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SWVA-Regional-Wastewater-Study Water Source Alternatives

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9.1 Description of Water Source Alternatives … 1

9.1.1 Introduction … 1

9.1.2 Groundwater Sources … 2

9.1.3 Reservoir/WTP Alternatives: … 3

9.1.4 River or Stream Intake Alternatives … 3

9.1.5 Interconnection Alternatives … 3

9.1.6 Reuse and Recycling … 4

9.1.7 Water Demand Management … 4

9.2 Evaluation of Alternatives … 5

9.2.1 Overview of Screening Criteria … 5

9.2.2 Applicability … 6

9.2.3 Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity … 7

9.2.4 Environmental Impacts … 8

9.2.5 Human Impacts … 9

9.2.6 Relative Cost … 9

9.2.7 Availability … 9

9.2.8 Summary of Evaluation … 10

9.3 Description of Water Source Alternatives for the Cumberland Plateau … 11

9.3.1 Introduction … 11

9.4 Description of Water Source Alternatives for LENOWISCO … 17

9.4.1 Introduction … 17






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Description of Water Source Alternatives 1 Introduction. Groundwater Sources

Reservoir/WTP Alternatives:… River or Stream Intake Alternatives

Interconnection Alternatives. Reuse and Recycling, 7 Water Demand Management . Evaluation of Alternatives… 1 Overview of Screening Criteria Applicability Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity. Environmental Impacts Human Impacts Relative Cost Availability … Sunimary of Evaluation Description of Watet Source Alternatives for the Cumberland Plateau 9.341 Introduction… ses Description of Water Source Alternatives for LENOWISCO DAA InttOdUCtiON essere

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Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 1 Section 9

Job No. B06226-03


9.1 Description of Water Source Alternatives

9.1.1 Introduction

Water supply source alternatives have been studied by some members of the MRPDC Region as

a part of their individual water supply planning processes. In order to thoroughly assess the water

source alternatives for the Region as a whole, potential alternatives were re-evaluated in this

Plan. This may include alternatives that individual communities have already eliminated from

their plans, as well as alternatives that are currently being implemented. Because this Plan is a

living document, future updates to the list of water supply alternatives may include new

alternatives that have not been identified in this version of the Plan.

The water source alternatives are broken down by type of alternative, since one particular

alternative may benefit more than one of the MRPDC members. The categories of alternatives

include the following:

Groundwater Sources

Reservoir/Surface Water Impoundments/WTP

River or Stream Intakes


Reuse and Recycling (an alternative to reduce demand)

Demand Management

Based on Section 8.0, the need for some form of future water supply alternative are limited to

Washington County and the Towns of Saltville and Wytheville since these localities are the only

localities within the MRPDC Region that are projected to experience a water supply deficit by

2060 or before. Also, although many of the water supply concerns with this region have been

implemented either through the building of the New River Regional Water Authority Water

Treatment Plant (NRRWA WTP) or the interconnecting of various systems within the region,

interconnections and water purchasing are viable options for any locality in this water supply


9.0 WATER SOURCE ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION 9.1 Description of Water Source Alternatives 9.1.1 Introduction

Water supply source alternatives have been studied by some members of the MRPDC Region as a part of their individual water supply planning processes. In order to thoroughly assess the water source alternatives for the Region as a whole, potential alternatives were re-eValuated in this Plan. This may include alternatives that individual communities have already eliminated from their plans, as well as alternatives that are currently being implemented. Because this Plan is a living document, future updates to the list of water supply alternatives may include new

alternatives that have not been identified in this version of the Plan.

The water source alternatives are broken down by type of alternative, since one particular alternative may benefit more than one of the MRPDC members. ‘The categories of alternatives

include the following:

Groundwater Sources Reservoir/Surface Water Impoundments/WTP

River or Stream Intakes


Reuse and Recy¢ling (an alternative to reduce demand) Demand Management


Based on Section 8.0, the need for some form of future water supply alternative are limited to Washington County and’the Towns of Saltville and Wytheville since these localities are the only localities within the MRPDC Region that are projected to experience a water supply deficit by 2060 or before. Also, although many of the water supply concerns with this region have been implemented either through the building of the New River Regional Water Authority Water Treatment Plant (NRRWA WTP) or the interconnecting of various systems within the region, interconnections and water purchasing are viable options for any locality in this water supply


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9.1.2 Groundwater Sources

Washington County

Washington County relies on the Mendota Well in the lower Poore Valley for 0.006 MGD and

two spring sources, Reservation and Cole Springs for 0.86 MGD and 1.1 MGD respectively.

Currently, the County’s Mill Creek WTP is capable of producing 2.5 MGD, but the Cole Spring

allocation is only 1.1 MGD. If the County increased VDH permitted capacity from Cole Spring,

overall capacity would go from 6.5 MGD to 8 MGD, thereby supplying the county with a surplus

until 2020, at which time, the County would need to explore other source water options.

Town of Saltville

The Town of Saltville currently maintains two groundwater wells and one spring. The

groundwater wells, Cardwell Well and Well No. 10, produce a collective total of 1.04 MGD and

Witt Spring produces an additional 0.12 MGD. VDH permitted capacities of the Town’s three

sources only allows withdrawal of 0.58 MGD, which puts the Town in a deficit. If the Town

were to upgrade current VDH withdrawal permits to account for the total of the source design

capacities (1.16 MGD), the Town would experience a surplus of 0.27 MGD as well as

experience surplus into 2049 at which point, alternative sources of water would need to be

explored. It should be noted that this information is based on knowledge associated with actual

withdrawals, actual capacities were not provided by the Town.

Town of Wytheville

The Town of Wytheville does not maintain a groundwater source. Water is supplied to the Town

by the New River Regional Water Authority (NRRWA) WTP as described in Section 9.1.3;

therefore, the Town would likely require additional purchase of water from the NRRWA WTP

by the year 2040.

9.1.2 Groundwater Sources

Washington County

Washington County relies on the Mendota Well in the lower Poore Valley for 0.006 MGD and two spring sources, Reservation and Cole Springs for 0.86 MGD and 1.1 MGD respectively. Currently, the County’s Mill Creek WTP is capable of producing 2.5 MGD, but the Cole Spring allocation is only 1.1 MGD. If the County increased VDH permitted capacity from Cole Spring, overall capacity would go from 6.5 MGD to 8 MGD, thereby supplying the county with a surplus

until 2020, at which time, the County would need to explore other source water options: Town of Saltville

The Town of Saltville currently maintains two groundwater wells/and one spring. The groundwater wells, Cardwell Well and Well No. 10; produce a collective total of 1.04 MGD and Witt Spring produces an additional 0.12 MGD. VDH permitted capacities of the Town’s three sources only allows withdrawal of 0.58. MGD, which puts the Town in a deficit. If the Town were to upgrade current VDH withdrawal permits to account for the total of the source design capacities (1.16 MGD), the Town would experience a surplus of 0.27 MGD as well as experience surplus into 2049 at hich pointy alternative sources of water would need to be explored. It should be noted that this information is based on knowledge associated with actual

withdrawals, actual Capacities were not provided by the Town.

Town of Wytheville

The Town of Wytheville does not maintain a groundwater source. Water is supplied to the Town by the New River Regional Water Authority (NRRWA) WTP as described in Section 9.1.3; therefore, the Town would likely require additional purchase of water from the NRRWA WTP. by the year 2040.

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9.1.3 Reservoir/WTP Alternatives:

Regional WTP at Austinville Site

This 12 MGD regional WTP was recommended as a water supply alternative in the July 2000

New River Regional Water Study and serves the Counties of Carroll, Grayson and Wythe, the

City of Galax and the Towns of Fries, Hillsville, Independence and Wytheville. The WTP pumps

water to a regional tank at Austinville. Water is moved north from the Austinville tank to a

regional tank near Fort Chiswell using a 24-inch main and pump station located along Route 52.

