensive
Tim Lovelace Highlight
Localities wishing to impose this $3 filing fee must submit a self-evaluation of their court facility to DGS, indicating how their facility is non-compliant with the Virginia Courthouse Facility Guidelines. A DGS building inspector then conducts an on-site inspection of the facility to confirm that it is out of compliance. DGS reviews the case and issues a certification of noncompliance, which then authorizes the locality to adopt an ordinance imposing the fee. The locality must reimburse DGS for the site visit and other related costs, which according to DGS have generally been in the range of $1,100 to $1,400 in localities that have been certified.
The most common financing arrangement is the general obligation bond. There are basically three options when it comes to financing a capital project such as a courthouse: 1) financing without debt, 2) financing with short-term debt, and 3) financing with long-term debt.
Itis usually not possible to finance a capital improvement project out of operating funds. In Virginia, as noted earlier, local governments may charge a filing fee to cover improvements to the courthouse, The amount of funds that can be generated through this method however are generally not enough to fund anything but small renovation or improvement projects. When the indebtedness is not large and the time needed to retire the debt is short, the use of short-term debt, such as grant anticipation notes, tax anticipation notes, and lines of credits, or bonds that can be retired in less than five years may be possible. Such funding mechanisms however may best be reserved for initiating a project when there is a need to get a project started quickly or for minor renovations.
As noted earlier most courthouse projects are financed with long-term debt, such as general obligation bonds. There are however some alternatives that may be used. Long term financing can be broken down into public financing options and private financing options.
A. Public Financing.
Early in the planning process it will usually be necessary to provide some funding for expenses and to hire an architect or courts planner to conduct a review of the current facilities and a needs assessment. This may be funded out of general revenues, as is usually the master plan if one is to be done. Once a decision has been made to go forward with the project it is necessary to secure more substantial funding to cover not only the design architect fees but the site acquisition and construction costs. With very few exceptions this will require some form of loan. Two of the most prevalent public funding options are general obligation bonds and revenue bonds. The choice of which method to use may depend on the length of the project, the political viability of public funding that normally requires a referendum, and the expected life of the building.
- General Obligation Bonds (GOB)
General obligation bonds are the most commonly used means of financing long- term large public capital improvement projects. They are relatively inexpensive
Office of the Executive Secretary Prepared by: Don Hardenberg, Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Rev: 215
Office of the Executive Secretary Prepared by: Don Hardenberg, Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Rev: 2/15
and easy to sell, assuming a good bond rating. The use of GOBs, however, requires voter approval, which is sometimes difficult to receive. The public’s appetite for expensive public works projects is limited and courts have to compete with other needs such as schools and roads. If obtained, however, voter approval can insulate public officials from later criticisms. Besides anticipated voter rejection, other disadvantages include 1) tax and debt limitations; 2) need to proceed quickly 3) poor bond ratings, and 4) the desire to avoid restrictive laws in the construction of public buildings.
- Revenue Bonds
Revenue bonds financing is available through a variety of public agencies such as a local industrial development authority. The advantage of revenue bonds is that they circumvent the lengthy and unpredictable political process required with GOBs and there may be some latitude in applying laws governing the construction of public buildings.
B. Private Financing
Private financing is becoming more popular as communities seek ways to leverage their tax revenues to greater advantage to finance long needed capital improvements. In general private financing works much like a home mortgage. A private entity provides the funds to construct the facility and the local government body then buys back the facility through a lease purchase agreement that may last 30 years. The loans are paid back through possible revenue that may be generated by the property or through general tax revenue.
- Certificates of Participation (COPS)
One private financing method is the use of certificates of participation (COPs) which can be used as an alternative to GOBs. The COP is based on sale of interests in lease revenue from a capital project; for instance, the revenue from a parking garage that is constructed as part of the project or a bridge for which tolls are levied.
- Private Educational Facilities Infrastructure Act
In Virginia, as well as a number of other states, the use of lease/purchase arrangements through a private builder/developer is becoming a more common method of financing public facilities.
In Virginia, the Public-Private Education and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) was intended to bring private sector expertise to bear on public capital improvement projects, thus saving time and money. It allows private entities, to “acquire, design, construct, improve, renovate, expand, equip, maintain or operate
Tim Lovelace Highlight
and easy to sell, assuming a good bond rating. The use of GOBs, however, requires voter approval, which is sometimes difficult to receive. The public’s appetite for expensive public works projects is limited and courts have to compete with other needs such as schools and roads. If obtained, however, voter approval can insulate public officials from later criticisms, Besides anticipated voter rejection, other disadvantages include 1) tax and debt limitations; 2) need to proceed quickly 3) poor bond ratings, and 4) the desire to avoid restrictive laws in the construction of public buildings.
- Revenue Bonds
Revenue bonds financing is available through a variety of public agencies such as. a local industrial development authority. The advantage of revenue bonds is that they circumvent the lengthy and unpredictable political process required with GOBs and there may be some latitude in applying laws governing the construction of public buildings.
B. Private Financing
Private financing is becoming more popular as communities seek ways to leverage their tax revenues to greater advantage to finance long needed capital improvements. In general private financing works much like a home mortgage. A private entity provides the funds to construct the facility and the local government body then buys back the facility through a lease purchase agreement that may last 30 years. The loans are paid back through possible revenue that may be generated by the property or through general tax revenue,
- Certificates of Participation (COPS)
One private financing method is the use of certificates of participation (COPs) which can be used as an alternative to GOBs. The COP is based on sale of interests in lease revenue from a capital project; for instance, the revenue from a parking garage that is constructed as part of the project or a bridge for which tolls are levied.
- Private Educational Facilities Infrastructure Act
In Virginia, as well as a number of other states, the use of lease/purchase arrangements through a private builder/developer is becoming a more common method of financing public facilities.
In Virginia, the Public-Private Education and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) was intended to bring private sector expertise to bear on public capital improvement projects, thus saving time and money. It allows private entities, to “acquire, design, construct, improve, renovate, expand, equip, maintain or operate
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qualifying projects.” Its purpose is to encourage innovative approaches to financing construction and renovation of public facilities. Qualifying facilities must be devoted primarily to public use, typically involving public health, safety, and welfare. The Act grants responsible public entities the authority to create public-private partnerships if it is determined that private involvement may be able to deliver the project in a more timely or cost-effective fashion or lead to improvements in the public entities’ processes or delivery of services.
The private partner provides cost or completion guarantees for which it is given an equity investment in the project. The project requires a dedicated revenue stream with which to pay back the investors. Financing options might include the use of special purpose entities, sale and lease-back transactions, enhanced use leasing, property exchanges, development agreements, conduit financing and other methods allowed by law. Inherent in this type of financing arrangement is the need for the local governing body to identify the source of revenue that will support the lease payments for the term of the agreement.
This method eases many of the front-end political problems of GOBs and other methods requiring public approval. The retirement of the debt shows up in the operating budget in the form of rental or lease costs. It provides good cost controls because there is a single entity which is accountable and there is less likelihood of cost-related changes in the project, the project can be completed faster and there is less likelihood of delays, and it defers the need for public funds because the builder picks up a lot of the early costs. Other benefits include:
‒ A private enterprise can bring expertise and efficiencies to the project that
would not otherwise be available to a public construction project;
‒ The private enterprise, not the government entity, incurs the long term
debt. Therefore, voter approval is not required and the governmental entity’s debt load is not affected;
‒ The cost of the project can be distributed to the government over a longer period of time;
‒ The overall cost of the project may be less, based on the assumption that the project will be completed in a shorter time frame and construction costs are expected to increase over time;
‒ The loan does not affect the debt load of the governmental entity;
‒ The private enterprise carries the risks associated with the project,
including cost overruns and delays; and
‒ Ongoing maintenance of the facility can be a component of the agreement
with performance.
Some of the drawbacks of this method are that the project scope and cost may not be defined until late in the process giving the local governing body and court less control over design issues, the learning curve for public officials and the public
qualifying projects.” Its purpose is to encourage innovative approaches to financing construction and renovation of public facilities.
Qualifying facilities must be devoted primarily to public use, typically involving public health, safety, and welfare. The Act grants responsible public entities the authority to create public-private partnerships if it is determined that private involvement may be able to deliver the project in a more timely or cost-effective fashion or lead to improvements in the public entities’ processes or delivery of services.
The private partner provides cost or completion guarantees for which it is given an equity investment in the project. The project requires a dedicated revenue stream with which to pay back the investors. Financing options might include the use of special purpose entities, sale and lease-back transactions, enhanced use leasing, property exchanges, development agreements, conduit financing and other methods allowed by law. Inherent in this type of financing arrangement is the need for the local governing body to identify the source of revenue that will support the lease payments for the term of the agreement.
This method eases many of the front-end political problems of GOBs and other methods requiring public approval. The retirement of the debt shows up in the operating budget in the form of rental or lease costs. It provides good cost controls because there is a single entity which is accountable and there is less likelihood of cost-related changes in the project, the project can be completed faster and there is less likelihood of delays, and it defers the need for public funds because the builder picks up a lot of the early costs. Other benefits include:
— A private enterprise can bring expertise and efficiencies to the project that would not otherwise be available to a public construction project;
— The private enterprise, not the government entity, incurs the long term debt. Therefore, voter approval is not required and the governmental entity’s debt load is not affected;
— The cost of the project can be distributed to the government over a longer period of time;
— The overall cost of the project may be less, based on the assumption that the project will be completed in a shorter time frame and construction costs are expected to increase over time;
— The loan does not affect the debt load of the governmental entity;
— The private enterprise carries the risks associated with the project, including cost overruns and delays; and
— Ongoing maintenance of the facility can be a component of the agreement with performance.
Some of the drawbacks of this method are that the project scope and cost may not be defined until late in the process giving the local governing body and court less control over design issues, the learning curve for public officials and the public
Office of the Executive Secretary Prepared by: Don Hardenberg, Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Rev: 215
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means they may be apprehensive of the process, questions of whether the best possible price was obtained, and the lengthy and complicated negotiations. Also, the public entity may lose some control over the design process because cost control becomes a critical factor in order to maintain the viability of the project. Other disadvantages are:
‒ A P3 project bypasses public approval and subjects the project, the
funding body, and the governing entity to resistance from the voters/general public.
‒ Experience to date with P3 projects demonstrates that these projects receive a limited number of bidders; typically one to three entities submit bids. This reduced competition could be detrimental; in contrast, competition among a larger number of bidders generally reduces the overall cost and increases the quality of a project.
‒ The overall payment for the P3 financing may be higher than a traditional financing method, given that a private entity pays higher interest rates than government entities to borrow money. A P3 project also includes a profit margin for the private entity.
‒ The financing for a P3 project typically extends out over a longer period of time than in a traditional building model, with the court leasing the facility over a period of up to thirty years.
To date, PPEA has been adopted in Virginia and several other states including Florida, Texas, Utah, Maryland, Arizona, California, and Michigan.
means they may be apprehensive of the process, questions of whether the best possible price was obtained, and the lengthy and complicated negotiations. Also, the public entity may lose some control over the design process because cost control becomes a critical factor in order to maintain the viability of the project. Other disadvantages are:
— A P3 project bypasses public approval and subjects the project, the funding body, and the governing entity to resistance from the voters/general public.
— Experience to date with P3 projects demonstrates that these projects receive a limited number of bidders; typically one to three entities submit bids. This reduced competition could be detrimental; in contrast, competition among a larger number of bidders generally reduces the overall cost and increases the quality of a project.
— The overall payment for the P3 financing may be higher than a traditional financing method, given that a private entity pays higher interest rates than government entities to borrow money. A P3 project also includes a profit margin for the private entity.
— The financing for a P3 project typically extends out over a longer period of time than in a traditional building model, with the court leasing the facility over a period of up to thirty years.
To date, PPEA has been adopted in Virginia and several other states including Florida, Texas, Utah, Maryland, Arizona, California, and Michigan.
Office of the Executive Secretary Prepared by: Don Hardenberg, Court works Supreme Court of Virginia Rev: 215
Russell County Government Center
137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Board of Supervisors Information Item: A-1
137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
- Senator Ben Chafin, Delegate Todd Pillion, & Matt Ogburn – Pumped
Hydroelectric Storage Power
Shonda Mitchell – Oaks Subdivision Roads
Reggie Childers – Blueways & County Expenses
Kim Short – Clinch River Scenic River Designation Extension Resolution
Staff Recommendation:
Presentation – Informational Only.
Suggested Motion:
No Motion Required.
Board of Supervisors Information Item: A-1 137 Highland Drive Presenters - Various Lebanon, VA 24266
8/7/17__ 6:00 PM
Senator Ben Chafin, Delegate Todd Pillion, & Matt Ogburn — Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Power
Shonda Mitchell - Oaks Subdivision Roads
Reggie Childers — Blueways & County Expenses
Kim Short - Clinch River Scenic River Designation Extension Resolution
Staff Recommendation: Presentation — Informational Only.
Suggested Motion:
No Motion Required
- Presentations
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Power in Southwest Virginia Fact Sheet
Purpose During the 2017 session, the Virginia General Assembly recognized the value of pumped hydroelectric storage projects by passing Senate Bill 1418, sponsored by Sen. Ben Chafin, R-Lebanon, and House Bill 1760, sponsored by Del. Terry Kilgore, R-Gate City, and Del. Todd Pillion, R-Abingdon. The bills authorize electric utilities to apply to the Virginia State Corporation Commission for permission to construct pumped hydroelectric storage facilities in Virginia’s coalfield region. At least part of the energy stored in such facilities must be generated by renewable resources. The legislation was approved by Gov. Terry McAuliffe and became law on July 1, 2017.
The coalfield region is made up of the counties of Russell, Tazewell, Dickenson, Buchanan, Lee, Wise, and Scott, as well as the City of Norton.
Next Steps After conducting a preliminary review of potential sites for a pumped hydroelectric storage facility in the coalfield region, Dominion Energy Virginia has narrowed down the site candidates. Dominion Energy Virginia is currently preparing Preliminary Permit Applications (PPAs) for the remaining sites, and intends to file the PPAs with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the next few months. At that point, Dominion Energy Virginia will begin pre-feasibility work to further reduce the numbers of potential sites. Once the pre-feasibility work is complete, and if it is determined that construction of a facility is practical, then a pre-application will be filed with FERC to further review the site. The pre-application does not commit Dominion Energy Virginia to constructing a pumped hydroelectric storage facility in the region.
Contact Information Email: [email protected] Phone: Donnie Ratliff - 276-393-4944 • Jason De La Cruz - 571-344-3952 © 2017 Dominion Energy (2017-239)
How Does It Work? Pumped hydroelectric storage facilities act as large batteries that store energy. When excess energy is available, power is used to pump water from a lower elevation reservoir up to a higher elevation reservoir providing grid stability. The water is stored in the upper reservoir until a later period when energy is in demand. At that point the water is allowed to flow downhill to a power generation facility where it spins turbines. The turbines turn generators that produce electric power that is then delivered to the electric grid. Pumped hydroelectric storage is the only form of very large-scale energy storage commercially available at present.
Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Facility
Pump/ Generator
Upper Reservoir
Lower Reservoir
Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Power
in Southwest Virginia
Fact Sheet
During the 2017 session, the Virginia General Assembly recognized the value of pumped hydroelectric storage projects by passing
Senate Bill 1418, sponsored by Sen. Ben Chafin, R-Lebanon, and House Bill 1760, sponsored by Del. Terry Kilgore, R-Gate City, and Del. Todd Pillion, R-Abingdon. The bills authorize electric utilities to apply to the Virginia State Corporation Commission for permission to construct pumped hydroelectric storage facilities in Virginia’s coalfield region. At least part of the energy stored in such facilities must be generated by renewable resources. The legislation was approved by Gov. Terry McAuliffe and became law on July 1, 2017.
The coalfield region is made up of the counties of Russell, Tazewell, Dickenson, Buchanan, Lee, Wise, and Scott, as well as the City of Norton.
How Does It Work?
Pumped hydroelectric storage facilities act as large batteries that store energy. When excess energy is. available, power is used to pump water from a lower elevation reservoir up to a higher elevation reservoir providing grid stability. The water is stored in the upper reservoir until a later period when energy is in demand. At that point the water is allowed to flow downhill to a power generation facility where it spins turbines. The turbines turn generators that produce electric power that is then delivered to the electric grid. Pumped hydroelectric storage is the only form of very large-scale energy storage commercially available at present.
Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Facility
Next Steps
After conducting a preliminary review of potential sites for a pumped hydroelectric storage facility in the coalfield region, Dominion Energy Virginia has narrowed down the site candidates. Dominion Energy Virginia is currently preparing Preliminary Permit Applications (PAs) for the remaining sites, and intends to file the PPAs with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the next few months. At that point, Dominion Energy Virginia will begin pre-feasibility work to further reduce the numbers of potential sites. Once the pre-feasibility worl complete, and if it is determined that construction of a facility is practical, then a pre-application will be filed with FERC to further review the site. The pre-application does not commit Dominion Energy Virginia to constructing a
pumped hydroelectric storage facility in the region.
Contact Information = Dominion Email: [email protected] 7 Energy Phone: Donnie Ratliff - 276-393-4944 + Jason De La Cruz - 571-344-3952
(© 2017 Dominion Energy 2017-238),
Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”
Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye District 1 District 6
Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Chairman Mark Mitchell District 2 District 5 At-Large
Carl Rhea David Eaton, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 3 District 4 County Administrator
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Resolution for the Extension of the Clinch River
Scenic River Designation in Russell County
Whereas, Currently, three Clinch River segments in Russell County are designated
as Virginia Scenic Rivers. Specifically –
In 1992, the Clinch River in Russell County from Hubbard Hole to the
Route 645 bridge at Nash Ford, a distance of approximately 13.2 miles. [§
In 1994, the Clinch River designation was extended by 6.4 miles from the
confluence with the Little River to Nash Ford for a total of 20 miles. [§
In 2002, the Clinch River was added to the Guest River with 9.2 miles of
Clinch River designation. [§ 10.1-411.1]
Whereas, At the request of Russell County Board of Supervisors, the Department of
Conservation and Recreation (DCR) staff conducted a study of two specific Clinch
River segments within county boundaries;
Whereas, Field evaluations was performed on April 11, 12, and 13, 2017. DCR staff,
along with support from local tourism representatives, Virginia State Parks staff, a
potential outfitter, and interested citizens paddled the study corridors;
Whereas, Based on the evaluations, it was determined that the new Clinch River extension
from the downstream end of the designated section at Nash Ford to the Saint Paul
designated section, a distance of approximately 24.5 miles, qualifies for Virginia Scenic
River designation;
Whereas, The section from Nash Ford to St. Paul flows through rural and forested
landscapes and small towns. It runs through forested and open private lands and past a
few industrial sites. The tightly twisting and turning channel provides access to very long
mountain views that appear around nearly every bend;
Whereas, If added to the currently designated Russell County sections of 29 .2 miles, the
total designated length of the Clinch Scenic River in Russell County will be approximately
53.7 miles, and;
Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”
Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye District 1 District 6
Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Chairman Mark Mitchell
District 2 District 5 AvLarge
Cari Rhea David Eaton, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester
District 3 District 4 County Administrator
Resolution for the Extension of the Clinch River Scenic River Design: in Russell County Virginia
Whereas, Currently, three Clinch River segments in Russell County are designated as Virginia Scenic Rivers. Specifically —
In 1992, the Clinch River in Russell County from Hubbard Hole to the Route 645 bridge at Nash Ford, a distance of approximately 13.2 miles. [§ 10.1-410.2]
In 1994, the Clinch River designation was extended by 6.4 miles from the confluence with the Little River to Nash Ford for a total of 20 miles. [§ 10.1-410.2]
In 2002, the Clinch River was added to the Guest River with 9.2 miles of Clinch River designation. [§ 10.1-411.1]
Whereas, At the request of Russell County Board of Supervisors, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) staff conducted a study of two specific Clinch River segments within county boundaries;
Whereas, Field evaluations was performed on April 11, 12,and 13,2017. DCR staff, along with support from local tourism representatives, Virginia State Parks staff, a potential outfitter, and interested citizens paddled the study corridors;
Whereas, Based on the evaluations, it was determined that the new Clinch River extension from the downstream end of the designated section at Nash Ford to the Saint Paul designated section, a distance of approximately 24.5 miles, qualifies for Scenic River designation;
Whereas, The section from Nash Ford to St. Paul flows through rural and forested landscapes and small towns. It runs through forested and open private lands and past a few industrial sites. The tightly twisting and turning channel provides access to very long mountain views that appear around nearly every bend;
Whereas, f added to the currently designated Russell County sections of 29 .2 miles, the total designated length of the Clinch Scenic River in Russell County will be approximately 53.7 miles, and;
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Russell County Board of Supervisors unanimously
request that Virginia Senator Ben Chafin, Virginia Delegate Terry Kilgore, Virginia
Delegate Todd Pillion, and Virginia Delegate Will Morefield make every effort to seek a
proposed change to the Code of Virginia §10.1-410.2 Clinch State Scenic River to “The
Clinch River in Russell County from its confluence with the Little River to the Route 58
bridge, a distance of approximately 53.7 miles, is hereby designated a component of the
Virginia Scenic Rivers System.”
RESOLVED this 7th day of August, 2017, by the following vote:
Recorded Vote: A COPY TEST:
Moved by: ______________ ___
Seconded by: __________________
Yeas: ________
Nays: ________ Lonzo Lester, County Administrator
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Russell County Board of Supervisors unanimously request that Virginia Senator Ben Chafin, Virginia Delegate Terry Kilgore, Virginia Delegate Todd Pillion, and Virginia Delegate Will Morefield make every effort to seek a proposed change to the Code of Virginia §10.1-410.2 Clinch State Scenic River to “The
ch River in Russell County from its confluence with the Little River to the Route 58 bridge, a distance of approximately 53.7 miles, is hereby designated a component of the Virginia Scenic Rivers System.”
RESOLVED this 7 day of August, 2017, by the following vote: Recorded Vote: A COPY TEST: Moved by:
Seconded by:
Nays: Tonzo Lester, County Admi
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 : Fax (276) 889-8011
Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1
137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 7/10/17 3:00 PM
Russell County Government Center
137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Board Appointments
Appointments of the RC Board Appointments:
SPEARHEAD TRAILS Shy Kennedy 3 Year-Term
Patrick Brunty 3 Year-Term
Jodi Lester 3 Year-Term
Frank Horton 1 Year-Term
Ben Price 1 Year-Term
Ron Blankenship 1 Year-Term
James Eaton 1 Year-Term
Lynn Keene 4 Year-Term
Board Discretion.
Motion to appoint Board Members.
Board of Supervisors Action Item B-1 187 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 7/10/17 3:00 PM
Board Appointments
Appointments of the RC Board Appointments:
Shy Kennedy 3 Year-Term COMMUNITY POLICY MANAGEMENT TEAM Patrick Brunty 3 Year-Term Jodi Lester 3 Year-Term
Frank Horton 1 Year-Term Ben Price 1 Year-Term Ron Blankenship 1 Year-Term James Eaton 1 Year-Term
SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to appoint Board Members.
- Applications
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
Russell County Community Policy & Management Team P.O. Box 1207 Lebanon, VA 24266
July 19, 2017
Russell County Board of Supervisors Attention: Lonzo Lester, County Administrator P.O. Box 1208
Lebanon, VA 24266
RE: CPMT Appointment Dear Lonzo: The Russell County Community Policy & Management Team would like to recommend Joni Lester as a Private Provider representative to serve on CPMT. This recommendation was voted on and approved
unanimously during the July 18 CPMT Meeting. Ms. Lester is the Regional Coordinator M.Ed, Resident in Counseling for Family Preservation Services. She can be contacted at the FPS Cedar Bluff Office, 220
Clay Drive, Pounding Mill, VA 24637, 276-963-3606, [email protected].
‘Thank you for your consideration of this matter and | look forward to hearing from you.
‘With Warmest Regards,
Lanny Large, Chairperson Russell County CPMT
“Implementing the Children’s Services Act of Virginio”
Southwest Virginia Community College
Office of the President
P. O. Box SVCC •Richlands•Virginia 24641-1101
Telephone: 276.964.7388•Fax: 276.964.7615•V/TDD: 276.964.7235
Mr. Lonzo Lester County Administrator, Russell County POB 1208 Lebanon VA 24266
Dear Mr. Lester:
This letter is to notify you that the SWCC Local College Advisory Board terms of Lynn Keene and Rita Jo Banner expired on June 30, 2017.
Mrs. Banner has served two terms and will not be eligible for reappointment for a third
term at this time. However, she can be reappointed in the future should the Russell County Board of Supervisors wish to do so.
As for Mr. Keene, he is completing his first term on the SWCC Local College Advisory
Board and is eligible for one more term if the Board of Supervisors wishes to reappoint him.
The Board of Supervisors has always appointed individuals who are interested in the
college and the community, and both Mr. Keene and Mrs. Banner have been supportive Board members. While the appointment decision rests solely with the Board of Supervisors, please remember that the SWCC Local College Advisory Board members receive no compensation for their service, and a sincere desire to serve is important in the selection process.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dr. J. Mark Estepp
aul SWC
Southwest Virginia Community College Office of the President
Mr. Lonzo Lester
County Administrator, Russell County POB 1208
Lebanon VA 24266
Dear Mr. Lester:
This letter is to notify you that the SWC Local College Advisory Board terms of Lynn Keene and Rita Jo Banner expired on June 30, 2017.
Mrs. Banner has served two terms and will not be eligible for reappointment for a third term at this time. However, she can be reappointed in the future should the Russell County Board of Supervisors wish to do so.
As for Mr. Keene, he is completing his first term on the SWCC Local College Advisory Board and is eligible for one more term if the Board of Supervisors wishes to reappoint him.
The Board of Supervisors has always appointed individuals who are interested in the college and the community, and both Mr. Keene and Mrs. Banner have been supportive Board members. While the appointment decision rests solely with the Board of Supervisors, please remember that the SWCC Local College Advisory Board members receive no compensation for their service, and a sincere desire to serve is important in the selection process.
Thank you for your consideration
Dr. J. Mark Estepp President
P.O. Box Telephone: 276.964.7:
+Richland: Fax: 276,964.71
inginia 24641-1101
Board of Supervisors Action Item C-1
137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Russell County Government Center
137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Authorization of Minutes
Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:
Unapproved minutes of July 10, 2017
Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 10 a.m.
Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 6 p.m.
Board discretion
Motion to approve Board Minutes.
Board Minutes
Board of Supervisors ‘Action Item C-1 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Authorization of Minutes
Request approval of the minutes from the following meeting:
- Unapproved minutes of July 10, 2017
- Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 10 a.m.
- Unapproved minutes of July 26, 2017 at 6 p.m.
Board discretion
SUGGESTED MOTION(: Motion to approve Board Minutes.
- Board Minutes
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
July 10, 2017
A regular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, July 10,
2017 at 3:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.
The Clerk called the meeting to order.
Roll Call by the Clerk:
Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye
Lonzo Lester
Absent: Mark Mitchell
Invocation by Timothy Hankins, Pastor, Lebanon Memorial United Methodist Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.
The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Brian Becker, Center for Natural Capital explained the “wood energy” concept and encouraged the use of wood fuels by the County.
Angela Carpenter, Director of the Russell County Chamber of Commerce updated the Board on future events and upgrades in software for the Chamber.
Board Appointments
Spearhead Trails
Lou Wallace nominated Teddy Clevinger David Eaton nominated Kim Short
July 10, 2017
Arregular monthly meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, July 10, 2017 at 3:00 pm at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.
The Clerk called the meeting to order. Roll Call by the Clerk: Present:
Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye
Lonzo Lester
Absent: Mark Mitchell
Invocation by Timothy Hankins, Pastor, Lebanon Memorial United Methodist Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda as amended.
The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Brian Becker, Center for Natural Capital explained the “wood energy” concept and encouraged the use of wood fuels by the County.
Angela Carpenter, Director of the Russell County Chamber of Commerce updated the Board on future events and upgrades in software for the Chamber.
Board Appointments Spearhead Trails
Lou Wallace nominated Teddy Clevinger David Eaton nominated Kim Short
Kim Short, (3) three votes: David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Carl Rhea Teddy Clevinger (3) three votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace
Tie vote, Spearhead Trails appointment tabled until August, 2017.
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to
appoint Jason Gullet to the Dante Community Center Board for a (2) two year term, said term ending
June 30, 2019.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Earl Jenkins to the Dante Community Center Board for a (2) two year term, said term ending June 19, 2019.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Lou Wallace nominated Darrell Johnson Tim Lovelace moved that nominations cease and Darrell Johnson be appointed to the Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority for a (3) three year term, said term ending July 10, 2020.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye Nay: Steve Breeding and David Eaton
Carl Rhea nominated Judy Ashbrook Hearing no other nominations Judy Ashbrook was appointed by acclamation to the Library Board for a (4) four year term, said term ending July 10, 2021.
David Eaton nominated Linda Tiller Hearing no other nominations, Linda Tiller was appointed by acclamation to the Library Board for a (4) four year term, said term ending July 10, 2021.
kim Short, (3) three votes: David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Carl Rhea Teddy Clevinger (3) three votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace
Tie vote, Spearhead Trails appointment tabled until August, 2017.
JASON GULLET APPOINTED TO THE DANTE COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Jason Gullet to the Dante Community Center Board for a (2) two year term, said term ending June 30, 2019. The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Carl Rhea
Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to appoint Earl Jenkins to the Dante Community Center Board for a (2) two year term, said term ending June 19, 2019.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Lou Wallace nominated Darrell Johnson
Tim Lovelace moved that nominations cease and Darrell Johnson be appointed to the Castlewood Water and Sewage Authority for a (3) three year term, said term ending July 10, 2020.
The vote was:
‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea and Rebecca Dye
Nay: Steve Breeding and David Eaton,
Carl Rhea nominated Judy Ashbrook Hearing no other nominations Judy Ashbrook was appointed by acclamation to the Library Board for a (4) four year term, said term ending July 10, 2021.
David Eaton nominated Linda Tiller Hearing no other nominations, Linda Tiller was appointed by acclamation to the Library Board for a (4) four year term, said term ending July 10, 2021.
Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re- appoint (10) ten members to the Russell County Highway and Safety Committee for (2) two year terms, said terms ending July 10, 2019. Those reappointed were: Gary Dotson, Johnny Jessee, Steve Dye, Eugene Ferguson, Tony Maxfield, Barbara Cox, Mike O’Quinn, Henry Stinson, Jr., Mark Mitchell and Emory Altizer.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
David Eaton nominated Carter McGlothlin and Steve Newberry Lou Wallace nominated Darrell Puckett Rebecca Dye nominated Chris Dye
Darrell Puckett - (3) three votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Chris Dye – (3) three votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Steve Newberry – (2) two votes: David Eaton and Steve Breeding Carter McGlothlin – (2) two votes: Steve Breeding and David Eaton
Carl Rhea abstained from each vote.
Chris Dye and Darrell Puckett were appointed to the Russell County PSA for (3) three year terms, said terms ending July 10, 2020.
The Chairman tabled the SVCC Advisory Board appointment.
New Business
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to
approve the June 05, 2017 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.
The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to
approve the June 19, 2017 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.
The vote was:
Motion made by David Eaton, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to re- appoint (10) ten members to the Russell County Highway and Safety Committee for (2) two year terms, said terms ending July 10, 2019. Those reappointed were: Gary Dotson, Johnny Jessee, Steve Dye, Eugene Ferguson, Tony Maxfield, Barbara Cox, Mike O’Quinn, Henry Stinson, Jr., Mark Mitchell and Emory Altizer.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Lou Wallace and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
David Eaton nominated Carter McGlothlin and Steve Newberry Lou Wallace nominated Darrell Puckett Rebecca Dye nominated Chris Dye
Darrell Puckett - (3) three votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Chris Dye ~ (3) three votes: Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Lou Wallace Steve Newberry — (2) two votes: David Eaton and Steve Breeding
Carter McGlothlin (2) two votes: Steve Breeding and David Eaton
Carl Rhea abstained from each vote.
Chris Dye and Darrell Puckett were appointed to the Russell County PSA for (3) three year terms, said terms ending July 10, 2020.
The Chairman tabled the SVCC Advisory Board appointment. New Business
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the June 05, 2017 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the June 19, 2017 minutes and dispense with the reading thereof.
The vote was:
Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,655,087.42 including reoccurring and withholdings.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and Lou Wallace Nay: None
Citizens Comment
Geneva Yates, Yates Circle Estates commented that she is very concerned about the exit road of the estates. She asked the Board for any assistance in this matter.
Reggie Childers, Lebanon reminded the Board that four towns had already designated blue ways, would like the Board to consider doing the same. He also commented that eliminating the Supervisor at Large seat would save approximately $14,000.
Dustin Keith, Elk Garden invited the Board to attend the Farm to Table event to be held in Lebanon in August. He also thanked them for all their support of the Drug Free Graduation Party that was held in the conference center on graduation night. He added that if any of the Board was interested in attending the Suicide Prevention Conference in Abingdon to please let him know.
The Chairman closed citizens comment period.
County Attorney Reports and Requests
Matt Crum discussed the issuance of water revenue bonds by the Russell County PSA.
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace to approve a Resolution of Support for the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds by the Russell County PSA.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Carl Rhea Nay: Rebecca Dye, Tim Lovelace and Lou Wallace
County Administrator Reports and Requests
‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, David Eaton and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve general county invoices in the amount of $1,655,087.42 including reoccurring and withholdings.
The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and Lou Wallace Nay: None
Citizens Comment
Geneva Yates, Yates Circle Estates commented that she is very concerned about the exit road of the estates. She asked the Board for any assistance in this matter.
Reggie Childers, Lebanon reminded the Board that four towns had already designated blue ways, would like the Board to consider doing the same. He also commented that eliminating the Supervisor at Large seat would save approximately $14,000.
Dustin Keith, Elk Garden invited the Board to attend the Farm to Table event to be held in Lebanon in ‘August. He also thanked them for all their support of the Drug Free Graduation Party that was held in the conference center on graduation night. He added that if any of the Board was interested in
attending the Suicide Prevention Conference in Abingdon to please let him know.
The Chairman closed citizens comment period. County Attorney Reports and Requests Matt Crum discussed the issuance of water revenue bonds by the Russell County PSA.
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace to approve a Resolution of Support for the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds by the Russell County PSA.
The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Carl Rhea Nay: Rebecca Dye, Tim Lovelace and Lou Wallace
County Administrator Reports and Requests
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the abstract of votes from the June 13, 2017 Democratic/Republican Primary.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and David Eaton Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the authorization of a public hearing for the Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fee to be held on August 07, 2017.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve an increase in the petty cash fund from $500 to $1000 for the Treasurer’s Office.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a Resolution for the continuance of funding for the Clinch River Valley Initiative.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and David Eaton Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a Resolution of Public Notice of Russell County Intent to Abandon Route 9766, Route 9532 and Route 9806.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the abstract of votes from the June 13, 2017 Democratic/Republican Primary.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and David Eaton Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the authorization of a public hearing for the Courthouse Construction and Maintenance Fee to be held on August 07, 2017.
The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding
Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve an increase in the petty cash fund from $500 to $1000 for the Treasurer’s Office.
The vote was ‘Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Super authorize a Resolution for the continuance of funding for the Clinch River Valley Initiative.
ors to
The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, Rebecca Dye and David Eaton Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a Resolution of Public Notice of Russell County Intent to Abandon Route 9766, Route 9532 and Route 9806.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a contract and appropriation of funding with the Center for Natural Capital “Stream Sweepers” to clean up the Clinch River.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to advertise and hire a housekeeping supervisor.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, and Rebecca Dye. Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request by the Community Work Program Department.
The vote was: Aye: Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from the Electoral Board for training.
The vote was: Aye: Rebecca Dye, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from Russell County Emergency Management Coordinator to attend FEMA training.
Aye: Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second Carl Rhea and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a contract and appropriation of funding with the Center for Natural Capital “Stream. Sweepers” to clean up the Clinch River.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, David Eaton, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. advertise and hire a housekeeping supervisor.
The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding, Tim Lovelace, and Rebecca Dye. Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request by the Community Work Program Department.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Tim Lovelace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from the Electoral Board for training
The vote was: ‘Aye: Rebecca Dye, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from Russell County Emergency Management Coordinator to attend FEMA training.
‘Aye: Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from Russell County Emergency Management Coordinator for an Adjunct Instructor Workshop.
Aye: Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a letter of support for the Clinch River Ecological Campus.
The vote was: Aye: Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, and Rebecca Dye. Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, and Rebecca Dye. Nay: None
Clerk of the Board Chairman
Motion made by Rebecca Dye, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve a travel request from Russell County Emergency Management Coordinator for an Adjunct, Instructor Workshop.
‘Aye: Rebecca Dye, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, and Steve Breeding. Nay: None
Motion made by Lou Wallace, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to authorize a letter of support for the Clinch River Ecological Campus.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, and Rebecca Dye. Nay: None
Motion made by David Eaton, second Lou Wallace and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.
The vote was:
‘Aye: David Eaton, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Steve Breeding, and Rebecca Dye. Nay: None
Clerk of the Board Chairman
July 26, 2017
A special called meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, July 26,
2017 at 10:00 am at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.
The Clerk called the meeting to order.
Roll Call by the Clerk:
Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Mark Mitchell
Lonzo Lester
Invocation by Chairman Steve Breeding followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion made by Mark Mitchell, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda.
The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Mark Mitchell and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Mark Mitchell, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter to Executive Session (Closed) pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (1) of the Code of Virginia to discuss personnel and to discuss litigation matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (7).
The vote was: Aye: Mark Mitchell, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and Lou Wallace Nay: None
July 26, 2017
A special called meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 10:00 am at the Russell County Government Center in Lebanon, Virginia.
The Clerk called the meeting to order. Roll Call by the Clerk: Present:
Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye Mark Mitchell
Lonzo Lester
Invocation by Chairman Steve Breeding followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Motion made by Mark Mitchell, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to approve the agenda.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, Lou Wallace, Carl Rhea, David Eaton, Steve Breeding, Mark Mitchell and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Motion made by Mark Mitchell, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to enter to Executive Session (Closed) pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (1) of the Code of Virginia to discuss personnel and to discuss litigation matters pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A) (7).
The vote was: ‘Aye: Mark Mitchell, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Tim Lovelace, Rebecca Dye, Steve Breeding and Lou Wallace Nay: None
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Mark Mitchell and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.
The vote was: Aye: Tim Lovelace, Mark Mitchell, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.
Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.
Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard,
discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the
closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes.
Tim Lovelace – AYE Lou Wallace – AYE Carl Rhea – AYE David Eaton – AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding – AYE Mark Mitchell – AYE
Motion made by David Eaton, second Mark Mitchell and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to
adjourn to reconvene on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Southwest Center for Education
and Training in Lebanon, Virginia.
The vote was: Aye: David Eaton, Mark Mitchell, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Clerk of the Board Chairman
Motion made by Tim Lovelace, second Mark Mitchell and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to return to regular session.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Tim Lovelace, Mark Nay: None
hell, Lou Wallace, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding
Pursuant to § 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended each member of the Board of Supervisors upon the Roll Call certifies that to the best of their knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters that were identified in the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board of Supervisors.
‘Any member of the Board of Supervisors who believes that there was a departure from the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) above shall so state prior to the vote, indicating the substance of the departure that, in his or her judgment, has taken place.
Are there any who believe a departure has taken place? Seeing none, if you agree that the matters heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting were pursuant only to the motion(s) by which the closed meeting was convened, please signify by saying aye or yes
Tim Lovelace ~ AYE Lou Wallace ~ AYE Carl Rhea AYE David Eaton — AYE Rebecca Dye - AYE Steve Breeding - AYE Mark Mitchell - AYE APPROVAL TO ADJOURN TO RECONVENE
Motion made by David Eaton, second Mark Mitchell and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn to reconvene on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Southwest Center for Education and Training in Lebanon, Virginia
The vote was: ‘Aye: David Eaton, Mark Mitchell, Lou Wallace, Tim Lovelace, Carl Rhea, Steve Breeding and Rebecca Dye Nay: None
Clerk of the Board Chairman
July 26, 2017 Reconvened Meeting
A reconvened meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Southwest Center for Education and Training in Lebanon, Virginia.
Roll Call by the Clerk:
Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye
Lonzo Lester
Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace
Delegate Will Morefield conducted the meeting. Those present included the Russell County Board of Supervisors, Judges, Law Enforcement, several members of adjourning county Boards of Supervisors as well as other agencies in the region. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss potential solutions to the drug epidemic (especially the opioid crisis) in the far Southwest Virginia Counties. The possibility of locating a long term residential treatment center in Southwest Virginia and possible funding streams were also discussed.
Motion made by Mark Mitchell, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to adjourn.
The vote was: Aye: Mark Mitchell, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Clerk of the Board Chairman
July 26, 2017 Reconvened Meeting
A reconvened meeting of the Russell County Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Southwest Center for Education and Training in Lebanon, Virgi
Roll Call by the Clerk: Present:
Carl Rhea David Eaton Steve Breeding Rebecca Dye
Lonzo Lester Absent:
Tim Lovelace Lou Wallace
Delegate Will Morefield conducted the meeting. Those present included the Russell County Board of Supervisors, Judges, Law Enforcement, several members of adjourning county Boards of Supervisors as well as other agencies in the region. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss potential solutions to the drug epidemic (especially the opioid crisis) in the far Southwest Virginia Counties. The possibility of locating a long term residential treatment center in Southwest Virginia and possible funding streams were also discussed.
Motion made by Mark Mitchell, second David Eaton and duly approved by the Board of Supervisors to. adjourn.
The vote was: ‘Aye: Mark Mitchell, David Eaton, Carl Rhea, Rebecca Dye and Steve Breeding Nay: None
Clerk of the Board Chairman
Board of Supervisors Action Item C-2
137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Russell County Government Center
137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Approval of Expenditures
Request approval of the County’s July 2017 Monthly Expenditures:
County’s July 2017 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational services.
Motion to approve County’s July 2017 Monthly Expenditures.
July 2017 Monthly Expenditures
Board of Supervisors Action Item C-2 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Chairman Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Approval of Expenditures
Request approval of the County’s July 2017 Monthly Expenditures:
‘STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): County’s July 2017 Monthly Expenditures are in compliance with budget and operational services.
SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Motion to approve County’s July 2017 Monthly Expenditures.
- July 2017 Monthly Expenditures
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
nvo6o 6/03/2017
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aposo 9/03/2017
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9/07/2017 8707/2017
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afap2017 aaron aha/aat7 arapax
afrs/z0a 71242087
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2425/2027 6/26/2039 6/26/2017 5/30/2013 1423/2017 paraea
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6/23/2037 yn3/2031
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-A/® CASH REQUIRENRETS PRE-LAS® COMPANY Yoo. FLRDjan00 PAGE 4 wexpor worce cunss __axoss nr. Ner_awouer ¢/1. accounr 2.0.8 02374 GRATES Sasezasi20 53.05 E903 G100-Gsz0-sa07-— 230.39, 130139 + oun62 GREAT AMERICA 1, 21010513 263.22 2e3122 an00-o22100-2006- =~ bssterd Benga © 04169 wamruroN, any 07132017 265.00 285100 _4100-072030-3009- =~ 268.00 aasioo * oo0ass sas—2e xr-2799 ao 35.00, 58.00 «100-073020-2002- =~ 00308 HoXAKER TTR gH 101545 17.00 27100 "e1o0-oeacao-seaa- = = 00208 HoNauER orRe SE 101620 495.00 495100 4100-0¢2400-5408- 512/00 Siziea * eooaie WURPMAN’S TIRE 5928 425.00 425700 4100-031020-seo0- – 003439 x60 TECHNOLOGY 10637 Thole, 320/00 “a1o0-o22050-5203- asses mmmovarrve eck 1319 91s 4a 519/4¢ 4290-p22010-séo2- Cosess iamovarivs TecH 1360 5,138.75 s/i3e.78 #1g9-012300-3002- boaass muouarive cK 1342 Eee also fteg-oisozn-ao02- = Dasaes HMoUATIVS Teck 1346 235100 225100 ¢ioo-o3sax0-sos- >> bosaes Iamovative acu 1347 8 "00 Wasloo fioo-oazaon-san3- SL basses IMOVATIVE TECH 3964 5.00 ‘5.00 aied-caaoso-sais- > 6,708.85 6,788.83 + ‘902387 soHY DEERE FxKA 07252017, 1 236.89 226.89 “¢300-022020-s408- ‘basa? Jou SEERE FINA La0Re 307-42 Jenlai €i00-ossoz0-sao2- > ‘003967 GOH DEERE FINA 14909 1,268.98 a,2eg.98 (2o0-oa2010-s435- ‘Ooasa7 SOHN DEERE FINA 2504 Sals0 2.50 sioo-cganlo-sais- = 003507 JOHN DauAE viNn 23293 106/20, aogi2 Auog-nazmo-sms. ‘903587 GORY DEERE FINK 25199 1362 (alez dioe-cgzouo-sas- 41,987/60 1987160 + (004243 KRKLBAU, suam 07232027 360700, 380100 “ar00-072020-2009- == 03245 xeWOALL, SuECTRE 8105972832. 001 4800 48709 "4100-063020-S407- = 0324s KENORLL BuuoHRr g105972066 001 67.20 6920 dL00-oaz0z0-sac7- Seazes Kavonut Store: @105960903 001 53.53 $3.93 G100-0a3020-5407-— 03245 Kabat eukorer Siogozisesé.001 22793 227191 Hioo-osaoa0-s407~ uses KEWoRUL EUteTRE slooasees.o2 waa 28 Gila dtoo-a¢agae-seor- 03245 KeWpaGE EUECTRE SLosoS7S65 001 31.95, 319s _4100-042030~8407 > 1803.27 asealar © ovaza2 xeomen wax 1108 455.18 456/30 4200-o21020-s403- Ooaia2 kasiwae va 121 Jae 02 yeel02 s190-094010-7086- > 3,241/20, Petterany 000359 KKIK RAPE asio-asaea2 35:00, 35100 4100-072020-5407- =~ 38.00, 38100 * 000367 LMANON BLOCK & 20019 1 18.33 26.88 “eeo-aazoa0-seon- == 900967 tiebaaoN BLOCK © 201675 19160 29160 €1go-oszoan-sans) Boose? LiekaNON Block & 202961 preers 328.18 leg-oszozo-sioa- >> 600367 Lemon BLock © 202093 219.00, 219100 #1os-eaigao-sa9- e026? Lishawou Block £ 202334 Taste? iasis7 fipo-osiezo-s409- Goose? LanANoN BLocK & 202362 26.75 ‘90.75 4x00-asi020-san3- = e026? Lebanon Bock & 205182 23°35 bolas siga-osanz0-sa09. = bo0ae? LERANION Block & 20968 folsa {olsa Gloo-ousoze-sao7) = booae7 LeEHANON BOCK 208590 3.60 $3160 4xo0-oas020-sa07- bo0a67 LHBANON BiocK & 205024 pavers @1lss d2oa-oazoze-sagy Boose? Lenawoy Brock & 205832 fois fol98 Givo-gaanzo-sagy- == 0026? LkARNON BLOCK & 205962 39:90 39130 Axoacoasozosao7) >
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4701/2017 oo1293 sraN SHOP OF 80 2741 asi.oo s3tlao heo-eaa020-sa07—
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7/10/2017 000288 SPOURASKE CHERY REIMBURSEMENT ihe lsa {ha1s4 “s100-021010-s402-
5/17/2027 004266 STANOARD oRIKTE 068975 33500 138100 “4100-o21060-s40x~ 338100, see +
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‘/aa/a0x7 002665 STONE ceuAR — 712540, 6889 4.99 "¢100-022020-s504-
7/26/2023 002665 STONE CELLAR — 812750 63.70 59:78 _€400-012020-S504-
‘2/24/2027 002817 sumPLxWoRKe 407447333 2180-11 4,360/11 "4100-ve3020-sa07-
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2/34/2017 002079 suPREKE couRT 0 17-RUSRE-2215 600.08 {00180 _4200-v21060-s402. 600.08, fo0e0 *
‘9/07/2017 900366 THE DABANON MEH 98072017 29/00 29.00 4100-012010-sa11-
S/or/2007 oo0a6s Tice LEBANON MEN 123540 Sas0 S3ls0 Azoa-o2010-3007-
E/ir/a0it onoies THE LeRANON Nae 123608 53:80 52150 d109-012010-2007-
6/26/2017 Oooace THE EERAMON NEW 125764 53.50, 52180 4100-011010-3007-
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6/30/2017 900368 THE LERAWOK NEN 125762 a 2615 26178 4100-073010-9813-
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Board of Supervisors Action Item D-1 & D-2
137 Highland Drive Presenter: Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Attorney Reports & Requests
The County Attorney Reports & Request for August 2017:
Authorization of Resolution to the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds by RC PSA and Authorizing the Execution of Financing Agreements and
Support Agreements providing for RC Moral Obligation to make certain Appropriations with Respect to the Bonds…………………………………………D-1 -
Authorization of Courthouse Construction & Maintenance Fee Ordinance….D-2
Board Discretion.
Board Discretion.
Board of Supervisors Action Item D-1 & D-2
137 Highland Drive Presenter: Attorney Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
Attorney Reports & Requests The County Attorney Reports & Request for August 2017: REPORTS
- Authorization of Resolution to the Issuance of Water Revenue Bonds by RC PSA and Authorizing the Execution of Financing Agreements and Support Agreements providing for RC Moral Obligation to make certain
Appropriations with Respect to the Bonds. <A
- Authorization of Courthouse Construction & Maintenance Fee Ordinance…D-2
STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion,
SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion,
- Various
Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”
Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye District 1 District 6
Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Chairman Mark Mitchell District 2 District 5 At-Large
Carl Rhea David Eaton, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester District 3 District 4 County Administrator
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Authority”) proposes to issue its $512,053 Water
Revenue Bond, Series 2017 and $197,027 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (the “Bonds”) to the Virginia
Resource Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “VRA”), to finance
waterline extensions in the Fincastle Estates, Thompson Creek, and Tunnel Road areas in Russell County
(the “Projects”) as improvements to the Authority’s water system (the “System).
The Authority has requested the Board of Supervisors of Russell County, Virginia (the “County”)
to facilitate the issuance and sale of the Bonds by consenting to the issuance of the Bonds and providing
for the County’s pledge of certain water revenues and its moral obligation to make certain appropriations
to the Authority with respect to the Bonds and the System.
As part of its plan for financing the Projects, the Authority proposes to execute the following
documents, drafts of which have been presented to the Board of Supervisors at this meeting:
a. two Financing Agreements (the “Financing Agreements”) between the
Authority and the VRA, and to which the Board of Supervisors of the County
is asked to acknowledge, consent and agree; and
b. two Support Agreements (the “Support Agreements”), between the
Authority, the Board of Supervisors of the County, and the VRA.
- The Authority’s plan of financing for the Projects, substantially on the terms set forth in
the Financing Agreements and which involves the issuance of the Bonds, is approved, and the Board of
Supervisors finds that the issuance of the Bonds will benefit the inhabitants of Russell County. The Board
of Supervisors consents to the issuance of the Bonds.
