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2022-09-30-Potesta & Associates-Master Ageement-Final
Document Date: September 30, 2022 Document: 2022-09-30-Potesta_&_Associates-Master_Ageement-Final.pdf
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Steve Breeding Highlight
Steve Breeding Highlight
Engineers and Environmental Consultants 7012 MacCorkle Avenue, SE, Charleston, WV 25304 + (304) 342-1400 +
This agreement made as of the 30 day of Qty 2
BETWEEN THE OWNER: Russell County, Virginia Board of Supervisors 137 Highland Drive, Suite A Lebanon, Virginia 24266 and the CONSULTANT: Potesta & Associates, Inc,
7012 MacCorkle Avenue, SE Charleston, West Virginia 25304
The purpose of this Master Agreement Between Owner and Consultant for Professional Services, civil, geotechnical, environmental, and mining engineering; permitting; _ site characterization/temediation; surveying; construction observation; SPCC Plans; CADD/GIS; health and safety plans; site design; and related services) is to establish contract terms and conditions and hourly rates under which individual projects will be performed. ‘The rate schedule is presented in the attached Exhibit A. Terms and conditions are presented in Exhibit B. For each individual project Owner will provide Consultant with a general description of the services required. Consultant will then provide a proposal with a detailed scope of services and an estimated cost to perform the work based on the rates in Exhibit A. Upon agreement, Owner will provide a Notice to Proceed to Consultant for each individual project.
‘This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above.
o Name: Ronald R. Potesta Chmig elena Title: President
Charleston, West Virginia + Morgantown, West Virginia + Winchester, Virginia evo viet
Principal $280/hour
Chief Engineer/Scientist… $120 - $235/hour
Senior Engineer/Scientist. $75 - $200/hour
Staff Engineer/Scientist … …$50 - $130/hour
su $45 - $95/hour
Professional Surveyor $70 - $135/hour
Senior Technician… $45 - $95/hour
Technician… .$30 - $65/hour
Two-Man Survey Crew, . $120/hour
‘Three-Man Survey Crew, $165/hour
Senior CADD Designer… $60 - $115/hour
CADD Designer «$40 - $90/hour
Clerical Support $40 - $110/hour
(Any changes in hourly rates will be made on January | of each year.)
NOTE: Engineer/Scientist includes engineer, scientist, technical designers, engineering associates, planners, health and safety specialists, and information technologists.
Rev, 1223721,
Descript Rate scription Per Unit Day Week!
T-Point Proctor Kit WA $20.00 375.00 12! Motorized Boat (includes fuel) NA $300.00 | $700.00 16" Motorized Boat (includes fuel) N/A $500.00 | $2,000.00 2" Soak Ease Absorbent Tubes $11.00 NA NA [22"x34" Intemal Plots $0.75 NA NA 24°36" Ammonia Mylar $2.50 NA NA [24°x36" Intemal Plots $0.75 WA NIA 30°42" Internal Plots S1IS NA NA [36°x48" Intemal Plots $2.10 N/A NIA 4” Soak Ease Absorbent Tubes, $12.50 NA NIA 4-Gas Meter NA $75.00 $250.00 [Air Meter (Concrete) WA $25.00 NIA ‘Air Purifying Respirator with Cartridges NA $25.00 NA [Air Velocity Meter NA $50.00 $150.00 [Asbestos Sampling Equipment NA $20.00 $60.00, [Automated Composite Sampler NA $95.00 $350.00 [Bladder Pump with Controller and Compressor NA $200.00 | ~$700.00 [Bomb Water Sampler NA $25.00 $75.00 [Camcorder NA $50.00 $200.00 [Chlorine Meter NA $25.00 $75.00 [Company Vehicles - Car (includes fuel) NA $155.00 | $620.00 [Company Vehicles - Truck/Van/SUV (includes fuel) NA '$175.00_[ $765.00 [Company Vehicles - Truck/Van/SUV (includes fuel) _ 205.00 | $1,025.00 with Trailer [Concrete Testing Equipment (slump, cone, temperature, WA 25.00 NA