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Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Economic Impact Analysis for the Proposed New Subpart to the New Source Performance Standards
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
June 2014
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Economic Impact Analysis for the Proposed New Subpart to the New Source Performance Standards
US. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
June 2014
This document has been prepared by staff from the Office of Air and Radiation, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Questions related to this document should be addressed to
Alexander Macpherson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation,
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, C439-02, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
27711 (email: [email protected]).
In addition to EPA staff from the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and the
Office of Atmospheric Programs with the U.S. EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Eastern
Research Group, Inc. (ERG) contributed data and analysis to this document.
This document has been prepared by staff from the Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Questions related to this document should be addressed to Alexander Macpherson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, C439-02, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 (email: [email protected]).
In addition to EPA staff from the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and the Office of Atmospheric Programs with the U.S. EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG) contributed data and analysis to this document.
2.2.1 Municipal Waste … 2-3 Generation of Municipal Solid Waste … 2-3 Landfills Covered Under the NSPS/EG … 2-4 Trends in Per Capita Waste Sent to Landfills… 2-4 Composition of MSW Sent to Landfills … 2-5
2.2.2 Consolidation of Waste Streams … 2-7 2.3 DISPOSAL FACILITY BACKGROUND … 2-8
2.3.1 Technical Background on Landfills as a Source Category … 2-8 Landfill Siting and Permitting … 2-8 Landfill Operations … 2-9 Landfill Closure … 2-10 Management of Liquids … 2-10
2.3.2 Ownership and Characteristics of Landfills … 2-11 2.4 COSTS AND REVENUE STREAMS FOR LANDFILLS … 2-15
2.4.1 Major Cost Components for Landfills … 2-15 2.4.2 Landfill Revenue Sources … 2-18
2.5 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM LANDFILLS … 2-21 2.5.1 NMOC in LFG … 2-21 2.5.2 Methane in LFG … 2-22 2.5.3 Criteria Pollutants from Combustion of LFG … 2-23
2.6 TECHNIQUES FOR CONTROLLING EMISSIONS FROM LANDFILLS … 2-24 2.6.1 Introduction… 2-24 2.6.2 Gas Collection Systems … 2-24 2.6.3 Destruction … 2-26 2.6.4 Utilization … 2-27 Technologies … 2-27 Revenues and Incentives … 2-32
2.7 REFERENCES … 2-35
2.2 WASTE STREAM BACKGROUND 22.1 Municipal Waste Generation of Municipal Solid Waste. Landfills Covered Under the NSPS/EG Trends in Per Capita Waste Sent to Landfills Composition of MSW Sent to Landfills 22.2 Consolidation of Waste Streams.
23.1 Technical Background on Landfills as a Source Category 23.1.1 Landfill Siting and Permitting, 23.1.2 Landfill Operations . 23.1.3 Landfill Closure 2.3.14 Management of Liquids…
2.3.2 Ownership and Characteristies of Landfills.
2.4 COSTS AND REVENUE STREAMS FOR LANDFILLS. 24.1 Major Cost Components for Landfills 24.2 Landfill Revenue Sources.
2.5. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM LANDFILLS 2.5.1 NMOC in LFG… 2.5.2. Methane in LFG… 2.5.3. Criteria Pollutants from Combustion of LFG
2.6. TECHNIQUES FOR CONTROLLING EMISSIONS FROM LANDFILLS. 2.6.1 Introduction… 2.6.2 Gas Collection Systems… 2.6.3 Destruction. - 2.6.4 Utilization. Technologies Revenues and Incentives
Table 2-1 Generation and Discards of MSW, 1960 to 2010 (in pounds per person per day) … 2-5 Table 2-2 Materials Discardeda In the MSW Stream, 1960 to 2010 (in thousands of tons) … 2-7 Table 2-3 Top 5 Waste Management Companies That Own or Operate MSW Landfills in 2011 … 2-13 Table 2-4 Typical Costs Per Acre for Components of Landfill Construction (Duffy, 2005a) … 2-16 Table 2-5 Average Regional and National Per-Ton Tip Fees (Rounded): 1995-2012 … 2-19 Table 2-6 Average LFG Power Production Technology Costs … 2-29 Table 2-7 Average LFG Direct-use Project Components Costs … 2-31 Table 3-1 Number of Affected New Landfills under the Baseline and Alternative Options … 6 Table 3-2 Estimated Annual Average Emissions Reductions for the Baseline and Alternative Options … 7 Table 3-3 Estimated Engineering Compliance Costs for the Baseline and Alternative Options … 8 Table 3-4 Estimated Cost-effectiveness for the Baseline and Alternative Options … 9
Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4
Generation and Discards of MSW, 1960 to 2010 (in pounds per person per day) 25 Materials Discarded In the MSW Stream, 1960 to 2010 (in thousands of tons) 27 Top 5 Waste Management Companies That Own or Operate MSW Landfills in 2011 213
‘Typical Costs Per Acre for Components of Landfill Construction (Duly, 2005a) Average Regional and National Pet-Ton Tip Fees (Rounded): 1995-2012 Average LFG Power Production Technology Costs
Average LFG Direct-use Project Components Costs. ‘Number of Affected New Landfills under the Baseline and Alternative Options… Estimated Annual Average Emissions Reductions for the Baseline and Alternative Options Estimated Engineering Compliance Costs for the Baseline and Alternative Options… Estimated Cost-effectiveness for the Baseline and Alternative Options…
Figure 2-1 Material Composition of the MSW Stream, 2010 … 2-6 Figure 2-2 Landfill Cost Life Cycle … 2-18 Figure 2-3 Typical LFG Generation Curve … 2-23 Figure 2-4 Vertical Well LFG Collection … 2-25 Figure 2-5 Horizontal Trench LFG Collection … 2-25
Figure 2-1 Material Composition of the MSW Stream, 2010. 2-6 Figure 2-2 Landfill Cost Life Cycle 218 Figure 2-3 Typical LFG Generation Curve 2.23
Figure 2-4 Vertical Well LFG Collection. Figure 2-5 Horizontal Trench LFG Collection.
2-28 2-28
1.1 Background
The EPA is proposing amendments to the Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid
Waste Landfills. Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA must periodically review and revise the
standards of performance, as necessary, to reflect improvements in methods for reducing
emissions. Based on our review of the standards, we are proposing to lower the annual NMOC
emissions threshold from 50 Mg/year to 40 Mg/year. The EPA is also addressing other
regulatory issues for sources that have arisen during implementation of Subpart WWW including
the definition of landfill gas treatment systems, among other topics. This proposed new subpart,
Subpart XXX, applies to new landfills.
In this EIA, the EPA presents a profile of the municipal solid waste industry in the United
States and an analysis of the costs and emissions reductions associated with a range of regulatory
options, including the option chosen for proposal. The EPA drew upon a comprehensive
database of existing landfills to develop model landfills to represent new landfills opening in the
first five years after new subpart XXX is proposed (2014-2018). The model future landfills were
developed by evaluating the most recently opened existing landfills and assuming that the sizes
and locations of landfills opening in the future would be similar to the sizes and locations of
landfills that opened in the last 10 years. The impacts shown in this section are expressed as the
incremental difference between facilities complying with the current NSPS (40 CFR part 60,
subpart WWW) and facilities that would be comply with proposed subpart XXX. All impacts
are shown for the year 2023. The analysis also includes the small entity analysis supporting the
EPA’s certification that there will not be a significant impact on a substantial number of small
entities (SISNOSE) arising from this proposal.
1.2 Results for Proposed NSPS
For this executive summary, a summary of the findings of the EIA follows:
Engineering Cost Analysis: To meet the proposed emission limits, a MSW landfill is expected to install the least cost control for combusting the landfill gas. The control costs include the costs to install and operate gas collection. For landfills where the least cost control option was an engine, the costs also include installing and operate one or more reciprocating internal combustion engines to convert the landfill gas into electricity. Revenue from electricity sales was
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Background
The EPA is proposing amendments to the Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA must periodically review and revise the standards of performance, as necessary, to reflect improvements in methods for reducing emissions, Based on our review of the standards, we are proposing to lower the annual NNOC emissions threshold from 50 Mg/year to 40 Mg/year. The EPA is also addressing other regulatory issues for sources that have arisen during implementation of Subpart WWW including the definition of landfill gas treatment systems, among other topics. This proposed new subpart, Subpart XXX, applies to new landfills.
In this EIA, the EPA presents a profile of the municipal solid waste industry in the United States and an analysis of the costs and emissions reductions associated with a range of regulatory options, including the option chosen for proposal. The EPA drew upon a comprehensive database of existing landfills to develop model landfills to represent new landfills opening in the first five years after new subpart XXX is proposed (2014-2018). The model future landfills were developed by evaluating the most recently opened existing landfills and assuming that the sizes and locations of landfills opening in the future would be similar to the sizes and locations of landfills that opened in the last 10 years. The impacts shown in this section are expressed as the incremental difference between facilities complying with the current NSPS (40 CFR part 60, subpart WWW) and facilities that would be comply with proposed subpart XXX. All impacts are shown for the year 2023. The analysis also includes the small entity analysis supporting the EPA’s certification that there will not be a significant impact on a substantial number of small
entities (SISNOSE) arising from this proposal. 1.2 Results for Proposed NSPS
For this executive summary, a summary of the findings of the EIA follows:
Engineering Cost Analysis: To meet the proposed emission limits, a MSW landfill is expected to install the least cost control for combusting the landfill gas, The control costs include the costs to install and operate gas collection. For landfills where the least cost control option was an engine, the costs also include installing and operate one or more reciprocating internal combustion engines to convert the landfill gas into electricity. Revenue from electricity sales was
incorporated into the net control costs using state-specific data on wholesale purchase prices. The annualized costs also include testing and monitoring costs. For this proposal, which tightens the emissions threshold, the EPA estimated the nationwide incremental annualized cost in 2023 to be $471,000 (2012$). While not quantified, the costs associated with the additionally proposed changes to address other regulatory issues and clarifications are expected to be minimal.
Emissions Analysis: In 2023, this proposal would achieve reductions of 79 Mg NMOC, 12,000 Mg methane, and 308,000 Mg CO2-equivalents1 compared to the baseline. These pollutants are associated with substantial health, welfare and climate effects.
Small Entity Analysis: Because the ownership of new landfills in the future is unknown, the EPA performed a screening analysis that assumed new landfills would be physically and financially similar to and have the same type of ownership as recently established landfills. Based upon historical data, the screening analysis predicted that four new landfills would be owned by small entities, but that none would be owned by small governments. Only one of the four small landfills were predicted to be incrementally affected by this proposal. Based upon this analysis, we conclude there will not be a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities (SISNOSE) arising from this proposal.
Economic Impacts: Because of the relatively low cost of this proposal and the lack of appropriate economic parameters or models, the EPA is unable to estimate the impacts of the proposal on the supply and demand for MSW landfill services. However, the EPA does not believe the proposal will lead to changes in supply and demand for landfill services or waste disposal costs, tipping fees, or the amount of waste disposed in landfills. Hence, the overall economic impact of the proposal should be minimal on the affected industries and their consumers.
1.3 Organization of this Report
The remainder of this report details the methodology and the results of the EIA. Section
2 presents the industry profile of municipal solid waste landfill industry. Section 3 describes
emissions, emissions control options, and engineering costs. Section 4 presents the small entity
screening analysis.
1 A global warming potential of 25 is used to convert methane to CO2-equivalents.
incorporated into the net control costs using state-specific data on wholesale purchase prices. The annualized costs also include testing and monitoring costs. For this proposal, which tightens the emissions threshold, the EPA estimated the nationwide incremental annualized cost in 2023 to be $471,000 (2012S). While not quantified, the costs associated with the additionally proposed changes to address other regulatory issues and clarifications are expected to be minimal.
Emissions Analysis: In 2023, this proposal would achieve reductions of 79 Mg NMOC, 12,000 Mg methane, and 308,000 Mg CO>.equivalents! compared to the baseline. These pollutants are associated with substantial health, welfare and climate effects.
Small Entity Analysis: Because the ownership of new landfills in the future is unknown, the EPA performed a screening analysis that assumed new landfills would be physically and financially similar to and have the same type of ownership as recently established landfills. Based upon historical data, the screening analysis predicted that four new landfills would be ‘owned by small entities, but that none would be owned by small governments. Only one of the four small landfills were predicted to be incrementally affected by this proposal. Based upon this analysis, we conclude there will not be a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities (SISNOSE) arising from this proposal.
Economic Impaets: Because of the relatively low cost of this proposal and the lack of appropriate economic parameters or models, the EPA is unable to estimate the impacts of the proposal on the supply and demand for MSW landfill services. However, the EPA does not believe the proposal will lead to changes in supply and demand for landfill services or waste disposal costs, tipping fees, or the amount of waste disposed in landfills. Hence, the overall economic impact of the proposal should be minimal on the affected industries and their consumers. 1.3. Organization of this Report
The remainder of this report details the methodology and the results of the EIA. Section 2 presents the industry profile of municipal solid waste landfill industry. Section 3 describes emissions, emissions control options, and engineering costs. Section 4 presents the small entity
sereening analysis,
" A global warming potential of 25 is used to convert methane to CO.-equivalents.
2.1 Introduction
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the stream of garbage collected by sanitation services
from homes, businesses, and institutions. MSW typically consists of metals, glass, plastics,
paper, wood, organics, mixed categories, and composite products. The majority of collected
MSW that is not recycled is typically sent to landfills—engineered areas of land where waste is
deposited, compacted, and covered. The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and the
state and federal plans implementing the emission guidelines for MSW landfills regulate air
emissions from landfills that receive household waste as defined in 40 CFR 60.751. Hereinafter
these regulations are collectively referred to as the NSPS/EG. These MSW landfills can also
receive other types of waste, such as construction and demolition debris, industrial wastes, or
nonhazardous sludge. MSW landfills are designed to protect the environment from contaminants
which may be present in the solid waste stream and as such are required to comply with federal
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations or equivalent state regulations,
which include standards related to location restrictions, composite liners requirements, leachate
collection and removal systems, operating practices, groundwater monitoring requirements,
closure and post-closure care requirements, corrective action provisions, and financial assurance
(EPA, 2012a).
EPA estimates the total amount of MSW generated in the United States in 2010 was
approximately 250 million tons, a 20 percent increase from 1990. Despite increased waste
generation, the amount of MSW deposited in landfills decreased from about 145.3 million tons in
1990 to 135.5 million tons in 2010. This decline is due to a significant increase in the amount of
waste recovered for recycling and composting as well as that combusted for energy recovery
(EPA, 2011). The number of active MSW landfills in the United States has decreased from
approximately 7,900 in 1988 to 1,900 in 2009 (EPA, 2010a).
Landfills are different than many other traditionally regulated emissions source
categories. Typically, entities regulated for air emissions are involved in manufacturing or
production and their emissions are directly related to processes involved in creating products
(e.g., vehicles, bricks) or commodities (e.g., natural gas, oil). When manufacturing or production
facilities cease to operate, their emissions typically cease. Landfills are a service industry—a
repository for waste that needs to be properly disposed—and their emissions are a by-product of
- INDUSTRY PROFILE. 2.1 Introduction
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the stream of garbage collected by sanitation services from homes, businesses, and institutions. MSW typically consists of metals, glass, plastics, paper, wood, organics, mixed categories, and composite products. The majority of collected MSW that is not recycled is typically sent to landfills—engineered areas of land where waste is deposited, compacted, and covered. The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and the state and federal plans implementing the emission guidelines for MSW landfills regulate air emissions from landfills that receive household waste as defined in 40 CFR 60.751. Hereinafter these regulations are collectively referred to as the NSPS/EG. These MSW landfills can also receive other types of waste, such as construction and demolition debris, industrial wastes, or nonhazardous sludge. MSW landfills are designed to protect the environment from contaminants which may be present in the solid waste stream and as such are required to comply with federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations or equivalent state regulations, which include standards related to location restrictions, composite liners requirements, leachate collection and removal systems, operating practices, groundwater monitoring requirements, closure and post-closure care requirements, corrective action provisions, and financial assurance (EPA, 2012a).
EPA estimates the total amount of MSW generated in the United States in 2010 was approximately 250 million tons, a 20 percent increase from 1990. Despite increased waste generation, the amount of MSW deposited in landfills decreased from about 145.3 million tons in 1990 to 135.5 million tons in 2010. This decline is due to a significant increase in the amount of waste recovered for recycling and composting as well as that combusted for energy recovery (EPA, 2011). The number of active MSW landfills in the United States has decreased from approximately 7,900 in 1988 to 1,900 in 2009 (EPA, 2010a).
Landfills are different than many other traditionally regulated emissions source categories. Typically, entities regulated for air emissions are involved in manufacturing or
production and their emis
ions are directly related to processes involved in creating products (c.g., vehicles, bricks) or commodities (¢.g., natural gas, oil). When manufacturing or production facilities cease to operate, their emissions typically cease. Landfills are a service industry—a
repository for waste that needs to be properly disposed—and their emissions are a by-product of
the deposition of that waste. Landfills continue to emit air pollution for many years after the last
waste is deposited.
Landfill gas (LFG) is a by-product of the decomposition of organic material in MSW in
anaerobic conditions in landfills. LFG contains roughly 50 percent methane and 50 percent
carbon dioxide, with less than 1 percent non-methane organic compounds and trace amounts of
inorganic compounds. The amount of LFG created primarily depends on the quantity of waste
and its composition and moisture content as well as the design and management practices at the
site. LFG can be collected and combusted in flares or energy recovery devices to reduce
emissions. MSW landfills receive approximately 69 percent of the total waste generated in the
United States and produce 94 percent of landfill emissions. The remainder of the emissions is
generated by industrial waste landfills (EPA, 2012b).
Entities potentially regulated under Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills include owners of MSW landfills and owners of combustion devices that burn
untreated LFG. At its core, firms engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse in a landfill
operation are classified under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
codes Solid Waste Landfill (562212) and Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid
Waste Management Programs (924110).
Landfills are owned by private companies, government (local, state, or federal), or
individuals. In 2004, 64 percent of MSW landfills were owned by public entities while
36 percent were privately owned (O’Brien, 2006). Affected entities comprise establishments
primarily engaged in operating landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste; or the
combined activity of collecting and/or hauling non-hazardous waste materials within a local area
and operating landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste. This industry also includes
government establishments primarily engaged in the administration and regulation of solid waste
management programs.
Private companies that own landfills range in size from very small businesses to large
businesses with billions in annual revenue. Public landfill owners include cities,
counties/parishes, regional authorities, state governments, and the federal government (including
military branches, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and
Department of the Interior - National Park Service).
the deposition of that waste. Landfills continue to emit air pollution for many years after the last waste is deposited.
Landfill gas (LFG) is a by-product of the decomposition of organic material in MSW in anaerobic conditions in landfills. LFG contains roughly 50 percent methane and 50 percent carbon dioxide, with less than 1 percent non-methane organic compounds and trace amounts of inorganic compounds. The amount of LFG created primarily depends on the quantity of waste and its composition and moisture content as well as the design and management practices at the site. LFG can be collected and combusted in flares or energy recovery devices to reduce emissions. MSW landfills receive approximately 69 percent of the total waste generated in the United States and produce 94 percent of landfill emissions. The remainder of the emissions is generated by industrial waste landfills (EPA, 2012b).
Entities potentially regulated under Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills include owners of MSW landfills and owners of combustion devices that burn untreated LFG. At its core, firms engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse in a landfill operation are classified under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes Solid Waste Landfill (562212) and Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs (9241 10).
Landfills are owned by private companies, government (local, state, or federal), or individuals. In 2004, 64 percent of MSW landfills were owned by public entities while 36 percent were privately owned (O’Brien, 2006). Affected entities comprise establishments primarily engaged in operating landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste; or the combined activity of collecting and/or hauling non-hazardous waste materials within a local area and operating landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste. This industry also includes government establishments primarily engaged in the administration and regulation of solid waste management programs.
Private companies that own landfills range in size from very small businesses to large businesses with billions in annual revenue. Public landfill owners include cities, counties/parishes, regional authorities, state governments, and the federal government (including military branches, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and
Department of the Interior - National Park Service).
2.2 Waste Stream Background
2.2.1 Municipal Waste Generation of Municipal Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is generally defined as nonhazardous waste from
household, commercial, and institutional sources. These three broad categories of primary MSW
generators are described as:
Household – solid waste from single-and multiple-family homes, hotels and motels,
bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-
use recreation areas.
Commercial – solid waste from stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other
nonmanufacturing activities.
Institutional – solid waste from public works (such as street sweepings and tree and
brush trimmings), schools and colleges, hospitals, prisons, and similar public or
quasi-public buildings. Infectious and hazardous waste from these generators are
managed separately from MSW.
Households are the primary source of MSW, accounting for 55 to 65 percent of total
MSW generated, followed by the commercial sector (EPA, 2011). Waste from commercial and
institutional locations amounts to 35 to 45 percent of total MSW (EPA, 2011). The industrial
sector manages most of its own solid residuals by recycling, reuse, or self-disposal in industrial
waste landfills. For this reason industry directly contributes a very small share of the MSW flow,
although some industrial waste does end up in MSW landfills.
Various underlying factors influence the trends in the quantity of MSW generated over
time. These factors include changes in population, individual purchasing power and disposal
patterns, trends in product packaging, and technological changes that affect disposal habits and
the nature of materials disposed. Generators of MSW provide most of the demand for services
that collect, treat, or dispose of MSW. Fluctuations in the quantity of MSW generated and
changes in the cost and pricing structure of disposal services result in varying demand for landfill
Most MSW generators are charged a flat fee for disposal services, which can be paid
through taxes for household garbage collection. This structure may provide little economic
2.2. Waste Stream Background 2.2.1 Municipal Waste Generation of Municipal Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is generally defined as nonhazardous waste from household, commercial, and institutional sources. These three broad categories of primary MSW generators are described as:
© Household ~ solid waste from single-and multiple-family homes, hotels and motels,
bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day- use recreation areas.
- Commercial — solid waste from stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other
nonmanufacturing activities.
© Institutional ~ solid waste from public works (such as street sweepings and tree and
brush trimmings), schools and colleges, hospitals, prisons, and similar public or quasi-public buildings. Infectious and hazardous waste from these generators are managed separately from MSW.
Households are the primary source of MSW, accounting for 55 to 65 percent of total MSW generated, followed by the commercial sector (EPA, 2011). Waste from commercial and institutional locations amounts to 35 to 45 percent of total MSW (EPA, 2011). The industrial sector manages most of its own solid residuals by recycling, reuse, or self-disposal in industrial waste landfills. For this reason industry directly contributes a very small share of the MSW flow, although some industrial waste does end up in MSW landfills.
Various underlying factors influence the trends in the quantity of MSW generated over time. These factors include changes in population, individual purchasing power and disposal patterns, trends in product packaging, and technological changes that affect disposal habits and the nature of materials disposed. Generators of MSW provide most of the demand for services that collect, treat, or dispose of MSW. Fluctuations in the quantity of MSW generated and changes in the cost and pricing structure of disposal services result in varying demand for landfill services.