Another pump station located near the eastern Wytheville corporate limits moves water from the

Fort Chiswell tank to the existing Wytheville low level tank. Water is moved south and west

from the Austinville tank to a regional tank near Poplar Camp using a 24-inch main and pump

station located near Austinville. A pump station located near Poplar Camp moves water from the

Poplar Camp tank to the Route 620 tank. The level in the Route 620 tank is adequate to serve the

Carroll, Galax and Grayson areas. The connection for Hillsville is located on Route 58 at the

western corporate limits. The connection for Galax is on Route 58 at the eastern corporate limits.

Also, a regional tank located near Hickory Flat floats with the Route 620 tank. Fries is served by

the Hickory Flat tank using a 12-inch main. A pump station near the Independence eastern

corporate limits moves water from Hickory Flat to the Independence low level tank.

9.1.4 River or Stream Intake Alternatives

New River Intake

In the Galax area, the New River maintains a safe yield of approximately 187 MGD as defined

by VDH. For the Counties of Carroll, Grayson and Wythe, the City of Galax and the Towns of

Fries, Hillsville, Independence and Wytheville the New River provides the necessary capacity

due to the construction of the WTP at the Austinville site.

9.1.5 Interconnection Alternatives

Washington County – Interconnection with City of Bristol

9.1.3 Reservoir/WTP Alternatives:

Regional WTP at Austinville Site

This 12 MGD regional WTP was recommended as a water supply alternative in the July 2000 New River Regional Water Study and serves the Counties of Carroll, Grayson and Wythe, the City of Galax and the Towns of Fries, Hillsville, Independence and Wytheville. The WTP pumps water to a regional tank at Austinville. Water is moved north from the Austinville tank to a regional tank near Fort Chiswell using a 24-inch main and pump stationlocated along Route 52. Another pump station located near the eastern Wytheville corporate limits moves water from the Fort Chiswell tank to the existing Wytheville low level tank, Water is moved south and west from the Austinville tank to a regional tank near Poplar Camp using a 24-inch main and pump station located near Austinville. A pump station located near Poplar Camp moves water from the Poplar Camp tank to the Route 620 tank. The leyel’in the Route 620 tank is adequate to serve the Carroll, Galax and Grayson areas. The connection for Hillsville is located on Route 58 at the western corporate limits. The connection for Galax is on Route 58 at the eastern corporate limits Also, a regional tank located near Hickory Flat floats with the Route 620 tank. Fries is served by the Hickory Flat tank using a/12-inch main. A\ pump station near the Independence eastern

corporate limits moves water from Hickory Flatto the Independence low level tank.

9.1.4 River or Stream Intake Alternatives

New River Intake

In the Galax aréa, the New River maintains a safe yield of approximately 187 MGD as defined by VDH. For the Counties of Carroll, Grayson and Wythe, the City of Galax and the Towns of Fries, Hillsville, Independence and Wytheville the New River provides the necessary capacity due to the construction of the WTP at the Austinville site.

9.1.5. Interconnection Alternatives

Washington County ~ Interconnection with City of Bristol

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Washington County relies on an interconnection with the City of Bristol to offset their current

deficit of 0.60 MGD. Washington County also purchases a very small amount of water from the

Town of Saltville, and has a joint plant operation at the Mill Creek WTP with the Town of

Chilhowie, but relies mostly on the City of Bristol to cover their deficit. Bristol currently

maintains a surplus of approximately 6.25 MGD and will maintain a surplus of approximately

4.00 MGD by 2060 as discussed in Section 8.0 of this report. If Washington County increases

VDH permitted capacities to design capacities, and continues to maintain a purchase agreement

with the City of Bristol to make up the deficit, then the Bristol interconnection with Washington

County will serve the County into 2060, with a collective surplus between the County and the

City of Bristol of 0.70 MGD. If VDH permitted capacity increases are not allowed, then the

county would need to investigate additional means of water source supply by 2044.

9.1.6 Reuse and Recycling

A current trend in reducing potable water demands includes the reuse of treated wastewater

effluent for non-potable uses, such as irrigation and industrial process water. In the MRPDC,

various treatment plants exist which treat a large portion of the wastewater from the surrounding

communities. Conceptually it makes sense to utilize the treated effluent from these WWTPs at

local facilities. To date, the opportunities to utilize effluent have been very limited. It will be

beneficial to explore future opportunities, since the use of effluent can offset the need to expand

water source, treatment or distribution facilities.

9.1.7 Water Demand Management

Water conservation is the conscious effort by a utility, business or individual to save water.

Every gallon of water not used is one less to be stored, treated, and distributed. It also may

represent one less gallon that must be heated for washing or bathing, thus saving energy costs, or

one less gallon of water that must pass through some form of wastewater treatment before it is

returned to the environment. Normal conservation practices can provide long-term benefits by

permanently reducing water demands during normal operating conditions.

As discussed in Section 6.0, the MRPDC members have adopted numerous water conservation

measures, including the following:

Adjustment of standard operating procedures to improve water conservation;

Washington County relies on an interconnection with the City of Bristol to offset their current deficit of 0.60 MGD. Washington County also purchases a very small amount of water from the Town of Saltville, and has a joint plant operation at the Mill Creek WTP with the Town of Chilhowie, but relies mostly on the City of Bristol to cover their deficit, Bristol currently maintains a surplus of approximately 6.25 MGD and will maintain a surplus of approximately 4.00 MGD by 2060 as discussed in Section 8.0 of this report. If Washington County increases VDH permitted capacities to design capacities, and continues to maintain a purchase agreement with the City of Bristol to make up the deficit, then the Bristol interconnection with Washington County will serve the County into 2060, with a collective surplus between the County and the City of Bristol of 0.70 MGD. If VDH permitted capacity increases are fot allowed, then the

county would need to investigate additional means of water sourée Supply by 2044

9.1.6 Reuse and Recycling

A current trend in reducing potable water demands includes the reuse of treated wastewater effluent for non-potable uses, such as irrigation and industrial process water. In the MRPDC, various treatment plants exist which treat a large portion of the wastewater from the surrounding communities. Conceptually it makes sense to utilize the treated effluent from these WWTPs at local facilities. To date, the opportunities t0 utilize effluent have been very limited. It will be beneficial to explore future opportunities, since the use of effluent can offset the need to expand

water source, treatment or distribution facilities.

9.1.7 Water Demand’ Management

Water conservation is the conscious effort by a utility, business or individual to save water. Every gallon of water not used is one less to be stored, treated, and distributed. It also may represent one less gallon that must be heated for washing or bathing, thus saving energy costs, or one less gallon of water that must pass through some form of wastewater treatment before it is returned to the environment. Normal conservation practices can provide long-term benefits by

permanently reducing water demands during normal operating conditions.

As discussed in Section 6.0, the MRPDC members have adopted numerous water conservation

measures, including the following:

Adjustment of standard operating procedures to improve water conservation;

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Installation of low-flow and/or no-flow fixtures in their facilities and/or government

buildings and facilities;

Provided “yard taps” to their customers for purchase, so that customers can track their

outdoor water use;

Implementation of educational programs to address water conservation through

reduction of use;

Water conservation rate structures that encourage reduction of water use by

increasing water rates with increasing water usage;

Incentive programs to customers that retrofit or replace older fixtures and appliances

to reduce water use;

Leak detection and repair programs with regularly scheduled water audits;

Replacement of aging water distribution pipes; and

Implementation of practices or policies to track unauthorized connections.