- The Board of Supervisors agrees, in accordance with the Support Agreement, to pay to
the Authority amounts sufficient to pay the debt service under the Bonds and any other indebtedness
secured by or payable from the revenues of the System, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on
Exhibit F to the Financing Agreements, the operation and maintenance expense of the System of which
the Projects are a part, and additional payments for costs and expenses related to any amendment,
Russell County Virginia “The Heart of Southwest Virginia”
Tim Lovelace Rebecca Dye District 1 District 6
Lou Ann Wallace Steve Breeding, Chairman Mark Mitchell
District 2 District 5 AvLarge
Carl Rhea David Eaton, Vice-Chairman Lonzo Lester
District 3 District 4 County Administrator
The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Authority”) proposes to issue its $512,053 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 and $197,027 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (the “Bonds” to the Virginia Resource Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “VRA”), to finance waterline extensions in the Fincastle Estates, Thompson Creek, and Tunnel Road areas in Russell County (the “Projects”) as improvements to the Authority’s water system (the “System)…
The Authority has requested the Board of Supervisors of Russell County, Virginia (the “County”) to facilitate the issuance and sale of the Bonds by consenting to the issuance of the Bonds and providing for the County’s pledge of certain water revenues and its moral obligation to make certain appropriations to the Authority with respect to the Bonds and the System
As part of its plan for financing the Projects, the Authority proposes to execute the following documents, drafts of which have been presented to the Board of Supervisors at this meeting:
a, two Financing Agreements (the “Financing Agreements”) between the ‘Authority and the VRA, and to which the Board of Supervisors of the County is asked to acknowledge, consent and agree; and
b. two Support Agreements (the “Support Agreements”), between the Authority, the Board of Supervisors of the County, and the VRA.
1, The Authority’s plan of financing for the Projects, substantially on the terms set forth in the Financing Agreements and which involves the issuance of the Bonds, is approved, and the Board of Supervisors finds that the issuance of the Bonds will benefit the inhabitants of Russell County. The Board of Supervisors consents to the issuance of the Bonds.
- The Board of Supervisors agrees, in accordance with the Support Agreement, to pay to the Authority amounts sufficient to pay the debt service under the Bonds and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the revenues of the System, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreements, the operation and maintenance expense of the System of which the Projects are a part, and additional payments for costs and expenses related to any amendment,
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
waiver, consent, or collection or enforcement proceedings under either Financing Agreement, subject to
annual appropriation by the Board of Supervisors, all on the terms and conditions to be provided in the
Support Agreements. The County’s obligations to make payments to the Authority pursuant to this
resolution shall be subject to and dependent upon annual appropriations being made from time to time
by the Board of Supervisors for such purpose. Nothing in this resolution, the Bonds or the Support
Agreements shall constitute a debt of the County within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory
limitation or a pledge of the faith or credit or the taxing power of the County.
- The Board of Supervisors of the County acknowledges that (i) the obligations of the
Authority to determine, and of the County to pay, the charges for the use of and for services to be
furnished by the System (as defined in the Financing Agreement) are crucial to the security for the Bonds,
(ii) VRA would not purchase the Bonds without the security and credit enhancement provided by the
Support Agreements, (iii) VRA will be a third party beneficiary of the Support Agreement for so long as the
Bonds remain outstanding, and (iv) VRA is treating each Support Agreement as a “local obligation” within
the meaning of Section 62.1-199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which
in the event of a nonpayment thereunder authorizes VRA or the trustee for VRA’s bonds to file an affidavit
with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia
Code. Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code provides that if the Governor is satisfied that such
nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to
withhold all further payment to the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable
by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the
nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much
of them as is necessary, to VRA, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.
- Any one of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or the County
Administrator is authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Financing Agreements and the
Support Agreements. The Financing Agreements and the Support Agreements shall be in substantially
the forms presented at this meeting, which are approved, with such completions, omissions, insertions
and changes as may be approved by the officer executing the agreement, his execution to constitute
conclusive evidence of his approval of any such completions, omissions, insertions or changes. The County
Administrator is authorized and directed to take such actions and give such notices as may be required of
him under the Financing Agreements and the Support Agreements.
- This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
waiver, consent, or collection or enforcement proceedings under either Financing Agreement, subject to annual appropriation by the Board of Supervisors, all on the terms and conditions to be provided in the Support Agreements. The County’s obligations to make payments to the Authority pursuant to this resolution shall be subject to and dependent upon annual appropriations being made from time to time by the Board of Supervisors for such purpose. Nothing in this resolution, the Bonds or the Support ‘Agreements shall constitute a debt of the County within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or a pledge of the faith or credit or the taxing power of the County.
The Board of Supervisors of the County acknowledges that (i) the obligations of the Authority to determine, and of the County to pay, the charges for the use of and for services to be furnished by the System (as defined in the Financing Agreement) are crucial to the security for the Bonds, (ii) VRA would not purchase the Bonds without the security and credit enhancement provided by the Support Agreements, (ii) VRA will be a third party beneficiary of the Support Agreement for so long as the Bonds remain outstanding, and (iv) VRA is treating each Support Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1-199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment thereunder authorizes VRA or the trustee for VRA’s bonds to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code provides that if the Governor is satisfied that such nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to VRA, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.
Any one of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or the County Administrator is authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Financing Agreements and the Support Agreements. The Financing Agreements and the Support Agreements shall be in substantially the forms presented at this meeting, which are approved, with such completions, omissions, insertions and changes as may be approved by the officer executing the agreement, his execution to constitute conclusive evidence of his approval of any such completions, omissions, insertions or changes. The County Administrator is authorized and directed to take such actions and give such notices as may be required of him under the Financing Agreements and the Support Agreements.
This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 : Fax (276) 889-8011
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Russell County, Virginia (the “Board of
Supervisors”), certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct copy of a resolution
duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on July 10, 2017. I further
certify that such meeting was regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the
consideration of the foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. I further certify that the
minutes of such meeting reflect the attendance of the members and the voting on the
foregoing resolution as follows:
Members Attendance Vote
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Board of Supervisors of Russell County, Virginia, this ___ day
of July, 2017.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
of Russell County, Virginia
The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Russell County, Virginia (the “Board of Supervisors”), certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on July 10, 2017. | further certify that such meeting was regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the consideration of the foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. | further certify that the minutes of such meeting reflect the attendance of the members and the voting on the foregoing resolution as follows:
Members ‘Attendance Vote
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Board of Supervisors of Russell County, Virginia, this__ day of July, 2017.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
of Russell County, Virginia
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive « Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 : Fax (276) 889-8011
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of July, 2017, by and
“Board”), acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the
VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as
hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the
“Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged,
consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and
Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns
and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a
water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $512,053
(the “Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to
finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on July 10, 2017 a resolution authorizing, among other
things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to
consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual
covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
- Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement
shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
- The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the
proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in
operation at the earliest practical date.
- No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2018, the Borrower shall
notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of July, 2017, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”), acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $512,053 (the “Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on July 10, 2017 a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in operation at the earliest practical date.
No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2018, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower
reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under
the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable
from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing
Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in
full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.
- The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall
include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following
fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County
Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s
budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether
the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual
Deficiency Amount.
- If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred
to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of
such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from
the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
- The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to
paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next
regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification
requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority
as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such
appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to
the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the
County’s next fiscal year.
- The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such
amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the
fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any
binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to
make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of
Supervisors do likewise.
- The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local
Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the
Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1-
199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a
nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such
nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing
the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code,
providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will
immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth
reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1
4, The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.
Ifat any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.
The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.
The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth
of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment
continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of
them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such
- Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the
County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person,
and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the
taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the
Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
- Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if
sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box
1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P. O.
Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (iii) if to the Authority, to
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director.
Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
- It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
- This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all
other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
- This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.
Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box 1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P.O. Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (ii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
11, Itis the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be
executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
#9709296 016049.0007 (Fincastle)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
49709206 (016049.0007 (Fincastle)
CB Draft: 6/19/17
dated as of _____ 1, 2017
as Administrator of the
Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
Virginia Resources Authority
Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
CFDA No. 66.468 – Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project
CB Draft: 6/19/17
dated as of ___1, 2017
as Administrator of the ginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
Virginia Resources Authority irginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
CFDA No. 66.468 - Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Loan No. WSL-022-1SE Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project
- i -
[To Be Updated]
Section 1.1. Definitions…1
Section 1.2. Rules of Construction …4
Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower …5
Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond …7
Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond …7
Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds …9
Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project …10
Section 4.3. Permits …11
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors …11
Section 4.5. Engineering Services …11
Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project …12
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues …12
Section 5.2. Annual Budget …12
Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report…13
[To Be Updated]
ARTICLE IL DI TIONS Section 1.1. Definitions… Section 1.2. Rules of Constructioi ARTICLE I REPRESENTATIONS Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower.
Section 3.1 Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. Section Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond…
Section 4.1 Application of Proceeds Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project Section 4.3. Permits…
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors
Section 4.5. Engineering Services… Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project… 12 ARTICLE V
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues… Section 5.2. Annual Budget… eenientsnntnitnsenseee sevsensereeeel Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s RepOtt…cccnconsnennennnnnanensel3
- ii -
Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond …13
Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments…14
Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond …14
Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System …15
Section 8.2. Maintenance …15
Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications…15
Section 8.4. Use of System …15
Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records …15
Section 8.6. Ownership of Land …15
Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance …15
Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues …16
Section 8.9. No Free Service…16
Section 8.10. No Competing Service …16
Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection…16
Section 8.12. Lawful Charges …17
Section 9.1. Insurance …17
Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies …18
Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation …18
Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction …18
Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title …19
Section 6.1. Section 6.2.
Section 7.1.
Section 8.1. Section 8.2. Section 8.3. Section 8. Section 8.5. Section 8.6. Section 8.7. Section 8.8. Section 8.9. Section 8.10. Section 8.11. Section 8.12
Section 9.1 Section 9.2. Section 9.3. Section 9.4. Section 9.5.
Payment of Local Bond… Payment of Additional Payment:
Prepayment of Local Bond…
Ownership and Operation of Project and System Maintenance… Additions and Modifications Use of System… Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. Ownership of Land … Sale or Encumbrance … Collection of Revenues… No Free Service… No Competing Service Mandatory Connection…sesssssesrstenseseenseenseineenteentsrsteneteneeeneeneeee 16 Lawful Charges
Insurance se revssenscanneesses Requirements of Policies…
Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation Damage and Destruction. Condemnation and Loss of Title
18 18 19
- iii -
Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence …19
Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements …19
Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default …19
Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness…20
Section 10.5. Parity Bonds …20
Section 10.6. Further Assurances…21
Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness…21
Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower …22
Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act …22
Section 10.10. Operating Agreement …22
Section 10.11. American Iron and Steel …22
Section 10.12. Recordkeeping and Reporting…22
Section 11.1. Events of Default …23
Section 11.2. Notice of Default…24
Section 11.3. Remedies on Default …24
Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver …24
Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept …24
Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns…25
Section 12.2. Amendments …25
Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability …25
Section 12.4. Applicable Law …25
Section 12.5. Severability …25
Section 12.6. Notices …25
Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default …26
Section 12.8. Headings …26
Section 12.9. Term of Agreement …26
Section 12.10. Commitment Letter …26
Section 12.11. Counterparts …27
Section 10.1 Section 10.2. Section 10.3. Section 10.4. Section 10.5. Section 10.6. Section 10.7. Section 10.8. Section 10.9. Section 10.10. Section 10.11. Section 10.12.
Section 11.1 Section 11.2 Section 11.3. Section 11.4. Section 11.5.
Section 12.1. Section 12.2. Section 12.3. Section 12.4. Section 12.5. Section 12.6. Section 12.7. Section 12.8. Section 12.9. Section 12.10. Section 12.11.
Maintenance of Existence… Financial Records and Statements Certificate as to No Default Additional Indebtednes Parity Bonds… Further Assurances Other Indebtedness Assignment by Borrower Davis-Bacon Act Operating Agreemen American Iron and Steel . Recordkeeping and Reporting.
Events of Default Notice of Default. Remedies on Default Delay and Waiver … State Aid Intercept
Successors and Assigns… Amendments Limitation of Borrower’s Liability Applicable Law Severability Notices … Right to Cure Default… Headings 0… Term of Agreement… Commitment Letter.
ii -
- iv -
Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond
Exhibit B - Project Description
Exhibit C - Project Budget
Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel
Exhibit E - Requisition for Disbursement
Exhibit F - Prior Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds
Exhibit G - Support Agreement
Exhibit H - Form of Budget
Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond Exhibit B - Project Description
Exhibit C - Project Budget
Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel
Exhibit E - Requisition for Disbursement
Exhibit F - Prior Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds Exhibit G - Support Agreement
Exhibit H - Form of Budget
THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of _____, 2017,
between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political
subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the
PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate of the Commonwealth
of Virginia (the “Borrower”), and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the COUNTY OF
RUSSELL, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the
Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the
“Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia
Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunction with the Board of Health, the
Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time
makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance
the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.
The Borrower has requested a loan from the Fund and will evidence its obligation to
repay such loan by the Local Bond the Borrower will issue and sell to the Authority, as
Administrator of the Fund. The Borrower will use the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to
the Authority to finance that portion of the Project Costs not being paid from other sources, all as
further set forth in the Project Budget.
Section 1.1. Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not
defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and
any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms
in the Act:
“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.
“Agreement” means this Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower,
together with any amendments or supplements hereto.
“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in
Section 6.1(a)(ii) payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services
attributable to the Local Bond.
“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower
authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to
perform the act or sign the document in question.
“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.
THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of __, 2017, between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND, and THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Borrower"), and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “County”.
Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the “Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunction with the Board of Health, the Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.
The Borrower has requested a loan from the Fund and will evidence its obligation to repay such loan by the Local Bond the Borrower will issue and sell to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund. The Borrower will use the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority to finance that portion of the Project Costs not being paid from other sources, all as further set forth in the Project Budget.
Section 1.1, Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Act:
“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.
“Agreement” means this Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower, together with any amendments or supplements hereto.
“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in Section 6.1(a)(ii) payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services attributable to the Local Bond.
“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to perform the act or sign the document in question.
“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.
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“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority.
“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the
Borrower, dated __________, 2017, and all extensions and amendments thereto.
“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or the firm of independent consulting engineers
of recognized standing and experienced in the field of water system and sanitary engineering and
registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as
Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.5 in a written notice to the Authority.
Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and
until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are
licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as
Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.
“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual
Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1.
“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.
“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of
time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.
“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health.
“Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.
“Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and
delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of
Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its
annual accounting period.
“Funding Agreement” means the Funding Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between
the Authority and the Borrower, relating to a principal forgiveness loan from the Fund to the
“Local Bond” means the bond in substantially the form attached to this Financing
Agreement as Exhibit A issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund,
pursuant to this Agreement.
“Local Bond Proceeds” means the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the
Authority pursuant to this Agreement.
“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority.
“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the Borrower, dated 2017, and all extensions and amendments thereto.
“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or the firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of water system and sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.5 in a written notice to the Authority. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as, Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.
“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1.
“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.
“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.
“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health. “Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1 “Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and
delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its annual accounting period.
“Funding Agreement” means the Funding Agreement, dated as of the date here: the Authority and the Borrower, relating to a principal forgiveness loan from the Fund to the Borrower.
“Local Bond” means the bond in substantially the form attached to this Financing Agreement as Exhibit A issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.
“Local Bond Proceeds” means the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority pursuant to this Agreement.
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“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body
of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bond.
“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation
award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other
expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.
“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary
to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.
“Operating Agreement” means, collectively, any and all lease, operating or similar
agreements by and between the Borrower and the County, as the same may be amended from time
to time with the written consent of the Authority.
“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining
the System determined under generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest
on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and other items not requiring
the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and
maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration,
operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.
“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable
to the Authority.
“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower
issued under Section 10.5.
“Prior Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further
described in Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by
or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of
Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Project” means the particular project described in Exhibit B, the costs of the
construction, acquisition or equipping of which are to be financed or refinanced in whole or in
part with the Local Bond Proceeds.
“Project Budget” means the budget for the financing of the Project, a copy of which is
attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, with such changes therein as may be approved in
writing by the Authority.
“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of the
Project, as further described in the Project Budget, and such other costs as may be approved in
writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.
“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bond.
“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.
“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.
“Operating Agreement” means, collectively, any and all lease, operating or similar agreements by and between the Borrower and the County, as the same may be amended from time to time with the written consent of the Authority.
“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined under generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.
“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable to the Authority.
“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower sued under Section 10.5.
“Prior Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described in Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Project” means the particular project described in Exhibit B, the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of which are to be financed or refinanced in whole or in part with the Local Bond Proceeds.
“Project Budget” means the budget for the financing of the Project, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, with such changes therein as may be approved in writing by the Authority.
“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of the Project, as further described in the Project Budget, and such other costs as may be approved in writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.
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“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant
having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval
required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including
without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the
Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public
accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.
“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to
the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the
Borrower’s ownership, leasing or operation of the System, including but not limited to any and
all amounts payable to the Borrower pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Operating
Agreement, but excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have
become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business
interruption loss related to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities relating to the
System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid
to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other
income from other sources pledged by or on behalf of the Borrower to the payment of the Local
“Springing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, payable from or secured by a pledge of
Revenues that are deemed Subordinate Bonds as of the date hereof but which, upon satisfaction
of the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective financing agreement between the
Authority and either the Borrower or the County, pursuant to which such Springing Parity Bond
was issued, shall be deemed an Existing Parity Bond for all purposes hereof.
“Subordinate Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, including but not limited to such existing bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness described on Exhibit F, secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly
made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues to secure the payment of the Local Bond.
“Support Agreement” means the Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the
Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit G hereto.
“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, of which the
Project constitutes a part, owned, operated, leased or maintained by the Borrower and used in
connection with the collection, storage, supply, treatment or distribution of water and any other
facilities governed by the terms and conditions of the Operating Agreement.
Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the
construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and
vice versa.
“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.
“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the Borrower’s ownership, leasing or operation of the System, including but not limited to any and all amounts payable to the Borrower pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Operating ‘Agreement, but excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business interruption loss related to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities relating to the System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other income from other sources pledged by or on behalf of the Borrower to the payment of the Local Bond.
“Springing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, payable from or secured by a pledge of Revenues that are deemed Subordinate Bonds as of the date hereof but which, upon satisfaction of the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective financing agreement between the Authority and either the Borrower or the County, pursuant to which such Springing Parity Bond was issued, shall be deemed an Existing Parity Bond for all purposes hereof.
“Subordinate Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, including but not limited to such existing bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness described on Exhibit F, secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues to secure the payment of the Local Bond.
“Support Agreement” means the Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit G hereto.
“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, of which the Project constitutes a part, owned, operated, leased or maintained by the Borrower and used in connection with the collection, storage, supply, treatment or distribution of water and any other facilities governed by the terms and conditions of the Operating Agreement.
Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the
construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and vice versa.
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(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are
references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.
© The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely
for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shall they
affect its meaning, construction or effect.
Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following
representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:
(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government”
(as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with
the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.
(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local
Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the other
documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bond to the Authority, as
Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges
for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the
Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such
purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bond, (vi) pledge the
Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bond, and (vii) carry out and consummate
all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support
Agreement and the Local Bond.
© This Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond were duly
authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the
governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.
(d) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates,
authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this
Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the
execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local
Bond, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder,
(iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v)
the operation and use of the System. The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required
governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not
obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.
(e) This Agreement and the Support Agreement have been executed and
delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding
obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.
(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.
(©) The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shalll they affect its meaning, construction or effect.
Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:
(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government” (as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.
(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the other documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bond, (vi) pledge the Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bond, and (vii) carry out and consummate all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond.
(©) This Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond were duly authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.
(4) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this, Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder,
(iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v) the operation and use of the System, The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.
© _ This Agreement and the Support Agreement have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.
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(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and
this Agreement, the Local Bond will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized
officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the
Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.
(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this
Agreement and the Support Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations
thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a
breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or
Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of
incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or
by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court,
government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.
(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or
interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument
under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event
or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any
such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement and the Support Agreement, which
constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default
(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in
violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a
material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under
this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and (ii) is not in default under any
indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other
agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it
is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on
its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support
Agreement or the Local Bond. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement,
the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and the compliance with the terms and conditions
thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the
(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge,
threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal,
equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization
or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to
prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local
Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond or the issuance or
delivery of the Local Bond, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability
of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bond or any
agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or
resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition
(financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under
the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond, (v) in any way
(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and this Agreement, the Local Bond will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.
(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this, Agreement and the Support Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court, government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.
(h) _ The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement and the Support Agreement, which constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default thereunder.
(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and (ii) is not in default under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support ‘Agreement or the Local Bond. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and the compliance with the terms and conditions thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the foregoing.
(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond or the issuance or delivery of the Local Bond, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bond or any agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond, (v) in any way
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affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power
of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bond.
(k) There have been no defaults by any contractor or subcontractor under any
contract made by the Borrower in connection with the construction or equipping of the Project.
(l) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the
Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to
the Authority.
(m) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the
terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will
not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.
(n) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a
pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the
Local Bond except any Existing Parity Bonds, Springing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds set forth
on Exhibit F.
(o) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.
(p) The Operating Agreement is in full force and effect; no default or event of
default has occurred and is continuing under the Operating Agreement; and the Borrower is not
currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the
Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies
available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Operating Agreement.
Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. The Borrower
agrees to borrow from the Fund and the Authority agrees to lend to the Borrower, from the Fund,
the principal amount equal to the sum of the principal disbursements made pursuant to
Section 4.1, but not to exceed $_____, for the purposes herein set forth, a portion of which may
be made from federal financial assistance. The Borrower’s obligation shall be evidenced by the
Local Bond, which shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a
part hereof and delivered to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, on the Closing Date.
The Local Bond shall be in the original principal amount of the loan and shall mature, bear a Cost
of Funds and be payable as hereinafter provided.
Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond. The Authority
shall not be required to make the loan to the Borrower and purchase the Local Bond unless the
Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the
(a) The Local Bond, the Funding Agreement and the Support Agreement.
affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bond.
(k) There have been no defaults by any contractor or subcontractor under any contract made by the Borrower in connection with the construction or equipping of the Project.
(1) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to the Authority.
(m) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.
(n) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond except any Existing Parity Bonds, Springing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds set forth on Exhibit F.
(0) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.
(p) The Operating Agreement is in full force and effect; no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing under the Operating Agreement; and the Borrower is not currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Operating Agreement.
Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. The Borrower agrees to borrow from the Fund and the Authority agrees to lend to the Borrower, from the Fund, the principal amount equal to the sum of the principal disbursements made pursuant to Section 4.1, but not to exceed $_, for the purposes herein set forth, a portion of which may be made from federal financial assistance. The Borrower’s obligation shall be evidenced by the Local Bond, which shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and delivered to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, on the Closing Date. The Local Bond shall be in the original principal amount of the loan and shall mature, bear a Cost of Funds and be payable as hereinafter provided.
Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond, The Authority shall not be required to make the loan to the Borrower and purchase the Local Bond unless the Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority:
(a) The Local Bond, the Funding Agreement and the Support Agreement.
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(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.
© A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set
forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.
(d) A closing certificate from the Department certifying that the Project is in
compliance with all federal and state laws and project requirements applicable to the Fund.
(e) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer estimating the total Project Costs
to be financed with the Local Bond Proceeds, which estimate is in an amount and otherwise
compatible with the financing plan described in the Project Budget.
(f) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer to the effect that in the opinion of
the Consulting Engineer (i) the Project will be a part of the System, and (ii) the Local Bond
Proceeds and funds available from the other sources specified in the Project Budget will be
sufficient to pay the estimated Project Costs.
(g) A certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified
Independent Consultant that in the opinion of the Qualified Independent Consultant during the
first two complete Fiscal Years of the Borrower following completion of the Project, the
projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will satisfy the rate covenant made by the
Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In providing this certificate, the Qualified Independent Consultant
may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have
been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person or entity
required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified
Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues to be derived
under existing contractual arrangements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable
estimates of growth in the consumer base of the Borrower.
(h) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the date the Borrower is
expected to complete the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project.
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that all governmental permits,
licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals for the Project required to have
been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained and a
statement of the Consulting Engineer that he or she knows of no reason why any future required
governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals cannot be
obtained as needed.
(j) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has obtained or
has made arrangements satisfactory to the Authority to obtain any funds or other financing for
the Project as contemplated in the Project Budget.
(k) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed
and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and
satisfied by it as of such date.
(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.
(©) A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.
(d) A closing certificate from the Department certifying that the Project is in compliance with all federal and state laws and project requirements applicable to the Fund.
(€) _ A certificate of the Consulting Engineer estimating the total Project Costs to be financed with the Local Bond Proceeds, which estimate is in an amount and otherwise compatible with the financing plan described in the Project Budget.
(0) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer (i) the Project will be a part of the System, and (ii) the Local Bond Proceeds and funds available from the other sources specified in the Project Budget will be sufficient to pay the estimated Project Costs.
(g) A certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant that in the opinion of the Qualified Independent Consultant during the first two complete Fiscal Years of the Borrower following completion of the Project, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will satisfy the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In providing this certificate, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person or entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues to be derived under existing contractual arrangements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the consumer base of the Borrower.
(h) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the date the Borrower is, expected to complete the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project.
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that all governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals for the Project required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained and a statement of the Consulting Engineer that he or she knows of no reason why any future required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals cannot be obtained as needed.
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has obtained or has made arrangements satisfactory to the Authority to obtain any funds or other financing for the Project as contemplated in the Project Budget.
(k) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and satisfied by it as of such date.
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(l) An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed
to the Authority.
(m) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to the Authority.
(n) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has complied
with the insurance provisions set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof.
(o) Evidence that the Borrower has satisfied all conditions precedent to the
issuance of the Local Bond as a “Parity Bond” under the financing agreements for the Existing
Parity Bonds.
(p) A report of the Borrower and the County as to the status of each of the
Springing Parity Bonds meeting the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective
financing agreement between the Authority and either the Borrower or the County for each of the
Springing Parity Bonds.
(q) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Operating Agreement is in
full force and effect and that it is a binding and enforceable agreement as to each of the Borrower
and the other parties to such agreement.
® Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the
Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable
to the Authority that the Support Agreement is valid and enforceable against the County, subject
to usual and customary qualifications.
Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds.
(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to
the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further
agrees to exhibit to the Board or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or
other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money
from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar
month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the
Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Board) of the following:
(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department
shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information
called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;
() An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed to the Authority.
(m) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority.
(n) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has complied with the insurance provisions set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof.
(0) Evidence that the Borrower has satisfied all conditions precedent to the issuance of the Local Bond as a “Parity Bond” under the financing agreements for the Existing Parity Bonds.
(p) A report of the Borrower and the County as to the status of each of the Springing Parity Bonds meeting the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective financing agreement between the Authority and either the Borrower or the County for each of the Springing Parity Bonds,
(q) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Operating Agreement is in full force and effect and that it is a binding and enforceable agreement as to each of the Borrower and the other parties to such agreement.
() Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable to the Authority that the Support Agreement is valid and enforceable against the County, subject to usual and customary qualifications.
Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds.
(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further agrees to exhibit to the Board or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Board) of the following:
(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;
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(2) If any requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors,
builders or materialmen,
(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such
work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment
were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the
Project; and
(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either
that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or
security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or
discharged upon payment of the requisition.
Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and
approval thereof by the Board, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or
for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the
extent approved by the Board and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a
schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The Authority shall have
no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder
nor shall the Board have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in
compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable State laws, including but not
limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and
performance of public construction contracts. Except as may otherwise be approved by the
Board, disbursements shall be held at ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized
amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from
the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.2 and a final requisition detailing all
retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the
Board and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.2, will disburse to or for the
account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.
The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the
amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the
maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the
Local Bond shall be reduced in accordance with Section 6.1.
Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the
Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B
and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by
the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Board. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to
complete the Project by the date set forth in the certificate provided to the Authority pursuant to
Section 3.2(h). All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable
regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records
of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Board through their duly authorized
representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. The Borrower and the
(2) Ifany requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen,
(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the Project; and
(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or discharged upon payment of the requisition.
Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and approval thereof by the Board, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the extent approved by the Board and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder nor shall the Board have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable State laws, including but not limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and performance of public construction contracts. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Board, disbursements shall be held at ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.2 and a final requisition detailing all retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the Board and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.2, will disburse to or for the account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.
The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the Local Bond shall be reduced in accordance with Section 6.1.
Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Board. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to complete the Project by the date set forth in the certificate provided to the Authority pursuant to Section 3.2(h). All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Board through their duly authorized representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. ‘The Borrower and the
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Authority, with the consent of the Board, may amend the description of the Project set forth in
Exhibit B.
When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the
Authority and the Board a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower
and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substantially in
accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as
approved by the Board, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of
occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation
have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project
Section 4.3. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with,
and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws,
ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction,
equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request,
promptly furnish to the Authority and the Board copies of all such permits, consents and
approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all lawful program or procedural guidelines or
requirements duly promulgated and amended from time to time by the Board in connection with
the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from
the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable
federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection
with the Project and the funding thereof by the Authority, including, but not limited to, the
federal “crosscutting” requirements identified in Schedule A of the Commitment Letter. Where
noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Board, the issue
shall be referred to the proper federal authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the
accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a
performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority and
the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction
period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’
compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle
liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon
request of the Authority or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish
evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority and the Board.
Section 4.5. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer
to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and
inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund,
the Authority and the Board as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as
disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project
provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Board the certificates required by Sections 4.1 and
Authority, with the consent of the Board, may amend the description of the Project set forth in Exhibit B.
When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Authority and the Board a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substantially in accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as approved by the Board, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project Costs.
Section 4.3. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with, and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request, promptly furnish to the Authority and the Board copies of all such permits, consents and approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all lawful program or procedural guidelines or requirements duly promulgated and amended from time to time by the Board in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection with the Project and the funding thereof by the Authority, including, but not limited to, the federal “crosscutting” requirements identified in Schedule A of the Commitment Letter. Where noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Board, the issue shall be referred to the proper federal authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority and the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon request of the Authority or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority and the Board.
Section 4.5. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund, the Authority and the Board as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Board the certificates required by Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
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Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds
are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at
its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the
Authority or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s
payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to
the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the
Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and the Cost of
Funds on the Local Bond and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under
this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of
this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the
lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of
the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien
of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of
Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the
Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of
any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge.
(a) The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and
other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will
from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net
Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the
Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Additional
Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues,
including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under
generally accepted accounting principles. If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy
the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees
and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient
Revenues to satisfy such requirement.
(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the
adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates
the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the rate covenant in
subsection (a) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its
rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense to cure any
Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal
Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise
being in the form of, Exhibit H to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of
the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be
Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the Authority or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge
(a) ‘The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Additional Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient Revenues to satisfy such requirement.
(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the rate covenant in subsection (a) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense to cure any deficiency.
Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit H to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be
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generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance,
repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying
any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement. Such budget as
approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget.
The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal
Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of
the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.
Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report. (a) If at the end of any
Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in
Section 5.1(a), within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower
shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making
recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System
for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other
charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the rate covenant in Section
5.1(a). The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject
to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent
Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.
(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s
recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other
procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the rate covenant
made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a) when such measures have been implemented and
become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than
thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultant’s report along with a
detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent
Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the
Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.
Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond. (a) The Local Bond shall be dated the date of
its delivery to the Authority. The Cost of Funds of the Local Bond shall be computed on
disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate of two and
twenty-five one-hundredths percent (2.25%) per annum, consisting of the following:
(i) interest of seventy-five one-hundredths percent (0.75%) per annum payable for
the benefit of the Fund, and
(ii) one and fifty one-hundredths percent (1.50%) per annum payable as an Annual
Administrative Fee.
generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance, repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement, Such budget as approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget. ‘The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.
Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report, (a) Ifat the end of any Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a), within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the rate covenant in Section 5.1(a). The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.
(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a) when such measures have been implemented and become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultants report along with a detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.
Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond. (a) The Local Bond shall be dated the date of its delivery to the Authority. The Cost of Funds of the Local Bond shall be computed on disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate of two and twenty-five one-hundredths percent (2.25%) per annum, consisting of the following
(i) interest of seventy-five one-hundredths percent (0.75%) per annum payable for the benefit of the Fund, and
(ii) one and fifty one-hundredths percent (1.50%) per annum payable as an Annual Administrative Fee.
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(b) The Cost of Funds only on all amounts disbursed under the Local Bond shall be
due and payable on _____ 1, 20__. Commencing ___1, 20, and continuing semi-annually
thereafter on _____ 1 and _____ 1 in each year, principal and the Cost of Funds due under the
Local Bond shall be payable in equal installments of $, with a final installment of $
due and payable on ___1, 20, when, if not sooner paid, all amounts due hereunder and under
the Local Bond shall be due and payable in full. Each installment shall be applied first to
payment of the Cost of Funds accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If
principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made,
the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount.
However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts
due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement
of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any
semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If
any installment of principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond is not paid within ten (10)
days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay to the Authority a late payment charge in an
amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment.
Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments. In addition to the payments of
principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of
the Authority the following Additional Payments:
(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board
in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable
fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and
(2) All expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any
amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant
to the provisions hereof.
The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2)
above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five
percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.
Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond. Upon completion of the Project and after
giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local
Bond at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the
date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bond will be
prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial
prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bond but
shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bond, or change the
amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.
(b) The Cost of Funds only on all amounts disbursed under the Local Bond shall be due and payable on 1,20__. Commencing 1, 20__, and continuing semi-annually thereafter on Tand 1 in each year, principal and the Cost of Funds due under the Local Bond shall be payable in equal installments of $__, with a final installment of S.
due and payable on 1, 20__, when, if not sooner paid, all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall be due and payable in full. Each installment shall be applied first to payment of the Cost of Funds accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount. However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If any installment of principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond is not paid within ten (10) days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay to the Authority a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment.
Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments. In addition to the payments of principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of the Authority the following Additional Payments:
(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and
(2) Allexpenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant to the provisions hereof.
‘The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2) above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.
Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond. Upon completion of the Project and after giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local Bond at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bond will be prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bond but shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.
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Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System. Except as may
otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the
System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower or the County and shall not be operated or
controlled by any other entity or person.
Section 8.2. Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate
the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal
requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to
time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.
Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from
time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it
deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or
operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or
improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders,
permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi-
cations and improvements shall become part of the System.
Section 8.4. Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements
of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently
enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental
policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the
cost of making the same.
Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The
Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such
reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the
Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all
reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the
books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.
Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or
install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower or the County owns
or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s
purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a
main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has
acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or
interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the
Borrower’s purposes.
Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged,
leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the
Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System, Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower or the County and shall not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.
Section 8.2, Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.
Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi- cations and improvements shall become part of the System.
Section 8.4, Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the cost of making the same.
Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.
Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower or the County owns or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes.
Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged, leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the
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following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in
(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or
under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the
(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part
of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace
such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and
© The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part
of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of
unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized
Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or useful in the operation of the
System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any
other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there
shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer
stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the
proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that
may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond , and then, if
such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bond under Article
VII hereof.
Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect
all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on
premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges
where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law,
discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the
System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than
through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace
periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.
Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the
use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge
therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.
Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any
franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would
compete with the System.
Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection. The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable
law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may
reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been
constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System;
provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the
following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing:
(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the System;
(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and
(©) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or usefiul in the operation of the System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond , and then, if such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bond under Article VII hereof.
Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law, discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.
Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.
Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would compete with the System.
Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection. The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System;
provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the
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standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the
System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.
Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due all taxes, fees,
assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the
“Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the
Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the
System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to
pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects
which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues
(collectively, the “Mechanics’ Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten
(10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in
good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the
Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any
subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the
lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or
Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an
appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon
request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental
Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.
Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the
Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as
are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character
to the System, including, without limitation:
(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s
insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended
coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler
leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normally covered by such
endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the
time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may
provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement
cost of the Project, builders’ risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full
replacement cost thereof. The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized
appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.
(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of
$2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and
for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance,
operation, leasing or use of the System.
standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.
Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due alll taxes, fees, assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the “Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues (collectively, the “Mechanics” Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten (10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.
Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character to the System, including, without limitation:
(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normallly covered by such endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the Project, builders” risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof, The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.
(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, leasing or use of the System,
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© Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia,
workers’ compensation insurance.
The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the
procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to
policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.
The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of
the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the
insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.
Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be
maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the
Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with
deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of
like size and character to the System, and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such
policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30)
days’ prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer
licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus
Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any
successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the
Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.
Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of
(i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part
of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any
loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or
negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice
thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction,
taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations.
Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or
damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay
in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property
damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction,
with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the
capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended
to be used. The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of
insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such
restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not
sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as
may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property
constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the
cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant
to Article VII.
(©) Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia, workers” compensation insurance.
The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.
The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.
Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of like size and character to the System, and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30) days” prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.
Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of (i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part
of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations.
Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction, with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended to be used, The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.
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Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or
any part of the System shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost
because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full
the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such
condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to
substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title.
If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower
shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are
derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds
remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the
prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.
Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence. The Borrower shall maintain its existence as
a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without
consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or
substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer
all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political
subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and
the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bond and this
Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel
acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to
the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the
surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with
its terms.
Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper
books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally
accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs
related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the
Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent
certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal
Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the
Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section
5.1(a). In accordance with the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984, 31 U.S.C. §§ 7501 et
seq., as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, including Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards located at Title 2 of the
Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 Subpart F, the Borrower agrees to obtain an annual audit
from an independent auditor if the Borrower expends $750,000 or more in federal funds in any
fiscal year. The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after
it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail,
certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such
Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or any part of the System shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.
Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence, The Borrower shall maintain its existence as a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bond and this, Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.
Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In accordance with the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984, 31 U.S.C. §§ 7501 et seq., as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, including Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards located at Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 Subpart F, the Borrower agrees to obtain an annual audit from an independent auditor if the Borrower expends $750,000 or more in federal funds in any fiscal year. The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail, certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such
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Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of
its funds for the Fiscal Year.
Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shall deliver to the
Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a
certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the
date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or
existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has
happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event
or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.
Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness
or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge
of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.
Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the
Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on
parity with the Local Bond with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to
complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements,
equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be
necessary, useful or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bond, Parity
Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii);
provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Notwithstanding anything contained
herein to the contrary, the issuance of any such Parity Bonds must not conflict with any of the
terms, conditions or restrictions applicable to the obligations of the County which are payable
from or secured by the Revenues, as set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto. Further, except to the
extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are
issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:
(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower
authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.
(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the
purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will
apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.
© If the Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding
of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, in form and substance
satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer, or with respect to subsection
(iv)© below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent
Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent
Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the
issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds
available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will
be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time
which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the
Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such
Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of its funds for the Fiscal Year.
Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shall deliver to the Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.
Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.
Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on parity with the Local Bond with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be necessary, usefull or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii); provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the issuance of any such Parity Bonds must not conflict with any of the terms, conditions or restrictions applicable to the obligations of the County which are payable from or secured by the Revenues, as set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto. Further, except to the extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:
(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.
(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.
(©) __ Ifthe Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer, or with respect to subsection (iv) below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such
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improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of
Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the
improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds,
the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available
by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 115% of the amount
required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this
Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other
indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from by Revenues. In providing this
certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration
future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the
governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the
rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take
into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing
contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in
the customer base of the Borrower.
(d) If the Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bond (with the
consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, either (i) a
certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory
to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each
of the years the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds to be refunded
would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each
such year on the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or the Prior Bonds to be
refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent
Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the
refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any
amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least
115% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under
the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds,
and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues. In providing
the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account
the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.
(e) An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary
exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the
Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this
Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance
with the provisions of this Section.
Section 10.6. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted
by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds,
conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the
better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other
funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of
this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend,
preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement
improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 115% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from by Revenues. In providing this certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the customer base of the Borrower.
(d) If the Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bond (with the consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, either (i) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each of the years the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds to be refunded would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each such year on the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or the Prior Bonds to be refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 115% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues. In providing the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.
(€) _ An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this, Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance with the provisions of this Section.
Section 10.6. Further Assurances, The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement
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and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and
demands of all persons.
Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts
required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection
Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under
this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the
Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as
defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If
the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with
the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and
the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the
Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s
obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the
assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the
Local Bond and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee
enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and
assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bond and this
Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be
construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.
Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon
Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and
mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at
rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United
States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act
and related acts, as amended.
Section 10.10. Operating Agreement. The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the
Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of the Operating
Agreement. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreement and use its best efforts to
ensure that such agreement remains in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.
Section 10.11. American Iron and Steel. The Borrower agrees to comply with all
federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014,
P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended
and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements
include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be
produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the
following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole
covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves,
structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials.
and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and demands of all persons.
Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection therewith.
Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the Local Bond and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bond and this Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.
Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended.
Section 10.10, Operating Agreement, The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of the Operating ‘Agreement. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreement and use its best efforts to ensure that such agreement remains in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement,
Section 10.11. American Iron and Steel. The Borrower agrees to comply with all federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials,
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Section 10.12. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all
recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as
amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as
performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect
to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the
Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.
Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of
(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds
due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bond or this
(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants,
agreements or conditions of the Local Bond or this Agreement and the continuation of such
failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice
specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing
to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the
notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not
unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted
by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is
© Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of
Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in
reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bond is
false or misleading in any material respect;
(d) The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b)
and © thereof;
(e) The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any
Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure
such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;
(f) An order or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or
acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the
Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent
or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after
the entry thereof;
Section 10.12. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as, amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.
Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of Default”:
(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bond or this Agreement;
(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants, agreements or conditions of the Local Bond or this Agreement and the continuation of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is corrected;
(©) _ Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bond is false or misleading in any material respect;
(4) The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b) and © thereof;
© The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;
(8) Anorder or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof;
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(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or
acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors
or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state
statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances
payable from or secured by Revenues; or
(h) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted
by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or
hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60)
days after filing.
Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt
written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(f), (g) or (h) is
entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition
which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the
existence thereof.
Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in
Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other
remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act,
have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the
following remedial steps:
(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due
on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall
become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and
(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or
desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bond and
under this Agreement or to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights
under this Agreement or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or
undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bond.
Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power
accruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be
construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and
every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed
expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or
shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies
consequent thereto.
Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept. The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may
take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and
Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds shall not be paid
when the same shall become due and payable.
(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances payable from or secured by Revenues; or
(h) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after filing.
Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(£), (g) or (h) is entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the existence thereof.
Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the following remedial steps:
(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and
(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement or to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights under this Agreement or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bond.
Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power aceruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereto,
Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept. The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds shall not be paid when the same shall become due and payable.
- 25 -
Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to
the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.
Section 12.2. Amendments. The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent
of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be
signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written
consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend
Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.
Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the
Local Bond or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general
obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically
pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bond nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create
or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not
be obligated to pay the principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond or other costs
incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of
fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be
liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bond or for any other action taken by
such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or
the Local Bond.
Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable
laws of Virginia.
Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall
be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or
Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced
as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement.
If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then
such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority
and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.
Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices,
approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bond or this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person
or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns
Section 12.2. Amendments. The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.
Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Local Bond or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bond nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond or other costs incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bond or for any other action taken by such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or the Local Bond.
Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Virginia.
Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement. If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.
Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bond or this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
- 26 -
Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
c/o Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920
Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: Executive Director
Authority: Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920
Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: Executive Director
Board: Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: State Health Commissioner
Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority
P. O. Box 3219
Lebanon, VA 24266
Attention: Executive Director
A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other
communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other
parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given
hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals,
consents, requests, opinions or other communications shall be sent or persons to whose attention
the same shall be directed.
Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or
to perform any act required by it under the Local Bond or this Agreement, the Authority without
prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or
default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All
amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shall be payable by
the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at
the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under
this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bond.
Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this
Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.
Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its
execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bond previously or simultaneously shall have
been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under
the Local Bond and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bond and all
other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.
Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund c/o Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director
Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: Executive Director
Board: Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: State Health Commissioner
Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority P.O. Box 3219 Lebanon, VA 24266 Attention: Executive Director
‘A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other ‘communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions or other communications shalll be sent or persons to whose attention the same shall be directed.
Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or to perform any act required by it under the Local Bond or this Agreement, the Authority without prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shalll be payable by the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bond.
Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.
Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bond previously or simultaneously shall have been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.
- 27 -
Section 12.10. Commitment Letter. The Commitment Letter is an integral part of this
Agreement and shall survive closing hereunder.
Section 12.11. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one
and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
Section 12.10. Commitment Letter. The Commitment Letter is an integral part of this Agreement and shall survive closing hereunder.
Section 12.11. Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
- 28 -
WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.
Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving
By: __________________________________________
Its: __________________________________________
By: __________________________________________
Its: __________________________________________
By: ____________________________________
Its: ____________________________________
WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
The Project involves the extension of waterlines and water service to the Fincastle Estates
area, together with related expenses.
The Project involves the extension of waterlines and water service to the Fincastle Estates area, together with related expenses.
[To Come]
[To Come]
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
Steven D. Pellei, P.E., Director
Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
The Russell County Public Service Authority
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
Dear Mr. Pellei:
This requisition, Number ___, is submitted in connection with the Financing Agreement and
Funding Agreement, each dated as of ___1, 20 (collectively, the “Agreements”) between the
Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the
“Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise
defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in
Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby
requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $_____, for the
purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto.
Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.
The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied
solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of
Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not
subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment
of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate
oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of
payrolls and associated certifications, (b) the conducting of employee interviews, and © the posting
of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and
through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project
complies with the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further
Steven D. Pellei, P.E., Director Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund The Russell County Public Service Authority Loan No. WSL-022-15E
Dear Mr. Pellei
This requisition, Number , is submitted in connection with the Financing Agreement and Funding Agreement, each dated as of 1, 20 (collectively, the “Agreements”) between the Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $, for the purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule | attached hereto.
Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.
‘The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of payrolls and associated certifications, (b) the conducting of employee interviews, and © the posting of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project complies with the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further
certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American
Iron and Steel requirements included in the Agreements.
The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is
continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or
both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of
the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has
performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.
This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the
performance of the work.
(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)
cc: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)
certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American Iron and Stee! requirements included in the Agreements.
The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.
This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the performance of the work
(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)
Attachments ce: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ____, dated
_______, 20, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalization
terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred
to in the Requisition.
The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the
amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or
materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were
actually furnished to or installed in the Project.
[Consulting Engineer]
Date: ________________________
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ___, dated
. 20__, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalization terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred to in the Requisition.
The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished to or installed in the Project.
[Consulting Engineer]
REQUISITION # ________
CERTIFYING SIGNATURE: ______________________________
TITLE: ______________________________________
Cost Category
to Date
Net Balance
Total Loan Amount $_________________
Previous Disbursements $_________________
This Request $_________________
Loan Proceeds Remaining $________________
Total Loan Amount Previous Disbursements $ This Request $
Loan Proceeds Remaining §
Prior Bonds:
Existing Parity Bonds:*
$672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (Sword’s Creek Project)
$900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (Dante Project) (to the extent secured
by water revenues)
$119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (Lynn Springs Project)
$935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project)
$344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project)
$99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green
Valley Project)
$325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series
2010-A (Back Valley – Big A Mountain Interconnection Project)
$1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond,
Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project)
$103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B
(Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project)
$700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A
(New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project)
$3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014
$93,071 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015
(Mountain Meadows Line Extension)
$294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project
Existing Parity Bon $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (Sword’s Creek Project)
$900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (Dante Project) (to the extent secured by water revenues)
$119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (Lynn Springs Project) $935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project) $344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project)
$99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green Valley Project)
$325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2010-A (Back Valley ~ Big A Mountain Interconnection Project)
$1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project)
$103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B (Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project)
$700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A (New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project)
$3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014
$93,071 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Mountain Meadows Line Extension)
$294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project
$445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project
[$_____ Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension
Project (WSL-022-15E))]
Springing Parity Bonds:*
$1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project)
$822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority)
(Clark’s Valley Project) Series 2002A
$556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project)
$91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley – South
Extension Water Project)
$1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005E (Belfast - Rosedale Project)
$415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2006A (Miller Creek / Frank’s Hollow /
Honeysuckle Lane Project)
$197,179 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2007A (Belfast – Highlands and
Yates Project)
$1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond Series
2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project)
- The Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds, which have been issued by the County, are
secured, in part, by a pledge of the Revenues received by the Borrower from the System pursuant to the
Operating Agreement.
$445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project WSL-023-15E)
[S____ Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension Project (WSL-022-15E))]
Springing Parity Bonds:* $1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project)
$822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority) (Clark’s Valley Project) Series 20024.
$556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project)
$91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley — South Extension Water Project)
$1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005E (Belfast - Rosedale Project)
$415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2006A (Miller Creek / Frank’s Hollow / Honeysuckle Lane Project)
$197,179 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2007A (Belfast — Highlands and ‘Yates Project)
$1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond Series 2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project)
- The Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds, which have been issued by the County, are secured, in part, by a pledge of the Revenues received by the Borrower from the System pursuant to the Operating Agreement.
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of _____, 2017, by and
“Board”), acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the
VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as
hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the
“Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged,
consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and
Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns
and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a
water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $_____ (the
“Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to
finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on ________, 20 a resolution authorizing, among
other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board
to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual
covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
- Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement
shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
- The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the
proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in
operation at the earliest practical date.
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of . 2017, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”, acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that itis in its best interest to issue and sell a water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ (the “Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on ,20__aresolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in operation at the earliest practical date.
No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 20__, the Borrower shall
notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower
reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under
the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable
from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing
Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in
full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.
- The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall
include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following
fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County
Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s
budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether
the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual
Deficiency Amount.
- If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred
to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of
such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from
the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
- The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to
paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next
regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification
requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority
as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such
appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to
the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the
County’s next fiscal year.
- The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such
amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the
fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any
binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to
make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of
Supervisors do likewise.
- The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local
Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the
Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1-
199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a
nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such
nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing
the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code,
No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 20__, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1
The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.
Ifat any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.
The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.
The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code,
providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will
immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth
of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment
continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of
them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such
- Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the
County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person,
and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the
taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the
Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
- Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if
sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box
1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P. O.
Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (iii) if to the Authority, to
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director.
Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
- It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
- This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all
other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
- This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.
Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box 1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P.O. Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (ii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
Itis the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be
executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead)
Executive Director
Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920
Richmond, VA 23219
Dear Mr./Ms. __________:
Pursuant to the Financing Agreement[s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The
Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20xx] annual budget is
enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated
Revenues1 Operation & Maintenance
Net Revenues Available
for Debt Service ( Revenues – O&M Expense)
Debt Service Coverage (Net Revenues Available for
Debt Service/Debt Service)
1 Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, $_________ is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,
Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement.
All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing
Very truly yours,
By: __________________________
Its: _________________________
(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead)
Executive Director Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219
Dear Mr./Ms.
Pursuant to the Financing Agreement{s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20x] annual budget is enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated below.
Revenues! ‘Operation & Maintenance | Net Revenues Available | Debt Service | Coverage Expense for Debt Service (Net Revenues Available for (Revenues ~ 08M Expense) Deb Service Debt Service)
Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, S is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,
Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement
All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing Agreement[s].
Very truly yours,
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of July, 2017, by and
“Board”), acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the
VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as
hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the
“Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged,
consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and
Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns
and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a
water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $197,027
(the “Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to
finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on July 10, 2017 a resolution authorizing, among other
things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to
consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual
covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
- Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement
shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
- The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the
proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in
operation at the earliest practical date.
- No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2018, the Borrower shall
notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of July, 2017, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”), acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $197,027 (the “Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on July 10, 2017 a resolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in operation at the earliest practical date.
No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 2018, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower
reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under
the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable
from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing
Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in
full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.
- The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall
include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following
fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County
Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s
budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether
the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual
Deficiency Amount.
- If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred
to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of
such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from
the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
- The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to
paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next
regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification
requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority
as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such
appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to
the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the
County’s next fiscal year.
- The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such
amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the
fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any
binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to
make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of
Supervisors do likewise.