Most MSW generators are charged a flat fee for disposal services, which can be paid
through taxes for household garbage collection. This structure may provide little economic
incentive to lower waste disposal or to divert waste through recycling because generators are
charged the same price regardless of the quantity of waste disposed. Less common are unit price
programs, such as “pay-as-you-throw” (PAYT). In PAYT programs, each unit of waste disposed
has an explicit price, such that the total fee paid for MSW services increases with the quantity of
waste discarded. Hence, the unit price can act as a disincentive to dispose of excess waste and
also encourages recycling (Callan, 2006). Landfills Covered Under the NSPS/EG
The Landfills NSPS/EG applies only to landfills that accept “household waste” as defined
in 40 CFR 60.751, which states “household waste means any solid waste (including garbage,
trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including, but not limited to,
single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters,
campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).” Some of the MSW landfills
subject to the Landfills NSPS/EG may also receive other types of wastes, such as commercial,
industrial, and institutional solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, and construction and demolition
debris. Trends in Per Capita Waste Sent to Landfills
In 2010, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash, and recycled nearly
65 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 26 percent recycling rate (EPA 2011).
Composting recovered more than 20 million tons of waste (~8 percent of total waste) and about
29 million tons of waste were combusted for energy recovery (~12 percent) (EPA 2011). After
recycling, composting, and combustion with energy recovery, the net per capita discard rate to
landfills was 2.40 pounds per person per day in 2010 (EPA 2011). This is a 4 percent decrease
from the 2.51 per capita discard rate in 1960, when minimal recycling occurred in the United
States (see Table 2-1).
Since 1990, the total amount of MSW going to landfills has dropped by almost 10 million
tons, from 145.3 million to 135.5 million tons in 2010 (EPA 2011). While the number of U.S.
landfills has steadily declined over the years, the average landfill size has increased. At the
national level, landfill capacity appears to be sufficient, although it is limited in some areas (EPA
incentive to lower waste disposal or to divert waste through recycling because generators are charged the same price regardless of the quantity of waste disposed. Less common are unit price programs, such as “pay-as-you-throw” (PAYT). In PAYT programs, each unit of waste disposed has an explicit price, such that the total fee paid for MSW services increases with the quantity of waste discarded. Hence, the unit price can act as a disincentive to dispose of excess waste and
also encourages recycling (Callan, 2006). Landfills Covered Under the NSPS/EG
The Landfills NSPS/EG applies only to landfills that accept “houschold waste” as defined in 40 CFR 60.751, which states “household waste means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including, but not limited to, single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).” Some of the MSW landfills subject to the Landfills NSPS/EG may also receive other types of wastes, such as commercial, industrial, and institutional solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, and construction and demolition debris. Trends in Per Capita Waste Sent to Landfills
In 2010, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash, and recycled nearly 65 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 26 percent recycling rate (EPA 2011). Composting recovered more than 20 million tons of waste (~8 percent of total waste) and about 29 million tons of waste were combusted for energy recovery (~12 percent) (EPA 2011). After recycling, composting, and combustion with energy recovery, the net per capita discard rate to landfills was 2.40 pounds per person per day in 2010 (EPA 2011). This is a 4 percent decrease from the 2.51 per capita discard rate in 1960, when minimal recycling occurred in the United States (see Table 2-1).
Since 1990, the total amount of MSW going to landfills has dropped by almost 10 million tons, from 145.3 million to 135.5 million tons in 2010 (EPA 2011). While the number of U.S. ze has increased. At the
landfills has steadily declined over the years, the average landfill national level, landfill capacity appears to be sufficient, although it is limited in some areas (EPA 2011).
Table 2-1 Generation and Discards of MSW, 1960 to 2010 (in pounds per person per day) 2
Activity 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010
2.68 3.25 3.66 4.57 4.72 4.67 4.64 4.53 4.35 4.43
Discards to landfill a 2.51 3.02 3.24 3.19 2.71 2.61 2.52 2.45 2.36 2.40
Discards to landfill
(% of total generation) 94% 93% 89% 70% 57% 56% 54% 54% 54% 54%
a Discards after recovery minus combustion with energy recovery. Discards include combustion without energy recovery. Composition of MSW Sent to Landfills
Organic materials continued to be the largest component of MSW in 2010. Yard
trimmings and food scraps account for 29.1 percent and paper and paperboard account for
another 16.2 percent. Plastics comprise 17.3 percent while metals and wood make up 8.8 percent
and 8.2 percent, respectively. Textiles account for 6.8 percent and glass accounts for 5.1 percent.
Rubber and leather follow at 4.0 percent. Other miscellaneous wastes make up approximately
4.4 percent of the MSW generated in 2010 (EPA 2011). Figure 2-1 displays material
composition percentages of the MSW stream in 2010, and Table 2-2 shows the amounts of
different materials discarded in the MSW stream from 1960 to 2010.
2 Table adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling,
and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” Table 4. EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA. Available at
<>. As obtained on October 30, 2011.
Table 2-1 Generation and Discards of MSW, 1960 to 2010 (in pounds per person per day)?
Activity 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2005 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
Generation 2.68 |3.25 | 3.66 | 4.57 | 4.72 | 4.67 | 4.64 | 4.53 | 4.35 | 4.43
Discards to landfill * 2.51 | 3.02 | 3.24 |3.19 |271 | 2.61 | 252 |245 | 2.36 | 2.40
Discards to landfill (of total generation) | 94% | 93% | 89% | 70% | 57% | 56% | 54% | 54% | 54% | 54%
“ Discards after recovery minus combustion with energy recovery. Discards include combustion without energy recovery. Composition of MSW Sent to Landfills
Organic materials continued to be the largest component of MSW in 2010. Yard trimmings and food scraps account for 29.1 percent and paper and paperboard account for another 16.2 percent. Plastics comprise 17.3 percent while metals and wood make up 8.8 percent and 8.2 percent, respectively. Textiles account for 6.8 percent and glass accounts for 5.1 percent. Rubber and leather follow at 4.0 percent. Other miscellaneous wastes make up approximately 4.4 percent of the MSW generated in 2010 (EPA 2011). Figure 2-1 displays material composition percentages of the MSW stream in 2010, and Table 2-2 shows the amounts of
different materials discarded in the MSW stream from 1960 to 2010.
? Table adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” Table 4. EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: USS. EPA. Available at
<< http://www>. As obtained on October 30, 2011
Figure 2-1 Material Composition of the MSW Stream, 20103
3 Figure adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation,
Recycling, and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” Table 3. EPA-530-F-11-005.
Washington, DC: U.S. EPA. Available at
<>. As obtained on
October 30, 2011.
Figure 2-1 Material Composition of the MSW Stream, 2010°
2.3%, 21%
4.0%, Vo
1m Food Scraps Plastics
= Paper and Paperboard
m Metals
m Yard Trimmings,
= Wood
m Textiles
= Rubber and Leather
= Miscellaneous Inorganic Wastes
© Other Materials
- Figure adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” Table 3. EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA. Available at
< http://www>. As obtained on October 30, 2011
Table 2-2 Materials Discardeda In the MSW Stream, 1960 to 2010 (in thousands of tons)4
Wastes 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010
Paper and Paperboard 24,916 37,540 43,420 52,500 50,180 42,880 26,740
Glass 6,620 12,580 14,380 10,470 9,890 9,950 8,400
Metals 10,770 13,350 14,290 12,580 12,340 13,400 14,540
Plastics 390 2,900 6,810 16,760 24,050 27,470 28,490
Rubber and Leather 1,510 2,720 4,070 5,420 5,850 6,200 6,610
Textiles 1,710 1,980 2,370 5,150 8,160 9,670 11,150
Wood 3,030 3,720 7,010 12,080 12,200 12,960 13,580
Other Materialsb 70 470 2,020 2,510 3,020 3,080 3,380
Food Scraps 12,200 12,800 13,000 23,860 29,130 31,300 33,790
Yard Trimmings 20,000 23,200 27,500 30,800 14,760 12,210 14,200
Miscellaneous Inorganic
Wastes 1,300 1,780 2,250 2,900 3,500 3,690 3,840
Total MSW Discarded 82,516 113,040 137,120 175,030 173,080 172,810 164,720
a Discards after materials and compost recovery. In this table, discards include combustion with energy recovery. Does not include construction and demolition debris, industrial process wastes, or certain other wastes.
b Includes electrolytes in batteries and fluff pulp, feces, and urine in disposable diapers.
Details may not add to totals due to rounding.
2.2.2 Consolidation of Waste Streams
Collection and transportation are necessary components of all MSW management
systems regardless of the specific disposal options. Collections of MSW vary by service
arrangements between local governments and collectors and by level of service provided to
households. Depending on the arrangement type and other considerations for particular
jurisdictions, MSW being sent to landfills may be deposited in a local landfill or routed to a
regional landfill through a transfer process. Local landfills are generally located in the
4 Table adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling,
and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” Table 3. EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA. Available at
<>. As obtained on October 30, 2011.
Table 2-2. Materials Discarded” In the MSW Stream, 1960 to 2010 (in thousands of tons)*
Wastes 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1999 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 Paper and Paperboard 24,916 | 37,540) 43,420} 52,500 | 50,180 | 42,880 | 26,740 Glass 6,620 | 12,580} 14,380] 10,470 9,890 9,950 8,400 Metals 10,770 | 13,350} 14,290 | 12,580 | 12,340} 13,400] 14,540 Plastics 390 2,900 6,810 | 16,760 | 24,050} 27,470} 28,490 Rubber and Leather 1510] 2,720] 4,070] 5,420) 5.850] 6,200] 6,610 Textiles 1710] 1980] 2370] 5,150) 8160] 9,670] 11,150 Wood 3,030 | 3,720] 7,010 | 12,080 | 12,200 | 12,960 | 13,580 Other Materials? 70| 470/ 2,020] 2,510) 3,020] 3,080 3,380 Food Scraps 12,200 | 12,800 | 13,000] 23,860 | 29,130] 31,300 | 33,790 Yard Trimmings 20,000 | 23,200 |-27,500 | 30,800 | 14,760 | 12,210 | 14,200 Miscellaneous Inorganic
Wastes 1300} 1,780] 2,250] 2,900] 3,500 3,690} 3,840 Total MSW Discarded 82,516 | 113,040 | 137,120 | 175,030 | 173,080 | 172,810 | 164,720
Discards after materials and compost recovery. In this table, discards include combustion with energy recovery. Does not include construction and demolition debris, industrial process wastes, of certain other wastes.
Includes electrolytes in batteries and fluff pulp, feces, and urine in disposable diapers. Details may not add to totals due to rounding
2.2.2 Consolidation of Waste Streams
Collection and transportation are necessary components of all MSW management systems regardless of the specific disposal options. Collections of MSW vary by service arrangements between local governments and collectors and by level of service provided to households. Depending on the arrangement type and other considerations for particular jurisdictions, MSW being sent to landfills may be deposited in a local landfill or routed to a regional landfill through a transfer process. Local landfills are generally located in the
- Table adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” Table 3. EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: USS. EPA. Available at
<< http://www>. As obtained on October 30, 2011
communities in which they serve whereas regional landfills are often located outside of the
communities they serve and receive waste from several cities and towns.
Solid waste transfer is the process in which collection vehicles unload their waste at
centrally located transfer stations. Transfer stations can minimize hauling costs by decreasing the
number of drivers and vehicles hauling waste to disposal sites and reducing the turn-around time
of vehicles because they do not have to haul waste to distant regional landfills. Smaller loads are
consolidated into larger vehicles, usually tractor-trailer trucks, trains, or barges, which are better
suited for the long-distance hauls often required to reach the final disposal site, often a regional
landfill. As public opposition to local MSW disposal facilities increases and the cost of disposal
at locations near generators rise, long-distance hauls to regional landfills are becoming more
2.3 Disposal Facility Background
2.3.1 Technical Background on Landfills as a Source Category
An MSW landfill refers to an area of land or an excavation where MSW is placed for
permanent disposal. MSW landfills do not include land application units, surface impoundments,
injection wells, or waste piles. Modern MSW landfills are well-engineered disposal facilities that
are sited, designed, operated, and monitored to protect human health and the environment from
pollutants that may be present in the solid waste stream (EPA, 2012c). Landfill Siting and Permitting
MSW landfills are required to comply with federal regulations contained in Subtitle D of
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) [40 CFR Part 258], or equivalent state
regulations. RCRA requirements include location restrictions that ensure landfills are constructed
away from environmentally-sensitive areas, including fault zones, wetlands, flood plains, or
other restricted areas (EPA, 2012c). Site selection for landfills is an integral part of the design
Construction and operating permit applications for new landfills must be submitted to and
approved by state and local regulatory agencies as part of the siting and design process. Often,
states require a registered professional engineer to design the landfill (Guyer, 2009). Additional
communities in which they serve whereas regional landfills are often located outside of the communities they serve and receive waste from several cities and towns,
Solid waste transfer is the process in which collection vehicles unload their waste at centrally located transfer stations. Transfer stations can minimize hauling costs by decreasing the number of drivers and vehicles hauling waste to disposal sites and reducing the turn-around time of vehicles because they do not have to haul waste to distant regional landfills. Smaller loads are consolidated into larger vehicles, usually tractor-trailer trucks, trains, or barges, which are better suited for the long-distance hauls often required to reach the final disposal site, often a regional landfill. As public opposition to local MSW disposal facilities increases and the cost of disposal at locations near generators rise, long-distance hauls to regional landfills are becoming more
2.3 Disposal Facility Background
2.3.1 Technical Background on Landfills as a Source Category
An MSW landfill refers to an area of land or an excavation where MSW is placed for permanent disposal. MSW landfills do not include land application units, surface impoundments, injection wells, or waste piles. Modern MSW landfills are well-engineered disposal facilities that are sited, designed, operated, and monitored to protect human health and the environment from
pollutants that may be present in the solid waste stream (EPA, 2012c). Landfill Siting and Permitting
MSW landfills are required to comply with federal regulations contained in Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) [40 CER Part 258], or equivalent state regulations, RCRA requirements include location restrictions that ensure landfills are constructed away from environmentally-sensitive areas, including fault zones, wetlands, flood plains, or other restricted areas (EPA, 2012c). Site selection for landfills is an integral part of the design
Construction and operating permit applications for new landfills must be submitted to and approved by state and local regulatory agencies as part of the siting and design process. Often,
states require a registered professional engineer to design the landfill (Guyer, 2009). Additional
permits must be issued for each expansion of the landfill from its originally permitted waste
design capacity and footprint area. New or modified landfills may also require air permits under
the New Source Review (NSR) permitting program, which includes Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) requirements for landfills sited in attainment areas, or areas where the air
quality meets the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), and more stringent NSR
requirements for landfills located in non-attainment areas.
Developing a new landfill or expanding an existing landfill has become increasingly
difficult, especially in metropolitan areas, due to the urbanization of suitable sites, permitting
barriers, elevated land costs, and other factors. If a new landfill is proposed or when expansion
plans for existing landfills are announced, adjacent communities may mount opposition that can
hinder issuance of required permits and thus development of the landfill (Alva, 2010). Landfill Operations
The two most common methods for active disposal of waste into landfills are the area fill
method and the trench method. The area fill method involves waste placement in a large open
section of a lined landfill and then spreading and compacting waste in uniform layers using
heavy equipment. The trench method of filling waste in a modern landfill involves placing and
compacting waste into a trench and then using material from the trench excavation as daily
cover. Local conditions often determine the most appropriate method for a particular landfill, and
a combination of the two methods can be utilized. The trench method is less commonly used
than the area fill method, mostly due to the expense of lining side slopes of the landfill (Guyer,
As required by Subtitle D of RCRA, cover material is applied on top of the waste mass at
the end of each day to prevent odors and fires and reduce litter, insects, and rodents. Materials
used as daily cover include soil, compost, incinerator ash, foam, and tarps (NSWMA, 2008).
Similarly, intermediate cover is used when an area of the landfill is not expected to receive waste
or a cap for an extended period of time. Intermediate covers have traditionally consisted of layers
of soil, geotextiles, or other materials. The reasons for using intermediate cover are similar to
those for using daily cover and may also include erosion control.
It is important to maintain anaerobic conditions within the landfill waste mass to avoid
excess air infiltration that can cause fires. Landfill fires can be avoided by closely monitoring
permits must be issued for each expansion of the landfill from its originally permitted waste design capacity and footprint area. New or modified landfills may also require air permits under the New Source Review (NSR) permitting program, which includes Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements for landfills sited in attainment areas, or areas where the air quality meets the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), and more stringent NSR
requirements for landfills located in non-attainment areas.
Developing a new landfill or expanding an existing landfill has become increasingly difficult, especially in metropolitan areas, due to the urbanization of suitable sites, permitting barriers, elevated land costs, and other factors. If’a new landfill is proposed or when expansion plans for existing landfills are announced, adjacent communities may mount opposition that can
hinder issuance of required permits and thus development of the landfill (Alva, 2010). Landfill Operations
The two most common methods for active disposal of waste into landfills are the area fill method and the trench method. The area fill method involves waste placement in a large open section of a lined landfill and then spreading and compacting waste in uniform layers using heavy equipment. The trench method of filling waste in a modern landfill involves placing and compacting waste into a trench and then using material from the trench excavation as daily cover. Local conditions often determine the most appropriate method for a particular landfill, and a combination of the two methods can be utilized. The trench method is less commonly used than the area fill method, mostly due to the expense of lining side slopes of the landfill (Guyer, 2009).
‘As required by Subtitle D of RCRA, cover material is applied on top of the waste mass at the end of each day to prevent odors and fires and reduce litter, insects, and rodents. Materials used as daily cover include soil, compost, incinerator ash, foam, and tarps (NSWMA, 2008) Similarly, intermediate cover is used when an area of the landfill is not expected to receive waste or a cap for an extended period of time. Intermediate covers have traditionally consisted of layers of soil, geotextiles, or other materials. The reasons for using intermediate cover are similar to those for using daily cover and may also include erosion control,
Itis important to maintain anaerobic conditions within the landfill waste mass to avoid
excess air infiltration that can cause fires. Landfill fires can be avoided by closely monitoring
landfill conditions and maintaining the landfill as a controlled facility. If active LFG collection
systems are installed, then gas wells are monitored to ensure oxygen is not being pulled into the
landfill due to excessive vacuum levels. Landfill Closure
Once an area of the landfill, or cell, has reached its permitted height, that cell is closed
and a low permeability cap made of compacted clay or synthetic material is installed to prevent
infiltration of precipitation. To divert water off of the top of the landfill, a granular drainage layer
is placed on top of the low-permeability barrier layer. A protective cover is placed on top of the
filter blanket and topsoil is placed as the final layer to support vegetation. The final cap and
cover inhibit soil erosion and provide odor and LFG control (NSWMA, 2008). If an LFG
collection and control system is in place, then expansion of the collection system into filled cells
or areas of the landfill may require additional gas wells to be installed soon after these cells are
closed and capped. Gas collection system design is discussed further in Section 6.
RCRA Subtitle D regulations contain closure and post-closure care requirements,
including written closure and post-closure care plans and maintaining the final cover, leachate
collection system, and groundwater and LFG monitoring systems. The required post-closure care
period is 30 years from site closure, but this can be shortened or extended if approved by state
regulatory agencies (EPA, 2012d). Management of Liquids
Leachate is the liquid that passes through the landfilled waste and strips contaminants
from the waste as it percolates. Precipitation is the primary source of this liquid. To prevent
water pollution and protect soil beneath, RCRA Subtitle D requires liners for landfills as well as
leachate collection and removal and groundwater monitoring systems. Composite liner systems
are used along the bottom and sides of landfills as impermeable barriers and are typically
constructed with layers of natural materials with low permeability (e.g., compacted clay) and/or
synthetic materials (e.g., high-density polyethylene) (NSWMA, 2008). Landfill liner systems
also help prevent off-site migration of LFG.
Leachate collection systems remove leachate from the landfill as it collects on the liner
using a perforated collection pipe placed in a drainage layer (e.g., gravel). Waste is placed
landfill conditions and maintaining the landfill as a controlled facility. If active LFG collection systems are installed, then gas wells are monitored to ensure oxygen is not being pulled into the
landfill due to excessive vacuum levels.
3 Landfill Closure
Once an area of the landfill, or cell, has reached its permitted height, that cell is closed and a low permeability cap made of compacted clay or synthetic material is installed to prevent infiltration of precipitation. To divert water off of the top of the landfill, a granular drainage layer is placed on top of the low-permeability barrier layer. A protective cover is placed on top of the filter blanket and topsoil is placed as the final layer to support vegetation. The final cap and cover inhibit soil erosion and provide odor and LFG control (NSWMA, 2008). If’an LFG
collection and control system is in place, then expansion of the collection system into filled cells
or areas of the landfill may require additional gas wells to be installed soon after these cells are closed and capped. Gas collection system design is discussed further in Section 6.
RCRA Subtitle D regulations contain closure and post-closure care requirements, including written closure and post-closure care plans and maintaining the final cover, leachate collection system, and groundwater and LFG monitoring systems. The required post-closure care period is 30 years from site closure, but this can be shortened or extended if approved by state
regulatory agencies (EPA, 20124), Management of Liquids
Leachate is the liquid that passes through the landfilled waste and strips contaminants from the waste as it percolates. Precipitation is the primary source of this liquid. To prevent water pollution and protect soil beneath, RCRA Subtitle D requires liners for landfills as well as leachate collection and removal and groundwater monitoring systems. Composite liner systems are used along the bottom and sides of landfills as impermeable barriers and are typically constructed with layers of natural materials with low permeability (c.g., compacted clay) and/or
synthetic materials (e.g., high-density polyethylene) (NSWMA, 2008). Landfill liner systems
also help prevent off-site migration of LEG. Leachate collection systems remove leachate from the landfill as it collects on the liner
using a perforated collection pipe placed in a drainage layer (e.g., gravel). Waste is placed
directly above the leachate collection system in layers. Collected leachate can be treated on-site
or transported off-site to treatment facilities. For landfills with LFG collection systems, LFG
condensate can be combined with leachate prior to treatment.
Although traditional landfills tend to minimize the infiltration of liquids into a landfill
using liners, covers, and caps (sometimes referred to as “dry tombs”), some landfills recirculate
all or a portion of leachate collected to increase the amount of moisture within the waste mass.
This practice of leachate recirculation results in a faster anaerobic biodegradation process and
increased rate of LFG generation. Similarly, landfills may introduce liquids other than leachate,
such as sludge and industrial wastewater. Conventional landfills typically have in-situ moisture
contents of approximately 20 percent, whereas landfills recirculating leachate or other liquids
may maintain moisture contents ranging from 35 to 65 percent (EPA, 2012e). Often, landfills
injecting or recirculating liquids are termed bioreactors, but bioreactor landfills are defined
differently amongst industry and regulatory agencies. In addition, bioreactor landfills may have
air injected in a controlled manner to further accelerate biodegradation of the waste, which
occurs for aerobic and hybrid bioreactor configurations.
2.3.2 Ownership and Characteristics of Landfills
Since the 1980’s, the number of active MSW landfills in the United States has decreased
by approximately 75 percent (from ~7,900 in 1988 to ~1,900 in 2009) and the share of sites that
are publicly owned has also decreased—from 83 percent in 1984 to 64 percent in 2004 (EPA,
2010b; O’Brien, 2006). However, the overall volume of disposal capacity has remained fairly
constant, indicating a trend of growing individual landfill capacity (SWANA, 2007). In 2004,
privately owned sites represented 83 percent of the permitted MSW landfill capacity and
77 percent of the MSW landfilled in that year, an indication that private landfills are likely to be
significantly larger than public ones (O’Brien, 2006). In 2004, the average daily amount of MSW
disposed at public sites was just under 200 short tons, whereas the average private site landfilled
nearly 1,200 short tons of MSW per day—further evidence that publicly owned landfills are
generally much smaller than their private counterparts (O’Brien, 2006).
