No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library News Bristol Herald Courier

Bristol Herald Courier

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Sourcing Articles Regarding The Landfill

Articles were sourced from Bristol Herald Courier website using the search feature in order to access the following list of handpicked articles in chronological order. Here’s that search query:

Search for landfill. The Lebanon News.

Articles Regarding The Landfill

  1. Russell board rejects landfill host agreement

    “The Russell County Board of Supervisors emerged from a closed session Monday night and unanimously rejected a proposed agreement that could have led to a landfill being established on a former coal site. […]”

    2024-06-11. Russell board rejects landfill host agreement. Bristol Herald Courier.

  2. Scott board asks Russell County to reject private landfill bid

    “[…] Scott County officials have expressed concern that if the river is harmed by the landfill, it could be detrimental to tourism in the county as well as a drinking water source. […]”

    2024-06-01. Scott board asks Russell County to reject private landfill bid. Kevin Mays. Bristol Herald Courier.

  3. Washington residents decry proposed Russell landfill

    "[…] “It’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard of,” said Mary Lin Tate, an attorney and resident of Glade Spring, Virginia. “It’s going to make a few people very, very wealthy. It’s too dangerous.” […] "

    2024-05-30. Washington residents decry proposed Russell landfill. Joe Tennis. Bristol Herald Courier.

  4. Gov. Youngkin talks small nuclear reactors during SW Va. tour

    “[…] Outside the event, about 10 people held signs protesting a proposed landfill at a former Russell County coal mining site. The project, which is still being debated by the county’s Board of Supervisors, wasn’t mentioned during the program.”

    2024-05-22. Gov. Youngkin talks small nuclear reactors during SW Va. tour. Joaquin Mancera. Bristol Herald Courier.

  5. Supervisors hear from public, discuss private landfill prospect

    “A proposed landfill continues to draw the ire of wary Russell County residents who turned out Friday night to voice their opposition. […]”

    2024-03-11. Supervisors hear from public, discuss private landfill prospect. Paul Mays. Bristol Herald Courier.

  6. Report identifies potential challenges to proposed landfill site

    “A 2022 engineering review found no reason a sanitary landfill couldn’t be developed on a site in rural Russell County but identified a series of challenges it poses.”

    2024-03-08. Report identifies potential challenges to proposed landfill site. David McGee. Bristol Herald Courier.

  7. UMWA opposes proposed Russell County landfill

    “The United Mine Workers of America issued a statement Tuesday opposing a proposed landfill in Russell County.”

    2024-03-06. UMWA opposes proposed Russell County landfill. David McGee. Bristol Herald Courier.

  8. County says ordinance won’t allow it to stop landfill project

    “The Russell County Board of Supervisors cannot stop a private effort to locate a landfill on a former coal processing site.”

    2024-03-03. County says ordinance won’t allow it to stop landfill project. Paul Mays. Bristol Herald Courier.

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