- The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local
Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the
Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1-
199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a
nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such
nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing
the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code,
providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will
immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth
reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1
The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.
Ifatany time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next, regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.
The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.
The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth
of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment
continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of
them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such
- Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the
County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person,
and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the
taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the
Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
- Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if
sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box
1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P. O.
Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (iii) if to the Authority, to
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director.
Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
- It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
- This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all
other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
- This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.
Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box 1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P.O. Box 3219, Lebanon, VA. 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (iii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
Itis the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be
executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
016049.0008 (Thompson)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
49709302 (016049.0008 (Thompson)
CB Draft: 6/19/17
dated as of _____ 1, 2017
as Administrator of the
Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
Virginia Resources Authority
Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
CFDA No. 66.468 – Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project
CB Draft: 6/19/17
dated as of ___1, 2017
as Administrator of the ginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
Virginia Resources Authority irginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
CFDA No. 66.468 - Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Loan No. WSL-022-1SE Fincastle Estates Waterline Extension Project
- i -
[To Be Updated]
Section 1.1. Definitions…1
Section 1.2. Rules of Construction …4
Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower …5
Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond …7
Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond …7
Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds …9
Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project …10
Section 4.3. Permits …11
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors …11
Section 4.5. Engineering Services …11
Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project …12
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues …12
Section 5.2. Annual Budget …12
Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report…13
[To Be Updated]
ARTICLE IL DI TIONS Section 1.1. Definitions… Section 1.2. Rules of Constructioi ARTICLE I REPRESENTATIONS Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower.
Section 3.1 Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. Section Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond…
Section 4.1 Application of Proceeds Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project Section 4.3. Permits…
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors
Section 4.5. Engineering Services… Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project… 12 ARTICLE V
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues… Section 5.2. Annual Budget… eenientsnntnitnsenseee sevsensereeeel Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s RepOtt…cccnconsnennennnnnanensel3
- ii -
Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond …13
Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments…14
Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond …14
Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System …15
Section 8.2. Maintenance …15
Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications…15
Section 8.4. Use of System …15
Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records …15
Section 8.6. Ownership of Land …15
Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance …15
Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues …16
Section 8.9. No Free Service…16
Section 8.10. No Competing Service …16
Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection…16
Section 8.12. Lawful Charges …17
Section 9.1. Insurance …17
Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies …18
Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation …18
Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction …18
Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title …19
Section 6.1. Section 6.2.
Section 7.1.
Section 8.1. Section 8.2. Section 8.3. Section 8. Section 8.5. Section 8.6. Section 8.7. Section 8.8. Section 8.9. Section 8.10. Section 8.11. Section 8.12
Section 9.1 Section 9.2. Section 9.3. Section 9.4. Section 9.5.
Payment of Local Bond… Payment of Additional Payment:
Prepayment of Local Bond…
Ownership and Operation of Project and System Maintenance… Additions and Modifications Use of System… Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. Ownership of Land … Sale or Encumbrance … Collection of Revenues… No Free Service… No Competing Service Mandatory Connection…sesssssesrstenseseenseenseineenteentsrsteneteneeeneeneeee 16 Lawful Charges
Insurance se revssenscanneesses Requirements of Policies…
Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation Damage and Destruction. Condemnation and Loss of Title
18 18 19
- iii -
Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence …19
Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements …19
Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default …19
Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness…20
Section 10.5. Parity Bonds …20
Section 10.6. Further Assurances…21
Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness…21
Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower …22
Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act …22
Section 10.10. Operating Agreement …22
Section 10.11. American Iron and Steel …22
Section 10.12. Recordkeeping and Reporting…22
Section 11.1. Events of Default …23
Section 11.2. Notice of Default…24
Section 11.3. Remedies on Default …24
Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver …24
Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept …24
Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns…25
Section 12.2. Amendments …25
Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability …25
Section 12.4. Applicable Law …25
Section 12.5. Severability …25
Section 12.6. Notices …25
Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default …26
Section 12.8. Headings …26
Section 12.9. Term of Agreement …26
Section 12.10. Commitment Letter …26
Section 12.11. Counterparts …27
Section 10.1 Section 10.2. Section 10.3. Section 10.4. Section 10.5. Section 10.6. Section 10.7. Section 10.8. Section 10.9. Section 10.10. Section 10.11. Section 10.12.
Section 11.1 Section 11.2 Section 11.3. Section 11.4. Section 11.5.
Section 12.1. Section 12.2. Section 12.3. Section 12.4. Section 12.5. Section 12.6. Section 12.7. Section 12.8. Section 12.9. Section 12.10. Section 12.11.
Maintenance of Existence… Financial Records and Statements Certificate as to No Default Additional Indebtednes Parity Bonds… Further Assurances Other Indebtedness Assignment by Borrower Davis-Bacon Act Operating Agreemen American Iron and Steel . Recordkeeping and Reporting.
Events of Default Notice of Default. Remedies on Default Delay and Waiver … State Aid Intercept
Successors and Assigns… Amendments Limitation of Borrower’s Liability Applicable Law Severability Notices … Right to Cure Default… Headings 0… Term of Agreement… Commitment Letter.
ii -
- iv -
Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond
Exhibit B - Project Description
Exhibit C - Project Budget
Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel
Exhibit E - Requisition for Disbursement
Exhibit F - Prior Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds
Exhibit G - Support Agreement
Exhibit H - Form of Budget
Exhibit A - Form of Local Bond Exhibit B - Project Description
Exhibit C - Project Budget
Exhibit D - Opinion of Borrower’s Bond Counsel
Exhibit E - Requisition for Disbursement
Exhibit F - Prior Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds Exhibit G - Support Agreement
Exhibit H - Form of Budget
THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of _____, 2017,
between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political
subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the
PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate of the Commonwealth
of Virginia (the “Borrower”), and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the COUNTY OF
RUSSELL, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the
Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the
“Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia
Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunction with the Board of Health, the
Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time
makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance
the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.
The Borrower has requested a loan from the Fund and will evidence its obligation to
repay such loan by the Local Bond the Borrower will issue and sell to the Authority, as
Administrator of the Fund. The Borrower will use the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to
the Authority to finance that portion of the Project Costs not being paid from other sources, all as
further set forth in the Project Budget.
Section 1.1. Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not
defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and
any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms
in the Act:
“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.
“Agreement” means this Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower,
together with any amendments or supplements hereto.
“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in
Section 6.1(a)(ii) payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services
attributable to the Local Bond.
“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower
authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to
perform the act or sign the document in question.
“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.
THIS FINANCING AGREEMENT is made as of this first day of __, 2017, between the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND, and THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “Borrower"), and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the “County”.
Pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (the “Act”), the General Assembly created a permanent and perpetual fund known as the “Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund” (the “Fund”). In conjunction with the Board of Health, the Authority administers and manages the Fund. From the Fund, the Authority from time to time makes loans to and acquires obligations of local governments in Virginia to finance or refinance the costs of water supply facilities within the meaning of Section 62.1-233 of the Act.
The Borrower has requested a loan from the Fund and will evidence its obligation to repay such loan by the Local Bond the Borrower will issue and sell to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund. The Borrower will use the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority to finance that portion of the Project Costs not being paid from other sources, all as further set forth in the Project Budget.
Section 1.1, Definitions. The capitalized terms contained in this Agreement and not defined above shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context requires otherwise and any capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Act:
“Additional Payments” means the payments required by Section 6.2.
“Agreement” means this Financing Agreement between the Authority and the Borrower, together with any amendments or supplements hereto.
“Annual Administrative Fee” means the portion of the Cost of Funds specified in Section 6.1(a)(ii) payable as an annual fee for administrative and management services attributable to the Local Bond.
“Authorized Representative” means any member, official or employee of the Borrower authorized by resolution, ordinance or other official act of the governing body of the Borrower to perform the act or sign the document in question.
“Board” means the Virginia Board of Health.
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“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority.
“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the
Borrower, dated __________, 2017, and all extensions and amendments thereto.
“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or the firm of independent consulting engineers
of recognized standing and experienced in the field of water system and sanitary engineering and
registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as
Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.5 in a written notice to the Authority.
Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and
until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are
licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as
Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.
“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual
Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1.
“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.
“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of
time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.
“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health.
“Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.
“Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and
delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of
Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its
annual accounting period.
“Funding Agreement” means the Funding Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between
the Authority and the Borrower, relating to a principal forgiveness loan from the Fund to the
“Local Bond” means the bond in substantially the form attached to this Financing
Agreement as Exhibit A issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund,
pursuant to this Agreement.
“Local Bond Proceeds” means the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the
Authority pursuant to this Agreement.
“Closing Date” means the date of the delivery of the Local Bond to the Authority.
“Commitment Letter” means the commitment letter from the Authority to the Borrower, dated 2017, and all extensions and amendments thereto.
“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer or the firm of independent consulting engineers of recognized standing and experienced in the field of water system and sanitary engineering and registered to do business in Virginia which is designated by the Borrower from time to time as Borrower’s consulting engineer in accordance with Section 4.5 in a written notice to the Authority. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority. Unless and until the Authority notifies the Borrower otherwise, any of the Borrower’s employees that are licensed and registered as professional engineers in the Commonwealth of Virginia may serve as, Consulting Engineer under this Agreement.
“Cost of Funds” means interest, including the part thereof allocable to the Annual Administrative Fee, payable as set forth in Section 6.1.
“County” means the County of Russell, Virginia.
“Default” means an event or condition the occurrence of which would, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, become an Event of Default.
“Department” means the Virginia Department of Health. “Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1 “Existing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and
delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Fiscal Year” means the period of twelve months established by the Borrower as its annual accounting period.
“Funding Agreement” means the Funding Agreement, dated as of the date here: the Authority and the Borrower, relating to a principal forgiveness loan from the Fund to the Borrower.
“Local Bond” means the bond in substantially the form attached to this Financing Agreement as Exhibit A issued by the Borrower to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, pursuant to this Agreement.
“Local Bond Proceeds” means the proceeds of the sale of the Local Bond to the Authority pursuant to this Agreement.
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“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body
of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bond.
“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation
award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other
expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.
“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary
to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.
“Operating Agreement” means, collectively, any and all lease, operating or similar
agreements by and between the Borrower and the County, as the same may be amended from time
to time with the written consent of the Authority.
“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining
the System determined under generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest
on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and other items not requiring
the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and
maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration,
operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.
“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable
to the Authority.
“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower
issued under Section 10.5.
“Prior Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further
described in Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by
or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of
Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Project” means the particular project described in Exhibit B, the costs of the
construction, acquisition or equipping of which are to be financed or refinanced in whole or in
part with the Local Bond Proceeds.
“Project Budget” means the budget for the financing of the Project, a copy of which is
attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, with such changes therein as may be approved in
writing by the Authority.
“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of the
Project, as further described in the Project Budget, and such other costs as may be approved in
writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.
“Local Resolution” means all resolutions or ordinances adopted by the governing body of the Borrower approving the transactions contemplated by and authorizing the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the execution, issuance and delivery of the Local Bond.
“Net Proceeds” means the gross proceeds from any insurance recovery or condemnation award remaining after payment of attorneys’ fees and expenses of the Authority and all other expenses incurred in the collection of such gross proceeds.
“Net Revenues Available for Debt Service” means the Revenues less amounts necessary to pay Operation and Maintenance Expense.
“Operating Agreement” means, collectively, any and all lease, operating or similar agreements by and between the Borrower and the County, as the same may be amended from time to time with the written consent of the Authority.
“Operation and Maintenance Expense” means the costs of operating and maintaining the System determined under generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of (i) interest on any debt secured by or payable from Revenues, (ii) depreciation and other items not requiring the expenditure of cash, (iii) any amounts expended for capital replacements, repairs and maintenance not recurring annually or reserves therefor, and (iv) reserves for administration, operation and maintenance occurring in the normal course of business.
“Opinion of Counsel” means a written opinion of recognized bond counsel, acceptable to the Authority.
“Parity Bonds” means bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the Borrower sued under Section 10.5.
“Prior Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described in Exhibit F, that on the date of the Local Bond’s issuance and delivery were secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues all or any portion of which was superior to the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond.
“Project” means the particular project described in Exhibit B, the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of which are to be financed or refinanced in whole or in part with the Local Bond Proceeds.
“Project Budget” means the budget for the financing of the Project, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, with such changes therein as may be approved in writing by the Authority.
“Project Costs” means the costs of the construction, acquisition or equipping of the Project, as further described in the Project Budget, and such other costs as may be approved in writing by the Authority, provided such costs are permitted by the Act.
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“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant
having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval
required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including
without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the
Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public
accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.
“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to
the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the
Borrower’s ownership, leasing or operation of the System, including but not limited to any and
all amounts payable to the Borrower pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Operating
Agreement, but excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have
become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business
interruption loss related to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities relating to the
System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid
to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other
income from other sources pledged by or on behalf of the Borrower to the payment of the Local
“Springing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, payable from or secured by a pledge of
Revenues that are deemed Subordinate Bonds as of the date hereof but which, upon satisfaction
of the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective financing agreement between the
Authority and either the Borrower or the County, pursuant to which such Springing Parity Bond
was issued, shall be deemed an Existing Parity Bond for all purposes hereof.
“Subordinate Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, including but not limited to such existing bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness described on Exhibit F, secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly
made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues to secure the payment of the Local Bond.
“Support Agreement” means the Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the
Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit G hereto.
“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, of which the
Project constitutes a part, owned, operated, leased or maintained by the Borrower and used in
connection with the collection, storage, supply, treatment or distribution of water and any other
facilities governed by the terms and conditions of the Operating Agreement.
Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the
construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and
vice versa.
“Qualified Independent Consultant” shall mean an independent professional consultant having the skill and experience necessary to provide the particular certificate, report or approval required by the provision of this Agreement in which such requirement appears, including without limitation a Consulting Engineer, so long as such individual is not an employee of the Borrower, and an independent certified public accountant or firm of independent certified public accountants. Such individual or firm shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Authority.
“Revenues” means (i) all rates, fees, rentals, charges and income properly allocable to the System in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or resulting from the Borrower’s ownership, leasing or operation of the System, including but not limited to any and all amounts payable to the Borrower pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Operating ‘Agreement, but excluding customer and other deposits subject to refund until such deposits have become the Borrower’s property, (ii) the proceeds of any insurance covering business interruption loss related to the System, (iii) interest on any money or securities relating to the System held by or on behalf of the Borrower, (iv) amounts that may be appropriated for and paid to the Borrower by the County under the Support Agreement or otherwise, and (v) any other income from other sources pledged by or on behalf of the Borrower to the payment of the Local Bond.
“Springing Parity Bonds” means any of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, as further described on Exhibit F, payable from or secured by a pledge of Revenues that are deemed Subordinate Bonds as of the date hereof but which, upon satisfaction of the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective financing agreement between the Authority and either the Borrower or the County, pursuant to which such Springing Parity Bond was issued, shall be deemed an Existing Parity Bond for all purposes hereof.
“Subordinate Bonds” means any of the Borrower’s bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, including but not limited to such existing bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness described on Exhibit F, secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues expressly made subordinate to the pledge of Revenues to secure the payment of the Local Bond.
“Support Agreement” means the Support Agreement, dated the date hereof, among the Borrower, the Authority and the County, substantially in the form of Exhibit G hereto.
“System” means all plants, systems, facilities, equipment or property, of which the Project constitutes a part, owned, operated, leased or maintained by the Borrower and used in connection with the collection, storage, supply, treatment or distribution of water and any other facilities governed by the terms and conditions of the Operating Agreement.
Section 1.2. Rules of Construction. The following rules shall apply to the
construction of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) Singular words shall connote the plural number as well as the singular and vice versa.
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(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are
references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.
© The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely
for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shall they
affect its meaning, construction or effect.
Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following
representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:
(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government”
(as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with
the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.
(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local
Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the other
documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bond to the Authority, as
Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges
for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the
Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such
purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bond, (vi) pledge the
Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bond, and (vii) carry out and consummate
all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support
Agreement and the Local Bond.
© This Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond were duly
authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the
governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.
(d) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates,
authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this
Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the
execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local
Bond, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder,
(iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v)
the operation and use of the System. The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required
governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not
obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.
(e) This Agreement and the Support Agreement have been executed and
delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding
obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.
(b) All references in this Agreement to particular Sections or Exhibits are references to Sections or Exhibits of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.
(©) The headings and table of contents as used in this Agreement are solely for convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shalll they affect its meaning, construction or effect.
Section 2.1. Representations by Borrower. The Borrower makes the following representations as the basis for its undertakings under this Agreement:
(a) The Borrower is a duly created and validly existing “local government” (as defined in Section 62.1-233 of the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is vested with the rights and powers conferred upon it by Virginia law.
(b) The Borrower has full right, power and authority to (i) adopt the Local Resolution and execute and deliver this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the other documents related thereto, (ii) issue, sell and deliver the Local Bond to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, (iii) own and operate the System, (iv) fix, charge and collect charges for the use of and for the services furnished by the System, (v) construct, acquire or equip the Project (as described in Exhibit B) and finance the Project Costs by borrowing money for such purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the issuance of the Local Bond, (vi) pledge the Revenues of the System to the payment of the Local Bond, and (vii) carry out and consummate all of the transactions contemplated by the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond.
(©) This Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond were duly authorized by the Local Resolution and are in substantially the same form as presented to the governing body of the Borrower at its meeting at which the Local Resolution was adopted.
(4) All governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this, Agreement have been obtained for (i) the Borrower’s adoption of the Local Resolution, (ii) the execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement and the Local Bond, (iii) the performance and enforcement of the obligations of the Borrower thereunder,
(iv) the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation and use of the Project, and (v) the operation and use of the System, The Borrower knows of no reason why any such required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals not obtained as of the date hereof cannot be obtained as needed.
© _ This Agreement and the Support Agreement have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and constitute a legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their terms.
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(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and
this Agreement, the Local Bond will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized
officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the
Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.
(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this
Agreement and the Support Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations
thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a
breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or
Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of
incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or
by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court,
government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.
(h) The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or
interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument
under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event
or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any
such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement and the Support Agreement, which
constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default
(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in
violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a
material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under
this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and (ii) is not in default under any
indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other
agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it
is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on
its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support
Agreement or the Local Bond. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement,
the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and the compliance with the terms and conditions
thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the
(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge,
threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal,
equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization
or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to
prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local
Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond or the issuance or
delivery of the Local Bond, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability
of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bond or any
agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or
resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition
(financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under
the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond, (v) in any way
(f) When executed and delivered in accordance with the Local Resolution and this Agreement, the Local Bond will have been executed and delivered by duly authorized officials of the Borrower and will constitute a legal, valid and binding limited obligation of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.
(g) The issuance of the Local Bond and the execution and delivery of this, Agreement and the Support Agreement and the performance by the Borrower of its obligations thereunder are within the powers of the Borrower and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or result in a violation of, (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, any Federal, or Virginia constitutional or statutory provision, including the Borrower’s charter or articles of incorporation, if any, (ii) any agreement or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or (iii) any order, rule, regulation, decree or ordinance of any court, government or governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Borrower or its property.
(h) _ The Borrower is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in default under any instrument under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been incurred. No event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, under the provisions of any such instrument, including but not limited to this Agreement and the Support Agreement, which constitutes, or which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default thereunder.
(i) The Borrower (i) to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, is not in violation of any existing law, rule or regulation applicable to it in any way which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and (ii) is not in default under any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lien, lease, contract, note, order, judgment, decree or other agreement, instrument or restriction of any kind to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound or to which any of its assets is subject, which would have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Support ‘Agreement or the Local Bond. The execution and delivery by the Borrower of this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond and the compliance with the terms and conditions thereof will not conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the foregoing.
(j) There are not pending nor, to the best of the Borrower’s knowledge, threatened against the Borrower, any actions, suits, proceedings or investigations of a legal, equitable, regulatory, administrative or legislative nature, (i) affecting the creation, organization or existence of the Borrower or the title of its officers to their respective offices, (ii) seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the approval, execution, delivery or performance of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond or the issuance or delivery of the Local Bond, (iii) in any way contesting or affecting the validity or enforceability of the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement, the Local Bond or any agreement or instrument relating to any of the foregoing, (iv) in which a judgment, order or resolution may have a material adverse effect on the Borrower or its business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise), operations or prospects or on its ability to perform its obligations under the Local Resolution, this Agreement, the Support Agreement or the Local Bond, (v) in any way
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affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power
of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bond.
(k) There have been no defaults by any contractor or subcontractor under any
contract made by the Borrower in connection with the construction or equipping of the Project.
(l) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the
Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to
the Authority.
(m) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the
terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will
not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.
(n) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a
pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the
Local Bond except any Existing Parity Bonds, Springing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds set forth
on Exhibit F.
(o) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.
(p) The Operating Agreement is in full force and effect; no default or event of
default has occurred and is continuing under the Operating Agreement; and the Borrower is not
currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the
Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies
available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Operating Agreement.
Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. The Borrower
agrees to borrow from the Fund and the Authority agrees to lend to the Borrower, from the Fund,
the principal amount equal to the sum of the principal disbursements made pursuant to
Section 4.1, but not to exceed $_____, for the purposes herein set forth, a portion of which may
be made from federal financial assistance. The Borrower’s obligation shall be evidenced by the
Local Bond, which shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a
part hereof and delivered to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, on the Closing Date.
The Local Bond shall be in the original principal amount of the loan and shall mature, bear a Cost
of Funds and be payable as hereinafter provided.
Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond. The Authority
shall not be required to make the loan to the Borrower and purchase the Local Bond unless the
Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the
(a) The Local Bond, the Funding Agreement and the Support Agreement.
affecting or contesting the undertaking of the Project, or (vi) contesting or challenging the power of the Borrower to pledge the Revenues to the payment of the Local Bond.
(k) There have been no defaults by any contractor or subcontractor under any contract made by the Borrower in connection with the construction or equipping of the Project.
(1) No material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of the Borrower as indicated in the financial statements, applications and other information furnished to the Authority.
(m) Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms of this Agreement, the System at all times is and will be owned by the Borrower and will not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.
(n) There is no indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues on a parity with or prior to the lien of the pledge of Revenues securing the Local Bond except any Existing Parity Bonds, Springing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds set forth on Exhibit F.
(0) No Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing.
(p) The Operating Agreement is in full force and effect; no default or event of default has occurred and is continuing under the Operating Agreement; and the Borrower is not currently aware of any fact or circumstance that would have an adverse impact on the Borrower’s ability to set rates, to receive payments, or to exercise any other rights and remedies available to the Borrower, under or pursuant to the Operating Agreement.
Section 3.1. Loan to Borrower and Purchase of the Local Bond. The Borrower agrees to borrow from the Fund and the Authority agrees to lend to the Borrower, from the Fund, the principal amount equal to the sum of the principal disbursements made pursuant to Section 4.1, but not to exceed $_, for the purposes herein set forth, a portion of which may be made from federal financial assistance. The Borrower’s obligation shall be evidenced by the Local Bond, which shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and delivered to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, on the Closing Date. The Local Bond shall be in the original principal amount of the loan and shall mature, bear a Cost of Funds and be payable as hereinafter provided.
Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Purchase of the Local Bond, The Authority shall not be required to make the loan to the Borrower and purchase the Local Bond unless the Authority shall have received the following, all in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority:
(a) The Local Bond, the Funding Agreement and the Support Agreement.
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(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.
© A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set
forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.
(d) A closing certificate from the Department certifying that the Project is in
compliance with all federal and state laws and project requirements applicable to the Fund.
(e) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer estimating the total Project Costs
to be financed with the Local Bond Proceeds, which estimate is in an amount and otherwise
compatible with the financing plan described in the Project Budget.
(f) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer to the effect that in the opinion of
the Consulting Engineer (i) the Project will be a part of the System, and (ii) the Local Bond
Proceeds and funds available from the other sources specified in the Project Budget will be
sufficient to pay the estimated Project Costs.
(g) A certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified
Independent Consultant that in the opinion of the Qualified Independent Consultant during the
first two complete Fiscal Years of the Borrower following completion of the Project, the
projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will satisfy the rate covenant made by the
Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In providing this certificate, the Qualified Independent Consultant
may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have
been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person or entity
required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified
Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues to be derived
under existing contractual arrangements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable
estimates of growth in the consumer base of the Borrower.
(h) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the date the Borrower is
expected to complete the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project.
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that all governmental permits,
licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals for the Project required to have
been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained and a
statement of the Consulting Engineer that he or she knows of no reason why any future required
governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals cannot be
obtained as needed.
(j) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has obtained or
has made arrangements satisfactory to the Authority to obtain any funds or other financing for
the Project as contemplated in the Project Budget.
(k) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed
and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and
satisfied by it as of such date.
(b) A certified copy of the Local Resolution.
(©) A certificate of appropriate officials of the Borrower as to the matters set forth in Section 2.1 and such other matters as the Authority may reasonably require.
(d) A closing certificate from the Department certifying that the Project is in compliance with all federal and state laws and project requirements applicable to the Fund.
(€) _ A certificate of the Consulting Engineer estimating the total Project Costs to be financed with the Local Bond Proceeds, which estimate is in an amount and otherwise compatible with the financing plan described in the Project Budget.
(0) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer (i) the Project will be a part of the System, and (ii) the Local Bond Proceeds and funds available from the other sources specified in the Project Budget will be sufficient to pay the estimated Project Costs.
(g) A certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant that in the opinion of the Qualified Independent Consultant during the first two complete Fiscal Years of the Borrower following completion of the Project, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will satisfy the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In providing this certificate, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person or entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues to be derived under existing contractual arrangements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the consumer base of the Borrower.
(h) A certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the date the Borrower is, expected to complete the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project.
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that all governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals for the Project required to have been obtained as of the date of the delivery of this Agreement have been obtained and a statement of the Consulting Engineer that he or she knows of no reason why any future required governmental permits, licenses, registrations, certificates, authorizations and approvals cannot be obtained as needed.
(i) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has obtained or has made arrangements satisfactory to the Authority to obtain any funds or other financing for the Project as contemplated in the Project Budget.
(k) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has performed and satisfied all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement to be performed and satisfied by it as of such date.
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(l) An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed
to the Authority.
(m) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to the Authority.
(n) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has complied
with the insurance provisions set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof.
(o) Evidence that the Borrower has satisfied all conditions precedent to the
issuance of the Local Bond as a “Parity Bond” under the financing agreements for the Existing
Parity Bonds.
(p) A report of the Borrower and the County as to the status of each of the
Springing Parity Bonds meeting the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective
financing agreement between the Authority and either the Borrower or the County for each of the
Springing Parity Bonds.
(q) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Operating Agreement is in
full force and effect and that it is a binding and enforceable agreement as to each of the Borrower
and the other parties to such agreement.
® Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the
Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable
to the Authority that the Support Agreement is valid and enforceable against the County, subject
to usual and customary qualifications.
Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds.
(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to
the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further
agrees to exhibit to the Board or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or
other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money
from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar
month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the
Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Board) of the following:
(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department
shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information
called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;
() An Opinion of Counsel, substantially in the form of Exhibit D, addressed to the Authority.
(m) An opinion of counsel to the Borrower in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Authority.
(n) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Borrower has complied with the insurance provisions set forth in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof.
(0) Evidence that the Borrower has satisfied all conditions precedent to the issuance of the Local Bond as a “Parity Bond” under the financing agreements for the Existing Parity Bonds.
(p) A report of the Borrower and the County as to the status of each of the Springing Parity Bonds meeting the “Springing Parity Test,” as defined in the respective financing agreement between the Authority and either the Borrower or the County for each of the Springing Parity Bonds,
(q) Evidence satisfactory to the Authority that the Operating Agreement is in full force and effect and that it is a binding and enforceable agreement as to each of the Borrower and the other parties to such agreement.
() Such other documentation, certificates and opinions as the Authority, the Board or the Department may reasonably require, including an opinion from counsel acceptable to the Authority that the Support Agreement is valid and enforceable against the County, subject to usual and customary qualifications.
Section 4.1. Application of Proceeds.
(a) The Borrower agrees to apply the Local Bond Proceeds solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs and further agrees to exhibit to the Board or the Authority receipts, vouchers, statements, bills of sale or other evidence of the actual payment of such Project Costs. The Authority shall disburse money from the Fund to or for the account of the Borrower not more frequently than once each calendar month (unless otherwise agreed by the Authority and the Borrower) upon receipt by the Authority (with a copy to be furnished to the Board) of the following:
(1) A requisition (upon which the Authority, the Board and the Department shall be entitled to rely) signed by an Authorized Representative and containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit E to this Agreement;
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(2) If any requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors,
builders or materialmen,
(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such
work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment
were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the
Project; and
(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either
that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or
security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or
discharged upon payment of the requisition.
Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and
approval thereof by the Board, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or
for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the
extent approved by the Board and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a
schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The Authority shall have
no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder
nor shall the Board have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in
compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable State laws, including but not
limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and
performance of public construction contracts. Except as may otherwise be approved by the
Board, disbursements shall be held at ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized
amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from
the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.2 and a final requisition detailing all
retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the
Board and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.2, will disburse to or for the
account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.
The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the
amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the
maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the
Local Bond shall be reduced in accordance with Section 6.1.
Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the
Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B
and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by
the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Board. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to
complete the Project by the date set forth in the certificate provided to the Authority pursuant to
Section 3.2(h). All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable
regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records
of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Board through their duly authorized
representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. The Borrower and the
(2) Ifany requisition includes an item for payment for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen,
(i) a certificate, signed by the Consulting Engineer, stating that such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished or installed in or about the construction of the Project; and
(ii) a certificate, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating either that such materials, supplies or equipment are not subject to any lien or security interest or that such lien or security interest will be released or discharged upon payment of the requisition.
Upon receipt of each such requisition and accompanying certificate or certificates and approval thereof by the Board, the Authority shall disburse Local Bond Proceeds hereunder to or for the account of the Borrower in accordance with such requisition in an amount and to the extent approved by the Board and shall note the date and amount of each such disbursement on a schedule of principal disbursements to be included on the Local Bond. The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse any such Local Bond Proceeds if the Borrower is in default hereunder nor shall the Board have any obligation to approve any requisition if the Borrower is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
(b) The Borrower shall comply with all applicable State laws, including but not limited to, the Virginia Public Procurement Act, as amended, regarding the awarding and performance of public construction contracts. Except as may otherwise be approved by the Board, disbursements shall be held at ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond to ensure satisfactory completion of the Project. Upon receipt from the Borrower of the certificate specified in Section 4.2 and a final requisition detailing all retainages to which the Borrower is then entitled, the Authority, to the extent approved by the Board and subject to the provisions of this Section and Section 4.2, will disburse to or for the account of the Borrower Local Bond Proceeds to the extent of such approval.
The Authority shall have no obligation to disburse Local Bond Proceeds in excess of the amount necessary to pay for approved Project Costs. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, principal installments due on the Local Bond shall be reduced in accordance with Section 6.1.
Section 4.2. Agreement to Accomplish Project. The Borrower agrees to cause the Project to be acquired, constructed, expanded, renovated or equipped as described in Exhibit B and in accordance with the Project Budget and the plans, specifications and designs prepared by the Consulting Engineer and approved by the Board. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to complete the Project by the date set forth in the certificate provided to the Authority pursuant to Section 3.2(h). All plans, specifications and designs shall be approved by all applicable regulatory agencies. The Borrower agrees to maintain complete and accurate books and records of the Project Costs and permit the Authority and the Board through their duly authorized representatives to inspect such books and records at any reasonable time. ‘The Borrower and the
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Authority, with the consent of the Board, may amend the description of the Project set forth in
Exhibit B.
When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the
Authority and the Board a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower
and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substantially in
accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as
approved by the Board, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of
occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation
have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project
Section 4.3. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with,
and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws,
ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction,
equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request,
promptly furnish to the Authority and the Board copies of all such permits, consents and
approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all lawful program or procedural guidelines or
requirements duly promulgated and amended from time to time by the Board in connection with
the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from
the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable
federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection
with the Project and the funding thereof by the Authority, including, but not limited to, the
federal “crosscutting” requirements identified in Schedule A of the Commitment Letter. Where
noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Board, the issue
shall be referred to the proper federal authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the
accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a
performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority and
the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction
period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’
compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle
liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon
request of the Authority or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish
evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority and the Board.
Section 4.5. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer
to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and
inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund,
the Authority and the Board as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as
disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project
provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Board the certificates required by Sections 4.1 and
Authority, with the consent of the Board, may amend the description of the Project set forth in Exhibit B.
When the Project has been completed, the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Authority and the Board a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative of the Borrower and by the Consulting Engineer stating (i) that the Project has been completed substantially in accordance with this Section, the plans and specifications as amended from time to time, as approved by the Board, and in substantial compliance with all material applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, (ii) the date of such completion, (iii) that all certificates of occupancy or other material permits necessary for the Project’s use, occupancy and operation have been issued or obtained, and (iv) the amount, if any, to be reserved for payment of Project Costs.
Section 4.3. Permits. The Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with, and shall obtain all permits, consents and approvals required by local, state or federal laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of the Project. The Borrower shall, upon request, promptly furnish to the Authority and the Board copies of all such permits, consents and approvals. The Borrower shall also comply with all lawful program or procedural guidelines or requirements duly promulgated and amended from time to time by the Board in connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping, occupation, operation or use of projects financed from the Fund under the Act. The Borrower shall also comply in all respects with all applicable federal laws, regulations and other requirements relating to or arising out of or in connection with the Project and the funding thereof by the Authority, including, but not limited to, the federal “crosscutting” requirements identified in Schedule A of the Commitment Letter. Where noncompliance with such requirements is determined by the Authority or the Board, the issue shall be referred to the proper federal authority or agency for consultation or enforcement action.
Section 4.4. Construction Contractors. Each construction contractor employed in the accomplishment of the Project shall be required in the construction contract to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the particular contract price. Such bonds shall list the Borrower, the Fund, the Authority and the Board as beneficiaries. Each contractor shall be required to maintain during the construction period covered by the particular construction contract builder’s risk insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and vehicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Consulting Engineer. Upon request of the Authority or the Board, the Borrower shall cause each contractor to furnish evidence of such bonds and insurance to the Authority and the Board.
Section 4.5. Engineering Services. The Borrower shall retain a Consulting Engineer to provide engineering services covering the operation of the System and the supervision and inspection of the construction of the Project. The Consulting Engineer shall certify to the Fund, the Authority and the Board as to the various stages of the completion of the Project as disbursements of Local Bond Proceeds are requested and shall upon completion of the Project provide to the Fund, the Authority and the Board the certificates required by Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
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Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds
are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at
its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the
Authority or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s
payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to
the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the
Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and the Cost of
Funds on the Local Bond and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under
this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of
this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the
lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of
the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien
of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of
Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the
Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of
any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge.
(a) The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and
other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will
from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net
Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the
Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Additional
Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues,
including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under
generally accepted accounting principles. If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy
the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees
and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient
Revenues to satisfy such requirement.
(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the
adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates
the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the rate covenant in
subsection (a) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its
rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense to cure any
Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal
Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise
being in the form of, Exhibit H to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of
the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be
Section 4.6. Borrower Required to Complete Project. If the Local Bond Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of the Project, the Borrower will complete the Project at its own expense and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Fund, the Authority or the Board or any abatement, diminution or postponement of the Borrower’s payments under the Local Bond or this Agreement.
Section 5.1. Pledge of Revenues. Subject to the Borrower’s right to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, the Revenues are hereby pledged to the Authority, as Administrator of the Fund, to secure the payment of the principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond and the payment and performance of the Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. This pledge shall be valid and binding from and after the execution and delivery of this Agreement. The Revenues, as received by the Borrower, shall immediately be subject to the lien of this pledge without any physical delivery of them or further act. The lien of this pledge of the Revenues is on a parity with the lien of the pledge securing the Existing Parity Bonds. The lien of this pledge shall, subject to the right of the Borrower to apply Revenues to the payment of Operation and Maintenance Expense, have priority over all other obligations and liabilities of the Borrower, and the lien of this pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind against the Borrower regardless of whether such parties have notice of this pledge
(a) ‘The Borrower covenants and agrees that it will fix and collect rates, fees and other charges for the use of and for services furnished or to be furnished by the System, and will from time to time revise such rates, fees and other charges so that in each Fiscal Year the Net Revenues Available for Debt Service will equal at least 100% of the amount required during the Fiscal Year to pay the principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Additional Payments and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues, including without limitation, indebtedness under leases which are treated as capital leases under generally accepted accounting principles. If, for any reason, the Revenues are insufficient to satisfy the foregoing covenant, the Borrower shall within ninety (90) days adjust and increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense so as to provide sufficient Revenues to satisfy such requirement.
(b) On or before the last day of each Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall review the adequacy of its rates, fees and other charges for the next Fiscal Year, and, if such review indicates the Borrower’s rates, fees and other charges are insufficient to satisfy the rate covenant in subsection (a) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly take appropriate action to increase its rates, fees and other charges or reduce its Operation and Maintenance Expense to cure any deficiency.
Section 5.2. Annual Budget. The Borrower agrees before the first day of each Fiscal Year to adopt a budget for such Fiscal Year containing all information called for by, and otherwise being in the form of, Exhibit H to this Agreement, for such Fiscal Year setting forth a schedule of the rates, fees and other charges to be imposed by the Borrower, the Revenues estimated to be
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generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance,
repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying
any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement. Such budget as
approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget.
The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal
Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of
the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.
Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report. (a) If at the end of any
Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in
Section 5.1(a), within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower
shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making
recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System
for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other
charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the rate covenant in Section
5.1(a). The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject
to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent
Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.
(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s
recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other
procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the rate covenant
made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a) when such measures have been implemented and
become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than
thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultant’s report along with a
detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent
Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority
reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the
Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.
Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond. (a) The Local Bond shall be dated the date of
its delivery to the Authority. The Cost of Funds of the Local Bond shall be computed on
disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate of two and
twenty-five one-hundredths percent (2.25%) per annum, consisting of the following:
(i) interest of seventy-five one-hundredths percent (0.75%) per annum payable for
the benefit of the Fund, and
(ii) one and fifty one-hundredths percent (1.50%) per annum payable as an Annual
Administrative Fee.
generated thereby, the expenditures anticipated by the Borrower for operations, maintenance, repairs, replacements, improvements, debt service and other purposes, and specifically identifying any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement, Such budget as approved by the Borrower’s governing body is referred to in this Agreement as the Annual Budget. ‘The Borrower may at any time during any Fiscal Year amend the Annual Budget for such Fiscal Year so long as such amendment does not result in a Default. The Borrower shall submit a copy of the Annual Budget and any amendments thereto to the Authority.
Section 5.3. Qualified Independent Consultant’s Report, (a) Ifat the end of any Fiscal Year, the Borrower is not in compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a), within two hundred ten (210) days after the end of such Fiscal Year, the Borrower shall obtain a report from the Qualified Independent Consultant giving advice and making recommendations as to the proper maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the System for the next ensuing Fiscal Year and estimating the costs thereof as to the rates, fees, and other charges which should be established by the Borrower to satisfy the rate covenant in Section 5.1(a). The Borrower shall promptly furnish a copy of such report to the Authority and, subject to Section 5.3(b), take measures to implement the recommendations of the Qualified Independent Consultant within ninety (90) days of obtaining such report.
(b) If the Borrower determines that the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations are impractical or inappropriate, the Borrower may in lieu thereof adopt other procedures which the Borrower believes will bring it into compliance with the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a) when such measures have been implemented and become fully effective. Such alternative plan shall be filed with the Authority not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the Qualified Independent Consultants report along with a detailed explanation of the Borrower’s reason for rejecting the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Authority reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject such alternate procedures and require the Borrower to comply with the Qualified Independent Consultant’s recommendations.
Section 6.1. Payment of Local Bond. (a) The Local Bond shall be dated the date of its delivery to the Authority. The Cost of Funds of the Local Bond shall be computed on disbursed principal balance thereof from the date of each disbursement at the rate of two and twenty-five one-hundredths percent (2.25%) per annum, consisting of the following
(i) interest of seventy-five one-hundredths percent (0.75%) per annum payable for the benefit of the Fund, and
(ii) one and fifty one-hundredths percent (1.50%) per annum payable as an Annual Administrative Fee.
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(b) The Cost of Funds only on all amounts disbursed under the Local Bond shall be
due and payable on _____ 1, 20__. Commencing ___1, 20, and continuing semi-annually
thereafter on _____ 1 and _____ 1 in each year, principal and the Cost of Funds due under the
Local Bond shall be payable in equal installments of $, with a final installment of $
due and payable on ___1, 20, when, if not sooner paid, all amounts due hereunder and under
the Local Bond shall be due and payable in full. Each installment shall be applied first to
payment of the Cost of Funds accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If
principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made,
the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount.
However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts
due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement
of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any
semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If
any installment of principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond is not paid within ten (10)
days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay to the Authority a late payment charge in an
amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment.
Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments. In addition to the payments of
principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of
the Authority the following Additional Payments:
(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board
in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable
fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and
(2) All expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any
amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant
to the provisions hereof.
The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2)
above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five
percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.
Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond. Upon completion of the Project and after
giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local
Bond at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the
date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bond will be
prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial
prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bond but
shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bond, or change the
amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.
(b) The Cost of Funds only on all amounts disbursed under the Local Bond shall be due and payable on 1,20__. Commencing 1, 20__, and continuing semi-annually thereafter on Tand 1 in each year, principal and the Cost of Funds due under the Local Bond shall be payable in equal installments of $__, with a final installment of S.
due and payable on 1, 20__, when, if not sooner paid, all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall be due and payable in full. Each installment shall be applied first to payment of the Cost of Funds accrued and unpaid to the payment date and then to principal. If principal disbursements up to the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond are not made, the principal amount due on the Local Bond shall not include such undisbursed amount. However, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing, until all amounts due hereunder and under the Local Bond shall have been paid in full, less than full disbursement of the maximum authorized amount of the Local Bond shall not postpone the due date of any semi-annual installment due on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment. If any installment of principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond is not paid within ten (10) days after its due date, the Borrower agrees to pay to the Authority a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5.0%) of the overdue installment.
Section 6.2. Payment of Additional Payments. In addition to the payments of principal of and the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, the Borrower agrees to pay on demand of the Authority the following Additional Payments:
(1) The costs of the Fund, the Authority, the Department or the Board in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement, including the reasonable fees and expenses of any attorneys used by any of them; and
(2) Allexpenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to any amendments, waivers, consents or collection or enforcement proceedings pursuant to the provisions hereof.
‘The Borrower agrees to pay interest on any Additional Payments enumerated in (1) or (2) above not received by the Authority within ten (10) days after demand therefor at a rate of five percent (5.0%) per annum of the overdue installment from its due date until the date it is paid.
Section 7.1. Prepayment of Local Bond. Upon completion of the Project and after giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Authority, the Borrower may prepay the Local Bond at any time, in whole or in part and without penalty. Such written notice shall specify the date on which the Borrower will make such prepayment and whether the Local Bond will be prepaid in full or in part, and if in part, the principal amount to be prepaid. Any such partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding under the Local Bond but shall not postpone the due date of any subsequent payment on the Local Bond, or change the amount of such installment, unless the Borrower and the Authority agree otherwise in writing.
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Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System. Except as may
otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the
System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower or the County and shall not be operated or
controlled by any other entity or person.
Section 8.2. Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate
the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal
requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to
time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.
Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from
time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it
deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or
operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or
improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders,
permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi-
cations and improvements shall become part of the System.
Section 8.4. Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements
of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently
enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental
policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the
cost of making the same.
Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The
Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such
reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the
Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all
reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the
books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.
Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or
install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower or the County owns
or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s
purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a
main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has
acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or
interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the
Borrower’s purposes.
Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged,
leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the
Section 8.1. Ownership and Operation of Project and System, Except as may otherwise be approved by the Authority or permitted by the terms hereof, the Project and the System at all times shall be owned by the Borrower or the County and shall not be operated or controlled by any other entity or person.
Section 8.2, Maintenance. At its own cost and expense, the Borrower shall operate the System in a proper, sound and economical manner and in compliance with all legal requirements, shall maintain the System in good repair and operating condition and from time to time shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements.
Section 8.3. Additions and Modifications. At its own expense, the Borrower from time to time may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the value of the System or the structural or operational integrity of any part of the System, provided that all such additions, modifications or improvements comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, permits, authorizations and requirements. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifi- cations and improvements shall become part of the System.
Section 8.4, Use of System. The Borrower shall comply with all lawful requirements of any governmental authority regarding the System, whether now existing or subsequently enacted, whether foreseen or unforeseen or whether involving any change in governmental policy or requiring structural, operational and other changes to the System, irrespective of the cost of making the same.
Section 8.5. Inspection of System and Borrower’s Books and Records. The Authority and the Board and their duly authorized representatives and agents shall have such reasonable rights of access to the System as may be necessary to determine whether the Borrower is in compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and shall have the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to the Borrower to examine and copy the books and records of the Borrower insofar as such books and records relate to the System.
Section 8.6. Ownership of Land. The Borrower shall not construct, reconstruct or install any part of the System on lands other than those which the Borrower or the County owns or can acquire title to or a perpetual easement over, in either case sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes, unless such part of the System is lawfully located in a public street or highway or is a main, conduit, pipeline, main connection or facility located on land in which the Borrower has acquired a right or interest less than a fee simple or perpetual easement and such lesser right or interest has been approved by written opinion of counsel to the Borrower as sufficient for the Borrower’s purposes.
Section 8.7. Sale or Encumbrance. No part of the System shall be sold, exchanged, leased, mortgaged, encumbered or otherwise disposed of except as provided in any one of the
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following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in
(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or
under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the
(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part
of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace
such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and
© The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part
of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of
unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized
Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or useful in the operation of the
System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any
other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there
shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer
stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the
proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that
may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond , and then, if
such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bond under Article
VII hereof.
Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect
all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on
premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges
where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law,
discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the
System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than
through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace
periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.
Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the
use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge
therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.
Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any
franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would
compete with the System.
Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection. The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable
law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may
reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been
constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System;
provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the
following subsections, or as may be otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing:
(a) The Borrower may grant easements, licenses or permits across, over or under parts of the System for streets, roads and utilities as will not adversely affect the use of the System;
(b) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System if it uses the proceeds of such disposition and any other necessary funds to replace such property with property serving the same or a similar function; and
(©) The Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of property constituting part of the System; provided, however, (i) no such property shall be sold or otherwise disposed of unless there is filed with the Authority a certificate of the Borrower, signed by an Authorized Representative, stating that such property is no longer needed or usefiul in the operation of the System, and, if the proceeds of such sale or disposition, together with the aggregate value of any other property sold or otherwise disposed of during the Fiscal Year, shall exceed $125,000, there shall also be filed with the Borrower and the Authority a certificate of the Consulting Engineer stating that such property is not necessary or useful to the operation of the System, and (ii) the proceeds to be received from any sale or disposition shall be applied first to cure any default that may exist in the payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond , and then, if such property constitutes part of the Project, to the prepayment of the Local Bond under Article VII hereof.
Section 8.8. Collection of Revenues. The Borrower shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it, including, when appropriate, by perfecting liens on premises served by the System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Borrower shall, to the full extent permitted by law, discontinue and shut off, or cause to be discontinued and shut off, services and facilities of the System, and use its best efforts to cause to be shut off water service furnished otherwise than through the System, to customers of the System who are delinquent beyond any customary grace periods in the payment of rates, fees and other charges due to the Borrower.
Section 8.9. No Free Service. The Borrower shall not permit connections with or the use of the System, or furnish any services afforded by the System, without making a charge therefor based on the Borrower’s uniform schedule of rates, fees and charges.
Section 8.10. No Competing Service. The Borrower shall not provide, grant any franchise to provide or give consent for anyone else to provide, any services which would compete with the System.
Section 8.11. Mandatory Connection. The Borrower shall, consistent with applicable law, require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land which is served or may reasonably be served by the System and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been constructed for residential, commercial or industrial use, to connect such building to the System;
provided, however, the Borrower may permit the continued use of private systems, meeting the
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standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the
System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.
Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due all taxes, fees,
assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the
“Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the
Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the
System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to
pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects
which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues
(collectively, the “Mechanics’ Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten
(10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in
good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the
Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any
subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the
lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or
Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an
appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon
request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental
Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.
Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the
Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as
are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character
to the System, including, without limitation:
(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s
insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended
coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler
leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normally covered by such
endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the
time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may
provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement
cost of the Project, builders’ risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full
replacement cost thereof. The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized
appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.
(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of
$2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and
for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance,
operation, leasing or use of the System.
standards of the Board, by any such building already in existence at the time the services of the System become available to it upon such conditions as may be specified by the Borrower.
Section 8.12. Lawful Charges. The Borrower shall pay when due alll taxes, fees, assessments, levies and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever (collectively, the “Governmental Charges”) which are (i) assessed, levied or imposed against the System or the Borrower’s interest in it, or (ii) incurred in the operation, maintenance, use and occupancy of the System. The Borrower shall pay or cause to be discharged, or shall make adequate provision to pay or discharge, all lawful claims and demands for labor, materials, supplies or other objects which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien upon all or any part of the System or the Revenues (collectively, the “Mechanics” Charges”). The Borrower, however, after giving the Authority ten (10) days’ notice of its intention to do so, at its own expense and in its own name, may contest in good faith any Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges. If such a contest occurs, the Borrower may permit the same to remain unpaid during the period of the contest and any subsequent appeal unless, in the reasonable opinion of the Authority, such action may impair the lien on Revenues granted by this Agreement, in which event, such Governmental Charges or Mechanics’ Charges promptly shall be satisfied or secured by posting with the Authority or an appropriate court a bond in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. Upon request, the Borrower shall furnish to the Authority proof of payment of all Governmental Charges and the Mechanics’ Charges required to be paid by the Borrower under this Agreement.
Section 9.1. Insurance. Unless the Authority otherwise agrees in writing, the Borrower continuously shall maintain or cause to be maintained insurance against such risks as are customarily insured against by public bodies operating systems similar in size and character to the System, including, without limitation:
(a) Insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the System’s insurable portions against loss or damage by fire and lightning, with broad form extended coverage endorsements covering damage by windstorm, explosion, aircraft, smoke, sprinkler leakage, vandalism, malicious mischief and such other risks as are normallly covered by such endorsements (limited only as may be provided in the standard form of such endorsements at the time in use in Virginia); provided that during the construction of the Project, the Borrower may provide or cause to be provided, in lieu of the insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost of the Project, builders” risk or similar types of insurance in the amount of the full replacement cost thereof, The determination of replacement cost shall be made by a recognized appraiser or insurer selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority.
(b) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per year against liability for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, and for damage to property, including loss of use thereof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, leasing or use of the System,
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© Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia,
workers’ compensation insurance.
The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the
procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to
policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.
The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of
the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the
insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.
Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be
maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the
Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with
deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of
like size and character to the System, and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such
policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30)
days’ prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer
licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus
Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any
successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the
Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.
Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of
(i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part
of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any
loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or
negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice
thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction,
taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations.
Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or
damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay
in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property
damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction,
with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the
capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended
to be used. The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of
insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such
restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not
sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as
may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property
constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the
cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant
to Article VII.
(©) Unless the Borrower qualifies as a self-insurer under the laws of Virginia, workers” compensation insurance.
The Authority shall not have any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the procurement or maintenance of insurance or the amounts or the provisions with respect to policies of insurance, or (ii) the application of the proceeds of insurance.
The Borrower shall provide no less often than annually and upon the written request of the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers evidencing the fact that the insurance required by this Section is in full force and effect.