Iwheelbarrow-excludes ait meter) [Cone Penetrometer WA 375.00 NA CORMIX/Cortyd Software Utilization (per run) $300.00 NA NA Data Loggers (DO Study) $150.00 N/A i [Depth and Velocity Flow Meter WA $80.00 NA DO Meter WA $25.00 375.00 DO Meter with Stirrer NA $50.00 $100.00 [Electro Fishing Equipment NIA $100.00_| $350.00 Field Data Interface Unit (for Data Loggers) NA $50.00 NIA [Fish Rearing (per Tank) NA $5.00 NA [Flow Cell for Water Quality Meter NIA $20.00 $350.00 [Generator NA $30.00 $120.00 [Hach Hydrometer NA $85.00 NA [Hand Auger NA $10.00 330.00 [Handheld GPS NA $30.00 NA finctinometer NIA $500.00 WA interface Probe NA $55.00 $120.00 finternal Color Copies $1.00 NIA NA [Kemmerer Water Sampler NA $25.00 375.00
Rey. 12282
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sas. Rate
Description Per Unit Day Week! [Laser Range Finder NA 320.00 NA Level Loggers NA $50.00 $200.00 Level Loggers (Reader) NA $50.00 NA Lodging NA $90.00 NA Low-Flow DC Purge Pump with Controller NA $75.00 | $300.00 Manhole Penetration Camera NA $3.00 $15.00 Manual Direct-Push Sampler NA $50.00 | $200,00 [Microscopic Evaluation Laboratory Supplies 35.00 NA N/A INets/Aquatie Samplers/Miscellaneous Equipment NA 350.00 | $150.00 (Nuclear Gauge N/A $60.00 $200.00 Opacity Kit NA $10.00 NA |Other_ Cost + 12% | Cost + 12% N/A [Other Boat Rental Cost +12% | Cost + 12% | Cost + 13% |Oversize Bluelines $2.40 NIA N/A Ponar Sampler NA 325.00 | $75.00 Petroleum Soil Field Test Kit $35.00 N/A N/A PH/Temperature/Conduetivity Meter NA 375.00 | $250.00 pH/Temperature/Conductivity Meter/DO/ORP Meter NA $125.00 $500.00 PID/PID WA 3100.00 | $400.00 Pressure Gauges N/A N/A $50.00 PVC Bailer (2") NA $5.00 NA |PVC Bailer (3") NA $10.00 N/A Sample Storage (Monthly) $30.00 WA NA [Sludge Sampler NA $20.00 375.00, Small Row Boat NA 3125.00_| $300.00 |Soil Resistivity Meter NIA $50.00 $150.00. Speedy Moisture Gauge N/A $25.00 N/A [State Change Logger NA NA $100.00 State Change Reader NA $50.00 WA [Sub-Centimeter GPS Equipment NA $400.00 NA [Sub-Meter GPS Unit NA $8150.00 | $500.00 [Surface Velocity Meter (SVR) N/A $90.00 NA [Survey Equipment (exeludes GPS) NA $65.00 NA Temperature Loggers NA $10.00 335.00 FTremperature Loggers (Reader) NA $50.00 WA Treatability Study Equipment. NA $200.00 $800.00 Turbidity Meter NA $25.00 | _ $75.00 Vehicle Mileage Gf daly rates are not used) IRS Rate + 12%] __ N/A NVA [Water Level Indicator NA $35.00 $75.00 [Whale Pump System NA $35.00 $100.00
‘(Any changes in rates will be made January 1 of each year)
© Weeldy rental rate implies calendar week.
Rev, 2a8r2
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Description Rate Per Unit Day
[55-Gallon Steel Drum $75.00 NA [Asbestos Sampling Supplies NA $20.00
Forms, Field Notebooks, Nitrile Gloves, Plastic Bags, Etc. Benthic Survey Supplies (Per Site Per Day) $35.00 WA
Forms, Containers, Ethyl Alcohol, Nitrile Gloves, Flagging,
Distilled Water, Decon Supplies, Marking Utensils, Plastic
Bags Bentonite (50 1b. Bag) 315.00 NA Bladder Pump Sampling Supplies (Bladders, Grab Plates, $50.00 NIA [Tubing) - Per Well [Discharge Sampling Supplies WA $35.00
Forms, Field Notebooks, Nitrile Gloves, Ice, Distilled
Water, Decon Supplies, Plastic Bags, Etc. [Disposable Bailers 3’(1.5" diameter) $8.00 NA Disposable Ballers 3 (0.75" diameter) $5.00 NA [Disposable Bailers 7 (1,5" diameter) 312.50 NA [Fish Survey Supplies (Per Site Per Day) $35.00 NA
Buckets, Waders, Bottles, Formalin, Ethyl Alcohol, Forms, Marking Utensils, Plastic Bags
[Groundwater Sampling Supplies NIA $35.00 Forms, Field Notebooks, Nitrile Gloves, Ice, Distilled Water, Decon Supplies, Plastic Bags, Etc.