EPA recognized as early as 2002 that a nationwide trend in solid waste disposal is toward
the construction of larger, more remote, regional landfills. Economic considerations, influenced
by regulatory and social forces, are compelling factors that likely led to the closure of many
directly above the leachate collection system in layers. Collected leachate can be treated on-site or transported off-site to treatment facilities. For landfills with LFG collection systems, LFG condensate can be combined with leachate prior to treatment.
Although traditional landfills tend to minimize the infiltration of liquids into a landfill using liners, covers, and caps (sometimes referred to as “dry tombs”), some landfills recirculate all or a portion of leachate collected to increase the amount of moisture within the waste mass. This practice of leachate recirculation results in a faster anaerobic biodegradation process and increased rate of LFG generation. Similarly, landfills may introduce liquids other than leachate, such as sludge and industrial wastewater. Conventional landfills typically have in-situ moisture contents of approximately 20 percent, whereas landfills recirculating leachate or other liquids may maintain moisture contents ranging from 35 to 65 percent (EPA, 2012e). Often, landfills, injecting or recirculating liquids are termed bioreactors, but bioreactor landfills are defined differently amongst industry and regulatory agencies. In addition, bioreactor landfills may have air injected in a controlled manner to further accelerate biodegradation of the waste, which
occurs for aerobic and hybrid bioreactor configurations.
2.3.2 Ownership and Characteristics of Landfills
Since the 1980’s, the number of active MSW landfills in the United States has decreased by approximately 75 percent (from ~7,900 in 1988 to ~1,900 in 2009) and the share of sites that are publicly owned has also decreased—from 83 percent in 1984 to 64 percent in 2004 (EPA, 2010b; O’Brien, 2006). However, the overall volume of disposal capacity has remained fairly constant, indicating a trend of growing individual landfill capacity (SWANA, 2007). In 2004, privately owned sites represented 83 percent of the permitted MSW landfill capacity and 77 percent of the MSW landfilled in that year, an indication that private landfills are likely to be significantly larger than public ones (O’Brien, 2006). In 2004, the average daily amount of MSW disposed at public sites was just under 200 short tons, whereas the average private site landfilled nearly 1,200 short tons of MSW per day—further evidence that publicly owned landfills are generally much smaller than their private counterparts (O’Brien, 2006).
EPA recognized as early as 2002 that a nationwide trend in solid waste disposal is toward the construction of larger, more remote, regional landfills. Economic considerations, influenced
by regulatory and social forces, are compelling factors that likely led to the closure of many
existing sites and to the idea of regional landfills (EPA, 2002b). The passage of federal
environmental regulations that affected landfills (e.g., RCRA in 1976, Subtitle D of RCRA in
1991), established requirements which made it more expensive to properly construct, operate,
maintain, and close landfills (O’Brien, 2006; EPA 2012f; EPA, 2002b). Large, private
companies are better able to accommodate the increased costs of owning a landfill, since owning
multiple sites, many of which have large capacities, provides an economy of scale for cost
expenditures (O’Brien, 2006). To offset the high cost of constructing and maintaining a modern
landfill, facility owners construct large facilities that attract high volumes of waste from a large
geographic area. By maintaining a high volume of incoming waste, landfill owners can keep
tipping fees relatively low, which subsequently attracts more business (EPA, 2002b).
As older, public landfills near their capacities, communities must decide whether to
construct new landfills or seek other options. Many find the cost of upgrading existing facilities
or constructing new landfills to be prohibitively high, and opt to close existing facilities. Also,
public opposition often makes siting new landfills near population centers difficult and adequate
land may not be available near densely populated or urban areas. Many communities are finding
that the most economically viable solution to their waste disposal needs is shipping their waste to
regional landfills. In these circumstances, a transfer station serves as the critical link in making
the shipment of waste to distant facilities cost-effective (EPA, 2002b).
Waste transfer stations are facilities where MSW is unloaded from collection vehicles
and reloaded into long-distance transport vehicles for delivery to landfills or other
treatment/disposal facilities. By combining the loads of several waste collection trucks into a
single shipment, communities and waste management companies can save money on the labor
and operating costs of transporting waste to a distant disposal site. They can also reduce the total
number of vehicular miles traveled to and from the disposal site(s) (EPA, 2012g). Given the
dramatic decrease in the number of active landfills in the past 20 years, transfer stations play an
important part in facilitating the movement of solid waste from the areas in which it originates to
its end location, often a large, centrally located landfill. The role of transfer stations in waste
management has become even more prominent with the increase in the number of “regional”
landfills—sites with very large capacities, often located in remote areas, and usually privately
owned. As more and more publicly owned landfills reach capacity and close, the waste must go
somewhere, and often that is to a regional landfill by way of a transfer station.
existing sites and to the idea of regional landfills (EPA, 2002b). The passage of federal environmental regulations that affected landfills (e.g., RCRA in 1976, Subtitle D of RCRA in 1991), established requirements which made it more expensive to properly construct, operate, maintain, and close landfills (O’Brien, 2006; EPA 2012f, EPA, 2002b). Large, private
companies are better able to accommodate the increased costs of owning a landfill, since owning
multiple sites, many of which have large capacities, provides an economy of scale for cost expenditures (O’Brien, 2006). To offset the high cost of constructing and maintaining a modern landfill, facility owners construct large facilities that attract high volumes of waste from a large geographic area, By maintaining a high volume of incoming waste, landfill owners can keep tipping fees relatively low, which subsequently attracts more business (EPA, 2002b).
‘As older, public landfills near their capacities, communities must decide whether to construct new landfills or seek other options. Many find the cost of upgrading existing facilities or constructing new landfills to be prohibitively high, and opt to close existing facilities. Also, public opposition often makes siting new landfills near population centers difficult and adequate land may not be available near densely populated or urban areas. Many communities are finding that the most economically viable solution to their waste disposal needs is shipping their waste to regional landfills. In these circumstances, a transfer station serves as the critical link in making the shipment of waste to distant facilities cost-effective (EPA, 2002b).
Waste transfer stations are facilities where MSW is unloaded from collection vehicles and reloaded into long-distance transport vehicles for delivery to landfills or other treatment/disposal facilities. By combining the loads of several waste collection trucks into a single shipment, communities and waste management companies can save money on the labor and operating costs of transporting waste to a distant disposal site. They can also reduce the total number of vehicular miles traveled to and from the disposal site(s) (EPA, 2012g). Given the dramatic decrease in the number of active landfills in the past 20 years, transfer stations play an important part in facilitating the movement of solid waste from the areas in which it originates to its end location, often a large, centrally located landfill. The role of transfer stations in waste management has become even more prominent with the increase in the number of “regional” landfills—sites with very large capacities, often located in remote areas, and usually privately owned. As more and more publicly owned landfills reach capacity and close, the waste must go
somewhere, and often that is to a regional landfill by way of a transfer station.
There are more than 200 private companies that own and/or operate landfills, ranging
from large companies with numerous landfills throughout the country to local businesses that
own a single landfill (EPA, 2012b). The handling of MSW in the United States generated $55
billion of revenue in 2011 (EBI, 2012). In terms of 2011 revenue, the top two companies that
own and/or operate MSW landfills in the United States were Waste Management ($13.38 billion)
and Republic Services ($8.19 billion), which together accounted for 39 percent of the revenue
share in 2011 (Bloomberg, 2012WM; Bloomberg, 2012RSG). The next tier of companies
involved in landfill management includes Veolia Environmental Services North America Corp.
($1.88 billion), Progressive Waste Solutions ($1.84 billion), and Waste Connections ($1.51
billion) (Gerlat, 2012; Bloomberg, 2012BIN; Bloomberg, 2012WCN). Table 2-3 contains a
summary of the 2011 revenue for the top five companies, as well as information about their
MSW landfills and transfer stations.
Table 2-3 Top 5 Waste Management Companies That Own or Operate MSW Landfills in 2011
(billion $)
No. of MSW
Landfills Owned
and/or Operated
Received at
(million tons)
No. of Transfer
Stations Owned
and/or Operated
Waste Management
13.38 266 91.2 287
Republic Services
8.19 191 active/
130 closed NA 194
Services North
America Corp.
(Gerlat, 2012)a
1.88 29 NA 43
There are more than 200 private companies that own and/or operate landfills, ranging
from large companies with numerous landfills throughout the country to local businesses that
own a single landfill (EPA, 2012b). The handling of MSW in the United States generated $55
billion of revenue in 2011 (EBI, 2012). In terms of 2011 revenue, the top two companies that
own and/or operate MSW landfills in the United States were Waste Management ($13.38 billion)
and Republic Services ($8.19 billion), which together accounted for 39 percent of the revenue
share in 2011 (Bloomberg, 2012WM; Bloomberg, 2012RSG). The next tier of companies
involved in landfill management includes Veolia Environmental Services North America Corp. ($1.88 billion), Progressive Waste Solutions ($1.84 billion), and Waste Connections ($1.51 billion) (Gerlat, 2012; Bloomberg, 2012BIN; Bloomberg, 2012WCN). Table 2-3 contains a
summary of the 2011 revenue for the top five companies, as well as information about their
MSW landfills and transfer stations.
Table 2-3 Top 5 Waste Management Companies That Own or Operate MSW Landfills in
2011 MSW 2011 No. of MSW No. of Transfer Received at Company Revenue Landfills Owned Stations Owned Landfills (billion $) | and/or Operated and/or Operated (million tons) Waste Management (Bloomberg, 13.38 266 91.2 287 2012WM) Republic Services 191 active/ (Bloomberg, 8.19 NA 194 130 closed 2012RSG) Veolia Environmental Services North 1.88 29 NA 43
‘America Corp. (Gerlat, 2012)"
Table 2-3 Top 5 Waste Management Companies That Own or Operate MSW Landfills in 2011
(billion $)
No. of MSW
Landfills Owned
and/or Operated
Received at
(million tons)
No. of Transfer
Stations Owned
and/or Operated
Progressive Waste
1.84 NA NA NA
Waste Connections
1.51 46 14.9 58
a In 2012, VESNA agreed to sell its U.S. solid waste operations, Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc., to Star Atlantic Waste Holdings LP, a unit of Highstar Capital; the sale is to be completed by end of 2012. Highstar also owns Advanced Disposal Services Inc. and Interstate Waste Services Inc. NA = Not available.
The industry that deposits MSW in landfills encompasses a wide range of job types,
including garbage collectors, truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, engineers of various
disciplines, specialized technicians, executives, MSW department directors, administrative staff,
weigh scale operators, salespersons, and landfill operations managers. In 2007, 1,501 private
establishments had 21,766 employees in the continental United States under NAICS 562212
(Solid Waste Landfill) (Census, 2012). In 2011, solid waste management departments of local
governments reported 98,957 full-time employees and 14,679 part-time employees (Census,
2011); however, statistics are not readily available solely for landfill-related aspects of these
departments. As the population continues to grow in the United States the amount of waste
generated will continue to increase, but the amount of waste landfilled may remain the same or
decrease (EPA, 2012h). Employment within the waste management industry overall will likely
remain strong, perhaps with an increased shift of employees from the public sector to the private
Table 2-3 Top 5 Waste Management Companies That Own or Operate MSW Landfills in 2011
MSW 2011 No. of MSW No. of Transfer Received at Company Revenue | Landfills Owned Stations Owned Landfills and/or Operated and/or Operated (million tons)
Progressive Waste Solutions
1.84 NA NA NA (Bloomberg,
Waste Connections (Bloomberg, LS1 46 14.9 58 2012WCN)
“In 2012, VESNA agreed to sell its U.S. solid waste operations, Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc., to Star Atlantic Waste Holdings LP, a unit of Highstar Capital; the sale is to be completed by end of 2012. Highstar also owns Advanced Disposal Services Inc. and Interstate Waste Services Inc.
NA = Not available,
The industry that deposits MSW in landfills encompasses a wide range of job types, including garbage collectors, truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, engineers of various disciplines, specialized technicians, executives, MSW department directors, administrative staff, weigh scale operators, salespersons, and landfill operations managers. In 2007, 1,501 private establishments had 21,766 employees in the continental United States under NAICS 562212 (Solid Waste Landfill) (Census, 2012). In 2011, solid waste management departments of local governments reported 98,957 full-time employees and 14,679 part-time employees (Census, 2011); however, statistics are not readily available solely for landfill-related aspects of these departments, As the population continues to grow in the United States the amount of waste generated will continue to increase, but the amount of waste landfilled may remain the same or decrease (EPA, 2012h). Employment within the waste management industry overall will likely remain strong, perhaps with an increased shift of employees from the public sector to the private
2.4 Costs and Revenue Streams for Landfills
2.4.1 Major Cost Components for Landfills
EPA promulgated Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (40 CFR Part 258) under
the RCRA on October 9, 1991 (EPA, 2012i). The law requires that non-hazardous MSW be
disposed of in specially designed sanitary landfills. The criteria include location restrictions,
design and operating standards, groundwater monitoring requirements, corrective actions,
financial assurance requirements, landfill gas (LFG) migration controls, closure requirements,
and post-closure requirements (EPA, 2012j). It can cost more than $1 million per acre to
construct, operate, and close a landfill in compliance with these regulations (Fitzwater, 2012).
Landfill costs are site specific and vary based on factors such as terrain, soil type,
climate, site restrictions, regulatory issues, type and amount of waste disposed, preprocessing,
and potential for groundwater contamination. Landfill costs fall into the following categories:
site development, construction, equipment purchases, operation, closure, and post-closure.
Site development includes site surveys, engineering and design studies, and permit
package fees. Surveys are necessary to determine if a potential site is feasible. Permits are
required from local, state, and federal governments. As an example, engineering design and a
permit application for an MSW landfill in Kentucky can cost approximately $750,000 to
$1.2 million (KY SWB, 2012).
Construction costs encompass building the landfill cells as well as development of
permanent on-site structures needed to operate the landfill. Cortland County, New York
estimated that the cost for site development and cell construction (not including on-site building
construction) for a 224.5-acre site would be approximately $500,000 per acre (EnSol, 2010). In
2005, a series of articles was written that estimated costs for a hypothetical landfill based on
known market conditions and cost data. The theoretical landfill had a design capacity of
4 million cubic yards and a footprint of 33 acres. The study determined that the cost of
constructing a landfill of this size would be between $300,000 and $800,000 per acre. Table 2-4
summarizes typical construction costs per acre by individual task for this example site (Duffy,
2.4 Costs and Revenue Streams for Landfills
2.4.1 Major Cost Components for Landfills
EPA promulgated Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (40 CFR Part 258) under the RCRA on October 9, 1991 (EPA, 2012i). The law requires that non-hazardous MSW be disposed of in specially designed sanitary landfills. The criteria include location restrictions, design and operating standards, groundwater monitoring requirements, corrective actions, financial assurance requirements, landfill gas (LFG) migration controls, closure requirements, and post-closure requirements (EPA, 2012)). It can cost more than $1 million per acre to construct, operate, and close a landfill in compliance with these regulations (Fitzwater, 2012).
Landfill costs are site specific and vary based on factors such as terrain, soil type, climate, site restrictions, regulatory issues, type and amount of waste disposed, preprocessing, and potential for groundwater contamination. Landfill costs fall into the following categories: site development, construction, equipment purchases, operation, closure, and post-closure,
Site development includes site surveys, engineering and design studies, and permit package fees. Surveys are necessary to determine if a potential site is feasible. Permits are required from local, state, and federal governments. As an example, engineering design and a permit application for an MSW landfill in Kentucky can cost approximately $750,000 to $1.2 million (KY SWB, 2012).
Construction costs encompass building the landfill cells as well as development of permanent on-site structures needed to operate the landfill. Cortland County, New York estimated that the cost for site development and cell construction (not including on-site building construction) for a 224.5-aere site would be approximately $500,000 per acre (EnSol, 2010). In 2005, a series of articles was written that estimated costs for a hypothetical landfill based on known market conditions and cost data. The theoretical landfill had a design capacity of 4 million cubic yards and a footprint of 33 acres. The study determined that the cost of constructing a landfill of this size would be between $300,000 and $800,000 per acre. Table 2-4 summarizes typical construction costs per acre by individual task for this example site (Dufty, 2005a).
Table 2-4 Typical Costs Per Acre for Components of Landfill Construction (Duffy, 2005a)
Task Low End High End
Clear and Grub $1,000 $3,000
Site Survey $5,000 $8,000
Excavation $100,000 $330,000
Perimeter Berm $10,000 $16,000
Clay Liner $32,000 $162,000
Geomembrane $24,000 $35,000
Geocomposite $33,000 $44,000
Granular Soil $48,000 $64,000
Leachate System $8,000 $12,000
QA/QC $75,000 $100,000
TOTAL $336,000 $774,000
Excavation of the landfill site comprises a notable portion of the construction costs.
Installation of a landfill liner can vary greatly in cost depending on the site’s geology. Most
states require only a single liner and leachate collection system for MSW, but requirements vary
for the minimum thickness of clay liners. Landfill sites may have good quality clay located on-
site that would significantly lower the cost of a clay liner. The QA/QC task in Table 2-4 refers to
management and quality oversight which is usually performed by independent third-party
For the hypothetical landfill in the study, total building and additional structure costs
could total between $1.165 million and $1.77 million. Operation of the landfill requires a truck
scale, scale house, wheel wash facility, and buildings to accommodate an office and provide
space for maintenance. The cost of each building structure varies depending on its functions and
could range from $10 to $100 per square foot. Office buildings cost more while maintenance
buildings and tool sheds cost less. In addition, fencing around the facility and roadways are
required and add to the costs (Duffy, 2005a).
Operating costs of the example landfill include staffing, equipment (payments and
maintenance), leachate treatment, and facilities and general maintenance. Landfill operations and
maintenance activities are performed using a variety of heavy construction equipment with
Table 2-4 Typical Costs Per Acre for Components of Landfill Construction (Duffy, 2005a)
Task Low End High End Clear and Grub $1,000 $3,000 Site Survey $5,000 $8,000 Excavation $100,000 $330,000 Perimeter Berm $10,000 $16,000 Clay Liner $32,000 $162,000 Geomembrane $24,000 $35,000 Geocomposite $33,000 $44,000 Granular Soil $48,000 $64,000 Leachate System 38,000 $12,000 QAIQC $75,000 $100,000 TOTAL $336,000 $774,000
Excavation of the landfill site comprises a notable portion of the construction costs. Installation of a landfill liner can vary greatly in cost depending on the site’s geology. Most states require only a single liner and leachate collection system for MSW, but requirements vary for the minimum thickness of clay liners. Landfill sites may have good quality clay located on- site that would significantly lower the cost of a clay liner. The QA/QC task in Table 2-4 refers to management and quality oversight which is usually performed by independent third-party consultants.
For the hypothetical landfill in the study, total building and additional structure costs could total between $1.165 million and $1.77 million, Operation of the landfill requires a truck scale, scale house, wheel wash facility, and buildings to accommodate an office and provide space for maintenance. The cost of each building structure varies depending on its functions and could range from $10 to $100 per square foot. Office buildings cost more while maintenance buildings and tool sheds cost less. In addition, fencing around the facility and roadways are required and add to the costs (Duffy, 2005a).
Operating costs of the example landfill include staffing, equipment (payments and maintenance), leachate treatment, and facilities and general maintenance. Landfill operations and
maintenance activities are performed using a variety of heavy construction equipment with
operating costs dependent on fuel, repairs, and maintenance. Operating costs are relatively small
when compared to the capital costs; estimated annual operating costs from this study are (Duffy,
Operations (equipment, staff, facilities and general maintenance): $500,000.
Leachate collection and treatment (assumes sewer connection and discharge cost of
$0.02/gallon): $10,000.
Environmental sampling and monitoring (groundwater, surface water, air gas,
leachate): $30,000.
Engineering services (consulting firms and in-house staff): $60,000.
Once a landfill no longer accepts waste, the closure process includes the installation of a
final cover and cap. Capital costs for installation of a cap can run between $80,000 and $500,000
per acre. For example, at a Maryland sanitary landfill costs were $150,000 per acre (MDE,
2012). The capping costs for a 249.4-acre site in Cortland County, New York were estimated to
be approximately $134,000 per acre. Factors influencing these costs include the materials used
for the cap, site topography, and the availability of clay or soil suitable for use as the cover.
Similar to the costs of the clay liner during the construction of the landfill, availability of nearby
clay would significantly reduce this cost (EnSol, 2010).
The closure process can include the installation of an LFG collection system which is
necessary to collect and destroy or beneficially use the methane gas that is generated. (However,
many landfills install gas collection and control systems as the landfill is being filled, or as areas
within the landfill reach final grade, rather than waiting until closure to begin gas collection
system installation.) The costs associated with an LFG collection and flare system are minimal as
compared to the capital costs for landfill construction, annual landfill operating costs, and other
closure costs. Section 6 discusses average installation costs for gas collection systems and flares.
Post-closure care requires maintenance to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the
final cover system, leachate collection system, groundwater monitoring system, and methane gas
monitoring system. These activities prevent water and air pollution from escaping into the
surrounding environment. The required post-closure care period is 30 years from site closure,
and can be shortened or extended by the director of an approved state program as necessary to
ensure protection of human health and the environment. Over a 30-year period, post-closure care
and maintenance can cost from $64,000 to $88,000 per acre (Duffy, 2005b).
operating costs dependent on fuel, repairs, and maintenance. Operating costs are relatively small when compared to the capital costs; estimated annual operating costs from this study are (Duffy, 2005a):
© Operations (equipment, staff, facilities and general maintenance): $500,000.
© Leachate collection and treatment (assumes sewer connection and discharge cost of
$0.02/gallon): $10,000.
© Environmental sampling and monitoring (groundwater, surface water, air gas,
leachate): $30,000.
¢ Engineering services (consulting firms and in-house staff): $60,000.
Once a landfill no longer accepts waste, the closure process includes the installation of a final cover and cap. Capital costs for installation of a cap can run between $80,000 and $500,000 per acre. For example, at a Maryland sanitary landfill costs were $150,000 per acre (MDE, 2012). The capping costs for a 249.4-acre site in Cortland County, New York were estimated to be approximately $134,000 per acre. Factors influencing these costs include the materials used for the cap, site topography, and the availability of clay or soil suitable for use as the cover. Similar to the costs of the clay liner during the construction of the landfill, availability of nearby clay would significantly reduce this cost (EnSol, 2010).
The closure process can include the installation of an LFG collection system which is necessary to collect and destroy or beneficially use the methane gas that is generated. (However, many landfills install gas collection and control systems as the landfill is being filled, or as areas within the landfill reach final grade, rather than waiting until closure to begin gas collection system installation.) The costs associated with an LFG collection and flare system are minimal as compared to the capital costs for landfill construction, annual landfill operating costs, and other closure costs. Section 6 discusses average installation costs for gas collection systems and flares.