Section 9.2. Requirements of Policies. All insurance required by Section 9.1 shall be maintained with generally recognized, responsible insurance companies selected by the Borrower and reasonably acceptable to the Authority. Such insurance may be written with deductible amounts comparable to those on similar policies carried by other utility systems of like size and character to the System, and shall contain an undertaking by the insurer that such policy shall not be modified adversely to the interests of, or canceled without at least thirty (30) days” prior notice to, the Authority. If any such insurance is not maintained with an insurer licensed to do business in Virginia or placed pursuant to the requirements of the Virginia Surplus Lines Insurance Law (Chapter 48, Title 38.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) or any successor provision of law, the Borrower shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that such insurance is enforceable under Virginia law.
Section 9.3. Notice of Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. In the case of (i) any damage to or destruction of any material part of the System, (ii) a taking of all or any part
of the System or any right therein under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) any loss of the System because of failure of title, or (iv) the commencement of any proceedings or negotiations which might result in such a taking or loss, the Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to the Authority describing generally the nature and extent of such damage, destruction, taking, loss, proceedings or negotiations.
Section 9.4. Damage and Destruction. If all or any part of the System is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall restore promptly the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the same condition as before such damage or destruction, with such alterations and additions as the Borrower may determine and which will not impair the capacity or character of the System for the purpose for which it then is being used or is intended to be used, The Borrower may apply so much as may be necessary of the Net Proceeds of insurance received on account of any such damage or destruction to payment of the cost of such restoration, either on completion or as the work progresses. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.
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Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or
any part of the System shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost
because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full
the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such
condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to
substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title.
If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower
shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are
derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds
remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the
prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.
Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence. The Borrower shall maintain its existence as
a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without
consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or
substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer
all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political
subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and
the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bond and this
Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel
acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to
the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the
surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with
its terms.
Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper
books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally
accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs
related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the
Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent
certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal
Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the
Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section
5.1(a). In accordance with the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984, 31 U.S.C. §§ 7501 et
seq., as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, including Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards located at Title 2 of the
Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 Subpart F, the Borrower agrees to obtain an annual audit
from an independent auditor if the Borrower expends $750,000 or more in federal funds in any
fiscal year. The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after
it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail,
certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such
Section 9.5. Condemnation and Loss of Title. If title to or the temporary use of all or any part of the System shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain or lost because of failure of title, and the Borrower shall not have exercised its option to prepay in full the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII, the Borrower shall cause the Net Proceeds from any such condemnation award or from title insurance to be applied to the restoration of the System to substantially its condition before the exercise of such power of eminent domain or failure of title. If such Net Proceeds are not sufficient to pay in full the cost of such restoration, the Borrower shall pay so much of the cost as may be in excess of such Net Proceeds. If the Net Proceeds are derived from property constituting part of the Project, any balance of such Net Proceeds remaining after payment of the cost of such restoration shall promptly be applied to the prepayment of the Local Bond pursuant to Article VII.
Section 10.1. Maintenance of Existence, The Borrower shall maintain its existence as a “local government” (as defined in the Act) of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, without consent of the Authority and the Board, shall not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets or consolidate or merge with or into another entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Borrower may consolidate or merge with or into, or sell or otherwise transfer all or substantially all of its assets to a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Borrower thereafter may dissolve, if the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision, if other than the Borrower, assumes, in written form acceptable to the Authority and the Board, all of the obligations of the Borrower contained in the Local Bond and this, Agreement, and there is furnished to the Authority and the Board an Opinion of Counsel acceptable to the Authority and the Board subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, to the effect that such assumption constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the surviving, resulting or transferee political subdivision enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.
Section 10.2. Financial Records and Statements. The Borrower shall maintain proper books of record and account in which proper entries shall be made in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards, consistently applied, of all its business and affairs related to the System. The Borrower shall have an annual audit of the financial condition of the Borrower (and at the reasonable request of the Authority, of the System) made by an independent certified public accountant, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each Fiscal Year. The annual audit shall include a supplemental schedule demonstrating whether the Borrower during such Fiscal Year satisfied the rate covenant made by the Borrower in Section 5.1(a). In accordance with the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984, 31 U.S.C. §§ 7501 et seq., as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, including Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards located at Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 Subpart F, the Borrower agrees to obtain an annual audit from an independent auditor if the Borrower expends $750,000 or more in federal funds in any fiscal year. The Borrower shall furnish to the Authority copies of such report immediately after it is accepted by the Borrower. Such report shall include statements in reasonable detail, certified by such accountant, reflecting the Borrower’s financial position as of the end of such
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Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of
its funds for the Fiscal Year.
Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shall deliver to the
Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a
certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the
date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or
existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has
happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event
or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.
Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness
or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge
of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.
Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the
Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on
parity with the Local Bond with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to
complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements,
equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be
necessary, useful or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bond, Parity
Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii);
provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Notwithstanding anything contained
herein to the contrary, the issuance of any such Parity Bonds must not conflict with any of the
terms, conditions or restrictions applicable to the obligations of the County which are payable
from or secured by the Revenues, as set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto. Further, except to the
extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are
issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:
(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower
authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.
(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the
purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will
apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.
© If the Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding
of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, in form and substance
satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer, or with respect to subsection
(iv)© below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent
Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent
Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the
issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds
available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will
be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time
which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the
Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such
Fiscal Year and the results of the Borrower’s operations and changes in the financial position of its funds for the Fiscal Year.
Section 10.3. Certificate as to No Default. The Borrower shall deliver to the Authority, within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the close of each Fiscal Year, a certificate signed by an Authorized Representative stating that, during such year and as of the date of such certificate, no event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, which constitutes an Event of Default or a Default, or if such an event or condition has happened or existed, or is happening or existing, specifying the nature and period of such event or condition and what action the Borrower has taken, is taking or proposes to take to rectify it.
Section 10.4. Additional Indebtedness. The Borrower shall not incur any indebtedness or issue any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness secured by or payable from a pledge of Revenues, except Subordinate Bonds or Parity Bonds.
Section 10.5. Parity Bonds. Provided the Borrower is not in default hereunder, the Borrower may issue bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness (“Parity Bonds”) ranking on parity with the Local Bond with respect to the pledge of Revenues to (i) pay Project Costs to complete the Project, (ii) pay the cost of improvements, additions, extensions, replacements, equipment or betterments and of any property, rights or easements deemed by the Borrower to be necessary, usefull or convenient for the System, (iii) refund some or all of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, or (iv) effect some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii); provided in each case the following conditions are satisfied. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the issuance of any such Parity Bonds must not conflict with any of the terms, conditions or restrictions applicable to the obligations of the County which are payable from or secured by the Revenues, as set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto. Further, except to the extent otherwise consented and agreed to by the Authority in writing, before any Parity Bonds are issued or delivered, the Borrower shall deliver to the Authority the following:
(a) Certified copies of all resolutions and ordinances of the Borrower authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds.
(b) A certificate of an appropriate official of the Borrower setting forth the purposes for which the Parity Bonds are to be issued and the manner in which the Borrower will apply the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Parity Bonds.
(©) __ Ifthe Parity Bonds are authorized for any purpose other than the refunding of the Local Bond, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority, a certificate of the Consulting Engineer, or with respect to subsection (iv) below, a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant, to the effect that in the opinion of the Consulting Engineer or Qualified Independent Consultant, as applicable, (i) the improvements or property to which the proceeds from the issuance of the Parity Bonds are to be applied will be a part of the System, (ii) the funds available to the Borrower from the issuance of the Parity Bonds and other specified sources will be sufficient to pay the estimated cost of such improvements or property, (iii) the period of time which will be required to complete such improvements or acquire such property, and (iv) (A) the Parity Bond proceeds are necessary to complete the Project, (B) the failure to make such
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improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of
Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the
improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds,
the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available
by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 115% of the amount
required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this
Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other
indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from by Revenues. In providing this
certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration
future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the
governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the
rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take
into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing
contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in
the customer base of the Borrower.
(d) If the Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bond (with the
consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, either (i) a
certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory
to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each
of the years the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds to be refunded
would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each
such year on the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or the Prior Bonds to be
refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent
Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the
refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any
amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least
115% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under
the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds,
and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues. In providing
the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account
the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.
(e) An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary
exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the
Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this
Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance
with the provisions of this Section.
Section 10.6. Further Assurances. The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted
by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds,
conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the
better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other
funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of
this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend,
preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement
improvements or acquire or construct such property will result in an interruption or reduction of Revenues, or © during the first two complete Fiscal Years following completion of the improvements or the acquisition of the property financed with the proceeds of the Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 115% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from by Revenues. In providing this certificate, as applicable, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration future System rate increases, provided that such rate increases have been duly approved by the governing body of the Borrower and any other person and entity required to give approval for the rate increase to become effective. In addition, the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into consideration additional future revenues of the System to be derived under then existing contractual agreements entered into by the Borrower and from reasonable estimates of growth in the customer base of the Borrower.
(d) If the Parity Bonds are authorized solely to refund the Local Bond (with the consent of the Authority), Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, either (i) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of a Qualified Independent Consultant satisfactory to the Authority that the refunding Parity Bonds will have annual debt service requirements in each of the years the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds to be refunded would have been outstanding which are lower than the annual debt service requirements in each such year on the Local Bond, Existing Parity Bonds, Parity Bonds or the Prior Bonds to be refunded, or (ii) a certificate, including supporting documentation, of the Qualified Independent Consultant to the effect that during the first two complete Fiscal Years following the issuance of the refunding Parity Bonds, the projected Net Revenues Available for Debt Service (excluding any amounts made available by the County pursuant to the Support Agreement) will equal at least 115% of the amount required during each such Fiscal Year to pay any and all amounts due under the Local Bond, this Agreement, the Parity Bonds, any Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds, and all other indebtedness of the Borrower secured by or payable from Revenues. In providing the certificate described in clause (ii), the Qualified Independent Consultant may take into account the factors described in the last two sentences of subsection © of this Section.
(€) _ An Opinion of Counsel satisfactory to the Authority subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, approving the form of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Parity Bonds and stating that its terms and provisions conform with the requirements of this, Agreement and that the certificates and documents delivered to the Authority constitute compliance with the provisions of this Section.
Section 10.6. Further Assurances, The Borrower shall to the fullest extent permitted by law pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting, assigning and confirming the rights, Revenues and other funds pledged or assigned by this Agreement, or as may be required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Borrower shall at all times, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, preserve and protect the pledge of the Revenues and other funds pledged under this Agreement
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and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and
demands of all persons.
Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts
required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection
Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under
this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the
Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as
defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If
the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with
the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and
the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the
Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s
obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the
assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the
Local Bond and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee
enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and
assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bond and this
Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be
construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.
Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon
Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and
mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at
rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United
States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act
and related acts, as amended.
Section 10.10. Operating Agreement. The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the
Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of the Operating
Agreement. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreement and use its best efforts to
ensure that such agreement remains in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement.
Section 10.11. American Iron and Steel. The Borrower agrees to comply with all
federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014,
P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended
and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements
include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be
produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the
following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole
covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves,
structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials.
and all rights of the Authority and the Board under this Agreement against all claims and demands of all persons.
Section 10.7. Other Indebtedness. The Borrower agrees to pay when due all amounts required by any other bonded indebtedness and to perform all of its obligations in connection therewith.
Section 10.8. Assignment by Borrower. The Borrower may not assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Authority and the Board. If the Borrower desires to assign its rights under this Agreement to another “local government” (as defined in the Act), the Borrower shall give notice of such fact to the Authority and the Board. If the Authority and the Board consent to the proposed assignment, the Borrower may proceed with the proposed assignment, but such assignment shall not become effective until the Authority and the Board are furnished (i) an assumption agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority and the Board by which the assignee agrees to assume all of the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement, and (ii) an Opinion of Counsel to the assignee, subject to customary exceptions and qualifications, that the assumption agreement, the Local Bond and this Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the assignee enforceable against the assignee in accordance with their terms and that the assignment and assumption comply in all respects with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the assignment of the rights of the Borrower under the Local Bond and this Agreement or the assumption of the obligations thereunder by the assignee shall in no way be construed as releasing the Borrower’s obligations.
Section 10.9. Davis-Bacon Act. The Borrower agrees to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts, as amended, with respect to the Project and require that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors for the Project shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on projects of a similar character, as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 1450(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as amended.
Section 10.10, Operating Agreement, The Borrower shall give prompt notice to the Authority of any renewal, extension, amendment, default or termination of the Operating ‘Agreement. The Borrower shall enforce the terms of such agreement and use its best efforts to ensure that such agreement remains in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement,
Section 10.11. American Iron and Steel. The Borrower agrees to comply with all federal requirements, including those imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, P.L. 113-76, and related Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Guidelines, as amended and supplemented and in effect from time to time, with respect to the Project. Such requirements include, among other things, that all iron and steel products used for the Project are to be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” is defined to mean the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete and construction materials,
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Section 10.12. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all
recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as
amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as
performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect
to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the
Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.
Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of
(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds
due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bond or this
(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants,
agreements or conditions of the Local Bond or this Agreement and the continuation of such
failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice
specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing
to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the
notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not
unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted
by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is
© Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of
Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in
reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bond is
false or misleading in any material respect;
(d) The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b)
and © thereof;
(e) The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any
Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure
such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;
(f) An order or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or
acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the
Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent
or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after
the entry thereof;
Section 10.12. Recordkeeping and Reporting. The Borrower agrees to comply with all recordkeeping and reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act and related acts, as, amended, including any reports required by a federal agency or the Authority, such as performance indicators of program deliverables, information on costs and progress with respect to the Project. The Borrower acknowledges that each contract and subcontract related to the Project is subject to audit by appropriate federal and state entities.
Section 11.1. Events of Default. Each of the following events shall be an “Event of Default”:
(a) The failure to pay when due any payment of principal or Cost of Funds due hereunder or to make any other payment required to be made under the Local Bond or this Agreement;
(b) The Borrower’s failure to perform or observe any of the other covenants, agreements or conditions of the Local Bond or this Agreement and the continuation of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Authority gives the Borrower written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be cured, unless the Authority shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice is correctable but cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Authority will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by the Borrower within the applicable period and diligently pursued until the Default is corrected;
(©) _ Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of Borrower contained in this Agreement or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Agreement or in connection with the issuance and sale of the Local Bond is false or misleading in any material respect;
(4) The early termination of the Funding Agreement pursuant to Sections 5.3(b) and © thereof;
© The occurrence of a default by the Borrower under the terms of any Subordinate Bonds, Parity Bonds, Existing Parity Bonds or Prior Bonds and the failure to cure such default or obtain a waiver thereof within any period of time permitted thereunder;
(8) Anorder or decree shall be entered, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, appointing a receiver or receivers of the System or any part thereof or of the Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed on appeal within sixty (60) days after the entry thereof;
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(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or
acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors
or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state
statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances
payable from or secured by Revenues; or
(h) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted
by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or
hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60)
days after filing.
Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt
written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(f), (g) or (h) is
entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition
which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the
existence thereof.
Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in
Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other
remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act,
have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the
following remedial steps:
(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due
on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall
become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and
(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or
desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bond and
under this Agreement or to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights
under this Agreement or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or
undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bond.
Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power
accruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be
construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and
every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed
expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or
shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies
consequent thereto.
Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept. The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may
take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and
Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds shall not be paid
when the same shall become due and payable.
(g) Any proceeding shall be instituted, with the Borrower’s consent or acquiescence, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Borrower and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are under any circumstances payable from or secured by Revenues; or
(h) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower under any federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereinafter in effect and, if instituted against the Borrower, is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after filing.
Section 11.2. Notice of Default. The Borrower agrees to give the Authority prompt written notice if any order, decree or proceeding referred to in Section 11.1(£), (g) or (h) is entered or instituted against the Borrower or of the occurrence of any other event or condition which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default immediately upon becoming aware of the existence thereof.
Section 11.3. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 11.1 shall have happened and be continuing, the Authority shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law, including rights specified in Section 62.1-237 of the Act, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or both of the following remedial steps:
(a) Declare immediately due and payable all payments due or to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement, and upon notice to the Borrower, the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Borrower without further notice or demand; and
(b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to collect the payments then due and thereafter to become due on the Local Bond and under this Agreement or to enforce any other of the Fund’s, the Authority’s or the Board’s rights under this Agreement or to enforce performance by the Borrower of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the Local Bond.
Section 11.4. Delay and Waiver. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power aceruing upon any Default or Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such Default or Event of Default or acquiescence therein, and every such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Default or Event of Default under this Agreement shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or Event of Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereto,
Section 11.5. State Aid Intercept. The Borrower acknowledges that the Authority may take any and all actions available to it under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code, to secure payment of the principal of and Cost of Funds on the Local Bond, if payment of such principal or Cost of Funds shall not be paid when the same shall become due and payable.
- 25 -
Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to
the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.
Section 12.2. Amendments. The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent
of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be
signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written
consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend
Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.
Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the
Local Bond or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general
obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically
pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bond nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create
or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not
be obligated to pay the principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond or other costs
incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of
fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be
liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bond or for any other action taken by
such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or
the Local Bond.
Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable
laws of Virginia.
Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall
be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or
Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced
as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement.
If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then
such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority
and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.
Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices,
approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bond or this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person
or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
Section 12.1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns
Section 12.2. Amendments. The Authority and the Borrower, with the written consent of the Department, shall have the right to amend from time to time any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that all amendments shall be in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of the Authority and the Borrower; provided, however, that the written consent of the Department shall not be required for the Authority and the Borrower to amend Articles I, V, IX and XI or Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of this Agreement.
Section 12.3. Limitation of Borrower’s Liability. Notwithstanding anything in the Local Bond or this Agreement to the contrary, the Borrower’s obligations are not its general obligations, but are limited obligations payable solely from the Revenues which are specifically pledged for such purpose. Neither the Local Bond nor this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a debt or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Borrower and the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay the principal of or the Cost of Funds on the Local Bond or other costs incident thereto except from the Revenues and other funds pledged therefor. In the absence of fraud, no present or future director, official, officer, employee or agent of the Borrower shall be liable personally in respect of this Agreement or the Local Bond or for any other action taken by such individual pursuant to or in connection with the financing provided for in this Agreement or the Local Bond.
Section 12.4. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of Virginia.
Section 12.5. Severability. If any clause, provision or section of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid by any court, the illegality or invalidity of such clause, provision or Section shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement which shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid clause, provision or section had not been contained in this Agreement. If any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement is held to be in violation of law, then such agreement or obligation shall be deemed to be the agreement or obligation of the Authority and the Borrower, as the case may be, only to the extent permitted by law.
Section 12.6. Notices. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions and other communications under the Local Bond or this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or mailed by first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
- 26 -
Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
c/o Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920
Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: Executive Director
Authority: Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920
Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: Executive Director
Board: Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: State Health Commissioner
Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority
P. O. Box 3219
Lebanon, VA 24266
Attention: Executive Director
A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other
communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other
parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given
hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals,
consents, requests, opinions or other communications shall be sent or persons to whose attention
the same shall be directed.
Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or
to perform any act required by it under the Local Bond or this Agreement, the Authority without
prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or
default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All
amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shall be payable by
the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at
the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under
this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bond.
Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this
Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.
Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its
execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bond previously or simultaneously shall have
been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under
the Local Bond and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bond and all
other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.
Fund: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund c/o Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: Executive Director
Virginia Resources Authority 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219
Attention: Executive Director
Board: Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219 Attention: State Health Commissioner
Borrower: The Russell County Public Service Authority P.O. Box 3219 Lebanon, VA 24266 Attention: Executive Director
‘A duplicate copy of each demand, notice, approval, consent, request, opinion or other ‘communication given by any party named in this Section shall also be given to each of the other parties named. The Authority, the Board and the Borrower may designate, by notice given hereunder, any further or different addresses to which subsequent demands, notices, approvals, consents, requests, opinions or other communications shalll be sent or persons to whose attention the same shall be directed.
Section 12.7. Right to Cure Default. If the Borrower shall fail to make any payment or to perform any act required by it under the Local Bond or this Agreement, the Authority without prior notice to or demand upon the Borrower and without waiving or releasing any obligation or default, may (but shall be under no obligation to) make such payment or perform such act. All amounts so paid by the Authority and all costs, fees and expenses so incurred shalll be payable by the Borrower as an additional obligation under this Agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of interest of five percent (5.0%) per annum until paid. The Borrower’s obligation under this Section shall survive the payment of the Local Bond.
Section 12.8. Headings. The headings of the several articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not comprise a part of this Agreement.
Section 12.9. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution and delivery, provided that the Local Bond previously or simultaneously shall have been executed and delivered. Except as otherwise specified, the Borrower’s obligations under the Local Bond and this Agreement shall expire upon payment in full of the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under this Agreement.
- 27 -
Section 12.10. Commitment Letter. The Commitment Letter is an integral part of this
Agreement and shall survive closing hereunder.
Section 12.11. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one
and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
Section 12.10. Commitment Letter. The Commitment Letter is an integral part of this Agreement and shall survive closing hereunder.
Section 12.11. Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
- 28 -
WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.
Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving
By: __________________________________________
Its: __________________________________________
By: __________________________________________
Its: __________________________________________
By: ____________________________________
Its: ____________________________________
WITNESS the following signatures, all duly authorized.
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
The Project involves the extension of waterlines and water service to the Fincastle Estates
area, together with related expenses.
The Project involves the extension of waterlines and water service to the Fincastle Estates area, together with related expenses.
[To Come]
[To Come]
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
[To Come from Borrower’s Bond Counsel]
Steven D. Pellei, P.E., Director
Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor
Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
The Russell County Public Service Authority
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
Dear Mr. Pellei:
This requisition, Number ___, is submitted in connection with the Financing Agreement and
Funding Agreement, each dated as of ___1, 20 (collectively, the “Agreements”) between the
Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the
“Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise
defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in
Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby
requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $_____, for the
purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto.
Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.
The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied
solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of
Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not
subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment
of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate
oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of
payrolls and associated certifications, (b) the conducting of employee interviews, and © the posting
of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and
through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project
complies with the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further
Steven D. Pellei, P.E., Director Office of Drinking Water, 6th Floor Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Re: Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund The Russell County Public Service Authority Loan No. WSL-022-15E
Dear Mr. Pellei
This requisition, Number , is submitted in connection with the Financing Agreement and Funding Agreement, each dated as of 1, 20 (collectively, the “Agreements”) between the Virginia Resources Authority, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund (the “Fund”), and The Russell County Public Service Authority (the “Borrower”). Unless otherwise defined in this requisition, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in Article I of the Agreements. The undersigned Authorized Representative of the Borrower hereby requests disbursement of loan proceeds under the Agreements in the amount of $, for the purposes of payment of the Project Costs as set forth on Schedule | attached hereto.
Attached hereto are invoices relating to the items for which payment is requested.
‘The undersigned certifies that (a) the amounts requested by this requisition will be applied solely and exclusively to the payment, or the reimbursement of the Borrower for the payment, of Project Costs, and (b) any materials, supplies or equipment covered by this requisition are not subject to any lien or security interest or such lien or security interest will be released upon payment of the requisition. In addition, the undersigned certifies that the Borrower has conducted adequate oversight for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts through (a) the review of payrolls and associated certifications, (b) the conducting of employee interviews, and © the posting of all wage determinations and additional classifications (as appropriate) on the work site, and through this oversight, the Borrower has determined to the best of its ability that the Project complies with the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and related acts. The Borrower further
certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American
Iron and Steel requirements included in the Agreements.
The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is
continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or
both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of
the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has
performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.
This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the
performance of the work.
(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)
cc: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)
certifies that all products included in this request satisfy the appropriate provisions of the American Iron and Stee! requirements included in the Agreements.
The undersigned further certifies that (a) no Event of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing, and no condition exists which, with the passing of time or with the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default hereunder, and (b) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in the Agreements are true, correct and complete and the Borrower has performed all of its obligations thereunder required to be performed as of the date hereof.
This requisition includes an accompanying Certificate of the Consulting Engineer as to the performance of the work
(Authorized Representative of the Borrower)
Attachments ce: VDH Project Engineer (with all attachments)
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ____, dated
_______, 20, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalization
terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred
to in the Requisition.
The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the
amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or
materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were
actually furnished to or installed in the Project.
[Consulting Engineer]
Date: ________________________
Loan No. WSL-022-15E
This Certificate is submitted in connection with Requisition Number ___, dated
. 20__, submitted by The Russell County Public Service Authority. Capitalization terms used herein shall have the same meanings set forth in Article I of the Agreements referred to in the Requisition.
The undersigned Consulting Engineer for the Borrower hereby certifies that insofar as the amounts covered by this Requisition include payments for labor or to contractors, builders or materialmen, such work was actually performed or such materials, supplies or equipment were actually furnished to or installed in the Project.
[Consulting Engineer]
REQUISITION # ________
CERTIFYING SIGNATURE: ______________________________
TITLE: ______________________________________
Cost Category
to Date
Net Balance
Total Loan Amount $_________________
Previous Disbursements $_________________
This Request $_________________
Loan Proceeds Remaining $________________
Total Loan Amount Previous Disbursements $ This Request $
Loan Proceeds Remaining §
Prior Bonds:
Existing Parity Bonds:*
$672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (Sword’s Creek Project)
$900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (Dante Project) (to the extent secured
by water revenues)
$119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (Lynn Springs Project)
$935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project)
$344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project)
$99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green
Valley Project)
$325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series
2010-A (Back Valley – Big A Mountain Interconnection Project)
$1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond,
Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project)
$103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B
(Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project)
$700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A
(New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project)
$3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014
$93,071 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015
(Mountain Meadows Line Extension)
$294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project
Existing Parity Bon $672,000 Russell County Series 1988 Water Revenue Bond (Sword’s Creek Project)
$900,000 Russell County Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1996 (Dante Project) (to the extent secured by water revenues)
$119,530 Russell County, Virginia, Water Revenue Bond, Series 1999 (Lynn Springs Project) $935,690 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2001A (Big A Mountain Project) $344,477 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001C (Pine Creek Project)
$99,775 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (Green Valley Project)
$325,227 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2010-A (Back Valley ~ Big A Mountain Interconnection Project)
$1,059,765 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-A (Green Valley West Water Line Extension Project)
$103,783 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2011-B (Long Branch/Strouth Creek/Fuller Mt. Water Line Extension Project)
$700,843 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2012-A (New Garden/Finney Water Line Extension Project)
$3,537,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2014
$93,071 The Russell County Public Service Authority Water Revenue Bond, Series 2015 (Mountain Meadows Line Extension)
$294,202 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (iPerl Radio Read Meter Replacement Project
$445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project
[$_____ Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension
Project (WSL-022-15E))]
Springing Parity Bonds:*
$1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project)
$822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority)
(Clark’s Valley Project) Series 2002A
$556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project)
$91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley – South
Extension Water Project)
$1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005E (Belfast - Rosedale Project)
$415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2006A (Miller Creek / Frank’s Hollow /
Honeysuckle Lane Project)
$197,179 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2007A (Belfast – Highlands and
Yates Project)
$1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond Series
2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project)
- The Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds, which have been issued by the County, are
secured, in part, by a pledge of the Revenues received by the Borrower from the System pursuant to the
Operating Agreement.
$445,925 Water Revenue Bond, Series 2016 (Route 656 East Water Line Extension Project WSL-023-15E)
[S____ Water Revenue Bond, Series 2017 (Thompson Creek/Tunnel Road Waterline Extension Project (WSL-022-15E))]
Springing Parity Bonds:* $1,678,400 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2001B (Belfast Project)
$822,366 Russell County Revenue Bond, Series 2002A (Swords Creek Public Service Authority) (Clark’s Valley Project) Series 20024.
$556,538 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005A (Drill Mountain Project)
$91,439 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005B (Clark’s Valley — South Extension Water Project)
$1,906,717 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2005E (Belfast - Rosedale Project)
$415,518 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2006A (Miller Creek / Frank’s Hollow / Honeysuckle Lane Project)
$197,179 Russell County Revenue Bond Series 2007A (Belfast — Highlands and ‘Yates Project)
$1,534,941 The Russell County Public Service Authority Revenue Bond Series 2008A (Big A Mountain Phase II Project)
- The Existing Parity Bonds and Springing Parity Bonds, which have been issued by the County, are secured, in part, by a pledge of the Revenues received by the Borrower from the System pursuant to the Operating Agreement.
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of _____, 2017, by and
“Board”), acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the
VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as
hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the
“Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged,
consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and
Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns
and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that it is in its best interest to issue and sell a
water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $_____ (the
“Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to
finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on ________, 20 a resolution authorizing, among
other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board
to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual
covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
- Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement
shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
- The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the
proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in
operation at the earliest practical date.
THIS SUPPORT AGREEMENT is made as of the first day of . 2017, by and among the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the “Board”, acting as the governing body of the County of Russell, Virginia (the “County”), THE RUSSELL COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY (the “Borrower”), and the VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), as Administrator of the VIRGINIA WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING FUND and as purchaser of the Local Bond, as hereinafter defined, pursuant to a Financing Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Financing Agreement”), between the Authority and the Borrower, and acknowledged, consented and agreed to by the County.
WHEREAS, the Borrower was created by the Board pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended) and owns and/or and operates and leases the System in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower has determined that itis in its best interest to issue and sell a water system revenue bond in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ (the “Local Bond”) to the Authority pursuant to the terms of the Financing Agreement in order to finance the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Board adopted on ,20__aresolution authorizing, among other things, the execution of an agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to consider certain appropriations in support of the Local Bond and the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Unless otherwise defined, each capitalized term used in this Support Agreement shall have the meaning given it in the Financing Agreement.
The Borrower shall use its best efforts to issue the Local Bond, to use the proceeds thereof to pay the costs of the Project, and to construct and place the Project in operation at the earliest practical date.
No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 20__, the Borrower shall
notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower
reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under
the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable
from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing
Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in
full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1.
- The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall
include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following
fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County
Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s
budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether
the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual
Deficiency Amount.
- If at any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred
to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of
such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from
the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
- The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to
paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next
regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification
requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority
as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such
appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to
the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the
County’s next fiscal year.
- The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such
amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the
fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any
binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to
make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of
Supervisors do likewise.
- The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local
Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the
Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1-
199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a
nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such
nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing
the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code,
No later than May 15 of each year, beginning May 15, 20__, the Borrower shall notify the Board of the amount (the “Annual Deficiency Amount”) by which the Borrower reasonably expects the Revenues to be insufficient to pay (i) the debt service obligations under the Financing Agreement, the Local Bond and any other indebtedness secured by or payable from the Revenues, including the Existing Parity Bonds set forth on Exhibit F to the Financing Agreement, (ii) the Operation and Maintenance Expense, and (iii) the Additional Payments in full as and when due during the County’s fiscal year beginning the following July 1
The County Administrator of the County (the “County Administrator”) shall include the Annual Deficiency Amount in his budget submitted to the Board for the following fiscal year as an amount to be appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower. The County Administrator shall deliver to the Authority within ten days after the adoption of the County’s budget for each fiscal year, but not later than July 15 of each year, a certificate stating whether the Board has appropriated to or on behalf of the Borrower an amount equal to the Annual Deficiency Amount.
Ifat any time Revenues shall be insufficient to make any of the payments referred to in paragraph 3 hereof, the Borrower shall notify the County Administrator of the amount of such insufficiency and the County Administrator shall request a supplemental appropriation from the Board in the amount necessary to make such payment.
The County Administrator shall present each request for appropriation pursuant to paragraph 5 above to the Board, and the Board shall consider such request, at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting at which it is possible to satisfy any applicable notification requirement. Promptly after such meeting, the County Administrator shall notify the Authority as to whether the amount so requested was appropriated. If the Board shall fail to make any such appropriation, the County Administrator shall add the amount of such requested appropriation to the Annual Deficiency Amount reported to the County by the County Administrator for the County’s next fiscal year.
The Board hereby undertakes a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 above, to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board, while recognizing that it is not empowered to make any binding commitment to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, hereby states its intent to make such appropriations in future fiscal years, and hereby recommends that future Boards of Supervisors do likewise.
The Board acknowledges that (i) the Authority would not purchase the Local Bond without the security and credit enhancement provided by this Agreement, and (ii) the Authority is treating this Agreement as a “local obligation” within the meaning of Section 62.1- 199 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”), which in the event of a nonpayment hereunder authorizes the Authority to file an affidavit with the Governor that such nonpayment has occurred pursuant to Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code. In purchasing the Local Bond, the Authority is further relying on Section 62.1-216.1 of the Virginia Code,
providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will
immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth
of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment
continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of
them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such
- Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the
County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person,
and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the
taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the
Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
- Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if
sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box
1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P. O.
Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (iii) if to the Authority, to
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director.
Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
- It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
- This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all
other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
- This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
providing that if the Governor is satisfied that the nonpayment has occurred, the Governor will immediately make an order directing the Comptroller to withhold all further payment to
the County of all funds, or of any part of them, appropriated and payable by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the County for any and all purposes, and the Governor will, while the nonpayment continues, direct in writing the payment of all sums withheld by the Comptroller, or as much of them as is necessary, to the Authority, so as to cure, or cure insofar as possible, such nonpayment.
Nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to the Borrower, the Authority or to any holder of the Local Bond or to any other person, and nothing herein contained is or shall be deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, nor shall anything herein contained legally bind or obligate the Board to appropriate funds for the purposes described herein.
Any notices or requests required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed (i) if to the County, to P.O. Box 1208, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: County Administrator, (ii) if to the Borrower, to P.O. Box 3219, Lebanon, VA 24266, Attention: Operations Manager, and (ii) if to the Authority, to 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Attention: Executive Director. Any party may designate any other address for notices or requests by giving notice.
Itis the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the Local Bond and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the Financing Agreement have been paid in full.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
[Signature Page Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be
executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving
By: ____________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names as of the date first above written.
VIRGINIA RESOURCES AUTHORITY, as Administrator of the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund
(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead)
Executive Director
Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920
Richmond, VA 23219
Dear Mr./Ms. __________:
Pursuant to the Financing Agreement[s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The
Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20xx] annual budget is
enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated
Revenues1 Operation & Maintenance
Net Revenues Available
for Debt Service ( Revenues – O&M Expense)
Debt Service Coverage (Net Revenues Available for
Debt Service/Debt Service)
1 Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, $_________ is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,
Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement.
All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing
Very truly yours,
By: __________________________
Its: _________________________
(To Be on Borrower’s Letterhead)
Executive Director Virginia Resources Authority
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1920 Richmond, VA 23219
Dear Mr./Ms.
Pursuant to the Financing Agreement{s] between Virginia Resources Authority and The Russell County Public Service Authority, a copy of the fiscal year [20x] annual budget is enclosed. Such annual budget provides for the satisfaction of the rate covenant as demonstrated below.
Revenues! ‘Operation & Maintenance | Net Revenues Available | Debt Service | Coverage Expense for Debt Service (Net Revenues Available for (Revenues ~ 08M Expense) Deb Service Debt Service)
Of the amount set forth here as Revenues, S is derived from a transfer from the County of Russell,
Virginia’s general fund pursuant to the Support Agreement
All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Financing Agreement[s].
Very truly yours,
Board of Supervisors Action Item E-1 – E-11
137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
County Administrator Reports & Requests
The County Administrator Reports & Request for August 2017:
RC Faith-Based Forum on Community Development & Support….……………E-1
Dante Sewer Treatment Plant………………………………………………………….E-2
RC Website and Mobile App……………………………………………………………E-3
Authorization of Lebanon High School Roof Replacement Contract………….E-4
Authorization of Prepayment of September 2017 County Expenditures.………E-5
Authorization to Proceed with VDOT Commercial Entrance Permit for the New Lebanon Solid Waste Site at Glade Hollow Park………………………………E-6
Authorization to Accept Deed from RC School Board concerning Parcel
of Land in Town of Lebanon……………………………………………………………E-7
Authorization of the Spearhead Trails Operation Contribution…………………E-8
Authorization of Lease Renewal Agreement with The Nature Conservancy
for the Artrip and Old Castlewood Sites…………………………………………….E-9 -
Authorization of the DCJS Victim Witness Grant………………………………….E-10
Authorization of Travel Request………………………………………………………E-11
Board Discretion.
Board Discretion.
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive · Lebanon, Virginia 24266 · (276) 889-8000 · Fax (276) 889-8011
Board of Supervisors Action Item E-1 - E-11 137 Highland Drive Presenter: Administrator Lebanon, VA 24266
Meeting: 8/7/17 6:00 PM
County Admi
istrator Reports & Requests The County Administrator Reports & Request for August 2017:
RC Faith-Based Forum on Community Development & Support…
Dante Sewer Treatment Plant…
RC Website and Mobile App…
Authorization of Lebanon High School Roof Replacement Contract.
Authorization of Prepayment of September 2017 County Expenditures…
Authorization to Proceed with VDOT Commercial Entrance Permit for the New Lebanon Solid Waste Site at Glade Hollow Park.
Authorization to Accept Deed from RC School Board concerning Parcel of Land in Town of Lebanon.
Authorization of the Spearhead Trails Operation Contribution…
Authorization of Lease Renewal Agreement with The Nature Conservancy for the Artrip and Old Castlewood Site:
Authorization of the DCJS Victim Witness Grant.
Authorization of Travel Request
STAFF RECOMMENDATION(s): Board Discretion.
SUGGESTED MOTION(s): Board Discretion.
- Various
Russell County Government Center 137 Highland Drive - Lebanon, Virginia 24266 - (276) 889-8000 - Fax (276) 889-8011,
Faith-Based Forum August 22. 2017
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Southwest Center for Education and Training
139 Highland Drive
Lebanon, VA 24266
We are asking for one representative from each church in
Russell County to please attend.
Please RSVP no later than August 18, 2017 at (276) 889-8000
mailto:[email protected] Faith-Based Forum
August 22. 2017 6:30 PM — 8:30 PM Southwest Center for Education and Training
139 Highland Drive Lebanon, VA 24266
We are asking for one representative from each church in Russell County to please attend.
Please RSVP no later than August 18, 2017 at (276) 889-8000 or [email protected]
Faith-Based Forum
July 27, 2017
Steve Breeding welcomed those in attendance and Cuba Porter provided the invocation.
We began our meeting with an update and request for information on the Handbook of
Available Resources.
- Jeff Kinder: Fellowship of Christian Athletes will begin again as the new school year
On October 16 at 11:30 AM, all coaches in Russell County will be provided lunch at
Lebanon High School.
There will be a community revival at the Russell County Conference Center from
September 10 to September 15 at 7:00 P. A local pastor will be bringing the message
each night.
- Kevin Blankenship: On July 29, there will be a Back To School Bash at Fox Meadows
Apartments with partners Lebanon Community Fellowship and Russell County
Prevention Coalition.
- Lori Gates Addison: Presented and discussed the Faith-Based Recovery Training
Program happening on July 28 at 10:00 AM at Bristol Lifestyle Recovery.
- Steve Breeding: Recovery @ Lebanon – begins with a celebration service of music
and a message via satellite out of the Knoxville program.
- Woody Scott: Recovery Program at Morning Star on Thursday nights. Also, there is a
community food bank every 4th Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The food boxes
Faith-Based Forum uly 27, 2017
Steve Breeding welcomed those in attendance and Cuba Porter provided the invocation.
We began our meeting with an update and request for information on the Handbook of
Available Resources.
Jeff Kinder: Fellowship of Christian Athletes will begin again as the new school year starts.
On October 16 at 11:30 AM, all coaches in Russell County will be provided lunch at Lebanon High School.
There will be a community revival at the Russell County Conference Center from September 10 to September 15 at 7:00 P. A local pastor will be bringing the message each night.
Kevin Blankenship: On July 29, there will be a Back To School Bash at Fox Meadows ‘Apartments with partners Lebanon Community Fellowship and Russell County Prevention Coalition.
Lori Gates Addison: Presented and discussed the Faith-Based Recovery Training Program happening on July 28 at 10:00 AM at Bristol Lifestyle Recovery.
Steve Breeding: Recovery @ Lebanon - begins with a celebration service of music and a message via satellite out of the Knoxville program.
Woody Scott: Recovery Program at Morning Star on Thursday nights. Also, there is a
community food bank every 4th Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The food boxes
are assembled on Friday night at 6:00 PM. Leon Musick is the food bank coordinator.
They also provide holiday specials.
Our discussion continued with information on the Foster Care Initiative.
- David Eaton volunteered to speak and visit any church to discuss the Foster Care
Program in Russell County.
We currently have 67 children in foster care in our county but only 14 foster homes.
The majority of foster children are being sent out of Russell County which effects the
County and School System in many different ways.
We have a strong need for respite foster homes.
12% of middle school and high school children live with someone who is not a
family member.
The County is in discussion with the school system about beginning a program in which
high school students will fill out job applications, create a resume and conduct and perform
a job interview to prepare them to enter the workforce after school.
- The idea was presented of hosting a business week/job fair at the Conference Center
for each school to attend.
Ministerial Association will have their first meeting on August 7th at 12:00 PM at Pats
Kountry Diner.
Next meeting scheduled for August 22 at 6:30 PM.
are assembled on Friday night at 6:00 PM. Leon Musick is the food bank coordinator.
They also provide holiday specials. Our discussion continued with information on the Foster Care Initiative.
David Eaton volunteered to speak and visit any church to discuss the Foster Care Program in Russell County.
We currently have 67 children in foster care in our county but only 14 foster homes.
~The majority of foster children are being sent out of Russell County which effects the County and School System in many different ways.
We have a strong need for respite foster homes.
12% of middle school and high school children live with someone who is not a
family member.
The County is in discussion with the school system about beginning a program in which high school students will fill out job applications, create a resume and conduct and perform
a job interview to prepare them to enter the workforce after school.
- The idea was presented of hosting a business week/job fair at the Conference Center
for each school to attend.
Ministerial Association will have their first meeting on August 7" at 12:00 PM at Pats
Kountry Diner.
Next meeting scheduled for August 22 at 6:30 PM.
<> ers Pe
Russell Count
"The Far of Far Sovte Vigna™
covernment ‘Community Services business vistors
Russell County VIRGINIA
‘Agenda AlereCenter Calendar Center
Community Document ePay Voce Center
= @
NotityMe Photo Gallery
SYSTEMS, i Cc. FAX: 336-299-9570
Dr. Alan Addison. T2617 Russell County Public Schools
PO Box 8
Lebanon, VA 24266
We have reviewed our bid and have determined that we can honor our price of $236,892.00 that was bid on June 17, 2016,
Thank you for considering American Coatings for the re-coat project on Lebanon High School. We look forward to working with you on this project.
Let us know when we can schedule a pre-construction meeting at the site.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Rumsey ACI Systems Inc.
‘The Russell County School Board hereby gives public notice that it is accepting sealed bids for the recoating of spray foam insulation of the roof at Lebanon High School. Bid will be awarded based on the available funding in the Russell County Schools 2015-2016 budget. Specific requirements may be obtained by contacting Dr. Alan Addison at 276-889-6514. Sealed bids must be submitted to Russell County Schools, P. 0. Box 8, Lebanon VA 24266 by 2:00 p.m. on Friday, June 17, 2016. Any bids received after the stated time or sent via fax or email will not be considered. The Russell County School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The school board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, political affiliation, handicapping conditions, or gender in its educational programs or employment.
May 4, 2016 To whom it may concern:
Your firm is invited to submit a bid for roof rehabilitation at Lebanon High School in Lebanon, Virginia as described in the attached specifications. Your bid is to include shipping, all materials, labor, installation, a ten year systems warranty on the roof, including labor and materials, a Performance Bond in an amount equal to 100 % of the Contract Document, and a Labor and Material Payment Bond in an amount equal to 100 % of the Contract amount. The successful bidder is responsible for removing and the disposal of all debris from the roof. When a section of the roof is cleaned and debris is removed the contractor must complete the section before going to the next section, unless the owner gives permission. Prior to the start of the project, the contractor will work out a schedule with the owner showing how the job will progress from start to completion. All bidders must make an appointment and visit the schools for specification completion. All bidders must make an appointment and visit the school for specification clarification and to check the work area and conditions prior to submitting the bid. Appointments may be made with Dr, Alan Addison by calling 276-889-6514. The roof installation must completed in 90 days after award of the contract, Enclosed are drawings of the areas of roof rehabilitation. All bidders are responsible for their own dimensions. Bids must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. Friday June 17, 2016. All bids received after this time will be rejected. No faxed or emailed bids will be accepted. Bids must be in a sealed envelope and marked: DO NOT OPEN UNTIL JUNE 17, 2016, AT 2:00 p.m. Nothing in the attached specifications is intended to restrain or restrict competition. All responsible firms are encouraged to submit bids, Any firm submitting bids that are different from the specifications stated must submit their specifications with their bid, and note the discrepancy.
Any questions concerning this bid must be addressed to:
Dr. Alan Addison
Russell County Public Schools P.O. Box 8
Lebanon, VA 24266
(276) 889-6514
The Russell County School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities or irregularities, and to contract in the best interest of Russell County School Board as it may require. This contract will be awarded pending approval of sufficient funding for this project in the 2015/2016 school board budget. The School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, political affiliation, handicapping conditions, or gender in its educational programs, employment, or purchasing.
ANY ew Saas tees
Alan Addison, Ed.D.
Director of Maintenance
Instructions to Bidders INSTRU IDDERS
‘Terms used in these instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract, NSPE DOCUMENT 1910-8 (1983 Edition) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions.
- QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: ‘To demonstrate his/her qualifications for the Project each Bidder must be prepared to submit within five
(5) days of Owner’s request written evidence of the types set forth in the Supplementary Conditions or
General Requirements, such as financial data, previous experience and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. All bidders must have a valid Virginia Class A
Contractor’s License.
All Bidders shall comply with licensing laws and related statutes, Title 54. Chapter 7, Code of Virginia (as amended by 1992 Supplement), selected paragraphs of which are included herein for information:
Section $4.1-1100 Definitions:
“Class A Contractors” perform or manage construction, removal, repair or improvement witen (1) the tolal value referred to in a single contract or project is $70,000 or more, or (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair or improvements undertaken by such person within any twelve-month period is $500,000 or more.
Section 54-128 Necessity for License:
It shall be unlaysful for any person to engage in, or offer to engage in, contracting in this State unless such person has been duly licensed under the provisions ofthis chapter; however, the issuance of such license shall not entitle the holder to engage in any activity for which a special license is required by law…
Russell County Public Schools Page tof 8
Instructions to Bidders
Section 54-139 Invitations to Bid and Specifications must refer to Law:
All architects and engineers preparing plans and specifications for work to be contracted in Virginia shall include in their invitations to the bidder and in their specifications a reference to this chapter so as to conyey to the invited bidder, whether such person is a resident or nonresident of this State and whether the proper Hicense has been issued to such bidder or not, and the information that it will be necessary for Such bidder to show evidence of the proper license under the provisions of this chapter before such bid is considered.
4.1 Before submitting his/her bid, each bidder must (a) examine the Contract documents thoroughly, (®) visit the site to familiarize himself/herself with local conditions that may in any manner affect personal performance of the work, and to obtain their own dimensions © familiarize himself/herself with Federal, State, and Local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of performance of the work; and. (@ carefully correlate his/her observations with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
42 The submission of a bid will constitute and incontrovertible representation by the bidder that he/she has complied with every requirement of this Article 4.
All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to the Director of ‘Maintenance in writing. Replies will be issued by addenda mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the Director of Maintenance as having received the bidding documents. Questions received less than (5) days prior to the date for opening of bids will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal ‘written addenda will be binding. Oral or other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect,
‘The amount and type of bid security is stated in the invitation to bid. The requited security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier’s check made payable to the Owner or bid bond issued by a surety licensed to conduct business in the state where the project is located and named in the current list of “Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds’ as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Department. The bid security of the successful bidder will be retained until he/she has executed the agreement and furnished the required contract security: whereupon it will be returned: if he/she fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required Contract Security within ten (10) days of the Notice of Award, the owner may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of any bidder whom the Owner believes to have a chance of receiving the award may be retained by Owner until the seventh day after the executed agreement is delivered by Owner to Contractor. Bid Security of other bidders will be returned within seven days of County’s, acceptance of winning bid.
Russell County Public Schools Page 2 of 8
Instructions to Bidders:
‘The number of days for the completion of work, (the Contract time) is set forth in the Form of Proposal and will be included in the executed agreement.
81 The bid form is included in the Contract Documents. Additional copies may be obtained from the Russell County School Board, P. 0, Box 8. Lebanon. Virginia 24266,
8.2 Bid forms must be completed in ink or by typewriter. The bid price of each item on the form must be stated in words and numerals: in case of a conflict words will take precedence.
83 Bids by corporations must be executed in corporate name by the President or a Vice President (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signature.
8.4 Bids by partnership must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner. His/her ttle must appear under his/her signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature,
8.5 All names must be typed or printed below the signature. The bid shall contain an acknowledgment of receipt of all addenda the numbers of which shall be filled in on the bid form.
Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be, enclosed in an ‘opaque sealed envelope, marked with the project ttle and name and address of the bidder, and clearly labeled “SEALED BID, DO NOT OPEN UNTIL JUNE 17, 2016, AT 2:00 p.m." Bid shall be accompanied by the bid security and other required documents. The Contractor‘s Class A or Class B license number shall be clearly indicated on the outside of the bid envelope.
Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a bid rust be executed) and delivered to the place where bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of bids.
Russell County Public Schools. Page 3 of 8
Instructions to Bidders
- Opening of Bids:
Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. Room of the Russell County Schoo! Board Office Bui
‘riday, June 17, 2016 inthe Conference ig, Lebanon, Virginia,
‘All bids shall remain open for thirty (30) days after the day ofthe bid opening, but Owner may, in his sole discretion, release any bid and return the bid security prior to that date.
13.1 Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities, and the right to disregard all nonconforming or conditional bids or counter proposals.
13.2. Inevaluating bids, Owner shall consider the qualifications of the bidders, whether or not the bids comply with the prescribed requirements and alternates and unit price if requested in the bid forms. He may conduct such investigations as he deems necessary to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the bidders, and other persons and organizations to do the work in accordance with the contract documents to Owner’s satisfaction within the prescribed time. Owner reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder who does not pass such evaluation to Owner’s satisfaction,
- Ifa contract is to be awardee, it will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder whose evaluation by Owner indicated to Owner that the award will be in the best interest of the project.
13.4 Ifthe contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the apparent successful bidder a Notice of Award within thirty (30) days after the day of the bid opening
13.5 Simultaneously with delivery of the executed counterparts of the agreement to Owner, Contractor shall deliver to Owner the required Contract Security,
- AGREEMENT, BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE: Within ten (10) days after Notice of Award, the contractor agrees to execute the Form of Agreement included as one of the Contract Documents and to furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to
100% of the Contract amount and a Labor and Material Payment Bond in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount. Certificates of Insurance shall accompany the required bonds.
Russell County Public Schools: Page 4 of 8
Instructions to Bidders
GENERAL CONDITIONS ‘The provisions of the Standard, General Conditions of the “Construction Contract” Form 1910-8 NSPE/ACT-TO (1983 Edition) fully apply as contained herein except as modified by any supplemental conditions or specifications delineated. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 4, SCOPE:
‘These Supplementary Conditions are to supplement, modify or extend the provisions of the General Conditions to the extent hereinafter indicated.
Catalog numbers, specific names and brands used in connection with materials and equipment mentioned in the specifications, are used to establish the minimum standard for quality, capacity, construction, performance, appearance, size, arrangement, general utility, and features of the economie operation.