|GW Filters $17.50. NIA
[GM Stream Assessment Supplies NIA $25.00 Tape, Clinometer, Densiometer, Diameter Tape, Flagging, Quadrat, Bte.
Soil Sampling Supplies NA $35.00 Forms, Field Notebooks, Nitrile Gloves, Ice, Distilled ‘Water, Decon Supplies, Plastic Bags, Etc.
Stream Sampling Supplies NA $35.00 Forms, Field Notebooks, Nitrile Gloves, Ice, Distilled
Water, Decon Supplies, Plastic Bags, Ete.
[Stream Delineation Supplies NA $20.00 Hip Chain, Clinometer, Flagging, Forms, Etc.
[Survey Supplies NIA $25.00
Hubs, Stakes, Flagging, Iron Pins, Monuments, Marking Paint, Traffic Control
Wetland Delineation Supplies WA $20.00 Flagging, Forms, Reference Materials, Plastic Bags, Etc. [Other Cost + 12% NIA
(Any changes in rates will be made January 1 of each year.)
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Engineers and Environmental Consultants 7012 MacCorkle Avenue, SE, Charleston, WV 25304 + (304) 342-1400 +
Potesta & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as POTESTA, is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and governmental requirements relating to Right-To-Know regulations. The engineering and consulting services of POTESTA will be performed on an hourly basis for all time rendered to the project, unless the project is quoted for a lump sum, including project scoping by professional, technical, and clerical personnel in accordance with the attached hourly rate schedule, All invoice charges are based on and are payable in U.S. dollars.
Services performed by POTESTA under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, express or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this Agreement, or in any report, opinion, document or otherwise.
Unless stated otherwise, any cost estimate presented in the attached proposal is for budgetary purposes only and is not a fixed lump-sum price, The actual cost of POTESTA’s engineering and consulting services and all expenses may be less than that estimated; accordingly, only the cost incurred will be invoiced. If at any time during the progress of the work it appears that the estimated cost will be exceeded, Client will be informed immediately. However, unless written notification is received to stop work, POTESTA will continue working on the project to completion and will invoice Client for all engineering and consulting services and expenses incurred,
4, These terms are subject to and incorporate the provisions of POTESTA’s attached proposal. In the event of any conflict, the terms of the accompanying proposal shall govern,
- Invoices will be submitted periodically as required (but not more frequently than every two (2) weeks) unless charges for such periods are minimal, in which event an invoice will be submitted when total charges exceed $500.00, or when the work is completed, whichever occurs first. Invoices are due and payable within 30 days from the date of invoice. All delinquent charges are subject to a service charge of 1% percent per month or a fraction thereof. Should Client fail to pay any invoice within 45 days of its date, POTESTA may, upon 3 days’ written notice to Client, stop work and recover from Client payment for all work executed. Clients requiring specific invoice formats or accounting backup (copies of timesheets, copies of receipts or invoice support data, etc.) will be invoiced for those associated costs; these costs are not included in our proposal and will be invoiced in addition to the approved proposal costs,
POTESTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Charleston, West Virginia + Morgantown, West Virginia + Winchester, Virginia
Potesta & Associates, Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions Page 2
- Client agrees to limit POTESTA’s liability to Client and to all construction contractors and subcontractors on the project due to POTESTA’s professional negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of POTESTA to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or POTESTA’s total fee for all expenses and services rendered on this
project, whichever is greater.