Post-closure care requires maintenance to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the final cover system, leachate collection system, groundwater monitoring system, and methane gas monitoring system. These activities prevent water and air pollution from escaping into the surrounding environment. The required post-closure care period is 30 years from site closure, and can be shortened or extended by the director of an approved state program as necessary to ensure protection of human health and the environment, Over a 30-year period, post-closure care
and maintenance can cost from $64,000 to $88,000 per acre (Duffy, 2005b).
Figure 2-2 shows that landfill costs peak prior to the landfill opening and again following
the landfill closing (EPA, 1997).
Figure 2-2 Landfill Cost Life Cycle
2.4.2 Landfill Revenue Sources
The cost to dispose of MSW at a landfill is commonly known as a “tip fee” or “gate fee”.
Typically, reported tip fees represent the “spot market” price for MSW disposal, i.e., the drive-up
cost to dispose of a ton of waste (NSWMA, 2011). Other tip fees exist at MSW facilities (e.g.,
waste accepted under a long-term contract, volume discounts, and special wastes); these fees
may be higher or lower than the spot market price (Repa, 2005). In September 2012, the average
national spot market price to dispose of one ton of waste in a U.S. landfill was roughly $45, up
3.5 percent over 2011 (WBJ, 2012). This compares to average national tip fees of approximately
$32 in 1998 (EPA, 2002) and $8 in 1985 (NSWMA, 2011).
Average tip fees vary by region of the country, as shown in Table 2-5. Tip fees in
northeastern states have historically been and continue to be higher than those in other regions.
Figure 2-2 shows that landfill costs peak prior to the landfill opening and again following the landfill closing (EPA, 1997).
iiiusurauon oi Landiii Life Cycie Guuiays and Costs
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falaieiaiel inieieiel aieneneien at [elated
Figure 2-2 Landfill Cost Life Cycle
2.4.2 Landfill Revenue Sources
The cost to dispose of MSW at a landfill is commonly known as a “tip fee” or “gate fee”. Typically, reported tip fees represent the “spot market” price for MSW disposal, i.e, the drive-up cost to dispose of a ton of waste (NSWMA, 2011). Other tip fees exist at MSW facilities (e.g., waste accepted under a long-term contract, volume discounts, and special wastes); these fees may be higher or lower than the spot market price (Repa, 2005). In September 2012, the average national spot market price to dispose of one ton of waste in a U.S. landfill was roughly $45, up 3.5 percent over 2011 (WBJ, 2012). This compares to average national tip fees of approximately $32 in 1998 (EPA, 2002) and $8 in 1985 (NSWMA, 2011).
Average tip fees vary by region of the country, as shown in Table 2-5. Tip fees in
northeastern states have historically been and continue to be higher than those in other regions.
The next most expensive areas, on average, are the Mid-Atlantic and western states. Tip fees
tend to be higher near large population centers (Wright, 2012); this is likely influenced by the
fact that metropolitan areas have less land area for waste disposal and therefore, fewer landfills.
There is variation in tip fees within states as well, depending on landfill ownership (public or
private) and proximity of other landfills.
Table 2-5 Average Regional and National Per-Ton Tip Fees (Rounded): 1995-2012
U.S. Region 1995a 1998a 2000a 2002a 2004a 2008b 2010c 2012d
Northeast $73 $67 $70 $69 $71 $67 NA $73
Mid-Atlantic $46 $44 $46 $45 $46 $56 NA NA
South $29 $31 $31 $30 $31 $32 NA NA
Midwest $31 $31 $33 $34 $35 $39 NA NA
South Central $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $34 NA NA
West Central $23 $23 $22 $23 $24 $39 NA NA
West $38 $36 $35 $39 $38 $44 NA NA
National $32 $32 $32 $34 $34 $42 $44 $45
Northeast: CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT Mid-Atlantic: DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV South: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN Midwest: IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI
South Central: AZ, AR, LA, NM, OK, TX West Central: CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, WY West: AK, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA
a Source: Repa, 2005. b Source: Data from Biocycle, 2010. Data were not available for all states. For nine states, 2006 or 2009 data were substituted for missing year 2008 data. c Source: WBJ, 2010. d Source: WBJ, 2012.
Publicly owned landfills set tip fees based on the need to cover landfill and other waste
management-related costs, while privately owned landfills’ tip fees are set based on competition
or the lack thereof (Wright, 2012). For municipalities that depend on landfill tip fees to fund
programs and services, more waste disposed in the local community-owned landfill means more
money generated to fund their solid waste systems, including non-disposal services like
recycling. Conversely, if more waste starts going to private landfills instead, less revenue is
generated for community programs. An increasing presence of private facilities that can set
The next most expensive areas, on average, are the Mid-Atlantic and western states. Tip fees tend to be higher near large population centers (Wright, 2012); this is likely influenced by the fact that metropolitan areas have less land area for waste disposal and therefore, fewer landfills. There is variation in tip fees within states as well, depending on landfill ownership (public or
private) and proximity of other landfills.
Table 2-5 Average Regional and National Per-Ton Tip Fees (Rounded): 1995-2012 U.S. Region 1995" | 1998* | 2000* | 2002" | 2004" | 2008" | 2010° | 2012°
Northeast $73 $67 $70 | $69 | S7I $67 | NA $73 Mid-Atlantic $46 $44 $46 $45 $46 $56 NA NA South $29 $31 $31 | $30 | $31 | $32 | NA NA Midwest S31 $31 $33 $34 $35 $39 NA NA
South Central $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $34 NA NA West Central $23 $23 $22 $23 $24 $39 NA NA
West $38 $36 $35 $39 $38 $44 NA NA National $32 $32 $32 $34 $34 $42 $44 $45 Northeast: CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT South Central: AZ, AR, LA, NM, OK, TX Mid-Atlantic: DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV West Central: CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, WY
South: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, Midwest: IL, IN, 1A, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI
- Source: Repa, 2005.
® Source: Data from Biocycle, 2010, Data were not available for all states. For nine states, 2006 or 2009 data were substituted for missing year 2008 data
© Source: WBJ, 2010,
- Source: WBJ, 2012.
West: AK, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA
Publicly owned landfills set tip fees based on the need to cover landfill and other waste management-related costs, while privately owned landfills’ tip fees are set based on competition or the lack thereof (Wright, 2012). For municipalities that depend on landfill tip fees to fund programs and services, more waste disposed in the local community-owned landfill means more money generated to fund their solid waste systems, including non-disposal services like recycling. Conversely, if more waste starts going to private landfills instead, less revenue is
generated for community programs. An increasing presence of private facilities that can set
competitive tip fees has caused some communities to reduce their own tip fees in an effort to
attract enough disposal volume to keep revenues at a sufficient level (Burgiel, 2003).
Historically, the construction and operating costs of public MSW landfills have been
funded by tip fees, tax revenues (e.g., county/city property tax revenue that goes into a general
fund), or a combination of these. Factors influencing tip fee values have included population and
economic growth, recycling rates, operating and transportation costs, land values, and legislation.
Traditionally, 30 percent of landfills receive all revenue from tip fees, 35 percent receive all
revenue from taxes, and 35 percent cover the costs of waste disposal through a combination of
tip fees and taxes. The use of taxes as a revenue source rather than tip fees has implications on
waste disposal services. When disposal costs are included in taxes, most people are not aware of
the actual costs involved and there is little incentive to reduce waste generation rates. Also,
tax-supported facilities are typically underfunded relative to actual disposal costs, resulting in
poorer operation than fully funded landfills supported by tip fees. Factors that influence the
choice of revenue sources include landfill size and ownership. Landfills receiving small
quantities of waste are likely to rely heavily on taxes for their revenue while larger landfills rely
on both taxes and tip fees (EPA, 2002a).
Private owners of landfills rely heavily on tip fees relative to other landfill owners. It
remains unclear whether private landfills rely on tip fees because they are larger, or larger
landfills rely heavily on tip fees because they are private (EPA, 2002a).
As shown in Table 2-5, average tip fees by region remained fairly steady between 1995
and 2004, with minor declines in some years but with a gradual upward trend. The greatest
increases in average tip fees occurred between 1985 and 1995, with the national average tip fee
increasing by $24 (293 percent) or an average of $2.40 per year. By contrast, between 1995 and
2004, the national average tip fee increased by only 7 percent, or an average of 23 cents per year.
Tip fees are expected to continue to increase gradually, based on recent data and given rising fuel
costs, insurance costs, and other operating costs (Wright, 2012).
A landfill can also generate revenue by entering an agreement to sell carbon credits for
voluntary destruction of methane, entering a gas sales agreement to sell LFG for beneficial use,
or entering a power purchase agreement to sell electricity generated from LFG and/or renewable
energy credits from the generation of that electricity. These types of revenue are small relative to
tip fees and total landfill revenues, but can help offset some landfill expenses, for example, the
competitive tip fees has caused some communities to reduce their own tip fees in an effort to attract enough disposal volume to keep revenues at a sufficient level (Burgiel, 2003).
Historically, the construction and operating costs of public MSW landfills have been funded by tip fees, tax revenues (¢.g., county/city property tax revenue that goes into a general fund), or a combination of these. Factors influencing tip fee values have included population and economic growth, recycling rates, operating and transportation costs, land values, and legislation. Traditionally, 30 percent of landfills receive all revenue from tip fees, 35 percent receive all revenue from taxes, and 35 percent cover the costs of waste disposal through a combination of tip fees and taxes. The use of taxes as a revenue source rather than tip fees has implications on waste disposal services. When disposal costs are included in taxes, most people are not aware of the actual costs involved and there is little incentive to reduce waste generation rates. Also, tax-supported facilities are typically underfunded relative to actual disposal costs, resulting in poorer operation than fully funded landfills supported by tip fees. Factors that influence the choice of revenue sources include landfill size and ownership. Landfills receiving small quantities of waste are likely to rely heavily on taxes for their revenue while larger landfills rely on both taxes and tip fees (EPA, 2002a)…
Private owners of landfills rely heavily on tip fees relative to other landfill owners. It remains unclear whether private landfills rely on tip fees because they are larger, or larger landfills rely heavily on tip fees because they are private (EPA, 2002a).
‘As shown in Table 2-5, average tip fees by region remained fairly steady between 1995 and 2004, with minor declines in some years but with a gradual upward trend. The greatest increases in average tip fees occurred between 1985 and 1995, with the national average tip fee increasing by $24 (293 percent) or an average of $2.40 per year. By contrast, between 1995 and 2004, the national average tip fee increased by only 7 percent, or an average of 23 cents per year. Tip fees are expected to continue to increase gradually, based on recent data and given rising fuel costs, insurance costs, and other operating costs (Wright, 2012).
A landfill can also generate revenue by entering an agreement to sell carbon credits for voluntary destruction of methane, entering a gas sales agreement to sell LFG for beneficial use,
or entering a power purchase agreement to sell electri
ity generated from LFG and/or renewable energy credits from the generation of that electricity. These types of revenue are small relative to
tip fees and total landfill revenues, but can help offset some landfill expenses, for example, the
cost of installing a gas collection system or energy recovery equipment. More information about
these potential revenue sources is available in Section 6.
2.5 Air Pollutant Emissions from Landfills
Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are a source of non-methane organic compounds
(NMOC) which include volatile organic compounds (VOC) , methane, a potent greenhouse gas
(GHG), and hazardous air pollutants. LFG is formed during the decomposition of landfilled
waste and, if not controlled, can emit numerous pollutants into the air. Several factors affect the
amount of LFG generated and its components, including the age and composition of the waste,
the amount of organic compounds in the waste, and the moisture content and temperature of the
waste (EPA, 2012k). LFG generated from established waste (waste that has been in place for at
least a year) is typically composed of roughly 50 percent methane (CH4) and 50 percent carbon
dioxide (CO2) by volume, with trace amounts of non-NMOC and inorganic compounds (e.g.,
hydrogen sulfide) (EPA, 2010c; EPA, 2012k).
2.5.1 NMOC in LFG
The NMOC portion of LFG, while a small amount of LFG by volume, can contain a
variety of significant air pollutants. NMOC include various organic hazardous air pollutants
(HAPs) and VOC. If left uncontrolled, VOC can contribute to the formation of ground-level
ozone, a common pollutant with adverse health impacts. Nearly 30 organic hazardous air
pollutants have been identified in uncontrolled LFG, including benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene,
and vinyl chloride (EPA, 2012k).
NMOC in LFG results mainly from the volatilization of organic compounds contained in
the landfilled waste, while some NMOC may be formed by biological processes and chemical
reactions within the waste (EPA, 1998). Waste materials that contribute to the formation of
NMOC include items such as household cleaning products and materials coated with or
containing paints and adhesives; during decomposition, NMOC can be stripped from these
materials by other gases (e.g., CH4 or CO2) and become part of the LFG (EPA, 2012k).
The concentration of NMOC in uncontrolled LFG depends on several factors, including
waste types in the landfill and the local climate. EPA’s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission
Factors (AP–42) provides a default NMOC concentration of 595 parts per million by volume
cost of installing a gas collection system or energy recovery equipment. More information about
these potential revenue sources is available in Section 6.
2.5 Air Pollutant Emissions from Landfills
Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are a source of non-methane organic compounds (NMOC) which include volatile organic compounds (VOC) , methane, a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), and hazardous air pollutants. LFG is formed during the decomposition of landfilled waste and, if not controlled, can emit numerous pollutants into the air, Several factors affect the amount of LFG generated and its components, including the age and composition of the waste, the amount of organic compounds in the waste, and the moisture content and temperature of the waste (EPA, 2012k). LFG generated from established waste (waste that has been in place for at least a year) is typically composed of roughly 50 percent methane (CH,) and 50 percent carbon dioxide (CO:) by volume, with trace amounts of non-NMOC and inorganic compounds (.g.,
hydrogen sulfide) (EPA, 2010c; EPA, 2012k).
2.5.1 NMOC in LFG
The NMOC portion of LFG, while a small amount of LFG by volume, can contain a variety of significant air pollutants, NMOC include various organic hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and VOC. If left uncontrolled, VOC can contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, a common pollutant with adverse health impacts. Nearly 30 organic hazardous air pollutants have been identified in uncontrolled LFG, including benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and vinyl chloride (EPA, 2012k).
NMOC in LFG results mainly from the volatilization of organic compounds contained in the landfilled waste, while some NMOC may be formed by biological processes and chemical reactions within the waste (EPA, 1998). Waste materials that contribute to the formation of NMOC include items such as household cleaning products and materials coated with or containing paints and adhesives; during decomposition, NMOC can be stripped from these materials by other gases (¢.g., CHy or CO2) and become part of the LFG (EPA, 2012k).
The concentration of NMOC in uncontrolled LFG depends on several factors, including waste types in the landfill and the local climate, EPA’s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission
Factors (AP-42) provides a default NMOC concentration of 595 parts per million by volume
(ppmv), of which 110 ppmv are considered HAP compounds. The total uncontrolled organic
HAPs volume in LFG from MSW landfills is typically less than 0.02 percent of the total LFG
(EPA, 2012k).
2.5.2 Methane in LFG
Methane is 25 times more effective at retaining heat in the earth’s atmosphere than CO2
and therefore is considered a potent GHG (IPCC 2007). The CO2 generated from MSW landfills
is deemed biogenic because the CO2 would have been generated anyway as a result of natural
decomposition of the organic waste materials if they had not been deposited in the landfill (EPA,
When waste is first placed in a landfill, it enters an aerobic decomposition stage during
which little CH4 is produced. However, within a year or less, the waste environment becomes
anaerobic, CH4 generation increases, and the amount of CO2 produced begins to level out (EPA,
2010c). Figure 2-3 presents a sample LFG generation curve over time for a typical MSW
landfill. Significant CH4 generation can continue for 10 to 60 years after initial waste placement
(EPA, 2012k).
(ppmv), of which 110 ppmv are considered HAP compounds. The total uncontrolled organic HAPs volume in LFG from MSW landfills is typically less than 0.02 percent of the total LFG (EPA, 2012k).
2.5.2. Methane in LFG
Methane is 25 times more effective at retaining heat in the earth’s atmosphere than COp and therefore is considered a potent GHG (IPCC 2007). The CO» generated from MSW landfills is deemed biogenic because the CO would have been generated anyway as a result of natural decomposition of the organic waste materials if they had not been deposited in the landfill (EPA, 2010c).
When waste is first placed in a landfill, it enters an aerobic decomposition stage during which little CH, is produced. However, within a year or less, the waste environment becomes anaerobic, CH, generation increases, and the amount of CO» produced begins to level out (EPA, 2010c). Figure 2-3 presents a sample LFG generation curve over time for a typical MSW landfill. Significant CH, generation can continue for 10 to 60 years after initial waste placement
(EPA, 2012k).
Figure 2-3 Typical LFG Generation Curve
In 2012, landfills were the third-largest anthropogenic source of CH4 emissions in the
United States, accounting for approximately 18 percent (EPA, 2014). Increasing attention is
being given to mitigation of CH4, given its global warming potential 25 times greater than CO2
and its relatively short atmospheric lifetime of about 12 years (as compared to 50-200 years for
CO2) (EPA, 2014).
2.5.3 Criteria Pollutants from Combustion of LFG
While collection and combustion of LFG in a flare or energy project equipment (e.g.,
reciprocating engine, boiler, turbine) greatly reduces emissions of methane and NMOC
(including VOC and organic HAP), the combustion process generates criteria pollutants
including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate
matter (PM) (EPA, 1998). NOX formation is strongly tied to the combustion temperature in the
equipment, while CO and PM emissions are primarily the result of incomplete combustion of the
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Figure 2-3 Typical LFG Generation Curve
In 2012, landfills were the third-largest anthropogenic source of CH, emissions in the United States, accounting for approximately 18 percent (EPA, 2014). Increasing attention is being given to mitigation of CHs, given its global warming potential 25 times greater than CO
and its relatively short atmospheric lifetime of about 12 years (as compared to 50-200 years for
CO2) (EPA, 2014).
2.5.3. Criteria Pollutants from Combustion of LFG
While collection and combustion of LFG in a flare or energy project equipment (e.g., reciprocating engine, boiler, turbine) greatly reduces emissions of methane and NMOC (including VOC and organic HAP), the combustion process generates criteria pollutants including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO;), and particulate matter (PM) (EPA, 1998). NOx formation is strongly tied to the combustion temperature in the
equipment, while CO and PM emissions are primarily the result of incomplete combustion of the
gas. SO2 production depends upon the amount of sulfur in the LFG (EPA, 2000). More
information about LFG combustion devices is available in Section 6.
2.6 Techniques for Controlling Emissions from Landfills
2.6.1 Introduction
Emissions from landfills can be controlled by installing gas collection systems and either
flaring the LFG or utilizing it as an energy source. Large landfills with emissions exceeding 50
megagrams per year (Mg/yr) of nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) are required by the
MSW landfills NSPS to control and/or treat LFG to significantly reduce the amount of toxic air
pollutants released. However, many landfills voluntarily choose to control emissions, in part
because of the economic benefits of LFG energy projects.
This section describes the equipment and costs associated with LFG emission controls.
The control technologies are divided into three categories: gas collection systems, destruction,
and utilization. Much of the information in this section was obtained from the U.S. EPA’s
Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) Landfill Gas Energy Project Development
Handbook (EPA 2010d).
2.6.2 Gas Collection Systems
LFG collection typically begins after a portion of the landfill (known as a “cell”) is
closed to additional waste placement. Gas vents are installed to collect LFG from the closed cell.
The gas vents may be configured as vertical wells or horizontal trenches, and some collection
systems involve a combination of the two. Vertical wells (Figure 2-4) are the most common
method of LFG collection and involve drilling wells vertically in the waste to collect gas.
Horizontal trenches (Figure 2-5) use piping laid horizontally in trenches in the waste; these
systems are useful in deeper landfills and in areas of active filling. Both types of collection
systems connect the wellheads to lateral piping that transports the gas to a collection header.
gas. SO> production depends upon the amount of sulfur in the LFG (EPA, 2000). More information about LFG combustion devices is available in Section 6.
2.6 Techniques for Controlling Emissions from Landfills
2.6.1 Introduction
Emissions from landfills can be controlled by installing gas collection systems and either flaring the LFG or utilizing it as an energy source. Large landfills with emissions exceeding 50 megagrams per year (Mg/yr) of nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) are required by the MSW landfills NSPS to control and/or treat LFG to significantly reduce the amount of toxic air pollutants released. However, many landfills voluntarily choose to control emissions, in part because of the economic benefits of LFG energy projects.
This section describes the equipment and costs associated with LFG emission controls. The control technologies are divided into three categories: gas collection systems, destruction, and utilization. Much of the information in this section was obtained from the U.S. EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) Landfill Gas Energy Project Development Handbook (EPA 20104).
2.6.2 Gas Collection Systems
LFG collection typically begins after a portion of the landfill (known as a “cell”) is closed to additional waste placement. Gas vents are installed to collect LFG from the closed cell. The gas vents may be configured as vertical wells or horizontal trenches, and some collection systems involve a combination of the two. Vertical wells (Figure 2-4) are the most common method of LFG collection and involve drilling wells vertically in the waste to collect gas. Horizontal trenches (Figure 2-5) use piping laid horizontally in trenches in the waste; these systems are useful in deeper landfills and in areas of active filling. Both types of collection
systems connect the wellheads to lateral piping that transports the gas to a collection header.
Source: EPA, 2010d
Figure 2-4 Vertical Well LFG Collection
Source: EPA, 2010d
Figure 2-5 Horizontal Trench LFG Collection
Collection from the gas vents may be either passive or active. Passive systems rely on the
natural pressure gradient between the waste mass and the atmosphere to move gas to collection
systems. Most passive systems intercept LFG migration and the collected gas is vented to the
atmosphere. Active systems use mechanical blowers or compressors to create a vacuum that
optimizes LFG collection (ATSDR, 2001).
wonicon ene Se be
Source: EPA, 2010d,
Figure 2-4 Vertical Well LFG Collection
Source: EPA, 2010d, Figure 2-5 Horizontal Trench LFG Collection
Collection from the gas vents may be either passive or active. Passive systems rely on the natural pressure gradient between the waste mass and the atmosphere to move gas to collection systems. Most passive systems intercept LFG migration and the collected gas is vented to the atmosphere. Active systems use mechanical blowers or compressors to create a vacuum that
optimizes LFG collection (ATSDR, 2001).
Collection efficiency is a measure of the ability of a gas collection system to capture
generated LFG. Although rates of LFG capture can be measured, rates of actual generation in a
landfill cannot be measured; therefore, considerable uncertainty exists regarding actual collection
efficiencies achieved at landfills. Collection efficiencies at landfills with comprehensive gas
collection systems typically range from 60 to 85 percent, with an average of 75 percent most
commonly assumed (EPA, 1998).
Total collection system costs vary widely, based on a number of site-specific factors. For
example, if the landfill is deep, collection costs tend to be higher because well depths will need
to be increased. Collection costs also increase with the number of wells installed. Based on data
from the LMOP’s Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model (LFGcost), the estimated capital cost (in
2008 $’s) required for a 40-acre collection system designed for 600 cubic feet per minute (cfm)
of LFG is $784,000, assuming one well is installed per acre. Typical annual operation and
maintenance (O&M) costs (in 2008 $’s) for collection systems are $2,250 per well. If an LFG
energy project generates electricity, a landfill will often use a portion of the electricity generated
to operate the system and sell the rest to the grid in order to offset these operational costs.