Equipment and materials herein specified have been selected on the basis of design criteria, performance requirements and the standards outlined above, but, so as not to limit competition, other equipment or minimum standards will be approved as substitutes by the Director of Maintenance if equality can be and is satisfactorily substantiated by written evidence, drawings, samples and other data submitted to the Director of Maintenance by the Contractor.
Should such substitutions be approved by the Director of Maintenance, it shall be understood and agreed that the cost of any changes made necessary or caused through substitution, shall be bome by the Contractor
- BONDS: The Contractor shall secure and provide such bonds as called for under Article 6 and 14 of the Instruction to Bidders. All bonds shall be written by sureties or insurance companies licensed or authorized to do business in Virginia and all performance bonds shall be countersigned by an authorized agent of the surety licensed to transact business in this State.
4, INSURANCE: The Contractor shalll secure and provide insurance in at least the following amounts:
a, Automobile Liability and Property Damage Liability shall be provided for the following limits:
Russell County Public Schools Page 5 of
Instructions to Bidders
Bodily Injury Liability $300,000 Each Person $500,000 Bach Accident Property Damage Liability $300.000 Each Accident
b, Worker’s Compensation insurance as required by Federal, State, and Municipal laws for the protection of all Contractor’s employees working on or in connection with the project.
¢. Public Liability and Property Damage Liability: Bodily Injury Liability $300,000 Each Person $500,000 Each Accident Property Damage Liability $300,000 Each Accident $500,000 Aggregate
. Owner’s Protective Liability shall be provided for the following limits: Bodily Injury Liability $300,000 Bach Person $500,000 Bach Accident
Property Damage Liability $300,000 Each Accident $500,000 Aggregate
e. Contractor’s Protective Liability shall be provided for the following limits:
Bodily Injury Liabitity $300,000 Bach Person $500,000 Bach Accident Property Damage Liability $300,000 Bach Accident
$500,000 Aggregate
“The Contractor shall require his/her Surety to certify on the insurance certificate that the insurance coverage specified herein is fully in effect, both in scope and amount, If insurance coverage is effected with more than one company, the individual certificates shall identify the items of insurance listed, (a) through (e), which the individual sureties cover.
£ The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the County from any liability for personal injury or property damage incurred by the Contractor, his/her agents or employees or others which occurs during and as a result of performance of the contract at project site.
All insurance shall be written by insurance companies Licensed to do business in the State of Virginia.
Russell County Public Schools Page 6 of
Instructions to Bidders
‘The Contractor is responsible for any damage to public or private property whatsoever and shall replace or repair all such damage, to equal original condition and to owner’s approval and satisfaction. Whenever and wherever it becomes necessary for the Contractor to enter upon public ‘thorough fares or private property for the transportation of equipment and materials, or for construction work in connection with this project, the Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting therefrom.
‘The Owner agrees to pay to the Contractor for the satisfactory execution of the Agreement, subject to such stipulated additions and deductions as arc provided for in the specifications, in lawful money of the United States in conformity with the Schedule of Bid Items and according to the following mutually agreed upon method and schedule, Upon satisfactory completion of all work under this Agreement and its acceptance by the Owner and upon submission by the Contractor of satisfactory evidence thet al payroll, material bills, damage claims and any other costs or claims whatever, incurred by the Contractor have been paid, the Owner shall make final payment within a Period of thirty (30) clays, of all monies accrued and due to the Contractor. All invoices for payment must be received by the Director of Maintenance by the 20th of the month,
- CHANGE ORDERS: It is to be understood that no amount, in part or in whole, of a change order shall be included in a
Requisition for payment by the contractor until the Change Order has been executed and copies of the Change Order have been distributed to the parties,
Russell County Public Schools Page 7 of 8
LEBANON Wren Senoou
‘The following bid is hereby made to:
Russell County Public Schools P.0. Box 8 Lebanon VA 24266
‘The undersigned hereby poses and agrees to furnish all the necessary labor, materials, equipment, tools and services to install a silicone/polyurethane recoating of the roof at Lebanon High School, Lebanon, VA, all in the accordance with the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, AND SPECIFICATIONS prepared by Russell County, for the following stipulated amount:
Base Bid: Lebanon High School
EXAMINATION. The undersigned has examined the location of the proposed work, and other Contract Documents and is familiar with the local conditions at the place where the work is to
be performed.
The Proposal Guarantee attached, without endorsement, in the sum of not less than (5%) of the amount of the proposal, is furnished to the owner as a guarantee that the Agreement will be executed and a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond furnished within fen (10) days after the award of the Contract to the undersigned, or the undersigned will pay to the Owner the difference between the stipulated amount of this Proposal and such larger amount for which the owner may be in good faith, contract with another party to perform the work covered by this proposal, provided that such payment shall be limited to the amount of the Proposal guarantee. The contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, political affitiation, handicapping conditions, or sex. AGREEMENT BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE:
Within ten (10) days after notification of the award, the undersigned agrees to execute the Form of Agreement included as one of the Contract Documents, and to furnish a Performance bond in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount. Certificates of Insurance shall accompany the required bonds.
CONTRACT TIME: If awarded the Contract, the undersigned agrees to complete the work within thirty (30) calendar days of the commencement of the Contract time as defined in the General Conditions of the Contract.
The undersigned understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or fo waive any formality or technicality in any Proposal in the interest of the Owner. The ‘Owner reserves the right to award the bid for each school to the lowest bidder or award the bid to the overall low bidder, whichever is in the best interest of the Owner
The above Proposal is hereby respectfully submitted by:
Contracting Firm
By (Agent) (Type or Print)
State of Incorporation
Business Address
Telephone Number
Date of Proposal
‘NOTE: Form furnished in duplicate. Complete, sign, and return one copy. Retain second copy for file.
‘The following bid is hereby made to:
Russell County Public Schools P.0. Box 8 Lebanon VA 24266
- Amount: The undersigned hereby poses and agrees to furnish all the necessary labor, materials, equipment, tools and services to install a silicone/polyurethane recoating of the roof at Lebanon High School, Lebanon VA, all in the accordance with the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, AND SPECIFICATIONS prepared by Russell County, for the following stipulated amount:
Base Bid: Lebanon High School
- EXAMINATION. ‘The undersigned has examined the location of the proposed work, and other Contract Documents and is familiar with the local conditions at the place where the work is to be performed,
The Proposal Guarantee attached, without endorsement, in the sum of not less than (5%) of the amount of the proposal, is furnished to the owner as a guarantee that the Agreement will be executed and a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond furnished within ten (10) days after the award of the Contract to the undersigned, or the undersigned will pay to the Owner the difference between the stipulated amount of this Proposal and such larger amount for which the owner may be in good faith, contract with another party to perform the work covered by this proposal, provided that such payment shall be limited to the amount of the Proposal guarantee. The contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, political affiliation, handicapping conditions, or sex.
Within ten (10) days after notification of the award, the undersigned agrees to execute the Form of Agreement included as one of the Contract Documents, and to furnish a Performance bond in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount. Certificates of Insurance shall accompany the required bonds.
If awarded the Contract, the undersigned agrees to complete the work within thirty (30) calendar days of the commencement of the Contract time as defined in the General Conditions of the Contract. OWNER’S RIGHTS RESERVED:
‘The undersigned understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to waive any formality or technicality in any Proposal in the interest of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to award the bid for each school to the lowest bidder or award the bid to the overall low bidder, whichever is in the best interest of the Owner.
The above Proposal is hereby respectfully submitted by:
Contracting Firm,
By (Agent) (Type or Print)
State of Incorporation
Business Address
Telephone Number
Date of Proposal
NOTE: Form furnished in duplicate, Complete, sign, and return one copy. Retain second copy for file
Lebanon High School Rehabilitation of Existing SPF Roofing System
Bid Specification
Work Included
A. Preparation of Substrate, Inspections
B. BASF Elastospray® Sprayed-in-place Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Insulation C. BASF Elastocoat® $-5000 Silicone Roof Coating Application
D. Roofing Granules or aggregate
E. Walkways
Related Work
A. Section 01410: Testing Laboratory Services
B. Section 03300: Cast-in-Place Concrete
C. Section 05300: Metal Decking
D. Section 06100: Rough Carpentry
E, Section 07600: Flashing and Sheet Metal
F, Section 07700: Roof Specialties and Accessories
G. Section 07800: Skylights
Contractor shall perform rehabilitation of existing coated SPF Roofing System. Using good roofing practice, some areas may require removal of the coating and/or the insulation; other areas shail require surface preparation and recoating with silicone coatings and granules.
Related Documents
The codes, standards and practices listed shall be the latest edition, ASTM refers to ASTM Intemational.
ASTM C 518 ~ Standard Test Method for Steady State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
ASTM D 93 ~ Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Penske-Martens Closed Cup Tester ASTM D 115 — Standard Test Methods for Testing Solvent Containing Varnishes
ASTM D 412 — Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Blastomers — Tension
ASTM D 822 ~ Standard Practice for Filtered Open Flame Carbon Are Exposures of Paint and
Related Coatings ASTM D 1203 — Standard Test Methods for pH of Water
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ASTM D 1621 Standard Test Method of Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM D 2126 — Test Method for Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to Thermal and Heat Aging
ASTM D 2240 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer Hardness
ASTM D 2697 ~ Standard Test Method for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings
ASTM D 2856 ~ Standard Test Method for Open-Cell Content of Rigid Cellular Plasties by the Air Pycnometer
ASTM D 3690 — Standard Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related Coatings
ASTM D 6694 — Standard Specification for Liquid-Applied Silicone coating Used in Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems
ASTM D 6705 ~ Standard for Repair and Recoat of SPF Roof Systems
ASTM E 84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E 96 ~ Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
ASTM E 108 (UL 790) — Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings
SPFA AY 122— Renewal of SPF and Coating Roof Systems
Inspection of Existing Roof System
In all cases, an inspection of the existing polyurethane foam roof system must be completed by an Approved Applicator and submitted to BASF’s Technical Department, detailing any deficiencies in the current system. An infrared or other moisture survey is required to determine if there is any moisture in the existing system, If extensive deficiencies are found in the existing polyurethane foam roof system, recoating with BASF Elastocoat $-5000 Silicone Roof Coating ‘would not be recommended and full or partial removal of the existing roof system would be suggested, The surveys and tests will be at the contractor’s expense.
Quality Assurance
‘A. Contractor Qualifications: Must be a current BASF Team Q Approved Applicator or current applicator of the approved roof system manufacturer
B. Roofing contractor must exhibit 5 years and a minimum of 300,000 sq. ft. experience with the selected roofing system, with projects of a similar scope and nature.
C. A Pre-Bid Conference shall be conducted approximately two weeks before bid date. Its purpose shall be: To discuss any details of the project not adequately covered within the specification; to allow bidding contractors a period of access to the roof areas; and to review the normal flow of activities at the facility. There will be no other access to the roof area without the consent of the owner’s representative, All bidding contractors must attend this Pre-Bid Conference. A list of those companies present will be recorded.
D. The BASF Team Q approved roofing applicator shall perform the work of this section. Subcontracting installation of the silicone/ spray polyurethane foam is not allowed.
E. Final Quality Control: Completed roofing application will be inspected by an independent inspection firm designated by the warranty provider and inspected on a periodic basis during the term of the warranty.
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Submittals ‘A. The owner/specitier shall supply to BASF’s representative, before the project goes to bid:
A draft copy of the project specification, including: the roofing section, roof warranty requirements and roofing drawings.
This draft specification shall be reviewed for general technical acceptance and eligibility for issuance of a warranty. A letter confirming an appropriate application, drawings and specification, based on the current available information, will be delivered to the owner’s representative at their request.
B. Any alternate products shall be submitted to the owner and/or owner’s representative 10 days before bid date to allow time for product review. Submittals shall include: all appropriate technical data sheets, manufacturer’s references, warranty, follow-up inspection policy and cutline, material safety data sheets, and a typical, physical sample (3’ x 3") to be used as a standard of quality, Manufacturer shall supply list of geographically appropriate work and list of work of similar size and scope to substantiate their period of performance, see 2:02A.1
C. Applicator shall submit to owner’s representative at or before time of bid:
Reference projects with contacts, substantiating years of experience and completi minimum prior work submitted by contractor.
Provide specimen copy of warranty.
Submit Underwriters Laboratory 790 Class A listings, Factory Mutual listings, current ICC-ES report and/or local building code approvals as required.
Delivery, Storage, and Handling
A. Deliver materials to the site in their original, tightly sealed containers, all clearly labeled with manufacturer’s name, product identification and lot number.
B. Safely store materials in their original containers out of the weather and where the temperatures are within the limits specified by the manufacturer.
C. All materials shall be stored in compliance with applicable fire and safety requirements,
D. Protect materials from damage during transit, handling, storage and installation. Contractor shall provide secure site storage trailers.
Environmental Conditions
‘A. Neither the silicone coating nor the polyurethane foam shall be applied during periods of inclement weather (rain, snow, fog, mist).
B. Do not apply the polyurethane foam when substrate or ambient air temperatures are below 50°F unless specifically approved in writing by the polyurethane foam manufacturer.
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C. Do not apply silicone coatings when temperature is below 40°P.
D. When wind speeds exceed 10 miles per hour at the job site, windsereens shall be used during the application of the polyurethane foam and coatings to prevent overspray onto surfaces not intended to receive foam and coating. Under no circumstances shall the polyurethane foam or silicone coating be applied when wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour.
1.10 Warranty ‘A. The manufacturer’s 10-year Pull System Recoat Warranty shall be issued upon completion, inspection and acceptance of the project, This warranty shall cover repair of leaks. Any repairs covered by the warranty are without cost to the Owner throughout the term. The warranty shall be comprehensive with no proration and no cap for repairs. PART 2- PRODUCTS
2.01 Polyurethane Foam Insulation
‘A. Physical property requirements are as follows for acceptable insulation products with Zero- Ozone Depleting Potential, such as BASF Elastospray 81285 or 81305.
Property Value ‘Test Method Density, sprayed-in-place, pef, min. 27-32 ASTM D-1622 ‘Compressive strength, psi 50 ASTM D-1621 Closed-cell content, percent, min. >90 ASTM D-2856 K-factor 0.158 ASTM C- 518 Dimensional Stability, 28 days, 0.69% ASTM D-2126 158°R, 100% R.H., pereent Volume change, max. UFlame spread, max. <75 ASTM.
Flame spread, max. <15 ASTM E-84 2.02 Silicone Coatings ‘A. The silicone roofing membrane shall consist of a minimum two coats of an elastomeric, liquid applied material, domestically engineered and produced, The two coats shall be of contrasting colors. The minimum two-coat thickness shall be 20 dry mils on newly applied polyurethane foam and 15 dry mils on existing coating.
The silicone coating will be a product proven through actual roof performance for a period of time equal to, or longer, than the term of the requested warranty.
The coating as supplied by BASF is Elastocoat $-5000 and has the following minimum
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properties: Property Value Test Method As Supplied: Solids Content By weight, percent 16 ASTM D2697 By volume, percent 66 ASTM D2697 Flash Point, Pensky-Martin 106°F ASTM D93 Closed cup, °F, min Volatile Organic Content (VOC), (g/l) 250 ASTM D3960 As Cured: Durometer Hardness, Shore A, points 50 ASTM D2240 Tensile Strength, die C, psi 350 ASTM D412 Elongation, percent 200 ASTM D412 Permeability!, perms 33 ASTM E96 Weathering, Carbon-Are, 4,000 hours No observable QUY, 10,000 hours degradation ASTM 653
30 mils at 100°F (37.8°C) and 90 percent relative humidity. 2.03 Sealants ‘A. Sealant shall be a pigmented silicone sealant such as Dow Corning® Contractors Weatherproofing Sealant. The color of this sealant, if exposed, shall closely match that of the topcoat. Non-pigmented or clear silicone sealants shall not be used. 2.04 Substrate Primer ‘A. Freshly scarified/planed SPF. will require a primer, it must not be left exposed longer than the manufacturer’s recommendations. For concrete, wood, brick, metal (ferrous, not rusted) ~ the primer must be approved by BASE, such as FE Coat 1601 primer B. For non-ferrous metals (cleaned aluminum, galvanized copper, ete) - a primer shall be requited, which is approved by BASF. Such a primer is Jones Blair Mist Coat Il Primer or ITW TACC ConBond 2725.
C. Cut-back asphalt primers are not to be used.
2.08 Granules or Aggregate
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Lebanon High School Rehabilitation of Existing SPF Roofing System
‘A. Granules shall be number 11 screen size; ceramic-coated roofing granules as manufactured by the Industrial Products Division of 3M Company, color to best match topcoat or other approved aggregate.
3.01 Inspection
‘A. Verify that all surfaces to receive polyurethane foam insulation are clean, dry and free of dust, dirt, debris, oil, solvents and all materials that may adversely affect the adhesion of the polyurethane foam.
B. Verify that all roof penetrations and flashings are properly installed and secured.
C. Do not begin applying polyurethane foam insulation until substrate and environmental conditions are satisfactory.
3.02 Surface Preparation
‘A. Existing Coated Polyurethane Foam Roofing System — Areas to be scarified
Existing roof shall be inspected for any areas of wet insulation and areas of poor rainage; they shall be plotted on a roof diagram for later inspeotion and remediation.
In any wet or loose areas identified in 3.02.A.1, the entire silicone coating surface and approximately 14" of polyurethane foam insulation shall be removed by a roof scarfer. This machine shall be designed fo plane polyurethane foam /coating systems to a level and renewable condition, All waste created in the planning process shall be contained, gathered, and properly disposed of.
Any wet insulation, including that within an underlying roof system, shall be removed, Clean and dry the area and install new similar compatible insulation, and/or apply polyurethane to the level of adjacent surfaces.
4, Primer - install primer such as Elastocoat 1601 as required by the warrantor’s recommendation.
- Continue with the application of SPF Insulation and Coating System.
B. Recoat
For existing polyurethane foam roof systems that are deemed "acceptable for recoating”, the following surface preparation guidelines shall be followed:
Clean existing coated surface with a high-pressure power wash using only clean water. During the power wash operation, the water pressure should be sufficient to remove dirt and debris without damaging the existing coating and polyurethane foam. Power washing with a detergent solution and water is only permitted when power washing with water alone does not sufficiently remove dirt and other contaminants.
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Scour any areas of accumulated dirt, fungus, mold, grease, oil, ete. with a detergent solution and water, Solvents should not be used for these cleaning purposes.
In areas where a detergent solution has been used in the cleaning process, addit power washing with clean water is required to remove alf residual detergent.
‘The following minimum work shall be completed:
a. All wet or otherwise substandard polyurethane insulation shail be removed and replaced. Apply the polyurethane foam in strict accordance with the polyurethane foam manufacturer’s specifications and application instructions, using spray equipment recommended by the SPF manufacturer. The field of the roof shail be applied, as practical, by a robotic SPF application device. The robotic method shall improve: consistency, slope-to-drain, and visual appearance.
b. Any deteriorated components of the substrate shall be replaced or brought up to acceptable standards of the warranty provider or good roofing practice.
c. The existing coating shall be properly adhered, if not, all loose coating shall be removed. Cracks, flashing details, slope-to-drain, metal edging, penetrations, roof drains, and all other components of the roofing system shall be functional and in accordance with manufacturer’s application instructions.
Deficiencies outlined in the Approved Applicator Inspection or infrared moisture survey shall be properly repaired prior to the recoat operations. Should any questions exist tegatding the proper repair procedures, please contact the BASF Technical Department.
Continue with coating application, as follows,
3.03 Polyurethane Foam Application
A. Inspection
Prior to polyurethane foam application, inspect the substrate surface to ensure preparations required in Section 3,02 have been met.
Polyurethane foam shall not be applied unless the environmental requirements of Section 1.09 are met.
B. Application
All objects that require protection from overspray shall be protected; all movable objects shall be moved to an acceptable area. All intake air vents shall be tumed off and covered. Contractor shall be responsible to any public and or private property.
Apply the polyurethane foam in strict accordance with the polyurethane foam manufacturer’s specifications and application instructions, using spray equipment recommended by the polyurethane foam manufacturer. ‘The field of the roof shall be applied, as practical, by a digitally controlled robotic SPF application device. The
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applied, as practical, by a digitally controlled robotic SPF application device. The robotic method shall improve consistency, slope-to-drain, and visual appearance.
Polyurethane foam shall be applied in a minimum of %-inch thick passes. The total thickness of the new polyurethane foam shall be a minimum of | 1/2 inches, except where tapering is required to facilitate drainage or areas removed are brought to the existing roof level.
Apply the fall thickness of polyurethane foam in any area on the same day.
Polyurethane foam shall be applied to ensure proper drainage, resulting in no ponding water, Ponding water is defined as “an area of 100 square feet or more which holds in excess of % inch of water as measured 24 hours after rainfall.”
‘The polyurethane foam shall be terminated neatly a minimum of 4 inches above the finished roof surface at roof penetrations. Foamed-in-place cants shall be applied to allow a smooth transition from the horizontal to vertical surface.
The finished polyurethane foam surface texture shall be “smooth to orange-peel”, free of voids, pinholes and depressions. "Verge of popcorn” texture is acceptable if it can be thoroughly and completely coated. Popcorn and tree bark textures are not acceptable. Unacceptable foam textures shall be removed and refoamed prior to coating application.
3.04 —_Elastocoat $-5000 Silicone Roof Coating Application
‘A. Inspection
Prior to the application of silicone coating, inspect the polyurethane foam surface to ensure the conditions of Section 3.03 have been met.
The polyurethane foam surface shall be free of moisture, dust, dirt, debris and other contaminants that would impair the adhesion of the silicone coating.
If more than 24 hours clapse between the polyurethane foam application and the start of the silicone coating application, thoroughly inspect the polyurethane foam surface for UV degradation and oxidation. Call BASF’s Technical Department, for procedures to proceed, if UV damage has affected the foam.
Make sure all environmental conditions of Section 1.09 are met prior to silicone coating application.
B. Application
Elastocoat $-5000 Silicone Roof Coating dark gray should be used as the basecoat on the polyurethane foam.
The silicone basecoat shall be applied on the same day as the polyurethane foam application, after the polyurethane foam has been allowed to cure a minimum of one hour.
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Apply the basecoat in a uniform application to achieve a finished dry film thickness of approximately ¥4 the total millage required for the roof.
‘The basecoat shall not be subjected to foot traffic or otherwise disturbed until it is tack- free,
After it has cured, inspect the coating for pinholes, cracks, thin areas or other defects. ‘All defects observed shall be caulked with sealant and/or roller coated with additional basecoat prior to applying subsequent coats of silicone.
‘The basecoat must be cured, clean and free of all moisture prior to application of topcoat.
Apply the topooat in a contrasting color to the basecoat within 72 hours of the basecoat application. The topcoat application shall be made at right angles to the basecoat application. Surface texture and conditions may require additional quantities of silicone to insure proper millage. It is the contractor’s responsibility to properly coat the insulation regardless of the quantity of silicone coating requited.
Apply the topcoat in a uniform application to achieve a minimum total finished dry film thickness of the basecoat and topcoat of 10 dry mils minimum over existing coated roof surfaces and 10 dry mils minimum over new SPF surfaces.
‘The Silicone Roof Coating shall be applied a minimum of 2 inches beyond all the terminated edges of the polyurethane foam. ‘These terminations should be masked to provide a straight edge, neat, finished appearance.
Allow the topcoat to cure and inspect the finished coating surface for pinholes, cracks, thin areas, or other defects. Repair any defects observed with silicone sealant and/or additional silicone coating material.
It is the applicator’s responsibility to ensure the minimum total dry film thickness specified is achieved throughout the entire roof area regardless of the quantity of liquid silicone required,
3.05 Granule/Aggregate Application
A. Application
Apply roofing granules in a finish coat of silicone coating. A minimum of 10 dry mils of silicone coating is required to hold the granules.
Apply the roofing granules, using suitable compressed air equipment, uniformly at a rate of approximately 30-40 pounds per 100 square feet of roof area.
Apply the roofing granules immediately after the additional coating application to obtain maximum wet-out and embedment,
After the coating has fully cured, all loose granules shall be removed using a soft-
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bristled broom to prevent blocking drains and scuppers. 5. Bare spots in the granulated surface shall be filled in by applying additional coating and granules in these areas.
Field Quality Control
‘A. The independent inspector shall instruct the contractor to repair any deficient roof areas, such as: ponding, wet insulation, deck problems, required new drains, etc.
B. Core samples of the SPF/silicone coating roof system will be secured at project completion by an independent inspection firm at a rate of one core per 10,000 square feet, with a minimum of 2 cores per roof, to test for foam thickness, compressive strength, density and adhesion. Additionally, slit samples will be taken at a rate of 3 per 10,000 square feet, with a minimum of 6 per roof, to test the coating thickness and coating adhesion, Sampled areas will be repaired using silicone sealant and replacement foam cores.
C. Contractor’s quality control during application shall consist of the following, as a minimum:
- If specified, the primer application rate shall be verified by a wet mil gauge test onto a ‘metal test panel
2, Insulation thickness shall be verified with a probe at frequent and random locations,
- Thickness and adhesion of the insulation shall be examined by removing cores at a rate of 1 every 10,000 feet.
4, After and during coating application, the contractor shall remove slits to examine adhesion of the coating to the insulation and the dry millage of applied silicone coating,
Safety Requirements
‘A, Proper safety precautions shall be followed throughout the entire roofing operation. OSHA and local regulations shall be strictly followed. Refer to the roofing product’s Material Safety Data Sheets, on site, for specific safety information on handling and working with all materials, Dispose of all trash, debris and empty containers in accordance with local regulations.
B. On the roof and at all work sites, a properly maintained fire extinguisher will always be available,
Follow-Up Inspections
A. The silicone manufacturer shall have a standard inspection program, employing an independent testing firm to perform periodic inspections throughout the term of the warranty.
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SECTION 075713 BASF Seamless Silicone/Polyurethane Insulation Renewal Specification
Work Included
Preparation of Substrate
BASF Elastospray® Sprayed-in-place Polyurethane Foam (SPF) insulation BASF Elastocoat™ S-5001 Series Silicone Roof Coating
Roofing Granules
Related Work
Section 01410: Testing Laboratory Services Section 03300: Cast-in-Place Concrete
Section 05300: Metal Decking
Section 06100: Rough Carpentry
Section 07600; Flashing and Sheet Metal Section 07700: Roof Specialties and Accessories Section 07800: Skylights
Scope of work
Contractor shall perform rehabilitation of existing coated SPF Roofing System. Using good roofing practice, some areas may require removal of the coating and/or the insulation; other areas shall require surface preparation and recoating with silicone coatings and granules. Areas shall be as described by the specifier and/or the contractor. All applicators are required to take and pass the CPi Health and Safety Training before using SPF materials for this project available for free at www.
Related Documents The codes, standards and practices listed shall be the latest edition. ASTM refers to ASTM International.
ASTM C 518 - Standard Test Method for Steady State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
ASTM D 93 - Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Penske-Martens Closed Cup Tester
ASTM D 115 — Standard Test Methods for Testing Solvent Containing Varnishes
ASTM D 412 — Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic
Elastomers - Tension ASTM D 822 — Standard Practice for Filtered Open Flame Carbon Arc Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings
ASTM D 1203 - Standard Test Methods for pH of Water
‘ASTM D 1621 - Standard Test Method of Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
ASTM D 2126 — Test Method for Response of Rigid Celiular Plastics to Thermal and
Heat Aging
ASTM D 2240 ~ Standard Test Method for Rubber Property Durometer Hardness
‘ASTM D 2697 — Standard Test Method for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings
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ASTM D 2856 - Standard Test Method for Open-Cell Content of Rigid Cellular Plastics by the Air Pycnometer
ASTM D 3690 — Standard Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related Coatings
ASTM D 6694 ~ Standard Specification for Liquid-Applied Silicone coating Used in Spray Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems
ASTM D 6705 — Standard for Repair and Recoat of SPF Roof Systems
ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
ASTM E 96 ~ Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials ASTM E 108 (UL 790) — Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings SPFA AY 104 — Spray Polyurethane Foam Systems for New and Remedial Roofing
Inspection of Existing Roof System
In all cases, an inspection of the existing polyurethane foam roof system must be completed by an Approved Applicator and submitted to BASF’s Technical Department, detailing any deficiencies in the current system. An infrared or other moisture survey is required to determine if there is any ‘moisture in the existing system. This moisture survey must be done by an independent engineering firm, such as AMAG Engineering, the firm that will be conducting the final inspection prior to BASF issuance the warranty. If extensive deficiencies are found in the existing polyurethane foam roof system, recoating with BASF Elastocoat S-5001 Series or BASF Spraycoat Silicone Roof Coating would not be recommended and full or partial removal of the existing roof system would be suggested.
Quality Assurance
‘A. Applicator Qualifications: Must be a current BASF Approved Team Q 1 Applicator.
B. Roofing applicator must exhibit 10 years and a minimum of 1,000,000 sq. ft. experience with the selected roofing system, with projects of a similar scope and nature. The roofing applicator must present documentation, that he has successfully compieted the SPF Chemical Health & Safety Training Program as provided by The American Chemistry Council.
C. A Pre-Bid Conference shall be conducted. Its purpose shall be: To discuss any details of the project not adequately covered within the specification; to allow bidding applicators a period of ‘access to the roof areas; and to review the normal flow of activities at the facility. There will be no other access to the roof area without the consent of the owner’s representative. All bidding applicators must attend this Pre-Bid Conference. A list of those companies present will be recorded
D. The roofing applicator shall perform the work of this section. Subcontracting installation of the silicone coating/polyurethane foam is not allowed.
E. Inspections: Completed roofing application will be inspected by an independent inspection firm designated by the warranty provider on a periodic basis.
F. The Roofing System Manufacturer, shall have a 5A D&B or better rating & be ISO 9002 certified.
‘A. Specification Development - The owner/specifier shall supply to BASF manufacturer’s representative:
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Tim Lovelace Rectangle
Book 08 22racc0387
WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on May _{/- 2017, the School Board of Russell County adopted a resolution declaring real property situate on Pruner Street, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, to be surplus pursuant to Va. Code Amn. § 22.1-129 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and voted to retum said property to Russell County, Virginia, subject to a survey of said property being done and final approval of legal counsel. ‘The resolution also directed the Division Superintendent to record the attested Resolution, along with the deed to the real property situate on Pruner Street, Lebanon, Virginia 24266. WHEREAS, a final survey of the property was completed by Addison Surveyors, dated 5/24/17, and entitled “PROPERTY OF RUSSELL COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD…”, depicting said parcel to be conveyed as containing 0.810 acre, more or less, situate on the north side of and adjacent to Pruner Street, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, upon approval of the final survey by counsel for the Russell County School Board. WHEREAS, the Resolution was signed by the Chairman of the Russell County School Board, Donald Ramey, and was attested to by the Clerk of the School Board, Tammy Gilbert, and will be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County, on July 14, 2017; and WHEREAS, the deed to the real property consisting of 0.810 acre, more or less, “situate on the north side of and adjacent to Pruner Street, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, dated
and signed on July 13, 2017, by the Chairman of the Russell County School Board, Donald
Book 08 22racc 0388
Ramey, will be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County on July 14, 2017;
WHEREAS, the Russell County School Board wishes to ratify the actions of the Chairman in signing the Resolution and the Deed and the Clerk in attesting to the Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Russell County School Board that the actions of its Chairman, Donald Ramey, in signing the Resolution and Deed and of its Clerk, Tammy Gilbert, in attesting to the Resolution are hereby ratified and adopted ag actions by and on behalf of the Russell County School Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Russell County School Board, Donald Ramey, is hereby authorized to sign this Resolution and the Deed of conveyance, and the Clerk, Tammy Gilbert, is hereby authorized to attest to the Chairman’s signature and to this Resolution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that attested copies of this Resolution be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Russell County and with the County Administrator
of Russell County.
Donald Ramey Chatman. Russell Coufity Schoo! Bo:
"Taminy Gibbit, Cierk
Russell County School Board
pook O8 22eaccO389
State of Virginia County of Russell, to wit:
The foregoing Resolution was acknowledged before me by Donald Ramey, Chairman of the Russell County School Board and attested to by Tammy Gilbert, Clerk of the Russell County Schoo! board this {3* day of July, 2017.
Aaa (Marae Delbert Notary Publ Registration Nc 2O4K AYO
My Commission expires: _jo - 31-3
le ull Rees,
1-1 2017, This deed was this day \ViRGINIAGIN’THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT OF RUSSELL COUNTY, je, 2007. Ths verte hed, and pan ho crtente of acknowledgment tort annexe, eid toc ot], 20 tock AL Mater
payment of$_—=_tax imposed by Seo, 581-802 ‘TESTE: ANN 8, McREYNOLDS, CLERK
cgnat ovens te dtc: Ks Perth or Ahansningheryno? — KersrK
Chafin Law Firm, P.C. Post Office Box 1210 Lebanon, VA 24266
(276) 889-0143
BOOK 0 8 2 2 PAGE 0385
Prepared by M. Katherine Patton VSB 1180262 Chafin Law Firm, P.C., P.O. Box 1210, Lebanon, VA 24266
Telephone No. (276) 889-0143, Website: Tax Map No. -----
THIS QUITCLAIM DEED OF GIFT, made and entered into this the 26th day
of June, 2017, by and between THE SCHOOL BOARD OF RUSSELL COUNTY,
VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, formerly
subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, whose address is P.O.
Box 1208, Lebanon, VA 24266:
THAT FOR no monetary consideration, and as a gift only, the Grantor does
hereby quitclaim, release, grant and convey unto the Grantee any and all right, title
and interest it may possess in and to the following described real estate:
All that certain lot or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being in the Town of Lebanon, Russell County, Virginia, containing 0.81 O acre, more or less, as more fully shown and depicted on that certain plat prepared by L. K. Addison, Land Surveyor, dated May 24, 2017, a copy of which is of record in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Russell County, Virginia, in Plat Cabinet 1, Slide 452J) , and to which reference is hereby made for a more full and complete description of the property herein conveyed.
AND BEING a portion of the same property acquired by The School Board of Russell County, Virginia, formerly known as the County School Board of Russell County, Incorporated, by Order Confirming Commissioners’ Report entered September 1, 1961, of record in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Russell County, Virginia, in Deed Book 178, at page 609.
‘Chafin Law Firm, Pc,
Post Office Box 1210,
Lebanon, VA. 24266 27) 8800143
Book 08 3 2paceO385
Prepared by M. Katherine Patton VSB #80262 Chafin Law Firm, P-C, P.O. Box 1210, Lebanon, VA 24266 Telephone No. (276) 889-0143, Website:
"Tax Map No.
THIS QUITCLAIM DEED OF GIFT, made and entered into this the 26th day of June, 2017, by and between THE SCHOOL BOARD OF RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, formerly known as COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF RUSSELL COUNTY, INCORPORATED, Grantor; and RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, whose address is P.O. Box 1208, Lebanon, VA 24266:
THAT FOR no monetary consideration, and as a gift only, the Grantor does hereby quitclaim, release, grant and convey unto the Grantee any and all right, title and interest it may possess in and to the following described real estate:
All that certain lot or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being in the Town of Lebanon, Russell County, Virginia, containing 0.810 acre, more or less, as more fully shown and depicted on that certain plat prepared by L. K. Addison, Land Surveyor, dated May 24, 2017, a copy of which is of record in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Russell County, Virginia, in Plat Cabinet 1, Slide 452D , and to which reference is hereby made for a more full and complete description of the property herein conveyed.
AND BEING a portion of the same property acquired by The School Board of Russell County, Virginia, formerly known as the County School Board of Russell County, Incorporated, by Order Confirming Commissioners’ Report entered September 1, 1961, of record in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Russell County, Virginia, in Deed Book 178, at page 609.
Chafin Law Firm, P.C. Post Office Box 1210 Lebanon, VA 24266
(276) 889-0143
BOOK 0822PAGE0386
This conveyance is made subject to all conditions, easements, restrictions
and rights of way of record on said property, if any, to the extent they are binding
on the Grantor and the property herein conveyed.
This Deed has been prepared without the benefit of a title examination.
Preparer makes no representation as to the status of same.
WITNESS the following signature and seal:
I, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that DONALD RAMEY, Chairman and duly authorized agent of the School Board of Russell County, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia f/k/a County School Board of Russell County, Incorporated, who is personally known by me or whose identity was proven to me by photographic evidence, whose signature appears on the foregoing instrument on behalf of said entity, has personally acknowledged the same before me in my County and State aforesaid, this 15~ day of tl 1,£, , 2017.
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Chafin Law Fim, Pc.
Post Office Box 1210,
Lebanon, VA. 24266 276) s09.0143
Bonk 08 2 2pxceO386
This conveyance is made subject to all conditions, easements, restrictions and rights of way of record on said property, if any, to the extent they are binding on the Grantor and the property herein conveyed.
This Deed has been prepared without the benefit of a title examination. Preparer makes no representation as to the status of same.
WITNESS the following signature and seal:
A Political Subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia
By: ch — (SEAL) a RAMEY, —— i
|, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that DONALD RAMEY, Chairman and duly authorized agent of the School Board of Russell County, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia fik’a County School Board of Russell County, Incorporated, who is personally known by me or whose identity was proven to me by photographic evidence, whose signature appears on the foregoing instrument
‘on behalf of said entity, has personally acknowledged the same before me in my County and State aforesaid, this 13** day of , 2017.
- oe on oxres jO-3t-al
aN Nacrg Vesie AS Ohact : NOTARY PUBLIC Registration No. 7098940
Receipt: 17000004853
COURT ADDRESS: P.O. BOX435 LEBANON, VA 24266 PHONE # :276-889-8023
DATE: 07/14/2017 TIME: 11:17:31
RECEIPT#: 17000004853 TRANSACTION#: 17071400020
DATE OF DEED: 07/14/2017
CASH: $0.00
·~:l:~i- 035
CASE#: 167CLR1701419
RECORDED: 07/14/2017
PAGES: 001
Page 1of1
AT: 11:17
PCT: 100%
Receipt : 17000004853
‘COURT ADDRESS: 7.0, BOK 435 LEBANON, VA 24266 PHONE #:276.889-0023
CASE #: 167CLR1701419
RECORDED : 07/14/2017
PAGES : 001
035 [VOF FEE
Paget oft
PAYMENT : FULL PAYMENT AT 1017 Loc: co PCT : 100%
OP :0
TENDERED : § 0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $ 0.00
Instrument Date: Instrnment Type: Number of Parcels: [ ] City IXl County
5/24/2017 OPM ------ … ---- ----~_-r–
1 Number of Pages: . . . 1
RUSSELL ,---------------------- ------------
[><! Grantor: [><! Grantee:
!;8.1.:'811((;)4 . !;8.1-811()).)3
Consideration: … $.Q,()() Existing Debt: … . … __ $0,()() __ Actual Value/Assumed: … $0.00 __
Original Principal: Fair Market Value Increase:
Original Book Number:
Original Page Number:
(Area Above Reserved For Deed Stamp Only)
Originallnstrument Number: …
Prior Recording At: [ ] City 1XJ County
. . . … BV!lliE:l,._I,. . Percentage In Tbis Jurisdiction: _________ _1_00_o/o _________ _
IXl Grantor: IX! Grantor: IX! Grantee:
2 IX! Grantee:
!HE_l3(;HOOLl3()ARD()f’_RUSl3f:LLCOUNTY,_VIRGINIA ____ _ F/"l(J_A_C:()IJ_NTY_l3(;1iOOL_13_0,!_RD()f’_RUSl3E_L_L_COUr…JTY,_Vl_RG_l_NIA
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Name: ~U_l3l3ELLC:()UNTY,\fl~GINl)I. _ _ Address: f’,().80)( __ 1~()1! _ _ … . City:. LE13,!\r…J()N … … … State: VA Zip Code: _ _ ___ 24266 BookNumber: 178 PageNumber: 609 JnstrumentNumber: … . Parcel Identification Number (PIN): tj/J!.. . … Tax Map Number: _1()4:R1~4_1()j),. __ (f’()R,TIO_N) Short Property Description: ~,8_1_0,!\CR_f:_l31TIJ/}.Tf:.1N … .
THE TOWN OF LEBANON ----- -----,.----- Current Property Address: P~U_tjER STREET City: L_E_E!,!\N()r…J… . … . State: VA Zip Code: ____ 24266 Instrument Prepared By: __ L.~,ft.[)J?lli()N, __ l,)l.t,J_D_l31Jg(E’' Recording Paid By: CH)l.Fl_N __ LA/V_f’l~IVJ, P.C::… . … __ Recording Returned To: … C:tift.Fl_r.l_L,!\1/V_FIRJ\11, __ P.C:,___ … _ Address: 4:4.l:,!_s_i: Mft.IN_l3!R,EE! __ I’,(). 13())(_1_2_1() __ _ City:. LEBft.r…J()N … State: VA Zip Code: 24266 ---------·-----
FORM CC-1570 Rev: 7 /15 Page 1 of 2 Cover Sheet A §§ 17.1-223, 17.1-227.1, 17.1-249
Copyright© 2014 Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia All rights reserved.
1 Number of Pages: ._1 ( 1 city x county
‘Tax EXEMPT? ‘VinciNtA /FEDERAL LAW DGrantor; 58.1814©4._
(Grantees: _58.1-811(A)3
Prion INSTRUMENT UNDER § 58.1-803(D):
Original Principals… $0.00… Fair Market Value Increase: $0.00 {Girea Above Reserved For Deed Stamp Oniy) Original Book Number: Original Page Number: Original Instrument Number: Prior Recording At [ ] City DX) County ce RUSSEL Percentage In This Jurisdiction: 100%… BusINess / NAME
GRANTEE ADDRESS Name: RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA. BOX 1208, City; LEBANON . Book Number: …178, Page Number: Parcel Identification Number (PIN): N/A . Short Property Description: 0.810 AGRE SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF LEBANON Current Property Address: PRUNER STREET ee City: LEBANON … State: VA Zip Code: 24266.
see State: VA _ Zip Code: 24266 609, Instrument Number: occ ‘Tax Map Number: 104R IK 410A (PORTION)
‘Address: 44 EAS MAIN: eA City: LEBANON
FORM CC-1570_ Rev: 7/15 Page 1 of 2 Cover Sheet A $8 17.1-223, 17.4-2271,17.1-249
Copyright © 2014 Orie of the Executive Seotetry, Supreme Court of Virginia, All rights reserved,
Instrument Date: 5/24/2017
Instrument Type: _ … -9.l’'JVL
Number of Parcels: ____ J ___ _ Number of Pages: __ 1__
[ ] City IXI County
GRANTOR BUSINESS f NAME (Area Above Reserved For Deed Stamp On!Y)
3 IXl Grantor: RlJSS_E:LL. C:Ol)Nl)',JflRC,OINIA
] Grantor:
] Grantor:
] Grantor:
] Grantor:
] Grantor:
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] Grantor:
3 IXI Grantee: J=Jl<lAC:::Q.UNI’fS_CliQOL60ARP Of RUSSEL.L. C:OUlllTY,INCQRP.OAAIEP ] Grantee: __
] Grantee:
] Grantee:
[ ] Grantee:
[ ] Grantee:
[ ] Grantee:
[ ] Grantee:
FORM CC-1570 Rev: 10/14 §§ 17.1-223, 17.1-227.1, 17.1-249
Page 2 of 2
Copyright© 2014 Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia. All rights reserved.
Cover Sheet B
‘Instrument Date: 5/24/2017. Instrument Type: OPM.
Number of Parcels:
Number of Pages: 1
[ ] City D< County RUSSELL,
[ 1Grantor: [ ]Grantor:
(Area Above Reserved For Deed Stamp Only)
so [ Grantor: [ 1 Grantor: { ]Grantor: { ]Grantor:
[ ]Grantor:
FORM CC-1570 Rev: 10/14 Page 2 of 2
i a a §§ 17.1-223, 17.1-227.1, 171-249
Copyright © 2016 office ofthe Executive Secretary, Supreme Courtof Virginia. All rights reserved.
Cover Sheet B
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Speathead Trails
P.O. Box 1594
Coeburn, VA 24230
To the County of Russell,
Thank you for your contributions to the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority, Spearhead Trails. Without
your support, we would not be able to provide the opportunities for economic growth and development in
Southwest Virginia. Feel free to ask our staff the many ways in which Spearhead Trails is impacting your
Attached is an invoice for this fiscal year’s contribution. Please send your contribution to the address listed
above. Also, if your county continues to make its annual contribution, Speathead Trails will offer half priced
annual permits, $25 each, to each resident in that county beginning December 1", 2017.
Thank you,
Bill Ryan, Sales & Finance Manger
Spearhead Trails
P.O. Box 1594
502 Front Sireet East
Coeburn, VA 24230
(276) — 220 - 9875,
Serving the Virginia counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott, Tazewell, and Wise and the City of Norton,
Southwest Regional Recreation Authority Invoice
P.O. Box 1594
Coeburn, VA 24230 Date involoe #
Phone: 276-220-9875 7anow7
Bill To.
Rusa Gomi, VA
‘PO Box 1208
Lebanon, VA 24266
P.O. No. Terms Due Date
Description Qty Rate i” Amount
FY TIV2017 - 602018 Spentcad Teall Operation Contabation 35,000.00 35000500
REMIT TO: Spearhead Trails Total
PO Box 1594 $55,000.00
Coeburn, VA 24230
town and will need to identify a trail head in Honaker that they can drive to the trail and what road routes VDOT will
We have lots of steps, but if Russell County will fully commit to helping us we would love to open this trail in 2018 and
believe we can find the funds if the match is supplied and we can meet that deadline unless we run into property
‘owners that are against the trail and can’t find a way around them,
Shawn Lindsey, Executive Director
Spearhead Trails,
PO Box 1594
502 Front Street E
Coeburn, VA 24230
276 274-6068
From: Shawn Lindsey [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 2:31 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]'
<[email protected]>; ‘[email protected]’ <[email protected]; '[email protected]!
<lonzo.lester>; ‘tim lovelace' <[email protected]>;
‘[email protected]' <[email protected]>; ‘[email protected]!
<[email protected]>; ‘[email protected]' <[email protected]>;
‘[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Ce: [email protected]’ <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: Spearheads Comprehensive Plan
Dear Friends:
Chris our Field Engineer had a wonderful time meeting with David Owens and Dwayne Hale and collected GPS
data around 100 miles of trails from Honaker and around Big A. We will need to make many more visits and continue
our mapping efforts, but we are convinced that you have the makings of a great trail and Jeep Park if easements from
the larger property owners is feasible. We think the potential for the Russell County Trail is in the area of 300 miles and
estimated it would take approximately $500,000 to fully develop the potential and we also see potential for connecting
this trail to our OP trail in Tazewell County.
We would like to develop this trail as a unique system with a Jeep Park and some shared and separated ATV and Jeep
Trails. Today Ihave been working on various funding sources to develop this trail system and need your help with the
1. Help come up with a perfect Trail Name that Russell County would like to call the Trail. Something that is
marketable and catchy. We know the central features will be the Honaker area and the Big A. We initially
thought perhaps the “Big A Trail and Jeep Park”, but will leave that decision with you.
2. We could quickly develop and open the first 50 miles of the trail by applying for Tourism Grant from VCEDA. 50
Miles is the minimum amount of miles to become a destination and we do not recommend opening an ATV trail
with less. | believe we would need about $100k to open the first 50-75 miles and this would take a
match. This would involve doing the work inhouse with our staff and equipment. We initially asked for $30k to
make the Dante Connect to St. Paul along with the 25K that we ask of all counties to support our maintenance
and engineering. We could apply this amount of funding to this project and have an opening if easements get
approved quickly by Spring of 2018, Much of the trails are already developed, but we need to get the
easements or land use agreements, build trail heads, sign them, and add a great deal of erosion structures and
some grade improvements.
3. We would like your help in getting the smaller individual easements into Honaker because you know the
property owners. We would be happy to supply you the easements we have used in the past,
4, We would like to make Honaker an ATV friendly Town and have their commitment in doing so with the
connection and ability to ride into town being essential to our plans and economic impact. We would be happy
to make a presentation to the Town of Honaker on how to become a trail town and take advantage of the
pact of doing so.
Please let me know what funding you can commit to Spearhead this year so we can use it to match a VCEDA Tourism
Grant if you like for us to apply. | believe | would need to apply in July so we need to know soon if those funds for our
match is fu
Lonzo Lester
From: Shawn Lindsey <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 2:31 PM
To: [email protected] gov; [email protected]; [email protected];
lonzo lester@russellcountyvazus; tim [email protected];
mark [email protected]; design_printers@email,com; [email protected];
rebecca. [email protected]
Ce: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject Speatheads Comprehensive Plan
Dear Friends:
Chris our Field Engineer had a wonderful time meeting with David Owens and Dwayne Hale and collected GPS
data around 100 miles of trails from Honaker and around Big A, We will need to make many more visits and continue
our mapping efforts, but we are convinced that you have the makings of a great trail and Jeep Park if easements from
the larger property owners is feasible. We think the potential for the Russell County Trail is in the area of 300 miles and
estimated it would take approximately $500,000 to fully develop the potential and we aiso see potential for connecting
this trail to our OP trail in Tazewell County.
We would like to develop this trail as a unique system with a Jeep Park and some shared and separated ATV and Jeep
Trails. Today | have been working on various funding sources to develop this trail system and need your help with the
1. Help come up with a perfect Trail Name that Russell County would like to call the Trail. Something that is
marketable and catchy. We know the central features will be the Honaker area and the Big A. We initially
thought perhaps the “Big A Trail and Jeep Park”, but will leave that decision with you.
2. We could quickly develop and open the first 50 miles of the trail by applying for Tourism Grant from VCEDA. 50
Miles is the minimum amount of miles to become a destination and we do not recommend opening an ATV trail
with less. | believe we would need about $100k to open the first 50-75 miles and this would take a 1:1
match. This would involve doing the work inhouse with our staff and equipment. We initially asked for $30K to
make the Dante Connect to St. Paul along with the 25K that we ask of all counties to support our maintenance
and engineering. We could apply this amount of funding to this project and have an opening if easements get
approved quickly by Spring of 2018. Much of the trails are already developed, but we need to get the
easements of land use agreements, build trail heads, sign them, and add a great deal of erosion structures and
some grade improvements.
3, We would tke your help in getting the smaller individual easements into Honaker because you know the
property owners. We would be happy to supply you the easements we have used in the past.
4. We would like to make Honaker an ATV friendly Town and have their commitment in doing so with the
connection and ability to ride into town being essential to our plans and economic impact, We would be happy
to make a presentation to the Town of Honaker on how to become a trail town and take advantage of the
economic impact of doing so.
Please let me know what funding you can commit to Spearhead this year so we can use it to match a VCEDA Tourism
Grant if you like for us to apply. | believe | would need to apply in July so we need to know soon if those funds for our
match is funded by our request, funds for this grant may come available after their August meeting if successful
In addition we will start looking at other funding options for the future phases to this trails expansion. Some of the
possible ideas include the new DMME grants, RTP Grants (80/20, but a lot of rules and slower}, possibly Tobacco Funds.
The link below is our Comprehensive Pian that was developed with input from several people in Russell County as they
are listed in the plan. | think it was unfortunate that this area was not identified earlier. So far our work has been
around Dante and it was the only area identified by your predecessors before our meeting last week.
content/uploads/2015/05/SRRA TDP EIA Market Study Plan Combined 12May18.pdf
Shawn Lindsey, Executive Director
Spearhead Trails,
PO Box 1594
502 Front Street E
Coeburn, VA 24230
276 274-6068
THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, entered into as of the 5" day of July 2017, by and between
THE NATURE CONSERVANCY, a District of Columbia non-profit corporation, whose address
is 146 East Main Street, Abingdon, Virginia 24210, hereinafter referred to as Landlord, and the
COUNTY OF RUSSELL, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
whose address is 137 Highland Drive, Lebanon, Virginia 24266, hereinafter referred to as
Landlord hereby leases and demises to Tenant and Tenant hereby rents from Landlord the
Leased Premises herein described upon the following terms and conditions:
1. Leased Premises. The Leased Premises consist of those three certain tracts of real
estate situated on and near the banks of the Clinch River in Russell County, Virginia, more
particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Portions of the Leased Premises are commonly referred to as the Artrip Site and the Old
Castlewood Site as shown on Exhibit A.
