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Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission

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The Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission (CPPDC) operates as one of Virginia’s 21 planning district commissions established in 1968. Its primary objectives include fostering regional cooperation, coordinating activities among member local governments, and providing planning assistance upon request. CPPDC serves Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, and Tazewell Counties, as well as the twelve towns within those counties.

The commission’s activities encompass a broad spectrum of services aimed at addressing community needs and promoting development. These services include:

  • Grantsmanship: CPPDC assists in grant application preparation, resulting in substantial funding for various projects, particularly in water and sewer development and economic initiatives.
  • Management Services: Offering staff assistance to small towns and providing grant management services for various governmental programs.
  • Economic Development: Collaborating with localities to attract industries and support economic initiatives like The Crooked Road, Round the Mountain, and Appalachian Spring to stimulate economic opportunities in Southwest Virginia.
  • Geographic Information Services (GIS): Utilizing high-technology computer processes for infrastructure planning, economic development, and mapping capabilities.

Funding for CPPDC’s operations is sourced from federal, state, and local entities. Federal agencies such as the Economic Development Administration (EDA), Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) contribute, as does the Commonwealth of Virginia through the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Additionally, each member county provides annual contributions to support CPPDC’s activities.

The commission maintains a comprehensive repository of statistics through its affiliation with the State Data Center, receiving data from various agencies such as the U.S. Census Bureau and the Virginia Employment Commission.


The following documents have been provided by Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission:

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