2.6.3 Destruction
Collected LFG is typically combusted in flares or combustion devices that recover
energy, such as boilers, internal combustion engines, and gas turbines. Properly designed and
operated combustion equipment generally reduces NMOC by 98 percent or to a 20 ppmv outlet
concentration, as specified in the current MSW landfill NSPS (40 CFR 60.752). Combustion also
destroys over 98 percent of the methane.
Flares are the most common control device used at landfills. Flares are also a component
of each energy recovery option because they may be needed to control LFG emissions during
energy recovery system startup and downtime and to control any gas that exceeds the capacity of
the energy conversion equipment. In addition, a flare is a cost-effective way to gradually increase
the size of the energy recovery system at an active landfill. As more waste is placed in the
landfill and the gas collection system is expanded, the flare is used to control excess gas between
energy conversion system upgrades (e.g., before addition of another engine).
Flare designs include open (or candlestick) flares and enclosed flares. Open flares employ
simple technology where the collected gas is combusted in an elevated open burner. A
Collection efficiency is a measure of the ability ofa gas collection system to capture generated LFG. Although rates of LFG capture can be measured, rates of actual generation in a landfill cannot be measured; therefore, considerable uncertainty exists regarding actual collection efficiencies achieved at landfills. Collection efficiencies at landfills with comprehensive gas collection systems typically range from 60 to 85 percent, with an average of 75 percent most ‘commonly assumed (EPA, 1998).
Total collection system costs vary widely, based on a number of site-specific factors. For example, if the landfill is deep, collection costs tend to be higher because well depths will need to be increased. Collection costs also increase with the number of wells installed. Based on data from the LMOP’s Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model (LFGcost), the estimated capital cost (in 2008 $’s) required for a 40-acre collection system designed for 600 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of LEG is $784,000, assuming one well is installed per acre. Typical annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs (in 2008 $’s) for collection systems are $2,250 per well. If’an LFG energy project generates electricity, a landfill will often use a portion of the electricity generated
to operate the system and sell the rest to the grid in order to offset these operational costs.
2.6.3 Destruction
Collected LFG is typically combusted in flares or combustion devices that recover energy, such as boilers, internal combustion engines, and gas turbines. Properly designed and ‘operated combustion equipment generally reduces NMOC by 98 percent or to a 20 ppmv outlet concentration, as specified in the current MSW landfill NSPS (40 CFR 60.752). Combustion also destroys over 98 percent of the methane.
Flares are the most common control device used at landfills. Flares are also a component of each energy recovery option because they may be needed to control LFG emissions during energy recovery system startup and downtime and to control any gas that exceeds the capacity of the energy conversion equipment. In addition, a flare is a cost-effective way to gradually increase the size of the energy recovery system at an active landfill. As more waste is placed in the landfill and the gas collection system is expanded, the flare is used to control excess gas between energy conversion system upgrades (e.g., before addition of another engine).
Flare designs include open (or candlestick) flares and enclosed flares. Open flares employ
simple technology where the collected gas is combusted in an elevated open burner. A
continuous or intermittent pilot light is generally used to maintain the combustion. Enclosed
flares typically employ multiple burners within fire-resistant walls, which allow them to maintain
a relatively constant and limited peak temperature by regulating the supply of combustion air
(ATSDR, 2001b). Enclosed flares are more expensive but may be preferable (or required by state
regulations) because they provide greater control of combustion conditions, allow for stack
testing, and might achieve slightly higher combustion efficiencies than open flares. They can
also reduce noise and light nuisances.
Flare costs vary based on the gas flow of the system. LFGcost estimates for flares include
condensate collection and blowers. Condensate collection (also called knockout devices) is
necessary because condensate forms when warm gas from the landfill cools as it travels through
the collection system. If condensate is not removed, it can block the collection system. Blowers
are needed to ensure a steady flow of gas to the flare. The size, type, and number of blowers
needed depend on the gas flow rate and distance to downstream processes.
Based on data from LFGcost (in 2008 $’s), a flare for a system with an average of
600 cfm of LFG will cost $207,000 (including condensate collection and blowers). Typical
annual O&M costs are approximately $4,500 per flare. Electricity costs to operate the blower for
a 600 cfm active gas collection system average $44,500 per year.
2.6.4 Utilization
After collection, LFG may be used in an energy recovery system to combust the methane
and other trace contaminants. LMOP’s Landfill and LFG Energy Project Database, which tracks
the development of U.S. LFG energy projects and landfills with project development potential,
indicates that approximately 600 LFG energy projects are currently operating in 48 states.
Roughly three-fourths of these projects generate electricity, while one-fourth are direct-use
projects in which LFG is used for its thermal capacity (EPA, 2012m).
This section summarizes LFG utilization technologies in four general categories: power
production, cogeneration, direct use, and alternative fuel. This section also provides a discussion
of the economic benefits of LFG utilization projects. Technologies
It is important to note that all of the technologies discussed below typically require
treatment of LFG prior to entering the control device to remove moisture, particulates, and other
continuous or intermittent pilot light is generally used to maintain the combustion, Enclosed flares typically employ multiple burners within fire-resistant walls, which allow them to maintain a relatively constant and limited peak temperature by regulating the supply of combustion air (ATSDR, 2001b). Enclosed flares are more expensive but may be preferable (or required by state regulations) because they provide greater control of combustion conditions, allow for stack testing, and might achieve slightly higher combustion efficiencies than open flares. They can also reduce noise and light nuisances.
Flare costs vary based on the gas flow of the system. LFGcost estimates for flares include condensate collection and blowers. Condensate collection (also called knockout devices) is necessary because condensate forms when warm gas from the landfill cools as it travels through the collection system. If condensate is not removed, it can block the collection system. Blowers are needed to ensure a steady flow of gas to the flare. The size, type, and number of blowers needed depend on the gas flow rate and distance to downstream processes
Based on data from LFGcost (in 2008 $’s), a flare for a system with an average of 600 cfm of LFG will cost $207,000 (including condensate collection and blowers). Typical annual O&M costs are approximately $4,500 per flare. Electricity costs to operate the blower for
600 cfim active gas collection system average $44,500 per year.
2.6.4 Utilization
After collection, LFG may be used in an energy recovery system to combust the methane and other trace contaminants. LMOP’s Landfill and LFG Energy Project Database, which tracks the development of U.S. LFG energy projects and landfills with project development potential, indicates that approximately 600 LFG energy projects are currently operating in 48 states. Roughly three-fourths of these projects generate electricity, while one-fourth are direct-use projects in which LFG is used for its thermal capacity (EPA, 2012m).
This section summarizes LFG utilization technologies in four general categories: power production, cogeneration, direct use, and alternative fuel. This section also provides a discussion
of the economic benefits of LFG utilization projects. Technologies It is important to note that all of the technologies discussed below typically require
treatment of LFG prior to entering the control device to remove moisture, particulates, and other
impurities. (While “treatment” has a specific meaning within the MSW landfill NSPS, the term is
used more generally in common usage and as discussed here.) The level of treatment can vary
depending on the type of control and the types and amounts of contaminants in the gas. LFG is
typically dehumidified, filtered, and compressed before being sent to energy recovery devices.
For most boilers and internal combustion engines, no additional treatment is used. Some internal
combustion engines and many gas turbine and microturbine projects apply siloxane removal
using adsorption beds after the dehumidification step. Power Production
Producing electricity from LFG continues to be the most common beneficial-use
application, accounting for about three-fourths of all U.S. LFG energy projects (EPA, 2012m).
Electricity can be produced by burning LFG in an internal combustion engine, a gas turbine, or a
The majority (more than 70 percent) of LFG energy projects that generate electricity do
so by combusting LFG in internal combustion engines. Advantages of this technology include:
low capital cost, high efficiency, and adaptability to variations in the gas output of landfills.
Internal combustion engines are well-suited for 800 kilowatt (kW) to 3 megawatt (MW) projects,
but multiple units can be used together for projects larger than 3 MW. Internal combustion
engines are relatively efficient at converting LFG into electricity, achieving efficiencies in the
range of 25 to 35 percent.
Gas turbines are more likely to be used for large projects, where LFG volumes are
sufficient to generate a minimum of 3 MW and typically more than 5 MW. Unlike most internal
combustion engine systems, gas turbine systems have significant economies of scale. The cost
per kW of generating capacity drops as gas turbine size increases, and the electric generation
efficiency generally improves as well.
Microturbines, as their name suggests, are much smaller than turbines, with a single unit
having between 30 and 250 kW in capacity, and thus are generally used for projects smaller than
1 MW. Small internal combustion engines are also available for projects in this size range and
are generally less costly. Microturbines may be selected for certain projects (rather than internal
combustion engines) because they can operate with as little as 35 percent methane and less than
300 cfm, and also produce low nitrogen oxide emissions.
impurities. (While “treatment” has a specific meaning within the MSW landfill NSPS, the term is used more generally in common usage and as discussed here.) The level of treatment can vary depending on the type of control and the types and amounts of contaminants in the gas. LFG is typically dehumidified, filtered, and compressed before being sent to energy recovery devices. For most boilers and internal combustion engines, no additional treatment is used. Some internal combustion engines and many gas turbine and microturbine projects apply siloxane removal
using adsorption beds after the dehumidification step. Power Production
Producing electricity from LFG continues to be the most common beneficial-use application, accounting for about three-fourths of all U.S. LEG energy projects (EPA, 2012m). Electricity can be produced by burning LFG in an internal combustion engine, a gas turbine, or a microturbine.
‘The majority (more than 70 percent) of LFG energy projects that generate electricity do so by combusting LFG in internal combustion engines. Advantages of this technology include: low capital cost, high efficiency, and adaptability to variations in the gas output of landfills. Internal combustion engines are well-suited for 800 kilowatt (kW) to 3 megawatt (MW) projects, but multiple units can be used together for projects larger than 3 MW. Internal combustion engines are relatively efficient at converting LFG into electricity, achieving efficiencies in the
range of 25 to 35 percent.
Gas turbines are more likely to be used for large projects, where LFG volumes are sufficient to generate a minimum of 3 MW and typically more than 5 MW. Unlike most internal combustion engine systems, gas turbine systems have significant economies of scale. The cost per kW of generating capacity drops as gas turbine size increases, and the electric generation
efficiency generally improves as well.
Microturbines, as their name suggests, are much smaller than turbines, with a single unit having between 30 and 250 kW in capacity, and thus are generally used for projects smaller than 1 MW. Small internal combustion engines are also available for projects in this size range and are generally less costly. Microturbines may be selected for certain projects (rather than internal combustion engines) because they can operate with as little as 35 percent methane and less than
300 cfin, and also produce low nitrogen oxide emissions.
An LFG energy project may use multiple units to accommodate a landfill’s specific gas
flow over time. For example, a project might have three internal combustion engines, two gas
turbines, or an array of 10 microturbines, depending on gas flow and energy needs.
The costs of energy generation using LFG vary greatly; they depend on many factors
including the type and size of electricity generation equipment, the necessary compression and
treatment system, and the interconnect equipment. Table 2-6 presents examples of typical costs
for several technologies, including costs for a basic gas treatment system typically used with
each technology.
Table 2-6 Average LFG Power Production Technology Costs
Technology Typical Capital Costs
Typical Annual O&M Costs
Internal combustion engine (>800 kW) $1,700 $180
Small internal combustion engine (<1 MW) $2,300 $210
Gas turbine (>3 MW) $1,400 $130
Microturbine (<1 MW) $5,500 $380
Source: EPA 2010d a 2010 $’s Cogeneration
LFG energy cogeneration applications, also known as combined heat and power (CHP)
projects, provide greater overall energy efficiency and are growing in number. In addition to
producing electricity, these projects recover and beneficially use the heat from the unit
combusting LFG. LFG cogeneration projects can use internal combustion engine, gas turbine, or
microturbine technologies.
Less common LFG electricity generation technologies include a few boiler/steam turbine
applications in which LFG is combusted in a large boiler to generate steam which is then used by
a steam turbine to create electricity. A few combined cycle applications have also been
implemented. These combine a gas turbine that combusts LFG with a steam turbine that uses
steam generated from the gas turbine’s exhaust to create electricity. Boiler/steam turbine and
combined cycle applications tend to be larger in scale than the majority of LFG electricity
projects that use internal combustion engines.
An LFG energy project may use multiple units to accommodate a landfill’s specific gas flow over time. For example, a project might have three internal combustion engines, two gas turbines, or an array of 10 microturbines, depending on gas flow and energy needs.
The costs of energy generation using LFG vary greatly; they depend on many factors including the type and size of electricity generation equipment, the necessary compression and treatment system, and the interconnect equipment. Table 2-6 presents examples of typical costs for several technologies, including costs for a basic gas treatment system typically used with each technology.
Table 2-6 Average LFG Power Production Technology Costs
‘Typical Capital Costs | Typical Annual O&M Costs Technology a a (sik) (sikw)’ Internal combustion engine (>800 kW) $1,700 $180 ‘Small internal combustion engine (<1 MW) $2,300 $210 Gas turbine (>3 MW) $1,400 $130 Microturbine I MW) 35,500 3380 Source: EPA 20104
*20108’s Cogeneration
LEG energy cogeneration applications, also known as combined heat and power (CHP) projects, provide greater overall energy efficiency and are growing in number. In addition to producing electricity, these projects recover and beneficially use the heat from the unit combusting LFG. LFG cogeneration projects can use internal combustion engine, gas turbine, or microturbine technologies.
Less common LFG electricity generation technologies include a few boiler/steam turbine applications in which LFG is combusted in a large boiler to generate steam which is then used by a steam turbine to create electricity. A few combined cycle applications have also been implemented. These combine a gas turbine that combusts LFG with a steam turbine that uses steam generated from the gas turbine’s exhaust to create electricity. Boiler/steam turbine and combined cycle applications tend to be larger in scale than the majority of LFG electricity
projects that use internal combustion engines.
2-30 Direct Use
The simplest and often most cost-effective use of LFG is direct use as a fuel for boilers
and other direct thermal applications to produce useful heat or steam. However, this is only an
option if there is an end user located near the landfill who is willing and able to use the LFG. An
end user’s energy requirements are an important consideration when evaluating the sale of LFG
for direct use. Because no economical way to store LFG exists, all gas that is recovered must be
used as available; gas that cannot be immediately used in energy recovery equipment is flared
and the associated revenue opportunities are lost. The ideal gas customer, therefore, will have a
steady annual gas demand compatible with the landfill’s gas flow. When a landfill does not have
adequate gas flow to support the entire needs of a facility, LFG can still be used to supply a
portion of the needs. The number and diversity of direct-use LFG applications is continuing to
Boilers are the most common type of direct use, and LFG is used in boilers at a wide
variety of industrial manufacturing facilities as well as commercial and institutional buildings.
Boilers can often be easily converted to use LFG alone or in combination with fossil fuels.
Equipment modifications or adjustments may be necessary to accommodate the lower Btu value
of LFG, and the costs of modifications will vary. If retuning the boiler burner is the only
modification required, costs will be minimal. However, retrofitting an existing natural gas boiler
to include LFG may cost between $100,000 and $400,000, depending on the extent of the
Direct thermal applications include kilns (e.g., cement, pottery, and brick), tunnel
furnaces, process heaters, and blacksmithing forges. In addition, infrared heaters can use LFG to
fulfill space heating needs. Greenhouses can combust LFG in boilers to provide heat for the
greenhouse and to heat water used in hydroponic plant culture. LFG can be used to heat the
boilers in plants that produce biofuels including biodiesel and ethanol.
Table 2-7 presents typical cost ranges for the components of a direct-use project. The
costs shown below for the gas compression and treatment system include compression, moisture
removal, and filtration equipment typically required to prepare the gas for transport through the
pipeline and for use in a boiler or process heater. If more extensive treatment is required to
remove other impurities, costs will be higher. The gas pipeline costs also assume typical
construction conditions and pipeline design. Pipelines can range from less than a mile to more Direct Use
The simplest and often most cost-effective use of LFG is direct use as a fuel for boilers and other direct thermal applications to produce useful heat or steam. However, this is only an option if there is an end user located near the landfill who is willing and able to use the LFG. An end user’s energy requirements are an important consideration when evaluating the sale of LFG for direct use. Because no economical way to store LEG exists, all gas that is recovered must be used as available; gas that cannot be immediately used in energy recovery equipment is flared and the associated revenue opportunities are lost. The ideal gas customer, therefore, will have a steady annual gas demand compatible with the landfill’s gas flow. When a landfill does not have adequate gas flow to support the entire needs of a facility, LFG can still be used to supply a portion of the needs. The number and diversity of direct-use LFG applications is continuing to grow.
Boilers are the most common type of direct use, and LFG is used in boilers at a wide variety of industrial manufacturing facilities as well as commercial and institutional buildings Boilers can often be easily converted to use LFG alone or in combination with fossil fuels. Equipment modifications or adjustments may be necessary to accommodate the lower Btu value of LFG, and the costs of modifications will vary. If retuning the boiler burner is the only modification required, costs will be minimal. However, retrofitting an existing natural gas boiler to include LEG may cost between $100,000 and $400,000, depending on the extent of the retrofit.
Direct thermal applications include kilns (e.g., cement, pottery, and brick), tunnel furnaces, process heaters, and blacksmithing forges. In addition, infrared heaters can use LEG to fulfill space heating needs. Greenhouses can combust LFG in boilers to provide heat for the greenhouse and to heat water used in hydroponic plant culture. LFG can be used to heat the boilers in plants that produce biofuels including biodiesel and ethanol,
Table 2-7 presents typical cost ranges for the components of a direct-use project. The
costs shown below for the g
ompression and treatment system include compression, moisture removal, and filtration equipment typically required to prepare the gas for transport through the pipeline and for use in a boiler or process heater. If more extensive treatment is required to remove other impurities, costs will be higher. The gas pipeline costs also assume typical
construction conditions and pipeline design. Pipelines can range from less than a mile to more
than 30 miles long, although most are shorter than 10 miles because length has a major effect on
costs. In addition, the costs of direct-use pipelines are often affected by obstacles along the route,
such as highway, railroad, or water crossings. End users will likely need to modify their
equipment to make it suitable for combusting LFG, but these costs are usually borne by the end
user and are site-specific to their combustion device.
Table 2-7 Average LFG Direct-use Project Components Costs
Component Typical Capital Costsa Typical Annual O&M Costsa
Gas compression and treatment $960/scfm $90/scfm
Gas pipeline and condensate
management system
$330,000/mile Negligible
Source: EPA 2010d a 2010 $’s, based on a 1,000 scfm system scfm: standard cubic feet per minute Alternative Fuel
Production of alternative fuels from LFG, by upgrading the gas using high-Btu
conversion technologies, is becoming more prevalent. LFG can be used to produce the
equivalent of pipeline-quality gas (natural gas), compressed natural gas (CNG), or liquefied
natural gas (LNG). Pipeline-quality gas can be injected into a natural gas pipeline and used by
residential, commercial, or industrial end users along the pipeline. CNG and LNG can be used to
fuel vehicles at the landfill (e.g., water trucks, earthmoving equipment, light trucks, autos), fuel
refuse-hauling tucks (long-haul refuse transfer trailers and route collection trucks), and supply
the general commercial market. Although only a handful of these projects are currently
operational, several more are in the construction or planning stages.
LFG can be converted into a high-Btu gas by increasing its methane content and,
conversely, reducing its carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen content. In the United States, three
methods have been commercially employed (i.e., beyond pilot testing) to remove carbon dioxide
from LFG, including membrane separation, molecular sieve (also known as pressure swing
adsorption or PSA), and amine scrubbing.
Recent capital costs of high-Btu processing equipment have ranged from $2,600 to
$4,300 per standard cubic foot per minute (scfm) of LFG. The annual cost to provide electricity
than 30 miles long, although most are shorter than 10 miles because length has a major effect on costs. In addition, the costs of direct-use pipelines are often affected by obstacles along the route, such as highway, railroad, or water crossings. End users will likely need to modify their equipment to make it suitable for combusting LFG, but these costs are usually borne by the end
user and are site-specific to their combustion device.
Table 2-7 Average LFG Direct-use Project Components Costs
‘Component. ‘Typical Capital Costs" Typical Annual O&M Costs" Gas compression and treatment $960/sefm $90/sefm Gas pipeline and condensate $330,000/mile Negligible management system
‘Source: EPA 200d
- 2010 S’s, based on a 1,000 scfm system scfm: standard cubic feet per minute Alternative Fuel
Production of alternative fuels from LFG, by upgrading the gas using high-Btu conversion technologies, is becoming more prevalent. LFG can be used to produce the equivalent of pipeline-quality gas (natural gas), compressed natural gas (CNG), or liquefied natural gas (LNG). Pipeline-quality gas can be injected into a natural gas pipeline and used by residential, commercial, or industrial end users along the pipeline. CNG and LNG can be used to fuel vehicles at the landfill (e.g., water trucks, earthmoving equipment, light trucks, autos), fuel refuse-hauling tucks (long-haul refuse transfer trailers and route collection trucks), and supply the general commercial market. Although only a handful of these projects are currently operational, several more are in the construction or planning stages.
LRG can be converted into a high-Btu gas by increasing its methane content and, conversely, reducing its carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen content. In the United States, three methods have been commercially employed (i.e., beyond pilot testing) to remove carbon dioxide from LFG, including membrane separation, molecular sieve (also known as pressure swing adsorption or PSA), and amine scrubbing.
Recent capital costs of high-Btu processing equipment have ranged from $2,600 to
$4,300 per standard cubic foot per minute (scfm) of LFG. The annual cost to provide electricity
to, operate, and maintain these systems ranges from $875,000 to $3.5 million (EPA 2010d).
Costs will depend on the purity of the high-Btu gas required by the receiving pipeline or energy
end user as well as the size of the project, since some economies of scale can be achieved when
producing larger quantities of high-Btu gas. Revenues and Incentives
Landfill owners can receive revenue from the sale of carbon credits, the sale of electricity
generated from LFG to the local power grid, or from the sale of LFG to a direct end user or
pipeline. However, the revenue received represents only a small percentage of the operating
costs of a landfill. Greenhouse Gas Credits
Voluntary greenhouse gas trading programs purchase credits from landfills that capture
LFG to destroy or convert methane contained in the gas and obtain credit for the reduction of
greenhouse gas in terms of carbon equivalents. In order to qualify for these programs, the
emission reductions must be in addition to regulated actions and have recent project installation.
Examples of companies operating on the voluntary carbon market include Climate Action
Reserve, EcoSecurities, Evolution Markets, AgCert, Blue Source, GE/AES, and Chicago Climate
Exchange (EPA 2012a).
Bilateral trading and greenhouse gas credit sales are other voluntary sources of revenue.