Greater water conservation in the region could be achieved if all of the MRPDC members

implemented the measures listed above, as well as other water conservation measures, such as

“smart” irrigation systems, outdoor water use allocation calculations (to support a conservation

rate structure), informative billing, or a new ordinance with outdoor use provisions.

9.2 Evaluation of Alternatives

9.2.1 Overview of Screening Criteria

This section describes the methods used to evaluate potential water source alternatives for the

MRPDC members. Each water supply alternative has the potential to provide some public water

supply benefit for one or multiple MRPDC members; therefore, each alternative was evaluated

with respect to the following feasibility or practicability criteria:

Applicability – determine the degree to which the alternatives match the local and

regional needs of the members

Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity – look for some measure of the maximum quantity of

water that may be withdrawn throughout a critical dry period without depleting the

source. Reliable capacity may refer to the potential WTP capacity or the capacity of a

piped interconnection between communities.

Potential Environmental Impacts – assessment of alternatives on the basis of general

environmental suitability.

Potential Human Impacts – stakeholder satisfaction is often very important for the

viability of an alternative. Human impacts such as land acquisition or easements,

traffic impacts, etc. factor into the screening criterion.

Relative Cost – alternatives may be economically infeasible if they are too costly to

implement relative to other options.

Installation of low-flow and/or no-flow fixtures in their facilities and/or government

buildings and facilities;

@ Provided “yard taps” to their customers for purchase, so that customers can track their outdoor water use;

¢ Implementation of educational programs to address water conservation through reduction of use:

@ Water conservation rate structures that encourage reduction of water use by increasing water rates with increasing water usage;

  • Incentive programs to customers that retrofit or replace older fixtures and appliances to reduce water use;

Leak detection and repair programs with regularly scheduled water audits;

Replacement of aging water distribution pipes; and

¢ Implementation of practices or policies to track unauthorized Connections.

Greater water conservation in the region could be achieved if’all of the MRPDC members implemented the measures listed above, as well as other water conservation: measures, such as “smart” irrigation systems, outdoor water use allocation calculations (to stipport a conservation

rate structure), informative billing, or a new ordinance with outdoor use provisions.

9.2 Evaluation of Alternatives 9.2.1 Overview of Screening Criteria,

This section describes the methods used to evaluate potential water source alternatives for the MRPDC members. Each water supply alternative has the potential to provide some public water supply benefit for one or multiple MRPDC members; therefore, each alternative was evaluated

with respect to the following feasibility of practicability criteria:

Applicability —“determine the degree to which the alternatives match the local and regional needs of the members

4 Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity ~ look for some measure of the maximum quantity of water that may. be withdrawn throughout a critical dry period without depleting the source. Reliable capacity may refer to the potential WTP capacity or the capacity of a piped interconnection between communities.

Potential Environmental Impacts — assessment of alternatives on the basis of general environmental suitability.

Potential Human Impacts — stakeholder satisfaction is often very important for the viability of an alternative. Human impacts such as land acquisition or easements, traffic impacts, etc. factor into the screening criterion.

Relative Cost — alternatives may be economically infeasible if they are too costly to

implement relative to other options.

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Availability – some alternatives may have legal, regulatory or institutional issues that

could severely delay or even prevent implementation.

Alternatives were rated as “good”, “fair”, or “poor” for each of the criteria. Alternatives could

be eliminated from further consideration if a fatal flaw was recognized with respect to any one of

the criterion. Remaining practicable alternatives were then carried forward for comparison

against each other based on the aforementioned criteria.

As discussed in the Section 8.0, not all of the MRPDC members are projected to experience a

water supply deficit by the end of the planning horizon. The region as a whole is projected to

have a surplus of approximately 5.52 MGD (2016 MG/year) in 2060. Based on existing PWS

capacities and projected 2060 demands, the following members are projected to experience a

water supply deficit sometime within the planning horizon:

Washington County (2060 deficit = 4.68 MGD)

Town of Saltville (2060 deficit = 0.67 MGD)

Town of Wytheville (2060 deficit = 0.83 MGD)

The deficits for localities will occur at various times between now (2009) and 2060. The

following sections highlight the alternatives that scored the best and worst under each screening

criterion, and the reasons for those rankings. A summary of the top-ranked alternatives and the

current status of these projects is also presented.

9.2.2 Applicability

Lowest Rated Alternatives

Alternatives received a “poor” rating for the applicability criterion if the alternative does not

meet the needs of the member, or would not be needed at the time that it is planned for

implementation because other options will provide necessary water supply needs. The following

alternatives were not eliminated from consideration, but received “poor” applicability ratings:

Groundwater Development Projects – because these alternatives are not easily

defined for capacity before project construction work starts, the value of the projects

in meeting the water demands of the region cannot be well defined as the project is

being evaluated. However, with a high probability of locating groundwater in certain

areas, the development of wells is often lower cost than surface water supply

Availability — some alternatives may have legal, regulatory or institutional issues that

could severely delay or even prevent implementation.

Alternatives were rated as “good”, “fair”, or “poor” for each of the criteria, Alternatives could be eliminated from further consideration if a fatal flaw was recognized with respect to any one of the criterion. Remaining practicable alternatives were then carried forward for comparison

against each other based on the aforementioned criteria.

As disc

sed in the Section 8.0, not all of the MRPDC members are projected to experience a water supply deficit by the end of the planning horizon. The region as a whole is projected to have a surplus of approximately 5.52 MGD (2016 MGiyear) in 2060," Based on existing PWS capacities and projected 2060 demands, the following members.are projected to experience a water supply deficit sometime within the planning horizon:

Washington County (2060 deficit

Town of Saltville (2060 deficit

Town of Wytheville (2060 defici

4.68 MGD) .67 MGD) 0.83.MGD)

The deficits for localities will occur at various times between now (2009) and 2060. The following sections highlight the alternatives that scored the best and worst under each screening criterion, and the reasons for those rankings…A summary of the top-ranked alternatives and the

current status of these projects is also presented.

9.2.2. Applicability

Lowest Rated Alternatives

Alternatives feceived a “poor” tating for the applicability criterion if the alternative does not meet the»needs of the member, or would not be needed at the time that it is planned for implementation because other options will provide necessary water supply needs. The following

alternatives were not eliminated from consideration, but received “poor” applicability ratings:

Groundwater Development Projects — because these alternatives are not easily defined for capacity before project construction work starts, the value of the projects in meeting the water demands of the region cannot be well defined as the project is being evaluated. However, with a high probability of locating groundwater in certain areas, the development of wells is often lower cost than surface water supply

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development. In general, the applicability of groundwater projects would be for local

service only (one jurisdiction).

Highest Rated Alternatives

Water source alternatives received “good” ratings for applicability because they met the needs of

the community that they would benefit, or it was applicable for more than one community:

Regional WTP at Austinville – The regional WTP at the Austinville site has taken

care of many supply issues with various localities to include the Counties of Carroll,

Grayson and Wythe, the City of Galax and the Towns of Fries, Hillsville,

Independence and Wytheville.

Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol – the interconnection

between the City of Bristol and Washington County currently provides Washington

County with the surplus water that it requires to make up the 0.60 MGD deficit.

Increase VDH Permitted Capacities – Increased VDH permitted capacities would

improve supply conditions at all three localities projected to experience a deficit.

9.2.3 Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity

Lowest Rated Alternatives

One alternative received a “poor” rating for safe yield or reliable capacity:

Groundwater Development Projects – because these alternatives are not easily

defined for capacity before project construction work starts, the value of the projects

in meeting the water demands of the region cannot be well defined as the project is

being evaluated. However, with a high probability of locating groundwater in certain

areas, the development of wells is often lower cost than surface water supply

development. In general, the applicability of groundwater projects would be for local

service only (one jurisdiction).