2. ‘Term, The term of the Lease shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing on
the date hereof and terminating on July 31, 2018. This Lease may be renewed for additional one
year terms with the written consent of the parties. This Lease is terminable by Landlord as
provided in Paragraph 15.
3. Rent. The rental shall be the sum of Ten Dollars ($10) for the initial term of this
4. Use, Tenant may use the Leased Premises for the siting, development,
construction, operation and use of public non-motorized boat launch and retrieval sites, the
parking of vehicles and trailers for the use of such boat launches, and for any other related lawful
purpose with Landlord’s prior written consent. Tenant shall, while occupying same, comply
with all laws, ordinances and regulations affecting such use, including specifically all
requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the
Virginia Departments of Conservation and Recreation and Environmental Quality. The non-
exclusive right of ingress and egress via existing roadways is specifically granted to Tenant for
all purposes incidental to this Lease, The Tenant shall repair or cause to be repaired at its sole
cost and expense all damage to Landlord’s roads, fences, gates or other improvements caused by
the Tenant, its agents, contractors, employees, or invitees,
5. Utilities. Tenant shall pay all charges for water, electricity, gas and other utility
services, if any, to the Leased Premises for Tenant’s use thereof.
6. Insurance, The Tenant at Tenant’s sole expense will keep any buildings, other
structures and improvements hereafter located or constructed on the Leased Premises by Tenant
or at Tenant’s direction insured against loss by fire or other casualty in an amount equal to the
full insurable value thereof during the term of this lease. Tenant shall also at Tenant’s expense
maintain general liability insurance covering the Leased Premises for the protection of both
Landlord and Tenant in the amount of $1,000,000, and shall furnish Landlord with a certificate
thereof, Tenant shall cause the Landlord to be designated an additional insured on such policy.
7. Maintenance, Tenant accepts the Leased Premises “as is,” and Landlord makes
no warranties, express or implied, with respect thereto. The Tenant will keep and maintain the
Leased Premises and all improvements from time to time located thereon, and all appurtenances
thereto, in good repair and in safe and sanitary condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted; and
will notify and cooperate with the Landlord to repair damage to any road, gravel parking area,
boat ramp, or other structure or equipment caused by flood, fire, lightning, animals, vandalism or
by any other cause whatsoever. The Tenant will conform with and do all things necessary to
comply with every valid law, regulation, order and requirement of any governmental authority
relating to the Leased Premises and Tenant’s use thereof.
8. hanges and Alterations; Construction of Boat Facilities. Tenant enters into this
Lease for the purpose of developing and managing non-motorized boat access points to the
Clinch River.
a. Construction and Maintenance of Boat Facilities. Tenant may, at Tenant’s
expense, construct, install and maintain boat access improvements on the Leased Premises with
Landlord’s written approval as set out in this Paragraph 8. Once constructed, Tenant may alter,
remodel, improve or modify any structure that Tenant places on the Leased Premises, provided
that the alterations or improvements are approved in writing in advance by Landlord. Landlord
is to be notified prior to and approve any construction on Leased Premises. No other
construction or installation of improvements may be made without Landlord’s prior written
b. Access. Prior to commencing the construction of the boat launch sites,
Tenant shall confirm to its reasonable satisfaction that public road access exists to the Artrip Site
and the Old Castlewood Site. In particular, Tenant shall confirm the status of Lutie Banner
Drive to the Old Castlewood Site and that Tenant may lawfully install and maintain a gate on
such road. Tenant agrees to provide Landlord with documentation of such access. The parties
believe (but neither party warrants to the other) that there is an existing easement with Robert
Banner for turning access to the Old Castlewood Site, and the parties will not terminate or
otherwise impair such easement.
c. Site Preparation. Tenant shall be responsible for preparing the Leased
Premises for the construction activities that are conducted by Tenant on the site, with the
exception that Landlord shall be responsible for removing the old house and garden shed from
the Old Castlewood Site and grading any cellar holes remaining after such removal.
a Project Manager. Landlord will seek to contract with the Upper
‘Tennessee River Roundtable, or another qualified entity reasonably acceptable to the Tenant, to
provide project consultation services for the construction of the boat facilities on the Leased
Premises, The project consultant will assist in obtaining necessary permitting for the boat
facilities and the construction thereof,
Project Design, Landlord agrees to issue a request for proposals to hire an
architectural and engineering contractor (an “A&E Firm”) to survey the boat launch areas on the
Attrip Site and the Old Castlewood Site, and to design the boat facilities to be located on each
property, including the boat launch itself, access roads or driveways, parking areas, and other
necessary facilities, If an acceptable A&E Firm can be identified by Landlord, such A&E Firm
shall be subject to the reasonable approval of Tenant. All such designs shall be in accordance
with specifications and standards for such facilities developed by the Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation (“DCR”) and any other applicable local, state or federal agency.
All such designs shall be subject to the approval of the Landlord, Tenant, and DCR prior to
beginning construction on the Leased Premises. The cost of the survey and design work by the
A&E Firm shall be bome by Landlord.
f. Construction of Improvements. If Landlord elects to construct the boat
launch facilities at either or both of the sites, Landlord will do so at its expense using new
materials of recent manufacture. Tenant agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain
building materials for the boat launch facilities at a reduced cost or gratis, and make such
materials available to Landlord’s contractor for the project. Landlord will request that any
contractor performing such work ensure that the Leased Premises are maintained in a safe and
clean condition and that all waste materials are promptly removed and disposed of lawfully.
g. Use of Sites. Tenant shall not permit public use of the Artrip Site or the
Old Castlewood Site until the boat launch facilities have been completed on such site, and all
necessary permits have been secured. Neither site shall be deemed complete until it is approved
by Landlord and DCR. Upon such approval, each site may be opened to public access upon the
same terms and conditions as other public boat access facilities along the Clinch River in
Virginia. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall permit Clinch River Adventures to
continue to use the Old Castlewood Site as a river access point for its commercial float trips on
the Clinch River, subject to the terms of a use agreement between Tenant and Clinch River
Adventures. Such use shall be during periods when there is no active construction at the Old
Castlewood Site, and Landlord and Tenant shall work cooperatively to advise Clinch River
Adventures of those days when construction work is being performed on the site and use as a
river access point will be prohibited, Tenant shall be responsible for ensuring the removal of all
trash and other waste from the Leased Premises, and that the Leased Premises are adequately
patrolled by law enforcement personnel. (A use agreement is necessary to ensure that during
construction the public safety is ensured, any construction is not hindered and the County’s
liability minimized.) .
bh, — Removal of Boat Facilities. If Tenant defaults on the terms of this Lease
6 chooses not to construct the prospective boat launch facilities referenced in this Paragraph 8,
Tenant shall, if requested by Landlord in writing, remove from the Leased Premises all materials,
equipment, structures and property installed by Tenant thereon, provided that such property may
be removed without substantial injury to the Leased Premises. No injury shall be considered
substantial if it is promptly corrected by restoration to the condition prior to installation of such
property. At the option of Landlord any such property not removed within ninety (90) days
following termination of this Lease or any renewal or extension thereof shall become the
property of Landlord.
9. Liens. Tenant shall, in a timely manner, contest any lien filed against the Tenant’s
Ieaschold interest in the Lease Premises by reason of work, labor, services or materials
performed by or supplied to the Tenant, its .contractors and subcontractors, To the extent
permissible under Virginia law, the Tenant agrees to be responsible for any costs, damages or
expenses (including attorneys” fees) incurred by Landlord as a result of the filing of such liens or
in obtaining their discharge whether such costs, damages or expenses were incurred prior or
subsequent to lease termination.
10. Condemnation. If the Leased Premises or any part thereof shall be condemned or
taken for a public or quasi-public use, then, upon payment of any award or compensation arising
from such condemnation or taking, either party may upon written notice to the other, terminate
this Lease. Tenant shall not, under any circumstances, be entitled to a condemnation award for
the value of its tenancy.
11. Default, A breach of any of the covenants or conditions of this Lease continuing
for more than five (5) days after notice thereof from Landlord shall be deemed a default by
‘Tenant under this Lease. However, a default as to matters capable of being cured shall be
deemed cured if Tenant, in good faith, commences performance required to cure same within
five (5) days after receipt of such notice and thereafter continuously and with reasonable
diligence proceeds to complete the performance required to cure such default. In addition to all
other remedies available at law or in equity, upon default by Tenant, Landlord may without
notice to Tenant, re-enter the Lease Premises, but no such re-entry shall be deemed an
acceptance of a surrender of this Lease. Further, Landlord may at Landlord's option terminate
this Lease for default, in which event Tenant shall remain liable for all Tenant’s obligations
under this Lease, and for such loss and damages as Landlord may sustain as a result of Tenant’s
breach hereof.
12. Holdover. Should Tenant continue in possession after the end of the term herein
with permission of Landlord, it is agreed that the tenancy thus created can be terminated by
either party giving to the other party not less than thirty (30) days written notice at any time.
13. Notices, Notices hereunder shall be given by posting, by registered or certified
mail, or by recognized overnight courier such as Federal Express, a letter addressed to the
address shown at the beginning of this Lease, Notices shall be deemed given upon and on the
date of mailing.
14. Assignment, Tenant shall not assign or sublet the Leased Premises without the
prior written consent of the Landlord, which consent may be withheld in the Landlord’s sold
15. Disposition of Leased Premises. The parties understand and agree that Landlord
intends to convey the Leased Premises, individually or together, to DCR. If Landlord conveys
the Artrip Site or the Old Castlewood Site, or both of them, to DCR, this Lease shall
automatically terminate upon the recordation of the deed conveying either or both sites. If for
any reason DCR declines to receive either or both sites, Landlord may continue to lease either or
both sites to Tenant upon such additional terms and conditions as the parties may reasonably
16, Environmental Liability. Tenant shall not store, use or dispose of, or cause or
permit the storage, use or disposal of, any hazardous substance upon the Leased Premises.
“Hazardous substance” means any hazardous waste, substance, or toxic material which is regulated
under any environmental laws or regulations, Tenant agrees to be responsible for all costs,
penalties, remediation costs, losses, and damages, resulting from any environmental
contamination caused by Tenant or any of Tenant’s agents, contractors, employees, sub-lessees,
invitees and assigns during the term of this Lease and any renewals or extensions hereof.
17. Miscellaneous. This Lease shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and shall be binding upon the parties, their successors
and assigns, This Lease contains the complete agreement of the parties, and shall not be
modified or amended except by written amendment hereto, No waiver of any breach of covenant
or condition herein shall be construed as a waiver of a covenant or condition itself or any
subsequent breach thereof. ‘The paragraph headings appearing in this Lease are for purposes of
easy reference and shall not be considered a part of this Lease or in any way to modify, amend or
affect the provisions hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this Lease have caused this instrument to be
executed by their duly authorized representatives.
a District of Columbia non-profit corporation
By: Bue
Its: C\Sch Valley Progccon Dicector
a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Leased Premises
Fife Heirs Parcel (the “Artrip Site”):
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Castlewood
Magisterial District of Russell County, Virginia, designated as Tract C, containing 1.000 acre,
more or less, on that certain plat prepared by Marsh & Legge, Land Surveyors, P.L.C., dated
August 8, 2014, entitled “Boundary Survey of Tract A the Land of Gary Wayne Fife ...”, a copy
of which is of record in the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office of Russell County, Virginia, in Plat
Cabinet 1, Slide 428-G, and to which reference is hereby made for a more full and complete
description of the property herein conveyed.
This is a portion of the real property acquired by The Nature Conservancy, a District of
Columbia non-profit corporation, by deed dated December 10, 2014 from Annice Lee Ring, et
al,, of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 782, Page 796, and designated Parcel
No. Three (3) in such deed.
Banner Estate Parcels (the “Old Castlewood
Tract 1; That certain lot or parcel of land containing 1,06 acres, more or less, as shown
on a plat entitled “SURVEY FOR BILL BANNER”, dated May 21, 2001, prepared by Larry M.
Culbertson, Land Surveyor, a copy of which is attached to a deed to William Browning Banner
dated July 7, 2001, of record in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Russell County,
Virginia, in Deed Book 530, Page 239, reference to which is hereby made for a more full and
complete description of said property, as if set out herein in full.
Tract 2: That certain lot or parcel of land containing 1.24 acres, more or less, as shown
BANNER LANDS...”, dated May 19, 2010, prepared by Hubert T. Nash, Land Surveyor, a copy
of which is of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Plat Cabinet 1, Slide 385-C, reference to
which is hereby made for a more full and complete description of said property, as if set out
herein in full.
This is the same real property acquired by The Nature Conservaney, a District of
Columbia non-profit corporation, by deed dated November 23, 2015 from William Bryan
Banner, sole owner of the remainder interest, and Karen Sue Banner, life tenant, of record in the
aforesaid Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 796, Page 74.
issu DATE
Risk Management Programs, Inc.
1315 Franklin Road $
Roanoke, VA 24016
ERMEANY A. Virginia Association of Counties Group Se}fInsurance Risk Pool
Russell County a
Lebanon, VA 24266 BTTER
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A (GEXBNAL LADY VA-RU-080-18 [07/01/2017 | 07/01/2018 fuENe#AL-AGoEEOATE $__NiA
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‘Auto Physical Damage | VA-RU-080-18 [07/01/2017 07/01/2018 $250 Comprehensiveg 250 Collision
Crime VA-RU-080-18 07/01/2017 | 07/01/2018 _|$250,000 Blanket, $250 Deductible
Public Officials VA-RU-080-18 [07/01/2017 | 07/01/2018 |s5,000 Ded $2,000,000 Limit
RE: Artrip and Old Castlewood Sites
‘The Nature Conservancy
146 East Main Street
Abingdon, VA 24210
Keath Reeck-Lisiomem
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Francine C, Ecker $100 Sank Soe
Diecor Richmond, Virginia
(Gos) 786-4000,
July 17, 2017 00 (804) 16 3782
Mr. Lonzo Lester
County Administrator
Russell County
P. O. Box 1208
Lebanon, VA 24266-1208
Title: Victim Witness Program
Dear Mr. Lester:
Tam pleased to advise you that grant number 18-R3590VW16 for the above-referenced grant program has
been approved for a total of $46,964.00 in Federal Funds and $15,655.00 in State Special Funds for a total
award of $62,619.00,
Enclosed you will find a Statement of Grant Award and a Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions.
To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the award acceptance and return it to
Janice Waddy, Grants Administrator, at the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCIS). Please review the
conditions carefully; as some require action on your part before we will disburse grant funds,
Also, enclosed are the Post Award Instructions and Reporting Requirements, Please refer to and read this
information carefully as it contains details on processing financial and progress reports, as well as requesting
awarded funds. Remember all financial and progress reports, budget amendment requests and request for
funds must be processed through our online Grants Management Information System (GMIS).
‘We appreciate your interest in this grant program and will be happy to assist you in any way we can to
assure your project’s success. If you have any questions, please contact Patricia Foster at (804) 371-8634 or by
email at Patricia [email protected].
Dawn Oo HL
Francine C. Ecker
ct Ms. Gwen Nash, V/W Program Director
Mr. Rick Thompson, Treasurer
Ms. Patricia Foster, DCJS Monitor
Crevina tie Senees Board « Commitee on Taning « Advisory Commitee ov Juvenile Josie and Prevention
Adiory Camm to the Court Appointed Special Advocse and Crvaren's Juice Aa Programs
disory Commies on Seiul an Gamest lance Pevale Secuty Sences Aevsory Bowed
voce igri gov
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Rank Sree, 1204 Floor, Récomond, VA. 23219
Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance
‘Subgrantee: Russell County
Date: July 17,2017
Lebanon, VA 24266
Phone: (276) 889-8225,
Lebanon, VA. 24266-1208
Phone: (276) 889-8000
Grant Period: Grant Number:
From: 07/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2018 18-R3590VW16
Project Director Project Administrator Finance Officer
Ms, Gwen Nast Mr. Lonzo Lester Mr. Rick Thompson
IW Program Diseotor County Administrator “Treasurer
Rossel County Russell County Russell County
P.0,Box 1417 P.O, Box 1208 P.O.Box 121
Lebanon, VA. 24266-0121
Phone: (276) 889-8028
mail) gvyn@usselicouniyencom | Kmail: tonzolester@russlleomyvaus f Rmall: reveas@bvnetnet
Grant Award Budget
DCJS Funds
Budget Categories Federal Generel Spectat Local TOTALS
rs rs rs es ae 30
SuppliewOther 3 w 7 3 3
PPersonnet 3 w a 3 30
naires Cost 3 3 0 3 30
Frauipment [7 w 3 3 0
[Consultant Ey 3 3 w
Total] Weve ¥ ines 3 Borat
‘This grant is subject to all rules, regulations, and criteria included in the grant guidelines and the special
Dear © A
Francine C. Eeker, Director
conditions attached thereto.
‘The undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance and the Condition
aceept this grant and agree Co the conditions pertaining thereto, this
ay of
tached thereto, does hereby
Departinent of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
For the Victim Witness Assistance Grant Program ~ Localities
Subgrantee: Russell County Grant Number: 18-R3S90VW16
Federal Catalog Number: 16.575
‘Victim Witness Program. Date: July 17,2017
The following conditions are attached to and made a part of this grant award:
By signing the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance, the grant recipient agrees:
© to use the grant funds to carry out the activities described in the grant application, as modified by the terms and
conditions attached to this award or by subsequent amendments approved by DCIS;
* toadhere to the approved budget contained in this award and amendments made to it in accord with these terms and
* to comply with all terms, conditions and assurances either attached to this award or submitted with the grant
‘* to comply with the “Victim/ Witness Grant Program Fiscal Year 2017 and 2018 Program Guidelines and.
Application Procedures,” dated February 8, 2016 and its Attachments. This includes compliance with the “Victims
of Crime Act Victim Assistance Program Final Rule, 28 CFR 94, effective August 8, 2016,” and includes a
requirement that subgrantees maintain daily time and attendance records,
httpsv//nvww.dojs virginia gov/sites/dejs. virginia. gow/files/publications/victims/vocaassistancehandoutallowableservi
‘The subgrantee agrees to submit, on or before scheduled due dates, such reports as requested by DCJS on required forms.
‘This includes filing required reports using the Client Information Management System (CIMS) and the online Grants
‘Management Information System (GMIS).
‘The subgrantee agrees that it and all its contractors will comply with the following federal civil rights laws as applicable:
+ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin
in the delivery of services (42 U.S.C. § 2000d) and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28 CFR. Part 42, Subpart C;
‘+ The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, or sex in the delivery of services and employment practices (42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c)(1)), and
the DOJ implementing regulations at 28 CER, Part 42, Subpart D;
"Section $04 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the delivery
of services and employment practices (29 U.S.C. § 794), and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28 C.E.R. Part 42,
Subpart G;
* Title Tl of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in tho
delivery of services and employment practices (42 U.S.C. § 12132), and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28
CER. Part 35;
* Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education.
programs and activities (20 U.S.C. § 1681), and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28 CE.R. Part 54;
" The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in the delivery of services (42
U.S.C. § 6102), and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28 C.P.R. Part 42, Subpart I; and
"The DOJ regulations on the Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations, which prohibit discrimination on the
basis of religion in the delivery of services and prohibit organizations from using DOJ finding for inherently religious
activities (28 CF.R, Part 38).
Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions (Continued)
Grant No: 18-R3590VW16
= The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended, which prohibits discrimination in both
employment and the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, religion, and sex in JJDPA-
fanded programs ot activities (42 U.S.C. § 5672(b)).
* Section 1407 of the Vietims of Crime Act (VOCA), as amended, which prohibits discrimination in both employment
and the delivery of services or benefits on the basis of race, cotor, national origin, religion, sex, and disability in
VOCA-funded programs or activities. (42 U.S.C. § 10604).
4, The Subgrantee agrees to meet the civil rights training requirements through viewing the online training modules offered
through the Office on Civil Rights at httns://oip,gav/about/ocr/assistance.him, The grantee must review these
training modules at least once per grant cycle and must view the civil rights overview, standard assurances
modules, and the module on the obligations to provide services to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals,
5. The Subgrantee agrees that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for a
project for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public building or public work unless all of the iron,
steel, and manufactured goods used in the project are produced in the United States.
6, The Subgrantee agrees that notwithstanding any other provisions of law and in a manner consistent with other provisions
in this Act, all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on projects funded directly by or
assisted in whole or in part by and through the Federal Government pursuant to this Act shall be paid wages at rates not
less than those prevailing on projects of a character similar in the locality as determined by the Secretary of Labor in
‘accordance with subchapter IV of chapter 31 of title 40, United States Code. With respect to the labor standards specified
in this section, the Secretary of Labor shall have the authority and functions set forth in Reorganization Plan Numbered 14
‘of 1950 (64 Stat 1267; 5 U.S.C. App) and section 3145 of title 40, United States Code,
7. The Subgrantee will promptly refer to DOJs Office of the Inspector General any credible evidence that a principal,
employee, agent, contractor, subgrantee, subcontractor, or other person has either (1) submitted a false claim for grant
fimds under the False Claims Act; or (2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of
interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct involving grant funds,
8. The Subgrantee cannot use any federal funds, ether directly or indirectly, in support of any contract or subaward to either
the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries, without the express prior
written approval of OJP. In addition, the grantee will provide OVC with a draft copy of the letter of special condition for
approval within 15 days.
9. The subgrantee agrees that in the event a Federal or State court or Federal or State administrative agency makes a finding
of discrimination after a due process hearing on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability
against a recipient of funds, the recipient will forward a copy of the finding to the Office of Civil Rights, Office of Justice
10, Grant funds, including state and local match, may be expended and/or obligated during the grant period. All legal
obligations must be liquidated no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period. ‘The grant recipient agtees to supply
‘final grant financial report and return all received and unexpended grant funds (exclusive of focal match) to DCIS within
90 days after the end of the grant liquidation period.
11. By accepting this grant, the recipient assures that funds made available through it will not be used to replace state or local
funds that would, in the absence of this grant, be made available for the same purposes.
‘Subgrantee may follow their own established travel rates if they have an established travel policy. If subgrantee does not
have an established policy, then they must adhere to state travel policy. The state allows reimbursement for actual
reasonable expenses. Please refer to the following IRS website for the most current mileage rate:
tp:// ,id=156624,00.html: “Transportation costs for air and rail must be at coach rates.
13, Within 60 days of the starting date of the grant, the subgrantee must initiate the project funded, If not, the subgrantee must
report to the DCIS, by letter, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for the delay, and the expected start ting date.
If the project is not operational within 90 days of the start date, the subgrantee must obtain approval in writing from the
DCIS for anew implementation date or the DCJS may cancel and terminate the project and redistribute the funds.
Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions (Continued)
Grant No: 18-R3590VW16
14, No amendment to the approved budget may be made without the prior approval of DCJS. No more than two (2)
budget amendments will be permitted during the grant period. Budget amendments must be requested using the
online Grants Management Information System, (GMIS), accompanied with a narrative. The deadline for all
budget amendments to be submitted will be 45 days prior to the end of the grant year,
15, The subgeantee agrees to forward a copy to the DCJS of the scheduled audit of this grant award,
16. The subgrantee agrees to comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act http://eva.virginia.zov/pages/eva-vppa.htm.
Procurement transactions, whether negotiated or advertised and without regard to dollar value, shall be conducted in a
‘manner so as fo provide maximum open and free competition, An exemption to this regulation requires the prior approval
of the DCJS and is only given in unusual circumstances. Any request for exemption must be submitted in writing to the
DCIS. Permission to make sole source procurements must be obtained from DCIS in advance.
17, Acceptance of this grant award by the local govemment applicant constitutes its agreement that it assumes full
responsibility for the management of all aspects of the grant and the activities fmded by the grant, including assuring
proper fiscal management of and accounting for grant funds; assuring that personnel paid with grant funds are hired,
supervised and evaluated in accord with the local government’s established employment and personnel policies; and
assuring that all terms, conditions and assurances—those submitted with the grant application, and those issued with this
award—are complied with,
18, Any delegation of responsibility for carrying out grant-funded activities to an office or department not a part of the local
‘government must be pursuant to a written memorandum of understanding by which the implementing office or department
agrees to comply with all applicable grant terms, conditions and assurances. Any such delegation notwithstanding, the
applicant acknowledges by its acceptance of the award its ultimate responsibility for compliance with all terms, conditions
and assurances of the grant award,
19, Project Income: Any funds generated as a direct result of DCJS grant-funded projects are deemed project income. Project,
income must be reported on the Subgrantee Financial Report for Project Income provided by DCJS. Instructions for the
Project Income form can be downloaded at:
hetp://www dejs. virginia gov/forms/grants/subsrantProjecifncomelnstructions.doc. The Project Income form can also be
downloaded from the DCJS website at: http://www _dejs.virginis gowforms/srants/suberanProjectIncome.xls. Examples
of project income might include service fees; client fees; usage or rental fees; sales of materials; income received from sale
of seized and forfeited assets (cash, personal or real property included).
20. The recipient is required to certify and ensure that all aspects of personnel management and employment practices will be
conducted in accordance with their local unit of government or stato agency procedures, promoting equal employment
opportunity, For example, the recipient must advertise for positions, interview candidates, hire, supervise, discipline, and
separate program personel in accordance with their local unit of government or state agenicy procedures promoting equal
employment opportunity. Additionally, grantees must promptly notify DCJS whenever grant funded positions are vacated
and must notify DCJS when such positions are filled.
21. All new Computer Processing Units (CPU’s) purchased with grant funds must be protected by anti-virus software, which
must be updated, as necessary. Before purchasing new computer equipment, the recipient is strongly encouraged to
consult the DCJS CIMS Requirements at; https:/Avww.dojs.vireinia gov/victims-services/client-information-management-
Jn accordance with VOCA guidelines, grant finds may support membership in no more than three appropriate
23. No more than 5% of grant funded staff hours may be devoted to the provision services to witnesses.
24, Costs, including staff time, associated with the preparation of subpoenas cannot be supported with grant funds.
25, Email and intemet access funded through the grant must be for official program use only.
Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions (Conti
Grant No: 18-R3590VW16
26. When there is any personnel change in the program, the recipient agrees to submit the DCJS Program Change/ Update
form available on the DCJS website at: https:/
27. Subgrantee agrees that DCIS, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and/or the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
(CCKC) and its representatives shall be granted access to and the right to examine all records, books, paper or documents
related to the VOCA grant,
28. Unless otherwise stated, Special Conditions listed in item 29 must be met by August 31, 2017. If they remain unmet after
this date, then the subgrantee must report to the DC3S, by letter, the steps taken to achieve compliance, the reasons for
non-compliance, and the expected date of compliance. DCJS may terminate grant funding based upon unexplained or
‘unreasonable failure to substantially comply with special conditions within reasonable specified timeframes.
29, Prior to DCJS disbursing funds, the Subgrantee must comply with the following special conditions:
a) Submit an itemized budget and budget narrative equal to the award amount. Itemized budgets and budget
narratives must be completed on the templates provided via email, Templates are also available on the DCIS,
website at www dejs.virginia gov, The itemized budget and narrative are due by August 31, 2017,
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Francine ©. Ecker 1100 Bank Street
Director Richmond, Visginia 23219
(04) 786-4000
NOTICE ‘TOD (804) 786-8732
To: — Grants Project Administrator
From: Janice Waddy, DCJS Grants Administrator
Re: Post Award Instructions and Reporting Requirements
Please review your Award and Special Conditions very carefully. Pay attention to the last
Special Condition listed. This Special Condition may require additional documentation from
‘you before grant funds can be released, Sign and date the grant award acceptance and submit
‘any Special Condition documentation by mail or email to:
Office of Grants Management
Attn: Janice Waddy, Manager
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
By accepting the accompanying grant award, you are agreeing to submit online quarterly
progress and financial reports for this grant throughout the grant period, as well as final reports fo
close the grant. No eligible current recipient of funding will be considered for continuation
funding if, as of the continuation application due date, any of the required Financial and
Progress reports for the current grant are more than thirty (30) days overdue. For good
cause, submitted in writing by the grant recipient, DCIS may waive this provision.
Financial reports and progress reports* are due no later than the close of business on the 12"
working day after the end of the quarter (“except PAPIS Pre- and Post- Incarceration Services
reports, which are due by the last working day of the end of the following month) Also, V-
STOP progress reports are submitted on semi-annual basis 12" working day after 6/30 and
121 quarters. Reports are required even if no expenditures have occurred during the quarter,
ts who do not fulfill this
reporting obligation. A schedule of due dates is also attached for your reference.
Cina ston Services Board Commie on Tani + Advlsory Commies en sven stl and Prevention
‘Asvzory Comite tothe Coun Appoiiad Speci Advecate ard Chistes Jusicw Ae Progiars
‘Acsory Commitee on Sanus and Domest Vance = Prvsie Seculy SencesAdsary Bosra
sje. veghiagow
Page 2 of 2
Refer to our website: http:/ for submitting progress reports through the
online Grants Management Information System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system,
if you have not previously done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your
Finance Officer, whose name and contact information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of
Avard/Acceptance. You are required to use the online system to submit your progress reports,
Paper copies of Progress Reports are no longer accepted.
Refer to our website for submitting financial reports through our online Grants Management
Information System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously
done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer, whose name
and contact information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance. The
address is dministration/gmis/
Paper copies of the financial reports are no longer accepted. You are required to use the
online system in reporting your expenditures.
Refer to our website for requesting funds through our online Grants Management Information
System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously done so, you
must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer, whose name and contact
information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance. *Please note you
can access this system using the same password assigned for the online financial reporting system.
‘The address is,
You are required to use the online system for requesting funds.
Budgets can be amended in most DCJS grant programs with prior approval. Please review your
Special Conditions carefully to determine the requirements and procedures for amending
budgets. Refer to our website for amending budgets through the online Grants Management
Information System (GMIS). *Please note again that you can access this system using the same
password assigned for the online financial reporting system. ‘This process can take up to (30)
days for approval.
‘The address is menuLevel=4.
Paper copies of the Budget Amendments are no longer accepted, You are required to use the
online system for submitting budget amendments.
Tfyou have any questions, please contact Beverly Johnson at (804) 786-9055 or by e-mail at
beverly johmson@dejs. virginia gov.
Updated 07/2017
Reports are due by the 12" working day following the close of the period covered in the report.
® Financial reports are required quarterly, even if no expenditures have occurred.
© Progress reports are required as follows:
Victim/Witness, SAGP and VSDVVF- quarterly (period ending 9/30, 12/31, 3/31, and 6/30).
V-STOP- semi-annual (period ending 6/30 and 12/31) and CY anaual (due 1/31).
SASP- CY annual (period ending 12/31).
9/30/2017 10/18/2017
12/31/2017 1/22/2018
3/31/2018 4/17/2018
6/30/2018 7/18/2018
9/30/2018 10/17/2018
12/31/2018 1/17/2019
Please contact the appropriate DCJS staff person if you need assistance with the followin:
e Financial Reports and Requests for Funds - DCJS Fiscal Services Manager, Bill Dodd, at
804/371-0638 or bill. [email protected]
GMIS - Complete and send an email to grantsweb@dcjs. citing the error
message received, to request assistance from the GMIS Program Coordinator DeAndrea
* CIMS or VSDVVF Reporting Software- DCJS IT Contact Specialist at 804/786-4576 or
* Progress Reports and Other Requests- your assigned DCJS Grant Program Monitor.
victim programs 6-17
Department of Criminal Justice Services 4100 Bark Steet
Francine C, Ecker Richmond, Vginia 29259
Director (e04) 786-4000
June 26, 2017 ‘TOD (864) 785-8732
Russell County
P.O. Box 1208
Lebanon, VA 24266-1208
‘Title: School Resource Officer/School Security Officer Grant Program
Dear Mr, Lester:
Tam pleased to advise you that grant number 18-C3209FRIS for the above-referenced grant program has
been approved in the amount of $36,237.00 in State Special Funds and $11,286.00 in Matching Funds for a total
award of $47,523.00.
Enclosed you will find a Statement of Grant Award and a Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions,
To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the award acceptance and return it to
Janice Waddy, Grants Administrator, at the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCIS). Please review the
conditions carefully; as some require action on your part before we will disburse grant funds,
Also, enclosed are the Post Award Instructions and Reporting Requitements, Please refer to and read this,
information carefully as it contains details on processing financial and progress reports, as well as requesting
awarded funds. Remember all financial and progress reports, budget amendment requests and request for
funds must be processed through our online Grants Management Information System (GMIS).
We appreciate your interest in this grant program and will be happy to assist you in any way we can to
assure your project’s success. If you have any questions, please contact Shellie Evers at (804) 678-8993 or by
emai at [email protected].
Dr 6 tH
Francine C. Ecker
co: The Hon, Steve Dye, Sheriff
‘Mr. Rick Thompson, Treasurer
Ms. Shellie Evers, DCIS Monitor
tinal ste Sences Boar «Comme on Tring + Advisory Contes on vena Jusios and Prevention
‘Adisry Comittee tote Cour Appointed Spec azvoosta ana Chidrans bustce Act Programe
‘advisory Commstao on Sexual and Oomeste Veence » Pate Secury Sanioes Airy Board
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Haak Stet, 12th Toor, Richmond, VA. 23219
Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance
Subgrantee: Russell County Date: June 26,2017
Grant Period: ‘Grant Number:
From: 07/01/2017 Throug! 06/30/2018 18-C3209FR18
Project Director Project Administrator Finance Officer
‘The ion. Steve Dye Me, Lomo Lester Mr. Riek Thompson
Shesitt County Adoxinistator Treanwer
Russell County Shes Office Russell County Runsell County
P.O. Box 338 0. Box 1208 P.O, Box 121
Lebanon, VA. 24266-0338 Lebanon, VA 24266-1208 Lebanon, VA. 24266-0121
Phone: (276) 889-8287 Phones (276) 889-8000 Phone: 276) 889-8028
mall: [email protected] Bail: lonzoleste@vusselloountyaus ] Email: reas@bvunet net
Grant Award Budget
DCJS Funds
Budget Categories Federal Gonoral Spacial Local TOTALS
Travel, $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
[Supplies/Other 0 $0 $0 90 $0
|Personnel ‘$0 $0 ‘$36,237 ‘$11,286 $47,523
indirect Cost 30 3 ¥ 30 30
Equipment 30 30 0 3 30
[Consultant $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Totais| ‘$0 $0 ‘$36,237 ‘$11,286 $47,523
‘This grant is subject to all rules, regulations, and criteria included in the grant guidelines and the special
conditions attached thereto. .
Francine C. Beker,
the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance and the Conditions attached thereto, does hereby
ns pertaining thereto, his day of 0.
‘The undersigned, having re
accept ths grant and agree tothe con
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
School Resource Officer Grant Program — Localities
Subgrantee: Russell County Grant Number: 18-C3209FRI8
Title: School Resource Officer/School Security Officer Date: June 26,2017
Grant Program
‘The following conditions are attached to and made a part of this grant award:
1. Where the Statemont of Grant Award reflects a required cash match contribution, the grantee agrees, by accepting the
award, to provide the aon-federal cash match as shown.
2. By signing the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance, the grant recipient agrees:
* to use the grant funds to carry out the activities described in the grant application, as modified by the ferms and
conditions attached to this award or by subsequent amendments approved by DCI
‘* to adhere to the approved budget contained in this award and amendments made to it in accord with these terms and
* and fo comply with all terms, conditions and assurances either attached to this award or submitted with the grant
3. The Subgrantee agrees to submit such reports as requested by DCJS, Funds ftom this grant will not be disbursed, if any of
the required Financial or Progress reports are overdue by more than 30 days unless you can show good cause for missing
the reporting deadline,
4. Grant funds, including matching funds, may only be expended and/or obligated during the grant period. All legal
obligations must be fulfilled no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period.
5. By accepting this grant, the recipient assures that funds made available through it will not be used to replace state or local
funds that would, in the absence of this grant, be made available for the same purposes.
6. Subgrantee may follow their own established travel rates if they have an established travel policy. If a subgrantee does not
have an established policy, then they must adhere to state travel policy. ‘The state allows reimbursement for actual
reasonable expenses. Please refer to the following IRS website for the most current mileage rate:, id=156624,00.himl: ‘Transportation costs for air and rail must be at coach rates.
7. Within 60 days of the starting date of the grant, the subgrantee must initiate the project funded. If not sterted during this
period, the subgrantee must report to the DCJS, by leter, the steps taken to initiate the project and the reasons for the delay
and the expected starting date. If the project is not operational within 90 days of the start date, the subgrantee must receive
approval in writing from the DCJS for a new implementation date or the DCIS may cancel and ferminate the project and
redistribute the fiands to another program.
8, No amendment to the approved budget may be made without the prior approval of DCJS. No more than two (2)
budget amendments will be permitted during the grant period. Budget amendments must be requested using the
ontine Grants Management Information System, (GMIS), accompanied with a narrative, ‘The deadline for all
budget amendments to be submitted will be 45 days prior to the end of the grant period,
9. ‘The subgrantee agrees to forward to the DCJS a copy of the scheduled audit of this grant award,
Page 2 of 62
Grant No:_18-C3209FR18
County of Russell
10. The grantee agrees to comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act http:/eva.virginia,eov/pages/eva-vppa.him.
Procurement transactions, whether negotiated or advertised and without regard to dollar value, shall be conduefed in a
manner so as to provide maximum open and free competition. An exemption to this regulation requires the prior approval
of the DCJS and is only given in unusual circumstances, Any request for exeruption must be submitted in writing to the
DCJS. Permission to make sole source procurements must be obtained from DCIS in advance,
11, Acceptance of this grant award by the local government applicant constitutes its agreement that it assumes full
esponsibility for the management of all aspects of the grant and the activities funded by the grant, including. assuring
proper fiscal management of and accounting for grant funds; assuring that personnel paid with grant funds are hired,
supervised and evaluated in accord with the local government's established employment and personnel policies; and
assuring that all terms, conditions and assurances—those submitted with the grant application, and those issued with this
award—are complied with.
12, Any delegation of responsibility for carrying out grant-flunded activities to an office or department not a part of the local
government must be pursuant to a written memorandum of understanding by which the implementing office or department
agrees to comply with all applicable grant terms, conditions and assurances. Any such delegation notwithstanding, the
‘applicant acknowledges by its acceptance of the award its ultimate responsibility for compliance with all terms, conditions
and assurances of the grant award,
13, PROJECT INCOME: Any funds generated as a direct result of DCJS grant fimded projects are deemed project income.
Project income must be reported on forms provided by DCJS. The following are examples of project income: Service
fees; Client fees; Usage or Rental fees; sales of materials; income received from sale of seized and forfeited assets (cash,
personal or real property included),
14, Prior to DCJS disbursing funds, the Subgrantee must comply with the following Special Conditions:
a) —_ Resubmit Goal and Objectives form(s) after rewriting objective(s) in SMART format,
Department of Criminal Justice Services
2 ‘100 Bank Steet
Richmond, Viginia 23218
(G04) 786-4000
TDD (804) 786-8732
Francine ©, Ecker
To: Grants Project Administrator
From: Janice Waddy, DCJS Grants Administrator
Re: Post Award Instructions and Reporting Requirements
Please review your Award and Special Conditions very carefully. Pay attention to the last
‘Special Condition listed. This Special Condition may. require additional documentation from
you before grant funds can be released. Sign and date the grant award acceptance and submit
any Special Condition documentation by mail or email to:
Office of Grants Management
Attn: Janice Waddy, Manager
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
[email protected].
By accepting the accompanying grant award, you are agreeing to submit online quarterly
progress and financial reports for this grant throughout the grant period, as well as final reports to
close the grant. No eligible current recipient of funding will be considered for continuation
funding if, as of the continuation application due date, any of the required Financial and
Progress reports for the current grant are more than thirty (30) days overdue. For good
cause, submitted in writing by the grant recipient, DCJS may waive this provision.
Financial reports and progress reports are due no later than the close of business on the 12"
working day after the end of the quarter. Reports are required even if no expenditures have
ocourred during the quarter. Requests for Funds will not be honored from grant recipients
who do not fulfill this reporting obligation. A schedule of due dates is also attached for your
Ctininal sustoe Servaes Eos Commie on Tening + Aasory Corson on uveitis and Prevention
_Rbisry Commste lo tne Cour Appofieg Special Advocate and Chiles Juxtce Act Programs
‘ssry Commitee on Sexual and Domest Violence = Pile Secutly Serveas Acsory Board
sels. vega gow
Page 2. of 2
Refer to our website: _http:/ for submitting progress reports through our
online Grants Management Information System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system,
if you have not previously done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your
Finance Officer, whose name and contact information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of
‘Award/Acceptance. You are required to use the online system to submit your progress reports.
Paper copies of Progress Reports are no longer accepted.
Refer to our website for submitting financial reports through our online Grants Management
Information System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously
done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer, whose name
and contact information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance. ‘The
address is http://www dojs. virginia, gov/grantsAdministration/gmis/index.cfin?menul evel=4,
Paper copies of the financial reports are no longer accepted. You are required to use the
online system in reporting vour expenditures.
Refer to our website for requesting funds through our online Grants Management Information
System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously done so, you
‘must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer, whose name and contact
information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance. *Please tote you
can access this system using the same password assigned for the online financial reporting system.
‘The address is http://www dejs.virginia gow/erantsAdministration/gmis/index.cfin?menuLevel=4,
You are required to use the online system for requesting funds.
Budgets can be amended in most DCJS grant programs with prior approval. Please review your
Special Conditions carefully to determine the requirements and procedures for amending
budgets. Refer to our website for amending budgets through our online Grants Management
Information System (GMIS) *Please note again that you can access this system using the same
password assigned for the online financial reporting system. This process can take up to (30)
days for approval.
The address is dministration/gmis/index.cfm? menuLevel=4,
Paper copies of the Budget Amendments are no longer accepted! You are required to use the
online system for submitting budget amendments,
If you have any questions, please contact Beverly Johnson at (804) 786-9055 or by e-mail at
beverly [email protected] gov.
‘Updated 06/2017
Reports are due by the 12" working date following the close of the quarter covered in the report .
Financial reports are required quarterly, even ifno expenditures have occurred.
9/30/2017 10/18/2017
12/31/2017 1/22/2018
3/31/2018 4/17/2018
6/30/2018 7/18/2018
9/30/2018 10/17/2018
12/31/2018 1/17/2019
Please contact the appropriate DCJS staff person if you need assistance with the following:
* Financial Reports and Requests for Funds - DCJS Fiscal Services Manager Bill Dodd at
804/371-0638 or bill. [email protected]
¢ GMIS - Complete and send an email to [email protected] citing the error
message received, to request assistance from the GMIS Program Coordinator DeAndrea
© Progress Reports and Other Requests- your assigned DCJS Grant Program Monitor.
Department of Criminal Justice Services 100 Bank Street
Francine C. Eker Richmond, Virginia 23219
Director (gos) 785-4000
Sune 26, 2017 ‘TDD (604) 786-8732
Mr. Lonzo Lester
County Administrator
Russell County
P.O, Box 1208
Lebanon, VA 24266-1208
Title: School Resource Officer/School Security Officer Grant Program
Dear Mr. Lester:
1 am pleased to advise you that grant number 18-A4168FR18 for the above-referenced grant program has
been approved in the amount of $36,237.00 in State Special Funds and $11,286.00 in Matching Funds for a total
award of $47,523.00,
Enclosed you will find a Statement of Grant Award and a Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions.
To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the award acceptance and refum it to
Janice Waddy, Grants Administrator, at the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Please review the
conditions carefully; as some require action on your part before we will disburse grant funds,
Also, enclosed are the Post Award Instructions and Reporting Requirements, Please refer to and read this
information carefully as it contains details on processing financial and progress reports, as well as requesting
awarded funds. Remember all financial and progress reports, budget amendment requests and request for
funds must be processed through our online Grants Management Information System (GMIS).
We appreciate your interest in this grant program and will be happy to assist you in any way we can to
assure your project’s success. If you have any questions, please contact Shellie Evers at (804) 678-8993 or by
email at [email protected]. gov,
Francine C. Hoker
co: The Hon. Steve Dye, Sheriff
Mr. Rick Thompson, Treasurer
Ms. Shellie Evers, DCIS Monitor
(imiel Justice Senos Board + Conmnites on Trshing « Advisory Commitee on Juvante uses and Prevention
‘Adisory Commitee the Cour Appa Special Advocate and Chien Jace Act Programs
‘aiisry Commie on Sei and Domest Volos» Peale Secury Sevces Aavlscry Boars
shud gor
Department of Criminal Justice Services
i Foor, Richmond, VA. 23219
Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance
Grant Period:
From: 07/01/2017
Subgrantee: Russell County
Through: 06/30/2018
Date: June 26,2017
Grant Number:
Project Director
Project Administrator
‘Finance Officer
‘The Hon, Steve Dye
Russell County Sheriffs Omfice
P.O, Boe 338
Lebanon, VA 24266-0338
Phone: (276) 889-8287
Email: [email protected]
‘Mt, Lonzo Lester
County Administrator
‘Ruseell Connty
P.O. Bax 1208
Lebanon, VA 24266-1208
Phone: (276) 889-8000
Email: lonzo lester@russelleountyvaus
Me. Rick Thompson
‘Russell Coun
P.0,Box 121
Lebanon, VA 24266-0121,
Phone: (276) 889-8028
Email: retreas@ovunetinet
Grant Award Budget
DCJS Funds
Budget Categories Federal General Special Local TOTALS
[Travel 30 90 $0 $0 50
[Supplies/Other 30 30 30 30 $0
Personnel 0 0 $36,237 $17,286 Mise
indirect Cast 0 0 30 $0 30
Jiquipment 0 $0 30 cy 30
[Consultant 30 0 30 30 30
Totals| 30 30 $56,257 $11,286 $47,523,
‘This grant is subject to all rules, regulations, and criteria included in the grant guidelines and the special
conditions attached thereto.
Paro mL
Francine C, Ecker, Director
‘The undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance and the Conditions attached thereto, does hereby
accept this grant and agree tothe conditions pertaining thereto, this day of :
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
School Resource Officer Grant Program — Localities
Subgrantee: Russell County Grant Number: 18-A4168FRI8
Title: School Resource Officer/School Security Officer Date: June 26, 2017
Grant Program
‘The following conditions are attached to and made a part of this grant award:
1. Where the Statement of Grant Award reflects a required cash match contribution, the grantee agrees, by accepting the
award, to provide the non-federal cash match as shown,
2. By signing the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance, the grant recipient agrees:
© to use the grant funds to carry out the activities described in the grant application, as modified by the terms and
conditions attached to this award or by subsequent amendments approved by DCJS;
© to adhere to the approved budget contained in this award and amendments made to it in accord with these terms and
© and to comply with all terms, conditions and assurances either attached to this award or submitted with the grant
3. The Subgrantee agrees to submit such reports as requested by DCJS, Funds from this grant will not be disbursed, if any of
the required Financial or Progress reports are overdue by more than 30 days unless you can show good cause for missing
the reporting deadline.
4, Grant funds, including matching finds, may only be expended and/or obligated during the grant period. All legal
obligations must be fulfilled no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period,
5, By accepting this grant, the recipient assures that funds made available through it will not be used to replace state or local
funds that would, in the absence of this grant, be made available for the same purposes.
6. Subgrantee may follow their own established travel rates if they have an established travel policy. Ifa subgrantee does not
have an established policy, then they must adhere to state travel policy. The state allows reimbursement for actual
reasonable expenses, Please refer to the following IRS website for the most current mileage rate:
hitp://www is. gov/taxpros/article/0.,id=156624,00.htmi: Transportation costs for air and rail must be at coach rates.
7, Within 60 days of the starting date of the grant, the subgrantee must initiate the project funded. If not started during this
period, the subgrantee must report to the DCJS, by letter, the steps taken to initiate the project and the reasons for the delay
and the expected starting date, If the project is not operational within 90 days of the start date, the subgrantee must receive
approval in writing from the DCYS for a new implementation date or the DCJS may cancel and ferminate the project and
redistribute the funds to another program.
8, No amendment to the approved budget may be made without the prior approval of DCJS. No more than two (2)
budget amendments will be permitted during the grant period. Budget amendments must be requested using the
‘online Grants Management Information System, (GMIS), accompanied with a narrative. The deadline for all
budget amendments to be submitted will be 45 days prior to the end of the grant period,
9, The subgrantee agrees to forward to the DCJS a copy of the scheduled audit of this grant award.
Page 2 of 62
Grant No: 18-A4168ERI8
County of Russell
10, The grantee agrees to comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act http://eva.virginia.cov/pages/eva-vppa.him.
Procurement transactions, whether negotiated or advertised and without regard to dollar value, shall be conducted in a
‘manner so as to provide maximum open and free competition, An exemption to this regulation requires the prior approval
of the DCJS and is only given in unusual circumstances. Any request for exemption must be submitted in writing to the
DCIS. Permission to make sole source procurements must be obtained from DCIS in advance.
11. Acceptance of this grant award by the local govemment applicant constitutes its agreement that it assumes fall
responsibility for the management of all aspects of the grant and the activities funded by the grant, including assuring
proper fiscal management of and accounting for grant funds; assuring that personnel paid with grant funds are hired,
supervised and evaluated in accord with the local government's established employment and personnel policies; and
assuring that all terms, conditions and assurances—those submitted with the grant application, and those issued with this
award—are complied with.
12, Any delegation of responsibility for carrying out grant-funded activities to an office or department not a part of the local
‘government must be pursuant to a written memorandum of understanding by which the implementing office or department
agrees to comply with all applicable grant terms, conditions and assurances. Any such delegation notwithstanding, the
‘applicant acknowledges by its acceptance of the awatd its ultimate responsibility for compliance with all terms, condi
and assurances of the grant award,
13, PROFECT INCOME: Any finds generated as a direct result of DCIS grant funded projects are deemed project income.
Project income must be reported on forms provided by DCJS, The following are examples of project income: Service
foes; Client fees; Usage or Rental fees; sales of materials; income received from sale of seized and forfbited assets (cash,
personal or real property included).
14, Prior to DCJS disbursing funds, the Subgrantee must comply with the following Special Conditions:
a) —_ Resubmit Goal and Objectives form(s) after rewriting objective(s) in SMART format.
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Francine C. Eker 1100 Bank Steet
Director Rlehmonel, Vegina 25212
(oe) 786-4000
NOTICE ‘TOD (804) 786-8732
To: — Grants Project Administrator
From: Janice Waddy, DCJS Grants Administrator
Re: Post Award Instructions and Reporting Requirements
Please review your Award and Special Conditions very carefully. Pay attention to the last
Special Condition listed. This Special Condition may require additional documentation from
‘you before grant funds can be released. Sign and date the grant award acceptance and submit
any Special Condition documentation by mail or email to:
Office of Grants Management
Attn: Janice Waddy, Manager
Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street, 12" Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
rantsmgmt@dejs. virginia.
By accepting the accompanying grant award, you are agreeing to submit online quarterly
progress and financial reports for this grant throughout the grant period, as well as final reports to
close the grant. No eligible current recipient of funding will be considered for continuation
funding if, as of the continuation application due date, any of the required Finaneial and
Progress reports for the current grant are more than thirty (30) days overdue. For good
cause, submitted in writing by the grant recipient, DCIS may waive this provision.
