No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission Population-Projections-1


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Jurisdiction 2010 Census 2020 Census % Change 2030 % Change 2040 % Change 2050 % Change Buchanan County 24,098 20,355 -15.53% 16,374 -19.55% 12,870 -21.40% 9,558 -25.73% Dickenson County 15,903 14,124 -11.18% 12,168 -13.84% 10,870 -10.66% 9,734 -10.45%

Russell County 28,897 25,781 -10.78% 22,340 -13.34% 19,781 -11.45% 17,517 -11.44% Tazewell County 45,078 40,429 -10.31% 35,267 -12.76% 32,693 -7.30% 30,609 -6.37%

CPPDC 113,976 100,689 -11.65% 86,149 -14.44% 76,213 -11.53% 67,418 -11.54% Virginia 8,001,024 8,744,273 9.29% 9,129,001 4.40% 9,759,370 6.90% 10,535,809 7.95%

Source: University of Virginia Weldon Cooper Center

Population Projections

Buchanan County Dickenson County Russell County Tazewell County CPPDC Change 2010-2020 -15.53% -11.18% -10.78% -10.31% -11.65% Change 2020-2030 -19.55% -13.84% -13.34% -12.76% -14.44% Change 2030-2040 -21.40% -10.66% -11.45% -7.30% -11.53% Change 2040-2050 -25.73% -10.45% -11.44% -6.37% -11.54%








Population Projections

Change 2010-2020 Change 2020-2030 Change 2030-2040 Change 2040-2050

Population Projections

Jurisdiction 2010 Census | 2020 Census | _% Change 2030 % Change 2040 % Change 2050 | % Change Buchanan County 24,098 20,355 -15.53% 16,374 | -19.55% 12,870 | -21.40% 9,558 | -25.73% Dickenson County 15,903 14,124 -11.18% 12,168 | -13.84% 10,870 | -10.66% 9,734 | -10.45%.

Russell County 28,897 25,781 -10.78% 22,340 | -13.34% 19,781 | -11.45% 17,517 | -11.44% Tazewell County 45,078 40,429 -10.31% 35,267 | -12.76% 32,693 | -7.30% 30,609 | -6.37% cPPDC 113,976 100,689 -11.65% 86,149] -14.44% 76,213] -11.53% 67,418| -11.54% Virginia 8,001,024 | 8,744,273 9.29% 9,129,001 | 4.40% 9,759,370 | 6.90% | 10,535,809 | 7.95%

Source: University of Virginia Weldon Cooper Center








1m Change 2010-2020 1m Change 2020-2030 ‘= Change 2030-2040 ‘= Change 2040-2050

Buchanan County

15.53% 19.55% 21.40% 25.73%

‘= Change 2010-2020

Population Projections

Dickenson County

“11.18% 13.84% 10.66% 10.45%

Russell County 10.78% 13.34% 11.45% 11.44%

Change 2020-2030 m Change 2030-2040

Tazewell County 10.31% 12.76% 7.3056 6.37%

‘= Change 2040-2050

cpPoc “11.65% 14.04% 11.53% 11.54%

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