- POTESTA shall indemnify and hold harmless the Client, its officers, directors, shareholders and employees (collectively, “Client Indemnities”), from and against those liabilities, losses, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees where recoverable by law) that Client is legally obligated to pay as a result of third party claims, to the extent caused by the intentional or negligent act, error, or omission of POTESTA or anyone for whom POTESTA is legally responsible, subject to any limitations of liability contained in this Agreement,
Client shall indemnify and hold harmless POTESTA, its officers, directors, shareholders and employees (collectively, “Client Indemnities”), from and against those liabilities, losses, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees where recoverable by law) that POTESTA is legally obligated to pay as a result of third party claims, to the extent caused by the intentional or negligent act, error, or omission of the Client or anyone for whom the Client is legally responsible, subject to any limitations of liability contained in this Agreement.
Time required for POTESTA personnel to travel between POTESTA’s office and the site (or other destination applicable to the project) is charged in accordance with the attached hourly rate schedule.
POTESTA expenses shall be charged according to the attached Field Supply and Equipment Rate Sheet. External expenses, such as airfare, subcontracted services, etc., shall be charged at direct cost (including taxes) plus a twelve percent (12%) surcharge to the project. A per diem (daily food allowance) of $35.00 per day will be charged for all personnel required by the work to remain away from their normal residence. For those working out of the office area, but not spending the night, an allowance for lunch ($6.50 maximum) and, if arriving back after 7:30 p.m., for dinner ($17.50 maximum) may be
arged, Lodging will be charged at $90.00/night, except in limited availability areas
where it will be charged at direct cost plus a twelve percent (12%) surcharge.
10, Specialized equipment purchased with Client’s approval specifically for the project will become Client’s property upon completion of the work. ‘The purchase price and maintenance cost of such equipment shall be charged to Client at cost plus twelve percent (12%).
il Client acknowledges that POTESTA’s reports, boring logs, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, calculations, estimates, permit applications and other similar
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Potesta & Associates, Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions Page 3
documents are instruments of professional service, not products, Although ownership of such documents normally is retained by POTESTA, they nonetheless shall, in this instance, become the property of Client upon Client’s payment in full of all POTESTA invoices, Client recognizes that no such documents should be subject to unauthorized reuse; that is, reuse without written authorization of POTESTA to do so. Such authorization is essential because it requires POTESTA to evaluate the documents’ applicability given new circumstances, not the least of which is passage of time. Accordingly, in return for POTESTA’s relinquishment of ownership, Client agrees to waive any claim against POTESTA and defend, indemnify and hold POTESTA harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss allegedly arising from unauthorized reuse of POTESTA’s instruments of service, Client further agrees to compensate POTESTA for any time spent or expenses incurred by POTESTA in defense of any such claim, in accordance with POTESTA’s prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Client agrees that POTESTA, may retain one set of documents for their files and use.
12, Client recognizes that conclusions regarding the assessed condition(s) of the site do not necessarily represent a warranty that all portions of the site are of the same quality. Specific conditions may not be observable or readily interpreted from available documents, but may become evident at a later date, POTESTA will be responsible for data it collects, its interpretations and recommendations, but shall not be responsible for the interpretation by others of the information developed, ‘The Client recognizes that subsurface conditions beneath the Project site may vary from those encountered in borings, surveys or explorations and the information and recommendations developed by POTESTA are based solely on the information available from such borings, surveys and explorations.