Financial reports and progress reports are due no later than the close of business on the 12"
working day after the end of the quarter. Reports are required even if no expenditures have
occurred dating the quarter. Requests for Funds will not be honored from grant recipients
who do not fulfil this reporting obligation, A schedule of due dates is also attached for your
Comins use Senices Board Commie on Thing + Aaisory Commies on Janie Justice and Prevention
‘Advsery Commies othe Coun Apglnca Special Advacale ana Charen’ Jace Ac Programs
‘isoy Conia en Sexual and Domestic lence » vse Secury Servess Adisry Board
nw cirania gow
Page 2 of 2
Refer to our website: http:/ for submitting progress reports through our
online Grants Management Information System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system,
if you have not previously done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your
Finance Officer, whose name and contact information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of
Award/Acceptance, You are required to use the online system to submit your progress reports.
Paper copies of Progress Reports ave no longer accepted,
Refer to our website for submitting financial reports through our online Grants Management
Information System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously
done so, you must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer, whose name
and contact information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of Award/Acceptance. ‘The
address is hitp://www.dejs. virginia gov/grantsAdministration/gmis/index.ctm?menuLevel=4,
Paper copies of the financial reports are no longer accepted. You are required to use the
online system in reporting your. nditures.
Refer to our website for requesting funds through our online Grants Management Information
System (GMIS). In order to use this web-based system, if you have not previously done so, you
must obtain a user name and password set up by your Finance Officer, whose name and contact
information is listed on the attached Grant Statement of Award/Accepiance. *Please note you
can access this system using the same password assigned for the online financial reporting system.
‘The address is http://www. dejs. virginia, gov/grantsAdministration/gmis/index.cfm?memiLevel=4,
You are required to use the online system for requesting funds,
Budgets can be amended in most DCIS grant programs with prior approval. Please review your
Special Conditions carefully to determine the requirements and procedures for amending
budgets. Refer to our website for amending budgets through our online Grants Management
Information System (GMIS) *Please note again that you can access this system using the same
password assigned for the online financial reporting system. This process can take up to (30)
days for approval.
‘The address is http:/ dministration/gmis/index.cfm?menul evel=4,
Paper copies of the Budget Amendments are no longer accepted! You are required to use the
online system for submitting budget amendments.
If you have any questions, please contact Beverly Johnson at (804) 786-9055 or by e-mail at
beverly [email protected],
‘Updated 062017
Reports are due by the 12" working date following the close of the quarter covered in the report.
Financial reports are required quarterly, even ifno expenditures have occurred.
9/30/2017 10/18/2017
12/31/2017 1/22/2018
3/31/2018 4/17/2018
6/30/2018 7/18/2018
9/30/2018 10/17/2018
12/31/2018 1/17/2019
¢ Financial Reports and Requests for Funds - DCJS Fiscal Services Manager Bill Dodd at
804/371-0638 or bill.dodd@dcjs. virginia. gov
© GMIS - Complete and send an email to [email protected] citing the error
message received, to request assistance from the GMIS Program Coordinator DeAndrea
© Progress Reports and Other Requests- your assigned DCJS Grant Program Monitor.
{656 Clydesway Drive, Suite A ~ P. O. Box 997 ~ Lebanon, VA 24266
Ts (276) 889-8247 ~ F: (276) 889.8248,
Travel Request - Chemical Spill Response Training Re-certification
Employee information Pay period
Name Jess Powers jergency Management [From 8/7/2017
Employee 1D _x00%-xx-6542
Postion “Emergency Management Coordinator
Ito 8/9/2017)
[_Meais [Per Diem] Hotel | Mileage | Expense | Fuel TOTAL
ice attached) $34.00, 170.00 "$20.00 $54.00)
$59.00) £70.00, {$20.00 $79.00
: $150.00) $150.00
$107.00|— I $107.00
= $0.00)
+ 2 $0.00
— — — $0.00]
[— — $0.00)
= = a $0.00)
— — - $0.00)
— — $0.00)
a | $0.00)
$93.00] $0.00] $107.00 EEN $150.00] $40.00)
‘Subtotal $390.00]
‘ToTaL| $390.00)
‘Approvedby | Notes OO
Response TrainiaglOSHA Level I, Annual Refiesber Training - 8 hours; OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) program exesive
regulstios ensure worker uty and heh when flowed cores. Te course complis with OSHA regultions, This wil tenew my HAZNVOPER eetfcaon wih the Shout reese course tat
‘mess the requirements ouined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.12 fer 8 (cgh) ours of annual refeshe ining Thi couse is designed fr gener ite workers who remove hazardous waste o who ae
exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances or eat hiards, please ee atached documentation fiom Sigma Consulting an Training, ne.)
fromeweony piovee sionaruRE: feet boa soul?
0. i190
ANDukBMOHNG, INC. (863) 232-2910
FAX: (863) 326-6780
Jess Powers
Russell County
‘Chemical So P.O. Box 997
Response Lebanon, VA 24266
Dear Jess:
‘OSHA 10.and 30 Can you believe it? It's been a year since our last Chemical Spill Response Class in
fu Super Roanoke, Your training for Hazardous Materials Operations/OSHA Level IT expires
in August 2017. Now's a great time to go ahead and register for your refresher
training, and also to train additional persons for your spill response team (OSHA.
requires a minimum of four (4) trained responders in the event of & chemical release).
Contned Space
Enty Talning As a previous student, you are being sent this invitation to register prior to our normal
publication to government agencies and contractors throughout Virgina, and your
employees are guaranteed a seat in this year’s class if you respond by August 3rd,
frvonmentl, After that, seats will be on a space available basis. Payment is not required prior to
Heath &slely attending the class.
Focsly uals
Please review the attached brochures describing class locations. Registration is easy,
just complete the attached form and fax it back to us to reserve your seat,
OSHA, EPA, ond
DOT Requited| As always, I promise a fast paced class with lots of interaction with the students. I'm
Pogans looking forward to seeing you again this year.
Emergency Very truly yours,
Accident Reduction | Chris Pappas
Programs Environmental, Health & Safety Manager
ond Sorely
‘Waste Mnirzation
cond Reoycing
: [email protected]
SIGMA CONSULTING Fax: (863) 326-6780
863) 232-2910
AND TRAINING, INC. e-mail: [email protected]
Fax Registration Form
Course Title: Chemical Spill Response Training
Location: Roanoke Area Culpeper Area Richmond Area
Holiday Inn Best Wester Inn Hampton Inn & Suites
3315 Ordway Drive 791 Madison Road 1101 Technology Park Dr.
Roanoke VA 24017 Culpeper, VA 22701 Glen Allen, VA 23059
Reservations: (540) 362-4500 (540) 825-1253 (804) 261-2266 _
Date of Course: () Roanoke Area ( ) Culpeper Area (_) Richmond Area
(Please select) August 8", 2017 August 9", 2017 August 10", 2017
Fee: $150 per person, 4 or more $125 each. Class Time: 8:00'a.m to 5:00 p.m.
Indicate number attending: _/ __ (Please provide names if known in advance).
Agency & Dept:_Russelt Co nly Emergency Management
Names of Attendees: Jess &. Abwers
Business Mailing Address: (31 Wighland Drive, ?.0,Box 997
City: Lebonarr State: _yA_ Zip Code: 2YQbb
Telephone: (a7) £89. BY] Fax: (aq) 669-6048 e-mail; jess.._lowers cern
Please indicate payment method: Check vo Purchase Order ___Credit Card
Payment does not have to be received prior to attending the class.
Name (as it appears on the card) Circle one: Visa MC AMEX
Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: __/__
Credit Card Billing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
(must match the billing address and zip code on your credit card statement)
Security Code*s, Amount: Signature:
*Security Code found on front of AX (4 digits over last 4 numbers) and back of MC/VISA (last three digits by signature)
Government purchase orders accepted. Please make checks payable and mail to:
Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc.
P.O. Box 190, Eagle Lake, FL 33839
Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc - Federal Identification Number: 30-0009429
(Please forward a copy of your purchase order when completed)
Cancellations received at least three days prior to the class will receive a 100% refund. No refunds less than
three days prior to class. Class size is limited.....You must register in advance to secure your seat in the class!
Virginia - City and County Employees
Chemical Spill Response Training
This class is also ible for
It’s not a matter of if a chemical spill is going to occur, it’s i Continuing Education hours j
just a matter of when! Chemical handling is a requirement for —_/ for many licenses, including |
many jobs in government service. From the variety of paints, | water and wastewater license |
solvents, and pesticides, to the fuel products we use everyday. | holders. |
Think about the products we transport on public highways. Even
the gasoline or diesel fuel in your vehicle may become spilled in | requirement for other Hazmat |
a traffic accident. Part of being a good manager is making sure { tr: a ning. i
things go right on the job, and being prepared in case they don’t. §_
| Also satisfies annual refresher |
Trained employees can respond in a matter of minutes,
instead of hours that most environmental contractors
require to get to your site.
Do you know the rules?
Last year alone, there were over 33,000 spills
large enough to require reporting to the federal
government. Failure to make the necessary
Notifications can result in substantial fines. Fue!
products require reporting in some situations if
‘only one drop is spilled. Do you know what they
Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc., is offering
chemical spill response training in your area to prepare
your employees to respond to an emergency. The
training satisfies the OSHA requirements for
emergency responders, and includes eight hours of
training covering: Spill response procedures,
decontamination, personal protective equipment,
respiratory protection, chemical storage and handling,
and more.
Spill Containment, Control and Counter-
measures (SPCC) are required by EPA for
many facilities with fuel tanks. Are you in
EPA reported a $25,000 fine last year for
being two hours late in reporting a spill.
Registration fee for the course is $150 per employee, four
or more employees are $125 each. This includes
textbooks, DOT emergency response handbook, and
handout materials. Laminated wallet card and
certificate of training will be provided after the course.
The course instructor is a nationally recognized speaker and
has trained employees from more than 300 companies, along
with federal, state, and local agencies. These include the U.S.
Army and Navy, Kennedy Space Center, and U.S. Dept. of
Justice, The instructor also meets “Master Trainer”
qualifications with the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.
A person was arrested and given 11 months
in jail for washing his truck in the street,
Learn some of the common EPA violations.
OSHA and EPA strictly regulates who can
Fespond to chemical releases. Without spill
response training, your employees will not be
allowed fo assist you in cleaning up a chemical
‘The majority of all spills are less than 50 gallons,
yet may cost $10,000 or more to clean up when
using an environmental contractor. Most cities
and counties have all the necessary equipment,
but employees must have the proper training.
Roanoke Area Culpeper Area Richmond Area
August 8", 2017 August 9", 2017 August 10", 2017
Holiday Inn Best Western Inn Hampton Inn & Suites.
3315 Ordway Drive 791 Madison Road 1101 Technology Park Drive
Roanoke Culpeper Glen Allen
To register: Complete and return fax the attached registration form to (863) 326-6780. A
confirmation will be sent to you upon receipt of your registration.
Please review and distribute this memo to the departments listed below
To: Department Directors
Pages: 3 (includes cover)
From: Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc.
Phone: (863) 232-2910
Fax: (863) 326-6780
e-mail: [email protected]
Date: June 30%, 2017
Please forward to: Public Works
Parks and Recreation
Solid Waste/Sanitation
Highway Maintenance
‘Water/ Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Services/Mosquito Control
Chemical Spill Response Training for
Commonwealth of Virginia - City and County Government Employees
Please review the attached information for an upcoming
taining class to be held on August 8* (Roanoke Area),
August 9* (Culpeper Area), and August 10 (Richmond
NEWS FLASH: In Virginia alone, EPA reported
inspections at 802 city and county facilities. Including a
$105,000 fine at a county facility in the past year. Areyou
ready for an inspection?
Training is now required by OSHA and EPA for all
State_and local_government employees _that_are
expected to respond to a chemical spill. This class is
especially important for employees at the following locations
due to the chemicals they routinely handle:
Public Works Employees - Fuel products, anti-freeze, parts
cleaners, paints and solvents
Parks and Recreation Employees - Pesticide products, firel
products, paints and solvents
Highway Maintenance Employees - Paints and solvents,
herbicides, and fuel products
Water and Wastewater Treatment Employees - Chlorine
(both gas and liquified), Propane
Mosquito Control - Pesticide products, fuel products
Solid Waste/Sanitation Employees - Discarded chemical
containers, unknown products
This class is only offered once
per year. More than 100 City
and County agencies in
Virginia have sent their
employees to this class in the
This class meets OSHA, EPA,
and DOT training standards.
This class is also eligible for
Continuing Education hours
for many licenses, including
water and wastewater license
Payment is not required prior
to attending, but you must
register in advance.
Note: If you have at least 20
persons attending, we can
hold the training at your own
facility for a substantial
discount. Call for details at
(863) 232-2910.
The registration fee for the course is $150 per employee, four or more employees are $125 each. Fee
includes all textbooks and other course materials. Payment may be made by government purchase
order, check, or credit card.
If you have any questions call Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. at
(863) 232-2910 or e-mail: [email protected]
656 Clydesway Drive Suite A ~ P.O. Box 997 ~ Lebanon, VA 24266
89-0247 ~ Fs (276) 899-8248
Travel Request - Chemical Spill Response Training Re-certification
Employee information Pay period
Department Emergency Management From 8/7/2017)
‘Approval: Mr. Lonzo Lester [ro 8/9/2017]
‘Meals [Per Diem| Hotel_| Mileage | Expense [Fuel TOTAL
"Travel to Sigma Consulting and Trait
$34.00 T— $34.00
- $59.00
: | $150.00) $150.00
ESAT $107.00
— i $0.00
[— — 1 $0.00
—_ 1 0.00
— | 0.00
| 0.00
= - $0.00
= —— 1 0.00
IE I 0.00
$93.00) 3000507 $150.00) $0.00)
‘Subtotal $350.
ToTaL| $350.00
ration and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) program extensive
Irene ny HAZWOPER oerfeation withthe -hour reser couse hat
designed for gener site workers who move hazardous waste or who are
Conguing and Training ne.)
rome wwony ep ovee:sionarure:
Fax: (863) 326-6780
SIGMA CONSULTING Phone: (863) 232-2910
AND TRAINING, INC. e-mail: [email protected]
Fax Registration Form
Course Title: Chemical Spill Response Training
Location: Roanoke Area Culpeper Area Richmond Area
Holiday Inn Best Western Inn Hampton Inn & Suites
3315 Ordway Drive 791 Madison Road 1101 Technology Park Dr.
Roanoke VA 24017 Culpeper, VA 22701 Glen Allen, VA 23059
Reservations: (840) 362-4500 (840) 825-1 253 (804) 261-2266
Date of Course: (Roanoke Area ( ) Culpeper Area (_) Richmond Area
(Please select) August 8", 2017 August 9", 2017 August 10", 2017
Fee: $150 per person, 4 or more $125 each. Class Time: 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
Indicate number attending: __/ (Please provide names if known in advance).
Agency & Dept: 2ussell County Emevygency Management
Names of Attendees:_Lance Campbel!
Business Mailing Address:_{3| Highlawu Brive $0, Box 947
City:_Le banan State: VA _ Zip Code:_B¥24 6
Telephone: (476) $9-8/YG Fax:(276)669- BAY E e-mail: joel ethan
Please indicate payment method: Check V Purchase Order ___Credit Card
Payment does not have to be received prior to attending the class.
Name (as it appears on the card) Circle one: Visa MC AMEX
Credit Card Numbers Exp. Date: _/_
Credit Card Billing Address:
Citys. State:, Zip Code:
(must match the billing address and zip code on your credit card statement)
Security Code*: Amounts$, Signature:
*Security Code found on front of AX (4 digits over last 4 numbers) and back of MC/VISA (last three digits by signature)
Government purchase orders accepted. Please make checks payable and mail to:
Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc.
P.O. Box 190, Eagle Lake, FL 33839
Sigma Consulting and Training, inc - Federal Identification Number: 30-0009429
(Please forward a copy of your purchase order when completed)
Canceliations received at least three days prior to the class will receive a 100% refund. No refunds less than
three days prior to class. Class size is limited..... You must register in advance to secure your seat in the class!
Virginia - City and County Employees
Chemical Spill Response Training
it’s not a matter of if a chemical spi
is going to occur, it’s
just a matter of when! Chemical handling is a requirement for
many jobs in government service. From the variety of paints,
solvents, and pesticides, to the fuel products we use everyday.
Think about the products we transport on public highways. Even
the gasoline or diesel fuel in your vehicle may become spilled in
a traffic accident. Part of being a good manager is making sure
things go right on the job, and being prepared in case they don't.
Do you know the rules?
Last year alone, there were over 33,000 spills
large enough to require reporting to the federal
government. Failure to make the necessary
notifications can result in substantial fines. Fuel
products require reporting in some situations if
Spill Containment, Control and Counter-
measures (SPCC) are required by EPA for
‘many facilities with fuel tanks. Are you in
EPA reported a $25,000 fine last year for
being two hours late in reporting a spill.
A person was arrested and given 11 months
in jail for washing his truck in the street,
Learn some of the common EPA violations.
OSHA and EPA strictly regulates who can
respond to chemical releases. Without spill
response training, your employees will not be
allowed to assist you in cleaning up a chemical
yet may cost $10,000 or more to clean up when
Using an environmental contractor. Most cities
and counties have all the necessary equipment,
but employees must have the proper training,
Roanoke Area
August 8", 2017
Holiday Inn
3315 Ordway Drive
‘only one drop is spilled. Do you know what they
‘The majority of all spills are less than 50 gallons,
Culpeper Area
This class is also eligible for
Continuing Education hours
for many licenses, including
water and wastewater license
holders. i
i i
| Also satisfies annual refresher i
| requirement for other Hazmat
i training.
Trained employees can respond in a matter of minutes,
instead of hours that most environmental contractors
require to get to your site.
Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc., is offering
chemical spill response training in your area to prepare
your employees to respond to an emergency. The
training satisfies the OSHA requirements for
emergency responders, and includes eight hours of
training covering: Spill response procedures,
decontamination, personal protective equipment,
respiratory protection, chemical storage and handling,
and more.
Registration fee for the course is $150 per employee, four
or more employees are $125 each. This includes
textbooks, DOT emergency response handbook, and
handout materials. Laminated wallet card and
certificate of training will be provided after the course.
eee oy
The course instructor is a nationally recognized speaker and
has trained employees from more than 300 companies, along
with federal, state, and local agencies. These inchide the U.S.
Army and Navy, Kennedy Space Center, and U.S. Dept. of
Justice. The instructor also meets “Master Trainer”
qualifications with the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.
Richmond Area
August 10", 2017
Hampton Inn & Suites
1101 Technology Park Drive
Glen Allen
August 9", 2017
Best Western inn
791 Madison Road
To register: Complete and return fax the attached registration form to (863) 326-6780. A
confirmation will be sent to you upon receipt of your registration.
Please review and distribute this memo to the departments listed below
To: Department Directors
Pages: 3 (includes cover)
From: Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc.
Phone: (863) 232-2910
Fax: (863) 326-6780
e-mail: [email protected]
Date: June 30", 2017
Public Works
Parks and Recreation
Solid Waste/Sanitation
Please forward to:
Highway Maintenance
Water/Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Services/Mosquito Control
Chemical Spill Response Training for
Commonwealth of Virginia - City and County Government Employees
Please review the attached information for an upcoming
training class to be held on August 8 (Roanoke Area),
August 9" (Culpeper Area), and August 10" (Richmond
NEWS FLASH: In Virginia alone, EPA reported
inspections at 802 city and county facilities. Including a
‘$105,000 fine at a county facility in the past year. Are you
ready for an inspection?
‘Training is now required A and EP,
State HI Vv re
expected to respond to a chemical spill. This class is
especially important for employees at the following locations
due to the chemicals they routinely handle:
Public Works Employees - Fuel products, anti-freeze, parts
cleaners, paints and solvents
Parks and Recreation Employees - Pesticide products, fuel
products, paints and solvents
Highway Maintenance Employees - Paints and solvents,
herbicides, and fuel products
Water and Wastewater Treatment Employees - Chlorine
(both gas and liquified), Propane
Mosquito Control - Pesticide products, fuel products
Solid Waste/Sanitation Employees - Discarded chemical
containers, unknown products
This class is only offered once
per year. More than 100 City
and County agencies in
Virginia have sent their
‘employees to this class in the
This class meets OSHA, EPA,
and DOT training standards.
‘his class is also eligible for
water and wastewater license
Payment is not required prior
to attending, but you must
register in advance.
Note: If you have at least 20
persons attending, we can
hold the training at your own
facility for a substantial
discount. Call for details at
(863) 232-2910.
The registration fee for the course is $150 per employee, four or more employees are $125 each, Fee
includes all textbooks and other course materials. Payment may be made by government purchase
order, check, or credit card.
If you have any questions call Sigma Consulting and Training, Inc. at
(863) 232-2910 or e-mail: [email protected]
Russell County Board of Supervisors 276-889-8000
Travel Request Approval Form
Date Submitted
Employee Name(s)
pee peesasinner. Sk FA Ne
prone Nor BE OVS cee ee nee ann
i | Comeey QMwver i
__.. Omni Wome steed Recor WoL “Springs OB
Purpose of rave _..Comrmen. soinner_o% Rerenue. Annual ConSesence
pansts | ee Total Expenses! “Amt Approved
= oe
| Tee xTOLON. yen _
Loman Bemestead _ Recore
Ico Admin Signature
Reservations Confirmation | Omni Hotels & Resorts Page | of 2
Your confirmation number is 40028606345,
‘Thank you for using A confirmation email has been sent to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing
you at the The Omni Homestead Resort.
‘The Omni Homestead Resort Freda Sweeney
1766 Homestead Drive 678 Carterton Road
Hot Springs, VA 24445 Lebanon, VA 24266
Telephone: 540-839-1766 2768898018
Fax: 540-839-7593
Stay Information {change Billing Information
Arrive: 09/05/2047,
Depart: 09/08/2017
Total Nights: 3
Number of Rooms: 1
ROOM 1 srasitional Room - 1 King Bed 4 Adult
Cancellations ROOM RATE
Cancel by 12PM on 08/29/2017 to avoid $142.51 penalty. mt
Guarantee Polky Sun Mon Tue Wed The Sot
Deposit required using,AX,CB,DC,DS,IC,MC,VI sist g231 4332
Deposit Policy
Deposit of 142.51 is due by 06/08/2017 eer 4393.00 uso
Taxes $34.53 USD
Room Total $427.53 USD
Additional Items
Grand Total 4427.53 USD
“Taxes, charges, and rattles are calculated based on rom rte end
additonal tems purchased above. Adatona charges may appl. Read
‘complate tors and cordon, 6/8/2017
Comissioner of Revenue
Commissioner of the Revenue Association <[email protected]>
‘Thursday, June 08, 2017 10:43 AM
[email protected]_
2017 CRAV Annual Meeting
*4*This is an automated response - Do Not Reply***
‘Thank you Freda Sweeney for registering for 2017 CRAV Annual Meeting. Here is a fink to the information on the hotel
Omni Information Sheet. Please refer to this sheet when making your room reservations.
‘We hope that you will find this event both informative and enjoyable. Should you have any questions, please contact
Scott Harris at (804) 365-6132. If you have not done so already, please submit your payment in the amount of 350.00.
Click here to review your payment information
Thank You.
Russell County Board of Supervisors 276-889-8000
Travel Request Approval Form
Date Submitted
a Randa, Ai \ems - Bie. Diliams_
Peparment __ Commissioner SX Preven ip
optional) | Comes J@_BVUNET ee
_ Rann Mormessteod Qesoce- Wor, Sms. VR
_| Commi SSAONME RSE. Hevenue. Noapuck.Consetences-
Anticipated Expenses
i ~ ~~ “| Daily Expenses | # of © a noved
Fypecresnence | __Battlonotanense enema) pas, Teal Expenses! Art Approves
SQETOMOD “Fee. 4a= aes
— Oren Wemestecd Resor
- Grand Total’ ! 332. a
Date’ ‘Signed!
Employee Signature
Ico Admin Signature
Date te Approved)
Reservations Confirmation | Omni Hotels & Resorts Page 1 of 2
Your confirmation number is 40028606298
‘Thank you for using A confirmation email has been sent to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing
you at the The Omni Homestead Resort.
‘The Omni Homestead Resort Eliza Williams
1766 Homestead Drive 5663 Stonebruise Rod
Hot Springs, VA 24445 Lebanon, VA 24266
‘Telephone: 540-839-1766 2768898018
Fax: 540-839-7593
Stay Information {change} Billing Information
Arrive: 09/05/2017
Depart: 09/08/2017
Total Nights: 3
Number of Rooms: 1
ROOM 1 traditional room - 1 King Bed 2 Adults
Cancellations ROOM RATE
Cancel by 12PM on 08/29/2017 to avoid $174.20 penalty,
Guarantee Policy Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Sat
Deposit required using, AX,CB,DC,DS,3C.MCVI $160 $160 $160
Deposit Polley
Deposit of 174.20 is due by 06/08/2017 Subtotal (3 Nights) 200.00 usp
Taxes $42,60 USD
Room Total $522.60 USD
Additional Items
Grand Total $522.60 USD
Taxes, charges, and gatutes are calulated based on room rate and
ardor items purchased above, Addtional charges may apply. Read
complete terms and condtions.
https://ss] 6/8/2017
Comissioner of Revenue
From: Commissioner of the Revenue Association <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 10:41 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: 2017 CRAY Annual Meeting
***This is an automated response - Do Not Reply***
Thank you Eliza Williams for registering for 2017 CRAV Annual Meeting, Here isa link to the information on the hotel -
Omni information Sheet. Please refer to this sheet when making your room reservations.
We hope that you will find this event both informative and enjoyable. Should you have any questions, please contact
Scott Harris at (804) 365-6132. If you have not done so already, please submit your payment in the amount of 350.00.
Click here to review your payment information
‘Thank You.
Page | of |
Randy Williams
"Commissioner of the Revenue Association” <[email protected]>
‘Thursday, June 08, 2017 10:37 AM
2 randy. [email protected]>
Subject: 2017 CRAV Annual Meeting
+#*This is an automated response - Do Not Reply***
Thank you Randy Williams for registering for 2017 CRAV Annual Meeting. Here is a link to the
information on the hotel - Omi Information Sheet. Please refer to this sheet when making your room
We hope that you will find this event both informative and enjoyable. Should you have any questions,
please contact Scott Harris at (804) 365-6132. If you have not done so already, please submit your
payment in the amount of 350.00. Click here to review your payment information
Thank You.
June 30, 2017
Regular Account 1,572,826.34
Honaker Library Donations 4.93
IDA Debt Reduction 1,00
Employee Insurance 392,693.29
Employee Claims Account 7,000.00
Knox Coal Insurance Fund 414.84
Russell Co. Housing Fund 4,424.36
School Textbook 38,583.26
Sheriff Domestic Violence 2,396.08
Sheriff Seized Assets 26,088.64
Sheriff Restitution 5,570.98
Sheriff Forfeited Assets 10,599.24
Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 31,187.67
Federal Comm Attomey Forfeited Assets 1,030.06
Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 24,404.31
‘Comm Attomey Fed Justice Forfeited Assets 90,857.87
‘Commonwealth Attorney Abanoned Property 500.00
Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Assets 8,344.49
SST Recipients 10,202.36
First Sentinel Bank 5,599.99
Bank of Honaker 4,000.00
‘New Peoples Bank 44,534.42
Certificates of Deposit General 49,575.00
‘Treasurer's Money Market 3,974,346.04
Certificate of Deposit Library Donations 24,788.80
Certificates of Deposit Knox Creek Ins. 240,027.19
Certificate of Deposit Employee Insurance 7,056,187.57
‘Total Cash In Bank 7,617, 165.70
Cash In Office 1,771.68
Petty Cash 100.00
TOTAL CASH 7,619,027.38
DATE June 30, 2017
‘Cash in Office 1,771.68
Cash in Bank 7617,155.70
Peity Cash 100.00
General Fund 5247 575,83
Sheriff In State Trip 24,806.23
Sheriff Dare Fund 100.00
Sheriff Seized Assets 26,088.64
Sheriff Restitution 5,570.98
Sheriff Forfeited Assets 70,599.24
‘Comm Attorney Forfeited Assets 31,157.67
Federal Comm Atty Forfeit Assets 7,030.06
Honaker Library Donations 24,788.80
Russell County Housing Fund 4,424.36
‘Sheriff Federal Forfeited Assets 24,404.31
‘Sheriff Domestic Violence 2,396.08
‘Comm Attomey Abanoned Prop 500.00)
‘Comm Attorney Fed Justice 90,857.87
‘Sheriff Fed Justice Forfeited 8,344.49
Social Services (203,470.96)
‘Swva Asap 10,545.13
‘Coal Road Improvement (60,985.90)
CSA (444,436.63)
‘School Fund 619,060.41
School Food 7,477.53
‘School Textbook 38,583.26
Regional Aduit Education 282,312.49
Litter Fund Trash Pickup (12,219.76)
‘Current Credit (0.79)
‘Current Debit 14.44
Title XX 77,521.05
‘SSI Recipients 40,202.36
‘Damage Stamp Fund 2,823.98
IDA Debt Reduction 1.00
Valley Heights 42,070.50
Dante Sewer 49,575.00
‘Employee Health Insurance 7,448,880.86
Knox Coal Insurance 240,442.03
Employee Insurance Claims 7,000.00
Law Library 23,724.78
Special Welfare 45,265.72
Housing Fund #2 7,700.00
Russell Co Health & Fitness| 35,830.24
‘Cannery 138,412.90)
WIB (30,921.02)
Total 7,619,027.38 7,619,027.38
June 8, 2017
The Regular monthly meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of
Russell County, Virginia was held on June 8, 2017, at 5:00 P.M. at Bonanza
Family Restaurant, Main Street, Lebanon, Virginia.
PRESENT: Becki Joyce, Chairman
Roger Sword, Vice Chairman
Richard Lockridge, Member
Emnie McFaddin, Member
Carlton Elliott, Member
Jarred Glass, Member
Scott Gilmer, Member
Mike Hincher, Member
David Mullins, Member
STAFF: Katie Patton, Attorney
Lonzo Lester, County Administrator
Joey Gillespie, Advisor
GUESTS: Reggie Childers, Russell County Citizen
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:04 P.M.
Secretary called the roll and recorded the roll call.
Upon motion made by Jarred Glass, second by David Mullins and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to
approve the minutes of the May 3, 2017 and May 18, 2017 meetings.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, R, Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, 8. Gilmer
Nay: None
Page 2
June 8, 2017
Financial report was presented by Carlton Elliott
Upon motion made by Ernie McFaddin, second by David Mullins, and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to
approve the Financial Report of June 8, 2017 as presented with the addition of the
$6,500.00 invoice to Thrower, Blanton & Associates for annual audit.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, E. McFaddin, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, 8. Gilmer
Nay: None
Becki Joyce, chairman, relinquished the chair to the Attorney and resigned
her position with the Russell County IDA.
Nomination of Ernie McFaddin for Chairman made by Roger Sword, second
by Scott Gilmer.
No further nominations.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R, Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, 8. Gilmer
Nay: None
The Attorney relinquished the Chair to newly elected Chairman
Emie McFaddin
Nomination of Richard Lockridge for Vice Chairman made by Roger Sword,
second by Carlton Elliott.
No further nominations.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, 8. Gilmer
Nay: None
Page 3
June 8, 2017
Nomination of Carlton Elliott for Secretary/Treasurer made by Richard
Lockridge, second by Scott Gilmer.
No further nominations.
The Vote was:
Aye: R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, S. Gilmer
Nay: None
Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Scott Gilmer and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia
appointing Chafin Law Firm as legal counsel for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, 8. Gilmer
Nay: None
Upon motion made by Richard Lockridge, second by Roger Sword and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to
set the monthly meetings for the second Thursday of each month beginning at
5:30PM located at Bonanza Family Steakhouse Lebanon, VA.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, S. Gilmer
Nay: None
Reggie Childers reported the new President of APCO will be at the
Southwest Virginia Technology Center June 13", Mr. Childers wanted to
encourage the IDA members to do their part in progressing the county.
Richard Lockridge reported working with Karl Knoblock on the possibility
of CNT technology derived from coal.
Page 4
June 8, 2017
The HCAY system in the DSS facility had to be replaced and works is
The web site is in the process of being updated. The goal is to make the site
more mobile friendly and to use more actual content and less stock photos.
Carlton Elliott reported the motel is in the process of terminating their
management contract with Newport Hospitality. Due to this change, Mr. Oliver is
asking for VCEDA and Cumberland Plateau Planning District to defer payments
for the next three months.
Upon motion made by Roger Sword, second by David Mullins and duly
approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia to
appoint Ernie McFaddin, Richard Lockridge, and Carlton Elliott as signatories of
all IDA bank accounts.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Blliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, 8. Gilmer
Nay: None
Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Richard Lockridge and
duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County,
Virginia to go into Closed Session as permitted by, VA Code #2.2-3711 (3)
Property (5) Prospective unannounced industry (7) Legal Counsel.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, S. Gilmer
Nay: None
Upon motion made by Mike Hincher, second by Richard Lockridge, and
duly approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County,
Virginia, the Chairman called the meeting back into regular session and requested
the “Certification Motion after reconvening in Public Session”.
Page 5
June 8, 2017
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, S. Gilmer
Nay: None
The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia hereby
certifies that, in the closed session just concluded, nothing was discussed except
the matter or matters (1) specifically identified in the motion to convene in closed
session and (2) lawfully permitted to be so discussed under the provision of the
Virginia Freedom of Information Act cited in that motion.
The Roll Vote Was:
Ernie McFaddin Yes Roger Sword ‘Yes
Carlton Elliott Yes Mike Hincher ‘Yes
Davis Mullins Absent Richard Lockridge Yes
Scott Gilmer Yes Jarred Glass Yes
Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Richard Lockridge, and duly
approved by The Industrial Development Authority of Russell County, Virginia,
authorizing the chairman to draft letters to COF and Tobacco Commission
requesting fulfillment of the Steel Fab agreements due to higher wages and larger
capital investments.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, $. Gilmer
Nay: None
Upon motion made by Carlton Elliott, second by Richard Lockridge, and
duly approved by the Industrial Development Authority of Russell County,
Virginia adjourning this meeting at 7:06 PM.
The Vote was:
Aye: C. Elliott, R. Lockridge, R. Sword, J. Glass, D. Mullins,
M. Hincher, S, Gilmer
Nay: None
Monthly Meeting - The Board of Director
June 20, 2017
Call to Order
Visitors: Rita Baker & Danny Stanley with T&L
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes of May, 2017
Financial Report— Harvey Hart
General Acct (Register: 1010) May, 2017
Check #
Environmental Waste Acct. (Register 1060) May. 2017
Check #
Long Term Operating Debt Acct May, 2017
Check #
1103 *(
Profit & Loss Review
Water Loss ___ Review.
Past due Water Customers Review
1, Re, 656 Bast Extension - project started Sept, 2016 ~ close to completion all but paving
F-Pearl Meters ~
New Business:
A, Glade Hollow/Glade Hill -DWSRE initial offer
B, Mtn, Meadows -
C. Rt 656~
‘Old Business:
‘Meeting Adjourned —Next board meeting July 17, 2017 - 6:00 pm - 137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA.
(Government Center)
Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors
May 15, 2017
Carter MeGtothlin
Clifford Hess
Donnie Christian,
Lary MeGlothlin
Steve Newberry
James Kiser
Harvey Hart
Visitor's: Rita Baker and Danny Stanley with T&L,
Meeting called to order by Carter MeGlothlin at 6:02 p.m,
Prayer: Board
Pledge of Allegiance: Board
Minutes — April 2017 reviewed by Board ~ Motion approved by Clifford Hess, second by Larry
McGlothlin, Passed Yes-6 —~No-0
Adjournment — Motion made by Carter McGlothlin, second by Donnie Christian at 6:40 pm
Financial Report:
Financial Report given by Harvey Hart.
Motion to approve by Donnie Christian, second by Clifford Hess ~ Motion passed Yes-6 - No-0
Amendments to Agenda:
Operations Acct, Apr, 2017 Check # | 19294 19661
Environmental Waste Acct, | Apr. 2017 Cheek# 1120 121
Long Term Debt Acct ‘Apr. 2017 Cheek # 1103
CHECKS: — Given by Harvey Hatt — Reviewed by Board
PROFIT AND LOSS: ~ Given by Harvey Hart — Reviewed by Board
WATER LOSS: — Given by Harvey Hart ~ Reviewed by Board
PAST DUE ACCT: ~ Reviewed by Boatd
Route 656 East Extension — Project close to completion — all but paving
J-Pearl Radio Read Meters — Installing meters 200 of 1200 installed
Fincastle Project — should close in July.
Waiting on funding:
Route 603
Tank to Arrowhead Subdivision
Russell County Trash Sites
1, Budget — Board reviewed budget and voted to pass Yes-6 ~ No-0, Motion made to
approve by Clifford Hess, second by Donnie Christian,
Next Board meeting June 20, 2017 6:00 pm — 137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA
*Regular board meeting June 19, 2017 — meeting was rescheduled
Carter McGlothlin
Chairman RCPSA
Operating Account Balance as of 06/13/17: $152,773.04
Date: 08/01/17 to 05/34/17
Dato RefNo. Payee Memo. Payment | Doposit_| Balance
lOsiovzo77 [019002 — [CARD SERVICES CENTER fza2.72 [st0.46467
losvozraot7 [ok0217 [Global Payronts lego. 909,984.45,
fosioarzorr [AFLAC e626 309,588.20,
[esroemor7 [ies44 [RITA C. BOSTIC [osrosr2017 ras 308,610.84
fosmoorzot7 [16848 [RICHARD F. GARRETT _jos/osiz0i7 [222.85 308,107.58
fosroazot7 [19346 | BRANDON E GENT 5/08/2017 ation 807, 77658
[owroeraot7 [1es07 _|TRACY GRADY josroarzot7 ood 306,856.67
fosroarz0t7 [19846 [HARVEY D. HART. josvoar0i7 front [305,712.56
fosrosrzor? [1esa9 [MR TIMOTHY AHONAKER [0s/Oai077 fio2ees [204,687 06
fosroaraot7 19360 [JAMES E. HORN losioaro0i7 ls18.10 [304,280.74
(o6roaraot7 [1631 [DAVIDW. HUGHES fosioar20%7 fowar (308,258.47
losroa/a0v7 [19952 |ROSERT KEENE josiosr20%7 Fa7e0e is02,076.43
fosroarzor7 [19958 [RHONDA L. LESTER josi06r20%7 [769.88 301,286.46
(osrooro17 [19364 __|GARLH, RHEA josioera017 [ssa.o2 [300,962.49
losresia0%7 [16366 __|kiR DAVID CROBINSON 05/08/2017, j0.16 300,203.27
losmanor7 [19356 [EARLY G SAGE josroaa017 aaa [209,676.56
losroanor7 |1eas7 [LUTHER SAULS [osioaraat7 e250, [298,858.97
losoa0i7 [16358 __[BRADL. SHORTT losioars017 86.85 [298,267.08
losroarao17 [16389 [CHAD SHORTT. fosrosra07 a0 [297,986.60
leeroar2017 [46380 [EDNAF. VANCE losroara0t7 284-40 (297,102.20
[osroarzot? [10361 |W BLAKE'S YATES: losioerzot7 e087 [95,288.63
fosriiraot?_|e7e4 [AMERICAN EXPRESS (siz.o7 295,421.62
josriciaorr jote683 JEARLY G SAGE [600-00 204,024.62
losrrarzor7 |May-17 {VRS [55248 360,280.14
josriarzor7 [a IRS Tax Pyrat 15.20 [200,258.86
josrranotr [a IRS Tax Pym [41208 [285,641.78
josrraraot7 [16062 [SAMEST SER fosrtaraot7 4.70 [286,467.00
losrienot7 |e [Chil Suppor Pymt faa78 [286,382.30
josrteraot7 [reese |Gartor meGiothIn [Director Foos: 1200.60 [286,162.30
josrterzor7 Joreees _ [Cliford Hess [Director Fees 0050 [284,952.30
fosrtsra017 [019666 [Donnie Chistian [Director Fees 200.00, [264,752.30
fosrtemoi7 |oieea7 _fiany A itoGlothin [Director Fees 200.00, [264,582.20
fosrisr2017 1018668 |Stovo Nowbery [Director Faas 290.00 [204,382:30
fosrtera0t7 JROBOS: [eaar.e8_|at5,t00.18
fosrter20t7 [10 IWATTax Pyne 7586 (319,420.82
losri7ra0t7 [CONSTRUCTION faoerte4 {83,090.16
loari7ia017 [019665 [SILVERADO sane eas [382,502.71
(osri7/2017_|010670 [APPALACHIAN POWER 1419.28 352,080.48
losrizieoi7 [ote67t [SERVICES INC. 370.00 0,710.48
losri7reor7_Joiae72 [VIRGINA [erer000 estar 330,768.11
losri720%7 |O19673 | EDILLON & COMPANY 13.12 09,064.99
losrivraor7_[oteara [KINGSPORT [stOaeo [shat [326,990.78
fosnvior? lorae7é fit lezion. 6.70 [a29,206.08
eri 7otT |oTe676 [SOLUTIONS 786.00 [527,444.08
fosrtvimot? |ote677 __ |SERVICE, ING. [4500.00 [372,044.08
fosrt7ior7 |oTe676 —_|Flectonies, Inc. 89.00, [322,654.08
fosrivrani7 [018678 |L &M AUTO PARTS, LD. fa as [a22,508.63
fosvi7/ao17 [01880 |LEBANON BLOCK & SUPPLY [20.00 (322,500.65
losrirmoi7 [010081 [BENEFITS 355.10 faze t10.40
losrizmoir [o1esé2 | Garden Reseie Squad) [Buford Geawright Acct 24017 [117.12 [321,995.57
losrt7/2017 [010683 [ORKIN-BISTOL, TN [seas [321,936.48
(parimani7 [o1es64 INO. [esse EARIARE]
losri7ia017 [o1é005 [BANK 78.58 321,164.10,
losrrvizorr |o1seee [SERVICE AUTHORITY. (6,910.60 [300,234.41
fosririaor7 Jovaeay [TIME WARNER CABLE i.6t [300,182.90
losriv2ot7 [o1s668 [TOWN OF HONAKER [s2087 [299,288.23
fosrtrr2or7_ [019669 [VERIZON as.a7 208,617.76
josri7i20%7 [019860 |PROTECTION SERVICE, ING] 9.82 [256,557.04
josrieraor7_[ostazorros|ALLy 20.47 [ose,528.47
losriaia0%7 [VSP VISION CARE [eet [208 464.06
fosrierao7 [o1e8s1 | TOWN OF LEBANON set678 [252,848.27
losizzraoi7 [oszat7___|NEW PEOPLES BANK 1663 fase 801.64
losiasroo17 [19903 JRITAG. BOSTIC [osrearo0i7 57.86 291,043.78
loswaao17 [19964 |RIGHARDF_ GARRETT __[osizan017 18.88 21,626.10,
losiasio0i7 [10365 |W BRANGONE GENT __|ostZ0z0T7, 88.08. ot 13704
josraarzoi7 [19386 [TRACY GRADY losreonor7 fates 00,5842
josrasmzor7 [19967 [HARVEY D. HART. losaor2017 [276.58 [2n9,058.38
fosrasmzor7 [18868 [MR TIMOTHY A HONAKER fonro0/2017, 033.78 [208,024.56
josraaraor7 [18360 [JAMES E. HORN. fosra0r20t7 sree [287,566.80
fosraareot7 [18870 [DAVID W. HUGHES: fosraor20%7 [084.47 (206,502.73
fosrasra0i7 [48871 [RHONDAL, LESTER, fosracro0%7 39.97 [285,742.76
fosrasraoi7 [10872 ___|CARLH, REA [osr30r2087 [200-37 [265,462.39
[osrasia017 [19373 JMR DAVID CROBINSON __ |osra0rz017 f7s8.97 264,710.42
lossa017 [79574 EARLY G SAGE [osro0/207 fas0-86 264,987.64
losmasro0t7_[rea78___|LUTHER SAULS fosranra0%7 [56.83 [283,600.71
losresro017 [79076 |BRADL. SHORTT losvanre0%7 80.69 [262,950.02
josraaraot7 [19877 _|EDNAF. VANCE losranrzoi7 e430 [p82 085.63
losrasrzor7 [19578 Wie BLAKE S YATES josr2072017 a5 fei 228.81
[osraara0i7 [ANTHEM DENTAL 8.50 asi 146.34
losradroi7 [otese2 [ANTHEM BCBS e940, [280,567.64
fosrears017 [o1e6s3 BLUE SHIELD i744 68,767.64
losreara0t7_[o1e6s4 _|ARPALAGHIAN POWER. f.913.88 268,888.73
josveareot7_[o1s6e6 [BLUE MEDICARERX [a5 [256,766.45
572a2017 ]o1a6es | SERVICES, INC. fsa5480 [209,903.68
losraaraoi7_[o1e697 BV OPTINET. a6 [263,260.17
osieam2017 [019668 [CARD SERVICES CENTER 207673 261, fe6.44
[osr2araor7 |oias6= _[EDILLON & COMPANY art [261,185.26
losraanoi7 [019700 |izabeth Daly 13.76 [261,144.54
fosraaraot7 [019701 [KINGSPORT [soar 259.16 [260,672.38
losraamor7 Jore702 70 [e210 [aoao27 [254,225.08
fosrearao17 [019703 | SOLUTIONS: fi342-76 [252,080.33
(eszaraoi7 Joto704 _|SERVICE, INC” [over lo [267,880.33
[osrearaot7 [019705 |JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL [ara0 252,855.43,
losrzaraoi7_[o1e708 JC & MAUTO PARTS, LTD [250.67 [252,616.78
[osrearz0%7 [018707 |LEBANON BLOK& SUPPLY 180.44 [252,485.55
josvoara0i7_[ois708 [BENEFITS [05-16 252,080.60,
losrasra0i7 [016700 |RAVEN SUPER MARKET. jat.22 [351,770.28
josveara017 [016710 __|Russoll County Treasurer frs.00 [251,704.28
losrosranir fore7tt [INC [234.98 [251,409.34
losiaazot7_[o1e7i2_|TECHNOLOGIES ING.__|RUSSTT 2.50 [351,400.64
losiasrootr_[oteris [Tite WARNER CABLE ara [257,032.68
fosiaaiaoi7 [018714 |VERIZON WIRELESS: 326.27 [260,700.42
losiaaao17_[o1a7 tS HARDWARE. asa [250,650.06
losi2ana617 [019716 —|Viythovile Office Supply, ne. [8073 lass7 260,614.30
josizamot7 [082417 [RURAL DEVELOPMENT [se0000 247 008.35,
[SSraArzOT [oseai7 [NEW PEOPLES BANK pi.08 CEES
[serzarorT rt RS Tac Payment 19.38 6.01498
loaner Ha [Ghia Support Payment [i447 248,770.18,
[sererot fis RS Tax Payment 5051.16 2a2,71904
fosrzarzot7 |asso6s [AUTHORITY 5,504.83 ear teazt
[osrasrzor7 ]o0s000 [AUTHORITY 7aiza 24,382.05
fosrasrzor7_|aes002_~ [AUTHORITY 00.7 218,090.46
losras/a0t7 [908007 [AUTHORITY [2,868.00 216,980.08
fosrasraot? [14 IVA Tax Payment [as6.89 [p14,718.10
fosraorzot7_[ossoT7 —_ [RURAL DEVELOPMENT [548.00 [214,170.16
fosraor2017_|zotvostaco [ALLY lear 45 [213,242.74
fosrat2017 [56,195.08 [at2,987.77
losreta0t7 [TOWN OF HONAKER lear _[ata.z0744
lasrat2017 INEW PEOPLES BANK [ose o19.287.48
Environmental Waste Account Balance as of 08/13/17 : $193,632.69
Date: 05/04/17 to 05/3447
Date | RefWo. [ FPayeo | Momo | Payment | Deposit | Balance
[osrasr20%7 [211.90 _ [120,407.48
losreareor7 1.45206 |190.830.46
joarizraotr js0.78 180,961.24
[osnernor7 1939.68 |192,000.92,
losrisraor7 fate _|162,142.84
losrata0r7 459.78 _|199,682.50
Long Tern Debt Account Balance as of 08/13/17: $2,247.94
Date: 05/01/47 to 05/31/17
Russell County Public Service Authority - Operating
May 2017
aay 2017 ‘JUL 2016 - MAY 2017 (YTD)
4900.11 Wator Revenuo - Pump 1 46,941.10 921,908.10
4000.12 Water Revenue ~ Purnp 2 21,191.16 63,402.14
4000.18 Water Revenue - Pump 3 4,164.64 11,228.54
4000.14 Water Revenue - Pump 4 247338 8,118.43,
4000.18 Water Revenue - Pump 8 13,000.79 40,285.68
4000.16 Water Revenua - Pump 6 5273.54 14,985.76
4000.2 Sewer Revenus 739.37 7,018.50
4000.3 Hookup Fees Revenue 315.00 19,569.62
4000.4 Reconnect Revenue 1,699.69
4000.5 Trash Revenue 6,604.99 9,885.16
4000.6 Late Fee Revenue 4,910.14 22,600.39
4000.7 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,017.98 14,968.65
4000.8 Transfor Fee 288.25 568.25
4000.9 Return Cheok/Return Check Fee 162.00
4001.1 Credit Card Fee/Water 686.00 4416.00
4001.2 Credit Card FeelHook-Up 3.00 2.00
4001.8 Credit Card Fea/Trash 18.00 39.00
4001.4 Credit Card Fee/Supplies 3.00
4100.0 Interest Income 455.61
4500.0 Government Income (Relmbursomen 28,827.88 871,634.18
45100 Job Income
“Total income
2490.0 401K CONTRIBUTIONS. 1,709.87 8418.74
2981.0 NP Ally Financial 2018 GMC 1,826.64
6000.0 Salaries & Wages 18,827.99
6010.0 Payroll Taxos 29.66
(6030.0 UNIFORMS 191.59 2,998.12
6040.0 LIFE INSURANCE 201.95 4,092.08
60400 Bank Service Charges 921.66
6050.0 Employee Health Insurance 342635 96,727.62
{6050.2 ELECTRIC-PUMP 2 18.13
6055.0 HEALTH INSURANCE CREDIT 26.03 541.85
6060.0 Dental insurance 83.50 1,162.89
6070.0 RETIREMENT PLAN 97742 39,920.65
6090.0 SHORT TERM DISABILITY 148.00 1,782.88
6090.0 CONTRACT LABOR 240.00
8100.0 Worker's Compensation 10,897.75
6110.0 TELEPHONE OFFICE 4,094.60 7,419.04
6120.0 TELEPHONE-CELL. 686.41 41.02
‘Accrual Basis Tuosdey, Jno 18, 2017 12:14 PM GiT-7 18
MAY 2017 JUL2016- MAY 2017 (YTD)
190-1 TELEPHONE PUMP 1 i858 6,098.17
6180.2 TELEPHONE-PUMP 2 119.68 1,926.68
6190.5 TELEPHONE-PUMP 5 73.17 879.79
6195.1 TELEPHONE-TANK 1 95:70 1151.18
6195.2 TELEPHONE-TANK 2 73.47 879.79
6195.5 TELEPHONE-TANK 5 73A7 879.79
6140.0 ELECTRIC OFFICE 77.28 1,806.38
6150.1 ELECTRIC PUMP 1 101286 10,958.14
6150.2 ELECTRIC PUMP 2 402.20 4,498.22
6150.5 ELECTRIC PUMP 5 419.99 6,067.18
6150.6 ELECTRIC PUMP 6 48.05 422.22
6160.1 ELECTRIC TANK 1 221.07 2,988.12
6160.2 ELECTRIC TANK 2 11.68 197.07
6160.5 ELECTRIC TANK 5 306.47 2877.18
6160.6 ELECTRIC TANK 6 22.25 2025
6180.0 Chomicals 190.00
6185.1 SAMPLES-PUMP 1 369.86 1,977.88
6185.2 SAMPLE-PUMP 2 309.11 1,086.11
6185.5 SAMPLES- PUMP 5 957.01 487151
6185.7 SAMPLES - CLEVELAND SCHOOL 316.81 168!
6190.0 MONITORING 120.60 890.48
{6200.0 SUPPLIES 485.80 14,288.96
6206.0 R8M OFFICE 945.18 4028.24
6210.0 REM SYSTEM 11,228.98 38,109.28
6210.1 R8M PUMP 1 286.13 8770.74
6210.2 RBM PUMP 2 788 3,792.16
6210.6 R8M PUMP 5 353.99
6210.6 REM PUMP 6 218.25
6215.6 REM NEW GARDEN TANK 31.48 3148
6220.0 REM EQUIPMENT 86.20 18,690.85,
6240.0 GAS, OlL, GREASE 1,428.51 19,603.51
6260.0 OFFICE SUPPLIES. 1,862.44 5,079.16
6270.0 POSTAGE & DELIVERY 987.26 10,744.57
6800.0 ACCOUNTING FEES 750.00 27,000.00
6920.0 Water Works Operation Fees 160.00
340.0 Small Toole & Equipment 2,781.00
6390.0 ADVERTISEMENT 1,878.00
6420.0 Sorvice Charges 643.21 979.08
6490.0 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 75.00 4,187.60
6450.0 JANITORIAL 151.40 1,813.67
6000 Payroll Expenses 99,000.46 516,427.16
7000.1 WATER PURCHASES #1 14,287.42 151,784.22
Accrual Basis Tuesday, June 13, 2047 12:11 PM GMT-7 20
MAY 2017 “JUL 2016 - MAY 2017 (YTD)
"7000.2 WATER PURCHASE #2 6,906.24 TBT7277
7000.6 WATER PURCHASES HANSONVILLE 5615.79 67,877.87
7100.0 SEWER FEES 8,172.88
DIRECTOR FEES 1,900.00 42,400.00
Employee Dental Insurance 682.40
Intorost Expence 478.62
Roimbursements 83.20 468.40
“Total Expenses 00 ARTE $1,109,072.74
% RATING INCOME ~ $936,503.81
1255.0 Due From Construction Fund 210,256.99
Total Other income ~ — $290,355.98
2510.0 NIP SWORDS CREEK 3,608.00 39,699.00
2610.0 WP DRILL PROJECT 18,551.27
2611.0 NIP HIGHLAND ACRESIYATES WSL-16 9,899.77 6,679.63
2613.0 NIP BIGA MTN. PHASE | WSL-11-9 15,504.83, 31,109.67
2616.0 NIP BELFAST 55,415.98
2617.0 NIP ROSEDALE 63,557.24
2618.0 N/P NEW GARDEN/FINNEY 17,988.72
2619.0 N/P MAINS LINE WSL-40-13E 109,970.97
2620.0 NP GREEN VALLEY ESTATES. 8,795.60
2635.0 NIP LONG BRANCH PROJECT 2,663.08 5,326.16
2640.0 NIP PINE CREEK 5,741.28 11,482.67
2641.0 N/P VRA MOUNTAIN MEADOWS 2,095.98
2650.0 NIP Clarks Valley Project 27 A12.18
2660.0 N/P LYNN SPRING PROJECT 543.00 5,430.00
2927.0 NIP VSA BIG A MTN PHASE Il 25,578.79
2990.0 NIP GREEN VALLEY WEST 95,826.50
2098.0 N/P BACK VALLEY 10,840.90
“Total Other Ex _ $91,604.71
NET OTHER INCOME _ $22,120.95
‘Accrual Basis Tuesday, une 18, 2017 12:44 PM GMT-T
Russell County Public Service Authority - Construction
May 2017
WAV 2017 ‘JUL 2018- MAY 2017 (YTD)
4145.0 Contributlons - Govt 115,614.89
4300.0 Loan Proceeds 2AN10.47 436,663.36
4400.0 Mise. Income 22,278.53 219,469.61
7200.0 Grant Contributions: 7892.19 188,745.05
incor "$88,981.18 $860,402.01"
GROSS PROFIT “$59,981. $960,482.97
5500.0 Project Expenses 89,778.84 02,502.54
{6000.0 Salaries - Goneral Consruetion 2,425.00 31,974.40
6030.0 Uniforms 784.98 8,512.72
6090.0 Contract Labor 912.60
6101.0 Employee Soreening 225.00
6110.0 Telephone Lebanon Shop 2,257.56
6110.1 Telephone Honaker Shop 888.17
6120.0 Telephone Call 385.73 3,756.07
6140.0 Electric Lobanon Shop 73.69 1,610.84
6140.4 Electric Honake Shop 62.33 745.27
6140.2 Electric Temp Office 70.50 807.00
6150.0 Internet Lebanon Shop 4995 550.95
6171.0 Watar Lebanon Shop 48.50 539.48
6171.1 Water Honaker Shop 95922
6175.0 Trash Lebanon Shop 29.00 463.50
6175.1 Trash Honaker Shop 75.00 825,00
6200.0 Suppiies 86.06 3,868.96
6206.0 Repalr & Maintenance Office 1,942.78 1,942.76
{6220.0 Repair & Maint. 1884.98 24,967.26
6240.0 Gas, Ol, Grease 1,840.44 15,635.62
6260.0 Office Supplies 708.42 2,953.24
6270.0 Postage & Delivery 99.00 602.85
6800.0 Accounting Services 3,500.00
6840.0 Small Tools & Equipment 4046.92
6870.0 Rent Lebanon Shop 590.70 5,165.70
6870.1 Rent Honaker Shop 3,000.00
6390.0 Advertising 660.15
6420.0 Financa/Service Charges 584.80 1,000.42
6490.0 Dues/Subsctiptions 75.00 75.00
6445.0 Liconso/Tags/inspections
6446.0 Pormit Fees
_ 9001.0 Transfer Out To PSA
‘Total Expenses
$5,920.64 $79,310.47
Accrual Bass Tuesday, June 13, 2017 08:12 AM GATT a
WAY 2017 “JUL 2016 - MAY 2017 (YTD)
NET INCOME $3,520.65 $-78,81047
Accrual Basis Tuasday, June 18, 2017 08:12AM GMT-7 op
Russell County PSA - Construction
Description Materials Labor Hourly Equip.[ Suppliesiiflise | Engineering ‘Ot
[School Board - Swords Creak School Mar-17 2,903.66 3574.40] 0.00} 0.00] 0.00}
[School Board - Swords Creek School Apr-17 4,008.75] 6,347,712) = 343.86} 0.00] 0.00}
[School Board - Swords Creek School May-17_ 1,847.40] 4,074:48] 26.46 0,00) 0.00]
[Tunnel Road Ph Ili (Telemetry) May-17 0.00} 1,322.22] 10.46) 0,00) 0.00]
Per RRM May-17 0.00] 2,503.26| 430:76| 0.00) 4,000.00}
Route 656 May-17 0.00] 7,256.85) 3,105.36] 71,896.98] 4,400.00}
|County Projects May-17_ 0.00} 7,736.37) 1,833.67| 2,868.97| 0.00]
[Misc./Glenview/East Crossroads Meters 0.00) 0.00} 0.00) 0.00) 0,00) 5,
Total| $5,529.81 ‘$29,817.70 ‘$5,460.25 $4,565.95] $8,400.00] ‘$6,
[Total bio to General Construction [-$407460554]
Gonoral Construction Account
Date: 05/01/17 to 05/3117
Balance as of 08/13/17: $1,222.00
Bate | Retiio. Payee, ‘Memo ‘Payment [ Deposit | Balance
losritaoi7 [s7ez____|Amarican Express $191899 $4535.16
losriera0%7 [3603 [Russell OiCo., Ine. $5224 $3742.91
losneraor7 [s510___|1's Country Store $4999 $3,602.92
losnenot7 [sot [Eilon & Go. $717.40 $2976.52
losniemot7 [3512 [Stone Min, Metal Works, na. $144.00. 3 2,691.82
losntanoi7 [3518 |Rogare Group, ne fs72reeer $_33128 3 2.60056.