Bilateral trades are project-specific and are negotiated directly between a buyer and seller of
greenhouse gas credits. In these cases, corporate entities or public institutions, such as
universities, may wish to reduce their “carbon footprint” or meet internal sustainability goals, but
do not have direct access to developing their own project. Therefore, a buyer may help finance a
specific project in exchange for the credit of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from their
Many state and regional government entities are establishing their own greenhouse gas
initiatives to cap or minimize greenhouse gas emissions within their jurisdictions. Examples
include the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the Washington carbon dioxide offset
program, and the Massachusetts carbon dioxide reduction from new plants. Some of these
programs establish a cap-and-trade program on carbon dioxide emissions, while others require
to, operate, and maintain these systems ranges from $875,000 to $3.5 million (EPA 20104). Costs will depend on the purity of the high-Btu gas required by the receiving pipeline or energy end user as well as the size of the project, since some economies of scale can be achieved when
producing larger quantities of high-Btu gas. Revenues and Incentives
Landfill owners can receive revenue from the sale of carbon credits, the sale of electricity generated from LFG to the local power grid, or from the sale of LFG to a direct end user or pipeline. However, the revenue received represents only a small percentage of the operating
costs of a landfill. Greenhouse Gas Credits
Voluntary greenhouse gas trading programs purchase credits from landfills that capture LFG to destroy or convert methane contained in the gas and obtain credit for the reduction of greenhouse gas in terms of carbon equivalents. In order to qualify for these programs, the emission reductions must be in addition to regulated actions and have recent project installation. Examples of companies operating on the voluntary carbon market include Climate Action Reserve, EcoSecurities, Evolution Markets, AgCert, Blue Source, GE/AES, and Chicago Climate Exchange (EPA 2012a).
Bilateral trading and greenhouse gas credit sales are other voluntary sources of revenue. Bilateral trades are project-specific and are negotiated directly between a buyer and seller of greenhouse gas credits. In these cases, corporate entities or public institutions, such as universities, may wish to reduce their “carbon footprint” or meet internal sustainability goals, but do not have direct access to developing their own project. Therefore, a buyer may help finance a specific project in exchange for the credit of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from their organization.
Many state and regional government entities are establishing their own greenhouse gas initiatives to cap or minimize greenhouse gas emissions within their jurisdictions. Examples include the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the Washington carbon dioxide offset program, and the Massachusetts carbon dioxide reduction from new plants. Some of these
programs establish a cap-and-trade program on carbon dioxide emissions, while others require
new fossil-fueled boilers and power plants to either implement or contribute to funding of offset
projects, including LFG.
Certain LFG energy projects may qualify for participation in nitrogen oxides cap-and-
trade programs, such as the nitrogen oxides State Implementation Plan (SIP). The revenues for
these incentives vary by state and will depend on factors such as the allowances allocated to each
project, the price of allowances on the market, and if the project is a CHP project (typically CHP
projects receive more revenue due to credit for avoided boiler fuel use). Electricity Project Revenue
The primary revenue component of the typical electricity project is the sale of electricity
to the local utility. This revenue stream is affected by the electricity buy-back rates (i.e., the rate
at which the local utility purchases electricity generated by the LFG energy project). Electricity
buy-back rates for new projects depend on several factors specific to the local electric utility and
the type of contract available to the project, but typically range between 2.5 and 7 cents per
kilowatt-hour (kWh) (EPA, 2010d).
When assessing the economics of an electricity project, it is also important to consider
the avoided cost of the electricity used on-site. Electricity generated by the project that is used in
other operations at the landfill is, in effect, electricity that the landfill does not have to purchase
from a utility. This electricity is not valued at the buy-back rate, but at the rate the landfill is
charged to purchase electricity (i.e., retail rate). The retail rate is often significantly higher than
the buy-back rate.
LFG energy projects can potentially use a variety of additional environmental revenue
streams, which typically take advantage of the fact that LFG is recognized as a renewable, or
“green,” energy resource. These additional revenues can come from premium pricing, tax credits,
greenhouse gas credit trading, or incentive payments. They can be reflected in an economic
analysis in various ways, but typically, converting to a cents/kWh format is most useful.
LFGcost accommodates four common types of electric project credits: a direct cash grant, a
renewable energy tax credit expressed in dollars per kWh, a direct greenhouse gas (carbon)
credit expressed in dollars per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (discussed in
Section, and a direct electricity tax credit expressed in dollars per kWh. This section
new fossil-fueled boilers and power plants to either implement or contribute to funding of offset projects, including LFG.
Certain LFG energy projects may qualify for participation in nitrogen oxides cap-and- trade programs, such as the nitrogen oxides State Implementation Plan (SIP). The revenues for these incentives vary by state and will depend on factors such as the allowances allocated to each project, the price of allowances on the market, and if the project is a CHP project (typically CHP
projects receive more revenue due to credit for avoided boiler fuel use). Electricity Project Revenue
‘The primary revenue component of the typical electricity project is the sale of electricity to the local utility. This revenue stream is affected by the electricity buy-back rates (i.e., the rate at which the local utility purchases electricity generated by the LFG energy project). Electricity buy-back rates for new projects depend on several factors specific to the local electric utility and the type of contract available to the project, but typically range between 2.5 and 7 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) (EPA, 2010d).
When assessing the economics of an electricity project, it is also important to consider the avoided cost of the electricity used on-site. Electricity generated by the project that is used in other operations at the landfill is, in effect, electricity that the landfill does not have to purchase from a utility. This electricity is not valued at the buy-back rate, but at the rate the landfill is charged to purchase electricity (i.e., retail rate). The retail rate is often significantly higher than the buy-back rate.
LFG energy projects can potentially use a variety of additional environmental revenue streams, which typically take advantage of the fact that LFG is recognized as a renewable, or “green,” energy resource. These additional revenues can come from premium pricing, tax credits, greenhouse gas credit trading, or incentive payments. They can be reflected in an economic analysis in various ways, but typically, converting to a cents/kWh format is most useful. LFGcost accommodates four common types of electric project credits: a direct cash grant, a renewable energy tax credit expressed in dollars per kWh, a direct greenhouse gas (carbon) credit expressed in dollars per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (discussed in
Section, and a direct electricity tax credit expressed in dollars per kWh. This section
includes discussion of the available environmental revenue streams that an LFG electricity
project could possibly use.
Premium pricing is often available for renewable electricity (including LFG) that is
included in a green power program, through a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), a Renewable
Portfolio Goal (RPG), or a voluntary utility green pricing program. These programs could
provide additional revenue above the standard buy-back rate because LFG electricity is
generated from a renewable resource.
Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are sold through voluntary markets to consumers
seeking to reduce their environmental footprint. They are typically offered in 1 megawatt-hour
(MWh) units, and are sold by LFG electricity generators to industries, commercial businesses,
institutions, and even private citizens who wish to achieve a corporate renewable energy
portfolio goal or to encourage renewable energy. If the electricity produced by an LFG energy
project is not being sold as part of a utility green power program or green pricing program, the
project owner may be able to sell RECs through voluntary markets to generate additional
Tax credits, tax exemptions, and other tax incentives, as well as federal and state grants,
low-cost bonds, and loan programs are available to potentially provide funding for an LFG
energy project. For example, Section 45 of the Internal Revenue Code provides a per-kWh
federal production tax credit for electricity generated at privately owned LFG electricity projects.
To qualify for the credit, which was 1.1 cent per kWh for the 2009 taxable year, all electricity
produced must be sold to an unrelated person during the taxable year. Under legislation passed in
February 2009, the placed-in-service date deadline for LFG energy projects to be eligible for the
first 10 years of production is December 31, 2013. Another popular funding option is the Clean
Renewable Energy Bond (CREB) program, which allows electric cooperatives, government
entities, and public power producers to issue bonds to finance renewable energy projects
including LFG electricity projects. The borrower pays back the principal of the CREB, and the
bondholder receives federal tax credits in lieu of the traditional bond interest. Direct-use Project Revenues
The primary source of revenue for direct-use projects is the sale of LFG to the end user;
the price of LFG, therefore, dictates a project’s revenue. Often LFG sales prices are indexed to
includes discussion of the available environmental revenue streams that an LFG electricity project could possibly use.
Premium pricing is often available for renewable electricity (including LFG) that is included in a green power program, through a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), a Renewable Portfolio Goal (RPG), or a voluntary utility green pricing program. These programs could provide additional revenue above the standard buy-back rate because LFG electricity is generated from a renewable resource.
Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are sold through voluntary markets to consumers seeking to reduce their environmental footprint, They are typically offered in | megawatt-hour (MWh) units, and are sold by LFG electricity generators to industries, commercial businesses, institutions, and even private citizens who wish to achieve a corporate renewable energy portfolio goal or to encourage renewable energy. If the electricity produced by an LFG energy project is not being sold as part of a utility green power program or green pricing program, the project owner may be able to sell RECs through voluntary markets to generate additional revenue.
Tax credits, tax exemptions, and other tax incentives, as well as federal and state grants, low-cost bonds, and loan programs are available to potentially provide funding for an LFG energy project. For example, Section 45 of the Internal Revenue Code provides a per-kWh federal production tax credit for electricity generated at privately owned LFG electricity projects. To qualify for the credit, which was 1.1 cent per kWh for the 2009 taxable year, all electricity produced must be sold to an unrelated person during the taxable year. Under legislation passed in
February 2009, the placed-in-service date deadline for LFG energy projects to be eligi
first 10 years of production is December 31, 2013. Another popular funding option is the Clean Renewable Energy Bond (CREB) program, which allows electric cooperatives, government entities, and public power producers to issue bonds to finance renewable energy projects including LFG electricity projects. The borrower pays back the principal of the CREB, and the
bondholder receives federal tax credits in lieu of the traditional bond interest. Direct-use Project Revenues
The primary source of revenue for direct-use projects is the sale of LFG to the end user;
the price of LFG, therefore, dictates a project’s revenue. Often LFG sales prices are indexed to
the price of natural gas, but prices will vary depending on site-specific negotiations, the type of
contract, and other factors. In recent years, typical LFG prices have ranged from $4.00 to $8.00
per million British thermal units (MMBtu) or 0.38¢ to 0.75¢ per megajoule. In general, the price
paid by the end user must provide an energy cost savings that outweighs the cost of required
modifications to boilers, process heaters, kilns, and furnaces in order to burn LFG.
Federal and state tax incentives, loans, and grants are available that may provide
additional revenue for direct-use projects. Greenhouse gas emissions trading programs are also
potential revenue streams for direct-use projects.
2.7 References
Alva, 2010. “Successfully Permitting a Solid Waste Landfill in a Metropolitan Area: Sunshine Landfill Expansion Project.” Paul Alva. Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) WASTECON 2010.
ATSDR, 2001. Landfill Gas Primer – An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals, Chapter 2: Landfill Gas Basics. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). November 2001.
BioCycle. 2010. “17th Nationwide Survey of MSW Management in the U.S.: The State of Garbage in America.” October 2010. < america-4/>.
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012BIN. Financial Statements for Progressive Waste Solutions (BIN). Annual Income Statement as of December 31, 2011.
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012RSG. 2012 SEC Filings - Republic Services Inc (RSG). 10-K, Annual Financials, February 17, 2012.
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012WCN. 2012 SEC Filings - Waste Connections Inc (WCN). 10- K, Annual Financials, February 8, 2012.
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012WM. 2012 SEC Filings - Waste Management Inc (WM). 10-K, Annual Financials, February 16, 2012.
Burgiel, Jonathan J. 2003. R.W. Beck, Inc. “Making Ends Meet When Revenues Start to Disappear”. October 2003.
the price of natural gas, but prices will vary depending on site-specific negotiations, the type of contract, and other factors. In recent years, typical LFG prices have ranged from $4.00 to $8.00 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) or 0.38¢ to 0.75¢ per megajoule. In general, the price paid by the end user must provide an energy cost savings that outweighs the cost of required modifications to boilers, process heaters, kilns, and furnaces in order to burn LG.
Federal and state tax incentives, loans, and grants are available that may provide additional revenue for direct-use projects. Greenhouse gas emissions trading programs are also
potential revenue streams for direct-use projects.
2.7 References
Alva, 2010. “Successfully Permitting a Solid Waste Landfill in a Metropolitan Area: Sunshine Landfill Expansion Project.” Paul Alva, Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) WASTECON 2010.
ATSDR, 2001. Landfill Gas Primer — An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals, Chapter 2: Landfill Gas Basics. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). November 2001.
BioCycle. 2010. “17" Nationwide Survey of MSW Management in the U.S.: The State of Garbage in America.” October 2010. < 1 0/the-state-of-garbage-in-
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012BIN. Financial Statements for Progressive Waste Solutions (BIN). Annual Income Statement as of December 31, 2011 ‘<http://investing. businessweek.comy/research/stocks/financials/financials.asp?ticker=BIN:CN>
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012RSG. 2012 SEC Filings - Republic Services Inc (RSG). 10-K, Annual Financials, February 17, 2012. <http://investing.>.
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012WCN. 2012 SEC Filings - Waste Connections Inc (WCN). 10- K, Annual Financials, February 8, 2012.
Bloomberg Businessweek. 2012WM. 2012 SEC Filings - Waste Management Inc (WM). 10-K, Annual Financials, February 16, 2012.
Burgiel, Jonathan J. 2003. R.W. Beck, Inc. “Making Ends Meet When Revenues Start to Disappear”. October 2003.
Callan, S. J. and J. M. Thomas. 2006. “Analyzing Demand for Disposal and Recycling Services: A Systems Approach.” Eastern Economic Journal 32(2): 221-238.
Duffy, Daniel P. 2005a. MSW Management. “Landfill Economics Part II: Getting Down to Business”. June 2005. < _to_Busines_1513.aspx>.
Duffy, Daniel P. 2005b. MSW Management. “Landfill Economics Part III: Closing Up Shop”. August 2005. < Shop_1504.aspx>.
EnSol, Inc. 2010. “Cortland County Landfill Alternatives Analysis”. October 2010. <http://www.cortland- COUNTY LANDFILL ALTERNATIVES AN ALYSIS%20-%20FINAL%20REPORT%2010-15-10.pdf>.
Environmental Business International (EBI). 2012. “U.S. Solid Waste Industry Reaches $55 Billion in Revenues - Innovative conversion technologies poised to shake up the industry”. < innovative-conversion-technologies-poised-to-shake-up-the-industry>.
Fitzwater, Ryan. 2012. Seeking Alpha. “The Top Three Dividend Paying Waste Management Stocks”. May 21, 2012. < waste-management-stocks>.
Gerlat, Allan. 2012. “Veolia U.S. Solid Waste Operations Sold to Highstar’s Star Atlantic.” Waste Age. < sold-highstar-s-star-atlantic>.
Guyer, 2009. “Introduction to Sanitary Landfills.” J. Paul Guyer, CED Engineering. 2009. < Introduction To Sanitary Landfills. pdf>.
Intergovernmental Panel on Panel Climate Change, 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), 2007. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K and Reisinger, A. (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 104 pp.
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Department for Environmental Protection, Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Branch (KY SWB). 2012. “Landfill Permitting Overview”. Accessed December 4, 2012. Permitting Overview.pdf.
Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). 2012. “Estimated Costs of Landfill Closure”. Accessed December 4, 2012.
Callan, S.J. and J. M. Thomas. 2006. “Analyzing Demand for Disposal and Recycling Services: ‘A Systems Approach.” Eastern Economic Journal 32(2): 221-238.
Duffy, Daniel P. 2005a. MSW Management. “Landfill Economics Part II: Getting Down to Business”. June 2005. < Part_II_Getting Down
Duffy, Daniel P. 20056. MSW Management. “Landfill Economies Part III: Closing Up Shop”. August 2005. < Up.
EnSol, Inc. 2010. “Cortland County Landfill Alternatives Analysis”. October 2010. <http://www.cortland- COUNTY %20LANDFILL%20ALTERNATIVES%20AN ALYSIS%20-%20FINAL%20REPORT%2010-15-10.pdf>.
Environmental Business International (EBI). 2012. “U.S. Solid Waste Industry Reaches $55 Billion in Revenues - Innovative conversion technologies poised to shake up the industry”.
<htip:/ innovative-conversion-technologies-poised-to-shake-up-the-industry>.
Fitzwater, Ryan. 2012. Seeking Alpha. “The Top Three Dividend Paying Waste Management Stocks”. May 21, 2012. <
Gerlat, Allan. 2012. “Veolia U.S. Solid Waste Operations Sold to Highstar’s Star Atlantic.” Waste Age. <
Guyer, 2009. “Introduction to Sanitary Landfills.” J. Paul Guyer, CED Engineering. 2009. <hitp://www.cedengineering,com/upload/An%20Introduction%20T0%20Sanitary%20Landfills,
Intergovernmental Panel on Panel Climate Change, 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), 2007. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K and Reisinger, A. (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 104
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Department for Environmental Protection, Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Branch (KY SWB). 2012. “Landfill Permitting Overview”. Accessed December 4, 2012. Permitting 0verview.pdf.
Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). 2012. “Estimated Costs of Landfill Closure”. Accessed December 4, 2012.
National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA). 2008. “Modern Landfills: A Far Cry from the Past.” August 2008. < bulletin/Research-Bulletin-Modern-Landfill.pdf >.
National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA). 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facts.” October 2011. < bulletin/Municipal-Solid-Waste-Landfill-Facts.pdf>.
O’Brien, Jeremy K. 2006. “Contracting out: Adapting local integrated waste management to regional private landfill ownership.” Waste Management World. <http://www.waste- world/volume-7/issue-7/features/contracting-out-adapting-local-integrated-waste-management- to-regional-private-landfill-ownership.html>.
Palmer, Brian. 2011. “Go West, Garbage Can!” Slate. < _can.html>.
Repa, Edward W. National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA). 2005. “NSWMA’s 2005 Tip Fee Survey.” March 2005. < Fee-Bulletin-2005.pdf>.
Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). 2007. “The Regional Privately-Owned Landfill Trend and Its Impact on Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems.” February 2007.
U.S. Census Bureau. 2011. Government Employment & Payroll. 2011 Public Employment and Payroll Data, Local Governments.
U.S. Census Bureau. 2012. Economic Census: Industry Snapshot. Solid Waste Landfill (NAICS 562212). < name=ec@boc&filename=sal1.hrml&20120202092457.Var.NAICS2002=562212&forward=201 20202092457.Var.NAICS2002>
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1997. “Full Cost Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Handbook, Chapter 4: Allocating Costs.”
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1998. Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. “Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Chapter 2: Solid Waste Disposal, Section 2.4: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills”. November 1998.
National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA). 2008. “Modern Landfills: A Far
Cry from the Past.” August 2008. < bulletin/Research-Bulletin-Modern-Landfill.pdf >.
National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA). 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facts.” October 2011. <
O’Brien, Jeremy K. 2006. “Contracting out: Adapting local integrated waste management to regional private landfill ownership.” Waste Management World. <http://www…waste- management-world.convindex/display/article-display/271246/articles/waste-management- world/volume-7/issue-7/features/contracting-out-adapting-local-integrated-waste-management- to-regional-private-landfill-ownership.html>.
Palmer, Brian. 2011. “Go West, Garbage Can!” Slate. < can.html>.
Repa, Edward W. National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA). 2005. “NSWMA’s 2005 Tip Fee Survey.” March 2005. < Fee-Bulletin-2005.pdf>.
Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). 2007. “The Regional Privately-Owned Landfill Trend and Its Impact on Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems.” February 2007.
U.S. Census Bureau. 2011. Government Employment & Payroll. 2011 Public Employment and Payroll Data, Local Governments. <htip:// Hocus.txt>
U.S. Census Bureau. 2012. Economic Census: Industry Snapshot. Solid Waste Landfill (NAICS 562212). <http://smpbff! name=ec@boc&filename=sal | hrm1&20120202092457, Var NAICS2002=5622 12&forward=201 20202092457, Var, NAICS2002>
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1997. “Full Cost Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Handbook, Chapter 4: Allocating Costs.”
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1998. Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. “Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Chapter 2: Solid Waste Disposal, Section 2.4: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills”. November 1998.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2000. Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. “Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Chapter 3: Stationary Internal Combustion Sources, Section 3.1: Stationary Gas Turbines”. April 2000. <>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2002a. “Economic Impact Analysis for the Supplemental to the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) NESHAP.” December 2002.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2002b. Solid Waste and Emergency Response. “Waste Transfer Stations: A Manual for Decision-Making.”
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010a. Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model (LFGcost), Version 2.2. LMOP, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. July 2010.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010b. “Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 2009 Facts and Figures.”
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010c. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). “Landfill Gas Energy Project Development Handbook, Chapter 1: Landfill Gas Energy Basics.” September 2010.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010d. Landfill Gas Energy Project Development Handbook. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP), Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. January 2010.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA. Available at As obtained on October 30, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012a. Landfill Gas Energy: A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs. State and Local Climate and Energy Program, U.S. EPA.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012b. Landfill and LFG Energy Project Database. LMOP, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. October 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012c. “Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.” Last accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012d. “Closure and Post-Closure Care Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.”
USS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2000. Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. “Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Fifth Edition, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Chapter 3: Stationary Internal Combustion Sources, Section 3.1: Stationary Gas Turbines”. April 2000. <>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2002a. “Economic Impact Analysis for the Supplemental to the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) NESHAP.” December 2002. ‘< | /regdata/EIAs/MS WsupnoticeE IA final.pdf>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2002b. Solid Waste and Emergency Response. “Waste Transfer Stations: A Manual for Decision-Making.”
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010a. Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model (LFGcost), Version 2.2. LMOP, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. July 2010.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010b. “Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 2009 Facts and Figures.”
USS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010c. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). “Landfill Gas Energy Project Development Handbook, Chapter 1: Landfill Gas Energy Basics.” September 2010. < pdf>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010d. Landfill Gas Energy Project Development Handbook. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP), Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA.
January 2010.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2011. “Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States Tables and Figures for 2010.” EPA-530-F-11-005. Washington, DC: U.S. EPA. Available at As obtained on October 30, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012a. Landfill Gas Energy: A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs. State and Local Climate and Energy Program, U.S. EPA.
http:/hvww.epa.gow/statelocalclimate/documents/pdf/landfill_ methane_utilization.pdf
USS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012b. Landfill and LFG Energy Project Database. LMOP, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. October 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012c. “Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.” <htip://www.epa. gov/osw/nonhaz/municipal/landfill,htm>. Last accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012d. “Closure and Post-Closure Care Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.”
2-39 Last accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012e. “Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Bioreactors.” Last accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012f. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR). Web page: History of RCRA. Accessed November 14, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012g. OSWER, ORCR. Web page: Transfer Stations.
EPA. 2012i. Wastes – Non-Hazardous Waste – Municipal Solid Waste. “MSW Landfill Criteria Technical Manual”. Accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012j. “Wastes – Non-Hazardous Waste – Municipal Solid Waste. “Landfills.” Accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012k. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). “Frequent Questions: Landfill Gas”. Accessed December 3, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012l. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). “Basic Information”. Accessed December 3, 2012. < info/index.html>.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012m. “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2010. Chapter 8: Waste.” April 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012m. “Landfill and LFG Energy Project Database.” LMOP, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. December 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2014. “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2012. Chapter 8: Waste.” April 2014.
Waste Business Journal (WBJ). 2010. “Landfill Tipping Fees Reach New Record, Despite Slow Times”. August 17, 2010.
WBJ. 2012. “US Landfill Tipping Fees Reach $45 per Ton; Slow Volume Growth.” October 2, 2012.
/>. Last accessed on. December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012e. “Municipal Solid Waste Landfills:
Bioreactors.” Last accessed on December 4, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012f. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR). Web page: History of RCRA. Accessed November 14, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012g. OSWER, ORCR. Web page: Transfer Stations.
EPA. 2012i. Wastes - Non-Hazardous Waste ~ Municipal Solid Waste. “MSW Landfill Criteria Technical Manual”. Accessed on December 4, 2012. <http://www>.