- The responsibility of POTESTA’s field representative(s) is to make observations and conduct field tests. This work does not include supervision or direction of the work of the contractor, his employees, or agents. The contractor should be so advised. The contractor should also be advised that neither the presence of POTESTA’s field representative nor the observation and testing by POTESTA shall excuse him in any way for defects discovered in his work. Any review and/or observation of the contractor’s performance by POTESTA, does not include the contractor’s safety measures on or near the construction site. The contractor will be solely and completely responsible for working conditions on the job site, including safety of all persons and property during performance of the work. This requirement will apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. Unless specifically stated in POTESTA’s proposal, construction review and/or observation is not included in the scope of services. As indicated in Item 13 above, POTESTA should be allowed to perform construction observation services; a separate proposal will be prepared after construction documents are available,
14, Soil, rock, water and/or other samples obtained from the project site are the property of Client. POTESTA will preserve such samples for no longer than ninety (90) calendar days after the issuance of any document that includes the data obtained from them, unless other
Potesta & Associates, Inc, Standard Terms and Conditions Page 4
arrangements are mutually agreed upon in writing. Further storage or transfer of samples will be made at Client’s expense, Should any of these samples be contaminated by hazardous substances or suspected hazardous substances, it is Client’s responsibility to select and arrange for lawful disposal procedures, that is, procedures which encompass removing the contaminated samples from POTESTA’s custody and transporting them to a disposal site, Client is advised that, in all cases, prudence and good judgment should be applied in selecting and arranging for lawful disposal procedures, Due to the risks to which POTESTA is exposed, Client agrees to waive any claim against POTESTA, and to defend, indemnify and hold POTESTA harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from POTESTA’s containing, labeling, transporting, testing, storing or other handling of contaminated samples unless employees or agents of POTESTA are grossly negligent in containing, labeling, transporting, testing, storing or other handling of contaminated samples. Client also agrees to compensate POTESTA for any time spent and expenses incurred by POTESTA in defense of any such claim, with such compensation to be based upon POTESTA’s prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy.
Unless otherwise agreed, Client or Owner will furnish right-of-entry on the land and/or facilities for POTESTA to make the planned borings and other explorations and perform necessary sampling, POTESTA will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to said land or facilities from use of POTESTA’s equipment and operations. If Client or Owner desires POTESTA to restore the land or facilities to their former condition, this will be accomplished at the expense of the Client or Owner.
_ In the execution of Client’s work, POTESTA will take reasonable precautions to avoid damage or injury to subterranean structures or utilities. The Client and Owner agree to hold POTESTA harmless for any damages to subterranean structures or utilities which are not called to POTESTA’s attention, or are not correctly shown on the plans furnished.
Client agrees to advise POTESTA about the presence of any known hazardous substances or any known condition(s) existing in, on, or near the site presenting a potential danger to human health or the environment. If during performance of services, any unforeseen hazardous substances or other unforeseen conditions or occurrences, in, on, or near the site presenting a potential danger to human health or the environment are encountered which, in the judgment of POTESTA, significantly affect or may affect the services or the recommended scope of services, POTESTA will promptly notify Client thereof. Subsequent to that notification, Client and POTESTA agree to pursue one of the following options:
a, If practicable, in the judgment of POTESTA, the original scope of services will be
completed in accordance with the procedures originally intended in POTESTA’s proposal for services.
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Potesta & Associates, Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions
Page 5 b, The scope of services will be modified and the estimate of charges revised to include study of the previously unforeseen conditions or occurrences, such revision
to be in writing and signed by the parties and incorporated therein, c. The services for the work in POTESTA’s proposal will be terminated, effective on
the date specified in writing by POTESTA, and POTESTA shall recover any extra charges associated with the previously unforeseen conditions or occurrences, as well as any charges up to such date for the originally proposed services.
Neither the Client nor POTESTA may delegate, assign, sublet or transfer their duties or interest, as described in the Standard Terms and Conditions and accompanying proposal, without the written consent of the other party. Unless stated otherwise, POTESTA’s proposal is firm for 90 days.
In the event that a dispute should arise relating to the performance of the services to be provided under the Standard Terms and Conditions and the proposal, it is agreed that the dispute shall be mediated. Should mediation fail and litigation result, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred in the defense of the claim, including staff time, court costs, attorney’s fees, and other claim-related expenses.
The law of the Commonwealth of Virginia will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance, and remedies for contract breach or any other claims related to this Agreement. Alll legal proceedings shall be filed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
21, POTESTA may submit to Client an opinion of the probable cost required to construct work. POTESTA is not a construction cost estimator or construction contractor, nor should POTESTA’s rendering an opinion of probable construction costs be considered equivalent to the nature and extent of service a construction cost estimator or construction contractor would provide, POTESTA’s opinion will be based solely upon their own experience with construction. This requires POTESTA to make a number of assumptions as to actual conditions that will be encountered on site; the specific decisions of other design professionals; the means and methods of construction the contractor will employ; the cost and extent of labor, equipment and materials the contractor will employ; contractor’s techniques in determining prices and market conditions at the time, and other factors over which POTESTA has no control, Given the assumptions which must be made, POTESTA cannot guarantee the accuracy of their opinions of cost, and—in recognition of that fact—Client waives any claim against POTESTA relative to the accuracy of POTESTA’s opinion of probable cost.