Highest Rated Alternatives

Several of the water source alternatives received “good” ratings for safe yield or reliable

capacity. An alternative received a “good” rating if the source met most or all of the needs of the

benefitting community (or communities) and/or if the alternative provides a new source of

supply to supplement an existing source, which provides additional reliability to a community’s

PWS. The following alternatives received a “good” rating for Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity:

Regional WTP at Austinville – The regional WTP at the Austinville site obtains its

water from the New River, with an allowable source withdrawal capacity of >150


development. In general, the applicability of groundwater projects would be for local service only (one jurisdiction).

Highest Rated Alternatives

Water source alternatives received “good” ratings for applicability because they met the needs of

the community that they would benefit, or it was applicable for more than one community:

Regional WTP at Austinville ~ The regional WTP at the Austinville site has taken care of many supply issues with various localities to include the Counties of Carroll, Grayson and Wythe, the City of Galax and the Towns of Fries, Hillsville, Independence and Wytheville.

Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol\— the ‘interconnection between the City of Bristol and Washington County currently provides Washington County with the surplus water that it requires to makeup the 0.60 MGD deficit.

Increase VDH Permitted Capacities — Increased VDH permitted capacities would improve supply conditions at all three localities projected to experience a deficit.

9.2.3 Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity

Lowest Rated Alternatives

One alternative received a “poor” rating for safe yield or reliable capacity:

@ Groundwater Development Projects — because these alternatives are not easily defined for capacity before project construction work starts, the value of the projects in meeting the water demands of the region cannot be well defined as the project is being evaluated.» However, with a high probability of locating groundwater in certain areas, the development of wells is often lower cost than surface water supply development. In general, the applicability of groundwater projects would be for local service only (one jurisdiction).

Highest Rated Alternatives

Several of the water source alternatives received “good” ratings for safe yield or reliable capacity. An alternative received a “good” rating if the source met most or all of the needs of the benefitting community (or communities) and/or if the alternative provides a new source of supply to supplement an existing source, which provides additional reliability to a community’s

PWS. The following alternatives received a “good” rating for Safe Yield or Reliable Capacity:

@ Regional WTP at Austinville — The regional WTP at the Austinville site obtains its water from the New River, with an allowable source withdrawal capacity of >150 MGD.

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Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol – the interconnection

between the City of Bristol and Washington County currently provides Washington

County with a reliable water source and sufficient capacity. The source also has

enough capacity at current operations to provide Washington County with sufficient

source supply until 2044 and still maintain City of Bristol demand.

Increase VDH Permitted Capacities – Increased VDH permitted capacities would

improve supply conditions at all three localities projected to experience a deficit.

9.2.4 Environmental Impacts

Lowest Rated Alternatives

An alternative was rated “major” with regards to its environmental impacts if it would

substantially impact wetlands, streams, or other environmental factors. While many of the

alternatives have not been specifically assessed for environmental impacts, conceptual level

evaluations resulted in the following alternatives receiving “major” ratings:

Interbasin Transfer Projects – Any projects that take water from one basin and

introduce it to another basin may cause minor environmental concerns or introduce

political and legal challenges. These projects would have to be evaluated on a case

by case basis.

Highest Rated Alternatives

Several of the water source alternatives received “minor” ratings for the environmental impacts

criterion. An alternative received a “minor” rating if the planned project did not involve

substantial impacts to wetlands, streams or other environmental resources. The following

alternatives received a “minor” rating for environmental impacts:

Regional WTP at Austinville – The regional WTP at the Austinville requires very

little environmental impact since the WTP is along the New River. The WTP

provides water for seven localities.

Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol – the interconnection

between the City of Bristol and Washington County requires no major environmental


Increase VDH Permitted Capacities – Increased VDH permitted capacities would

slightly affect environmental regulation of source withdrawals and would need to be

reviewed to ensure continued compliance with source supply needs.

Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol — the interconnection

between the City of Bristol and Washington County currently provides Washington County with a reliable water source and sufficient capacity. The source also has enough capacity at current operations to provide Washington County with sufficient source supply until 2044 and still maintain City of Bristol demand.

Increase VDH Permitted Capacities — Increased VDH permitted capacities would

improve supply conditions at all three localities projected to experience a deficit.

9.2.4 Environmental Impacts

Lowest Rated Alternat

An alternative was rated “major” with regards to its environmental impacts if it would substantially impact wetlands, streams, or other environmental factors. While many of the alternatives have not been specifically assessed for environmental impacts, conceptual level

evaluations resulted in the following alternatives receiving “major” ratings:

Interbasin Transfer Projects — Any projects that take water from one basin and

introduce it to another basin may cause minor environmental concerns or introduce political and legal challenges. These projects would have to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Highest Rated Alternatives

Several of the water source alterhatives réceived “minor” ratings for the environmental impacts criterion. An alternative received a “minor” rating if the planned project did not involve substantial impacts to Wetlands, streams or other environmental resources. The following

alternatives received “minor” rating for environmental impacts:

Regional WIP at Austinville — The regional WTP at the Austinville requires very little environmental impact since the WTP is along the New River. The WTP provides water for seven localities.

4 Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol — the interconnection between the City of Bristol and Washington County requires no major environmental impact.

@ Inctease VDH Permitted Capacities — Increased VDH permitted capacities would slightly affect environmental regulation of source withdrawals and would need to be reviewed to ensure continued compliance with source supply needs.

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9.2.5 Human Impacts

Lowest Rated Alternatives

An alternative was rated “major” with regards to its human impacts if it would require land

acquisition, excessive easements or other impacts to the public. Conceptual level evaluations

resulted in the following alternatives receiving “major” ratings:

None Noted.

Highest Rated Alternatives

Several of the water source alternatives received “minor” ratings for the human impacts criterion.

An alternative received a “minor” rating if the planned project did not require land acquisition or

excessive easements. The following alternatives received a “minor” rating for human impacts:

Virtually All – Most of the project work considered in this study is free of significant

human impact.

9.2.6 Relative Cost

Most of the alternatives that were evaluated for the Plan have already been implemented in the

past. Costs for the New River Regional WTP were estimated to be >$50M in 2000. Costs

associated with Washington County continuing to purchase water from the City of Bristol are

ongoing and minimal.

9.2.7 Availability

Lowest Rated Alternatives

Alternatives received a “poor” rating if there were legal, regulatory or institutional issues that

could severely delay or even prevent implementation. The following alternatives received a

“poor” rating with regards to availability of the project:

Intake Installation Projects – Where a new intake is to be placed in a river or

reservoir, permitting will be an issue. In most cases, the justification for a new intake

will allow the permit to be obtained.

9.2.5 Human Impacts

Lowest Rated Alternatives

An alternative was rated “major” with regards to its human impacts if it would require land

acquisition, excessive easements or other impacts to the public, Conceptual level evaluations

resulted in the following alternatives receiving “major” ratings:

@ None Noted. Highest Rated Alternatives

Several of the water source alternatives received “minor” ratings for the human impaets criterion, An alternative received a “minor” rating if the planned project did not require land acquisition or

excessive easements. The following alternatives feceived a “minor” rating for human impacts:

Virtually All ~ Most of the project work considered in this study is free of significant human impact.

9.2.6 Relative Cost

Most of the alternatives that were evaluated for the Plan have already been implemented in the past. Costs for the New River Regional WTP were estimated to be >$50M in 2000. Costs associated with Washington County continuing to purchase water from the City of Bristol are

ongoing and minimal.