USS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012). “Wastes ~ Non-Hazardous Waste Municipal Solid Waste. “Landfills.” Accessed on December 4, 2012. < htm>,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012k. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). “Frequent Questions: Landfill Gas”. Accessed December 3, 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 20121. Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). “Basic Information”. Accessed December 3, 2012. < info/index.html>.
US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012m. “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2010. Chapter 8: Waste.” April 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012m. “Landfill and LFG Energy Project Database.” LMOP, Climate Change Division, U.S. EPA. December 2012.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2014. “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2012. Chapter 8: Waste.” April 2014.|.
Waste Business Journal (WBJ). 2010. “Landfill Tipping Fees Reach New Record, Despite Slow Times”. August 17, 2010. http:/
WBJ. 2012. “US Landfill Tipping Fees Reach $45 per Ton; Slow Volume Growth.” October 2, 2012.
Wright, Shawn. 2012. Waste & Recycling News. “Tipping fees vary across the U.S.” July 20, 2012. < fees-vary-across-the-u-s>.
Wright, Shawn, 2012. Waste & Recycling News, “Tipping fees vary across the U.S.” July 20, 2012. <http:/ 1/120729997/tipping- fees-vary-across-the-u-s>.
3.1 Introduction
Currently, the NSPS requires landfills of at least 2.5 million megagrams (Mg) capacity
and 2.5 million cubic meters in size with estimated nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC)
emissions of at least 50 Mg per year to collect and control or treat landfill gas (LFG). Landfills
which meet the design size requirements but do not emit at least 50 Mg NMOC per year are
required to test and monitor. As part of this review, the EPA evaluated the emission reductions
and costs associated with a series of regulatory options. This section of the EIA includes three
sets of discussions related to the proposed new subpart of the NSPS:
Emissions Analysis
Engineering and Administrative Cost Analysis
Regulatory Option Analysis
This discussion of the emissions and cost analyses is meant to assist the reader of the EIA to
better understand the economic impact analysis. However, we provide references to the
technical memoranda prepared by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
for the reader interested in a greater level of detail.
3.2 General Assumptions and Procedures
The proposed new subpart will affect new landfills. New landfills are defined as landfills
that commence construction, reconstruction, or modification after the publication of this
proposed rule. The EPA is unable to exactly predict the physical attributes, location, and
ownership of landfills opened in the future. To assess the impacts of the proposal, the EPA drew
upon a comprehensive database of existing landfills to develop model landfills to represent new
landfills opening in the first 5 years after new subpart XXX is proposed (2014-2018). The model
future landfills were developed by evaluating the most recently opened existing landfills and
assuming that the sizes and locations of landfills opening in the future would be similar to the
sizes and locations of landfills that opened in the last 10 years. Based on this assessment, The
EPA created a total of 21 model landfills to represent landfills opening during the five years after
3.1. Introduction
Currently, the NSPS requires landfills of at least 2.5 million megagrams (Mg) capacity and 2.5 million cubic meters in size with estimated nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) emissions of at least 50 Mg per year to collect and control or treat landfill gas (LFG). Landfills which meet the design size requirements but do not emit at least 50 Mg NMOC per year are required to test and monitor. As part of this review, the EPA evaluated the emission reductions and costs associated with a series of regulatory options. This section of the EIA includes three sets of discussions related to the proposed new subpart of the NSPS:
© Emissions Analysis
© Engineering and Administrative Cost Analysis
- Regulatory Option Analysis
This discussion of the emissions and cost analyses is meant to assist the reader of the EIA to better understand the economic impact analysis. However, we provide references to the technical memoranda prepared by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
for the reader interested in a greater level of detail.
3.2 General Assumptions and Procedures
The proposed new subpart will affect new landfills. New landfills are defined as landfills that commence construction, reconstruction, or modification after the publication of this proposed rule. The EPA is unable to exactly predict the physical attributes, location, and ownership of landfills opened in the future. To assess the impacts of the proposal, the EPA drew upon a comprehensive database of existing landfills to develop model landfills to represent new landfills opening in the first 5 years after new subpart XXX is proposed (2014-2018). The model future landfills were developed by evaluating the most recently opened existing landfills and assuming that the sizes and locations of landfills opening in the future would be similar to the sizes and locations of landfills that opened in the last 10 years. Based on this assessment, The
EPA created a total of 21 model landfills to represent landfills opening during the five years after
proposal. The creation of the landfill dataset is detailed in the docketed memorandum,
“Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Reduction Analysis of Landfill
Regulations. 2014.” Data for existing landfills were obtained from a database maintained by
EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program, voluntary data submitted to the EPA by the landfill
industry as part of this rulemaking effort, and data from the EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting
To estimate the cost and emission impacts of each regulatory option, EPA determined
which of these model landfills met the design capacity and emission rate thresholds for each
regulatory option, then calculated the emission reductions and costs for each model landfill under
each regulatory option in 2023 using the methods described below. The resulting costs and
emission reductions incurred by each landfill were used to assess the overall impacts of the
current NSPS in the baseline and the incremental impacts of the regulatory options considered.
The emission reduction and cost and revenue equations and assumptions are detailed in the
docketed memorandum from ERG to EPA, “Methodology for Estimating Cost and Emission
Impacts of Proposed MSW Landfill Regulations. 2014.”
Although NSPS impacts are frequently examined over the first five years of rule
implementation, the EPA reviewed ten years (2014-2023) for this analysis and presents costs and
emission reductions for the year 2023. Due to the emission characteristics of landfills, five years
would not provide a representative population of landfills for evaluating alternative standards.
Landfills do not become subject to the control requirements of the standards on the date that they
begin operation. Instead, landfills exceeding the design capacity threshold become subject to
control requirements 30 months after the emissions exceed 50 Mg NMOC per year. It may take
well over five years for a newly constructed landfill to exceed the NMOC threshold, depending
on the rate of waste acceptance and other site-specific factors. Therefore, a five-year period for
evaluation of the rule would not capture the control costs incurred by landfills constructed during
the five-year period that would ultimately be subject to the landfills NSPS. Because the
applicability provisions are triggered relatively late in the ten year period considered, the EPA
presents costs and emission reductions for the year 2023. This is more representative of the
impacts of the rule than an annual average over this 10-year period, which would understate the
costs and emission reductions since many of the early years of this period (2014-2019) represent
no emission reductions or control costs.
proposal, The creation of the landfill dataset is detailed in the docketed memorandum, “Summary of Landfill Dataset Used in the Cost and Emission Reduction Analysis of Landfill Regulations. 2014.” Data for existing landfills were obtained from a database maintained by EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program, voluntary data submitted to the EPA by the landfill industry as part of this rulemaking effort, and data from the EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.
To estimate the cost and emission impacts of each regulatory option, EPA determined which of these model landfills met the design capacity and emission rate thresholds for each regulatory option, then calculated the emission reductions and costs for each model landfill under each regulatory option in 2023 using the methods described below. The resulting costs and emission reductions incurred by each landfill were used to assess the overall impacts of the current NSPS in the baseline and the incremental impacts of the regulatory options considered. The emission reduction and cost and revenue equations and assumptions are detailed in the docketed memorandum from ERG to EPA, “Methodology for Estimating Cost and Emission Impacts of Proposed MSW Landfill Regulations. 2014.”
Although NSPS impacts are frequently examined over the first five years of rule implementation, the EPA reviewed ten years (2014-2023) for this analysis and presents costs and emission reductions for the year 2023. Due to the emission characteristics of landfills, five years would not provide a representative population of landfills for evaluating alternative standards. Landfills do not become subject to the control requirements of the standards on the date that they begin operation, Instead, landfills exceeding the design capacity threshold become subject to control requirements 30 months after the emissions exceed 50 Mg NMOC per year. It may take well over five years for a newly constructed landfill to exceed the NMOC threshold, depending on the rate of waste acceptance and other site-specific factors. Therefore, a five-year period for evaluation of the rule would not capture the control costs incurred by landfills constructed during the five-year period that would ultimately be subject to the landfills NSPS. Because the applicability provisions are triggered relatively late in the ten year period considered, the EPA presents costs and emission reductions for the year 2023. This is more representative of the impacts of the rule than an annual average over this 10-year period, which would understate the costs and emission reductions since many of the early years of this period (2014-2019) represent
no emission reductions or control costs.
The emissions and cost modeling was based upon the following basic assumptions:
The baseline represents the emission reductions and costs associated with the
requirements of Subpart WWW. Each regulatory option was compared to this baseline.
Each landfill would install gas collection and control systems (GCCS) when the landfill
exceeds the emission rate and design capacity threshold.
Each landfill would remove GCCS when the actual emissions are below the emissions
threshold, the landfill is closed, and the controls have been in place for at least 15 years.
Costs were annualized using a 7 percent interest rate, which is consistent with EPA
guidance for cost evaluations.
Alternative regulatory options varied the emission rate thresholds and design capacity thresholds.
3.3 Emissions Analysis
To estimate emission reductions, the amount of LFG and NMOC emitted at each landfill
was estimated using a model programmed in Microsoft® Access. The model assumes that the
collection equipment is installed and operational at the landfill 30 months after the emissions
exceed the NMOC emission threshold in each option. As the landfill is filled over time, the
model assumes the landfill expands the GCCS into new areas of waste placement in accordance
with the expansion lag time of the standard. Once the landfill has reached the maximum gas
production and the gas production starts to decrease, the analysis assumes that the GCCS will
collect all of the collectable gas. The emission reductions are equal to the amount of collected
NMOC or methane that is combusted, which is estimated by multiplying the amount of collected
gas by a destruction efficiency of 98 percent.
3.4 Engineering and Administrative Cost Analysis
The evaluation will assume that landfills will install and remove LFG controls as required
by the rule. Landfills are required to install controls when the landfill exceeds the emission rate
and design capacity thresholds. Landfills are allowed to remove controls when the actual
emissions are below the emissions threshold, the landfill is closed, and the controls have been in
place for at least 15 years.
The emissions and cost modeling was based upon the following basic assumptions:
© The baseline represents the emission reductions and costs associated with the requirements of Subpart WWW. Each regulatory option was compared to this baseline.
© Each landfill would install gas collection and control systems (GCCS) when the landfill exceeds the emission rate and design capacity threshold.
- Each landfill would remove GCCS when the actual emissions are below the emissions threshold, the landfill is closed, and the controls have been in place for at least 15 years.
© Costs were annualized using a 7 percent interest rate, which is consistent with EPA
guidance for cost evaluations.
Alternative regulatory options varied the emission rate thresholds and design capacity thresholds.
3.3. Emissions Analysis
To estimate emission reductions, the amount of LFG and NMOC emitted at each landfill was estimated using a model programmed in Microsoft® Access. The model assumes that the collection equipment is installed and operational at the landfill 30 months after the emissions exceed the NMOC emission threshold in each option. As the landfill is filled over time, the model assumes the landfill expands the GCCS into new areas of waste placement in accordance with the expansion lag time of the standard. Once the landfill has reached the maximum gas
production and the gas production starts to decrease, the analysis assumes that the GCCS will
collect all of the collectable gas. The emi:
ion reductions are equal to the amount of collected NMOC or methane that is combusted, which is estimated by multiplying the amount of collected gas by a destruction efficiency of 98 percent.
3.4 Engineering and Administrative Cost Analysis
The evaluation will assume that landfills will install and remove LFG controls as required by the rule. Landfills are required to install controls when the landfill exceeds the emission rate
and design capacity thresholds. Landfills are allowed to remove controls when the actual
emissions are below the emissions threshold, the landfill is closed, and the controls have been in
place for at least 15 years.
The EPA derived the cost equations used in the evaluation from the EPA’s Landfill Gas
Energy Cost Model (LFGcost), version 2.2, which was developed by the EPA’s Landfill
Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). LFGcost estimates gas collection, flare, and energy
recovery system costs and was developed based on cost data obtained from equipment vendors
and consulting firms that have installed and operated numerous gas collection and control
systems. LFGcost encompasses the types of costs included in the EPA OAQPS control cost
manual including capital costs, annual costs, and recovery credits. Total capital costs include
purchased equipment costs, installation costs, engineering and design costs, costs for site
preparation and buildings, costs of permits and fees, and working capital. Total annual costs
include direct costs, indirect costs, and recovery credits. Direct annual costs are those that are
proportional to a facility-specific metric such as the facility’s productive output or size. Indirect
annual costs are independent of facility-specific metrics and may include categories such as
administrative charges, taxes, or insurance. Recovery credits are for materials or energy
recovered by the control system.
For this evaluation, the EPA assessed costs in 2012$. The costs included in LFGcost are
in 2008$. Therefore, the EPA multiplied all costs that are based on LFGcost data by an
escalation factor to convert them to 2012$. The EPA used an interest rate of 7% to annualize the
capital costs in this evaluation to estimate the annual capital cost of flares, wells, wellheads
(including piping to collect gas), and engines over the lifetime of the equipment. The EPA
assumes that the equipment will be replaced when its lifetime is over, so the annualized capital
costs are incurred as long as the landfill still has controls in place. In order to calculate the
annualization factors, the EPA assumes that flares, wells, well heads, and engines have a 15-year
lifetime. In addition, there is a mobilization/installation charge to bring well drilling equipment
on site each time the gas collection system is expanded. Because the landfill will be drilling
wells to expand the control system during the expansion lag year, EPA assumes that this capital
installation cost has a lifetime equal to the expansion lag time.
A number of the capital costs equations are dependent upon the number of wells at each
landfill. In order to estimate the number of wells at each landfill, EPA estimated the number of
acres that have been filled with waste for each landfill for each year. We assumed that the
percentage of design area filled (acres) would track the ratio of waste in place/design capacity
The EPA derived the cost equations used in the evaluation from the EPA’s Landfill Gas Energy Cost Model (LFGcost), version 2.2, which was developed by the EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP). LFGcost estimates gas collection, flare, and energy recovery system costs and was developed based on cost data obtained from equipment vendors and consulting firms that have installed and operated numerous gas collection and control systems. LFGcost encompasses the types of costs included in the EPA OAQPS control cost manual including capital costs, annual costs, and recovery credits. Total capital costs include purchased equipment costs, installation costs, engineering and design costs, costs for site preparation and buildings, costs of permits and fees, and working capital. Total annual costs include direct costs, indirect costs, and recovery credits. Direct annual costs are those that are proportional to a facility-specific metric such as the facility’s productive output or size. Indirect annual costs are independent of facility-specific metrics and may include categories such as administrative charges, taxes, or insurance. Recovery credits are for materials or energy recovered by the control system,
For this evaluation, the EPA assessed costs in 2012$. The costs included in LFGcost are in 2008S. Therefore, the EPA multiplied all costs that are based on LFGcost data by an escalation factor to convert them to 2012S. The EPA used an interest rate of 7% to annualize the capital costs in this evaluation to estimate the annual capital cost of flares, wells, wellheads (including piping to collect gas), and engines over the lifetime of the equipment. The EPA assumes that the equipment will be replaced when its lifetime is over, so the annualized capital costs are incurred as long as the landfill still has controls in place. In order to calculate the annualization factors, the EPA assumes that flares, wells, well heads, and engines have a 15-year lifetime. In addition, there is a mobilization/installation charge to bring well drilling equipment on site each time the gas collection system is expanded. Because the landfill will be drilling wells to expand the control system during the expansion lag year, EPA assumes that this capital installation cost has a lifetime equal to the expansion lag time
A number of the capital costs equations are dependent upon the number of wells at each landfill. In order to estimate the number of wells at each landfill, EPA estimated the number of acres that have been filled with waste for each landfill for each year. We assumed that the
percentage of design area filled (acres) would track the ratio of waste in place/design capacity
(e.g., is a landfill has a waste-in-place amount equivalent to 40% of design capacity, then 40% of
the planned acreage is filled). EPA assumed that each landfill would install one well per acre
and that the number of wells would increase periodically based on expansion lag time.
Engines are assumed to be installed only at landfills that produce enough LFG to power
the engine and only when the electricity buyback rates allow the operation of the engine to be
profitable. Standard engines used at landfills have approximately 1 MW capacity, which equates
to 195 million ft3 per year of collected LFG (at 50 percent methane). Therefore, engines are
assumed to be installed at landfills that have at least 195 million ft3 per year of collected LFG for
at least 15 years.
EPA calculated and summed the engine capital and operation and maintenance (O&M)
equations to determine at what electricity buyback rate an engine is profitable. The profitable
electricity buyback rates are rates that are greater than $0.0457 per kWh at 7%. Engines were
only assumed to be installed in states with buyback rates exceeding those values.
Multiple engines may be present at a landfill when there is sufficient gas flow to support
additional engines. As noted above, one engine requires 195 million ft3 per year of collected
LFG, so in order to have two engines on-site, the landfill must have double that amount of LFG
(390 million ft3 per year) for at least 15 years.
The capital costs for engines are based on the capital costs for standard reciprocating
engine-generator sets in LFGcost. These costs include gas compression and treatment to remove
particulates and moisture (e.g., a chiller), reciprocating engine and generator, electrical
interconnect equipment, and site work including housings, utilities, and total facility engineering,
design, and permitting.
3.5 Regulatory Baseline and Options
As mentioned before, the alternative regulatory options differ from the baseline by
varying in the design capacity thresholds and emission rate thresholds:
Baseline: design capacity retained at 2.5 Mg, emission threshold retained at 50 Mg NMOC/year
Alternative Option 3.0/40: raises design capacity to 3.0 Mg and emission threshold to 40 NMOC Mg/yr
(e.g., is a landfill has a waste-in-place amount equivalent to 40% of design capacity, then 40% of the planned acreage is filled). EPA assumed that each landfill would install one well per acre and that the number of wells would increase periodically based on expansion lag time
Engines are assumed to be installed only at landfills that produce enough LFG to power the engine and only when the electricity buyback rates allow the operation of the engine to be profitable. Standard engines used at landfills have approximately | MW capacity, which equates to 195 million ft° per year of collected LFG (at 50 percent methane). Therefore, engines are assumed to be installed at landfills that have at least 195 million ft per year of collected LFG for at least 15 years
EPA calculated and summed the engine capital and operation and maintenance (O&M) equations to determine at what electricity buyback rate an engine is profitable. The profitable electricity buyback rates are rates that are greater than $0.0457 per kWh at 7%. Engines were only assumed to be installed in states with buyback rates exceeding those values.
Multiple engines may be present at a landfill when there is sufficient gas flow to support additional engines. As noted above, one engine requires 195 million ft* per year of collected LEG, so in order to have two engines on-site, the landfill must have double that amount of LFG (390 million ft° per year) for at least 15 years.
The capital costs for engines are based on the capital costs for standard reciprocating engine-generator sets in LFGcost. These costs include gas compression and treatment to remove particulates and moisture (e.g., a chiller), reciprocating engine and generator, electrical interconnect equipment, and site work including housings, utilities, and total facility engineering,
design, and permitting.
3.5. Regulatory Baseline and Options
As mentioned before, the alternative regulatory options differ from the baseline by
varying in the design capacity thresholds and emission rate thresholds:
© Baseline: design capacity retained at 2.5 Mg, emission threshold retained at 50 Mg NMOC/year
- Alternative Option 3.0/40: raises design capacity to 3.0 Mg and emission threshold to 40 NMOC Mg/yr
Proposed Option 2.5/40: design capacity retained at 2.5 Mg, lowers emission threshold to 40 NMOC Mg/yr
Alternative Option 2.0/40: lowers design capacity to 2.0 Mg, emission threshold retained at 40 Mg NMOC/year
The baseline reflects the parameters of the current NSPS. In the baseline, the NSPS affects 17
new landfills, meaning that 17 of the 21 model landfills predicted using the methods described
earlier meet the design capacity thresholds of each option and would at a minimum have to
report their emissions during this period. In the baseline, 8 of these landfills would also install
controls by 2023. Additionally, while not quantified, the costs associated with the additionally
proposed changes to address other regulatory issues and clarifications are expected to be
Based on the characteristics of the projected landfills, the additional options presented in
Table 3-1 would require 11 landfills to install controls by 2023. Thus, 11 landfills would incur
costs and achieve emission reductions by 2023 under all of the more stringent options, compared
with 8 landfills under the baseline option.
Table 3-1 Number of Affected New Landfills under the Baseline and Alternative Options
Affected New Landfills (no.)
Landfills Affected*
Landfills Reporting but
Not Controlling Emissions
Landfills Controlling Emissions
Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m3 design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC Baseline 17 9 8
Incremental values versus the current NSPS
Alternative option 3.0/40 0 -3 3
Proposed option 2.5/40 0 -3 3
Alternative option 2.0/40 1 -2 3
- Not all new projected new landfills are predicted to be affected by the NSPS in the baseline.
Although only three additional landfills require control in the alternative options when
compared to the baseline, each of these options would reduce emissions from other landfills
© Proposed Option 2.5/40: design capacity retained at 2.5 Mg, lowers emission threshold to. 40 NMOC Mg/yr
- Alternative Option 2.0/40: lowers design capacity to 2.0 Mg, emission threshold retained at 40 Mg NMOC/year
The baseline reflects the parameters of the current NSPS. In the baseline, the NSPS affects 17 new landfills, meaning that 17 of the 21 model landfills predicted using the methods described carlier meet the design capacity thresholds of each option and would at a minimum have to report their emissions during this period. In the baseline, 8 of these landfills would also install controls by 2023. Additionally, while not quantified, the costs associated with the additionally proposed changes to address other regulatory issues and clarifications are expected to be minimal.
Based on the characteristics of the projected landfills, the additional options presented in Table 3-1 would require 11 landfills to install controls by 2023. Thus, 11 landfills would incur costs and achieve emission reductions by 2023 under all of the more stringent options, compared
with 8 landfills under the baseline option.
Table 3-1 Number of Affected New Landfills under the Baseline and Alternative Options
Affected New Landfills (no.)
Landfills Reporting but Landfills
Landfills Not Controlling Controlling
Affected* Emissions Emissions
Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m° design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC
Baseline 17 9 8
Incremental values versus the current NSPS
Alternative option 3.0/40 0 3 3 Proposed option 2.5/40 0 3 3 Alternative option 2.0/40 1 2 3
- Not all new projected new landfills are predicted to be affected by the NSPS in the baseline.
Although only three additional landfills require control in the alternative options when
compared to the baseline, each of these options would reduce emissions from other landfills
because lower NMOC emission thresholds would subject landfills to the control requirements at
an earlier date.
Under the proposed option 2.5/40 and the two alternative options considered (alternative
options 3.0/40 and 2.0/40), three additional landfills would be required to install controls by
- The reductions achieved under each option are the same because each option has the same
NMOC threshold trigger of 40 Mg/yr. The corresponding emission reductions would be an
additional 79 Mg NMOC, 12,000 Mg methane, and 308,000 Mg CO2-e compared the baseline in
- The wide range in magnitude of emission reductions among pollutants is due to the
composition of landfill gas: NMOC represents less than 1 percent of landfill gas, while methane
represents approximately 50 percent. Each of these options represents approximately a 13
percent reduction beyond the current NSPS.
Table 3-2 Estimated Annual Average Emissions Reductions for the Baseline and Alternative Options
Annual Average Reduction (Mg)
NMOC Methane
(in CO2-
Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m3 design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC Baseline 610 95,000 2,400,000
Incremental values versus the current NSPS
Alternative option 3.0/40 79 12,000 308,000
Proposed option 2.5/40 79 12,000 308,000
Alternative option 2.0/40 79 12,000 308,000
*A global warming potential of 25 is used to convert methane to CO2-equivalents.