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Client or POTESTA may terminate this Agreement upon fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the other for reasons included in the notice. In the event such termination becomes necessary, the party effecting termination shall so notify the other party in writing, and termination will become effective fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice, Irrespective of which party shall effect termination or the cause therefore, Client shall within thirty (30) calendar days of termination remunerate POTESTA for services rendered and costs incurred, in accordance with POTESTA’s prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Services shall include those rendered up to the time of termination, as well as those associated with termination itself, such as demobilizing, modifying schedules, reassigning personnel, and so on. Costs shall include those incurred up to the time of termination, as well as those associated with termination and post-termination activities, such as demobilization, decontaminating and/or disposing of equipment, disposal and replacement of contaminated consumables, and so on. Should the contract be terminated by the Client for breach of contract by POTESTA or should the contract be terminated for convenience by POTESTA, the Client shall not be responsible for any services including services associated with the termination itself, such as demobilizing, modifying schedules, and reassigning personnel, or any costs associated with the termination and post termination activities, such as demobilization, decontaminating and/or disposing of equipment, and disposal and replacement of contaminated consumables.
Client shall not be liable to POTESTA and POTESTA shall not be liable to Client for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault of the other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was committed by the Client or POTESTA, their employees, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to, loss of use and loss of profit.
24, All obligations arising prior to the termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between Client and POTESTA. shall survive the completion of the services hereunder and the termination of this Agreement.
- POTESTA shall indicate to Client the information needed for rendering of services hereunder, and Client shall provide to POTESTA such information as is available to Client. Client recognizes that it is not possible for POTESTA to assure the sufficiency of such information, either because it is not possible to do so, or because of errors or omissions which may have occurred in assembling the information. Accordingly, Client waives any claim against POTESTA, and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold POTESTA harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss allegedly arising from errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in documents or other information provided to POTESTA by Client, Further, Client agrees to compensate POTESTA for any time spent or expenses incurred by POTESTA in defense of any such claim, with such compensation to be based upon POTESTA’s prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy.
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This Agreement shall not create any rights or benefits to parties other than Client or POTESTA, No third-party shall have the right to rely on POTESTA’s opinions rendered in connection with POTESTA’s services without POTESTA’s written consent and the third-party’s agreement to be bound to the same terms and conditions as Client.
If, for any reason, any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision herein, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein.
28, For engagements that we accept for other than regular clients, our normal practice is to require a retainer or security deposit in advance of our performing any significant services, On occasion, such a deposit is required at a later time due to payment irregularities. ‘The engagement letter will state whether an advance has been required before undertaking @ particular representation.
POTESTA will not have any obligation to issue a report or other document, ot communicate our research, analyses, or conclusions, and will not have any obligation to appear for or provide written or oral testimony or evidence at trial, deposition or elsewhere, until Client’s account is paid in full. POTESTA will have no liability to the Client, or any other person, by reason of not issuing a report, appearing for, and/or providing testimony or other evidence because of the Client’s failure to pay all amounts due POTESTA, and the Client agrees to indemnify POTESTA against any such liability.
31.1 For purposes of this Agreement, “certification” means to state or declare a professional opinion based on the standard of performance set forth in Item 2 above.
31.2 POTESTA shall not be required to execute certificates that would (i) result in POTESTA having to certify, guarantee or warrant the existence of conditions whose existence POTESTA cannot reasonably ascertain under the existing Services; (ii) require knowledge, services or responsibilities beyond the Services; or (iii) require POTESTA to make a certification that would exceed what may reasonably be expected from firms of similar experience and expertise providing services of a similar nature, In addition, Client agrees not to make resolution of any dispute with POTESTA or payment of any amount due to POTESTA in any way contingent upon POTESTA executing such certificate.
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31.3 A professional’s certification in no way relieves other parties from meeting their respective requirements imposed by contract or other means, including commonly accepted industry standards and practices. If required as a part of its Services, POTESTA will provide a written report stating whether, in POTESTA’s professional opinion and based on periodic site visits, the construction work complies generally with the Contract Documents.
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