9.2.7 Availability

Lowest Rated Alternatives

Alternatives teceived a “poor” rating if there were legal, regulatory or institutional issues that could severely delay or even prevent implementation. The following alternatives received a

“poor” rating with regards to availability of the project:

Intake Installation Projects — Where a new intake is to be placed in a river or reservoir, permitting will be an issue. In most cases, the justification for a new intake will allow the permit to be obtained,

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Job No. B06226-03

Interbasin Transfer Projects – Where there will be interbasin transfers of water,

regulatory obstacles may become a problem. If the transfer is significant enough,

there may be no means to overcome the regulatory requirements and permits may not

be available.

Increase VDH Permitted Capacities – Increased VDH permitted capacities would

improve supply conditions at all three localities, but would likely require a significant

amount of permitting and could involve significant delay.

Highest Rated Alternatives

Alternatives received a “good” rating if minimal permitting would be required, and there was

political and stakeholder support of the project. Many alternatives received a “fair” rating for

this criterion because the project would require one or more minor permits that are not expected

to delay implementation. The following alternatives received a “good” rating with regards to

availability of the project:

Regional WTP at Austinville – The regional WTP at the Austinville site has already

been built and permitted, and will be able to provide enough water to the Town of

Wytheville in the future.

Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol – the interconnection

between the City of Bristol and Washington County currently provides Washington

County with the surplus water that it requires to make up the 0.60 MGD deficit,

requires no permitting and would expect no delays to implement.

9.2.8 Summary of Evaluation

Alternatives were compared using the criteria described above, and were compared to each other

to determine the short list of water source options that would satisfy the needs of the MRPDC

member (or members) with the least environmental and human impacts.

The following water source alternatives are recommended to satisfy the future demands of the

MRPDC members:

Washington County

Maintain the continued interconnection with the City of Bristol and attempt to revise/upgrade

VDH permitted capacities. The City of Bristol provides enough water to Washington County to

make up the current 0.60 MGD deficit of water. Based on City of Bristol current demand

projections, if Washington County continues to purchase water from the City of Bristol, Bristol’s

10.00 MGD WTP will be able to sustain Washington County with surplus water until 2044. If

Interbasin Transfer Projects — Where there will be interbasin transfers of water,

regulatory obstacles may become a problem. If the transfer is significant enough, there may be no means to overcome the regulatory requirements and permits may not be available.

Increase VDH Permitted Capacities — Increased VDH permitted capacities would

improve supply conditions at all three localities, but would likely require a significant amount of permitting and could involve significant delay.

Highest Rated Alternatives

Alternatives received a “good” rating if minimal permitting would be required, and there was political and stakeholder support of the project. Many alternatives received “fair” rating’ for this criterion because the project would require one or more minor permits that are’not expected to delay implementation. The following alternatives received @ “good” rating, with regards to

availability of the project:

Regional WTP at Austinville — The regional WTP at the Austinville site has already been built and permitted, and will be able to provide enough water to the Town of Wytheville in the future.

Washington County Interconnection with City of Bristol — the interconnection

between the City of Bristol and Washington County currently provides Washington County with the surplus water that it requires to make up the 0.60 MGD deficit, requires no permitting and would expect no delays to implement.

9.2.8 Summary of Evaluation

Alternatives were compared using the criteria described above, and were compared to each other to determine the short list Of water source options that would satisfy the needs of the MRPDC

member (or members) With the least environmental and human impacts.

The following water source alternatives are recommended to satisfy the future demands of the MRPDC members:

Washington County

Maintain the continued interconnection with the City of Bristol and attempt to revise/upgrade VDH permitted capacities. The City of Bristol provides enough water to Washington County to make up the current 0.60 MGD deficit of water. Based on City of Bristol current demand projections, if Washington County continues to purchase water from the City of Bristol, Bristol’s

10.00 MGD WTP will be able to sustain Washington County with surplus water until 2044, If Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 10

Section 9

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Washington County increases VDH permitted capacities and continues to purchase water from

the City of Bristol, capacity for both locations will last through 2060 and beyond.

Town of Saltville

Upgrade current VDH withdrawal permits to account for the total of the source design capacities

(1.16 MGD), the Town would currently experience a surplus of 0.27 MGD as well as experience

surplus into 2049 at which point, alternative sources of water would need to be explored. It

should be noted that this information is based on knowledge associated with actual withdrawals,

actual capacities were not provided by the Town. It is possible that the Town of Saltville may

currently and into the future have sufficient capacity.

Town of Wytheville

The Town of Wytheville is currently supplied 4.00 MGD of capacity from the New River

Regional Water Authority WTP. Provided the Town continues to obtain water from the

NRRWA, the Town will have sufficient capacity into 2041, at which point alternative sources of

water would need to be explored and may include additional purchase from the NRRWA or

request additional capacity from VDH.

9.3 Description of Water Source Alternatives for the Cumberland Plateau

9.3.1 Introduction

In the Cumberland Plateau Regional Planning Area, existing water sources are projected to be

inadequate to meet demand at the end of the planning period (2040) for Russell County. The

Russell County water supply is projected to be inadequate in the Castlewood Water and Sewer

Authority (CWSA) service area and also in the Belfast/Rosedale water system and proposed

waterline extensions operated by the Russell County PSA which are supplied water treated at the

Tazewell County PSA’s Claypool Hill WTP.

Two basic approaches are considered for addressing source water inadequacies. The quantities

required can be reduced through a reduction in unaccounted-for water losses beyond the amount

included in the projections, and additional sources can be supplied. Additional sources may

supplement existing sources with potable water from adjacent water systems, or new sources

Washington County increases VDH permitted capacities and continues to purchase water from

the City of Bristol, capacity for both locations will last through 2060 and beyond. Town of Saltville

Upgrade current VDH withdrawal permits to account for the total of the source design capacities (1.16 MGD), the Town would currently experience a surplus of 0.27 MGD as well as experience surplus into 2049 at which point, alternative sources of water would need to be explored. It should be noted that this information is based on knowledge associated with actual withdrawals, actual capacities were not provided by the Town. It is possible that the Town of Saltville may

currently and into the future have sufficient capacity.

Town of Wytheville

The Town of Wytheville is currently supplied 4.00 MGD of capacity from the New River Regional Water Authority WTP. Provided the»Town continues to obtain water from the NRRWA, the Town will have sufficient capacity into 2041, at which point alternative sources of water would need to be explored and may includeadditional purchase from the NRRWA or

request additional capacity from VDH.

9.3 Description of Water Source Alternatives for the Cumberland Plateau 9.3.1 Introduction

In the Cumberland Plateau Regional Planning Area, existing water sources are projected to be inadequate to meet demand at the’end of the planning period (2040) for Russell County. The Russell County water supply is projected to be inadequate in the Castlewood Water and Sewer Authority (CWSA) service area and also in the Belfast/Rosedale water system and proposed waterline extensions operated by the Russell County PSA which are supplied water treated at the Tazewell County PSA’s Claypool Hill WTP.

‘Two basic approaches are considered for addressing source water inadequacies. The quantities required can be reduced through a reduction in unaccounted-for water losses beyond the amount included in the projections, and additional sources can be supplied. Additional sources may

supplement existing sources with potable water from adjacent water systems, or new sources

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could be developed. The amount of treatment required for new sources is site specific. These

approaches are presented in turn for each of the localities projected to have inadequate water

sources at the end of the planning period.

Potential Water Savings from Water Demand Management Actions

Water demand management includes conservation activities, reuse of water, and reducing

unaccounted-for water losses in existing systems. Conservation activities in place at the

beginning of the planning period include rates that are higher than state averages and adoption of

building codes addressing water fixture consumption. Additional conservation activities were

not projected to reduce water demand during the planning period.

Reuse of water is not projected to reduce water demand during the planning period. Virginia

regulations (12 VAC 5-590-820) require that preference is given to the best available sources of

supply which present minimal risks of contamination from wastewaters and which contain a

minimum of impurities that may be hazardous to health. For potable water applications in the

planning area, reuse would not provide the best available source of supply.