Under the proposed option 2.5/40 and the alternative option 3.0/40, the additional cost in
2023 would be $471,000 (Table 3-3). The cost is identical for these two options because all of
the projected new landfills that exceed the NMOC thresholds have a design capacity greater than
3.0 million Mg. Based on the characteristics of recently constructed landfills, it is likely that
most new landfills will be larger sites and therefore reducing the design capacity threshold is not
likely to have any impact. The 2023 cost of alternative option 2.0/40 is only $1,700 higher, at
$473,000 due to additional reporting costs for one landfill that is projected to exceed the lowered
because lower NMOC emission thresholds would subject landfills to the control requirements at an earlier date.
Under the proposed option 2.5/40 and the two alternative options considered (alternative options 3.0/40 and 2.0/40), three additional landfills would be required to install controls by 2023. The reductions achieved under each option are the same because each option has the same NMOC threshold trigger of 40 Mg/yr. The corresponding emission reductions would be an additional 79 Mg NMOC, 12,000 Mg methane, and 308,000 Mg CO;-e compared the baseline in 2023. The wide range in magnitude of emission reductions among pollutants is due to the composition of landfill gas: NMOC represents less than I percent of landfill gas, while methane represents approximately 50 percent. Each of these options represents approximately a 13
percent reduction beyond the current NSPS.
Table 3-2 Estimated Annual Average Emissions Reductions for the Baseline and Alternative Options
Annual Average Reduction (Mg)
Methane (in CO2- NMOC Methane _equivalents)* Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m° design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC Baseline 610 95,000 2,400,000 Incremental values versus the current NSPS Alternative option 3.0/40 9 12,000 308,000 Proposed option 2.5/40 79 12,000 308,000 Alternative option 2.0/40 79 12,000 308,000
*A global warming potential of 25 is used to convert methane to CO;-equivalents,
Under the proposed option 2.5/40 and the alternative option 3.0/40, the additional cost in 2023 would be $471,000 (Table 3-3). The cost is identical for these two options because all of the projected new landfills that exceed the NMOC thresholds have a design capacity greater than 3.0 million Mg. Based on the characteristics of recently constructed landfills, it is likely that most new landfills will be larger sites and therefore reducing the design capacity threshold is not likely to have any impact. The 2023 cost of alternative option 2.0/40 is only $1,700 higher, at
$473,000 due to additional reporting costs for one landfill that is projected to exceed the lowered
design capacity thresholds but not the NMOC threshold. All of these options represent
approximately 17 percent in additional costs beyond the baseline.
Table 3-3 Estimated Engineering Compliance Costs for the Baseline and Alternative Options
Estimated Annualized Net Cost (2012 dollars) Testing and Monitoring
Costs Control Costs
Revenue from Beneficial Projects Net Cost
Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m3 design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC Baseline 66,000 24,000,000 21,300,000 2,700,000
Incremental values versus the current NSPS Alternative option 3.0/40 6,000 3,200,000 2,700,000 471,000 Proposed option 2.5/40 6,000 3,200,000 2,700,000 471,000 Alternative option 2.0/40 7,600 3,200,000 2,700,000 473,000 Note: all total are independently rounded and might not sum.
In terms of cost effectiveness, the overall average cost effectiveness for NMOC reductions is
$4,400 per Mg NMOC under the baseline and $6,000 per Mg NMOC under the proposed option
2.5/40 and alternative option 3.0/40 (Table 3-4). For alternative option 2.0/40, however, there are
additional reporting requirements for one landfill affected by this option that would result in
marginally higher actual cost effectiveness than the proposed option 2.5/40. The docketed memo
“Methodology for Estimating Testing and Monitoring Costs for MSW Landfill Regulations.
2014.” contains the details for determining the costs that a landfill would incur to conduct testing
and monitoring.
design capacity thresholds but not the NMOC threshold. Alll of these options represent
approximately 17 percent in additional costs beyond the baseline.
Table 3-3 Estimated Engineering Compliance Costs for the Baseline and Alternative Options
Estimated Annualized Net Cost (2012 dollars)
Testing and Revenue from Monitoring Beneficial Costs Control Costs__ Projects Net Cost
Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m’ design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC
Baseline 66,000 24,000,000. 21,300,000. 2,700,000
Incremental values versus the current NSPS
Alternative option 3.0/40. 6,000 3,200,000 2,700,000, 471,000 Proposed option 2.5/40 6,000 3,200,000 2,700,000, 471,000 Alternative option 2.0/40 7,600 3,200,000 2,700,000, 473,000
Note: all total are independently rounded and might not sum.
In terms of cost effectiveness, the overall average cost effectiveness for NMOC reductions is $4,400 per Mg NMOC under the baseline and $6,000 per Mg NMOC under the proposed option 2.5/40 and alternative option 3.0/40 (Table 3-4). For alternative option 2.0/40, however, there are additional reporting requirements for one landfill affected by this option that would result in marginally higher actual cost effectiveness than the proposed option 2.5/40. The docketed memo “Methodology for Estimating Testing and Monitoring Costs for MSW Landfill Regulations. 2014.” contains the details for determining the costs that a landfill would incur to conduct testing
and monitoring,
Table 3-4 Estimated Cost-effectiveness for the Baseline and Alternative Options
Cost-effectiveness (2012 dollars per Mg)*
NMOC Methane
(in CO2-
Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m3 design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC Baseline 4,400 29 1.1
Incremental values versus the current NSPS
Alternative option 3.0/40 6,000 38 1.5
Proposed option 2.5/40 6,000 38 1.5
Alternative option 2.0/40 6,000 38 1.5
Note: The cost-effectiveness of NMOC and methane are estimated as if all of the control cost were attributed to each
pollutant separately.
The average cost-effectiveness of controlling methane is significantly lower than for NMOC
because methane constitutes approximately 50 percent of landfill gas, while NMOC represents
less than 1 percent of landfill gas.
The EPA considered even more stringent alternatives in its analysis of control options
that may achieve additional reductions of NMOC and methane. For example, reducing the
NMOC threshold further from the 40 Mg/yr in option 2.0/40 to 34 Mg/yr in an alternative option
2.0/34 would achieve additional NMOC and methane reductions over the next 10 years.
Additional emission reductions would be achieved because the lower NMOC threshold would
require earlier installation of controls. The average annualized cost to implement alternative
option 2.0/34 would be higher than proposed option 2.5/40 over a 10-year period.
Table 3-4 Estimated Cost-effectiveness for the Baseline and Alternative Options
Cost-effectiveness (2012 dollars per Mg)*
Methane (in CO>- NMOC Methane equivalents)* Current NSPS = 2.5 million Mg and m° design capacity and 50 Mg/yr NMOC Baseline 4,400 29 in Incremental values versus the current NSPS Alternative option 3.0/40 6,000 38 1S Proposed option 2.5/40 6,000 38 1S Alternative option 2.0/40 6,000 38 LS
Note: The cost-effectiveness of NMOC and methane are estimated as if all of the control cost were attributed to each pollutant separately.
The average cost-effectiveness of controlling methane is significantly lower than for NMOC because methane constitutes approximately 50 percent of landfill gas, while NMOC represents less than 1 percent of landfill gas.
‘The EPA considered even more stringent alternatives in its analysis of control options that may achieve additional reductions of NMOC and methane. For example, reducing the NMOC threshold further from the 40 Mg/yr in option 2.0/40 to 34 Mg/yr in an alternative option 2.0/34 would achieve additional NMOC and methane reductions over the next 10 years. ‘Additional emission reductions would be achieved because the lower NMOC threshold would require earlier installation of controls. The average annualized cost to implement alternative
option 2.0/34 would be higher than proposed option 2.5/40 over a 10-year period,
4.1 Economic Impact Analysis
The impacts shown of the proposal reflect the incremental difference between facilities in
the baseline and for an option that reduces the NMOC emission rate threshold to 40 Mg/yr from
the current NSPS level of 50 Mg/yr (proposed option 2.5/40). The proposal retains the design
capacity threshold of 2.5 million Mg or 2.5 million cubic feet.
Because the proposed option 2.5/40 tightens the criteria for installing and expanding the
gas collection and control system, there are incremental costs associated with capturing and/or
utilizing the additional LFG under this more stringent option. These costs were shown in Section
3 of this EIA to be about $471,000 in 2023.
Because of the relatively low cost of proposed option 2.5/40 and the lack of appropriate
economic parameters or model, the EPA is unable to estimate the impacts of the options on the
supply and demand for MSW landfill services. Additionally, while not quantified, the costs
associated with the additionally proposed technical amendments to address other regulatory
issues and clarifications are expected to be minimal.
Because the relatively low incremental costs of the proposed option 2.5/40, the EPA does
not believe the proposal would lead to changes in supply and demand for landfill services or
waste disposal costs, tipping fees, or the amount of waste disposed in landfills. Hence, the
overall economic impact of the proposal should be minimal on the affected industries and their
4.2 Small Business Impacts Analysis
The Regulatory Flexibility Act as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act (SBREFA) generally requires an agency to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis
of any rule subject to notice and comment rulemaking requirements under the Administrative
Procedure Act or any other statute, unless the agency certifies that the rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small entities include
small businesses, small governmental jurisdictions, and small not-for-profit enterprises.
The impacts shown of the proposal reflect the incremental difference between facilities in the baseline and for an option that reduces the NMOC emission rate threshold to 40 Mg/yr from the current NSPS level of 50 Mg/yr (proposed option 2.5/40). The proposal retains the design capacity threshold of 2.5 million Mg or 2.5 million cubic feet.
Because the proposed option 2.5/40 tightens the criteria for installing and expanding the
gas collection and control system, there are incremental costs associated with capturing and/or
utilizing the additional LFG under this more stringent option. These costs were shown in Section 3 of this EIA to be about $471,000 in 2023.
Because of the relatively low cost of proposed option 2.5/40 and the lack of appropriate economic parameters or model, the EPA is unable to estimate the impacts of the options on the supply and demand for MSW landfill services. Additionally, while not quantified, the costs associated with the additionally proposed technical amendments to address other regulatory issues and clarifications are expected to be minimal.
Because the relatively low incremental costs of the proposed option 2.5/40, the EPA does not believe the proposal would lead to changes in supply and demand for landfill services or waste disposal costs, tipping fees, or the amount of waste disposed in landfills. Hence, the overall economic impact of the proposal should be minimal on the affected industries and their
4.2. Small Business Impacts Analysis
The Regulatory Flexibility Act as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) generally requires an agency to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to notice and comment rulemaking requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other statute, unless the agency certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small entities include
small businesses, small governmental jurisdictions, and small not-for-profit enterprises.
After considering the economic impact of the final rules on small entities for the
proposal, the analysis indicates that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities (or “SISNOSE”). The supporting analyses for these
determinations are presented in this section of the EIA.
For purposes of assessing the impact of the proposed amendments on small entities, a
small entity is defined as: (1) A small business that is primarily engaged in the collection and
disposal of refuse in a landfill operation as defined by NAICS codes 562212 with annual receipts
less than $35.5 million; (2) a small governmental jurisdiction that is a government of a city,
county, town, school district or special district with a population of less than 50,000, and (3) a
small organization that is any not-for-profit enterprise that is independently owned and operated
and is not dominant in its field.
The analysis provides the EPA with an estimate of the magnitude of impacts the proposal
may have on the entities that own facilities the EPA expects might be impacted by the rule. The
analysis focuses on small entities because they may have more difficulty complying with a new
regulation or affording the costs associated with meeting the new standard. This section presents
the data sources used in the analysis, the methodology we applied to develop estimates of
impacts, the results of the analysis, and conclusions drawn from the results.
This small entity impacts analysis relies upon a series of firm-level sales tests for entities
that are likely to be associated with NAICS code 562212. Because the exact specifications of
future landfills are unknown, EPA developed 21 model landfills and assumed that these landfills
would be financially and operationally similar to those that have opened in the preceding 10
years. For this analysis, the EPA obtained firm-level employment and revenues for all 21 model
landfills from Hoovers, a database of business information. Based on these historical data, the
EPA identified four model landfills that would be classified as small entities and none that would
be classified as small governments. The EPA then estimated firm-level compliance cost impacts
and calculated cost-to-revenue ratios to identify small firms that might be significantly impacted
by the rules.
For the sales test, we divided the estimates of annualized establishment compliance costs
by estimates of firm revenue. This is known as the cost-to-revenue ratio, or the “sales test.” The
“sales test” is the impact methodology the EPA employs in analyzing small entity impacts as
opposed to a “profits test,” in which annualized compliance costs are calculated as a share of
After considering the economic impact of the final rules on small entities for the proposal, the analysis indicates that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities (or “SISNOSE”). The supporting analyses for these determinations are presented in this section of the EIA.
For purposes of assessing the impact of the proposed amendments on small entities, a small entity is defined as: (1) A small business that is primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse in a landfill operation as defined by NAICS codes 562212 with annual receipts less than $35.5 million; (2) a small governmental jurisdiction that is a government of a city, county, town, school district or special district with a population of less than 50,000, and (3) a small organization that is any not-for-profit enterprise that is independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field.
The analysis provides the EPA with an estimate of the magnitude of impacts the proposal may have on the entities that own facilities the EPA expects might be impacted by the rule, The analysis focuses on small entities because they may have more difficulty complying with a new regulation or affording the costs associated with meeting the new standard. This section presents the data sources used in the analysis, the methodology we applied to develop estimates of
, the results of the analysis, and conclusions drawn from the results.
This small entity impacts analysis relies upon a series of firm-level sales tests for entities that are likely to be associated with NAICS code 562212. Because the exact specifications of future landfills are unknown, EPA developed 21 model landfills and assumed that these landfills would be financially and operationally similar to those that have opened in the preceding 10 years. For this analysis, the EPA obtained firm-level employment and revenues for all 21 model landfills from Hoovers, a database of business information. Based on these historical data, the EPA identified four model landfills that would be classified as small entities and none that would be classified as small governments. The EPA then estimated firm-level compliance cost impacts and calculated cost-to-revenue ratios to identify small firms that might be significantly impacted by the rules.
For the sales test, we divided the estimates of annualized establishment compliance costs
by estimates of firm revenue. This is known as the cost-to-revenue ratio, or the “sales test.” The
“sales test” is the impact methodology the EPA employs in analyzing small entity impacts as
opposed to a “profits test,” in which annualized compliance costs are calculated as a share of
profits. The use of a “sales test” for estimating small business impacts for a rulemaking such as
this one is consistent with guidance offered by the EPA on compliance with SBREFA5 and is
consistent with guidance published by the U.S. SBA’s Office of Advocacy that suggests that cost
as a percentage of total revenues is a metric for evaluating cost increases on small entities in
relation to increases on large entities.6
The small entities subject to the requirements of this proposed rule may include private
small businesses and small governmental jurisdictions that own or operate landfills. Although it
is unknown how many new landfills will be owned or operated by small entities, recent trends in
the waste industry have been towards consolidated ownership among larger companies. The EPA
has determined that approximately 10 percent of the existing landfills subject to similar
regulations (40 CFR Part 60 subparts WWW and Cc or the corresponding State or Federal plan)
are small entities.
Only one of the four small landfills was predicted to be incrementally affected by the
proposal in 2023. The screening analysis compared estimated compliance costs in 2023 for the
proposal to company sales based on historical data. The ratio of compliance cost to company
revenue was 12 percent in 2023 for the incrementally affected small entity.
To determine whether the impacts estimated for 2023 are representative of longer-term
impacts to small landfills, the EPA further investigated 30 years of cost information (2014-2043)
for the four small model landfills. Over the 30-year time frame, two small landfills are never
incrementally affected by the proposal. Descriptive statistics for the two impacted landfills are
shown in Table 4-1. One landfill has impacts of up to 12 percent (as described above), but
impacts of this magnitude only occur in two years of the 30 years. In general, average impacts
over the 30-year timeframe are approximately 1 percent or less and maximum impacts are less
than 3 percent. In some years, incremental impacts are negative, indicating that the proposed
provisions are less costly than the baseline NSPS.
5 The SBREFA compliance guidance to EPA rulewriters regarding the types of small business analysis that should
be considered can be found at 6U.S. SBA, Office of Advocacy. A Guide for Government Agencies, How to Comply with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, Implementing the President’s Small Business Agenda and Executive Order 13272, June 2010.
profits. The use of a “sales test” for estimating small business impacts for a rulemaking such as this one is consistent with guidance offered by the EPA on compliance with SBREFA‘ and is consistent with guidance published by the U.S. SBA’s Office of Advocacy that suggests that cost as a percentage of total revenues is a metric for evaluating cost increases on small entities in relation to increases on large entities.°
The small entities subject to the requirements of this proposed rule may include private small businesses and small governmental jurisdictions that own or operate landfills. Although it is unknown how many new landfills will be owned or operated by small entities, recent trends in the waste industry have been towards consolidated ownership among larger companies. The EPA. has determined that approximately 10 percent of the existing landfills subject to similar regulations (40 CFR Part 60 subparts WWW and Ce or the corresponding State or Federal plan)
are small entities.
Only one of the four small landfills was predicted to be incrementally affected by the proposal in 2023. The screening analysis compared estimated compliance costs in 2023 for the proposal to company sales based on historical data. The ratio of compliance cost to company revenue was 12 percent in 2023 for the incrementally affected small entity
To determine whether the impacts estimated for 2023 are representative of longer-term impacts to small landfills, the EPA further investigated 30 years of cost information (2014-2043) for the four small model landfills. Over the 30-year time frame, two small landfills are never incrementally affected by the proposal. Descriptive statistics for the two impacted landfills are shown in Table 4-1. One landfill has impacts of up to 12 percent (as described above), but impacts of this magnitude only occur in two years of the 30 years. In general, average impacts over the 30-year timeframe are approximately 1 percent or less and maximum impacts are less than 3 percent. In some years, incremental impacts are negative, indicating that the proposed
provisions are less costly than the baseline NSPS.
- The SBREFA compliance guidance to EPA rulewriters regarding the types of small business analysis that should be considered can be found at <’rfaguidance | 1-00-06.pdt>
“US. SBA, Office of Advocacy. A Guide for Government Agencies, How to Comply with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Implementing the President’s Small Business Agenda and Executive Order 13272, June 2010,
Table 4-1. Descriptive Statistics for Impacts to Small Entities, 2014-2043
2014-2023 2024-2033 2034-2043
Future Landfill 9
Average - 0.9% -0.01% Minimum - - -0.01% Maximum - 2.3% -0.01%
Future Landfill 19
Average 1.2% 0.8% 0.0% Minimum - -3.2% -2.7% Maximum 11.9% 11.9% 2.8%
The impacts presented in Table 4-1 do not include testing and monitoring costs because
this information is only available for 2023. Because these are low relative to the other costs of
the rule, we do not expect this would impact the overall conclusions of the analysis.
Additionally, impacts are calculated for all years using a single year of revenue for the model
landfill. The actual impacts will be affected by future changes in revenue.
Based upon this analysis, we conclude there will not be SISNOSE arising from this
proposal. First, these proposed revisions do not impact a substantial number of small entities.
Only two small entities are potentially impacted, which does not constitute a substantial number.
Additionally, the impacts to these small entities are not significant. Only one of the two landfills
has impacts greater than 3 percent of sales in two of the 30 years examined. The costs incurred
by small entities are the result of having to install controls earlier than would have been the case
under the existing NSPS. (These costs would have been incurred in later years under the existing
NSPS.) There will continue be a lag between the opening of the landfill and the implementation
of controls during which the site will be generating revenue through tipping fees. This analysis
only considers control costs and revenues associated with the collection of landfill gas and does
not estimate the future collection of tipping fees which will be set at a level adequate to plan for
known, future requirements.
Given the trend toward larger landfills owned by large entities, it is likely that there will
be fewer small landfills in the future than in data from the past five years. Additionally, while we
assume that the new landfills will be financially and operationally similar to recently opened
landfills, numerous factors could influence the actual size, location, and revenue of landfills that
open in the future. The model landfills are based on landfills currently in operation that will not
be subject to the proposed revisions. All small landfills that will be subject to these proposed
Table 4-1. Descriptive Statistics for Impacts to Small Entities, 2014-2043
2014-2023 2024-2033 2034-2043 ‘Average - 0.9% 0.01%
Future Fang yfinimum : : 0.01% Maximum : 2.3% 0.01% Average 1.2% 0.8% 0.0%
Fore (inet Minimum - 3.2% 2.7% Maximum 11.9% 11.9% 2.8%
The impacts presented in Table 4-1 do not include testing and monitoring costs because this information is only available for 2023. Because these are low relative to the other costs of the rule, we do not expect this would impact the overall conclusions of the analysis. Additionally, impacts are calculated for all years using a single year of revenue for the model landfill. The actual impacts will be affected by future changes in revenue.
Based upon this analysis, we conclude there will not be SISNOSE arising from this proposal. First, these proposed revisions do not impact a substantial number of small entities. Only two small entities are potentially impacted, which does not constitute a substantial number. Additionally, the impacts to these small entities are not significant. Only one of the two landfills has impacts greater than 3 percent of sales in two of the 30 years examined. The costs incurred by small entities are the result of having to install controls earlier than would have been the case under the existing NSPS. (These costs would have been incurred in later years under the existing NSPS.) There will continue be a lag between the opening of the landfill and the implementation of controls during which the site will be generating revenue through tipping fees. This analysis only considers control costs and revenues associated with the collection of landfill gas and does not estimate the future collection of tipping fees which will be set at a level adequate to plan for known, future requirements.
Given the trend toward larger landfills owned by large entities, it is likely that there will be fewer small landfills in the future than in data from the past five years. Additionally, while we assume that the new landfills will be financially and operationally similar to recently opened landfills, numerous factors could influence the actual size, location, and revenue of landfills that open in the future. The model landfills are based on landfills currently in operation that will not
be subject to the proposed revisions. All small landfills that will be subject to these proposed
revisions will make decisions about their development and operations with full knowledge of the
requirements proposed.
Although not required by the RFA to convene a Small Business Advocacy Review
(SBAR) Panel because the EPA has now determined that this proposal would not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities, EPA had originally
convened a panel to obtain advice and recommendations from small entity representatives
potentially subject to this rule’s requirements. The panel was not formally concluded; however a
summary of the outreach conducted and the written comments submitted by the small entity
representatives that the SBAR Panel consulted can be found in the docket for this rulemaking.7
Although this proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number
of small entities, the EPA nonetheless has tried to reduce the impact of this rule on small entities.
7 See Docketed memorandum: Small Entity Outreach. 2014.
revisions will make decisions about their development and operations with full knowledge of the requirements proposed.
Although not required by the RFA to convene a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel because the EPA has now determined that this proposal would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities, EPA had originally convened a panel to obtain advice and recommendations from small entity representatives potentially subject to this rule’s requirements. The panel was not formally concluded; however a summary of the outreach conducted and the written comments submitted by the small entity representatives that the SBAR Panel consulted can be found in the docket for this rulemaking.’ Although this proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number
of small entities, the EPA nonetheless has tried to reduce the impact of this rule on small entities.
” See Docketed memorandum: Small Entity Outreach, 2014,