Tcabanon Block & Supp CO,
losrseigot7 fasta inc. }a03343, $102.60 $2997.98
losrienorr [Reinb Labor on iperi DRT 3648 | $ 3.05848
lositeraorr [Reirab Equip on ipeni D/DAT 31508 |$ 3,007.82
losrieraorr Reimb Labor on Ri 656 D/D#® BIO80.71 | 919,651.29
losrtera017 Reimb Equip on Rt 656 D/D#S $ 2.44658 | $16,007.82
fosrt20%7 [Rucsall County Publi Sohoois| $ 9,007,80 | $25,996,62,
losrirotr lB0s 514,008.36 | $37,002.00,
Spanan BECK E Supp CO,
losirzaor7 fasts linc. lsoasda $_26360 $97,818.20
constuction LaBoT RE
IRussell County PSA |aseiPeciCounty 226 t0
losrrvizor7 |aste __jOperating lsesi7 s087t.s4 $16,946.58
josrivaor7 [s6i7 |HD Supply $9513.02) 5 7A8.54
losvao%7 [sete E-Dilon & Go, 3 6205; $7,970.48
fosrizmor7 [3519 |New Peoples Bank Inc. [26082630 $599.70) $6,880.78
josrrraot7 [3620 [Wallace Hardware 32687 '$ 6,80491
fosriviaot? [3621 [TruckPro, LLC [254RU00S $387 3 6760.74
fosrizraot7 [3622 [OAK Seivices - Kingsport 3 Be0t7 $6,186.57
josri7izor7 [3523 [Appalachian Power 820487 $5,884.20
fosrr7izot7 |a624” [Consolidated Steal, Ino. $199.05 $5,745.20
fosrtzzot7 [3625 [T's County Store 510488 $5,640.22
fosrt7/2ot7 |3628 [Russel Ol Go, Ine. $0086 $5,190.86
Tcabarian Block & Supply C5
josi7mot7 |ss27__ inc. jsosees $285 8512804
fosriziot7 |as28 [Verizon clo GR Chaim Dept sea78 $4,400.22
josrt7mor7 |3525 [verizon $3022 34,199.00
losriranty [3680 |avu 2 4885 4.14005
car rinancar Commerical
losir7mot7 [asst Account ls2s0-7300-0104-5146 $8000 $ 3.34905
losrt7izot7 |a6s2 —__[Wlfams Disposal, LLC $7600 § 3,27405
josrtao17 [2583 [Town of Lebanon $7660 $3,108.56
losraarao17 [3604 [Appalachian Power 310642, $3,002.18
losraaraot7 [seas _{aVU $4995 $2,962.18
[Cat Financial Conimstioal
josiaar2017 faa nt |s2a0-7300-0104-54146 $erta7 $ 2.20071
losraaaot7 [3687 |Chafin aw Fim, PC. s_ 72 8227840
fosraaraot7 [2638 |G&K Services - Kingsport s_ 30678 $1,986.74
Innovative Technology
losiaqraot7 jase __|Sotuans $__760.00' $.1,t2071
‘osraqr20v7_ [3840 [Verizon Wireless rieieae24-00007 $512.00) 3 Start
josraarzor7 [3544 [Russell County Treesurer S750) 78074
josraaraot7_[3se2 wills Disposal, LLC. 575.00 $684 7t
losraaaotr 347435 | § 1.19906
Route 655 East Account Balance as of 08/13/17: $47.80
Date: 05/01/17 to 05/91/17
Dato [_ RefNo. Payee ‘Momo Payment | Deposit | Balance
losrtamor7 IvRA 326,088.10 | $25,080.90
losrteiz0t7 [1046 [Thompson & Lion, Ino $6,000.00 ‘$17,080.90
fosriaizot7 [1047 [ONC Supply, Inc. 51.8508 315,490.67
(05ri62017 [1048 _[Batek Too's, no. [$1,986.00 $14, 08657
fosrieia0%7 [1049 [Blevins Septic Servic S760 $13,900.57
losrieizor7 1060 [Barbara Taylor ‘$60.00 $13,91957
losrieraot7 [1051 [Rogers Group, Ine. [sraReeer $720.49 $19,193.08
losrteraor7 [1052 [T's County store 51488, $13,078.10
losrtenor [Rein Labor on Rese D/O | $10,588.71 $ 2,40459
losrtenot7 [Reimb Equip on Rtess D/oza | § 2,446.50 $4780
iPorl RRM Replace Account
Date: 06/01/17 to 08/31/17
Balance as of 06/13/17: $47.00
Dato | RefNo. Paves Memo Payment | Boposit_| Balance
[osrianot7 IvRa $5500.56 |$ 6,717.6
fosrtera0%7 [i012 [Thompson & Lion ine 3 6000100 $7736
losriera017 [Retrb Labor on Pen Diba? _[$ 650.48. $60.88
[osriera0%7 [Rei Equip on Ped DDE? |S _ 18.08) $_a80
Month Year: May 2017
PWSID ID: 1167900
‘A___|Gallons of water purchased from TCPSA-RAVENIDORAN 5,110,000
B___|Gallons of water purchased from HONAKER ELEM SCHOOL METER.
C -_ [Total gallons of water purchased (A+B) 5,110,000
D__|Gallons of water sold to New Garden/Breezer's Branch
E_ Average gallons/day placed into distribution system [C/days in month] 170,333
F___|Gallons of water metered to customers - Swords Creek 4,085,748
G___|Gatlons of water metered for flushing, fire flow, etc,
H__ [Total gallons of water unaccounted for [C - (E*F)] 4,024,252
|_|Apparent percent of water lost from the distribution system [100 G/C] 20.04%
J___|Number of connections 1293
K___|Average gallons/day per connection (C/)) 3952
L__ [Estimated daily population served 3233
Distribution system performance goals:
Jess that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system
less than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connectiot
CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 dayshveek)
DATE Moi | pave | Mot | pate git. Date Mail.
4 3 47 41.30 - 050, 25
2 | 149-050 | 10 | 126-020 | 18 26_| 166-070
3__| 064-070 | 14 v9 | 116-020 | 27
4A 12 4.47 - 050. 20 28
5 41,54 - 050 413, 24 29 0,68 - 010
6 414 22 41.69 - 070, 30.
7z 416 1.20 - 020 23 34 4,49 -020
a__| 060-070 | _ 16 24_|_ 125-020
REMARKS (waterline breaks, consumer complaints, service conncations made) {may be continued on baok):
Signed Name: L aap
Printed Name: * Tfacy Grady
Title/Operator Class: Operations Class 5
‘Month [Year - May, 2017
PWSID ID: 1167051
‘A__ [Gallons of water purchased from TCPSA - CLAYPOOL HILL 2,514,900
B [Gallons of water purchased from TOWN OF LEBANON.
C__ [Total Gallons of water placed into waterworks {A +B) 2,614,900
D__ [Average gallons/day placed into distribution system [C/days in month} 83,830
E [Gallons of water metered to customers ~ 4,897,580
F__ [Gallons of water metered for flushing, fire flow, etc.
G_ [Total gallons of water unaccounted for [C - E+ F] 617,320
H__ [Apparent percent of water ost from the distribution system {100 G/C]. 24.55%
|_|Number of connections 636
J TAverage gallons day per connection (EN) 2,984
K__ [Estimated daily poputation served 4,875.
Distribution system performance goals:
Jess that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system
Jess than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connection
CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)
DATE Ngit. DATE DATE, Wigi Bate Tigh
4 Tr - 070 Ey 17 750 - 000 26
2 7.48 - 020 a 26 746-010
3 1.51 -030 1 18, 761-070 27
4 12 | 148-070 | 20 28
5 761-010 8. 24 29 T7020)
6 4 2 77-020 30.
7 15 | 167-020 | 23 31 764-030.
g 752 - 080. 718 24 742-000
REMARKS (waterline breaks, consumer complaints, service connections made) (may be continued on back):
Signed Name: Zay Ly
Printed Name :” Tracy Brady
Title/Operator Class: ations Class 6
Month / Year: May, 2017
PWSID #: 1167275
Population Served: 175
No. Connections Served
Gallons of Water Pumpe 637,952
Green Valley Waterworks
Gallons of Water sold: 263,152
Water Loss: 43.08%
Well 27-A [Well 30-¢ Master cL2 | CL2 Residual Sample
Date Meter Reading Point Comments
7 200 | 6,804, ToS 070
2 $400 | 2,348 1.62 020
3 7.400 | 2,254 7.80 030.
a 73,300 |~4,078 768 To
S 23600_| 7.156 Gi iF)
10 75 200_ | 464, 158 030
12 75,700 4800 TES. oi
16 75,000 [7,021 Te 020
17 5000 | 7.075 155 030,
19 W600 | 59a, To 010
22 26,800 6,154 155 020
24 600 | 4,758 Tei TH
26 58054735 786. 0
29 Zig | 668s 78 620
3t 720,900 | 6,592 1 TH
[Tatas 249,300__|_75,704 i
Operator in Responsible Charge:_Tracy Grady
Printed Name
‘Signature: fay Luge _
‘Submit by the/ton/oF the flowing month
\Viginis Department of Health
fice of Crinking Water, Abingdon Fila Office
464 East Maln Staot
WW License Class:_§
Month Year - May, 2017
PWSID ID: 1167275
‘A _ [Gallons of water purchased from TOWN OF LEBANON. 4,878,260
B__ [Gallons of water pumped from GREEN VALLEY ESTATES WELLS. 837,952
[TOTAL gallons of water placed in water works (a+b+c) 2,216,212
1D _ [Average gallons/day placed into distribution system [D/days in month} 73,874
E [Total gallons of water metered to customers - Hansonville 4,023,018,
F__ [Total gallons of water metered to customers - Green Vally Estate 363,162
G__ [Total gallons of water metered to customers - Washington County 376,900
H_ [Gallons of water metered for flushing, fire flow, etc,
{__|Total Galions of water sold 4,763,970
‘J [Total gallons of water unaccounted for |~ (E+F+G+H | 452,242.
__ [Apparent percent of water lost from the distribution system [100 GIC} 20.41%
{___|Number of connections 304
‘M_|Average gallons/day per connections Ci] 487
N__ [Estimated daily population served 986
Distribution system performance goals:
«less that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system
Jess than 150 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connection
CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)
DATE _| Mg/L.- Station # | DATE | MgiL-Station# | DATE | Mo/L-Station# | Dato | Mgll.- Station #
4 4,30-010 9 v7 1.20- 030 26
2 4,32 - 020 10 4.12030 18 26 4.36 - 010
3 4.34 - 030 4 419 125-010 27
4 42 1.10 - 010 20 28
5 418-010 13 24 29 4.16 -020
6 14 22 4.31- 020 30
Zz 15 4.21020 23 34 4.30 - 030
8 4,07 - 020 16 24 428-030
‘Signed Name: Jee He Lag.
Printed Name: Tee
Title/Operator Class: Operations _Class 5
Month ‘Year May, 2017
‘WATERWORK - New Garden/Finney -RCPSA
PWSID ID: 1167640
A_|Gallons of water purchased from HONAKER-NEW GARDEN METER 325,813,
B__lAverage gallons/day placed into distribution system {G/days in month) 10,860
C__|Gallons of water metered to customers 340,419,
1D __|Gallons of water metered for flushing, fire flow, ect.
_|Total gallons of water unaccounted for {E - (A-C] 14,606
FE parent percent of water ost from the distribution system [100 E/A 4.48%
G_|Number of connections 437
H__lAverage gallons/day per connection (Cl) 14347
1__|Estimated dally population served 343
Distribution system performance goals:
. less that 30 percent loss of water placed into the distribution system
fess than-180 gpd of water placed into the distribution system per connection
CHLORINE RESIDUAL (required 3 days/week)
DATE Magi DATE Mgft. DATE, Mit. Date Mgft.
4|___.49-010 9) 17] 34-030 28
248-020 410|__.51- 010 18] 26|__.45-030
3|__.50-030 14 49] 75-010 27|
4| 42| 40-030 20) 28]
5|__.95-010 43] 24 29|__.86-010
6 44) 2280-030 20
7] 45| 80-020 23] ai] .65-020
| _ 46-030 16} 2a] 74-020
REMARKS (waterine breaks, consumer complaints, service conncstions made) (nay be continued on back):
signed Name: Zig Ady
Printed Name : TYacf Grddy
Titie/Operator Class: Operations Class §
son Building
State Health Commissioner OFFICE OF DRINKING WATER Richmond, VA 23219,
Phone: 804-864-7500
May 9, 2017 Fax: 804-864-7521
‘Subject: Russell County
‘Water Russell County Public Service Authority
Glade Hollow/Glade Hill
WSL — 020-18
Mr. Harvey Hatt
Russell County Public Service Authority
P.O. Box 3219
Lebanon, VA 24266
Re: 2018 Drinking Water Construction/Financial Assistance
DWSRE Initial Offer
Dear Mr. Hi
‘The Virginia Depattment of Health (VDE) has completed a preliminary review of your application for drinking,
‘water construction finds. ‘The determination of the funding, package is shown below; however, this determination
and your inclusion in VDH’s Intended Use Plan is contingent on the availability of federal and state funding as
‘well as the conditions below.
Based on the information provided, VDH determined the total funding paclage for your project is estimated to be
$941,700. The funding package consists.of $523,000 as principal forgiveness (grant) and $418,700 as a Joan for
a term of 30 years and interest rate of'2.5%, Altematively extended term loans at below market rates are
available for projects that have design lives that exceed 30 years, Please xotily us if you are interested in
participating in this program.
Your project may be eligible for an additional interest reduction of 0.25% under our Capacity Building Program.
‘To qualify for this offer VDH requires « commitment to adjust rates to ensure minimum compound revenue
increases of 2%! each year for the next five years. If you will participate inthis special Program please indicate
your plans for complying in your response letter.
VDH recommends waterworks owners implement a revenue growth model that includes automatic annual rate
adjustments that exceed inflation. Having adequate financial resources is crucial to maintaining a successful and
sustainable waterworks. VDH recommends waterworks self-evaluate their financial positions using the attached
Building Financial Sustainability/Financial Health Indicators to ensuse they ate able to provide for financial
sustainability, You should begin to prepare your latest audited financial statement to avoid any delays in credit
review and loan closing,
" Attemativety owners may commit to using an inflationary linked index such as the Consumer Price Index (CP) or the Persone
Protecting You zd Yair Environment
Mr. Harvey Hart
May 9, 2017
Page 2
‘The federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) appropriation for FY 2018 is not yet finalized.
Complying with the American Iron and Steet, Davis Bacon Prevailing Wage, and other provisions are required.
‘The funding, package and loan closing are conditioned on and are subject to change based on (but not limited to)
the following:
() The availability of federal and state match funds to support the DWSRF Program,
(2) New restrictions/conditions that the EPA or VDH may require for participation in the Program or in the
use of the SRF funds,
(G) The purpose, benefit, or scope of the project changes from the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)
‘or the DWSRF Application; or the VDH-ODW Field Office does not concur with the project purpose,
Dene, o scope,
4) — Ovmer complying with the DWSRF Program requirements, and owner's progress to a timely closing
according to a pre-negotiated schedule, or delays/changes in project readiness fo proceed,
() Owner's history of activities with the ODW/DWSRF Program (i. late or non-payments or non
(© Ovmer obtaining user agreements stom future wator users in the project area, (if applicable)
(7) The financial estimates provided in your loan application changing,
(8) Owner's ability to secure the loan, all loan offers will roquite a credit report acceptable to VDE,
(9) Owner soliciting other lenders for parity on this new debt,
(10) Owner being debarted or suspended from applying for state or federal funds,
(11) Waterworks mainiaining compliance with the Virginia Watervorks Regulations and other applicable
state/federal laws, regulations, policies, and procédures, and
(12) EPA mandates that all program assistance recipients demonstrate full technical, financial, and
‘managerial capacity in order to receive funds. VDH may place special requirements on recipients in
‘order fo ensure capacity requirements are met prior to foan closing.
‘An acoeptance of this funding offer reflects a commitment on your part fo these requirements, VDH reserves the
right to by-pass any project that has not executed financial agreements within 12 months from the date of VDH's
original award letter.
Based on the size of this project VDH requires an estimated reimbursement projection for each 12 month period
after loan closing.
Please notify me in writing as soon as possible but no later than June 9, 2017 at the address above of your
acceptance of this initial funding package offer or any concerns and additional factors that should be
considered, Failure to notify me can be deemed as your withdrawal from this program. I can be contacted at
(804) 864-7489,
Steves \euxd
Steven D. Peilei, PE, Director
Division of Construction Assistance, Planning & Policy
cc: J, Dale Kitchen, PE, Project Supervisor, FCAP
‘Cumberland Platean Planning District Commission
E. Sue Cantrell, MD, Pharm, Acting District Health Direotor
Ray Whitner, ODW Field Director, Abingdon Field Office
A regular monthly meeting of the Castlewood Water & Sewage Authority Board of Directors was
held at the Castlewood Water Authority Building in St Paul, Virginia on Wednesday, July 12, 2017.
Darrell johnson, Chairman
Gary Dotson, Secretary / Treasurer
James Kiser, Member
Darrell Puckett, Member
Bradley Patton, Member
Jeff Lewis, Member
Stephen Mullins, Counsel
Mike Owens
Christina Rose
Marsha Stanley
Crossroads Engineering
Joshua Fields
Mike Horton
Called to order by Darrell Johnson, Chairman @ 6:00 P.M,
Gary Dotson led the prayer, Darrell johnson followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by James Kiser, member, and second by Bradley Patton, member and duly approved by
all Board of Directors to approve the agenda.
AYE: Darrell Johnson, Gary Dotson, James Kiser, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jff Lewis,
WAY: None
1, Service Meters/Master Meters/SCADA - Service meters are installed. Crew still working
on master meter installations throughout the system now. SCADA sites at Honey Branch
and Eagles Nest being finalized.
2. Dante to St, Paul Sewer - Conference call with DEQ held end of last month,
advertisement was initially scheduled for mid July, bid opening mid August. Meeting
scheduled for July 24 with BOS to discuss financials. Still working on easements as well,
3. Castlewood Sewer (Westview) - Received all easements and are finalizing the revised cost
estimate for RD. We expect to get authorization to advertise from them in the next few days and
hope it wil be advertised for construction in next weeks paper.
4, Castlewood Sewer (Phase IB) - Letter was finalized and submitted requesting RD to deobligate
funds on Phase !B, We will still plan to target the areas in Couch's Bottom, Greystone and Memorial
Drive for a future project once Westview is complete and we can see how effective the county
enforcement policy becomes.
5. Lake Bonaventure to South Clinchfield Line Replacement - We believe VDH is close to approving
the proposed line change fromm 8-inch to 12-inch, one request for clarification was received today
from them.
6, Water Plant Membrane Filter Cartridge Replacement - Filter data submitted to VDH May 18 for
approval of alternate more cost-effective replacement filter cartridges. We were in discussions
with VDH on a means to get approval of the filters but received a good price from the original
manufacturer for replacement filters so the Authority proceeded with that option.
Motion made by Bradley Patton, member, and second by Darrell Puckett, miembgr and duly
approved by all Board of Directors to table the 2017-2018 budget proposal until the next meeting.
AYE; Darrell Johnson, James Kiser, Gary Dotson, Bradiey Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis. ,
WAY: None
Motion made by Jeff Lewis member, and second by Gary Dotson, member and duly approved by
all Board of Directors to hire a temporary employee.
AVE: Darrell johnson, James Kiser, Gary Dotson, , Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis.
WAY: Bradley Patton
Motion made by Bradley Patton member, and second by James Kiser, member and duly
approved by all Board of Directors to authorize joshua Fields to seek bids on our surplus meters.
AYE; Darrell Johnson, James Kiser, Gary Dotson, , Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis, Bradley Patton,
WAY: None
Motion made by James Kiser, member, and second by Gary Dotson, member and duly approved
by all Board of Directors to move Frank Hensley to full time employee.
AYE: Darrell Johnson, James Kiser, Gary Dotson, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis,
NAY: None
Motion made by James Kiser, second by Darrell Puckett and duly approved by all Board of
Directors pursuant to 2.2-3711 of the Virginia Code to go into closed session at 7:41 p.m. to discuss
the following exeinpt purposes: A1-Personnel, A7-Consultation With Legal Counsel, A29-Contracts.
Al-Discussion , consideration, or interviews of prospective candidates for employment;
assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplines, or resignation of
specific public officers, appointees, or émployees of any public body; and evaluation of performance
of departments or schools of public institutions of higher education where such evaluation will
necessarily involve discussion of the performance of specific individuals. Any teacher shall be
permitted to be present during a closed meeting in which there is a discussion or consideration ofa
disciplinary matter that involves the teacher and some student and the student involved in the
matter is present, provided the teacher make a written request to be present to the presiding
officer of the appropriate board.
A7-Consultation h legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to
actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely
affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body; and consultation with legal counsel
employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of
legal advice by such counsel. For the purposes of this subdivision, "porbatile litigation” means
litigation that has been specifically threatened or on which the public body or it legal counsel has a
reasonable basis to belive will be commenced by or against a known party. Nothing in tl
subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure of a meeting merely because an attorney
representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a matter.
{A29-Discussion of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public. funds,
including interviews of bidders or offerors, and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract,
where discussion in an open session would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating
strategy of the public body.
AYE: Darrell Johnson, James Kiser, Darrell Puckett, Brad Patton, Gary Dotson, Jeff Lewis, .
Nay: None.
our. :D SESSI
Motion made by James Kiser, second by Gary Dotson and duly approved by all Board of Directors
to come out of closed executive session.
AYE: Darrell Johnson, James Kiser, Darrell Puckett, Brad Patton, Gary Dotson, Jeff Lewis,
Nay: None
Upon coming out of closed session, Chairman Johnson took a roll call vote asking each member to
certify that to the best of each members knowledge (1) .only public business matters lawfully
exempted from open meeting requirements under Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 as outlined in the
motion were discussed and (Il) oily such public business matters as were identified in the motion
by which the closed meeting was covered or heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by
public body to take a roll call yote,
Roll Call Vote:
AYE: Darrell Puckett AYE: Brad Patton AYE: Gary Dotson
AYE: Jaines Kiser
AYE: Jeff Lewis .
Motion made by Bradley Patton, member, and second by James Kiser, member and duly
approved by all Board of Directors to authorize Stephen Mullins to draft a contract to employ C.
Michael Disha asa part time administrative consultant.
AYE; Darrell Johnson, james Kiser, Gary Dotson, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis.
WAY: None
Motion made by James Kiser, member, and second by Gary Dotson, member, and duly approved
by all Board of Directors to approve the minutes of the June 2017 board meeting.
AYE: Darrell Johnson, Gary Dotson, James Kiser, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis.
WAY: None
Motion made by James Kiser, member, and second by Darrell Puckett; member, and duly
approved by all Board of Directors to approve accounts payable for June 2017.
AYE: Datel Johnson, Gary Dotson, James Kiser, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis.
NAY: None
Motion made by Gary Dotson, member, and second by Darrell Puckett, member, and duly
approved by all Board of Directors to approve accounts receivable for june, 2017.
AYE: Darvell Johnson, Gary Dotson, James Kiser, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis.
WAY: None
‘The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Motion made by James Kiser, member and second by
Darrell Puckett, member to adjourn and duly approved by all board members, ©
AYE: Darrell Johnson, Gary Dotson, James Kiser, Bradley Patton, Darrell Puckett, Jeff Lewis.
NAY: None
Darrell Johnson, Chairman
Gray Dotson, Secretary/Treasurer
Russell County Tourism Committee
Regular Meeting
June 20, 2017 11:30am
Vincent's Vineyard
Members Present: Jim Lyttle, Betsy Gilmer, Jennifer Chumbley, Jackie Hubbard, Susan Hilton, Jeff Hess,
Kathy Stewart
Guests: Angela
Ex-Officio: Lou Ann Wallace
Meeting called to order by Jim Lyttle
Motion to approve May 16, 2017 minutes by Jennifer Chumbley, seconded by Susan Hilton, motion
Committee discussed preparing letters for Becki and Yvonne to express our gratitude for their service,
and they are welcome to attend the meetings, as they are public meetings, however due to the need of
the committee to have a quorum, we need to know if they plan to remain on the committee. Jim Lyttle
discussed having Jennifer Chumbley complete the letters. Motion by Susan Hilton for Jennifer Chumbley
to create a standard letter, second by Jeff, motion passes.
Jim spoke about the recently amended by-laws and the difference between missing regularly, scheduled
meetings vs, suggested meetings or specially called meetings and that it could be difficult for some to
come on short notice to a suggested or special called meeting. Kathy Stewart made a motion to amend
by-laws to change the wording from missing meetings to missing a regular, scheduled meeting,
seconded by Jennifer Chumbley, motion passes.
Susan spoke about the added conference line for attending meetings, she has forwarded the info to
Short, for use when needed.
Jeff Hess spoke about the VA Tourism tent at the Cattlemen Association Event on Friday, July 7" and the
need for volunteers from the Tourism Committee. Betsy Gilmer and Jim Lyttle volunteered for the 11am.
to 1pm shift, Jennifer Chumbley and Susan Hilton volunteered for the 1pm to 4pm shift. Lou Ann
Wallace suggested name badges, and Susan volunteered to make the badges. Motion by Betsy Gilmer to
send volunteers to event, and for Susan to make name badges, second by Jackie Hubbard, motion
Jennifer Chumbley updated the committee on the progress in Cleveland and the grants for the
campground, walking trails and river park.
The committee discussed different events, the success of those events, and the marketing of events.
Betsy Gilmer spoke about the Dinner on the Grounds event, she expressed the need for more support
from committee members as well as town leaders in communities. She mentioned how it can be
disheartening when local leaders do not show their support during a local event. sim Lyttle spoke about
the need for coordination of county events, suggesting a master calendar, due to the overlap of events
which can create a conflict. He spoke about the need for the committee to help promote events, but not
Russell County Tourism Committee
Member Listing
Becki Joyce June 30, 2018
Pauline Salyers June 30, 2018
Yvonne Rutherford April 30, 2019
Alice Meade June 30, 2019
Ann Monk June 30, 2019
Patsy Phillips June 30, 2019
Donna Meade June 30, 2019
‘Susan Hilton June 30, 2019
James Lyttle dune 30, 2019
Jeff Hess August 30, 2019
Betsy Gilmer August 30, 2019
‘Town Representatives
Jackie Hubbard (Lebanon) February 1, 2020
Jennifer Chumbley (Cleveland) March 7, 2020
Kathy Stewart (St. Paul) March 7, 2020
Lou Wallace December 31, 2019
Kim Short June 30, 2018
Renewal Month
April 2018
April 2018
February 2019
April 2019
April 2019
April 2019
April 2019
April 2019
April 2019
June 2019
June 2018
December 2019
January 2020
January 2020
October 2019
April 2018
Russell County Planning Commission
July 17, 2017
The Russell County Planning Commission met on Monday, July 17, 2017, in the
lobby of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room at the Russell County
Government Center, 133 Highland Dr. Lebanon VA.
Members Present Members Absent Others Present
Jack Compton Don Cross Harry Ferguson
Charlie Edmonds Kevin Tiller Esq.
John Mason
Chmn. Kirby Meadows
Mark A. Mitchell
Vice Ch. Andy Smith
Roger Sword
Wayne Young
Chairman Meadows called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given.
Agenda approved. Motion by Jack Compton, seconded by Roger Sword.
June meeting minutes approved. Motion by Roger Sword, seconded by Andy
New Business
The Cattleman Association Field Day Event, approximately 800 in attendance was
a great success.
Other Business
Mr. Roger Sword gave notice of the intent to make a motion to amend By-Laws at
the next meeting.
Discussion about By-Laws.
Delete 4-4 from By-Laws.
Add to 3-5 absences may be excused by the Chairman not to exceed 2 per
calendar year. Excused absences are eligible for compensation.
Review of Plats
Reviewed of 05/16/2017 — 07/17/2017 transactions.
Other Business
Meeting adjourned. Motion by Mark Mitchell, seconded by Charlie Edmonds.
Kirby Meadows, Chairman
Mark A. Mitchell, Secretary
July 1, 2017
The following is a list of the Russell County Conference Center events for the month of July
Date Event Event Type ‘Space
7017 Darlene Rose | Full
Baby Shower | Event $225}
o7i0e7 Jim Artington Individual
Family Reunion Event
7/13/17 Yvonne Dye Community
Charity Bingo Event
omnant7 Kourtney Pennington Community Full
Maple Grove Jewelry Sale Event $100
Omen7 Ann Rattff | Individual Full |
Family Reunion | Event 9135
Cindy Hamilton, Individual | Halt
Birthday Party Event
omen? “Teresa Flanary ‘Community
| ‘VA Gas & Oil Board Meeting Event
o7i12n7 Nikki Reynolds ‘Community Full
National Wildlife Turkey Association Event $200
pt Tt
o7esnei7 Kevin Rowe
661 Training Event
_ — - _
| orn | Lonzo Lester Community
| Faith Based For Event
728729117 Sutton Townes:
‘Wedding Reception Event
+ Individual
Grace Baplist Church Individual
Home Coming Diner | Event
Total $1,980.00
Final Totat = $1,855.00
Russell County Health & Fitness
i Membership.
December | January | February | March | April May June July
Members / Class
Packages 101 124 131 126 129 129 166 145
Pay Per Class 18 22 19 26 25 7 2 8
Total Engagement 119 146 150 152 154 136 188 153,
Sales. !
Sales Month to
Date * $2,542.64 _ | $3,423.00 | $ 3,622.00 | $3,438.00 | $3,024.00 | $2,766.00 | $4,094.50__| $3,580.00
Instructor / Trainer
Payroll $1,455 | $1,405.00 | $ 1,635.00 | $1,615.00 | $1,730.00 | $1,235.00 | $1,345.00 | _$ 1,285.00
* Reporting from 7/1/17 to 7/31/17
137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA 24266
Tel 276-889-8012 Fax 276-889-8009
July 31, 2017 Russell County Unsafe
Building Ordinance
Bridgett McGlothlin
Wayne Merlette Bunch Town Rd. Dante, VA 159 RIA 2138 May 3, 2016
Jimmy A
Marshall Estate
173 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
156 RE 2880 February 13,
Vivian Cheryl
Near 145 Red Oak Ridge Rd.,
Castlewood, VA 24224
156 RE 2889 February 13,
Harold Fuller
Jesse Hensley
875-879 Red Oak Ridge Rd,
Castlewood, VA 24224
Purchased property
February 25, 2016
157 RID 1733 February 13,
Harold Fuller
Jesse Hensley
933-947 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
Purchased property
February 25, 2016
157 RID 1734 February
Bennie & Judy
181 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
156 RE 2879 February
James C.
13465 US Hwy. 19,
Lebanon, VA 24266
79 L 3460 A February
137 Highland Dr. Lebanon, VA 24266
Tel 276-889-8012 Fax 276-889-8009
July 31, 2017
Russell County Unsafe
Building Ordinance
Bridgett McGlothlin
Wayne Merlette
Jimmy A
Marshall Estate
Vivian Cheryl
Harold Fuller
Jesse Hensley
Harold Fuller
Jesse Hensley
Bennie & Judy
James C.
Bunch Town Rd. Dante, VA
173 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
Near 145 Red Oak Ridge Rd.,
Castlewood, VA 24224
875-879 Red Oak Ridge Rd,
Castlewood, VA 24224
Purchased property
February 25, 2016
933-947 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
Purchased property
February 25, 2016
181 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
13465 US Hwy. 19,
Lebanon, VA 24266
159 RIA 2138
156 RE 2880
156 RE 2889
157 RID 1733
157 RID 1734
156 RE 2879
May 3, 2016
February 13,
February 13,
February 13,
Page 2
Roseann Sykes
5682 Mew Rd. Castlewood,
VA 24224
156 LE 3490A May 24,
Site observed by Building Official and report submitted to County Administrator of findings.
Martha 5682 Mew Rd. Castlewood, 156LE3490A May 24,
Roseann Sykes VA 24224 2017
Page 2
Page 3
March 27,
Wayne Merlette 12066 Dettor Rd.
Bristol, VA 24202
April 13,
Jimmy A. Marshall
P.O. Box 667
St. Paul, VA 24283
April 13,
Vivian Cheryl Blevins 2782 Carfax Rd.
Coeburn, VA 24231
May 12,
Jesse Hensley P.O. Box 307
Erwin, TN 37650
May 12,
Jesse Hensley P.O. Box 307
Erwin, TN 37650
April 13,
Bennie & Judy Hill 181 Red Oak Ridge
Rd. Castlewood, VA
April 13,
James C. Rasnake 420 Coxtown Rd.
Honaker, VA 24260
March 27, Certified Wayne Merlette 12066 Dettor Rd.
2017 Mail Bristol, VA 24202
April 13, Certified Jimmy A. Marshall P.O. Box 667
2017 Mail Estate St. Paul, VA 24283
April 13, Certified Vivian Cheryl Blevins 2782 Carfax Rd.
2017 Mail Coeburn, VA 24231
May 12, Certified Jesse Hensley P.O. Box 307
2017 Mail Erwin, TN 37650
May 12, Certified Jesse Hensley P.O. Box 307
2017 Mail Erwin, TN 37650
April 13, Certified Bennie & Judy Hill 181 Red Oak Ridge
2017 Mail Rd. Castlewood, VA
April 13, Certified James C. Rasnake 420 Coxtown Rd.
2017 Mail Honaker, VA 24260
Page 3
Page 4
Wayne Merlette Bunch Town Rd. Dante,
Owner stated time and money
was an issue with compliance
5/23/17 Property Owner was advised that they had 30 days to come to
compliance. Owner stated that due to work, distance and money compliance
would be very difficult.
Jimmy A.
Marshall Estate
173 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
Financially unable to clean up
Owner asking for info for steps
in relinquishing property to
** Note: Jimmy Marshall Estate Real Estate Tax records indicate payment has
not been remitted since 2014. Current balance for this account is: 466.37
May 23, 2017: Lois Marshall contacted Russell County Building Office in
regards to steps in turning property over to county for repair or removal of
Vivian Cheryl
Near 145 Red Oak Ridge
Rd., Castlewood, VA
Stated intent to comply
7/31/17 In process of boarding
up mobile home windows and
underpinning home
Jesse Hensley 875-879 Red Oak Ridge
Rd, Castlewood, VA
Stated In process in correcting
**6/29/2017 Continuing to
work on completing corrections
Wayne Merlette Bunch TownRd.Dante, 5/23/17
VA Owner stated time and money
was an issue with compliance
Jimmy A. 173 Red Oak Ridge Rd. 5/8/17
Marshall Estate Castlewood, VA 24224 _ Financially unable to clean up
Owner asking for info for steps
in relinquishing property to
Vivian Chery! Near 145 Red Oak Ridge 4/19/17
Blevins Rd, Castlewood, VA Stated intent to comply
24224 7/31/17 In process of boarding
up mobile home windows and
underpinning home
JesseHensley 875-879 Red Oak Ridge 5/23/17
Rd, Castlewood, VA Stated In process in correcting
24224 issues
6/29/2017 Continuing to
work on completing corrections
Page 4
Page 5
7/31/17 Trying to decide on
moving mobile homes out or
changing them into storage
Jesse Hensley 933-947 Red Oak Ridge
Rd. Castlewood, VA
Stated In process in correcting
*6/29/2017 Continuing to work
on completing corrections
7/31/17 Trying to decide on
moving mobile homes out or
changing them into storage
Bennie & Judy Hill 181 Red Oak Ridge
Rd. Castlewood, VA
Jesse Hensley
Bennie & Judy Hill
Page S
933-947 Red Oak Ridge
Rd. Castlewood, VA
181 Red Oak Ridge
Rd. Castlewood, VA
7/31/17 Trying to decide on
moving mobile homes out or
changing them into storage
Stated In process in correcting
¥6/29/2017 Continuing to work
on completing corrections
7/31/17 Trying to decide on
moving mobile homes out or
changing them into storage
Page 6
Bennie & Judy
The Lebanon
No response from
either publication
Final 30 day
The Lebanon
Compliance difficult
due to time and
monetary expense.
Vivian Cheryl
The Lebanon
In Contact with
Building Official
working on
corrections to
become compliant
Bennie & Judy
Vivian Cheryl
Page 6
The Lebanon
The Lebanon
The Lebanon
No response from
either publication
Final 30 day
Compliance difficult
due to time and
monetary expense.
In Contact with
Building Official
working on
corrections to
become compliant
Page 7
James C. Rasnake 13465 US Hwy. 19,
Lebanon, VA 24266
Compliant Per Building
Official Mickey L. Rhea
Vivian Cheryl Blevins Near 145 Red Oak Ridge
Rd., Castlewood, VA
Compliant Per Building
Official Mickey L. Rhea
James C. Rasnake 13465 US Hwy. 19, 4-17-17
Lebanon, VA 24266 Compliant Per Building
Official Mickey L. Rhea
Vivian Cheryl Blevins Near 145 Red Oak Ridge 6/30/2017
Rd., Castlewood, VA Compliant Per Building
24224 Official Mickey L. Rhea
Page 7
Page 8
Bennie & Judy Hill 181 Red Oak Ridge Rd.
Castlewood, VA 24224
All notification efforts have been exhausted with no response from the above listed
property owners as of 6/30/2017
Wayne Merlette Bunch Town Rd. Dante, VA 07/12/2017
Bennie & Judy Hill 181 Red Oak Ridge Rd. 06/26/2017
Castlewood, VA 24224
| el
Wayne Merlette Bunch Town Rd. Dante, VA 07/12/2017
Page 8
Russell County Animal Control/Animal Shelter
Monthly Shelter Report
June 2017
Dog C at Other Total
Incoming Animal Source
Animal Control Officers 50 0 0 50
Owner Surrendered 52 3 0 55
Dropped Off Outside Shelter 2 0 0 1
Strays 26 5 0 31
Total 87
Outgoing Animal Type
Sent to Rescues
69 2 0 71
Adopted 4 6 0 10
Owner Reclaimed
3 0 0 3
Deceased or Died 0 0 0 0
Euthanasia Request 0 0 0 0
Euthanized 0 0 0 0
Sick/Injured – EU 0 0 0 0
Total 84
Rabies Exposure 0 0 0 0
Dangerous Dog 0 0 0 0
Welfare Checks 7 0 1 8
Total 8
Vaccinations Given 34 2 0 36
Seen in Office 2 1 0 3
Totals 39
Dispatch Calls
Total Calls to Dispatch 49
Total Calls to Shelter 41 1 5 47
41 1 5 47
Total 96
Russell County Animal Control/Animal Shelter
Monthly Shelter Report
Animal Control Officers
Owner Surrendered
Dropped Off Outside Shelter
Outgoing Animal Type
Sent to Rescues
Owner Reclaimed
Deceased or Died
Euthanasia Request
Sick/Injured — EU
[Rabies Exposure
‘Dangerous Dog
|Welfare Checks
(Vaccinations Given
Seen in Office
Dispatch Calls
(Total Calls to Dispatch
{Total Calls to Shelter
Russell County Animal Control/Animal Shelter
Monthly Shelter Report
July 2017
Dog C at Other Total
Incoming Animal Source
Animal Control Officers 34 0 0 34
Owner Surrendered 50 5 0 55
Dropped Off Outside Shelter 0 0 0 0
Strays 44 2 0 46
Totals 135
Outgoing Animal Type
Sent to Rescues
72 2 0 74
Adopted 5 9 0 14
Owner Reclaimed
7 0 0 7
Deceased or Died 0 0 0 0 0
Euthanasia Request 0 0 0 0
Euthanized 0 0 0 0
Sick/Injured – EU 0 0 0 0
Totals 95
Rabies Exposure 0 0 0 0
Dangerous Dog 0 0 0 0
Welfare Checks 0 0 0 0
Totals 0
Vaccinations Given
Vaccinations Given 23 2 0 25
Seen in office 1 2 0 3
Totals 28 2
Dispatch Calls
Total Calls to Dispatch 91
Total Calls to Shelter 9 3 0 12
Totals 103
Russell County Animal Control/Animal Shelter
Monthly Shelter Report
Incomin; nimal Source
Animal Control Officers
Owner Surrendered
Dropped Off Outside Shelter
Sent to Rescues
(Owner Reclaimed
Deceased or Died
Euthanasia Request
Sick/Injured — EU
Rabies Exposure
Dangerous Dog
[Welfare Checks
Vaccinations Given
Vaccinations Given
Seen in office
Dispatch Calls
(Total Calls to Dispatch
[Total Calls to Shelter
Court Facility Guidelines.pdf
A. Planning Oversight Committee
B. Planning Consultant and Architect
C. Preliminary Budget
D. Factors Affecting Construction Cost
E. Public Support
A. Restoration
B. Rehabilitation
C. Remodeling
D. Conservation
E. Problems Usually Encountered During Renovation
F. Can Another Type Facility Be Used for Courts?
G. Project Phasing
A. Needs Assessment
B. Master Planning and Determination of Alternative Solutions
C. Preparation of the Architectural Program
A. Schematic Design
B. Design Development
Construction Documents
A. Public Financing
B. Private Financing
A. Building Image
B. Green Building Design
C. Controlled Circulation
D. Public Circulation
E. Private Circulation
F. Secure Circulation
G. Secondary Circulation
H. Horizontal and Vertical Circulation
A. Physical Expansion
B. Adaptability and Flexibility
A. Net Square Feet (NSF)
B. Component Gross Square Feet (CGDF)
C. Building Gross Square Feet (BGSF)
D. Net to Gross Ratios/Efficiency Factors
E. Ratio of Total Building Area to Total Number of Courtrooms
A. Location
B. Public and Pedestrian Access
C. Parking
A. Waiting Areas
Food Service
C. Public Information and Signage
A. Workstation Seating
B. Posture and Location of VDT
A. Automated Case Management
B. Videoconferencing
C. Evidence Presentation
D. Electronic Access
E. Imaging and Workflow
A. Future Implementation of Technology
B. Floor Systems
C. Workstations
D. Video Conferencing
E. Video Cameras in the Courtrooms
F. Sound Reinforcement Systems
G. Assistive Listening Systems
H. Public Address System
I. Acoustics
J. Lighting
A. Emergency and Standby Power Systems
B. Uninterruptible Power System (UPS)
A. Entrance Screening Station
B. Staff Entrances
C. Service Entrance
A. Duress Alarms
B. Intrusion Alarms
C. Access Controls
D. Environmental Controls
A. Recommendations for Best Practice
B. Public Seating / Gallery
C. Jury Boxes and Witness Stands
D. Judges' Benches and Courtroom Workstations
E. Court Reporter Station
F. Attorney Tables
A. Assistive Listening Systems
B. Courthouse Holding Facilities
C. Other Courthouse Areas
A. Size and Shape
B. Location of Bench
C. Number and Size of Courtrooms
D. Environmental Controls
E. Acoustics
F. Technology
G. Video Conferencing
H. Sound Reinforcement and Audio Recording Systems
I. Computer workstations and monitors
A. Courtroom Entrances
B. Judge’s Bench
C. Clerk’s Station
D. Witness Stand
E. Jury Box
F. Counsel Tables
G. Lectern
H. Display Area
I. Bailiff Station
J. Court Reporter Station
K. Defendant’s Station
L. Public Gallery and Spectator Seating
A. Hearing Rooms
B. Conference Rooms
C. Witness Waiting Room
D. Attorney-Client Conference Room
A. Jury Deliberation Room
B. Jury Assembly
C. Grand Jury Room
A. Public Counters
B. Signage
C. Staff Work Spaces
D. Records Storage
E. Exhibit Storage
F. Office Support Spaces
G. Technology Considerations
A. Vehicular Sally Port
B. Central Prisoner Holding
C. Court Floor Holding Areas
D. Juvenile Holding Facility
A. Probation and Court Services
B. Attorney Lounge
C. Law Library
D. Victim Witness
E. Interpreters and Services for Limited English Proficiency
F. Pro Se Litigants/Self – represented Litigants
G. Press and News Media Accommodations
H. Police Waiting/ Workroom
A. Lobby
B. Central Security Control Office in Lobby
C. Food Service
D. Building Support Services