Reduction of unaccounted-for water losses was included in water demand projections through

the planning period. Each system for which existing water sources are projected to be

inadequate by end of the planning period was projected to have unaccounted-for water losses less

than or equal to 30 percent. The annual volume of water demand reduction for CWSA due to

reduced unaccounted-for water losses is projected to be 41.5 million gallons in 2040.

Potential Alternatives for New Supplies

Both nontraditional alternatives and traditional alternatives are considered as ways to increase

the volume of water to systems projected to have inadequate water supply at the end of the

planning period. The primary nontraditional alternative considered is interconnection between

water systems. Desalination is not practical for the planning area. Traditional alternatives

include groundwater, stream intakes, and surface water impoundments.

Potential Alternatives for CWSA Water System

could be developed. The amount of treatment required for new sources is site specific, These approaches are presented in tu for each of the localities projected to have inadequate water

sources at the end of the planning period.

Potential Water Savings from Water Demand Management Actions

Water demand management includes conservation activities, reuse of water, and reducing unaccounted-for water losses in existing systems. Conservation activities in) place at the beginning of the planning period include rates that are higher than state averages and adoption of building codes addressing water fixture consumption. Additional conservation, activities were

not projected to reduce water demand during the planning period.

Reuse of water is not projected to reduce water demand during the planning period. Virginia regulations (12 VAC 5-590-820) require that preference is given to the bestavailable sources of supply which present minimal risks of contamination from wastewaters and which contain a minimum of impurities that may be hazardous to health. For potable water applications in the

planning area, reuse would not provide the best available source of supply.

Reduction of unaccounted-for water losses was included in water demand projections through the planning period. Each system for which existing water sources are projected to be inadequate by end of the planning period was projected to have unaccounted-for water losses less than or equal to 30 percent. The annual volume of water demand reduction for CWSA due to

reduced unaccounted-for water losses is projected to be 41.5 million gallons in 2040.

Potent rnatives for New Supplies

Both nontraditional alternatives and traditional alternatives are considered as ways to increase the volume of water to systems projected to have inadequate water supply at the end of the planning period. The primary nontraditional alternative considered is interconnection between water systems. Desalination is not practical for the planning area. Traditional alternatives

include groundwater, stream intakes, and surface water impoundments.

Potential Alternatives for CWSA Water System

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Two (2) interconnections with the CWSA water system are considered as alternatives. The first

is an existing interconnection with the St. Paul water system. The St. Paul WTP withdraws

water from the Clinch River for treatment in the 0.5 MGD production capacity WTP. CWSA

has an agreement with the Town of St. Paul to purchase up to 0.129 MGD. The Town uses

approximately 0.2 MGD within the Town’s service area.

A second interconnection could be made with the Russell County PSA’s Swords Creek water

system. This interconnection is dependent upon construction of the Big A Mountain to Back

Valley Interconnection project, a project that has been funded. The interconnection will connect

the CWSA and PSA systems. A tank will be installed to float with the existing Red Oak and

Blue Devil tanks. Future installation of a pump station would enable water to be returned from

the CWSA system into the PSA system to address short-term water demand issues.

Additional water capacity could be provided from the Town of Honaker water system. The

Town has considered development of additional groundwater sources (wells) to address potential

capacity demands through the PSA system. The Town’s four wells produce 160 gpm, and a

supplemental flow of 50 gpm from additional wells is a conservative approximation.


The CWSA’s Seven Springs Well #03 has a permitted capacity of 110 gpm. However, this

source is under the direct influence of surface water and exceeds the secondary limits for iron

and manganese and is not in service. Additional testing of sequestering agent would indicate if

this source could be purified through membrane filters. Potential site of treatment is the Seven

Springs WTP. During the course of additional testing as the well water has been pumped, the

levels of iron and manganese in the source water have decreased. This trend may obviate the

need for sequestration prior to treatment.

Additional groundwater sources near the Seven Springs WTP are the Hart/Dickenson Spring and

the Trig Moore Spring. Both would require treatment. If used as a source, additional treatment

capacity at the Seven Springs WTP could be doubled with the addition of three (3) more filter

skids (at 45 gpm each). Existing skids can be rated at 45 gpm, as well.


‘Two (2) interconnections with the CWSA water system are considered as alternatives. ‘The first is an existing interconnection with the St. Paul water system. The St. Paul WTP withdraws water from the Clinch River for treatment in the 0.5 MGD production capacity WTP. CWSA has an agreement with the Town of St. Paul to purchase up to 0.129 MGD. The Town uses

approximately 0.2 MGD within the Town’s service area.

A second interconnection could be made with the Russell County PSA’s Swords Creek water system. This interconnection is dependent upon construction of the Big A Mountain to Back Valley Interconnection project, a project that has been funded. The interconnection will connect the CWSA and PSA systems, A tank will be installed to float with the existing Red Oak and Blue Devil tanks. Future installation of a pump station would enable water t6 be returned from

the CWSA system into the PSA system to address shortsterm water demand issues.

Additional water capacity could be provided from the Town of Honaker water system, The Town has considered development of additional groundwater sources (wells) to address potential capacity demands through the PSA system. The Town’s four wells produce 160 gpm, and a

supplemental flow of 50 gpm from additional wells is a conservative approximation. Groundwater

The CWSA’s Seven Springs Well #03 has a permitted capacity of 110 gpm. However, this source is under the directinfluence of surface water and exceeds the secondary limits for iron and manganese and is notin service. Additional testing of sequestering agent would indicate if this source could be purified through membrane filters. Potential site of treatment is the Seven Springs WTP. During the course of additional testing as the well water has been pumped, the levels of iron and manganese in the source water have decreased. This trend may obviate the

need for sequestration prior to treatment.

Additional groundwater sources near the Seven Springs WTP are the Hart/Dickenson Spring and the Trig Moore Spring. Both would require treatment. If used as a source, additional treatment capacity at the Seven Springs WTP could be doubled with the addition of three (3) more filter

skids (at 45 gpm each). Existing skids can be rated at 45 gpm, as well. Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 13

Section 9

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Stream Intake

The CWSA operates two (2) membrane filtration WTPs. This technology is not used for surface

water application, so a surface water treatment plant would have to be constructed in order to

utilize a stream intake. This would result in a cost that greatly exceeds other alternatives. In

addition, permitting a new raw water intake on the Clinch River would be difficult.

Surface Water Impoundment

A surface water impoundment would have significant challenges, including both regulatory

aspects (permitting) and financial aspects (constructing). In addition, a water treatment facility

would likely be required to treat water from the impoundment. This alternative is the lowest

priority alternative to meet the needs of the CWSA. In perspective of the other alternatives, a

surface water impoundment is not feasible.

CWSA Alternative Analysis

To meet demand in 2020, an additional source capacity of 176 gpm is required. This may be

addressed through development of the three (3) groundwater sources noted in the “Groundwater”

section above, plus the interconnection with Russell County PSA through the proposed Big A

Mountain to Back Valley project, for which the Town of Honaker could develop additional

groundwater sources. The capacity limitation of 0.129 MGD through the St. Paul

interconnection could be revisited to determine if additional capacity could be obtained. A

collection of some or all of the different alternatives should provide sufficient source water to

meet the CWSA peak water demand in 2020 and the reduced projected water demand at the end

of the planning period in 2040.

Potential Alternatives for Russell County PSA Water System Extensions


Stream Intake

‘The CWSA operates two (2) membrane filtration WTPs. This technology is not used for surface water application, so a surface water treatment plant would have to be constructed in order to utilize a stream intake. This would result in a cost that greatly exceeds other alternatives. In

addition, permitting a new raw water intake on the Clinch River would be difficult.

