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Live Births Deaths Natural Increase
Live Births Deaths Natural Increase
Live Births Deaths Natural Increase
Live Births Deaths Natural Increase
Live Births Deaths Natural Increase
2000 259 264 -5 143 166 -23 275 310 -35 421 489 -68 1,098 1,229 -131 2001 248 304 -56 136 179 -43 319 336 -17 447 562 -115 1,150 1,381 -231 2002 234 323 -89 166 241 -75 305 324 -19 467 538 -71 1,172 1,426 -254 2003 240 301 -61 178 182 -4 312 337 -25 494 562 -68 1,224 1,382 -158 2004 238 321 -83 163 176 -13 262 352 -90 469 555 -86 1,132 1,404 -272 2005 234 291 -57 173 189 -16 304 335 -31 467 580 -113 1,178 1,398 -220 2006 208 289 -81 186 162 24 284 350 -66 473 568 -95 1,151 1,369 -218 2007 202 256 -54 203 174 29 298 301 -3 468 518 -50 1,171 1,249 -78 2008 251 309 -58 164 158 6 339 349 -10 470 618 -148 1,224 1,434 -210 2009 207 277 -70 158 160 -2 303 330 -27 482 629 -147 1,150 1,396 -246 2010 218 281 -63 170 213 -43 278 355 -77 490 653 -163 1,156 1502 -240 2011 216 270 -54 183 195 -12 263 332 -69 418 656 -238 1,080 1453 -373 2012 209 297 -88 162 197 -35 277 342 -65 457 626 -169 1,105 1462 -357 2013 190 250 -60 157 188 -69 297 346 -49 447 600 -153 1,091 1384 -293 2014 183 317 -134 145 218 -73 240 363 -123 454 554 -100 1,022 1452 -430 2015 163 281 -118 128 198 -70 257 328 -71 442 568 -126 990 1375 -385 2016 153 315 -162 128 210 -82 253 372 -119 420 601 -181 954 1498 -544 2017 191 236 -45 129 160 -31 234 299 -65 410 486 -76 964 1181 -217 2018 155 309 -154 119 204 -85 234 368 -134 389 635 -246 897 1516 -619 2019 184 309 -125 123 205 -82 229 357 -128 408 621 -213 944 1492 -548 2020 157 375 -218 119 233 -114 217 402 -185 344 686 -342 837 1696 -859
Source: Virginia Dept. of Health, Live Births and Deaths
BuchananCounty Dickenson County Russell County Tazewell County CPPDC
Births and Deaths - Natural Increase By Year
Births and Deaths - Natural Increase By Year
BuchananCounty Dickenson County Russell County Tazewell County ‘CPPDC Ye" I ive Births | Deaths | NY! hive airths| Deaths | NM! luve Births) Deaths | N*"! |tive sicths} Deaths | N2*¥! hive Births} Deaths | Natural
Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase 2000 | 258 264 5 ms | ie | 23 | 275 | 310 | -35 | aaa | 489 | -68 | 1098 | 1229 | 131 2oo1 | 248 304 36 336 | 179 | -43 | 319 | 336 | -17 | aa7 | soz ais | a1so | a3e1 | 231 2002 | 234 323 -89 166 | 241 15 305 | 324 | 19 | 467 | 538 | -71 | 1172 | 1,426 | -254 2003 | 240 301 61 178 | 182 4 siz | 337 | -25 | 49a | 562 68 | 1224 | 1382 | 158 2004 | 238 321 83 163 | 176 | 13, 262 | 352 | -90 | 469 | sss 36 | 1132 | 140a | 272 2005 | 234 291 s7 173 | 19 | 16 30a | 335 | 31 467 | 580 | -113 | 1178 | 1,398 | -220 2006 | 208 289 81 186 | 162 24 2s | 350 | -66 | 473 | ses | -95 | 1151 | 1369 | -218 2007 | 202 256 sa 203 | 174 29 298 | 301 3 ass | sis | -so | aam | 1249 | 78 2008 | 251 309 58 164 | 158 6 339 | 349 | 10 | 470 | 1s | -148 | 1224 | 1434 | -210 2003 | 207 27 -70 158 | 160 2 303 | 330 | -27 | 482 | 629 147 | 1150 | 1396 | -246 2010 | 218 281 63 a0 | 213 “43 27a | ass | -77 | 430 | 653 163 | 1156 | 1502 | -240 2o11| 216 270 54 183 | 195 “12 263 | 332 | 69 | as | 656 | -238 | 1080 | 1453 | -373 2012 | 209 297 88 ae2 | 197 | -35 | 277 | 342 | -65 | 457 | 626 169 | 1,105 | 1462 | -357 2013 | 190 250 60 as7 | 198 | -69 297 | 346 | -a9 | 447 | 600 153 | 1091 | 1384 | 293 2014 | 183 317 3a | 145 | 2s | -73 240 | 363 | -123 | 45a | 554 | -100 | 1022 | 1452 | -a30 2015 | 163 281 as | 128 | 198 | -70 | 257 | 328 | -m1 a2 | 568 126 | 990 | 1375 | 385 2016 | 153 315 162 | 128 | 210 | -82 23 | 372 | -119 | 420 | 602 asi | 954 | 1498 | saa 2017 | 191 236 “45 29 | 160 | 31 234 | 299 | 65 ao | 486 | -76 | 964 | asi | -217 2018 | 155 309 asa | 119 | 204 | a5 | 234 | 368 | 134 | 389 | 635 24s | 897 | 1516 | -619 2019 | 184 309 12s | 123 | 205 82 229 | 3s7 | -128 | 403 | 62a 213 | 944 | 1492 | -sas 2020 | 157 375 -g| so | 233 | 11 | 217 | 402 | -195 | 344 | 686 | -342 | 837 | 1696 | 859
Source: Virginia Dept. of Health, Live Births and Deaths