Surface Water Impoundment

‘A surface water impoundment would have significant challenges, including both regulatory aspects (permitting) and financial aspects (constructing). In addition, a water treatment facility would likely be required to treat water from the impoundment. ‘This alternative is the lowest priority alternative to meet the needs of the\CWSA. ‘In perspective of the other alternatives, a

surface water impoundment is not feasible.

CWSA Alternative Analysis

To meet demand in 2020, an’ additional source capacity of 176 gpm is required. This may be addressed through development of the three (3) groundwater sources noted in the “Groundwater” section above, plus the interconnection with Russell County PSA through the proposed Big A Mountain to Back Valley project, for which the Town of Honaker could develop additional groundwater sourées. ‘The Capacity limitation of 0.129 MGD through the St. Paul interconnection could be revisited to determine if additional capacity could be obtained. A collection of some ofall of the different alternatives should provide sufficient source water to meet the CWSA peak water demand in 2020 and the reduced projected water demand at the end of the planning period in 2040.

Potential Alternatives for Russell County PSA Water System Extensions


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The PSA’s Belfast/Rosedale water system and proposed system extensions are interconnected

with the Tazewell County PSA’s Claypool Hill water system and are supplied water produced at

the Claypool Hill WTP.

An interconnection with the CWSA system has been described in the section above. In order for

water to be transferred back into the PSA system, installation of a pump would be required.

Interconnection with the Town of Honaker system would supplement the water available to the

PSA. The magnitude of this source would be increased if the Town is able to develop additional


The PSA is investigating a potential interconnection on U.S. Route 19/58 with the Washington

County Service Authority. Funding has been requested for a preliminary engineering study of

this interconnection.


Groundwater sources may not be viable portions of the Belfast/Rosedale system, due to geology

similar to that of the Claypool Hill water system. An alternative water source study performed in

2005 in the Claypool Hill system area indicated that groundwater was not a viable option, due to

the depth of the water bearing zone and the production of very fine sands. The study concluded

that groundwater is not a viable option.

Existing groundwater sources, such as the Town of Honaker’s referred above in the

“Interconnections” section, may supplement the existing supply, but are not sufficient to meet

the additional demand.

Stream Intake

In order to utilize a stream intake, a surface water treatment plant would have to be constructed.

This would result in a cost that greatly exceeds other alternatives. Increasing capacity of the

existing Claypool Hill WTP would be much more cost effective. The Claypool Hill WTP

receives raw water withdrawn from the Little River.

The PSA’s Belfast/Rosedale water system and proposed system extensions are interconnected with the Tazewell County PSA’s Claypool Hill water system and are supplied water produced at the Claypool Hill WTP.

An interconnection with the CWSA system has been described in the section above. In order for water to be transferred back into the PSA system, installation of a pump would be required. Interconnection with the Town of Honaker system would supplement the water available to the PSA. The magnitude of this source would be increased if the Town is able to develop additional


The PSA is investigating a potential interconnection on U.S. Route 19/58 with the Washington County Service Authority. Funding has been requested for a preliminary engineering study of

this interconnection, Groundwater

Groundwater sources may not be viable portions of the Belfast/Rosedale system, due to geology similar to that of the Claypool Hill water system, Anvalternative water source study performed in 2005 in the Claypool Hill system area indicated that groundwater was not a viable option, due to the depth of the water bearing zone and the production of very fine sands. The study concluded

that groundwater is not a viable option.

Existing groundwater sources, such as the Town of Honaker’s referred above in the “Interconnections” section, may supplement the existing supply, but are not sufficient to meet the additional demand.

Stream Intake

In order to utilize a stream intake, a surface water treatment plant would have to be constructed. This would result in a cost that greatly exceeds other alternatives. Increasing capacity of the existing Claypool Hill WTP would be much more cost effective. The Claypool Hill WTP

receives raw water withdrawn from the Little River.

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A 2005 safe yield study of 44 years of data from the gage at the Clinch River at Richlands for its

137 square mile basin determined a safe yield of 0.07 cfs per square mile, based on one day, 30-

year low flow. For the 82 square mile Little River basin this extrapolates to 5.8 cfs (3.8 MGD or

2,600 gpm). The existing intake on the Little River is permitted for 1.0 MGD.

A new stream intake could be constructed on the Clinch River. However, this would be much

more costly than modifying the existing Little River intake. Regulatory approval of a new intake

on the Clinch River could be difficult and time consuming to obtain. Increasing existing

treatment capacity is less expensive than building a new WTP.

Surface Water Impoundment

A surface water impoundment would have significant challenges, including both regulatory

aspects (permitting) and financial aspects (constructing). In addition, a water treatment facility

would likely be required to treat water from the impoundment. This alternative is the lowest

priority alternative to meet the needs of the PSA’s system. In perspective with the other

alternatives, a surface water impoundment is not feasible.

Russell County PSA Waterline Extensions Alternative Analysis

Increasing available potable water through an interconnection with the Claypool Hill WTP is the

most attractive alternative. A surface impoundment or stream intake with associated treatment

facilities would be expensive and require extensive permitting. Groundwater sources are not

reliable. The Claypool Hill WTP intake capacity would need to be increased.

Improving Reliability of Water Supplies Throughout the Planning Area

The ability of the water providers in the Cumberland Plateau Regional Planning Area is

dependent on managing water demand through reduction of unaccounted-for water losses

throughout the planning period. Every system was projected to have reduced unaccounted-for

water losses to a maximum of thirty percent (30%).

Although seventy-five percent of the community water systems in the Cumberland Plateau

Regional Planning Area currently achieve this level of water demand management, it is vitally

A 2005 safe yield study of 44 years of data from the gage at the Clinch River at Richlands for its 137 square mile basin determined a safe yield of 0.07 cfs per square mile, based on one day, 30- year low flow. For the 82 square mile Little River basin this extrapolates to 5.8 cfs (3.8 MGD or 2,600 gpm). The existing intake on the Little River is permitted for 1.0 MGD.

‘A new stream intake could be constructed on the Clinch River. However, this would be much more costly than modifying the existing Little River intake, Regulatory approval of a new intake on the Clinch River could be difficult and time consuming to obtain. Increasing existing

treatment capacity is less expensive than building a new WTP.

Surface Water Impoundment

A surface water impoundment would have significant challenges, including both regulatory aspects (permitting) and financial aspects (constructing). In addition, a water treatment facility would likely be required to treat water from the impoundment. This alternative is the lowest priority alternative to meet the needs of the PSA’S system. In perspective with the other

alternatives, a surface water impoundment is not feasible.

Russell County PSA Waterline Extensions Alternative Analysis

Increasing available potable water through an interconnection with the Claypool Hill WTP is the most attractive alternative. A surface impoundment or stream intake with associated treatment facilities would be expensive and requite extensive permitting. Groundwater sources are not

reliable. The Claypool Hill WTP intake capacity would need to be increased.

Improving Reliability of Water Supplies Throughout the Planning Area

The ability of the Water providers in the Cumberland Plateau Regional Planning Area is dependent on managing water demand through reduction of unaccounted-for water losses throughout the planning period. Every system was projected to have reduced unaccounted-for

water losses to a maximum of thirty percent (30%),

Although seventy-five percent of the community water systems in the Cumberland Plateau

Regional Planning Area currently achieve this level of water demand management, it is vitally Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 16 Section 9

Job No. B06226-03

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Job No. B06226-03

important for each system to annually review its capital improvement program and fund

necessary projects. Those systems with unaccounted-for water losses greater than thirty percent

will not reduce water demand to acceptable levels without replacement of leaking water

transmission lines. Funding of water line replacement and rehabilitation is the critical need to

reduce water losses.

The main water transmission lines that convey potable water from the John Flannagan WTP to

the Buchanan County PSA and Town of Clintwood water systems is in need of replacement.

This potable water is subsequently conveyed to more than a dozen water systems in the planning

area. Replacement or rehabilitation of these lines is essential to provide water service to a large

portion of the planning area.

Although there is no substitute for conveying water from the John Flannagan WTP, the cost of a

replacement/rehabilitation project is estimated to be $36 million. One supplemental approach

prior to and during the transmission line project is treatment of groundwater by membrane

filtration at select locations. For example, a 2009 study indicated that the safe yield of a

discharge from an abandoned mine in Buchanan County, near Harmon, is 250 gpm. The safe

yield was calculated based on correlation with the one-day, thirty year flow determined at nearby

Levisa Fork River gaging station. This type of groundwater source does not have resource issues

typically associated with surface water withdrawals. Further availability of the Harmon source is

on hold at this time due to recent mining activities in this area. The Buchanan County PSA will

continue to monitor water flow and conduct annual chemical testing of water quality during the

life of the mining activities, which is estimated to be six to seven years.

9.4 Description of Water Source Alternatives for LENOWISCO

9.4.1 Introduction

In the LENOWISCO Planning Area, existing water sources are projected to be adequate to meet

demand at the end of the planning period (2040) for Lee County, Scott County, Wise County, the

City of Norton, and the Towns of Appalachia, Big Stone Gap, Clinchport, Coeburn, Dungannon,

Gate City, Jonesville, Nickelsville, Pennington Gap, Pound, St. Paul, and Wise.

Significance of Reducing Unaccounted for Water Losses

important for each system to annually review its capital improvement program and fund necessary projects. Those systems with unaccounted-for water losses greater than thirty percent will not reduce water demand to acceptable levels without replacement of leaking water transmission lines. Funding of water line replacement and rehabilitation is the critical need to

reduce water losses.

‘The main water transmission lines that convey potable water from the John Flannagan WTP to the Buchanan County PSA and Town of Clintwood water systems is in need of teplacement. This potable water is subsequently conveyed to more than a dozen water systems in the planning area, Replacement or rehabilitation of these lines is essential to provide water setyice to’a large

portion of the planning area.

Although there is no substitute for conveying water from the John Flannagan WTP, the cost of a replacement/rehabilitation project is estimated to be $36 million. One supplemental approach prior to and during the transmission line project is treatment of groundwater by membrane filtration at select locations. For example, a 2009 study indi¢ated that the safe yield of a discharge from an abandoned mine in Buchanan County, near Harmon, is 250 gpm. The safe yield was calculated based on correlation with the one-day, thirty year flow determined at nearby Levisa Fork River gaging station.) This type of groundwater source does not have resource issues typically associated with surface water withdrawals. Further availability of the Harmon source is on hold at this time due to recent mining activities in this area. The Buchanan County PSA will continue to monitor water flow and conduct annual chemical testing of water quality during the

life of the mining activities, which is estimated to be six to seven years. 9.4 Description of Water Source Alternatives for LENOWISCO

9.4.1 Introduction

In the LENOWISCO Planning Area, existing water sources are projected to be adequate to meet demand at the end of the planning period (2040) for Lee County, Scott County, Wise County, the City of Norton, and the Towns of Appalachia, Big Stone Gap, Clinchport, Coeburn, Dungannon, Gate City, Jonesville, Nickelsville, Pennington Gap, Pound, St. Paul, and Wise.

Significance of Reducing Unaccounted for Water Losses

Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 7 Section 9 Job No. B06226-03

Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 18 Section 9

Job No. B06226-03

The ability of the water providers in the LENOWISCO Planning Area is dependent on managing

water demand through reduction of unaccounted for water losses throughout the planning period.

Every system was projected to have reduced unaccounted for water losses to a maximum of

thirty percent (30%). It is vitally important for each system to annually review its capital

improvement program and fund necessary projects. Funding of water line replacement and

rehabilitation is the critical need to reduce water losses in the planning area.

Water System Reliability Improvement through Interconnections and Improvements

A number of interconnections between water systems in the LENOWISCO Regional Planning

Area are in place and greatly improve the reliability of those systems in the event of a disruption

within a particular water system. The disruption may be short-term, due to power outage, or may

be long-term, which could occur due to alteration of quality or quantity of an existing water

source. In order to strengthen the reliability of other water systems in the planning area,

additional system improvements and interconnections between water systems are recommended.

These interconnections and improvements will provide water suppliers with auxiliary source(s)

of finished water for distribution.

The proposed improvements and interconnections are identified below. Specific benefits and

costs would be developed as opportunities occur.

Interconnection between Appalachia system and Big Stone Gap system

Interconnection between Appalachia system and Norton system

Interconnection between Dungannon system and Nickelsville system

Interconnection between Dungannon system and Scott County Public Service

Authority (SCPSA) Ft. Blackmore system

Interconnection between Dungannon system and the Castlewood Water and Sewage

Authority’s Mew Road system

Interconnection between SCPSA system and City of Kingsport, TN system

Interconnection between SCPSA Daniel Boone system with SCPSA Natural Tunnel

system (requiring a bore under Clinch River)

Interconnection between SCPSA system and the Bloomingdale, TN, Utility District

system (requiring a bore under Holston River at Wadlow Gap)

Interconnection between SCPSA Cove Creek system and Washington County Service

Authority’s Mendota system

The ability of the water providers in the LENOWISCO Planning Area is dependent on managing water demand through reduction of unaccounted for water losses throughout the planning period. Every system was projected to have reduced unaccounted for water losses to a maximum of, thirty percent (30%). It is vitally important for each system to annually review its capital improvement program and fund necessary projects. Funding of water line replacement and

rehabilitation is the critical need to reduce water losses in the planning area.

Water System Reliability Improvement through Interconnections and Improvements

‘A number of interconnections between water systems in the LENOWISCO Regional Planning ‘Area are in place and greatly improve the reliability of those systems in the event ofa disruption within a particular water system. The disruption may be short-term, due to power outage, or may be long-term, which could occur due to alteration of quality. or quantity of an existing water source. In order to strengthen the reliability of other water systems in the planning area, additional system improvements and interconnections between water systems are recommended. These interconnections and improvements will provide water suppliers with auxiliary source(s)

of finished water for distribution.

The proposed improvements and interconnections are identified below. Specific benefits and

costs would be developed as opportunities occur.

Interconnection between Appalachia system and Big Stone Gap system

Interconnection between Appalachia system and Norton system

Interconneetion between Dungannon system and Nickelsville system

Interconnection between Dungannon system and Scott County Public Service

Authority (SCPSA) Ft. Blackmore system

¢ Interconnection between Dungannon system and the Castlewood Water and Sewage ‘Authority’s Mew Road system

4 Interconnection between SCPSA system and City of Kingsport, TN system

Interconnection between SCPSA Daniel Boone system with SCPSA Natural Tunnel system (requiring a bore under Clinch River)

Interconnection between SCPSA system and the Bloomingdale, TN, Utility District

system (requiring a bore under Holston River at Wadlow Gap)

Interconnection between SCPSA Cove Creek system and Washington County Service

Authority’s Mendota system


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Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 19 Section 9

Job No. B06226-03

The SCPSA could evaluate the benefit of drilling additional wells to strengthen the raw water

supply to the Duffield Water Treatment Plant.

The SCPSA could evaluate the benefit of drilling additional wells to strengthen the raw water supply to the Duffield Water Treatment Plant.

Mount Rogers Regional Water Supply Plan 19 Section 9 Job No. B06226-03

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